Black Void - Into The Oblivious Depths
Black Void - Into The Oblivious Depths
Black Void - Into The Oblivious Depths
is only the beginning...
Original storyline by
Crystal Mazur
Written by
Crystal Mazur & Christoffer S. Sevaldsen
Edited by
Christoffer S. Sevaldsen
Layout by
Christoffer S. Sevaldsen & Daniel Barros
Lucca Medeiros, Ekaterina Yastrubetskaya, Tomas Richards,
Aske Schmidt Rose, Tan Nguyen, João Fiuza (inkognit), & Christoffer S. Sevaldsen
Special thanks to
All the wonderful people around the world whose kind
words and encouragement has made all the difference!
Thank you to all the Voidfarers for your valuable feedback and input.
Published by
Black Void Games
Amaliegade 13B,
1256 Copenhagen K
ISBN 978-87-93781-09-2
Product code: BVG017D / MUH052244-PDF
1st edition
All artwork and image rights are owned by Christoffer S. Sevaldsen, Black Void Games
Additional graphic elements are used under the full extended license from
This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or present, is purely
coincidental and unintentional except for people and elements described in a historical context.
For potentially impressionable readers/players it should be noted that this game is not meant to reflect or
indeed be applied to reality. The themes, events and ideas expressed in the Black Void RPG are fictional
and do not reflect any belief, political conviction, opinion or existential viewpoints of its author(s).
It is merely a game, meant to entertain and excite… Nothing more, nothing less!
Arbitrating 8 • Al’Lilla 95
The Story 9 • La’Dian Ku’Tadh 96
Ahniar 10 • Na’Vari 96
The Tadh Consortium 11 • Somesht Ku’Tadh 98
Characters 16 • Trapped MindNebula 98
• Waeha 98
P r e face
Sce nar i o
setu p
Whenever a scene or event has a specific opportunity for
To play this scenario, you need a copy of the Black Void The appendix detail complete descriptions of antagonists,
core rulebook, some twelve-sided dice (at least one for each allies, and other non-player characters, including their game
player) as well as pen and paper. Other implements such characteristics, skills, and combat abilities where needed.
as figurines for combat and such can be used but are not a Maps, faction descriptions, new sentient species and beasts
necessity. can also be found in the appendix.
A role-playing game scenario is a story much like the plot Details about Voidfaring, background stories and information
in a book, with the distinct difference that the story is not on the various creatures, peoples and species can be found
fixed but depends on the players’ decisions and actions. The in the Black Void core rulebook.
scenario provides a framework for the players to act within.
It is they who decide where to go, what to do and - in so Arbiters can download a PDF containing the various maps
doing - shape how the story progresses. and handouts using the QR code below.
Ar b itrating
It is recommended that the Arbiter reads through the NPC
While the plot is a complete story arc on its own, it is also If the scenario is played as a stand-alone story, it is possibly
somewhat open-ended, providing numerous possibilities for not vital which collaborative enclave is chosen, but if it is
further exploits based on the occurrences of this story. part of a campaign – or perhaps the beginning of one – it
holds substantial significance.
The scenes are arranged in the most regular order of
occurrence, but the chronology of the various world-visits Should the characters already be members of, or otherwise
can be rearranged to accommodate the characters’ choices involved with an enclave, it seems natural that this enclave
as the Arbiter sees fit. is the collaborator.
It is recommended, however, that the Arbiter introduce The characters would probably have been appointed as
the messaging with Al’lilla and the Tadh Consortium in the representatives for the endeavour – but this is for the Arbiter
suggested order to keep events progressive and build the and players to decide.
suspense and trepidation throughout the story.
The story delves into one of the Black Void setting’s central
concepts, namely Void traversing and world exploration,
while keeping the theme of humanity’s struggle for survival
and resurgence at its core.
The characters are taken on a harrowing voyage of discovery,
horror, and intrigue that offers opportunities for profound
role-playing, shrewdness, and raw, brutal combat.
Many of the locations – such as the Dome cities CONTENT WARNING: Body horror, animal horror,
in the Amber Ocean – also provide abundant drowning, torture, mind probing, deep water, esoteric
possibilities for Arbiters to introduce additional horror, otherworldly entities, Void death, and ordinary
NPC’s and plot hooks as the characters explore. death.
Thhee SSt
T ory
The Tadh Consortium is a Ka’Alum faction dedicated to
launching Void-traversing expeditionary vessels and crews to
discover and explore new worlds. The expeditionary crews
study, document and log information about the worlds,
their inhabitants, flora, fauna, and resources as well as any
other notable features. This information is then accumulated,
analysed, and offered to the affluent patrons funding the
Every major Ka’Alum port city is a hub for Void vessels that
ferry travellers and cargo between the Ka’Alum federation
worlds, and to most other places in the known Cosmos. The
capital, Shia’far, is among the largest and most spectacular
cities found across the civilised societies.
Roughly a day’s journey outside Shia’far on the border
of a cultivated jungle park lies the Ku’Tadh family estate
comprising the Tadh Consortium. This location and
connectivity have allowed the Consortium to readily gather
funds and clients for its endeavours from the zenith of the
Ka’Alum hierarchy and later from affluent off-worlders.
KU’TADH ESTATE (1): Comprising the Ku’Tadh estate,
Tadh Consortium and associated harbour.
The Tad h
Conso rti u m
The T adh
The Tadh Consortium was founded as an effort to aid the
new Ka’Alum federation to find and populate habitable
worlds with the aim of currying favour and affluence. This
has since expanded to include further and otherworldly
patrons able to provide unique compensation and prospects
for services rendered.
worlds. This is an olive branch opportunity the Consortium
What do they do?
does not want to waste. Furthermore, the explorers are to
keep watch for any ruptures leading to other worlds that may
The Tadh Consortium contracts individuals and explorer be of interest to the Consortium for prospective destinations.
groups to find and investigate new and uncharted worlds.
The crews explore and possibly make contact with any
sentient species found on the world in the hope of opening
new trade routes or establishing diplomatic relations in the
future. This all contributes to the Consortium’s considerable
knowledge of species, cultures, resources and Powers across
the Cosmos and in the Void.
The Consortium employs several Mystics utilising their
capabilities and studious ingenuity to aid the explorer crews.
A few crews have been assigned Mystics that have bonded
with MindNebulas, allowing them to store impressions and
gathered information.
MindNebulas also provide the ability to convey messages at
regular intervals by sending the MindNebula intermittently
back to the Consortium while the crew remains on mission.
Trav e lling t
Travelling he C
the Cosmos
The core worlds and many others already have stable rifts Once the expedition embarks on their voyage one or more
and ruptures, enabling travel between them. These rifts have Void guides usually assist the Primary Navigator to ensure
either naturally formed or been cultivated over many years that multiple Void sensitive Consortium members can
to be open continually and be large enough to allow ships recognize the torrent flow subsequently.
to pass through with ease.
Once they proceed past known areas, it is the expeditionary
With many known and established Void trade routes crews’ task to document what is observed while travelling
controlled and tithed by the Red Galleys of the Unseen to the new world. These discoveries are logged by the
Rulers, there is a considerable impetus for finding new accompanying scribes to be assessed and inscribed into the
opportunities outside their sphere of influence. Consortium charts later.
The Tadh Consortium has designed its own cryptic
Traversing the Void to discover new worlds without coordinate structure and references it for communications
established routes or stable ruptures is incredibly precarious, about placements and worlds in case the logs, charts or
arduous, and hazardous. However, the rewards are seen as diagrams should fall into unwanted hands.
worth the risk to some entrepreneurial individuals.
Once a conduit and current to a new world is discovered,
The Tadh Consortium is mapping out their discovered it is the expeditionary crew’s responsibility to determine
ruptures and Void currents in an effort to establish diagrams whether the rupture they emerge from is stable or need to
detailing new-found routes and worlds as well as the means of be maintained or even expanded to make the route reliable
traversing the Void to reach them. Whether their aspirations for future use. These measures are implemented by the
are to someday rival the Unseen Rulers is unstipulated. Still, Consortium Mystics and are occasionally also necessary to
their efforts do seem to indicate the inclination. accommodate larger vessels and caravans. Such activities are
intermittently done without the consent or even knowledge
The Consortium diagrams are continually being improved of local sentient inhabitants of the world.
and enhanced as more information is uncovered about
ruptures and potential Void currents to undiscovered worlds. It is a Tadh Consortium principle that stable rifts be
These maps are always heavily guarded and kept in a vault established on every newly discovered world in case future
in the Tadh Consortium. Their information is rarely shared needs warrant further visits. Or exactly the opposite, should
and only at a very hefty price. the reverse be the case - as stipulated by the covert mandate
of the advisory caucus.
To mitigate the inherent dangers of traversing unfamiliar
Void currents, the Tadh Consortium takes advantage of
already known currents to send scouting crews or ships
through to get close to the intended destination or entry rift
before exploring the new route.
Notable people (NPC’s)
A halfblood scholar
working for the Tadh
Consortium, analysing
and compiling annals
of explored worlds.
If she encounters the
characters, she will
warn them of peculiar
Groups & Factions happenings and aid
them with information
DOME CITY DWELLERS: All belonging to a species known about a previous ill-fated
as Ly’okans, migrated from the surface of the Amber ocean expedition.
world, and now living in large crystalline domes on the ocean
HOARDERS: An amalgamation of stuck Voidfarers trapped Ka’Alum sees potential in humanity and has initiated a
in the bedrock caverns beneath the Amber Ocean. They collaboration with one of the human enclaves in Llyhn
survive on gathering trash, debris and whatever they can find to find worlds where humanity could thrive. La’Dian
to sustain themselves, trading with each other and the Dome believes that mankind will rise to affluence and sees great
dwellers to scrape by. opportunities in being alongside them when they do, and
perhaps even enabling the climb.
human enclaves of Llyhn collaborating with Ka’Lacunae
Ku’Tadh to find habitable worlds for human colonies. The NA’VARI: This Ka’Alum Mystic
Arbiter decides which of the human enclaves is involved in is bonded with a MindNebula.
the collaboration. The bond allows her to convey
her thoughts, impressions, and
IHMA-ARUN SECT: An Aq’Jarea assassins sect hired by the memories to the MindNebula,
Consortium to remove unwanted personages. which then journeys back and
deposits these in the minds
of recipient sages on Ahniar.
She is also a capable Mystic
able to support the
expeditionary crew
on their voyage.
Cha r a cte r s
Characters should either have progressed by at least 30
experience points and preferably have attained a few rankings
of Enlightenment prior to this scenario.
Character motivation
Tadh Consortium training
FAVOUR: Being among the crew that found a new “Welcome to the Tadh Consortium! Our purpose is
homeworld for mankind is certain to elevate and glorify the to explore new worlds in the pursuit of resource-laden
characters for as long as humanity remains. Undoubtedly, and abundant worlds to colonise. Our tutoring will help
verse shall be composed, and epics written in praise of their you learn policy and practice in your role as a Tadh
heroics and achievement. Consortium Voidfarer. During the training, you will be
assessed for your skills and allocated to a crew based on
REWARD: The Tadh Consortium has promised considerable your abilities. Each crew is assembled to enhance each
wealth and generous gifts to those who participate in this other’s strengths as well as account for their weaknesses.
endeavour. Certainly, the patron enclave will also reward It is our belief that success is built on collective efforts
those who dared their lives to secure a better future for the toward our objective. Our goal is to satisfy the needs
rest of mankind. of our patrons and possibly make the Cosmos a more
civilised place, one new discovery and globe at a time.“
Journey log
• Designation
• Topography
• Environment
• Habitability
• Sentient species, culture, and governance (if any)
• Natural resources
• Notable plant life and creatures
The log journals are made from either papyrus rolls, vellum,
stone slabs, wooden strips, or clay tablets as decided by
Knowledge & resources
the Arbiter. The logs will regularly be handed over to a
MindNebula-bonded Mystic, after which they are kept in Once training and assessment are complete, all the other
locked storage until the return to the Consortium. recruits have been discarded, and only the characters remain.
They are not yet aware of any details about their voyage or
The logs and any valuable information obtained on the objectives but do know that there are four destinations on
voyage is considered proprietary to the Tadh Consortium their charter. Two which have been preliminarily scouted,
and is to be kept secret and guarded. and two that are corroborated by second-hand accounts and
obscure sources only.
The Mystic conveys the log to the MindNebula, allowing for
messages and information to be sent back and forth relatively The goal of their endeavour is to be crew in the expedition
quickly while on assignment – as the entity commutes exploring uncharted worlds in search of locations that may
between the expedition and the Consortium. provide a new home for humanity. The dream of their
collaborating enclave is for them to find a habitable place
This enables the Consortium staff and Advisory Caucus to that can sustain and support a new human society and
review any information found and intermittently pose further civilisation worthy of their lost ancestors.
enquiries about what is being observed. The MindNebula can
commute with messages as often as is needed but each trek The characters are told that they will be travelling on a
takes several days. Consortium Void vessel and that this ship will be their living
quarters, base of operations and home for the duration of
the expedition.
F auna:
Their appointed vessel will carry the customary equipment
provided for expeditions exploring unknown worlds. This
includes survival gear for a range of environments including
d. Th
deserts, frigid wastelands, steaming jungles and so on.
s seem
Hunting gear, as well as materials for repair of their vessel,
ess an
are also provided. Crates, barrels, cages, jars, and other
implements for storing samples and specimens are kept in
the cargo hold and storage chamber onboard.
n as
as soo
The characters are informed that they will be part of a
we app
larger crew counting Void navigators, Mystics and possibly
e to g
mariners, scholars, sages, and others, but as the charter and
e, but
objective are relatively simple, no expedition commander is
appointed for this endeavour.
The characters will act as the landing party and accomplish
g its
the explorations and gathering of information, samples and
drawin ..
so on.
Just before the scenario starts an empty log journal is placed
in the characters’ hands as they are congratulated on having
been chosen as the new expeditionary crew for the Void
vessel named “the Sentinel”.
T he
Ob li v i ous
cene 11 : :The
The Nnew
p ed iti o n a r y Ccr ew
S ew
The characters have recently been hired to travel to and
document several presumed newly discovered and as-of-yet
uncharted worlds.
AL’LILLA: Halfblood research scholar. The characters can spend the time to get themselves situated
for their travel or visit Shia’far if they wish. However, the
WAEHA: Ancient Oord Void Navigator. Tadh Consortium has provided for more or less every need
and ample supplies for their extended trip.
NA’VARI: MindNebula-bonded Ka’Alum Mystic.
If the characters are unfamiliar with each other, they are
KA’LACUNAE LA’DIAN KU’TADH: The head of the encouraged to spend some time together getting to know
Tadh Consortium. one another. This would be an appropriate time for explorers
to say goodbye to any loved ones, gather personal supplies,
and take care of any unfinished business before leaving.
structures built in the traditional Ka’Alum architectural style
make up the Ku’Tadh estate. A wide paved road connects Any characters wandering about Shia’far without an
the estate with the pavilions and Consortium grounds to escort from the Consortium is likely to get stopped by
the south. Ka’Alum city guards and questioned.
As soon as the protagonists produce their Consortium
SYMPOSIUM PAVILIONS (2): An ensemble of colourful seal, they will be allowed to continue. However,
canopies arranged losely around a central lawn is the forum should they fail to do so or act confrontationally, they
in which the Consortium Caucus meets to discuss busines. will be apprehended.
CONSORTIUM GROUNDS (3): This cluster of A Consortium representative will eventually come to
buildings encircle a central courtyard. The buildings collect them but will deduct a sizeable portion of their
contain the training facilities, storage areas, library and salary in recompense for the trouble and bail. This bail
study halls, workshops, staff and crew dormitories would be increased significantly if they harmed any
and all other ameneties needed to efficiently run Ka’Alum in a scuffle during their seizure.
the business of exploring the Cosmos.
Ka’Alum do not take kindly to outsiders poking their noses Each protagonist has been given a signature seal
where they do not belong and would expect any humans denoting them as crew working for the Tadh
found on Ahniar to be slaves. Consortium, enabling them to move about freely,
The characters can meet their fellow Void Navigator and
The Ball MindNebula-bonded Mystic at the ball.
The last night before the protagonists are scheduled to The Mystic, a tall Ka’Alum with a misshapen beak and
depart from Ahniar, the Ka’Lacunae Ku’Tadh is hosting a features, will introduce herself as Na’Vari and strike
social gathering for staff, crew, and benefactors at the Tadh up a conversation, inquiring about the characters’ past,
Consortium. qualifications, and expectations about the upcoming
Explorers are told to dress in elegant or formal wear to
make a good impression upon the patrons who sponsor their She introduces them to Waeha, an ancient Oord who is the
assignments. There will be a fully catered dinner, socializing, Void Navigator on the expedition. Waeha is not talkative and
and dancing in the grand symposium pavilion. gives off an unpleasant smell, making conversation difficult.
The attendees are other expeditionary crew members, The Arbiter is free to establish NPC’s if the characters
patrons, magistrates, and staff of the Consortium as well as mingle and strike up conversations, but most attendees act
Ka’Alum officials and gentry. apprehensively or derisively towards the protagonists, even
if they try to hide it.
During the dinner, characters may make an observation or
Awareness roll [7] while walking around the crowded hall.
If they are successful, they hear at least one of the following
snippets of conversation as they saunter about, albeit they
are unable to determine who might have spoken. If they roll
an exceptional success, the Arbiter may add the additional
gossip they hear.
Guests leaving
The Sentinel
The following day the protagonists are escorted to the
nearby anchorage built by the consortium for the growing
2 3
expeditionary fleet. With the Sentinel stocked with supplies
and provisions, their personal belongings stowed away safely,
1 and a cloudless sky above, the explorers can depart whenever
they are ready.
Lower aft deck Lower for e deck Meals are prepared by a crew member and the characters
will have to decide who. There is an enlarged holding area
1. Aft upper deck for cargo, accommodating enough supplies for an extended
2. Lookout deck voyage. A locked room is located on the ship to store
8 3. Upper foredeck collected specimens from each world.
4. Helm and rudder
5. Crew quarters
A small dinghy is secured to the aft, port side of the ship
6. Weapons and equipment hold
9 7. Galley and crew area enabling landing parties to sail to shore without risking
8. Na’Vari’s quarters beaching the larger Void vessel.
9. Waeha’s quarters
Upper cabins
10. Cargo hold The ship itself is outfitted for both ocean-travel and Void
11. Sample and collection hold voyages. The protagonists might notice that there is only
12. Locked storage hold one door leading from the deck into the ship, while the few
portholes are small and feature heavy shutters with latches
to secure the vessel for Void traversing.
Cargo ho ld
The Sentinel
is reluctant to leave the Void vessel to get actively
involved in the exploration efforts.
The send-off
cene22 :: W
Wee sail
sai l
into t
he B lack
into the black
WAEHA: Ancient Oord Void Navigator. The mariner rolls do not directly affect the Void traversing
roll, but a botched roll may instigate a minor hazard, a
stern lecture from Waeha or be the cause of a later mishap.
Concurrently, an exceptional success induces a bonus or
Location other benefit occurring during the journey or later in the
THE LAKE: This is an enormous deep blue lake with
placid waters and numerous aquatic creatures that As the vessel approaches the rupture, the Arbiter should
sometimes curiously follow the vessel as it speeds along. build anticipation and trepidation. Making another roll on
the emanations table for each character again, replacing
The lake is so vast that any land disappears beyond the the former effect, will likely add to their sense of unease.
horizon before the crew reaches the Void rupture. Additionally, unenlightened characters will suffer from an
instinctive aversion to approaching the rupture, even if they
cannot see it.
Humanity was never meant for such vistas, and even a ARBITRARY EVENTS: TRAVEL COMPLICATIONS
glimpse induces an immediate Fear roll [13] from whichever
character peeks out. Enlightened characters may add their Arbiters can introduce the below complications to
ascension ranking to the roll, and any other precautionary add depth and perhaps some drama to the progressing
measures they have taken – such as being heavily inebriated relationship between the protagonists during their
– may also add bonuses at the Arbiter’s discretion. travels.
Once the characters have settled down, the Arbiter makes Once the explorers set off for their travels, they
a Void traversing roll [+0] (see page 199 in the core quickly discover the hardships of being cooped up on
rulebook) to determine how long the journey takes and if a small ship and find that it is harder to get along than
any unforeseen events occur. they previously thought. Ask each character to share
one thing they might do that annoys the other crew
During the voyage, the characters can explore the ship and its members and encourage the characters to work out
supplies, make plans, interact with the remaining crew, divide any issues they might be having.
responsibilities for when they arrive at their destination, and
whatever they wish to do to pass the time. If nobody actually knows how to cook, it is a disastrous
start to the assignment. While having plentiful supplies,
The Arbiter is free to make the voyage phase short or someone on the crew will need to learn how to cook
longer depending on the mood and wishes of the players or become bold enough to try it out in order to
and can introduce the arbitrary Travel complications if it keep everyone fed. Critical failures may cause food-
feels suitable. poisoning if the Arbiter is so inclined.
Scene 33 :: H
Hazy Eden
azy E den
The initial scouting team dubbed this world Hazy Eden ATMOSPHERE: The day-time air is not only breathable
because of its bleary sunlight and the fact that it is one of to humans; it has a distinct crispness to it. The night-
the few worlds that appear to be not only habitable but time air is still breathable but heavy with the stench
possibly even hospitable. of decay.
As night falls; however, the expeditionary crew discover that GRAVITY: The gravity is slightly higher than the
the dark holds terrors and obscurities best avoided. They characters are used to, inducing increased falling
are forced to fight for survival until dawn restores serenity damage [+1] and making prolonged physical exertion
or succumb to the Void-distorted abominations galvanised harder [Athletics and similar -1].
when the hazy rays of the sun vanish.
CLIMATE: The climate is fairly humid during the
daylight hours, causing wounds to become infected [4].
The dampness abates after the evening rains occurring
NPC’s daily.
NA’VARI: MindNebula-bonded Ka’Alum Mystic. GEOLOGY: The flat topography of Hazy Eden is
distinctive. There are no hills or other natural features
WAEHA: Ancient Oord Void Navigator. higher than 300 cubits, barely reaching over the dense
canopies of the continent-wide forests. Many shallow
rivers and lakes are scattered about the continent, but
Location no deep oceans or large bodies of water appear to exist.
The sun gives off a faint green tint, making everything Hazy Eden wi ld lif e
appear slightly hazy. However, the air seems to be
perfectly breathable, at least for humans.
The surface of Hazy Eden is covered with unusual thick-
trunked trees, some stretching over 200 cubits tall. The
fern-like foliage is primarily sprouting near the treetops
making the forest resemble a vast columned hall.
JOURNEY LOG AND SAMPLES: The characters are
expected to report their findings to the Mystic and if
possible collect samples of plants, animals and minerals
of interest found on the world.
Depending on which encounters they have on the world
this endeavour may be obstructed or at least made more
difficult by the hostile night-time environment.
The long night
As the sun sets and shadows stretch across the land, the
landscape changes to reveal a deadened and unnerving aspect
of the former lush and pleasant environment. Without the
sun’s hazy light, everything turns feral and hostile. The
plants and animals seem to whither, rot and decay, leaving
crumbling, flayed and distorted replicas of the formerly
congenial flora and fauna.
Rap a ci o u s PPlant
Rapacious s
As night descends the plants all seem to wither and die. The The leafy branches swing at anyone close enough to get hit
ground starts to smell of rot and decay, the forest floor is by them, making it dangerous to get near. The Arbiter must
bathed in the darkness of the heavens, and the water takes make D3 immediate attack rolls [+0] against anyone getting
on a noxious aspect, billowing putrid mist as the transfigured within touch distance of any root branches. Each hit cause
animals gibber and shriek. one (1) damage against the legs (disregarding armour).
Disturbingly, the roots and vines covering the ground begin On an exceptional hit, the thorns get stuck in the flesh or
to rapidly sprout short branches roughly a cubit long with clothing of the victim, requiring an opposed Strength roll
dark purple leaves about the size of a human palm. At the [4] for the victim to get free. Each caught barb adds +1 to
centre of each cluster is a beautiful, pitcher-shaped bloom, subsequent attack rolls as well as the opposed rolls to pull
that glows slightly in the darkness. There are several different free. The leafy branches continue to slash at adjacent victims
coloured blooms. until they are cut down.
This new-grown vegetation covers most of the forest floor, Any tree or roots cut down causes all the tree-growths in
making it difficult to avoid, other than by climbing from that immediate area to react by violently swaying back and
trunk to trunk or wading through rivers and other bodies of forth; breaking the illusion that wind caused the movement.
water. Not immediately noticeable; the undersides of the
purple leaves are covered with tiny cavities filled with teeth-
like thorns. RAPACIOUS LEAFY BRANCHES: The swaying
branches have a DV of 3, and 3 Health points each.
The vines slowly creep along the ground in their unrelenting They regrow to their full size and Health within D3
search for nourishment. The thorny leaves will rip, shred, hours.
and consume the flesh of any animal and other living being
caught on its barbs. The protagonists may notice flayed and
stripped skeletons on the ground near dense clumps of leaves As dawn comes and the sunlight fills the skies, the trees
and blooms. If a leaf is removed from a root, it will make a slowly revert to their former lush, and inanimate selves as
sound like a breathy scream. the root branches and purple leaves dissolve and turn to soil.
The Abandoned Cit
Abandoned C i es
If observed, it is clear that they live seemingly ordinary lives HABITAT: The shadow entities remain within their
and can communicate and interact with each other. Their cities, never venturing beyond the borders.
speech can be heard as faint mumbling whispers to others. If
the shadow entities are left alone, they do not acknowledge OCCURRENCE: Every abandoned city is inundated
or even notice the explorers at all. with shadow entities, vast crowds of them milling
The Shadow Entities do not tolerate any other creatures.
Should the characters attempt to interact with them in any BEHAVIOUR: These entities act and behave like
way, they immediately become hostile and assail whoever other ordinary sentient beings: Working, eating,
sought to interrupt them. worshipping, enjoying themselves, going about their
daily lives, and by all indications maintaining a regular
existence. Their conversations can be faintly overheard
as murmured whispers.
The Arbiter can devise trinkets and paraphernalia appearing The Shadow Entities disappear from view as soon as the first
together with the shadowy entities, giving the characters rays of the sun caress the skies above Hazy Eden.
something esoteric to filch. Any thievery is promptly
discovered, and the surrounding entities revert to their
haunting aspect and give chase. Any culprit is only pursued
to the edge of the city, however, as the residents do not
venture outside the boundary.
r ow ling N
Nig htBeasts
ight Beasts
Once the sun goes down, not only the surface and flora of As the sun crests the horizon, the beasts revert to their
the world changes. When the shadows immerse the lands former furry, placid selves.
in darkness all the beasts and creatures shift along with it,
their skin sloughing off them revealing decaying flesh and
muscle, even their purring vocalizations turn to unnatural Decrepit Beast
howls and snarls. AGILITY 5 HEALTH 28 – 39
The decrepit animals turn aggressive and begin to form AWARENESS 7 SIZE Medium – Large
packs, savagely hunting amongst the thick tree-trunks, albeit STAMINA 5 MOVE 9
wearily avoiding the newly sprouting branches. STRENGTH 5 WEAPON Claws / Maw
These terrifying packs of creatures sound unnaturally loud INTELLECT 0 REACH Close
and can be heard miles away, potentially warning characters PERSUASION 0 ATT MOD +4/+3
that danger is prowling in the darkness.
Decrepit beasts roam in packs of D6 individuals. They are WILLPOWER 0 DMG 2D6+2/D12+2
driven by frenzied madness, unable to distinguish friend from DV 8
foe and will incessantly snap and claw at each other, although
it rarely escalates beyond that. PROTECTION 0
Certain specimens are glowing with a turquoise light from TALENTS Acute smell and eyesight
their maws or trailing from their limbs. These individuals are ATTRIBUTES Claws and teeth, multiple eyes,
more dangerous than the ordinary kind as they are suffused decomposing body, and mindless.
with Void emanations and can distort whomever they injure.
SPECIAL Gnawing. Decomposing and Void
If the decrepit beasts catch the scent of the characters, they suffused body. Fear [7 / effect potency
will charge towards the assumed hiding spot and attack if D12]. Void deformation.
they find their prey. Once engaged, they are difficult to
distract but can be outwitted.
All flora and fauna samples collected will regress and
assume their ulterior nature at night while they remain
on Hazy Eden. Once taken off the world, they retain
their ordinary qualities at all times.
The furry creatures on the world are placid and easily
handled. They also provide a tasty meal but will revert
to decrepit beasts at night while remaining on Hazy
Scene 44 ::
The Plot Thi ckens
plot thickens
The Mystic informs them that – strangely – the MindNebula
Synopsis also brought a short missive on a piece of green vellum for
them. The note contains few details but mentions something
As the expedition is about to leave Hazy Eden a missive about liquid lifeforms on their next destination, which is
carried by the MindNebula rekindles previous suspicions. referred to as Amber Ocean.
Soon after, the characters realise that unwanted stowaways
have infested the Sentinel. Lastly, Al’lilla emphasises that they should stay alert without
explicitly stating what or who to stay alert towards, nor
mentioning the previous crew.
After boarding the Sentinel, the characters start to notice If the explorers are not careful and remove all the Void
that things are missing from some of the rooms. Roaches, essential parts of their ship will eventually be
damaged, potentially causing disastrous consequences.
If and when someone visits the cargo hold, they see signs The Arbiter can drop hints that one or more critter
of some cargo having been chewed on or otherwise slightly must have escaped and can add penalties to Void
damaged and might realize that the vessel has picked up traversing or implement a hazard caused by a hull-
creatures that are causing problems on the ship. breach or something similarly disastrous.
Scene 55 :: Amber
Amber O cean
The Sentinel emerges onto a churning yellowish sea, and As far as the expeditionary crew is aware no initial
the characters soon realise that the information they have scouting party has been dispatched to this world. The
about this world is obsolete. Faced with sky eaters and sources they have, indicate that the world is a placid
other outlandish creatures the characters might soon find place with small, lush islands and refer to it as Amber
themselves beneath the bottom of the ocean, meeting the Ocean, the Gilded Sea, and similar names. Although
hiding sentient population of the world living in crystalline unconfirmed, the accounts suggest that there might be
dome cities and in deep, dank caverns. As they finally a native sentient species on the globe
resurface, they realise that the Void rupture necessary to
leave is not as easily accessible as they would like. The information is based on reports and rumours that
have been gathered over the years and only recently
was the assumed location of the world gleaned from the
mind of a mad refugee bawling about golden oceans.
The information is antiquated and does not reflect the
world since the arrival of the sky eaters. Other aspects
NA’VARI: MindNebula-bonded Ka’Alum Mystic. of the world, such as the perforated bedrock beneath
the oceans may be revealed, but the fact that the natives
WAEHA: Ancient Oord Void Navigator. have fled the surface must remain obscure until the
expedition arrive and discover it themselves.
AMBER OCEAN: A vast churning yellow ocean with a few
barren and wasted island scattered on the horizon.
Giant oily beasts soar through the air and swarm around They fled the surface and moved their cities underwater in
the ship, curiously looking in. The vessel gets tossed around hopes of safety until the monsters leave for another world.
from the wind gusts these beasts make as they swoop past, Each of the cities has its own forte in terms of production and
causing it to careen violently. Floating within the clouds are manufacture, working together to maintain their individual
large pods that burst open when touched. These pods are city-state societies.
filled with a combustible gas which engulfs the area around
it with green-tinted crackling flames, burning and poisoning They organize themselves in syndicates based on the needs
upon impact. of each city, trading with the applicable partner-cities and
occasionally with the Hoarders – Voidfaring refugees and
The ocean floor bedrock is riddled with tunnels and caverns. survivors dumped in the caverns and tunnels by Citauqa
This peculiar geography is caused by a moss that eats away over the years.
at most minerals and organic materials, hollowing out the
bedrock over the aeons. The moss cannot grow on or ARBITRARY EVENT: HURRICANES
near the yellow liquid of the oceans and therefore rarely
penetrates to the ocean floor. Occasionally, however, the Characters caught on the surface during a hurricane
bedrock becomes brittle and collapses, causing flooding to are in significant danger. Albeit any vessel is bound to
the nearby caverns. get violently tossed about due to the high density of
the oceans and low gravity they are very unlikely to
One of the derivatives of the moss in the caverns is gasses sink for these very same reasons.
that are dense but breathable. The viscosity of the yellow
liquid above traps the dense gas in the many gaps, cracks and Cargo can tear loose and tumble about the cabins and
fissure of the bedrock effectively making it a liveable habitat holds. Any crew-members that are not secured or
for air-breathing creatures. holding on for dear life are prone to suffer injury from
hurdling about the ship, bumping into bulkheads and
On the ocean floor, there are several submerged cities under the like.
giant crystalline domes. The domes shimmer with light
coming through from the surface and may catch the eye of The noxious air does not help matters as sluggish
the expeditionary crew. There appear to be no conduits or responses are not conducive to avoid falling crates and
other means of travel from the domes to the surface, and the barrels.
cities seem impossible to reach without assistance.
Should a character fall into the roiling seas, drowning
Days are brief on this world, averaging only 13 hours. from crashing and churning waves is a significant
Haphazard wind gusts across the open oceans hurl the ship threat even if the likelihood of sinking to the bottom
about, making travel dangerous, especially while trying to is not.
avoid the floating gas pods.
There are occasional thunderstorms that can be seen
approaching from a vast distance because of the unobstructed
view. These storms make the surface of the ocean crest with
waves sometimes reaching 50 cubits or higher.
SSky E ate r s
ky eaters
Citauqa meeting
Citauqa m e eting
Staring into the amber waves, the explorers may notice blobs
SWIMMING TO SAFETY: The characters are left at
of turquoise liquid moving erratically. If they continue to
30 cubits depth by the Citauqa and must immediately
observe, they might notice that there is a purpose to the
make a Willpower roll [7] or panic.
movements and that the splotches occasionally bump into
An Awareness or Observation roll [7] will reveal
the crystalline domes as if trying to penetrate them.
that seemingly air-filled caverns large enough to fit
humans are visible among the perforated bedrock on
These blobs are actually a species called Citauqa. Because
the ocean floor; making it a viable option to avoid
they are very territorial, the entities that live close to the
drowning. The characters are about 15 cubits away
under-ocean cities constantly try to break the protective
from the caverns; approximately half the distance to
domes or get in through the entryways. The crystalline
the surface.
domes are sturdy enough to resist the attempts, but if an
aggravated Citauqa manage to get through an entryway or
As the yellow liquid is dense and viscous, it reduces
assaults someone out in the open, they can cause significant
the swimming speed to ¼ movement. Panicked
characters can hold their breath for 9 seconds/STA,
while those who retain their composure can hold it for
At some point, several Citauqa begin to swarm around the
30 seconds/STA.
Sentinel as if intrigued. Observant characters can spot the
blobs change shape and move with a distinct purpose on a
Characters with movement 5 would require 36
successful roll [7]. Suddenly, what looks like a turquoise
seconds to swim to the surface or 18 seconds to swim
water blob jumps from the ocean and onto the deck. Others
to an air-filled cavern on the bottom. Characters with
may follow, as the Arbiter chooses. After having boarded,
Mysticism and the Matter sphere can utilise their
they take on weirdly familiar shapes as if replicating what
powers to affect the liquid and help their escape.
they observe and begin to move about the ship.
Thee B
e lo w
Whether the characters befriended the Citauqas, made
enemies with them or found another way to get to the ocean MOSS
floor, they now find themselves in The Below. A network This moss looks like rusty metal fleece and grows all
of caverns, tunnels, and hollows in the bedrock beneath the over caverns beneath the ocean. It is the main source
yellow oceans. of food for anyone unlucky enough to make it to this
miserable twilight world.
The moss grows by attaching itself to an object then
slowly eating away at it, leaving nothing behind. This is
Location what has caused the bedrock beneath the ocean floor
to become riddled with caverns like a sponge. The moss
grows quickly and easily spreads to almost any surface.
CAVERN ENTRANCE (1): Caves with openings into the
ocean, enabling transition between the two.
THE FISSURE (3): This newly formed fissure leads deep into
the core of the world.
4 4
The Fissure
The newly formed crack revealed by the Hoarders reaches
downwards into the depths of the globe. If the characters
begin to climb into it, they find the walls covered in crystalline
formations, making the descend difficult and arduous.
Dome Cities
Until they deliver on any given promises however, the
Soon after the arrival of the sky eaters the native sentient characters are not allowed beyond the antechamber of the
species of Amber Ocean, the Ly’okans, fled beneath the dome.
waves to escape certain doom from the obliviously plunging
monstrosities in the sky. Should they ever gain entrance, they will witness majestic
crystal buildings stretching up towards the multi-coloured
For centuries, the Ly’okans had mined the crystals from translucent domes, the entire vista bathed in scintillating
the bedrock and used them to build their cities on the few pastel colours from the light of the surface streaming
islands in the vast oceans. But the sky eaters made the islands from above.
uninhabitable and eventually they sank into the oceans as the
monstrosities dug into them trying to reach the Sonic rocks
embedded deep in the globe.
Each magnificent structure shimmers and reflects the light,
making the entire city glow with an otherworldly radiance. CRYSTALS
Occasionally muted thumps can be heard as an aggravated The crystal clumps can be hacked off and sampled
Citauqa pummels the crystalline dome, but the Ly’okans do from the caverns under the ocean floor. They sparkle
not react or seemingly even notice it. and shine vividly in a rainbow of colours. The crystal is
impervious to the corrosive effects of the moss and is
Once the characters have completed their business in the the only viable container for the moss to be found on
caverns below or in the dome cities, they are faced with Amber Ocean. The Ly’okans are likely to react with
getting to the surface unscathed. The depth of any opening hostility if they become aware of the characters taking
into the ocean is no less than a minutes swim from the crystals from the caverns without explicit permission. To
surface. the right client the crystals are worth roughly 50 copper
Dhins for a hand sized cluster.
Every time a character breaches, the tension keeping the
yellow liquid out of the caverns is broken, filling a portion of
the cave or tunnel they are in, making the distance that much
longer. The liquid will eventually disperse or get pushed back YELLOW LIQUID
out by the gases generated by the moss, but this takes days. The ocean liquid can be collected and sampled
in any ordinary container able to hold water
To increase tension, Arbiters may introduce an aggravated and other fluids. The viscous liquid is acidic
Citauqa that attacks or otherwise harasses the characters as to sky eaters and kills moss but is otherwise
they attempt their swim to the surface. harmless.
Should the characters sample the moss, it will eventually
eat through the container they have placed it in (unless
it is made from regional crystal), potentially causing
damage to the ship and surrounding cargo. The
characters may realise or be told by the Hoarders or
Ly’okans that the moss deteriorates most materials it
touches. If they drip yellow liquid on the moss it will
die and can be consumed without risk. If eaten raw, the
consequences are most horrific as the moss begins to
decompose the person from the inside. The moss will
not remain in the digestive system long enough to kill
the character, but a point of Stamina is permanently lost
due to the injuries.
L Amber
eaving A Ocean
mber O cean
Soon after the explorers get back to the vessel, the The apprehension is prompted by the fact that bonding with
MindNebula returns carrying another missive saying that an a MindNebula is risky. The Void entity can influence or
additional destination has been added to the voyage. It is even seize mental control of a bonded being. Even though
noted that a Void current leading to the world in question Oord are naturally resilient to such influence, they are by
has been conveyed to the MindNebula. no means invulnerable.
In order to retrieve the impression, Waeha has to bond with Na’Vari is also questioning the situation, and as a
the Void entity. Doing so will enable the Void Navigator consequence, the characters have to somehow convince both
to find, recognise, and follow the current, increasing their NPC’s if they want to explore this avenue.
likelihood of success manifold.
The characters can utilise persuasion, coaxing, intimidation,
or whichever approach they want to sway the Navigator and
THE SECRET COMMUNIQUÉ: There is a hidden Mystic [Difficulty 10]. Successfully persuading one adds a
message from Al’lilla in the missive again: “ The +3 modifier to convincing the other.
additional destination fits our goal; this is where the
previous crew was lost.” If the characters manage to convince the remaining crew
If the characters manage to decipher the hidden message, to travel to the new destination – whether now or later –
they will be aware that the additional destination is Waeha tentatively submits to bonding with the MindNebula.
where the previous crew were headed to before they
disappeared. The Void Navigator sits down, and the MindNebula floats
over to wrap its tentacles around its head and throat, a
distinctly frightening sight. Waeha begins to moan and twitch
as the Void entity tightens its grip and almost enfold the
Oord’s face with its form.
The MindNebula will eventually release its hold and let the
Navigator go. Waeha is clearly shaken by the experience
but refuses to admit it. Once recovered, he informs the
remaining crew that he now knows where they are headed.
In order to reach the Void conduit, the crew either needs
to weigh down the ship or find another way to get it in ARBITER’S NOTE:
contact with the rupture. Ingenuity is required to overcome
the world’s low gravity and the high density of the ocean. Albeit a vessel ordinarily has to pass through a rupture,
There are many ways to reach the rupture, and the options Waeha is proficient enough to get the Sentinel to
below are not exclusive. enter the conduit as long as the vessel just touches the
pulsating rupture.
Citauqa help
cene 66 ::
Finding what w as Lost
what was lost
THE BORDERWORLD COVE: A small island surrounded CLIMATE: The climate is very humid and cold,
by jagged rocks located in the middle of a raging sea on a making surfaces slick and slippery. All Agility-
volatile borderworld. based actions concerning balance, movement and
related activities are affected as if the characters are
moderately clumsy, suffering a critical mishap on rolls
of 1-2.
Because of the continuous ooze of Void influence on the
border world, the Arbiter must make a Void emanation roll
[D6 potency] for each character every time they change
location. Locations are divided as follows: Ocean, beach,
cliffs and anywhere else.
Not too far off the bow a somewhat sheltered cove The Arbiter is free to have an aquatic
surrounded by tall jagged cliffs and outcroppings seems to be monster of some sort harass or even attack
littered with the skeletons of massive beasts. As the ship gets the dinghy as the characters row to the
closer, it becomes evident that what looked like ribcages are beach.
in fact the sad remnants of dozens of ship frames and hulls
scattered across the grey beach. Sailing closer, the characters Alternatively, having them run
notice one wreckage that appears to be significantly less aground on a reef at the cove
deteriorated then the others. mouth or introducing
another environment
Inside the cove, the water is relatively calm, but the navigator hazard can create further
refuses to sail close to the beach, forcing the characters to action or drama, building
row the dinghy in themselves if they want a closer look. As the sense of trepidation
they row across the waves, the characters see multiple large on this world.
shapes cruising below the surface – some of them nastily
The wreckage
Should the appeasement fail, tensions will be rising as they Being overtaken in this manner causes an immediate
continue on their voyage. Gossip and even poorly veiled loss of a Sanity point and a subsequent roll on the
displays of disloyalty, suspicion and hidden agendas become Madness table for the afflicted character – reference
apparent. The Arbiter is encouraged to use the available page 151 of the core rulebook.
NPC’s to create an atmosphere of distrust in any relations
and collaboration involving the characters and remaining Any afflicted character that has not yet had an
crew. encounter with a Void entity will gain a point of
enlightenment if their Awareness score allows it.
L eav ing the
Leaving theBBo rder w o r ld
Scene77 ;: S
Sw an S
wan Song
The MindNebula arrives with a desperate message from
Al’lilla. The wording prompts inquiries from Na’Vari if
the characters have not been careful about their previous
statements and explanations.
NA’VARI: MindNebula-bonded Ka’Alum Mystic.
THE SENTINEL: The characters are on board the Sentinel
in this scene regardless of where the MindNebula finds them.
A missive from Al’lilla notes that the MindNebula on board THE SECRET COMMUNIQUÉ: The hidden message
the other vessel was reported as lost in the archives. It does from Al’lilla has a desperate note to it.
not state how or when it was lost but this clearly does not “ I have found nothing further. The Caucus is
match with the characters’ discovery either way. investigating me. I am afraid. Trust no one from your
Consortium crew.”
Should Na’Vari, the Consortium Mystic, get her hands on Her research has attained nothing, any questions she
the missive, she is likely to question the characters’ previous asks are met with suspicion. Do not send her any more
story if it does not square up with the questions posed by missives in case they are being monitored. She has been
Al’lilla. called to a meeting with the Caucus and thinks they
might be on to her. She reiterates her warning that the
Any further attempts at communications are met with characters be careful and not trust anyone from the
silence. Tadh Consortium.
S cene 88 :: G
laci al T
Location The Huyn build their cities in caverns and compressed layers
of snow and ice, creating elaborate underground fortresses
where they live year-round. Several native fungi and lichen
GLACIAL TUNDRA: This world is covered in darkness. are cultivated by the Huyn in large underground grottos to
The frozen wasteland is covered in grey ice and snow with provide basic nutritional requirements.
a sticky consistency like tar, making it exceedingly arduous
and dangerous to move around.
With no apparent sun, there is no warmth on the surface of Characters make a Stamina roll [4] with modifiers
this globe. The explorers will need to provide their own light applied for proper gear such as gloves, fur clothes, and
sources to see while exploring. so on.
On a failed roll the character suffers frostbite causing
Prolonged exposure to the elements causes frostbites, turning D3 damage. On a critical failure, an extremity is so
the affected skin into a scaly white wound that flakes off. badly afflicted that it is lost without immediate attention.
Make a roll for frostbite every half an hour the characters Randomly determine which body part is lost (1=ear,
are exposed to the cold on the surface. 2=nose, 3-7=finger or 8-12=toe).
Before the expeditionary crew disembarks the Sentinel, ATMOSPHERE: The air is breathable but thin, quickly
chilling and otherworldly shrieks can be heard on the inducing fatigue and exhaustion during laborious
whistling wind. activities. Characters can sustain arduous tasks for 3
rounds per Stamina score before they suffer penalties
The Arbiter can rely on descriptive language and (see the “easily exhausted” Flaw for reference).
other roleplaying means to establish a frightening
atmosphere, impose Fear rolls [4] on the characters GRAVITY: The gravity is close to normal.
or utilise a combination.
CLIMATE: The climate is Frigid, causing “sluggishness”
The horrid sound is bounced off the surrounding to explorers not appropriately clothed. Frostbites are
mountainsides, but the characters can work out a significant danger to anyone caught outside for
roughly which direction the shrieks originated from if extended periods.
they put their minds and senses to it.
GEOLOGY: The world seems to be covered in grey
If the characters are with Waeha at the time the shrieks tar-like snow with the only visible geological surface
are heard, they will notice the Consortium Navigator features being protruding rocks and jagged mountains.
going deathly pale, a look of terror spreading across its The ground or glazier occasionally shakes as the frozen
face. There is no doubt that the Oord knows precisely land and ice breaks and splits apart. This phenomenon
what is making those horrifying cries. is called frost quakes and can prove a hazard to
Otherwise, a successful roll [10] in a relevant skill, characters.
such as occult lore, will inform the characters about
the source of the sound.
Stranded Frost quake
When the Sentinel emerges from the Void rupture, the As the characters are walking across the glacial tundra, a
characters are violently thrown about as the vessel crashes thunderous crack is heard as the ground and glacier shifts
into a massive snowdrift. and a crevasse forms beneath their feet.
Characters must make an Agility roll [7] or suffer D3 falling All characters must make an Agility roll [7] to avoid
damage as a result of the abrupt collision. As they look tumbling into the cleft. Ordinary failure means they slide
outside, they see nothing but darkness and whirling grey down the side, while a critical failure causes falling damage
snow. [height 8 metres] as they plummet to the rocky ground
If the characters can get their bearings by creating a
considerable source of light or utilising other means, they The newly formed crevasse reveals a series of fissures and
discover that the Void rupture they emerged from is shafts leading into the ground at the bottom. At the Arbiters
suspended in the air above the ship. The Sentinel plainly fell discretion, one or several of these leads either to cultivated
out of the Void perforation and plunged into the snowdrift grottos or to a Huyn fortress colony deep in the ice.
The metal ore found on the surface rocks is similar to
iron but with purplish notes. It is less heavy than iron
and can be used to forge tools and weapons with the
“lightened” property.
The Huyn
Huyn CCo lony
Burried deep within the glacier lies a Huyn fortress colony. The characters have to devise a plan to lift the massive vessel
Whenever and however the expeditionary crew happens into the air to reach the rupture, somehow get a Void rift to
upon the Huyn colonists, they will be greeted cordially. materialise beneath the ship or find another creative solution.
Depending on how the characters behave, the Huyn remain To attentive characters, it soon becomes evident that
friendly but show little inclination towards sharing any although the Huyn are generally amicable and welcoming,
information about themselves or what they do on the world. they do not appreciate prying visitants.
Huyn, Ar ctic
4 5
The fungal and lichen crop that the Huyn live off is
cultivated on stalactites and stalagmites in large crop
grottos surrounding the underground fortress.
The mines
mines of
of t
he Huyn
the Huyn
Observant characters might notice groups of Huyn with Unless the protagonists do something dramatic, the
oddly shaped pickaxes going to and from cavernous tunnels Hohr’loh’kin and Jinassar are too intent on the Huyn mining
in a courtyard at the furthest back of the fortress. Coming to notice them. In case the protagonists are discovered in
out, they are covered in heavy dust pushing carts filled with the mines or holding shimmer ore, the Huyn will hunt them
darkly shimmering rocks. and kill them if they can.
After a few minutes walking the characters will find the air
thick with noxious ore dust and they must make a Stamina
roll [7] or suffer a Delirium episode [D12 potency]. Work
crews shuffle up and down the tunnels at regular intervals,
making it difficult for the protagonists getting far without
having to duck and cover to avoid discovery.
In the large grottoes, the dust is so heavy in the air that MINED SHIMMER ORE
the characters must make a Stamina roll [7] to remain Should the protagonists obtain a sample of shimmer ore
conscious. For every half minute, they stay the difficulty either from the warehouses or the mines themselves they
increases by one, and a subsequent roll must be made. If will find it to be extremely toxic upon contact. Stamina
a roll is failed, the character loses consciousness and begins roll [7] or suffer a Delirium spell [D12 potency].
suffering suffocation and toxin damage. For every 9 seconds, Breathing in or otherwise ingesting the ore induces the
the suffocating victim loses D3 Health points and must make Exotic illness Flaw permanently but reduces the effects
a Stamina roll [4] or get the Exotic Illness Flaw. of Void distortion by a factor of three (3) for D3 days.
The protagonists are unable to discover what the ore is
used for without trying it, but the fact that the Unseen
OBSERVATIONS IN THE HUYN MINES: Rulers are procurers of it can only spur the imagination.
Leav ing G
Leaving Glacial
laci al TTundra
Huyn help
Scene99 : :
A drasti c turn
A drastic tu r n of
of events
Ev ents
As the MindNebula returns with a directive to halt the
expedition and return to Ahniar immediately, the characters
and Consortium crew are faced with difficult choices about
how to proceed.
NA’VARI: MindNebula-bonded Ka’Alum Mystic.
An unexpected message
Allegiance or disobedience
Any and all Consortium crew will prepare to carry out the As the discussion becomes heated, one of the debaters
new instructions at once. If the characters want to consider turn aggressive and strikes out at the opposing side.
their options or openly defy the given directive, they must The Mystic is likely to be the instigator on the
somehow obstruct or dissuade these efforts. Consortium side. Waeha abhors violence and will try
to use its powers to quell the conflict unless it is hurt
Any discussion about not following the directive will likely by either party, in which case it becomes aggressive
be cantankerous and may even lead to violence. This will too. The Mystic will urge the MindNebula to attack.
– in part – depend on how the relationship has developed Because of its alien mentality, its involvement is erratic
between the characters, Na’Vari, Waeha, and any other and consists mostly of mischief unless it becomes
Consortium crew. injured. If so, it retreats and momentarily “sways” the
offender to bond and rummage through their mind,
If none of the characters are able to navigate in the Void, inducing Fear [9 / Effect potency D12+3].
they may have to rely on the Consortium Navigator no
matter what the outcome of the discussions is. PRIMARY ADVERSARY: Na’Vari, the Consortium
10 :Azure
: Azure Sav annah
MESAS (2): High flat-topped mesas with steep slopes are
Synopsis scattered around the savannah. A remote mesa has a minor
Void rupture on the top.
The reports suggest that the vast savannahs of this world are
lush but have few resources of interest and that native herds THE VILLAGE (3): The Arbiter can have the village lie in
of grazers probably support predators on a rather large scale. either direction on the river.
WAEHA: Ancient Oord Void Navigator. As the crew lands, they notice an abundance of life
immediately, making this world different from most of the
others they have travelled to. Varied types of vegetation
Location stretch on as far as the eye can see; flowers, trees, grasses,
and bushes, all around.
AZURE SAVANNAH: The air is pleasant to breathe as if
this is the type of atmosphere humans were meant to live Several species of grazing animals roam the savannah, and
in. It has a certain freshness to it that the explorers do not such herbivore abundance is almost certain to support
recall having felt before. predators in significant numbers, but none are immediately
visible to the explorers.
There is a single bright yellow sun shining overhead, and
the area is warm and comparatively comfortable. Reeds and The characters also quickly spot what resembles lizards,
other cane plants grow in abundance along the riverbanks, insects, and birds flitting about in the riverbank reeds.
and the land around looks fertile and easily habitable. Although muddy, the river seems to be teeming with fish.
Thee V
If the expedition continues down the river, the characters spy This realisation will stop the assault, and the villagers will
what appears to be a village in the distance after a full day’s apprehensively invite them to shore but remain alert.
sailing. As they cruise nearer, they hear the braying sound of
horns and soon after see warriors assemble on the riverbank, If the characters decide to disembark, they are hesitantly
armed with crude spears, and hide-covered shields. welcomed. The community is perhaps fifty villagers strong,
and it turns out that several of them speak Low Darij,
When the Sentinel drifts closer, three archers among the although with a heavy accent.
warriors begin to shoot arrows at the oncoming vessel. The
characters can recognise the familiar looks of fellow humans While most of them were born on this world, the older
if they take the time to observe their attackers. founding generation of the village fled Llyhn in their youth
and came upon this world. The villagers are all pureblood,
The villagers are hostile and will continue their bombardment as they have had no encounters with other sentient species
on the vessel unless they recognise the expeditionary crew as or exposure to the Void.
human. Because most of them have not experienced the altering
influence of Void distortion upon humanity, they will be
apprehensive about any overt halfblood and Voidmarked
characters among the expeditionary crew.
It should be evident
to the characters that
the earlier discovery
of this world has
been covered up
by someone
within the Tadh
VILLAGE ELDERS’ INFORMATION The village elders are unable to offer any insight or
explanations but are pleased if their existence is a continued
“Several months ago a ship looking exactly like the secret. They fear what exposure to the Cosmos might mean
Sentinel arrived on their shores. The crew made to their community and world.
landfall in the village and said that they were on
an expedition to find habitable worlds for a human Even with the presumed support from a human enclave in
enclave in Llyhn. Despite not knowing the proper Llyhn, the village would be vulnerable to outsiders seeking
species names, the elders describe the crew as to exploit the land and its resources.
consisting of two humans, one Ka’Alum, one Shirr
and three Ba’Waikh. Depending on what the characters reveal about their findings
and intentions, they can gain the villagers’ trust, and an offer
While the villagers were happy to learn that human to stay in the village might be extended. In any discussion
enclaves had formed in Llyhn and were prepared to about the characters going or leaving the prevailing
establish relations with these, some villagers got the susceptibility among the village elders is impartiality [7].
impression that certain members of the crew had
ulterior motives. They all fear for the safety of their village, wishing to remain
hidden from the outside world, but have varying viewpoints
Having scouted the surrounding area, the Consortium about how to achieve this.
vessel and crew soon left, leaving the villagers unable
to verify whether any hidden agenda might exist. There are some amongst the elders preferring that the
Fearing widespread discovery and the influence of characters stay rather than leave, risking exposure to the
whoever was behind the expedition, the village elders Tadh Consortium. Contrary to this, others think it best if the
dreaded their eventual return. expeditionary crew depart but either suppress the rupture or
pledge to never reveal the village’s existence.
At the time, the villagers were unprepared and could
not have fought the hardened crew even if they had If the characters have agitated any villagers during their stay,
tried. Fearing that the Tadh Consortium was not these could be willing to go to extreme measures to silence
as well-intended as they led on, the villagers began the expeditionary crew.
preparing to repel threats.
This is the reason they attacked the Sentinel when DECISIONS
they saw it, thinking that the previous Consortium
crew had returned.” The characters must make a choice about whether
they wish to return to the Consortium on Ahniar,
remain in the village or to take the Sentinel and go
Scene 1111 : :
S aying on
taying on Az ur e S
Azure Savannah
Synopsis New residents
If the characters decide to stay on Azure Savannah, they are Should the characters opt to stay on Azure Savannah and
welcomed into the human community. Any open dissent join the village community, they are quickly welcomed as
from sceptical villagers is quelled by the elders but may still new members. Any villagers that showed wariness towards
linger beneath the surface. halfblood and Voidmarked characters continue to do so but
can be converted by accommodating actions.
Still, peace is not lasting. The Consortium has dispatched
a fleet of mercenaries to raze the settlement and ensure Na’Vari, Waeha and any other remaining Consortium crew
that the human presence on Azure Savannah is permanently members have no interest in staying on Azure Savannah
eliminated. and will have to be dealt with. The characters can opt to
deal with the situation in whichever way they want and are
capable of, but the village elders will weigh in on the matter.
The situation with the Consortium crew conceivably
leaves the characters in a quandary as differing opinions
AZURE SAVANNAH VILLAGE: The small village consists
surface, possibly causing dissent and friction within the
of eight large, simple huts each encompassing a family or
group of relatives. The walls connecting the huts exceed the
height of the villagers, shielding the interior from outside
The Arbiter can play the “devil’s advocate” by having
the village elders voice suggestions and opinions at
The entryways into the village are simple openings obscured
inopportune moments to increase the tension and put
by protruding walls. Makeshift wooden fences are placed in
the characters further on edge. However, the final
the gaps at night to keep wildlife from wandering inside the
outcome should solely be what the characters decide.
village compound.
The central courtyard is used for cooking, elder council
meetings, communal activities and is the home for
multiple semi-domesticated animals roaming about
the compound.
SHAMAN HUT (1): An elderly crone versed in 2 1
blood rituals, anatomy and herbs serve as a shaman
to the tribe.
The characters are free to explore Azure Savannah and its Irrespective, the characters only get to spend a month or
opportunities. Should they go exploring, they discover that two of relative peace before the Consortium troupe arrives.
the world is entirely feral. They are on a colossal landmass
dominated by grassland interspersed by plateaus, rivers, and The incoming fleet consists of two Hulks, two Galleys, and
mesas. six Qarib carrying three full mercenary companies. With the
army totalling more than five hundred troops, the village and
The only resources readily available are fertile farmland, characters stand little chance of surviving a direct assault.
scattered wood, steppe plants and herbs, as well as abundant
wildlife. The characters can find no signs of other civilisations Having placed scouts at the Void rupture, however, the
or anything to indicate that there is indigenous sentient life. village receives an early warning and can attempt to flee
They may, however, come across a secondary, small Void before the troops arrive.
rupture on a high mesa.
As they roam across the grasslands, they see large herds of
If the characters found the secondary Void rupture
herbivores and may encounter Itaena Gnats swarms or even
on the mesa, they can flee there, hoping to escape
Mardkhoras hunting these.
before the troops can seize them.
Scene1212: : Going
Going RRogue
NPC’s If the characters sail into the Void without anyone capable
of navigating the oblivious depths, the Void Traversing roll
NA’VARI: MindNebula-bonded Ka’Alum Mystic. has a [-9] penalty.
WAEHA: Ancient Oord Void Navigator. Should the characters be delayed in leaving, the Consortium
mercenary army will eventually arrive. Proceed to
THE SENTINEL: The characters commandeer the Void
Scene 13
13 ::
urn t
Return o Ahniar
to Ahniar
Synopsis A harsh welcome
As the characters return to Ahniar, they are met by a Caucus Should the characters decide to return to the Ku’Tadh estate
delegation and ordered to recount their voyage in plenum. on Ahniar, there is a multitude of events occurring when
The characters may learn about some of the events that have they return, all of which are centred on them.
taken place in their absence.
As they dock in the harbour, they are met by a Caucus
As the Caucus means to erase all trace of their endeavour, delegation. They are commanded to appear before the
the characters are faced with imprisonment, slavery, or Caucus in the Symposium pavilions to give a full account
death. of their voyage.
Facing the Caucus
As the protagonists are paraded in front of the Caucus for
interrogation, they have several options about how much
they want to reveal. If anything.
The characters decide to inform the Tadh Consortium
Caucus about everything they have found on their
Ship inspection journey during their grilling in the Symposium
If the characters have not found the wrecked Sentinel,
As soon as the explorers land, their ship is quarantined for nor visited Azure Savannah, and can convince the
inspection. The explorers are all held off the vessel while the Caucus of their loyalty, they will be thanked and paid
inspection crew goes through everything on board the ship. for their services. Soon after, however, they will be
seized and subjected to a forced memory-reading by
The explorers are separated into individual rooms and are a MindNebula in the dungeons beneath the estate.
not allowed to leave these unaccompanied. Anything the
explorers have collected on the voyage and left openly on Proceed to FORCED REVELATIONS. Or, if they
the ship is confiscated. manage to escape, have assassins haunt their steps to
clear up any possible loose ends for the Consortium.
Any items hidden onboard by the characters may go Proceed to ASSASSINS.
undiscovered and can be retrieved later.
The characters may lie during their account to the
Tadh Consortium about their trip, what they saw, and
who they spoke with. Any attempts at subterfuge and
deceit will be at difficulty [10] and require convincing
role-playing from the players.
If the characters attempt to hide or obfuscate any
evidence, they will have to succeed on a difficulty
[10] using whichever relevant skill they wish.
The protagonists may also learn that the Caucus has declared (Players should note the Consortium as their patron
anyone making assertions about such a world conspirators. on their character sheet.)
At the Arbiter’s discretion, horrid memories will eventually
Forced revelations resurface, with the characters realising what they were
subjected to and that the Consortium is anything but
The Consortium Caucus attempt to have the characters amicable towards humanity.
seized and imprisoned in the dungeons beneath the estate.
If the Consortium henchmen succeed, the characters are A character that successfully resists the memory wipe can
tortured and then mind probed by a MindNebula. The pretend otherwise, convincing the Caucus to let them
torture causes a randomly determined crippling injury go while knowing full well everything that happened.
[severity 1-10] to each character. This should be a hard achievement but attainable with
creative displays of cunning and guile.
Unless the characters can resist the mind probe, the truth of
what happened on their travels will be revealed. The mind
probe is an opposed Willpower roll against a MindNebula
[+3]. Such treatment induces a Fear roll [7] and Sanity
point loss [1] irrespective of whether the characters have
They visited Azure Savannah
anything to hide or not.
If the characters visited Azure Savannah – no matter if they
Depending on what state the characters are in after this, they found the human village or not – they violated the Tadh
may be kept as slave-labour or sent off for execution. Either Consortium directive and are subject to punishment.
way, the Arbiter should present possibilities of escape.
Their punishment is either execution, perpetual enslavement
If the characters flee, they will have to escape Ahniar quickly or leading the Consortiums forces to Azure Savannah to
to avoid (re)capture by the Caucus. Ihma-Arun assassins will eradicate the village and ensure that humanity never gets a
swiftly be set on their trail. Proceed to ASSASSINS. foothold on the world again.
Conclusi on
With the Tadh Consortium no longer under the auspices The following events can grant Enlightenment to a character:
of Ka’Lacunae Ku’Tadh the collaboration with the human
enclave is in tatters and the characters no longer beholden to • The first time entering a Void rupture.
anyone. The Caucus is clearly not benignly inclined towards • The first Void traversing.
humanity, and the Tadh Consortium is now a grave enemy • Bonding with or being “mind probed” by a MindNebula.
to contend with. • Encountering any Void entity in the Void.
• Beholding the summit obscured by the Maliis on the
As the characters flee the Caucus and their cronies, they peaks of the Glacial Tundra world.
must decide what their next steps will be. They are left in • Undergoing Void distortion
a precarious situation no matter which decision they took • Any Void induced effects in the Ship Necropolis border
following the Consortium directive to return to Ahniar. world.
If the explorers brought the fleeing Azure Savannah villagers, The Arbiter should adhere to the rule that once a specific
they have a considerable number of refugees on their hands. situation prompting Enlightenment has occurred, a similar
They cannot sustain having several dozen villagers in their occurrence will not grant further ascension to that character.
care without aid for long and need to find a solution.
The characters may have acquired a Void vessel, and the Obtaining Wastah is unlikely in this scenario since most of
Consortium is sure to have other enemies that can become the individuals the characters encounter are uninfluential
allies if beseeched. personages from faraway worlds.
The protagonists may want to find out if Al’lilla is still alive The Arbiter is at liberty to introduce notable, affluent, and
and investigate what happened to Ka’Lacunae Ku’Tadh. The influential NPC’s to the story, but no inherent opportunities
Ka’Alum elder could still be an influential ally if rescued or for accumulating Wastah are built into the scenario.
reinstated as the head of the Consortium.
Should the characters somehow manage to reinstate
Ka’Lacunae Ku’Tadh to power later on significant Wastah is
obtained with him.
The Arbiter is free to grant experience points, Wastah, and
Enlightenment as is deemed fitting, with the below proposals
as recommendations only. Unless the characters have sworn fealty to the Tadh
Consortium Caucus the only reward they are likely to receive
EXPERIENCE POINTS is from the human enclave, should they manage to bring
It is suggested that characters are awarded 1-3 experience word about the treachery of Somesht Ku’Tadh.
points per completed scene or sitting, depending on their
progress in the overall storyline. Remarkable individual The human enclave leaders in Llyhn is certain to be incensed
achievements or notable collective accomplishments should and anxious at the revelations about the Consortium,
be rewarded additionally. rewarding the characters for carrying word and warning
about what has happened.
Any character with the possibility to become Enlightened As none of the human enclaves in Llyhn are
(having an Awareness score of four or higher) has abundant particularly wealthy in coin, any reward is likely
opportunities to do so during the scenario. to be assets, services, favours, or other resources
available to the enclave in question.
Ant agoni sts,, allies
a lli es &&
nota b l e people
p eo p le
This section details the non-player characters (NPC’s) in the forms of antagonists, allies, adversaries and other notable
personages the protagonists may come across during the scenario. Some behind-the-scenes individuals that remain obscure
to the characters but are vital to the progression of the story are also detailed.
Notable and major NPC’s have expanded descriptions including personal profiles and abilities, while minor NPC’s have
fundamental descriptions and usually adhere to the standard profile for that given species. Standard profiles can be found
either in the Black Void core rulebook or in the scenario bestiary.
If the NPC’s personal possessions and equipment are not noted in their profile, the Arbiter may adhere to the following
guideline for carried items and wealth. Each caste tier adds D12 copper Dhin to their carried wealth either in coins or items
of equivalent value. A souq constable would supposedly be Shahrvah caste and – corresponding to this being the third caste
tier – carry 3D12 copper Dhin of values on his person in addition to indicated weapons and armour.
Having seen the bias and speciesism her father was subjected
Al’Lilla to, she is engaged in the cause of humankind. She often
relies on her outlandish looks to work on behalf of the
human cause without arousing suspicion or giving away her
This female scholar is a halfblood bearing scant resemblance
to her human half. Only close scrutiny will reveal her human Her work in the Consortium has revolved around the
heritage as her inhuman ancestry is much more pronounced. collaboration with the human enclave. Ka’Lacunae
Her features and limbs are slim and elongated but retain Ku’Tadh suspects her mixed ancestry but has not
five digits as her human side. Her skull is tall and extends revealed this. Al’lilla knows that the elder Ka’Alum is
backwards with ridges and protruding sensory quills while inclined towards humanity, so when she realises that
the nose is almost non-existent save for four tiny nostrils. foul play is at hand and the characters could be
Her narrow mouth does not have the sharp fangs of her at risk, she decides to aid them in whichever way
maternal parent while her eyes have the iris and pupils of she can.
her human ancestry.
Al’lilla is a scholar and not well-versed in much else. She can The Consortium leader retains a regal bearing and is
seem aloof and unapproachable but is merely engrossed in impeccably dressed in rich attire, flaunting rare and distinctive
her work, tending towards her maternal species’ asperity in gems from the worlds explored by the expeditionary crews.
social interaction. An ornate short sword of an exotic metal hangs in a
bejewelled scabbard on the hip while gilded signatory rings
adorn each taloned finger.
Al’li lla
Contrary to the distinctly patrician façade, La’Dian Ku’Tadh
is remarkably amicable and driven by a belief that the
Ka’Alum can learn from other species, a most incendiary
notion. La’Dian seems entirely ignorant about the dissension
among the family and Consortium Caucus. This obliviousness
is likely born from the strict adherence to social stratification
permeating the Ka’Alum federation. Discord among
subordinates is considered immaterial.
DESCRIPTION: Na’Vari is the MindNebula-bonded Mystic
assigned to the Sentinel. Her bond with the MindNebula
has influenced her heavily, giving her a somewhat eerie
disposition while her prolonged exposure to the Void has
distorted her body, making her a remarkable individual.
Na’Vari is inquisitive and confident in her capabilities,
frequently acting with authority she does not formally have.
She is a maestro of blasé politeness, graciously conversing
while surreptitiously dissecting and analysing behaviour and
opinions to identify potentially threatening, sympathetic, or
risky crew members.
GARB: The Ka’Alum is clothed in robes made from multiple Na’Vari
overlaying pieces of fabric hiding her misshapen legs and the
deformed proportions of her body.
Na’vari profile
Somesht Ku’tadh Waeha
This Ka’Alum is a cousin of La’Dian Ku’Tadh and leader DESCRIPTION: Hand-picked by Ka’Lacunae Ku’Tadh for
of the Advisory Caucus which launches a coup deposing this expedition, Waeha is an ancient Oord and the most
the Ka’Lacunae. Whether it is fear, arrogance or both that reliable Void Navigator working for the Tadh Consortium.
motivates her will likely never be known to anyone but Waeha navigates the fickle Void currents to uncharted worlds
herself. Irrespective, she is adamant in her pursuit to keep as adeptly as most anyone and is thoroughly dedicated
humanity among the dregs of the so-called lesser sentient to bringing its crew safely home again from any venture.
species. Although Waeha is undeniably the most vital member of
the expeditionary crew, it has no aspirations of leadership
The mere thought of someone of La’Dian’s standing and strictly adheres to the charters, directives, and chain
considering humans as worthy collaborators, much less of command. Should the directives fail, or the chain of
equals, borders on apostasy to her and cannot be tolerated. command becomes muddled Waeha is likely to follow the
Somesht has nothing against La’Dian, thinking that the leader advice and suggestions of Na’Vari.
has simply become misguided and can be led back on the
right path with proper guidance and a hiatus from the heavy SPECIES: Oord
responsibilities of leadership.
APPEARANCE: Waeha is ancient-looking. Myriad tattoos
If Somesht comes face-to-face with the characters, she will grace every visible patch of grey-mottled sagging skin hanging
find it hard to disguise her contempt, involuntarily revealing about its emaciated frame, and the previously full lips are
her views on humanity in manner and demeanour to anyone thin and crinkled. Its eyes are deep-set in wrinkled folds of
with even the slightest sense of awareness. flesh but retain their intense gaze as if age cannot dull the
keen mind of this Cosmic and Voidfaring mariner. Notably,
Somesht is cold, calculating, and clever, willing to do it is missing two fingers on its left hand and a toe on its right
whatever it takes to achieve her goals. foot.
Trapped mindnebula
The MindNebula has a +15 modifier to Mystic rolls, a GOALS: Waeha is not one to share its dreams and ambitions.
Mind sphere ranking of 4 and follows the ordinary profile The ancient Oord is committed to the fundamental purpose
of its species. set out by the Consortium, not the Consortium leadership.
The distinction could become apparent as intrigues and
power structures shifts.
ALLIES/HELPERS: Waeha is a venerable member of the SUPPLEMENTARY PLOT HOOKS: The characters’
Tadh Consortium and counts most of its members as its close relationship with Waeha can be developed by The Oord
backers. Na’Vari is one of these, and the duo has gone on sensing its long life coming to an end and wishes to leave a
numerous expeditions together. legacy or pass on its accumulated knowledge to someone.
Feeling a change in Na’Vari, it is reluctant to gift her. At the
DOMAIN: Any Void vessel it is stationed on is its domain. Arbiter’s discretion, it chooses a character to be the recipient
Waeha is incredibly reserved, permitting no one to enter its of its gifts. Because of the Oord’s appreciation for martial
private cabin. prowess, the chosen character could be a warrior.
QUIRKS: Waeha tends to speak in a whisper as if fearing to If trust and appreciation are established between Waeha
be overheard by unseen entities. Albeit it carries no weapon and a character during their journey, the Oord would
itself, it likes to examine weapons carried by its fellow crew, use Mind sphere Mysticism to bond and grant a rank of
admiring particularly rare or well-made pieces. As soon as enlightenment to the character at some point. If the chosen
they have boarded, Waeha always asks new crew members character is unable to grasp (due to limitations of Awareness)
if it can have a look at their weaponry. or appreciate the knowledge Waeha wishes to pass on, the
frustration will be palpable and scar the relationship.
COMBAT: Akin to most other Oord, Waeha is incompetent
in the art of warfare and will go to great lengths to avoid If Waeha comes near death, it may even hand over several
getting entangled in violent encounters. It will rely on its egg capsules, entrusting its progeny to the chosen character.
compatriots to keep it safe and utilise its Mystic powers if
Waeha profile
Groups & Factions
& factions
This section profiles the various adversary groups and factions the protagonists may encounter during the scenario. These
profiles do not include Trait scores and individual capabilities as such is mostly unnecessary for their use. If needed, the
Arbiter can reference the corresponding species profile or determine fitting capabilities if no species is denoted.
Albeit the various groupings regularly include an officer who would be more proficient or differently armed than a regular
member, the profile does not reflect this. An officer profile has an additional +1 to combat skills, a combat skill specialisation
and a customised weapon or enhanced armour to reflect his superior capabilities.
The dome dwellers are all members of the Ly’okan species, a The Huyn living in the underground fortresses of the Glacial
sentient breed native to the world known as Amber Ocean. Tundra world are all there for one specific purpose; mining
The civilisation used to live on the scattered islands on the the toxic, shimmering ore found on the globe.
surface. With the arrival of the sky eaters, the environment
and conditions deteriorated, and they were forced to build They tolerate the harsh living conditions with relative ease
large crystalline domes on the ocean floor, relocating their because of their resilience and suitable physical attributes
entire civilisations into the depths. but are merely colonists and neither native nor permanent
inhabitants. The fortresses have been constructed to help the
Being semi-piscine and with the oceans being shallow, colonists withstand the harsh conditions and defend against
the species was able to adapt and even prosper under the possible incursions from raiders seeking the valuable ore.
changed conditions, but they still long for the surface.
Dome dwellers are apathetic towards Hoarders and any The Huyn are welcoming mostly to thwart or waylay any
other sentient beings that wind up on their world, focussing suspicion of their real activities. They have all been sworn
purely on the furtherance of their own communities and the to secrecy about the collaboration with the Unseen Rulers.
possibility of relieving their world of the sullying presence
of the sky eaters. For characteristics and profiles, see the Huyn description in
the scenario Species section.
Ly’okan base most of their decision-making on a quid-
pro-quo mentality and will not allow outsiders to enter
their crystalline domes unless they see a distinct benefit
in doing so.
Once the tales of their efficacy and craftiness got off-world,
Hoarders their services became sought by influential and affluent clients
across the known Cosmos, making their prowess something
of a Cosmic spectacle.
These destitute peoples are a collective of individuals that
have gotten trapped on Amber Ocean. Most are Voidfarers The Ihma-Arun are specialised and highly trained agents
who have been unable to leave because their vessels have working either individually or in small groups to fulfil
been wrecked by sky eaters or they have otherwise been whichever task they have been assigned to. They are fiercely
unable to access a Void rupture. With the world’s current dedicated to their craft and whichever task they undertake.
condition, the only means of survival are found in the caverns It is rumoured that none have ever been taken alive to be
under the ocean floor, causing the survivors to scrounge and questioned.
scavenge in the grottos to maintain subsistence.
COMBAT: Ihma-Arun are stealthy and cunning, striking
There is no societal organisation or much loyalty among from the shadows. Depending on circumstances, they often
them, but neither is there overt hostility. Rather, a sense of use bolas to entangle and hamper opponents or sneak attacks
aimless hopelessness pervades and emanates from the entire to cause debilitating damage to primary threats.
host. Hoarders have extraordinarily little to offer and know
that even if the sky eaters leave the Ly’okans would abandon Ihma-Arun assassins typically use their primary action
them in their caverns. The only thing that can stir any sort of offensively, attacking with their Ukalu blade. Secondary
emotion and sentiment is an implication of potential escape. actions are usually defensive or delayed action, such as
Hoarders are from a variety of species including Je’ehl, parrying with their wave-pattern short sword (+6 to parry).
Ka’Alum, Harith, Im’Zu and Ba’Waikh. At the Arbiter’s If advantageous opportunities present themselves, they may
discretion, the characters might encounter a human Hoarder, utilise their third and fourth limbs to perform further actions.
possibly introducing a predicament as the Hoarder is bound
to appeal to their common humanity to be saved. When engaged as a group, they often gang up on a single
adversary to optimise their efforts and quickly dispense of
In case of encounters, use the applicable characteristics threats one at a time. Being innate formation-fighters, they
found in the Sentient Species section of the Black Void will gain a +1 to all attack rolls and defence when fighting
Core Rulebook. Deduct one (1) point from all Hoarder collectively.
Trait scores due to their emaciation and decrepitness.
Ukalu blades incur a +1 to-hit modifier, critical hit on 11+,
have straps to avoid weapons-drop and the attacker rolls
twice and pick the highest roll for damage.
Human enclave
Their weapons and tools are poorly made and from a soft
advisory caucus metal reminiscent of blueish-hued bronze. All weapons made
from this material have -1 penalty to hit, damage rolls and
speed, equivalent to terrible quality weapons.
The Caucus was established once the Consortium expanded
its operations beyond the needs of the Ka’Alum federation.
It serves as a body to guide and counsel the leader of the
Consortium as well as bring in new affluent clients. As such,
the Caucus has no fixed number of members and adheres Villager profile
to no criteria in terms of species or societal standing.
Originally without any explicit authority in the Consortium, WEAPONS Spears or bows (+0)
the Caucus members have slowly but surely subverted the
entire organization to hold considerable – if surreptitious – REACH Near
sway upon decisions. ATT SPEED -1
Somesht Ku’Tadh is the unsanctioned leader of the Caucus DMG D6 [-1] / D6 [-1]
and holds clout with the vast majority of the Caucus affiliates
as well as with certain members of the Ku’Tadh family. HEALTH 21
DV 8
The Tadh Consortium is described in detail in the Arbitrating EQUIPMENT Terrible quality short spears or short
section of the scenario and has extensive resources and assets bows, daggers, small hide shields and
available. poor quality leather armour.
S i ent S
entient Sppecies
eci es
SUBSPECIES: It is unknown whether their varying hues They often observe other sentient species unnoticed, only
is a matter of subspecies division or merely an individual rarely engaging in contact. When they do engage, it seems
characteristic. Varieties have been found in many different they do so in an effort to understand something they have
habitats with little to denote preference for specific coloured found intriguing about the other sentient life.
Citauqa can manipulate their fluid bodies and reshape
LIFECYCLE: Nothing is commonly known about the lifespan them into any simple form they wish, mimicking the
of the Citauqa, assuming they have anything comparable to physiology, features, and movements of other species.
a conventional lifecycle. They are unable to produce sounds, so their main
form of expression is re-enacting the behaviour
of whoever they are interacting with to convey a
DIET: It is unknown what Citauqa eat or if they need to INSUBSTANTIAL FLESH: As the Citauqa are fluid, a
eat at all. physical attack must effectively separate parts from the main
form to cause injury. Thrusting a blade through a Citauqa
ENCOUNTERS: Citauqa are only ever encountered in their does little while splattering the form disconnect portions
native territory – typically remote ocean expanses, rivers, and thereby injures it. As such, blunt weapons cause half
or other waterways. They most often simply emerge from damage while all others do only quarter damage. As damage
the surface of the water or liquid they reside in as a blob or is sustained the size of the Citauqa is reduced correspondingly
column of churning liquid. until nothing but a harmless puddle remains. Mystic and
esoteric powers can harm Citauqa as normal.
Encounters motivated by curiosity are mostly amicable
affairs where the Citauqa emulates the other participants LIQUID MANIPULATION: Citauqa can manipulate and
and observe their corresponding behaviour – sometimes galvanize non-organic liquids similarly to a Mystic manifesting
interacting more actively by poking and prodding. phenomena using the Spheres of Matter and Forces. The
manipulation function as regular phenomena and requires a
Hostile encounters mostly occur if the Citauqa feels roll to succeed. Natural rolls of 1 function as critical failures
threatened or if its territory has been breached. They will not as calamities. The Citauqa’s capabilities are determined
utilise their capabilities and manipulate any nearby water or by its size.
other liquid in their attempts to subdue, scare off or destroy
the perceived threat. Small: Combat reach = close / Damage = D3 / +3 to
liquid manipulation rolls / Phenomenon potency max. 2
COMBAT: Encountered Citauqa rely on their esoteric Medium: Combat reach = adjacent / Damage = D6 / +6
ability to control bodies of liquid, manipulating waves and to liquid manipulation rolls / Phenomenon potency max. 4
surges to wash over and pummel opponents. They can even Large: Combat reach = near / Damage = D12 / +9 to
envelop adversaries to drag them beneath the waves or liquid manipulation rolls / Phenomenon potency max. 6
reduce the density of surrounding liquid causing victims to
sink helplessly, easily drowning or incapacitating non-piscine
Ly’okan the ocean floor only actively engaging with other city-states
connected by tunnels.
DESCRIPTION: The Ly’okans are a semi-aquatic species BEHAVIOUR: Ly’okans are civilised but are inclined to
native to the world referred to as Amber Ocean by the retain an unsympathetic and aloof manner towards all others
Tadh Consortium. Covered in purplish chitin, the species is unless these possess something the Ly’okans desire. Their
robust, resilient, and well-adapted to life in both liquid and language consists of peculiar sequences of gurgling noises
atmospheric environments. and grunts produced by their convoluted fleshy mouthpieces.
While they can communicate with outsiders through gestures
Standing at about six cubits high, the species ordinarily move and other meaningful body language, the complexities and
across the undulating terrain of their submerged crystalline depth of shared language are often lost.
domed cities using all their six limbs. Four hooked legs
protrude from a lower abdomen while their upper abdomen With the arrival of the sky eaters and Hoarders, the Ly’okans
has two arm-like limbs with adapted pincers endowing a realised that there are worlds beyond theirs, but they are,
significant ability to manipulate objects. themselves, incapable of reaching enlightenment. They are
however fascinated with the prospects of Voidfaring and
Their compound eyes sit on flexible stalks moving believe that this might be the solution to rid them of the sky
independently, enabling them to see in any direction at eaters if they can obtain a vessel and crew.
any given time. Several feelers protruding from the head
and between chitin plates provide the Ly’okans with an
intensified ability to smell musk and pheromones used in
their communication. The toxic excretions produced by the
sky eaters affects and inhibits this sense, causing confusion
amongst the Ly’okans when exposed to it.
Ly’okans habitually treat others with acute disinterest, albeit While Ly’okan warriors are daunting, they can be outwitted
retaining a polite demeanour. They are willing to interact and tricked with simple tactics countering and exploiting
and trade with outsiders but rarely go beyond common their consistent simplistic approach.
courtesies unless their interest is piqued. The Ly’okans might
offer privileges and considerations in exchange for promises
of alleviating them of the sky eaters.
ENCOUNTERS: Ly’okans are found in their domed cities, DESCRIPTION: Huyn are a large larvae-like sentient species
travelling the tunnels beneath the ocean floor, or hunting recognised across much of the known Cosmos. The species
in the Amber Ocean. They will summarily ignore outsiders is exceedingly diverse, quickly adapting to whichever
unless these obstruct their activities or actively manage environment it inhabits. Although the overall physique
to catch their interest. The Ly’okans haughty attitude remains consistent, the subspecies’ colour, build and size
and sense of entitlement quickly become apparent in any adapt to its surroundings after only a few generations. Huyn
encounter. This may lead to tension and even escalate to have four stalked eyes, and most subspecies can see even in
outright violence if the outsiders transgress what the Ly’okans low light conditions. Their skin is tough and leathery while
consider acceptable. The Ly’okans do not recognize any some specimens have distinct patterns, offering natural
authority but their own and consider the supposed needs camouflage.
of others irrelevant. A stance they are more than willing to
back up with martial strength if contested. Two hooked front limbs function as arms. Along the
body are multiple hooked protuberances not only giving
COMBAT: Because of their haughtiness, Ly’okans are movement but enabling a tight grip, providing firm footing
ruthless in a fight. Their somewhat conceited outlook, even in unstable or undulating terrain. At the extremity of
however, make them brash and prone to blunders. their body is a bulky pincer which is occasionally used as a
third appendage.
There is little subtlety or refinement about their martial style,
and their habitual approach is to march up to an opponent The species has an aptitude for mining and quarrying, which
and indiscriminately dispense knockdown, stun and crushing – combined with their adaptability – make them a sought
blow manoeuvres until all opposition ceases. They prefer resource and asset for factions looking to obtain minerals and
massive blunt maces or clubs that support this brusque style. other natural resources in harsh locations.
AGILITY 3 HEALTH 39 LIFECYCLE: Huyn are hatched from fibrous eggs laid by
AWARENESS 3 SIZE Large particular individuals called breeders. These breeders are
collectively chosen for having specific attributes sought by the
STAMINA 5 MOVE 10 colony – enabling the species to rapidly propagate specific
STRENGTH 6 WEAPON Great mace / traits within a colony. As Huyn grow, they repeatedly shed
pincers their skin to allow for further growth.
INTELLECT 3 REACH Near / close
HABITAT/SOCIETY: The Huyn species is not indigenous
PERSUASION 1 ATT MOD +3 to any known world and do not call any particular globe
PRESENCE 5 ATT SPEED 0 home. The species, however, is extremely adaptable and
able to survive in most environments, preferring to live in
WILLPOWER 6 DMG D12+4 / D6+3
fortified camps or bastions wherever they reside. They seem
DV 6 to have no preferred habitat, and colonies can be found in
PROTECTION 3 a wide variety of conditions across numerous worlds. Some
Huyn prefer urban environments among other species,
TALENTS/ Blunt, fearless and resolve. while others favour living only amongst their own or even in
FLAWS solitude. Huyn colonies are always well-organised with clear
ATTRIBUTES Compound eyes and all-round sight, hierarchies and divided areas of responsibility.
multiple legs, chitinous skin, antennae,
pheromone excretion and pincers. OCCURRENCE: Huyn are uncommon but can be found on
EQUIPMENT Adornments, tools, great mace (+1 almost any imaginable world.
size, dmg and reach) and personal
BEHAVIOUR: There is no universal habitual behaviour COMBAT: A Huyn committed to violence is a fearsome
denoting this species, apart from a certain prevalent sense adversary. Although neither quick nor overtly skilled, there
of pragmatism. Individual colonies and groups have their own is a calculated resolve and grit about them that can deter
inclinations with associated demeanour, and the species is even stalwart combatants.
neither particularly aggressive nor philanthropical.
Huyn are mostly armed with polearms or other shafted
Perhaps because of their prudent approach to all things they weaponry giving them the range their limited movement
have managed to placate and assuage the dominant civilised often inhibits. They tend to fight very defensively using their
species and have no overt nemeses among the dominant long weapons to keep opponents at a distance and only
Voidfaring powers. striking at opportune moments when they are not at risk of
exposure. This tactic often frustrates opponents into making
DIET: The digestion of the Huyn is as malleable as the species mistakes, and that is when the Huyn strike.
in general, and the various groupings have widely different
diets. The colonies found on Glacial Tundra have adapted If fighting as a group, designated warriors act as defenders,
to consuming a fungal and lichen diet, the only sustainable preventing incoming attacks while the remaining strike
food source available. from the back utilising the extended range of their
polearms. Preferred manoeuvres include defensive stance,
STATUS: The resident Huyn in Llyhn are generally counterattack, parry, receive charge and standard attack.
considered as Muati with colony leaders and other prominent
individuals counted among the Sahrnesh caste.
B e a sts
Decrepit beasts
DESCRIPTION: The night-time on Hazy Eden HABITAT: These horrors stalk everywhere, prowling
triggers a surge of Void emanation devolving aimlessly with voracious savagery.
the furry and placid creatures into
contorted, horrific, and feral versions of OCCURRENCE: Decrepit beasts are common
their former selves. Their skin dissolves, on Hazy Eden. They tend to gather in packs
exposing ligaments and muscles, while of similar individuals but can also be found
ogling, lidless eyes suggest raving madness stalking on their own.
induced by excruciating agony. These
deformed and mutated creatures are
abominations stalking all living things in the
Hazy Eden Beast
Some specimens seem worse afflicted than others
and have oddly turquoise flames dancing about their
limbs and trailing their form as they prowl. It is as if the
creatures themselves have become conduits of the Void,
their flames mutating and distorting whatever they touch.
BEHAVIOUR: Savagery, Void-induced madness and erratic
bloodlust are what drives these creatures. As such, any out-
of-the-ordinary scent or perceived movement will awaken
their savagery, causing them to charge ahead with feral
yowls and extended slavering maws. Their behaviour in this
metamorphosed state, however, is predictable, making them
a threat because of their mindless tenacity and savagery, not
from any cunning or aptitude.
DIET: Decrepit beasts are not driven by hunger and do not Decrepit beasts
actually eat anything they kill.
ENCOUNTERS: Decrepit Beasts yowl and wail as they stalk AWARENESS 7 SIZE Medium – Large
beneath the twisted trees, trumpeting their presence far and STAMINA 5 MOVE 9
wide. Any encountered beast will charge furiously as soon
as it notices the presence of a potential victim. STRENGTH 5 WEAPON Claws / Maw
COMBAT: Decrepit beasts are mindless, and their prowling PERSUASION 0 ATT MOD +4/+3
attacks are without tactics or even instinct. Craving for
carnage, they simply assault the closest target rending and PRESENCE 0 ATT SPEED +2
slashing in senseless fury. As such, their few accessible WILLPOWER 0 DMG 2D6+2 /
manoeuvres are limited to all-out attack, furious charge, D12+2
and wild swing. Should any adversary become incapacitated,
DV 8
stunned or otherwise unconscious the decrepit beasts will
begin gnashing and gnawing on the body. A gnawing beast PROTECTION 0
causes D3 damage and a crippling injury [severity D4+2] TALENTS/ Acute smell and eyesight
per round. FLAWS
ATTRIBUTES Claws and teeth, multiple eyes,
VOID DEFORMATION: The Void conduit specimens decomposing body, and mindless.
potentially induce Void distortion in victims they injure. A SPECIAL Gnawing. Decomposing and Void
victim wounded by such a creature must make a Stamina suffused body. Fear [7 / effect potency
roll with a difficulty equating the caused damage. A failed D12]. Void deformation.
roll induces a D6 potency Void distortion.
Sky eater
ENCOUNTERS: Sky eaters are peculiar creatures that are
mostly found soaring high among the clouds. The specimens Void roaches
found on Amber Ocean are generally floating close to the
ocean surface due to the pull of the sonic rocks.
They will scrutinize any unfamiliar objects but quickly lose DESCRIPTION: These vermin are nuisances attracted to the
interest unless somehow enticed to remain attentive. Beyond refuse and waste of civilisation. They can be a significant
nudging and bumping objects, sky eaters do not interact with annoyance and even danger if they find their way onto a
anything or anyone that is not food or emits sonic pulses. Void vessel, causing considerable damage to the cargo and
potentially the ship.
Wherever a sky eater soars, there is the risk of it releasing
a gaseous pod, which brings immediate danger to anyone Void roaches grow up to two cubits in length, are covered
nearby. by a chitinous back-shield and skitter along in the darkness
on six long spindly legs. Two massive knobbly mandibles
COMBAT: Sky eaters do not engage in combat but are enable them to chew through even robust materials with
spooked and flee if they are hurt in any way. A startled sky relative ease.
eater thrashes and flicks its tail wildly. Make an attack roll
[+7] to anyone in near distance to determine if they get LIFECYCLE: Void roaches lay batches of eggs that gestate
hit as the sky eater flees. A hit causes 3D12+6 damage quickly, ensuring swift population growth if conditions are
and knockdown [+9] sending the target flying D6 metres. amenable. If sustenance is abundant, they grow rapidly,
In its panic, a stream of D6 small gaseous pods is emitted reaching their full size in a matter of weeks. Void roaches
as the sky eater flies away. The released gaseous pods are a rarely live for longer than a Llyhn season, although captive
few cubits in size each and require a dodge roll [4] to avoid specimens have exceeded this significantly.
if the character is actively pursuing the sky eater. Otherwise,
the pods float away and can easily be avoided. HABITAT: Void roaches can adapt to most non-arid and
non-frigid environments and prefer to live in dark places. The
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Excreted gaseous pods range in size species is mainly found underground, or in glum, abandoned
from a couple of cubits to tens of cubits in diameter. The locales such as cargo holds, lofts and areas with plentiful
pods combust to cause burns and poisoning up to D3 metres food sources – as is often the by-product of large dense
away per one (1) cubit diameter of the pod. The burns are populations.
D4 damage per round while the victim is within the area
affected by the flames. Anyone caught in the cloud must OCCURRENCE: Void roaches are common in large urban
also make a Stamina roll [10] or begin to violently vomit areas and found on nearly every world connected by Void
and cramp for D6 hours. The victim loses D3 Health from trade routes as they easily find their way aboard Void vessels
fatigue and exhaustion each hour and suffers a -6 penalty to unloading or loading their cargo.
actions for the duration.
BEHAVIOUR: When on a vessel the roaches often chew
through or shift objects and cargo, spreading them around
the ship. This occasionally leads to crew members being
Sky eaters
accused of stealing or sabotage until the real source of the
problem is realised. In their natural habitat, their powerful
AGILITY 4 HEALTH 80 mandibles are utilised to excavate tunnels and nests. They
AWARENESS 6 SIZE Gargantuan can chew through any organic material and most soft
minerals, making the risk of holes in the hull of an infested
STAMINA 8 MOVE 12 ship very real.
DV 4
ATTRIBUTES Aerial, slimy, tail, and thick skin.
SPECIAL Poisonous and combustible gas
ATTRIBUTES Medium claws, Massive knobbly horns
(DR1), Large, Long arms, tough scaly
skin (DR2).
DIET: Void roaches can live off almost anything, contentedly SPECIAL: Void Roaches can detach their legs to free
devouring refuse, rotting plants, cadavers and most any inert themselves from ensnarement or pinning. Detachment takes
organic matter they can get access to. a combat round and loses the roach the limb and D3 Health.
Void Roach
Consortium Grounds
The Sentinel
Hazy Eden
The Below
Sentinel wreckage
Huyn Fortress
Azure Savannah
The expedition charter handed over to the characters by Ka’Lacunae Ku’Tadh 123
Al’Lilla 1st missive
124 *The secret message is denoted by a series of small marks (‘) in front of certain words.
Al’lilla 2nd missive
*The secret message is denoted by a series of small marks (‘) in front of certain words. 125
Al’Lilla 3rd missive
126 *The secret message is denoted by a series of small marks (‘) in front of certain words.
Caucus directive
Welcome to the Tadh Consortium, a Ka’Alum faction dedicated to launching Void-traversing
expeditions to discover and explore new worlds. You and your compatriots have been hired as part
of an expeditionary crew to travel the Void, investigating uncharted worlds to find a prospective
home for humankind.
Guided by a charter based on rumours and fragmented reports of paradisial worlds you prepare to
voyage into the oblivious depths abord the Void Vessel “The Sentinel”.
You have all heard the fireside stories about the horrors awaiting unprepared Voidfarers. Still, the
rewards of this venture and the chance to bring hope to humanity are certain to be worth the risk…
While your travels may indeed be perilous, the clandestine, callous, and nefarious scheming
occurring behind the scenes may well be the greatest threat you have to face.
Into the Oblivious Depths sees the protagonists explore multiple new, exotic, and
uncharted worlds. Facing challenges and horrors undreamed of, encountering new
outlandish, sentient species, and discovering what lies beyond the horizon is only
the outset of this exhilerating adventure.
This campaign is the second in the series of Black Void stand-alone scenarios and is
ideally suited for four to six characters, each in the 65-75 character points range.
Into the Oblivious Depths is a must-have for Arbiters and players looking
to explore the wonders and horrors beyond the Eternal City.
Print-friendly character sheet and other resources available for download
ISBN 978-87-93781-09-2
W W W . M O D I P H I U S . N E T BVG017D / MUH052244-PDF