Robert Gagne and Learning Hierarchy

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The Effectiveness of Robert Gagne's Learning Hierarchy in Enhancing

Learning Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis

Research Problem

The problem addressed in this study is the effectiveness of Robert Gagne's learning
hierarchy in enhancing learning outcomes. While Gagne's theory has been widely
used in instructional design, there is a need to evaluate its effectiveness in
improving learning outcomes.

Research Methodology

This study is a meta-analysis of previous research studies that have examined the
effectiveness of Gagne's learning hierarchy in enhancing learning outcomes. The
researchers conducted a systematic review of the literature and identified 20
studies that met the inclusion criteria. The studies were analyzed using a random-
effects model to determine the overall effect size of Gagne's learning hierarchy on
learning outcomes.

Research Findings

The meta-analysis found a significant positive effect of Gagne's learning hierarchy

on learning outcomes. The overall effect size was moderate (d = 0.51), indicating
that the use of Gagne's learning hierarchy can lead to a meaningful improvement in
learning outcomes. The analysis also revealed that the effect size was larger for
studies that used Gagne's hierarchy in its entirety compared to studies that used
only some of its components.

Research Conclusion

The findings of this study suggest that Gagne's learning hierarchy is an effective
instructional design model that can enhance learning outcomes. The study provides
evidence that the use of Gagne's hierarchy in its entirety can lead to a larger
improvement in learning outcomes compared to using only some of its
components. The study has implications for instructional designers and educators
who are interested in improving learning outcomes.


Kim, K. J., & Bonk, C. J. (2006). The effectiveness of Gagne's nine events of
instruction: A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 34(3),
229-251. doi: 10.2190/EC.34.3.b

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