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Surface Chemistry

CHAPTER Surface Chemistry

Adsorption-physisorption and chemisorption; factors affecting
adsorption of gases on solids, catalysis homogeneous and heterogeneous,
activity and selectivity: enzyme catalysis; colloidal state: distinction between
true solutions, colloids and suspensions; lyophillic, lyophobic multimolecular
and macromolecular colloids; properties of colloids; Tyndall effect, Brownian
movement, electrophoresis, coagulation; emulsions- types of emulsions.


NEET 2016 NEET 2016 Forecasting -
Year NEET 2018 NEET 2017

No of question
1 1 2 2 2

effects of Colloids,Therm Catalysis &

Colloids and coagulation
Subtopic catalyst and odynamics of Theories of
Emulsions power
enzymes adsorption Catalysis

The phenomenon of attracting and retaining the molecules of a substance on the surface of a liquid
or a solid resulting into higher concentration of the molecules on the surface is called adsorption
There are two types of adsorption
(i) Physical adsorption (ii) Chemical adsorption
Physical adsorption Chemical adsorption
or or
Physisorption Chemisorption
1. Enthalpy of adsorption usually is of the 1. Enthalpy of adsorption is of the order of –
order of –20 kJ mol–1 i.e. exothermic 200 kJ mol–1.
2. Molecule of adsorbate and adsorbent are 2. Molecules of adsorbate and adsorbent are
held by Van der Waal interaction held by chemical bonds
3. It usually takes place at low temperature 3. It takes place relatively at high temperature
and decreases with increasing temperature
4. It is highly specific and take place when
4. It is not very specific i.e. all gases are there is some possibility of compound
adsorbed on all solids to some extent formation between adsorbate and
adsorbent molecule.
5. Multimolecular layers may be formed on
adsorbent 5. Usually monomolecular layer is formed on
the adsorbent.
A relation or graph between x/m (x are number of moles of adsorbate and m is the mass of adsorbent)
and the pressure (P) of the gas at a constant temperature is called adsorption isotherm.

II PUC 357
Objective Chemistry
A. Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm
Freundlich gave an equation x/m  KP1/n (n > 1) to explain the
effect of pressure on amount of gas adsorbed where K and n are pe = n

log x/m 
parameters of the equations depending upon the nature of the gas
and solid.
increases with increase in pressure. Since n > 1, so x/m does
m Intercept = log K
not increase, as rapidly as 'P'
1 log P 
log x/m = logK + log P (Taking log on both sides)
From this graph it is possible to find out value of K and n
B. Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm
Langmuir considered that adsorption to consist of the two opposing processes i.e. adsorption and
desorption both take place and dynamic equilibrium established between the above two processes.
He also assumed that the layer of the adsorbed gas was only one molecule thick i.e. unimolecular
and for chemisorption.
The Langmuir adsorption isotherm is represented by the relation.
x ap

x/m 
where a and b are two Langmuir parameters.
m 1  bp
x a
 (At very high pressure 1 + bP ~ bP)
m b
x Pressure 
and = aP (At very low pressure 1 + bP  1)
So at high pressure of the gas remains constant and nature of graph is linear at very high
• In order to determine the parameters a and b, we may write
m 1  bP b 1
  
x aP a aP 1
Slope = a
m 1 x
A plot of against gives a straight line with slope and intercept
x P b
Intercept =
1 b
equal to and respectively 1
a a
The process of changing the rate of a chemical reaction by addition of a foreign substance (catalyst)
is called catalysis. The catalyst is specific in nature and change the rate of a particular reaction by
providing an alternate path of different activation energy. When catalyst increases the rate of
reaction, it is called positive catalyst and decreases the ratio of reaction is called negative catalyst.
MnO 2 (s)
Ex. 2KClO 3   2KCl(s)  3O 2 (g)
MnO2 (s) act as positive catalyst and phenomenon is known as positive catalysis
acetanilide (s)
2H2O 2 (l)     2H2 O (l)  O 2 (g)
Acetanilide (s) act as negative catalyst and process is known as negative catalysis.

358 II PUC
Surface Chemistry
A reaction in which the catalyst and the reacting substances are present in the same phase, is
NO (g)
called homogeneous catalysis Ex. 2SO 2 (g)  O 2 (g)   2SO 3 (g)
H (aq)
CH 3COOCH 3 (aq)  H 2O ( l)  
 CH3COOH(aq)  CH3OH(aq)
A reaction in which the catalyst is present in a phase different from that of the reacting substances
is called heterogeneous catalysis. All the reactions in this case occur at the surface of the catalyst
Finely P(s)
Ex. N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3 (g) ; 2SO2 (g) + O2(g) 2SO3 (g)
divided Fe (s) or V2O5(s)
Zeolites are the most important metal oxide or aluminosilicates catalysts. These catalysts are widely
used in the petrochemical industries for (i) cracking of hydrocarbons and (ii) for aromatisation.
Zeolites are microporous silicates having the general formula
Mx / n [( AlO2 ) x (SiO2 ) y ] . mH2O
Shape-selectivity is the most remarkable feature of zeolite catalysts. The reactions depend on the
size of the cavities (Cages) and pores (apertures) present on the surface of zeolite. The pore size
varies between 260pm and 760pm.
Hence depending upon the size of the reactant and product molecules, as compared to the size and
the shape of the cavities and the pores of the zeolite, the reactions can move in a specified manner.
A special catalyst, called ZSM-5, is used to convert alcohols such as methanol, ethanol directly to
gasoline or petrol.
ZSM 5
xCH 3OH   (CH 2 ) x  xH 2O
Methanol Catalyst Gasoline
Zeolites are also used in water softening.
All biological reactions are catalysed by special catalysts called enzymes. Thus enzymes are defined
by biogical catalyst. All biological reactions require a different kind of enzyme. Only small amount
of enzymes can be highly efficient, speed up the reaction by factors of upto 1020
Enzyme Reaction catalyzed
(i) Invertase or sucrase Sucrose  Glucose + Fructose
(ii) Maltase Maltose  Glucose + Glucose

(iii) Lactase Lactase  Glucose + Galactose

(iv) L – Amylase Starch  n × Glucose

(v) Pepsin Proteins  L – Amino acid

Proteins  L – Amino acid
(vi) Trypsin
NH 2CONH2 + H2O CO2 + 2NH 3
(vii) Urease

Colloidal state of matter is a state in which the size of particles is such (10Å – 1000Å) that they can
pass through filter paper but not through animal or vegetable membrane.

II PUC 359
Objective Chemistry
(i) Based on physical state of dispersed phase and dispersion medium–The physical state of
dispersed phase and dispersion medium may be solids, liquids or gases, eight types of colloidal
system are possible.
Dispersed Phase Dispersion Medium Name Examples
Solid Solid Solid Sol Some coloured glasses, gem stones
Solid Liquid Sol Some paints, cell fuids, muddy water
Solid Gas Aerosol Smoke, dust
Liquid Solid Gel Cheese, butter, jellies
Liquid Liquid Emulsion Milk, hair cream
Liquid Gas Aerosol Fog, mist, cloud
Gas Solid Solid foam Pumice stone, foam rubber
Gas Liquid Foam Froth, whipped cream, soap lather
Note : A gas mixed with another gas form a homogeneous mixture and not a colloidal system
(hetrogeneous mixture).
(ii) Based on nature of interaction between dispersed phase and dispersion medium–
Divided into two types namely Lyophilic and Lyophobic Colloids
Lyophilic Sols Lyophobic Sols

1. Nature Reversible Irreversible

2. Preparation Prepared by direct mixing with liquid Cannot be prepared directly but by special
dispersion medium i.e. solvent loving method i.e. solvent hating
3. Stability Quite stable and not easily precipitated or Precipitated by adding small amount of
coagulated suitable electrolyte
4. Hydration Highly hydrated Not much hydrated
5. Nature & These sols are usually formed by the These are usually formed by the inorganic
substances organic substances like starch, gum, materials like metals, their sulphides etc.
proteins etc.
6. Viscosity Much higher than that of medium Almost same as that of medium
7. Surface Lower than that of dispersion medium Nearly same as that of dispersion medium
Emulsions are colloids in which both dispersed phase and dispersion medium are liquids and broadly
classified into two types
(i) Oil in water emulsion – In this type of emulsion oil act as dispersed phase and water act as
dispersion medium. Ex.– Milk, vanishing cream etc.
(ii) Water in oil emulsion – In this type of emulsion water act as dispersed phase and oil act as
dispersion medium.
Ex.– Cold cream, butter, cod liver oil etc.
Prepared by two types of methods
(a) Condensation method (b) Dispersion method
(a) Condensation method

360 II PUC
Surface Chemistry
Condensation Method

Physical Method
Chemical method
As2O3 + 3H2S As2S3(sol) + 3H2O
Exchange of solvent Excessive cooling Oxidation
SO2 + 2H2S 3S(sol) + 2H2O
When a true solution is mixed A sol of ice in CHCl3
with an excess of other solvent in Reduction
or ether by freezing 2AuCl3 + 3HCHO + 3H2O 2Au (sol)
which the solute is insoluble but the water in the +3HCOOH+6HCl
solvent is miscible. Ex– when a solvent Hydrolysis
solution of sulphur in alcohol is FeCl3 + 3H2O Fe(OH)3+3HCl (sol)
poured in excess of water sol of S
is obtained
(b) Dispersion method
In this method large particles of the substance are broken into particles of colloidal dimensions in
the presence of dispersion medium and stabilised by adding some suitable stabilizer. Some methods
given below:
(i) Mechanical dispersion – In this method, the course suspension of the substance is brought into a
colloidal state in dispersion medium by grinding it in a colloidal mill, ball mill or ultrasonic disintegrator.
(ii) Electrical disintegration or Bredig's arc method
This process involves dispersion as well as condensation
+ Electrodes –
colloidal sols of metals such as gold, silver, platinum etc. can
be prepared by this method. Electric arc is struck between
electrodes of metals immersed in the dispersion medium. The
intense heat produced vaporises the metal, which then Dispersion
condenses to form particles of colloidal size.
(iii)Peptization – It is a process of converting the precipitate into
colloidal sol by shaking it with dispersion medium in the
presence of a small amount of electrolyte (Peptising agent)
During peptization the precipitate adsorb one of the ion (cation or anion) which is common ion.
Ex – When freshly precipitated Fe(OH)3 is shaken with aqueous solution of FeCl3 (Peptizing agent)
it adsorbs Fe+3 ion (common ion) and there by breaks up into small sized particles.
Note : Lyophilic sols are quite stable and can be easily prepared by shaking the lyophilic material
with dispersion medium.
Ex – Colloidal sols of gelatin, gum, starch, egg, albumin etc.
(i) Colligative properties – Due to high average molecular masses of colloidal particles, mole fraction
of dispersed phase is very low and the value of colligative properties observed experimentally are
very small.
(ii) Optical properties–Tyndall effect – Tyndall (1869) observed that if a strong beam of light is passed
through a colloidal sol placed in the dark place the path of the beam gets illuminated. This
phenomenon is called Tyndall effect, which is due to scattering of light by the colloidal particles.
Tyndall effect not found in true solution.
II PUC 361
Objective Chemistry
(iii) Mechanical properties–Brownian movement – Colloidal particles are found to be in continuous
zig–zag motion called Brownian movement, it arises because of the impact of the molecules of the
dispersion medium with the colloidal particles.
(iv) Electrical Properties-Electrophoresis.
+ –
The particles of colloids are electrically
charged and are positively or negatively Electrode
charge. The dispersion medium has an
equal and opposite charge making the
Decrease the
system neutral as a whole. The existance length of tube
Coagulated sol
of charge is shown by the phenomenon particles
of electrophoresis. It involves the
As2S3 sol
movement of colloidal particles either (negatively charged)
towards the cathode or anode under the
influence of electric field.

Positively charged collidal particles Negatively charged colloidal particles

Metal hydroxides [Fe(OH)3, Al(OH) 3, Ca(OH) 2, Metal, starch, clay, metal sulphides (As2S3,
Cr(OH) 3], Oxides (TiO2) haemoglobin, basic dye CdS), Acidic dye (congo red) etc.
(Methyl blue, Prussian blue) etc.

(v) Coagulation of colloids – The phenomenon of precipitation of a colloidal solution by the addition
of excess of an electrolyte is called coagulation or flocculation.
At lower concentration of electrolytes, the aggregation of particles is called flocculation that can be
reversed on shaking while at higher concentration of electrolyte coagulation takes place and the
same cannot be reversed simply by shaking.
Hardy–Schulze Rule
(i) The ions carrying charge opposite to that of sol particles are effective in causing the coagulation of the sol
(ii) Coagulating power of an electrolyte is directly proportional to the fourth power of the valency of
the ions causing coagulation.
The minimum concentration of an electrolyte which is required to cause coagulation of a sol is
known as coagulation value and expressed in millimoles / litre.
Following methods are used
(i) Dialysis – A bag made-up of parchment paper or cellophone membrane is filled with colloidal
solution and is then suspended in fresh water, the electrolyte particles passout leaving behind the
colloidal sol
Movement of ions across the membrane can be expedited by applying electric potential through
two electrodes. This method is faster than simple dialysis and is known as electrodialysis
(ii) Ultrafiltration – In this method the colloidal solution is filtered through ultra-filters which allow
to pass electrolytes only.
(iii) Ultra–centrifugation – In this method colloidal sol is taken in a tube which is placed in an
ultra-centrifuge. On rotation of the tube with high speeds the colloidal particles settle down at the
bottom of the tube and the impurities remain in solution called the centrifugate. The settle colloidal
particles are mixed with an appropriate dispersing medium to regenerate the sol.
362 II PUC
Surface Chemistry

1. On which of the following properties does the MgSO4  BaCl3  NaCl

coagulating power of an ion depend? (NEET-2018)  III   II  I 
(1) Both magnitude and sign of the charge on the ion
4. Fog is the colloidal solution of (NEET-I 2016)
(2) Size of the ion alone (1) solid in gas (2) gas in gas
(3) The magnitude of the charge on the ion alone (3) liquid in gas (4) gas in lquid
(4) The sign of charge on the ion alone A: (3) Fog is an example of acrosol in which dis-
A: (1)Coagulation of colloidal solution by using an persed phase is liquid and dispersion medium
electrolyte depends on the charge present is gas.
(positive or negative) on colloidal particles as
5. Which one of the following characteristics is
well as on its size. associated with adsorption? (NEET-I 2016)
Coagulating power of an electrolyte depends (1) G and H are negative but S is positive.
on the magnitude of charge present on effective (2) G and S are negative but H is positive.
ion of electrolyte. (3) G is negative but H and S are positive.
2. Which one of the following statements is not (4) G , H and S all are negative.
correct? (NEET-2017)
A: (4) As the molecules of the adsorbate are held
(1) The value of equilibrium constant is changed on the surface of the solid adsorbent, entropy
in the presence of a catalyst in the reaction at decreases i.e., S   ve . As G  H  T S
equilibrium. For the adsorption to occur, G   ve and it is
(2) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical reactions.
possible only if H   ve .
(3) Coenzymes increase the catalytic activity of
6. Which property of colloidal solution is indepen-
enzyme. dent of charge on the colloidal particles?
(4) Catalyst does not initiate any reaction. (AIPMT-2015)
A: (1) Catalyst does not change the value of equi- (1) Electro - osmosis (2) Tyndall effect
librium constant as they forward as well as (3) Coagulation (4) Electrophoresis
backward reactions equally. A: (2) Tyndall effect is scattering of light by colloi-
3. The coagulation values in millimoles per liter of dal particles which is independent of charge on
the electrolytes used for the coagulation of them.
As2S3 are given below : 7. Which property of colloids is not dependent on
I. (NaCl) = 52, the charge on colloidal particles? (AIPMT-2014)
II.  BaCl2   0.69 , (1) Coagulation (2) Electrophoresis
III.  MgSO4   0.22 (NEET-II 2016)(3) Electro - osmosis (4) Tyndall effect
The correct order of their coagulating power is
A: (4) Tyndall effect is due to the scattering of light
(1) I > II > III (2) II > I > III
by colloidal paticles and not due to the charge.
(3) III > II > I (4) III > I > II
8. In Freundlich adsorption isotherm, the value of
1 1/n is (AIPMT-2012)
A: (3) Coagulating power 
Coagulation value (1) between 0 and 1 in all cases
Lower the coagulation value, higher is the co- (2) between 2 and 4 in all cases
agulating power so, the correct order is (3) 1 in case of physical absorption
(4) 1 in case of chemisorption

II PUC 363
Objective Chemistry
A: (1) Freundlich adsorption isotherm: 13. A plot of log(x/m) versus log p for the adsorp-
x 1 tion of a gas on a solid gives a straight line with
 k.p 1/ n ; 0   1 slope equal to (AIPMT-2006)
m n
9. Which one of the following statement is incor (1) log K (2) - log K (3) n (4) 1/n
rect about enzyme catalysis? (AIPMT-2012) A: (4) This is according to Freundlich adsorption
(1) Enzymes are mostly proteinous in nature. isotherm.
(2) Enzyme action is specific.
(3) Enzymes are denatured by ultraviolet rays
and at high temperature
(4) Enzymes are least reactive at optimum tem
A: (4) The enzyme activity rises rapidly with tem- 14. Which one of the following forms micelles in
perature and becomes maximum at definite tem aqueous solution above certain concentration?
perature, is called optimum temperature. (AIPMT-2005)
10. The protecting power of lyophillic colloidal sol (1) Dodecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride
is expressed in terms of (AIPMT-2012) (2) Glucose (3) Urea
(1) coagulation value (2) gold number (4) Pyridinium chloride
(3) ctritical micelle concentration
(4) oxidation number
A: (2)
11. If x is amount of adsorbate and m is amount of A: (1)
adsorbent, which of the following relations is not
related to adsorption process? (AIPMT-2011) 15. The enzyme which hydrolyses triglycerides to
(1) x/m = f(p) at constant T fatty acids and glycerol is called (AIPMT-2004)
(2) x/m = f(T) at constant p (1) maltase (2) lipase
(3) p = f(T) at constant (x/m) (3) zymase (4) pepsin.
(4) pT
A: (4)  pT A: (2)
12. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm is deduced
using the assumption (AIPMT-2007) 16. According to the adsorption theory of cataly-
(1) the adsorption sites are equivalent in their sis, the speed of the reaction increases because
ability to adsorb the particles
(2) the heat of adsorption varies with coverage (1) the concentration of reactant molecules at
(3) the adsorbed molecules interact with each other the active centres of the catalyst becomes high
(4) the adsorption takes place in multilayers. due to adsorption
A: (1)Langmuir adsorption isotherm is based on (2) in the process of adsorption, the activation
the assumption that every adsorption site is energy of the molecules becomes large
(3) adsorption produces heat which increases
equivalent and that the ability of a particle to
bind there is independent of whether nearby the speed of the reaction
sites are occupied or not occupied. (4) adsorption lowers the activation energy of
the reaction
364 II PUC
Surface Chemistry
A: (4) Adsorption causes decrease in surfece en- A: (4) By adding electrolytes the colloidal particles
ergy which appears as heat. Thus adsorption is are precipitated. The electrolytes neutralise the
an exothermic process and hence lowers the charge of colloids leading to their coagulation
activation energy of the reaction. and thus destroy the colloid.
17. Position of non polar and polar part in micelle 20. At the critical micelle concentration (CMC) the
(AIPMT-2002) surfactant molecules (AIPMT-1998)
(1) polar at outer surface but non polar at inner (1) associate (2) dissociate
surface (3) decompose
(2) polar at inner surface non polar at inner sur- (4) become completely soluble
face A: (1) The soap conc. at which micelles (spherical
(3) distributed over all the surface colloid molecules) first appear is called as criti-
(4) are present in the surface only. cal micellat concentration (CMC). At this con-
A: (1) Micelles are the clusters or aggregates formed dition the surfactant molecules associate with
in solution by association of colloids, Usually each other.
such molecules have a lyophobic group and a 21. The ability of anion, to bring about coagulation
lyophilic group. The long hydrocarbon is the lyo- of a given colloid, depends upon (AIPMT-1997)
phobic portion which tries to recede away from (1) magnitude of the charge
the solvent water and the ionisable lyophilic (2) both magnitude and charge
group which tends to go into water resulting (3) its charge only (4) sign of the charge alone.
into ions. As the concentration is increases the A: (2) Both magnitude of charge and nature of
lyophobic parts receding away from the sovent charge effect coagulation of a given colloid.
approach each other and form a cluster, the Greater the magnitude of the charge, quicker
lyophobic ends are in the interior lyophilic will be the coagulation.
groups projecting outward in contact with the 22. A colloidal system has particles of which of the
solvent. following size? (AIPMT-1996)
9 12
18. Which is not correct regarding the adsorption (1) 10 m to 10 m (2) 10 m to 10 9 m

of a gas on surface of a solid? (AIPMT-2001) (3) 10 4 m to 10 10 m (4) 10 5 m to 10 7 m

(1) On increasing temperature adsorption in- A: (2) Particle sizre lies in the range of
creases continuously. 10 6 m to 10 9 m . Particles themselves are invis-
(2) Enthalpy and entropy change is negative ible even under the most powerful micrescope.
(3) Adsorption is more for some specific substance. 23. When a few typical solutes are separated by a
(4) It is a reversible reaction. particular selective membrane such as protein
A: (1) Adsorption is the ability of a substance to particles, blood corpuscles, this process is called
concentrate or hold gases, liquids or dissolved (AIPMT-1996)
substances upon its surface. Solids adsorb (1) transpiration (2) endosmosis
greater amounts of substances at lower tem- (3) dialysis (4) diffusion.
perature. In general, adsorption decreases with A: (3) Dialysis is the process of separating the par-
increase in temperature. ticles of colloids from the particles of crystal-
19. Which one of the following method is commonly loids by means of diffusion through a selective
used method for destruction of colloid? membrene placed in water.
(AIPMT-2000) 24. For the adsorption of a gas on a solid , the plot
(1) Dialysis (2) Condensation of log (x/m) versus log p is linear with slope
(3) Filtration by animal membrane equal to (AIPMT-1994)
(4) By adding electrolyte (1) n (2) 1/n (3) k (4) log k.
II PUC 365
Objective Chemistry
A: (2) According to Freundlich adsorption iso- 5. In the adsorption of a gas on solid, Freundlich
isotherm is obeyed. The slope of the plot is zero.
x 1
therm, log    log k    log p The extent of adsorption is
m  n
(1) directly proportional to the pressure of the gas
25. Position of non polar and polar part in micelle
(2) inversely proportional to the pressure of the gas
(1) Polar at outer surface but non polar at inner
(3) independent of the pressure of the gas
(4) directly proportional to square root of the
(2) Polar at inner surface non polar at outer surface
pressure of the gas
(3) Distributed over all the surface
6. The correct ascending order of adsorption of the
(4) Are present in the surface only
following gases on the same mass of charcoal at
A: (1) Polar part interact with H 2 O molecule which
polar solvent [like dissolves like]. the same temperature and pressure is
(1) CH4 < H2 < SO2 (2)H2< CH4 < SO2
(3) SO2 < CH4 < H2 (4) H2 < SO2 < CH4
7. Which of the following relation is correct?
(i) x/m = constant (at high pressure)
(ii) x/m = constant ´ p 1/n (at intermediate
(iii)  cons tan t  p 0 (at lower pressure)
(1)all are correct (2) all are wrong
TASK - I (3) (i) and (ii) are correct
1. At the equilibrium position in the process of (4) (iii) is correct
adsorption_______ 8. Which of the following colloids cannot be easily
(1) D H > 0 (2) DH = T DS coagulated?
(3) DH > T DS (4) DH < T DS (1) Multimolecular colloids
2. In Freundlich adsorption isotherm, the value
(2) irreversible colloids
of 1/n is
(3) Lyophobic colloids
(1) between 0 and 1 in all cases
(4) Macromolecular colloids
(2) between 2 and 4 in all cases
9. The electrolyte having maximum flocculation
(3) 1 in case of physical adsorption
(4) 1 in case of chemisorption value for Ag/Ag+ sol is
3. The best coagulant for the precipitation of (1) Na2s (2) Na3PO4 (3) NaCl (4) Na2 SO4
Fe(OH)3 sol is x
(1) Na2 HPO3 (2) NaNO3 10. For Freundlich isotherm, a graph of log is
(3) Na3PO4 (4) Na2 SO4
plotted against log P. The slope of the line and
4. Choose the incorrect statement in respect of
physisorption? its y-axis intercept respectively correspond to
(1) It is not specific in nature 1 1
(2) it arises because of van der Waals forces (1) , k (2) log , k
n n
(3) No appreciable activation energy is needed
(4) Enthalpy of adsorption is in the range 80- 1 1
(3) , log k (4) log , log k
240 kJ mol-1 n n
366 II PUC
Surface Chemistry
11. Which of the following curves is in accordance 1 b 1
x 1  bp
with freundlich adsorption isotherm? (3)  (4) x / m  a  ap
m ap  
16. The most adsorbed gas on activated charcoal is

(1) (2) (1) N2 (2) H2 (3) CO2 (4) CH4

17. For acquiring large surface area, solids are found in
(1) finely combined state
(2) finely divided state
(3) Both (1) and (2) (4) None of the above
(3) (4) 18. The factor 1/n can have value between
(1) 10 - 50 (2) 0 - 10 (3) 0 - 1 (4) 5 - 10
12. Among the electrolytes Na 2 SO 4 , CaCl 2 , 19. Freundilich adsorption isotherm fails at
Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 and NH 4 Cl, the most effective (1) high pressure (2) high temperature
coagulating agent for Sb2S3 sol is (3) low pressure (4) low temperature
(1) Na2 SO4 (2) CaCl2 20. Critical temperature of gases are given as SO2
(3) Al2(SO4)3 (4) NH4Cl
(630 K), CH4 (190 K), H2 (33 K). Which of the
13. The simplest way to check whether a system is
colloidal or not is by following is the correct order of extent of
(1) Tyndall effect adsorption?
(2) Brownian movement
(1) SO2 > CH4 > H2 (2) H2 > CH4 > SO2
(3) Electrodialysis
(4) Finding out particle size (3) H2 > CH4 > SO2 (4) H2 = CH4 > SO2
14. The critical micellization concentration (CMC) is 21. Which one of the following acts as good
(1) The concentration at which miscellization adsorbent?
begins (1) Charcoal (2) Colloids
(2) The concentration at which true solution is (3) Silica gel (4) All of these
formed 22. Which of the following process does not occur
(3) The concentration at which one molar at the interface of phases?
electrolyte is present per 1000 gm of solution (1) crystallization
(4) The concentration at which solute and (2) heterogenous catalysis
solution form equailibrium (3) homogeneous catalysis
15. If (x/m) is the mass of the adsorbate adsorbed (4) corrosion
per unit mass of adsorbent, p is pressure of the 23. Which of the following interface cannot be
adsorbate gas and a and b are constants, which obtained?
of the following represents Langmuir (1) liquid-liquid (2) solid-liquid
adsorption isotherm? (3) liquid-gas (4) gas-gas
24. Which of the following molecules is most suit
x  a 1 able to disperse benzene is water
(1) log  log    log P
m b a
x b 1
(2)  
m a ap (2)

II PUC 367
Objective Chemistry
30. Which of the following types of metals form the
(3) most efficient catalysts?
(1) Alkali metals
(2) Alkaline earth metals
(4) (3) Transition metals
(4) All of these
25. Which one of the following statements is 31. Which acts as autocatalyst during titration of
incorrect about enzyme catalysis?
KMnO4 and oxalic acid in presence of H2SO4?
(1) Enzymes are mostly proteinous in nature
(2) Enzyme action is specific (1) H2SO4 (2) KMnO4
(3) Enzymes are denatured by ultraviolet rays (3) Oxalic acid (4) MnSO4
and at high temperature 32. Which one of the following is a homogeneous
(4) Enzymes are least reactive at optimum catalysis?
temperature (1) Hydrogenation of oils
26. Which one of the following is an example for (2) synthesis of ammonia by Haber’s process
homogeneous catalysis? (3) Manufacture of sulphuric acid by lead
(1) Manufacture of sulphuric acid by Contact chamber process
process (4) Manufacture of sulphuric acid by lead
(2) Manufacture of ammonia by Haber’s process chamber process
(3) Hydrolysis of sucrose in presence of dilute 33. A catalyst alter the rate of reaction by
hydrochloric acid (1) altering enthalpy
(4) Hydorgenation of oil (2) altering internal energy
27. Which of the following reactions leads to the (3) altering energy of activation
formation of a substance in colloidal state? (4) All of the above
(1) 2HNO3 + 3H2S  3S + 3H2O + 2NO 34. When the reactants get adsorbed strongly on
(2) SnCl2 + HgCl2  SnCl2 + Hg the surface of catalyst becomes
(3) 2Mg + CO2  2 MgO + C (1) Inactive (2) active
(4) Cu + CuCl2  HCl
 Cu2 Cl2
 (3) Less active (4) any of these
28. Which of the following is an example of 35. 2KClO3  2KCl + 3O2 In the above reaction
heterogeneous catalysis? when a little amount of MnO2 is added, then
rate of eaction increases. Here, MnO2 acts as
((1) 2SO2  O2  2 H 2O  2 H 2 SO4 (1) Insulator (2) semiconductor

(2) Sucrose  H 2O   H
Glou cos e  Fructose (3) Catalyst (4) inhibitor
36. Which of the following form micelles in
(3) 2 H 2O  aq    2 H 2O  O2 aqueous solution above certain concentration?
(4) 2 H 2O2  aq    2 H 2O  O2 (1) Dodecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride
(2) Glucose
29. Potassium metabisulphite used as a food
(3) Urea (4) Pyridinium chloride
preservative is
37. The formation of micelles takes place only above
(1) A heterogeneous catalyst
(1) Inversion temperature
(2) A homogeneous catalyst
(2) Boyle temperature
(3) A negative catalyst
(3) Critical temperature
(4) A positive catalyst
(4) Kraft temperature
368 II PUC
Surface Chemistry
38. The ion that is more effective for coagulation of 7. Which of the following phenomenon is
As2S3 sol is applicable to the process shown in the figure?
(1) Ba2+ (2) AI3+ (3) PO 43  D) SO42 
39. Which one of the following does not involve
(1) Formation of delta regions
(2) Peptization
(3) Treatment of drinking water by potash alum
(4) Clotting of blood by the use of ferric chloride
40. A white precipitate of Sn(OH)4 is peptized with
di / HCl. The sol particle will carry
(1) Positive charge (2) Negative charge
(3) Sometimes positive and sometimes negative
(4) No charge (1) Absorption (2) Adsorption
TASK - II (3) Coagulation (4) Emulsification
1. Which of the following process is responsible 8. Rate of physisorption increases with
for the formation of delta at a place where rivers (1) decrease in temperature
meet the sea? (2) increase in temperature
(1) Emulsification (2) Colloid formation (3) decrease in pressure
(3) Coagulation (4) Peptisation (4) decrease in surface area
2. Which one of the following is not applicable to
9. The adsorption of an inert gas on activated
the phenomenon of adsorption?
charcoal increases with
(1) H > 0 (2) G < 0 (3) S < 0 (4) H < 0
(1) decrease of pressure
3. Which of the following is not a favourable
(2) increase of temperature
condition for physical adsorption?
(3) decrease of atomic mass
(1) high pressure (2) negative H
(4) decrease of temperature
(3) higher critical temperature of adsorbate
(4) high temperature 10. For adsorption
4. The effective ion used in the clarification of (1) H = ve, S = -ve (2) H = +ve, S = +ve
water is (3) H = ve, S = +ve (4) H = +ve, S = ve
(1) Al3+ (2) Ca++ (3) SO 42 (4) PO 4 3
11. Which of the following statement is correct for
5. Which property of colloids is not dependent on
the charge on colloidal particles? the spontaneous adsorption of a gas?
(1) Coagulation (2) Electrophoresis (1) S is negative and, therefore, H should be
(3) Electro-osmosis (4) Tyndall effect highly positive
6. On the basis of data given below predict which
(2) S is negative and, therefore, H should be
of the following gases shows least adsorption
highly negative
on a definite amount of charcoal?
(3) S is positive and, therefore, H should be
Gas CO2 SO 2 CH 4 H2 negative
Critical temp./K 304 630 190 33 (4) S is positive and, therefore, H should also
(1) CO2 (2) SO2 (3) CH4 (4) H2 be highly positive
II PUC 369
Objective Chemistry
12. The heat of chemical adsorption is (2) the mass of gas striking a given area of surface
(1) 80  240 kJ/mole (2) 20 40 kJ/mole is independent of the pressure of the gas
(3) 200  800 kJ/mole (4) 100  150 kJ/mole (3) the rate of dissociation of adsorbed
13. Which graph represents Adsorption isotherm? molecules, form the surface does not depend
on the surface covered
(4) the adsorption at a single site on the surface
(1) (2) covered
19. Langmuir adsorption isotherm is deduced using
the assumption
(1) The adsorbed molecules interact with each
(3) (4)
(2) the adsorption sites are equivalent in their
ability to adsorb the particles
14. Adsorbent used in gas masks is
(3) The adsorption sites are equivalent in their
(1) activated charcoal (2) graphite
ability to adsorb the particles
(3) silica gel (4) anhydrous CaCl2
(4) T heat of adsorption varies with the coverage
15. Colloidal solution of cellulose nitrate in alcohol
20. Which of the following is adsorbed greatly by
is called
activated charcoal?
(1) Purple of cassius (2) Colloidion
(1) SO2 (2) CO2
(3) Argyrol (4) Aqua dag
(3) CO (4) Water vapours
16. When  0, then adsorption 21. Which adsorption takes place at low
(1) Physical (2) Chemical
(3) Both (4) None
22. Which is correct in the case of van der Waal’s
(1) High temp., low pressure
(2) Low temp., high pressure
(1) depends upon pressure (3) Low temp., low pressure
(2) depends upon volume (4) High temp., high pressure
(3) is independent of pressure 23. Which of the following statements is correct
(4) in independent of volume about Langmuir’s adsorption?
17. Adsorption arises because the surface particles (1) It forms monolayer
of adsorbents are (2) It is reversible in nature
(1) present in the same condition (3) It occurs at low temperature
(2) present in the different condition (4) It is not specific in nature
(3) some times(1)and sometimes (2) are correct V2O5
24. 2SO 2g   O 2g    2SO3 g  is an example for
(4) None of the above
18. In Langmuir’s model of adsorption of a gas on (1) homogeneous catalysis
a solid surface (2) neutralization reaction
(1) the mass of gas striking a given area of (3) irreversible reaction
surface is proportional to the pressure of the gas (4) heterogeneous catalysis

370 II PUC
Surface Chemistry
25. Which one of the following is a homogeneous 31. the process which is catalysed by one of the
catalysis? products is called
(1) Hydrogenation of oils (1) Acidbase catalysis (2) Autocatalysis
(2) Synthesis of ammonia by Haber’s process (3) Negative catalysis (4) None of these
(3) Manufacture of sulphuric acid by Lead 32. Which of the following represents
chamber process homogeneous catalysis?
(4) Manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process NI
(1) Oil  H 2   saturated fat
26. What is an example of Negative catalysis?
(2) N 2  g   3H 2  g    2NH3  g 
(1) Vegetable oil + H2  Ni
 vegetable Ghee
(3) CH3COOH  C2H5OH  H2SO4
(2) 2SO2 + lO2  NO g  2SO
 3
(4) None of the above
(3) 2KClO3 
 2KCl + 3O2 33. Which of the following is a heterogeneous

(4) 4CHCl3  3O2   4COCI 2  2Cl2  2H 2O Conc.H 2 SO 4
(1) 2C 2 H5 OH   C 2 H 5 OH 5  H 2 O
27. The efficiency of an enzyme to catalyse a NO
(2) 2CO  O 2  CO 2
reaction is due to its capacity to 1 NO
(3) SO 2  O 2  SO3
(1) reduce the activation energy of the reaction 21 V2 O5
(4) SO 2  O 2   SO3
(2) form strong enzyme-substrate complex 2
34. The basic principle of Cottrell’s precipitator is
(3) decrease the bond energy of all substrate
(1) neutralization of charge on colloidal particle
(2) scattering of light
(4) increase the free energy of the catalyst
(3) Le-chatelier’s principle
substrate reaction
(4) peptisation.
28. Gold number gives the indication of
35. 104 g of gelatin is required to be added to 100
(1) gmmolecules of gold per 1000 ml of
colloidal solutions cm3 of a standard gold sol to just prevent its
(2) percentage of gold in the suspension coagulation by the addition of 1 cm 3 of 10%
(3) charge on the colloids NaCl solution to it. Hence, the gold number of
(4) protective power of a colloid gelatinis
29. in stomach, the pepsin converts protein into … (1) 10 (2) 1.0 (3) 0.1 (4) 0.01
A … while in intestine that …B… 36. Which of the following will show Tyndall
converts proteins into amino acid. Here, A and effect?
B refer to (1) Aqueous solution of soap below critical
(1) Apeptides, Bpepsin micelle concentration
(2) A  glucose, B  trypsin (2) Aqueous solution of soap above critical
(3) A  peptides, B  tryspin micelle concentration
(4) Amaltose, B  pepesin (3) Aqueous solution of sodium chloride
30. Lyophilic sols are more stable than lyophobic (4) Aqueous solution of sugar
sols because 37. The basic principle of Cottrel’s precipitator is
(1) the colloidal particles have positive charge (1) neutralization of charge on colloidal particles
(2) the colloidal particles have no charge (2) scattering of light
(3) the colloidal particles are solvated (3) Lechateliar’s principle
(4) there is strong electrostatic repulsion (4) peptization

II PUC 371
Objective Chemistry
38. Freshly prepared precipitate sometimes gets 4. (4) The heat evolved in physisorption is quite
converted to colloidal solution by _______ low of the order of 20-40 kJ mol-1
(1) coagulation (2) electrolysis x 1
x 1
(3) diffusion (4) peptisation 5. (3)  kp n In  In K  Inp
m m n
39. Which of the following electrolytes will have 1 x 0
maximum coagulating value for Agl/Ag+ sol? Slope =  0 ; Thus,  kp
n m
(1) Na2 S (2) Na3PO4 (3) Na2 SO4 (4) NaCl 6. (2) Higher the critical temperature of a gas,
40. A sol has positively charged colloidal particles. greater is the amount of gas adsorbed. The criti-
Which of the following solutions is required in cal temperature of H2 < CH4 < SO2.
lowest concentration for coagulation? Therefore, the order of adsorption will be
(1) NaCl (2) K4[Fe(CN)6 ] H2 < CH4 < SO2
(3) ZnCl2 (4) Na2 SO4 7. (3) (i) and (ii) are correct.
8. (4) Macromolecular colloids are quite stable and
resemble true solution in many respects.
Therefore these cannot be easily coagulated
1 2 2 1 3 3 4 4 5 3 9. (2) Ag |Ag+ is a positively charged sol. It can
6 2 7 3 8 4 9 2 10 3 be coagulated by a negative ion. For its
11 4 12 3 13 1 14 1 15 4 flocculation, PO 43  ions have maximum
flocculation power and CI- ions have minimum
16 3 17 2 18 3 19 1 20 1
flocculation power. Hence, NaCl will have
21 4 22 3 23 4 24 3 25 4 maximum flocculation value
26 3 27 1 28 3 29 3 30 3 x 1
10. (3) log , log k  log P
31 4 32 3 33 3 34 2 35 3 m n
36 1 37 4 38 2 39 2 40 1 1
Intercept = log k, slope =
11. (4) Freundlich adsorption isotherm is
1 3 2 1 3 4 4 1 5 4
x x 1
6 4 7 2 8 1 9 4 10 1  k P 1/n Or log  log  log P
m m n
11 2 12 1 13 2 14 1 15 2
16 3 17 2 18 1 19 3 20 4 Hence plot of log
vs log P will be straight line
21 1 22 2 23 1 24 4 25 3 with intercept equal to log k (not zero as in (2)
26 4 27 1 28 4 29 3 30 3 12. (3) Sb2 S3 is a negatively charged sol. Hence
31 2 32 3 33 4 34 1 35 4 Al2(SO4)3 is the most effective coagulating agent
because higher the magnitude of opposite
36 2 37 1 38 4 39 2 40 2 charge (Al3+), higher is the coagulating power.
HINTS & SOLUTION 13. (1) Colloidal solution shows Tyndall effect
TASK - I 14. (1) CMC (critical miscellization concentration)
1. (2) At equilibrium position during adsorption, is the concentration at which miscellization starts
DG = DH - TDS = 0 so that DH = TDS 15. (4) Conceptual
x 1 16. (3) More easily liquefiable gas (i.e., higher critical
2. (1) Freundlich adsorption isotherm is  kp n temperature) more is the adsorption.
where n > 1 so that 1/n lies between 0 and 1 17. (2)Adsorption is essentially a surface
3. (3) Fe(OH)3 is a positive sol. And therefore, the phenomenon. For acquiring large surface area,
best coagulant is PO43  ion solids are found in the divide state
372 II PUC
Surface Chemistry
18. (3) The factor 1/n can have values between 0 28. (3) Reactions (1), (2) and (4) are reactions of
and 1 (probable range 0.1 to 0.5) homogeneous catalysis while the reaction (3) is
heterogeneously catalysed by the catalyst MnO2 (s).
X 1
Equation, log  log k  log p holds good 29. (3) Potassium metabisulphite acts as a negative
m n
over a limited range of pressure catalyst and decreases the rate of spoiling the
1 X X
When  1,  K p , i.e.,  p , the adsorption 30. (3) Transition metals form the most efficient
n m m catalyst as they can provide surface for the
varies directly with pressure adsorption of reactants. Moreover they provide
19. (1) Freundlich adsorption isotherm fails at high low energy path for a reaction to takes place
pressure by the change of oxidation state
20. (1) The correct order of extent of adsorption is 31. (4) conceptual
SO2 > CH4 > H2 32. (3) In lead chamber process, the reactants (SO2
21. (4) Charcoal, colloids, silica gel are good and O2) as well as the catalyst (NO) are all gases
adsorbents 33. (3) A catalyst alter the rate of the reaction by
Solids particularly in finely divided state, have altering energy of activation
large surface area and therefore charcoal, silica 34. (2) When the reactants get adsorbed strongly
gel, clay, colloids, metals in finely divided state on the catalyst, the catalyst becomes activ . They
etc, act as good adsorbents must not get adsorbed so strongly that the are
22. (3) There is no interface in homogeneous immobilized and other reactants are left with
catalysis no space on the catalysts
23. (4) Gas-gas interface is not possible because 35. (3) MnO acts as a catalyst
gases are miscible 36. (1) Conceptual
24. (3) Benzene is non polar in nature. AS we know 37. (4) Conceptual
that non-polar disperses more to nonpolar 38. (2) As2S3 is a negatively charged sol. Hence
substances. Therefore, meta-Methyl Al3++ is the most effective coagulating agent
nonylbenzene being nonpolar form both sides because higher is the magnitude of positive
will disperse more to benzene. All other charge, higher is the coagulating power
substances (a, b and d) have either one side 39. (2) Peptization is a is a process in which freshly
polar or both sides polar formed precipitate is converted to colloidal sol
by adding a suitable electrolyte
40. (1) Zn(OH)4 + 4HCl  SnCl4 + 4H2O
[Zn(OH)4]Sn4+ : 4Cl- (Positive charge)
25. (4) The rate of enzyme activity rises rapidly 1. (3) Delta is formed due to coagulation of
with temperature and becomes maximum at a electrolytes present in sea water.
definite temperature called the optimum 2. (1) H > 0 is not possible
temperature. On either side of the optimum 3. (4) Because physical adsorption decreases with
temperature, the enzyme activity decreases increase in temperature
26. (3) Hydrolysis of sucrose is homogeneous 4. (1) Al3+ (of potash alum) coagulate the colloidal
catalysis because both the reactants and the dirt particles of water and helps in the
products are in the same liquid phase. clarification of water
27. (1) Due to oxidation of H2S by HNO3 colloidal 5. (4) Tyndall effect is due to scattering of light by
particles of Sulphur (S8 ) are formed in other colloidal particles. It does not depend upon the
cases, particle colloidal size are not formed charge on colloidal particles.

II PUC 373
Objective Chemistry
6. (4) Higher the critical temperature, large is the and the reactants are present in different
adsorption. With decrease in critical phases.
2 NO  g 
temperature, adsorption decreases. 25. (3) 2SO 2  g   O 2  g   2SO 3  g 
8. (1) Rate of physisorption increases with decrease (lead chamber process)
in temperature. 28. (4) Gold number is a measure of protective
9. (4) Adsorption increases with decrease of power of a colloid
temperature 29. (3) In stomach the pepsin coverts protein into
10. (1) Adsorption is always exothermic peptide while in intestine trypsin converts
(H = ve). It proceeds with decrease in entropy protein into amino acid
(S = ve). 30. (3) See point 9 of Noteworthy points II
11. (2) Adsorption is spontaneous \ DG < 0 32. (3) In Homogeneous catalysis all the reactants,
Randomness decreases during the process products and the catalyst have the same
 S < 0 physical state
Temperature on Kelvin scale is always positive 33. (4) V2O5 is not in gaseous phase
i.e., T > 0 We know G = H  T S 34. (1) In cottrell smoke precipitator, the smoke is
H = G + T S = ve + (+ve) (ve) = ve allowed to pass through a chamber having a
 Therefore, for adsorption H < 0 series of charged plates. Charged particles of
12. (1) 80240 kJ mol1 smoke get neutralized by charged plates and
15. (2) Colloidal solution of Gold; purple of cassius gas coagulated. Thus, the gases coming out of
Colloidal solution of cellulose nitrate in enthyl chimney become free of charged particles
Alcohol: Collodion 35. (4) By definition, gold number is the number of
Colloidal solution of silver : Argyrol milligrams of dry protective colloids required to
Colloidal solution of graphite in water: Aqua dag just prevent the coagulation of 10 mL of red gold
1 x sol w ith 1 mL (or 1 cm 3) of 10% NaCl solution
16. (3) When  0, is constant which means
n m is added to it.
independent on pressure Here the amount of gelatin required to protect
17. (2) Adsorption arises due to the fact that the 10 mL (or 10 cm3) of gold sol
surface particles of the adsorbent are not in the
104  10
same environment as the particles inside the bulk   105 g
18. (1) The mass of the gas absorbed depends upon
= 105  103 mg = 102 mg
the pressure of the gas. = 0.01 mg
19. (3) Langmuir adsorption isotherm is based on  Gold number = 0.01
the assumption that every adsorption side is 36. (2) Conceptual
equivalent and that the ability of a particle to 37. (1) In Cottrel’s precipitator, the charged plates
bind there is independent of whether nearby neutralize the charge on the smoke particles
sites are occupied or not which get precipitated
20. (4) Stronger the intermolecular forces, easier to 38. (4) Peptisation is a process of converting freshly
liquefy, more strongly adsorbed prepared precipitate to colloidal solution
21. (1) Physical adsorption takes place at low 39. (2) Because it contains highly charged
temperature because its H is low precipitating ion  PO 4 

22. (2) 40. (2) According to Hardy Schulze rule, the ion
23. (1) Lanmuir’s adsorption is monomolecular i.e., having opposite charge to sol particles cause
the gas adsorbed forms unimolecular layer coagulation and greater the valency of the
V2 O 5
24. (4) 2SO 2 g   O 2 g    2SO3 g  is an example oppositely charged ion more is the coagulating
of heterogeneous catalysis because the catalyst power.
374 II PUC

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