Fading Suns 4e - Universe Book
Fading Suns 4e - Universe Book
Fading Suns 4e - Universe Book
Game Design and Book Development: Bill Bridges To all the writers and artists who helped reveal the
Authors: Jacqueline Bryk, Brian Campbell, Vidar Ed- far-flung worlds of Fading Suns in all its previous
land, James Estes, Andrew Greenberg, Andy Har- editions and books. You are all saints and true ser-
mon, Christopher Howard, Sam Inabinet, Ian Lem- vants of the Pancreator.
ke, Chris Lites, James Maliszewski, Bill Maxwell, And to Greg Stafford (1948-2018), mythmaker.
Rustin Quaide, Sascha Schnitzer, and Bill Bridges Fading Suns wouldn’t exist without the immeasur-
Editing: Brian Campbell able influence of Greg’s worlds and games.
Art Direction: Maik Schmidt
Book Design: Steffen Brand, Maik Schmidt
Cover Artist: Nathaniel Park Pilgrims:
Cover Concept: Maik Schmidt, Brian Syme It is truly the end of history, it seems. Judgment is
Artists: Yasemin Asik, Carlos Diaz, Benjamin Giletti, near. Yet, I cannot accept that we are to be rewarded
Carl Hassler, Larissa Kaatz, Katharina Niko, Na- for sitting still and waiting for death. If that were so,
thaniel Park, Maik Schmidt, Sebastian Watzlawek why did the Prophet say: “A sun must burn to birth
Jumpweb Map, Character Sheet and Logo light. When your passion burns, you give off light.”
Design: Steffen Brand Perhaps the suns die because we lack passion. Pas-
Layout: Thomas Michalski sion for life, for the struggle necessary to unlock the
Fading Suns™ created by Bill Bridges and Andrew Mystery. We are bored with everything, having ac-
Greenberg complished all. History has returned to the point at
which it began.
Playtesters: Or perhaps the answer still waits for us. Perhaps the
dying suns are our spur to greatness, a necessary quest
Thanks to: Tobias Amann, Timothy Brown, Tim on which we will finally understand ourselves and our
Byrd, Lydia Macedo Byrd, Alexander Fauser, place in the universe.
Andrew Greenberg, Darrell Hayhurst, Ian Lem- — Guiseppe Alustro, My Time Among the Stars
ke, David Millians, Carsten Moos, Heiko Nowak,
Eric Rex Peterson, Nikolas Pietrzik, Markus Plotz,
Sascha Schnitzer, Eric Simon, Leonardo Ellis Soto,
Ross Watson; and everybody who playtested a very
early version of the rules at Gen Con 2018.
Administration Christian Elsässer, Carsten Moos, Sven Paff, Stefanie Peuser, Marlies Plötz
Marketing Philipp Jerulank, Björn Meyer , Katharina Wagner
Publishing Team Germany Zoe Adamietz, Jörn Aust, Mirko Bader, Steffen Brand, Simon Burandt,
Christiane Ebrecht, Frauke Forster, Christof Grobelski, Kai Großkordt, Nikolai Hoch, Nadine Hoffmann,
Johannes Kaub, Arne Frederic Kunz, Matthias Lück, Benedict Marko, Thomas Michalski, Jasmin Neitzel,
Markus Plötz, Elisabeth Raasch, Diana Rahfoth, Nadine Schäkel, Maik Schmidt, Ulrich-Alexander Schmidt,
Nils Schürmann, Alex Spohr, Jens Ullrich, Jan Wagner,
Publishing Team USA Robert Adducci, Bill Bridges, Timothy Brown, Darrell Hayhurst, Eric Simon,
Ross Watson
Distribution & Customer Support Florian Hering, Jan Hulverscheidt, Saskia Steltner, Stefan Tannert,
Sven Timm, Anke Zimmermann
rather obscure audience. It was not me they wanted of cruel rule. In his arrogance, he had assumed that JOURNAL
to hear about in my accounts, but my Lady, Erian his hired criminal army would protect him, but they
Li Halan. Now she is Baroness Erian Li Halan of saw the lay of the land and deserted with much of INTRODUCTION
Odeya. his wealth stuffed into their doublets and saddled to
As you surely surmised, my journals did not always their horses.
tell the full stories of our exploits. I could not name Inami and his son, the unfortunate and lumbering SOCIETY
all the names or mention every nearly heretical en- Goro, found themselves fighting their own people,
terprise we engaged in. But I suspect you pieced to- backed into the manse’s tower. Somehow, whether KNOWN
gether from my last published entry, many years ago, on purpose or by accident, a fire erupted and sent WORLDS
that we intended to search for the fabled planet of the peasants fleeing, trapping Inami and Goro at the
Yathrib. Clues pointed us to Holy Terra, and we were top. Their only escape lay in leaping from the par-
prepared to go straight there to unravel the mystery apet. While it is possible to survive a fall from that
of Yathrib’s lost jumproute coordinates. Imagine be- height, although not without injury, both nobles had
ing the first to once more visit that legendary planet stuffed their own doublets with as much of the house
where the Prophet first saw the Holy Flame. Is there treasures as they could carry. They landed in hay
any place more sacred? And yet, we are barred from but were punctured by the cups, coins, and jewels
it by ignorance. they had crammed tightly to their torsos — killed
But we did not go to Holy Terra. Our journey was by greed.
interrupted by a pirate fleet bought and paid for by My romantic dream of Erian’s final confrontation
my Lady’s brother, Baron Inami. We were boarded evaporated in the muck. With Inami dead, along with
and kidnapped, brought forcefully back to Midian in his sole heir, the estate fell to Lady Erian. Our adven-
our own ship! tures among the stars were over.
Despite Julia and Sanjuk’s short-lived attempt to My Lady had a fief to manage, and a difficult one at
reclaim control of our ship, we arrived at the Barony that. Inami had left it in a sorry state, rife with crime
of Odeya in chains. We were marched from our ship syndicates. He had constantly borrowed money from
to Inami’s estate, there to suffer whatever punishment them, and they acted like they owned the place. Con-
he envisioned for us. I imagined that Erian would vincing them otherwise was a trying and dangerous
give her brother what he really wanted: a duel to the task, one that took many years. They did, however,
death. They would clash swords back and forth across prove to be the saving grace of the revolting peasants.
the battlements, each taking the measure of the other, By law, many of those peasants deserved death for
their energy shields sparking each time a blow failed what they’d done, but they had rescued my Lady and
to slip through. Eventually, Inami would tire, for he proved, over and over again in the coming trials, that
was a glutton and Erian was toned by her travails. they stood by her and not the syndicates. For their
His guard would slip and Erian’s blade would find his service in her war against the criminal invaders, she
heart. As he collapsed, his people would rise up in a pardoned them.
cheer for the death of the tyrant. Some would frown at this, but the Li Halan way
My reverie was broken by gasps of shock as we seeks peace under heaven. Inami had disturbed the
rounded the hills and the manse came within sight. natural order; the seed of discord grew from his store-
Smoke curled from its high tower. We were marched house. To counter his years of bad faith, Lady Eri-
double time through the gate and into the yard. an introduced mercy — when it was deserved. The
There we saw dogs licking at two bodies lying bro- syndicates got none of it. They eventually balanced
ken in the rushes. Drying blood coated fine clothing. their ledgers and realized the Barony of Odeya was
Baron Inami and his son Goro. Dead. no longer conducive to profit. They left. My Lady’s
People appeared all around us, brandishing hay war was over.
forks and knives. Inami’s serfs. One among them, an Yet the cost was high. Much of her family’s rich-
old woman, recognized Erian. She cried in joy and es and heirlooms were missing, and a whole year of
fell before her, claiming that the Pancreator had de- crops were lost. My Lady was forced to seek help from
livered their true lord to them. Duchess Fativa in Kemerovo, as well as the Reeves
Seeing which way the wind was blowing, our cap- guild’s coffers, for loans to keep the fief running.
tors tried to flee, but the peasants overwhelmed them, But she had the Resurgent, her starship, and her
wrestling them to the ground. They extracted the loyal crew. My Lady stayed to rule her fief, along
keys to our bindings, released us, and then bound the with me as her confessor and spiritual advisor and
pirates with their own chains. Cardanzo as her steadfast bodyguard. The rest of
The story came out: During our journey back, the our fellows took to the trade routes, hoping to turn
people finally rose up against Inami and his years the small resources of my Lady’s fief into profitable
ventures. While crops were the main resource, there I have been to Hargard, although only as a way sta-
were still some precious metals in the nearby foot- tion for a journey deeper into Vuldrok space. Now it
hills. Inami had failed to exploit them, but my Lady has come within the fold of the Known Worlds, as the
now began that endeavor. Julia Abrams, our Char- dowry of our new Empress. It is incumbent upon us
ioteer pilot, proved herself to be quite the merchant to increase our technical resources, not restrain them.
trader, aided by our engineer, Sanjuk, and our be- Unfortunately, this primarily means acquiring mili-
loved Onggangarak, a one-man (one-vorox!) steve- tary tech, so we may put down the revolt on Ostmark
dore crew. and withstand the reinforcements that will arrive
My Lady tasked me with restoring the spiritual from the resisting Star-Nations. But I pray it will also
health of the community; the years of Inami’s vain mean instead increased trade and increased goodwill
rule had wounded it. I wish I could report my miracu- between strangers, now allied by marriage.
lous success, but as I alluded to earlier in this missive, More than any time in the last decade, I yearn for
alas, I have no talent for it. They liked me well enough the stars. I have been to the Star-Nations! I know their
but in a pitying way. I begged my Lady to relieve me people! I could do so much good there.
of this duty for the sake of her peoples’ happiness, and I know that my Lady also feels the pull of the mo-
she reluctantly agreed. We soon received an Ortho- ment: the need for the Questing Knights — her old
dox priest from Santo Alecto. Deacon Elizabeth Lin order — to pave the way for Alexius’ reign. She tires
Wu has proven a fine administrator of souls, albeit a of fief management. She was not bred to it, and her
boring one. adventurous life cannot be easily folded away into the
Happily, the Resurgent returned from one of its family trunk with the heirlooms of her glory days.
trade missions bearing a great gift: General Hanmei There is pressure on her to marry and produce an
Usaki Li Halan, Erian’s uncle. You almost certainly heir, but I know her heart says not yet. There is still
have met him at some official Imperial function or much to do, much to achieve.
another. Perhaps you even visited his estate outside of My uncle’s invitation came as a great relief to her.
Ventridi on Byzantium Secundus. He is very old now Finally, an excuse to leave Midian! It is only for a few
and wanted to see once again the Garden Worlds of weeks, of course – there and back – but that, for now,
his youth. He left his manse in the hands of his cousins is enough.
to come and help Erian reconcile her fief. This, more Perhaps, on the way back, we shall take a detour,
than anything I can tell you, stands as testament to visiting her old comrades in the Company of the
my Lady’s character. He is her uncle, yes, but he is Phoenix on Byzantium Secundus. I intend to seek a
also a legendarily upstanding soldier. His faith in her favor from my uncle, you see: an audience that I know
should, I hope, go some ways to justifying her faith he can arrange. I want my Lady to meet her.
in me. Princess Aurora. Our new star.
His presence by her side has often made me think I can scarce imagine setting eyes upon her. My rea-
of my uncle. I wonder what he is feeling as he assumes son tells me she is just a child, like any other. But my
his high station. I have not heard directly from him heart tells that she is our grace, our blessing, our fu-
since the aftermath of his contentious election, and ture. She is ascendant over us all. How can the stars
that was only his letter of invitation to me and my die while her eyes brim with light?
Lady, along with your letter of inquiry. He will not In this babe’s hands rests the continuity of her
have an easy time ordering the faithful in these times. father’s quest to reclaim our heritage, flung across
The near schism Hezekiah left us with will only grow many planets. We shall unite our lost worlds under
worse. Too many people were traumatized by the the banner of the Phoenix. What was burned will yet
technological arms race of the Emperor Wars, and rise again.
their children are demanding a harder line on the use Well, I have rambled, and now I have no time to
of technology. Hezekiah’s rumored use of longevity edit this letter. It must go out on the courier ship,
serums did little to fend off accusations of hypocrisy which leaves imminently.
against the Church, even in light of the Doctrine of But I shall follow soon behind it. Not in the Re-
the Privilege of Martyrs. surgent, as I expected, but in our new, larger ship:
My uncle will be tempted to respond with harsh The Gakko, an Imperial Lekaf expedition ship. This
measures. I hope your counsel can temper this. I ad- is another gift from General Usaki, provided with sig-
mit that I do not know where you stand on this issue, nificant assistance from Consul Quan Shu Romani
but from what I have heard of your time in the Im- of the Reeves. It comes as a loan on very generous
perial Court, you are well aware of the necessity of terms — terms which, I write to my embarrassment,
easing restrictions in this new time, as we take our first are meant not for Erian but for me. I was quite naïve
steps into barbarian space. about it at first, until Julia took me aside and “wised”
me up. As nephew of the new Patriarch, people al- The messenger is at my door, demanding that they JOURNAL
ready wish to butter me up for favors. The loan of must leave now. I hope I have bared enough of myself
the Lekaf is but the first. I protested and demanded to at least convince you I am no conspirator, although INTRODUCTION
that Erian refuse the loan, but she finds it all amusing, I might be a fool. I sincerely look forward to meeting
much to my frustration. General Usaki merely spoke you in person on Holy Terra, although my journey
in his usual idiom of parables: “The gifter of the horse from here to there will be a matter of weeks yet. SOCIETY
cannot claim virtue for his giving when the horse has Then I will set foot upon the Cradle World and
already bolted from the barn.” I have no idea what he thank the Pancreator for the birth planet he once gave KNOWN
means by this. to us. And when we leave, I will thank Him again for WORLDS
I do know that I tremble every time I think about the worlds he has yet to give us.
our coming journey. To rise once more into the sky!
I have packed my bags, repacked them, and packed Yours,
them again. It has been too long. What if I forget
something essential? Onggangark laughs at me, al- Guiseppe Alustro
though I can tell he is glad that he will get to travel Barony of Odeya
with me again. Midian
goals as the author of a novel, a film, or a play. We
call Fading Suns a passion play, a saga about the When and Where
triumphs and tragedies of its characters that takes Fading Suns takes place exactly 3000 years into the
place in an imagined future. Many stories can be told future. This edition is being published in 2020, so our
here, everything from galaxy-spanning epics to the future history is current to the year 5020.
most personal of tales. Like medieval passion plays, The setting is the Known Worlds of the Phoenix
Fading Suns deals with grand themes universal to Empire. These planets remain connected to one an-
human experience. other through jumpgates. Many worlds were lost after
Its primary theme is Questing. We look to the stars the Fall, their jumpgate connections sealed. This ex-
and imagine exploring them one day. The same is isting web of travel routes is called the jumpweb. The
true of humans and aliens three millennia from now. Jumpweb of the Known Worlds map shows the panoply
Sojourns into space are not just physical challeng- of worlds that serve as the main stages for our pas-
es; they’re spiritual pursuits. Wherever there are sion play.
mysteries to be delved, religion rises to meet them. People can’t simply create a route from one solar
Unlike certain sci-fi visions of purely rational and system to another on a whim. The routes are baked
technocratic futures, Fading Suns posits that we into the gates, part of alien technology that has yet
humans are never fully without spiritual specula- to be fully understood. Hence, a world like Grail has
tions. Whether it’s the superstitions of the fearful only two routes connecting it: to and from Pyre and
populace, the scriptures of a spacefaring Church, Rampart. The central Imperial world of Byzantium
or unexplainable psychic powers Secundus has eight routes leading to and from it. All
and mystical rituals, in Fading jumproads lead (eventually) to the throne.
Suns, the farther out we go, the Each world is ruled by a noble house, although a
less we really know. few are run by one of the Church orders or a Mer-
chant League guild. A growing number of them are
claimed by the Emperor.
Off the map are the barbarian worlds, mostly
former remnants of the Second Republic that are
still poorly understood by Known Worlders af-
ter their 1000-year absence from the center of
power. Only now is the Empire beginning to
encroach again into these worlds.
Alien empires on the borders are at best
neutral and at worst hostile. The Vau Hege-
mony is far more technically advanced than
the Empire, but so far, it has kept its borders
mostly sealed from humans. Known Worlders
fear that they are pawns in some ancient
chess game the vau are playing for even-
tual ownership of all space. The symbiots
are shapechanging creatures that can con-
vert humans to their hive society; they are
fought tooth, claw, and blaster by humans
to prevent them from entering and con-
taminating the Known Worlds.
The Core Books One of you is the gamemaster. You’re like the di-
rector of a play. You’re also its chief playwright, but
Fading Suns first appeared in 1996 as a roleplaying the players also help write the script as you play, im- INTRODUCTION
game book and a computer strategy game called Em- provising their character’s reactions to the situations
peror of the Fading Suns. A line of sourcebooks followed you put them into. Unlike the players, who each take
over the next years, introducing new aspects of the the role of a single character, you take the role of the SOCIETY
setting. rest of the characters in the universe, everyone from
There have been three other editions of the main the simple barman who serves the players’ characters KNOWN
rulebook; this one is the long-awaited fourth edition, drinks in a tavern to the sly and indefatigable rival WORLDS
bridging the gap of years since the last sourcebooks who has dogged the troupe’s steps for years. It’s all
were published. It’s all you need to begin playing Fad- explained more in Chapter 1: Rules in the Char-
ing Suns. acter Book, as well as in Chapter 1: Drama in the
It consists of three volumes: Gamemaster Book.
• Universe Book — The book you’re reading now The first step in learning to play Fading Suns is
introduces the setting and its worlds. reading the three core books. Each chapter reveals
• Character Book — A second volume provides more information about the setting and the rules of
the rules of play, as well as character creation. the game. Chapter 4: Playing the Game in the
• Gamemaster Book — The third book has rules Gamemaster Book provides a step-by-step example
for the gamemaster (which are a bit different from the of play, showing you how it all goes down.
players’ rules), as well as numerous NPCs, including
creatures, occult monsters, a sample setting (the world TOOLS
of Hargard), and a beginning drama (set on Hargard).
Look out for many forthcoming Fading Suns Each player should have a single 20-sided die of their
sourcebooks from Ulisses North America on a variety own. (They could all share a die, but that gets un-
of topics, including many of the factions and alien spe- wieldy.) In most hobby stores or online, you can find
cies that we simply could not fit into the core books. 20-sided dice; you can also get a special Fading Suns
20-sider from Ulisses.
Chapter 1: History
Hail Horace, wisest of us all. Pilgrim, it is to Horace that we pray before beginning any endeavor SOCIETY
of the mind. Without his example, your words will fail you, your thoughts will confuse you,
and your
soul will not recognize its face in the mirror. KNOWN
Before he met the Prophet, Horace had a great mind, but his soul mirror was stingy. It absorbed WORLDS
Light but gave little of it back. When the Prophet struck him on the head with his staff — the
of the Club — it shook loose the grime and brightened him. Ever since, he tempered his mind
giving. A mind that only takes, that only learns and does not give back by teaching, is a shell
in which
the Dark can lurk.
Horace teaches us that knowledge is not to be feared, so long as it is tempered with wisdom.
heresy of the Diasporans was to equate data — quantity — with knowledge — quality. The
true sage
discerns order amid randomness, signal within noise, cosmos from chaos.
Horace bears the Book of Revealings (with one koan per page, each said to deliver enlighten
and the Staff of Teachings (said to be a highly advanced think machine); from that staff
hangs the
Lantern of Quietude that protects the Holy Flame, keeping it safe from ill winds while allowing
light to shine forth (said to be an Anunnaki Philosophers Stone that holds the shard of a star).
— Charioteer Captain Zelina Hamid-Sandor, The Pilgrim’s Path: How to Read the Omega Gospels
Humanity long ago reached the stars and spread far Ur (proto-race), which is also a prefix used to identi-
and wide among them, rising to utopian heights of fy their relics. Scholars believe one of these races —
material and social magnificence. The future that those presumed to have built the jumpgates — is older
Urthlings once dreamed of when they looked into the than the other. This race is called by various names:
night sky had arrived… and then collapsed into ruin. Jumpmasters, Gatekeepers, Inceptors, Architects, and
Human destiny now winds down, lit by the cinders many more. The presumed younger race is known as
of the stars. the Successors or Marauders. This latter name comes
In troubled times, it is customary to look to the past for from alien legends, for their myths speak of two races
clues about where it all went wrong — or how it might be of gods or elder beings who often warred against each
turned right. Humans throughout history overcame all other. One race protected mortals, while the other
hurdles and found new paths whenever failure loomed harassed them. Scholars believe that these “gods”
large. Can their inheritors claim the same? were not mere metaphors, but memories of the Ur.
The idea of a mythical prehistorical war between
elder races has some physical evidence to support
it. Different digs have revealed ruins of extreme age
with architectural motifs resembling those found on
What humans know of the times before they reached certain jumpgates. These ruins were not simply aban-
space, they learned from the ur-obun and ur-ukar, as doned; they were destroyed in a war. Planetary cata-
well the amphibian oro’ym. Coupled with the theories clysms and upheavals cannot explain the devastation
of Second Republic xeno-archaeologists, based on evi- clearly wrought by high-tech weaponry, thought to be
dence gained from terraforming digs —as well as more from fusion guns, bombs, and the products of strange
than a few cryptic hints from the enigmatic vau — they physics. This great war was surely the cause for the
formed a picture of what had come before. disappearance of these two races. They left the stage
Once the cosmos had at least one, although possi- of history, abandoning their caretaking or harassment
bly two, previously extant though now-extinct alien of the Children of the Ur (the obun and ukar species)
species of incredibly high advancement. One of these sometime around 100 CE (Holy Terra calendar).
presumed races left the jumpgates behind. Little is The Children of the Ur are not the only races to
known about them. Gargoylelike figures — both de- have been touched by these precursors. Their mark
monic and angelic in appearance — can be found in is found in every system that bears a jumpgate, not
many of their ancient ruins and on the jumpgates. only in the gate itself but also on nearly every planet
Together, these two races are called the Anunna- in the system. While some of their remains may be
ki or the Pre-Adamites. They are also known as the only survey markers, others are more extant – evi-
dence as enduring as the ruins of cities and as subtle The First Republic, also called the Human Com-
as whispers of Ur behavior in the mythologies of most bine Age by Second Republic historians, was created
sentient species. Indeed, most species, including hu- by a conglomeration of mercantile leaders. Ardent
mans, believe they were visited and affected by the Ur capitalists made rich from years of war had come to
at some point early in their development. For what realize that overt war and increasing anarchy was
purpose, none can say. hurting profits and growth. Following the example
The Anunnaki’s only seeming legacy is their tech- of the Geo-Reformation Project’s corporate-govern-
nology. The jumpgates opened space for humans, the ment alliance, they banded together to back a world
Children of the Ur, and the vau. But they also left government initiative begun by the United Nations.
a mystery behind. People still gaze in wonder at the These “zaibatsu” soon ruled the Republic.
enigmatic Gargoyles jutting from ancient ruins or on Representatives, originally elected by UN member
the edge of jumpgates. nations, were nothing more than shills for the most
powerful zaibatsu, international corporations whose
The First Republic crew was frozen to be thawed out on arrival). Relatives
bid their loved ones goodbye, knowing they would prob-
Following the years of strife, culminating in Earth-tam- ably never see them again, but they were still hopeful
ing (and centuries later with “Urth-taming”), the cit- that their descendants would one day meet on distant
izenry was desperate for peace. Politicians sought to worlds. Sealed and launched, the ships began their jour-
overcome divisions and achieve a unity that would ney through the void toward distant lights.
forever thwart war. A planetary government was de- Then, soon after the turn of the 24th Century, ex-
clared in the early years of the 22nd Century. The plorers discovered the first jumpgate. Floating past
price of this peace was freedom, and the people, ex- Pluto at the edge of the solar system, an amazing alien
hausted after years of global violence, gladly paid it. artifact hinted at a race long gone.
The Jumpgate glow of the alien jumpgate — and no one expected
what came next. Each astronaut experienced a sub-
The jumpgate was a monumental curiosity. It was the lime moment of ecstasy and profound remembering INTRODUCTION
first sign of alien life and technology encountered by of some deep truth once known and since lost. When
humanity so far (except for the controversial remains they arrived on the other side, the memories again
left on Mars, long covered up and unknown to the faded, but their afterglow remained. A religion was SOCIETY
public), and it was baffling. Long “powered down,” born, named after the word left on the lips of all the
the gate showed no sign of activity. Its function was astronauts: Sathra. KNOWN
hotly debated. Finally, a team of scientists working The new world had no sentient life and was ripe WORLDS
long shifts triggered the power and activated the gate. for colonization. It was called Sathra’s Boon (since re-
The space inside the hoop of the gate warped as light named Sutek). Soon, the exodus — and the conflicts
was bent in an inward spiral — and then opened onto — began. Internal, covert war ignited among the zai-
alien vistas, a view of a distant star system. batsu, as corporations fought for control of space’s
This was the first sure sign humanity had of the new riches. Most citizens were unaware of the con-
Anunnaki and their works. The realization that hu- flicts exploding in the corridors of power on Earth,
mans were not the only race to reach the stars was Mars, and Sathra’s Boon. The First Republic found
a humbling experience, but one which many fron- the religion of Sathraism to be an annoyance. Pilots
tier-minded humans quickly got over. Where others who had “found God” were harder to control. In ad-
saw awe, the zaibatsu saw op-
Scientists quickly retrieved
data from the powered-up gate,
and translation began. Soon
enough theoretical knowledge
about the gate’s technology
existed to allow manufacture
of a prototype jump engine. It
was bulky and huge. Attached
to an unmanned probe, the
Republic prepared to launch it
into the new infinity. This was
a major unifying event, bring-
ing people all over the world
together in rapt expectation
as the probe’s retros fired and
sent it hurtling into the gate.
In a flash, it was gone, and
humanity waited. Three
months later, the gate acti-
vated, and the probe floated
back into Earth’s solar system,
transmitting its image data col-
lected in Unknown Space. A
solar system was waiting with
a habitable planet similar to
Earth. It wasn’t long before the
First Republic had volunteers
lining up across the globe to be
the first to see another world. A
crew was selected, trained over
long months, and finally read-
ied for launch.
Again, the world gathered to
see it. The intrepid crew took
off, shooting through the fiery
Date Event Date Event
BCE 40,000 Date for oldest known Anunnaki 4525 Barbarian Invasions. The Vuldrok
ruin Star-Nations, unaligned to the hous-
CE 100 Anunnaki disappear from history as es, Church, or League, ally to plun-
they abandon the obun and ukar der Known Worlds and are beaten
back after many casualties on both
1800 Vau reach space
2100 First Republic, humans develop so-
4540 Vladimir begins uniting stars
lar system
through his campaign against the
2305 Humans discover the jumpgate barbarians.
2500 First Republic collapses, nobility ris- 4550 Vladimir is crowned emperor and is
es up assassinated. A regent, elected every
2500-3500 Diaspora; widespread rudimentary 10 years by electors (composed of
terraforming major houses, the Church, and the
2700 First Contact with the shantor League), stands in the emperor’s
2723 Prophet sees the Holy Flame; Age of stead.
Miracles begins 4900 Symbiot Wars begin. Symbiots at-
2730 Shantor Revolt leads to creation of tack outlying worlds. Their parasitic
alien reservation system forces convert many planets, eventu-
ally forcing the human populations
2845 First Contact with the vau to evacuate. They are halted at Stig-
2849 Death of the Prophet; Age of Mira- mata.
cles ends 4956-4995 The Emperor Wars
2855 Ukar War. The Church unites hu- 4992 Kurga Conflict on Hira begins.
manity against invading ukari
4993 Alexius Hawkwood is crowned em-
3500-4000 Merchant interests combine forces to peror.
create Second Republic with capital
at New Istanbul (later Byzantium Se- 4995 All five Royal Houses finally concede
cundus); sophisticated terraforming victory to Emperor Alexius.
4000 Mass unemployment, intensified 5001- The Pax Alexius (the Peace of Alexi-
by fading suns phenomenon and present us) sees a period of relative peace be-
increased religious millennialism, tween Known Worlds factions as the
leads to collapse of Second Republic new emperor cements his rule.
Nobility leaps in, seizes Byzantium 5018 Marriage of Emperor Alexius to
Secundus, and ensures that the Re- Freya Eldridsdottir, a Vuldrok
public cannot be saved 5019 Birth of Princess Aurora, heir to the
4000-4986 New Dark Ages Phoenix Throne
dition, the pilots sought to undergo more jumps than Many Sathraists who tried to build their own ships
were necessary, risking their health (and thus their still received their visions for many years. But the Re-
ships). Sathraism was outlawed but to little effect. public was ruthless in hunting down rogue ships and
Only when the Republic managed to design a force destroying them. Within a matter of years, Sathraism
field buffer preventing the Sathra experience did the was forgotten, an underground religion with few con-
religion suffer a serious setback. Ships were built with verts (although it would briefly surface again in the
integral buffers; any attempt to dismantle the buffer coming age of exodus).
disabled the engines. The mystical visions were over; Progress and expansion pushed on. Further study
without communion, many pilots could not maintain of the jumpgate revealed new routes to yet more
their zeal. They lapsed from their mystical convic- worlds. The wagon train was on. With people spread-
tions, so easily forgotten anyway, like a dim dream. ing so far so fast, and with the zaibatsu busy attacking
and defending their own, the discontents and idealists had ever assumed about its own origins and spiritual JOURNAL
slipped away into the night and seized the stars for destiny — humans were no longer unique for their in-
themselves. The First Republic’s New Frontier had telligence and tool-using capability. In light of irrevo- INTRODUCTION
become the means to its own end. The Diaspora, and cable proof of intelligent life in outer space, the leaders
the fall of the First Republic, had begun. of the major religions of (what was now called) Urth
were too backward-looking to advance their churches SOCIETY
into the new era of space travel. As humans left for the
stars, they left their gods behind to search for new ones. KNOWN
During the Diaspora, human colonies fractured WORLDS
The first colonists were mainly workers from the their ties to central government, society, and religion.
many corporations involved in resource extraction,
but among them were those seeking escape from the
corporate control and centralization which had so THE VIRTUOUS DISCIPLES
long strangled Earth. The First Republic had be-
come an oppressive institution serving the best inter- Eight disciples gathered about the Prophet
ests of a top elite, deaf to the pleas of the common- one-by-one during his early Questing; actions
ers. But once the jumpgate allowed entry to other they displayed during this sojourn became
worlds, each with new jumproutes leading to a stag- the basis of their saintly purviews in the post-
gering array of still other worlds, the First Republic Fall Church. Each saint oversees and protects
could no longer control their citizenry. They were a particular virtue of the Church. A pilgrim
free among the stars. involved in one of these activities usually asks
An age of Balkanization and independence began, the saint to look down from the Empyrean
as tightknit special interest communities took off on and aid them in their task. There are also less-
ships of their own. (The jumpgate engine technology er saints, among them deceased patriarchs of
had been “leaked” by a cabal of anarchists.) Many the Church, each with a virtue or activity to
of the worlds they landed on saw new experiments oversee. Tight-knit families, groups, and pas-
in government. The early homogeneity of these col- sion-play troupes often declare their loyalty to
ony worlds ensured that some of these experiments one another under the patronage of a saint.
worked. Where hostile conditions or hostile colonists The major virtues of the Church, as su-
would not allow it, worlds fell into survivalist barba- premely displayed by the Disciples, are:
rism. The First Republic refused their pleas for aid,
as it was too busy fighting to maintain control over Virtue Disciple
Earth’s solar system.
Questing Paulus the Traveler
On many of these worlds, governments grew up
around strong individualist leaders who left the reins Loyalty Lextius the Knight
of power with their progeny, creating royal lineages. Compassion Amalthea the Healer
These noble houses became the main means of the Protection Mantius the Soldier
zaibatsu’s downfall, as they began small wars, seized Justice Maya the Scorned Woman
First Republic resources here and there, and whittled (Retribution)
down the dwindling Republic.
The untrammeled richness of some of the worlds Wisdom Horace the Learned Man
allowed the colonists to create mini-mercantile em- Humility Hombor the Beggar
pires of their own, while other places saw colonists Discipline Ven Lohji the Ur-Obun
fight bitter and violent wars for poor resources. Ev-
eryone wanted a piece of the action, a world they There are also certain sins that were ab-
could call their own. horred by the Prophet above all others. Sin
darkens the light of the Holy Flame and caus-
The Prophet and His Church es the suns to fade. The major sins are: Pride,
Greed, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Wrath, and Oath-
Amid this exuberant chaos, the Prophet began his breaking. There are other sins that have since
sermons. Traveling from world to world, this religious been proclaimed by the Church but were not
figure of immense power single-handedly created a mentioned by the Prophet. These are Usury
new monotheism. (moneylending) and Invention. (The Pancre-
The discovery of greatly advanced alien races (the ator’s creation is fixed. Who are we to add to
Ur jumpgate makers) changed everything humanity it? That was the sin of the Second Republic.)
Long-dead ancient Urth religions, many of them the new age of space exploration. But he was also
polytheist and pagan, were resurrected by colonists given a vision of hell, revealing that demons lurked
desperate to escape the materialistic technocracy in the “dark between the stars” seeking to snuff the
which they believed was strangling their destiny. A Holy Flame. Church leaders have said that the suns
new age of spiritual diversity began, bringing tribal- grew cold as the demons and the sins they awakened
ism, dogma, and fanaticism. in humanity blocked the light of the Holy Flame from
But old religions and archaic forms of worship rang the universe.
hollow amid the stars. Something new was required, Zebulon began to preach his vision throughout the
something that would address both hope and grief, as frontier, creating a new religious movement. He spoke
did all the great religions. Into this void of belief came of evil hidden among the stars, demons whose shad-
the Prophet. Much has been said or written about ows blocked the light of the Holy Flame. He spoke of
him since, and many divergent beliefs are professed the need to expand outward and explore, gathering
by different peoples as gospel, as is the way with all the marvels that were found into cathedrals. As he de-
true prophets. fied the reigning technofetishism among Diasporans,
His name was Zebulon, a Catholic or Orthodox he spoke out against the soulessness of machines and
Christian priest (argument continues as to which) the nihilistic effect they had on humanity.
fascinated with the new potential opened up by the Zebulon searched holy texts and teachings from
jumpgates. He went to the stars in search of more ev- Urth and elsewhere for wisdom, realizing that only by
idence of their makers. He found something greater uniting all of humankind’s wisdom could humanity’s
by far. faith thrive under the pressures of their star sojourn.
All laymembers know the litany: “In 2723, the As the Prophet revised his teachings, he introduced
Prophet saw the Holy Flame.” On the frontier world ideas from a variety of religions. He called God the
of Yathrib (lost now amid the fading stars), Zebu- “Pancreator” and revealed that this was the same
lon was gifted by God with a mystical vision of the God spoken of in all religions, and that only now,
Holy Flame residing in the Empyrean. God gave the once humans had reached the stars, could the cre-
Prophet new words for his children, taking them into ator of the universe — of all the worlds and creatures
therein — reveal him/her/itself in full glory. The suns questions raised in the Prophet’s teachings. By the JOURNAL
were not only potent symbols of the Pancreator’s di- time of Emperor Alexius, theology is a thorny and
vine light, they were material manifestations of divine many-sided issue argued over by many different sects INTRODUCTION
spirit, of the Holy Flame that quickens all life. The and orders.
Prophet gathered many faithful under his banner, One of the Prophet’s followers, Palamedes, a son of
but there were eight special disciples honored by the House Alecto, formalized the Universal Church after SOCIETY
Prophet above others. the Prophet’s death. Palamedes gathered the dispa-
By the time of Emperor Alexius, these disciples rate faithful together against the threat of the vau and KNOWN
have become saint-like figures. Many legendary par- the ur-ukar, cementing the burgeoning religion into WORLDS
ables and powers are attributed to them. The eighth a political force. Palamedes’ place in Church history
disciple, too often overlooked, was an ur-obun; she later helped Vladimir I gain the Church’s help in his
created the Voavenlohji sect of the Church, which still bid for empire. The creation of the Church was by
thrives on Velisamil. no means sudden and clear. Other followers of the
During the Prophet’s time, Sathraism experienced Prophet went off in their own directions with their
a silent resurgence as engineers dismantled the field own ideas for a Church. But in the end, Palamedes’
buffers that prevented jump ecstasy. With no Repub- religion won out, although with certain exceptions
lic to stop them, pilots again began their commu- (the sects and orders).
nions. But the Prophet stood against them, opposing Palamedes declared himself Patriarch, the spiritual
the hallucinatory ecstasy of unfettered jumps. As the and temporal head of the Church, setting forth guide-
Universal Church gained power, Sathraism again lines on how future patriarchs were to be chosen (by
went into decline. Soon, ship owners, often devout a college of archbishops). Since then, the Church has
Church members, forbade anyone to shut down the been led by a long list of venerable men and wom-
Sathra dampers on their ships. Eventually, all ships en. (Women can hold the office of patriarch and may
were again fitted with dampers from their factories, elect to be called matriarch if they wish.) The Church
and Sathraism was dead. guided humanity through the Fall (although they aid-
The Prophet died in a jumpgate accident while try- ed in engineering its start), and it now holds a steady
ing to plead for peace with the vau, who were enacting front against evil from within and without.
punishment for violation of their space. His Church
blamed the vau for years, although many have real-
ized that the Prophet’s final mission to them was for First Contact: The Shantor
peace, and the Church has since sought conciliation. Amid the territorial struggles of the Diaspora, hu-
The symbol of the Church is still a modified jump- manity encountered its first sentient species. The
gate, the sign of the Prophet’s death and his message shantor of Shaprut were an equinelike species who
of questing. had achieved a degree of civilization despite their
The exceptionally long life of the Prophet is a source limited tool-using capabilities.
of awe for the faithful, who attribute his near-immor- While encounters with the shantor were human-
tality to faith, while others believe it a testament to ity’s first publicly acknowledged First Contact, ob-
longevity drugs. Regardless, the years of his life are scure records imply that contact with the reptilian
seen as an Age of Miracles by post-Fall humanity, a hironem preceded the shantor – news of the discov-
time when any person of faith could work wonders. ery was censored. Likewise, reports of encounters
It is said that the first theurgic rituals were codified with Madoc’s aquatic oro’ym were long dismissed as
then, although their practice waned during the Sec- folkloric cryptids.
ond Republic such that the existence of such magic The shantor, living on the vast grass plains of
was considered a hoax by some. Its return in the Dark Shaprut, celebrated a culture that valued strong fam-
Ages, however, has renewed the simple folks’ faith in ily ties and romantic relationships, although this also
miracles. enforced a fierce tribalism that often led to conflicts
After the Prophet’s death, his core teachings were with other tribes. Indeed, clan warfare was common,
collected into one book titled the Omega Gospels. and good soldiers were the most honored members
Church theologians argue that there are two phases of a tribe. However, no soldier was long respected if
to his teachings. The early Omega Gospels teach he did not revere his family or play out the elaborate
about warding evil and cultivating the virtues; the rites of courtship with his spouse. The shantor also
later Compassionate Truths offer mystical teachings practiced a religion akin to sun worship.
about understanding and love. Over the millennia But their world was rich in minerals, and their in-
since the Prophet walked the stars, the Church has digenous cultures stood in the way of extraction. In
grown and developed its own answers to theological the Diaspora, interplanetary supremacy depended
on resources. The feeling of the Shaprut colonists a quiet, insectoid alien race who spent most of their
was that if they did not take the bounty, someone time making elaborate and beautiful plant and tree
else would. In addition, the shantor could not com- sculptures linked by organic webbing. They ignored
municate with humans without technical assistance, the new colonists at first, but when the colonists forced
such as computer voiceboxes. All too often, they were some g’nesh from their gardens and claimed the land
viewed as little more than smart animals. For these for themselves, the g’nesh became quite indignant. All
reasons, most humans did not feel responsible for dis- they would say was, “It is not allowed. Please leave.”
placing the shantor. They even saw themselves as a Of course, the colonists scoffed. These weak garden-
necessary civilizing influence on the horse-like race, ers offered no threat to them.
providing them with jobs in the mines, although often But their patrons did.
with grueling, laborious tasks. A massive starship appeared through the jump-
Many shantor revolted. Those who still lived on the gate, a ship whose like had never been seen before.
plains led assaults on colony mining operations. The Harnessing a great ball of raging plasma energy,
large and clever shantor are dangerous when riled, this dreadnought destroyed the human fleet placed
and the loss of life and property they caused sum- around New Monaco. Small ships disengaged from
moned the wrath of the colony leaders. Armies de- its hull and went hurtling to the planet below, drop-
scended onto Shaprut to put the unruly rebels down. ping off vicious cargo: vau soldiers.
A guerrilla war ensued, but the result was never in These soldiers systematically began wiping out all
question. The broken shantor rebels were herded up the human colonists encountered. The minor house
and shipped offworld, scattered onto reservations officials in charge of the planet desperately tried to
throughout Human Space, sometimes onto worlds surrender before greater and technologically superior
hostile to their way of life. Families were separated, forces, but their cries went unheeded. The vau killed
their members never to see each other again. everyone.
The great shame of humanity’s first contact has Afterwards, they boarded their ships and left. The
haunted many humans for centuries. The Proph- g’nesh went back to gardening. The only thing the
et was only beginning his questing as the shantor’s vau left behind was a message: “Leave this planet
culture was dismantled, but he spoke out against the alone. It is the property of the Vau Hegemony. Do
tragedy. However, he had too few followers then and not follow the jumproads from this gate further.”
no power to change the course of history… not yet. By Of course, humanity did go further, seeking retri-
5019, restitution has not yet been made to the shan- bution for their loss. What they found were more vau
tor, although Emperor Alexius granted land to them worlds, worlds of vastly superior technology. Few re-
on the world of Hargard. Certain people believe that turned to tell the tale; those that did were “allowed”
if the Prophet had not died such an untimely death in to return. Finally, the vau accepted a human diplo-
Vau Space, the fate of the shantor and other sentients mat, Benjamin Verden of House Justinian. Benjamin
to follow them might have been different. But Pala- returned from his first sojourn overwhelmed by the
medes, the first patriarch of the formalized Universal superiority of the vau. He was thankful for one thing
Church of the Celestial Sun, concerned himself little he had become convinced of on his trip: The vau were
with the injustices committed against politically im- non-expansionist. Their inherently political structure
potent alien races. sought and upheld stability over all other virtues.
Thus, the fate of most sentient races encountered Their empire and their way of life had changed little
by humanity followed that of the shantor. Regardless in the last few centuries, following the dictates of their
of their tenacity and degree of technology, they soon first space emperor.
came under human rule. While some live in peaceful Benjamin discovered that the g’nesh were a con-
coexistence with humans, such as the obun, vorox, quered race. The vau dealt with their subjects in
and gannok, others resisted human encroachment very different ways than humans. The g’nesh put
bitterly. Programs of forced relocation and land up a valiant fight against the invading vau. Upon
grabbing were to cause centuries of bad relations surrender, the general of the g’nesh, having learned
with the most advanced power in the known uni- vau culture well, demanded the vau give him “face”
verse: the vau. before he could stop the war. This is an important
concept to the vau: Honor and dignity come before
The Vau life itself. For the general to willingly suffer such a
shame as defeat, the vau also had to sacrifice some-
A newly discovered jumpgate delivered humanity thing: They gave the g’nesh long life and peace in
onto a small but lush world they called New Monaco return for submission. In other words, the g’nesh live
(now called Apshai). It was the home of the g’nesh, under a socialized retirement granted by their con-
querors, all because their general had understood their reservation and stormed across the villages and JOURNAL
the vau social system. towns that sat on the shantor’s once-open plains. The
This insight was to help humanity well in dealing retribution was fierce and decisive; nearly a quarter of INTRODUCTION
with the vau in centuries to come, but for now, the the shantor were killed before the remainder surren-
vau made it clear that they had no interest in the “pol- dered. When it was discovered that ukari psi had been
lutant” that was humanity. Relations were distant and responsible, Patriarch Palamedes raised the fist of the SOCIETY
formal for centuries. It was clear that, while the vau newly formed Universal Church.
did not want foreign ideas to infect their society, they Psychic powers had developed strongly in humanity KNOWN
also did not want humanity to get too close a look at after the first sojourn through the jumpgate, and the WORLDS
their technology. practice slowly grew. New powers were developed as
The encounter with the vau bolstered the power of the years and generations passed. With the suppres-
the Church, especially after the death of the Proph- sion of Sathraism, the advent of new psychic powers
et in a jumpgate accident in Vau Space. Humanity slowed. Rarely during any of this time, however, were
trembled before the threat of a technologically supe- psychics viewed as particularly dangerous. Rather,
rior (though non-expansionist) alien race. Palame- humanity was fascinated with the new potentials re-
des’ Church drew them together and bolstered their vealed. All that changed when the ukari arrived.
confidence. Humanity was, after all, chosen for the The ukari were advanced psychics from birth, but
stars. That was its destiny. To turn back now would they had little compunction governing the use of their
be to fail the Pancreator. The urgings of the priests powers. When they employed mind tricks against the
gave humanity a unifying creed, a universal doctrine shantor, humans began to fear them and no longer
of excellence with which to move forward in the face sought a peaceful end to the Criticorum conflict.
of defeat. It is ironic that it was the Church that gave Humanity could not rest until these mind controllers
humans the prod to reach so high, the same Church were in chains. Patriarch Palamedes used these as-
which centuries later would admonish them for such saults to preach against alien dangers and the need for
a sin. The event that would finally cement the power humans to unite. The words of the Prophet seemed
of the burgeoning Church arrived before word of the eerily designed for such effect, especially their talk of
Prophet’s death had spread to all worlds. demons and evil among the stars. The presence of an
ur-obun among the Disciples was conveniently over-
The Ukar War looked. New converts to the Church grew every day,
especially after each ukar terrorist maneuver. Finally,
The ur-ukar had struggled through centuries of inter- Palamedes gathered together the leaders of worlds
nal conflict on their hostile and subterranean world of harmed by the ukari and sent them to take retribu-
Kordeth before finally reaching the stars. They col- tion from them first-hand.
onized three planets near their system: Ustar (now a Using information gathered from some unknown
Lost World), Okh’cha (later called Aylon), and Kradle source, Palamedes sent the fleet to the ukari home-
(later called Istakhr). They were ready to expand still world of Kordeth, whose location had been previous-
further when they encountered humans on Critico- ly unknown. Spiraling out of the jumpgate, the fleet
rum. It was hate at first sight. The vain ukari saw a split up and began hitting any ship they came across.
world for conquering and a race to enthrall. They at- The surprised and ill-prepared ukari system defend-
tacked with little warning and took the main capital on ers retreated and formed a phalanx around their
Criticorum. Human response was swift. Noble families homeworld. A standoff began.
on Shaprut and New Istanbul formed a fleet to retake On the planet below, panic broke out, and old ukari
the planet. A long and bitter war ensued, taking place clan rivalries ignited. Kept in check by the powerful
on almost every planet and moon in the system. Overlord and his expansionist campaign, enemies of
The revolt spread as ukari slipped onto other plan- the ruling family rose up and sabotaged planetary de-
ets and began guerrilla assaults. Soon, humans on fenses. Pilots loyal to the minor clans heeded the calls
nearly a dozen worlds had suffered from the aliens. and broke off from the phalanx, leaving the planet de-
The ur-obun, who had been encountered soon after fenseless against the assault. The human fleet rushed
the shantor, quickly recognized their ancient breth- in and began bombing the surface of the planet, un-
ren and spoke out against them, joining the humans aware that most ukar cities were deep underground.
in condemnation of the ukari tactics. The obun’s an- The fleet sent in a landing party to seize the sur-
ti-ukar speeches helped gain them the greater sover- face capital, home of the Overlord. The Overlord
eignty status they still enjoy in Emperor Alexius’ time. surrendered while his rivals hid in the caverns below,
Then an ukar on Shaprut used his psychic powers knowing that they would inherit the planet once the
to force the shantor to revolt. The shantor broke from humans had gone. Their plan did not go as well as
they had wished. The humans did not leave, but only
came in greater numbers until all ukari resistance was Second Republic ALUSTRO’S
squashed. Nobles and merchant leaders of numerous Some ancient human thinkers once put forth that INTRODUCTION
worlds came to ensure that the ukari would not rise liberal democracies were the ultimate progression
again. Ukari colony worlds were seized and eventual- of government; according to them, after such a form
ly sold to noble families, while Kordeth itself was sold of governing becomes universal, no further progress SOCIETY
to powerful mercantile consortiums. is possible. Perfection of governance will have been
In the later times of the Second Republic, the achieved. Perhaps. But if so, history has shown that it KNOWN
ukari would sue for greater freedom from the domi- does not endure. WORLDS
nation they suffered for their mistaken acts, and they Humanity reached its pinnacle in the form of the
would be given such freedom, but for now, they were Second Republic, a time of quick progress and amaz-
a kept people. ing changes. The standard of living for the average
Palamedes’ victory ensured the safety of Human citizen was raised on all worlds. Technology knew no
Space, or so the Church preached. The bold event was limits. With the vast resources of other worlds and a
trumpeted to people on worlds far from Kordeth who unity of purpose, nothing was impossible. All was to
had suffered little from the war, but it still had an effect. be achieved.
The fear of alien invasion was imminent everywhere, It was a time of genetic engineering, curing many
and a Church that had proven itself effective against diseases and deformities but often leading to the cre-
such enemies was a beacon shining in the night. ation of freakish, near-human “species.” It was a time
when terraforming was all the rage, when almost ev-
Order from Chaos ery world in Human Space was “fixed” to be more
Urthlike, making better homes for humanity (despite
New technology progressed quickly, as scientists wiping out many native ecosystems in the process,
made amazing discoveries by observing phenomena along with the natural habitats of many alien races).
on other worlds, as well as by taking lore from alien This was a time when the threat of physical danger
species (and occasionally sharing it). Incredible ad- was a myth and accidental death a nearly forgotten
vances were made, but they were not spread equally idea. Sports of extreme danger were practiced read-
among the commonwealth of humanity. There was ily, since a personal energy shield or MedPac with
no central unity by which the whole of humanity the Elixir wonder drug was always around to protect
could prosper from the work of the many worlds. or revive the victim of even fatal accidents. The citi-
As some worlds prospered (most often those with zenry soon forgot the traumas and triumphs that had
strong, hereditary leadership: the nobles), they sub- forged their way of life. Existing in an unbroken bub-
sumed others under them, and soon many star-faring, ble of prosperity, they forgot what it was to be human,
interplanetary governments flourished. The heart of to strive, to love, and to sacrifice… and to hate.
all these operations, however, was commerce. Some The bubble soon burst from within. The Republic
planets had certain resources in abundance while had grown too far and too fast in technological mas-
lacking others. Trade was necessary for the better- tery. Many of its wonders were introduced with no
ment of life everywhere. The greedy, overarching at- consideration for their effect on the wider populace.
titude of the zaibatsu and the new royalty could not Most technology displaced workers, and soon, there
long maintain a foothold in the new sprawl of worlds, was no need for work. But the economy did not keep
where another choice always existed. Eventually, the up with these changes, and people still needed money
worlds did come together again. A new mercantile al- to live. But where to get it? The welfare system of the
liance was formed with great democratic ideals, tem- Republic was grand, but it was not built to uphold
porarily silencing the resentful royalty by strength of the sheer number of citizens displaced from their live-
numbers. The Second Republic was born. lihoods by technology (or cheap alien labor). As this
It is again ironic that it was the Church’s teachings reality was sinking in, unknown terrorists managed to
of a humane and ethical philosophy that gave rise sabotage the central think machine data-lattice that
to an institution that would eventually eclipse the controlled the welfare information. Anarchy ensued
Church’s role. Indeed, under the Republic, humani- on many worlds as citizens were denied money. Riots
ty’s yearning for spiritual answers was drowned by the began.
array of material comfort and sensual stimuli avail-
able to every citizen. The Church would soon revise
its previous philosophy and adapt one much harsher Divestiture and Darkness
to human luxury. The nobility of many worlds, weak but still extant,
saw their chance. They began orchestrating deals
with the overextended central Republic government took humanity’s discontent and directed it at the Re-
for more local power to crush riots in return for in- public, the source of the Church’s own problems.
creased tax revenues, all the while refusing to pay In an attempt to recapture support, the Republican
out welfare money. This began a period historians president made a deal with the Orthodox sect of the
later termed Divestiture, for as the Republic ceded Church. In return for the Church’s open acceptance
out power, it lost more and more control over the of the Republic’s secular authority, the Republic
bureaucratic beast the government had become. Fi- would declare Orthodoxy the official and only recog-
nally, massive corruption in the central government, nized sect of the Church. This ignited religious wars
along with the increased tax burden, caused outly- as breakaway sects — and religions wholly unaligned
ing worlds to secede. These Rogue Worlds, typically to the Universal Church — fought for their rights.
under the power of noble families, were too powerful During this time, the legendary Saint Rasmussen
to put down. The Republic was forced to deal with spoke his famous lament: “Oh that my head were wa-
them on their own terms. ter, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might
Then the stars began to darken. Only after three weep day and night for lost humanity! Tremble, ye
suns with populated planets noticeably dimmed did sinners, for the long night is upon us and the suns
people begin to realize that the “fading suns” phe- themselves are seen to fade. Repent and know salva-
nomenon was not going away. But what was causing tion. Repent or die!” As the words left his lips, he was
it? Many disgruntled and discontented people had torn apart by a rioting crowd of zealots.
their own answers: “The Republic is to blame. Some The nadir of this conflict came when certain Rogue
damn experiment’s gone wrong!” “The scientists are Worlds, acting with the support of alien species, ar-
responsible. Their technology is doing this!” “It’s the rived through Byzantium Secundus’ jumpgate to seize
aliens’ fault, some sort of cruel revenge.” control of the government. This surprise assault took
The Universal Church began to preach, explaining the Republic off-guard, and Byzantium fell to the reb-
why the suns were fading: Humans were sinful and els. As word spread to the worlds of the Republic, ut-
had, in their pride, overreached, claiming the pow- ter chaos ensued. The major noble houses knew their
ers of the Pancreator for themselves. The Pancreator chance had come at last. All they had worked toward
chose to take their power from them by taking the over the years had finally come to fruition. Ten houses
very light of the worlds away. This message hit the banded together and sent a fleet to retake Byzantium
right nerves, and a vicious millennialism was born. Secundus. With their now-vast military might, gath-
People needed reasons to hate and a target to direct ered through the years of Divestiture, they retook the
it toward. While the Church fathers were genuinely capital with little resistance. As the smoke in the pres-
concerned with the souls of a largely unspiritual pop- idential palace cleared, the Ten Houses raised their
ulace, they could not help falling into old habits. They own banner.
The Fall of the Second Republic was complete. claimed a saintly role in this, decreeing it to be the duty JOURNAL
Progress died. History worked its way toward a peak of priests to guard the commoners from tech. For this
and then reversed itself. As the Church proclaimed, purpose, the priests must be knowledgeable in recogniz- INTRODUCTION
humanity now suffered the humiliation of reliving its ing tech, but if they were penitent enough, their souls
past failures over again in a grand lesson of hubris. would remain pure on Judgment Day.
But many remembered the humanism and ideals But this sharing of power between the two forces SOCIETY
of the Republic, holding them close to their hearts. was not complete. The guildsmen who possessed what
The Merchant League refused to relinquish them, little technological knowledge remained made their KNOWN
even in the face of Inquisitorial censure from the bid for power. They formed the Merchant League WORLDS
Church or military might from the houses. An ide- from the remaining Republic senators and corpo-
al is not reality, however, but a guiding light. Many rate heads, refusing to hand down their knowledge
a person has been lost in the darkness even while of technology. Without them, starships could not run
standing in the light. So it was with the citizenry of for long, military battle armor and weapons could not
the Second Republic. The lights were dimmed. The operate for long, and Church communications would
New Dark Ages had begun. be immediately cut.
The houses began a reign of terror, hunting
enter their systems. Others lost their ability to reach assaults. House Hawkwood was able to gather troops
space as civil wars destroyed starships and the factories with the aid of its minor house allies. After a bloody
to repair them. Most worlds were too busy to aid small battle, the Hawkwoods fended off assaults on their
backwater worlds. After years of dealing with their own homeworld. However, it was no major military vic-
struggles, they often forgot about these smaller worlds tory, for the bulk of the barbarian army had already
or had lost the jump coordinates to reach them, thanks left with its loot.
to the massive data purges of the Church Inquisitors. The Ten knew that the raiders’ success would soon
Certain worlds “sealed” their jumpgates, cutting cause more barbarians to break through their defens-
themselves off from the madness going on around es, but their internal squabbling prevented them from
them for an unknown amount of time. Those with forming a united front against the invaders.
the technical know-how and a detailed understanding The barbarians, as expected, did return, and this
of jumpgates can seal a gate — that is, they can shut time in greater numbers. The Vuldrok Star-Nations
down all travel from one or more directions. Howev- were a fractious alliance of different Lost Worlds cul-
er, once this is done, no one can control when the gate tures, now united in a campaign to lay claim to outly-
to those directions can be opened again. The seal may ing worlds. They succeeded. Years of simmering bat-
last a week, or it may last for centuries; no one knows. tle began, whereby the noble houses would reclaim
The time is governed by an internal mechanism in their worlds for a few months, and the barbarians
the gate which is too arcane to be understood. Some would seize them yet again.
of the worlds that sealed themselves off during the Fall A disunited, selfish nation cannot long survive such
have yet to reappear. outside pressure. One person was needed to unite it
Untold numbers of planets were cut off from hu- and send its enemies running.
manity’s central civilization, some to be rediscovered
later, others to disappear from history forever. Who
knows how many lost planets in the depths of space Vladimir Unites the Stars
still support human life? In addition to the worlds The problem of a united front against the barbarians
of the Second Republic — worlds reached only by was keenly felt by Vladimir Alecto, the recently elect-
jumpgate — there are presumably thousands of star ed leader of the Ten. Vladimir saw that the far-flung
systems without known jumpgates, populated by un- and fractured commonwealth of humanity would
known residents. soon crumble before the might of its enemies if some-
Some of these stars — those nearest to Urth in light one did not act to bring the Known Worlds together.
years — were the targets of First Republic slow ships. His primary aim, of course, was power. The welfare
But these generation ships were forgotten after the of humanity may have been secondary, but important
jumpgates were discovered, and none of them have nonetheless, for it was the fuel that drove him (or so
ever reached the Known Worlds. Indeed, few people he told himself).
in the Empire pay attention to stellar distances such Pledging to lead the Known Worlds to victory and
as light years; such details became unnecessary after reclaim the embattled worlds, Vladimir began gath-
the jumpgates, as travel across vast distances became ering allies. A military genius, he had a strong fol-
possible in the blink of an eye. lowing among all the minor noble houses and five of
In this environment of fractured roadways, not the Ten. (The Ten at that time were Alecto, Justinian,
all worlds were claimed by the houses, Church, or Gesar, Van Gelder, Windsor, the Hazat, al-Malik,
League. Many forgotten planets began independent Li Halan, Hawkwood, and the tenth, the Decados.)
governments of their own. Most of these governments He also gained the support of the Church and the
remained hostile to their neighbors, fighting centu- League. He won these allies easily, for the barbarians
ries-long feuds, and some looked upon the riches of threatened commerce, souls were in danger, and he
the Known Worlds and lusted for them. Cut off from found it easy to promise the owners of worlds that he
the center of the Republic, many of these worlds slow- would return the planets to their power rather than
ly lost technology, devolving into Diaspora-level con- claiming them for himself.
ditions or worse. After years of battle, the tide turned in Vladimir’s
A few leaders of such forlorn worlds who still had favor. King Froljir (later called the Ill-Fated) was
starships were able to form a coalition and raid the killed on Gwynneth, breaking the power of his Vul-
Known Worlds, targeting the worlds where they drok alliance. His warriors were forced back to their
could sweep in, pillage, and escape before aid could own worlds. The jumproads connecting entry into the
arrive. The barbarians were no longer at the gate — Known Worlds were often sealed or hidden to prevent
they were through it and plundering. Delphi, House future sorties. But Vladimir did not keep his promises
Hawkwood’s homeworld, suffered the worst of these in full. For those major houses who had not fully sup-
ported him, he claimed their worlds for himself. Civil native alien races and the disappearance of unique
war erupted. flora and fauna. As a result, the Republic suffered its
The Gesar, Windsors, Van Gelder, Decados, and share of eco-activists and terrorists.
certain minor houses were turned against him, along One such cabal of ecoterrorists eked out a precari-
with many sects and guilds. But the rest of the Known ous existence in the jungles of Chernobog, harassing
Worlds were behind him. The war was bloody. Years the Second Republic terraforming engineers. After a
after it had begun, Vladimir accepted the surrender particularly successful sabotage of machinery, they
of the rebel houses and declared himself emperor. He retreated into unexplored jungle to avoid the author-
introduced the Great Charter, instituting the office of ities’ intensive search. There, they disturbed a previ-
the electors, those who could vote on his successor. ously unknown alien race.
Each elector was given a scepter — a vote rod — as The xolotl were awakened from hibernation and
proof of office, and Vladimir distributed these scep- began parasitically infesting the humans in an at-
ters to all his allies in the houses, Church, and League. tempt to breed. Two of the terrorists had occult pow-
A great coronation ceremony was held on Byzan- ers (psi and theurgy), and the result was explosive: A
tium Secundus when Vladimir arrived to take the new race of beings emerged, neither xolotl nor hu-
throne. But as he placed the crown upon his head, fire man but something unique— a symbiot. Transformed
erupted from his eyes, and he fell dead to the floor. in body and mind, infused with an almost instinctual
Years of hard-won victory ended in seconds. The as- hate for humans, the two quickly bred, creating sym-
sassin behind the deed has never been revealed. Even biot progeny from their non-psychic fellows and from
today, many whisper that demons were at work. the plant and animals native to Chernobog.
Vladimir had no blood successor. A race was on After gathering strength and practicing their new-
to claim the throne after him. House Alecto, weak found powers, they assaulted the human capital with
from the expenditure of its resources during Vladi- fury. Unable to withstand — or even comprehend —
mir’s campaigns, fell to the status of a minor house. the weaponry of the symbiots, the Second Republic
Unfortunate deaths and assassinations soon destroyed retreated from Chernobog and sealed the jumpgate
the remainder of its royal line, and the house became so that no one could get onto or off the contaminat-
extinct 10 years after Vladimir’s death. ed world. The Republic then worked to hide news of
The Gesar and Windsors also became extinct, too the event from the citizenry; the last thing they want-
weak from their recent surrender to carry on. They ed was an alien threat to cause more chaos. (Those
had all lost too many sons and daughters to Vladi- who argued that such a threat was exactly what was
mir’s war and soon lost those few who remained. Van needed to unify the fractious Republic were laughed
Gelder held onto their power and became a minor at.) They managed to hide the secret so well that the
house only by allying with the Decados. With this planet of Chernobog and its alien residents were en-
extra power, the weak Decados, using blackmail to tirely forgotten. The Known Worlds entered the Dark
influence other minor houses and even the League, Ages blissfully unaware of the terrible threat waiting
maintained its royal status and entered the race for the beyond their borders.
Imperial Throne. The Ten became the Five: Hawk- Nearly a millennium after the Fall, the symbiots
wood, Decados, the Hazat, Li Halan, and al-Malik. returned. Sometime in the intervening years, they
But the electors could come to no accord. Instead of had attained jump capability in their organic ships,
an emperor, they elected a temporary regent to rule although even now, no human understands how this
for 10 years until an emperor was chosen. The office is possible. Unable at first to break through the sealed
of regent lasted longer than anybody had planned, for jumpgate to Stigmata, the symbiots had expanded out
when the 10 years had passed, a new regent was elect- and away from the Known Worlds. Even by 5019, the
ed. And 10 years later, yet another one was elected. It Imperial Eye remains unsure just how many worlds
would be centuries until a new emperor would again they hold in the space past Chernobog.
ascend the throne. It was only a matter of time until the symbiots came
back to their point of origin. A symbiot ship passed
they left the resource extraction industry in shambles They had gathered other local residents together JOURNAL
and the human population decimated. The attack to mount a guerrilla defense against the symbiot in-
was a warning. More would soon follow. vaders, a rebellion which went on unnoticed by the INTRODUCTION
Daishan and Stigmata, other worlds on the borders Imperial fleet. The friar’s litanies and Damiana’s psi
of Human Space, became wary and ready for attack. succeeded where military might could not. They had
But the symbiot forces did not arrive in fleets. They discovered the key to fighting the symbiots on some- SOCIETY
moved in mysterious ways, attacking through the thing close to even terms. However, psychic powers
least expected avenue: The very flora and fauna of the — once the high science of the Republic — were out- KNOWN
planets turned on the human “colonists.” The symbi- lawed by the Church. Covert deals had to be made WORLDS
ots had planned their assaults for years, having finally before occult powers would be accepted. The Church
broken the jumpcodes to these worlds earlier. They had to be brought in and given credit for the affair.
had secretly converted whole ecosystems under the The Eskatonic Order had to be accepted into the fold.
very noses of the ignorant colonists. Humans found It would later become one of the major sects vying
it hard to fight off whole forests or herds of predatory with the Orthodoxy for control of Church resources.
beasts working in teams to devour scout units. Once all was agreed upon, the Church unleashed
The humans, as expected, resorted to firebombing other Eskatonic Order priests and rogue psychics
and eco-destruction to eliminate their opposition. But (promised absolution for their service) onto Stigma-
even this did not destroy the symbiots. Their seeds lay ta. They were contracted Inquisitors given the power
deep in the organic structure of their chosen planets. to cleanse the corruption in any way they saw fit. It
The new growth over the charred forests strangely grew worked. Where science could not clean out the para-
more quickly than it should have, this time stronger and sites, psychics and theurgists did. From then on, the
more resilient to fire damage. The symbiot planet forc- Eskatonic Order heralded theurgy as the replace-
es learned from their failures and grew defenses against ment of science. Only here could sentients look to see
them. The colonists of Daishan were forced to evacuate wonders, they claimed, and only the holiest and most
the planet, giving it over entirely to the symbiots. penitent of priests could work such magic.
It was clear that the symbiots were masters of guer- Centuries after it had begun, the Symbiot War was
rilla warfare against a technologically superior force. brought to an uneasy standstill. The symbiots still held
While they could not immediately seize the worlds some territory but gained little new ground. The long,
for themselves, they could ensure the humans a costly protracted guerrilla battle on the frontier was at an
defense and an eventual rout. But not without a fi- end, and an uneasy silence descended upon the front.
nal gesture — the human fleet defending the retreat Magic had gained a foothold on human conscious-
bombed the planet from orbit with all its might, leav- ness again, one that the houses, Church, and League
ing the world a scorched, uninhabitable rock. soon found hard to control. Covens, underground
The regent moved quickly to defend Stigmata, the organizations of psychics, began to operate openly,
system the symbiots would have to pass through to pursuing agendas in conflict with the powers that be.
reach the rest of the Known Worlds. The Imperial Individuals seeking power turned to forbidden paths,
Fleet was dispatched, and the battles began. Things asking aid of invisible entities whose names were
did not go well for the Imperial forces. While they whispered in occult circles. These Antinomists risked
had more advanced weaponry than the symbiots, the their souls and those of their fellow humans in their
parasites were tenacious. While the symbiots made bids for power. Among them were members of the
few advances, neither could they be easily beaten Five Houses who sought imperishable power against
back. The regent formed a new office to handle what their enemies.
was turning into a long-term situation: the Stigmata
power in return for their votes. This set off a flurry in and stifled all opposition. The opposing houses
of counter-offers from the other houses, each fighting were forced to retreat. On that very day, Alexius was
to gain scepters. Decades of political, military, and crowned Emperor of the Known Worlds, and no as-
social struggles began, a series of conflicts that often sassin’s trick could stop him.
threatened the borders of the Empire. At first, only House Hawkwood, the Li Halan,
The houses were not the only forces seeking the and the al-Malik conceded. (The latter were Alex-
Imperial Throne. The Patriarch, fearful of giving ius’ main allies in the war; the Church and the
the nobility too much power, moved to gain worlds League respectively, had already recognized the
of his own, pursuing the Church’s ancient desire for a Emperor, and they could do little but follow), but
theocracy. He was largely unsuccessful but powerful the Decados and the Hazat both refused to recog-
enough to force certain noble houses in the race to nize the claim. Years of fighting ensued, this time
recognize the superiority of the Church. more vicious than before.
The Merchant League sought a chance for in- The Decados gave in sooner than anyone expected,
creased power amid the chaos. Years of war among surprising all and causing people to wonder whether
the nobility had turned the populace against the fam- they had seen reason or were plotting some as-yet-un-
ilies. The League sought to use this hatred to kick revealed scheme. A barbarian border war on the
the royals out. They sought to gain enough worlds to Hazat’s borders weakened that family’s forces enough
secede and declare a Third Republic. They, like the so that, following the Decados’ recognition of Alexi-
Church, were unsuccessful, for a popular figure arose us’ claim, the Hazat were also forced to capitulate. It
to appease all the quarreling forces. claims that it willingly recognized Alexius in return
A master diplomat and military tactician, Alexius for his aid in the war and his recognition of their
of House Hawkwood had taken up where Darius, claim to the barbarian world of Hira.
his uncle, had left off. He eventually claimed enough The Emperor Wars were finally at an end, although
hold on a number of worlds to meet the final chal- they had lasted far too long. Almost two generations
lenge. With the grudging backing of the Patriarch of open conflict had taken its toll on the Empire. Plan-
(who finally saw which way the wind was blowing) ets had been ravaged, and many starships were lost
and the hesitant backing of the Leaguemeister, Alexi- or beyond repair. While the borders remained steady
us Hawkwood claimed the Imperial Throne. A short, (at great cost), the lives of Imperial citizens were the
quick battle broke out at the Imperial Palace on Byz- worse for wear. But where there was conflict, there
antium Secundus, but Alexius was prepared. Hid- was now stability. An Emperor finally sat upon the
den Hawkwood forces and mercenary fleets moved throne, and what he decreed was writ.
The Pax Alexius Church vied to place their own chosen holy upon
the patriarchal throne. In the end, after multiple
A generation passed in peace. Alexius’ job of consoli- split votes, Archbishop Palamon of Byzantium Se- INTRODUCTION
dating power under his rule was nothing short of aston- cundus emerged as the Voice of the Prophet, the
ishing. He brought to the Empire a stability unknown Holy Hierarch, and the Patriarch of the Universal
for centuries. Church of the Celestial Sun. SOCIETY
The Royal Houses, Church, and League were Palamon was a cautious ally of Alexius. He under-
exhausted by the Emperor Wars. They spent years stood him better than most in the Church, having KNOWN
cementing the territories they had claimed during ministered to him at the cathedral in the Imperial WORLDS
that universal conflict. Nobody had the will or City, and he had appreciated some of Alexius’ pro-
means for a fresh fight; their weapons were now fessed reforms. But he was also a critic, gently but in-
intrigue and statecraft. While many factions vied sistently admonishing against too much change and
against the Emperor in hidden, shadowy ways — turning from tradition too quickly. Many believe that
and some even openly — he finally ensured that his patriarchy will differ little from Hezekiah’s.
even death could not topple his throne. The Em- Palamon’s election did little to quell a growing
peror produced an heir. schism in the Church. Hezekiah had lived a long
After decades spent consolidating his power, Alex- life — too long, some said. He was rumored to have
ius surprised the Known Worlds by announcing his been using longevity drugs. This hypocrisy angered
wedding to Freya Eldridsdottir, a Vuldrok barbarian many, especially among Temple Avesti, and the con-
shield-maiden. Her people had spent centuries harry- troversy inflamed a popular anti-technology fervor
ing Alexius’ family’s holdings, but now, the royal nup- that had been growing among the populace. Many
tials heralded a new era of peace, and reconciliation of the common folk had suffered terribly from the
was at hand. In return for claim over the world of technological horrors unleashed by all sides in the
Hargard, Alexius has brought many Vuldrok into the war, as each faction sought advantage over the oth-
fold of the Known Worlds under the banner of House ers. These traumatized survivors decried the “Priv-
Eldrid. ilege of Martyrs” that allowed the elite to excuse
As soon as the wedding was consummated, Em- their immoral use of bombs, gas, golems, and orbital
press Freya announced that she was with child. The bombardments with little heed for their devastating
citizenry rejoiced, while many of the Royal Houses effects on the innocent.
gnashed their teeth, despite their public smiles. The This furor is aimed not so much at personal tech-
birth of an heir foreclosed their plots to vote in a nological devices, but at the manufacture and devel-
puppet emperor once Alexius died. There was little opment of the high-tech weaponry developed during
chance the majority of scepter holders would vote the Emperor Wars. It is not easy to argue for the right
against a rightful heir. to obliterate whole fiefs at the press of a button. The
The birth of Princess Aurora brought light to the leaders of the houses and guilds — and even the Or-
newest star in the firmament of the Known Worlds, thodoxy — were seen as the main offenders.
and her first appearance at the palace on Byzan- Patriarch Palamon, fearing a backlash from the
tium Secundus before a gathered throng electrified houses and guilds should the peasants’ ire get too
the Known Worlds. Even those who hated Alexius hot, nonetheless sternly rebuked the war powers for
found it hard to begrudge this beautiful child. Some failing to retire much of the technology they ad-
whispered that she was the fulfillment of a heretical vanced during the wars. His decrees reinforced the
prophecy: the Reborn Sun that would reignite the long-standing edict whereby old tech and “found”
fading stars. For years, cultists had held that Alexius tech was begrudgingly accepted, but the develop-
was that figure, but now attention and hope shift- ment and research of high-tech was circumscribed.
ed to young Aurora. The Church forthrightly con- This edict emboldens treasure seekers (such as the
demned such heretical talk, but the Patriarch was Scravers) but angers innovators (such as the Engi-
sure to leave Aurora blameless. neers, and even some among Sanctuary Aeon).
ting off Kurgan forces, leaving those left on Hira to weather or gardening tips. Some pundits whisper that JOURNAL
fend for themselves. All know that this condition can the enigmatic aliens are sizing the Empire up, pre-
change at any time, but for now, the conflict has been pared either for a new expansion or new trade. Ru- INTRODUCTION
reduced from an interstellar war to a planetary cam- mors fly about a secret human envoy ship sent deep
paign against holdouts. Alexius has interceded, seek- into Vau Space, but none can say what, if anything, it
ing to broker a peace before the conflict escalates into has accomplished. SOCIETY
genocide of the Kurgans.
The Emperor’s annexation of Hargard did not A NEW DAWN KNOWN
end the Vuldrok Star-Nation’s enmity with the WORLDS
Known Worlds. Many thanes still resist this incur- As a new world is welcomed into the Empire, a new
sion, while others seek to profit from it. The Vul- generation that has never known universal war comes
drok worlds deeper into space are divided, but the of age. There are always conflicts and battles, but noth-
threat of a single power that can move against them ing like the epic scope of the Emperor Wars that ended
might be enough to spur the unlikely return of a with Alexius’ ascent. That war left many battered and
single warlord who can unite the nations against bloody, as many people were rendered landless or or-
the Empire. phaned. Some nurtured grudges against Alexius, be-
Before his marriage, Alexius maintained a rath- lieving him to be the tyrant who caused their misery.
er public love triangle between himself, Duchess But their plots to enact revenge came to naught. Peace
Salandra Decados, and Lady Theafana al-Malik of is a great soporific, soothing pent-up angers and heal-
the Brother Battle order. Speculation was rife about ing old wounds. While the walking wounded would
which one of the two women would become empress. forever bear physical, mental, and spiritual scars from
The fact that neither did was a source of shock and their war years, their children could grow free from
sorrow for many. Lady Theafana had disappeared such fears.
on Stigmata; after five years with no word, she was Under the Pax Alexius, the common people’s des-
declared dead and martyred. Following a period of tiny again seems assured. The jumproutes are open
mourning, it was assumed that Duchess Salandra to an unprecedented degree, reuniting worlds long
would now cement her place by Alexius’ side. It was sundered by war and factionalism. Interstellar trade
not to be. Alexius retreated into solitude, and even his is strong again, and with it, an increasing network
own councilors barely saw him. of news and gossip spreads. Even here, the Emperor
When he finally emerged back into public life with has displayed power, using guilds of canny marketers
full force, it was with Freya Eldridsdottir by his side. to carefully control his image.
Duchess Salandra was publicly supportive with a dis- Once again, pilgrimages to the stars are taking
play of sympathetic pity for her former paramour, but provincial commoners from their home soil to other
insiders claim that her rage was unimaginable. Not planets, following the footsteps of famous holy saints
one to be sidelined for long, though, rumors have on many worlds, as they seek relics, miracles, and re-
her orchestrating an alliance with disgruntled Hawk- demption. The Known Worlds are full of stories of the
woods, angry that Alexius would betray them to the lives and deaths of countless heroes, now considered
Vuldrok. saints by the populace at large, even when the Church
Following Lady Theafana’s disappearance, the has yet to recognize or canonize them. This plethora of
symbiots retreated from the frontlines on Stigmata, “unofficial sanctification of every man jack who ever
causing many to speculate that her unseen martyr- uttered a prayer,” in the words of Canon Dubray, is
dom delivered a powerful blow against them. They maddening to Orthodox authorities, even though they
have withdrawn into their territories, although the greatly benefit from the increase in professed faith —
meaning of this move —uncharacteristic for the cha- and the commerce from the sale of relics and pilgrim-
otic shapeshifters — is hotly debated. Are they build- age passage tickets.
ing their strength for a greater assault? Or have they Alexius has maintained his interest in rediscovering
recognized defeat? Rumors persist of high-level con- the Lost Worlds and the riches of the Second Repub-
tact between sentient symbiot leaders and Imperial lic. His Order of the Phoenix — the Questing Knights
Eye agents hinting at peace initiatives, but most doubt — grows in importance as the Empire expands onto
such fables. How can there be peace with mindless Hargard and, surely yet to come, extends deeper into
animals? barbarian space. The noble houses still distrust the
And what of the vau? Distant and aloof for years, order, seeing it as a way to subvert the loyalties of
their increased requests for diplomatic visits have their second and younger sons and daughters — those
continued, although their dialogues are seemingly who would inherit little glory and wealth from their
meaningless, consisting of elaborate discussions of the own families.
The order’s Cohorts, the priests and guild members Worlders. Many fear that, no matter how many gains JOURNAL
who aid the Questing Knights, also have an expand- were made by Emperor Alexius to unite all sentients
ed role now that Hargard is open to them. Someone into a spiritual commonwealth, the collective sins INTRODUCTION
must bring the words of the Prophet to the benighted, of humans and aliens continue to tarnish the stars,
and someone must tempt them with the riches that blocking their light.
the Known Worlds promises in trade. Whether it is argued that the suns merely reflect SOCIETY
The Church, however, continues to frown on Alexi- light from an Empyrean source or they generate holy
us’ emphasis on questing and rediscovery of the past’s flame themselves (as the Eskatonics aver), it is wide- KNOWN
riches, seeing once again the march of humanity’s folly. ly agreed that they are dimming. Although most do WORLDS
The Orthodoxy’s original suspicions that the Quest- not noticeably darken within a single lifetime, over
ing Knights’ true mission into barbarian space was an the generations, they exhibit fewer and fewer lumens.
elaborate landgrab for the Empire have proven true. If One must rely on ancient records to tally just how
unchecked, Alexius could one day claim more worlds much a given star has faded, but experts attest to
than all of the other houses combined. Of course, no the phenomenon. Even the Vuldrok recognize it, al-
crusade against barbarian powers could succeed with- though they attribute it to animistic cosmic phenome-
out noble and Church support, but the question of fair na, rather than personal error and heresy on the part
division of spoils worried the former patriarch and still of all sentient beings.
dogs his successor. The Merchant League, however, Still, there is hope of a sort. Many believe that if the
sees opportunity in the opening of new jumproutes and final days should come in their lifetime, then it is their
the consolidation of existing routes (and even the hope duty to become exemplars of the Prophet’s teachings,
of deposing Alexius and declaring the Third Republic to be as his Disciples, so that when the Final Radiance
on top of his reforms, despite his new heir). occurs, the Pancreator will know that some among
his creation stood tall and righteous before the con-
It is no time to retreat, to perform endless penance.
And yet, despite the years of peace and the birth The Prophet calls all to move forward, ever forward,
of Aurora, the stars still slowly die. The Fading to bring light to new stars.
Suns phenomenon still haunts the lives of Known
Chapter 2: Society
when we wish to rise to higher
Hail Lextius, noblest of us all. Pilgrim, it is to Lextius that we pray SOCIETY
sanctifi es all proper promotion and curses
estate, whether in character or societal station. He it is who
all those who misuse their estate. KNOWN
to the service of society.
Lextius is the epitome of the exemplary individual who dedicates himself WORLDS
in the vast constel lation of the Pancreator’s
He shows that no one is an island; each is a star burning
grand pattern.
t. His fief, the planet Dogen,
Lextius of House Kambei was the first noble to follow the Prophe
lies hidden from us, beyond forgotten jum-
was blessed by the Pancreator in return. Although it now
deserve to join it.
proads, it waits there in perfect glory until we once again
gs of heaven. There are many
Nobles heed Lextius’ example, lest they disturb the proper workin
on his journey s with the Prophet, and they
stories of those nobles who mocked or impeded Lextius
tearfull y convert ed. All peasants also know
all — every one of them — came to ruin, except those who
these stories, so they are quite aware of what is expected of their lords.
House Kambei; it sanctifies all
Lextius bears the Seal of Binding, a waxen seal with the emblem of
and woe to the Pancreator’s enemies on the
pacts made with it. He wears at his side the sword Vajra,
the Cloak of Author ity, the sight of which
day he needs to draw it. His shoulders are mantled with
brings the faithful to their knees in awe of the Pancreator’s just order.
to Read the Omega Gospels
— Charioteer Captain Zelina Hamid-Sandor, The Pilgrim’s Path: How
many serve at the pleasure of a knight of their own the Li Halan world of Kish, are respectable choices,
house, it is not at all uncommon for a child to learn especially if one wishes to study theology, engineering,
at the feet of a knight from a different noble lineage. or the arts. Should one wish to shock one’s parents, a
Somewhat rarer, though, is a noble child allowed to young noble has but to request admission to Madrasa
serve a knight of common birth — while deeds may al-Azhar on Khayyam, an old Kurgan university with
be enough to deserve the honor, knighthood alone a reputation for both excellent academics and ram-
will not teach a child of House al-Malik manners, for pant heresy. Khayyam is now locked away behind the
example. Squires pledge themselves at the age of 12. Hira jumpgate, throwing a long and deadly journey
They’re expected to care for their knight’s well-being, through barbarian space into the mix. It is said that
as well as learning combat, administration, and a cer- Saint Horace himself has appeared to students there
tain amount of rough diplomacy. on more than one occasion, though even this may not
As children grow into young adults, several differ- be enough to soothe some parents’ worries.
ent paths await them. A child of a noble house will Of course, if university doesn’t suit a young noble’s
almost certainly have a coming-out party, where fancy, they might serve as an apprentice with their
they’re introduced to the polite society of their home house’s military, diplomatic corps, or intelligence
planet — and possibly that of Byzantium Secundus, if service. While not as well-rounded an education as
they’re close enough to the Imperial throne. Depend- a university, an apprenticeship provides a massive
ing on family and house, this can last for days, in- head start in a noble’s chosen path. Members of less-
cluding displays of fireworks, dancing, massive feasts, er branches of a house especially benefit from an ap-
and other, more unique entertainments. Perhaps the prenticeship; the easiest way to power in the house is
most famous coming-out party was that of Salandra through the direct power it enforces.
Decados — some rumors are greatly exaggerated, but Finally, of course, the scion of a noble house might
at least three people died, more were injured, and a go into the clergy. This option is usually reserved for
wing of the palace caught fire by the end of the week- unruly sons and daughters or for children who won’t
long fête. The survivors remember it fondly. inherit. After all, giving a member of the house over to
If a young noble is not the party-loving type, they the Universal Church means one less resource for that
might instead choose to go to a university. While many house. Anyone who enters the service of the Pancre-
older nobles frown on university, seeing it as com- ator, be they highest prince or lowest peasant, is expect-
mon, or even mercenary, Emperor Alexius has made ed to sublimate the wishes of others for the wishes of
a point of putting more money into academic grants. the divine. In practice, of course, this rarely happens,
Jade University and the University of Kish, both on but many clergy have gotten better at faking it.
Duchess Persephone Elizabeth Wessex Hawkwood, Knight of the Lion Star, Protector of Lugarno,
and Lady of Ravenna, looked up from her writing to see a small boy standing in the doorway, petulantly
rubbing his eyes.
“Aldric? What are you doing up this late, my sweet?”
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“You should tell nanny, dearest. She’ll read you a story.” The duchess shifted in her chair. “I have a
lot to do tonight, you know that.”
Aldric, her firstborn, pouted. “Can’t you tell me a story? I want to hear the one about how you and
Papa met again.”
“I—” she began to protest, then thought better of it. “I think that sounds like an excellent idea. Come
sit by me and I’ll tell you.”
To her chagrin, he clambered up into her lap instead of climbing onto the chair next to her writing
desk. Aldric was only four, though, and it couldn’t be helped. “Comfy?”
“Yes, mama.” He tucked his head against the soft velvet quilting of her bed jacket.
“Very good. Now, when I was but a young squire, I came to Ravenna to serve at the pleasure of the
archduke’s young son. Little did I know that he and his father had had a falling out before I came, and
he was looking for any weapon to use against the archduke….”
Courtly Love riously be expected to find a lasting relationship. Fi-
nally, as in the infamous case of Antipatra Innokenti
Perhaps the most important part of any young noble’s Decados, being too honest (or too blunt) may have INTRODUCTION
life, courtly love is a combination of careful diplomacy, more dire consequences than simple rejection.
bedroom intrigue, subtle artistry, and simple crushing.
While it is an integral part of making a good match,
courtly love is also practiced by married courtiers, Etiquette SOCIETY
guild members, clergy of gentle breeding, and anyone Courtly love is a subset of the larger, more delicate
who interacts with the upper echelons of the Known sphere of noble etiquette. To call the manners of the WORLDS
Worlds for too long. Sooner or later, everyone becomes Known Worlds “byzantine” is an understatement.
a useful paramour, even if just for a night. While there is a generally accepted set of Imperial
Courtly love in the 51st century relies on many of manners for dealing with the Emperor Alexius and
the same tropes it has for millennia. Accessories, such his emissaries, beyond Byzantium Secundus, manners
as fans or gloves, are ostentatiously dropped at the change from planet to planet and from fief to fief. While
feet of the target, typically with the tactically clum- one might touch their fingertips to their forehead to
sy party hoping to have them returned. Servants run greet an al-Malik duke, such a gesture might be consid-
messages through kitchens and up back stairs in the ered rude to his Hazat counterpart, who wishes for all
dead of night. Amorous lords and ladies utter procla- visitors to present their arms without hiding their faces.
mations of utmost desires in massive gardens, often Most etiquette taught to young scions is directly im-
with no more promise than a single night. It’s a dance ported from Byzantium Secundus. This allows for an
of pushing and pulling, of saying no more than needs accepted Imperial framework of manners and furthers
to be said with everything hanging in the balance. civil communication between houses. However, each
Of course, there are some differences. Courtly love is no planet, continent, fief, and family must articulate their
longer all about breeding, so couples of non-heteronorma- own set of manners as well. A traveling noble can easily
tive gender configurations are common. Being invited onto get swept up in the minutiae of each house’s etiquette
a noble’s personal ship is a gesture of some intent. So is — which is, of course, the point. Manners are a game.
telling an Amalthean, who might as well be a professional Whoever can bend the rules to their advantage wins.
matchmaker. Woe betide the casual lover who goes to seek Some common points of etiquette for great houses
their current flame on another planet — if they can get off include:
the planet unwedded, they’re a clever diplomat indeed. al-Malik: Touch the forehead when bowing. Poet-
Mistresses and men-on-the-side are also quite com- ry is an acceptable gift for all nobles. Kneeling is saved
mon, especially among older married couples and for the most desperate supplicants.
unmarried land-holders. These arrangements can be Decados: Do not present any gift made of gold, as
negotiated by the married parties, or a new lover may it is an insult to the subtlety of the house. Appearing
come as a shock to the other partner. (For possible con- shocked is a sign of weakness and ill-breeding. Gar-
sequences, see Duels below.) It is also fairly common dens are a safe meeting place.
for an up-and-coming young noble skilled in flirting Hawkwood: Do not speak to your betters unless
to dance attendance on an older, attached member of spoken to. Wearing a crown to a meeting with some-
their own house. This provides the younger noble with one of higher rank is a direct challenge. Inviting some-
valuable education in the ways of courtly subtlety in a one of their entourage to dance with someone of your
safe environment; this dalliance might also provide the own is an acceptable overture to further conversation.
older noble with some attention they might be lacking. Hazat: Present all arms and do not hide your face
Of course, courtly love isn’t all about finding your next when speaking with someone of higher rank. Com-
bedmate. While this is fun for a time — and indeed, some paring arms is gauche. Knights are accorded as much
decide this is where they are happiest — it is imperative respect as landholders.
for a young noble to find a compatible spouse. They may Li Halan: Dipping down to one knee for a moment
be looking for someone with whom they are personally is customary when greeting your betters. Knocking
compatible, or they (or their family) may be more inter- over someone’s drink is a major insult. A servant who
ested in learning skills and finance. Either way, courtly has served faithfully for a long time may be granted
love provides a useful set of structured behaviors to safely an honorary title and should be treated accordingly.
discover partners, both short and long term.
Some exceptions to these rules exist. Heirs of great
houses may be expected to marry someone of their Duels
parents’ choosing. Wealthy merchants and guild Sometimes, however, someone steps outside the
members might play at courtly love but cannot se- boundaries of noble etiquette, behaving in a manner
that the carefully balanced system of self-moderation guest is serious or simply polite. A guest who is merely
cannot handle. Sometimes someone refuses to be em- being polite is not at fault; a guest who does not push
barrassed by a public shaming — or perhaps they feel their politeness to three repetitions is seen as shallow.
they were shamed for the wrong reason. And some- Decados: Guests in a Decados household or pal-
times, there is just no other way to deal with some- ace are expected to bring a gift. Bringing anything
one’s poor choices. made of gold or resembling gold is insulting, as it is
Duels are a sanctioned steam valve for the nobility seen as the Decados taking an obvious bribe. Guests
of the Known Worlds. Most of the time, they involve may shake their host’s hands, though they are expect-
two parties, the aggrieved and the aggressor, though ed to do so firmly, almost painfully.
some include up to six. Participants fight with melee Hawkwood: A guest to a Hawkwood fief will al-
weapons, trying to slip through their opponent’s ener- ways be offered wine (if they drink) or coffee (if they
gy shield. In a standard duel, honor is satisfied when do not). For as long as one eats Hawkwood food, they
an energy shield breaks or first blood is drawn. are a Hawkwood guest, though guests who overstay
Some duels are more serious. Infidelity, death of a their welcome may not be called to dinner in order to
loved one, or other major transgressions may warrant passive-aggressively force them out of the house.
a duel to the death — or at least “the yield.” These Hazat: The Hazat prize their martial capability, so
duels are extremely rare and often scheduled weeks in a rare exception, guests to a Hazat estate are wel-
or months in advance. Some consider it blood sport. come to keep their weaponry — provided they submit
Since the location of these duels are not often publi- to an inspection first. All outside weapons should be
cized, being invited to one — or discovering it — is a kept visible or in the guest’s quarters.
mark of excellent social training. Li Halan: The youngest noble children in the Li
Not all nobles fight their own duels, especially if Halan demesne meet guests and wash their feet (as-
they don’t think they will win. “Seconds” are those suming guests are noble; merchants do not receive
who fight in their place. Members of the Muster of- this treatment) to welcome them. When the lord is
fer contracts to fight as seconds for nobility, though ready to meet with their guests, they do so at a high
they are not the only ones. Members of other guilds, tea, which may take upwards of three hours. Invi-
minor nobility, and even priests of the Brothers Bat- tation to a second tea is a sign of affection or great
tle have fought as seconds, as impious and unfair as respect.
that sounds. While it’s a bit gauche to use a second,
that doesn’t stop many of the higher-ranking nobles
from doing so — for the good of the realm, of course. The Entourage
All of the above can happen to a single noble. Of
It is an open secret that while stewards and seneschals they have extremely close ties to the guilds — in some
of noble households might loathe the presence of a large cases, having married into or out of them — the Mus-
entourage, there is no faster, more reliable method of ter does not a house army make.
obtaining information than the meeting of two servants. However, al-Malik are taught from a young age to
A good retainer in an entourage can foil a plot, arrange respect and encourage each other’s passions, as “nur-
a tryst, steal valuable intel, or simply listen and report turing a garden is nurturing many souls at once.”
back. For this reason, servants and retainers in an en- Such elegant and impenetrable imagery, known as
tourage are often treated extremely well by nobles who the Graceful Tongue, is wound through all education
know how valuable they can be. Underestimating the a member of the house receives. It both bolsters the
quiet seamstress or the drunken Charioteer in a rival’s nobility and fosters a sense of unity that is not easily
entourage can be a fatal mistake — quite literally. It is put asunder by an outsider.
not unheard of for assassins or thieves to play a role as Oddly, for a noble house, the serfs are also a major part
well. A noble can only be as good as the people in her of what keep it together. While peasantry on an al-Ma-
entourage, so they’d better be the best. lik world are not anywhere near the level of a member
of the house, many have similar, if not the same, rights
Royal Houses
as freefolk. They are allowed to move households (with-
in reason), petition their lord (with a doable request),
and sell their goods (so long as they leave enough for a
tithe for the lord). Some have bought their way free of
en. She attended university on Khayyam, studying ROLEPLAYING NOTES JOURNAL
medicine and bioengineering before going dark for
several years. At great personal danger, Yusef de- Al-Malik are noble scholars prone to action and en- INTRODUCTION
liberately underwent his transition in the free city gagement. Be friendly, be enthusiastic, and always be
of Yintrai, where the plague-bombs dropped by looking for your next obsession. Markets and guilds
the Decados during the Emperor Wars left strains are your best friends, but you can find friends any- SOCIETY
of mutation-inducing bacteria. He now likes to joke where if you just look hard enough. What did you
that he developed both his manhood and his third study? How did it help you? How did it hinder you? KNOWN
eye in Yintrai. After his father died, he took the What do you want to study someday? Where do you WORLDS
throne, and he has been looking for ways to turn want to go? What do you want to do?
the anarchic, dangerous culture of Criticorum into
something more gentle. He finds politics uncom- FAVORED CALLING
fortable, but he’s quick to speak up when he feels it is
necessary. His enemies have tried to take advantage Enthusiast
of his discomfort, but somehow, they always seem to
suffer major setbacks at their moment of triumph, HOUSE STEREOTYPES
thus strengthening Yusef’s hold further.
An Al-Malik might be the Courtier with a certain
PRIMARY WORLDS amount of insouciance, the Sybarite who learns from
her experiences, or the dandyish Duelist.
• Istakhr is the crown world of the al-Malik. Al-
though it is a desert, it is nonetheless home to an
abundance of life. The guilds, the Church, and House Decados
several different noble houses all have a presence. When the Avestites launch an inquisition or the
All buildings are highly ornamented, whether with Brothers Battle lose one of their own in the night,
semi-precious stones or spare bits of glass. The Is- the first question on every noble’s lips is the same:
takhr Market is in the city of Samarkand — it is “Which Decados was it now?” House Decados has
said that anything that was, is, or will be can be built their brand on shock and awe – physically,
bought and sold here. mentally, and socially – but it is their spy network,
• Criticorum is the most populated of the al-Malik the Jakovian Agency, that poses the real threat. Any
worlds. It is also the most chaotic. Remnants of the member of the Decados could be a Jakovian. Any
battles between factions are scattered across the plan- free person on a Decados planet could be a Jakovian.
et and through its culture. The most notorious ex- In fact, it’s safer to assume the person you’re talking
ample is the Blood Harvest, a televised yearly event to is a spy trained by the Jakovian Agency than it is to
in which 50 criminals are publicly executed. Duke let something important slip.
Yusef and the Church have been working to Though House Decados is one of the most
end the Blood Harvest, struggling for internally divided great houses of the
years with some success. Known Worlds, one would never
• Aylon is a beautiful continen- know it based on their estates.
tal world, home to several Massive edifices of steel and
cities, but mostly farms. glass, square buildings in
This is the breadbas- brutalist gray with huge,
ket of the al-Ma- ornate stained-glass win-
lik worlds, and its dows, and other, strang-
healers are second er architecture all make
to none within the up different Decados
al-Malik fold. holdings. Perhaps the
• Shaprut is another oddest fixture of the
breadbasket world, typical Decados estate
known for its rolling is the torture garden. No
hills and vast forests. palace would be complete
The nobles here are without one. Exact styles,
noted for being very gen- decor, and plantings vary,
tle with their serfs and very but they all share the same ba-
tough on each other. sic layout: a hedge-shielded garden
concealing many alcoves, each one hosting shock beds, Agency. No one disappoints Hyram twice… not
racks, fire pits, or other “motivational” installations. even his own family.
Most gardens require guests to bring their own equip- • Duchess Salandra Romanov Decados rules Cadiz
ment — though the bigger ones provide a full selection from her palace in the capital city of Elibyrge. Tech-
of torture tools for the discerning noble sadist. To the nically, she doesn’t do much ruling, being away on
shock of most of the other noble houses, as well as the Byzantium Secundus much of the time. Her former
dismay of the Church, Decados children are often al- affair with Emperor Alexius is a matter of public re-
lowed to play in the gardens, frolicking alongside tor- cord, and that is the way she prefers it. There are
turers, guests, and the unfortunates on the installations. some rumors she has been taking fertility drugs, but
It is worth noting that not all torture gardens are in use. that is more hearsay than anything else. She cer-
The house leans heavily on this image, however, so a tainly doesn’t admit to it. Tall and wiry with pierc-
torture garden features heavily in most estates, even if ing gray eyes, she is polite when she needs to be,
it’s not blooded. cruel when it suits her, and as emotionally fluid as
Decados children are raised to expect the world — the Haitak River. Salandra was well-trained by the
and then some. From their earliest days playing in the Engineers guild, the Jakovian Agency, and Prince
fountains of the torture gardens to their adolescent im- Hyram himself, and she can blend in to any social
mersion in real-world experience, the children of this situation with a minimum of preparations. Those
house learn to take what they want. Any given day, a who would cross her would do well to think twice.
Decados child may be asked to steal a brooch from their • Bishop Antipatra Innokenti Decados is a rarity among
mother or to deactivate their father’s cybernetic arm her family. A devout Amalthean, she was raised in
without him noticing. Some requests are tests of skill; the torture garden of Duke Stephan Svana Deca-
others are meant to determine how far a child will go. dos on Cadiz — until she fell in love with his son.
Those children who are the most ruthless, the most clev- For the crime of being inconvenient, she was tor-
er, or the most willing to follow orders no matter how tured by her own cousins and exiled from the de-
inhumane are given an invitation to apprentice in the mesne of Murciyah. She has worked her way up
Jakovian Agency. Those who aren’t learn to host wild through the ranks of the clergy and is now the only
parties, design and maintain the gardens, go on spend- bishop of the Sanctuary Aeon on Cadiz. Antipatra
ing (or stealing) sprees on other planets, and otherwise is extremely protective of her flock and suspicious
have adventures others would never dare pursue. of any cousins that might come a-calling.
House Decados doesn’t bother to hide its dec-
adence. In fact, they enjoy rubbing it in the face of PRIMARY WORLDS
anyone they can. From dropping plague bombs on
Criticorum to rampant genetic and cybernetic exper- • Severus is Prince Hyram’s seat of power, teeming with
imentation, as well as a certain infamous incident in- a massive population of humans and aliens. Cities dot
volving Baron Harlon Romanov Decados’s “techno- the vast prairies, and the sea is full of fish. The planet
logical extension” at a council meeting, the Decados has a wealth of mineral resources but also a wealth of
strategically flaunt tradition — and often good taste pests, including hull rats. The shallow, brackish seas
— in any way possible. If their enemies are off-guard, sometimes freeze in the winter, allowing for all sorts
the Decados are winning. of interesting landcraft to skate the surface.
• Cadiz is ruled by Duchess Salandra – the “corpse
LEADING MEMBERS queen,” as some have called her. Her domain in-
cludes huge metropolitan ruins that sprawl across
• Prince Hyram Vladislav Decados is the reigning pa- the surface. The inhabited parts of Cadiz are large-
triarch of the family. Though he seems a soft-spo- ly pastoral, and the merchants and nobles alike are
ken and harmless older man, his age-weakened famous for their hospitality, as well as the odd trea-
body hides a mind sharper than any blade. He sures they pull out of the ruins.
has elected not to get any cybernetic augmenta- • Malignatius is heavily populated by all sorts of peo-
tions, but even so, he is feared. His torture gar- ple, though it’s difficult to tell who’s fully human
den is vast, and it is rarely empty. While he will and who’s not. The world is famed for its religious
not harm any of his own family members, he has and racial diversity. Hiding on Malignatius is as
sent servants, serfs, and even guild members to easy as arriving — though staying alive might not
the garden for minor infractions. Hyram does be. Malignatius is mostly thick forests, volcanic
not consider himself cruel, merely pragmatic. mountain ranges, and cities.
Fear is the best tool, after all, and it is in this • Pandemonium used to be an agricultural para-
mindset that he steers the will of the Jakovian dise before its terraforming machines started to
malfunction. While its major city, the Hub, is a with a Hawkwood is to have an ally for life. To become JOURNAL
multi-layered urban paradise supported by factory their enemy is to be forever watching over your shoulder.
farms, large swaths of the planet have been given While Emperor Alexius is a member of the house, INTRODUCTION
over to the Badlands. Rumors of lost Ur artifacts, he has since distanced himself, striving for an image
titanic beasts, and even crashed pieces of a jump- of impartiality. The Hawkwoods staunchly support
gate have resulted in the Decados sending expedi- the Phoenix Throne, but as far as many of them are SOCIETY
tions into the Badlands regularly. concerned, they support a friendly stranger. They
• Cadavus is a planet of extreme seasons and even mostly focus inward, tending to their fiefs and le- KNOWN
worse weather, perfect for the Decados who enjoys gions and strengthening their border against the WORLDS
testing themselves. While the house is publicly very Vuldrok barbarians. The Hawkwood’s hatred of the
conservative due to heavy Church presence, that Vuldrok for their raids on Hawkwood territory is
doesn’t mean the Decados don’t feel a sort of spe- only matched by the Hawkwood’s hatred of House
cial relationship with this planet. Cadavus has three Decados. A Hawkwood believes that their first
major seasons: winter, summer, and more storms. duty is to their fief and their people, not to running
around bankrupting their house and experimenting
ROLEPLAYING NOTES on their peasantry. If they had their way, the em-
pire would have wiped out both the Decados and
Decados aren’t sociopaths; they just believe in having the Vuldrok Star-Nation decades ago. Nonetheless,
what they want when they want it. Take what belongs House Hawkwood is patient, willing to simply out-
to you. Do what you want — so long as it won’t upset last its enemies, if that’s what it takes.
Prince Hyram. Watch your words until you don’t. Spy Each Hawkwood is a fortress unto himself. From
on others. Make note of useful information. What do the moment he can walk, a Hawkwood is taught
you want? How will you get it? exactly what steps to take in what order to achieve
the best results. Young nobles of the house are often
FAVORED CALLING fostered at the courts of higher-ranking members of
the house, learning both how to serve and how to
Sybarite rule. A Hawkwood’s place is at the top and he knows
it — but very often, being at the top means learning
HOUSE STEREOTYPES how to care for those at the bottom. “A rising tide
lifts all boats” is a common saying in Hawkwood
A Decados could be the decadent Lord, the Questing education, and they have a fierce sense of noblesse
Knight trying to find what will satisfy the hunger in oblige towards their serfs. Only a Hawkwood can
her gut, or the delicate Conspiracist with too much protect and serve to the fullest — and those who
knowledge. don’t believe they were born to lead don’t rise very
high within the house’s ranks.
easy to manage, especially after Alexius formally sep- en first, and disease is rampant. The world was ex-
arated himself from the house, this is not the case. communicated by the Church in the 43rd century,
Victoria kept the title “prince” instead of adapting a doing little to help the problems on its surface. The
more “feminine” title, and she has ruled her house populace resents the Hawkwoods and the Church
with a steady hand since then. While quiet and intro- (especially the Inquisition), who they see as having
verted in private life, she is the picture of largesse and abandoned them, and some have gone over to the
gregariousness in public. Since Alexius’s marriage, semi-autonomous Vuldrok fief on its surface.
nobles have increasingly pressured Victoria to take a
spouse, but she has not yet chosen and may not do so ROLEPLAYING NOTES
for some time.
• Duke Alvarex Darian Hawkwood is Alexius’ twin Other houses may see a Hawkwood as complacent
brother, though younger by several minutes. He and arrogant, content to rest on the laurels of a thou-
has sizeable fiefs on both Delphi and Ravenna, and sand dead royal families. Nothing is farther from the
he’s wildly popular among the younger, more mili- truth. Hawkwoods are patient, honorable, and even
tary-minded Hawkwoods. A brilliant commander, proud, but slow and steady wins the race. Listen to
but an exceedingly weak politician due to his dis- those around you. Know the best course of action.
dain for courtly etiquette and intrigues, Alvarex is Who owes you? Where does your loyalty lie?
still bitter that his brother took the throne without
giving the house any of its due. He is a danger- FAVORED CALLING
ous opponent to be sure, but his love for his family
extends even to the “wayward” emperor. Alvarex Commander
is unmarried, though not due to his looks. While
Alexius is dark-haired and square-jawed, Alvar- HOUSE STEREOTYPES
ex has wavy chestnut hair, high cheekbones, and
warm brown eyes. Marriage does not appeal to A Hawkwood might be the gallant Questing Knight,
him, and he has made this clear, even as he re- the honorable Lord, or the Duelist who absolutely re-
ceives proposals daily. fuses to cheat.
The Hazat
• Delphi is jointly ruled by Prince Victoria and Duke Much like the rest of the house’s existence, the creation
Montgomery Hawkwood. It is a fairly cosmopoli- of the noble house known as “the Hazat” was fraught
tan world with humans and obun living in large, with conflict and rapid change. During the Second
sophisticated cities and small pastoral towns. The Republic, the house was in service to the now-extinct
planet has a wealth of mineral and manufactured House Chauki, a proud lineage of martial dukes who
resources but was also hit hard by the fading suns expected absolute obedience and perfection from
phenomenon, causing the planet to cool down to their retainers. The Hazat overthrew them in a mar-
near-winter temperatures. Hawkwood relief efforts tial coup, much to the Chauki’s chagrin. While there
have done little to mitigate the problem. are still remnants of the Chauki devotion to physical
• Ravenna is ruled by Duke Cassius Darian Hawk- perfection in the Hazat, the house’s virtues have since
wood, a political reactionary and near-heretic. The expanded to encompass all sorts of romantic ideals.
world is one of the major exporters of raw building While the Hazat rival the al-Malik in their passion
materials in the Known Worlds. Unhappily for the and excitement, their martial prowess makes them
guilds, the Church has a major presence here, and what they are. They haven’t quite escaped the shad-
many of the citizens are fiercely religious. Emperor ow of their former lieges — in fact, they embrace it
Alexius was born here, and Duke Alvarex has his in a perverse fashion. The phrase “House Hazat” is
favorite fief on one of the larger continents. almost never used in any official documentation or
• Gwynneth is a world ruled by the warlike Duke among the members of the house. It’s always “the
Erasmus Wilde Hawkwood, and as such, it con- Hazat,” as if to remind its families of their humble be-
tains many of the house’s military academies and ginnings as captains, sergeants, and supply command
mustering grounds. The Wildes of Gwynneth for a greater house, now dead and subsumed. The
deeply dislike the Darians of Ravenna — and as Hazat themselves made this choice.
such, they resent the throne. Their children, unlike other houses, are not raised
• Leminkainen is a world constantly at war. Vuldrok to the world. Many younger Hazat have tutors, true,
raids from barbarian space usually hit Leminkain- but they are also educated by the Church, the house
military, and the guilds. If they want something, they smaller, more martial families allied with Prince JOURNAL
have to ask for it, work for it, and really want it. The Eduardo, and while she lives there at his pleasure,
Hazat breed passionate, forceful types by design. most of the planetary administration is out of her INTRODUCTION
They are conquerors, knights, and duelists of formi- hands. The Duchess is in her late seventies and is
dable skill. A Hazat noble takes no prisoners in love outwardly pious in the extreme, a model lay mem-
or war — she simply can’t afford to. ber of the Universal Church. She gives alms in SOCIETY
The Hazat proclivity towards competition has person, tithes almost a third of her income to the
earned them no small number of enemies. Outside, Church, and hosts itinerant clergy who happen to KNOWN
they keep up a healthy rivalry with House Hawkwood. be on the planet. Few know, however, that she was WORLDS
The Hawkwoods consider the Hazat undisciplined, educated as a theurgist by the Avestites. Duchess
wild, and childish. The Hazat, in turn, sneer at House Rosalia has an information network built entirely
Hawkwood as stodgy and predictable, even outdated. out of her former guests. If the Church knows it,
This rivalry has only grown after the humiliating Haz- she knows it — and if the Church doesn’t know it,
at defeat in the Emperor Wars, and it is an open secret she has means of extracting it from someone else.
that the house opposes Alexius’s right to rule. Inter- • Duchess Flora Amaryllis Graciela Bursanda de Veracruz
nally, however, the Hazat are fighting a greater war de Hazat is the ruler of Vera Cruz and an unlikely
with another enemy: themselves. The ruling Eduardo young upstart from her family line. After murdering
family is tightly allied with several smaller lines against her own father and being acquitted on self-defense,
the other major family lines, the Justus and the Bur- she took his crown and his fiefs. She is a clever mili-
sanda. The split is primarily religious. Eduardo and its tary commander, an excellent duelist, and a capable
allies are rumored to have been deliberately breeding administrator, but she has crippling shyness, due to
psychic powers into their lineages, whereas Justus and an ugly scar just over her right eye. Flora is also quick
Bursanda occupy themselves with theurgy and Church to anger — those who mistake her shyness for softness
matters. If the house doesn’t call a crusade against itself soon learn to regret it. While she is one of the most
in the next decade, it will be (ironically) a miracle. eligible nobles in the Known Worlds, she has turned
away all suitors and met persistence with violence.
• Prince Juan Jacobi Nelson Eduardo de Aragon de Hazat
is the ruler of Aragon and the head of house. A mid- • Aragon is the throne world of the Hazat. With its glit-
dle-aged gentleman with a booming laugh, Prince tering technology, unique flora, and relatively happy
Juan is everything conjured up by the phrase “tall, populace, it is a well-settled and beautiful temperate
dark, and handsome.” He is dashing with a sword, world. While none of its cities are particularly large,
cuts a striking figure on a horse or at the helm of there are many of them, each with its own operations.
a skimmer, has won a fair share of duels, and ca- Old Second Republic mining operations across the
sually flirts with almost everyone. Despite planet were taken over by the Hazat, mean-
this, he is very loyal to his wife of 10 ing that most of the peasantry works in
years, the lovely Maria Celestra. mining or manufacturing… with
Having married her initially all the discontent that entails.
to cement the loyalty of • Sutek is a mysterious world
the Justus family, the two of jungles, oceans, and
soon fell in love. She ruins. Its peasants and
has borne him three merchants mostly live
children and runs the in massive cities bul-
day-to-day affairs of warked against the
Aragon, while he humid darkness of
handles the unenvi- the rainforest. This
able task of keeping planet is host to left-
the Hazat together. overs from all sorts of
• Duchess Rosalia Maria past enigmas, hinting
Cordelia Justus de Hira at historical mysteries
de Hazat holds the crown that range from Sec-
on Hira, but not much ond-Republic Sathraists to
else. The capital of the plan- the ancient Anunnaki.
et is ruled by a Rolas, one of the
• Vera Cruz is a world of plains, rolling hills, and mil- the nobles tightly control their serfs. Everything has its
itary might. The primary Hazat forces are head- place, and each thing has a duty to operate within its
quartered here. Duchess Flora is in charge of most bounds, no more and no less. While a serf is expected
of them, making her one of the most eligible bach- to find his place at the feet of his lord, the serf is also ex-
elorettes in the Known Worlds, as well as one of pected to report his lord to the Church if his liege shows
the most despised. signs of the atavism that gripped the house before the
• Hira was an important part in the great Pilgrimage Emperor Wars. Thus, everything continues smoothly,
for denizens of the Kurgan Caliphate. The Haz- as everyone continues watching everyone else.
at and the Kurgan have been fighting over it for Children of House Li Halan are brought up know-
years, but the Hazat now have the upper hand: the ing how to perform courtly rituals. Some knew how
jumpgate to Khayyam has closed, cutting off the to bow before they walked. Posture corsetry is en vogue
Kurgan populace from reinforcements. in the house at the moment, so children as young
as 10 are laced into stays to straighten their spines
ROLEPLAYING NOTES during puberty. Li Halan children have a multitude
of private tutors who teach them everything from
Hazat are quick to anger, but they are (usually) not theology to music to piloting. In general, though, a
stupid. What would you lose your life for? Who do knowledge of diplomacy is second only to combat
you want to live for? Fight for what you want. You’re training. The Li Halan military, while perhaps not as
not going to take it the easy way. large as that of Hawkwood or the Hazat, is frighten-
ingly skilled. The children of the house spend at least
FAVORED CALLING two years in service as part of their education — not
as commanders, but as logisticians, cavalry, medics,
Duelist and other necessary positions. Thus, the new genera-
tion gains an appreciation for field tactics and wields
HOUSE STEREOTYPES insights commanders of other houses may not have.
Of course, not every Li Halan toes the line. There
A Hazat might be the unhinged Ronin, the hothead- are remnants of the old atavists and Antinomists on
ed but sultry Sybarite, or the Incognito who holds distant corners of Midian and Ungavorox. The only
grudges for decades. thing more real than the threat of past heresies is the
fear of future ones, so House Li Halan continues,
Only those who fall the farthest know how high they LEADING MEMBERS
can go. At least, that’s what House Li Halan believes.
This devoted and disciplined family used to glory in • Prince Li Halan Flavius Kung-Zhau is the leader
the worst excesses that the Known World had of the house and the ruler of Kish. In his
to offer, engaging in acts that even a mid-thirties, he is a studious and
Decados thrillseeker might balk at. serious man, and his dark hair
During the first Emperor Wars, is starting to go gray at the
the house swiftly converted to temples. While he seems
the Universal Church of the kind and a little absent-
Celestial Sun. Those who minded at first glance,
didn’t take the conversion this is a front. Flavi-
seriously were cut down us is intensely situa-
in their own beds or tionally aware, no-
courtyards. ticing every twitch
Normally, the other of a muscle or flick
houses sneer at a house of an eyebrow. He
that puts religion before knows that the older
all else. Not so with the Li members of the house
Halan. Their power comes feel he is too liberal, so
from their ability to do what he is nigh-certain they
needs to be done, acting with- are setting him up for an
out pity or hesitation. The house “accident” someday. He in-
is tightly controlled by its prince, and tends to meet it gracefully when
it comes. In the meantime, he busies himself with even now. They have not forgotten that the dem-
infrastructure improvements, planning repairs to ocratic leaders of Rampart were given a choice
the Zebulon Cathedral, and general research into of retirement or execution by Prince Flavius, and
technology — a rarity for members of his house. they intend to take their planet back from Li Halan
• Duchess Li Halan Fativa Naganaka is a noble on rule. The Church also has a major presence here.
Midian and the lover of the planet’s ruling duke,
Augustus. She does not consider it a sin to contin- ROLEPLAYING NOTES
ue an affair with a married man and responds to
inquiries with stony silence. Fativa is tall, glowing Straitlaced and straight-faced, the Li Halan are tra-
with an angelic copper complexion, and she always ditional to a fault but never boring. Look for a way to
has a string of glittering jade prayer beads around get what you want without going against the norms
her wrist. She is extremely devout, extremely of your house. Do you want to be a Sathraist? Go to
wealthy, and one of the few nobles to own land on university? Take a Decados as your lover? Do so, but
Holy Terra. Because of this, she commands a cer- don’t make waves — beyond reason, of course. It’s not
tain amount of status in the house, even though her about what you do, it’s how you look when you do it.
actual fiefs are relatively minor. She always keeps a Don’t get caught.
member of Sanctuary Aeon in her traveling reti-
nue, though the exact composition of her entou- FAVORED CALLING
rage changes depending on where she’s going.
• Kish is the Li Halan throne world. Ruled directly
by Flavius, it hosts many infrastructure projects A Li Halan might be the Spy with the perfect poker
throughout its hills and deserts. The planet produc- face, the wild Antinomist Ronin, or the courtly love
es an abundance of foodstuffs, textiles, minerals, Enthusiast.
manufactured goods, and educated workers, so it’s
Minor Houses
an extremely valuable part of the Li Halan holdings.
• Midian is a world of technological ruin and hope
for the future. Oddly enough for a world ruled by
such a traditional house, Midian is also host to the Space limitations prevent a full consideration of every
Lyonesse autonomous democracy, the only region minor house (and there are a lot of them), so you’ll
of its kind in the Known Worlds. This world has find a short summary of each active house below.
a problem with rebels, unlawful slave traders and There are also extinct houses, such as Gesar, Wind-
techgnostics, but otherwise, it’s relatively stable. sor, and Chauki, but they are a matter for the history
• Icon has been considered a holy planet ever since books; the ones listed below are still alive… for now.
it was first settled. While it was hardest-hit by the
decadence of the Li Halan dark ages, the civil war ELDRID
on Icon ultimately brought the house back to the
Church. Icon is a major center of Church influ- Named for their founder, not for any shared blood,
ence as well. Citizens who aren’t directly involved House Eldrid is a loose confederation of pro-Imperial
with the clergy produce holy items, entertainment, thanes and their families from Hargard. While many
vestments, or food for them. of them are older or more physically powerful than
• Ungavorox is owned by the Li Halan, but it’s the Eldrid the Wise herself, they are all unfailingly loyal
homeworld of the vorox. No one knows how many to their “Grand Thane” — or, as she now calls herself
humans and aliens live here, as the Li Halan among Known Worlders, “The Duchess.” House El-
change out garrisons every year, and the wild vo- drid commands some of the finest berserkers on Har-
rox breed unchecked. Ungavorox is beautiful but gard and is starting to train diplomats as well.
wild with many unique specimens, including the
terrifying grackle fox. JUANDAASTAS
• Rampart is the home of St. Paulus’s remains, after
unknown citizens stole his remains from Gwyn- A strange house with a strong psychic line, House
neth to replace their much less popular St. Kynon. Juandaastas has the dubious honor of being the only
It is also home to the Rampart Resistance, a group house that isn’t fully human. Obun and half-obun
that conducts a guerilla war against Li Halan rule, make up around a quarter of this house’s bloodline,
and the house welcomes outcasts and rebels from oth- Empire after a massive betrayal from within. They JOURNAL
er worlds. Their fiefs tend to be secluded and pasto- are a grim but determined family, and they keep the
ral, but members of this house serve in various hous- borders on Hira as part of their fealty to the Phoe- INTRODUCTION
es’ dervish corps and generally explore the Known nix Throne. Culturally, they are closer to the Known
Worlds to appease their rampant curiosity. Worlds than to the Hiran Kurgans. They have a deep
interest in cybernetics, a fetish the Church and many SOCIETY
JUSTINIAN (but not all) noble houses find distasteful.
Once a major house, House Justinian suffered major THANA WORLDS
setbacks when they lost their home planet of Paradise.
Much of this house is dead set on reclaiming their While they may look the least human of all the hous-
homeworld, but some of them have turned their eyes es, the Thana are just as human as any other noble.
to newer, more achievable goals. They may live far too long and have a tendency to-
wards psychic powers, but they are still a noble house,
KEDDAH and thus, they can request hospitality in any fief that
will have them. They have few lands of their own,
Nomadic and proud of it, House Keddah has the rare so they’re constantly moving. Some have joined the
distinction of being the only minor house to own its Church for more stability.
own planet. Members of the house range across the
great mountains and forests, feasting in silk pavilions TORENSON
or training in the hidden valleys of Grail. Their wan-
derlust rarely stays contained to their home planet, Once a house of warriors, Torenson was soundly de-
and members of this house can regularly be encoun- feated during the first Emperor War. They are now
tered offworld. brilliant arbiters, matchmakers, and lawyers for those
who feel the Reeves are too far beneath them.
House Masseri was broken and scattered during the ear-
ly Symbiot Wars, largely due to members of their house Raised to nobility for their truly astonishing way with
becoming infected by symbiots. Masseri generally avoid animals, the Trusnikron are still looked down on by
mentioning their bloodline unless absolutely necessary. those of older blood — especially the Torensons, who
They can be found among the guilds, the Church, the share at least one border with them.
military, and in service to other noble houses.
Another old house that fell from grace, the Van
A newly restored house from Hargard, the Ramakrish- Gelder are currently a steward house for the Deca-
nas are similar to their former al-Malik rivals on Shaprut dos. While they occasionally plot against their mas-
in their elegance and learning. To the Church’s dismay, ters, they more often plot for them, taking out incon-
they are pagans, followers of a religious philosophy venient political and clerical figures for the Jakovian
called Tertha. While most nobles of the house prefer Agency.
to remain on their homeworld, some are investigating
their new neighbors in the Known Worlds or visiting old XANTHIPPE
relatives on Shaprut; some are plotting to reclaim lands
there, now that they have the Emperor’s favor. The most matriarchal house of any in the Known
Worlds, Xanthippe has its fiefs mostly on moons and
SHELIT space stations. They grow hydroponic grapes, it’s
true, but they also sell their formidable military ser-
A frontier house from Hira, the Shelit are former vices to the highest bidder while striving to appear
members of the Kurga Caliphate who allied with the completely neutral.
The Priesthood: Those Who Pray
“What is it that troubles you, my son? I have been your advisor since you were a boy, and I have never
before seen you so agitated.”
Quentin Justinian smiled back weakly at the age-lined face of Father Antoni. He shifted in his seat
uncomfortably and averted his gaze from the old man.
“Do you have something you wish to confess?”
“No, it’s not that,” Quentin countered quickly, “It’s just that I’ve been reading a lot of histories lately
and, of course, I’ve also met a lot of new people since I’ve started traveling — people from other worlds….”
Father Antoni’s eyes sparkled in recognition. “And you’ve begun to question the claims of the Church?”
“No! No, that’s not it exactly,” the younger man replied sheepishly. He hesitated for another moment
before explaining, “I’ve heard the stories of the Prophet and his disciples my whole life; I’ve read the Ome-
ga Gospels too. There’s no denying there’s great wisdom in their words. Please don’t misunderstand me.”
Quentin shifted in his chair once more. “But can all the other stories about them possibly be true?
Could the Prophet really cast out demons? Did the Miracle of the Bullets happen as it’s described? And
what of the many healings attributed to Saint Amalthea? Father, you are a learned man, far more so
than I. Surely, you cannot believe in such tall tales.”
Father Antoni laughed and looked with kindness on his youthful charge. “Oh, Quentin, but I do! You
suggest that the miracles ascribed to the Prophet and the saints are impossible. What is your alternative
explanation? Do you think it more credible that the crooked hearts of men were moved by mere words?
No, nothing less than miracles can explain the conversion of the Known Worlds.”
The Omega Gospels particular cautions against reading the scriptures with-
out proper guidance, lest one come to the wrong con-
During his lifetime, the Prophet Zebulon traveled the clusions. Over the centuries, the Church has developed
stars, preaching on the many different worlds he vis- an elaborate exegesis of the Omega Gospels in order
ited. Whether by design or happenstance, he himself to guide not just the lay faithful but also its own clergy.
left behind no writings, but some of his disciples and Nevertheless, divergent interpretations continue to ex-
followers did. After his death, these reminiscences ist, both within the Church and without. Some of these
circulated among the faithful, reminding them of his interpretations are perfectly licit and form the basis of
teachings, even though the Prophet was no longer recognized sects within the Church, while others are
with them. As the Universal Church of the Celestial condemned as spiritually dangerous.
Sun took shape, it collected these writings, recogniz-
ing some as representing the true teachings of the
Prophet and rejecting the others as spurious, apocry- Teachings
phal, or even heretical. The Omega Gospels present most of the main doc-
The writings that the Church accepted came to be trines of the Prophet, though as noted above, the in-
known as the Omega Gospels. They contain what is terpretation of those teachings has been the subject of
sometimes called the “deposit of faith,” which is to say, fierce speculation down through the years. What fol-
the body of revealed truths and traditions of the Proph- lows are a few of the scriptures’ most important theo-
et. The Omega Gospels consist of several dozen distinct logical themes, along with some brief notes on dif-
sections (or “books”), each of which focuses on a different fering interpretations of them, since these differences
aspect of that faith. Some, for example, focus on ward- explain some of the ongoing disagreements within the
ing off evil or cultivating the Eight Virtues, while others Church’s sects and orders.
focus on more mystical teachings about understanding
and love (known as the Compassionate Truths). DESCENT OF GRACE
Though the Church encourages believers to read
and meditate upon the words of the Omega Gospels, it The Pancreator projects Holy Light from his dwell-
is quick to add that not all of its teachings are straight- ing place, the Empyrean, into the universe. If a soul
forward or easily grasped. Indeed, the Orthodoxy in is properly ordered, it is reflective, like a mirror, and
casts this light back at its divine source. The Church its lantern,” that is, becomes pure light. If a soul was JOURNAL
calls this process the Luminous Return, which creates properly ordered in life, it is reflective (or projective,
a relationship between the soul and the Pancreator. according to those who adhere to the Doctrine of the INTRODUCTION
This relationship is vital, as the reflection of the Pan- Inherent Flame), ultimately joining the Luminous Re-
creator’s light increases the intensity of successive turn to the Empyrean. If it is not reflective, it is lost in
grace and successive returns. the dark between the stars. Such lost souls may suffer SOCIETY
Some within the Church believe that the Pancre- as hungry ghosts or, worse yet, be consumed by de-
ator does not shine directly onto every soul. Instead, mons, which are attracted by even their dim flames. KNOWN
he enlightens only a few, such as saints, priests, and At the end of time, the Orthodoxy believes the WORLDS
even nobles. These special few must reflect the Pan- Pancreator will cause all the suns in the universe to
creator’s light for others, who do not receive this grace explode as novas, sending forth a great burst of holy
directly. This interpretation is known as the Doctrine light into the dark. This Final Radiance illuminates
of Directed Grace and is most popular in the Urth the path to the Empyrean. Some contend that Final
Orthodox sect. A different interpretation is known as Radiance even redeems lost souls, but this interpre-
the Doctrine of Universal Grace, which states that the tation is controversial within the Church. The fading
Pancreator shines for all equally, and it is up to each suns phenomenon is cause for concern precisely be-
individual soul to “polish their mirror” and thereby cause it is thought by certain sects that it might limit
reflect the light of grace back to the Pancreator. the extent of the Final Radiance, making it harder,
Other sects, such as the Eskatonic Order, put for- if not impossible, for the Pancreator’s Holy Flame to
ward yet another interpretation. They believe that ev- light every corner of the universe.
ery soul contains within it a spark of the Holy Light
and that this spark can be cultivated through faith THE JUMPWEB
and right practice to grow and meet the Pancreator’s
own light. This is known as the Doctrine of the Inher- The Church teaches that the Prophet’s soul was a per-
ent Flame; it is (needless to say) controversial in some fect mirror. Therefore, his death during a jump “sanc-
parts of the Church, though it has never been explic- tified” the jumproutes, cleansing them of darkness. His
itly condemned. A related belief, the Doctrine of the death paved the way for star travel that was free from
Light Incarnate, states that each soul has its own light spiritual danger. Consequently, the Church considers
and that only through cultivating it can it receive any jumproutes discovered after the Prophet’s death “dark”
of the Pancreator’s grace. This interpretation forms unless they were traversed by a saint, such as Paulus,
the basis of the schismatic Incarnate sect (see below) whose journeys across the stars form the basis for an
and is condemned by the Orthodoxy. entire book of the Omega Gospels. This perception
is why some hierarchs fear the discovery of new jum-
TRUTH proutes to Lost Worlds: they are unsanctified, and who
in the present age is really capable of bringing light
Within the Church, there is debate as to whether to them? A belief has arisen in some quarters of the
the Prophet’s teachings represent the full and final Church that the first emperor, Vladimir, brought light
disclosure of truth for all time. The Orthodoxy and to the barbarian worlds, just as Alexius has done since
Temple Avesti sects believe this to be the case; it his ascension to the Phoenix Throne. Naturally, the
is the Church’s mission to spread that truth to all Orthodoxy strongly discourages such notions, feeling
souls throughout the universe, initiating the Final them to be a heretical application of the Doctrine of
Radiance, when the Pancreator’s light will suffuse Directed Grace and thus suspect.
everything. Other sects, particularly the Eskatonic
Church Law
Order, believe that the Pancreator continues to re-
veal new truths to saints and other chosen vehicles.
Creation is not yet completed, and thus, there are
new revelations of truth to be discovered in the un- In addition to the teachings of the Omega Gospels,
folding of history. the Universal Church of the Celestial Sun is gov-
erned by a rigidly structured system of laws known
DEATH AND ESKATON as the Nomocanon. The Nomocanon provides rules
on nearly every detail of Church life, including every-
The fates of the soul after death and of creation itself thing from the proper wearing of liturgical vestments
at the end of time are also matters of spirited debate to the listing of sins and holidays. Just as importantly,
within the Church. Following the words of the Proph- the Nomocanon outlines proper ecclesiastical gov-
et, the Church teaches that, after death, a soul “sheds ernance. For that reason, knowledge of the Nomo-
canon is primarily of interest to clergy, although the become too vocal or politically influential, in which
Orthodoxy believes that all inhabitants of the Known case the Inquisition may be dispatched to deal with it.
Worlds are subject to its laws and regulations.
all of which were mentioned by the Prophet during his against the others, pursuing the goal of ensuring its JOURNAL
ministry and are discussed in the Omega Gospels. Mi- own ascendancy. Thus, the highest positions within
nor sins are those not mentioned by the Prophet (glut- the Church are almost universally held by Urth Or- INTRODUCTION
tony, for example) but which the Church nonetheless thodox clergy, who adhere most closely to the dic-
recognizes as spiritual offenses that tarnish the soul. tates of the Nomocanon.
A portion of the Nomocanon known as the Analects SOCIETY
of Maya exhaustively details the appropriate punish-
ments for both major and minor petty sins. Patriarch KNOWN
The Patriarch (or Matriarch, as there have been
Church Polity
many notable female heads of the Church) is perhaps
the single-most influential person in all the Known
Worlds with the possible exception of Emperor Alex-
Since its formal establishment in the wake of the ius himself. The Patriarch governs the Church from
Prophet’s death, the Church has come to possess a Holy Terra as successor of the Prophet and supreme
strict and seemingly immutable power structure (or teacher of the faithful. His personality, character, and
polity, in the terminology of the Nomocanon). This decisions affect the lives of billions across dozens of
polity is hierarchical in nature. The Patriarch (or planets. In principle, the Patriarch may come from
sometimes Matriarch) is at its summit, the metro- any sect or order of the Church, but in practice, most
politans are beneath him, and the archbishops are Patriarchs have been members of the Orthodoxy.
beneath them, and so on, all the way down to the The current Patriarch, Marcus Aurelius Palamon, is
lowliest parish priest. Deviation from this polity is no exception. Patriarch Palamon is new to the posi-
punishable by reprimand, censure, demotion, expul- tion, having been recently (and narrowly) elected after
sion, and investigation by one of the security agencies serving as the archbishop of Byzantium Secundus for
of the Church (see below). many years.
In principle, the Nomocanon ensures uniformi- The Patriarch is aided in his work by two advisory
ty in ecclesiastical governance and practices across councils. The older of these councils is the Holy Syn-
the Known Worlds. However, given the vagaries of od, which is primarily a deliberative body. Its members
history, interstellar distances, and local cultures, dif- engage in debate with the intention of offering possible
ferences in governance do exist within the Church. resolutions to thorny theological problems. Historically,
Some of the differences are, if not formally acknowl- the Synod was once much more powerful; it acted as
edged, tolerated in the interests of comity. That a curb to the autocratic tendencies of some Patriarchs.
said, the Orthodoxy often uses these differences However, since the creation of a second advisory coun-
as a means by which to play one faction or sect off cil, the College of Ethicals, the Holy Synod’s power
and influence has waned. In
principle, the College aids the
Patriarch in formulating those
ecclesiastical policies he feels are
necessary to govern the Church.
Unfortunately, the College is
usually filled with cronies and
sycophants, thereby making it
little more than an echo cham-
ber and cheering section for the
current Patriarch.
Beside the Holy Synod and the
College of Ethicals, the Patri-
arch is served by the Synec-
ulla, a senior cleric who is his
deputy and chief agent. The
Syneculla is primarily a polit-
ical position, ensuring that the
Patriarch’s wishes are enacted
and coordinating the admin-
istration of the Church. Like-
wise, the Syneculla oversees
the security of the Church (see
below). By law, accepting the
position of Syneculla forever
bars one from being elected to
the patriarchate; also by law,
only an Urth Orthodox cleric
born on Holy Terra can hold
this office. The current Syn-
eculla is Archbishop Ellaise
Lanquetot, recently appointed
after a long career as an eccle-
siastical agent in the Emper-
or’s court — a position that gave her a unique per- continent or major city in size). As with the Patriarch,
spective on the merits and flaws of Alexius. most metropolitans, archbishops, and bishops belong
to the Orthodoxy, but there are always exceptions,
with the Church. Beneath the priests are deacons (as- inquisitors with an open-ended writ operating within JOURNAL
sistants to priests), canons (ecclesiastical administra- the Known Worlds. That said, inquisitors granted a
tors), and novitiates (priests in training), each of whom seal by the Synod are nigh-immune to punishment INTRODUCTION
has a unique place within the hierarchy. for any actions they undertake in pursuit of their mis-
sions, a legal position that can make an inquisitor a
The Synecullum is the security apparatus of the Pa- KNOWN
triarch’s deputy (see above), reporting directly to the WORLDS
Syneculla or one of his own subordinates. This agen- From the beginning of his ministry, the Prophet
cy exists to defend the temporal rights and privileges warned believers against the demons who lurked in
of the Church, particularly against those who would the dark between the stars, threatening to consume
usurp them. Depending on one’s perspective, this the souls of the unwary. In the centuries since, the
means that Synecullar agents are either pious defend- existence of these demons has only become more
ers of the True Faith or ecclesiastical secret police- apparent. To combat them, the Church established
men. Regardless of one’s perspective, the Synecullum a secretive group known as the Kalinthi. Composed
devotes itself primarily to dealing with and investi- of scholars of the occult and powerful theurgists, the
gating the Orthodoxy’s political competitors, such as Kalinthi are tasked with investigating accounts of de-
noble houses, the guilds, and even other sects within monic possession, Antinomist cults, rogue psychics,
the Church itself. Matters of a more spiritual nature and Ur-ruins — as well as any other supernatural
are usually relegated to the Inquisition, while super- threat that arises. Like the Inquisition, the Kalinthi
natural and occult threats are handled by a secretive possess wide-ranging powers in pursuit of their goals,
group known as the Kalinthi (see below). but they operate much less openly. Indeed, most of
the faithful are probably completely unaware of the
Brothers take strict vows of obedience to the or- soning behind this practice is that it takes at least a
der and to their superiors. These vows allow them to decade of intense physical conditioning and spiritual
maintain a level of discipline that is second to none. training to produce a Brother Battle worthy of the
Indeed, they consider Oathbreaking to be the great- name. Furthermore, children raised within the order
est of all sins. Any Brother who breaks their vow is are much more receptive to its teachings than adults
given a harsh penitential quest to expiate it; many who have known life outside the walls of the grand
Brothers do not survive such trials. Their devotion to monastery on De Moley.
duty and obedience, however, yields many benefits, Because of its military might, Brother Battle exercis-
not least of which is the easy camaraderie that exists es a great deal of influence in the Known Worlds, espe-
between Brothers, who will gladly lay down their lives cially in the years since the rise of the symbiot threat.
for one another. Likewise, Brothers obey no one other Along with the Eskatonic Order, Brother Battle has
than their own superiors within the order, which has proved vital in holding the line against this insidious
made it difficult for secular authorities — and even alien menace. As a result, their reputation has grown,
some within the Church itself — to manipulate them not just as dauntless defenders of the Church but of all
to their own ends. humanity. Brothers Battle also supplement the armies
Entering Brother Battle is difficult, as the order fighting against the Vuldrok and Kurgan barbarians,
rarely accepts adult apprentices. Instead, the order where they have repeatedly distinguished themselves.
usually only takes in children under the age of 10 In addition, the order has long served as guardians
years old, including many orphans, who make up a of pilgrimage routes, making the Brothers popular
significant number of the order’s members. The rea- with the ordinary faithful. Some within the Ortho-
doxy fear the order’s growing power and wealth,
seeing it as a potential rival within the Church. It is
perhaps for this reason that rumors of sinful behavior
and heresy are sometimes leveled against the Broth-
ers Battle. A common charge made against the order
is that it condones and promotes usury in its financial
dealings, though hard evidence to support this accu-
sation remains elusive.
Despite its name, the order’s membership is open
to women, although men are by far the majority. By
tradition, most Brother Battle monasteries prefer to
take only male children; they usually accept females
when they need to supplement their ranks due to bat-
tle losses. The late Theafana al-Malik was a beloved
member of the order who rose to great prominence,
becoming an intimate of Emperor Alexius himself.
Her example alone caused many orphaned female
babies to be left at the doorsteps of the order’s mon-
• Master Aaron of Urth entered Brother Battle
unwillingly, having been presented to the order
by his Hazat family while still a boy. After his
initial difficulties, Aaron thrived by using his
natural charisma and his ability to persuade
others. In time, his superiors recognized these
talents as assets; he has since risen to become
Brother Battle’s representative to Holy Terra,
where he advances the order’s interests… and
manages its burgeoning banking empire, pro-
tecting the assets of pilgrims in return for a
tithe of interest.
• An orphan raised by the order, Grand Master Clau- the glory of the Pancreator. Consequently, you rarely JOURNAL
dius of De Moley rose to prominence during the offer your services to an individual or group that does
Symbiot Wars for his skills in combat and theur- not further such a cause, which sometimes gives your INTRODUCTION
gy. Initially obsessed after the Emperor Wars with order a reputation for being cold and unfeeling to the
maintaining the neutrality of the order, he has plight of the ordinary faithful.
since become a staunch believer in Emperor Alex- SOCIETY
ius. He has had to fend off a faction within the FAVORED CALLING
order that railed against the so-called Pax Alexius, KNOWN
claiming that a period of too much peace will leave Brother Battle WORLDS
the Known Worlds weak and too reliant on the
Brothers when war does finally break out again. STEREOTYPES
The new opening into barbarian space has quelled
these voices, but with the recent lull on the symbi- A Brother Battle priest might be a crusader, elite
ot front, Claudius fears his Emperor’s attention to commando, martial monk, penitent warrior, sainted
the true threat grows lax. soldier, or smiter of heathens.
• Master Halatine Kwon Chua was an apprentice at
the time House Decados removed its legions from
Stigmata to attack the al-Malik. In the epic series Eskatonic Order
of symbiot assaults that followed, Halatine learned Mystical and occult in their orientation, the Eskaton-
full well the dangers posed by the shapeshifters. ic Order priests were initially distrusted and consid-
In the years since, she devoted herself — and her ered heretical by the Orthodoxy. It was only because
body — to the extermination of this alien threat of their potent command of theurgy against the rising
through the use cybernetics. So enhanced, Hala- threat of the symbiots that the Church accepted the
tine became a nearly unstoppable killing machine Eskatonics into the fold — and even now, there are
and a storied heroine of the Stigmata Garrison, those who question the wisdom of doing so. Conse-
which she currently commands following the loss quently, despite their obvious knowledge and power,
of Lady Theafana al-Malik behind enemy lines. the Eskatonics remain outsiders in the minds of many
of the faithful.
PRIMARY SEES As its name suggests, the Eskatonic Order is deep-
ly concerned with the Eskaton: the end of the uni-
De Moley, Stigmata verse. Eskatonic priests have a reputation for being
pessimistic doomsayers, assured that the end of all
ROLEPLAYING NOTES things is nigh and that nothing can be done to pre-
vent it. However, this reputation is somewhat unfair,
Discipline is the watchword of Brother Bat- as Eskatonics also believe that it is possible,
tle; it sums up nearly everything about through intense study and discipline,
you. Once given a task, you will to discover the hidden sparks of
ignore almost any impediment the Holy Flame and escape
until you have achieved your the Final Darkness. The
goal. When you swear to Doctrine of the Inherent
undertake an endeavor, Flame (see Descent of Grace
you must be relentless above) is an important
and unwavering in its element of the Eskaton-
execution, willing to ic interpretation of the
give up your life rather Omega Gospels and a
than fail to fulfill your key to understanding
oath. Indeed, there are their unique view of the
many saints numbered universe. They take seri-
among the Brothers ously the idea that each
whose hagiographies em- sentient being has the duty
phasize their heroic sacrific- to fan the fires of the Holy
es in the name of the Proph- Flame within their soul.
et’s faith. At the same time, you To that end, Eskatonics are
are no fool and will not take up any dedicated, both as an order and as
task except those you deem holy and for individuals, to the discovery of the Sacred
Wisdom hidden by the Pancreator throughout cre- LEADING MEMBERS
ation. This Sacred Wisdom enables one to become
aware of the Holy Flame that burns within one’s soul • Philosophus Antonia de Cadiz is well-regarded for
so that it might be stoked into the great fire needed her talent as a theurgist. Some whisper that her
for the Luminous Return. Such knowledge might be command of theurgy has led her down dark paths
found almost anywhere, which is why many Eskaton- in the search for ever-greater knowledge, paths
ics adopt peripatetic lifestyles and travel throughout that could endanger her very soul and those with
the Known Worlds and beyond. In this, they believe whom she interacts. The local master of the order
that they are following in the footsteps of the Prophet’s has sent a request to the Inquisition for an investi-
own disciples, particularly Saint Horace the Learned gation, whereupon Antonia disappeared and has
Man. Of course, the Eskatonic love for hidden knowl- yet to be seen. Brothers are told to be on the look-
edge also attracts the suspicion of other sects, such as out for a fit woman with distinctive silver hair and
the Temple Avesti, who do not place such a premium esoteric tattoos around her eyes.
on erudition. • Magus Moore is the head of the Eskatonic Order,
Theurgy is particularly important to the Eskatonic having succeeded to the position after the disap-
Order. Eskatonics believe that the study and mastery pearance of his predecessor during the Emperor
of theurgy is not only a useful tool in overcoming ex- Wars. Since then, he has devoted much of his en-
ternal obstacles but also a means of mastering oneself ergies to making the teachings of his Order more
and thereby increasing the intensity of one’s inner intelligible and less frightening to the Orthodoxy,
flame. Priests of the Order are often renowned for which has long suspected the Eskatonics of here-
their command of the mysteries of theurgy. Indeed, sy. He has produced a number of popular miracle
peasants (and even some nobles) view Eskatonics as plays that dramatize many of the Order’s beliefs
wizards and sorcerers rather than clergy and give — much to the chagrin of the newly elected Ortho-
them a wide berth. dox Patriarch Palamon.
In searching the hidden places for Sacred Wis- • Hailing from Manitou, Illuminatus Osanto operates
dom, some Eskatonics have also become knowledge- far from the libraries and dusty tomes associated
able about “bodiless powers” that exist in the uni- with his Order. He uses his network of contacts on
verse: demons and angels alike. Such knowledge has many worlds to keep tabs on psychic covens, re-
only contributed to their fearful reputation among porting his findings to his superiors and then on
the peasantry. Likewise, it only adds to the suspicion to the hierarchy of the Church. He is rumored to
in which they’re held by Avestites and inquisitors, have many faces, disguises he adopts when infil-
who fear that delving into such matters is dangerous trating covens, and even his direct superiors dis-
to one’s soul. agree on what he truly looks and sounds like. Each
For their part, the Eskatonics are largely unde- seems to have met a different Osanto.
terred by such views; they remain convinced in their
duty to unearth Sacred Wisdom wherever it may be PRIMARY SEES
found and whatever the potential risks in finding it.
That does not mean that Eskatonics are blind to the Pentateuch, Stigmata
dangers, however. Priests of the Order are instructed
to remain humble and to practice mortifications of ROLEPLAYING NOTES
body and soul in order to stave off hubris. Pride is
considered a capital sin by the Eskatonics, one that Eskatonics are very curious — sometimes dangerously
has famously led many of the Order to their doom. so. You are impatient to learn the secrets of the uni-
In addition, the Order has its own internal policing verse, and you often consider taking up questing to dis-
apparatus, known as the Sanhedrin, whose purpose cover the hidden knowledge you so desperately seek.
is to keep an eye on the occult dangers to which the At the same time, you tend to jealously guard what you
Eskatonics are prone and prevent them from getting have learned, even from others of your order. Even so,
out of hand. you recognize the need for help and follow your order’s
In the present age, the Eskatonic Order is grow- advice to seek out a retinue of some kind, whether it
ing in importance. The fading suns phenomenon be a noble entourage, a merchant caravan, or some
has long fascinated Eskatonic sages, who view it as other group powerful enough to withstand the dangers
yet another obstacle standing in the way of the final found among the fading suns. Many of your fellows are
victory of the Holy Flame. Their insights into it are, pessimistic and lonely with a desperate air about them,
therefore, much sought after by the various factions of as they attempt to learn all they can before the inevi-
the Known Worlds. table Eskaton. Are you like them? How do you differ?
FAVORED CALLING during the chaos of the wars that engulfed the Known JOURNAL
Worlds. In time, though, the Temple was incorporat-
Occultist ed into the Church as a recognized sect under its au- INTRODUCTION
thority, albeit one with its own internal structure and
STEREOTYPES unique perspective on the teachings of the Prophet.
This “rebellious” streak does not endear them to the SOCIETY
An Eskatonic might be a demon-hunting Templar, more hidebound members of the Orthodoxy, who
cautious Investigator for the Inquisition, thoughtful would dearly love to see the Amaltheans brought to KNOWN
Scholar, Sanhedrin Spy, or wizardly Theurgist. heel for their independence of thought and action. WORLDS
Saint Amalthea established her Temple of Eternal
keen aptitude for diplomacy and was elevated to CHARACTER STEREOTYPES
the position of Imperial Ambassador to the Vau —
a huge boon for the Amaltheans. The story of her A Sanctuary Aeon priest might be a patient Dream-
healing of a vau worker who had been crushed by tender, iconoclastic Mendicant, village Friar, or
a falling piece of machinery has filtered through- war-medic Templar.
out the Known Worlds, becoming miraculous in
its telling.
• Archbishop Sakhya of Artemis is the leader of Sanc- Temple Avesti
tuary Aeon, for which she is known by the title of Known as the most rigid and hardline members of
Ketcharch. In combination, this makes Sakhya an the Universal Church, the priests of Temple Avesti
extremely potent force within the Church. She are frequently too strident, even for the tastes of the
personally attended the birth of the Emperor’s Orthodoxy. Nevertheless, Avestites play a vital role
daughter, Aurora, and is said to have been deeply within the Church as watchdogs against laxity and in-
changed by the event. She has since turned over differentism. While their interpretation of the Proph-
many of her daily administrative duties to second- et’s teachings is strict — some would say fanatical —
aries, retreating often to meditate and pray. Her there can be little doubt that it has strengthened the
valet reports overhearing her repeat a vital man- backbone of many in the face of the growing darkness
tra: “Novam stellam in caelum.” that threatens to consume the Known Worlds.
• Canon Teras Myrin of the Road is a wandering Amal- Temple Avesti began as a puritanical movement
thean healer. Like many of his order, he travels to within the Orthodoxy, made up of zealous believers
many planets, bringing Amalthean techniques and who felt that the Church was insufficiently stern in pun-
compassion with him. He is something of a folk ishing the excesses of its own members. Of course, it is
hero in the Known Worlds, being the subject of worth noting that Avestites take literally the Church’s
many magic lantern dramas, all produced against title of universality; to them, every sentient being is a
his humble protestations. Many people know his member of the Church, regardless of whether they
famous phrase, delivered when administering explicitly profess themselves to be so. The earliest Av-
medicine: “The Pancreator’s grace tastes bitter on estites established their original temple on the desert
the tongue but warms the belly.” world of Pyre. From there, they launched a crusade
against the sinners of the Known Worlds.
PRIMARY SEES This crusade was deemed little more than religious
terrorism by the nobility and merchants, who were
Artemis their primary targets. Initially, the Orthodoxy took
little notice of the Avestites, preferring to ignore them
ROLEPLAYING NOTES and hoping that they would wise up and cease their
operations before they went too far. However, when
You were taught to suppress and fight against nega- the nobility decided to launch an assault on Pyre to
tive emotions, such as anger, hatred, and fear, which destroy Temple Avesti, the Patriarch intervened, dis-
are pathways to spiritual blindness and sickness. Of patching an envoy to issue an ultimatum: submit to
course, no one, no matter how well-trained, can avoid the authority of the Patriarch or be destroyed by the
these emotions entirely. You use this understanding nobility. The Master of the Temple agreed to the Pa-
to focus your compassion and mercy toward others. triarch’s terms and the Avestites entered the Church
After all, if even you are prone to such failings, how as an order within it.
can you condemn them in others? At the same time, In the centuries since, the Avestites have placed
you remain vigilant against the consequences of such themselves under the command of the Orthodoxy,
emotions and work to overcome them whenever pos- offering themselves as penitents willingly to under-
sible. For this reason, priests of Sanctuary Aeon con- take holy tasks too difficult — or too unsavory — for
sider the healing of the soul every bit as important as others. When called upon, Avestites act with fervor
the healing of the body. You are as likely to take up and determination. They have a very good track re-
the vocation of diplomat or dreamtender as you are to cord for success, provided one can look the other way
become a physician. when it comes to their methods. The Orthodoxy is
therefore reluctant to make use of the Avestites except
FAVORED CALLING when absolutely necessary. Temple Avesti recognizes
this and has been slowly asserting itself independently
Healer of the Orthodoxy. One such example of this is the
predominance of the Avestites within the Inquisitori-
al Synod, something they have acquired • Archbishop Dolmen of Pyre was born JOURNAL
only after many years of long work an illiterate peasant who lived a
toward that goal. dissolute life of violence and INTRODUCTION
Temple Avesti is very selec- debauchery. He claims to
tive in its membership. Only have had a vision of the
those who can prove that Holy Flame that caused SOCIETY
they are sinless — or ex- him to renounce
tremely penitent — are his sinful ways. He KNOWN
admitted. Among the worked his way to WORLDS
sins that can bar one Pyre and took up a
from entry is educa- life of extreme pen-
tion. The Avestites be- ance, eventually
lieve that education is a being recognized as
burden on the soul, one an ideal Avestite. In
that can prevent it from time, he became the
properly reflecting the Pan- Archbishop of Pyre and
creator’s light. Consequently, master of Temple Avesti.
the order’s ranks are filled with Visiting Church authori-
peasants and other marginalized ties are often unnerved by his
persons who often seek vengeance wardrobe: a loose, frayed frock that
through religion against those who kept reveals much of his skin, pocked with in-
them down. A significant portion of the order never tentional burns and scars from thorny whips.
leave Pyre, where they remain engaged in hard labor • Bishop Gondo Ortiz de Aragon always had a knack
and more extreme penitential practices designed to for sniffing out secrets, a talent he put to good use
purge all sin from their souls. Others travel the Known when he joined the Avestites. Temple Avesti saw
Worlds as simple pilgrims, meting out punishments to to it that he was given a seat on the Inquisitorial
any sinners they encounter. Synod, whose head he would eventually become.
As one might expect, Avestites have a reputation In that position, he has been extremely effective,
for narrow-mindedness, especially when it comes to showing himself to be no respecter of rank or title
aliens, whom they instinctively suspect of heresy and when it comes to punishing heresy and sin. He has
sin. However, Avestites can also demonstrate kind- a personal retinue that includes a psychic Penitent
ness, even nobility — to those they deem deserving Hound of House Thana.
of it. They make their decisions in this regard on the
basis of adherence to the teachings of the Prophet. PRIMARY SEES
Those who abide by those teachings to the letter and
avoid sin have nothing to fear from them, while those Pyre
who do not will have unimaginable cruelty visited
upon them. The symbol of the Avestites includes ROLEPLAYING NOTES
a flame with good reason. They take literally the
Prophet’s words regarding the cleansing power of the Sin is your primary concern, and you find it nearly
Holy Flame: Avestite pilgrims often carry flame guns impossible not to become involved when you deem
with which to burn the sin from the bodies of sinners. that sinful activity is occurring. Others say you’re a
It is for good reason that the Avestites are the most busybody without regard for anyone’s privacy, but
feared order within the Universal Church. you know that privacy is often used as a cover for sin.
For this reason, you’re not much liked by others, who
LEADING MEMBERS hate and fear you for your zeal in enforcing a proper,
rigid interpretation of the Prophet’s teachings. Ironi-
• Buchanan of Shaprut — called the “Loose Canon” cally, the very social class from which so many of your
of Shaprut — is the overlord of a cathedral on that sect comes — the peasantry — dislike you the most,
al-Malik world. He gained his sobriquet after he perhaps because they are so frequently the target of
ordered the massacre of refugees from Stigmata, your fanaticism.
among whose number he claimed were many sym-
biot agents. He is rumored to have commissioned FAVORED CALLING
the building of a network of tunnels and bunkers
under the cathedral, fearing a siege. Inquisitor
CHARACTER STEREOTYPES the Prophet’s words are needed more than ever, and
it is the duty of the Orthodoxy to preserve them until
An Avestite might be a border guard Templar, fanat- the Final Radiance.
ic Friar preacher, heretic hunting Spy, or Mendicant Given its preeminent position, both among the
missionary. sects and orders of the Church and among the var-
ious factions of the Known Worlds, the Orthodoxy
Urth Orthodox has a unique role in looking after the needs of its
common people. The peasantry look to the Ortho-
Urth Orthodox (or simply “the Orthodoxy”) is the doxy for spiritual succor and comfort, which it glad-
largest and most politically powerful sect within the ly provides, just as the Prophet commanded. For all
Universal Church of the Celestial Sun. It forms the their concern about politics and authority, the Urth
backbone of the Church’s hierarchy, and as such, it is Orthodox take seriously their duty to aid the faithful.
the sect most concerned with maintaining stability and This includes — within limits — providing them with
combating heresy. Most of the Church’s high-ranking education and instructing them in the best way to re-
clergy, including the Patriarch, are Urth Orthodox. flect the Pancreator’s light. For their part, the peas-
For that reason, many, especially within the Ortho- antry generally look with favor on the Orthodoxy,
doxy itself, do not view it as a sect like the others de- which they regard as their champions and defenders
scribed elsewhere so much as the “default” position in a universe that is slowly growing ever more dark.
within the Universal Church of the Celestial Sun — Membership in the Orthodoxy is not in any way
the interpretation of the Prophet’s faith by which all restricted. Anyone, including aliens, who believes in
others are to be judged. Such theological chauvinism the Prophet’s teachings and wishes to serve may do
does not sit well with the adherents of other sects. so. The process of becoming an Orthodox priest var-
The Orthodox believe strongly in following the ies from place to place but usually takes several years
teachings of the Prophet as elucidated in the official of being taught rituals and doctrine. Those who show
doctrines and dogmas of the Church. This includes particular aptitudes may be given advanced educa-
not just the Omega Gospels and the Nomocanon tion at one of several institutions of higher learning
but also the many edicts, bulls, and decrees issued by on Holy Terra or elsewhere, after which they are giv-
the Patriarchs down through the centuries. They see en positions best suited to their talents.
these later teachings as every bit as important as those
preached by the Prophet himself, since they represent LEADING MEMBERS
the Church’s developing understanding of the Proph-
et’s mission. Urth Orthodox priests thus have an ex- • Patriarch Marcus Aurelius Palamon of Holy Terra, for-
pansive definition of the faith. merly the Archbishop of Byzantium Secundus, was
While to outsiders this might seem like nothing recently — and narrowly — elected to the highest
more than unthinking conservatism, the Orthodoxy post of the Church, succeeding the aged Hezekiah
would argue that it is in fact common sense. the Elder. Though a traditionalist, he is
The Prophet is no longer alive, but also a pragmatist who realizes that
the Pancreator continues to de- the Church must be flexible in
sire that sentient beings reflect dealing with changing times.
his light. What better way He was initially against
to do that than to stick to the marriage of Alexius
the tried and true meth- to Freya, but the birth
ods established by the of Aurora has warmed
Church, based on its his opinion of the
centuries-long under- barbarian Empress.
standing of his teach- Although his prede-
ings? The Church cessor feared the Em-
believes what it does peror’s rising power,
because it has pondered Palamon accepts it as
the Prophet’s words since necessary for a lasting
the beginning, turning peace, even if it weakens
them over and seeking their the Church. He knows
true meanings, which have Alexius well, having been
then been passed on to the faith- the Church’s chief represen-
ful. In this time of growing darkness, tative to his court for many years.
• Bishop Nyana vo Dret is the Great Chartopylax, or STEREOTYPES JOURNAL
Keeper of the Holy Archives, the vast stores of the
Church’s arcane lore. Her appointment was con- An Urth Orthodox priest might be a strict Confessor, INTRODUCTION
troversial, as she favors making the Archives more community leader Friar, exorcist Occultist, or Syne-
accessible to outsiders. She is an obun from Velis- cullar Spy.
amil and a follower of the Voavenlohji branch of SOCIETY
Other Sects
the faith. Her long study of the Archives has un-
earthed forgotten fragments of Saint Ven Lohji’s KNOWN
teachings and time with the Prophet, records that WORLDS
are not welcomed in all quarters of the Orthodoxy. While the five sects/orders described above are by far
• Sigmund Drual of Holy Terra was formerly the Patri- the most important and influential ones within the
arch’s Syneculla or deputy, having served Hezekiah Church, they are not the only ones. Within reason,
the Elder faithfully for years. With the election of the Universal Church allows for a wide diversity of
Marcus Aurelius Palamon, Drual lost his position to ways to live out the teachings of the Prophet. What
Archbishop Ellaise Lanquetot, and he is currently follows are brief descriptions of a few of the most sig-
without a formal ecclesiastical position. He is not nificant of these minor sects.
pleased with this situation. Several factions, both
within and without the Church, are courting him CHORALI
to join their cause. He still sits in the center of a spi-
der web of conspiracies that he once hatched and Musically talented members of other Church sects
continues to tend to their fruition, even without the dedicate themselves to the Chorali to venerate the
official sanction of the Church or its new Syneculla. Pancreator through song. Indeed, exceptional Chora-
li are said to be able to work miracles with their voices
PRIMARY WORLDS alone. A Chorali character might be a pursuer of lost
hymns, an inspired composer, or a member of a noble
Holy Terra (Urth) or merchant’s entourage.
though they are now supported by the Merchant CHILDREN OF ZURAN
League and Sanctuary Aeon, the Orthodoxy looks
with suspicion on this sect. A Preceptor character Considered a pre-reflective religion by the Univer-
might be a dedicated teacher, a religious doubter, or a sal Church, the Children of Zuran have defiantly
seeker of ancient knowledge. endured despite numerous attempts to suppress
them. Zuranists believe in a single god and a vast
At the height of the Second Republic, star-spanning members often sat on their boards). Others fought to
conglomerates dominated innumerable areas of life. stay alive as their power disappeared with the closing
They often controlled how people spent their money, jumpgates. All that remains now are the merchant
what they spent it on, where they lived and worked, guilds, grudgingly united in the Merchant League.
and what they did in their spare time. While the Sec- Five guilds have risen to prominence, but none of
ond Republic government ostensibly oversaw and reg- them has enough authority alone to control the en-
ulated their activities, on many worlds these corpora- tire League. In fact, despite their prestige, even if they
tions controlled the governors as well as the governed. worked together (an unlikely event) they would have
With the Fall, these companies disappeared, either a hard time forcing the rest of the League to do any-
destroyed or absorbed into the noble houses (whose thing if all the lesser guilds united against them.
The five leading guilds are the Charioteers, the ing to gain and everything to lose, they will abandon JOURNAL
Engineers, the Muster, the Reeves, and the Scravers. her without a second thought and only slight regret.
They have each established their own specialties and Guild leaders, called deans, try to maintain some INTRODUCTION
defend them vigorously. However, none of them hold sort of order within the League, but trying to get this
a complete monopoly in any of their areas. For in- many strong-minded and competing individuals to
stance, Charioteers may control production of the agree on anything is a task. Each Leaguemeister, the SOCIETY
jumpkeys that allow interstellar flight, but even the official head of all the guilds, comes to power with a
Reeves have their own space fleet and ancient col- pledge to lead all the guilds in harmony, but somehow KNOWN
lection of keys. While the keys often require updates this never seems to work out. WORLDS
from the Charioteers, others hold their data for gen- The last Leaguemeister, Tyrus Spear, saw the guilds
erations. Some non-Charioteer pilots have whispered through the Emperor Wars. Because he was careful
that the data seems to last longer on keys the Chario- not to align the League too closely with any single
teers cannot access. faction, the guilds made money hand over fist as the
All guild members understand that their success Royal Houses sought every advantage against their
lasts as long as they can make it last and not a mo- foes. Only at the end, with pressure growing from
ment longer. They constantly seek ways to expand many of the guilds to help bring about peace, did
their reach; if that means undermining their brothers the League begin to offer special deals to then-Prince
and sisters, then so be it. Alexius Hawkwood. In fact, some of their weapons
The main guilds have carved out their own hege- deals near the end of the Emperor Wars proved criti-
monies, be they in territory, product, or service. On cal to Alexius’ final victory.
some planets, different guilds get along fine, each ca- The new Leaguemeister, Oliver Lords of the
tering to their own customers and engaging in friend- Scravers, has taken over at what appears to be a high
ly rivalries. On other planets, the same guilds fight it point for League unity. The first non-Reeve to hold
out tooth and nail, using every weapon in their arse- the post in decades, Lords seemed to be a consensus
nal to destroy the competition. leader. However, he only took the role after infight-
Additionally, individual guilds often battle each ing between three leading contenders threatened to
other, both militarily and financially. Alliances within spill out into the open. An ally of Emperor Alexius, his
the League seem to shift with the solar winds, as to- friendship had already pushed him into levels of pow-
day’s ally becomes tomorrow’s stepping stone. While er he never expected. This latest position, taken on
most of the guilds have staked out the area they claim to keep the League from splitting, has left him even
as their own, providing a variety of goods and services more afraid that he’s in over his head.
within that region, the boundaries are rarely fixed. It
Guild Life
is not uncommon for a Royal House to “request” that
a guild set up shop in territory previously controlled
by another guild. This creates competition within that
territory, driving down prices and stimulating the lo- While most people know better than to trust a trader,
cal economy. It can also have the unintended effect few understand just how deep the League’s involve-
of creating violent competition, wrecking the local ment throughout the Empire goes. Serfs usually only
economy and killing scores of innocent bystanders. see guildmembers visiting a planet, setting up a small
The guilds usually hire outside agents to handle shop, and selling their wares. Others see a handful of
these matters, preferring to keep their most loyal forc- crafters serving a few fiefs with items and skills not
es engaged against non-merchant opponents. Free- otherwise available.
lancers can earn a great deal raiding enemy guild The guilds actively try to maintain this view of their
warehouses, stealing their secrets, and assassinating operations, concealing their massive installations and
key people. These same freelancers are often the first armies of mercenaries. Those in the know believe the
ones sacrificed when the guilds make up or need to Merchant League has committed itself to bringing
cover their tracks. about a new republic. Others point to guild involve-
Still, no matter how fiercely they compete with one ment in sabotaging technical research and restricting
another, they all understand that they have common planetary production as signs of a more sinister goal.
enemies. Should nobles or Church leaders attempt to However, your average guild member sees no evi-
take advantage of the League’s internal squabbles, the dence of any grand conspiracies. While they’re quite
guilds will do their best to put up a united front. By glad to not be a serf, guild life is little better. Ostensi-
the same token, if a League member is being unjustly bly free to change jobs and move from place to place,
threatened by outsiders, other guild members may act most live their entire lives tied to one occupation and
to protect her. Of course, if they feel they have noth- one home. Even if they have skills in demand else-
where, guild leaders rarely poach other members’ carved out its own place in this lucrative field. While
employees. In many cases this is a tacit agreement, the Muster provides the best mercenaries, numerous
and in others, doing so is practically an act of war. minor houses also fill this role.
For these very low-level guild members, life is one In addition, numerous areas are protected from
of non-stop toil. While peasants make most of the monopolies. For instance, while some food types are
food, clothes, and basic items of life in the Known only cultivated by one house or local guild, food pro-
Worlds, the guild members make it functional. They duction in general is handled by all houses, guilds,
claim jurisdiction over anything that hints of tech- and sects. Energy production is another open area.
nological acumen. This even includes the tools serfs While some groups focus on fusion, solar, wind, or
need to make life less onerous. Any smith can make fossil fuels, every group has its own capabilities. Sur-
a saw, but if you want it powered by anything oth- rendering energy independence to an outside agency
er than the muscles the Pancreator gave you, you almost never happens.
need to get it from a guild member (and then hide
it away).
Advancing in the guild can be even more difficult Vuldrok and the League
than changing jobs. Lacking family connections or In many ways, guild members are responsible for
wealth, a guild member must toil away at the very much of the negative view the Vuldrok have of Known
lowest levels of guild life. For them, advancement re- Worlders. Charioteers traded tech items for valuable
quires long hours of labor and loyalty, the slow accu- furs, only to have the tech stop working as soon as
mulation of wealth, or some great service to the guild. the Charioteer ship left planet. Scraver reclamation
For player characters, the latter may be their surest… teams scavenged holy sites for lost artifacts. Worst of
if most dangerous… route. all, Muster Chainers kidnapped entire hamlets, their
people never to be seen again.
which is instead run by representatives of the planet’s However, these factors have created a whole new
Vuldrok and Ramakrishna rulers. The guilds have level of tension between Imperial bureaucrats and
tried to assert control here, both by guile and by eco- guild leaders. If anything, the guild leaders fear Im-
nomic force, but they have yet to claim authority. perial worlders are becoming too comfortable with
In fact, numerous guild members ignore the ago- technology. While all the Royal Houses violated guild
ra altogether, choosing instead to trade where and monopolies during the later years of the Emperor
how they please. They can be found in the north, Wars, when peace broke out, most returned to their
seeking mineral wealth, or in the south, questing af- technophobic ways. Ingrained beliefs that technology
ter lost technology. The Ramakrishna have proven was inherently dangerous, both physically and spiri-
the most receptive to guild entreaties. All the major tually, remain dominant.
guilds have representatives in their lands, as do most However, the Imperial lands grew emboldened
of the minor ones. by success. While not sanctified by the privilege or
The Firestorm lands on Ostmark have proven the martyrs, more than a few Imperial officials act as if
least open to guild members, though this has seen a they were. They used borderline technology during
recent change. While trading still happens there, more the Emperor Wars without penalty and see no reason
than a few guild members find the rewards not worth to stop.
the risk. The Muster, on the other hand, has been The guilds fear that the Imperial worlds do not
extremely active here. In addition, Scravers wanting respect their monopolies. While the Imperial Navy
to scour the local ruins have paid ample bribes, as makes a point of getting new jumpkeys from the
have other League members seeking access before the Charioteers, no one knows how many keys the Im-
Emperor takes greater control of the region. perial Eye has. While the Reeves still provide the top
advocates in the Known Worlds, the Imperial solici-
The League on Imperial Worlds tors are beginning to prove stiff competition for them.
Imperial workers and soldiers are taking the place of
In many ways, those planets directly under Imperial Muster labor on the Phoenix worlds.
control would seem to be a high point of guild/noble However, the minor guilds are feeling especially
cooperation. After all, during the regency years, the threatened by the growth of Imperial power. Guilds
guilds often provided key stability as officials came and like the Bureaucrats, Pedagogues, and others see
went with the political tides. The ranks of freemen and their roles on existing Imperial worlds squeezed out
women grew here, since regency officials were hap- and their opportunities on future ones as limited.
py to offer that status on lands that were not perma- Complaints have so far gone ignored, but tension be-
nently theirs. Finally, when Alexius came to power, he tween Imperial forces and some of the minor guilds
appointed officials who were used to dealing with the is growing.
guilds and more comfortable with technology.
Guilds and Golems dom. When the earliest guilds appeared, their char-
ters often featured prohibitions against golems and
The guilds have a love-hate relationship with golems think machines. Even now, the use of anything like
(what we might call robots or artificial humans). The a golem is an easy way to gain enemies within one’s
Engineers are endlessly fascinated with them. Reeves own guild.
use think machines to gain an advantage over their
peers. Muster mercenaries deploy self-directed drones
to boost their kill ratios. Scravers love digging them Academy Interatta
out of the ruins of the past. Charioteers sometimes Despite the incessant battles between the guilds, when
even use them to pilot their ships. they have worked together, they have accomplished
Despite the acceptance golems find in some cor- some incredible feats. One of these is the mighty
ners of the League, the bulk of guild members are League Starfleet. Another, and perhaps more import-
as opposed to golems as the most fanatical inquisitor. ant, achievement is the Academy Interatta, the only
For them, artificial workers summon up an existential major educational facility not under the Church’s
dread, a fear that a golem can render all that they do control. Located on Leagueheim, the Academy is the
obsolete in the blink of an eye. one place where guildmembers can meet peacefully,
Some Academy Interatta scholars have theorized getting to know each other before learning how to
that this terror dates back to the Second Republic, stab one another in the back.
when corporations deployed artificial constructs in While this is the view most people have of the Acad-
droves, often eliminating all the tasks humans would emy Interatta, others tell a darker story. No research
otherwise do. Instead of creating an era of leisure and is forbidden at the Academy, they say, and its teach-
prosperity, the corporate lords used it to control both ers and students have delved into the darkest areas of
the wealth and necessities of life, ensuring that the knowledge. Of course, the guild dismisses such stories
bulk of humanity had no way to advance or prosper. as Church propaganda, but the legends persist. Tales
On some worlds, up to 99 percent of the inhab- of researchers whose hair turned white overnight,
itants were forced to live on what the corporations professors who went mad after viewing vile videotexts
provided. While necessities and entertainment were in its famous library, and students sacrificed to dark
easily accessible, luxuries could put one in debt, and gods abound.
the tools to create one’s own business often proved un- Other people say these reports grew out of the con-
attainable. Unable to improve their lot, many ended stant politics that go on between and within the Acad-
up selling their land to corporations. emy’s many departments. Professors and department
After the Fall, these worlds went through some of heads have accused each other of everything from
the worst anti-technology pogroms. Some of these body odor to plagiarism to murder to genocide.
worlds were also among the first to implement serf- Sometimes the accusations are true; usually they are
just additional weapons in the battle for Academy spent at least some time as students at the Academy, JOURNAL
funding and prestige. and most of these have fond memories of their time
The most recent assaults, however, have come from there. They also recognize its need as a central store- INTRODUCTION
outside of the Academy. With the rise of the Pax house for knowledge. One of the Academy’s strongest
Alexius, Academy researchers took their studies out departments, as well as the one which appears most
of their ivory towers and into the field. They offered free of guild meddling, is the Reclamation Depart- SOCIETY
their services to the Emperor and his allies, both as ment. This agency is dedicated to finding and recov-
researchers and advisors. ering lost wisdom, and it receives incredible amounts KNOWN
This advice has covered every subject from agricul- of funding for this purpose. While it usually pays for WORLDS
tural practices to community planning to engineering lost data, it has been known to send heavily armed
accomplishments to political reform and more. These mercenary teams to recover ancient records and old
latter areas have caused the most concern. Allegations spaceship logs. Since these operations tend to upset
that the Academy supports more freedoms for serfs priests and nobles wherever the mercenaries go, the
has its basis in these proposed reforms. Reclamation Department only resorts to such efforts
Academy dignitaries assert that giving serfs better when it feels the need is greatest — or when it can get
access to healthcare and education, as well as some away with it.
control over the laws that affect them, makes them
more productive. This has created an immediate
backlash from feudal overlords, Church officials, and Guild Safe Houses
more than a few members of the League itself. The Merchant League has no illusions about its pop-
Some nobles have welcomed the efforts of Academy ularity in the Known Worlds. Nobles tax almost ev-
scholars to make their lands more successful. This has erything it does, peasants look for every opportunity
often caused their neighbors to react in jealousy and to steal from its shops, and the Church condemns its
fear, trying to undercut whatever good the scholars do. very existence. So the League makes friends the only
The Academy and other educational institutions way it knows how — it buys them.
have come under attack (sometimes literally) from Almost every planet has at least one non-League
the Emperor’s enemies. Even within the Academy, person who (at guild expense) will take care of League
allegations of a permissive attitude toward serfs can members or goods. Most planets have one in every
derail a career. major city. This person usually keeps his ties to the
While the politicking within the Academy is usu- League secret but still provides essential services. He
ally related to the different departments and not the will store guild merchandise, hide people on the run,
different guilds, individual guilds certainly make their arrange clandestine meetings, and help guild mem-
presence felt. The Muster has ensured that the Acad- bers in trouble.
emy funds a military-affairs department with ties to Sometimes, one guild pays his expenses; at other
the League Starfleet. The Engineers influence much times, a number contribute to the pot. Either way,
of the technical research carried out at the Academy. that person will usually do what the League needs
Even the Courtesans Guild had amazingly little diffi- done. The trouble comes in finding this person. No
culty in adding one of its members to the faculty. registry of these agents exists. If the Charioteers have
The Town Criers are a notable exception. At the paid for someone on Cadavus to look after their inter-
guild’s height, it had a significant department at the ests, then they are unlikely to tell other guilds about it.
Academy, devoted to new forms of communication A problem the League often faces with these agents
and to compiling the great stories of the Emperor is that they often believe the League will sanction
Wars. With the decline of the guild, both activities their activities, no matter what they might be. At least
ended. Now rumors abound of research into some of one of these safe houses turned out to be home to a
the worst atrocities of the war that will never see the coven of warlocks, and the League has since tried
light of day. to be more careful about who it pays off. Of course,
The Academy itself is a sprawling entity. Classes there is no way for the League to ever be completely
and research take place all over Leagueheim and even confident.
at a few locations offworld. Students and guilds pay In addition, even though the guilds put these people
the professors directly, and the professors pool much on retainer, they often charge extra if a guild visitor
of their income to maintain and upgrade the facilities. needs something special. They may be happy to store
Much of the Academy’s best features have been do- contraband for free, but ask them to hide a hunted fu-
nated directly by one guild or another. gitive, and the price goes up. Threats to expose them
Indeed, the entire League backs the Academy In- to authorities rarely do any good, as part of their safe
teratta to an extreme degree. Many League leaders house revenue goes to bribe all the right people.
Piracy expensive as possible, pirates have little problem am-
bushing a suitable target. Additionally, pirates who
None of the powers in the Known Worlds officially operate in certain areas seem to have excellent con-
condones piracy, but it continues nonetheless. Nobles tacts in nearby space ports. These can tell them about
blame the guilds, the guilds blame the nobles, and ev- tempting targets as well as possible threats. Pirate
eryone casts a worried eye at some of the more fervent hunters rarely have these luxuries. They usually dis-
sects. No one can deny that the problem grew during cover where pirates make their bases, disguise them-
the Emperor Wars and continues at high levels. The selves, and sail the trade routes, or capture spaceport
Emperor has said he will bring it under control, but informants… and that’s before they attempt to defeat
most of his resources have been allocated for actions the pirates in battle.
in barbarian space. With the Empire’s new role in
Vuldrok lands, even more ships have been diverted
from anti-pirate patrols. Guild Stereotypes
The League would seem to have the most to lose The guilds got where they are today by attracting cer-
from pirates, but they’ve done little more than the tain types of members, but that membership has be-
Emperor has. Aside from some highly publicized at- come more varied as time has passed. The roleplay-
tacks on freelance pirates, the guilds seem to prefer ing hints in each section provide a brief guide for both
paying ransoms to mounting pirate-hunting expe- players and gamemasters who want to add these guild
ditions. This does nothing to quell tales of guild-fi- members to a game, but they should not feel forced
nanced pirates or ambushes carried out by one guild to follow these guidelines. Create characters who do
on an enemy within the League. what you want them to do, regardless of anyone else’s
Of course, everybody tries to pass the blame off on preconceived notions.
barbarians and aliens. In fact, both barbarians and
Major Guilds
aliens have been captured while raiding merchant
vessels. Some of the most extreme alien-indepen-
dence organizations have even attempted to license
privateers or raid shipping on their own. These efforts
have raised an immediate hue and cry from the no-
bles and guilds, who combined forces to drive these Charioteers
pirates from the stars. The Charioteers hold the most prominent position
Contrary to popular belief, the pirates’ general among the guilds because they control the paths to
strategy is not to attack a merchant ship with blast- the stars. Most people who want passage on a ship
er cannons blazing. This creates far too much risk must go through the Charioteers (or Travelers Guild,
of losing valuable cargo. Pirates infinitely prefer fast as they’re also called). They own most of the jum-
ships to heavily armed ones. They close with their proutes and maps, and woe be to those who muscle
targets as quickly as possible, broadcasting threats in on their territory. The Charioteers are what most
of what they will do to anyone who resists them. common folk think of when they talk about the guilds.
Most ships have only minimal crews anyway, most Most common merchants are members of this guild
of whom have little to lose if pirates take the ship. or its subsidiaries. They are the most well-known trad-
Pirates rarely kill ship crews, only punishing them if ers, and their traveling “medicine shows” and bazaars
they resist. Most crew members prefer to surrender are a popular seasonal feature on many worlds. The
at once or after putting up only a token resistance. Charioteers began as a “Star Pilots Guild.” Many
The pirates board at will, take the cargo (and the Second Republic citizens owned and flew their own
ship, if they have enough men), and set the crew ships and began their own trading businesses between
adrift in lifecraft. the worlds (one of the more popular start-ups at the
There are exceptions to this rule. Belial Black has time). Many of them sought entry into the guild. This
earned an especially notorious reputation for cruelty. transformed the Charioteers into a more active mer-
Tales of the torture he doles out to any who oppose chants guild.
him, and some who don’t, have only grown since the Most customers are also unaware of the giant
Emperor Wars. These stories have become much more “hongs” that not only run the guild, but also control
gruesome, including wild tales of an evil alien parasite the seats on its governing board. These star-spanning
infecting his brain and feeding on his prisoners. conglomerates include many of the guild’s members
Searching out space pirates is especially difficult. and hold the majority of the guild’s wealth. They
Since merchants tend to fly certain predetermined swing from close cooperation to violent competition,
routes designed to make space travel as fast and in- sometimes in the same day and on the same world.
The leadership of the guild is perhaps the most Emperor Wars. His enforcement of guild monop- JOURNAL
active in the Known Worlds. Even its oldest deans olies has earned loyalty from Charioteers despite
continue to cruise the trade routes, buying low and persistent rumors that he advocates Republican INTRODUCTION
selling high. Most people have seen at least one of its ideals.
members, dressed in clothes which could only have • Consul Kris Chartash may be the greatest benefi-
been designed to attract as much attention as pos- ciary of Gailbreath’s policies, and her armada of SOCIETY
sible, standing in a town square, making the guild’s trading vessels visits most of the Known Worlds on
clarion call, “You want it, I got it!” a regular basis. KNOWN
People friendly with the Charioteers can buy al- • Consul Lillian Staggs, on the other hand, has seen WORLDS
most anything from them, and its guild members have competition grow for the passenger routes traveled
access to one of the greatest information networks in by Stagg Lines (“We’ll Take You Anywhere”). Still,
existence, allowing them to sell knowledge as well as the reputation and skills she gained in her years
goods. However, its members are renowned for giv- exploring barbarian space stand her in good stead
ing lip service to whatever religion will get them the when passengers ask for especially dangerous des-
most sales that day, often attracting unwanted atten- tinations.
tion from the clergy.
Some nobles seem to believe that the Charioteers sup- PRIMARY TERRITORIES
port the creation of the Third Republic and are secretly
building it. While no evidence has yet been uncovered, The Charioteers do not own any worlds, preferring
merchants of the Charioteers are often watched care- instead the routes between them. However, every
fully. On the other hand, commerce between the stars planet in the Known Worlds hosts a guildhall, though
would stop completely if anything happened to this their facilities and services vary. Their primary role
guild. They own far more ships than any other single is to ensure star pilots get work, but they serve a vari-
group, and while they may not have as many warships ety of roles depending on their wealth, location, and
as the Hawkwoods or the Decados, their small mer- leadership.
chant vessels are sometimes surprisingly well-armed. The Charioteers presence on Leagueheim is sig-
nificant. The jumpkey factories are some of the most
MONOPOLIES protected facilities on the planet, and the hong cam-
puses boast luxuries from across the Known Worlds
The most prominent Charioteer monopoly is that and more than a few lost ones.
of jumpkeys and the routes that come with them. Less well known are the Charioteers’ hidden bases
Even the Church generally accepts this, giving the on otherwise lifeless planets throughout the Known
Charioteers control over their pilgrim routes so long Worlds. Small listening posts serve their intelligence
as sanctioned priests lead the pilgrims themselves. gathering, supply bases help damaged ships, and hid-
Most of the other Charioteer monopolies den docks with rescue spaceships that are
have a geographic limit. Individual not capable of making jumps but can
merchants enforce their claims save a Charioteer’s life. Of course,
over energy weapons in a city, these same bases can serve
luxury wines on a continent, smugglers, but why would
or even rare offworld herbs the Charioteers want that?
for an entire planet. The
guild rarely uses its own ROLEPLAYING
might to enforce these
restrictions, but it does
try to keep individual Other guilds like to jok-
members from enforc- ingly refer to the Char-
ing their claims and ioteers’ split personali-
counterclaims violently ties. On the one hand,
against each other. they are the most friendly,
outgoing traders in the uni-
LEADING verse. They seem sure that
everyone is their friend, that
everything is wonderful, and that
• Doge Zale Gailbreath has run the the only thing that can make life bet-
guild since shortly before the end of the ter is for you to buy their merchandise. On
the other hand, don’t even think about crossing them on tionally, the Engineers have gone to great lengths to
their own spaceships. These are the taciturn, no-non- ensure that their customers do not try to duplicate the
sense pilots who care much more for their machines technical innovations.
than any human. For this reason, many refuse to deal with the En-
This perception is partly the result of a growing split gineers — or at least, that’s what they say. Others
within the guild between its best traders and its best note that the Engineers appear to be their own best
pilots. While in the past the Charioteers’ leaders have customers, and most find that extremely unnerving.
been talented in both areas, its consuls have become It is rare to meet an Engineer who has not used his
more and more specialized of late. The same is becom- own body-altering technology on himself, giving him-
ing true of the rank and file. Dean Gailbreath has only self cybernetic implants, physical modifications, or
recently begun battling this trend, and he has tried to strange cosmetic additions. A first meeting with an
promote more members skilled in both areas. Engineer is guaranteed to be at least unnerving, if not
downright petrifying.
FAVORED CALLING An additionally upsetting aspect of the Supreme Or-
der of Engineers is its connection to the Church. No
Star Pilot one, either in the Church or in the order, will deny that
almost 1000 years ago the Engineers were once either
CHARACTER STEREOTYPES a holy order or part of a holy order. Whatever hap-
pened in those ancient times remains a mystery today,
Charioteers might be pilots or vehicle operators of but Church leaders have done little to either discipline
any type, merchants, smugglers, pirate hunters, ar- this group or bring it back into the flock. Some guild
chaeologists or artifact dealers, explorers, wandering members worry that the Engineers have maintained
teachers, pilgrimage tour guides, or even carny at- their ties to the Church. Some Church officials worry
tractions (as traveling freak show owners or partici- about the same thing, whispering that the holy order
pants). the Engineers broke away from still exists in secret.
Their worries are heightened by the fact that the
The Supreme Order of Engineers Supreme Order of Engineers is also one of the most
secretive guilds. Getting information from the Engi-
High technology is at a premium in the Known neers is next to impossible, and even other League
Worlds, for those who understand it are few. Many members find it difficult to communicate with them.
of them are members of this guild. When a starship The Engineers have structured their guild in such a
needs to be constructed or repaired, when a personal way that new members know almost nothing, and
shield has burnt out and needs fixing, or when an arm discretion is a key component to advancement.
has been blown off and needs replacing, an Engineer
is the only one to summon. MONOPOLIES
This is one of the least-known
guilds, for it makes no effort to No guild holds as many monopo-
sell products to the peasantry. lies as the Engineers. They hold
Instead, it has concentrated claims to important catego-
its efforts on developing ries, like terraforming ma-
new technologies and en- chine maintenance and
suring that no one else new starship engines.
makes the same discov- They also claim import-
eries. Its hidden labs ant components and
and concealed factories techniques involved in
have churned out ex- such critical areas as
traordinary innovations longevity serums, think
in cybernetics, genetic machines, flux swords,
engineering, explosives, and much more. In ad-
space flight, medicine, and dition, they have exclusive
other areas. The Engineers rights to certain processes
have in turn made the results and techniques, such as types
of these breakthroughs available of think machine programming
to the rich and powerful, for only and mass production tools other
the wealthiest can afford them. Addi- guilds lust after.
• Didact Malifice Hereditus has not been seen by While Engineers are renowned for their standoffish- INTRODUCTION
non-Engineers in years. While likely the oldest ness, this in no way diminishes their value to others.
guild leader in the League, when last seen, he was Many nobles consider it a point of prestige to have an
more human than machine. He is thought to have Engineer in their entourage, and even priests recog- SOCIETY
become even more inhuman. nize their occasional usefulness. Still, many Engineers
• Quite different from the Didact is his old friend En- are more than a little inhuman and can disquiet even KNOWN
gineer Wavefinder Luceta. Despite her age, she is gen- their best friends. WORLDS
erally considered one of the most beautiful people Most Engineers seem driven to advance within the
in the Known Worlds, if unnaturally so. However, guild. The two quickest routes are through service or
her skill with think machines is better known than invention. Protecting guild secrets can be as valuable to
her beauty. promotion as creating new innovations. Guild leaders
• Crafter Chen Shung, on the other hand, is one of the do seem to have their own criteria, however, and most
fastest rising younger guild members. An expert low-level members do not know exactly what will bring
at keeping terraforming machines running, she is them favor, so they do their best at both.
sought throughout the Known Worlds. Her friends
know that visiting vau space is her real goal. PRIMARY TERRITORIES
The Engineers rarely have ostentatious dwellings or
facilities. They often prefer rural or neglected areas
abandoned by the previous owners. Due to the dan-
ger of these facilities, both perceived and real, other
factions encourage this. Of course, this also gives the
Engineers more of the secrecy they crave.
While the facilities might not be much to look at, often
the best parts are far from prying eyes. These often go
far underground, especially when involved with terra-
forming. Of course, the Engineers’ most-prized facilities
are ancient ruins, preferably from the Second Republic
or Diaspora. These not only give them access to ancient
materials but sometimes ancient knowledge as well. The
jewels of these are the space stations they control in mul-
tiple solar systems.
Tech Redeemer
Engineers might be inventors, scientists of all types
(including mad scientists), repairmen, weaponsmiths,
crafters, starship engineers, seekers after knowledge,
or cyberfetishists.
The Muster
While most guilds make their money from selling
goods and services, the Chainers make theirs off
living beings. Their ships ferry mercenaries, tech-
nicians, animals, foodstuffs, and (some say) slaves to
their many customers. People who buy from them
find themselves constantly able to acquire skilled help
for almost any situation. They may also find them-
selves shanghaied or facing the wrath of those who Muster guilders tend to wear armor and armor-
miss the skilled help. like clothing, and most carry weapons wherever they
The Muster is the freeperson’s labor guild, provid- go. (Even today, the high-ups in the guild are usually
ing trained (but union-regulated) labor for freeper- ex-mercenaries.) They often travel in packs and rare-
sons to various contractors. Since skilled and trained ly pass up an opportunity to raid for slaves. They are
talent is not easy to find since the Fall, if you want a also thought to dabble in psychological conditioning
job done right, you must go through the Muster. The and to have modified their merchandise according-
guild began long ago as a soldier’s rights group for ly. Tales of slaves desperate to serve their masters, or
mercenaries. In the centuries since the Fall, it became workers whose only satisfaction seemed to come from
the union for all laborers. toiling at their job, continue to crop up.
However, this does not mean they are liberal watch-
dogs looking out for human rights. The only rights sa- MONOPOLIES
cred to them are those of guild members (only freeper-
sons can apply). It is one of the hardest guilds in which Skills lie at the heart of the Muster monopoly, and
to gain membership, because members (skilled labor) they guard these specializations jealousy. Any serf can
get good benefits and security for the rest of their lives. slap together mortar and build a brick wall, but only
The Muster drives hard bargains for its skills. a Muster mason can use special sealants and tools,
For most Muster contracts, the work force is made cut custom bricks, and (in some places) even erect
up of “temps” hired by the guild, while the sweet, scaffolding over the maximum (local) legal height.
managerial positions go to Muster guildmembers. Any serf can swing a hammer, but only a Muster car-
This is usually a good place for characters to find a penter can use powered saws to create certain cuts,
job when all else fails. However, some members of work with certain proscribed materials, and (in some
the Muster prefer not to pay their labor at all, and places) create blueprints for advanced designs.
for that reason, they acquire slaves. This has given it Where the Muster does not have a monopoly, but
the nickname “Chainers.” Slaves rarely provide more wishes it did, is in mercenaries. The Royal Hous-
than grunt labor, but there’s a lot of that needed in es have never agreed to hire “sellswords” from only
the wide universe. one source. Since the end of the Emperor Wars,
Chainers are well-known among the peasantry the number of non-Muster mercenaries has only
for kidnapping people on small worlds and shipping increased. The Muster does have a monopoly to
them off far away where they’ll never be recognized. which it will not admit — supplying new slaves. The
The Church frowns on this practice and punishes it Chainers within the guild aggressively enforce this
when it’s discovered. In addition, Emperor Alexius against anyone else they suspect of bringing in slaves
has cracked down on slavery in Imperial lands. Of- from a new source.
ficially instituted to protect the serfs’ right to work, The Muster also has a monopoly on a number of
this crackdown also helped smooth things over with the tools of their members’ trades. Muster Chains are
the Vuldrok, from whose worlds the Chainers the most obvious example of this, but many
often get their stock. of the advanced tools used in construc-
The Muster has had to move tion, agriculture, and elsewhere
carefully since the opening of are Muster exclusives. Of
Vuldrok space. For centu- course, the really high-tech
ries the Muster made good versions come from the En-
coin battling the barbar- gineers.
ians. The Vuldrok now
provide fierce warriors LEADING
to compete with the
Muster, but the Mus-
ter must be careful to • General Janizary
fight only the “right” Halostro Sekimen
Vuldrok — those resist- spent decades bat-
ing Imperial rule. Slavers tling the symbiots
must be even more cer- on Stigmata and else-
tain to get the distinction where, bringing in a
right, as grabbing the wrong healthy stream of firebirds,
Vuldrok has already gotten a initially from grateful regents
few Chainers executed. and later from Alexius. Final-
ly feeling too old to continue the battle himself, es, but often, it seems they would prefer not to have JOURNAL
Sekimen became an advisor to the Emperor. Fol- that reputation at all.
lowing the death of the previous guild leader, the This has made the Muster extremely League con- INTRODUCTION
guild mercenaries turned to him for leadership. scious. Muster leaders reinforce the guilds’ unity at
The only people who regret this are his former every opportunity. No member of a guild is to be in-
comrades still fighting the symbiots, who fear that jured if it is at all avoidable. Other guilds get huge SOCIETY
losing his preternatural understanding of symbiot discounts on Muster services. No guild member will
tactics leaves them at risk. be enslaved. Of course, if someone takes untoward KNOWN
• Consul Tereza Solace will likely never get a higher rank advantage of the Muster’s good nature…. WORLDS
in the guild. Even the most hardened mercenary
trembles in his boots at the rumors of her cruelty FAVORED CALLING
as the alleged head of the guild’s slave operations.
Tales that she has psychic abilities to twist and crip- Mercenary
ple her foes do nothing to endear others to her.
• Just hearing that Captain Gunn is on their tail is CHARACTER STEREOTYPES
enough for many fugitives to turn themselves in. A
renowned bounty hunter, he seems to have friends The Muster includes professional mercenaries, ex-sol-
everywhere in the galaxy, despite his sometimes diers looking for work, freelance jack-of-all-trades,
abrasive personality. Past targets have said his re- artifact hunters, adventurers for hire, the occasional
lentless focus on justice stems from some horrible ex-slave given membership for saving their owner’s
wrong done in his past, though they can only hy- life, slavers (human hunters of “the most dangerous
pothesize as to what it might have been. game”), bounty hunters, traveling artisans, and pro-
fessional tradesmen.
While the Muster has official and unofficial offices The Reeves (Gray Faces)
on most planets and in many big cities, Bannockburn The Reeves hold the reins of commerce and econo-
houses its main military centers. The Vercingetorix my. They are the Known World’s bankers. They also
Military Academy may be the most obvious campus, govern higher learning and education, producing
but mercenary bases dot the planet. Deserted areas lawyers and philosophers. Many non-papal courts
often host field maneuvers, though more than a few require a Reeve to preside. Reeve advisers serve no-
also have hidden slave camps. bles throughout the Known Worlds, ranging from the
The slavers also control hidden territory on other least consequential to the princes themselves.
worlds, including (rumor has it) on a few lost worlds The Reeves also provide some of the most talent-
for which they control jumpkeys. Certainly during ed advocates for helping decide important matters.
the Emperor Wars, entire villages (and more) Church leaders will usually accept a Reeve
ended up in Muster hands, as the to defend a heretic when they would
able-bodied were sold into service accept no one else. Nobles caught
with unscrupulous masters. up in disputes with one anoth-
er are happy to have a Reeve
ROLEPLAYING hear their disagreement,
but typically, they would
prefer having one on
Members of the Muster their side. Of course, in
are extremely proud of a League dispute, any
their skills and abilities, guild would like to have
as well as the records of a Reeve advocate on its
Muster mercenary units side.
and artisans and the va- The Reeves do not
riety of contracts they engage in trade near-
can fulfill. They are much ly as extensively as the
less willing to talk about other families do, but they
the slaves who make much of are recognized as one of the
what they do possible. They may leading guilds primarily for their
enjoy the fear their reputation caus- incredibly extensive moneylending
operations. Long ago, their ancestors crafted spe- loans. Those allied with the Reeves do not receive
cial agreements between themselves and some of the much in the way of trade benefits, but they get their
Royal Houses to ensure that the houses would bor- loans at extremely low rates. However, the Reeves are
row from no one but them. While most of these hous- very quick to mobilize the League Fleets or other en-
es have since faded to irrelevance, the Reeves have forcers at the first sign of someone going into default.
grown in prominence, often ending up with most of Of course, money is not the only thing Reeves de-
the houses’ possessions when they fail to pay off their mand in exchange for their loans. They have been
In the heady days after the end of the Emperor Wars, their growing wealth and prominence allowed the
many guilds anticipated renewed prosperity and pow- Criers to begin asserting more independence.
er. Several minor guilds began angling for major guild When the Imperial Eye began investigating, it was
prominence. One, the Town Criers, saw an opportu- only after it too had used the Criers to plant its own
nity in the reconnected Known Worlds. Its members fake news. It expected the anti-Alexius news to have
moved quickly to take advantage of this, selling news, come from traditional enemies, like the Decados Ja-
ads, rumors, and lies to all-new audiences. kovians. However, it quickly became apparent that
For the Criers, information was both power and this went well beyond the usual disinformation cam-
wealth. They bought it, sold it, bartered it, and often paigns, known to the Decados as “maskirovka.”
made it up. While the Criers’ initial role focused on Numerous factions, and factions within factions,
making community members aware of opportunities appeared within the web of conspirators. Li Halan
near them, their role shifted after the Reeves sub- fundamentalists, Muster slavers, apocalyptic Eskaton-
sumed them during the early Regency period. ics, and many more had their own reasons for funding
As connections between planets fell apart, the such stories. However, the conspiracy had a surprising
Criers’ quickly became the main way to keep track heart — Jakovians allied with numerous disaffected
of news from distant worlds, even if that news was Hawkwood nobles. The idea that a Hawkwood would
months old. The Reeves, who worked with every fac- attack one of their own so viciously was surprising
tion no matter how the winds shifted, did their best to enough. The fact that they did it in concert with their
ensure the Criers also stayed above the fray. ancestral enemies was even more shocking.
After the Emperor Wars ended, however, the leaders The Eye took its findings to the Emperor, expect-
of the Criers saw their opportunity. With the Known ing orders for an immediate reprisal, but he would
Worlds connected as they had not been for centuries, allow no such thing. Disgusted that they could not act
the demand for news reached whole new peaks. The against the traitors within Alexius’ house, they moved
demand for fast news also skyrocketed. instead against the messenger. The Criers’ rise within
To meet the demand, and to maintain their grow- the League had upset the old order. The major guilds
ing prestige, the Criers took news from any source looked askance at this upstart, especially Reeves. It
they could. The revenue could come from anyone — took the Eye little to convince the Criers’ enemies that
Church leaders spreading morality tales, merchants they had Imperial authority to move against the guild.
trumpeting unbelievable (and unproven) wonders for Lawsuits in religious and secular courts dropped
their products, and noble houses carrying on ancient like pants at a Decados ball. Lines of credit – wheth-
feuds in a new forum. er they were from Reeves, the Brother Battle, or oth-
The latter proved an amazingly profitable stream er sources – dried up like grapes before Inquisition
of lies and money. All the spy agencies within the flameguns. Other lines of income, especially from
Known Worlds participated, but the Royal Houses guild merchants, disappeared like lyrical metaphors
dominated this new form of war. In solar systems before a tyrannical editor.
now seemingly insatiable for news, and with new Besieged on all sides, the Criers found themselves
information channels appearing in the aftermath forced to turn to the Reeves for salvation, relying on
of war, the spy agencies continued as if peace had their advocates and bankers to bail them out of trou-
never appeared. ble across the Known Worlds. Of course, the price
These took many forms, but anti-Imperial and an- was more than firebirds. The Criers found themselves
ti-Alexius stories grew into the preeminent form. The bound more tightly to the Reeves than ever before.
Imperial Eye was uncharacteristically slow to react, Those who remember the heady days of the guild’s
used as it was to the Town Criers being an ineffectual rise chafe at these new controls and constantly seek
if sometimes annoying part of the Reeves. However, freedom from the press of Reeve rules and restraints.
known to delay or even cancel required payments heart of the problem. The interest on these centu- JOURNAL
but then get the debtor to do certain favors for them. ries-old debts would bankrupt even the wealthiest
These favors have ranged from simple labor to ob- Vuldrok. As the Reeves begin to establish new ven- INTRODUCTION
taining party invitations to attacking enemies to ob- tures in Vuldrok space, their fleet is not far behind.
taining noble titles to, as the story goes, influencing
the vote that made Alexius emperor. MONOPOLIES SOCIETY
With the rise of the Pax Alexius, the Reeves would
seem to be in the strongest position of any guild. The ability to charge interest on lending remains the KNOWN
Courts, often staffed by Reeves, enforce their loans, guild’s most important exclusive. Other groups give WORLDS
and their banks are still the only ones that can make loans and advances, but the guild is the only one that
interest-bearing loans. However, all is not well among can charge interest directly on the loan. However,
the Gray Faces. Other forces, especially Brother Bat- with the prosperity following Alexius’ coronation,
tle, encroach on its lending services, and amazingly the massive loans Reeves once gave nobles have be-
enough, the donations the sect requires approximate come a rare opportunity. Now the guild mainly loans
the interest the Reeves would charge. to businesses and builders, and while many Reeves
Even the guild’s advisory position is threatened by still charge interest on loans from decades ago, nobles
peace. Where once the Reeves’ rare combination of have paid off more and more of these.
education, connections, and influence was unpar- The Reeves also control the League bank, easily the
alleled, now other groups can create the same net- largest in the Known Worlds. They make money not
works. The guild almost lost its primary information just on loans but also on the deposits. The security of
distribution platform when the Town Criers made a a Reeve bank, and the ability to get your money in any
bid for independence. The Reeves found themselves Known World system, is worth five percent. However,
forced to rely on the Imperial Eye to squelch that ef- here again the Reeves are seeing more competition.
fort, and no one knows what deals they had to cut Again, the Brothers Battle are the largest rival, but
with the Emperor’s intelligence agency. the other guilds and even individual nobles have got-
Publicly the Reeve leaders appear to be the most ten into the act.
conservative of the League leaders, but more than One area that many do not associate with the
one has gotten into trouble with the various sects for Reeves is modern media. Here the Reeves hide be-
acts considered extremely unorthodox. Usually the hind others, relying on small guilds to craft the magic
Reeves manage to get these incidents covered up, lantern shows they fund and help distribute. Those
so they do their best to maintain a staid and discreet guilds risk Church and noble ire while the Reeves sell
appearance. Never expect a Gray Face to wear the advertising to other guilds. The Town Criers served
gaudy cloaks of the Charioteers or the ominous robes as another front for the Reeves, one that almost got
of the Engineers. away from them. To rein in the Criers’ efforts to be-
By the same token, the Reeves have gone to great come an independent guild, the Reeves had to dis-
lengths to suppress stories that would cast doubt on credit them as a front for spies and spreaders of false
their legitimacy. The one which gains the greatest news. Now the Town Criers are back under thumb,
credence, and which seems to drive Reeve leaders disseminating only the news their masters permit.
into fits of indignation, is that the earliest Reeves
made their money as pirates and their first loans were LEADING REEVES
in fact ransoms. No one can prove that this was the
case, but neither can the Reeves disprove that ships • Dean Derrick Luden, assistant to Senior Dean Me-
under their protection are the least likely to be at- lissa Winters, easily ranks among the 100 richest
tacked by corsairs. people in the Known Worlds. His role overseeing
The Reeve fleet remains an object of fear. Stronger the star-spanning banking operation Winters built
than that of any minor house, it is second only to that gives him the chance to become richer still. The
of the Charioteers within the League. However, its expeditions he funds to lost worlds may make that
ships are much more likely to follow guild orders than happen even faster, despite allegations that they
are the star pilots. This helps ensure that even the are only fronts for Muster Tereza Solace’s slavers.
most powerful noble has extra incentive to pay back • Consul Maya Minamoto’s long association with
loans. With the opening of Vuldrok space, the Reeves Leaguemeister Oliver Lords has propelled her
see the chance of collecting ancient debts thought lost rapidly through the guild’s ranks. Undeniably am-
when jumpgates closed and allegiances shifted. bitious, she has ties to most of the leading Reeves,
The Emperor has evinced little interest in helping including Luden and the Winters family. She in-
the Reeves reestablish their claims, for interest is the variably counsels caution with Leaguemeister
Lords. Despite Lords’ close association with Alex- the guild. Older Reeves, however, mutter about this
ius, the League and the Emperor have seen little unseemly behavior and meet behind closed doors.
success capitalizing on that relationship, as many
thought they would. FAVORED CALLING
• Manager Pieter Griffin comes from a long line of
renowned advisors and advocates but broke from Lawyer
them to go into the investment side of the family.
He saw a great opportunity in rebuilding damaged CHARACTER STEREOTYPES
facilities following the Emperor Wars, and his tim-
ing was impeccable. He began by funding recon- A Reeve might be a wealthy adventurer, opportunist,
struction of a prominent brewery on Holy Terra. lawgiver (sheriff, deputy for hire), stand-up philoso-
He has since helped fund redevelopment of guild pher, gentry wannabe (seeking a landed title, such as
factories, noble castles, and even cathedrals. He baronet, laird, etc.), Third Republic architect, loan
extols not only the riches these bring in, but also enforcer, statesman, royal chamberlain, seneschal,
the local prosperity they create, as he travels the crusading advocate, ardent capitalist (hiring other
stars looking for new opportunities. characters to help with get rich quick schemes), or (of
course) town crier.
The most obvious Reeve territories are their heavily Scravers
guarded bank branches, spread throughout the Known Scravers hide behind a veneer of “respectability” in
Worlds. Otherwise, the Reeves rarely make a show of the form of a scavengers guild. They make their mark
the property they own. Much of the land they obtain by recovering and refitting derelict spacecraft, by
comes when someone defaults on a loan, and the guild patching together Second Republic artifacts everyone
would rather have the money than the property. The else deemed beyond redemption, and by finding arti-
Reeves often put someone else in charge, using the land facts where no one thought any could be. But this is
to generate revenue rather than just sitting idle. only one part of their interstellar enterprise.
While the Reeves do not own large tracts of land out- Anything the Charioteers or Engineers can’t
right, they do have investments and liens on millions of sell legitimately somehow ends up in the Scravers’
acres. This includes factories, churches, and even en- hands and passes through their vast network with
tire fiefs. Rumors that whole planets serve as collateral no questions asked. When casinos appear on a
for Reeve loans draw neither confirmation nor denial. planet, they are probably owned by the Scravers. If
The Reeve estates on Leagueheim, however, are a brothel appears protected from both the law and
extensive. Here the guild is happy to foreclose when the Church, it probably belongs to the Scravers.
a customer can no longer pay up. The guild views If peasants begin organizing and demanding bet-
this land as the most valuable of all, central to all its ter wages, nobles blame the Scravers. The Scravers
activities. have mastered the art of finding income everyone
else has passed on.
ROLEPLAYING NOTES They tend to hide behind the cover of various
sub-guilds and are master spies. They have dirt on
There are many stories as to how the Reeves acquired just about every major political figure imaginable,
the nickname Gray Faces, but the most common one and they’re ready to use it if nobles, priests, or any-
has to do with how fervently they strive to avoid con- one else tries to squash them. The occasional crime
troversy. They have a reputation for composing ar- clean-up effort is allowed, but no real attempt to de-
guments and opinions with so many exceptions that stroy this guild is tolerated. They operate an under-
they can mean anything. Even when you hire one ground network of spies and assassins-for-hire to the
of the famed Reeve advocates, you have no way of Royal Houses.
knowing he will support you the next time this issue Most citizens really don’t link the scavengers to
comes up. organized crime, since high-profile crime trials have
A growing number of Reeves are fighting this old cleared the scavengers’ guild of wrongdoing (sure,
caricature, however. They have become more active in there are always stories about rigged trials, but most
League politics and in affairs outside the guilds, seeing peasants trust the law because they’re medieval in-
it as their duty to show people how to better resolve nocents, not postmodern deconstructionists). The
their differences. More than a few younger Reeves Scravers have their hands in most of the usual guild
even back the Town Criers’ bid for independence from businesses, but they continue to specialize in repair-
ing and reselling old and (usually) abandoned equip- Scravers have several casinos, either on space stations JOURNAL
ment. Buying from a Scraver means paying a cheap or as their own ships. Where gambling is illegal, they
price but getting what you pay for. likely control every aspect of the trade. Even where INTRODUCTION
Scravers also have strong investments in gambling gambling is legal, the Scravers generally dominate it,
facilities, and some of their largest rehabilitated ships either overtly or covertly. Where a noble family might
have become their interstellar casinos. In space, they own a casino, the Scravers likely control the croupi- SOCIETY
can escape the scrutiny of the antigambling sects; this ers’ guild, supply the slot machines, load the dice, and
also allows them to pick up high rollers from every mark the cards. KNOWN
planet. Of course, their gambling ties mean they’re WORLDS
constantly accused of having connections to every LEADING SCRAVERS
organized crime figure in the Known Worlds — a
charge they only half-heartedly deny. • Leaguemeister Oliver Lords comes from the guild’s rec-
The Scravers are made up of many small local lamation side, specializing in uncovering and care-
groups paying fealty to deans, but each claims a lot fully excavating ancient military installations. He
of autonomy. They must pledge their loyalty both to sold to all sides in the Emperor Wars, but as the hos-
their local organization and to the umbrella group. tilities wrapped up, House Hawkwood became his
This is a blood oath: Joining one branch is for life, best customer. Many think his sales helped propel
and a hidden tattoo is required as a mark of loyalty. Alexius to victory. As a result, the League named
Thus, Scravers can find a welcome everywhere, albeit him ambassador after the coronation. When the
a suspicious one. League deadlocked during the last Leaguemeister
However, the region where they have the least influ- election, Lords became the compromise candidate
ence offers them the most opportunity. Hargard and the — much to his own discomfort. He has come to rely
rest of Vuldrok space are virgin territory for their recla- more and more on his Reeve advisor.
mation activities, as well as their less seemly endeavors. • Mater Benita “The Fox” Ivankov started as a gunner
Competing Scraver gangs have already descended on on the starship Potemkin’s Vengeance. Now the ship
the world, following tales of lost treasures and scaven- serves as her headquarters for running the entire
gers trying to enlist Vuldrok in shady dice games. guild. She sails throughout the Known Worlds, ar-
ranging sit downs between feuding crews, negoti-
MONOPOLIES ating territory disputes, and sometimes overseeing
her own reclamation efforts. An appearance by
The Scravers do not like to confess to the industry it the Potemkin’s Vengeance means major changes are
dominates — catering to humanity’s basest instincts. in the offing, even if no one outside of the guild
Of course, its members do not confess to much of ever sees them.
anything. They consider their monopoly to be brav- • Uncle Gustav Harrison is one of Mater Ivankov’s
ery, a willingness to earn firebirds where oth- most valued members but also one of
ers fear to tread. her biggest headaches. He was dis-
They hold few interstellar pat- charged from Academy Interat-
ents, as what is illegal in one ta despite the acknowledged
fief might be widely accepted success of his research,
in another. Thus, the guild as his efforts to put his
may have a monopoly research into practice
on erotic magic lantern invariably led to con-
shows in one fief and in flict — generally with
violent think machine the native species on
simulations in anoth- which his research
er. Where alcohol is focused. Due to his
banned, the Scravers reputation, Uncle
operate stills, bootleg- Gustav rarely follows
ging routes, and speak- through personally in
easies. Where prostitution his research regarding
runs afoul of the law, they alien and Anunnaki rel-
oversee brothels, recruit tal- ics, instead preferring to
ent, and serve as madams. hire freelancers who he can
Gambling is the one area that write off if they fail.
transcends geography. In space, the
Minor Guilds
The Scravers control a lot of territory, but they gener- Nobody knows just how many guilds exist through-
ally do it through intermediaries, front men, and shell out the Known Worlds. At least 200 are part of the
guilds. In fact, they control almost as many planetary League, and many more have no official sanction.
agoras as the Charioteers, but often without anyone Some, like the Authority on Byzantium Secundus,
outside the guild knowing. Their more obvious hold- wield a great deal of power in a limited jurisdiction.
ings, however, vary between the splendid and the Many of these only exist on one planet and often only
squalid with little in between. in one city on that planet. Still, any activity a freeman
Their interstellar casinos are the height of luxury, might want to engage in probably has a guild to sup-
providing enough opulence to attract even the rich- port him. Below are brief descriptions of some of the
est al-Malik and Decados. On the other hand, they more prominent of the minor guilds.
also tend to have significant ownership over the worst
slums, where they can carry out their illicit activities APOTHECARIES
in peace while also excavating for ancient treasures
without complaints from the neighbors. Holy Terra is The Apothecaries Guild collects and hordes all the
a perfect example of the latter. lore it can find on any claims, real or delusional, for
healing medicines and practices. From patent med-
ROLEPLAYING NOTES icines to cybernetic implants, Apothecaries believe
they can handle it.
“Anything for a Bird” could be the motto of this guild.
While its members are fiercely protective of their own BREWERS
operations, they have no compunctions about mus-
cling in on other people’s projects. They can also find The Brewers Guild makes their drinks far healthier
innovative ways to make money from someone else’s (and enjoyable) than most water, and on many worlds,
job. If an Engineer runs a spaceship repair station, it is one of the most respected of guilds. Brewers who
he’s probably paying a Scraver for parts. If a Chario- travel the worlds seeking lost concoctions earn every-
teer needs a warehouse, he’s probably paying a Scrav- one’s respect… at least until they drink too much of
er to have his goods loaded and unloaded. their own merchandise.
By the same token, Scravers are famous for the risks
they take in search of profit. They are more than will- BUREAUCRATS
ing to put their own lives (or anyone else’s) on the line.
Rumor of a cache of Second Republic vases will send In addition to being amazingly well connected, the
them scurrying into the heart of an unexplored jun- Bureaucrats are both efficient and discreet. If there is
gle. Telling them the head-hunting Vorox guarding a paper to be pushed or filed, this guild is the one to
the vases like to gamble will send them there twice as call. Some of the nobles are amazed by just how much
fast. The fact that many of their new recruits come one or two of these stiff, arrogant, and often sullen
from the most impoverished slums in the Known souls can accomplish in only a few days.
Worlds helps explain their desperation and willing-
ness to risk it all for a talon. CARNIVALERS
FAVORED CALLING Carnies, clowns, tumblers, gladiators, and more!
Carnivaler troupes travel the Known Worlds with
Thief their outlandish vehicles and more outlandish mem-
bers. Performers and pranksters, entertainers and
CHARACTER STEREOTYPES executioners, they amuse and unnerve the Known
Scravers might be smugglers, archeologists, gangsters,
Robin-Hood-type avengers, scavengers, assassins, in- COURTESANS
formation brokers, hit men, gamblers, extortionists
(with the Royal Houses as dangerous but rewarding Courtesans don’t deal in just the pleasures of the flesh,
targets), pirates, or wiseguys. though they certainly excel at that. They also know
the art of making their employers look good while
working as professional hangers-on in an entourage.
These specialists work as advisors — though few no-
bles would admit to taking their advice — and as sym- PURGERS JOURNAL
bols of social status.
Purgers remove the waste from public view, be it INTRODUCTION
GOURMANDS garbage, sewage, or even dead bodies. The Purgers
Guild literally knows where the bodies are buried.
Gourmands are responsible for making certain that SOCIETY
everything that comes close to the palette of their SLAYERS
employers is of the very finest quality — and free of KNOWN
poison. The greatest Gourmands travel the Known When someone needs to die, the Slayers are the guild WORLDS
Worlds, looking for new recipes and ingredients that to hire. Expert assassins, well-connected and willing
will confirm their reputations. to carry out a job no matter the foe, the Slayers’ rep-
utation inspires fear… and envy.
While traditionally an actor’s guild, the Masque also
represents musicians and authors, especially play- Stewards teach manners and elegance to whomever
wrights and “realitywrights.” Classic performances will hire them. They insist that they know the very
and innovative magic lantern shows are their stock hottest trends, even if they make them up them-
in trade. selves.
The Other Estates
Captain Arteria stood straighter at her position as the Emperor stepped on to the palace balcony.
A broad smile crossed Alexius’ careworn face. Arteria’s eyes swept the crowd for threats, but all she
saw were cheering throngs. Still, 20 years in the Emperor’s service as one of his elite Phoenix Guard
protectors had taught her to never relax her vigilance. The Emperor may finally have an heir, but the
security and stability of the realm still depended on their survival.
Sir Marcuse Decados was one of those screaming himself hoarse in the crowd as Empress Freya
appeared next, strong and regal. The Imperial wedding had been a great sign that humanity would
finally be reunited in a glorious new age. However, even that paled in significance to this moment –
the true sign of the reborn age for which this Questing Knight had been working.
As Freya pulled back the blanket covering the bundle in her arms, the multitude grew impossibly
louder. Cheers and ovations turned into a ceaseless roar of joy. Sister Terese joined in the applause,
forcing herself to mimic these unthinking sheep. The Emperor’s unholy union with heretical barbar-
ians clearly indicated both the depths of his treachery and his hatred of all things good and sacred.
The spawn of this union surely signaled the end times.
Alexius embraced his wife, so recently laboring in the delivery room. Together they raised Princess
Aurora in their arms. Those who saw the act, either live or via magic lantern shows, would never
forget it… and what it symbolized.
However, after the passing of a generation, no shieldmaiden Freya Eldridsdottir appeared before JOURNAL
dramatic changes have taken place, and some of the the Phoenix Throne as part of a delegation from
Emperor’s early supporters are growing disillusioned. Hargard. In response to the Emperor’s invitation, INTRODUCTION
Others point to incremental improvements as a sign the Vuldrok sought formal relations with the Known
of Alexius’ devotion to progress. After all, even those Worlds, including a permanent embassy.
efforts face constant opposition. Were he to move too Many Known Worlders, especially Hawkwoods, SOCIETY
quickly, his opponents would unite, and the Phoenix were horrified that Alexius granted their request so
Throne would be in danger. quickly… and so generously. Rumors that he had KNOWN
With the disappearance on Stigmata of his par- subsequently held so many closed-door meetings with WORLDS
amour Lady Theafana al-Malik, they might have the barbarians only increased their consternation.
their chance. Many of the loyalists who had won the It quickly became clear that the Vuldrok sought
Emperor Wars with him had already left the court, allies for some future campaign. The opposition
either returning to their own lands, retiring, or dying to the Empire getting involved in an intra-Vuldrok
of old age. Not only did the Emperor begin limiting feud grew, but the barbarians made no formal re-
his public appearances, but even privately, he had quest. Instead, the Emperor and his closest confi-
less interest in governing. Other potential paramours dants spent hours with the visitors, discussing a wide
made their appearances at court, but Alexius only range of topics.
drew further into his shell. Shortly after the Hargard embassy opened, Freya
It was only when his foes began talking openly and her own entourage made a tour of the Known
about reinstating the regency with voting scepters, Worlds, meeting with leaders from all the factions.
following the ancient tradition, that Alexius’ allies The Vuldrok made no requests or demands, instead
pushed him to again demonstrate his leadership. taking time to get to know these prominent figures.
Instead he disappeared from all court functions for The gossip networks quickly began spreading tales
several months. Just as the regency faction began to of the ice maiden. Her beauty was undeniable, but
grow, he returned, once again filled with his old vigor everything else was open to speculation. Rumors of
and decisiveness. He reassembled his court, appoint- her time in Vuldrok lands spread. Legend had it she
ed new leaders, and again charged his knights and had battled Kurgans, symbiots, and other Vuldrok…
followers to reestablish ties with the lost worlds. oh, and also some Hawkwoods.
The leaders of the regency faction often point to These rumors popped up upon Freya’s initial ar-
the actions of the Emperor’s courtiers as proof of the rival in the Known Worlds, but they exploded when
Emperor’s extreme agenda. The fact that an ur-obun, the Emperor announced their surprise engagement.
Bran Botan vo Karm, is still his closest advisor is itself In no time at all, competing rumors of her heroism
seen as evidence that Alexius does not support the and perfidy mushroomed. For even half the rumors
superiority of the human race. This, and to have been true, there would’ve had to be multiple
the openness of his court to nonhu- Freyas flying around the universe in the
man races, clearly upsets more than fastest ships ever developed.
a few of his foes in the Church and It is verifiably known that she had been
noble houses. a leader amongst the renowned Vuldrok
As one would expect, his recep- warrior maidens, the Fheykrig. Her last
tion of emissaries from the barbarian expedition with them had been to re-
worlds created even more rage. At gions of Vuldrok space threatened by
least the aliens were subject species symbiots. Many of her shield sisters
and ostensibly Church followers. did not return from that trip, but
The Kurgans and Vuldrok not those who did were credited with
only raid the Known Worlds but significantly setting back the symbiot
also reject Zebulon’s revealed threat.
Truth. Surely nothing good can Those few people willing to ask
come of consorting with the en- the Empress-to-be about any of
emy. these rumors only received silence
and slightly disdainful smiles. Still,
FREYA shortly before the wedding, a
number of Hawkwood families
that had lost members in Vul-
Shortly after Alexius returned drok space received Imperial
and restructured his court, the visits and gifts of money.
Once Freya became Empress, the rumors con- Still just an infant, Aurora has received more at-
tinued to spread, but no one dared ask her about tention than any human child of the past thousand
them. While unfailingly cordial and caring, she has years. While Alexius and Freya often say they want a
developed few close friends at court. Some observers normal childhood for their daughter, how normal can
comment on her almost golem-like smile and friendli- it be for the future ruler of humanity?
ness — automatic but lacking in warmth. Her trusted Around her at all times are her guards — a mix of
companions are the shieldmaidens who still stay near her father’s most loyal Phoenix Guards and her moth-
her side. er’s fellow shieldmaidens. Court observers strain for a
As Empress, she spends most of her time by her peek at the babe. Whether Aurora is amazingly ma-
husband’s side or with Aurora, their daughter. She ture or a squawling brat depends on who is talking
has adapted to her duties with surprising swiftness. about her. Her father’s admirers remark on her seem-
For instance, while she only recently learned the ing seriousness, while his foes complain that she con-
courtly dances, she brings her own grace and style to stantly cries. About the only thing they agree on is her
their balls. While some snicker at her more forceful uncanny resemblance to her father and the fact that
style, others are starting to emulate it. she slept through her baptism. Reports also conflict
Freya regularly accompanies her husband as he on whether her father and mother read to her and
tends to his own duties, though she rarely public- whether the books are the Omega Gospels or the Vul-
ly comments on them. While the role of Empress is drok Manjafnaer Edda.
ill-defined, she has begun taking a leadership role in So far, Princess Aurora has spent her short life on
the Emperor’s plans for Hargard. She has also be- Byzantium Secundus, but there is no secret that her
come very active in the Emperor’s charity for Imperi- father wants to take her to Ravenna. Her mother
al veterans of the Emperor Wars. She expanded it to wants to take her beyond the limits of the Empire’s
help those veterans injured serving the regents who traditions, showing her Hargard. What Aurora wants,
preceded Alexius, much to their relief. no one yet knows.
Of course, some critics contend that she has al-
ready discharged her only real duty with the birth of
the princess. Indeed, her pregnancy and delivery did Questing Knights and Cohorts
much to create a favorable image for the Empress in Not all nobles have a respectable place in their fam-
the eyes of her subjects. She continued to carry out ily’s fiefs. Second or third sons and daughters don’t
her duties through the months leading up to the de- have much to inherit and must thus seek out their
livery date, though she hid her swelling belly under own opportunities. Many of them look to Emperor
Vuldrok cloaks. Alexius, who 20 years ago chartered the Company of
On the scheduled day, her Amalthean attendants the Phoenix. These Questing Knights swear a term of
announced that Freya had entered labor. Twelve fealty to the Emperor and travel the realm enacting
hours later, she and the Emperor appeared before a his new vision — whether it be upholding fealty rights
cheering crowd, the infant in her arms. Despite what for downtrodden peasants, putting down Republican
her attendants called a difficult delivery, she stood fit rebellions, traveling into barbarian space, or seeking
and tall, as if ready to leap back into battle. evidence of the Lost Worlds.
Some priests hear the call to more worldly duty, en-
PRINCESS AURORA flamed by the values and vision espoused by Emperor
Alexius. To these few is open the role of Imperial Co-
The birth of Princess Aurora sparked unparalleled hort to Alexius’s Questing Knights. A priest accepted
celebrations throughout the Known Worlds, far sur- into this august company gives spiritual succor and
passing even those for Alexius’ coronation or mar- advice to a knight, accompanying them on their trav-
riage. Empress Freya’s popularity reached all new els into dire lands far from the bosom of the Church.
heights during her pregnancy. The still-fit shield- They gain the unprecedented opportunity to preach
maiden continued to make public appearances all to new converts and provide sterling example to all
through her term. Her first appearance with the — even if it costs them the ire of Church priests still
Imperial heir, just hours after labor, played in magic opposed to Alexius’s ascendancy.
lantern shows everywhere and promises to do so for It is not only knights and priests to whom Emperor
years to come. Her ability to appear both radiant and Alexius has extended his call for duty. He also sum-
relaxed, following what rumors insisted was a diffi- mons guildsmembers to become Imperial Cohorts.
cult delivery, impressed everyone. Of course, the skill These worthies must offer aid and assistance and be
of the Amaltheans and Eskatonics who attended her staunch helpmates to his Questing Knights. In return
also drew praise. for offering their skills and fealty, they reap the re-
wards of first claim on the merchant routes into newly These intra-agency feuds almost spilled over into JOURNAL
explored territories. While this may make a guilds- public view during the years of Alexius’s reclusion,
member new enemies, it also brings new opportuni- but his return to vibrancy changed all this. He re- INTRODUCTION
ties to one’s guild. placed almost all the leaders of the Eye. In doing so,
he rarely promoted from within, which had been the
The Imperial Eye past tradition. Trusted Questing Knights and cohorts
found themselves in positions of authority, much to
Before his assassination, Emperor Vladimir estab- the consternation of agency traditionalists. The new
lished a fact-finding and intelligence-gathering orga- leaders still sit in command, but whispers abound that WORLDS
nization called the Imperial Eye. He brought in no- their eyes do not see what is happening in all corners
bles from a number of royal and minor houses, gave of the agency.
them extensive budgets to establish the agency, and
then died. The Eye lived on, however, serving the
stewards and regents who took over after Vladimir’s “By This Rod I Rule”:
death and before Alexius’ rise.
Officially this organization serves Alexius by gath-
ering and analyzing information. It maps out new
Vote Scepters
jumproutes, tracks economic development on the re- The question of vote scepters became an important
covering worlds, and has one department dedicated one again during Alexius’ reclusion following Theafa-
to discovering why the stars are fading. During the na’s death. Vladimir created the powerful symbols
chaos and confusion of the Emperor Wars, however, on his own authority, referencing a tradition from
the Eye found itself accused of activities outside the Diasporan times. Alexius’ advisors had long asserted
scope of its original charter. his ability to do the same, either creating new ones
Accusations of activities like spying, smuggling, and or reassigning those that existed. Five of the original
even assassination rarely came to anything. When an 40 scepters have disappeared, though rumors of their
agent was tried, the agency always managed to show continued existence continue to spring up.
that he was acting outside the boundaries of the Eye’s Each Royal House claims five scepters, while each
mandate. No evidence ever appeared that the Eye of the official Church sects and major guilds each has
had actually tried to make one of its own into a new one. While a simple majority can install a regent with
patriarch. The leaders of the Eye hold themselves up power over Imperial lands, only a two-thirds majority
as selfless servers of humanity. Its detractors (usually can crown an emperor or empress. Alexius barely got
the Emperor’s enemies) denounce them as self-serv- the required 23 votes when the Orthodox branch of
ing manipulators who plot and scheme against every- the Church finally pledged its scepter to him. Should
body. Whatever the case, the Eye has a reputation another scepter appear, Imperial succession would
among the common folk as an organization to avoid become an issue. There is no ensuring his heir would
second only to the Inquisition. get the required 24th vote.
When Alexius became regent, charges that the Eye Any attempt to reassign the existing scepters
acted beyond its official scope multiplied. As with past would likely spark a new war. However, should
regents, Alexius brought his own spy chiefs into the Alexius find a suitable recipient of new scepters, his
Imperial agency. However, he also brought resources advisors would encourage him to take the risk. This
— the people, money, and technology the Eye had could be a powerful new guild, lost worlds com-
lacked. He also created space within the eye for non- bined under the leadership of a forgotten house,
humans to work, and the Eye expanded dramatically or even a new house carved out of Imperial lands
during the last years of the Emperor Wars. and barbarian worlds. Some think this is the most
Right after Alexius took the throne, the Eye expand- likely route, especially if Alexius revived Vladimir’s
ed once again. Ostensibly growing to deal with bar- house, House Alecto.
barian and other distant threats, the Eye in fact worked
both at home and abroad, helping ensure the new em-
peror could keep his throne. As Alexius consolidated
power, however, the immediacy of these threats waned.
Those educated children of Imperial lands who once On some worlds, the decline from fully enfranchised
saw the Eye as their surest route to prosperity now had citizen of the Second Republic to feudal serfdom,
many more options. Resources began to go to other chained to the land, occurred in only a few genera-
demands, and factions within the agency began squab- tions. Fear of economic upheaval, terrorism, and war
bling over funds, recruits, and authority. led entire continents to surrender their liberties for the
illusion of safety. Of course, in most instances, the main
threat actually came from those promising security. The Vuldrok Star-Nation
Now the average peasant spends his time toiling Following the marriage of Emperor Alexius to
on his lord’s lands, raising crops that officially be- Freya Eldridsdottir, numerous Vuldrok peoples are
long to the noble. The same is true for those who being assimilated into the Known Worlds. This in-
mine the ore, fish the seas, and craft the tools. In augurates a difficult period of adjustment for both
some places, even more skilled jobs are the role of cultures, but one many are trying to honor, lest
serfs, so long as they do not require special Church the Pax Alexius be disturbed. Some Vuldrok lead-
dispensation. ers seek alliance with the Emperor, but numerous
This class makes up 90 percent of the people in the clans and nations resist the incursion of Imperial
Known Worlds. Even League worlds are populated might onto Hargard.
by serfs, though they may have different titles and a The Vuldrok Star-Nation is a loose confederation
few more freedoms. However, they are just as bound from worlds far off the jumpweb map of the Known
to the land, as much by their lack of options as by Worlds. Feared throughout the Known Worlds, the
generational contracts signed centuries ago. Kurga Caliphate, and many independent planets for
During the Emperor Wars, the peasantry bore the their devastating raids and incursions, the Vuldrok
brunt of the hostilities. Their fields turned into battle- are believed by most of their prey to be a united con-
grounds, the lords conscripted their sons and daugh- federation. This perception is just that: optics. The
ters, and their taxes rose to pay the unending costs. Vuldrok battle each other for territory and riches as
Nobles, protected by their energy shields, made often as their enemies beyond Vuldrok space.
sport of killing them. They would wade into rivers They began during the Diaspora as small bands of
of peasant levies, sword in one hand and laser in the people disdainful of centralized authority, settling their
other, slaughtering until the battle was decided… or worlds with utopian socialists, pirate societies, free-
they were tired. dom-loving idealists, marginalized groups, and com-
Still, the Emperor Wars gave some peasants hope. munities of people desiring to retain their old customs
Tales of peasants granted their freedom after some and beliefs against what they felt to be the totalizing
great deed of valor abounded. Many were untrue, monoculture of the core worlds. Already rebelling
but it did happen. Perhaps most prevalent among against the Second Republic before it collapsed, these
the Hazat, the practice proved especially common on independent communities took to pirating and plun-
Hira as the Hazat worked to break allegiances to the dering the richer worlds during the New Dark Ages,
Caliphate. gradually emerging as the Vuldrok Star-Nation, a
In addition, the Emperor Wars gave more peasants rough union of six nations united by a broad culture
the chance to travel than ever before. As one al-Malik that emphasizes personal bravery, family, and loyalty,
song went, “How will you keep them down on the while its citizens are beholden to many spirits and gods.
farm once they have seen Criticorum?” For centuries they have plundered the “off-
Desertion, even with death as its punishment, hap- worlders,” returning with spoils, such as rare ores,
pened more often than any noble cared to admit. weapons, tech, gold, and slaves. At one point, during
The Muster, constantly needing veterans, became a their brief unification under King Froljir the Ill-Fated,
haven for many runaway peasants. While life with the they came close to conquering the Known Worlds.
Muster was no safer, it at least held the hope for free- Coming up against Vladimir Alecto, first Emperor of
dom… albeit after a 20-year enlistment. the Known Worlds, King Froljir was slain, their unity
The ascent of the Emperor also gave cause for was shattered, and they fell back, raiding once again
hope. The chance of armed marauders plummeting when the Kurga Caliphate and Known Worlds grew
from the sky, taking what they could, and burning the weak with internal discord.
rest, diminished. Even in lands owned by the Emper- Now they face a resurgent Known Worlds, led by
or’s enemies, peasants dared to dream that the Pax the military might of Emperor Alexius. With his dow-
Alexius would bring with it prosperity, fecundity, and, ry of Hargard, some Vuldrok call for armed unity
dare we say it, respect for their rights. against the intrusion. Others seek alliance with the
In some places, especially in the new Imperial Emperor for their own ends, whether that’s to settle
lands, this has been the case. In others, however, little old scores or increase their dominions.
has changed. In those places, as the Emperor Wars The Empire’s most pressing foe among the Vuldrok
recede into the mists of time, peasants live on the edge is Thane Sigfaddir Firestorm of Hargard. Once the
of losing even that last glimmer of hope. For them, the terror of the space lanes, now old and blind, Sigfaddir
future may even be darker should that brief glimpse continues to rule the continent of Ostmark, rejecting
of light disappear. the incursion of the empire onto the planet. He aids
and arms thanes who oppose the union of Freya El- The Vuldrok Star-Nation includes the worlds of JOURNAL
dridsdottir and Alexius. Still strong in battle despite Fingisvold, Frost, Hargard, Raven, and Wolf’s Lament.
his blindness, Sigfaddir seeks alliances throughout Vuldrok conquests left sizable communities on Gwyn- INTRODUCTION
Vuldrok space to resist the Emperor, all the while neth, Leminkainen, and Antioch. Raven is the spiritual
playing a diplomatic “cold war” with his foes. Thane heart of the Vuldrok nations. Frost is the planet of the
Sigfaddir is an excellent chess player. first Althing of all Vuldrok nations, although the Alth- SOCIETY
In this, he has an ally: Captain Jundo Kada of ing has since moved to Wolf’s Lament. Fingisvold hosts
Soekin, current leader of the Zetol nation on Wolf’s the Vuldrok War College of Kurmda’s Might, a sacred KNOWN
Lament. Jundo is looking for new worlds to colonize, training ground for all Vuldrok. WORLDS
concerned with the encroachments of the Empire, Clan and community loom large in Vuldrok cul-
and he has vowed never to submit his people to the ture, as does the notion of “wanderlust,” the desire
yoke of any outside authority. of the young to see other worlds. Vuldrok nations are
But not all Vuldrok are so decided. The Lakol nation very much oral cultures and take oaths of friendship
War-Chief, Itancan Wi-hanma se Hinyaijkaga (“Owl and loyalty very seriously. To be an “oathbreaker” in
Who Sees Visions”), is a brave and cautionary leader any Vuldrok nation is to be worse than a murderer,
who upholds the Drenjar alliance and urges Vuldrok and an oathbreaker can be slain with impunity. The
unity in the Vuldrok Althing. But he is disturbed by customs and laws of the community are strong, the
strange visions of a new menace entering Vuldrok gods held sacred, and the worlds beyond Vuldrok
space that no eyewitness has survived, one that no Vit- space are there to be plundered.
ki runecaster can yet identify. Only a wake of empty
still fight to keep their northern kingdom, the Balif, brighter over the past millennium rather than fading.
intact at any cost, even that of their own lives. Deeper investigation uncovered similar statements
Meanwhile, a small number of Kurgans have spread howled by combatant prisoners, as Imperial agents
throughout the Known Worlds — individuals, families, used torture to extract more strategic information.
and even small communities formed by merchants, ex- The Eye has also learned that the members of the
iles, slaves and escaped prisoners of war. Unable to re- delegation that approached the count have all van-
turn home and fleeing the hostility they face on Hazat ished utterly. Any Kurgan who starts to speak of the
worlds, they keep a low profile and do what they can to pilgrimage to a non-Kurgan is silenced in some way,
survive. Living in isolation, most are unaware of recent reviled as a traitor and apostate. But a new phrase
developments on Hira; when told, they initially react has been overheard among the refugee community,
with extreme sadness or anger, but quickly lapse into a a simple formulaic blessing that translates roughly as
more reserved state of fatalistic stoicism. “may your star be brighter” or “may your sunshine
The most well-known Kurgan exile is the sultry increase.” The exact nature of the Kurgan pilgrim-
courtesan Zulaykha Turakina, who sought a place in age is still not understood by outsiders and never ex-
the Imperial court for decades until recently agreeing plained by Kurgans themselves. “Only one who has
to marry the Hazat crusader Count Belardo Goya. gone to see with one’s own eyes could know,” they
While the count treats her as a trophy of war and a fi- sigh blissfully.
ery barbarian that he has tamed, she has shown a ma-
Lost Worlders
turing grace in adapting to her position. Apparently
giving up her seductive ways, as well as any hope of
returning to the Caliphate, she now acts as a patron-
ess of Kurgan expatriates, sponsoring exhibitions and Lost Worlders have long been one of the bogeymen
competitions of Kurgan dance, music, poetry, sports, of the Known Worlds. Who knows what horrors are
and cooking. Privately, she exhorts them to stay silent growing beyond locked jumpgates? During the Em-
regarding their heretical beliefs. They must instead peror Wars, this fear receded, as real horrors took the
rely upon their rare skills, deep respect for literacy place of fanciful ones. Following the end of hostilities,
and learning, and the more secular aspects of their Alexius called on Questing Knights to reach out to
exotic culture and esthetic sensibilities to eke out a liv- humanity’s forgotten outposts and bring them back
ing in the Phoenix Empire. to the light.
Even with the enthusiasm that met his call, dark
What might amaze the most xenophobic is that the Worlds. Only the purity of true believers can stop them, JOURNAL
vast majority of Lost Worlders in the Known Worlds converting these heretics to the light. Surprisingly, this
are of one class — slaves. Slavers from both within fantasy is occasionally not far from the truth. A few Lost INTRODUCTION
and without the Muster have sought jumpkeys as a Worlders have made their way through jumpgates on
way to obtain untraceable victims. Whole villages their own, sometimes at the behest of their world leaders
have been kidnapped, brought to the Known Worlds, and at other times with no support. SOCIETY
and made property. These Lost Worlders often have a greater affinity
Some of these slaves escape, but usually without with technology than the average Known Worlder KNOWN
understanding the language or culture of those who does, and they may have more comfort with psychic WORLDS
now surround them. Their only hope is often to band powers and mutations. The tenets of the Univer-
together with anyone who will accept them, so they sal Church may confuse them, and the subtleties of
may create whatever home they can. Known World politics might escape them. Still, they
Of course, the classic magic lantern image of Lost do the best they can as they carry out their missions,
Worlders is a mishmash of skulking spies, saboteurs, and only rarely confiding the truth of their situation, even
explorers from sinful lands come to corrupt the Known to their closest companions.
When Bidok entered the room, the shantor was floating in midair, his gaze locked onto the distant
“You complained about a high-pitched noise… sir?” While the young gannok had worked for nobles
before, she was unfamiliar with the proper etiquette in this situation. The shantor had many influential
patrons, providing him with the means to afford permanent residence on the star-city Cumulus. Suffer-
ing from stiff joints and muscles was common among elders in his species; the weightlessness of space
offered him some respite.
His head turned to face her. He started to wheeze and whistle faintly, prompting the room’s dedicated
think machine to provide a translation over speakers: “Tell me, child, what is your name?”
“Bidok. That is — Apprentice Bidok, sir.”
“By my mother’s grace, I am known as Alahad Star-Running. Famed poet. Freedom fighter. Legend-
ary lover.” His lips curled into a smile. “And yes, you may call me Al.”
“Oh, of course I know who you are!” Bidok exclaimed excitedly. “Big fan of your work. Truly in-
spired. One question, if I may? Why don’t you go by ‘al-Malik’ anymore?”
The shantor turned back to the porthole in the side of the station. “Part of the price I had to pay for
breaking the chains that bound me. Not the only thing I had to give up. So… the noise?”
Bidok snapped to attention. “Sure. It’s probably one of the repulsor pads. They don’t usually operate
at lowest capacity over prolonged periods of time.” Entering the room’s low-g area, she used her tail to
secure herself to the wall while effortlessly leaping to the ceiling. She couldn’t hear anything herself, but
she knew the shantor’s hearing far surpassed her own. As she pulled some tools from her guild-issue
overall and went to work, Alahad began to speak.
“Do you want to hear something funny?” He didn’t wait for her to reply, considering the question
moot for a gannok. “For my whispers to be heard, I had to send them into the void. For my message to
carry weight, I had to abandon gravity itself. For my own light to shine, I had to leave my Great Sun
behind. Bittersweet irony.”
Bidok managed a half-smile while switching out some capacitors. “My uncle — he works for the
Chombo Conglomerate, you heard of them? Anyway, he once told me of an old human saying: ‘If you
can’t fight them, join them.’” Content with her work, she routed power back into the panel, then turned
to face the shantor. “Worked out well for me.”
“Is that so? Then tell me, Bidok: Why do you still fight in the name of F.A.R.?” The gannok froze in
midair, prompting Alahad to smile. “I guess in this case, I bet on the right horse, as the human saying
goes. Tell your uncle I want to have words.”
The Known Worlds are home to a plethora of sentient Space limitations prevent us from giving full
people, not just humans. Among those nonhuman descriptions and traits for every alien species.
peoples, three have always been more present in the We provide very brief descriptions below. Fu-
public eye, due to the fact that they enjoy relative free- ture Fading Suns books will fill in the details.
dom on their own homeworlds. The most human-like
are the ur-obun and the ur-ukar, two distantly related ASCORBITES
species that were strongly influenced by the ancient These carapaced, bipedal insectoids share a
Ur-races (the Anunnaki). While the obun are general- tribal hive mentality. Native to Severus.
ly considered noble and spiritual, the ukar are seen as
bitter and aggressive. The vorox, on the other hand, ETYRI
are distinctly alien in appearance — giant, muscular, These winged, flying avian humanoids have
six-limbed predators — yet they have established a a culture that values omens and the afterlife.
civilized nobility of their own under human rule. Native to Grail.
Among the other sentient species, the horse-like
shantor are the most numerous, yet are paid lit- GANNOK
tle heed since most of them toil away as slaves far These greasy primates have a knack for technol-
away from public view. The primate-like gannok ogy and cracking wise. Native to Bannockburn.
have managed to gain recognition among humans
thanks to their mechanical aptitude, while the HIRONEM
aquatic oro’ym are valued companions of treasure These bipedal reptiloids live in an isolated
hunters because of their familiarity with Anunnaki caste society. They’re native to Cadiz with a
“culture”. On the other hand, the avian etyri and substantial population living on Iver.
the reptilian hironem mostly choose to live in iso-
lation, due to the religious stigma associated with ORO’YM
leaving their homeworlds. Until recently, the rarest These amphibious humanoids revere their an-
sight was probably the insectoid ascorbites, who live cient pedigree. Native to Madoc.
in tight-knit tribes and are only now beginning to
spread among the stars. SHANTOR
Due to spotty Diaspora-era records, there is de- These horse-like quadrupeds require special
bate over when exactly actual first contact took place, speaking devices to talk to other sentients. Na-
but there is little doubt that encountering sentient tive to Shaprut.
extraterrestrial life was a milestone in human space
exploration. Unfortunately, human-alien relations THE CHANGED
since then have been plagued with cultural misunder- Genetic mutants, the Changed are born with
standings, colonial oppression, and sometimes out- odd and special abilities but feared by the peas-
right hostility. The immediate outbreak of the Ukar antry and loathed by the Church. The majority
War upon first encounter cost many lives until human of Changed come from human stock, although
forces under Patriarch Palamedes managed to win alien Changed are not completely unknown.
the day, and during the Emperor Wars, nonhumans
were often regarded as little more than expendable biding their time to strike, old wounds are starting to
shock troops. heal. Many hope to regain full dominion over their
The lot of alien species within the Empire has im- reservations in the foreseeable future.
proved significantly since Alexius took the throne. The various factions of the Known Worlds have
Their rights are being continually reinforced. As part come to embrace members of nonhuman origin, and
of the Pax Alexius, the Emperor even decreed that the they are beginning to develop a sense of unity that
religious practices of alien citizens in their own terri- transcends divisions of species.
tories (usually homeworld reservations) are to be ex- The Merchant League was forefront among this
empt from Inquisitorial investigation unless outright trend, having always been more progressive in their
antinomy is involved. This gained him little favor recruitment efforts, but it still needs to overcome
with the Church, and it has little jurisdiction outside strong resistance, due to many species’ questionable
the recognized territories, but many species have be- experiences with Muster slave traders. Nonetheless,
gun to view their human overlords more favorably. their hard-won new members have proven invaluable
While resentful souls are holding their grudges and due to the vast range of expertise and knowledge they
bring along with them. Chief among them are the
gannok, who have risen to high ranks within the En- Ur-Obun ALUSTRO’S
gineers, but elite alien mercenary units consisting of Humanoid psychics from a communal, contemplative society INTRODUCTION
social outcasts from their respective species — like the The obun have a storied history and a culture which
hironem Dragons — have also found their place with has faced tremendous challenges over time, includ-
the Muster. ing contact with a rapacious starfaring humanity. SOCIETY
The noble houses oftentimes counted alien beings The Vekallanali (Litany of the Lighbtearers) and other
among their retinue purely to provide a flair of exoti- obun scriptures relate how Lyovaa’ken — the Pan- KNOWN
cism, but they are now increasingly coming to realize creator — created the Principalities, who voiced the WORLDS
the benefits of having a broader perspective and skill diverse principles of the cosmos. Then came the
set to rely upon in their followers. Some particularly Intelligences, who ruled and guarded the different
renowned individuals even had the honor of having worlds and made the cosmos the setting for a sacred
minor titles bestowed upon them. The vorox’s reputa- drama. The first created (and first in honor) Intelli-
tion as “noble savages” seems to have cemented their gence was Velisamil; her world gave birth to the obun,
place at the side of human nobles, while the oro’yms’ who envisioned their destiny among the stars. Obun
skills with exploration and archaeology make them archaeomythology chronicles the rise and fall of the
highly sought after travel companions as well. obun through successive epochs of sacred history,
The Universal Church had the most trouble in- proceeding from a primordial war with the ukari to
cluding nonhumans into their fold, but after the first a golden age of wisdom to a savage age of brutality
missionary attempts began to bear fruit, these new- to the establishment of the Umo’rin, the Obun Fed-
found followers of the Prophet’s gospel are now flock- eration. Everything changed, however, when the first
ing back to their homeworlds to convert their own. human spaceship entered obun space (Terran year
The Eskatonics cherish the deep insight of obun and 2797/obun unification year 786). The obun had been
etyri mystics, but even the Avestites, who passionately a spacefaring people for a century but had not yet
rally against the influence of the alien on the human unlocked the secrets of their system’s jumpgate. The
soul, have come to value the fanatic loyalty of hu- new interspecies relationship was mutually respectful
man-raised ascorbites. at first, but the tumultuous two millennia that fol-
Despite all this, deep-seated discrimination still lowed led to the obun’s subjugation and confinement
abounds, especially towards less integrated nonhu- to their homeworld. Velisamil, first among creation,
mans who hold their old traditions above all. This has became a reservation.
led to cultural divides among many species. Sparks Velisamil now sustains a fragile peace with a veneer
of internal aggression have ignited conflicts on more of autonomy. The Umo’rin, the Obun Federation, still
than one homeworld. The noble rulers struggle with governs the world, while each province is governed by
a balanced approach to these arising issues on their its own council. The elected “Conclave of Federates”
worlds, fearing to fan the flames by resorting to the (from each province) negotiates among the provinces
harsher methods of earlier days yet finding little com- and represents Velisamil in interstellar politics. The
mon diplomatic ground with alien hardliners. The obun contemplative orientation toward unity makes
Frontier for Alien Rights (F.A.R.) operates in these hot them inherently communal, a dynamic which works
zones, usually trying to mediate between parties, but its way through every unit of obun society down to
not afraid to resort to more direct action when grave the family, a microcosm of creation. Ultimately, the
injustices are committed. traditional confederacy functions under an autonomy
Thus, life as an alien in the Known Worlds is still which survives only through the colonial oversight of
fraught with its fair share of perils, as they face prej- House Hawkwood. This can be traced to the Obun
udice and hostility from less cosmopolitan kin and Pogrom: In 4203, Eokésmen ma Dohlenni preached
humans alike. Nonetheless, hope is growing strong in against the marginalization of his people, exhorting
the few who are brave enough to leave their ancestral them to remember their interstellar destiny. This cry
worlds behind and venture forth among the stars. for freedom first earned ecclesial censure, then a con-
flict with Inquisition troops and the disbanding of
obun colonies, and finally military action against Vel-
isamil. Houses Hawkwood and Juandaastas, longtime
supporters of obun causes, were among the architects
that negotiated peace. In return, House Hawkwood
became the wardens of Velisamil. Obun traditional
governance persisted, but only at the thus far benign
colonial largesse of House Hawkwood. This is a frag- such fears when the obun wielded their powers de-
ile peace destined to implode. fensively, providing humanity even more rationale
Two religious faiths dominate the world. The older, for control of the species. However, obun psychics are
minority tradition is Bintaru, the ancient animistic often allowed more leeway than other psychics of the
system introduced to Velisamil by the hermit Mi- Known Worlds.
lannsa — a sentient whose pan-psychism, teachings Physique: Obun are distinctly humanoid, al-
on physical, mental, and spiritual harmony, and though generally taller, slimmer, and more graceful
guided meditation practice of saatari unified the war- than humans. Obun facial features, often considered
ring planet and established the Umo’rin. Bintaru is aquiline, are otherwise similar to a human’s features.
accepted on Velisamil, but it’s highly suspect beyond The obun skull possesses a more prominent zygo-
obun space and treated as a dangerous heresy. The matic arch and greater angularity and depth at the
younger, majority tradition is Voavenlohjun, the Vel- meeting of the parietal, frontal, and sphenoid. Obun
isamilun interpretation of the Omega Gospels. A dev- eyes are black and lack pupils. Obun hair is typical-
otee of the Prophet, the Bintaru priest Ven Lohji dis- ly black, and skin tends to be darker and tanned, al-
seminated her interpretation of his teachings to her though bronze, red, and yellow obun are common.
people, leading to the development of an obun sect of Leading Obun: Soleel HanSeer (frail and elderly
the Universal Church. While the Universal Church First Speaker of the Umo’rin); Tekko vo Maarinen
grants the Voavenlohjun sect some ecclesiastical au- (Senior Warden of the Federative Guard, who
tonomy, Urth Orthodox scrutiny is constant. chafes under Hawkwood authority); Velja ma
Obun culture values philosophical speculation Ymarra, the Living Faith (most senior cler-
and metaphysics, which has led to the offworld ic and matriarch of the Plenary of Bintaru
belief that every obun is a philosopher. The “wise priests); Bran Botan vo Karm (Emperor Alex-
obun” stereotype has ius’s left-hand counsel).
pursued the obun Homeworld: Velisamil (called
throughout their “Obun” in older contact records),
interplanetary re- as a Hawkwood protectorate.
lations. (Obun cul- Obun communities have formed
ture, known for its throughout the Known Worlds,
aesthetics, engineers, particularly on Ravenna, Delphi,
and philosophy-trad- Leminkainen, Gwynneth, Criti-
ers, furthers such corum, and Shaprut.
mystique.) From Roleplaying Notes: The
the obun per- “wise obun” is a legitimate ste-
spective, how- reotype, but not the full extent
ever, humans of Obun participation in the
— who have produced Known Worlds. Obun society
fine philosophers — creates a variety of engineers,
are simply lacking in scientists, soldiers, and mer-
critical reflection. Min- chants — regardless of how they’re
istering to this species philosophically oriented — who labor
of technologically ad- together to ensure the survival and
vanced simpletons may growth of their world and can offer
be the most important their services abroad. The obun who
obun mission among the leave Velisamil bring their desire for
stars. consensus and harmony with them,
The obun are a strongly often seeking to create philosophical
psychic people, a capacity communitarianism in any social unit that
which contributed to hu- they join.
manity’s ambivalence to- Character Stereotypes: Confessor (at
ward the species. The obun a noble’s right hand), Voavenhlojun Men-
were trustworthy allies in dicant (preaching among the stars), Binta-
the Ukar War, but human ru Monk (contemplating the mysteries of
anxiety and Church doc- saatari), Trader (bartering obun artifacts in
trine have cultivated distrust exchange for human social status), Ex-
of psychics. A pogrom fueled plorer (questing beyond obun space)
Ur-Ukar city of Darugin upon Mount Shadderik, a place of
inviolate sanctuary.
Humanoid psychics with a brutal past Physique: Ukari resemble the obun, being gener- INTRODUCTION
The ur-ukar — ukar (sing.) and ukari (pl.) — originat- ally thinner and slightly taller than humans. They are
ed on the obun homeworld of Velisamil. Their leg- typically either pale (denoting a Traditional clan liv-
ends, recorded in the ukari holy book, The Noddavi- ing in the subterranean depths of Kordeth or Aylon) SOCIETY
tya, hold that their progenitors split into the obun and or lightly tanned (suggesting a reservation or city
ukar (“People of the Blood Oath”) peoples during the ukari outside Kordeth). Most are covered in baa’mon KNOWN
War of the Gods. The Father-Judge of the ukari pan- (body carvings), raised tattoos that denote deeds, an- WORLDS
theon, Anikrunta of the One Eye, and his followers cestry, and clan. Possessing white or pale-blond hair,
came into conflict with the obun gods (T’lintoi) over as well as dark pupil-less eyes, they have an extreme-
the issue of advancing the evolutionary path of their ly well-developed sense of touch, smell, and hearing,
flock. Anikrunta accused his rival gods of feeding off making them excellent guides and trackers. Some
the vibrations of their followers during their medita- Known Worlders have noted their beautiful long fin-
tive practices, desiring livestock over a free people. gers as possessing an almost aristocratic skill in music
The Dawn War resulted, lasting generations. The Nod- and art.
davitya recalls how the ukari received the “dark Ukari possess psychic abilities, but scant morality
gift” of their urge during this conflict. Af- guiding its use, born as they are into warring clans
ter generations of war, the retreating ukari where any advantage for survival is a necessity. This
clans were removed to the inhospitable results in an overactive Urge.
world of Kordeth by their gods. In that Leading Ukari: Nadakira Surtam oj Malak Sojo
harsh environment, they were toughened. (current Nadakira, head of the First Clan, Defend-
Much of Kordeth’s upper world was un- er of the Ukari, Son of the Moon, Giver of
inhabitable, and the ukari became a largely Darkness and Servant and Judge of the
subterranean race. Reverting to a dark Servants of Anikrunta) is beloved by the
age, they gradually reacquired their ukari; the League finds him a frustrat-
skills and sciences, eventually uniting ing negotiator, along with his daughter
and colonizing other worlds. Coming Sharliak). Krojmak ab Javordin (leader
into armed contact with humanity, the of the Allied Clans on Kordeth) buys fa-
Ukar War ensued. Patriarch Palame- vor with the Merchant League by selling
des of the Universal Church became mineral rights, causing conflict with the
the figure that a fragmented human- Traditionalist clans). Vothraeln Vordwed
ity rallied around, leading them to (leader of the UFM — United Freedom
victory. Since then, the ukari have Movement, an alliance of Traditionalists
largely lived on reservations or and revolutionaries) is missing, and her
on harsh Kordeth, ruled by hu- current whereabouts remain a mystery.
man governors and the Allied Homeworld: Originating on Velisam-
Clans (those clans that chose il, the ukari were repatriated to Kordeth,
to work with their conquer- which they consider their true home-
ors). world. From Kordeth, they colonized
The holiest representative Aylon, Criticorum, and Ustar (now
between the ukari and their lost). Kordeth holds the greatest per-
gods is the Nadakira, who stands as centage of ukari, followed by Aylon.
Anikrunta’s representative to his chil- A sizable community remains on
dren. The Nadakira is traditionally Criticorum, as well as a small but
the high priest/shaman of the entire vocal population on Ishtakr and
Ukari Nation. He is a representative of Byzantium Secundus. The ukari
the only royalty the ukari possess, a lin- of Ustar rose up in 4081 and
eage stretching back to the oldest ukari slew the human garrison, then
clan on Velisamil, claiming descent from closed the jumpgate, locking
Anikrunta through Tlinkali the Moon themselves off from contact.
Goddess. So sacrosanct is the position that Roleplaying Notes: The
the Allied Clans and human overseers of ur-ukar have a violent,
Kordeth leave the Nadakira in his holy clan-oriented, cunning
culture. They are often secretly sought out by houses they refer to as their “wit”: their adaptive intelligence
or guilds to provide certain “services” that their sub- involves a fairly sophisticated degree of communica-
terranean origins allow them to perform well: thiev- tion, enabling them to coordinate group actions and
ery, exploring Second Republic and Anunnaki ruins, pass vital knowledge down through generations. The
and assassination. close emotional bond of the hunting pack — and,
When they leave their worlds, they often become by extension, the clan and tribe — constitutes the
bodyguards or entertainers; some are sought after for most important force in the voroxian soul, capable
their knowledge of “dark” rituals. Some aspects of of overcoming even the instinct for individual sur-
their culture hold a gothic allure for certain humans, vival. Though the early explorers and developers of
such as the native Banjak religion, known for its em- the Second Republic could not see it, the vorox had
phasis on utilizing the power of darkness, and their already achieved a well-established social structure, a
teaching of the Sukara Manja (funerary rites), which coherent culture, and a harshly practical code of eth-
only the greater shamans know. These rites were cor- ics, all without the more readily apparent trappings of
rupted by the pre-conversion Li Halan; instead of civilization and technology.
keeping the dead from the living, as intended, they While many vorox still reject such trappings, pre-
instead summoned the shades. ferring life as it had always been lived in the jungles
Ukar are held in suspicion by the Universal Church of their birth, over the past millennium many more
for clinging to their ancient beliefs; thus, they are have pursued a civilized existence, rearing their
considered “barely reflective” sentients. Ukari who clans outside the jungle (and even offworld) and
travel through the Known Worlds are often called to forming pack bonds with humans and other sen-
recite Church verses of loyalty to “prove” they can be tients. While the intricacies of high technology often
trusted. While the ukari accept Zebulon as a human prove difficult for them to learn, many vorox have
prophet (despite hating Palamedes for polluting his nonetheless managed to adapt themselves to the nu-
master’s beliefs), they likewise accept other sentient ances of polite society, the subtleties of spiritual life,
prophets into their extensive religious cosmology. and the complexities of trade. They have shown a
Character Stereotypes: Bounty Hunter (body- great degree of patience, perception, and dedication
guard, assassin, bouncer), Scout (tracker, especially in working to assimilate themselves into the greater
subterranean), Occultist (shaman, fortune teller), society of the Known Worlds, even to the extent of
Trader (trafficking in “dark” relics), Courtier (ambas- having their poisoned claws, so necessary for sur-
sadors to humans for the Nadakira), Artist (musician), vival in the wild, removed. Among civilized vorox,
Pirate (smuggler) members of the ruling clans may retain a single claw
as a sign of their status and honor. The “ferals” who
refuse to submit to the declawing process are, by law,
not allowed to travel offworld.
The importance of pack loyalty also translates into
Six-limbed giants known for their fierce loyalty a deep respect for authority and an instinctive under-
Huge, furry, and fanged, these six-limbed sentients standing of pecking order, chain of command, and
hail from one the most dangerous planets yet found. social structures based on dominance and submis-
Despite their fearsome bulk and visage, their com- sion. This enables them to adopt the order and stabil-
panionship is prized. The vorox resemble the sort of ity needed to exist in civilized society while allowing
monstrous predators common in the mythological them outlets for their naturally playful and compet-
histories of many sentient species, and most people itive nature. Hunting, exploring, combat training,
seeing one for the first time tend to react with fear or sports, and any sort of physical contest are their fa-
(at the very least) extreme caution. Yet those who have vorite types of activities, and they bring their eager-
worked beside, served with, or fought alongside a vo- ness and enthusiasm to any other field in which they
rox will readily attest that their loyalty and diligence apply themselves. Within the pack, certain behaviors
are second to none. And who can deny the charm and that would represent a death-challenge among ferals
advantage of having a true and steadfast friend who’s in the wild — such as a direct stare, a full-toothed
also big, strong, and scary-looking? smile, or quick broad movements — can be under-
Vorox can be just as ferocious as their appearance stood as the friendly gestures of different species, but
suggests, having evolved in the densest jungle of Un- they might excite counter-aggressive instincts when
gavorox, one of the most dangerous planets in the coming from a stranger.
Known Worlds. When first discovered, they were Physique: Vorox have six limbs, each terminating
not recognized as sentient at all. But they could not in a prehensile hand or paw. They are equally at ease
have thrived as they did without developing what standing or moving in a two-legged, four-legged, or
six-legged posture, as circumstances require. Their So long as their group remains ordered and sta- JOURNAL
two-legged stance puts them at an average of 3 me- ble, vorox can exercise a tendency for competitive
ters in height, but on all sixes, they tend to be just play, honing their skills and strengths for use against INTRODUCTION
over a meter-and-a-half at the shoulder. Their mass is challenges from outside their group. However, di-
anywhere between 150 and 200 kilograms. Each digit vision within the group — such as a power struggle
on the paw ends in a retractable claw that hardens between rival dominants or fractious arguments and SOCIETY
shortly after birth and matures to carry a venomous infighting — or conflicting loyalties between over-
secretion by adolescence; it is at this time that the lapping allegiances — family and friends, work and KNOWN
claws are removed as part of a rite of passage among play, duty versus honor — can be difficult to resolve WORLDS
civilized tribes. Vorox are immune to many forms of and cause great anguish. Times of transition and the
poison and resistant to most others. Mainly carniv- ever-changing needs of civilized life must be decided
orous, they are unable to digest vegetables but can upon clearly and quickly. Vorox prefer to mark such
tolerate some tropical fruits. important moments and decisions with a group ritual
Voroxian fur varies widely in color and marking that affirms everyone’s place in the pack.
pattern, usually denoting clan and ancestry. Earthy Character Stereotypes: Knightly Order (dough-
shades and camouflage patterns are common among ty battle mate), Brother Battle (devotee of a higher
purebred ferals, while brighter hues and more dis- power), Mercenary (muscle for hire), Pirate (survivor
tinctive markings have emerged among of the bigger jungle of the jumpweb)
the civilized tribes. Younger civilized
vorox are more likely to try exotic
grooming techniques such as braids,
beads, and dreadlocks; the most re-
cent generations have even begun to
experiment with shaving to a limit-
ed degree. Tattooing and scarifica-
tion have long been used for ritual
significance among the ferals, but
civilized vorox tend to avoid such
“primitive” affectations or else
overindulge as a matter of vanity
devoid of spiritual importance.
Leading Vorox: Zumminga (new
queen — daughter of Kummanga);
Jang Jabru (Imperial guard); Galja
Drax (Chainer boss)
Homeworld: The majority of
their population is on their home-
world of Ungavorox. Offworld, they
are most numerous on Li Halan worlds.
Roleplaying Notes: Gruff. Blunt. Aggres-
sive. Above all, vorox are true to their friends.
Loyalty to their packmates is the most im-
portant thing in their lives.
Chapter 3: The Known Worlds
Hail Hombor, humblest of us all. Pilgrim, it is to Hombor that we pray when we are lost and
we have lost everything. Through him, we find home wherever we are and make friends from
with our japes. KNOWN
Hombor demonstrates for us the essential homelessness of the soul until it resides in the WORLDS
ator’s light. Hombor once journeyed the jumproutes as a tramp; many of the worlds were touched
his holy feet. Wherever we walk, we walk in his stumbling footsteps, for he is the Prime Pilgrim
the beggar who gives by taking — he takes from us our sins of selfishness, greed, and hoarding
, giving
Light in their place.
He bears the Coin of Giving in his palm; even though he is the poorest of the poor, he offers
his one
treasure to us. His open sores glow with the light of the Holy Flame, shaming us for judging
the weak
and wounded.
Nevertheless, he also aids thieves and fast-talkers — not to reward them but to test us to remain
vigilant. Tithe to those more unfortunate than you… but keep your purse latched tight.
— Charioteer Captain Zelina Hamid-Sandor, The Pilgrim’s Path: How to Read the Omega Gospels
DAYSIDE AND NIGHTSIDE nuclear clocks. Most starships (and noble mansions
and merchant agoras) are equipped with nuclear
When navigating the Known Worlds, the Chario- clocks set at the same second as the central clock
teers refer to dayside and nightside jumps. Byzantium on Holy Terra. Thus, although time is relative,
Secundus serves as the central star from which all clocks are not.
roads radiate. Traveling away from the light of Byz- The Empire uses a central calendar based on
antium Secundus is traveling nightside, while those Holy Terra’s solar and lunar cycles. Citizens of the
traveling toward it are going dayside. Similarly, any Empire keep two times: their local time and Em-
planet might talk of neighboring worlds that are pire time. But most peasants live solely by the local
dayside or nightside. seasonal cycles on their homeworlds. They mea-
sure time in spans — the time it takes for a celestial
TIME body (the sun or moon) to traverse the sky by the
length of an adult hand held up to it. This might
Time is a tricky issue in the Known Worlds. Each seem to make for a highly subjective judgment ex-
world has its own method of measuring time and cept that there is usually a central sun dial or wa-
its own native system of marking months, although ter clock to declare the exact number of spans in a
such local chronological systems were spurned by day or night; the peasant matches his own internal
the Second Republic, who instead relied on perfect clock to the local, official clock.
ABSOLUTION [SYMBIOT] ticultural species. Plant life is rich and abundant
here, typified by massive terraced gardens and
Access to this world is forbidden sprawling alien topiaries. Interactions between
on pain of death, for it has been human agents and the vau are occasionally worth-
widely compromised by symbi- while for human diplomats but rarely illuminating
ot infection. Any unauthorized for their spies. Imperial spies sent to observe the
ships caught trying to enter the vau hardly ever see anything of worth. A “mission
Known Worlds from here are to Apshai” is frequently equated to a vacation or re-
destroyed by the Stigmata Garri- tirement, though this is not entirely true. While hu-
son fleet. Even authorized ships are quarantined for man agents have found little worthwhile informa-
weeks and scoured stem to stern before their crew is tion about the vau, the sheer number of operatives
allowed to disembark. here from every corner of the Empire has allowed
The people of Absolution have been abandoned for for a rich environment to spy on each other.
20 years and a certain paralysis “re: official policy”
has set in. Some argue that humans still exist on the ARTEMIS [SANCTUARY AEON]
planet and are in desperate need of aid. Others insist
that the planet has been totally infected and should be The last planet discovered from
scorched to the ground, just like Imperial forces did Urth’s jumpgate, Artemis con-
with Daishan. The tie may be broken by a contro- tained an ancient biosphere
versial satellite station recently commissioned by the and a virus deadly to humans.
Empire to study the planet from space. Select away Biologically terraformed to al-
teams have garnered new top-secret information, but low human habitation, many
not without incident. modern flora and fauna were di-
rectly imported here from Urth, though the planet’s
APSHAI [VAU] legacy virus still occasionally resurfaces. A noble lord
bequeathed Artemis to Sanctuary Aeon after they
Having crushed numerous hu- healed him from the planet’s viral curse. It is now a
man incursions into Hegemo- holy world with strict immigration policies. While
ny space, the vau eventually nobles and guild members live on Artemis, they must
allowed their border world of follow Church law, which imposes strict behavior-
Apshai to become a planet for al rules. Every law is designed to minimize conflict,
common habitation. Human including such penalties as exile to far continents or
colonization of Apshai goes as even relocation offworld if the conflicting parties can-
far back as the Second Republic. Apshai now has not make peace. The best medical technology in the
many citizens of the Empire living upon it. While Empire is found here. The sick and dying who can af-
the vau rarely leave their one continent, they have ford the journey to Artemis for healing usually return
declared it forbidden to humans. Apshai is also whole again, often with a Samaritan penance they
homeworld to the alien g’nesh, an insectoid hor- must perform as payment.
Standing in a respectful semi-circle, the dust-caked pilgrims gasped as the circular stained-glass win-
dow flooded the apse with colored light.
“These are the planets of our holy empire and of planets beyond,” croaked the ancient monk, never
tiring of how her cathedral’s ancient window affected those who saw it for the first time.
“You are here,” she said, lovingly enclosing with both hands a russet-hued world near the bottom of
the planetary matrix. Holographic glowstones and colored glass made the sparkling planetary orbs,
each crafted to accurately depict their subject matter, rotating slowly in their lead cames.
“The Pancreator desired that his children might travel between the stars, and our Prophet and saints
have explored the heavens. But perils also haunt the darkness between worlds!” Her emaciated hands
now lithely traced the coiled void kraken. Artfully hidden among the window’s stellar cartography, but
now frighteningly obvious and alive, it boiled out of the darker glass between the lighted worlds and
pulsed wraith-like around the congregants.
Silently, the pilgrims left for dinner in the refectory. Most shuddered a little, remembering the old
catechisms about how the sun of one’s birth world was best. A few, however, left with shining eyes, as
the Universe danced about them.
The planet’s hinterland position is shielded be- people” by early human settlers — were the planet’s JOURNAL
hind Holy Terra. No faction really wants to disturb earlier inhabitants, and they were not welcoming to
the work of the Empire’s most-loved healers, so the the human invaders. History notes a long and painful INTRODUCTION
great patterns of Imperial history have largely passed period of war between the two species. In more recent
Artemis by. During the Emperor Wars, the planet’s times, humans and ukari (who still make up 10% of the
healing capabilities were pushed to the limit, but to- planetary population) have approached something of SOCIETY
day, Artemis is once again a mostly bucolic backwa- a rapprochement, developing fast friendships between
ter. Since the war, patients from every faction have some humans and ukari — though ukari resistance to KNOWN
gone native, making for a diverse population and a human rule also persists. Aylon is famed for being the WORLDS
nest for spies and intrigue (although Artemis lacks the first planet the Prophet set foot upon after his mirac-
violence of such havens on other worlds). Because of ulous vision (gained on the now lost world of Yathrib
its steeply tilted axis, the north and south poles are beyond Aylon’s jumpgate). Pilgrims come from every-
aligned to maintain permanent light and darkness. where to see the spot where the Prophet first preached.
Slavery is outlawed on Aylon, and social conventions
ARAGON [HAZAT] are blurred; even serfs are often treated as freemen and
may carry weapons.
Poets speak of Aragon as a marbled Much of the planet’s surface is taken up with beau-
jewel in space. Circled by its red, tiful and deadly jungles. Explorers occasionally find
iron-laden (and heavily mined) caches of Ur-tech in subterranean ruins. A powerful
moon, the Hazat consider the ukari mad spirit known as Tlak-tlakin is reputedly
vibrant and productive planet buried deep within the planet. Both cultists and ukari
the pride of their holdings. Along resistance cells call on it to destroy the human invad-
with the many goods that flow to ers. Prehistoric life on Aylon was a voracious plant/
its fecund markets, the warm, ordered world houses animal hybrid (designated by scientists as biradials).
much of the Hazat’s military machine. The Hazat These ancient creatures still exist in the deep jungles.
claim (with some justification) that Aragon has entered According to rumors, some have been exposed to the
a new golden age of material plentitude and “moral influence of the symbiots, making the native species
fitness” under the steady leadership of its ruler, Prince doubly dangerous.
Juan. Aragon’s neighboring planet, Teruel, was terra-
formed during the Second Republic and is home to a BANNOCKBURN
small Hazat fiefdom that maintains an honorable du-
eling tradition, drawing contestants from many worlds.
The Hazat homeworld has benefited and suffered Bannockburn is a world that blends
from its proximity to Leagueheim and Byzantium Se- feverish hives of urban activity
cundus. Both have brought a great deal of wealth to Ara- with the windblown solitude of
gon, but Hazat nobles have also spent lavishly on those craggy highlands, broad moors,
planets, where they find pleasures and distractions not and misty fens. Strange Ur ru-
available on their more conservative homeworld. Much ins haunt the landscape. Most
of the planet’s history has been one of frequent warfare, have long since been stripped of
once pitting the Hazat against the ancient House Chau- their valuable artifacts, but they still make their pres-
ki (and other competitor houses), dealing with native ence known in visions and dreams. Officially the
uprisings, and the prince’s attempt at the throne during headquarters of the Muster — who coordinate their
the Emperor Wars. The Hazat and the wealthy among well-paid efforts against both the symbiots and the
their subjects are undeniably well off, but not all is well. Vuldrok raiders from here — the planet is cultural-
The poor live in squalor, and hesychast priests fuel dis- ly influenced with the honor-bound traditions of the
content among the lower orders. neighboring Hawkwood world of Gwynneth.
The populated regions of Bannockburn have been
AYLON [AL-MALIK] highly productive in building up a massive war ma-
chine to defend the Known Worlds, supplying the
Aylon is a lush but rugged world frontline world of Stigmata against the predations
with a hardy, self-sufficient popu- of the symbiots. In this, they have been ably assist-
lace. “Plain Speech,” as opposed ed by the planet’s native species, the simian gannok.
to the Graceful Tongue of the These devilishly clever tricksters have a penchant for
al-Malik, is the main language invention and high-tech jury-rigging. In addition to
here. The ur-ukar — called “ghost weapons, the Muster masters of this world also send
shanghaied “volunteers” from many planets to fight war, it became known as Cadavus, the “dead world.”
the wars in Stigmata, often after little training. This The once verdant sphere is now a cold, barren, vi-
has not stopped them from filling their cannon fod- olent slum planet that has changed hands dozens of
ders’ minds with martial propaganda, usually of the times through invasion and revolution. The oceans
noble Hawkwood variety. are poisoned, their endorheic basins receding yearly
due to faulty environmental practices and constant
BYZANTIUM SECUNDUS volcanic events. Currently Cadavus is a protectorate
of the Decados, who rule with a surprisingly light
hand. Receiving a fiefdom here is considered as much
While Byzantium Secundus now a punishment as a reward by Decados nobles, who
rules over scores of planets, it con- publicly compare their reign over the planet to that of
tinues to drown under the influ- loving parents to a sickly child.
ence of deeply buried Second Cadavus is a planet in constant revolt, sometimes
Republic terraforming engines. against its Decados overlords, but more often because
These ancient machines scoop of conflicts between religious and sectarian factions.
up atoms of oxygen and hydrogen Here neighboring blocks in one slum neighborhood
from the heliosphere and cosmic dust, precipitating
them into the planetary atmosphere as constant rain.
The planet’s wealthy congregate to the safety of the
highlands, while the rest must take their chances
against the rapidly rising waters. Imperial engineer-
ing efforts mitigate against loss of life. A desperate
new race to understand the old weather engines has
been ongoing in recent decades, but only with lim-
ited success. The capital planet has a rich seafaring
heritage and a technologically advanced navy, which
acts as a planet-side shield against threats from space.
Some of the most skilled boatmen in the Known
Worlds are from here.
While the capital of the Known Worlds suffered some
damage during the Emperor Wars, it no longer bears
any signs of that strife. Emperor Alexius has embarked
on an ambitious building plan, turning what was once
known as the “Concrete Capital” into a magnificent
Imperial showplace. Here, blackened skies and sudden
bursts of sunlight turn gray cavernous courtyards into
rain-slicked rainbow caverns. Every major faction in
the Known Worlds (even the vau) maintain a presence
on the deluged planet, and all have interests at stake
daily. A new set of intrigues has been set in motion with
the Emperor’s marriage and the addition of the planet
Hargard to the Imperial fold.
One of the poorest worlds in the
Empire, Cadavus is ravaged by
its tempestuous climate, espe-
cially during its Apophis storm
season. At such times, the plan-
et’s surface goes dark and the
population retreats to lead-lined
underground refuges to protect against the raging
winds and tornadic clouds of radioactive dust. Orig-
inally named Sonatath, after a 33rd-century nuclear
follow one mystery sect against the adherents of an- CHERNOBOG [SYMBIOT] JOURNAL
other. Cadavus has a small alien population, mostly
the insectoid ascorbites and some hironem. While the Home to the symbiots, little is INTRODUCTION
planet has little in the way of industry or agriculture, known of this green hell-world;
it still hosts multiple religious groups, whose monas- the last humans to set foot here
teries maintain records dating back to the beginning never returned. The jumpgate SOCIETY
of space exploration. at neighboring Stigmata is one
of the best guarded in the Em- KNOWN
CADIZ [DECADOS] pire, mainly to protect the rest of WORLDS
the Known Worlds from contamination stemming
During the Second Republic, from Chernobog. It is said that the planet is a steamy
Cadiz was considered a planet jungle teeming with symbiot lifeforms of all kinds,
on the rise. Meetings with the fighting each other tooth and claw for dominance.
enigmatic vau led the powers While the symbiots here battle each other, seemingly
of the time to believe that Ca- without purpose, distant observers purport to discern
diz would become humanity’s an underlying intelligence. While most see malevo-
showplace diplomacy world, at- lence, others call for attempts to communicate with
tracting investment from across the Republic. The the alien species. Attempts to scorch the planet − like
cosmopolitan fervor that gripped the planet caused the Stigmata Garrison did with Daishan − have been
the rise of many towering metropoles, but the vau made, but with little lasting success.
never came to Cadiz, instead demanding the diplo-
mats come to them on Vril-Ya. The cities here now CRITICORUM [AL-MALIK]
teem with the poor and restless, who crowd into
apartments once reserved for the super wealthy. The most populous of the al-Ma-
The planet is also known to be riddled with tunnels, lik worlds is rife with ancient in-
some natural and others carved out by past inhab- trigue. No al-Malik would ever
itants — human, hironem, or others. Amongst the deny this planet’s value — or
squalor are gangs, cults, gangs dressed as cults, cults the extreme problems it has
dressed as gangs, hironem mystics, Orthodox and caused them. Once considered
vau mystery religions, and people who would kill for for the capital of the Second Re-
a crust of bread. On a world where life is cheap and public, pivotal Criticorum has jumproutes to seven
laws virtually nonexistent, the most decadent of the other worlds (Cadavus, Gwynneth, Kordeth, Kish,
Decados find amusements without limit. If Cadavus Shaprut, Byzantium Secundus and Pyre). Beautiful
is the Mantis house’s sickly child, then Cadiz is its and architecturally rich, tourists and pilgrims from
willful and abused spawn. many worlds pass through Criticorum space on
While Cadiz missed becoming the vau’s official their travels or visit the influential world as an end
point of contact, vau mysticism leaks in from neigh- in of itself. The League has a substantial presence,
boring Vril-Ya and Manitou, making it a hotbed of maintaining numerous vehicle and weapons plants.
heresy. The great Second Republic mega-cities are The world hosts legions of ambitious schemers and
now largely reclaimed by jungles and native life. The spies from throughout the Known Worlds. Intrigues
enigmatic world seethes with Decados intrigue, as here may lack the subtlety of those on neighboring
pilgrims and spies from a dozen worlds seek to un- Byzantium Secundus (an object of envy and scorn
ravel the planet’s mysteries. Imperial agents and the to its Criticorum competitors), but they are at least
Jakovian Agency fence and trade information in styl- as common. Citizens of Criticorum are often jad-
ish salons, the hironem trade in secrets for the vau, ed, viewing those from less sophisticated planets as
and the Avestites are given broad license to punish backward or naïve.
heretics and dissenters (provided they ignore the Criticorum has been invaded by the ukari, served as
activities of their Decados betters). Meanwhile, the a bastion for Republican institutions long after the Sec-
planet’s ruler — the Duchess Salandra Decados, who ond Republic, and in recent centuries, hosted a series
had planned to marry Alexius Hawkwood — is now of autocratic warlords. A major schism between Criti-
free of benign courtship strictures and is once again a corum’s native noble family and those from off-world
ruthless spymaster. continues to divide the merchant house. Today, Crit-
Cadiz’s moon, Persus, houses Gibraltar Base, which icorum’s al-Malik see themselves as a frontline planet
supplies advanced dockyards for the Decados fleet. against the symbiot menace. Criticorum’s moon, Ar-
delle, is a space hub and military base that has recently Delphi’s population is hard working and well-edu-
destroyed several symbiot influenced stealth ships. cated. A high rate of literacy pervades Delphian soci-
Major industry (and its accompanying pollution) ety, even among the serfs, who enjoy a level of material
is widespread; a certain degree of technological ad- comfort far above most other worlds. Politically stable,
vancement has even reached the serfs. Large plank- but with a hint of anti-Imperial sentiment, the world
ton farms harvest the ocean and feed much of the has traditionally distinguished itself for its pragmatic
planet’s population. Several animal-human hybrid governance. The recent assassination of Lord William
populations of the Changed, bred by past govern- Granville Harcourt — the popular lord chamberlain of
ments, exist on the fringes of society. the Delphian senate, a stabilizing presence for the past
75 years, and a confidant of Delphi’s ruler, the Princess
DAISHAN [SYMBIOT] Victoria Hawkwood — executed by parties unknown,
has sown confusion and division on the usually tran-
Daishan is a cul-de-sac world, quil world. The planet has become increasingly ad-
only connected to the rest of the vanced technologically, in some instances even flouting
Known Worlds by the guardian technosophy laws, a matter of no small concern to the
planet Stigmata. Infested by Church. Church/League conflicts are also a notable
symbiots, Daishan was burned feature of the Delphian political scene.
to the soil by the Stigmata
Garrison. Symbiots cannot grow DE MOLEY [BROTHER BATTLE]
anything on scorched worlds (it is said), but neither
can humans. The world is still off-limits, guarded at An inhospitable and barren world,
its jumpgate by a small fleet of Imperial ships. The De Moley is home to the prime
Imperial Eye is rumored to have sent expeditions to Brother Battle monastery. Visi-
the planet to ascertain the strength of any remain- tors must negotiate the treach-
ing symbiot presence. Tales about what they brought erous paths up vertiginous crags
back have spread throughout the Known Worlds, but to reach the monastery, since the
they vary widely: Some say nothing was found but an howling electrostatic winds are too
empty wasteland, while others tell campside horror much for most flitters to withstand. The valleys between
stories about the warped and twisted troops who re- the high mountains are calmer, hosting a small popu-
turned to their Imperial masters, now hungry for hu- lation living under atmosphere domes. The planet has
man flesh. Imperial and Church missives encourage few regions of breathable air, as terraforming was left
the worst of these rumors to deter the curious. incomplete when the Second Republic collapsed.
Those who join the brothers and sisters of battle
DELPHI [HAWKWOOD] here experience constant and extreme training. Sol-
diers from this planet have served on fronts in every
A cooling planet, Delphi’s bleached corner of the Known Worlds, and the monastery at
orange-white sun is badly affect- Ruad houses more Brother Battle fighting monks
ed by the fading suns phenom- than any place except Stigmata. Situated between
enon. The world is divided into al-Malik and Decados worlds, both houses have their
three horizontal bands. Great, own fiefs on De Moley (Ctesiphon and Neo Zapor-
growing polar icecaps sandwich ozhe, respectively). Brother Battle soldiers have lik-
a deciduous green and ocean-blue ened their battle against the symbiots — while bal-
mid-section. Even with this ecological segregation ancing the bloods and bravos of these rival factions
and the devastation of the Emperor Wars, the tri- — to juggling knives while standing astride two bat-
band planet is stronger than it has been in years. Del- tling beasts.
phi is where the leaders of House Hawkwood meet to Not everyone on the planet is part of the order. A
plan the next victories to raise them above all other peasant class supports the monastery or grow their
families — or so they hope. Bursting with new animal own scrub crops on free farms. Various strategic
spirits, Imperial support is generally behind them, metals have also been mined in some abundance. A
though the Emperor is not enthusiastic about every rugged, primitive existence is all the peasants of De
Hawkwood venture. The “Lion of Planets” has re- Moley know; those few who escape from this world
cently soured somewhat on Emperor Alexius’ deter- are valued for their hardiness. A proprietary military
mination to create a greater empire at the expense of industry also draws technologically adroit believers to
Hawkwood hegemonic desires. serve in their own way.
GRAIL [KEDDAH] nobles in their own way, but not artful enough to be JOURNAL
trusted with the family’s fortunes. This is a schism
Situated between the Li Halan that the al-Malik of neighboring Criticorum have INTRODUCTION
world of Rampart and the zealot been only too happy to exploit.
planet (Pyre), Grail is often con-
sidered the second planet of the HARGARD [IMPERIAL] SOCIETY
Amaltheans. Ruled by House
Keddah (a minor house), Grail’s Lost Worlds exist past the Hawk- KNOWN
vast forests and mountains are also wood jumpgates, ruled by a loose WORLDS
home to the etyri, a sentient avian species. Grail is confederation of barbarians who
where Amalthea healed the Prophet of the darkness are primitive in belief but who
that had infected his soul on a Lost World beyond the also have jumpdrive capability.
border. The planet’s name comes from the symbol for Not much is known about these
the Amaltheans. A Sanctuary Aeon monastery (San- worlds, except that their natives are
ta Amalthea) on the planet surrounds the site of the uncouth and savage, occasionally raiding the Known
Prophet’s healing. Tribal desert raiders are the pri- Worlds for plunder. The world immediately past
mary threat on Grail. House Keddah and the healing Leminkainen’s jumpgate is Hargard, the primary vil-
order maintain close and honorable ties. lain behind these recent barbarian raids. Or so went
the conventional wisdom until a few years back….
GWYNNETH [HAWKWOOD] This barbarian planet has abruptly gone from
border reaver to the new jewel in Alexius’ crown,
Gwynneth is an abundant, temper- thanks to the dowry of his wife, Freya Eldridsdottir.
ate world, dominated by great old Now the people of Hargard are portrayed in magic
growth forests. Warmed by bina- lantern shows as noble primitives, unschooled in the
ry suns (a red giant and a more modern ways but hungry for the teachings of Church
distant blue star), the world is and Empire. Many of the Empire’s gains on Hargard
lit by dizzying double-edged have been made due to the diplomacy of House Ra-
shadows of anti-red and anti-blue. makrishna. Still, the continent of Ostmark active-
Much of the surface is riddled with limestone caves. ly resists the Emperor’s rule. The thane Sigfaddir
Gwynneth has suffered disproportionately from the Firestorm has been the center of this resistance for
Vuldrok invasions; its Hawkwood rulers feared that some years.
the long-defiant pagan peoples living in the woods More details on Hargard can be found in Chapter 3:
would welcome the raiders. Muster mercenaries, Places in the Gamemaster Bok.
hired by Hawkwood lords, came from Bannockburn
to defend the planet from further assault, but most- HIRA [HAZAT]
ly concentrated on keeping the heathen populace in
line. This arrangement, made long ago and under A formerly Lost World reached
pressure, has come under increasing scrutiny by the through Vera Cruz’s jumpgate,
modern nobility, who view Muster excesses as con- Hira was until recently a major
flicting with their values. The Gwynneth branch of site of battle between the Hazat
the Hawkwood clan perfectly personifies the family’s and the Kurgan Caliphate (an
knightly honor traditions. Its motto of Strength, Hon- interplanetary regime beyond
or, Fidelity is carefully observed here, and the family’s Hira’s jumpgate). The jumproute to
reputation for honoring its bargains is also closely Kurgan space has closed within the last year, cutting
identified with the Hawkwoods of Gwynneth. off the planet’s Kurgans from their reinforcements.
The planet has recently breathed a sigh of relief This world has now fallen to the Hazat. The Em-
with Alexius’ marriage and the tightening of Hawk- peror has stepped in to broker a peace between the
wood/Vuldrok ties. A certain antipathy between the remaining Kurgan forces and the Hazat (who would
Hawkwoods of Gwynneth and neighboring Ravenna prefer to subjugate them on their own terms). Alexius
has grown because of the Emperor’s marriage. De- foresees the gate opening again and wants no Hiran
spite remaining suspicions, the Hawkwoods of Gwyn- Kurgan to cry “genocide” to any returning forces.
neth have largely thrown themselves behind the Im- Hira’s landmasses are almost completely circled by a
perial project, while those of Ravenna have not. The thick jungle, its flora and fauna widely altered by early,
Ravenna branch of the Hawkwood clan view those often irresponsible, technophile colonizers. While much
of Gwynneth as “House Backwoods”: worthy enough of the world’s population slid into primitivism after a
comet rendered the gate inert, its caches of First Repub- Li Halan’s march from decadence to faith, cement-
lic technology currently excite interest in many quarters. ing its reputation as the most sacred of worlds (ex-
cept for Holy Terra). The Li Halan have made Icon a
HOLY TERRA (URTH) “Garden World” of unparalleled beauty, but it is also
a planet haunted by ghosts and superstition. Titanic
and psychically potent Ur-ruins are apt to cause vi-
The capital of the Church and the sions and/or hallucinations.
cradle of humanity, Holy Terra The prayerful planet is connected to the Li Halan
is known by many names, most planets of Kish and Midian on one side and the
commonly Terra Sancta by visit- border worlds of Ungavorox and Manitou on the
ing pilgrims, or simply “Urth” by other. The Li Halan consider Icon to be a bulwark
its native inhabitants. The planet against the dangerous ideas coming from vau-in-
is overcrowded; teeming masses of fluenced Manitou, often pestering the Inquisitorial
the faithful squeeze into the cities that dot the globe. Synod with requests for cleansings. These repeated
This is partly because vast regions are given over to entreaties, often for the most minor infractions, have
wilderness and allowed to exist in their natural, un-ter- resulted in a jaded synod rarely bothering with Icon
raformed states as an example of the Pancreator’s anymore. This is a fact many subjects gladly, if qui-
bounty. Permits to visit these wildernesses are allowed, etly, accept. Icon’s people are friendly but can give
but overstaying one’s allotted time is a crime, prompt- way to moral panics about sin and heresy with little
ing manhunts for recalcitrant hermits. The Church provocation.
strictly controls immigration, and those born on Holy
Terra are given special consideration over foreigners. ISTAKHR [AL-MALIK]
Holy Terra is the Empire’s prime planet for pilgrim-
ages, as holy sites important to human history abound This desert world has attracted all
on every continent. The Patriarchal Seat (some say sorts of people from throughout
“throne”) is always situated here. For the last centu- the Known Worlds: the ambi-
ry, it has been in Rio Brasilia. The Church’s grand tious, the unscrupulous, and the
archives are spread throughout the world. The planet damned. It is a sought-after des-
Mars hosts one of the most popular pilgrimage sites: tination, not only because of its
the alleged birthplace of the Prophet. Little is known stupendous wealth but also because
of Zebulon’s early years, and many worlds claimed his space lore tells of it as a place of last resort for the
natal spot (most notably Sutek, Grail, and Malignati- desperate and the damned in search of a final throw
us). During the Dark Ages, however, the Patriarch de- of the dice. Its glittering capitol of gleaming glass, Sa-
clared Mars the only true site of Zebulon’s birth. markand, is among the richest cities in the Empire.
Urth suffered no physical scars from the Emper- The al-Malik rulers have used their incredible wealth
or Wars, but the Orthodox Church played a politi- to build pleasure palaces for themselves, awe-inspir-
cal role, in no small part owing to its sophisticated ing cathedrals, and even museums open to their serfs.
intelligence networks. Much of the planet’s native The al-Malik here combine super science and mysti-
solar system was colonized long before the first cism in their pursuit of cosmic truths, making Istakhr
jumpgate was discovered, and it remains so. Polit- a world of beauty, mirage, and fear.
ically, Holy Terra is divided into five continental Much of Istakhr’s population reside around green
archbishoprics: Asia, Europe, Africa, and North zones that grow scientifically engineered super crops.
and South America. Pre-space history has been re- The legendary Istakhr Market is one of the largest ag-
searched but is largely viewed as a primordial and oras in the Known Worlds. It’s a place where forbid-
long forgotten past. den technologies, noble titles, or any fantasy — within
or counter to Church doctrines — can be found for a
ICON [LI HALAN] price, and some claim that the market itself is alive in
some fashion. In the desert, human and ukari tribes
A luxuriant and balanced world, largely immune to owe fealty to the al-Malik, while others follow desert
the fading suns phenomenon, great Ur ruins still dot spirits and dark, Antinomist deities. Each desert and
Icon’s surface, attesting to its cosmically ancient ped- oasis has its own myths and mysteries.
igree. These have been scoured inch by inch, howev- The ur-ukar were the original discoverers of the
er, and investigators say there are few mysteries left. planet. Now they live on reservations, though some
Icon is most famously where a vision of the Prophet have found enviable positions within al-Malik mili-
Zebulon converted Prince Cardano, who guided the tary and intelligence agencies, as well as the noble
courts. The planet’s ruler of the last decades, Duke KISH [LI HALAN] JOURNAL
Hakim, was well compensated for his alliance to Alex-
ius during the Emperor Wars. The planet has become Kish is a starkly beautiful desert INTRODUCTION
even wealthier since then, but planetary mystics fore- world with twin moons, as well as
see a future of dire peril. hardy flora and fauna that match
the planet’s devout inhabitants. SOCIETY
IVER [INTERDICTED] The center of Li Halan power
since the waning days of the First KNOWN
Long lost but rediscovered 30 years Republic — when early leaders of WORLDS
ago from Pandemonium, Iver’s the Li Halan clan ruled the family during its pre-con-
inhabitants developed a hereti- version decadence — it is now an extremely conserva-
cal version of Church scripture tive world that has changed little over the years. The
during its isolation. Until these planet is largely prosperous and well-ordered, and its
Incarnates recant, the Inquisi- pious residents see the relative chaos of surrounding
tion attempts to block anyone from worlds as proof that the Li Halan are the only rulers
coming or going to Iver, lest it infect them with its worthy of the title. Outsiders claim there are more
sacrilege. As knowledge of Iver’s reemergence spread, peasant uprisings on Kish than the Li Halan admit.
the Hazat and Decados competed to gain control The Li Halan are doing on Kish what they have
over the lost world, only to lose out in the end to the done on other planets: making it into a garden world
Orthodox Church. While the Church is now the to proclaim the greatness of the Pancreator and Holy
most influential party on the planet, it has not come Church. Massive public works — such as the Jade
to grips with the planet’s fractious, heretical popula- Canal, bringing water to the desert from the ver-
tion. Sacrilege of every kind, alien rights militants, dant Greenswarth region — are making the desert
an eccentric guild system, and deep Republican sen- bloom. Kish’s Li Halan are divided into three clans:
timents have gestated here for generations, removed the Qing-Long (blue-green dragon), the Tian-Long
from the direct day-to-day attention they’d have inev- (heavenly dragon) and the Di-Long (earth dragon).
itably drawn on more civilized planets. The Church Rule has recently passed from the Qing-Long, who
has so far tried to kindly shepherd its flock back to ruled ably for the last 20 years, to the more insular
the faith, but as planetary resistance grows, so has the Di-Long. Li Halan have inter-married with their
Church’s dependence on the Inquisition. al-Malik competitors of neighboring Criticorum, as
a hedge against Decados enemies on Malignatius.
KHOTAN [EMBATTLED] Many guilds vie for the planet’s wealth, especially in
the more bohemian capital city of Escoral.
Mostly ignored in humanity’s earlier waves of ex-
ploration, Khotan was eventually inhabited during KORDETH [UKAR]
the Second Republic, largely by voluntary waves of
prisoners who developed the world with the prom- Once a proud (if fractious) planet,
ise of pardons for their crimes. The world is socially the homeworld of the ur-ukar and
and geographically divided between high and low. capital of their former empire
The richer and more technologically sophisticated is now jointly managed by the
live on the world’s thousands of high plateaus, while al-Malik and Merchant League.
the clannish and more primitive poor live in the There is still an autonomous re-
lowlands between them. A thousand local despots gion for the ukari, although it is
compete to expand their power and prestige. Most heavily monitored by the Church. The planet’s rocky
notably the Sovereign Sky, a coalition of plateau surface has little arable soil; most of it is covered with
cities, conspires to create a worldwide order, but craggy gullies and sharp cliffs. Life primarily exists in
with limited success so far. The world has suffered the vast underground tunnels that comb the planet.
from numerous Vuldrok raiding excursions over Thousands of mosses and fungi grow here. Indige-
the years, as inhabitants are kidnapped and sold as nous predators and prey without number scuttle and
slaves on both Vuldrok and Imperial planets. Fear crawl in Kordeth’s uncharted underworld.
of these “sky raiders” has made Khotan no less sus- Sold to the Merchant League, but still largely ruled
picious of Imperial designs, now that Alexius rules by the al-Malik, both parties benefit from the deal.
over neighboring Hargard. People high and low are The third party at the table includes the numerous
up in arms at the prospect that the Empire will strive ukari of the Allied Clans, a faction that sided with the
to claim Khotan next. humans during the Ukar War. Many more ukari of
the Outlawed Clans live their lives away from human giant sun, Leminkainen’s shallow warm seas evapo-
settlements, observing their old ways underground rate into space. The land boasts lush vegetation, but
and (as humans fear) plotting for eventual revanche. only owing to its origins in corrupt but effective super
Law on Kordeth is often hard to enforce. Ukari cus- science. Now Leminkainen teeters toward total envi-
toms, Merchant League law, and the edicts of the ronmental collapse despite its verdant veneer. Bizarre
al-Malik frequently do not apply in each other’s terri- and often dangerous, its plant and animal life seem
tories. Outlaws often move from one zone to another to be turning against the populace. Genetically engi-
to escape punishment. neered horrors from ages past are now resurgent in
the wildlands. Green and orange spore clouds appear
LEAGUEHEIM with little warning. The former is wildly hallucinato-
ry; the latter is deadly, though manageable with sim-
ple breather units.
A crowded, dynamic planet of Bordering barbarian space via its jumproute to
technological marvels, most of Hargard, Leminkainen long bore the brunt of Vul-
Leagueheim’s surface is covered drok raids. It was occupied for a time by barbarians.
by its single (and therefore capi- Their descendants still live here, maintaining what
tal) city: Kesparate. A seemingly they claim is a sovereign nation. The Hawkwoods
endless patchwork of gleaming say the barbarians are deluded and only live auton-
spires and rusting, polluted waste- omously because they allow it. Still, the forests are
lands, little is left of the planet’s original biome. The full of pagans who openly ignore the missionaries
noble houses profit from the League planet’s existence, attempting to save their souls. Some are merely indi-
simultaneously envying and decrying its wealth and vidualists, resistant to outside influence, while others
excesses. Adjacent to the Li Halan and Hazat worlds are vile Antinomists who commit the most sordid of
of Midian and Aragon, as well as Madoc (a League atrocities. Leminkainen has benefited greatly from
world), Leagueheim enjoys a good deal of autonomy the cessation of barbarian raids after Alexius married
from Church and noble oversight, spawning its own the Vuldrok shield-maiden, Freya Eldridsdottir. This
merchant aristocracy known as Brahmins. No planet is a fact the Hawkwoods of Leminkainen appreciate
in the Empire can claim to have as many technological more than the rest of their family. Support for the
wonders as Leagueheim, and few have politics as vi- Emperor here is strong.
cious. Here anything that can make someone a firebird
is legal and culturally encouraged. Still, discretion is MADOC [MERCHANT LEAGUE]
key; no one wants the Inquisition spoiling the party.
Leagueheim observed a careful neutrality during Situated between the powerhouse
the Emperor Wars, acting as a nonaligned resup- planets of Byzantium Secundus
ply and trading location (while also selling arms to and Leagueheim, this ocean
all sides). Its eventual support of Alexius’s claims to world has proven highly profit-
the throne engendered a quixotic Hazat invasion at- able to the Merchant League.
tempt, which ground to an eventual peace during a Madoc has long been a bread-
battle of attrition. Today, even the poorest League- basket (or fish basket) world, easily
heimers consider themselves the freest citizens of the supplying its human settlers — who mostly cling to
Phoenix Empire, enjoying a wide array of personal the planet’s 4% landmass – creating a valuable ex-
rights. Others observe that a world that unstinting- port and lure for recreationally minded pilgrims.
ly pursues only wealth imposes its own set of chains. Several noble houses maintain luxury fiefs here, and
Many aliens, such as gannok, obun and ukari, have sports fishing can challenge even the experienced
found Leagueheim welcoming to them for their skills. sailors from neighboring Byzantium Secundus’ sev-
en oceans. Much of the sea’s bounty does not travel
LEMINKAINEN [HAWKWOOD] well, requiring gourmands to travel to the planet to
truly sample its delicacies. The Muster manages most
Newcomers to this forest world of- of the large fishing concerns here, making them a
ten underestimate its dangers due low-overhead venture.
to its sylvan appearance, but its The planet’s native intelligent species, the amphib-
deadliness is respected by na- ian oro’ym, has its own rich history, brought to an
tives and often used to temper abrupt (and nearly total) end by its first contacts with
Hawkwood knights from less human explorers and their diseases. The oro’ym re-
perilous planets. Baked by a red treated to the deep seas and were considered extinct
for centuries until a fisherman accidentally caught MANITOU [VAU] JOURNAL
some in his nets. Renewed contact was less deadly to
the now immune amphibians, who reached a peace- This crossroads world on the bor- INTRODUCTION
ful (if guarded) relationship with the League. While der of vau space is accessible
they now live a comparatively primitive existence, from four planets. Manitou is a
scholars believe their ancestors once traveled the stars joint human-vau protectorate. SOCIETY
with the Anunnaki. Houses Li Halan and Decados
watch the border carefully, not KNOWN
MALIGNATIUS [DECADOS] only for criminals and refugees en- WORLDS
tering Manitou space but also for the planet’s here-
Malignatius is the coldest planet in sies getting out. The vau don’t allow the Inquisition
the Empire, a world of arboreal to enter the system, so criminals and outcasts from
forests, frozen tundra, and nev- across the Known Worlds desperately seek to find
er-ending snow. Due to its slow their way here. The church that tends Manitou’s
rate of rotation, the planet takes flock has succumbed to the planet’s mix of criminal-
eleven Urth days to make one ity, religious fervor, Republican sentiment, and vau
full revolution. Pale wintry days worship, producing an odd procession of new saints
and raging blizzard-filled nights seem to last forever, and heresies. The vau either do not care or have
along with their attendant cabin-fever, casting long planned it this way, using the world as a viewing
shadows in native folklore. This ice world was once glass into the underbelly of human culture. Indeed,
governed by the Li Halan, but the Decados seized some rare, and possibly mistranslated, pronounce-
it early in the Emperor Wars and have held it for a ments by minor vau officials have stated that they
generation. Some Li Halan now view the Decados have “liberated” the world from Church influence.
seizure of this heretic filled ice ball as a favor. Even Thus, the jumbled mass of spiritual beliefs and sus-
with all its guile, House Decados has had trouble di- pected Antinomy here are viewed as a foul plot by
gesting its new acquisition, and visitors may well con- the Church at large. Manitou is also home to some
sider it a planet of belligerent madmen. Radicals and of the few psychic covens that dare to operate openly
free thinkers came to Malignatius during Republican adjacent to Imperial space. The human government
days; their influence is still felt as a nonconformist is currently run by a suspect local guild, the Silver
sub-current. The planet also bears the mark of its for- Ward, though it has legitimate ties to the League
mer Li Halan rulers, and religious mania regularly and claims fealty to the Emperor.
sweeps the world.
Feuding old and new sects perpetuate like weeds. MIDIAN [LI HALAN]
Ukari-influenced necromancy cults that sprung up
in the Li Halan days and numerous vorox tribes (old Famed as the “Mother of the
servitors of the Li Halan, gone feral or taken in and Church,” Midian is the birth-
“enhanced” by the Decados) have caused ripples in place of Patriarch Palame-
Decados society. New mystery sects crop up on a reg- des, founder of the Universal
ular basis (some brazenly created by the Decados to Church. The planet’s religious
fight fire with fire), causing such confusion that even heritage is pounded into the
close members of the same order find themselves hearts and minds of its residents,
battling over fast-changing dogma. The Church has many of whom nonetheless abandoned the Ortho-
found Malignatius to be a planet of profoundly held, doxy during the Emperor Wars to join the multi-
if often transient, beliefs — a world highly resistant to tude of new sects springing up here — much to the
orthodoxy. To confuse matters further, there is still horror of the devout Li Halan. Now re-establishing
a sizable Li Halan presence here, though most who their authority, the Midian nobles view themselves
remain are considered traitors by their house at large. as guardians against the twin threats of the vau from
Offworld, the planet is best known for the Li Halan’s Apshai and the sinful technosophic world of League-
prize winter steeds (six-legged horses bred for run- heim. Maddening to the Li Halan, democratic insti-
ning on top of snow) that have captured imaginations tutions persist to this day, remnants from the once
throughout the Empire. powerful Northern League.
One of the Li Halan’s attractive Garden Worlds,
the planet has been a magnet for wealth, as well as
for artists and thinkers. Now credited for one of the
highest flowerings of art and culture in the Known
Worlds, these tendencies are often in contradiction PANDEMONIUM [DECADOS]
to the Li Halan’s desire to cull heresy from the pop-
ulation. Emblematic of this contradiction is the art Once a breadbasket world due to
and the heresy of the cults of the Incarnates. The Li advanced terraforming, the plan-
Halan and the Merchant Guild have been terrafor- et Grange was a desirable prize,
ming Midian’s neighboring planet, Tai-Bai, but con- not only for its enviable environ-
tact with its million-and-a half-polar inhabitants has ment but also because of rumors
recently been sporadic due to solar flares and other, of rich troves of Ur-technology.
more mysterious, incidents. And indeed, one of the greatest
finds in human history, a second and unfinished alien
NOWHERE [IMPERIAL] jumpgate, was discovered in living memory. Before this
find could be exploited, however, the ancient planetary
Once a rich and technologically engines that once made the world a paradise shook the
advanced world, this planet fell planet uncontrollably in a decades-long paroxysm of
to ruin during a poorly under- earthquakes and other environmental catastrophes.
stood cataclysm when it was cut A patchwork of barely habitable biomes and a small
off from the jumpweb a thou- human population survived around the planet’s cap-
sand years ago. Now a barren itol, the Hub. Meanwhile, one by one, other popula-
wasteland with a thin atmosphere, tion centers lost contact. Renamed Pandemonium, the
it houses the famous Gargoyle of Nowhere, an an- planet is now more basket case than breadbasket, but
cient Anunnaki statue said to deliver life changing the Known Worlds have not lost interest. The Deca-
omens to those who come seeking it. Until very re- dos have aided in the survival of its citizens, and the
cently, pilgrims who travelled to Nowhere have not Church has succored their souls. More importantly, a
been allowed back into the Known Worlds. Nomadic contingent of Engineers under the direction of the bril-
caravans of such refugees still roam the world, eking liant young terraformer and polymath, Yuri Nazami,
out a living in the sands. Travelers used a Second Re- has managed to successfully repair some of the plane-
public moon base as the planet’s main thoroughfare tary engines, calming a growing area expanding from
until the discovery of symbiot spores lead to a quar- the Hub. Over the past five years, a growing number
antine of the moon, and later, the planet. After the of settlers, salvagers, and other explorers have set about
slow retreat of symbiots from Stigmata, Nowhere is the difficult task of reclaiming the fractured world.
marginally safer, and Alexius has opened it to new The discovery of survivors in lost settlements has
settlements. A single spaceport, Necropolis, shuttles been a cause for celebration, but some lost population
travelers to the surface, and even the moon base has centers have been less welcoming to rescuers. Undead
re-opened to some traffic. The Stigmata Garrison still husks wander dusty landscapes and the twisted ruins
suspects that symbiots have compromised the world, of once great cities. Even in populated towns, gen-
though they’ve found little recent evidence in the eration-long isolation has physically mutated and
sand-blown deserts. spiritually twisted the survivors. A morphogenetic
It is said that Nowhere once had lush forests plague and extreme isolation are proximate causes,
and that many Republican-era and Ur-secrets lie though Church investigators see even darker designs;
hidden in its wastes. While the planet was once they have battled Antinomist cults and even demonic
thought scoured clean, some recent high-profile entities on the still-shaking world.
finds have set off a minor tech rush. Smugglers and While the planet is being slowly reclaimed, other in-
nomad tribes compete for rare finds in a frontier terested parties have again taken an interest in the un-
society where most go armed. The Maelestron finished jumpgate. The Decados arranged for a mar-
Monastery was originally a frenetically built man- ginally functional Second Republic starbase, originally
sion commissioned by a Decados noblewoman to in orbit around Pandemonium, to be towed near the
appease angry ghosts; eventually, it was ceded to uncompleted jumpgate — thereby planting the Deca-
an order of monks, and it is now a major resting dos banner. Unfortunately, this plan has backfired.
place for explorers. Fort Vladimir was a hot fire The Emperor decided that “Grange Station” would be
zone during the Symbiot Wars, but today, the fort an excellent exercise in cooperation and called for the
is home to a sizeable Imperial presence watching station to be jointly staffed by the League and House
over the nomad tribes. Decados, collaborating to discover the secrets of the
jumpgate. Whether this forced compromise will lead
to real cooperation or will become a mere farce that
exacerbates tensions is not yet known.
PENTATEUCH see Pyre’s gate as a strategic backdoor route between JOURNAL
Criticorum and Byzantium Secundus). The system is
still littered with uncharted space mines.
Terraformed by the legendary
Doramos, the greatest “world ar- RAMPART [LI HALAN]
chitect” genius in human histo- SOCIETY
ry, Pentateuch has a reputation This frontier world was once owned
as a mystical planet, the ultimate by the League but later seized by KNOWN
wedding of magic and technolo- the Li Halan during the Emper- WORLDS
gy. Scholars believe Doramos de- or Wars. A cool, pleasant world,
liberately designed the terraforming to create ley lines the planet’s new rulers view
and energy centers. These are little understood today, their role as gardeners, plucking
since Doramos left no records of his secrets. The Es- heresy like weeds from their newest
katonic Order claims the key cathedral and rulership holdings. The independent guild that once ran the
of this world and are well-suited to understand its planet is still powerful, but choking under the reforms
dream-shrouded mysteries. The planet is a frequent of the Li Halan governor, who seeks to clean up what
target for Inquisitorial scrutiny, however, not only
because of their own interests in the planet but also
because the haunted planet is a hotbed for psychic
covens and other possible heresies. As cool studiers of
these phenomena, the Eskatonic Order is frequently
accused with complicity when some phenomenon or
another causes harm on the planet. The Orthodox
Church and Avesti both want to wrest oversight of the
world from the small order, as do the Hazat, who at-
tempted to secure the jumpgate during the Emperor
Wars, only to be turned back by an Orthodox fleet.
she sees as social decay and moral licentiousness. The Connected to the peaceful obun planet (Velisamil)
Li Halan are attempting to enforce onto the fron- and friendly Hawkwood worlds, only now — with the
tier-minded residents of Rampart the social laws they reopening of the gate to the warlike planet Twilight —
expect on their “better-behaved” worlds. But the rigid has Ravenna come under serious threat. The Hawk-
caste structure and extreme adherence to Orthodoxy woods of Ravenna realize they will have to come to
is not always well-received by the educated and in- grips with this volatile world. They have spent the
dividualist population, most of whom still lean more last decades strengthening House Heidgard, a Hawk-
toward the relaxed rule of the guilds. wood ally that holds power on one of Twilight’s conti-
Four jumproutes connect Rampart to the rest of nents, though not without incident.
the Known Worlds (through Kish, Grail, Apshai, and
Pandemonium), making Rampart a natural conduit SEVERUS [DECADOS]
for varying ideas. Old Republican heresies, vau mys-
ticism, and a heretical animistic religion known as What appears as a gleaming em-
Zhi-Su (fashionable among pre-conversion Li Halan) erald from space is revealed as
have made the world resistant to the Li Halan’s en- a steaming and inhospitable
forcement of the Ten Edicts. Additionally, the native jungle hell on the ground. The
Li Halan of Rampart are considered clannish, secre- sun is a bloated blood-red giant,
tive, and not altogether reliable by the family at large. bringing more heat than light to
A major uprising is spreading, despite the best efforts the darkened world. Very few hu-
of the Li Halan information police. mans lived on this jungle planet before the end of the
Second Republic. During the great collapse, Sever-
RAVENNA [HAWKWOOD] us’ Decados owners opened it up to refugees from
the major trouble spots in return for allegiance to
Originally a harsh but mineral-rich the house. Those who made this deal soon regretted
world, Ravenna was remade their decision, because Severus is a most inhospitable
during the Second Republic with world. Its native species and indigenous sentients (the
the apex of that super-science primitive, insectoid ascorbites) have evolved tough,
era’s terraforming technology. almost metallic carapaces and sharp teeth to break
Now a tranquil orb of blue and through their prey’s armor to get at the flesh within.
green, the planet’s rotation is influ- Severan hull rats famously came from here to infest
enced by great planetary engines and soaring weather ships throughout the Known Worlds.
towers, giving it a uniformly optimal climate. Ravenna The Decados maintain order through a firm
is a serene world where tradition and the old ways at hand, while also enjoying the decadent pleasures of
the heart of House Hawkwood’s more conservative the wealthy world. Profitable exports include such
branch hold sway. Ravennans are used to a quiet ex- prized commodities as Severan gemstones and ad-
istence and pastoral pastimes, including falconry and vanced pharmaceuticals, derived from the jungle and
beastback hunting, as well as their own offshoot of Or- processed in cutting-edge labs. The hot-zone planet
thodox spiritualism. Critics claim Ravennans ignored is the source of several diseases that have plagued
barbarian attacks on neighboring planets, resting idly even distant worlds, while its pharmaceuticals have
as their other worlds were plundered. The hub of the also sometimes offered the cure. Vast plantations are
spokes that connect the Hawkwood planets, Ravenna worked by serfs who, while little more than slaves, are
claims oversight of these adjacent worlds, but is fre- grateful not to be taken by Muster press gangs into
quently too inward looking to do so. the planet’s suffocating mines. Severus is also head-
Although Ravenna was the birthplace of Emper- quarters to the Jakovian Agency, the Decados’ dread-
or Alexius and central to his rise to power, many of ed intelligence network.
Ravenna’s nobles are now disillusioned with him.
Not only has he distanced himself from the family to SHAPRUT [AL-MALIK]
rule more fairly over a diverse empire, but (much to
his family’s horror) he has also wed a barbarian. The The most sophisticated of al-Ma-
wedding greatly curtailed most of the Vuldrok raids lik worlds, Shaprut is home to
into Imperial space and brought the planet Hargard cultivated and highly educated
into the Imperial fold; thus, some in the family ad- rulers, the epitome of what the
mit that the wedding was strategically shrewd. Other house considers noble behav-
Ravennans, however, consider the marriage a betray- ior. The magnificent cities and
al of Hawkwood traditions and blood. ordered countryside also boast one
of the most literate peasant classes in the Empire. SUTEK [HAZAT] JOURNAL
Mineral rich and industrious, Shaprut’s widespread
wealth and a flourishing of the arts make it a pre- The first humans to fly through a INTRODUCTION
ferred destination for pilgrims and migrants alike. jumpgate found themselves in
Shaprut’s libraries are among the most intact sources this star system, and people have
for lost knowledge in the Empire, drawing scholars been on Sutek ever since. Its cit- SOCIETY
from throughout the Known Worlds. ies have sprung up on the ruins
While the planet appears idyllic, all is not well. of its older municipalities, and KNOWN
Shaprut is a jump away from the symbiot battle- inhabitants regularly find minor WORLDS
ground planet of Stigmata, where the al-Malik have artifacts dating back to the earliest days of the First
given much in terms of blood and treasure. Though Republic. Most of the valuable items disappeared
Shaprut itself has avoided much of the intra-human years ago, but rumors still surface concerning ma-
strife that has plagued other worlds, it has suffered jor hidden treasures from antiquity. Early on, Sutek
raids from symbiot forces. These sporadic attacks was a laboratory for dangerous methods and mate-
have been used by local lords as further justification rials banned on Urth yet not perfected in the worlds
to keep the ungulate shantor — Shaprut’s native sen- beyond. With jumproute access to both Holy Terra
tient species — on their reservations, where they are and the Imperial seat of Byzantium Secundus, Sutek
supposedly safe from contamination. (And, indeed, remains not only a world rich in human history (sec-
the shantor have been used as cannon fodder by both ond only to Urth) but also a vital crossroads of history
the ukari and symbiots against human rule.) Many through the present.
shantor repay their lords’ “protection” by serving as While many worlds have used the time since Alex-
laborers in the mines. ius’ ascension to rebuild, Sutek has fallen on hard
times. The fading suns phenomenon has accelerated
STIGMATA [IMPERIAL] here in the last 20 years: The planet has grown colder
and darker in a generation. Once-arable regions have
Home to the powerful Stigmata become depleted dustbowls with wind whipping up
Garrison, the best collection of storms of toxic dust. Mass famine looms large and a
troops in the Known Worlds new pestilence (the Gray Death) stalks city and coun-
(next to the Imperial Guard), try alike. Reports of husk attacks are increasingly
Stigmata forms a bulwark be- common. Hidden Sathraist and Antinomist cults —
tween the symbiots and the rest whose reputations likely exceed their actual numbers
of the Empire. Little is known about — have caused terror in the population at large, lead-
the symbiot worlds beyond Stigmata, since those who ing many to claim that the planet is cursed. Riots and
have explored symbiot space are rarely allowed to re- revolt increased as the planetary economy collapsed,
turn, despite radio claims of being whole and uncor- and the Hazat have unleashed the Avestites and the
rupted by what they saw. Before they can deliver full Muster on some unruly population centers. Human-
reports, their ships are destroyed to prevent organic itarian aid has arrived from neighboring worlds, but
infection from entering the Known Worlds. Those le- to little overall effect.
gionnaires who have survived their tours of duty here
are often shaken and hollow men, scarred by what TETHYS [IMPERIAL]
they have seen on the battlefields of Stigmata.
Five years ago, something happened here to turn One of the earliest inhabited worlds
the tide against the symbiots, but nobody is sure what in Human Space, Tethys was
occurred. Sometime after the garrison’s old battle stripped of its resources long
master, Lady Theafana al-Malik, disappeared (and ago. It now prospers by attract-
was later declared dead), the symbiots began retreat- ing renowned craftsmen and
ing, and their numbers did not replenish as quickly. manufacturers, promising land
Eskatonic battle sages theorize that Stigmata’s “world and low noble status in return for
egg” has gone dormant, cutting off the symbiot’s a cut of their profits. The Mitchau family of weap-
main artery. The war is not over, but the Empire now onsmiths is one such concern, relocating here from
has the upper hand — on this world, not Absolution Aragon to take advantage of these benefits. Once run
or Chernobog. The Imperial Navy still guards the by an independent guild but now owned by the Em-
system closely, but a small trickle of scientists and oth- peror, Tethys is the chief industrial world and armory
er carefully vetted observers have been allowed into for the Empire. On a planet where skilled craftsman-
the system. ship is in such demand — and with the seemingly bot-
tomless coffers of the Empire as their prime patron and most dangerous predators in the Empire, some
— the guilds have gained a high level of wealth and armed with toxins so cruel and deadly that even many
autonomy. With much of its raw materials coming assassins avoid their use, lest they be turned against
in from nearby Delphi, critics have complained that them. Amid this chaos of competition, the vorox
the Emperor has corruptly managed to use the roy- reign. While not as big as some Ungavoroxian pred-
al project to enrich his family at the expense of the ators, they learned early on to use teamwork to take
other noble houses. With so much wealth at hand, down their prey and defend themselves from their
several organized criminal cartels have also found a own predators — on this world, no one is above the
home here. Today, Tethys is a world of technological food chain. The planet is owned as a protectorate by
wonders that, if not Leagueheim’s equal, is certain- the Li Halan, who only allow “civilized” vorox off-
ly in competition. The moons around a neighboring world. The Li Halan have garnered prestige and fear
world, Azlan, are training grounds for the burgeoning from developing brigades of disciplined vorox shock
Imperial Army and its space fleet. troops. At the same time, Queen Zumminga (who
succeeded her father, King Kummanga) has learned
TWILIGHT [EMBATTLED] politics well enough at their feet to make tactical over-
tures to other noble houses. While vorox have made
Now that the Hawkwoods have been denied Hargard their way on numerous planets, the world of their
by Imperial ambitions, they’ve set their expansionary birth remains largely untamed.
sights on Twilight. Jumpkeys to this world are scarce, but
observers believe that won’t stop the house from soon VAU [VAU]
waging a war of conquest and liberation. If they invade,
however, the family’s appetite for glory in battle may not Vau is a closed world. Nobody is
find the shattered but technologically advanced planet allowed into Vau Space without
so easily digested. Twilight is a violent, paranoid world diplomatic permission, though
of maxicrete and razorwire, bursting with a large pop- the vau rarely kill intruders.
ulation and manic energies. Nearly devastated by a full- They simply snatch them up
scale nuclear exchange in its northern hemisphere, and with their plasma-nets and de-
now frozen by a permanent state of winter, much of the posit them back on the other side of
planet’s population lives underground. the border. However, repeated attempts to enter may
Power on Twilight is divided between three con- be met with deadly force. Black-market trade does
tenders: The continent of Reval is overseen by the sometimes occur between humans and the vau, ei-
Citadel, a brutal and rapacious totalitarian state with ther in space or on worlds such as Manitou or Vril-Ya.
a huge conventional and nuclear arsenal, as well as The planet is home to the mandarins, who venture
a sophisticated defense web seeded throughout their into the Known Worlds on missions for their leaders.
system. The continent of Tsaerdik was damaged most It is rumored that one of the vau leaders has been
by the war and is now run by an oppressive plutocrat- placed on this world, sent from one of the many vau
ic collective that brainwashes its people with continu- worlds beyond the planet’s border.
ous propaganda. It is to the nobles of Delphia — and
their lost cousins, House Heidgard — that the Hawk- VERA CRUZ [HAZAT]
woods now look. Unable to aid them much during
the Emperor Wars, since then a steady stream of arms Adjacent to Aragon, Hira, and an
and knights have quietly made their way to Twilight ocean world in barbarian space
space from Ravenna, though not without incident. (Sargasso), Vera Cruz is a tem-
Hawkwood and Twilight forces have engaged in sev- perate, green world with prime-
eral costly skirmishes. val forests and great equatorial
jungles. Long considered one
UNGAVOROX [VOROX] of the most beautiful planets, this
Hazat world bears the stamp of the great terraformer
A dead-end planet connected to the Doramos, whose wife is said to have come from here.
rest of the Known Worlds through Despite a violent past, long-lasting peace and pros-
a single jumproute (Icon), the perity have made Vera Cruz an enviable place to live
homeworld of the Vorox is a vi- until a recent series of attacks from Kurgan space. Its
cious environment composed of location as the Hazat’s launching pad for their war
many conflicting biomes. The with Hira and the Kurgan planets beyond it has put
planet breeds some of the fiercest the planet on a war footing again.
Some of the wealthiest people in the Empire used in lesser Ur-tech, as the obun tend to leave such things JOURNAL
to come to Vera Cruz to escape their concerns, but in the ground. Although the obun have suffered at the
the military buildup for the war over Hira has some- hands of humanity, they have been somewhat lucky INTRODUCTION
what marred its peaceful splendor. Still, many older in that their neighbors, the Hawkwoods, have an ap-
Hazat retire here (voluntarily or otherwise), and they preciation for their culture and have largely left them
still do their best to keep their hands in the intrigues to their own devices. SOCIETY
which plague the Known Worlds. Hazat victory at
Hira and the recent closure of the Kurgan jumpgate VRIL-YA [VAU] KNOWN
have only marginally lowered the planet’s military WORLDS
posture. The Hazat command’s official position is Most of the vau ambassadorial
that the gate’s closure is a Kurgan trick and that it world’s surface is covered by a
might reopen at any time, disgorging a renewed in- great ocean, dotted here and
vasion force. there with large islands. One of
these hosts Verden City, the dip-
VELISIMIL [OBUN] lomatic hub for human-vau rela-
tions. Humans are allowed on Vril-
Connected to two prominent and Ya to discuss matters of state, but they must stay on
competing worlds, Ravenna and the single island reserved for their use. Here human
Byzantium Secundus, the home diplomats experience what they refer to as glorified
planet of the ur-obun is official- tea parties, learning something of the local vau, but
ly owned by House Hawkwood, little about vautech or the vau’s greater plans.
but the obun have a degree of Those islands inhabited by vau are opaque to
sovereignty enviable to most other flyovers or satellite observation; the vau nonethe-
non-human species. Here the ancient culture retains less destroy any satellites that attempt to invade
its age-old ways of peace and wisdom. The architec- their privacy. Those incarcerated for prying into
ture of the planet is like nowhere else in the Known vau affairs typically find themselves in luxurious,
Worlds, displaying graceful spires reaching beyond but inescapable, prisons until release — often
the clouds, beautiful fountains miles high, perfect with confusing, hallucinatory gaps in their mem-
gardens, and wide promenades. A population of the ories. Certain lower-caste vau have run a secretive
alien g’nesh have also made their way here and have black-market, selling vautech items to those who
been welcomed by the obun. Human malcontents at- can afford them and who are discreet enough not
tempting to find a black underbelly to obun culture to bring the deal to the attention of the Mandarins.
have so far been disappointed. Like Urth, Velisimil They rarely deal openly, using alien go-betweens
has a wide array of biomes, and it is allegedly still rich (usually hironem) instead.
The captain of the star explorer whispered a quick prayer as another Avesti plasma bolt exploded off
his port side. Giant alien faces, mysterious and yet familiar, lurched before him as the Sathraist twisted
his jumpkey in the ornate bronze of his archaic console. Death stalked him in the form of the red-robed
Inquisitors, but this what he lived for.
The great alien faces surrounding the gate were limned with an otherworldly light and sang an an-
cient dirge, as space and time folded and stacked into an infinity of moments. A feeling that others less
experienced might describe as spiritual, or even orgasmic, shook him in a synesthetic kaleidoscope of
pure insight.
Seconds later and light years away, he shivered, sighing, and set course toward the distant sun and the
secret moon base he hoped would give him and his fellow seekers sanctuary. As the blinding and reveal-
ing Sathra experience dimmed to warm introspection, he felt a brief pity for the Inquisitors waiting on
the other side for the gate’s reset to kill him. They would likely view the blinding passage as duty, for
which they must be shriven, never realizing that they were treading in the footsteps of God.
Enduring as sentinel eyes overseeing the terminal come in different sizes and designs from system to sys-
reaches of every known solar system, the ancient tem, although they are all at least as wide in circumfer-
Anunnaki jumpgates inspire curiosity and awe. While ence as Holy Terra’s moon, and some are even larger.
other technology frequently engenders superstitious Jumpgate access differs from system to system. Stra-
fear or the inquisitor’s torch, jumpgates rouse some- tegically crucial gates — like in the war-torn Stigmata
thing more akin to reverence. The Universal Church system, or those of Byzantium Secundus, the noble
holds that the Prophet’s death during travel through a homeworlds, and other wealthy planets — are care-
jumpgate “sanctified” all the jumproutes for sentients fully monitored, often with one or more frigates, de-
everywhere. The jumpgate cross is the very symbol of stroyers, or even cruisers nearby. Some of the more
the Church. advanced systems support floating waystations where
While peasants pay homage to the gates as a gift travelers can stay, watching comings and goings
from the Pancreator, few ever see them in person, un- through the portals from star-lit inns and taverns. The
less they’re on pilgrimage. Leaving the light of one’s gates of less important or remote systems are hardly
home sun for another world is usually left to one’s bet- watched at all; the expense of maintaining an active
ters: nobles who go where they must, guilders who fleet presence that far from the habitable worlds is of-
understand these things, and Church martyrs who ten too much for the ruling faction to bear.
absorb the stain of technosophy, so that most Known
Worlders can live their simple lives, unburdened by
the sin involved in spaceflights and going offworld.
Each solar system has only a single gate (with the
lone exception of Pandemonium, which has a second, Travel between gates requires a jump engine and the
partially built gate), but each allows jumps to one or right co-ordinates. While many modern ships possess
more other systems. The Charioteers and others use jump engines, the co-ordinates are the sole intellectu-
them to move between the stars, while being large- al property of the Charioteers. (See Jumpkeys below.)
ly ignorant of the principles behind their operation. Jump priority depends on various factors. Imperial
Second Republic scientists hypothesized that, while ships are almost always given precedent. Fortunately
jumping, a ship becomes an infinite construct, simul- for travelers, nearly every Imperial ship is equipped
taneously existing in all places and times — while also with a tactically essential reset key (see below), allow-
resulting in the Sathra Effect. ing them to pass through without delaying everybody
Virtually impervious to harm, and self-repairing else. The trade ships of the Charioteers are next,
when not, jumpgates are also resistant to the most ad- followed by the nobility (their best customers), other
vanced scanning technologies. Nonetheless, deliberate League ships, Church ships, and finally, the rest. Be-
attempts to damage one, whether for scientific pur- yond these factors are current waiting periods, emer-
poses or as sabotage, are treason against Church and gency or perishable cargoes, dignitaries on board,
crown, punishable by ejection into space. Jumpgates and bribes.
Using a jumpgate to leave a system is an active standardized the technology so it’s only practically ac- JOURNAL
jump; arrival on the other side is a passive jump. A cessible through their encrypted keys. All keys, legally
jump between gates is mono-directional. If the des- speaking, are the property of the Charioteers. The INTRODUCTION
tination point has a line of vessels waiting to jump in guild has enforced its entitlement through custom, le-
the opposite direction, they cannot do so until they gal pressure from the Reeves, political maneuvering,
are able to activate the jumpgate from their own side. and outright threat. Their patent is enforceable un- SOCIETY
Because timely communication between gates is im- der Imperial law, requiring nobles, Churchmen, and
possible, and in-bound ships might arrive at any mo- others to surrender their keys or license them back KNOWN
ment (except during the seconds when a gate is ac- for a fee (typically 1,000 firebirds per year). Illegal WORLDS
tively sending), it is critical to maintain a clear flight keys can be found for a price (starting around 3,000
path around the portal to avoid collisions. When a firebirds); ownership of such devices is punishable by
gate activates, there is a crackling bending of light fines, imprisonment, or even death. A key can contain
around the gates on both sides, giving nearby ships more than one route, but these are mostly restricted
some warning of an incoming ship. to high-ranking Charioteers. It’s rumored that the
It takes a jumpgate a variable amount of time to re- Emperor owns an “obsidian key” containing every
set after an active jump, and no other ships may travel Known World jumproute, a privilege repaid by Impe-
through from that side during the reset, unless they rial enforcement of the Charioteers’ domain.
have a reset key. Ships can still pass through passively Jumpkeys’ appearances typically reflect the culture
from the other side. For this reason, fleets frequent- and style of the connecting systems. A key between
ly synchronize their keys so multiple ships can pass Byzantium Secundus and Pyre might include the
through in the same instant, a maneuver that takes wave patterns of the ocean world and the flames of the
both skill and coordination. Gate reset times are a Inquisition. Charioteers often wear keys as symbols of
mysterious and changeable feature of the gates, be- status (typically receiving one key per rank, starting at
yond the control of travelers without reset keys. the rank of ensign, with more keys earnable through
To determine the reset time after any active jump, service). Keys possess mechanical features making
roll a d20 and consult the chart below: them akin to puzzle-boxes; Charioteers receive in-
Roll: Jumpgate Reset Time struction on unlocking each one they receive. If an
illicit user makes multiple incorrect attempts, the key
1-2 1 minute
purges its data and sends a signal to alert the Chario-
3-10 15 minutes teers of its location.
11-14 30 minutes During the later years of the Republic, scientists
15-17 1 hour found a way to reset the gates between jumps. These
18-19 1 day devices, known as ouroboroi (or “reset keys”), are
not keys themselves, but instead a ring that is placed
20 1 week or more around a key when activated. The guild discontin-
ued their wide dissemination because of their abuse
by Sathraists. Subsequently, they’re mainly used by
high-ranking or especially trusted Charioteers. Pos-
session of these rings is even more strictly policed
Central to the Charioteers’ monopoly, these artfully than jumpkeys, but they’re regularly used, not only
crafted cylindrical devices contain jump coordinates by Imperial ships but also by noble armadas and even
and access codes. Jump data can technically be stored (to heretics’ dismay) some pursuing Inquisitors. Those
on any think machine (as was common during the with reset keys may reset jumpgate queues for waiting
Second Republic), but the Charioteers have since ships, either for pay or as a token of pious charity.
A Far-Future Passion Play
It is the sixth millennium. Humanity spread across the stars and built
a republic of advanced technology and universal emancipation — and
then squandered it, fought over it, and lost it. As the light of the stars
began to slowly fade, a New Dark Age descended upon the Known
Worlds. Then, from the ashes of war and ruin, Emperor Alexius rose
to power and ushered in a new era of hope. He calls now for brave
knights, wise priests, and resourceful guilders to bring his peace to all
the worlds, known and unknown.
The Universe Book presents the setting for Fading Suns: its history,
society, and astro-geography. Herein you will encounter nobles, priests,
guilders, aliens, psychics, cyborgs, and more.