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CBS NEWS POLL For release: Tuesday, March 25th, 2014 6:30 pm EDT Challenges Abroad, Domestic Issues

and the 2014 Elections March 20-23, 2014 56% of Americans approve of the sanctions against Russia that the West has enacted, but 58% dont expect they will be effective. Two in three are opposed to the U.S. providing military aid to Ukraine. Most feel that the situation in Ukraine is beyond U.S. control, and six in ten say the U.S. does not have a responsibility to do something there. More disapprove (46%) than approve (38%) of President Barack Obamas handling of the situation between Russia and Ukraine. Perceptions of the relationship between the U.S. and Russia have changed dramatically. 42% now see Russia as either an ally or friendly to the U.S., down from 2007 (68%) and 2003 (80%). 27% say signup on the health care exchanges is going well up from 22% last month, and steadily increasing since last fall. 35% say the process is improving. Still, most remain opposed to the health care law overall. Over half of Americans think religious organizations should be able to opt out of insurance coverage for prescription birth control. However, 51% think companies and non-religious organizations should have to provide this for women employees. Russia and Ukraine There are limits to what Americans think the U.S. can accomplish regarding the recent Russian annexation of Crimea in Ukraine. 57% of Americans think the situation between Russia and Ukraine is beyond the control of the U.S.; just 37% think it is a conflict the U.S. can do something about. The Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine Is Total Heard/read a lot about Americans Russia and Ukraine Something the U.S. can do something about 37% 38% Beyond the control of the U.S. 57 59 So far, the U.S. and other countries have responded to Russias annexation of Crimea by enacting sanctions, something most Americans and most partisans -- approve of. Sanctions Against Russia over Actions in Crimea Total Reps Dems Inds Approve 56% 55% 61% 53% Disapprove 32 33 28 35 But few Americans are hopeful that sanctions will be effective at changing Russias actions in Ukraine and Crimea. Just 32% think sanctions will be at least somewhat effective, and most 1

58% - think sanctions will be not very or not at all effective. Democrats are a little more optimistic about the effectiveness of sanctions than are Republicans or independents. How Effective Will Sanctions Be Against Russia? Total Reps Dems Inds Very 5% 3% 7% 5% Somewhat 27 24 35 23 Not very/Not at all 58 64 48 63 Americans stop short when it comes to providing military aid and equipment to Ukraine. Just 26% think the U.S. should do so in response to Russias actions, and far more 65% - think the U.S. should not, including majorities of Republicans (59%), Democrats (67%), and independents (69%). Should the U.S. Provide Military Aid and Equipment to Ukraine? Total Reps Dems Inds Should 26% 32% 24% 24% Should not 65 59 67 69 Looking ahead, Americans think an expansion of the conflict is likely. 69% think it is at least somewhat likely that the situation between Russia and Ukraine will become a more widespread conflict involving neighboring countries and other parts of Europe, including 27% who think that is very likely. Conflict between Russia and Ukraine Will Become a More Widespread War Total Heard/read a lot about Americans Russia and Ukraine Very likely 27% 34% Somewhat likely 42 37 Not too/at all likely 27 26 Most Americans dont think the U.S. is obliged to intervene there: 61% of Americans do not think the U.S. has a responsibility to do something about the situation between Russia and Ukraine, nearly twice as many as think the U.S. does have that responsibility. There is widespread bipartisan agreement on this. Does the U.S. Have a Responsibility to do Something About Russia and Ukraine? Total Reps Dems Inds Yes 32% 37% 31% 29% No 61 58 61 62 Public opinion about Ukraine is similar to views about U.S. responsibility in other international conflicts. Majorities of Americans did not think the U.S. had a responsibility to intervene in Syria (68%), in the fighting and ethnic cleansing in Bosnia (65%) or in the mass killings in Rwanda (51%). In contrast, 54% of Americans believed the U.S. did have a responsibility to intervene in Kosovo, a situation where the U.S. began a bombing campaign against Serbian forces in cooperation with NATO.

Does the U.S. Have a Responsibility to do Something About? Yes No Russia and Ukraine (Now) 32% 61 The fighting in Syria (9/2013) 26% 68 Serbia and Kosovo (4/1999) 54% 37 Serbia and Bosnia (10/1995) 28% 65 Killing in Rwanda (6/1994) 34% 51 36% of Americans say they have heard or read a lot about the situation between Russia and Crimea, and those who have are far more likely to believe the U.S. has a responsibility to do something (45%) than those paying less attention (25%). Still, 51% of those who have heard or read a lot about the situation think the U.S. does not have a responsibility to get involved. U.S.-Russia Relations Perceptions of the relationship between the U.S. and Russia have changed dramatically from just a few years ago. Today, 42% of Americans think of Russia as either an ally or friendly to the U.S., down from 68% in 2007 and 80% in 2003. 51% now see Russia as either unfriendly or an enemy, up significantly since 2003 and 2007. Do You Consider Russia? Total 6/2007 An ally 7% 10% Friendly, but not an ally 35 58 Total Friendly Unfriendly, not enemy An enemy Total Not Friendly 42% 33 18 51% 68% 18 6 24%

2/2003 20% 60 80% 8 4 12%

Intervention and the U.S. Role in the World In general, Americans are skeptical of the U.S. taking a lead role in solving international conflicts. While 36% of Americans think the U.S. should do so, most 58% - do not. Should the U.S. Take the Lead Solving International Conflicts? Total 2/2014 5/2013 36% 31% 35% 58 65 58

Yes No

4/2003 48% 43

The poll also points to perceptions of a decline in the power of the U.S. as a world leader; 59% think the U.S. is less powerful than it was ten years ago.

Compared to 10 Years Ago, as a World Leader U.S. is More powerful 12% Less powerful 59 As powerful 28 President Obama: Ukraine and Foreign Policy While a majority of Americans support U.S. sanctions against Russia, they are less pleased with President Obamas handling of the situation between Russia and Ukraine overall. 46% disapprove of how President Obama is handling these events, while fewer 38% - approve. Pres. Obamas Handling of Russia & Ukraine Total Reps Dems Inds Approve 38% 17% 59% 35% Disapprove 46 69 25 48 Dont know 16 14 16 17 Looking more broadly at the President and the United States image in the world, more Americans now say the image of the U.S. has grown worse (43%) since Barack Obama became president, rather than better (32%). One in five thinks his presidency has had no effect. This is a reversal from the early years of the Obama presidency. In 2009, when the President enjoyed higher approval ratings, 60% said the United States image in the world had improved. Since Obama Has Been President, U.S. Image Has Gotten Now 1/2010 7/2009 Better 32% 50% 60% Worse 43 20 12 No effect 21 26 23 Opinions on this question have become more pessimistic among Americans of all partisan stripes, although most Democrats still say the image of the U.S. has improved. Since Obama Has Been President, U.S. Image Has Gotten ------ Now ---------- 7/2009 -----Total Reps Dems Inds Total Reps Dems Better 32% 9% 58% 27% 60% 38% 83% Worse 43 78 12 45 12 25 1 No impact 21 12 28 23 23 30 15

Inds 52% 15 26

More generally, a majority of Americans have at least some confidence in the Presidents ability to handle an international crisis, but just 28% have a lot. Back in the fall of 2012, 40% of voters expressed a lot of confidence in President Obama on this measure. Confidence in Pres. Obamas Handling of an International Crisis Now 9/2012* A lot 28% 40% Some 25 26 A little 18 13 None at all 27 20
*trend is among registered voters

Still, Americans continue to think the President is a strong leader. Does Pres. Obama Have Strong Qualities of Leadership? Now 11/2013 9/2013 Yes 53% 50% 58% No 45 48 39 The Presidents Job Ratings President Obamas overall approval rating is now 43%, similar to what it was last month. 50% disapprove of the job he is doing. President Obamas Job Rating 2/2014 1/2014 12/2013 11/2013 41% 46% 42% 37% 51 47 50 57

Approve Disapprove

Now 43% 50

7/2013 3/2013 48% 45% 45 46

The Presidents ratings on specific issues remain mostly negative. As Mr. Obama travels in Europe this week, more Americans continue to disapprove than approve of his handling of foreign policy. The same is true for his handling of the economy and health care. Fewer now approve of the Presidents handling of immigration and Afghanistan compared to last year. President Obama continues to receive his most positive marks on handling terrorism 53% approve of the job he is doing on that issue. President Obamas Job Ratings on ---- Now ------- Before ---Approve Disapprove Approve 53% 38 51% 40% 45 50% 40% 56 41% 39% 56 38% 36% 49 39% 35% 56 43%

Terrorism Afghanistan Health care Economy Foreign policy Immigration

Disapprove 41 (11/2013) 33 (2/2013) 54 (1/2014) 57 (2/2014) 48 (2/2014) 45 (7/2013)

Other Political Figures In the CBS News Polls first measure of John Kerrys performance as Secretary of State, 44% approve of the job he is doing, while 36% disapprove. One in five does not have an opinion. Kerry Job Rating as Secretary of State Total Reps Dems Inds Approve 44% 23% 64% 40% Disapprove 36 55 20 37 Dont know 20 22 16 23 First Lady Michelle Obama gets especially positive ratings from the American public. Amid her trip to China, 68% approve of how Michelle Obama is handling her role as First Lady; just 26% disapprove. Americans across the political spectrum give Mrs. Obama net positive ratings. She is extremely popular among Democrats 88% approve of how she is handling her role as First Lady. 5

Approve Disapprove ISSUES Contraception

Michelle Obamas Role as First Lady Total Reps Dems Inds 68% 48% 88% 64% 26 44 8 28

The U.S. Supreme Court is slated to hear oral arguments in two cases that test the mandatory health insurance coverage of prescription birth control for women employees under the Affordable Care Act. A majority thinks that religious-affiliated organizations should be allowed to opt out of covering those costs in their insurance coverage, as the law allows. But just over half think companies and non-religious organizations should have to cover those things for their women employees. Coverage of Prescription Birth Control for Women Religious Affiliated Organizations Should have to cover Rx birth control for women 35% Should be able to opt out of coverage 57

Companies & Non-religious Organizations 51% 42

Women (55%) are more likely than men (47%) to say that companies and non-religious organizations should have to cover prescription contraception for women employees. However, their views are similar for religious organizations: majorities of men and women think such organizations should be able to opt out of this coverage. Air Travel As the search for Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 continues, most Americans rate the overall safety record of commercial travel positively. 73% describe it as excellent or good, while only a quarter (24%) rate it as fair or poor. Even though majorities of both men and women have positive views of air travel safety, 45% of men rate it as excellent, compared to just 24% of women. Safety Record of Commercial Air Travel Total Men Women Excellent 34% 45% 24% Good 39 34 44 Only fair 17 12 21 Poor 7 5 9 Americans rate the safety record of air travel more positively today than they did after domestic incidents such as the 1996 crash of TWA 800 (66%) and the crash of American Airlines flight 587, which occurred in November 2001, just months after the 9/11 attacks (56%). CBS News last asked about the safety record of commercial air travel in January 2002, just weeks after the thwarted attempt by the shoe-bomber to detonate a bomb aboard an American Airlines flight. Back then, 61% of Americans said the safety record of air travel was excellent or good; that percentage is 73% today. 6

Excellent Good Only fair Poor The ACA

Now 34% 39 17 7

Safety Record of Commercial Air Travel 1/2002 11/2001 7/1996 19% 16% 26% 42 40 40 24 25 22 10 16 10

More Americans disapprove (53%) than approve (41%) of the Affordable Care Act this has been the case since the law was passed. Views of the Health Care Law 1/2014 11/2013 10/2013 9/2012 12/2011 41% 31% 43% 42% 35% 50 61 51 46 51

Approve Disapprove

Now 41% 53

3/2010 32% 53

But the percentage of Americans who say signup on the health care exchanges is going well has steadily increased since the web site was launched last October. Still, just 27% say it is going well. How is the Sign-up on the Health Care Exchanges Going? Now 1/2014 12/2013 11/2013 Well 27% 22% 16% 11% Not well 47 53 58 67 Dont know enough 25 25 26 23 35% say the sign-up is improving. Sign-up on the Health Care Exchanges Is Getting Now 1/2014 12/2013 Better 35% 34% 36% Worse 10 12 13 Same 48 48 44 The State of the Economy Views of the economy remain about where they have been for over a year: just over a third rates the economy good, while far more say it is bad. Condition of the Economy 2/2014 12/2013 37% 37% 62 61

10/2013 12% 49 38

Good Bad

Now 37% 61

1/2013 32% 66

1/2012 19% 80

The economy remains the nations top priority, and just a quarter thinks it is improving; 30% think it is getting worse. Those views have also remained fairly consistent over the past year.

Immigration A majority of Americans (56%) think illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually apply for citizenship. Just 12% think they should be allowed to stay legally but not apply for citizenship, and another 29% think they should be required to leave the country. There has been little change in these views since the beginning of the year. Terrorism Just 11% think another terrorist attack in the U.S. is very likely in the next few months, and another 31% think that is somewhat likely. Concerns have risen after terror events, such as the Boston Marathon Bombing in April 2013 and the underwear bombing attempt in December 2009. Likelihood of Terror Attack in U.S. in Next Few Months Now 6/2013 4/2013 8/2011 1/2010 8/2006 5/2003 10/2001 9/2001 Very likely 11% 16% 24% 9% 26% 16% 24% 53% 36% Somewhat likely 31 36 42 33 40 43 47 35 42 Not very/at all likely 53 42 31 55 30 39 27 10 20 64% think the U.S. is adequately prepared to deal with another terrorist attack, while 34% say it is not. Afghanistan U.S. troops are scheduled to leave Afghanistan by the end of this year, but there are doubts about that countrys stability. Two in three Americans think it is not very or not at all likely that Afghanistan will be a stable country once U.S. troops are gone. Congress and the Midterms Republicans begin the midterm campaign cycle with an edge in voter enthusiasm and attention much of which seems driven by the chance to voice opposition to President Obama. 70% of Republican voters are already enthusiastic about voting in November (including 27% who are very enthusiastic), compared to 58% of Democrats. Meanwhile half of independents and four in ten voters overall say they are not excited. Enthusiastic About Voting in November Midterms? (Among Registered Voters) All Reps Dems Inds Very enthusiastic 22% 27% 20% 20% Somewhat enthusiastic 35 43 38 27 Not too/not at all enthusiastic 41 29 42 51 In a disparity that would have a decisive impact if it remains in November, 81% of Republicans say theyre definitely going to vote in November, versus 68% of Democrats. These data are best read as a reflection of the enthusiasm difference as the campaign starts, rather than as predictive of turnout.

Definitely Probably Probably/ definitely not

How Likely That Youll Vote In November? (Among Registered Voters) All Reps Dems 73% 81% 68% 19 12 25 7 6 5

Inds 71% 19 8

21% of Republican voters say theyre already paying a lot of attention to the midterms, compared to 16% of Democrats. Although he wont be on the ballot in November, most Republican voters (52%) see the upcoming midterm elections as a chance to vote against the President. By contrast, fewer Democrats (43%) see 2014 as a chance to support President Obama. For most independents (55%) the President isnt a factor at all but those who see a connection are breaking more than two-to-one against him. Do You See Midterm Vote as For or Against Pres. Obama? (Among Registered Voters) All Reps Dems Inds For Obama 19% 3% 43% 10% Against Obama 29 52 7 28 Obama Not Factor 46 39 43 55 In September of 2010, by contrast, things were more even, with 23% of voters looking to cast a ballot for President Obama and 25% against him. Leaving enthusiasm and attention aside, Republicans and Democrats are even in the generic ballot test, which asks whether voters would prefer the Democrat or Republican in their own district, if elections were held today. Three in ten independents dont know yet. Republicans currently hold the House and a stalemate on the generic ballot would put them in position to keep it. Generic Ballot: 2014 Congressional Vote (Among Registered Voters) All Reps Dems Inds 39% 83% 3% 34% 39 4 85 25 17 10 11 30

Republican Democrat Depends/Not sure

Congressional approval stands at just 18% now, up slightly from 13% last month, and above the low of 9% reached last fall. ___________________________________________________________________________
This poll was conducted by telephone March 20-23, 2014 among a total of 1,097 adults nationwide. Data collection was conducted on behalf of CBS News by Social Science Research Solutions of Media, PA. Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. The poll included a general population sample of 1,007, plus 90 additional interviews with Catholics, for a total of 271 interviews with Catholics. The additional interviews were obtained through callbacks to people indicating they are Catholic on a previous poll. The total sample included a weight for Catholics using a target from the general population portion of the poll. The margin of error for Catholics is 8 points. The error for subgroups may be higher. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.

CBS NEWS POLL Challenges Abroad, Domestic Issues and the 2014 Elections March 20-23, 2014 Q1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President? TOTAL RESPONDENTS Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 43 10 80 34 50 85 14 56 7 4 5 10

Approve Disapprove Don't know/No answer

Feb14c % 41 51 8

Q2. Do you feel things in this country are generally going in the right direction or do you feel things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? Right direction Wrong track Don't know/No answer 36 61 8 9 87 3 59 32 9 24 66 10 32 63 6

Q3. What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today? Jan14c 32 10 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 3 2 3 23 4

Economy / jobs Healthcare Budget The President/ Barack Obama Immigration Education Miscellaneous Govt Issues Religious values Poverty/Homelessness/Hunger War/Peace Partisan Politics Big Government Value/Moral Income Gap Other Don't know/No answer
* = less than .5%

30 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 25 5

24 8 8 9 2 1 4 5 * * * 4 2 * 28 5

33 8 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 5 * 1 4 26 5

31 6 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 23 6

Q4. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling foreign policy? Feb14c 39 48 13

Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer

36 49 14

11 77 12

64 19 17

30 56 14


Q5. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the economy? TOTAL RESPONDENTS Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 39 7 71 34 56 90 23 59 5 3 6 6

Approve Disapprove Don't know/No answer

Feb14c % 38 57 5

Q7. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling health care? Jan14c 41 54 5

Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer

40 56 5

10 88 2

71 25 5

34 59 7

Q8. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the situation with Afghanistan? Feb13a 50 33 17

Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer

40 45 15

18 66 16

61 25 14

37 48 15

Q9. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the threat of terrorism? Nov13c 51 41 8

Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer

53 38 9

26 67 8

81 12 7

48 40 12

Q10. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the issue of immigration? Jul13b 43 45 12

Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer

35 56 9

13 78 9

61 31 8

27 63 10

Q12. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the situation in between Russia and Ukraine? Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer 38 46 16 17 69 14 59 25 16 35 48 17


Q13. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job? TOTAL RESPONDENTS Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 18 11 23 19 76 83 72 75 6 6 5 6

Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer

Feb14c % 13 80 7

Q14. Do you approve or disapprove of the way John Kerry is handling his job as Secretary of State? Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer 44 36 20 23 55 22 64 20 16 40 37 23

Q25. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Michelle Obama is handling her role as First Lady? Jan10b 78 11 11

Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer

68 26 6

48 44 8

88 8 3

64 28 8

Q15. How would you rate the condition of the national economy these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? Feb14c 2 35 38 24 1

Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very bad Dont know/No answer
* = less than .5%

3 34 34 27 1

1 17 41 40 *

7 55 24 14 *

2 29 38 28 3

Q16. Do you think the economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same? Jan14c 31 25 43 1

Better Worse Same Dont know/No answer

* = less than .5%

26 30 44 *

10 47 43 *

44 11 44 1

21 34 45 *


Q17. Do you think the United States is more powerful, less powerful, or about as powerful a world leader as it was ten years ago? TOTAL RESPONDENTS Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 12 3 19 12 59 83 32 64 28 13 46 23 1 * 3 1

More powerful Less powerful As powerful Dont know/No answer

* = less than .5%

Oct12b % 13 54 28 5

Q18. How much attention have you been able to pay to the 2014 election campaign a lot, some, not much or no attention so far? REGISTERED VOTERS 21 16 20 32 30 33 30 26 26 18 29 21 * * Feb14c 22 35 23 19 *

A lot Some Not much No attention Dont know/No answer

* = less than .5%

19 31 27 23 *

Q19. How likely is it that you will vote in the 2014 election for Congress in November--would you say you will definitely vote, probably vote, probably not vote, or definitely not vote in the election for Congress? Definitely Probably Probably not Definitely not Dont know/No answer 73 19 4 3 2 81 12 3 3 0 68 25 3 2 1 71 19 5 3 2

Q20. If the 2014 election for U.S. House of Representatives were being held today, would you vote for the (Republican) candidate or the (Democratic) candidate in your district? Republican Democratic Other (vol.) Won't vote (vol.) Depends (vol.) Dont know/No answer
* = less than .5%

39 39 3 2 8 9

83 4 2 2 6 4

3 85 * * 3 8

34 25 7 3 16 14

42 39 3 3 7 8


Q23. Thinking about this Novembers elections for Congress, overall, would you say you are very enthusiastic, somewhat enthusiastic, not too enthusiastic, or not enthusiastic at all about voting? REGISTERED VOTERS Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 22 27 20 20 35 43 38 27 30 21 30 38 11 8 12 13 1 1 1 2

Very enthusiastic Somewhat enthusiastic Not too enthusiastic Not at all enthusiastic Dont know/No answer

Q24. Do you think of your vote for Congress this fall as a vote (for) Barack Obama, a vote (against) Barack Obama, or don't you think of your vote this fall as being about Barack Obama? Vote for Obama Vote against Obama Obama not a factor Dont know/No answer 19 29 46 7 3 52 39 5 43 7 43 7 10 28 55 7

Q24a. Do you think the United States should or should not take the leading role among all other countries in the world in trying to solve international conflicts? TOTAL RESPONDENTS % % % % 36 41 41 28 58 54 54 66 6 6 5 7 Feb14c % 31 65 4

Yes, should take the leading role No, should not take the leading role Dont know/No answer

Q33. Whatever your personal feelings about flying, how would you rate the overall safety record of commercial airline travel -- Excellent, good, only fair, or poor? Jan02a 19 42 24 10 5

Excellent Good Only fair Poor Don't know/No answer

34 39 17 7 4

40 40 13 4 3

28 43 17 8 4

34 35 19 8 4

Q26. Do you think Barack Obama has strong qualities of leadership, or not? Nov13c 50 48 2

Has Doesnt have Don't know/No answer

53 45 2

22 76 1

84 16 1

48 48 4


Q27. Since Barack Obama has been President, do you think the United States' image in the world has gotten better, gotten worse, or has Barack Obama's presidency had no effect on the United States' image in the world? TOTAL RESPONDENTS % % % % 32 9 58 27 43 78 12 45 21 12 28 23 3 1 2 4 Jan10b % 50 20 26 4

Better Worse No effect Dont know/No answer

Q28. How much confidence do you have in Barack Obama's ability to handle an international crisis--a lot, some, a little, or none at all? Sep12a* 40 26 13 20 1

A lot Some A little Not at all Don't know/No answer

*registered voters

28 25 18 27 1

8 13 25 51 3

52 32 9 6 1

22 28 21 29 1

Q29. From what you've heard or read, do you approve or disapprove of the health care law that was enacted in 2010? Jan14c 21 20 16 34 10

Strongly approve Somewhat approve Somewhat disapprove Strongly disapprove Don't know/ No answer

20 21 14 39 7

4 7 15 72 2

37 33 12 9 8

16 20 15 40 9

Q30. As you may know, as part of the 2010 health care law, health insurance exchanges have opened up so people can sign up for health insurance. Based on what youve heard or read, has the sign-up for the health care exchanges been going very well, somewhat well, not very well, not at all well, or dont you know enough to say? Very well Somewhat well Not very well Not at all well Dont know enough to say Dont know/No answer
* = less than .5%

5 22 29 18 25 1

1 7 34 33 25 *

11 36 20 6 26 2

4 19 34 17 26 1

4 18 26 27 25 *

Q31. Do you think the sign-up for the health-care exchanges is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same? Better Worse Same Dont know/No answer 35 10 48 6 20 14 58 7 51 10 34 5 31 8 54 6 34 12 48 7 15

Q31a. Do you think religious-affiliated organizations should have to cover the cost of prescription birth control for their female employees as part of their health insurance plans, or should religious-affiliated organizations be able to opt out of covering that, based on religious objections? TOTAL RESPONDENTS Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 35 15 51 36 57 79 42 53 8 6 7 11

Should have to cover Should be able to opt out Don't know/No answer

Q31b. What about companies and non-religious organizations? Do you think these employers should have to cover the cost of prescription birth control for their female employees as part of their health insurance plans, or should these employers be able to opt out of covering that, based on religious objections? Should have to cover Should be able to opt out Don't know/No answer 51 42 7 30 65 5 69 26 5 50 39 11

Q32. Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S.? 1(They should be allowed to stay in the U.S and eventually apply for citizenship), 2 They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship or 3 (They should be required to leave the U.S.) Total % Stay & apply for citizenship 56 Stay in U.S. legally, not allowed to apply 12 Required to leave the U.S. 29 Don't know/No answer 3 Rep % 44 10 42 4 Dem % 69 8 20 3 Ind % 54 16 27 3 Feb14c % 53 16 27 3

Q35. Do you consider Russia an ally of the United States, friendly but not an ally, unfriendly, or an enemy of the United States? Jun07c 10 58 18 6 8

Ally Friendly but not an ally Unfriendly Enemy Dont know/No answer

7 35 33 18 7

4 25 38 25 6

5 37 33 17 9

11 38 30 14 7


Q36. How much have you heard or read about the situation between Russia and Ukraine in which Russian troops have entered the Crimean region of Ukraine, and Russia has now recognized Crimea as part of Russia? Have you heard or read a lot, some, or not much? TOTAL RESPONDENTS Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 36 37 29 40 33 34 35 29 29 28 33 28 2 * 3 2 * * * 1

A lot Some Not much Nothing Dont know/No answer

* = less than .5%

Q37. Do you think the United States has a responsibility to do something about the situation between Russia and Ukraine, or doesn't the United States have this responsibility? US has responsibility US doesn't have this responsibility Dont know/No answer 32 61 7 37 58 5 31 61 8 29 62 8

Q39. The United States and European countries have enacted sanctions against Russia in response to Russias actions in the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Do you approve or disapprove of enacting these sanctions against Russia? Approve Disapprove Dont know/No answer 56 32 12 55 33 11 61 28 11 53 35 13

Q40. How effective do you think these sanctions will be in changing Russian actions in Ukraine and Crimea very effective, somewhat effective, not very effective, or not at all effective? Very effective Somewhat effective Not very effective Not at all effective Dont know/No answer 5 27 31 27 9 3 24 33 31 8 7 35 31 17 10 5 23 31 32 10

Q40a. Do you think the U.S. should or should not provide military aid and equipment to Ukraine in response to Russias actions in Ukraine and Crimea? Should Should not Dont/Know answer 26 65 8 32 59 9 24 67 9 24 69 7


Q41. How likely do you think it is that the situation between Russia and Ukraine will become a more widespread conflict involving neighboring countries and other parts of Europe very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely. TOTAL RESPONDENTS Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 27 30 23 27 42 46 39 40 20 13 25 19 7 7 6 7 5 4 6 5

Very likely Somewhat likely Not too likely Not at all likely Dont know/No answer

Q38. Do you think the situation between Russia and Ukraine is (something the United States can do something about), or (something beyond the control of the United States)? Do something about Beyond U.S. control Dont know/No answer 37 57 6 37 56 7 37 57 6 36 58 5

Q42. How likely do you think it is that there will be another terrorist attack in the United States within the next few months -- very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely? HALF SAMPLE A % % 9 14 46 21 37 42 8 18 1 6 Jun13a % 16 36 29 13 6

Very likely Somewhat likely Not very likely Not at all likely Don't know/No answer

% 12 34 37 15 3

% 12 36 33 17 2

Q43. Do you think the United States is adequately prepared to deal with another terrorist attack, or not? HALF SAMPLE A 56 69 43 29 1 2 Apr13b 60 35 5

Prepared Not prepared Don't know/ No answer

62 36 2

61 37 2

Q42a. How likely do you think it is that there will be a terrorist attack in the United States within the next few months -very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely? HALF SAMPLE B 11 10 40 21 35 35 8 27 6 7

Very likely Somewhat likely Not very likely Not at all likely Don't know/No answer

11 30 35 19 6

12 29 34 21 5


Q43a . Do you think the United States is adequately prepared to deal with a terrorist attack, or not? HALF SAMPLE B Rep Dem Ind % % % 58 78 59 40 19 39 2 4 2

Prepared Not prepared Don't know/ No answer

Total % 65 32 3

Q42/Q42a How likely do you think it is that there will be another terrorist attack in the United States within the next few months -- very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely?/ How likely do you think it is that there will be a terrorist attack in the United States within the next few months -- very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not at all likely? TOTAL RESPONDENTS 10 12 12 42 21 32 36 38 33 8 23 19 4 6 3

Very likely Somewhat likely Not very likely Not at all likely Don't know/No answer

11 31 36 17 4

Q43/Q43A. Do you think the United States is adequately prepared to deal with another terrorist attack, or not?/ Do you think the United States is adequately prepared to deal with a terrorist attack, or not? Prepared Not prepared Don't know/ No answer 64 34 2 57 41 2 74 23 3 60 38 2

Q47. Most U.S. troops are expected to leave Afghanistan by the end of 2014. From what you know, how likely do you think it is that Afghanistan will be a stable country after U.S. troops leave very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely or not at all likely? Very likely Somewhat likely Not very likely Not at all likely Don't know/ No answer 5 24 38 30 3 2 16 39 42 1 8 32 34 21 5 5 23 40 30 2

Q60. Thinking about your household income, would you say that it is more than enough so that you can save money or buy some extras, just enough to meet your bills and obligations, or is it not enough to meet your bills and obligations? Jan14c 23 50 25 2

Can save and buy extras Just enough to pay bills Not enough to pay bills, etc. Don't know/No answer
* = less than .5%

30 45 23 2

33 47 17 2

29 46 25 *

29 42 27 3


Total Respondents: Half Sample A Half Sample B Total Republicans Total Democrats Total Independents

Unweighted 1,097 523 574 345 373 379


508 589 310 373 414


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