Purabi Gogoi
Purabi Gogoi
Purabi Gogoi
1. Duarah Ipsita, Mili Bhaskar(2013), “Tourism Potentiality in North East India”
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
2. Goowalla Horen, Neog Dhurbojyoti(2011), “Problem and Prospect of Tea Tourism in
Assam - A Swot Analysis”, International Conference on Advancements in Information
Technology With workshop of ICBMG 2011 IPCSIT vol.20 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT
Press, Singapore
3. Kalita Dr. Kamaleswar, Gogoi Dr. Mouchumi(2015), “TOURISM IN ASSAM- AILS
AND OPPORTUNITIES”, RESEARCH FRONT, ISSN (Print) 2320 – 6446, (Online)
2320 – 8341
4. Regional Tourism Satellite Account Assam, 2009-10
5. Rizal Praveen and Asokan R. (2013), “A comparative study of tourism Industry in
North-Eastern States of India”, “IOSR Journal of Business and management”, ISSN:
2278-487X, pp.56-62.
6. Sikder, Uttam Kumar (2014), “Tourism and economic growth of North East Indian
States”, “International Journal of Advance Research”, ISSN- 2320 -9151.