1e. Isolation Sensing: R R R R V 0:002 D 500V R V V V V

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1.3.7: How to sense electrical isolation in a BMS?

1e. Isolation sensing

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

 Isolation sensing detects presence of a ground fault

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

 Primary concern is safety: Is it safe to touch a battery

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

terminal and chassis ground at the same time?

 Battery “should” be completely isolated from chassis
ground, so “should” be no problem
 FMVSS says isolation is sufficient if less than 2 mA of
current will flow when connecting chassis ground to
either the positive or negative terminal of the battery
pack via a direct short

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS sensing and high-voltage control j 1 of 9

1.3.7: How to sense electrical isolation in a BMS?

Setting up problem

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

 In the diagram, paths between battery and chassis

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

ground are drawn as red (ideally infinite) resistors

 The “isolation resistance” Ri is the lesser of R1 and R2 . ❱✶ ✂✄ ✷
So, Ri must be greater than Vb =0:002 D 500Vb
 For the BMS to sense whether the pack is sufficiently
isolated from the chassis, it must somehow measure Ri

 To do so, we measure V1 and V2 using a high-impedance A2D,  10 M

 This breaks strict isolation, but not enough to worry about
 Note polarity of voltmeters—both V1 and V2 are positive

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS sensing and high-voltage control j 2 of 9

1.3.7: How to sense electrical isolation in a BMS?

Redrawing circuit to clarify analysis

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

 If we redraw the circuit, it becomes more clear that

❱✶ ❘✁ ✂✄ ✷ R1 and R2 form a voltage divider
 We want to find the smaller of the two resistances
 In a voltage divider, the smaller voltage
corresponds to the smaller resistor
 So if V1 < V2 find R1 , else find R2
✷ ✂✄
 Note also that I1 D I2 so V1 =R1 D V2 =R2
❱✶ ❘✁  We’ll use this identity as we solve the problem

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS sensing and high-voltage control j 3 of 9
1.3.7: How to sense electrical isolation in a BMS?

Fault on low side: Find 1 R

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate compute

 If the fault is on the low side, we want to solve for R1

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

 We insert a known large resistance R0 between battery

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

and chassis ground, via a transistor switch, as shown

 This again breaks strict isolation, but not enough to

worry about if R0 is “big enough” (i.e.,  500Vb / ✶ ✁✂ ❱✷ ❘✵

 We measure V20 . Note that by KCL, VbR V2 D RV2 C RV2

0 0 0 Chassis
1 2 0
 Substitute Vb D V1 C V2 and R2 D R1 .V2 =V1 /,
.V1 C V2 / V0 V0 V0
D R2 C R2
2 0
V2 .V1 =V2 / V20
D R1

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS sensing and high-voltage control j 4 of 9

1.3.7: How to sense electrical isolation in a BMS?

Fault on low side: Find R1 (continued)

key on: initialize

 Last slide, we concluded
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

.V1 C V2 / V0 V20 .V1 =V2 / V20

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

D R1
 Now, combine terms that include R1 ✦
✁✂ ❱✷ ❘✵
.V1 C V2 / V0 V 0 .V1 =V2 / V20

DR Chassis
R1 D R0
.V1 C V2 V
0 0
V .V D R0
CV V1 0
1 =V2 // 1 V2 V2
V0 V0
2 2
2 2 2
 Isolation is deemed sufficient if Ri > Vb =0:002 or R1 > 500Vb

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS sensing and high-voltage control j 5 of 9

1.3.7: How to sense electrical isolation in a BMS?

Fault on high side: Find 2 R

key on: initialize

 Procedure is similar if the initial voltage measurements

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

except that now we want to find R2

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

V1 > V2
 We insert a known large resistance R0 between battery
and chassis ground, via a transistor switch, as shown
 We now measure V10 . Then, by KCL, ❘✵ ❱✶


Vb V10 V10 V10

R2 1 0

 Substitute Vb D V1 C V2 and R1 D R2.V1=V2/

V1 C V2 V10 V10 .V2 =V1 / V10
2 2 0

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS sensing and high-voltage control j 6 of 9
1.3.7: How to sense electrical isolation in a BMS?

Fault on high side: Find 2 (continued) R

key on: initialize

 Last slide, we concluded
meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

V1 C V2 V0 V 0 .V2 =V1 / V0
loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

D 1
C 1

 Now, combine terms that include R2 ✦

❘✵ ❱✶ ✂✷
V1 C V2 V0 V 0 .V2 =V1 / V0

D 1

R2 D R0
.V1 C V2 V
0 0
V .V D R0
CV V2 0
2 =V1 // 1 V1 V1
V10 V10
1 1
 Isolation is deemed sufficient if Ri > Vb =0:002 or R2 > 500Vb

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS sensing and high-voltage control j 7 of 9

1.3.7: How to sense electrical isolation in a BMS?


key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

 In a vehicle application, we must maintain isolation between

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

high-voltage battery pack and chassis of the vehicle

 Isolation is deemed sufficient if less than 2 mA of current will flow if a direct short is
placed between one terminal of the battery pack and the chassis
 We explored the FMVSS procedure for determining the isolation resistance Ri of
the battery pack
 Isolation is sufficient if Ri > 500Vb

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS sensing and high-voltage control j 8 of 9

1.3.7: How to sense electrical isolation in a BMS?

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

Credits for photos in this lesson

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Chevy Volt under the hood on slide 1, By Mariordo (Mario Roberto

Durán Ortiz) (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons,

Dr. Gregory L. Plett j University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS sensing and high-voltage control j 9 of 9

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