Histology Final Exam Coverage
Histology Final Exam Coverage
Histology Final Exam Coverage
As they move further from the heart, arteries increase in number because they ramify, but they
progressively decrease in caliber. Accordingly, arteries are classified into three types based on
caliber, namely, small, medium, and large. The three types of arteries, however, differ not only
with respect to caliber but also with respect to other structural features. They also differ
functionally.Small Arteries (Arterioles)Small arteries are better known as arterioles.
Medium Arteries
(Muscular Arteries; Distributing Arteries)Medium arteries are often called muscular arteries
because they have a well-developed tunica media. They distribute blood to the different parts of
the body, hence, they are also known as distributing arteries. The volume of blood delivered to
the target tissues or organs by a muscular artery is determined by the state of contraction of the
muscles in its tunica media.
Vasa Vasorum
are small blood vessels that are present within the wall of large blood vessels. They supply the
tissues of the blood vessel wall that are unable to get oxygen and nutrients by affusion from the
blood that circulates in the vessel lumen.Large Arteries (Elastic Arteries; Conducting Arteries)A
large artery, of which the aorta is the best example, has a wall that is relatively thin pared to the
caliber of the vessel.
Grossly, a fresh specimens, its wall is yellowish due to the presence of an abundant amount of
elastic eThe tunica intima of a large artery consists of an endothelium, a subendothelium that
made up of loose connective tissue that has sprinkling of smooth muscle cells, and about on the
innermost elastic lamella of the The tunica media is the thickest of the three histologic layer of a
large artery
Its most notable feature is the presence of concentrically- arranged sheets of elastin called
elastic lamellae. The elastic lamellae, the reason why large arteries are better known as elastic
arteries, increase in number with age, 40 to 70 in adults. In between the elastic lamellae is a
variable amount of connective tissue and smooth muscle cells, the main cellular component of
the layer.
The arteries within the skull have thin walls but their internal elastic membrane is conspicuous
while those within the lungs resemble veins by having thin walls marked by reduced amounts of
muscle fibers and elastic tissue.The tunica media of the arteries of the lower limbs are better
developed than those of the arteries of the upper limbs while the tunica media of the umbilical
arteries is composed of two layers of smooth muscle fibers:
an inner layer where the fibers are longitudinally arranged and an outer layer where the fibers
are circularly-arranged.The coronary arteries have thick walls that contain more than the usual
amount of elastic tissue.
They resemble the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla in that they have dense-core
cytoplasmic granules that contain catecholamines.The sheath cells, on the other hand, are glial
like and they function merely as supportive cella In routine histologic preparations, compared to
glomus cells, their nucleus is more irregular in shape and they do not contain dense-core
granules in their cytoplasm.
In addition, they have more cytoplasmic processes than glomus cells. Typically, the cytoplasmic
processes of a sheath cell envelop 4 to 6 glomus cells.The afferent nerve endings in the carotid
bodies are branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) while those in the aortic bodies
come from the vagus nerve (CNX).
They are baroreceptors that are sensitive to stretch and hence, are able to detect changes in
blood pressure within the arteries,VeinsAs they travel towards the heart, veins typically merge
and re-merge to form vessels that have progressively bigger caliber and thicker walls.Veins
usually accompany arteries but they are more numerous and their distribution and courses are
more variable.
A portal system where an artery is between two capillary beds is found in the kidney where the
efferent arteriole, which is formed by the union of the glomerular capillaries, breaks up into
another set of capillaries in the area around the kidney tubules. In this portal system, the
efferent arteriole is the portal vessel.
Lymphatic Vessel
can easily distinguished from blood vessels by the size of their lumens in relation to the thick of
their walls.The wall of small lymphatic vessels is only slightly thicker than the wall of lymph
capillaries. It is composed of endothelium and an underlying thin layer of connective ti that is
mainly made up of collagen and elan fibers among which are occasional smoot muscle cells
refers to the tissue where hemopoiesis takes place where the elements of blood develop from
primitive cells(stem cells) to mature the forms.
▪ Only lymphocytes are produced.
▪ All formed elements of blood , including lymphocytes, are produced.
From birth onwards, myeloid tissue is synonymous with bone marrow.In newborns, all the
cavities in practically all the bones in the body are filled with red bone marrow. But as the bones
increase in size, adipose tissue invades most cavities in bones.
Red bone marrow in these cavities becomes yellow bone marrow and ceases to be a site for
hemopoiesis. In adults, red bone marrow is confined to the spongy portion of flat bones, notably
the sternum and ilium, vertebral bodies, and the upper part of the humerus and femur.
Examples of multipotent stem cells are mesenchymal cells which, as discussed in the
chapter on connective tissue, are committed to produce bone, cartilage, muscle, and certain
connective tissue cells; neuronal stem cells that give rise to neurons; glial stem cells that bring
about a variety of glial cells; and hemopoietic stem cells that produce the formed elements of
Myeloid stem cell, B stem cell, T stem cell, and DC stem cell. The B stem cell and T stem
cell are committed to become B-cell and T-cell, respectively. The DC stem cell is committed to
become a lymphoid related dendritic cell while the myeloid stem cell is committed to give rise to
the other formed elements of blood.
Erythropoiesis is your body’s process of making red blood cells (erythrocytes). Erythropoiesis
ensures you have the right number of blood cells — not too few or too many. Red blood cells
are important because they:
•Transport oxygen you breathe in through your lungs to tissues throughout your body.
•Transport carbon dioxide from tissues throughout your body to your lungs so you can breathe it
The neutrophilic, eosinophilic, and basophilic myeloblasts go
through several stages of differentiation before they become
mature granulocytes.
Thrombopoiesis encompasses:
1. The development of a megakaryocyte; and
2. The process of forming platelets from a megakaryocyte.
• Smallest cells of cellular component of blood
• Disc shaped, anuclear
• Reddish purple
• 2 - 3 micron
• Life span - 2 to 9 days
• Released from bone marrow to enter peripheral blood (2/3) and few seized in spleen (1/3)
• Plays important role in haemostasis
• Structure - basically they are pieces of megakaryocyte having cytoplasm covered with plasma
• 1 megakaryocyte produces about 4,000 platelets.
Is the process by which bone marrow progenitor cells develop into mature megakaryocytes, which in
turn produce platelets required for normal haemostasis.
Is the process by which monocytes are formed.
Monocyte - A type of immune cell that is made in the bone marrow and travels through the blood to
tissues in the body where it becomes a macrophage or a dendritic cell.
Macrophages surround and kill microorganisms, ingest foreign material, remove dead cells, and boost
immune responses.
Refers to the production of new lymphocytes, including B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, and natural killer
(NK) cells.
Takes place:
Central Lymphoid Organs
Peripheral lymphoid tissues and organs
Internal Respiration
- Exchange of gasses between blood and the cells.
External Respiration
- Exchange between blood and inhaled air.
Internal respiration occurs in all tissues of the body but external respiration –the function of
respiratory system occurs only in the lungs, specifically across the ultra-thin blood air barrier
that separates the blood in the capillaries from the air in the air sacs (alveoli) in these organs.
- Hollow organ whose cavity is divided into two irregular-shaped
spaces (nasal cavities or fossae) by a common cartilaginous
wall (nasal septum).
The term mucosa refers to the moist lining not only of the nasal
cavities but also of the luminal surface of the respiratory, digestive
and genitourinary tract.
The hairs of the skin that lines the vestibule are coarse and
stiff. They act as gross filter for inhaled air.
Respiratory epithelium
- Epithelium of nasal mucosa.
• At the junction of the vestibule and the rest of the
nasal cavity.
• At the roof of the cavity and adjacent areas.
3 Types of Cells that all rest on the same basal lamina comprise the olfactory epithelium:
• Sustentacular cell
• Olfactory cell
• Basal cell
Sustentacular cell
- Or supporting cells are tall, slender cells that are broad at
their apices and narrow at their bases.
Olfactory cells
- Spindle shaped, bipolar neurons that lie between the
sustentacular cells.
The dendrite of the olfactory cells passes between two
adjacent sustentacular cells to terminate in a small bulbous expansion, the olfactory vesicle,
on the surface of the epithelium.
The axon (olfactory nerve fiber) of the olfactory cell is unmyelinated and about 0.2 um in
From above downwards, the pharynx is successively behind the nasal cavity
(nasopharynx), oral cavity (oropharynx), and the Larynx (laryngopharynx).
Histologic layers that make up the wall of the digestive tract are:
• Mucosa (tunica mucosa; mucous membrane)
• Submucosa (tunica submucosa)
• Muscularis externa
• Adventitia
• Mucosa of Pharynx consists only of an epithelium and lamina
• Nonkeratinized stratified squamous in the oropharynx and
- Exist in the pharynx in only two areas, the lateral wall of the
nasopharynx and terminal portion of the laryngopharynx.
- Or Lamina propria blends with the connective tissue that
envelops the muscle bundles of the underlying muscularis
Extrinsic muscles
- Connect the larynx to the surrounding structures.
Intrinsic muscles
- Originate and insert within the larynx.
- Is permanently patent tube that extends from the cricoid cartilage where
it communicates with the larynx to the level of the sternal angle where it
bifurcates to form two (left and right) main bronchi.
4 histologic layer of the wall of Trachea:
• Mucosa
• Submucosa
• Cartilage and muscle layer
• Adventitia
The tracheal mucosa consist of a respiratory epithelium that has a very
thick basement membrane and an abundance of goblet cells and a
lamina propria and MALT that exhibit occasional lymphoid nodules.
The tracheal submucosa consist of loose connective tissue where
numerous mixed tubuloalveolar glands (tracheal glands; bronchial
submucosal glands) are embedded.
The tracheal Cartilages are enveloped by perichondrium which merges with the underlying
submucosa and the underlying adventitia.
The tracheal adventitia blends with the surrounding structures.
Main Bronchi
The main bronchi (right and left) that supply the right and left lungs,
respectively, are morphologically identical with the trachea, except in
few aspects. They have smaller caliber, thinner respiratory epithelium,
and fewer submucosal glands. Furthermore, in the main bronchi, a
discontinuous thin smooth muscle layer, instead of elastic tissue,
separates the mucosa from the submucosa. The cartilages, instead of
being open posteriorly, form discontinuous rings around the lumen.
● are a pair of conical organs that occupy the greater part of
the thoracic cavity
● separated from each other by the heart and other structures in the mediastinum
● each lung has an apex that rises to the neck and a base that rests on the diaphragm, three borders
(anterior, inferior, and posterior), and two surfaces (costal and mediastinal)
1. costal surface of either lung is related to the ribs and the costal cartilages
2. mediastinal surface is related to the mediastinal structures, and presents a triangular
depression called hilus where the structures that comprise the root of the lungs enter and
leave the organ
● a double layer of fibrous tissue that enveloped each lung
● Parietal pleura – outer layer of pleura that adheres to the thoracic wall
● Visceral pleura – inner layer of pleura that adheres to the substance of the lung
● Parietal and visceral pleura
○ continuous with each other at the root of the lungs, they are separated
by space (pleural cavity), which contains a small amount of serous
○ Histologically, made up of connective tissue that has an abundance of
elastic fibers and relative paucity of cellular elements that consist
mainly of fibroblasts and macrophages
○ richly supplied with lymphatic and blood vessels and nerve fibers
○ their free surface (related to plural cavity) is lined with mesothelium
whose cells are responsible for the minimal amount of fluid in the
pleural cavity
Bronchial Tree
● refers to these generations of branches
● main bronchus ramifies dichotomously a variable number of times-often
more than 20
○ immediately upon entering the lung, main bronchus divides and form
secondary bronchi (lobar bronchi) (right lung has 3 lobes, left lung
has 2 lobes)
■ secondary bronchi divide further into tertiary bronchi
(segmental bronchi) (right lung has 10, left lung has 8)
Bronchial Tree
● a tertiary bronchus and the area of the lung that it supplies
comprise a bronchopulmonary segment (right lung has 10,
left lung has 8)
○ tertiary bronchi ramify into few generations of
progressively smaller bronchi before giving off
■ bronchioles ramify a few times and then give
rise to lobular bronchioles
● lobular bronchioles supplies a lung
lobule, of which there are 30-60 per
bronchopulmonary segment
■ Exhibit less and less cartilage, progressively lower epithelium, and gradual loss of
goblet cells
● less than 1 mm in diameter
● easy to tell apart from the intrapulmonary bronchi because their
wall has no cartilage, submucosal gland, or lymphoid nodule
● bifurcate repeatedly before ending as lobular bronchioles
● its epithelium is still ciliated but it progressively diminishes in
height and transforms from pseudostratified proximally to
simple columnar and to simple cuboidal distally
● large bronchioles – epithelium consists essentially of the same
cells that are present In typical respiratory epithelium except that
there are no serous cells anymore and the goblet cells are few
● smaller bronchioles – epithelium are no more goblet cells but there is population of tall cuboidal,
slender, non-ciliated cells called Clara cells whose rounded apices possess microvilli that often jut out
of the surface of epithelium
● Clara cells
○ have dense secretory cytoplasmic granules that contain
surface active lipoproteins that are evidently similar
to pulmonary surfactant that reduces surface tension
○ also stem cells that can divide to replace the other
existing cells in the epithelium
○ in humans it is present only in bronchioles, but in lower
animals they are also present even in bronchi
○ its lamina contains loose collection of MALT
○ it is separated from the submucosa by a distinct
smooth muscle layer where the muscle fibers are
irregularly arranged
○ its submucosa consist of loose connective tissue,
merges with the lung parenchyma
1. Terminal bronchioles
● 5 to 7 arise from lobular bronchiole shortly after entering a lung lobule
● Small tubes less than 0.5 mm in diameter
● Considered as last segment of the conducting portion of the respiratory
● Their epithelium is simple cuboidal
● Largely non-ciliated
● Smooth muscle fibers that form bands that separated the lamina propria
from the submucosa are still prominent
● Ciliated cells are present together with brush cells, granule cells, basal
cells and clara cells
● No goblet cells
2. Respiratory bronchioles
● 2 or more are given off by each terminal bronchiole
● Short (1-4) mm) tiny tubes
● Walls consists of simple epithelium and a thin layer of connective tissue
● Epithelium is simple cuboidal, but becomes simple squamous distally
● populated by granule cells, basal cells, brush cells, numerous clara cells
● In bigger respiratory bronchioles – occasional ciliated cells exist but none in
Alveolar Ducts
● thin-walled conical tubes that are lined by simple
squamous epithelium
● walls of it contains scanty connective tissue elements
where occasional smooth muscle fibers are embedded
● Alveoli and alveolar ducts arise are so numerous that their
openings occupy practically the entire wall of the alveolar
● Wall of alveolar ducts is seen as consisting simply of
knob-like structures that guard the entrances into the
alveoli and alveolar sacs
Interalveolar Septum
Epithelial cells of the Interalveolar Septum
2. Type II alveolar cell
○ pneumonocyte type II
○ great alveolar cell
● more numerous (60% of epithelial cells) than the type I
alveolar cells
● account for only 5% of the epithelial cover of the alveoli
● much larger
● occur among the type I alveolar cells either singly or in
groups or 2 or 3
● they bulge into the alveolar lumen or occupy niches in the
alveolar wall
● seen in LM preparations as cuboidal or round cells with a large,
round nucleus and prominent nucleolus
● free surface contains short microvilli
● Lamellar bodies – ovoid, membrane-bound inclusions that is
most distinctive feature of their cytoplasm which are the
secretory granules for pulmonary surfactant (substance that
reduces alveolar surface tension and prevents collapse of the
alveoli at the end of expiration
Pulmonary Alveolar
● most numerous cells in the alveoli but they do not form part of
the interalveolar septum, some attached but most float free in
the alveolar lumens
● vary in size from 15 to 40 um
● they are avid phagocytes and comprise the first line of
defense of the lungs
● contain numerous membrane-bound cytoplasmic inclusion
The vein that drains the lobule joins the branches of the pulmonary
and the bronchial arteries at the apex of the lobule, and from there
on, the three vessels travel together proximally as far as the hilus of
the lung
● Lymphatic vessels – travel in the interlobular septa and are the continuous with the bigger lymphatic
vessels beneath the pleura.