MSDS Lactose Monohydrate (SuperTab 11 SD - NZ)
MSDS Lactose Monohydrate (SuperTab 11 SD - NZ)
MSDS Lactose Monohydrate (SuperTab 11 SD - NZ)
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Acrobat. Product group: Lactose, Inhalation
Brand name: Lactochem®, Lactohale®,
Pharmatose®, SuperTab®,
Product description:Lactose monohydrate
Document No.: PD-0278 Page 1 of 5
Safety Information
This product is not a dangerous product according to the applicable United Nations rules;
The Safety Information is provided as a service to our customers and there is no legal
obligation in the European Union to provide it in your national language and in the format of
the Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (consolidated);
This safety information provides hazard information according to 29 CFR 1910.1200(a)(2);
This document should be read in conjunction with the Ingredient Declaration and Certificate
of Standards/Product Specification for the relevant product or product category
2. Hazards Identification
No hazardous product as specified in the current EU legislation and in UN-rules.
GHS-US classification; combustible dust.
3. Composition/information on ingredients
See Ingredient Declaration and the Product Specification
For D-(+)-Lactose monohydrate the following CAS number is applicable:
CAS No.: 64044-51-5: Official quote in current Japanese Pharmacopoeia / Official in Brazil (Anvisa)
5. Fire-fighting measures
Explosion; Avoid generating dust; fine dust dispersed in air in sufficient concentrations, and in the
presence of an ignition source (e.g. static electricity) is a potential dust explosion hazard
This product is flammable. Suitable extinguishing media: water, powder, spray foam, CO2
In adaptation to materials stored in the immediate neighborhood.
It is recommended that all dust control equipment such as local exhaust ventilation and material
transport systems involved in handling of this product contain explosion relief vents or an explosion
system or an oxygen- deficient environment.
Ensure that dust-handling systems (such as exhaust ducts, dust collectors, vessels, and processing
equipment) are designed in a manner to prevent the escape of dust into the work area (i.e., there is no
leakage from the equipment).
Use only appropriately classified electrical equipment and powered industrial trucks.
9. Physical and chemical properties
For chemical and physico-chemical data see the Certificate of Standards (COS)
LEL= Lower explosion limit; Pmax= Maximum explosion pressure; Kst=Maximum rate of pressure rise;
MIE= Minimum ignition energy; MIT= Determination of the minimum ignition temperature;
Smoulder= Smoulder temperature
NFPA 654, Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing,
and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids, for safe handling
This statement substitutes all previous versions issued for the brand names mentioned above.
We trust this information, which is made up to the best of our knowledge, will be helpful to you.
The information given in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience, however
without any obligation and without any assumption of liability on our part. The information may be
used at your discretion and risk. It does not relieve you from carrying out your own precautions and
tests. You must comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and observe all third party