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Final Report for 4 Seasons Tent

Research · September 2020


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1 author:

Duaa Dashti
Kuwait University


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4 Seasons Tent - Capstone Project View project

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4 Seasons Tent
Final Report

Sponsoring Company

Alsalam Charity Organization


Madina R. Alhaddad 2151117534

Alaa K. Alshammari 2131112073
Duaa J. Dashti 2151113759

August 31, 2020

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course

ME 459
Engineering Design
Professor Ahmet S. Yigit
4 Seasons Tent Spring 2020

Executive Summary

A tent exists from a long time, and people are trying their best to develop it in
order to help the humanity. The actual starting of the development of the tents was
during world war 1 to provide a portable shelter for support activities and supplies
which called ERA tent [1]. Nowadays, WeatherHYDE tent which is made by Billion
Bricks in 2016 is considered as an effective tent to provide a safe place to rest in for
camping and such activities [2]. In addition, this tent can be used for homeless people
and refugees because as known the number of homeless is increasing year by year.
Billion Bricks used special materials to build this tent which it can be developed to be
helpful through the most dangerous conditions. In this study, the 4 seasons tent is
modifying from an effective tent. This search discussed the product design specification
the need statement based on the results of the surveys that is solved by homeless and
refugee people in Urfa, Turkey, also the survey has been given for Tarahom group
which is a volunteer campaign. This group visited refugees in Turkey on 25 of February
Homeless people in Urfa are living in worn tents, which have a weak frame structure
that are collapsing due to strong wind. In addition, the rain leakage problem inside the
tent, snow sticking on the top of the tent, and flammable cover are common problems
with most existing tents. The aim of this project is to improve the current
tents to provide a safe shelter to live in. 4 Seasons Tent cover is made of three layers of
different materials (insulation, water resistance and reflective), where a
waterproof floor is used to prevent the leakage of rain and snow. Its frame is made of
PVC pipes and fittings, nevertheless, windows and removable doors are used to provide
a natural ventilation. A thermal and structural analyses were done on a 3D model of the
tent. Based on analysis, 4 seasons tent frame withstands winds of 50
km/h. Furthermore, inside environment will be kept at least 6 degrees warmer than
the outside in winter, and at least 6 degrees cooler in summer. 4 seasons cover is
reversible and can be used in all seasons. This tent is waterproof, fire-resistant,
portable, breathable, and has a lightweight which can be installed by one person. The
cost of this tent is acceptable and has 4-year service life.

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4 Seasons Tent Spring 2020

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ i

Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................ii
List of Figures ...............................................................................................................iii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................ iv
Nomenclature ................................................................................................................. 1
Scope .............................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4
Background .................................................................................................................... 5
Customers responding test ............................................................................................. 7
Problem Statement and PDS .......................................................................................... 9
Project Milestones ........................................................................................................ 15
Schedule ....................................................................................................................... 16
Possible Alternative solutions ...................................................................................... 17
Design Description/Statement of Work (SOW) .......................................................... 31
In summer .............................................................................................................. 34
In winter ................................................................................................................. 37
The floor................................................................................................................. 39
Doors and window ................................................................................................. 40
Ventilation.............................................................................................................. 42
Assembled .............................................................................................................. 44
Virtual Prototype/ Simulation Model Description ................................................. 48
Perspective test models .......................................................................................... 53
Design Testing ....................................................................................................... 57
Behavior with environment/Safety ........................................................................ 60
Economic Study ..................................................................................................... 61
Conclusion and recommendation ................................................................................. 63
Project Budget and Expenses ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
References .................................................................................................................... 64
Acknowledgments........................................................................................................ 68
Appendixes .................................................................................................................. 69
Appendix A (Surveys) ........................................................................................... 69
Appendix B (Pipes standard and properties) ......................................................... 81
Appendix C (Urfa Climate): .................................................................................. 88
Appendix D (Frame Analysis) ............................................................................... 92
Appendix E (Alternative Solutions Detailed Results) ........................................... 97
Alternative solution 1 ............................................................................................. 99
Alternative solution 2 ........................................................................................... 102
Alternative solution 3 ........................................................................................... 106

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Alternative solution 4 ........................................................................................... 109

Appendix F (analysis for selected design) ........................................................... 112
Appendix G (Validation of ANSYS answers for the frame) ............................... 119
Appendix J (Weight, cost and lifespan) ............................................................... 125
Appendix I (Sample calculations) ........................................................................ 128
Appendix j (Result of summer)............................................................................ 134
Appendix j (Result of winter) .............................................................................. 140

List of Figures
Figure 1: Portable, protective shelter ............................................................................. 6
Figure 2: Tent's structure patent..................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: Current tents for refugee people in Urfa. ....................................................... 9
Figure 4: The problem of snow in the current tent [10] ............................................... 10
Figure 5: The problem of fire in the current tents [11] ................................................ 10
Figure 6: Gantt chart .................................................................................................... 16
Figure 7: The frame of the first alternative solution .................................................... 22
Figure 8: The frame of the 2nd alternative solution .................................................... 24
Figure 9: Frame shape with dimensions for the third alternative solution .................. 26
Figure 10: The size and dimensions of the tent ........................................................... 32
Figure 11: Stabilizing bag ............................................................................................ 33
Figure 12: The materials used for the cover of the tent ............................................... 34
Figure 13: Using of insulation material in modern building [19] ................................ 38
Figure 14: Bathtub design for the floor........................................................................ 40
Figure 15: Standard size of the sleeping bag according to CRITERION .................... 40
Figure 16: The shape and the dimensions of the door ................................................. 41
Figure 17: Windows for cross ventilation [21] ............................................................ 42
Figure 18:Stack ventilation [22] .................................................................................. 43
Figure 19: Stack effect [23] ......................................................................................... 43
Figure 20: The components inside the fabric bag ........................................................ 45
Figure 21: First step of the assembled ......................................................................... 45
Figure 22: Second step of the assembled ..................................................................... 46
Figure 23: Third step of the assembled ........................................................................ 46
Figure 24: Fourth step of the assembled ...................................................................... 47
Figure 25: Fifth step of the assembled ......................................................................... 47
Figure 26: Sixth step of the assembled ........................................................................ 48
Figure 27: Human body as cylinder. ............................................................................ 49
Figure 28:Dimensions of the tent in mm ..................................................................... 49
Figure 29: Top view of the tent.................................................................................... 50
Figure 30: Back view of the tent .................................................................................. 50
Figure 31: Front view of the tent ................................................................................. 50
Figure 32: Isometric view of the tent ........................................................................... 51
Figure 33:Layers of the cover of the tent ..................................................................... 51
Figure 34: Frame structure with the dimensions.......................................................... 52
Figure 35: Dimensions of the window in the right side ............................................... 52
Figure 36: Dimensions of the window in the left side ................................................. 53
Figure 37: Deformation of the design .......................................................................... 53
Figure 38: Combined stress of the design .................................................................... 54
Figure 39: Bending stress of the design ....................................................................... 54

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Figure 40: 3D simulation of the tent in summer .......................................................... 55

Figure 41: 2D simulation of the tent in summer .......................................................... 55
Figure 42: 3D simulation of the tent in winter ............................................................. 56
Figure 43: 2D simulation of the tent in winter ............................................................. 56
Figure 44: Transient study of temperature in Summer ................................................ 58
Figure 45: Transient study of temperature in Winter................................................... 58
Figure 46: Inside temperature and dew point temperature in winter ........................... 59
Figure 47: Inside temperature and dew point temperature in summer ........................ 60
Figure 48: The process for recycling the polyesters [24] ............................................ 61
Figure 49: Answers of the first question in first survey............................................... 74
Figure 50: Answers of third question in first survey ................................................... 74
Figure 51: Answers of fourth question in first survey ................................................. 75
Figure 52: Answers of fifth question in first survey .................................................... 75
Figure 53: Answers of sixth question in first survey ................................................... 76
Figure 54: Answers of first question in second survey ................................................ 77
Figure 55: Answers of second question in second survey ........................................... 77
Figure 56: Answers of third question in second survey ............................................... 78
Figure 57: Answers of fourth question in second survey ............................................ 78
Figure 58: Answers of sixth question in second survey .............................................. 79
Figure 59: Answers of seventh question in second survey .......................................... 79
Figure 60: Answers of ninth question in second survey .............................................. 80
Figure 61: Standard sizes and diameters of PVC pipes schedule 40 ........................... 81
Figure 62: Standard size and diameters of PVC pipes schedule 80 ............................. 82
Figure 63: Standard size and diameters of Aluminum pipe ......................................... 83
Figure 64: Urfa maximum, minimum and average temperature (C ̊) .......................... 88
Figure 65: Urfa Rainfall and Rain Days ...................................................................... 88
Figure 66: Urfa Snowfall and Snow Days ................................................................... 89
Figure 67: Urfa Max and Average Wind Speed and Wind Gust ................................. 89
Figure 68: Urfa Pressure .............................................................................................. 90
Figure 69: Urfa Cloud and Humidity ........................................................................... 90
Figure 70: Urfa UV Index ............................................................................................ 91
Figure 71: Urfa Sun Hours and Sun Days ................................................................... 91
Figure 72: Urfa visibility ............................................................................................. 91
Figure 73: Roof pitch [26] ........................................................................................... 93
Figure 74: Roof pitch [36] ........................................................................................... 94
Figure 75: Pushing and pulling due to wind ................................................................ 96
Figure 76: Simplified diagram of the tent in summer .................................................. 98
Figure 77: Simplified diagram of the tent in winter .................................................... 98
Figure 78: Composite wall thermal resistances ......................................................... 117
Figure 79: Simply supported beam ............................................................................ 120
Figure 80: Deformation in x-axis for the frame from ANSYS workbench ............... 121
Figure 81: Deformation in y-axis for the frame from ANSYS workbench ............... 122
Figure 82: Closed thin tube ........................................................................................ 123
Figure 83: Loads that will lead to bending stress ...................................................... 123
Figure 84: Bending stress due to snow from ANSYS workbench............................. 124
Figure 85: Cross ventilation direction........................................................................ 133

List of Tables
Table 1: Tent descriptions .............................................................................................. 8

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Table 2: Sponsor requirements ...................................................................................... 8

Table 3: Weighting criteria .......................................................................................... 17
Table 4: Weighing alternative criteria for reflective materials .................................... 17
Table 5: Weighing alternative criteria for waterproof materials part a ....................... 17
Table 6: Weighing alternative criteria for waterproof materials part b ....................... 18
Table 7: Weighing alternative criteria for opening and closing materials ................... 18
Table 8: Weighing alternative criteria for insulation materials ................................... 18
Table 9: Weighing alternative criteria for floor materials ........................................... 19
Table 10: Weighing alternative criteria for structure ................................................... 19
Table 11: Weighing alternative criteria for window materials .................................... 19
Table 12: Alternative solution 1 results ....................................................................... 22
Table 13: Alternative solution 2 results ....................................................................... 25
Table 14: Alternative solution three results ................................................................. 27
Table 15: Alternative sulotion 4 results ....................................................................... 28
Table 16: Weighting of the alternative solutions ......................................................... 30
Table 17: the standard size of camping tent [14] ......................................................... 31
Table 18: General properties of rigid PVC [31] .......................................................... 84
Table 19: Physical Properties of PVC & CPVC Pipe [32] .......................................... 85
Table 20:Properties of Aluminum pipe [33] ................................................................ 86
Table 21: Density of snow depends on its type ........................................................... 94
Table 22: Properties of air inside the tent .................................................................... 97
Table 23: Properties of human skin [27]...................................................................... 97
Table 24: Properties of PVC schedule 40 .................................................................... 99
Table 25: Properties of Foylon .................................................................................... 99
Table 26: Properties of Rockwool ............................................................................... 99
Table 27: Properties of Kevlar ................................................................................... 100
Table 28: Alternative Solution 1 structural analysis .................................................. 100
Table 29: Alternative Solution 1 thermal analysis ..................................................... 101
Table 30: Properties of Aluminum schedule 40 pipe................................................. 103
Table 31: Properties of Cellulose ............................................................................... 103
Table 32: Properties of Nylon Silicone coating ......................................................... 103
Table 33: Alternative Solution 2 structural analysis .................................................. 103
Table 34:Alternative Solution 2 thermal analysis ...................................................... 105
Table 35: Alternative Solution 3 structural analysis .................................................. 106
Table 36: Properties of Mylar .................................................................................... 107
Table 37: Properties of Cellulose ............................................................................... 108
Table 38: Properties of Lexi cotton ........................................................................... 108
Table 39:Alternative Solution 3 thermal analysis ...................................................... 108
Table 40:Alternative Solution 4 structural analysis ................................................... 109
Table 41: Properties of Polyester Wool ..................................................................... 111
Table 42: Properties of PU Coating Polyester ........................................................... 111
Table 43:Alternative Solution 4 thermal analysis ...................................................... 111
Table 44: ANSYS and hand calculations values ....................................................... 125
Table 45: Calculation of frame mass ......................................................................... 125
Table 46: Total cost ................................................................................................... 126
Table 47:Life span ..................................................................................................... 127
Table 48:Cost ............................................................................................................. 127
Table 49:Properties of the outside air in summer ...................................................... 134
Table 50: Properties of the vertical plates in summer................................................ 135
Table 51: Properties of the inclined plate in summer ................................................ 136

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Table 52: calculation of internal temperature in summer .......................................... 137

Table 53:Dew point temperature in summer ............................................................. 138
Table 54: Properties of the outside air in winter ........................................................ 140
Table 55: Calculation of vertical plate in winter ....................................................... 141
Table 56: Properties of the inclined plate in winter ................................................... 143
Table 57: Inside temperature in winter ...................................................................... 144
Table 58: Dew point temperature in winter ............................................................... 145

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𝐹 Force
𝑃 Pressure
𝑇 Temperature
𝑞′′ Heat flux
𝐴 Area
𝑉 Volume
𝐷𝑜 Outer diameter
𝐷𝑖 Inner diameter
𝑇𝑜 Outer temperature
𝑇𝑖 Inner temperature
𝐼 Moment of inertia
ℎ Convective heat transfer coefficient
𝑘 Thermal conductivity
𝐶𝑝 Specific heat
𝜎 Stefan-Boltzmann constant
𝜀 Emissivity
m Mass
g Acceleration due to gravity
𝑅 Thermal resistance
𝑞 Heat transfer rate
𝐸 Energy
𝑡 Thickness
𝐿 Length
𝑟𝑚 Mean radius
𝐴𝑚 Mean area
𝐸 Modules of elasticity
𝛼 Coefficient of linear expansion
𝑆𝑦 Tensile yield strength
𝜌 Density
𝑣 Poisson’s ratio
𝜎𝑏 Bending stress

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𝜎𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 Yield stress

𝐹𝑊 Force due to wind
𝐹𝑠 Force due to snow
𝑃𝑑 Dynamic pressure
𝑉𝑚 Maximum velocity
𝑦 Deformation
𝑤 Load per unit length
Change of air density

𝑈 Velocity of air
𝑅𝑒 Reynolds number
𝑅𝑎 Rayleigh number
𝜇 Viscosity of air
𝑇𝑠 Surface temperature
𝑇𝑓 Film temperature
𝛼 Thermal diffusivity
𝛽 Fluids volumetric thermal expansion coefficient
𝛾 Kinematic viscosity
𝑄 Ventilation
𝐶𝑑 Discharge coefficient
𝑚̇ Mass flow rate
𝐶𝑝 Pressure coefficient

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The contents of this report were prepared by senior mechanical engineering

students at Kuwait University. We feel confident in our work as students. However,
all material should be reviewed by an appropriate professional before implementation.

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4 Seasons Tent Spring 2020


Bad weather conditions can cause death for people especially for homeless and
refugees. Extreme change of weather could kill 1300 persons per year in the United
State [3] Especially with global warming issues, where every summer is hotter and
unbearable than the last. In addition to the natural disasters such as tornados, massive
fires, earthquakes, volcanos, and floods. These phenomena lead to damages and death,
especially for those who do not have any safe place to seek shelter. On the other hand,
war and political issues are damaging people’s houses and putting their lives at a major
risk. Today, there are millions of refugees worldwide. People are living in tents and
informal settlements on the borders. These families are relying on the aid of the others,
and they are the only hope that they have got. In winter, where the temperatures set to
drop up to minus 12 degrees in Lebanon’s borders. These families cannot help their
children and keep them warm and safe [4] Kuwait has always been one of the most
countries that helps those in-need. There are a lot of Kuwaiti charity organizations such
as Tarahom group, Alsalam group, Human Rights Organization and International
Islamic Charity Organization.
Tarahom group organized a voluntary visit to Urfa, Turkey in 25-26, February 2020.
They used to help Syrian refugees and homeless in all around the world. In their last
trip, smiles were spread on the refugees faces. They celebrated the National days of
Kuwait with them by playing traditional games, delivering food, blankets, clothes and
In this course, a tent would be designed for homeless people. This tent will provide a
warm and safe place for them. It will heat the place in winter and cool it in summer.
The goal is to have a safe and comfortable place for the customers. The customers can
be workers in work sites and areas, homeless, etc. In addition, the tent can be used for
people in countries where natural disasters occur. This tent will have a special design
and protects from rain, snow, extreme hot, extreme cold and dust.

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The main concept of the shelter was discussed in one of the United States patents under
title: Rapid deployment shelters and shelter systems [5]
. Any shelter could consist of walls, roof and floor, where it is an enclosed place. The
temporary modular shelter system can be disassembled and assembled without any
heavy tools. The walls consist of layers that made of special materials. They are
somehow connected to the roof and floor; so, the components are supporting each other.
The structure of the shelter is thermally insulated by using insulation layer. In addition,
the expandable connector can be used in the roof to provide large shaded area.
Portable, protective shelter patent that has a number of 10,428,541 in United States
patents site [6] . This invention is a waterproof, collapsible, portable, transportable, and
detachable shelter. The shelter is made of lightweight and weatherproof materials. The
wall, roof and floor are semi-rigid. One of the layers is fabric layer, which consists of
fiber and coating layer. Briefly, the shelter components are consisting of base material,
insulating material, reinforcing material, coating layer, wallpaper, and paint. The shelter
has geometric shapes such as cubic, rectangular, octagon, pentagon, dome, and
pyramid. Magnetic fasteners are used to connect between the components of the shelter;
they are located at edges of the wall and roof, Figure 1.

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4 Seasons Tent Spring 2020

Figure 1: Portable, protective shelter

Collapsible structure with fabric covering could have a folding frame system. Folding
elements provide a tent that can be easily deployed. These elements have a self-resting
lock mechanism. More information and details about these mechanisms can be
explained in United States patents website under title: Rapidly deployable modular
shelter system, which has number 10,392,828 [7].
Hydroponic tent is one of the effective inventions, where it provides specific weather
conditions and controls the inside environment [8]. The frame is supplied by linkages,
which provide stability and reduce the risk of collapsing accidents. The inside surface
is covered by polyester resin coating, which is a light-reflective and waterproof
material. In order to achieve the necessary environmental conditions, electrical
equipment may be used, which are very heavy comparing with the tent’s weight. This
type of tents is useful for plants growing under certain environmental conditions.

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4 Seasons Tent Spring 2020

Figure 2: Tent's structure patent

In order to know the problems in the current tents and what are needed to improve them,
where two surveys have been done, one for refugees who lived in Urfa in Turkey and
the other one is for the charity organizations.

Customers responding test

In order to know the problems in the current tents and what are needed to improve them,
where two surveys have been done, one for refugees who lived in Urfa in Turkey and
the other one is for the charity organizations. These surveys were conducted in February

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4 Seasons Tent Spring 2020

The aim of the first survey is to find out the customer needs (refugees). One of the
findings from this survey is the current tent is not comfortable to spend 7-10 hours in
it. Based on the results and findings, the tent should have the descriptions that are
represented in Table 1.

Table 1: Tent descriptions

Agree Others/Neutral
Warm in
25% 85% -
Cool in
49% 51% -
49% 51% -
5% 85% 10%
for 1
10% 22% 68%
5% 11% 84%

The aim of the second survey is to find out the sponsors requirements. The findings of
this survey are clarified in Table 2.

Table 2: Sponsor requirements

Families and
Higher than 80
4 to 7
International Refugees Community National
Helping Fields Feed Residence Health and Medical Care Education
Acceptable Cost 100 to 150 KD

These recommendations from the participating organization (Al-Tarahum Group) will

be taken into consideration during design this shelter. The details of the surveys
questions and answers are shown in Appendix A.

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4 Seasons Tent Spring 2020

Problem Statement and PDS

The number of homeless people in the world who do not have protections from rain,
snow and extreme weather varies are approximately 150 million [9]. Those homeless
people depend on assistance from charity organizations. Those charity organizations
provide tents, food, and clothes for the homeless people. The aim of this project is to
improve the current tents and grow them to become more comfortable for homeless
people. For this project, the tent will be used for refugee people from Urfa in Turkey to
provide a safe place and shelter for them. Figure 3 shows the current tents for refugee
people in Urfa.

Figure 3: Current tents for refugee people in Urfa.

The current tents are not strong enough and not safe, they are collapsing due to the
strong wind as shown from the previous Figure.
In addition, it can be noticed from Figure 3 that the current tents are not comfortable,
the rain leaks inside the tent which makes a disaster and hard for the people who lives
inside the tent. In addition, Figure 4 shows another problem in the current tents, which
is the snow sticks on the top and sides of the tent that makes the weather inside the tent
very cold which affects the nature of their lives.

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4 Seasons Tent Spring 2020

Figure 4: The problem of snow in the current tent [10]

The following Figure shows another problem in the current tents, which is the tent, is
not fire resistant.

Figure 5: The problem of fire in the current tents [11]

Figure 5 shows an actual accident happened in 2015, in this accident two children died
because of the tent is not fire resistance [11]. So, those refugee people should be
protected from the previous problems. From those problems, the need statements for
this project are concluded which provides a shelter and safe place for refugee people,
provides a cool place in summer and warm place in winter by using special materials
for the cover of the tent, aim to preserve from rain and snow by using water resistance

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materials for the tent and protects from strong wind by using strong structure for the
tent. As said before, the Urfa in Turkey will be the case study for this project. The
maximum Temperature in Urfa is 40 degree Celsius while the minimum temperature is
0 degree Celsius. The maximum rain fall amount is found to be 264.3 mm, the
maximum snow fall amount is 8.1 cm, the maximum speed of the wind equals 29.2
Kmph and the maximum Ultra-Violet (UV) Index is 9 [12] ; Urfa climate details are
shown in Appendix B.

Product Design Specifications

Design brief
After a long research, it has been decided that a shelter need to be designed.
This shelter is a tent that has warmer weather in winter then the outside, and cooler
weather inside than outside in summer by using special materials. In addition, this tent
withstands winds and huge fire. The tent should be portable, installable, lightweight,
and secure.

The Performance of 4 Seasons tent is:

• Waterproof tent so, the water will not leak inside the tent.
• Portable tent, which can be carried by one person.
• Comfortable for two adults and one child.
• Fire resistance tent, by using fire protection coating.
• It gives a safe place and shelter.
• It provides a cool place in summer.
• It provides a cool place in winter.
• Efficiency of the product is high preferably in the area of 40 – 45 %.
Product life span:
• The life span of this product is approximately 4 years, which is discussed in
appendix H.

Life in service:
• The 4 seasons tent should withstand an operating period of 24 hours
uninterrupted use per day for 1 to 4 years.

Shelf life:
• The shelf life is expected to be 5 years.

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Target cost:
• The product has a cost no more than 250 – 350 KD, where the most aim for this
project is to have a low cost because it will be used for refugees Appendix H.
• The cost of packing and shipping less than 5% of the product cost.

• 10,000 tents per year, since the number of refugee families is increasing year by

• There will be an alternative Velcro with sewing tools.
• There will be a patch of the cover fabric.
• Fittings and pipes (PVC) can be changed and replaced.

• The applicable markets for this product are:
1. Tarahom group.
2. International Islamic charity organization.
3. Dinarain group.
4. Human rights club ‘Gust’.
5. Alsalam community organization.
• Summary of market requirements:
1. Portable tent.
2. To be used in all seasons.

• The cost of packing and shipping less than 5% of the product cost.
• It will be transmitted by a fabric bag.

Size and weight restrictions:

• Total weight equals 24.5 kg since this tent should be lightweight.
• Length equals 2 m. (Depends on standard size of sleeping bags)
• Width equals 2 m. (Depends on standard size of sleeping bags)
• Peak height equals 1.8 m. (Standard size for the standing peak height of the
camping tent)
• Eave (Side Wall) height equals 0.8 m.

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• Desired slope equals √2 m.

• One person could carry package size.

• The product will be shipped by plane within charity organizations to Turkey.

• The color of the tent should be dark for the privacy especially for women.
• The tent looks good, acceptable, and comfortable to look.

• Good human factors, since the size of the tent follows the standard size of
sleeping bag for two adults “shown in standards and specifications”.

Customer requirements:
• See marketing.

• This product is competing with similar product, which is weatherHYDE by
Billion Bricks.
• The product should be assembled and disassembled by one person.
• There will be Velcro and patches for repairing.

Quality and reliability:

• The product could withstand for 4 years, approximately.

Standards and specifications:

• In order to decide the tent width and length, sleeping bag size has been used to
calculate the area for two sleeping bags since the tent will be designed for two
adults and one child, the dimensions are taken from a company standard
(criterion company), the following link is the reference for this standard:
• For choosing the height of the tent, camping tent standard has been used. The
standing height, which is 1.8 meters is used as peak height since this height will
allow the customers to move inside the tent and change their clothes easily, the
following link is the reference for this standard:

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Company constraints:
• None.

• The cover of the tent will coat with fire resistant material.
• Sewing process for the cover.

• Fire resistance tent.
• Waterproof tent.
• The PVC pipes are strong enough so, the tent will not collapse.

• Structure strength check.
• Material reflection testing.
• Thermal testing.

• This tent is installable.
• One person without additional tools can install it.

• There will be a manual that guide the users to build the tent and the life span of
the tent will be included in this manual.

• Most of the chosen materials had a plastic as a main component in it, and it is
possible but not easy to recycle the plastic material.

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Project Milestones

In case to have this product to be done, a following product planning must be studied
and confirmed.
Product Planning:

Objective: Helping Criteria: Warm Idea Generation:

refugees and keep them place in winter, cool A portable tent can be a
safe from extreme hot, place in summer, shelter for refugees.
extreme cold, snow, suitable ventilation for
rain and dust. three persons.

Research: The Development: The Testing: Alternative

searching of tent’s initial design must be testing can be done by
material, structure of developed by having engineering design
the tent and power alternative concept specifications EDS.
source must be done. designs.

Marketing: This can Production: After

be done by applicable manufacturing, this
markets for this step can be done.

Each box in the previous block diagram will be clarified in the Gantt Chart in the next
After brain storming, decomposition diagram can clear the steps and actions briefly to
have the 4 seasons tent.
Decomposition diagram:

Make 4 seasons tent

Material, Three Solar energy Structure

structure, layers Control Withstand
solar materi

Store Protect

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In this section, all the tasks and their durations are clear in the following chart (Gantt
chart) Figure 37.

Figure 6: Gantt chart

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Most of the tasks are done as a teamwork. Some of the tasks are divided equally on the
team members such as the typing report parts. In summary, each of the team members
spent around 6 hours daily on the project during weekdays and on weekends; 6 hours
are spent as a total number of spending hours. However, 16 hours is the maximum spent

Possible Alternative solutions

The design will be chosen based on some criteria. The weighting criteria are as follows:
Table 3: Weighting criteria
Rating Value
Unsatisfactory 0
Just Tolerable 1
Adequate 2
Good 3
Very Good 4
Excellent 5

The following tables demonstrate the weighting alternative criteria for each material.

Table 4: Weighing alternative criteria for reflective materials

Mylar Foylon
Weighting Weighting
Selection Criteria Weight Rating Rating
Score Score
5% 1.0 0.05 1.0 0.05
Reflection 35% 4.5 1.58 4.5 1.58
Waterproof 30% 5.0 1.50 5.0 1.50
Low Cost 10% 5.0 0.50 1.0 0.10
Life Span 10% 5.0 0.50 4.0 0.20
Light Weight 10% 5.0 0.50 5.0 0.50
Total Score 4.63 3.93

Table 5: Weighing alternative criteria for waterproof materials part a

Nylon Silicone
190T PU Coating Polyester
Selection Criteria Weight Rating Weighting Score Rating Weighting Score
5% 1 0.05 5 0.25
Waterproof 30% 5 1.50 5 1.50
Low Cost 10% 5 0.50 1 0.10
Life Span 10% 5 0.50 4 0.40

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Light Weight 10% 5 0.50 5 0.50

UV-Protection 10% 5 0.50 2 0.20
Breathability 10% 5 0.50 0 0.00
Fire Resistance 15% 5 0.75 0 0.00
Total Score 4.75 2.95

Table 6: Weighing alternative criteria for waterproof materials part b

Lexi Cotton Kevlar
Selection criteria Rating Rating Weighting Score
Environmentally Friendly 5 0.25 5 0.25
Waterproof 5 1.50 5 1.50
Low Cost 5 0.50 1 0.10
Life Span 4 0.40 5 0.50
Light Weight 5 0.50 5 0.50
UV-Protection 2 0.20 0 0.00
Breathability 5 0.50 5 0.50
Fire Resistance 0 0.75 5 0.75
Total Score 4.60 3.60

Table 7: Weighing alternative criteria for opening and closing materials

Polyester Velcro Nylon Velcro Zipper
Selection Weighting Weighting Weighting
Weight Rating Rating Rating
Criteria Score Score Score
5% 2 0.10 5 0.25 1 0.05
UV-Protection 30% 5 1.50 3 0.90 5 1.50
Easy to be Used 10% 4 0.40 4 0.40 2 0.20
Waterproof 10% 5 0.50 5 0.50 5 0.50
Low Cost 15% 5 0.75 4 0.60 4 0.60
Life Span 15% 4 0.60 5 0.75 3 0.45
Light Weight 15% 5 0.75 5 0.75 5 0.75
Total Score 4.60 4.15 4.05

Table 8: Weighing alternative criteria for insulation materials

Rockwool Polyester Wool Cellulose
Selection Weighting Weighting Weighting
Weight Rating Rating Rating
Criteria Score Score Score
0.05 5.00 0.25 1.00 0.05 5.00 0.25
Insulate Heat 0.35 4.50 1.58 4.50 1.58 4.00 1.40
Insulate Sound 0.05 5.00 0.25 5.00 0.25 2.00 0.10
Low Cost 0.25 2.00 0.50 5.00 1.25 5.00 1.25
Life Span 0.10 2.00 0.20 4.00 0.40 5.00 0.50
Light Weight 0.10 5.00 0.50 5.00 0.50 5.00 0.50
Total Score 3.28 4.03 4.00

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Table 9: Weighing alternative criteria for floor materials

Foam Mat Floor Inflatable Base Fiber Reinforced
Selection Weighting Weighting Weighting
Weight Rating Rating Rating
Criteria Score Score Score
5% 2 0.10 3 0.15 3 0.15
Waterproof 30% 5 1.50 4 1.20 5 1.50
Softer 15% 5 0.75 4 0.60 2 0.30
Shock Absorber 15% 5 0.75 3 0.45 2 0.30
Low Cost 10% 1 0.10 3 0.30 4 0.40
Life Span 10% 4 0.40 1 0.10 3 0.30
Light Weight 15% 2 0.30 4 0.60 5 0.75
Total Score 3.90 3.40 3.70

Table 10: Weighing alternative criteria for structure

PVC Pipe Aluminum PVC Pipe Aluminum
Schedule 40 Schedule 40 Schedule 80 Schedule 80
Selection Weighting Weighting Weighting Weighting
Weight Rating Rating Rating Rating
Criteria Score Score Score Score
10% 1 0.10 5 0.50 1.0 0.10 5 0.50
Strong 20% 3 0.60 4 0.80 3.5 0.70 5 1.00
Low Cost 30% 5 1.50 3 0.90 2.0 0.60 3 0.90
Life Span 15% 5 0.75 5 0.75 5.0 0.75 5 0.75
Light Weight 25% 5 1.25 4 1.00 4.5 1.13 3 0.75
Total Score 4.20 3.95 3.28 3.90

Table 11: Weighing alternative criteria for window materials

Pineapple Ripstop
Clear PVC Fabric DuraTop
Selection Weighting Weighting Weighting
Weight Rating Rating Rating
Criteria Score Score Score
5% 4 0.20 2 0.10 2 0.10
UV-Protection 10% 3 0.30 3 0.30 5 0.50
Waterproof 10% 4 0.40 5 0.50 5 0.50
Windproof 10% 3 0.30 5 0.50 4 0.40
Breathable 25% 4 1.40 5 1.75 5 1.25
Low Cost 10% 4 0.40 2 0.20 4 0.40
Life Span 10% 3 0.30 4 0.40 5 0.50
Light Weight 10% 5 0.50 2 0.20 5 0.50
Less Elongation 10% 3 0.30 3 0.30 5 0.50
Total Score 3.70 3.95 4.65

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Therefore, four possible alternative solutions have been investigated from the previous
tables, they are:
Alternative 1 → Foylon, Kevlar, Zipper, Rockwool, Inflatable Base, PVC Schedule
40, and Clear PVC Fabric.
Alternative 2 → Foylon, Nylon Silicone Coating, Nylon Velcro, Cellulose, Foam Mat
Floor, PVC pipe schedule 80, and Clear PVC Fabric.
Alternative 3 → Mylar, Lexi Cotton, Polyester Velcro, Cellulose, Foam Mat Floor,
Aluminum pipe schedule 40, and Clear PVC Fabric.
Alternative 4 → Mylar, 190T PU Coating Polyester, Polyester Velcro, Polyester Wool,
Water-resistant Fiber Reinforced Mylar, PVC pipe schedule 80, and DuraTop.

The chosen alternative design should have a low cost, acceptable inner surface
temperature in winter and summer, since the ambient internal temperature for
convection is assumed in both summer and winter. In addition, the best alternative
should have minimum heat gain into the tent in summer, and minimum heat loss from
the tent in winter. Also, the frame should be strong enough and it should not collapse
because of the climate changes that occurs such as: strong wind and snow that is
accumulated on the roof.

Nevertheless, it should have a lightweight that can be carried by one person. Rough
analysis is done for each alternative solution to decide which design is most efficient.
In order to model the alternative solution, some conditions and assumptions have been
considered. The maximum wind speed recorded in Urfa in July 2019, which equals 29.2
kmph, appendix B. On the other hand, the modeling is applying for a wind speed equals
50 km/h, which is approximately double the maximum speed reached on Urfa. So, if
the frame withstands with this wind speed it will withstand with other speeds. The
forces that will be affected on the frame in summer are due to its weight and wind load,
where there will be an extra load in winter due to the snow that accumulated on the
roof. The snow load will be calculated for snow depth equals 18 cm, which is the
maximum snow depth reaches in Urfa in February 2020, appendix B. The pressure due
to wind load is assumed to occur from right to left side on the tent and the pressure due
to snow load will be located on the roof. Therefore, if the frame withstands with these
values of loads, it will withstand in other days in summer and winter. The ANSYS

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APDL and ANSYS workbench programs have been used to study the structural and
thermal analyses of the alternative solutions.
It is assumed that one adult person will be inside the tent. As known, this person will
generate approximately 106 W of energy. This amount of energy generated by a person
inside the tent will be taken into consideration in order to measure the temperature
inside the tent.

In summer:
One of the most important purposes of this project is to provide a cooler weather inside
the tent in summer instead of outside hot environment. The calculations are done under
assumed conditions the outside temperature equals 41 ℃, the outside convection
coefficient assumed to be 12 W/m2 K and the inside convection coefficient assumed to
be 3 W/m2 K with an ambient temperature 20 ° 𝐶. In addition, the activity of a person
inside the tent assumed to be light and primarily sedentary activity.

In winter:
It is an important thing to retain the inside environment warm in winter especially in
very cold places as Urfa. Another important purpose of this project is to provide a warm
weather inside the tent in winter. The calculations are taken with assumed conditions,
the outside temperature equals 1 ℃, the outside convection coefficient is assumed to be
12 W/m2 . ℃ and inside convection coefficient is assumed to be 3 W/m2 . ℃ with an
ambient temperature 17 ° 𝐶 .
A 2D model of the tent is simulated to record the approximate inner surface
temperature. Since the tent is symmetric about y-axis, only the right side is studied in
ANSYS for each alternative solution. Detailed results and discussions are done for each
alternative solution in Appendix E.

Alternative solution 1

Alternative Solution 1 consists of the following materials for the cover of the tent,
which are Foylon, Rockwool, and Kevlar. The material used for the frame and the
structure of the tent is PVC pipe schedule 40 with standard inside diameter equals 20.42
mm and outside diameter equals 26.67 mm. The material used for the floor is inflatable
base and the material used for the window is Clear PVC fabric, and the way that is used

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for opening and closing is zipper. The properties of these materials are shown in
appendix section.
The following Figure shows the frame shape for this alternative solution with its

Figure 7: The frame of the first alternative solution

The results of this alternative are shown in Table 12.

Table 12: Alternative solution 1 results

Alternative Solution 1
Frame Material PVC Pipe Schedule 40 Insulation
Thickness 0.5
109.7 [cm]
Deflection [mm]

Temp. in 35
Deflection Location

Max. bending Heat Flow

stress [MPa] in Summer 509

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Temp. in
Winter [℃]

Heat Flow
Max bending Stress
in Winter -433

Factor of Safety 0.425

As noticed from previous Table, the maximum bending stress equals 120 x106 Pa,
which is higher than the yield stress. Moreover, the factor of safety is found to be 0.425.
On the other hand, the value of maximum deformation in the frame is high which
reaches 109.7 m and that effect on the strength of the pipe. Therefore, the structure is
not safe enough. The internal surface temperature equals 35 ℃ in summer; as known
the surface temperature is cooler than the inside ambient temperature in the tent, so, the
internal temperature is higher than 35, which is hot. In addition, the total amount of heat
flow entering the tent in summer equals 156.7 w. The inside surface temperature in
winter equals 7.5 ℃ with a total value of heat losses equals 104 w.
Floor material is inflatable base. The idea of using the inflatable base comes when
thinking about more comfortable floor, since it has a varying thickness. Inflatable mats
are thick, and this skill gives a better support for the curves of the human body, offering
more comfort. Generally, inflatable pads are lighter in the weight than foam pads. The
lightest inflatable pad weights around 8 ounces or 225 grams. However, those inflatable
bases are more expensive than Foam mat floor and the Water-resistant fiber reinforced
Mylar, which are the other choices to use for the tent floor. One of its disadvantages
that it will need maintenance between time to time since it can easily be punctured. In
addition, those inflatable mats will take a bit of effort to inflate and deflate which can
become a nuisance. While searching about tent window materials, it has been found
that the most common used material is the clear PVC fabric. This fabric has many
advantages and relatively inexpensive. Moreover, clear PVC fabric has excellent
stability at both high and low temperatures. This material can prevent insects, small
sand parts, rain, and snow from entering inside the tent.

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From the previous results, the frame is not strong enough, the inside temperature in
summer is hot and in winter is too cold. Also, this alternative solution is not
comfortable, since the roof is flat, so the rain and snow will accumulate at the roof.
Therefore, this alternative solution is not efficient enough.
Alternative solution 2
Alternative solution 2 consists of Aluminum schedule 40 pipe for the frame with
standard diameters. The standard diameters have been taken as 26.67 and 21 mm outer
and inner diameters, foam mat is used for the floor, Clear PVC fabric is used for the
window and Nylon Velcro is used for the opening and closing door and window. The
cover consists of three layers Foylon which is reflective material, Cellulose which is
the insulation material and Nylon Silicone coating. The properties of these materials
are shown in appendix section. The following Figure shows the frame shape of this
alternative solution.

Figure 8: The frame of the 2nd alternative solution

Table 13 shows the results of alternative solution 2.

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Table 13: Alternative solution 2 results

Alternative Solution 2
Frame Material Aluminum Schedule 40 Insulation
Thickness 0.5
28.2 [cm]
Deflection [mm]

Temp. in 33
Deflection Location

Heat flow
in Summer 491
Max. combined
88 Inside
Stress [MPa]
Temp. in
Winter [℃]

Heat flow
Max. combined
in Winter -417.5
Stress Location

Factor of Safety 3.14

As it is noticed from Table 13, the magnitude of maximum combined stress equals
88 × 106 Pa, which is occurs at the corners. Comparing with the yield stress, the
combined stress is smaller than the yield stress. The factor of safety equals 3.14,
therefore, the structure is overdesign. Also, the maximum deformation occurs in the
roof, and it equals 0.028 m. This value of deformation is better than the deformation
happened using PVC schedule 40. This frame may be used for areas where the wind
speed is higher than 50 m/s. In addition, the internal surface temperature in summer
equals 33 ℃ with a total value of heat gain equals 491 w. In addition, the inside surface
temperature in winter equals 8℃ with total heat loses equals 417.5 w. Also, the shape

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of the tent is uncomfortable, since the person will feel in difficulty to enter and leave
the tent due to the horizontal pipes located at height equals 1 m in the front and back
sides of the tent where the portable doors are located. Therefore, this alternative solution
is not efficient enough.

Alternative solution 3
In this solution PVC pipe schedule 80 is used for the frame with standard 26.67 and
18.34 mm outer and inner diameters, appendix B, foam mat for the floor, Clear PVC
fabric for the window and Polyester Velcro for the opening and closing door and
window. The cover made of three layers Mylar, Cellulose and Lexi cotton. Figure 9
shows the frame shape with the dimensions for this alternative solution.

Figure 9: Frame shape with dimensions for the third alternative solution

The frame shape of this alternative solution is similar to the previous alternative except
that the front horizontal pipe in the upper side of the front, which equals 1 is removed
in order to make the entering and leaving of the tent easily. On the other hand, the
horizontal pipe in the back side of the tent is kept in order to enhance the strength of
the frame.
Table 14 represents the results of the third alternative solution.

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Table 14: Alternative solution three results

Alternative Solution 3
Frame Material PVC Pipe Schedule 80 Insulation
Thickness 1.5
282.3 [cm]
Deflection [mm]

Temp. in 29
Deflection Location

Heat flow
in Summer 350
Maximum [w]
combined Stress 69 Inside
[MPa] Surface
Temp. in
Winter [℃]

Heat flow
Max. combined
in winter -297.5
Stress Location

Factor of Safety 0.526

As it is noticed from Table 14, the maximum deformation occurs in the roof, which
equals 0.282 m and it is acceptable. The magnitude of maximum combined stress equals
69 × 106 Pa, which occurs at the corners, and comparing with the yield stress, the
maximum combined stress is higher than the yield stress. The factor of safety equals
0.526, therefore the structure is not safe, and it will collapse. In addition, the internal
surface temperature in summer equals 29℃ with a value of heat flow into the tent equals
350 w. In addition, the inside surface temperature in winter equals 11 ℃ with a value
of heat losses from the tent equals 297.5 w. In comparison with the previous alternative
solutions, the temperatures in winter and summer are more acceptable that happens
because the thickness of the insulation material has been increased. The verification of
the floor’s material ability in resisting water, which is Inflatable Base, has been done.
This material is used in kids’ pool or life jackets. Studies are done on this material

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previously; this material has water-resistant. Inflatable base is an air-supported

structure; therefore, it needs a pump to be attached with the packaging. Therefore, this
alternative solution is not efficient enough.

Alternative solution 4
Alternative Solution 4 consists of the following materials for the cover of the tent,
which are Mylar, 190T PU Coating Polyester, and Polyester Wool. The material that
used for the frame and the structure of the tent is PVC pipe schedule 80 with standard
outside diameter equals 42.16 mm and inside diameter equals 31.88 mm. The material
that is used for the floor is a Water-resistant Fiber-reinforced Mylar and the material
that is used for the window is DuraTop, and the way that is used for opening and closing
is Polyester Velcro. The frame shape of this alternative solution is similar to the
previous alternative solution.
Table 15 represents the results of alternative solution 4

Table 15: Alternative sulotion 4 results

Alternative Solution 4
Frame Material PVC Schedule 80 Insulation
Thickness 5
96.4 [cm]
Deflection [mm]

Temp. in 24
Deflection Location

Heat flow
in summer 155.5
[ w]
Max. combined
21 Inside
Stress [MPa]
Temp. in
Winter [℃]

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Max. Combined Heat flow

Stress Location in winter

Factor of Safety 2.5

From Table 15, the maximum deformation equals 0.0964 m. This value of deformation
is acceptable since it is low and occurs in the floor due to snow accumulating on the
roof. The maximum value of combined stress equals 21x107 𝑃𝑎. Therefore, the factor
of safety equals 2.5, since the value of yield strength is higher than the value of
maximum combined stress so, the frame is safe from collapsing but the design is
overdesign. In comparison with the first two alternatives solution, which made from
PVC pipes; the value of deformation of this alternative solution is much lower than the
deformation calculated for them. PVC pipe schedule 80 of this alternative solution has
higher weight than the PVC pipes in the previous solutions, since this increase the
strength of the pipe and make it stronger and that leads to less deformation in order to
withstand and to provide a safe tent. Besides, in comparison with the third alternative
solution, which made from Aluminum schedule 40; the value of maximum deformation
is higher than the value of maximum deformation calculated for Aluminum schedule
40, but it is still low and safe. In addition, this design is overdesign but it gives a low
value of deformation pipe schedule 80 provides the needed strength for the frame of the
tent and the value of maximum Von-Mises stress is much lower than the yield stress
so, there is no need to increase the material in the pipe. Therefore, the best pipe that
gives a most efficient performance is PVC schedule 80. As observed from ANSYS
results, the internal surface temperature equals 24 ℃ with a total amount of heat flow
inside the tent equals 155.5 w. In addition, the inside surface temperature in winter
equals 14℃ with a total amount of heat losses equals 132 w. It is concluded from the
first and second alternatives solution, the temperature inside the tent in summer is hot
and approximately the same for both cases. The internal temperature is too cold in
winter in both those alternatives and approximately the same. On the other hand, for
the third alternative solution, the thickness of the insulation material has been increased
and the result was cooler internal temperature in summer and warmer internal
temperature in winter in comparison with the first two alternatives. For this alternative

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solution, the thickness of the insulation material increases up to 5 cm and the result was
an acceptable internal temperature in both summer and winter.
The verification of the ability in resisting water for floor’s material, which is Water-
resistant Fiber-reinforced Mylar, is important to know. This material is used for the
most common camping tent. The material is water-resistance; therefore, the rain and
water will not leak inside the tent. In addition, it has a lightweight, high reflectivity, and
acceptable size. The material used for the window in this alternative solution is
DuraTop. This material has high breathability and UV-protection. Besides, it has a
lightweight and acceptable cost. In addition, this material is the standard fabric that is
used for all non-printed commercial tents, [13]. Therefore, this alternative solution is
efficient enough.

Weighting of the alternative solutions

The comparison between the alternative solutions is shown in Table 16.

Table 16: Weighting of the alternative solutions

Alternative Alternative
Alternative Alternative
Solution Solution
Solution 1 Solution 2
3 4
Low Cost 5 5 4 4
Internal 2 2 3 5
Strong Frame 2 3 5 5
Total Score 9 10 12 14

Therefore, the best alternative solution is alternative solution 4.

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Design Description/Statement of Work (SOW)

After rough analysis, the best alternative solution is alternative solution 4. The
statement of work will be discussed for this alternative design in this section.
Size and Shape
Table 17 shows the standard size of camping tent.
Table 17: the standard size of camping tent [14]

Since this tent will be used only for two adults and one child according to the answers
of the survey that is done for refugees in Urfa city; the standard size of camping tent
will not be used for the 4 seasons tent. The size and dimensions of the frame tent are
shown in Figure 10.

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Figure 10: The size and dimensions of the tent

The length [L] of the tent is chosen to be 2 m depends on the standard height of males
that equals 1.7 m and for female that equals 1.6 m, and depends on the standard size of
the sleeping bag. Therefore, 2 m length will be comfortable for both males and females
especially at night when they are sleep. The width [w] is taken to be 2m depending on
the standard size of sleeping bag since two sleeping bags will be used and the width of
each one equals 80 cm [15], so the 2-meter width would be comfortable enough. The
tent peak, which is the tallest point inside the tent body, equals 1.8 m people will be
able to stop with their feet, dress up and get around inside of the tent, where the sidewall
height equals 0.8 m. The desired slope is calculated to be √2 m. The triangular roof
shape is chosen because this shape is helpful in reducing the amount of snow that is
accumulating on the roof of the tent in winter. The sleeping capacity of this tent is 2
adults and one child.

The Frame
PVC pipe schedule 80 with standard inside diameter equals 31.877 mm and standard
outside diameter equals 42.164 mm, is the used material for the frame, this type of pipe
has a lightweight in comparison between other types of pipes such as Aluminum and

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steel. The weight issue has a forceful role in this design, since the overall weight of this
tent should be acceptable, portable, and handled by one person. In addition, the total
weight of PVC pipes is calculated to be 15.77 Kg which is acceptable. Besides, this
pipe is fracture resistance, non-toxic, flame resistance, and safe material. In addition, it
has a smooth surface that helps in reducing fluid friction and resistance to flow [16].

In order to provide more stability to the structure, some weight is added at the corners
of the tent. This move is used to enhance the strength of the frame and to stabilize it on
the ground, Figure 11.

Figure 11: Stabilizing bag

In 4 season’s tent, four small bags will be attached with the packaging. These bags can
be filled with sand, rocks, or any heavy stuffs. The bags must be fixed at the lower
corners of the frame. Polyester Velcro used to support the bags at the corners.

Structural Modeling
ANSYS workbench program has been used in order to study the frame by assuming
that PVC pipe is a beam with circular cross section. Type of forces that affected this
frame in summer are due to the frame’s weight and wind load. On the other hand, there
is an extra force in winter, which is due to snow accumulated on the roof. Nevertheless,
the moving air, which is the wind that has a dynamic energy, stopped by a surface; this
amount of dynamic energy transformed into dynamic pressure. This amount of dynamic
pressure should be taken into consideration in order to test the strength of the frame.
The amount of this dynamic pressure depends on the velocity and density of the air.
The value of velocity taken in order to calculate the dynamic pressure equals 50 m/s
which is approximately double the maximum speed reaches in Urfa, which is the worst-
case scenario. In addition, this amount of dynamic pressure is affected on the right side

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of the tent, since, the wind load is assumed to be from the right side to the left side. The
magnitude of dynamic pressure equals 109.35 Pa which is constant because the density
and velocity of air are assumed to be constant. In addition, the value of pressure
calculated due to snow load equals 137.9 Pa. From structural analysis of the frame, this
frame is strong enough and it will not collapse, where the factor of safety is 2.494, and
the value of maximum deformation equals 0.0964. The value of factor of safety is high
and it is approximately over design, but the value of deformation is acceptable. In
addition, if the diameter of the pipe is decreased the design will not be over design but
the value of deformation will be too high. Besides, this frame withstands through worst-
case scenario so, it will withstand with other scenarios.
The PVC pipes are connected with each other by using some fittings. The material used
for the fittings is similar to material used for the frame which is PVC schedule 80.

In summer
According to Urfa weather online, the outside temperature in summer is too high and it
reaches 40 ̊ C. For that reason, people feel too hot and uncomfortable and they need
cooler weather for their living place. This tent will be used for homeless and refugee
people and a cheap source of cooling is needed for them instead of expensive sources
of cooling such as air-conditioning units. For that, special materials are used for the
cover of this tent to achieve an acceptable temperature inside the tent. The cover of the
tent acts as a composite wall with three materials which are Mylar, polyester wool, and
190T PU coated polyester as shown in the following Figure.

Figure 12: The materials used for the cover of the tent

In summer, the material faced the outside environment is Mylar material, this material
reflects approximately 85% - 90% of heat that helps to reduce the amount of heat from
the sun due to radiation to reach the inside environment and help to keep the inside

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weather cool, and this material has a light color that makes it a good reflector and bad
absorber. In addition, Mylar is waterproof material and as known, Turkey is a rainy
country because of that a waterproof material is chosen to prevent the water to leak
inside the tent. Also, according to code NFPA 1, Fire Code, advances fire and life safety
for the public and first responders as well as property protection this tent should be fire-
resistant and Mylar material is fire resistant. Besides, Mylar has UV-protection, so the
cover of the tent will not damage due to sun rays. After Mylar, a polyester wool material
is located. As said before, Mylar will reflect only 85% of heat so some of the heat will
keep transfer and make its way inside the tent. Polyester wool is an insulation material
which is a bad conductor that slows the transfer of heat and keeps heat out during the
summer. Polyester wool is not only insulating the heat but it is also insulating the sound
that makes people who live inside the tent to feel comfortable and to sleep well
especially at night and to insulate the noise from the outside environment. After the
insulation material, 190T PU (Polyurethane) coated polyester is coming the reason
behind coated the polyester with the PU coating that the polyester is not waterproof but
after adding this coating it becomes waterproof. The 190T counts of the number of
threads per square inch of fabric. Most of camping tent nowadays made from that fabric
that’s because of its properties. Also, PU coated polyester is waterproof and has high
breathability because of micro porous that enhance its breathability. As known,
moisture can be occurred inside the tent from the human body or from the outside
environment which can lead to condensation in the tent’s wall. One person can produce
up to 1-pint moisture per night which equals 473.176 ml [17]. Subsequently, this
amount of moisture dropping inside the tent and maybe a source of condensation. As
known, breathability is the ability of a fabric to allow moisture vapor to be transmitted
through the material that can reduce the amount of condensation, especially at night.
Also, micro porous are a very tiny porous that prevents water liquid to go through it
and that makes it waterproof while allowing the moisture which has very small
molecules to go through it and that makes this fabric breathable and waterproof [18].
In addition, PU coating polyester has a dark colour that’s makes it a good absorber
which can absorb some of the heat generated inside the tent. After reflected 85% of
outside heat in the first layer and insulated some of that heat in the 2nd layer, it is
approximately a small amount of heat will reach the inside environment of the tent.
Subsequently, the temperature inside the tent will lower than the outside temperature.

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In designing, we must take into consideration the heat that is generated from human
body, from where that heat comes and its quantity. It is assumed that two adult person
and one child will be inside the tent. As known, the energy generated by a person’s
metabolism depends on a person's activity. By assuming, the person is seated with light
activity and according to ASHRE handout this person will generate 1 met which equals
58.2 W/𝑚2 . According to ASHRE Handbook, Fundamentals volume, the average adult
is assumed to have an effective surface area for heat transfer of 1.82 𝑚2 and therefore,
this person will generate approximately 106 W. By taking the energy generated from
the human body into consideration, the amount of this energy generated is transferred
inside the tent. First, this amount of heat is absorbed from the inside surrounding air
which has a cooler temperature in comparison with the human body temperature due to
convection heat transfer, as known the heat transfers from higher to lower temperature.
After that, the amount of heat transfers due to convection keeps transfer until sticks
with the third layer of the composite wall which is 190T PU coated polyester and the
type of heat transfer will be changed from convection into conduction, then it transfers
due to conduction in the rest layers of the composite wall and keeps transfer to leave
the tent or this amount of heat may leave the tent through the windows and doors in the
In order to know if the design works or not, the inside temperature of the tent is
calculated during the day and during the night. At the beginning of the sun rise, the
outside temperature is increased and in the same manner, the inside temperature is
increased, and the aim of this study is measuring the difference between the inside and
outside temperature and to have an inside temperature cooler than the outside
temperature. Therefore, the analysis is started from the sunrise at 6:50 a.m., where the
outside temperature equals 23 ̊ C and by assuming that the temperature inside the tent
at that time equals 19 ̊ C, the variation of the temperature inside the tent is studied as
the outside temperature changed with time. It is concluded from the result at Appendix
J, after half hour the temperature increase at a rate of 0.8 and it reached 19.8 ° 𝐶 with
an outside temperature equals 26 ° 𝐶, and after two hours it reached 24.8 ° 𝐶 with an
outside temperature equals 31 ° 𝐶 . Subsequently, at the maximum outside temperature
which equals 40 ° 𝐶 that occurs at 4:50 PM, the inside temperature equals 33.8 °𝐶, and
this is the maximum inside temperature reaches inside the tent. After 4:50 PM, the
outside temperature is started to drop and so on the inside temperature. It concluded

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from the analysis; the inside temperature is cooler than the outside temperatures in
approximately 6 ° 𝐶. Besides, during the night from 12:00 a.m. into the sunrise at 6:50
a.m. the whole windows and doors are closed to get privacy during the sleeping period
except the upper windows in the roof are opened to get ventilation and fresh air, while
for the rest of the day the lower and upper windows are opened to get more ventilation.

In winter
The cover of this tent is reversible that can be used on both sides that’s because the
conditions, concept, and needed in summer are different than what is needed in winter.
In winter, the material faced the inside environment is Mylar, the material in the middle
is polyester wool and the last material which faced the outside environment is 190T PU
coated polyester.
According to Urfa weather online the minimum temperature reaches there equals ̊ 0 C
which is cold. Besides, according to the answers of the surveys, refugee people who
lived in Urfa suffering from extreme cold in winter and they need a source of heating
to protect them from the extreme cold. Since the aims of this tent are to have low cost,
low weight, and acceptable size, the heater or other sources of heat will not be used.
The main source of heat will be the human body, as mentioned before that the amount
of heat generated by one adult person equals 106 W. So, how this amount of heat will
benefit and how it will be used as a source of heating?

When the heat is generated from the human body it transfers by convection until it
reaches the first layer of the composite wall which is Mylar material, and as mentioned
before this material acts as a good reflector that reflects 85%-90% of the heat generated
by the human body and prevents the waste of that energy. Therefore, this amount of
energy will provide warm weather inside the tent. Besides, Mylar is a breathable
material that will help the person who lives inside the tent to feel comfortable and to
prevent the condensation to occur on the wall of the tent as mentioned before. The
polyester wool comes after the Mylar material, this polyester has a thermal conductivity
value equals 0.0359 w/m. k which makes it a perfect insulator. 15% of the heat
generated from the human body keeps transfer due to conduction until reach the
insulation material. Therefore, this insulation material will decrease the amount of heat
losses from the human body to the outside environment. Since the heat generated from
human body is the main source of heating in this tent the insulation material safes this

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heat from being waste. As known, most of the heat is loses through the composite wall
and window but this amount of losses can be reduced because of Mylar and polyester
wool insulation.
Most modern buildings are using insulation in their wall to provide a warm place in
winter and to prevent heat losses as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Using of insulation material in modern building [19]

The last material in that composite wall is 190T PU coated polyester. This material has
a dark color which makes it a good absorber that can absorb heat from the outside
environment and will provide privacy for people inside the tent. In addition, this
material is waterproof that prevents the rain and snow to leak inside the tent. This
material is not fire-resistant but according to code NFPA of fire, it should be fire-
resistant. A thermal barrier is a material applied for flammable materials to make them
fire-resistant. Therefore, the thermal barrier will be applied for 190T PU coated
polyester to make it un flammable and it concluded that this thermal barrier is safe to
use for polyester since it will not change polyester’s properties so, it’s safe for 190T
PU coated polyester. Subsequently, the overall cover of the tent is waterproof and fire-
resistant on both its sides, so it’s safe and comfortable to use this tent as a home. Also,
the materials used for the cover of the tent are polyester fabrics and they will not shrink
and become smaller in size because of the change of weather from hot to cold
temperatures. So, this cover will withstand and has an acceptable lifespan.
The inside temperature of the tent is calculated during the day and during the night in
winter. At the beginning of the sun set, the outside temperature is started to decrease
and in the same manner, the inside temperature is decreased, and the aim of this study
is measuring the difference between the inside and outside temperature and to have an

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inside temperature warmer than the outside temperature. Therefore, the analysis is
started from the sunset at 5:10 p.m., where the outside temperature equals 8 ̊ C and by
assuming that the temperature inside the tent at that time equals 18 ̊ C, the variation of
the temperature inside the tent is studied as the outside temperature changed with time.
It is concluded from the result at Appendix K, after forty minutes the temperature
decreases at a rate of 5 degree and it reached 13.2 ° 𝐶 with an outside temperature equals
7 ° 𝐶, and after two hours it reached 10.2 ° 𝐶 with an outside temperature equals 4 ° 𝐶
. Subsequently, at the minimum outside temperature which equals 0 ° 𝐶 that occurs at
11:50 PM, the inside temperature equals 6.2 °𝐶, and this is the minimum temperature
reaches inside the tent. After 11:50 PM, the outside temperature is started to increase
and in the same manner, the inside temperature increases. It concluded from the
analysis; the inside temperature is wormer than the outside temperatures in
approximately 6 ° 𝐶.

The floor
The material used for the floor is water-resistant fiber-reinforced Mylar which is
waterproof, reflective, flame resistance, and breathable material. According to Urfa
weather online, the maximum rainfall amount equals 264.3 mm recorder in December
2019 and the maximum snow amount equals 18 cm reaches in February 2020 Appendix
The maximum rainfall amount and snow amount should be taken into consideration to
design the floor shape of this tent. The floor is designed as a bathtub to prevent the rain
and snow from leaking inside the tent and the height of the corners of this bathtub equals
300 mm which is higher than the maximum amount of rainfall and snowfall which is
the worst-case scenario. Figure 14 shows the bathtub design for the floor.

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Figure 14: Bathtub design for the floor

The area of the floor equals 4 𝑚2 . Sleeping directly above this bathtub is uncomfortable
for that a sleeping bag is used at night to get a good and comfortable sleeping. Figure
15 shows the standard size of the sleeping bag according to CRITERION.

Figure 15: Standard size of the sleeping bag according to CRITERION

The ultra-light/race range is chosen because it fits with the floor’s size of the tent.

Doors and window

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There will be two removable doors in the front and back of the tent that will make the
build of the tent easier. The front door consists of two pieces connected by polyester
Velcro that makes the entering and leaving of the tent easier, while the back door
consists only of one piece. The area of each door equals 2.6 𝑚2 Figure 16 shows the
shape and the dimensions of the door.

Figure 16: The shape and the dimensions of the door

The back door is similar to front door except that the front door consists of two pieces
connected by polyester Velcro, while the back door consists of only one piece. The
materials used for the doors are similar to the materials used for the cover of the tent
which consists of three layers of materials. In addition, those doors will give a chance
for people who lived inside the tent to get more ventilation by opening one of those
doors or both of them. Also, according to the survey did for refugee people it concluded
that they spent 7-10 hours inside the tent so, when they are outside the tent, they may
open both of those doors to replace the old air inside the tent with fresh air. Those doors
will be connected with the cover of the tent by using polyester Velcro. The lifespan of
polyester Velcro is 3,500 openings and closings which is good and this type of
connection is better, faster, and easier than zipper [20]. Also, it is better than nylon
Velcro because the life span of polyester Velcro is higher than the lifespan of nylon

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Velcro. There will be two large windows and four small windows inside this tent to
provide ventilation when both doors are closed.

If the ventilation inside any building was poor this will affect the indoor air quality,
healthy of the environment, and thermal comfort which will reduce the performance of
that building. Therefore, ventilation is needed in this tent in order to get good indoor
air quality and a healthier environment. Since this tent will be used for refugee people,
natural ventilation will be used instead of mechanical ventilation. The sources of natural
ventilation are wind and temperature differences. The fresh air enters this tent through
the windows and two removable doors. Creating air flow and circulation through the
windows and removable doors in the tent is the most effective way to increase the
amount of ventilation and to reduce the amount of condensation.
The natural ventilation due to wind is called cross ventilation, this ventilation is
achieved by adding two windows in two sides of the building as shown in the following

Figure 17: Windows for cross ventilation [21]

This type of ventilation is achieved in four season’s tent by closing the two uppers
windows and opening the two lower windows. This type of ventilation depends on the
pressure variation, one of these windows facing the wind so it has the higher pressure
in comparison with the window in the other side. Therefore, this variation of pressure
between the two windows creates a current flow of air and give a chance of old air to
be replaced by fresh air. This type of ventilation gives a perfect performance when the
wind speed is high enough to achieve pressure differences. In the other hand, it does
not work so well on days where it is hot and the wind is still. The calculation of cross
ventilation is shown in appendix I with an average value equal 6.761 𝑐𝑓𝑚 which is
close to recommended required ventilation per human occupant.

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The other type of natural ventilation which is due to temperature difference is called
stack ventilation, this type of ventilation needed two windows one in the lower side and
one in the upper side as shown in the following Figure.

Figure 18:Stack ventilation [22]

This type of ventilation is achieved in four seasons tent by opening both the lower and
upper windows and it mostly used in winter and cold weather. The cold air is entering
through the lower window, and since the hot air has higher density than the cold water,
it will rise and leave the tent through the upper window at the roof (thermal buoyancy)
as shown in the following Figure.

Figure 19: Stack effect [23]

Subsequently, the old air will be replaced by cold air. As the difference in height
between the lower and upper windows increase the efficient of this process increases.
To check if there is condensation inside the tent or not, the dew point temperature
should be measured. In winter, the relative humidity is too high and it varies from 50%
to 100%. Since there is no heater, the relative humidity inside the tent equals the outside
relative humidity. By assuming, the pressure equals the atm pressure, the dewpoint

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temperature is calculated from psychometric chart during the day and night. It
concluded from appendix K; the values of dew point temperatures are approximately
near the values of inside temperature. In summer, the inside relative humidity varies
from 11% to 60%. It concluded from appendix J; the values of dew point temperatures
are far away from the values of inside temperature. Therefore, the condensation will
not occur inside the tent in summer. According to the answers of surveys, the most
common problems in the current tent are leaking of rain and snow inside the tent, hot
environment inside the tent in summer, extreme cold inside the tent in winter, doesn’t
have enough sleeping bag, flammable tent, not enough ventilation and a small tent. This
tent will be warmer than the outside environment in winter and cool in summer due to
special materials used for the cover of this tent. Also, it will be waterproof since the
materials used for the floor and for the cover of the tent are waterproof. In addition, the
overall tent is fire resistance since some materials that have been used to build this tent
are fire resistance, and the others which are flammable, a thermal barrier is added for
them to make them fire-resistant. Also, two sleeping bags will be provided for each
tent. Enough ventilation and fresh air will be available inside the tent due to removable
doors and windows. Also, the tent is breathable and as known this can reduce the
amount of condensation especially at night when the temperature is drop. In addition,
if the tent is not breathable and if there is no enough ventilation in the sleeping area the
condensation will build up in the wall of the tent and the sleeping area will be wet.
Therefore, this tent will solve the most common problems in the current tents and it will
provide a comfortable place to live in.

All the components needed to build the tent are provided in the package which is fabric
bag. The following Figure shows the components inside the fabric bag.

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Figure 20: The components inside the fabric bag

First, the bath tub floor sheet is opened and placed on the floor, Figure 21.

Figure 21: First step of the assembled

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The 90° joints are placed in the four inside corners of the bath tub floor sheet Figure
22. The four 90° joints are connected with the four A pipes horizontally on the floor,
and four C pipes placed vertically in the four 90° joints in the corners Figure 22.

Figure 22: Second step of the assembled

In the front side of the tent, two tee joints are placed on the top of the C pipes and two
45°elbows are placed on the top of the tee joints Figure 23.

Figure 23: Third step of the assembled

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In the backside of the tent, two 4-way joints are placed on the top of the C pipes and
two 45°elbows are placed on the top of the 4-way joints Figure 24.

Figure 24: Fourth step of the assembled

In the backside, one A pipe is placed in the middle to connect the two 4-way joints
together. On the top of the two 45°elbows, two B pipes are placed and connect by one
90° joint at the peak height of the tent. one A pipe is placed in the 90° joint at the peak
height of the tent, at the end of this A pipe another 90° joint is placed. Finally, two B
pipes are placed to connect the 90° joint in the front side with the two tee joints, then
the frame of the tent is completed Figure 25.

Figure 25: Fifth step of the assembled

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The tent cover is opened and in summer, the mylar side face the outside environment,
and in winter, the mylar side is faced the inside environment. The cover of the tent is
connected with bath tub floor sheet sides by the Velcro Figure 26.

Figure 26: Sixth step of the assembled

The back door is connected to the tent cover and floor of the tent by the Velcro. The
front door consists of two pieces right and left, the left side is placed first and connected
to the tent cover and floor by the Velcro, then the right side of the door is placed.

Virtual Prototype/ Simulation Model Description

Cad model:

The solid works and Ansys workbench are used in order to have a 3D model of the tent.
In this model, the human body is assumed to be a cylinder inside the tent with a
temperature equals 36.5 ° 𝐶 , Figure 27.

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Figure 27: Human body as cylinder.

Figure 28:Dimensions of the tent in mm

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Figure 29: Top view of the tent

Figure 30: Back view of the tent

Figure 31: Front view of the tent

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Figure 32: Isometric view of the tent

Figure 33:Layers of the cover of the tent

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Figure 34: Frame structure with the dimensions

The elbows used for the frame are shown in the assembled section.

Figure 35: Dimensions of the window in the right side

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Figure 36: Dimensions of the window in the left side

The upper four windows in the tent have the same dimensions of the windows in the
left side.

Perspective test models

Two types of simulation are done in this study, one for the structure and one for the
thermal analysis.

The structure:

The structural analysis is done by using Ansys workbench. In order to study the
structure, the loads are added in the frame, and the results were as follows.

Figure 37: Deformation of the design

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Figure 38: Combined stress of the design

Figure 39: Bending stress of the design

It is concluded from the previous analysis that the frame is safe and it will not collapse.

The thermal analysis:

The thermal analysis for the tent is done in summer and winter in solid works. The
following Figures show the simulation and temperature distribution of the tent at the
highest temperature in summer.

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Figure 40: 3D simulation of the tent in summer

Figure 41: 2D simulation of the tent in summer

It is concluded from the thermal analysis of the tent in summer, the inside temperature
equals approximately 34 ° 𝐶 when the outside temperature equals 40 ° 𝐶. This value of

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inside temperature is compared with the hand calculated value of at the same time,
which equals 33.8 ° 𝐶.
The following Figure shows the simulation and temperature distribution of the tent at a
randomly moment when the outside temperature equals 8 ° 𝐶 in winter.

Figure 42: 3D simulation of the tent in winter

Figure 43: 2D simulation of the tent in winter

It is concluded from the thermal analysis of the tent in winter, the inside temperature
equals approximately 15 ° 𝐶 when the outside temperature equals 8 ° 𝐶. This value of

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inside temperature is compared with the hand calculated value at the same time, which
equals 14.2 ° 𝐶.

This system is transient, therefore, it follows the following equation

𝐸𝑖𝑛 − 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 + 𝐸𝑔𝑒𝑛 = ρV𝐶𝑝 (1)
𝐸𝑔 − [ℎ(𝑇 − 𝑇∞ ) + 𝜀𝜎(𝑇 4 − 𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑟
4 )]𝐴
+ 𝑞"𝐴 = 𝜌𝑉𝑐 (2)
Equation 2, is a nonlinear, first order, nonhomogeneous, and ordinary differential
In order to simplify the system, the lamped capacitance method is used for the analysis
after obtaining the value of Biot number. Since, the value of Biot number is less than
0.1, the lamped capacitance method is used. Besides, the radiation is assumed to be
negligible and there is no heat flux.

𝑇 − 𝑇∞ 𝑏⁄
𝑎 [1
= exp(−𝑎𝑡) + − exp(−𝑎𝑡)] (3)
𝑇𝑖 − 𝑇∞ 𝑇𝑖 − 𝑇∞

The details equations and assumptions are shown in appendix F, and the sample
calculations are shown in appendix I. In addition, the result for both summer and winter
are shown in the appendixes J and K.

Design Testing
The testing of the design is done by solving numerical equations and solid works
program to find the inside temperature in summer and winter. The results from the
numerical solutions are shown in the following Figure.

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Figure 44: Transient study of temperature in Summer

Figure 45: Transient study of temperature in Winter

As concluded from the previous Figures, the inside temperature in summer is

approximately cooler than the outside temperature in sex degrees. In addition, the
temperature inside the tent is approximately warmer than the outside temperature in 6
degrees in winter. Also, the values of inside temperature that calculated numerically
approximately equal the values of inside temperature calculated from solid works. The
following figures shows the data of inside temperature and dew point temperature.

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temperature [ C]


Inside T

5.00 Dew point T

0:00 4:48 9:36 14:24 19:12 0:00 4:48

Tme period

Figure 46: Inside temperature and dew point temperature in winter

It is concluded from the previous Figure, the value of inside temperature in winter is
approximately near the value of dew point temperature because of the high value of
relative humidity in winter.

The following figures shows the data of inside temperature and dew point temperature
in winter.

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35.0 Tempreture
Dew point






0:00 2:24 4:48 7:12 9:36 12:00 14:24 16:48 19:12 21:36 0:00 2:24


Figure 47: Inside temperature and dew point temperature in summer

It is concluded from the previous Figure, the value of inside temperature in summer is
far away from the value of dew point temperature, therefore the condensation will not
occur inside the tent in summer Also, the testing of the frame is done by using Ansys
workbench and it is concluded that the frame is strong and will not collapse.

Behavior with environment/Safety

This product is safe from snow, rain, and fire. In addition, the project has a factor of
safety equals 2.5, it will not collapse, and it withstands with wind speed equals 50 kmph.

It is an important thing to design a tent with materials that do not harm the environment
(Environmentally friendly). Since, the most materials used to build this tent are
polyester such as polyester wool, Polyester Velcro, 190T PU coated polyester and
Mylar, and as known, the polyesters are not biodegradable therefore they are bad for
the environment. Also, the production of polyester uses bad and harmful chemicals that
cause pollution and damage the environment. A good property for Mylar that it can be
recycled by several processes. In addition, the 190T PU coated is damaged the
environment because the process of past the PU coating has very high levels of the toxic
solvent DMF (dimethyl form amide) and this solvent becomes greenhouse gas that

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damages the environment. PVC pipes and fittings have a high corrosion resistance,
therefore is has a long-life span. Safety, recyclability, and environmental performance
are properties of PVC pipes. It consists of low carbon plastic. It has a low manufacturing
cost due to low energy used and few resources needed to produce it. Also, it has a
smooth finish surface. PVC pipes can recycle for several times without changing in its
properties. On the other hand, the polyesters are 100% recyclables which is a good
thing. In addition, the polyesters can be manufactured from recycled plastics that means
no need to produce polyesters by using harmful chemicals. Besides, Mylar material can
be recycled with other polyester risen materials. Figure 46 shows the process of
recycling polyesters. Therefore, if the polyesters used in this tent made from recycled
plastics the overall materials will be environment friendly.

Figure 48: The process for recycling the polyesters [24]

Economic Study
In real life, when someone asked about a design, he asked about its cost. 4 seasons tent
is a product that designed for homeless and refugees. In order to help them, this product
must be as cheap as possible with highly efficient process. In this section, an imaginary
path is planned and followed to have an overall view of the revenue.
The path studied 1 year from the production of 4 seasons tent, with assumption of 50
quantities of this product is produced monthly, or 600 yearly. Each quantity has price
equals 175 KD, where it costs 164.65 KD. This amount of cost includes shipping cost,
manufacturing cost (processes), packaging costs, and all components cost, where the
details are shown in appendix H. The marketing has zero cost since the investors are
charity organizations, and this product is provided for refugees and homeless.

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Nevertheless, it has maintenance free since most of the materials can be replaced or
thrown away for recycling.
The profit can be found as follows:
Net cash flow (profit) = cash inflows – cash outflows
NCF = 175 – 164.65 = 10.35 KD
If 4 seasons tent is produced 600 times per year, the total outcome for this year is 98,718
KD, and the total income is 105,000 KD. Therefore, the gross profit is 6,282 KD for
this year.

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Conclusion and recommendation

After the recent disscustion, it is concluded that these results are based on assumptions
and simplifications, and the real prototype is needed to have the experimental results
which are the actual behavior of the tent. From the numerical method and simulations,
this tent will produce a temprature difference between inside it and outside by 6 degrees,
which is one of the goals in this design. In winter, the air inside the tent will be humid
due to high relative humidity, since the dew point is close to the inside temprature and
relative humidity up to 100%. To solve this problem the natural ventilation is not
sufficient in this case, a small fan or heater is recommended using natural source of
energy. This source of energ can be used for lighting or USB charger. This four season’s
tent had been designed to fit two adults and one child, but from the survey answers, it
has been noticed that there is a need to make two connected tents for one family, they
will have more privacy. If there are children, they will be next to their parents. The
connected tents could be of the same size connected with a Velcro door. There is an
idea also to make a W.C for each tent since those tents are designed to be a home for
refugee so they will stay inside it for a long time. The analyses should be improved,
real data must be recorded from experimental test of the prototype. A real and detailed
economic study must be done before the production process.

This product can serve for the workers in sites, camping, or trips. For these cases it can
be available with more efficient materials such as Aluminum for stracture

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[8] Daniel van Keogh, “Hydroponic Tent”. Available:

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[9] Joseph Chamie “As Cities Grow, So Do the Numbers of Homeless”. Available: [5th of
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February, 2020].
[12] (Urfa Monthly Climate Averages)
averages/sanliurfa/tr.aspx [17th July 2020].
[13] “Fabric Materials”, (November 25, 2019). Available: [February 18, 2020].
[14] “Camping Tents Standard”. Available:
camping-tent-sizes.html [6th of February, 2020].
[15] “Bayley Edge Ltd”. Available: https://www.criterion- [February 20, 2020].
[16] Think Pipes. Think PVC, “Benefits of PVC Pipes”. Available: [21th of August, 2020].
[17] Gear Tips, (June 29, 2020). “How does condensation occur in tents?” Available: [3 September, 2020].
[18] Majid Montazer, Tina Harifi, (November 2018), “Breathability”. Available:
[19] Available:
market-2020-current-scope-basf-knauf-insulation-owens-corning-paroc-group/ [July
20, 2020].
[20] Natasha Gilani, (April 25, 2017), “Facts on Velcro”. Available: [September 2nd, 2020].

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4 Seasons Tent Spring 2020

[21] Tom Lymn, (April 2019),” About Natural and Mixed Mode
ventilation/strategies#41831 [August 26, 2020].
[23] Suzanne Sowinski (July 5, 2017,) “Natural ventilation”. Available: [August 20, 2020].
[24] Summer Edwards, (August 29, 2016). “The Environmental Impacts of
20production,low%20impact%20and%20natural%20dyes [February 30, 2020].
[25] Past Weather in Urfa, Turkey (July 2020). Available: [July
15, 2020].
[26] Nick Gromicko and Benjamin Gromicko, Measuring Roof Slope and Pitch,
International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. Available: [July 25, 2020].
[27] Sherine M. Abd El-Kader, (July 2019). Available:
skin_tbl1_334754922 [June 15, 2020].
[28] Commercial Industrial Supply, “Schedule 40 vs Schedule 80 PVC”. Available:
schedule-80/ [7th of August, 2020].
[29] McQuiston,Parker and Spitler, “Heating, Ventilating and air Conditioning”. Sixth
[30] Francis Allard. Natural ventilation in building.
[31] Esam M. Alawadhi, “Finite Element Simulations Using ANSYS”. Second
edition, Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait.
[32] Merle C. Potter, David C. Wiggert and Bassem H. Ramadan, “Mechanics of
Fluids”. Fourth edition, SI.
[33] Aerodynamics.
[34] Design book Prof. Richard G. Budynas and Prof. J. Keith Nisbett, “Shigley’s
Mechanical Engineering Design”. Tenth edition. Khon Kaen University.].

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[35] Frank P. Incropera, “Incropera’s Principles of Heat and Mass Transfer”. Global
[36] Yunus A. Cengel and Micheal A. Boles, “Thermodynamics “. Eighth edition, SI.
[37] Available:
%20in%20tent%20structures.MS%20Thesis[745].pdf [August 15, 2020].

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We would like to express our deep thanks and gratitude to our advisor,
Prof. Ahmet Yigit, mechanical engineering department, Kuwait University, for
giving us the opportunity to do this design research and present it. He has taught us
the methodology to carry out the research and to present the research works as
clearly as possible. In addition to providing the guidance throughout this research
since it was a great pleasure and honor to work and study under his guidance.

We would like to thank prof. Ammar Alsairafi, mechanical engineering

department, Kuwait University, since his motivation have deeply inspired us.

We are extremely grateful to prof. Nawaf Almutawaa and prof. Walid

Chakroun, mechanical engineering department, Kuwait University, for what
they have offered us from ideas and thoughts.

Special thanks to prof. Bader Alshuraian and prof. Ahmad Alkholi,

mechanical engineering department, Kuwait University, for their motivation
and inspiration.

A lot of gratitude and thanks to Eng. Mariam Alhouli, AL-Tarahom

Charity Organization, for her participation, since the surveys were submitted by

Our thanks also go to Eng. Nasser Hussain, research associate, innovative

renewable energy program, KISR (Kuwait Institute Scientific Research). A good
and effective conservation is done with him about energy sources especially
solar energy.

We are extremely grateful to our parents for their love, prayers, caring,
understanding and sacrifices for educating.

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Appendix A (Surveys)

Two surveys are done to have a sense of how many families are there. In addition to
know the acceptable budget and the responses.

Survey for Charity Organizations

We are interested in understanding how the refugees people live in Turkey (Urfa), what
the problems they are suffering from are and how we can help them to improve their
home 'tent’.
‫ وكيف بإمكاننا‬،‫ ما هي المشاكل التي يعانون منها‬،)‫اننا مهتمون في معرفة كيفية معيشة الالجئين في تركيا (اورفا‬
)‫مساعدتهم في تحسين مسكنهم (الخيمة‬

1. How many families are there?

‫ كم عدد األسر هناك؟‬.1

1) 20-40
2) 40-60
3) 60-80
4) Less than 20 )20 ‫(أقل من‬
5) Higher than 80.)80 ‫(أكثر من‬

2. How many children are there?

‫كم عدد األطفال هناك؟‬

1) 20-40
2) 40-60
3) 60-80
4) Less than 20 )20 ‫(أقل من‬
5) Higher than 80. (80 ‫)أكثر من‬
3. What is the number of persons in each family?

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‫كم عدد أفراد األسرة الواحدة؟‬

1) 2-4
2) 4-7
3) 7-10

4.What is the level your organization operate in?

‫ما هو المستوى الذي تعمل به منظمتكم؟‬
1) International. )‫(دولي‬
2) National. (‫)وطني‬
3) Local )‫(محلي‬
4) From the refugee community (‫)من مجتمع النازحين‬

5. What is your organization name?

‫ما أسم منظمتكم؟‬

6. How this organization helps the refugee people?

‫كيف تساعد هذه المنظمة الالجئين؟‬
1) Feed (‫(طعام‬
2) residence 'home')‫(مسكن‬
3) Health and medical care.)‫(رعاية صحية‬
4) Education.)‫(تعليم‬

7. Do you think that the current tents are perfect and comfortable for the refugees?
‫هل تعتقد بأن الخيام الحالية مناسبة ومريحة لالجئين؟‬
1) Yes (‫)نعم‬
2) No (‫)ال‬

8. What are the important needs in the tents, in your opinion?

‫ ما هي أهم االحتياجات التي قد تتوفر في الخيمة؟‬،‫من رأيك‬

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9. What do you think is the accepted cost for the tent?

‫ما هو السعر المقبول للخيمة الواحدة؟‬
1) 100-150KD
2) 150-300KD
3) Above 300 KD (300 ‫)أكثر من‬

10. What are the most common problems in the current tents?
‫ما هي المشكالت الموجودة في الخيمة الحالية؟‬

10. Please write any extra comment.

‫من فضلك اكتب أي تعليق إضافي‬

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Survey for Refugees in UFRA

We are interested in understanding how the refugees people live in Turkey

(Urfa), what the problems they are suffering from are and how we can help them to
improve their home 'tent’.
‫ وكيف بإمكاننا‬،‫ ما هي المشاكل التي يعانون منها‬،)‫اننا مهتمون في معرفة كيفية معيشة الالجئين في تركيا (اورفا‬
.)‫مساعدتهم في تحسين مسكنهم (الخيمة‬

1. Do you think that your current living place is comfortable?

‫هل تعتقد بأن مكان إقامتك الحالية مناسبة ومريحة؟‬
1) Yes )‫(نعم‬
2) No )‫(ال‬

2. What do you think is missing in your place to be comfortable?

‫ماذا تعتقد هو الشي الناقص في مكان معيشتك ليكون مناسب؟‬

3. If you had a place to live in, what would you like it to be in the first place?
‫ ما هي الميزة األساسية التي يتوجب أن تتواجد في مكان معيشتك؟‬،‫من منظورك‬
1) Warm in winter )‫(دافئ في الشتاء‬
2) Cool in summer )‫(بارد في الصيف‬
3) Wide )‫(واسع‬
4) Rain resistance )‫(ضد األمطار الغزيرة‬

4. If you have a tent, will you like it to be enough for:

‫ كم عدد األفراد المناسب تواجدهم فيها؟‬،‫إذا امتلكت خيمة‬
1) Two )‫(اثنان‬
2) Three )‫(ثالثة‬
3) Four )‫(أربعة‬
4) More than four )‫(أكثر من أربعة‬

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5. What do you think is more important to be inside your tent?

‫ما هو الشيء األكثر أهمية الذي تود إضافته إلى خيمتك؟‬
1) Lights )‫(إضاءة‬
2) USB charger )‫(شاحن للهاتف‬
3) Others, write them down: )‫ اذكرها‬،‫(أخرى‬

6. How many hours are spent inside the tent?

‫كم من الساعات تمضيها داخل الخيمة؟‬
1) Less than 7 hr )‫(أقل من‬
2) 7 – 10 hr
3) 10 – 14 hr
4) Above 14 hr )‫(أكثر من‬

7. What are the most common problems in the current tent?

‫ما هي المشاكل التي تواجهها في خيمتك الحالية؟‬

8. Please write any extra comment.

.‫من فضلك اكتب أي تعليق إضافي‬

The results of the first survey, which is for the refugees, are as following:
- First question: Do you think that your current living place is comfortable?

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Answers of First Question



Yes No

Figure 49: Answers of the first question in first survey

- Second question: What do you think is missing in your place to be comfortable?

• Provide a source of clean water.
• Provide a comfortable place to live in.
• Provide more than one tent for each family.
• Improve the current tents.
• Nothing.
• Provide a source of energy.

- Third question: If you had a place to live in, what would you like it to be in the
first place?

Answers of Third Question

Warm in Cool in Wide Rain
winter summer resistance

Figure 50: Answers of third question in first survey

- Fourth question: If you have a tent, will you like it to be enough for:

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Answers of Fourth Question


One Two Three Four More than

Figure 51: Answers of fourth question in first survey

- Fifth question: What do you think is more important to be inside your tent?

Answers of Fifth Question

Light USB charger Others

Figure 52: Answers of fifth question in first survey

- The other answers included:

• Large tent.
• Increase the lighting inside the tent.
• Provide a source of heating.
• Provide a source of energy.
• Provide a toilet.
• Provide a source of water.
• Heating devices.

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- Sixth question: How many hours are spent inside the tent?

Answers of Sixth Question

Less than 7-10 hours 10-14 Above 14
7 hours hours hours

Figure 53: Answers of sixth question in first survey

- Seventh question: What are the most common problems in the current tent?
• Leaking of water inside the tent.
• Insects.
• Cold weather in winter.
• Lacking off a source of clean water.
• Old and uncomfortable tent.
• Small tent.

- Eighth question: Please write any extra comment:

• We wish that we had a warmer, safer, and better place to live in.
• More caring from charity organizations.

The results of the second survey, which is for the charity organizations, are as

- First question: How many families are there?

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Answers of First Question

20-40 40-60 60-80 less than 20 Higher than

Figure 54: Answers of first question in second survey

- Second question: How many children are there?

Answer of Second Question

20-40 40-60 60-80 Less than 20 Higher than

Figure 55: Answers of second question in second survey

- Third question: what is the number of persons in each family?

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Answers of Third Question


2 to 4 4 to 7 7 to10

Figure 56: Answers of third question in second survey

- Fourth question: What is the level your organization operate in?

Answers of Fourth Question


From refugee community



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 57: Answers of fourth question in second survey

- Fifth question: what is your organization name?

• Tarahem Charity Organization.

- Sixth question: How this organization helps the refugee people?

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Answers of Sixth Question

Feed residence Health and Education
(Home) medical care

Figure 58: Answers of sixth question in second survey

- Seventh question: Do you think that the current tents are perfect and
comfortable for the refugees?

Answers of Seventh Question

Yes No

Figure 59: Answers of seventh question in second survey

- Eighth question: What are the important needs in the tents, in your opinion?
• Source of electricity.
• Source of heating.

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• Prevent water from leaking inside the tent.

• Lacking off enough ventilation inside the tent.
• Need bigger tents.
• Cooler environment in summer.
• Sleeping bags.
• The tent should be fire resistance.

- Ninth question: What do you think is the accepted cost for the tent?

Answers of Ninth Question

100-150KD 150-300 KD Above 300 KD

Figure 60: Answers of ninth question in second survey

- Tenth question: What are the most common problems in the current tents?
• Lacking off a source of clean water.
• Lacing off a source of heating.
• Lacking off a source of electricity.
• Leaking of water from the roof.

- Eleventh question: Please write any extra comment.

• This organization has many ideas to help the refugees and one of these
ideas is to provide a better place (Tents) for them that includes all
comfort needs.

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Appendix B (Pipes standard and properties)

Figure 61: Standard sizes and diameters of PVC pipes schedule 40

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Figure 62: Standard size and diameters of PVC pipes schedule 80

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Figure 63: Standard size and diameters of Aluminum pipe

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Table 18: General properties of rigid PVC [31]

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Table 19: Physical Properties of PVC & CPVC Pipe [32]

GENERAL PVC Value CPVC Value Test Method
Cell Classification 12454 23447 ASTM D 1784
Maximum Service Temp. 140°F 200°F
Color White, Dark Gray Medium Gray
Specific Gravity, (g/ @ 73°F) 1.41 1.51 ASTM D 792
Water Absorption % increase 24 hrs 0.05 0.03 ASTM D 570
@ 25°C
Hardness, Rockwell 110 - 120 117 - 119 ASTM D 785
Poisson's Ratio @ 73°F 0.410 0.370
Tensile Strength, psi @ 73°F 7,450 7,900 ASTM D 638
Tensile Modulus of Elasticity, psi @ 420,000 426,000 ASTM D 638
Flexural Strength, psi @ 73°F 14,450 15,000 ASTM D 790
Flexural Modulus, psi @ 73°F 360,000 360,000 ASTM D 790
Compressive Strength, psi @ 73°F 9,600 10,000 ASTM D 695
Izod Impact, notched, ft-lb/in @ 73°F 0.75 2.9 ASTM D 256
Coefficient of Linear Expansion 2.9 x 10-5 3.2 x 10-5 ASTM D 696
Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity ASTM C 177
Calories • cm/second • cm2 • °C 3.5 x 10 -4
3.27 x 10 -4

BTU • inches/hour • Ft.2 • °F 1.02 0.95

Watt/m/K 0.147 0.137
Heat Deflection Temperature
Under Load (264 psi, annealed) 170 235 ASTM D 648
Dielectric Strength, volts/mil 1,413 1,250 ASTM D 149
Dielectric Constant, 60Hz, 30°F 3.70 3.70 ASTM D 150
Volume Resistivity, ohm/cm @ 95°C 1.2 x 1012 3.4 x 1012 ASTM D 257
Spears® PVC & CPVC Pipe is non-
Flammability Rating V-0 V-0, 5VB, 5VA UL-94
Flame Spread Index <10 <10
Flame Spread 0-25 <25 ULC
Smoke Generation 80-225 <50 ULC
Flash Ignition Temp. 730°F 900°F
Average Time of Burning (sec.) <5 <5 ASTM D 635
Average Extent of Burning (mm) <10 <10

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Burning Rate (in/min) Self Self

Extinguishing Extinguishing
Softening Starts (approx.) 250°F 295°F
Material Becomes Viscous 350°F 395°F
Material Carbonizes 425°F 450°F
Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI) 43 60 ASTM D 2863
NOTE: The physical properties shown above are considered general for PVC and CPVC. Contact Spears® Technical Services for additional
information if necessary.

To purchase PVC or CPVC pipe and fittings call Commercial Industrial Supply at: 866-

Table 20:Properties of Aluminum pipe [33]

Physical Properties Metric English Comments

Density 2.7 g/cc 0.0975 lb/in³ AA; Typical

Mechanical Properties

Hardness, Brinell 95 95 AA; Typical; 500 g load;

10 mm ball
Hardness, Knoop 120 120 Converted from Brinell
Hardness Value
Hardness, Rockwell A 40 40 Converted from Brinell
Hardness Value
Hardness, Rockwell B 60 60 Converted from Brinell
Hardness Value
Hardness, Vickers 107 107 Converted from Brinell
Hardness Value
Ultimate Tensile Strength 310 MPa 45000 psi AA; Typical
Tensile Yield Strength 276 MPa 40000 psi AA; Typical
Elongation at Break 12 % 12 % AA; Typical; 1/16 in.
(1.6 mm) Thickness
Elongation at Break 17 % 17 % AA; Typical; 1/2 in.
(12.7 mm) Diameter
Modulus of Elasticity 68.9 GPa 10000 ksi AA; Typical; Average of
tension and
Compression modulus is
about 2% greater than
tensile modulus.
Notched Tensile Strength 324 MPa 47000 psi 2.5 cm width x 0.16 cm
thick side-notched
specimen, Kt = 17.
Ultimate Bearing Strength 607 MPa 88000 psi Edge distance/pin
diameter = 2.0

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Bearing Yield Strength 386 MPa 56000 psi Edge distance/pin

diameter = 2.0
Poisson's Ratio 0.33 0.33 Estimated from trends
in similar Al alloys.
Fatigue Strength 96.5 MPa 14000 psi AA; 500,000,000 cycles
completely reversed
stress; RR Moore
Fracture Toughness 29 MPa-m½ 26.4 ksi-in½ KIC; TL orientation.
Machinability 50 % 50 % 0-100 Scale of
Aluminum Alloys
Shear Modulus 26 GPa 3770 ksi Estimated from similar
Al alloys.
Shear Strength 207 MPa 30000 psi AA; Typical

Electrical Properties

Electrical Resistivity 3.99e-006 ohm-cm 3.99e-006 ohm-cm AA; Typical at 68°F

Thermal Properties

CTE, linear 68°F 23.6 µm/m-°C 13.1 µin/in-°F AA; Typical; Average
over 68-212°F range.
CTE, linear 250°C 25.2 µm/m-°C 14 µin/in-°F Estimated from trends
in similar Al alloys. 20-
Specific Heat Capacity 0.896 J/g-°C 0.214 BTU/lb-°F
Thermal Conductivity 167 W/m-K 1160 BTU-in/hr-ft²-°F AA; Typical at 77°F
Melting Point 582 - 652 °C 1080 - 1205 °F AA; Typical range
based on typical
composition for wrought
products 1/4 inch
thickness or greater;
Eutectic melting can be
completely eliminated by
Solidus 582 °C 1080 °F AA; Typical
Liquidus 652 °C 1205 °F AA; Typical

Processing Properties

Solution Temperature 529 °C 985 °F

Aging Temperature 160 °C 320 °F Rolled or drawn
products; hold at
temperature for 18 hr
Aging Temperature 177 °C 350 °F Extrusions or forgings;
hold at temperature for 8

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Appendix C (Urfa Climate):

Figure 64: Urfa maximum, minimum and average temperature (C ̊)

Figure 65: Urfa Rainfall and Rain Days

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Figure 66: Urfa Snowfall and Snow Days

Figure 67: Urfa Max and Average Wind Speed and Wind Gust

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Figure 68: Urfa Pressure

Figure 69: Urfa Cloud and Humidity

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Figure 70: Urfa UV Index

Figure 71: Urfa Sun Hours and Sun Days

Figure 72: Urfa visibility

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There is another reference for Urfa climate with specific information [ 25]

Appendix D (Frame Analysis)

The frame Analysis is the same for the all alternative solutions. As mentioned, the
forces affected in the frame are due to its own weight, wind and snow, the calculations
and locations of these loads are discussed in this section.

Calculation of loads affected in the frame of the tent

The ANSYS software is used to study the frame and it is assumed that the frame is fixed
in the ground through its corners.

Loads Due to pipe’s weight

Since ANSYS software is used, the weight of each beam is added as a standard earth
gravity (g = 9.8066 m/s) in negative y axis depends on the density of the pipe used in
each alternative.

Loads Due to snow

The maximum snow depth was found in February 2020 which equals to 18 cm. In this
area, the temperature distribution in February was found as 9℃ for the maximum
temperature and 2℃ for the minimum.
In order to calculate the sow load, snow type, snow depth and roof pitch should be
known. Assuming that the snow type in Urfa is fresh snow and the roof pitch is assumed
to be 1 as shown in following Figure.

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Figure 73: Roof pitch [26]

The snow weight is calculated as follows

𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑓𝑥 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑓

𝑆𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = 𝑥𝑠𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 (4)
cos (𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ(°))

Where the length of the roof equals 2 m, width of the roof equals 0.7433 m, and snow
depth equals 0.18 m.

𝑠𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑛𝑜𝑤 ∗ 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑛𝑜𝑤 (5)

Where the density of snow depends on snow type as shown in the following table.

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Table 21: Density of snow depends on its type

𝑝𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 = tan−1 (6)
Where the roof pitch is calculated to be 10/12, since the rice of the roof equals the run.

Figure 74: Roof pitch [36]

𝑃𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 = tan−1 = 39.806 ° °

Since the snow type is assumed to be fresh the density equals 60 kg/m3.

𝑠𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 0.18 ∗ 60 = 10.8 𝑘𝑔/𝑚²

2𝑥 0.7433
𝑆𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = 𝑥 10.8 = 20.9 𝐾𝑔
cos (39.806)

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The surface area of the roof equals 2 𝑥 0.7433 = 1.4866 𝑚2

F = mg = 20.9 x 9.81 = 205.029 N

𝐹 173.5389
𝑃= = = 137.9 𝑁/𝑚2
𝐴 1.4866

The pressure due to snow is applied in vertical direction in the roof in the negative y
axis and it is distributed along the beam since the snow comes in vertical direction.

Loads due to wind

The maximum wind speed is recorded in July 2019 to be 29.2 × 103 mph but the wind
speed taken in the calculation is 50𝑥103 mph. The created pressure is dynamic pressure
due to wind effect.
Where the force due to wind:
𝐹𝑤 = 𝑃𝑑 𝐴 (7)
Where 𝑃𝑑 is the dynamic pressure of the wind and A is the surface area:
𝑃𝑑 = 𝜌𝑉𝑚2 (8)
Where 𝜌 the density of the air and Vm is is the maximum velocity that leads to
maximum dynamic pressure.
The density is assumed to be 𝜌 = 1.13854 𝑘𝑔⁄𝑚3 .
The maximum velocity in SI unit is 𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 13.8889 𝑚⁄𝑠.

𝑃𝑑 = × 1.13854 × (13.8889)2 = 109.813 𝑃𝑎
As known the wind load is came from one side of the building which called pressure
side into other side of the building which called suction side as shown in the following

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Figure 75: Pushing and pulling due to wind

Its assumed that the direction of wind is from the right to the left side of the tent, so the
positive dynamic pressure due to wind load occurred in the right side of the tent
(pushing) while the negative dynamic pressure occurred in the left side of the tent

The value of dynamic pressure is constant since it is calculated at same density and
velocity which equals 109.813 Pa. The direction of wind load in all beams in the right
side of the tent from the positive to negative x-axis.

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Appendix E (Alternative Solutions Detailed Results)

The approximate inner surface temperature of the tent is calculated from ANSYS
program by assuming that the tent is large symmetric model. The properties of air inside
the tent are assumed as shown in the following table.

Table 22: Properties of air inside the tent

Density [kg/m3] Convection Thermal conductivity Cp
coefficient [w/𝒎𝟐 . 𝒌] [w/m. k] Specific heat

1.184 3 0.02551 1007

The outside temperature in summer is taken to be 41 ° 𝐶 and convection coefficient

equals 12 [w/𝑚2 . 𝑘]. Also, the properties of human body are taken for the skin as shown
in the following table.
Table 23: Properties of human skin [27]
Material Thermal Density Modules of Specific heat
conductivity [kg/m3] elasticity [kJ/kg]
[w/m. k] [Mpa]
Human skin 0.2 860 0.5 5021

Only the one side of the tent has been studied since the right side is similar to the left
side so the results for the both sides are the same. The type of heat transfers are due to
convection from outside environment, conduction between the layers of the cover of
the tent, and convection inside the tent. The thermal analysis is studied by assuming
that the convection inside the tent occurred at temperature equals 20 ̊ C, the result of
the approximate inside surface temperature is calculated for each alternative solution in
ANSYS. The following Figure shows a simplified diagram of the tent in summer.

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Figure 76: Simplified diagram of the tent in summer

The same analysis will be taken for winter except that the outside temperature equals
1 ̊ C and the convection inside the tent occurred at temperature equals 17 ̊ C. Figure 77
shows a simplified diagram of the tent in winter.

Figure 77: Simplified diagram of the tent in winter

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Alternative solution 1
For this alternative solution PVC pipe schedule 40 is used for the structure. Table 24
shows the properties of the PVC pipe schedule 40.
Table 24: Properties of PVC schedule 40
Modules Tensile Coefficient of
of yield Linear
Temperature Poison’s Density
elasticity strength Expansion
Limit Ratio [kg/m3]
E 𝑆𝑦 -α–
[MPa] [MPa] [℃−1]
55.2 51 65 30 × 10−6 0.4 1300

The type of PVC pipe schedule 40 used in this alternative solution has a size ¾ and
standard diameters (inside diameter = 20.4216 mm and outside diameter = 26.67 mm),
Appendix C.
The following tables represents the properties of the materials used for the cover of the
tent. Foylon is made of Polyester Fabric and Aluminum, where it has similar
characteristics of Mylar. Foylon is considered more rugged and durable than Mylar, in
addition to 95% reflectivity. Using Foylon as a heat reflector can increase the
ventilation in enclosures. Foylon can be cleaned, positioned, and repositioned easily. In
addition, it has tear resistance, which gives it long life span.
Table 25: Properties of Foylon
of Modulus
Density Linear of Poisson’s Thickness
Material conductivity
[kg/m3] Expansion Elasticity Ratio [microns]
-α– [MPa]
[℃ ]

Foylon 0.44 1390 1.7x10−5 4895.278 0.4 15

Table 26: Properties of Rockwool

Thermal Modulus of
Density Poisson’s Thickness
Material conductivity Elasticity
[kg/m ] Ratio [cm]
[W/m.k] [kPa]

Rockwool 0.035 22 100 0.3 0.5

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Table 27: Properties of Kevlar

of Modulus
Density Linear of Poisson’s Thickness
Material conductivity 3
[kg/m ] Expansion Elasticity Ratio [mm]
-α– [GPa]
[𝑲−𝟏 ]

Kevlar 4 1380 -4x10−3 76 0.36 0.5

Table 28: Alternative Solution 1 structural analysis

Dimensions of
The Studied
Side (left side)

Solution 1

Total Loads
Affected on The


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Where the total width of the tent equals 1.1 m and the hight equals 1 m. Number 1 in
the Dimensions of The Studied Side (left side) in the previous table represents the
Foylon material in summer and kevlar in winter, Number 2 represents the reckwool in
both summer and winter, Number 3 represents mylar material in winter and kevlar in
summer. While, Number 5 represents the air and 5 human body.

Table 29: Alternative Solution 1 thermal analysis

Alternative in Summer
Solution 1

Layers in

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in Winter

Layers in

Alternative solution 2

Aluminum schedule 40 pipe is used with standard size, which is similar to PVC pipe
schedule 40 in dimensions; therefore, it has thicker walls than schedule 40. The standard
diameters have been taken as 26.67 and 20.9296 mm outer and inner diameters
(nominal pipe size 3⁄4), respectively, Appendix C. Aluminum schedule 80 pipe
properties are showing in Table 30.

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Table 30: Properties of Aluminum schedule 40 pipe

Tensile Coefficient of
Modules of Maximum
yield Linear
elasticity Temperature Poison’s Density
strength Expansion
E Limit Ratio [kg/m3]
𝑺𝒚 -α–
[GPa] [℃]
[MPa] [℃−𝟏 ]
68.9 276 660 23.6 × 10−6 0.33 2700

The following tables represent the properties of the materials used for the cover of the
tent, and the properties of reflective material used in this alternative solution which is
Mylar is similar to Foylon properties Table 25.

Table 31: Properties of Cellulose

Modulus of Tensile yield Thermal
elasticity strength Thermal Poisson’s Density
expansion conductivity Ratio
E [MPa] [W/m.k] [𝒌𝒈/𝒎𝟑 ]
ranged from
20 22.1 - 41.4 5.1 to 6.0 × 0.04 0.3 1.5

Table 32: Properties of Nylon Silicone coating

of Modulus
Density Linear of Poisson’s Thickness
Material conductivity
[kg/m3] Expansion Elasticity Ratio [mm]
-α– [GPa]
[𝑲 ]
Silicone 0.25 2300 300x𝟏𝟎−𝟔 2 0.49 0.5

Table 33: Alternative Solution 2 structural analysis

Dimensions of
Solution 2
The Studied
Side (left side)

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Snow Load
Affected on The
Frame (wind
and weight
loads are



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Where the total width of the tent equals 1.1 m and the hight equals 1.5 m. Number 1 in
the dimensions of the studied side (right side) in the previous table represents the mylar
material in summer and Nylon Silicone coating in winter, Number 2 represents the
Cellulose in both summer and winter, Number 3 represents mylar material in winter and
Nylon Silicone coating in summer. While, Number 5 represents the air and 4 human body.

Table 34:Alternative Solution 2 thermal analysis

in Summer

Solution 2
Layers in

in Winter

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Alternative solution 3

The material of the frame is PVC pipe schedule 80 with standard radii; the standard
diameters have been taken as 26.67 and 18.3388 mm outer and inner diameters
(nominal pipe size 3⁄4), respectively, Appendix B. PVC pipe schedule 80 has thick
walls, so it can withstand higher water pressure than PVC pipe schedule 40. PVC pipe
schedule 80 has a slightly higher cost than the other type of PVC pipes [28]. The
following Figures shows the location of the loads affected in the frame.
Table 35: Alternative Solution 3 structural analysis

Dimensions of
The Studied
Alternative Side (left side)
Solution 3

Total Loads
Affected on The

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The following tables represent the properties of the materials used for the cover of the

Table 36: Properties of Mylar

Thermal Modulus of
Density Linear Poisson’s Thickness
Material conductivity Elasticity
[kg/m3] Expansion Ratio [microns]
[W/m.k] [MPa]
[℃−𝟏 ]

Mylar 0.154 1390 1.7x10−5 4895.278 0.4 15

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Table 37: Properties of Cellulose

Modulus of Tensile yield Thermal
elasticity strength Thermal Poisson’s Density
expansion conductivity Ratio
E [MPa] [W/m.k] [𝒌𝒈/𝒎𝟑 ]
ranged from
20 22.1 - 41.4 5.1 to 6.0 × 0.04 0.3 1.5

Table 38: Properties of Lexi cotton

Modulus of
elasticity Thermal Poisson’s Density
Thickness expansion conductivity Ratio
E [w/m.k] [𝒌𝒈/𝒎𝟑 ]
ranged from
30 0.5 mm 0.23 0.3 1.54

Where the total width of the tent equals 1.1 m and the hight equals 1.5 m. Number 1 in
the dimensions of the studied side (left side) in the previous table represents the mylar
material in summer and Lexi cotton in winter, Number 2 represents Cellulose in both
summer and winter, Number 3 represents mylar material in winter and Lexi cotton in
summer. While, Number 5 represents the air and 4 human body.
Table 39:Alternative Solution 3 thermal analysis

Alternative in Summer
Solution 3

Layers in

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in Winter

Alternative solution 4
The material that used for the frame and the structure of the tent is PVC pipe schedule
80 with standard outside diameter equals 42.164 mm and inside diameter equals 31.877
mm, Appendix C.

Table 40:Alternative Solution 4 structural analysis

Dimensions of
Solution 4
The Studied
Side (left side)

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Total Loads
Affected on The



The following tables represents the properties of the materials used for the cover of the
tent. The properties of Mylar material represent in the table in the previous alternative

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Table 41: Properties of Polyester Wool

Thermal Modulus of
Density Poisson’s Thickness
Material conductivity Elasticity
[kg/m3] Ratio [cm]
[W/m.k] [Gpa]
0.0359 40 80 0.4 5

Table 42: Properties of PU Coating Polyester

of Modulus
Density Linear of Poisson’s Thickness
Material conductivity
[kg/m3] Expansion Elasticity Ratio [mm]
-α– [GPa]
[℃−𝟏 ]
Coating 0.14 2200 40x10−6 5 0.4 0.5

Where the total width of the tent equals 2 m and the hight equals 1.8 m. Number 1 in
the dimensions of the studied side (left side) in the previous table represents the mylar
material in summer and PU coating polyester in winter, Number 2 represents polyester
wool in both summer and winter, Number 3 represents mylar material in winter and PU
coating polyester in summer. While, Number 5 represents the air and 4 human body.
Table 43:Alternative Solution 4 thermal analysis

Alternative Distribution
Solution 4 in Summer


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Layers in

in Winter

Layers in

Appendix F (analysis for selected design)

Outside flow properties:

The fluid case study is air, since the tent is subjected to quiescent air current; the type
of convection from that air is free or natural convection.
In order to know if the flow around the tent is compressible or incompressible the
continuity equation has been used as follows
⃗ =0
+ 𝜌∇. 𝑈 (9)

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Since the value of density is constant, the first term equals zero ( = 0 ), therefore,

the continuity equation as follows

⃗ =0
∇. 𝑈
And by assuming that the velocity is solenoidal then the flow is incompressible.
Flow Type
In order to know if the free convection boundary layer is laminar or turbulent; A rough
analysis is done for the entire tent. Since the tent consists of vertical and inclined plates
the analysis is done two times. In addition, in order to know the flow, type the outside
temperature, outside wind speed and outside surface temperature must be known.
Vertical plate:
Grashof number for the vertical plate is calculated from the following equation.
𝑔𝛽(𝑇𝑠 − 𝑇∞ )𝑙 3
𝐺𝑟𝑙 = (10)
Where, 𝐺𝑟𝑙 = Grashof number.
, g = acceleration due to gravity in ( 𝑠2 )
, v = Kinematic viscosity of air in ( ) at 𝑇𝑓

, 𝑇𝑠 = Temperature of outside surface of the tent in ( ̊ C)

, 𝑇 = Temperature of outside surface of the tent in ( ̊ C)
, 𝑙 = Length of the plate in (m)
, 𝛽 = 𝑇 and 𝑇𝑓 is the average temperature between the outside surface temperature

𝑇𝑆 +𝑇∞
and outside temperature 𝑇𝑓 = .

Rayleigh number is calculated from the following equation:

𝑅𝑎𝑙 = 𝐺𝑟𝑙 ∗ 𝑃𝑟 (11)
Where, Pr = Prandtl number of air at 𝑇𝑓 .
The Nusselt number is calculated from the following equations:
0.670 ∗ (𝑅𝑎𝑙 )^1/4
𝑁𝑢𝑙 = 0.68 + (12)
9 4/9
0.492 16
[1 + ( 𝑃𝑟 ) ]

The previous equation is used for the values of Rayleigh number less than 109 (Laminar
In addition, a correlation that may be applied over the entire range of Ra has been
recommended by Churchill and Chu as follows (Laminar + Turbulent)

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0.387 ∗ (𝑅𝑎𝑙 )^1/6

𝑁𝑢𝑙 = 0.825 + (13)
9 27
0.492 16
[1 + ( 𝑃𝑟 ) ]
( )
The value of convection coefficient is calculated from the following equation:
̅̅̅̅ ∗ 𝑘
ℎ̅ = (14)
Where, ̅̅̅̅̅
𝑁𝑢𝑙 = The Nusselt number.
, ℎ̅ = convection coefficient in W/m^2.K
, K= Thermal conductivity in W/m.k.
Inclined plate:
Grashof number for the inclined plate is calculated from the following equation.
𝑔 ∗ cos(𝜃) ∗ 𝛽(𝑇𝑠 − 𝑇∞ )𝑙 3
𝐺𝑟𝑙 = (15)
Where, 𝜃 = The angle of the inclined plate.
Rayleigh number is calculated from the following equation:
𝑅𝑎𝑙 = 𝐺𝑟𝑙 ∗ 𝑃𝑟
The Nusselt number is calculated from equation number 13 by using Churchill and Chu
Also, the value of convection coefficient is calculated from equation number 14.
In order to know the properties of air the film coefficient must be found, since the
surface temperature is unknown it is assumed at the beginning, then the actual surface
temperature is calculated from the total heat flow and composite wall.

Summer (Morning):

The total calculation of heat transfer in the tent in summer is calculated from energy
balance equation as follows:
𝐸𝑖𝑛 − 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 + 𝐸𝑔𝑒𝑛 = 𝐸𝑠𝑡 (16)
Where, 𝐸𝑖𝑛 = the energy entering the tent.
𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 = the energy leaving the tent.
𝐸𝑔𝑒𝑛 = the energy generating inside the tent.
𝐸𝑠𝑡 = the energy of the system.

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The energy entering the tent in summer in the morning are due to convection, radiation
from the outside environment, and conduction between the layers of the cover of the
𝐸𝑖𝑛 = 𝑞𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑞𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑞𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
= 𝑈 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ (𝑇)
Where, U = the total heat transfer coefficient for the convection, conduction and
= ∑ 𝑅∗𝐴

Where, ∑ 𝑅 = Total thermal Resistance.

1 𝐿𝐴 𝐿𝐵 𝐿𝐶 1 1
∑𝑅 = +𝑘 +𝑘 +𝑘 +( 1 + 1 ) (17)
ℎ ∞1 𝐴 𝐴𝐴 𝐵𝐴 𝐶𝐴
ℎ∞2 𝐴 ℎ𝑟𝐴

Where, A = the area of the outside surface of the tent without the floor since the
ground is assumed to be adiabatic.
𝑇 = Temperature difference between the contents of the tent and the outside
ℎ𝑟 = 𝜀 * 𝜎 ∗ (𝑇𝑠 + 𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑟 ) ∗ (𝑇𝑠2 + 𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑟
𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑟 = temperature of radiation surface which is the surroundings.
Ts = Temperatura of receiving surface which is the surface of the tent.
𝜀 = 𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒.
𝜎 = 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑓𝑎𝑛 𝐵𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑧𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑠 5.67x10−8 m2 ∗ K4 )

𝐸𝑔𝑒𝑛 = energy generated from human body in (W).

𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 = When the all doors and windows are closed, the energy leaving the tent is
assumed to be zero since the floor is assumed to be adiabatic and the openings
are closed there is no way to let the heat to leave the tent. Besides, if the doors
and windows are open the heat will be transfer during that openings and there
will be heat leaving the tent due to convection.
𝐸𝑠𝑡 = ρ*V*𝐶𝑝 𝑑𝑡 (18)

Where, ρ = density of the air inside the tent in (Kg/m^3).

V = volume of the air inside the tent in (m^3).
𝐶𝑝 = Specific heat of the air inside the tent in (J/Kg).
= the change of temperature with respect to time.

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Therefore, the total energy balance at the morning is as follows.

𝑈 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ (𝑇) + 𝐸𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ρ ∗ V ∗ 𝐶𝑝 ∗ (19)
In order to know the temperatures between the layers of the tent another analysis has
been done.
This case could be considered as a composite wall, which is consist of four series
thermal resistances and two parallel thermal resistances.


1 𝐿𝐴 𝐿𝐵 𝐿𝐶 1 1
∑𝑅 = + + + +( + )
ℎ∞1 𝐴 𝑘𝐴 𝐴 𝑘𝐵 𝐴 𝑘𝐶 𝐴 1 1
ℎ∞2 𝐴 ℎ𝑟𝐴
Using the one-dimensional heat transfer rate:
𝑇∞1 − 𝑇∞2 𝑇1 − 𝑇2 𝑇2 − 𝑇3 𝑇3 − 𝑇4
𝑞= = 𝐾𝐴 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ = 𝐾𝐵 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ = 𝐾𝑐 ∗ 𝐴 ∗
Where, q = The total value of heat flow in (W).
, 𝐿𝐴 = The thickness of the material that faced the outside environment in
summer which is Mylar in (m).
𝑘𝐴 = Thermal conductivity of mylar material in (W/m. K).
𝐿𝐵 = The thickness of the insulation material which is polyester wool in (m).
𝑘𝐵 = Thermal conductivity of polyester wool in (W/m. K).
𝐿𝑐 = The thickness of PU coating polyester material in (m).
𝑘𝑐 = Thermal conductivity of PU coating polyester in (W/m. K).
ℎ1 = Convection coefficient for the outside environment in (W/m^2. k) .
ℎ4 = Convection coefficient for the air inside the tent in (W/m^2. k).
𝑇∞1 = Temperature of the outside environment in ( ̊ C).
𝑇∞2 = Temperature of the inside environment ( ̊ C).
𝑇𝑠1 = The surface temperature that faced the outside environment ( ̊ C).
𝑇2 , 𝑇3 = The temperature between the layers of the tent ( ̊ C).
𝑇𝑠4 = The surface temperature that faced the inside environment ( ̊ C).
ℎ𝑟 = Radiation coefficient for the outside environment.
Then the outside surface temperature is calculated and compared with the assumed
value. If the value of the assumed one didn’t equal the value of the actual one the
assumption should be repeated.
Summer (Night):

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Similar equations will be used in night except that there will not be any radiation
affected on the tent as follows.
𝑈 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ (𝑇) + 𝐸𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ρ ∗ V ∗
Besides, the value of total convection coefficient is as follows:
1 𝐿𝐴 𝐿𝐵 𝐿𝐶 1 −1
𝑈=( + + + + )
ℎ∞1 𝑘𝐴 𝑘𝐵 𝑘𝐶 ℎ2
In addition, the thermal circuit for the tent in summer in night is as follows.

Figure 78: Composite wall thermal resistances

Since, the energy balance equation for the transient response is a function of time and
temperature it cannot be solved without knowing one of these parameters, therefore one
of them should be known.

Winter (Morning):
The total calculation of heat transfer in the tent in winter is calculated from energy
balance equation as follows:
𝐸𝑖𝑛 − 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 + 𝐸𝑔𝑒𝑛 = 𝐸𝑠𝑡
𝐸𝑔𝑒𝑛 = energy generated from human body.
𝐸𝑠𝑡 = ρ*V* 𝑑𝑡

Where, ρ = density of the air inside the tent.

V = volume of the air inside the tent.
= the change of temperature with respect to time.

𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑞𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑞𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑞𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

= 𝑈 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ (𝑇)
Therefore, the total energy balance at the morning is as follows.
−𝑈 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ (𝑇) + 𝐸𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ρ ∗ V ∗

Winter (Night):

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Similar equations will be used in night except that there will not be radiation affected
on the tent.
−𝑈 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ (𝑇) + 𝐸𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ρ ∗ V ∗
In order to simplify the solution, the lamped capacitance method is used to calculate
the approximate inside temperature.
𝐸𝑔 − [ℎ(𝑇 − 𝑇∞ ) + 𝜀𝜎(𝑇 4 − 𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑟
4 )]𝐴
+ 𝑞"𝐴 = 𝜌𝑉𝑐 (20)

Equation 20, is a nonlinear, first order, nonhomogeneous, and ordinary differential

equation. Before solving in lamped capacitance method, the Biot number is measured
and it should be less than 0.1.
𝐵𝑖 = (21)
Where Bi = the Biot number.
𝑙𝑐 = characteristic length.
The radiation is assumed to be negligible. In addition, no heat flux, then equation 22 is
the result.
𝐸𝑔 − [ℎ(𝑇 − 𝑇∞ )]𝐴 = 𝜌𝑉𝑐 (22)
ℎ𝐴 𝐸𝑔
Let 𝜃 = 𝑇 − 𝑇∞ , 𝑎 = 𝜌𝑉𝑐 , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏 = 𝜌𝑉𝑐

+ 𝑎𝜃 − 𝑏 = 0
Then, let 𝜃 ′ = 𝜃 − 𝑎

+ 𝑎𝜃′ = 0
The integration limitation from 0 to t, 𝜃𝑖′ 𝑡𝑜 𝜃
= exp(−𝑎𝑡)
𝑇 − 𝑇∞ 𝑏⁄
𝑎 [1
= exp(−𝑎𝑡) + − exp(−𝑎𝑡)] (23)
𝑇𝑖 − 𝑇∞ 𝑇𝑖 − 𝑇∞

Then the temperature inside the tent is calculated as the outside temperature is changed.

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The types of ventilation in this tent are due to natural sources, which are temperature
difference and wind. The cross-section ventilation is achieved due to wind and stack
effect is achieved due to temperature difference.
Cross Section Ventilation
For cross ventilation, two windows at the center in right left and sides of the tent, with
geometries 1⁄8 × 1⁄8 and1⁄16 × 1⁄16, respectively.
Opening area
𝐴1 = Inlet area from right
𝐴2 = Outlet area from left
Ventilation due to wind for cross ventilation according to Ainsley method is as follow

𝐶𝑝1 − 𝐶𝑝2
𝑄= 𝑉 (24)
√ 1 1
𝐴12 𝐶𝑑1
𝐴22 𝐶𝑑2

where V is the velocity of the wind, Cp pressure coefficient, Cd discharge coefficient.

The discharge coefficient:
𝐶𝑑 = (25)
Where 𝑚̇ the mass flow rate of air, ρ is density of air and P pressure drop across
constriction (N/m2)
The pressure coefficient
𝑝 − 𝑝∞
𝐶𝑝 = (26)
1 2
2 𝑥𝜌∞ 𝑥 𝑉∞
Where P is static pressure at the point at which pressure coefficient is being evaluated,
p is free stream pressure and V  is free stream velocity.

Appendix G (Validation of ANSYS answers for the frame)

All the calculations in this section are for the chosen design which is alternative 4.

By assuming that the beam is fixed and using supper position for simply supports beam
with uniform load case [2]:

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Figure 79: Simply supported beam

The value of fixed supports equals R1 = R2 = 2

The deformation is calculated in x and y-axis by using the following equation.

𝑦= (2𝐿𝑥 2 − 𝑥 3 − 𝑙 3 ) (27)

Where y is deformation, w is load per unit length, L length of the beam, I is moment of
inertia, E is modulus of elasticity and x is the location where the deformation is

Moment of inertia:
π 4
I= (D − D4i ) (28)
64 o
𝐷0 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐷𝑖 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚
I= ((42.164x10−3 )4 − (31.877x10−3 )4 ) = 1.045 × 10−7 m4
Modulus of elasticity of PVC pipe:
E = 55.2 MPa
Deformation in x-axis.

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Figure 80: Deformation in x-axis for the frame from ANSYS workbench

The validation will be for the beam at the corner as shown in the previous Figure, where
the value of both x and l equals 1.1. The unit of w in the deformation equation is N/m,
since the wind load will produce the deformation in x-axis, the wind load equals 109.81
Pa. By multiplying the pressure with the surface area of the beam and divided on the
length of the pipe the desired unit of the load will be achieved.
𝑃 = 109.81 𝑃𝑎 =
𝑆. 𝐴
Where the surface area of the beam equals 𝜋𝐷𝑜 𝑙
𝑤= = 𝑃𝜋𝐷𝑜 = 109.81 𝑥 𝜋 𝑥 42.164𝑥10−3 = 14.55 𝑁/𝑚

𝑋= (2𝑥1.1𝑥1.12 − 1.13 − 1.13 )
24𝑥55.2𝑥106 𝑥1.045𝑥10−7

Which is closed to the answer calculated from ANSYS.

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Deformation in y-axis.

Figure 81: Deformation in y-axis for the frame from ANSYS workbench

The validation will be for the beam at the upper corner as shown in the previous Figure,
where the value of both x and l equals 1.1. The unit of w in the deformation equation is
N/m, since the snow load will produce the deformation in y-axis, the snow load equals
137.9 Pa. By multiplying the pressure with the surface area of the beam and divided on
the length of the pipe the desired unit of the load will be achieved.
𝑃 = 137.9 𝑃𝑎 =
𝑆. 𝐴
Where the surface area of the beam equals 𝜋𝐷𝑜 𝑙
𝑤= = 𝑃𝜋𝐷𝑜 = 137.9 𝑥 𝜋 𝑥 42.164𝑥10−3 = 18.2665 𝑁/𝑚

𝑌= (2𝑥1.1𝑥1.12 − 1.13 − 1.13 )
24𝑥55.2𝑥106 𝑥1.045𝑥10−7

Which is closed to the answer calculated from ANSYS.

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Bending stress
Since t<<r, then the beam considered to be closed thin tube [Prof. Richard G.
Budynas and Prof. J. Keith Nisbett. Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design. Tenth
edition. Khon Kaen University.].

Figure 82: Closed thin tube

Figure 121 shows the loads that will lead to bending stress which are due to snow and

Figure 83: Loads that will lead to bending stress

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Figure 84: Bending stress due to snow from ANSYS workbench

Since the force is uniformly distributed, the following equation will be used in order to
find the bending stress (Uniformly distributer stress)
𝜎= (29)
Outer diameter:
Do = 42.164 mm = ro = 21.082
Tube thickness:
t = 5.144 mm
Inner diameter:
Di = 31.877 mm
Tube length:
Moment of inertia:
I= ((42.164x10−3 )4 − (31.877x10−3 )4 ) = 1.045 × 10−7 m4

Pressure due to snow:

Ps = 137.9 Pa

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Distributed load due to snow (From deformation part):

Ws = 𝑃𝑠 𝐿 = 18.2665 𝑁/𝑚

Since the beam is assumed to be simply supported beam the moment due to snow is
calculated from the following equation:
𝑊(6𝐿𝑋 − 6𝑋 2 − 𝐿2 )
Ms = 𝑁. 𝑚 (30)
18.2665(6(2)(0.5) − 6(0.5)2 − (2)2 )
Ms = = 0.7611𝑁. 𝑚

Bending stress due to snow:

0.7611𝑥21.082𝑥10^ − 3
𝜎= = 153.5455𝑥103 𝑃𝑎

Table 44: ANSYS and hand calculations values

Deformation in
Bending stress Deformation in x
[pa] [m]
Hand calculation 153.5455x10^3 0 0
[8.2108𝑥105 −
ANSYS result 0 -0.0032

Appendix J (Weight, cost and lifespan)

Weight of PVC pipes for the fourth alternative solution:
The overall mass of the pipes is calculated from Ansys workbench which equals 15.765
Kg. The following table shows the overall mass of PVC pipes schedule 80 that used to
build 4 seasons tent.
Table 45: Calculation of frame mass
Density Length Cross section area Volume Mass mass
Number of pipes
[kg/m^3] [m] [m^2] [m^3] [kg] [kg]
1300 1.00 0.000598206 0.000598 0.778 4 3.11
1300 1.10 0.000598206 0.000658 0.855 3 2.57
1300 2.00 0.000598206 0.001196 1.555 5 7.78

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1300 0.74 0.000598206 0.000445 0.578 4 2.31


The mass of each pipe is calculated from the following equation:

Where m is the mass of the beam, ρ is the density of the beam (PVC schedule 80) which
equals 1300 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3, and v is the volume of the beam in 𝑚3 .
The volume is calculated as follows:
𝑣 = 𝐴𝑥𝑙
Where A is the cross-section area of the beam and l is the length of the beam, and the
cross-section area is calculated as follows.
𝜋 2 2
𝐴 = (𝐷𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑟 − 𝐷𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟 ) (31)
Where 𝐷𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑟 is the standard outside diameter of the beam which equals 42.164 mm
and 𝐷𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟 is the standard inner diameter of the beam which equals 31.877 mm.
𝐴= ((42.164𝑥10−3 )2 − (31.877x10−3 )2 ) = 5.9821𝑥10−4 𝑚2
As an example, the volume and mass for the PVC pipe with length equals 1 m is
discussed and the calculation of this pipe as follows.

𝑣 = 5.9821𝑥10−4 𝑥1 = 5.9821𝑥10−4 𝑚3
𝑚 = 1300 𝑥 5.9821𝑥10−4 = 0.778 𝑘𝑔

Since the number of pipes used with this length equals 4, the total mass will be
0.778 𝑥 4 = 3.11 𝑘𝑔 the calculation for the different length is the same and the total
weight of the beams equals 15.77 kg which equals the value calculated from ANSYS.
Table 46: Total cost
Component Weight [kg]
PVC Pipes and
Mylar 0.0003

Polyester Wool 7

PU Coating 0.35
Stabilizing Bag 0.5
Duratop 0.00015

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Fiber Reinforced
Packaging 0.5
Total Weight 24.35

Table 47:Life span

components Life Span (years)
PVC Pipes and
Mylar 4
PU Coating 25

Polyester Wool 50

Velcro 4

4 Seasons Tent 4

Table 48:Cost
Price Total Price
Component Quantity Market
[KD] [KD]
Duratop (Windows) 1 roll 1 1 Amazon
Water-resistant Fiber
1 roll 3 3 Amazon
Reinforced Mylar (Floor)
Mylar 1 roll 3 3 Amazon

Polyester Wool 8 rolls 6 48 Ali Express

PU Coating 5 rolls 6.7 33.5 Ali Express

Stablizing Bag 4 0.5 2 Ali Express
PVC Pipe (2 meters) 8 1.75 14 Aladsani
PVC Pipe (0.8 meters) 4 0.9 3.6 Aladsani
PVC Pipe (1.4 meter) 4 1.3 5.2 Aladsani
45 deg. Elbow 4 0.36 1.44 Aladsani
4 Tee Elbow 2 0.43 0.86 Aladsani
Tee Elbow 2 0.3 0.6 Aladsani
3 Way Elbow 4 0.52 2.08 Aladsani
Sleeping Bag 2 2.11 4.22 Albasman
Polyester Velcro 3.25 3.25 Alblockat
Packaging 1 7.5 7.5 Albasman
Sewing Process 18 18 Albasman
Fire-resistant Coating Process 6.4 6.4 Shuwiekh
Shipping 7 7 -
Total Cost 164.65

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Appendix I (Sample calculations)

Assumptions: 1) Floor assumed to be adiabatic.
2) Human body assumed to be a cylinder with a diameter equals 0.3 m
and height equals 0.9 m.
3) Density of the air inside the tent assumed to be 1.2342 Kg/m3.
4) Specific heat of air inside the tent assumed to be 1000 J/Kg
The assumptions are taken in summer and winter.
The Following analysis will be taken in winter at sun set (5:50 PM)
In order to find the value of film coefficient at 5:50 Pm the outside surface temperature
is assumed to be 6.5 ° 𝐶.
6.5 + 7
𝑇𝑓 = ( ) + 273 = 279.75 𝑘
𝐵= = 0.00357 𝐾 −1
Kinematic viscosity ν @ Tf = 13.86 x10^-6 m^2/s
For the vertical plate:
9.81 ∗ 0.00357 ∗ (6.5 − 7)0.83
𝐺𝑟𝑙 = = 4.67𝑥107
(13.86𝑥10^ − 6)2

Ra = 4.67x10^7 x 0.72 = 33.624x10^6

Therefore, the flow type is laminar. By using equation 12.

0.670 ∗ (33.624𝑥106 )^1/4

𝑁𝑢𝑙 = 0.68 + = 39.9
9 4/9
0.492 16
[1 + ( 0.2 ) ]

Value of thermal conductivity @ Tf = 24.63 [w/mk] x10^-3

𝑁𝑢∗𝑘 39.9∗24.63∗10−3
ℎ= 𝑙
= 0.8
= 1.23 w/m^2.k
For the inclined plate:

9.81 ∗ cos(45) ∗ 0.00357 ∗ (−6.5 + 7)0.83

𝐺𝑟𝑙 = = 33.04𝑥106
(13.86𝑥10^ − 6)2
Ra = 33.04 x10^6 x 0.72 = 23.79 x10^6
By using equation 13:

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(23.79𝑥106 )1
0.387 ∗
𝑁𝑢𝑙 = 0.825 + 6 = 31.15
9 27
0.492 16
[1 + ( 0.72 ) ]
( )
𝑁𝑢∗𝑘 31.15∗24.63∗10−3
ℎ= 𝑙
= 0.8
= 1 w/m^2.k

For the following calculation the average value of convection coefficient during the day
is used which equals 1.23 w/m^2.k
The volume of the air inside the tent is calculated as follows:
Where, 𝑉𝑎𝑖𝑟 = The volume of the air inside the tent
= (0.8*2*2) + (2 * 2 *1*2) = 5.3 m^3.

A = Area of the outside surface of the tent = 14.0568 m^2

h= outside convection coefficient 1.23 w/m^2 k
𝐸𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 106 𝑤
In winter, the Mylar is applied to the insulation, and the heat loss from the insulation
may be neglected and the interface of the insulation is assumed to be adiabatic.

ℎ𝐿 1.213 ∗ 15 ∗ 10−6
𝐵𝑖 = = = 0.00012 < 0.1
𝑘 0.154

The analysis is started from sunset at 5:10 PM, where the outside temperature equals
8 ° 𝐶 and the inside temperature at that time is assumed to be 18 ̊ C. The change of this
temperature after 10 min is studied as follows.
𝑇 = 8 ̊𝐶
𝑇𝑖𝑛 = 18 ̊𝐶
𝑎 = 2.657𝑥10−3 , 𝑏 = 0.0165
𝑡 = 600 𝑠

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Substituting in equation 23:

𝑇−8 0.0165⁄
= exp(−2.657𝑥10−3 𝑥600) + 2.657𝑥10−3 [1 − exp(−2.657𝑥10−3 𝑥600)]
18 − 8 18 − 8

𝑇 = 14.98 ° 𝐶
The value of the previous temperature is taken as an initial temperature at 5:50 PM,
where the outside temperature equals 7 ̊ C and the change of this temperature after 30
min is studied as follows.

𝑇−7 0.0165⁄
= exp(−2.657𝑥10 𝑥1800) + 2.657𝑥10−3 [1 − exp(−2.657𝑥10−3 𝑥1800)]
14.98 − 7 14.98 − 7

𝑇 = 13.23 ° 𝐶
Similar calculations and analysis are taken in order to find the value of the inside
temperature during the day and night. The results are shown appendix K.
In winter and at time 5:50 PM, the heat flow is
𝑞 = 𝑈𝐴(𝑇𝑖𝑛 − 𝑇∞ ) = (0.32)(14)(13.2 − 7) = 27 W
𝑞 = ℎ𝐴(𝑇𝑠 − 𝑇∞ ) = (1.213)(14)(𝑇𝑠 − 7) = 27 𝑊
𝑇𝑠 = 8 ℃
Compare this value with the assumed one of the inner surface temperatures.
For summer:
The calculation in summer is taken at sunrise @ 6:50 A.m.
In order to find the value of film coefficient at 6:50 A.m. the outside surface temperature
is assumed to be 22.5 ° 𝐶, where the outside temperature at that time equals 23.
22.5 + 23
𝑇𝑓 = ( ) + 273 = 295.75 𝑘
𝐵= = 0.00338 𝐾 −1
Kinematic viscosity ν @ Tf = 15.3 x10^-6 m^2/s
For the vertical plate:
9.81 ∗ 0.00338 ∗ (23 − 22.5)0.83
𝐺𝑟𝑙 = = 36.26𝑥106
(15.3𝑥10^ − 6)2

Ra = 36.26x10^6 x 0.72 = 26.11x10^6

Therefore, the flow type is laminar. By using equation 12.

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0.670 ∗ (26.11𝑥106 )^1/4

𝑁𝑢𝑙 = 0.68 + = 37.5
9 4/9
0.492 16
[1 + ( 0.2 ) ]

Value of thermal conductivity @ Tf = 26.07 [w/mk] x10^-3

𝑁𝑢∗𝑘 37.5∗26.07∗10−3
ℎ= 𝑙
= 0.8
= 1.23 w/m^2.k
For the inclined plate:

9.81 ∗ cos(45) ∗ 0.00338 ∗ (23 − 22.5)0.83

𝐺𝑟𝑙 = = 19.1𝑥106
(15.3𝑥10^ − 6)2
Ra = 19.1 x10^6 x 0.72 = 13.752 x10^6
By using equation 13:

(13.752𝑥106 )1/6
0.387 ∗
𝑁𝑢𝑙 = 0.825 + 1 = 26.1
9 27
0.492 16
[1 + ( 0.72 ) ]
( )
𝑁𝑢∗𝑘 26.1∗26.07∗10−3
ℎ= 𝑙
= = 0.48 w/m^2.k

In summer, the PU coating is applied to the insulation, and the heat gain from the
insulation may be neglected and the interface of the insulation is assumed to be

ℎ𝐿 1.213 ∗ 0.5 ∗ 10−3

𝐵𝑖 = = = 0.004 < 0.1
𝑘 0.14

lamped capacitance method can be used.

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Energy Balance and General Lumped Capacitance Analysis in summer:

The analysis is started from at 6:50 AM, where the outside temperature equals 23 ° 𝐶
and the inside temperature at that time is assumed to be 19 ̊ C.
𝑇 = 23 ̊𝐶
𝑇𝑖𝑛 = 19 ̊𝐶
𝑎 = 2.657𝑥10−3 , 𝑏 = 0.0165
𝑡 = 1800 𝑠
Substituting in equation 3:
23 − 𝑇 0.0165⁄
= exp(−2.657𝑥10−3 𝑥1800) + 2.657𝑥10−3 [1 − exp(−2.657𝑥10−3 𝑥1800)]
23 − 19 23 − 19

𝑇 = 19.8 ° 𝐶
The value of the previous temperature is taken as an initial temperature for time 7:20
AM, where the outside temperature equals 26 ̊ C and the change of this temperature
after 30 min is studied as follows.

26 − 𝑇 0.0165⁄
= exp(−2.657𝑥10−3 𝑥1800) + 2.657𝑥10−3 [1 − exp(−2.657𝑥10−3 𝑥1800)]
26 − 19.8 26 − 19.8

𝑇 = 21.8 ° 𝐶
Similar calculations and analysis are taken in order to find the value of the inside
temperature during the day and night. The results are shown appendix J.
In summer and at time 6:50 A.M, the heat flow is
𝑞 = 𝑈𝐴(𝑇𝑖𝑛 − 𝑇∞ ) = (0.32)(14)(23 − 19) = 17.92 W
𝑞 = ℎ𝐴(𝑇𝑠 − 𝑇∞ ) = (1.213)(14)(23 − 𝑇𝑠 ) = 27 𝑊
𝑇𝑠 = 21.5 ℃
Compare this value with the assumed one of the outer surface temperatures, they are
closed to each other.

The types of ventilation in this tent are due to natural sources, which are temperature
difference and wind. The cross-section ventilation is achieved due to wind and stack
effect is achieved due to temperature difference.

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Cross Section Ventilation

For cross ventilation, two windows at the center in right left and sides of the tent, with
geometries 1⁄8 × 1⁄8 and1⁄16 × 1⁄16, respectively.
Opening area
𝐴1 = 0.0156 𝑚2 (Inlet area from right)
𝐴2 = 0.0.004 𝑚2(Outlet area from left)
Ventilation due to wind for cross ventilation according to Ainsley method

𝐶𝑝1 − 𝐶𝑝2
𝑄= 𝑉
√ 1 1
𝐴12 𝐶𝑑1
𝐴22 𝐶𝑑2

Assume that the upstream opening is the window in the left side and the downstream
opening is the window located in the right side, so the high pressure will occur in the
left side.

Figure 85: Cross ventilation direction

Summer conditions
𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑣 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 = 4 𝑚/𝑠
𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑣 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑡 = 3 𝑚/𝑠
𝑚̇ = 𝜌𝑉𝐴 = 1.225 × 4 × 0.0156 = 0.0764 𝑘𝑔⁄𝑠
𝐶𝑑1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐶𝑑2 Are assumed to be 0.65 (for unobstructed opening according to
The tent is not built yet, therefore, it is difficult to measure the static pressure at certain
height, then the pressure coefficients are assumed to be 𝐶𝑝1 = 0.8 and 𝐶𝑝2 = 0.7.

0.8 − 0.7 𝑚3
𝑄=√ (4) = 0.00319 = 6.761 𝑐𝑓𝑚.
1 1 𝑠
(0.0156)2 (0.65)2 (0.004)2 (0.65)2

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This value is accepted, where the value of recommended ventilation for low residential
in ventilation requirements for occupants in ASHRAE standard is between 7-10 cfm.

Appendix j (Result of summer)

Table 49:Properties of the outside air in summer

Time T_Outside Weather Wind T_S1 T_f β Kinematic viscosity ν

[ C ]̊ Km/h [K] [K^-1] [m^2/s] x10^-6
24 Clear. 9 23.5 296.75 0.00337 15.39
0:50 27 Clear. 11 26.5 299.75 0.003336 15.67
1:20 25 Passing clouds. 11 24.5 297.75 0.003359 15.48
1:50 24 Clear. 13 23.5 296.75 0.00337 15.39
2:20 24 Clear. 11 23.5 296.75 0.00337 15.39
2:50 24 Clear. 15 23.5 296.75 0.00337 15.39
3:20 25 Clear. 15 24.5 297.75 0.003359 15.48
3:50 23 Passing clouds. 15 22.5 295.75 0.003381 15.3
23 Clear. wind 22.5 295.75 0.003381 15.3
4:50 21 Clear. 4 20.5 293.75 0.003404 15.12
5:20 19 Clear. 2 18.5 291.75 0.003428 14.94
5:50 19 Clear. 9 18.5 291.75 0.003428 14.94
6:20 20 Sunny. 7 19.5 292.75 0.003416 15.03
6:50 23 Sunny. 7 22.5 295.75 0.003381 15.3
7:20 26 Sunny. 6 25.5 298.75 0.003347 15.58
7:50 28 Sunny. 7 27.5 300.75 0.003325 15.76
8:20 30 Passing clouds. 4 29.5 302.75 0.003303 15.95
8:50 31 Sunny. 7 30.5 303.75 0.003292 16.04
9:20 32 Passing clouds. 7 31.5 304.75 0.003281 16.13
9:50 33 Passing clouds. 6 32.5 305.75 0.003271 16.23
10:20 33 Sunny. 9 32.5 305.75 0.003271 16.23
10:50 34 Passing clouds. 9 33.5 306.75 0.00326 16.32
11:20 35 Passing clouds. 7 34.5 307.75 0.003249 16.41
11:50 35 Passing clouds. 7 34.5 307.75 0.003249 16.41
12:20 36 Passing clouds. 6 35.5 308.75 0.003239 16.51
12:50 36 Sunny. 11 35.5 308.75 0.003239 16.51
13:20 37 Passing clouds. 11 36.5 309.75 0.003228 16.6
13:50 38 Sunny. 15 37.5 310.75 0.003218 16.7
14:20 38 Passing clouds. 11 37.5 310.75 0.003218 16.7
14:50 38 Passing clouds. 13 37.5 310.75 0.003218 16.7
15:20 38 Passing clouds. 11 37.5 310.75 0.003218 16.7

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15:50 39 Passing clouds. 9 38.5 311.75 0.003208 16.79

16:20 39 Passing clouds. 11 38.5 311.75 0.003208 16.79
16:50 40 Passing clouds. 19 39.5 312.75 0.003197 16.89
17:20 39 Passing clouds. 26 38.5 311.75 0.003208 16.79
17:50 38 Sunny. 26 37.5 310.75 0.003218 16.7
18:20 37 Sunny. 26 36.5 309.75 0.003228 16.6
18:50 36 Sunny. 22 35.5 308.75 0.003239 16.51
19:20 35 Sunny. 19 34.5 307.75 0.003249 16.41
19:50 32 Sunny. 15 31.5 304.75 0.003281 16.13
20:20 32 Clear. 19 31.5 304.75 0.003281 16.13
20:50 32 Clear. 19 31.5 304.75 0.003281 16.13
21:20 32 Clear. 20 31.5 304.75 0.003281 16.13
21:50 31 Clear. 20 30.5 303.75 0.003292 16.04
22:20 30 Clear. 15 29.5 302.75 0.003303 15.95
22:50 29 Clear. 17 28.5 301.75 0.003314 15.85
23:20 28 Clear. 13 27.5 300.75 0.003325 15.76
23:50 29 Clear. 13 28.5 301.75 0.003314 15.85

Table 50: Properties of the vertical plates in summer

Thermal outside
Time Grl Ra Types ̅̅̅̅̅
𝑁𝑢𝑙 conductivity h
of flow [w/mk] x10^-3 w/m^2.k
3.57E+07 2.57E+07 Laminar 37.361 26.14
0:50 3.41E+07 2.46E+07 Laminar 36.941 26.36 1.217
1:20 3.52E+07 2.53E+07 Laminar 37.224 26.21 1.220
1:50 3.57E+07 2.57E+07 Laminar 37.361 26.14 1.221
2:20 3.57E+07 2.57E+07 Laminar 37.361 26.14 1.221
2:50 3.57E+07 2.57E+07 Laminar 37.361 26.14 1.221
3:20 3.52E+07 2.53E+07 Laminar 37.224 26.21 1.220
3:50 3.63E+07 2.61E+07 Laminar 37.500 26.07 1.222
4:20 3.63E+07 2.61E+07 Laminar 37.500 26.07 1.222
4:50 3.74E+07 2.69E+07 Laminar 37.781 25.92 1.224
5:20 3.86E+07 2.78E+07 Laminar 38.068 25.77 1.226
5:50 3.86E+07 2.78E+07 Laminar 38.068 25.77 1.226
6:20 3.80E+07 2.73E+07 Laminar 37.924 25.84 1.225
6:50 3.63E+07 2.61E+07 Laminar 37.500 26.07 1.222
7:20 3.46E+07 2.49E+07 Laminar 37.076 26.29 1.218
7:50 3.36E+07 2.42E+07 Laminar 36.807 26.44 1.216
8:20 3.26E+07 2.35E+07 Laminar 36.532 26.59 1.214
8:50 3.21E+07 2.31E+07 Laminar 36.401 26.66 1.213
9:20 3.17E+07 2.28E+07 Laminar 36.272 26.73 1.212
9:50 3.12E+07 2.25E+07 Laminar 36.134 26.81 1.211
10:20 3.12E+07 2.25E+07 Laminar 36.134 26.81 1.211
10:50 3.07E+07 2.21E+07 Laminar 36.007 26.88 1.210
11:20 3.03E+07 2.18E+07 Laminar 35.881 26.96 1.209

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11:50 3.03E+07 2.18E+07 Laminar 35.881 26.96 1.209

12:20 2.98E+07 2.15E+07 Laminar 35.746 26.96 1.205
12:50 2.98E+07 2.15E+07 Laminar 35.746 26.96 1.205
13:20 2.94E+07 2.12E+07 Laminar 35.622 27.1 1.207
13:50 2.90E+07 2.09E+07 Laminar 35.490 27.18 1.206
14:20 2.90E+07 2.09E+07 Laminar 35.490 27.18 1.206
14:50 2.90E+07 2.09E+07 Laminar 35.490 27.18 1.206
15:20 2.90E+07 2.09E+07 Laminar 35.490 27.18 1.206
15:50 2.86E+07 2.06E+07 Laminar 35.368 27.25 1.205
16:20 2.86E+07 2.06E+07 Laminar 35.368 27.25 1.205
16:50 2.81E+07 2.03E+07 Laminar 35.238 27.32 1.203
17:20 2.86E+07 2.06E+07 Laminar 35.368 27.25 1.205
17:50 2.90E+07 2.09E+07 Laminar 35.490 27.18 1.206
18:20 2.94E+07 2.12E+07 Laminar 35.622 27.1 1.207
18:50 2.98E+07 2.15E+07 Laminar 35.746 26.96 1.205
19:20 3.03E+07 2.18E+07 Laminar 35.881 26.96 1.209
19:50 3.17E+07 2.28E+07 Laminar 36.272 26.73 1.212
20:20 3.17E+07 2.28E+07 Laminar 36.272 26.73 1.212
20:50 3.17E+07 2.28E+07 Laminar 36.272 26.73 1.212
21:20 3.17E+07 2.28E+07 Laminar 36.272 26.73 1.212
21:50 3.21E+07 2.31E+07 Laminar 36.401 26.66 1.213
22:20 3.26E+07 2.35E+07 Laminar 36.532 26.59 1.214
22:50 3.31E+07 2.39E+07 Laminar 36.674 26.51 1.215
23:20 3.36E+07 2.42E+07 Laminar 36.807 26.44 1.216
23:50 3.31E+07 2.39E+07 Laminar 36.674 26.51 1.215

Table 51: Properties of the inclined plate in summer

GrL Ra ̅̅̅̅̅
outside h
1.79E+07 1.29E+07 2.56E+01 4.81E-01
1.85E+07 1.33E+07 2.58E+01 4.81E-01
1.88E+07 1.35E+07 2.59E+01 4.80E-01
1.88E+07 1.35E+07 2.59E+01 4.80E-01
1.88E+07 1.35E+07 2.59E+01 4.77E-01
1.85E+07 1.33E+07 2.58E+01 4.83E-01
1.91E+07 1.37E+07 2.61E+01 4.81E-01
1.91E+07 1.37E+07 2.61E+01 4.85E-01
1.96E+07 1.41E+07 2.63E+01 4.87E-01
2.03E+07 1.46E+07 2.66E+01 4.85E-01
2.03E+07 1.46E+07 2.66E+01 4.82E-01
1.99E+07 1.44E+07 2.65E+01 4.76E-01
1.91E+07 1.37E+07 2.61E+01 4.74E-01
1.82E+07 1.31E+07 2.57E+01 4.73E-01
1.77E+07 1.27E+07 2.54E+01 4.71E-01
1.71E+07 1.23E+07 2.52E+01 4.71E-01
1.69E+07 1.22E+07 2.51E+01 4.70E-01
1.66E+07 1.20E+07 2.50E+01 4.69E-01
1.64E+07 1.18E+07 2.48E+01 4.71E-01
1.64E+07 1.18E+07 2.48E+01 4.69E-01

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1.61E+07 1.16E+07 2.47E+01 4.68E-01

1.59E+07 1.15E+07 2.46E+01 4.69E-01
1.59E+07 1.15E+07 2.46E+01 4.67E-01
1.57E+07 1.13E+07 2.45E+01 4.67E-01
1.57E+07 1.13E+07 2.45E+01 4.65E-01
1.55E+07 1.11E+07 2.44E+01 4.65E-01
1.52E+07 1.10E+07 2.43E+01 4.66E-01
1.52E+07 1.10E+07 2.43E+01 4.66E-01
1.52E+07 1.10E+07 2.43E+01 4.66E-01
1.52E+07 1.10E+07 2.43E+01 4.64E-01
1.50E+07 1.08E+07 2.41E+01 4.65E-01
1.50E+07 1.08E+07 2.41E+01 4.63E-01
1.48E+07 1.06E+07 2.40E+01 4.66E-01
1.50E+07 1.08E+07 2.41E+01 4.67E-01
1.52E+07 1.10E+07 2.43E+01 4.68E-01
1.55E+07 1.11E+07 2.44E+01 4.69E-01
1.57E+07 1.13E+07 2.45E+01 4.69E-01
1.59E+07 1.15E+07 2.46E+01 4.76E-01
1.66E+07 1.20E+07 2.50E+01 4.72E-01
1.66E+07 1.20E+07 2.50E+01 4.72E-01
1.66E+07 1.20E+07 2.50E+01 4.72E-01
1.66E+07 1.20E+07 2.50E+01 4.74E-01
1.69E+07 1.22E+07 2.51E+01 4.75E-01
1.71E+07 1.23E+07 2.52E+01 4.76E-01
1.74E+07 1.25E+07 2.53E+01 4.77E-01
1.77E+07 1.27E+07 2.54E+01 4.73E-01
1.74E+07 1.25E+07 2.53E+01 4.75E-01
1.74E+07 1.25E+07 2.53E+01 4.73E-01

Table 52: calculation of internal temperature in summer

Heat Flow Heat Flow
Outside Inside (without (with
Time ∆T ℃
Temperature ℃ Temperature ℃ insulation) insulation)
[W] [W]
6:50 AM 23 19.0
7:20 AM 26 19.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
7:50 AM 28 21.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
8:20 AM 30 23.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
8:50 AM 31 24.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
9:20 AM 32 25.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
9:50 AM 33 26.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
10:20 AM 33 26.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
10:50 AM 34 27.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
11:20 AM 35 28.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
11:50 AM 35 28.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
12:20 PM 36 29.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
12:50 PM 36 29.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
1:20 PM 37 30.8 6.2 28.1 47.4

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1:50 PM 38 31.8 6.2 28.1 47.4

2:20 PM 38 31.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
2:50 PM 38 31.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
3:20 PM 38 31.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
3:50 PM 39 32.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
4:20 PM 39 32.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
4:50 PM 40 33.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
5:20 PM 39 32.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
5:50 PM 38 31.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
6:20 PM 37 30.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
6:50 PM 36 29.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
7:20 PM 35 28.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
7:50 PM 32 25.8 6.2 27.9 47.1
8:20 PM 32 25.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
8:50 PM 32 25.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
9:20 PM 32 25.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
9:50 PM 31 24.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
10:20 PM 30 23.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
10:50 PM 29 22.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
11:20 PM 28 21.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
11:50 PM 29 22.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
12:20 AM 24 17.8 6.2 27.8 47.0
12:50 AM 27 20.8 6.2 28.1 47.5
1:20 AM 25 18.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
1:50 AM 24 17.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
2:20 AM 24 17.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
2:50 AM 24 17.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
3:20 AM 25 18.8 6.2 28.1 47.4
3:50 AM 23 16.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
4:20 AM 23 16.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
4:50 AM 21 14.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
5:20 AM 19 12.8 6.2 28.0 47.2
5:50 AM 19 12.8 6.2 28.0 47.3
6:20 AM 20 13.8 6.2 28.1 47.4

Table 53:Dew point temperature in summer

inside T Humidity point
6:50 19.0 45% 6.8
7:20 19.8 37% 4
7:50 21.8 33% 4.8
8:20 23.8 27% 3.7
8:50 24.8 24% 2.8
9:20 25.8 24% 3.7
9:50 26.8 26% 5.7

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10:20 26.8 24% 4.5

10:50 27.8 23% 4.8
11:20 28.8 20% 3.6
11:50 28.8 18% 2.1
12:20 29.8 18% 2.9
12:50 29.8 17% 2.1
13:20 30.8 17% 2.9
13:50 31.8 15% 2
14:20 31.8 16% 2.9
14:50 31.8 16% 2.9
15:20 31.8 13% 0
15:50 32.8 13% 0.7
16:20 32.8 11% -1.5
16:50 33.8 11% -0.8
17:20 32.8 13% 0.7
17:50 31.8 15% 2
18:20 30.8 18% 3.7
18:50 29.8 19% 3.7
19:20 28.8 22% 4.9
19:50 25.8 22% 2.5
20:20 25.8 22% 2.5
20:50 25.8 21% 1.8
21:20 25.8 24% 3.7
21:50 24.8 25% 3.4
22:20 23.8 27% 3.7
22:50 22.8 26% 2.3
23:20 21.8 10
23:50 22.8 10
0:20 17.8 2.9
0:50 20.8 42% 7.4
1:20 18.8 44% 6.3
1:50 17.8 44% 5.4
2:20 17.8 44% 5.4
2:50 17.8 42% 4.7
3:20 18.8 47% 7.2
3:50 16.8 47% 5.4
4:20 16.8 53% 7.2
4:50 14.8 60% 7.1
5:20 12.8 64% 6.2
5:50 12.8 60% 5.2
6:20 13.8 50% 3.6

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Appendix j (Result of winter)

Table 54: Properties of the outside air in winter
Time T_Outside Weather Wind T_S1 T_f β Kinematic viscosity ν
0:20 [ C ]̊ Km/h [K] [K^-1] [m^2/s] x10^-6
Wed, 1
Jan 5 Passing clouds. 4 4.5 277.75 0.0036 13.69
4 Passing clouds. 6 3.5 276.75 0.003613 13.6
5 Partly cloudy. 4 4.5 277.75 0.0036 13.69
4 Partly cloudy. 4 3.5 276.75 0.003613 13.6
4 Partly cloudy. 6 3.5 276.75 0.003613 13.6
3 Partly cloudy. 4 2.5 275.75 0.003626 13.6
3 Partly cloudy. 6 2.5 275.75 0.003626 13.6
3 Partly cloudy. 4 2.5 275.75 0.003626 13.6
2 Partly cloudy. wind 1.5 274.75 0.00364 13.42
2 Partly cloudy. wind 1.5 274.75 0.00364 13.42
2 Partly cloudy. wind 1.5 274.75 0.00364 13.42
2 Partly cloudy. 6 1.5 274.75 0.00364 13.42
2 Partly cloudy. 7 1.5 274.75 0.00364 13.42
2 Partly cloudy. 6 1.5 274.75 0.00364 13.42
2 Partly cloudy. 7 1.5 274.75 0.00364 13.42
2 Broken clouds. 9 1.5 274.75 0.00364 13.42
2 Broken clouds. 6 1.5 274.75 0.00364 13.42
4 Broken clouds. 6 3.5 276.75 0.003613 13.6
5 Broken clouds. 6 4.5 277.75 0.0036 13.69
4 Broken clouds. 7 3.5 276.75 0.003613 13.6
4 Broken clouds. 7 3.5 276.75 0.003613 13.6
7 Broken clouds. 6 6.5 279.75 0.003575 13.86
7 Broken clouds. 7 6.5 279.75 0.003575 13.86
8 Broken clouds. 6 7.5 280.75 0.003562 13.95
8 Broken clouds. 7 7.5 280.75 0.003562 13.95
8 Broken clouds. 4 7.5 280.75 0.003562 13.95
10 Broken clouds. 15 9.5 282.75 0.003537 14.13
10 Broken clouds. 11 9.5 282.75 0.003537 14.13
9 Broken clouds. 17 8.5 281.75 0.003549 14.04

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9 Broken clouds. 15 8.5 281.75 0.003549 14.04
9 Broken clouds. 13 8.5 281.75 0.003549 14.04
9 Broken clouds. 7 8.5 281.75 0.003549 14.04
9 Broken clouds. 13 8.5 281.75 0.003549 14.04
8 Broken clouds. 9 7.5 280.75 0.003562 13.95
8 Partly cloudy. 9 7.5 280.75 0.003562 13.95
7 Partly cloudy. 11 6.5 279.75 0.003575 13.86
6 Partly cloudy. 7 5.5 278.75 0.003587 13.77
6 Partly cloudy. 2 5.5 278.75 0.003587 13.77
4 Partly cloudy. 9 3.5 276.75 0.003613 13.6
3 Partly cloudy. 11 2.5 275.75 0.003626 13.6
5 Partly cloudy. 9 4.5 277.75 0.0036 13.69
2 Partly cloudy. 6 1.5 274.75 0.00364 13.42
2 Partly cloudy. 4 1.5 274.75 0.00364 13.42
1 Partly cloudy. 4 0.5 273.75 0.003653 13.34
1 Partly cloudy. 7 0.5 273.75 0.003653 13.34
1 Passing clouds. 6 0.5 273.75 0.003653 13.34
23:50 0 Passing clouds. 6 -0.5 272.75 0.003666 13.25

Table 55: Calculation of vertical plate in winter

Vertical plate.

Thermal conductivity outside

Grl Ra Types ̅̅̅̅̅
𝑁𝑢𝑙 h
of flow [w/mk] x10^-3 w/m^2.k
4.82E+07 3.47E+07 Laminar 40.221 24.71 1.242
4.91E+07 3.53E+07 Laminar 40.387 24.63 1.243
4.82E+07 3.47E+07 Laminar 40.221 24.71 1.242
4.91E+07 3.53E+07 Laminar 40.387 24.63 1.243
4.91E+07 3.53E+07 Laminar 40.387 24.63 1.243
4.92E+07 3.55E+07 Laminar 40.423 24.55 1.240
4.92E+07 3.55E+07 Laminar 40.423 24.55 1.240
4.92E+07 3.55E+07 Laminar 40.423 24.55 1.240
5.08E+07 3.65E+07 Laminar 40.725 24.48 1.246
5.08E+07 3.65E+07 Laminar 40.725 24.48 1.246

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5.08E+07 3.65E+07 Laminar 40.725 24.48 1.246

5.08E+07 3.65E+07 Laminar 40.725 24.48 1.246
5.08E+07 3.65E+07 Laminar 40.725 24.48 1.246
5.08E+07 3.65E+07 Laminar 40.725 24.48 1.246
5.08E+07 3.65E+07 Laminar 40.725 24.48 1.246
5.08E+07 3.65E+07 Laminar 40.725 24.48 1.246
5.08E+07 3.65E+07 Laminar 40.725 24.48 1.246
4.91E+07 3.53E+07 Laminar 40.387 24.63 1.243
4.82E+07 3.47E+07 Laminar 40.221 24.71 1.242
4.91E+07 3.53E+07 Laminar 40.387 24.63 1.243
4.91E+07 3.53E+07 Laminar 40.387 24.63 1.243
4.67E+07 3.36E+07 Laminar 39.907 24.63 1.229
4.67E+07 3.36E+07 Laminar 39.907 24.63 1.229
4.60E+07 3.31E+07 Laminar 39.745 24.94 1.239
4.60E+07 3.31E+07 Laminar 39.745 24.94 1.239
4.60E+07 3.31E+07 Laminar 39.745 24.94 1.239
4.45E+07 3.20E+07 Laminar 39.427 25.09 1.237
4.45E+07 3.20E+07 Laminar 39.427 25.09 1.237
4.52E+07 3.26E+07 Laminar 39.585 25.01 1.238
4.52E+07 3.26E+07 Laminar 39.585 25.01 1.238
4.52E+07 3.26E+07 Laminar 39.585 25.01 1.238
4.52E+07 3.26E+07 Laminar 39.585 25.01 1.238
4.52E+07 3.26E+07 Laminar 39.585 25.01 1.238
4.60E+07 3.31E+07 Laminar 39.745 24.94 1.239
4.60E+07 3.31E+07 Laminar 39.745 24.94 1.239
4.67E+07 3.36E+07 Laminar 39.907 24.63 1.229
4.75E+07 3.42E+07 Laminar 40.070 24.78 1.241
4.75E+07 3.42E+07 Laminar 40.070 24.78 1.241
4.91E+07 3.53E+07 Laminar 40.387 24.63 1.243
4.92E+07 3.55E+07 Laminar 40.423 24.55 1.240
4.82E+07 3.47E+07 Laminar 40.221 24.71 1.242
5.08E+07 3.65E+07 Laminar 40.725 24.48 1.246
5.08E+07 3.65E+07 Laminar 40.725 24.48 1.246
5.16E+07 3.71E+07 Laminar 40.882 24.4 1.247

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5.16E+07 3.71E+07 Laminar 40.882 24.4 1.247

5.16E+07 3.71E+07 Laminar 40.882 24.4 1.247
5.24E+07 3.78E+07 Laminar 41.055 24.33 1.249

Table 56: Properties of the inclined plate in winter

inclined plate
GrL Ra ̅̅̅̅̅ outside h
2.58E+07 1.86E+07 2.87E+01 5.02E-01
2.53E+07 1.82E+07 2.86E+01 4.98E-01
2.58E+07 1.86E+07 2.87E+01 5.02E-01
2.58E+07 1.86E+07 2.87E+01 5.01E-01
2.59E+07 1.86E+07 2.88E+01 5.01E-01
2.59E+07 1.86E+07 2.88E+01 5.00E-01
2.59E+07 1.86E+07 2.88E+01 5.00E-01
2.67E+07 1.92E+07 2.91E+01 5.05E-01
2.67E+07 1.92E+07 2.91E+01 5.03E-01
2.67E+07 1.92E+07 2.91E+01 5.03E-01
2.67E+07 1.92E+07 2.91E+01 5.03E-01
2.67E+07 1.92E+07 2.91E+01 5.03E-01
2.67E+07 1.92E+07 2.91E+01 5.03E-01
2.67E+07 1.92E+07 2.91E+01 5.03E-01
2.67E+07 1.92E+07 2.91E+01 5.03E-01
2.67E+07 1.92E+07 2.91E+01 5.03E-01
2.58E+07 1.86E+07 2.87E+01 4.98E-01
2.53E+07 1.82E+07 2.86E+01 4.98E-01
2.58E+07 1.86E+07 2.87E+01 5.02E-01
2.58E+07 1.86E+07 2.87E+01 5.01E-01
2.45E+07 1.77E+07 2.83E+01 4.93E-01
2.45E+07 1.77E+07 2.83E+01 4.93E-01
2.41E+07 1.74E+07 2.81E+01 4.90E-01
2.41E+07 1.74E+07 2.81E+01 4.96E-01
2.41E+07 1.74E+07 2.81E+01 4.96E-01
2.34E+07 1.68E+07 2.79E+01 4.91E-01

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4 Seasons Tent Spring 2020

2.34E+07 1.68E+07 2.79E+01 4.94E-01

2.38E+07 1.71E+07 2.80E+01 4.97E-01
2.38E+07 1.71E+07 2.80E+01 4.95E-01
2.38E+07 1.71E+07 2.80E+01 4.95E-01
2.38E+07 1.71E+07 2.80E+01 4.95E-01
2.38E+07 1.71E+07 2.80E+01 4.95E-01
2.41E+07 1.74E+07 2.81E+01 4.98E-01
2.41E+07 1.74E+07 2.81E+01 4.96E-01
2.45E+07 1.77E+07 2.83E+01 4.99E-01
2.50E+07 1.80E+07 2.85E+01 4.96E-01
2.50E+07 1.80E+07 2.85E+01 4.99E-01
2.58E+07 1.86E+07 2.87E+01 5.04E-01
2.59E+07 1.86E+07 2.88E+01 5.01E-01
2.53E+07 1.82E+07 2.86E+01 4.96E-01
2.67E+07 1.92E+07 2.91E+01 5.08E-01
2.67E+07 1.92E+07 2.91E+01 5.03E-01
2.71E+07 1.95E+07 2.92E+01 5.06E-01
2.71E+07 1.95E+07 2.92E+01 5.04E-01
2.71E+07 1.95E+07 2.92E+01 5.04E-01
2.76E+07 1.98E+07 2.94E+01 5.07E-01
2.76E+07 1.98E+07 2.94E+01 5.05E-01

Table 57: Inside temperature in winter

Outside Inside
Heat Flow (without Heat Flow (with
Time Temperature Temperature ∆T ℃
insulation) [W] insulation) [W]
℃ ℃
5:10 PM 8 18.0
5:20 PM 8 15.0 7.0 30.5 53.2
5:50 PM 7 13.2 6.2 27.2 47.4
6:20 PM 6 12.2 6.2 27.2 47.4
6:50 PM 6 12.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
7:20 PM 4 10.2 6.2 27.2 47.4
7:50 PM 3 9.2 6.2 27.2 47.4
8:20 PM 5 11.2 6.2 27.1 47.2
8:50 PM 2 8.2 6.2 27.3 47.5
9:50 PM 2 8.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
10:20 PM 1 7.2 6.2 27.2 47.4
10:50 PM 1 7.2 6.2 27.2 47.3

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11:20 PM 1 7.2 6.2 27.2 47.3

11:50 PM 0 6.2 6.2 27.2 47.4
12:00 PM 0 6.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
12:20 AM 5 11.2 6.2 27.0 47.0
12:50 AM 4 10.2 6.2 27.2 47.4
1:20 AM 5 11.2 6.2 27.1 47.2
1:50 AM 4 10.2 6.2 27.2 47.4
2:20 AM 4 10.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
2:50 AM 3 9.2 6.2 27.2 47.4
3:20 AM 3 9.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
3:50 AM 3 9.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
4:20 AM 2 8.2 6.2 27.2 47.4
4:50 AM 2 8.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
5:20 AM 2 8.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
5:50 AM 2 8.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
6:20 AM 2 8.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
6:50 AM 2 8.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
7:20 AM 2 8.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
7:50 AM 2 8.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
8:20 AM 2 8.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
8:50 AM 4 10.2 6.2 27.1 47.2
9:20 AM 5 11.2 6.2 27.1 47.2
9:50 AM 4 10.2 6.2 27.2 47.4
10:20 AM 4 10.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
10:50 AM 7 13.2 6.2 27.0 47.1
11:20 AM 7 13.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
11:50 AM 8 14.2 6.2 27.1 47.2
12:20 PM 8 14.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
12:50 PM 8 14.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
1:20 PM 10 16.2 6.2 27.1 47.2
1:50 PM 10 16.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
2:20 PM 9 15.2 6.2 27.2 47.4
2:50 PM 9 15.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
3:20 PM 9 15.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
3:50 PM 9 15.2 6.2 27.2 47.3
4:20 PM 9 15.2 6.2 27.2 47.3

Table 58: Dew point temperature in winter

Time Inside tempreture [C] point
17:10 18.00 15.8
17:20 14.98 12.9
17:50 13.23 90% 11.6
18:20 12.22 93% 11.1
18:50 12.21 93% 11.1

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4 Seasons Tent Spring 2020

19:20 10.23 93% 9.1

19:50 9.22 93% 8.51
20:20 11.20 93% 10.1
20:50 8.24 93% 7.2
21:50 8.21 93% 7.2
22:20 7.22 93% 6.1
22:50 7.21 93% 6.1
23:20 7.21 93% 6.1
23:50 6.22 100% 6.2
PM 6.21 100% 6.2
0:20 11.17 100% 11.1
0:50 10.22 93% 9.1
1:20 11.20 100% 11.2
1:50 10.22 93% 9.1
2:20 10.21 87% 9.1
2:50 9.22 93% 8.1
3:20 9.21 93% 8.1
3:50 9.21 81% 6.1
4:20 8.22 81% 5.1
4:50 8.21 71% 3.3
5:20 8.21 71% 3.3
5:50 8.21 66% 2.2
6:20 8.21 54% -0.6
6:50 8.21 50% -1.6
7:20 8.21 50% -1.6
7:50 8.21 54% -0.6
8:20 8.21 50% -1.6
8:50 10.20 50% 0.2
9:20 11.20 50% 1.2
9:50 10.22 53% 1
10:20 10.21 53% 1
10:50 13.19 57% 4.9
11:20 13.21 61% 5.8
11:50 14.20 61% 6.8
12:20 14.21 70% 8.8
12:50 14.21 81% 11
13:20 16.20 66% 9.8
13:50 16.21 81% 12.9
14:20 15.22 81% 12
14:50 15.21 81% 12
15:20 15.21 87% 13
15:50 15.21 87% 13
16:20 15.21 93% 14.1

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