CBSNYTPoll Obama Economy 091611

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CBS NEWS/NEW YORK TIMES POLL For release: Friday, September 16, 2011 6:30 PM EDT

Grim Views of the Economy, the President and Congress September 10-15, 2011 72% of Americans think the country is off on the wrong track, the highest percentage so far since President Obama took office. 53% think the country is either headed for or already in another recession. 86% think the economy is somewhat bad, including 47% who think it is very bad - the highest percentage since April 2009. Just 12% think the economy is improving, the lowest percentage since February 2009. President Obama now garners the lowest approval rating of his presidency 43% approve of the job hes doing while 50% disapprove and most disapprove of how hes handling both the economy and job creation. Job approval of Congress has now reached 12% - equaling the lowest ever recorded by the CBS News/New York Times Poll. Most Americans dont think either their own representative or most members of Congress deserve re-election. Americans are divided when it comes to the Presidents proposed job act half are at least somewhat confident that it will create jobs while half have little or no confidence.

The Struggling Economy Just 23% of Americans now think the country is headed in the right direction, while 72% think it is off on the wrong track the highest percentage since Barack Obama was sworn in as President. Direction of the Country 7/2011 6/2011 1/2011 1/2009 10/2008 22% 28% 32% 15% 7% 70 63 64 79 89

Right direction Wrong track

Now 23% 72

That pessimism is undoubtedly connected to concerns about the economy. 39% of Americans say the economy is fairly bad, and another 47% say the economy is very bad the highest percentage since April, 2009. Condition of the Economy 8/2011 1/2011 9/2010 0% 2% 0% 12 24 17 46 46 47 40 28 34

Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very bad

Now 1% 13 39 47

4/2009 1% 10 38 51

2/2009 0% 5 31 63

And the percentage that thinks the economy is getting better is just 12%, the lowest percentage since February 2009, soon after Obama took office, and a drop of eight points from June. 43% think the economy is getting worse, and another 44% think it is staying about the same. Direction of the Economy 6/2011 1/2011 20% 30% 31 21 48 46

Getting better Getting worse Same

Now 12% 43 44

9/2010 22% 30 48

2/2009 8% 51 40

53% think the country is either headed into or already experiencing another recession. Is U.S. Headed into/In Another Recession? Yes 53% No 39 While the country struggles with an unemployment rate at just over 9%, concern about job loss has increased. More than six in 10 Americans are at least somewhat concerned that they or someone else in their household will lose their job and be looking for work within the next twelve months, including 38% who are very concerned an increase of seven percentage points since June. Concern about Unemployment in the Next 12 Months Total 6/2011 Very concerned 38% 31% Somewhat concerned 25 29 Not at all concerned 37 39 Most Americans do not see relief any time soon. A majority of 58% think unemployment will remain high for at least two more years; just 9% see unemployment lowering significantly within the next six months. How Much Longer Will the Unemployment Rate Remain High? Two years or more 58% One year 27 Six months or less 9 As it has since 2008, the economy and jobs remains the most important problem facing the country today. Now, 59% of Americans choose it, placing it far ahead of the budget deficit, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and partisan politics. Most Important Problem 6/2011 1/2011 53% 51% 7 6 1 2 4 6

Economy & jobs Budget deficit/Natl debt Partisan politics Health care

Now 59% 8 3 3

9/2010 60% 3 1 3

Nevertheless, most Americans remain optimistic about Americas long-term economic prospects. 64% of Americans think the current economic downturn will be temporary; just three in 10 think it is a sign of permanent economic decline. This is a more positive outlook than in June, but more negative than a year ago. Is the Economic Downturn a ? Now 6/2011 Temporary downturn 64% 57% Permanent decline 30 39 The President In the midst of such an unforgiving economic environment, President Obamas approval rating has slipped to 43% - his lowest so far - while his disapproval rating has reached an all-time high in this poll of 50%. Except for a notable spike in approval after the killing of Osama bin Laden in May, President Obamas approval rating has been below 50% since the spring of 2010. Obamas Job Rating 8/2011 6/2011 48% 48% 47 43

10/2010 68% 28

Approve Disapprove

Now 43% 50

5/2011 57% 37

1/2011 49% 39

Views of the Presidents job performance are marked by a striking degree of polarization along party lines; the vast majority of Democrats approve, while even more Republicans disapprove of how hes handling his job. Only 37% of independents approve. Obamas Job Rating Total Reps Dems Inds 43% 8% 78% 37% 50 89 14 54

Approve Disapprove

In particular, majorities disapprove of how the President is handling both the economy and job creation. Obamas Approval Ratings on The Economy Job Creation 34% 40% 57 53

Approve Disapprove

Just one in four Americans thinks President Obama has made real progress fixing the economy. Americans are more skeptical now than they were a year ago. Has Obama Made Progress Fixing the Economy? Now 9/2010 Yes 25% 35% No 68 60 But half the public sees economic conditions as generally out of a presidents hands; 53% now say the condition of the national economy is beyond any presidents control. 41% of Americans have faith that the economy is something a president can do anything about. Americans were

divided as recently as July. When this question was asked back in October 1992, nearly six in 10 Americans said the economy was something a president could do something about. Can the President Do Something about the Economy? Now 7/2010 10/1992 Yes 41% 48% 59% No 53 45 35 While one in three Americans think that President Obamas job performance has been worse than they expected, far more 55% -- feel he has been about what they expected. Still, few Americans even among Democrats -- say he has exceeded their expectations. Obamas Job Performance So Far Total Reps Dems Inds About as expected 55% 48% 63% 52% Worse than expected 34 49 21 35 Better than expected 8 2 14 6 Among those who say they voted for Barack Obama in 2008, 64% think his performance in office has been as they expected. 21% say it has been worse, while 13% say it has been better. Some call for President Obama to become tougher with his opponents. When it comes to dealing with the Republicans in Congress, 35% of Americans think Barack Obama should challenge Republicans more, while slightly fewer 31% - think he should go along with Republicans more. These numbers are colored by partisanship. In Dealing with Congress, Should Barack Obama? Total Reps Dems Go along with Republicans more 31% 66% 10% Challenge Republicans more 35 8 60 About right 21 15 25

Inds 27% 31 21

And for the first time, more Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama than a favorable one. 39% have a favorable opinion, while 42% view him unfavorably. Opinion of Barack Obama 1/2011 2/2010 40% 39% 34 34 26 25

Favorable Not favorable Undecided The American Jobs Act

Now 39% 42 18

1/2009 60% 9 30

While 64% have heard about the American Jobs Act President Obama presented to Congress last week, the public is divided as to whether the plan will actually create jobs. Nearly half of Americans are at least somewhat confident that President Obamas proposals will create jobs and stimulate the economy, but as many 47% - are not confident his plan will do that. There is a wide partisan divide on views of the jobs plan. Four in five Republicans dont have confidence that the plan will create jobs while about as many Democrats do. 52% of independents are not confident.

Confident Obamas Proposals will Create Jobs All Reps Dems Very 12% 2% 26% Somewhat 36 15 55 Not very/none at all 47 80 15

Inds 8% 33 52

Nevertheless, most Americans support some of the specific individual elements included in the Presidents plan. Among the policies measured in this poll, support is highest for cutting taxes for small businesses (81% think that is a good idea), and spending money on the nations infrastructure, such as bridges, airports and schools (80%). 56% like the idea of a payroll tax cut, and 52% think providing money to state governments so they can avoid layoffs of public employees is a good idea. Measures to Create Jobs Good idea Cut taxes for small business 81% Spending money on infrastructure 80% Payroll tax cut 56% Providing money to state govts. to avoid layoffs 52% Some of these proposals even receive bipartisan support. Large majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents alike think cutting taxes for small business is a good idea, and most also think a payroll tax cut is a good idea. Majorities think spending money on the countrys infrastructure is a good idea but Democrats (90%) support that to a far greater degree than Republicans (62%). One area in which Democrats and Republicans do not agree is providing money to state governments; while 72% of Democrats think that is a good idea, just 29% of Republicans do. Measures to Create Jobs: Good Idea Reps Dems Cut taxes for small business 87% 77% Spending money on infrastructure 62% 90% Payroll tax cut 58% 58% Providing money to state govts. 29% 72%

Bad idea 14 16 30 40

Inds 81% 82% 53% 51%

Most Americans would like to see both tax increases and spending cuts to lower the deficit, and most also support increasing taxes on households with incomes of $250,000 or more. Should Taxes on Incomes Over $250K be Raised to Reduce the Deficit? Yes 56% No 37 And in the days following the Presidents address to Congress last week, it isnt surprising that more Americans think he, rather than Republicans in Congress, has a clear plan for creating jobs. 43% of Americans think President Obama has a clear plan for job growth, but even more, 52% think he does not. Just 24% think the Republicans in Congress have a job creation plan.

Getting Something Accomplished? However, Americans express considerable doubt that the two sides in Congress can come together and agree on a job creation package. Just 31% have at least some confidence that this will happen, while 67% are not confident. Confident Reps and Dems in Congress will Agree on Jobs Package All Reps Dems Inds Very 3% 1% 3% 3% Somewhat 28 31 32 22 Not very 45 46 45 45 Not at all 22 21 18 25 Polls have shown that Americans want to see compromise in Washington; that trend continues in this poll. 85% of Americans say they want to see Republicans and Democrats compromise some of their positions in order to get things done, while just 10% want them to stick to their positions even if it means not getting as much as done. Majorities of all types of political partisans prefer compromise, but Republicans (73%) are less supportive of that than Democrats (95%) and independents (85%). Americans express more confidence in the Democratic Party than the Republican Party at creating jobs. 40% think the Democratic Party is more likely to create jobs, while 32% give the nod to the Republican Party. 25% of Americans say they either dont know or volunteer neither. Congress At the same time, approval of Congress now matches its all-time low. Just 12% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing the same as the lowest percentage recorded in this poll, reached in October 2008, right before the November elections. Job Rating of Congress 8/2011 2/2011 14% 24% 82 62

Approve Disapprove

Now 12% 80

3/2009 30% 56

10/2008 12% 74

Though approval of the President may be split along partisan lines, no such division exists when it comes to disapproval of Congress. Republicans, Democrats, and independents all overwhelmingly disapprove of the job Congress is doing. Job Rating of Congress Total Reps Dems Inds 12% 12% 9% 14% 80 81 84 76

Approve Disapprove

And though most Americans disapprove of both parties in Congress, they disapprove of Republicans more. 72% of Americans disapprove of the job Republicans in Congress are doing, compared to 63% who disapprove of the Democrats in Congress.

Approve Disapprove

Job Rating of the Parties in Congress Republicans in Congress Democrats in Congress 19% 28% 72 63

In keeping with Congress dismal approval rating, just 6% of registered voters think most members of Congress deserve re-election the lowest percentage ever in CBS News Polls over the past 20 years and a lower percentage than the 9% who thought so right before the 2010 midterms. Americans are usually more positive when assessing their own representative in Congress. Thats true now, too 33% say their representative deserves re-election - but nearly six in 10 registered voters do not think their own representative in Congress deserves re-election. That percentage is close to the highest found in CBS News Polls. Does Congress Deserve Re-Election? (Among registered voters) Most Members Own Representative Now 10/2010 Now 10/2010 Deserve re-election 6% 9% 33% 31% Time for new people 84 80 57 59 Overall dissatisfaction with the government is widespread. Just 13% say they are enthusiastic or satisfied about the way the federal government is working, while 54% say they are dissatisfied and another 30% say they are angry. Majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents are dissatisfied, and 40% of Republicans and 37% of independents say they are angry. Feelings about how the Federal Government Works Total Reps Dems Inds Enthusiastic 3% 0% 7% 1% Satisfied 10 5 15 9 Dissatisfied 54 53 62 49 Angry 30 40 15 37 __________________________________________________________________________
This poll was conducted among a random sample of 1,452 adults nationwide, interviewed by telephone September 10-15, 2011. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. The error for subgroups is higher. An oversample of Republicans was also conducted for this poll, for a total of 781 interviews among this group. The results were then weighted in proportion to the average party distributions in previous 2011 CBS News and CBS News/New York Times Polls and in the random sample in this poll. The margin of error for Republicans is plus or minus four percentage points.

CBS NEWS/NEW YORK TIMES POLL Grim Views of the Economy, the President, and Congress September 10-15, 2011 q1 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** **** Party ID **** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 43 8 78 37 50 89 14 54 7 3 8 9

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

Aug11a % 48 47 5

q2 Do you feel things in this country are generally going in the right direction or do you feel things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? Jul11b 22 70 8

Right direction Wrong track DK/NA

23 72 5

3 95 1

44 50 6

19 74 7

q3 What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today? Jun11c 53 7 4 1 1 4 2 2 22 4

Economy Budget Deficit/National Debt Health Care Partisan Politics Poverty / Homelessness War/Iraq/Afghanistan Politicians/Government Big Government/Bureaucracy Other DK/NA

59 8 3 3 2 2 2 2 18 1

60 8 2 1 1 2 2 3 20 1

63 2 4 7 1 1 1 1 19 1

55 13 2 1 3 3 3 3 17 0

q4 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the economy? Approve Disapprove DK/NA 34 57 9 7 91 2 59 27 14 31 60 9 39 52 9

q5 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling job creation? Jan11c 37 54 9

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

40 53 8

8 86 6

72 22 6

33 56 11

q6 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job? Aug11a 14 82 4

Approve Disapprove DK/NA q7 BLANK

12 80 8

12 81 7

9 84 7

14 76 10

q8 Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Democrats in Congress are handling their job? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** **** Party ID **** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 28 5 50 24 63 91 43 62 9 4 7 14

Approve Disapprove DK/NA

Sep10b % 30 58 12

q9 Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are handling their job? Approve Disapprove DK/NA q10 BLANK q11 So far, has Barack Obama's performance in office been better than you expected, worse than you expected, or about what you expected? Better than expected Worse than expected About what expected DK/NA q12 BLANK q13 How would you rate the condition of the national economy these days? good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? Is it very 8 34 55 3 2 49 48 1 14 21 63 2 6 35 52 7 7 28 63 2 19 72 9 41 50 9 3 95 2 19 66 15 20 68 12

Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very bad DK/NA

1 13 39 47 0

1 4 37 59 1

1 19 42 36 2

0 13 38 49 0

Aug11a 0 12 46 40 2

q14 Do you think the economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same? Jun11c 20 31 48 1

Better Worse Same DK/NA q15 BLANK

12 43 44 1

3 57 39 0

20 29 49 2

11 45 44 0

q16 Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working: enthusiastic, or satisfied but not enthusiastic, or dissatisfied but not angry, or angry? Dec07a 1 26 55 16 2

Enthusiastic Satisfied not enthusiastic Dissatisfied not angry Angry DK/NA

3 10 54 30 3

0 5 53 40 2

7 15 62 15 1

1 9 49 37 4

q17 Over the next few months, do you think the U.S. economy is probably headed into another recession, or do you think the U.S. economy is probably not headed into another recession? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** **** Party ID **** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 48 64 40 44 39 24 50 40 5 6 3 7 8 6 7 10

Headed into another Not headed into another Already in one (Vol.) DK/NA

q18 How much longer do you think the unemployment rate will remain high -- less than six months, six months, one year, two years, or more than two years? Less than six months Six months One year Two years More than 2 years DK/NA q19-q20 BLANK q21 Is the condition of the national economy something a president can do a lot about, or is that beyond any president's control? Jul10b 48 45 7 2 7 27 27 31 6 1 3 25 30 35 6 3 11 33 27 21 5 2 7 24 26 35 6

Can do a lot about Beyond a president's control Don't know/No answer

41 53 6

63 31 6

30 63 7

35 58 7

q22 Which comes closer to your view? 1. The current economic downturn is temporary and eventually the economy will fully recover, or 2. The current economic downturn is part of a long-term permanent decline and the economy will never fully recover. Jun11c 57 39 4

Temporary downturn Permanent and won't recover Don't know/No answer

64 30 6

64 31 5

69 28 3

61 32 7

q23 Regardless of how you usually vote, do you think the Republican party or the Democratic party is more likely to create new jobs? Jun11c 36 43 2 8 11

Republican Democratic Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) DK/NA

32 40 3 14 11

77 5 2 10 6

4 80 3 7 6

25 29 4 23 18


q24 Which do you think is better for the country? Should the Democrats and Republicans compromise some of their positions in order to get things done, or stick to their positions even if it means not getting as much done? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** **** Party ID **** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 85 73 95 85 10 22 3 8 5 5 2 7

Compromise Stick to positions DK/NA q25-q32 RELEASED SEPARATELY

Auglla % 85 12 3

q33 Do you think most members of Congress have done a good enough job to deserve reelection, or do you think it's time to give new people a chance? ** REGISTERED VOTERS ** 6 7 5 6 84 84 83 86 5 6 5 4 5 3 7 4 Oct10e 9 80 7 4

Deserve re-election Time for new people Depends on candidates (Vol.) Don't know/No answer

q34 Do you think the representative in Congress from your district has performed his or her job well enough to deserve re-election, or do you think it's time to give a new person a chance? Deserve re-election Doesn't deserve Depends on candidates (vol.) DK/NA q35 BLANK q36 Is your opinion of Barack Obama favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Barack Obama yet to have an opinion? Jan11c 40 34 20 6 0 33 57 2 8 44 48 1 7 30 60 2 8 27 62 2 9 31 59 2 8

Favorable Not favorable Undecided Haven't heard enough Refused q37-q51 RELEASED SEPARATELY

39 42 13 5 1

8 82 9 1 0

74 13 10 2 1

31 41 18 10 0

q52 Do you think of Barack Obama as more of a liberal, a moderate, or a conservative? IF LIBERAL, ASK: Would you say he is very liberal or only somewhat liberal? IF CONSERVATIVE, ASK: Would you say he is only somewhat conservative or very conservative? Jun11c 24 20 32 9 2 13

Very liberal Somewhat liberal Moderate Somewhat conservative Very conservative DK/NA

31 19 29 7 3 11

65 12 11 3 1 8

11 20 45 10 3 11

26 23 27 8 3 13


q53 Do you think Barack Obama does or does not have a clear plan for creating jobs? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** **** Party ID **** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 43 16 71 37 52 80 26 56 5 4 3 7

Does Does not DK/NA

Jan11a % 33 59 8

q54 Do you think the Republicans in Congress do or do not have a clear plan for creating jobs? Do Do not Don't know/No answer 24 67 9 35 49 16 12 80 8 26 68 6 28 61 11

q55 Since he took office, has Barack Obama made real progress in fixing the economy or hasn't he made real progress in fixing the economy? Sep10b 35 60 5

Made real progress Hasn't made real progress DK/NA

25 68 7

5 94 1

49 47 4

18 69 13

q56 In trying to solve the economic problems facing the country, do you think Barack Obama has expanded the role of government too much, not enough, or about the right amount? Oct10a 40 26 28 6

Too much Not enough About right DK/NA q56 BLANK

37 23 32 8

72 14 9 5

10 32 53 5

35 23 29 13

q58 In dealing with Congress, do you think Barack Obama should go along with the Republicans more often, should he challenge the Republicans more often, or are his dealings with the Republicans about right? Go along more Challenge more About right DK/NA 31 35 21 13 66 8 15 11 10 60 25 5 27 31 21 21

q60 On Thursday night, Barack Obama proposed the American Jobs Act which includes extending the payroll tax cut, cutting taxes on small businesses, extending unemployment benefits, creating new jobs to rebuild the nation's infrastructure and providing aid to states to avoid layoffs of public employees. How much have you heard or read about the President's proposals to create jobs -- a lot, some, not much or nothing at all? A lot Some Not much Nothing at all DK/NA 24 40 24 13 0 23 41 23 11 2 30 35 24 12 0 19 43 23 14 1


q61 How confident are you that Barack Obama's proposals will create jobs and improve the economy - very confident, somewhat confident, not very confident, or not at all confident? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** **** Party ID **** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 12 2 26 8 36 15 55 33 23 35 8 28 24 45 7 24 5 3 4 7

Very confident Somewhat confident Not very confident Not at all confident DK/NA q62-q65 BLANK

q66 Which of these should be the higher priority for the nation right now -- cutting government spending or creating jobs? Aug11a % 29 62 8 1

Cutting spending Creating jobs Both (vol.) DK/NA

29 56 14 1

49 36 14 1

15 75 11 0

27 55 16 2

q67 In order to try to create jobs, do you think it is probably a good idea or a bad idea to significantly cut payroll taxes for working Americans? Good idea Bad idea DK/NA 56 30 14 58 28 14 58 30 12 53 33 14

q68 Do you think it is probably a good idea or a bad idea for the federal government to provide money to state governments so they can avoid layoffs of public employees? Good idea Bad idea DK/NA 52 40 8 29 64 7 71 23 6 51 38 11

q69 In order to try to create jobs, do you think it is probably a good idea or a bad idea to spend money on the nation's infrastructure - such as bridges, airports, and schools? Good idea Bad idea DK/NA 80 16 4 62 31 7 90 7 3 82 14 4

q70 In order to try to create jobs, do you think it is probably a good idea or a bad idea to significantly cut taxes for small businesses? Good idea Bad idea DK/NA 81 14 5 87 10 3 77 19 4 81 13 6


q71 How confident are you that Congressional Republicans and Democrats will be able to come to an agreement on a job creation package -- very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident or not at all confident? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** **** Party ID **** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 3 1 3 3 28 31 32 22 45 46 45 45 22 21 18 25 2 1 2 5

Very confident Somewhat confident Not too confident Not at all confident DK/NA q72-q74 BLANK

q75 Do you think any plan to reduce the federal budget deficit should include only tax increases, or only spending cuts, or a combination of both tax increases and spending cuts? Only tax increases Only spending cuts Both DK/NA 3 21 71 5 1 39 57 3 7 9 82 2 1 19 70 10

q76 In order to lower the nation's budget deficit, do you think taxes should be increased on households earning $250,000 a year or more or should the government address the budget deficit without increasing taxes on those households? Aug11a % 63 34 3

Increase taxes Don't increase taxes DK/NA q77-q104 RELEASED SEPARATELY

56 37 7

39 56 5

70 24 6

55 36 10

q105 How concerned are you that in the next 12 months you or someone else in your household might be out of work and looking for a job -- very concerned, somewhat concerned, or not concerned at all? Jun11c 31 29 39 1

Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not at all concerned DK/NA

38 25 37 0

28 31 41 0

37 23 40 0

45 22 32 1

Total Total Total Total Total *This

Unweighted Weighted Respondents 1452 Registered Voters 1356 Republicans* 781 383 (26%) Democrats 315 485 (33%) Independents 356 584 (41%) survey included an oversample of self-identified Republicans.


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