Accreditation of Bee Verification Agencies: Approved By: Date of Approval: Date of Implementation: 2013-02-28
Accreditation of Bee Verification Agencies: Approved By: Date of Approval: Date of Implementation: 2013-02-28
Accreditation of Bee Verification Agencies: Approved By: Date of Approval: Date of Implementation: 2013-02-28
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1. Introduction 3
2. Objectives 3
3. Background 3
4. References 3
5. Definitions 3
6. The role of BEE Verification Agencies 4
7. The accreditation role of SANAS on behalf of the dti 5
8. Responsibilities of BEE Verification Agencies 5
9. Principles 5
10. General requirements 7
11. Management system requirements for Verification Agencies 8
12. Structural requirements 8
13. Human resource requirements 9
14. Information requirements 11
15. Document control 12
16. Confidentiality 13
17. Information exchange between a BEE Verification Agency and its Customers 13
18. Process requirements 14
19. Appeals 17
20. Complaints 17
21. Records on BEE-verified clients 18
22. Internal verification process audit 18
23. Corrective action 19
24. Management review 19
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1.1 Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Verification Agencies can accelerate the
achievements of the South African economy in its drive towards sustainable broad-based
2.1 This document aims to clarify the roles of BEE Verification Agencies and to specify the
criteria by which they shall be accredited by SANAS on behalf of the Department of Trade
and Industry (the dti).
2.2 This document is to be used by SANAS to accredit BEE Verification Agencies.
For the purpose of this document, the following terms have the following meanings assigned to them:
5.1 ‘Accreditation Body’ means the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS),
established and recognised by government in terms of the Accreditation for Conformity
Assessment, Calibration and Good Laboratory Practice Act 19 of 2006, as the sole body in
the Republic for carrying out accreditation in respect of conformity assessment, calibration
and Good Laboratory Practice.
5.2 ‘effective date’ means the date on which the codes were gazetted.
5.3 ‘evaluation’ means to assess, verify and validate the BEE status of measured entities.
5.4 ‘consultancy’ means the provision of any service that assists a measured entity to
implement a BEE Strategy or any element of a BEE Strategy. This includes implementation
in ownership, management control, employment equity, skills development, preferential
procurement, enterprise development and corporate social investment. With reference to
avoidance of conflicts of interest, the service would be considered to be consultancy if the
company had provided specific solutions and assisted the measured entity to implement the
proposed solutions. Examples of consultancy include, but are not limited to, the following:
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(a) coaching or facilitating the BEE process on behalf of the measured entity towards the
development and implementation of activities leading to BEE compliance
(b) preparing or producing manuals, handbooks or procedures
(c) participating in the decision-making process regarding the management system
(d) giving specific advice on the development and implementation of the management
system for eventual verification.
NOTE: The management system covers all aspects of such a system, including financial aspects.
Verification Agencies may carry out the following duties without them being considered as
consultancies or necessarily creating a conflict of interests:
(a) verification, including information meetings, planning meetings, examination of
documents and follow-up of non-conformities
(b) arranging training and participating as a trainer – this is not considered to be
consultancy work provided that, where training relates to the BEE process, it shall be
confined to providing generic information and advice that is freely available in the
public domain, i.e. the trainer should not provide specific solutions; giving guidelines
to the measured entity as to what they need to comply with is not considered
(c) making available or publishing on request information on the basis of the Verification
Agency’s interpretation of the requirements of the Verification Standard
(d) activities prior to verification aimed solely at determining readiness for verification;
however, such activities should not result in the provision of recommendations or
advice that would contravene the above examples of consultancy and the Verification
Agency should be able to confirm that such activities do not contravene these
provisions and that they are not used to justify a reduction in the eventual duration of
the verification process
(e) adding value during verification visits, e.g. by identifying opportunities for
improvement, as they become evident during the verification, without recommending
specific solutions.
5.5 ‘the Act’ means the Broad-Based Economic Empowerment Act of 2003.
5.6 ‘the codes’ means all Codes of Good Practice issued in terms of Section 9 of the Act.
5.9 ‘Verification Standard’ means the minimum standard required for Verification Agencies to
be accredited
5.10 ‘related party’ means a party that is linked to the Verification Agency by common
ownership or directors, contractual arrangement, common elements in the name, informal
understanding or the means such that the related party has a vested interest in the
outcome of an assessment or has a potential ability to influence the outcome of an
BEE Verification Agencies should assess, verify and validate both disclosed and
undisclosed BEE-related information on measured entities. The verification thereof, should
be based on the principles contained in the Broad-Based BEE Codes of Good Practice, as
well as the relevant gazetted industry charters, published and accepted as a Sector Code of
Good Practice on Broad-Based BEE (Section 9 of the Act).
6.2 Evaluate BEE transactions and scenarios
BEE Verification Agencies shall evaluate the BEE transactions/scenarios to determine the
effective creation and/or enhancement of economic wealth for black people. The evaluation
shall be based on all the relevant components of broad-based BEE and shall ensure that
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the transactions/scenarios reflect the aims of these components in the empowerment of
black people. This may include giving an indicative BEE score based on the scenarios
presented by a measured entity.
7.1 SANAS, as the national accreditation body, operates in compliance with the requirements
for accreditation bodies as defined in the International Standard ISO/IEC Guide 62 and
ISO/IEC 17011. BEE Verification Agencies are required to apply to SANAS for
accreditation. SANAS, on behalf of the dti, shall accredit BEE Verification Agencies in
terms of the accreditation criteria set out in this document for Verification Agencies.
7.2 SANAS undertakes to perform an initial assessment of an applicant within the agreed time
7.3 After the grace period, all previous verifications conducted by non-accredited BEE
Verification Agencies shall not be acceptable as an opinion on the BEE status of entities.
8.1 All previous verifications not performed in accordance with the standard set in this
document and in the BBBEE Codes of Good Practice by the accredited BEE Verification
Agencies prior to the accreditation shall be updated within 12 months of the effective date
of this document to reflect all the principles and methodologies encapsulated in this
document. The updating shall be done by on-site verification or by some other suitable
means, depending on the significance of the declaration.
8.2 The methodology followed by BEE Verification Agencies in the performance of BEE
verifications should demonstrate a clear understanding and knowledge of all BBBEE Codes
of Good Practice on BEE and should focus on all elements of the broad-based BEE
9.1 General
9.1.1 The principles outlined in this document are fundamental and are not prescriptive
requirements. This document does not give specific requirements for all the situations that
can occur; however, these principles should be applied as guidance for decisions that may
need to be made for unanticipated situations.
9.1.2 The overall aim of verifying is to give confidence to all parties that rely upon the verification.
The value of verifying is public trust achieved by gaining the confidence of all these parties,
which include but are not limited to:
(a) the Measured Entities that are the clients of the BEE Verification Agencies
(b) the customers of the BEE Verified measured Entities
(c) Government authorities
(d) non-government authorities
(e) consumers and members of the public
(f) public entities.
(a) Impartiality
Impartiality is the actual and perceived presence of objectivity. Objectivity means that
conflicts of interest do not exist or are resolved so as not to influence adversely the
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subsequent activities of the BEE Verification Agency. Synonyms that are useful in
conveying the element of impartiality are: objectivity, independence, freedom from conflicts
of interest, freedom from bias, lack of prejudice, neutrality, fairness, open-mindedness,
even-handedness, detachment and balance.
Being impartial, and being perceived to be impartial, is necessary for a BEE Verification
Agency to be able to deliver a verification that provides confidence. It is recognised that the
source of revenue for a BEE Verification Agency is the client paying for its service and that
this is a potential threat to impartiality. In order to obtain and maintain confidence, a BEE
Verification Agency has to be able to demonstrate that its decisions are based on objective
evidence and that its decisions have not been improperly influenced by other interests or by
other parties.
(b) Competence
Competence is the demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills effectively. The
competence of the personnel supported by the infrastructure of the Agency is necessary for
the BEE Verification Agency to deliver a verification that provides confidence.
(c) Responsibility
The measured entity, not the BEE Verification Agency, is responsible for conforming with
the requirements for BEE Verification. The BEE Verification Agency is responsible for
carrying out a factual, thorough evaluation of an measured entity’s BEE status and, based
on the result, for granting a BEE score.
(d) Openness
Openness is access to or disclosure of information. A BEE Verification Agency needs to
provide public access to, or disclosure of, appropriate and timely information about the
evaluation and verification process and about the verification status of any measured entity
in order to gain confidence in the integrity and credibility of the BEE verification process.
(e) Confidentiality
In order to gain access to the privileged information that is needed for the BEE Verification
Agency to assess adequately the requirements for BEE Verification, a BEE Verification
Agency needs to keep any proprietary information about a measured entity confidential.
However, a BEE Verification Agency may disclose a measured entity’s actual verification
result, without compromising the confidentiality of the information supporting the verification
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An appropriate balance between the principles of openness and confidentiality, including
resolution of complaints, is necessary in order to demonstrate integrity and credibility.
10.1 General
10.1.1 BEE Verification Agencies shall be seen as being both factually and perceptually
independent from their measured entities, and shall avoid any circumstances that give rise
to or may potentially give rise to a conflict of interests between the various parties. Should
such circumstances arise, the full nature thereof shall be disclosed immediately to all the
parties involved and no verification shall be done. The measured entity should then
approach another Verification Agency to perform the verification.
The BEE Verification Agency shall be a legal enterprise, or a defined part of a legal
enterprise, so that it can be held legally responsible for all its activities.
10.2.2 Ownership
BEE Verification Agencies, their directors and shareholders may not hold an equity share in
the measured entity to be rated or have any voting rights in the measured entity. When
evaluating the type of financial interest, consideration shall be given to the fact that financial
interests range from those where the individual has no control over the investment vehicle
to those where the individual does indeed have some control over the financial interests or
is able to influence investment decisions. The provisions of this statement do not exclude
the holding of a minority interest or listed share/s where the total shareholding does not
constitute a substantial shareholding when compared with the total number of shares
issued by the measured entity. The materiality of such a financial interest needs to be
evaluated to ensure that the independence of the BEE Verification Agency is not impaired.
A BEE Verification Agency shall not be a party to a debt-creating agreement between itself
and the measured entity to be verified, where such an agreement factually encumbers or is
perceived to encumber the Agency in the execution of its professional discretion and
objectivity towards the BEE assessment for the client. The provision of this statement does
not necessarily preclude the BEE Verification Agency from entering into such agreements
where it is the normal business of the measured entity to provide such services and it is
entered into under conditions not more favourable than those provided to the general public
at large.
The BEE Verification Agency shall have a legally enforceable Agreement for the provision
of services to its measured entities.
The BEE Verification Agency shall retain authority and shall be responsible for its decisions
relating to the BEE verification.
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11.1 The Verification Agency‘s overall objectives shall be established, and shall be reviewed
during a management review.
11.2 The Verification Agency shall establish, implement and maintain a management system
appropriate to the scope of its activities. The Verification Agency shall document its policies,
systems, programmes, procedures and instructions to the extent necessary to assure
accurate and reliable verification. The system’s documentation shall be communicated to,
understood by, available to and implemented by the appropriate personnel.
12.1.1 The organisational structure of the BEE Verification Agency shall be such as to give
confidence in its activities.
12.1.2 The BEE Verification Agency shall identify the top management (board or equivalent
governing body of persons) having overall authority and responsibility for each of the
following, where relevant:
(a) development of policies relating to the operation of the agency
(b) supervision of the implementation of the policies and procedures
(c) supervision of the finances of the body
(d) performance of evaluations and verifications
(e) decisions on BEE verifications
(f) delegation of authority to committees or individuals, as required, to undertake defined
activities on its behalf
(g) provision of adequate, qualified resources for its activities.
12.1.3 The BEE Verification Agency shall document its organisational structure, showing the
duties, responsibilities and authorities of management and other verification personnel, and
any committees.
(When the BEE Verification Agency is a defined part of a legal enterprise, the structure
shall include the line of authority and the relationship to other parts within the same legal
12.1.4 The BEE Verification Agency shall have formal rules for the appointment, terms of
reference and operations of any committees that are involved in the verification activities.
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13.1.1 The BEE Verification Agency shall have processes to ensure that appropriate personnel have
up-to-date knowledge relevant to BEE criteria. It shall determine the competence required
(including experience and the level of training). Where applicable, it shall determine any
other qualification requirements for demonstrating competence prior to authorisation to
carry out specific functions.
13.1.2 In determining the competence requirements for their personnel who perform the different
activities involved in BEE verification, the BEE Verification Agency shall address the
functions undertaken by management and administrative personnel in addition to the
functions of those who perform evaluations and verification functions directly.
13.1.3 The BEE Verification Agency shall have access to the necessary expertise for advice on
matters relating directly to BEE verification. Such advice may be provided externally or by
BEE Verification Agency personnel.
13.2.1 The BEE Verification Agency shall, irrespective of the use made of external or temporary
resources, have, as part of its own enterprise, personnel having competence to manage the
BEE verification.
13.2.2 The BEE Verification Agency shall employ or have access to a sufficient number of verifying
verification analysts, including verification managers.
13.2.3 The BEE Verification Agency shall make clear to each person concerned his or her duties,
responsibilities and authority.
13.2.4 The BEE Verification Agency shall have defined processes for selecting, training, formally
authorising and monitoring verification analysts and experts used in the verification process.
The initial competence evaluation of verification analysts shall include observing an on-site
verification undertaken by the person being evaluated.
13.2.5 The BEE Verification Agency shall have a process for ensuring that the verification analysts it
uses (including team leaders) are competent to verify specific areas of the elements of the
broad-based BEE scorecard for the complexity of the entity being verified.
13.2.6 The BEE Verification Agency shall ensure that its verification analysts are familiar with the
verification processes/systems of a Verification Agency, BEE verification requirements,
methodology and other relevant requirements. The BEE Verification Agency shall give its
verification analysts and experts access to an up-to-date set of documented procedures
giving evaluation instructions and all relevant information on verification operations.
13.2.7 The BEE Verification Agency shall use verification analysts and experts only for those activities
in which they have demonstrated competence.
13.2.8 The BEE Verification Agency shall ensure the satisfactory performance of the personnel
involved in the evaluation and BEE verification process. There shall be documented
procedures and criteria for monitoring the performance of all the people involved, based on
the frequency of their usage and the level of risk linked to their activities. In particular, the
BEE Verification Agency shall regularly review the competence of its personnel in the light
of their performance in order to identify training needs.
13.2.9 The BEE Verification Agency shall have appropriate documented requirements for monitoring
the performance of its verification analysts and experts. These requirements shall include a
combination of on-site observation, review of evaluation reports and feedback from verified
entities or from the market.
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13.2.10 The BEE Verification Agency shall observe the performance of each verification analyst and
expert on site once every four years. The frequency of on-site observations shall be based
on the needs determined from all monitoring information available.
13.2.11 The BEE Verification Agency shall offer or provide access to specific training in order to
make its verification analysts and experts knowledgeable with regard to the BEE verification
requirements and processes.
13.2.12 The group or individual taking the decision on BEE verification shall have knowledge and
experience to evaluate the BEE verification processes and the related recommendations of
the Evaluation Team. (See Annexure A.)
13.3 Use of individual external verification analysts and external verification experts
The BEE Verification Agency shall require external verification analysts and external
experts to have a written agreement by which they commit themselves to comply with the
applicable policies and procedures as defined by the BEE Verification Agency. The
agreement shall address aspects relating to confidentiality and to independence from
commercial and other interests, and require the external verification analysts and external
experts to notify the BEE Verification Agency of any existing or prior association with any
measured entity they may be assigned to evaluate.
The BEE Verification Agency shall maintain records of the relevant qualifications, training
experience and competence of each person involved in the verification process. In addition,
the BEE Verification Agency shall maintain up-to-date records of the affiliations and
professional status of all external verification analysts and external experts.
13.5 Outsourcing
13.5.1 The BEE Verification Agency shall have a process by which it describes the conditions under
which outsourcing may take place. The BEE Verification Agency shall have a legally
enforceable agreement covering the arrangements, including confidentiality and conflict of
interests, with each outsourced body.
13.5.4 The BEE Verification Agency shall have documented procedures for the qualifications,
monitoring and records of all outsourced bodies used for verifications.
13.6.1 The BEE Verification Agency shall be committed to, and shall demonstrate its commitment
to, impartiality in its BEE verification activities, especially through its top management
structures. The BEE Verification Agency shall have a publicly available statement that it
understands the importance of impartiality when managing conflicts of interest and that it
ensures objectivity when carrying out its activities.
13.6.2 The BEE Verification Agency and any related party shall not offer or provide both BEE
verification and BEE consultancy to the same measured entity.
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13.6.3 The BEE Verification Agency shall identify, analyse and document the possibilities for
conflicts of interest arising from the provision of its services, including any conflicts arising
from its relationships. Having relationships does not necessarily present a BEE Verification
Agency with a conflict of interest. A Verification Agency must document all relationships in
terms of their impact on the organisation. However, if any relationship poses a risk to
impartiality, the BEE Verification Agency shall document how it has (or intends to)
eliminated or minimised such a risk to an acceptable level. If the Verification Agency cannot
demonstrate that a relationship does not present a conflict of interest, or that it can manage
the conflict satisfactorily, then it must end the relationship.
13.6.4 The BEE Verification Agency shall ensure that the activities of other related bodies do not
affect the confidentiality, objectivity and impartiality of its activities. The BEE Verification
Agency shall avoid any situation that would create a conflict of interests arising from the
activity of any other body.
13.6.5 The BEE Verification Agency shall not provide BBBEE verification to measured entities that
have received BBBEE consultancy from that Verification Agency or from any related party.
A minimum period of two years needs to elapse following the end of such a BBBEE
13.6.6 The BEE Verification Agency shall take measures to prevent a consultancy body from
stating or implying that BEE verification would be simpler, faster or less expensive if a
specified BEE Verification Agency is used. Similarly, a BEE Verification Agency shall not
state or imply that BEE verification would be simpler, faster or less expensive if a specified
consultancy body is used.
13.6.7 All BEE Verification Agency personnel, either internal or external, or committees that could
influence the verification activities, shall act impartially and shall not allow commercial,
financial or other pressures to compromise their impartiality.
13.6.8 To ensure that there is no conflict of interests, personnel who have provided BEE
consultancy, including those acting in a managerial capacity, shall not be employed to take
part in a verification evaluation or the verification process if they have been involved in
BBBEE consultancy for the measured entity within the last two years.
13.6.9 BEE Verification Agencies shall require personnel, both internal and external, to declare
any situation known to them that may present them or the BEE Verification Agency with a
conflict of interest. BEE Verification Agencies shall use this information as input to identify
threats to impartiality raised by the activities of such personnel or by the organisations that
employ them and shall not use such personnel, internal or external, unless they can
demonstrate that there is no conflict of interests.
The fact that the evaluator's employer is known to have provided the measured entity under
evaluation with BBBEE consultancy within the last two years is likely to be considered as a
high threat to impartiality.
13.6.10 If a member of the verification team, or an immediate family member, has a direct financial
interest, or a material indirect financial interest, in the measured entity, the self-interest
threat created would be so significant the only safeguards available to eliminate the threat
or reduce it to an acceptable level would be to:
(a) dispose of the direct financial interest prior to the individual becoming a member of
the verification team,
(b) dispose of the indirect financial interest in total, or dispose of a sufficient amount of it
so that the remaining interest is no longer material, prior to the individual becoming a
member of the verification team, or
(c) remove the member of the verification team from the verification engagement.
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14.1.1 The BEE Verification Agency shall maintain and provide, upon request, information about
its activities to SANAS.
14.1.2 The information that the BEE Verification Agency provides to any measured entity or to the
marketplace, including advertising, shall be accurate and not misleading.
14.1.3 The BEE Verification Agency shall make publicly accessible information about the BBBEE
status level granted.
14.1.4 On request from SANAS, and/or the measured entity, the BEE Verification Agency shall
provide means to confirm the validity of a given BBBEE score.
15.1 The Verification Agency shall establish and maintain procedures to control all documents
that form part of its management system. This procedure shall ensure that authorised
editions of appropriate documents are available at all locations where operations are
performed, that the documents are periodically reviewed and, where necessary, that they
are revised and that obsolete documents are promptly removed from all points of issue or
15.2 All documents that are part of the management shall be reviewed and approved for use by
authorised personnel prior to issue. A master list or an equivalent document-control
procedure identifying the current status of the revision and the distribution of documents in
the management system shall be established and shall be readily available to preclude the
use of invalid and/or obsolete documents.
15.3 If the Verification Agency’s document-control system allows for the amendment of
documents by hand, pending the re-issue of the documents, the procedure and authorities
for such amendments shall be defined. Amendments shall be clearly marked, initialled and
15.5.1 The BEE Verification Agency shall provide to the measured entity, by any means it
chooses, a BBBEE Verification Certificate.
15.5.2 The effective date on a Verification Certificate shall not be a date before the BBBEE score
was decided.
15.5.4 BEE Verification Certificates should show the overall BBBEE status level as well as the
BEE status level of each of the seven elements.
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The ranges are essential to avoid drawn-out disputes over percentage points between
differently rated entities.
15.6.1 A BEE Verification Agency shall have a policy governing any mark that it authorises verified
measured entities to use. This shall assure, among other things, traceability back to the
BEE Verification Agency.
15.6.2 The BEE Verification Agency shall require that the measured entity:
(a) conforms to the requirements of the BEE Verification Agency when making reference
to its verification status in communication media such as the internet, documents,
brochures or advertising
(b) does not make or permit the use of any misleading statement regarding its BBBEE
(c) does not use or permit the use of a BBBEE Verification Certificate or any part thereof
in a misleading manner
(d) does not use its verification status in such a manner that would bring the BEE
Verification Agency into disrepute and lose public trust
(e) reproduces any verification report only in full.
15.6.3 The BEE Verification Agency shall exercise proper control of ownership and take suitable
action to identify and deal with incorrect references to measured entity's BBBEE verified
16.1 The BEE Verification Agency shall, through legally enforceable commitments, have a policy
and arrangements to safeguard the confidentiality of the information obtained or created
during the performance of verification activities at all levels of its structure, including
committees and external bodies or individuals acting on its behalf.
16.2 The BEE Verification Agency shall inform the verified measured entity, in advance, of the
information it intends to place in the public domain. All other information, except for
information that is made publicly available by the client, shall be considered proprietary
information and regarded as confidential.
16.3 Except as required, information about a particular client or individual shall not be disclosed
to a third party without the written consent of the client/individual concerned. Where the
BEE Verification Agency is required by law to release confidential information to a third
party, the verified measured entity or individual concerned shall, unless prohibited by law,
be notified in advance of the information provided.
16.4 Information about the verified enterprise from sources other than the verified enterprise
itself (e.g. complainant, regulators) shall be treated as confidential, consistent with the BEE
Verification Agency’s policy.
16.5 Personnel, including any committee members, contractors, personnel of external bodies or
individuals acting on the BEE Verification Agency’s behalf, shall keep confidential all
information obtained or created during the performance of the verification activities.
16.6 The BEE Verification Agency shall have available and use equipment or facilities that
ensure the secure handling of confidential information (e.g. documents, records).
16.7 When confidential information must be made available to other bodies (e.g. SANAS), prior
to making this information available, the BEE Verification Agency shall inform its verified
measured entities of this action.
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The BEE Verification Agency shall provide and update the following information to
(a) A detailed description of the verification process, including a request to be verified
(b) Information about the fees involved in a request for verification
(c) The BEE Verification Agency’s requirements of the prospective client:
• to conform with verification requirements
• to make all necessary arrangements for the conduct of the verification
evaluations, including provision for examining documentation and access to all
areas, records and personnel for the purposes of verification and the
resolution of complaints
(d) Documents describing the rights and duties of customers, including requirements
when making reference to its verified status in communications of any kind
(e) A summary of the process for granting BBBEE-verified status
(f) Information on the procedure for handling complaints and appeals.
The BEE Verification Agency shall demonstrate adequate expertise in the field of both BBBEE
verification and the reporting thereof.
18.1.1 The BEE Verification Agency shall verify, evaluate and validate to verify measured entities
based on the principles encapsulated in the BBBEE Codes of Good Practice and this
document and shall include all relevant elements of the Broad-Based BEE scorecard. All
verifications are to be based on information that has been verified by an on-site visit to the
measured entity. No score can be given without an on-site assessment of the entity.
18.1.2 The BEE Verification Agency shall verify the information provided in order to reach its
opinion on the BBBEE status of a measured entity. Simple telephonic enquiries do not
constitute verification.
18.1.3 When using computers for calculating scores, the BEE Verification Agency shall ensure
(a) the computer software developed is documented in sufficient detail and is suitably
validated as being adequate
(b) procedures are established and implemented for protecting the data; such
procedures shall include, but not be limited to, integrity and confidentiality of data
entry or collection, data storage, data transmission and data processing
(c) computers are maintained to ensure proper functioning.
18.2.1 The BEE Verification Agency shall have a process for selecting and appointing the
verification team, including the verification team leader, taking into account the competence
needed to achieve the objectives of the verification.
18.2.2 The BEE Verification Agency shall have formal rules and/or contractual conditions to
ensure that each team member acts in an impartial manner. Each team member shall
inform the BEE Verification Agency, prior to accepting assignment of the verification, about
any known existing, former or envisaged link to the measured entity to be verified.
18.2.3 The BEE Verification Agency shall ensure that a verification plan is established for each
verification to provide the basis for agreement regarding the conduct and scheduling of the
verification activities.
18.2.4 The BEE Verification Agency shall determine, in accordance with documented procedures,
the time needed to accomplish a complete and effective verification of the enterprise. The
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time determined by the BEE Verification Agency, and the justification for the determination,
shall be recorded.
18.2.5 In the determination of the verification programme and any subsequent adjustments, the
size of the measured entity, and the scope and complexity of its structure, products and
processes shall be considered, as well as its demonstrated level of commitment to BEE
and the results of any previous verification.
18.2.6 Where multi-site sampling is utilised for the verification of a measured entity, covering the
same activity in various locations, the BEE Verification Agency shall develop a sampling
programme to ensure proper verification of the whole enterprise. The rationale for the
sampling plan shall be documented for each measured entity.
18.2.7 The tasks given to the verification team shall be clearly defined and made known to the
measured entity, and shall require the verification team:
(a) to examine the structure, policies, processes, procedures and related documents
(records) of the client enterprise which are relevant to the BEE requirements, and
(b) to determine that these contain sufficient evidence to support the BEE verification.
18.2.8 The BEE Verification Agency shall provide the name of, and make available background
information on, each member of the verification team, giving sufficient time for the
measured entity to object to the appointment of any particular analyst or expert and for the
BEE Verification Agency to reconstitute the team in response to any valid objection.
18.2.9 A Verification Plan shall be communicated and the dates of the verification shall be agreed
upon, in advance, with the measured entity.
18.2.10 The BEE Verification Agency shall have a process for conducting on-site verifications.
18.3 Verification
The BEE Verification Agency shall require an authorised representative of the measured
entity requesting verification to provide the necessary information to enable it to establish:
(a) the general features of the measured entity, including its name and the address(es)
of its physical location(s)
(b) general information such as its activities, human and other resources, and its
functions and relationships within a larger corporation, if any, and
(c) information concerning the enterprise’s use of consultancy relating to BEE. Before proceeding with the verification, the BEE Verification Agency shall conduct a review
of the request for verification to ensure that:
(a) the information is sufficient for the conduct of the review
(b) the requirements for verification are clearly defined, documented and have been
provided to the measured entity
(c) any known difference in understanding between the BEE Verification Agency and the
measured entity has been resolved
(d) the BEE Verification Agency has the competence and ability to perform the service.
The location and number of the applicant’s operations, the time required to complete
verifications, and any other points influencing activities or the verification process
shall be considered (language, safety conditions, threats to impartiality, etc.). Based
on this review, the Agency shall determine the competences it needs to include in its
verification team.
(e) records of the justification for the decision will be maintained. Where a BEE Verification Agency will be taking account of verification or other evaluations
already granted to the measured entity, it shall collect sufficient evidence to justify and
record any adjustments to the verification programme.
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R 47-02 After having reviewed the request for verification, the BEE Verification Agency shall notify
the measured entity whether or not it is accepting the request for verification. The reasons
for non-acceptance shall be conveyed to the applicant (e.g. resource constraints). Before commencement of the verification, an Agreement shall be established between the
BEE Verification Agency and the measured entity which:
(a) requires the measured entity to supply any information needed for its intended
verification, and
(b) requires the measured entity to conform to the requirements for BEE verification. The verification team shall be appointed and composed of verification analysts (and any
other experts as necessary) who, between them, have the totality of the competences
identified by the BEE Verification Agency as being needed for the verification of the
enterprise. The selection of the team shall be performed with reference to the designations
of competence of verification analysts and experts and may include the use of both internal
and external human resources.
18.3.3 Verification The information provided by the verification team to the BEE Verification Agency for the
decision shall include as a minimum:
(a) the information and verification evidence gathered to determine the BBBEE status of
the measured entity , and
(b) the verification recommendation from the verification team. The individual or group that makes the decision shall include a level of knowledge and
experience sufficient to evaluate the verification processes, results and recommendations
of the verification team. The BEE Verification Agency shall make the decision on the basis of an evaluation of the
verification results and any other relevant information. The BEE Verification Agency shall ensure that the person(s) or committees that participate
in the decisions are different from those who carried out the verification. The BEE Verification Agency shall confirm, prior to making a decision, that the information
provided by the verification team is sufficient with respect to the BEE verification
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It may be necessary for the BEE Verification Agency to conduct evaluations of measured
entities at short notice in order to investigate complaints or in response to changes. In such
(a) the BEE Verification Agency shall describe and make known in advance to the
measured entity the conditions under which these short-notice visits are to be
conducted, and
(b) the BEE Verification Agency shall exercise additional care in the assignment of the
verification team because of the lack of opportunity for the measured entity to object
to the verification team members.
19.1 The BEE Verification Agency shall have a documented process for receiving, evaluating
and making decisions on appeals.
19.2 A description of the process for handling appeals shall be made publicly available.
19.3 The BEE Verification Agency shall be responsible for all decisions at all levels of the
appeals-handling process.
19.4 Investigation of and decisions on appeals shall not result in any discriminatory actions
against the appellant.
19.5 The appeals-handling process shall include at least the following elements and methods:
(a) an outline of the process for receiving, validating and investigating the appeal, and
for deciding what actions are to be taken in response to it, and
(b) a procedure for tracking and recording appeals, including the actions undertaken to
resolve them.
19.6 The BEE Verification Agency shall acknowledge receipt of the appeal and provide the
appellant with progress reports and the outcome.
19.7 The decisions to be communicated to the appellant shall be made by, or reviewed by,
individual(s) not involved in the matter that is the subject of the appeal.
19.8 The BEE Verification Agency shall give the appellant formal notice of the end of the
appeals-handling process.
19.9 All appeals shall be resolved in a timely manner by the BEE Verification Agency. As a
guide, an appeal shall be resolved within a maximum of 30 days of the initial lodging of the
20.1 A user of the results of the verification of a BBBEE-verified measured entity can expect to
have any complaints investigated and, if these are determined to be valid, have confidence
that the complaints shall be appropriately addressed and that a reasonable effort shall be
made to resolve the complaint in a timely manner.
The effective resolution of complaints is an important means of protection for the BEE
Verification Agency, its verified measured entities and other users against errors, omissions
or unreasonable behaviour. Confidence in verification activities is safeguarded when
complaints are processed appropriately.
20.2 A description of the process for handling complaints shall be made publicly available.
20.3 Upon receipt of a complaint, the BEE Verification Agency shall confirm whether or not the
complaint relates to BBBEE verification activities for which it is responsible, and if so, shall
deal with it.
20.4 Any complaint about a verified measured entity shall also be referred by the BEE
Verification Agency to the verified measured entity in question.
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20.5 The BEE Verification Agency shall have documented procedures for receiving, evaluating
and making decisions on complaints. This process shall be subject to the requirements for
confidentiality as they relate to the complainant and to the subject of the complaint.
20.6 The complaints-handling process shall include at least the following elements and methods:
(a) an outline of the process for receiving, validating and investigating the complaint, and
deciding what actions are to be taken in response to it
(b) a procedure for tracking and recording complaints, including the actions undertaken
to resolve them, and
(c) a procedure for ensuring that any appropriate corrections and corrective actions are
20.7 The BEE Verification Agency receiving the complaint shall be responsible for gathering and
verifying all the necessary information to validate the complaint.
20.8 Whenever possible, the BEE Verification Agency shall acknowledge receipt of the
complaint, and provide the complainant with progress reports and the outcome.
20.9 The decisions to be communicated to the complainant shall be made by, or reviewed by,
individual(s) not involved in the matter that is the subject of the complaint.
20.10 The BEE Verification Agency shall give the complainant formal notice of the end of the
complaints-handling process.
21.1 The BEE Verification Agency shall maintain records on the audit and verification process for
all verified measured entities, including all measured entities that submitted requests for
verification, and all measured entities verified.
21.3 The BEE Verification Agency shall keep the records on verified measured entities in such a
way as to ensure that the information is kept confidential. When records are transported,
transmitted or transferred, secured handling shall ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
21.4 The BEE Verification Agency shall have a document policy and documented procedures on
the retention of records.
22.1 The Verification Agency shall periodically, and in accordance with a predetermined
schedule and procedure, conduct internal audits of its activities to verify that its operations
continue to comply with the requirements of the management system. The internal audit
programme shall address all elements of the verification process/system, including
verification activities. Such audits shall be carried out by trained and qualified personnel
who are, wherever resources permit, independent of the activity to be audited.
22.2 When audit findings cast doubt on the effectiveness of the operations, the Verification
Agency shall take timely corrective action and shall notify customers in writing if
investigation shows that verification has been affected.
22.3 The area of activity audited, the audit findings and the corrective actions that arise from
them shall be recorded.
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22.4 Follow-up audit activities shall verify and record the implementation and effectiveness of the
corrective action taken.
23.1 The Verification Agency shall establish a policy and a procedure and shall designate
appropriate authorities for implementing corrective action when departures from policies
and procedures in the management system or verification processes have been identified.
23.2 The procedure for corrective action shall start with an investigation to determine the root
cause(s) of the problem.
23.3 Where corrective action is needed, the Verification Agency shall identify potential corrective
actions. It shall select and implement the actions that are most likely to eliminate the
problem and to prevent recurrence.
23.4 The Verification Agency shall monitor the results to ensure that the corrective actions taken
have been effective.
23.5 Where the identification of non-conformities or departures casts doubt on the Verification
Agency’s compliance with its own policies and procedures, the Verification Agency shall
ensure that the appropriate areas are audited as soon as possible.
24.1 In accordance with the predetermined schedule and procedure, the Verification Agency‘s
top management shall conduct a review of the management system, including information
on relevant complaints and appeals from users of verification services.
24.2 Findings from management reviews and the actions arising from them shall be recorded.
The management shall ensure that those actions are carried out within an appropriate and
agreed period of time.
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