Atanu Sen j1s6198a
Atanu Sen j1s6198a
Atanu Sen j1s6198a
Database and Methodology: The research work is conducted through a proper blend of
primary and secondary data. Primary data has been collected through observations,
structured and semi structured interview. A questionnaire survey has been operated in the
study area upon various stakeholders like local residents, lodge owners, artisans and
tourists. On the other hand secondary data has been collected through district hand books,
various journals, and published and unpublished web resources. Various seminar
Proceedings, articles, journals, environmental documents are deeply assessed for this
research work. This present research study focuses upon the tourism impact on socio-
Volume- VI, Issue-III January 2018 146
Socio-Cultural Impression of Tourism: A Case Study of Historical Temple Town … Atanu Sen
cultural attributes and scenario of Bishnupur. The core adverse impact of tourism on the
socio-cultural environment and lifestyles of the local community includes decaying values
of Social and cultural systems are the essential elements taken for discussion.
Major objectives:
This research work focusing upon its objectives like.
a. To find out the positive and negative impact of tourism on the contemporary socio-
cultural profile of Bishnupur.
b. To make a suitable statistical analysis for the direct impact of tourism and
recreational industry on the socio-cultural periphery of Bishnupur.
c. To delimitate the major problems made by tourism and its feasible management
Literature review: Kumar and Kumar (2014) in their research paper analyzed the role of
tourism on socio-cultural environment from sociological point of view. According to them
the attributes of social system are highly governed by tourist behavior which corresponds
the norms, beliefs, societal behavior and traditions. Zhong et al (2010) in their research
paper focused on problem and prospect of tourism and it reflects. The tourism operation
over the carrying capacities creates harmful situations to their social life’s. Matsuoka and
Kelly (1988) in their paper focused on the role of tourism development and resort
constructions on native Hawaiians socio cultural and environmental conditions. Nayomi and
Gnanapala (2015) in their article focused in the area of Impacts of tourism on socio cultural
sphere of residents at Kandalama district in Sri Lanka. Proper training, skill enhancement,
educational development will lead the tourism positive impacts. Shivaraju and Kumar
(2015), in their research article indicated that the unplanned and abrupt expansion of
tourism may degrade the socio cultural and economic situation through their case study on
Kodagu district in Karnataka.
A theoretical overview of the impact of tourism in Socio-Cultural environment in
Temple town Bishnupur: Tourism can enhances the level of living in an area by
amusement and other recreational opportunities. Tourism provides opportunities to the local
people by interacting with tourists, making friendship, getting knowledge about the external
world and discover newer possibilities.
The well combination of guests and hosts assimilates the culture and upgrade the level of
living. The tourism attraction of local culture and ethnicity enhances the opportunity to
preserve its uniqueness and sustainability of existing culture. (Brown 1998).
This type of tourism interest may help to reduce the cultural disparities, and it will
provide psychological gratification from the convenience to interplay with various tourists
and their demands. The nature of complex interrelation between host and guests (Tourists)
may interpreted in four evolutionary stages as connoted by Doxley (Fennel 2007:47-48).
These are as follows
Selected Area under construction phase Total Area under operation phase Tot
Parameters al
Low Medium High Low Medium High
impact % impact % impact % % impact % impact % impact % %
1.Residenti 7 28 11 44 7 28 100 4 16 13 52 8 32 100
al culture
2.Physical 18 72 4 16 3 12 100 17 68 6 24 2 8 100
and mental
3.Financial 10 40 9 36 6 24 100 12 48 6 24 7 28 100
4.Infrastruc 4 16 12 48 9 36 100 4 16 11 44 10 40 100
5.Electricit 5 20 9 36 11 44 100 4 16 9 36 12 48 100
Volume- VI, Issue-III January 2018 149
Socio-Cultural Impression of Tourism: A Case Study of Historical Temple Town … Atanu Sen
6.Labour 7 28 8 32 10 40 100 5 20 8 32 12 48 100
7.Educatio 14 56 6 24 5 20 100 13 52 6 24 6 24 100
nal status
8.Poupulati 8 32 8 32 9 36 100 7 28 8 32 10 40 100
on growth
9.congetion 3 12 8 32 14 56 100 2 8 6 24 17 68 100
, crime and
10.Security 10 40 4 16 11 44 100 7 28 6 24 12 48 100
(Source: Data compiled by author,2018)
From the above data generated through Environmental Impact assessment (E.I.A) it can be
said that the high impact of tourism are found in the field of power consumption, labor
force, infrastructural development, in the tourism constructed areas, whereas level of road
congestion, theft, snatching and other social problems remains high in the tourism
operational areas is gradually increasing in its amount. As per the tourist review impact of
tourism on socio cultural decaying is not highly significant, although a proper strategic
intervention need to apply for protection the socio-cultural environment and architecturally
famous temples.
Perception of the local people (Residents) regarding the impact of Tourism on socio-
cultural ambience: Tourism itself a stronger tool to gear up the local economy, society,
through job creation and financial security. Although it have some of its own detrimental
impact to the tourist centre as well as for the local residents. For our survey work in
Bishnupur we select 50 inhabitant of this town from various ward through random sampling
method. We collect numeric data through Likert three point scale. So we easily categories
the opinion quantitatively according to their level of intensity (Table:2). For the evaluation
of socio-cultural influence of tourism on the local residents, repercussion at some selected
ward in Bishnupur town are collected. The socio-cultural impact of tourism is calculated
through mean values given in the table
Table:2-Tourism effect on socio-cultural environment in the study area: (Table:2)
1. 2-2.99 11
2. 1-1.99 40
3. 0-0.99 19
4. 0 5
5. 0-(-0.99) 15
6. (-0.99)-(-1.99) 7
1. Matsuoka, J., and Kelly, T.,(1988), The Environmental, Economic, and Social
2. of Resort Development and Tourism on Native Hawaiians, The Journal of Sociology
& Social Welfare,15(3).PP-29-43.