Gregg Shorthand 11 Lesl

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IS/ianual for the
Functional Nlethod
Louis A. Leslie, C.S.R.
Arranged in accordance with the
Anniversary Edition of Gregg Shorthand


New York Chicago Boston San Francisco
Toronto London Sydney
Copyright, 1893, By John R. Gregg
Copyright, 1901, By John R. Gregg
Copyright, 1916, 1929, By The Gregg Publishing Company
Copyright, 1936, By The Gregg Publishing Company

Copyrighted in the United States of America

Great Britain and Ireland, France,
Germany, Italy, and Spain



-C* 5'3, ^
y. 1,
One of the most fascinating things about “the lithe and noble
art of brief writing” is the infinite variety of methods that can
be adopted in teaching it. For this reason I have always main¬
tained a receptive attitude toward new methods of handling the
subject. After all, the system is my main interest, and any
method that promised to contribute to the attainment of better
results in teaching it was deserving of consideration. We have
published a number of different methods of presenting the sys¬
tem, and we shall probably publish others. Most of the meth¬
ods we have published are marked by a difference of emphasis
on certain phases of shorthand instruction, but it is my belief
that after trial and comparison of all these methods, and of
others that may be developed later, there will emerge a better-
balanced plan of instruction than any that has yet appeared.
In his book, The Teaching of Gregg Shorthand by the
Functional Method, Mr. Leslie said:

Without his [Dr. Gregg’s] supervision and, more im¬

portant, his inspiration, I should never have been able to
make this contribution to the advancement of methods of
teaching shorthand. This method is the culmination of
that advance begun by Dr. Gregg in 1888 in his first
shorthand textbook. The shorthand system presented in
that first textbook represented so tremendous an advance
over anything previously published that it has obscured
the fact that the method of presentation used in that text¬
book represented an equally great advance over previous
methods of teaching shorthand—a great step in the direc¬
tion of simplicity of presentation and ease of learning.



This is a very modest and, at the same time, a very gener¬

ous statement. The fact is that the Functional Method is
almost wholly the work of Mr. Leslie. It is true, of course,
that in the course of twenty years of close association with me
Mr. Leslie has become thoroughly familiar with my views
about methods of shorthand instruction, and has followed
closely the development of the various editions of the system
in which these methods have been put into effect. To that
extent only can I claim any credit for the origin or develop¬
ment of this method of teaching the system.
All the editions of our Manual have been marked by a trend
toward greater simplicity in the presentation of the rules until,
in the Anniversary Edition, the rules were almost eliminated,
many of them being put in the form of explanatory footnotes.
As the Preface to the Anniversary Edition said:

Each revision marked a step forward in simplifying

and popularizing the study of shorthand. Each revision has
placed increasing emphasis upon the desirability of teach¬
ing shorthand as a subject from the beginning and
throughout the entire course. This method enables the
teacher to direct the maximum of effort toward the train¬
ing of the student in actual facility in writing and the
minimum of effort to expositions of rules and principles.

In the Functional Method Mr. Leslie has pushed two basic

principles in my shorthand philosophy, if I may so term it, to
their utmost limit. One of these principles is that of minimiz¬
ing rule teaching and placing the emphasis on reading and
writing shorthand. The Functional Method does not merely

minimize the teaching of rules—it abolishes the study of the

rules. The other principle is that at the beginning a student
should not be asked to write anything in shorthand until he
has a clear mental picture of what he is to write. In the Func¬
tional Method this Reading Approach is carried far beyond
anything I attempted or contemplated.
The mental reservation I have about the Functional Method
is that it seems to me that all reading practice should be sup¬
plemented by movement and penmanship drills. The clear
visualization of the forms before writing them is important
in the beginning, but there comes a time when mere visuali¬
zation of the forms will not convey to the student the easy,
rapid manner in which the forms and combinations are writ¬
ten by experts. As I said in the first chapter of The Use of the
Blackboard in Teaching Shorthand:

Textbook illustrations go much farther in real teaching

than any amount of printed description. But they can¬
not go so far as the teacher goes in his illustrations on the
board. The teacher can demonstrate movement, which is
just as important as form, because form is the result of
movement. This the textbook illustration cannot give. . . .
Any teacher who is thoroughly versed in his art knows
that there are forms for words, combinations, and phrases
that have to be shown, if they are to be assimilated. . . .
Blackboard outlines are going to make an impression.
Seen with the eyes, they are going to be photographed on
the brain, and from the brain transmitted to the hand.

In The Teaching of Shorthand I said: “Shorthand is largely

manual, and the technique of execution can be most quickly


secured by the imitation of correctly written forms placed be¬

fore the student as illustrations. When you place a shorthand
form on the board, your students instinctively imitate the man¬
ner of writing and the actual form of the word or phrase.”
Undoubtedly experienced teachers will take care to include
such drills and illustrations in their class work.
Mr. Leslie deserves great credit for the skill with which he
has developed his plan of teaching the system, and for the
energy and enthusiasm with which he has advocated it. He
has repeatedly urged that, owing to the lack of suitable mate¬
rials, the Functional Method was being put into operation
under a severe handicap, and that much better results could
be obtained with it if such materials were provided. It is
obvious that, from its very nature, the Functional Method re¬
quires a great quantity of reading matter, as well as the keys
which are an essential part of the course. As it was, Mr. Leslie
did the best he could by using practically all the reading books
and keys available, but that meant a formidable array of books
at a formidable cost. What was needed was a complete and
compact course, arranged and graded in accordance with the
Anniversary Edition of our Manual. We have now provided
this material in two volumes, with a teacher’s manual.
As the author of the system presented in these books, I hope
that their publication will mark another step forward in the
teaching of the subject.

John Robert Greco.

February, 1936.

Success in the study of shorthand, as with any other subject,

depends largely on the effort made by the student outside of
class. The teacher serves as a guide to the student. During
the class period the teacher checks the work the student has
done, to be sure he is on the right path, and explains what is to
be done in order to help the student get the most value out of
the time employed on study at home. A few suggestions are
given here for your home study in order that they may be al¬
ways available to the student.
Assignments 1 to 23 require only reading for home work.
Each of these assignments begins with lists of words or phrases,
which the teacher will place on the blackboard for concerted
reading by the class. When doing the home work on that
assignment the student should reread the lists of words or
phrases and should then read the letters and articles which
At the end of the book the student will find a transcript of
the shorthand. This is included so that the student may cover
the most ground in the shortest time. As soon as you hesitate
on an outline, refer immediately to the printed transcript. Re¬
read the lists and the connected matter with the aid of the
key until you can read them fairly easily without the aid of the
key. The more you practice reading, and the more fluently
you learn to read this material now, the more rapidly and ac¬
curately you will be able to write shorthand when the time
comes to begin writing.
Beginning with Assignment 24 you will be writing short-


hand. Your home work for the rest of the assignments will
be (1) reread the lists of words and phrases at the beginning
of the assignment, (2) read the connected matter in shorthand,
(3) copy into shorthand the connected matter which you have
just read.
Always read the shorthand through from beginning to end
before you write it. Never copy an outline without knowing
the meaning. Refer to the printed transcript of the shorthand
as often as you like, but continue to reread the shorthand
until you can read the entire assignment once without having
to refer to the key.
After you are able to read the shorthand easily, copy it in
your notebook. Always write as rapidly as you can while
keeping the hand under complete control. Aim at accuracy
rather than speed, but do not drauf the characters. From the
outset, shorthand should be written. But you must remem¬
ber that whatever you write must be read; hence the necessity
for good penmanship.
As skill in executing the movements is obtained, the speed
may be increased until the forms can be written accurately at
a high rate of speed. Try to acquire a smooth style of writ¬
ing; execute each character with an easy, continuous motion of
the pen and pass directly to the next without unnecessary
Each assignment in this Manual has been very carefully
planned to require forty minutes for satisfactory completion
by the average student. If the student needs more time to
complete an assignment, that is usually a sign that he is not
using the printed transcript of the shorthand properly. If the

student is willing to spend more than forty minutes in attain¬

ing a higher degree of fluency in reading the shorthand in the
book, he will be rewarded at the end of the course by a higher
speed and greater accuracy.
Success in any study depends largely upon the interest taken
in that particular subject by the student. This being the
case, we earnestly hope that you will realize at the very outset
that shorthand can be made an intensely fascinating study.
Cultivate a love for it. Think of it as the highest form of
writing, which is itself the greatest invention of man. Be proud
that you can record the language in graceful lines and curves.
Aim constantly to acquire artistic skill in executing those lines
and curves. You can, if you will, make the study of shorthand
a perfect joy instead of a task. Skill in the use of shorthand is
a possession that has been coveted by the wisest of men and
women, for it is not only a practical instrument in commer¬
cial work, but a much-prized and valuable accomplishment
and a means of mental culture.

Written forward:

^ or ^
Written downward:

or ^


O 1 o 6 t/ U

O e o aw o o6
O Co 6 cy oo
/ / /
Composed Composed
of of
e-oo as in tr oi aw-e as in oil J
ow a-oo as in owl i a-e as in isle O


The consonants are so arranged that two strokes

joining with an obtuse or blunt angle may assume the
form of a large curve, thus:

ten, den ent, end def-v, tive

tern, dem emt, emd jent-d, pent-d C^

Assignment 1

1. We are learning shorthand to save time. One way to

save time is to leave out the letters we don’t pronounce. In the
word \nee, the /( and the final e may be left out because we
don’t pronounce them. Therefore, by writing simply ne, we
have immediately saved one-half the time required to write
the word as it is usually spelled. The word cattle is really pro¬
nounced \atl, with only four letters instead of six.
Another way of saving time in writing is to write only as
much of the longhand letter as may be needed to recognize it.
Therefore, many of the shorthand letters are taken from the
longhand forms.

2. In shorthand there are twelve distinct vowel sounds,

which are arranged in four groups. Three closely related
sounds are placed in each group. In this chapter we have the
first two groups, which for convenience are named the A
group and the E group.

The a Group

a a a
O dP O
• /
as in as in as in

mat calm came

—25 - -
mat k a m k a m

The E Group

1 e e
o O O
• /
as in as in as in
kit get need^

k 11 g e t n e d

Note: The first sound in the E group of vowels is the short

i, heard in din, and should not be confused with long i, heard
in dine, which will be given later.
The vowels are grouped according to similarity in sound.
The large circle expresses three sounds of a. The short sound
is unmarked, the medium sound is marked with a dot, and the
long sound with a short dash. This system of marking is used
in all vowel groups uniformly.
The dot and dash are occasionally needed to indicate the
exact sounds in unfamiliar or isolated words, but otherwise
they are seldom used.

3. The shorthand characters for r and I are taken from

the ordinary longhand forms, as shown below:

The character for a in shorthand is the same as the a in

longhand, except that we do not need the connecting stroke.


H is expressed by a dot written above the vowel.


4. The shorthand characters for n and m may be remem¬

bered easily if you will simply underscore the longhand char¬

5. The shorthand characters for ^ and g come from the

longhand letters.

6. In shorthand, t is written / and d is written /

As in longhand, e is a smaller circle than a, but in shorthand
it is written without the connecting strokes. o

Assignment 2

7. The sound of a ns in hat. At the end of words, ing is

expressed by a dot.


8. The sound of a as in dark^.

9. The short sound of i as in hit.

11. Brief Forms. Another aid to more rapid writing in

shorthand is the use of abbreviations for the words most fre¬
quently written, just as in longhand we abbreviate Mister as
Mr. These abbreviations are called “brief forms.”

r J C> a
12. Phrase Drill. Many simple words may be joined,
and you should become accustomed to making shorthand
phrases from the beginning. In phrases, they may be expressed
by th before r and 1. With the brief forms you have just
learned, you can write these phrases:


13. The sign for t is curved to express th, thus: oi y

14. Punctuation. Period V paragraph parenthesis

interrogation y dash^hyphen^

15. Reading Exercise



r r


o cL-

Assignment 3

16. By blending d and t into one long stroke, the syllables

ted, ded, det are expressed.

17. The combinations m-n, m-m are expressed by joining

the letters into one long stroke.

18. Some of the brief forms in this group are composed of

alphabetic characters that you have not yet learned. Learn the
brief forms now without attempting to learn the unfamiliar
alphabetic characters occurring in some of them.

19. Reading Exercise

^ _^-^ <j_t>

r' s. ^ y<^- y ^ y^

Assignment 4

20. Drill on Previous Assignments

21. Brief Forms

22. Phrase Drill. A circle is inserted in did not to make

a ready distinction between that phrase and would not.

23. Reading Exercise

A Country Inn
Assignment 5

24. Drill on Previous Assignments

^ (>

26. F

; p 9 ; ^

'27. Sh / Ch

^ 2_ ^

29. Reading Exercise

Getting Ready for the Fair


Assignment 6

30. Drill on Previous Assignments

y ^ /

31. When been occurs in a phrase, it is expressed by b.

52. Phrase Drill

7 r 1_^ 2 _^ Z - Z

/ y

33. When to occurs before a downstroke, it may be ex¬

pressed by t.

34. Reading Exercise


Assignment 7

35. Drill on Previous Assignments

of f
36. Two forms of s have been provided, so that an easy
joining is always possible. The same sign is used for s and z.
The following words illustrate the use of the left-motion s:

37, These words illustrate the use of the right-motion s:

- -^777

38. Reading Exercise

Shipping Goods

Assignment 8

39. Drill on Previous Assignments

40. When the two s signs are joined, they blend together.

41. Brief Forms


42. Brief-form derivatives ending in s.

43. Reading Exercise

A Fairy Tale


'>. 2 j ;^ \. y J ^

o^ o'-r

•z--- ^ f' / ' ^

o' ^~-y ^ (S’ J' ^ ^ ^

7-^ ^ cf^^ ^

(j7 C^lsy’ (/ ^ '^' ^ ^^ 2^<^

r. ^ I ^

/ -/ . c7^ ^ ^ 9 .

—r" % <2 /'^ c/

7 ' / / /o

6^ ^ ^

9- /

Assignment 9

44. Drill on Previous Assignments

45. The letter x is usually expressed by an s, slightly modi¬

fied in slant.

46. The suffix tion or sion is expressed by sh.

-7 ^ ^

47. The past tense of abbreviated words is indicated by a

disjoined t.

48. When the word is written in full, the past tense is

joined, if possible.

49. Brief Forms

t (A- __

C ^ / / / J

50. Reading Exercise


Assignment 10

51. Drill on Previous Assignments

52. A brief form is sometimes used as part of another


5 3. Phrase Drill

/ Jy ^ ^ J ^ J(
Assignment 11

55. Drill on Previous Assignments

56. The lower half of the elliptical figure is called the

o-hook. It is used to express the following sounds;

6 aw 6
cy c/ a
as tn as in as in

rot raw wrote •

rot r aw rot

57. The sound of o as in no.


58. The sound of aw as in raw.

59. The sound of o as in hot.

.-r 2k_j> <:v_^


60. To avoid an angle, the hook may be turned on its side.

61. Reading Exercise

Globe Trotting

-Y” ^
' r L (T (^1 CLi:v

y ) s Q_^

. ^

5 y
- 2 — 23 J ^ — e2

Oj^ 2 ’ ■ ^ ^ ^

O C-— ? ^ ^

; ^
Assignment 12

62. Drill on Previous Assignments

63. Brief Forms

64. Brief-Form Derivatives

^ ^ ^ —/ X' X
65. Phrase Drill

66. Reading Exercise



Assignment 13

67. Drill on Previous Assignments

68. The letter r may often be expressed by writing the

circle as though the r were to be written, and then simply
omitting the r. The fact that the circle is written the other
way on a straight line will indicate the presence of the r. For


/ t) 1)

69- Reading Exercise

The Honor of the Team


Assignment 14

70. Drill on Previous Assignments


cr Q_

^ ^ ir

71. By changing the final circle to a loop, an s is added to

such words as dare.

73. Reading Exercise

A Hard Times Story


Assignment 15

74. Drill on Previous Assignments

75. Two forms of th have been provided, to give aii easy

joining in any combination.

76. The prefixes con, com, coun, followed by a consonant,

are represented by

77. The suffix ly is expressed by a small circle; ily and ally

by a loop.

(^) /■
(c) Z 9^

78. Reading Exercise

The Hermit

^ c_^ ^

Assignment 16

79. Drill on f*revious Assignments

^ <■- y
? • ‘c
' --- ?

C <—- -^ /

P ^ z{ h
80. A Few Special Forms ^

81. In phrases, the word fo is often expressed by t.

82. When repeated in a phrase, as is expressed by s.


83. After be or been, in phrases, the word able is expressed

by a.

^ I/ ^ ^ ^ ^
84. Brief Forms

85. Reading Exercise


V ^ li—

r^ y^/z. X fy/*y )

^^ -y ^ ^ ^ J f'

c/ f '- ^ -e, Z t' C_' Z'

-. ^ ^ 9

r^<r -T zy /^ .__C2- ^ ^ zr r

9- ^

y ^ .»-' ^

^ -y

/ - • /^ ' ^
J. J t y^ yZ ^ ^ , ^_^

Z^ Z 7 "^. _ ^ ^
y <^ / j [z^ . 'r
/ O-O"

y f c_^


Assignment 17

86. Drill on Previous Assignments

87. The upper part of the small elliptical figureis

called the oo-hook. It is used to express the following sounds:

u oo oo
n n n
as in as in as in

tuck took tomb

/ -
t u k t oo k t oo m

88. The sound of oo as in u/ho.


89. The sound of u as in cut.

90. The sound of do as in tooI{.

91. Reading Exercise

A Secret Vacation



Assignment 18

92. Drill on Previous Assignments

93. Brief Forms

94. Reading Exercise

Prairie Sod Mansions


^ ^ ^

^- • 7
X yy


-T V


Assignment 19

95. Drill on Previous Assignments

96. The sound of w at the beginning of words is represent¬

ed by the oo-hook. The hook is also used in words beginning
with sw.

97. In the body of a word, it is more convenient to express

the «/ by a dash placed beneath the vowel.

98. Words beginning aw or ah followed by a vowel.


99. Reading Exercise



Assignment 20

100. Drill on Previous Assignments

^ f

I_, >

9{ rp z
7 -
4 X
101. Brief Forms

r /

z- J / "C
102. The sound of y is expressed by the small circle; ye is
expressed by a small loop; ya by a large loop.

^ ^

103. Ng is written ^ and n\ is written


104. The prefixes un, in, en, em, im, followed by a con¬


7 Z ^


105. Reading Exercise

A Fable

z ^ r
-O ^ ^ \ ^ .

X r — '^ V ^ r
^ .

Assignment 21

106 . Drill on Previous Assignments

107. The prefix ex.

108. The endings ings and ingly.

109. Special Negative Forms

110. Brief Forms.


111. Reading Exercise



^ -


— "— A V ^

^ ^ ^ f' c

^ ^ ^ ^ ‘-^

C ■—\ — --^

Z’ ^

Assignment 22

112. Drill on Previous Assignments


113. The diphthong u is written ^

114. The diphthong oi is written

^ ^^ ^ ^^ (^y-cP

115. The dipthong i is written (y

p Q_p Cp ^
— ,:?2- ^

116. The diphthong ow is written ^

-r^ —

117. Reading and Writing Exercise

A Toy Store

^ ^ ^ ^ —P ^

• ^

Cj-ty \

^-y ^

cr^^ O' ^ ^\ c .s2—, }0 ^ z’

G tT

V «P—C^
^ p c^


^ y-- ' (P^y ^ d-p >zf^ Pn ^

yp V ^ ^ j • C_JP c ^

/y V . ^ * ^‘"2^ ^ ^

^ -—cr^

/. r

Assignment 2^
118. Drill on Previous Assignments

^ ^ .


CL^ C2_^ c_^

119. Brief Forms.

^^ ^ /■ -7Z>

^^ ^ (Tl

—^ ^ ‘—e? ^

120. Reading and Writing Exercise




121. Drill on Previous Assignments

122. The diphthong i followed by any other vowel is ex¬

pressed by a double circle.

123. Other vowel combinations.

124. One vowel may often be omitted from a vowel com¬

bination. It is sometimes possible to express the diphthong
u by the oo-hook—as it is often pronounced.


125. Brief Forms

126. Reading and Writing Exercise


' o

9 C - ^\ (Tsz--'

--^ o--^ ^ ^

^ <-^

(2^ ^ { P iT ^

-o \ ■y ^ ^ c^

^ 7

9 V

Assignment 25

127. Drill on Previous Assignments

128. Omission of u and ow.

2 Z

129. The termination sume.


130. Reading and Writing Exercise ^


Assignment 26

131. Drill on Previous Assignments

132. The syllables per and pro.

(a) C ^ ^ (p?

133. The termination ble.

1 34. The termination pie.


135. Reading and Writing Exercise

The Power of a Smile


-2 2-^ . / 2

-O > r <_^ t'

p C s . ^

1 ^ J

i Z—^

Assignment 27

136. Drill on Previous Assignments

^ J'c C

137. The termination ment.

138. Brief Forms


139. Reading and Writing Exercise

The Man on Horseback

Z ^

cZ-t V X-

^ ^ <y^ ^ ^ -1—^ r

r~ J ^ ^ r
- -

f ^ J__ . ^ ^ . ^

Assignment 28

140. Drill on Previous Assignments


141. The shorthand characters nt or nd are expressed by the



142. The shorthand characters mt or md are expressed by

the curve

143. Reading and Writing Exercise



V ^

Assignment 29

144. Drill on Previous Assignments

145. The Id combination is expressed by giving the / a

swinging upward turn at the finish.

146. The days of the week and the months of the year.

147. Brief Forms


148. Reading and Writing Exercise

A Birthday Party

. ^7

^ •

<—< ^ 4

Assignment 30

149. Drill on Previous Assignments

150. The syllables jent-d, pent-d are expressed by


(b) o 6 O Zj 6 ^
151. The syllables def-v, live are expressed by


(b) ^


152. Special Forms for Business Letters


153. Reading and Writing Exercise


Assignment 31

154. Drill on Previous Assignments

^ ^ Cji^ ^ ij2y ^

155. Brief Forms

c (TO

156. Reading and Writing Exercise

Robin Hood and His Merry Men

, ^ ip

Assignment 32

157. Drill on Previous Assignments

158. .The vowel is omitted in the syllables be, de, dis, mis, re.






159. The word had may be phrased with pronouns as


160. Reading and Writing Exercise


Assignment 33

161. Drill on Previous Assignments

162. Forms for was not and is not.

tJ ^
163. Brief Forms

164. Reading and Writing Exercise



-CT' ''Y' ^ > O c_J-

/-W^ */ -, (^ __ _1 a-
2 ^ -7 ^
K rJ. ^ ^
O 7- ^^ ^
"7/ ^

^ C_iP> \

77 2 ^ c^ O / // ^ 9 </
^ —p^ ^ (f 7f

o L 7 ^


ql-P ^ ^—
cr ^ ^ ^ ^ <5 /«<v

o 7-^7
" ^ ^~2.

Assignment 34

165. Drill on Previous Assignments

168. Phrase Drill

169. Reading and Writing Exercise

A Friendly Visit

^ 7

r .

Assignment 35

170. Drill on Previous Assignments

^ / J /

171. When do nat is preceded by a pronoun, it is expressed

by the den blend.

172. Don’t is distinguished from do not by writing don for


Xl'b. Special Forms


Assignment 36

175. Drill on Previous Assignments

176. The indication of r.

177. The indication of r. (Continued.)

178. The indication of r. (Continued.)


179. The omission of r.

180. Reading and Writing Exercise

Molly Pitcher

- > --

/€ J . ^ 9 O-„

Assignment 37 c - ^

181. Drill on Previous Assignments

183. The syllable at the end of words.

. ^ ^ C-
184. Special Forms.

185. Reading and Writing Exercise


Assignment 38

186. Drill on Previous Assignments

187. The prefixes for, fore, fur.

2p 4
188. The endings ify and full.

1 ^
^ ’—y ^ j
189. The endings self and selves.

r -r ^ ^ y ^ 7

190. The ending age.

191. Reading and Writing Exercise

The Furnace

2^ 2f>

^ . "y Y
jy ^ Ay r A ‘r

'D y^
o . y

y' t—e- <;

^ o-o >

y yf P~A ^


^ 7
y^ ^ (Aj V

e. r ^

'^y A
7 7
\ ' • » u
^ -iT

c^G-—. , o ^ ^


Assignment 39

192. Drill on Previous Assignments

193. In order to make good phrases, a word form is some¬

times abbreviated, even though the word must be written in
full when it stands alone.

a- ^

195. Reading and Writing Exercise

Transcript of Shorthand
(Counted in groups of 20 standard words)

Assignment 1

3. Ray, air, hair, rare, lay, ail, hail, rail.

4. Ray, rain, lay, lain, ail, nail.
5. Ache, make, cake, rake, lake, cane, came, gain, game.
6. (a) Ail, hail, rail, nail, tail, dale, gale, (b) Eel, heel,
kneel, meal, (c) Ray, rain, train, drain, rate, read, (d) Lay,
lain, lean, clean, lame, claim, late, lead, laid, lady, (e) Cane,
game, aim, make, may, main, made, aid, day, tea, deed. (/)
Meet, me, knee, mean, heat.

Assignment 2

7. (a) Hat, adding, ham, cat, cattle, mat, mad, man.

(b) Hack, tack, rack, lacking.
8. Dark, marking, lark, calm.
9. Hit, drilling, limit, kick, middle, trick.
10. Getting, ticket, merry, linen, headache, metal, wreck.
11. Can, go-good, are-our-hour, will-well, it-at, would, in-
not, am-more, a-an, the, their-there, I, he.

12.1 can, I cannot, he can, he cannot, I can go, he can go,

I will, he will, he will not, I am, it will, there will, in the,
in it, they are, they will.
13. Thin, thick, theme, teeth, thrilling, thread.

15. Reading Exercise

Ray had a meal late in the day. Will Mary eat a meal in
the train Mary would take tea. Ray will claim Mary wilk
not eat a meal in the train. Her headache will delay her. A
man will heat the tea. He will not heat the meat in the^
metal kettle.
I will not read the theme in the dark. I would read the
theme in a day. A man can go mad reading^ a theme in
the dark. I will make Mary take clean linen. Larry will
make merry in the dale. He will greet me^ in an hour.
I am not well. I will not go in the rain. A day in the good
air will aid me. I will make the lame® lad eat a meal in the
good air. He will get good milk there. I will take an egg
a day. The milk will make the lad well.® He can make
merry at the lake.
The greedy man ate the cake in the crate late in the day.
The cake had lain in the^ dark mill a day. The man cannot
eat the ham. The cat ate the ham. It made the thin man
I cannot hear him well,® can he hear me.? The team will
hear the tale I will read. The team will get cream in the
train. Our team will gain a thrilling® game.
The hat lay there an hour. The lady will take the hat.
Our maid will clean it. The maid will not aid the lad in
kicking*® the hat. The maid will hit the lad.

Ann made the cattle go in the train. Her gay air will
not aid her in making” the cattle go in the train. The cattle
will eat the grain in the train. The man made the grain at
the mill. Will Ann hurry.?” The mayor will not lag. He
will need the deed Ann had at the mill. The mayor will
get the deed in an hour.
Amy” hid her hat in the tree. The lad at the gate will
take the hat. Ann will not dream the lad will take the hat.
Ann met” the lad at the tree. The lad will meet Ann at the
hill in a day. Ann will get her hat.
I cannot get the ticket.” I cannot go. I am ill. I hear
Eddy will aid me in Erie in May. He cannot get there in an
hour in” the gray hack. The train came in late. A wreck
made the main train late.
Ella will heat tea at the lake. The tea may aid Mary” in
getting well. Her Dad will aid Mary in getting well, will
he not.? The thick cream I am getting will go in” the tea.
The air at the lake will make Mary get well. Mary lay there
an hour at the lake.
Ray had a lame leg. An” enemy hit him in the knee.
He will hit the gay lark in the tree. A good aim will aid
him, will it not.? The lark” had an egg in the tree.
Mary had red hair. Her red hair will not make her mean,
will it.? I claim it will not. Her red^^ hair cannot make her
mean. The green thread in her red hat may make her mean.
Mary will greet Ray. He will eat the cake Mary” made. He
cannot eat it at the lake, can he.? He can eat the cake Mary
made at the lake.
The man at the game” will take the ticket at the gate. I
need a nickel. I cannot get in the arena. The man at the
gate will” attack me.

I read the data at the meeting. I will not read the data
at the league meeting. I cannot get^^ the main data. (502
standard words)

Assignment 3

16. Add, added, heed, heeded, need, needed, treat, treated,

hate, hated, rate, rated, detail.
17. Many-money, meant, mend, mental, month, minute,
memory, eliminate.
18. The, they, that, great, with, without, Mr.-market, than-
then, them, of, be-by-but, is-his, this, to-too-two, and-end, you-
your, was. Yours truly. Dear Sir-desire.

19. Reading Exercise

Our team will meet the Erie men in a month. This Erie
team is a great team. Our team is a great team, too, and
cannod be eliminated. The men hated to go to Erie. The
rate by rail to Erie was more than Mr.^ Lee had with him.
Mr. Lee is the head man of the team, but his money is lim¬
ited. The team would not be in^ the league without Mr. Lee.
The men would aid Mr. Lee in a minute. He is good to
them. Many of the men^ needed clean linen, and Mr. Lee
had his maid get it. They needed it, but they would not
take it. Then he made them® take it. They hated taking it,
but in the end they did take it.
The train was late, but the track that will lead to Maine®
was mended today and the train will be at the market in
a minute. The memory of the man at the head^ of the
train is not good, but that will not mean the train will be late.

Many of the men in the train added that the* track would
make a wreck that would thrill the lad kneeling in the dale.
Would you he calm with a great wreck at the lake?
I desire* to go to the arena. Will you take me there? Is
there a ticket that I can take? Mr. Lee is by the^" gate and
I cannot get in the arena without a ticket. I added the money
that was in the clean metal“ can, but I need more money than
is there. I could not make a rainy day merry with the money
that is in^* that metal can. Can I get aid in the dairy? I
would be ready to go to the market to get thread, but L*
cannot remain to clean the dairy.
The maid came in with a good meal. There was thick
cream in the tea, too. The lame lad“ was treated to this
good tea. His main desire was to eat more of the good meat
Mary had made with the aid of Mr.^* Drake. The lad cannot
go to the lake without aid. His leg was hit by the limited
train. He was hurrying^* to get to the tree at the lake and
then the train hit his leg. Mary was by the tree at the lake.
(337 standard words)
Dear Sir: Is a day in May too late to get the data to you?
I would not delay more than a day, but the data^ is not ready.
The lad that is to take this data to you is not here today. He
hurried to the train with* the data, but could not make the
train. Yours truly, (48 standard words)
Dear Sir: There was an error in the rate to Erie. I am
going by train to Erie, but I would not dream of^ meeting
that rate. I am going to the great retail market there in Erie,
and I cannot be late. I cannot* take a minute today to elim¬
inate the error. Yours truly, (52 standard words)
Dear Sir: The hat may not be ready in a month. I desire
to get that green hat. Will you clean it? There was a metal*

tag in that hat. That meant that the hat would not be ready
in a day. There will be a green hat at the market^ today,
but you cannot get it without money. The hat Mr. Lee had
at the mill is a good hat. The hat is^ gray, but there is a red
thread in the middle. He will eliminate the red thread.
The hat without the thread is neat.^ I will take a dark hat
to the game. This dark hat will be clean at the end o£ the
day. There will not be a mark there.® Yours truly, (102
standard words)

Assignment 4

20. Great, without, them, in this, be-by-but, was, and-end,

Mr.-market, I can, there will, he will. Yours truly, their-there,
you would, Dear Sir-desire, at that, by the, than-then, in it,
I will not.
21. Did-date, other, all, were, where-aware, my, when, any,
could, what, truth, time, into, come, like, little, those, country.
22. To the, to this, to that, to those, to them, to you, in
the, in this, in that, in those, in them, into the, into this, into
that, into those, into them, by those, with those, of those, it was,
what was, where was, when was, and was, and I am, and I
will, and I will be, I could, I could not, I could be, would not,
did not, he could be, you could, I come, I came, you come, you

23. Reading Exercise

A Country Inn

Would you like to go to the country where the air is good?


Come to Green Inn and you will hate to go when your time
is^ at an end. What time would you like to come to the
country ?
Green Inn is a little red and gray country inn in a^ glen
by Green Lake. There is a trail by the little creek at the rear
of the inn. It will take you by an elm tree to^ the granary
and the dairy. This is an inn that was needed here and it
was well that Henry and Harry had^ money to get this acre.
It was a good deed to get an inn here by the lake. Their aim
is to get money by® making other men gay and merry.
Mr. and Mrs. Drake are here all the time. Their creed is
to treat all men alike.® They clean all linen. They will get
you clean linen and it will not be ragged, but it wilP be well
mended. The lady will mend your linen, too, when it is
ragged and in need of mending.
You could come here* and remain a month and it would
not take all your time to get here. Did you remain a month
at the other inn that® is in Erie.? Take a train at Lynn and
it will get you here to the inn. Mr. Drake will meet you at
the train with'® a team and a rig and he will take you to
Green Lake. You can then take the lane at the end of the
lake and that will“ lead you to the gate of Green Inn. It
will be late when you get here, but Mrs. Drake will be here
to greet you, and a*® good meal with ham and turkey will
be ready at that time.
Your money may be limited but that will not mean that'®
you cannot come here. All you need is a little money. You
will gain when you are here. The lake air is good and it"
will make you eat well. You will get clean milk, thick cream,
and good cake. There will not be any liquor at this inn.
There will''' be little racket here. You will get rid of a

headache and any other ache you may be eager to eliminated®

All men that come here can be gay and merry. You can
go into the lake when it is calm. You can go when^'^ there
will not be a gale. You may add to your technique in any
game you desire. Ned Taylor is here all the time’® and he
is a man with good technique in handling a racquet and a net
and in hitting a mark. He can train the’® eye, the hand, and
the ear in any game. You can get a caddy by the hour at a
minimum rate, and you can®® drill hour by hour in making a
gain in your technique.
The attic of the inn is heated when heat is needed. The
attic is not dark. It is a clean attic and Mrs. Drake is neat
in handling it. Her canary is there to®’ add to the merry air
of it. Her cat is in the granary where it cannot get to the
canary but where®® it can get a rat.
This inn is well rated by many leading men. The mayor,
Mr. Allen, and Dr. Ray®® were here a month. Mrs. Drake
treated them well and they would like to come at a late date
in May. You would get the truth®’ in their keen rating of
it. (485 standard words)

Assignment 5

24. Like, could, without, great, was, my, did-date, other,

will be, he will not, I would, they are, they will, I could not,
in this, of those.
25. Put, pay, paper, camp, map, pair, trip, happen, pretty.
Be-by-but, bay, bare, bail, brain, blame, back, beat, bury.

26. For, fare, affair, fame, fear, feel, if, factory, free. Have,
heavy, leave, relieve, victory, even, valley.
27. Shall-ship, cash, shade, dash, shame, mash, sharp, finish,
shell. Change-which, check, catch, chain, match, cheap,
peach, chief, fetch. Age, edge, jail, jelly, page, range, ledge,
28. One, after, people, about, most, form-from, been-bound,
very, before, much, never, should, over, ever, every. Dear
Madam, Very truly yours, Yours very truly.

29. Reading Exercise

Getting Ready for the Fair

There is about a month left before fair time in the valley

and every lady in the country is getting ready^ for it. Each
will put in much time and labor before it is over.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee live at the ranch.^ They plan to take
much to the fair this time and much of it is ready. Their
fame for making money at the fair is^ gaining, but they have
never won over their neighbor. They shpuld get much money
for their labor this time and they wilF if they ever get a vic¬
tory over this neighbor.
Even with a maid to help her, Mrs. Lee is putting^ in an
hour and more over her magic range in her kitchen every
day. Her jam is rich and red. Today she is® canning chicken
which will be taken to the fair too. After the canning is over
for the day, a label is^ put with each can before it is put in
a bag.
Sitting in her parlor she was making a cap for a baby,®
a lamp shade, and a bag. She will finish a linen sheet which

she is making. She will make a tag and pin one to® each
and then pack them in a bag. Before she and Mr. Lee leave
for the trip to the fair, she will put this bag in'® the back of
the machine in the garage.
The day before they go, she and her maid should be in the
kitchen at daybreak," finishing what she will take to the
fair before it is too late in the day. Bread will be baked and
cake will be'® made. They cannot ever be made more than
a day before the fair, for they should be very fresh. She will
pick a pretty'® peach and put it in a green dish with a red
apple and a pear and they are bound to take one ribbon.
Mr." Lee is getting ready for the fair too. He is feeding a
fat pig. He will take his calf and the turkey with him.'® He
may take his sheep and a little lamb too, but he will settle
that before the day of the fair. (317 standard words)
Dear Sir: I should like to get a plan for a little shed made
by you. I feel I should have one before it is too' late in the
month. If you could make the frame for me, I can finish it
by the time it is needed. I will put paper® over the frame
and then put the brick over the paper. I feel that that would
make a good shed for the sheep.
If® you can come by the middle of this month, may I hear
from you.^ I shall be ready to help you. Very truly yours,'
(80 standard words)
Dear Sir: Our plan is to get a brick cabin in the valley
leading to the bay where people can go for a picnic' and play
at the beach. The trip to the bay by ship is a cheap and rapid
one. People can leave here before daybreak® and remain
late, having the day in the country by the lake. After a day
at the beach in the fresh air, most® people are bound to get
a happy feeling.

Read the clipping from our evening paper about the fed¬
eral money^ that will aid in paying for the brick, if our branch
can get the cash for the labor before May 1.
I shall need'' very much help to get the needed cash by
that date and I should like your help. I shall have my plan
for this campaign® in good form by the end of this month.
If you can come here about that time, I shall check every
detail of that plan’^ with you. Yours very truly, (145 standard
Assignment 6

30. Paper, happen, trip, bear, bail, free, frame, even, finish,
check, catch, age, page, before, much, should, about, people,
one. Dear Madam.
31. Had been, have been, I have been, you have been, have
not been, I have not been, you have not been, has been, it has
been, there has been, what has been.
32. From the, from this, from that, from those, from them,
from which, from which the, about the, about this, about
that, about those, about them, about which, before the, before
this, before that, before those, before them, by which, in
which, of which, and which, very much, very good, very well,
should be, I should be, he should be, I should not, I should
have, I should have been, you would have been, I would have
been, he would have been.
33. To be, to have, to pay, to fill, to plan, to blame, to

34. Reading Exercise

Dear Madam: Our people are in the habit of helping with


the welfare of a neighbor in need, and they have been* very

good when there is ever a welfare campaign to put over. But
it is a shame that they have never^ had any plan to help those
living in the factory region. I am making my chief appeal
this month in their behalf to each member of the League.
You may not be aware that many laboring people have
had very little” change from month to month. They labor
much of the time but there is time left for them to play after
they finish their labor* every day. The pity is that when they
happen to have a free day most of them can never take a
penny” from their pay for a trip to the beach to vary their
living. What they make at the factory is needed for bread
and® other plain living.
My plan is to put a cabin in the park by the beach where
people can go for a day without* any need of money. The
League should pay their fare over and back for them and they
could be fed at the cabin.® A maid should be there each day
to play with a baby—that would leave the people free to play
at the beach and to fish.®
Would you like to help in this welfare plan.? Can you
help with your money today.? Would you make a pledge for
a check each*" month.? I shall be happy to hear from you
about this plan and your desire about paying if you can help.
Very** truly yours, (222 standard words)
Dear Sir: A cheap letter paper coming from his desk never
won a campaign for any man.
For your campaign I* should like to get for you a heavy
sheet of paper with a plain black heading. My bid for it
would not be more than® you have been paying for paper
and the gain would be an immense one. After your cam¬
paign for mayor is won—you® are bound to beat Mr. Edge

in his battle with you—I could add a bit to the heading and
make it most fitting^ to come from the desk of the mayor.
Would you like to hear more about my plan? Very truly
yours, (92 standard words)
Dear Madam: I have not had to pack any of my cream
for you in many a day. Maybe you are not aware^ of one
flavor which I have added and am making most every day.
You will like this fresh peach cream and come back for^ more
if you ever have any of it. It is rich and creamy. Would you
not like to have one brick of vanilla^ cream for a change?
If you are bound for a picnic, I shall be happy to pack each
brick of cream in a bag that will^ eliminate any fear of melt¬
ing before you are ready for it. I can take it over for you any®
hour before you go. Very truly yours, (107 standard words)
Dear Sir: I have a crane which came from your factory.
I did not get much heavy lifting from it before there was^ a
break in it. You led me to feel that this should not happen.
I cannot be without the crane for the time it would^ take
to ship it to you and get it back from you. I left it in a garage
here for mending and it was put back® in good form by the
man there.
I shall get the ticket which came from the garage man.
Would you be willing to pay this^ fee for his labor? Yours
very truly, (87 standard words)
Dear Sir: I cannot blame you for the feeling you have
about the shape in which your chapel was left after our meet¬
ing' the other evening. When the man was able to get i|! for
his meeting without paying for it in any® form, he should have
left it clean and neat. There was never any need of leaving
it as he did.

I shall have my men^ come to help you clean it today.

Yours truly, (67 standard words)

Assignment 7

35. Changing, shall-ship. Yours very truly, every, for,

about, most, little, those, into, did-date, country, there will, I
could not, I did not, what has been, there has been, has been,
it has been, to be, to have, to put, had been, I was.
36. Spare, spread, helps, lamps, maps, space, busy, bears,
dress, neighbors, papers, trace, selling, salary, sales, apples,
feels, meals, place, palace, gifts, hats, minutes, months, plates,
tickets, brains, chance, dance, happens, trance, games, task,
37. Say, see, seen, seem, same, set, said, easy, case, makes,
sake, scheme, takes, skate, eggs, guess, stage, stay, stayed,
steam, straight, face, safe, safety, cease, season, these, reaches,
teaches, branches, ages, pages, dashes, visit, guest.

38. Reading Exercise

Shipping Goods

Busy men at one factory pack their goods in barrels and

nail stiff lids over the heads of the barrels. Men at^ other
factories put their goods in sacks, in baskets, and in chests.
The goods can be packed in any form," ifi they take
as little space as is needed for a safe trip. They should seal
them before releasing them for shipping^ to the other city for
sale by retail branches.
When they are ready, the barrel is taken to the scales to^ see

if it is heavy. After a glance at the tariff sheets, the man at

the desk marks the label and the sheets with® the fee. He
stamps each one with the date. One sheet will go with the
sales slip to the retail branch to be checked when the goods®
get there. They may be left by the tracks to be taken by
trains from the platform to the people desiring them.
The^ chance of reaching the branch in time and in good
shape is more than a fair one and there seems to be very little
risk.® But even with a steel train there is a chance of a crash that
will smash the goods. There is a chance, too, that the goods
will® go astray and that they will be many days late in reach¬
ing the end of their trip—too late to be of much good to*® the
retail man. They may even perish before they get there. In
one season apples and goods of that class freeze, and** in other
seasons they perish from heat.
The one shipping the goods will fill in forms and place a
claim for the goods. If*® the goods go astray, a tracer goes
after them. If the goods are of a class that perishes with ease,
a sale of*® them may take place before they perish and the
money from this sale will help in settling the claim. Errors
are bound to** happen but they should not happen every day.
(287 standard words)
Dear Sir; I should like you to ship your goods in the bags
which I have for sale. These bags are easier to handle than*
wrapping paper in shipping the class of goods you sell. They
vary in shape and in the space left for the goods.
Wrapping® goods in these bags makes for safety, too, and
leads to a saving in claims to settle, since goods stay in the
bags after® sealing.
All your shipping help will like them since they are easy
to handle. You will like them, too, for the immense saving* in

time, labor, and cash. When would you like to see them.?
Yours truly, (92 standard words)
Dear Sir: At a meeting of the sales staff, I should like you
to say much about the desk which I have to sell. Its brass^
handles and little panes of glass make it a pretty desk.
It fits in a little space but it has much space in it“ and fills
many needs. It could take the place of a chest for linens.
It has shelves for papers of all shapes. Yours very® truly,
(61 standard words)
Dear Sir; This is the season when one begins to need
Screens are of steel mesh, with plain metal frames. They
are not cheap^ but they are a good fit. They are less apt to
change shape after seasons of rain and heat. Even at that,
they should not® be left in place when not needed after a
freezing day. They are easy to put back as they have hinges
at one® end.
Visit Mr. Lee’s factory in your city and after seeing it, listen
to what he has to say^ about the screens. If you are then in
the market for them, I shall have a man come apd bid on
them for your factory.® Yours very truly, (103 standard
Assignment 8

39. After, put, did-date, people, my, all, most, for, shall-
ship, could, form-from, come, time. Dear Sir-desire, Mr.-
market, what, great, am-more, much, them, truth, other, this,
without, when, any, where-aware, every, is-his, change-which,
little, should, be-by-but, like, than-then, over, and-end, to-too-
two, from them, I should be, into that, has been, and I will
be, with those.

40. Sense, senses; case, cases; face, faces; chance, chances;

dance, dances; place, places; dress, dresses; trace, traces.
41. Under, must, some, such, first, business, cause-because,
thorough-thoroughly-three, thing-think, system-says, far-favor,
public-publish, work, part, matter, again, against, always, any¬
thing, something, everything.
42. Hours, yours, dates, others, truths, times, countries,
changes, ships, forms, businesses, causes, things, systems, pub¬
lishes, works, parts, matters.

43. Reading Exercise

A Fairy Tale

There is a fairy tale about a man with one maid marrying

a lady with two maids. The two were far from pretty^ but
had dresses of velvet and silk with rich laces and had many
chances to go to parties. The other^ maid was never in the
lady’s favor and because of that she never had a silk dress and
pretty slippers to^ go with it. For this cause, too, she was
always busy cleaning plates in the kitchen and working it
tasks for the two^ other maids. She was pretty, but even in
her ragged dresses she was much prettier than the others.’’’
One evening when the other maids were having a good
time at the prince’s dance, which he was in the habit of hav¬
ing® at his palace, she finished the dishes and then sat dream¬
ing and thinking. After the lapse of a little time,^ a fairy
came to visit her. The fairy had made an analysis of what
was causing her to be sad, and® had a secret scheme to get
some chances for the little lady to take part in the dances.

First the fairy had® the maid get everything she needed,
and then she cast a spell and made immense changes in each
thing by passing her^® stick over it. After this, there was never
a trace of the rags left. In their place there was a dress of
velvet and other goods with*^ sleeves of lace and slippers of
glass. There were little pages to help her with her train and
some prancing steeds because she^® was to be driven to the
dances which the prince was having at his palace far from the
city. At least, she was^® going places this evening!
But before she left, the fairy said that she must^^ leave the
dance at a set hour, if she were to get back in safety. That
evening, against her desires because she was^® having a thor¬
oughly good time, she left the party at the set hour and was
back before the other maids came. As^® she sat listening to
their tales of the fascinating lady that had won the favor of
the prince, she was thinking^^ of her part but she never said a
thing about her having been that lady.
Again this same fairy came and^® made the series of changes
which meant a chance for the sad one to go as a guest to the
dances, but that evening^® her happiness made the minutes
pass in such a hurry that she never had any memory of what
the fairy®® had said about leaving. When the first peal of the
bell that says the time of day reached her ears, she left the
dance in®^ great haste. In her haste to get to her chamber be¬
fore the bell ceased, one of her slippers fell and was left at
the dance.®® But she stayed some minutes too late and before
she reached her chamber not a scrap of the rich dress was
left. She was in®® rags, and she did not have anything left
but the other glass slipper which had not been left at the
The prince had®^ met her the first evening and had some

dances with her each time she was there. Because she was his
favorite guest, he^® missed her after she left. With the glass
slipper as a basis, he set about to trace her by having a thor-
ough“ canvass of the city made. The prince made it his
business to have some of his men publish his plan to marry
the one that the‘^ slipper would fit.
When one man came to their part of the city, the two maids
had chances to have the glass slipper fit,^* but in vain. When
the lady in rags said she would like a chance, they laughed
at her. Against their desires, the man fitted^^ the slipper.
The slipper was a good fit for her, and under her lashes she
cast a glance at their faces when she™ put before them the one
to match it. That was a help in settling the matter and her
part in it.
By some mystery,^^ the fairy came at that very minute and
with fast passes of her stick she again made changes in the
dress^^ of the maid before their very faces.
The fairy tale ends with the man taking the pretty lady to
the palace™ where the prince married her. You may have
three guesses as to which lady this tale has been published
about. (678 standard words)

Assignment 9

44. Again, matters, some, under, far-favor, working, every¬

thing, public-publish, always, anything, against, systems, cause-
because, must, thorough-thoroughly-three, business, first, such,
much, put, shall-ship, have, for, it has been, I have not been,
before the, very good, I should be, from them, it was.
45. Miss, mix; misses, mixes; fix, fixes; tax, taxes.

46. Nation, action, mention, fashion, section, election, vaca¬

tion, relation.
47. Caused, changed, desired, favored, formed, liked,
parted, shipped.
48. Saved, traced, checked, fixed, marked, placed.
49. Also, nothing, between, another, woman, morning,
letter-let, present-presence, big-beg, give-given, till-tell, tells,
still, until, got, gave, next, soon, name.

50. Reading Exercise


The raising of money with which to pay debts and finance

the public business is always an immense task for the^ mem¬
bers of the Senate and the members of the other national
chamber. The tax system of the country is^ always changing
because each time there is an election there are changes in the
members of these chambers.
These men^ have given much time to the study and an¬
alysis of the tax system because during their campaigns for^
election they have said much about the present taxes and have
mentioned what should be changed. When these men begin
their work,® changes in the tax plans will be made; hence the
people should listen when these men say anything about
People® pay taxes in this country. The nation taxes any
money that people may make. The rate is fixed by the^ men
in the Senate and the other chamber. The money a man
makes is a fair basis for taxes. Men with much® money can
pay more than those having a little salary.

All men pay some taxes. The rich man and the laboring®
man are treated the same. Each plays his part in giving
money for the welfare of the nation.
There is another^" thing in favor of taxing what a man
makes. The tax cannot be shifted to other people. The men
making” the money must pay the tax. This tax is not like
other taxes, because it cannot be shifted. The more money”
a man makes, the bigger the tax he will have to pay. Labor¬
ing men that dig ditches need not pay this tax because” they
get less than the minimum that is taxed.
There is also a tax when gifts are given and when money
is left” to the heirs of very rich people. These taxes raise
much money from people that can pay and will not miss what
they” pay.
The tariff is another Federal tax. This tax is for goods
shipped into this country. The rates vary because” it is de¬
sired to give people in this country a chance to sell goods
that may be made for less in other countries.” This tax is
shifted to others. The man paying the tax adds it to what
you pay for his goods.
When people come” back here from trips to neighboring
countries and countries over the sea, they have dresses, hats,
and presents with them. They” must pay a duty if they have
more than the maximum. Many have evaded paying this
Some goods are taxed” in this country, too. The people
making these goods pay the tax by paying cash and getting
a stamp for it. They must®^ stick a stamp over the wrapping
of each piece of goods they sell. This tax is another that can
be shifted from the” maker of the goods to the people that
get them.

There are also many other taxes in the Federal system’*^

that have been added when more money was needed be¬
cause o£ some great undertaking. A tax for tickets gets^*
much money from people that can pay it without feeling it
too much. This tax adds to what they pay for having a^® good
time. Still, they should not have to pay such a big tax.
A gasoline tax soon seems very heavy to the man with^® a
machine. He feels that he is paying more than he should.
Our country has reached a stage where some other taxes
may^^ be needed to help pay back all the money the nation
is giving for the relief of those that have not had work^® for
many months. The next tax plan may be passed very soon.
Other taxes may be added to those the people are®® paying
today. Many business men favor a retail sales tax to be levied
against goods that the business men®“ sell. This could be
shifted by them to the people getting the goods.
Everything which has been said about taxes here®^ may be
changed by the time you are ready to help in the selection of
the men making our taxes. You must study®® about them all
the time by reading the books and the papers telling of the
changes that are being made from®® month to month. Then
you can place a mark against the name of the man that is in
favor of the tax plan that appeals®® to you. (681 standard

Assignment 10

51. Name, favored, also, thorough-thoroughly-three, be¬

tween, shipping, morning, for, letter-let, systems, another,
changed, big-beg, something, until, come, got, little, presents,
my, when, woman, have, nothing, did-date, still, great, soon.

I could not, I would not, he would be, into the, to this, has
been. Dear Madam.
52. Almost, income, increase, ago, inform, underneath,
handle, forgive, begin.
5 3. For the, for this, for that, for those, for these, for them,
for you, there is, there was, there are, there will be, if you
would, if you would be, if you are, if you are not, if you will,
if you will be, I have given, I have never, I have not been.

54. Reading Exercise

A Little Pin

“I would not steal a little pin” is a saying that has little

meaning for the people of the present day, as’ any woman
would give you a pin if you desired it. Almost anyone would
give you a pin.
I need not inform^ you that pins fill many needs. They
are easy to get, but we could not live without them. Pins
range from big heavy^ safety pins to the little steel pins that
may be seen in a lady’s dresser. Many is the hem that was
fixed with the aid of a pin. Pins are good helpers.
I should like to tell you the tale of a steel pin from the
time it was placed'’ in a neat little paper at the factory until
this day. This pin and the other pins in the same paper® had
a merry time from the day they left the factory. This is the
tale of one little pin as it was given^ me:
“One day a lady came for me and the other pins in the
same paper with me. She put me in a tray at her place of
business.* I was taken from my pals in the paper. Here
my labors began, pinning hems and helping® this woman

make many changes in pretty dresses. When I finished my

labors for the day, I was put back in^“ the tray until I was
needed again. I liked this very much but, like every other
good thing, this soon came to^^ an end. One day I was left
sticking in the sleeve of a silk dress.
“Since the woman did not see me when she fitted^^ the
dress, I, too, had to go to the dance. As she got her wrap and
was going to leave the scene of the dance, I fell^^ from the
dress and lay in a dark crack into which I slipped. After
many days, a lad came by. Seeing me, he put^^ me into the
edge of his jacket. Again I was about to live and work,
but what varied tasks were given^'' me. I was made to stick
into desks and into people as they sat at them; I was placed
at the end of a big^® stick with a piece of paper spinning in
the air; I was put into places that I did not like.
“After a month^^ of this work I was getting eager to slip
from this lad’s grasp and go with other people to other sec¬
tions of^® the country and even to other nations.
“Everything comes in time, and my chance soon came. 1
fell from the grasp of'® the lad into a dark alley where I
feared I should never be seen again, as I was far from any
public®® place. But another woman, visiting with a neighbor
over the fence, stepped in the path where I lay and, catching®'
a glimpse of me, raised me from the earth and placed me in
her dresser. This dresser was like the one where I lived many®®
happy months when I first left my pals that came with me
from the factory.
“This lady liked to go in airplanes. One®® day her airplane
fell to earth. She was saved by a man that would not give
his name, but I remained in the plane.
“Then began®^ days of action, days of thrills and many

risks. I missed death at times by less than a hair’s breadth.

“I needed a change.*® I craved nothing more than release
from my work for a little time. One morning I slipped under
a heap of papers*® that were being taken into the cellar, I
have been in the cellar for some days. Soon I will be ready
to** go back to the task of living again.”
As the tale ended, I said: “The time has come, little pin,
for you to go** back.” I put the pin in the lapel of my jacket.
The time will come when I shall give this little pin another**
chance to get before the public again. (587 standard words)


Assignment 11

55. Make, nail, jail, need, needle, ham, cattle, map, drill,
trip, dark.
57. No, toe, low, blow, hope, ocean, notion, motion,
narrow, obey, open, fellow, globe, drove, rode, rope, so, sore,
soul, soap, show, shown, showed, grow, hero.
58. Raw, brought, broad, abroad, ball, caution, cross, draw,
law, ought, saw, salt, talk, talked, taught, withdraw.
59. Hot, top, lot, shop, shot, solid, sorry, sorrow, job, lock,
block, hospital, knock, spot.
60. Own, known, alone, tone, stone, home, omit, or, door,
nor, orange, hall, coal, college.

61. Reading Exercise

Globe Trotting

Did you hear about the trip abroad that Joan and I made?
I often talked with Joan about it but no plans were maded
I did not think of going at that time as I could not go with¬
out borrowing money. I could not go to college^ because of
my lack of money and going abroad was far from my
thoughts, until Maud wrote that her folks were thinking^ of
going globe trotting and were eager to have me go with
them. I did not think I should leave my job at the^ shop,
but it was nonsense to stay at home, so after sober thinking
I obeyed my desire and posted a letter** telling her I would
meet them at the hotel on the coast for the beginning of a
jolly time in the countries® abroad.
My first job was to get some clothes. I needed much, but
as my pocketbook showed that there was little money^ with
which to get everything I needed, I fought off the desire to
get lots of fashion models and chose a* soft hat for the boat,
a heavy topcoat and some hose.
I reached the city in the evening and the hotel auto® brought
me to the door of the^hotel. I crossed the great hall and
there I met Maud. After I gave her my wraps, Maud sat^“ on
the bench and she and I talked until some other people began
to come to the lower hall to eat. Chops and potatoes” tasted
pretty good and then a pot of good coffee was brought on.
When the meal was over, my thoughts were on the trip.”
Crossing the ocean was fascinating during the whole time.
There was a little gale one day which drove the people” from
the decks of the boat but it was soon over and the motion of

the boat began to be easy again. The*^ boat docked at Dover

and the folks were taken in autos to the hotels. Here I saw
the stores packed close to each other.'® Then we came to the
country roads with rows and rows of hedges.
I was sorry to leave, but the next day I was'® on the boat
again and off for France. I liked Paris and was sorry I
could not stay and roam all alone in the'^ stores and get some
trophies. As I could not talk French, though, I did not have
an easy time of it. It was appalling'* at first because I could
not shop. I saw flocks of sheep and goats roaming over the
open hills. There were acres and'® acres of grapes.
After Paris and France came Rome and Venice, and I could
talk for many hours about what P® saw there. In Venice the
black boats floated on the narrow canals. I remained in
Venice for a day and then was®' off for Rome.
After Rome came Naples and after leaving Naples the boat
was bound for home. It was a jolly®® holiday, but I showed
no sorrow when I saw the harbor and the lofty steeples of
the city. I brought many®® stories and glowing memories
and loads of trophies from the shops to show to folks here.
Much as I liked all the scenes®' over the sea, still it was good
to be at home. It was good to hear the roar of the trolleys
and to see so many®'’ autos pass by. -Though it is a relief to
go abroad for a month or two 1 would not live there all the
time.®® (520 standard words)

Assignment 12

62. Low, blow, toe, notion, obey, known, loan, brought,

abroad, ball, draw, salt, talk, top, spot, lot, block, solid, sorry.
63. Want, went, told, order, small, upon, glad-girl, doctor-

during, believe-belief, possible, purpose, receive, call, situation,

course, general, several, state.
64. Want, wanted, wants, wanting, order, orders, ordered,
ordering, glad, gladden, gladness, believe, believes, believed,
believing, receive, receives, received, receiving, call, calls, call¬
ing, called, recall, situation, situations, course, courses, state,
states, stating, stated, estate.
65.1 believe, I cannot believe, I receive, I received, he re¬
ceives, he received, they receive, they received, I have re¬
ceived, upon the, upon that, upon this, upon these, upon those,
upon them, I told, he told, told you, told me, I told you, he
told me, I have told, several times, several days.

66. Reading Exercise


Everyone believes, in general, that games and hobbies are

a needed change from any job, and are an aid to^ the system.
Work, so-called, is something that must be achieved during
the course of a stated time. It is something that^ one is
called upon to undertake because he is ordered to. Often the
same thing is brought about because one^ wanted and chose
to undertake it without orders, and so it is fascinating play.
So, the little girl taught^ to sew will, as a general matter,
pause when shown a little hole that must be mended, but
will sew for her doll® for several hours of a morning with
gladness. Bringing coal from the cellar for the stove is a task
for a lad*^ I know, but upon being told that it has snowed
during his sleep, he, like a score that you may recall, will be^
glad to haul snow all day for a snow man.

It is the same when playing games. It would be a bore to

be ordered to® some spot and back again a score of times,
but call it “a crow race,” and the whole situation takes on
another® tone. A fellow would go to the grocery without
too many pauses and think he were a hero because he*® went
without groaning, but would be glad to cross the whole coun¬
try in the hope of getting a lark with his bow and arrow.**
The grown lad plays on several ball teams. If called upon
for that much time for work, he would think he should re¬
ceive*® money and would be very much fatigued at the end
of a day, but he comes home from the ball game in a happy*®
state, recalling the applause he received in the course of the
play. The busy business man, told by his doctor to*^ get more
fresh air, would not think of leaving his auto at home more
often and walking several blocks to his work.*® No, he would
order his auto, and be driven to the golf green. After receiv¬
ing his sticks from his chauffeur and*® placing them in the
hands of a caddy, he would go upon the golf course, happy
in the belief that this was** obeying the doctor’s orders.
The role of hero is one that all are glad to be called upon
to play, and the tall*® college basket-ball player receives great
applause, and this applause is something that is wanted by
many people.*®
When people are grown, they often call their play “hob¬
bies.” So some girls are glad that it is possible to stay at
home®" during the dark days of this season and they have
dancing as their hobby. Others can see no possible purpose®*
in this. Some like the opera and could listen to the solos of
the soprano several hours.
When the air®® is soft and calls people from their homes, the
general desire is for the country. Some feel that they must

take their rod^* and reel and fish from the shore of some lake.
One man I know stated that he went on his holidays to a
place where^'* he got arrow heads and he told me that it was
his belief that this was a great hobby.
The camera is the^'' hobby of many people. Everyone owns
at least a box camera which he can put in his coat pocket
and^® place on a fence when a trophy is sought. A person
with this hobby, in general, will attack the enemy^^ almost
without notice, on the lawn at home, in the meadows, or in
the grove. Everyone is his game and it is^® folly to dodge
him as he pokes his camera at the enemy and closes in upon
It is all the^® same, no matter what the situation, with the
doctor or baker, girl or woman, lad or man, all must have
some^® portion of play mixed with their work to help their
souls to be glad and to cause them to laugh and to overcome
the ordered^^ tasks of the day. (623 standard words)

Assignment 13

67. E)ay, may, main, tea, deed, knee, me, mean, heat, heed,
heeded, hate, hated, him, aim, went, order, small, doctor-
during, possible, receive, several, state, situation, I receive,
upon them, several times, he told me, told you, upon that,
wanting, believed, calling, gladness, purposes, courses.
68. Dare, dear, near, mere, manner, sheer, cheer, share,
chair, flatter, owner, former, sooner, leader, reader, richer,
ledger, sister, steamer, visitor, register, art, heart, hard, hurt,
heard, arm, harm, harmony, earn, urge, dirty, start, started,
church, murmur.

69. Reading Exercise

The Honor of the Team

Bob sat in his chair and gazed on the green where the
baseball team was getting ready to play. He was the leader
of' the team and their honor was at stake, for the big team
from Hearing was coming to play the next day and the game
would^ be a hard one. Bob was far from cheered when he
saw them, for at the mere thought that he could not be with
the^ team and help tear a victory from the Hearing lads, he
glanced at the chapter as he wrote, and so finished the les-
son."* As he did it, he saw his sister staring at him, but she
said nothing. Huring the major part of the“ day he felt that
the teacher and his sister were noticing his manner. But he
earned his place on the team by hard® work.
The day of the game came and there was nothing to mar
it but Bob’s own feeling. It will be a hard and bitter^ battle,
and all the girls and fellows will be there with the class
banner, the cheer leader, and all will be chattering® and
cheering to stir the fellows to better playing. As Bob was on
the stair near the door, he heard a teacher say® that he was a
good leader because he worked harder at his studies than at
his play. This hurt Bob and he started to'“ say, “No I am a
cheater,” but he thought that the team needed him and if
he should tell, he would be put off the team." But the day
was marred for him. His sister had always praised him for
being a good soldier and daring to be brave.'® Well, after
all, he could not take a place that he did not earn. Archie
could play a good game in his place. He would tell'® the
teacher and not mar the honor of the team.

The time for the game came, and Archie was in his place
and it was^^ hard to cheer even as he saw the scores being
registered for his team. But what had taken place? A man
was hurt.^'' The pitcher had thrown the ball and the batter
had hit it far off to the left. Archie was nearer the ball and
caught*® it, but his arm was hurt and he was taken from the
game, in a battered state. Bob dared not hope that he would
be called,*^ but after a little talk, he heard his name and a
cheer rose from the bleacher seats, as he ran to his place.
Every batter shared .in*® the flattering applause. At the end
of the game the honor went to Archie and Bob for making*®
the scores and it was with a glad heart that he could feel that
everyone liked him better for not letting the mere desire
for®® playing get the better of his former habits of telling
the truth and not being a cheater in work or play.®* (420
standard words)
Dear Sir: The auditor has checked over our ledger, and
our sales for these three months are near the mark set by you
at* the start of our business here. Every debtor is honoring
his notes and paying on time a good share of what he® owes.
Our cash register shows good sales every day and our cashier
says they are increasing since Easter. One factor® is the put¬
ting in of the paved road near our store, where the major
part of the motor traffic must come. In the latter* part of
this month I am going to start a campaign of sales to cater
to the better class of people, and® in this manner hope to raise
the tone of our store. Yours truly, (110 standard words)
Dear Reader: Our editor would like to give the reader a
better paper, and the oftener you say what you* like, the more
flattered he will be and the better paper you will have. In a
sense, you are a partner and part owner® of our publication.

Is our manner of placing ads any neater or better? Is there

too great a share'’ of fiction, and should the art work be a
major factor? Would you like another chapter of the story,
or would^ it be better to adhere to the present plan of giving
one chapter in each issue? You are urged to give any’ help
you can in any matter from grammar to finance. Nothing
will be sneered at, for the editor will feel® that he is your
debtor for any help you may give. If you will start sending
in any notes you may have, they wilF receive a hearty wel¬
come. Yours truly, (147 standard words)

Assignment 14

70. Day, dare, dear, tea, tear, knee, near, me, mere, many,
manner, ready, reader, she, sheer, hate, heart, add, hard, aim,
arm, harm, hit, hurt, inn, earn, edge, urge, head, heard, if
you will, I have given, for them, there are, there will be, I
cannot believe, orders, believing, recall, estate, between,
woman, name, did-date, others.
71. Dares, manners, cheers, chairs, flatters, owners, leaders,
readers, sisters, steamers, visitors, registers, ledgers.
72. Either, above, rather, love, collect, capital, deal-dear,
real-regard, company-keep, book-become, importance-impor¬
tant, necessary, yesterday, together, children, prepare, subject,

73. Reading Exercise

A Hard Times Story

Are hard times necessary to give this country greater and


better men, or, rather, is it that some folks have risen^ above
their lot and have become great, regardless of their situation?
When one sees great teachers, preachers, doctors,^ editors,
and soldiers, it is hard to think they have ever been dirty
little lads, playing in a manner^ that is the same as others; or
sisters, sharing each others’ dolls and dishes, and tearing their
dresses as they scattered'* in a game of tag. But all these great
ones were the children of yesterday, near and dear to their
When Dickens'* was a little lad he would go and stare at
a rich home on a hill and think that he would work hard and
become the® owner of it. He liked to share the company of
his sister, and they often went together in the evening*^ and
gazed at the stars. He lived at one time in a debtors’ prison
because he did not have any capital and® you cannot think
of a sadder preparation for later living than a place like this.
Often he saw cakes in® the stores and shed bitter tears be¬
cause he did not have anything to eat. Later, when times had
become better and'” he left the prison, he was a great favorite
with other children because he could keep them happy with
the stories" he told. He wrote stories telling about the debtors’
prisons and many other important subjects dear to" his heart.
He loved children and was^sorry for those with little cheer in
their homes, as he recollected his own hard" lot when he was
There was a little girl living in a garret in a dirty city. Her
one playmate was'* a doll with red cheeks, that kept staring
regardless of good manners. She, too, had rather hard times
and little company" of other children until she went to the
country. Here she studied hard, loved and read many books,
and had more'® company than in the city. One day she met a

lady that urged her to dance in a play together with other'^

children. Either because it was necessary for her to get cap¬
ital, or because this was a great chance^* in her opinion to be
with other children, she did it, and it was an important prep¬
aration for her’® later work, for she kept at work in the
theatre after this start. Yesterday I read a story about her in®"
the paper.
In a little city there lived a little fellow with a real love for
machines. He read many books®’ on all subjects and prepared
and published a paper which he would sell on the train
where he kept his shop. Above all,®® he was always a hard
worker and worked many hours to finish something of im¬
portance. This lad was Thomas®" Edison.
Let me tell you of another lad, a collector of books about
the sea and a lover of the®^ company of either ships or sailors.
This lad was John Paul Jones. He was taken into the home
of a man named®'' Jones, the owner of a big country place,
and Paul was very dear to his heart. Paul Jones was very dar¬
ing and bore arms®" for his country and brought honor to the
flag. In his opinion nothing was of greater importance than
his country.®^ He was regarded as a real hero and was given
a cross by the French minister, an honor never®® before given
to others than Frenchmen.
Another lad, later to become a great worker for his fellow
men,®® was Mr. Peabody. When a small lad, his manners
were good, in the opinion of his teachers, and he was"" re¬
garded with affection by them. They said he should go to
college and study the subjects he liked so much, but he"’ left
his books, as it was necessary for him to earn money. Recol¬
lecting his own desire for preparation"® and study, he did not
collect much capital later, but rather loved to give a good deal

of help to other^^ folks.

Most of these children of yesterday kept at their books and
their preparation because they loved their work so^^ much.
These are but five of the many folks that have been of great
help to their fellow men. (695 standard words)

Assignment 15

74. Day, dare, dares, many, manner, manners, ready,

reader, readers, tea, tear, tears, owner, owners, sister, sisters,
leader, leaders, chair, chairs.
75. Though, although, thought, throw, throat, author,
both, health, these, theme, thin, thick, thicken, thickness,
76. (a) Concrete, confer, confess, conscience, convey, con¬
vince, consolation. (i>) Compel, compensation, compress,
compression, combat, compass, complex, (c) County, coun¬
ties, counsel, counsellor, account.
77. (a) Fairly, briefly, chiefly, early, only, openly, plainly,
rarely, safely, slowly, lately, mainly, calmly, (b) Gladly,
greatly, mostly, orderly, partly, generally, (c) Easily, family,
heartily, readily, hastily, merrily, (d) Totally, socially, locally,

78. Reading Exercise

The Hermit

Jack is a hermit. He has no family and lives in a lonely

cave. He seeks the company of no man or' woman, but goes
calmly about his work. A visitor would see him early in

the morning, with a thin robe thrown^ about his back, seek¬
ing both herbs and flowers. You can see that he loves the
black earth and the odor of growing things.^
He lives at peace with all living things and plans only good
for his fellow men. The folks show their affection for him^
by getting him fresh milk, although they cannot spare very
much. They place the milk before his cave door. The
hermit’s conscience'* compels him to give back these tokens
of affection.
He goes about his work slowly but he is on the job® every
day. Because of his great age, you would think that he would
be ill, but he never misses a day.
Jack would not^ kill any living thing. For months he lives
only on berries. He eats no meat. He would never kill the
rabbit that® lives in the grass near his cave. The sparrow
need not leave hastily after taking a bit of bread, as the
hermit® barely notices him. The hermit conveys the feeling
that he is immensely happy when the rabbit or sparrow^
makes a call. In the cave everything is almost in darkness.
As the visitor becomes more at home, he sees” the cot and
the bench with pots and pans on the floor. There is hardly
more in the cave than one chair and one cot. A heavy'®
smoke floats to the ceiling where you see neat rows of herbs.
There is an odor of herbs in the cave. It is a clean'® odor.
Jack confessed that he generally studied about herbs in his
spare time. He knows everything about them.”
All the people in the country steadily come to see him about
their ills and he helps them all, but they have very little''*
money. His consolation is that he made them happy by
his good deed.

One chilly evening Jack^® was sitting in his cave, stirring

his pots of herbs and having a little tea. It was fairly early
in the evening.” Then he heard screams. He could readily
hear the screaming, even over the roar of the gale. Only a
step or^® so from his cave lay a man. He was bleeding from
gashes made by a lance. His horse fell and his left leg was
broken.^” The hermit was very hardy, and it was no trick
for him to get the man into the cave. The hermit could see^“
plainly that the man was wealthy.
After almost a month had passed, the hermit saw that the
fever was gone and that^^ he was gaining steadily. His leg
and arm were bound. He was pale and shaky after the
fever. He was very“ thirsty and wanted something to eat.
He was soon able to talk and tell Jack what had taken place.
“I started from“ Italy with many goods of real value. 1
was on the frozen road for many days. I was very thirsty^^
and wanted something to eat and a place to sleep, but there
was no inn. Then some fierce men leaped from the dark
road and knocked^® me from my horse. That was when my
leg was broken. They stripped me of all my money.”
A little time after the wealthy^ rftan heard of the hermit’s
death. It made him very sad. He went back over the same
road to the cave, thinking it would^^ help him make a plan.
He noticed that all the folks were sad. There was no more
good hermit to help the sick. They missed the^® aged man,
tottering about with all his herbs. (568 standard words)

Assignment 16

79. Either, loves, collected, companies, becoming, prepared,

real-regard, wants, receives, situations, gladden, also, gives.

got, next, presents, letter-let, morning, some, such, matters,

parted, against, publishes, always, about them, very well, I
should be, I have been, there has been, after, very truly yours,
over, I could not, I did not, he would not, what was, into the,
I can go, in the, I told, he told me, several days, upon the,
if you would be, I have given, for these.
80. Dearly, daily, nearly, merely, likely, names, letters,
81. To own, to honor, to obey, to our, to like, to see, to say,
to pay, to place, to believe.
82. As well as, as good as, as low as, as much as, as great
as, as soon as.
83. Have been, I have been able, have not been able, I
have not been able, would be able, I would be able, he would
be able, they would be able, you would be able, should be
able, you should be able, will be able, I will be able, you will
be able, he will be able, may be able, I may be able, you may
be able, he may be able, they may be able, to be able, has
been able.
84. Send, agree, ask, office, official, future, special-speak-
speech, week-weak, floor-flour, complete-complain-complaint,
immediate-immediately, committee, represent, already, value,
employ, express, knowledge.

85. Reading Exercise

Joan of Arc

If you have not already heard the story of the brave little
girl, Joan of Arc, send for the book Mr. Paine wrote.' You
should be able to place an order for it as soon as you get to

the office. It is my opinion that^ after reading it you, too m

will be glad to tell it to others. ol
When Joan was a little girl, she lived in the country.^ Th( it
real date of her birth is not known, but it is thought to be fe
between 1410 and 1412.^ Although her family’s wealth was fai
from great, her folks were well known in that section of th<
country. j
When she was® small, she was like most other childrer u
of her time. There was nothing special to mark her as one oi
who would be able® to achieve great things in the future. n
During the reign of Charles VI, the country was in the
hands of two factions.^ One faction had seized the Dauphin. *
as the heir to the French throne was known, but this faction ti
soon released him. It was believed® by the people that their jj
nation would be saved by a woman. Little Joan of Arc waSfj
always a dreamer. She® saw many visions. She was told V
that it was her task to help the Dauphin and save France.
When she was nearly fifteen,^® a vision came to her which she p
believed urged her to break the siege which the enemy had
laid about the city.'^ ;i
The Dauphin was a weak man, but he was her prince and j
it was necessary to gain his favor. Although she was'® thor- j
ough'y convinced that she was chosen to take an important j
part in the cause of France, she was aware that she'® must
get the aid of the prince. Much time had already been lost.
Immediately Joan went to the Dauphin. She was" dressed
in men’s clothing. He was willing to let her speak, so she
was taken into his presence. She told the prince of'® her
visions and also expressed her desire to lead an attack upon
the enemy.
Her story could not be'® kept a secret. It was soon com-


mon knowledge in the market place. Men left their places

of business and collected^^ in public places to tell what they
heard regarding the girl and her mission. Many men be¬
lieved her story. committee of men agreed that there
was truth in her tale.
The city council gave her an army. She was seated'® on
a black horse clad in armor. She could employ no army
:actics of any value because at no time did®® she have a thor-
augh knowledge of army methods. Her only thought was to
attack the enemy as soon as it®' was possible.
Her ardor was such that, with Joan as the leader, the French
loldiers soon drove off the enemy. The®® siege started and the
:ity was saved. They won another victory and about three
nonths later the prince, as well®' as Joan and the army offi-
;ials, rode into the city where the prince was made Charles
/II of France.
When Joan®' reached the age of seventeen her work for
"ranee had not yet been completed. Paris, as well as other
•arts of the®® country, was in the hands of the enemy. In her
isions Joan was still being urged to save France, but the
rders®® she got in her visions were very vague. She led the
rmy in an attack upon Paris, but could not take the®' capital
ity. Many people lost faith in her and wanted to give in to
le enemy and some soldiers®* would not obey her. Several of
er comrades in arms went with her to relieve the situation
1 another®® city to which the enemy had laid siege.
■ She was taken prisoner during this siege. From that
' me until*® the hour of her death she was in a dirty prison.
' /eek after week Joan had to live on a dirty floor, but she®'
lade no complaint, even though she was often subjected to
■ lame in every manner. At one time she nearly escaped®®


and after that she was placed in chains. The people thought
that Charles would ransom her, but he forgot his debt to her.'*^
A committee representing the enemy was planning means
of getting rid of her. The committee complained^^ that her
visions were evil and not from heaven as was generally be¬
lieved. She was bound to the stake and, amid^® the flames,
the little “Maid of France” bravely met her death. (710
standard words)


Assignment 17

86. Motion, drove, fellow, brought^-draw, salt, hot, block,

sorrow, coal, ready, reader, readily, readers, own, only, own¬
er, owners, to pay, as well as, would be able.
88. Who, to, do, tooth, food, fool, drew, shoot, boots,
through, mood, canoe, noon, smooth, cool, choose, whose. |
89. Cut, does, dozen, cup, up, us, cousin, rug, luck, ut- |
most, production, reduction, none, numb. 1

90. Hook, took, pull, cook, foot, shook, sugar. ]


91. Reading Exercise '

A Secret Vacation

As I started up the stairs, I took note of the dozens of job

that had to be finished either that day or early^ the nex

morning. As I drew near the study hall, I shuddered be¬

cause I was at the foot of my class in my" studies. Who would
not feel gloomy and jealous when his pals played football and
he did nothing but study? A group oP my buddies were
almost through with the work for the semester, but even
though I did my utmost, I could keep up"* with none of them.
I did want so much to shut my dull books and play with
my buddies. If I could only shut my books^ in the closet,
I would be happy, but I could not do this, so what was the
good of thinking about it?
My thoughts® were on food, and I did want to catch a
duck that my cousin could cook. As I would shoot the duck,
I would chuckle. With^ these thoughts I sat on the bench
and did not want any more work. The urge to get loose from
my books was getting® greater and greater. But there must
be no fooling—I must get busy.
As I raised my head, I saw my teacher coming up® the row.
She took about three steps and before she put her left foot
^ on the rug again, she halted. At first, I was^“ utterly in
the dark as to what was going on. Then I noticed that the
murmurs of my classmates had ceased. The” cuckoo clock by
the stairs did not tick. Even my cousin who was sitting in
the stuffy hall too stared at me—or^® at whom was he staring?
Immediately I took in the situation and left the group. By the
door lay my'® poodle, with one paw raised. Everything was
very still. Then I saw that the spell was in the open as well
as in” the study hall. Many people were caught in the spell
of the cool air. A man was dusting his boots with a piece
of'® cloth cut from a rug. Several small children had been
playing football and one was about to tuck the ball under'®
his arm. A cashier was giving a reduction to a cautious girl.

What a week! I did nothing but fish every^^ day. The fish I
were foolish and bit on my hook.
Then I heard something like a roar and there I was sitting
in my chair^* in the study hall. The low roar grew heavier
and then the spell was'gone. I heard the bell which meant
that the end of'® the hour had come.
As I started on my trip home, I thought of all my good
times and I felt so good that I was sure®® I would soon lead all
my classes. (405 standard words)
Dear Sir: Your letter of May 10 did not reach me until
this morning. The dozen rugs mentioned in that letter were'
not shipped because our production man was sick. A truck
ran over his foot the day before yesterday and he has® been
in the hospital ever since. These rugs should be ready soon,
though, as we have taken on several other® men to see that the
work is finished.
We shall do all we can to see that this does not happen
again, but errors' and delays will creep through. Yours truly,
(86 standard words)
Dear Sir: Your letter of May 21 reached me this morning.
I shall see the man about whom you ask. I shall also' show
him your letter if that plan suits you. Yours truly, (30 stand¬
ard words)

Assignment 18

92. Boat, boot, known, none, talk, took, draw, drew, hot,
hut, lock, luck, cool, coal, loss, lose, pole, pull, blow, blue.
93. Care, carry, force, charge, look, clear, skill-school,
usual-wish, govern-government, expect-especial, full, sure,
number, enough, position, question, purchase, remember.

94. Reading Exercise

Prairie Sod Mansions

There is no question that there are not many people today

who care to hear very much about the log cabin^ and who
remember enough about it. The stories about the log cabin,
and the important part it played in^ the history o£ our gov¬
ernment, are little known to a number of people.
The men who made their homes where there^ were trees
growing had merely to chop the trees and carry them to a
spot that could easily be cleared. They did not'* have to go
tar for such a spot.
The men who made their homes in the prairies did not
aave such an easy time. The first'' settler who was forced
.0 put up with a sod home was looked upon as a real hero.
\fter leaving everything'’ in the east that was near and dear
ind tramping over the great open spaces, he was in a sad
position. As' he looked over his claim, he did not .see a tree.
A^hen he left the east he did not expect to see many trees
)ut* he thought surely that there would be a number of trees
rom which he could make a place in which to live. The early
ettler'* could not purchase enough food such as bread, meat,
.nd sugar even though he was willing to pay the charge for
hem,*® as such food was hard to get.
As he could not make a log cabin and the government
ould do little for him, his“ first thought was that he would
ive in a cave. J/After thinking the matter over fully, he
hanged his opinion. After'^ looking at the sod for a time,
he early settler, showing clearly that there was no question
bout his skill,'® set to work making a home from the sod.

It was clear to the settler that he needed only one acre fo: [k
his^^ home and so with the aid of a team of horses he easih lot
got this acre into good shape. He took especial'® pains wit! no
this acre as he would surely be forced to live on it for man^ it
days. He was sure he could carry'® the work to completior C
without taking too much time. jil
He took a sharp spade and with care chopped the sod intc oo
small sections." As he was putting these sections into posf \
tion, he remembered that he needed more tools, but as he oi
could'® not purchase them, he did without them. o'
As usual, his first thoughts were on an easy method tc 1
heat the place when'® the snow fell. It was rather dark but if;
he could not expect to have everything, /t^s next task was o
to get his home fulP of hay that would come in handy foina
heating purposes. He did not have to purchase the hay—m
there was no charge for®' it!
After his home was completed, the settler’s days were full.iiij
He was very busy preparing for the next season.®® The set¬
tler was alone but for his little prairie dog who was always pi;
with him. The dog would carry his stick®® but he would
always remember to give it back after the two were through
strolling. The little dog and the settler®' often saw a num¬
ber of rabbits and more than once had a feast on a rabbit
who did not look where he was going.®^ Most of the rabbits, [[
though, were sure-footed and hopped about rapidly, espe- Ik
daily when they saw the settler®® and his dog. m
As the settler had a number of positions to fill, such as
cook, maid, and cleaner, he arose very®' early in the morning.,,
When he got up, he could still see the stars, rapidly fading j,
from the heavens. (558 standard words)
Dear Sir: Have you ever thought of going to evening

it:hool? I know that you work hard all day and that you are
lot in' a mood for study when you are through. But I also
ijnow that you will not get an increase in your salary if' you
lit back and do nothing.
Come to our evening school and study the subjects that
I'll! help you in your work. We give' a good business
ourse and if you register you will never be sorry.
We charge very little for our full business' course and
ou cannot pay the whole fee immediately, we shall be gia^
o wait until you can. Yours very“ truly, (101 standard words)
Dear Sir: There will be a meeting of our committee on
day 10. The purpose of the meeting is to get some money'
o pay for the ball that we are planning in honor of the
nayor. We have already collected a good' deal of money but
ve have far from enough.
I am going to ask the governor to be with us at this meet-
ng' for I know he will be glad to help.
The mayor will be very happy when I tell him of our
dans. Yours truly,' (81 standard words)

Assignment 19

95. Charged, looked, clearing, schools, remembered, pur-

;haser, enough, surely, full, positions, questioned, care, hum-
)ers, governments, asked, officials, complained, already^ val-
res, believed, wanted.
96. We, way, wait, waited, weed, weave, wave, wages,
vaste, weary, wheat, wheel, whale, wash, watch, wall, wool,
iwim, sweet, swift.
97. Quick, quit, dwell, queen, square, doorway, roadway.
98. Away, await, awaited, awake, awaken, ahead.

99. Reading Exercise

A Day to Remember

The whole school was waiting for the big football gam
that was to be played that afternoon. We won every gam
and wasted^ no chance to get ahead of the other teams.
In the morning, there was a rally, with woolen banner
waving,^ and flags on the walls. Even the doorway and th(
roadway had flags. The people were whistling and holler
ing for the^ team to win a quick victory.
Everyone was waiting in the hall when we heard the bell
Several of the stars'* of our team were present on this morn¬
ing. The leader called the meeting to order quickly. Every¬
one was awake'* and watching. The first speaker was the
coach who said that the team will not quit until it wins this
important game. He® urged that everyone witness the game,!
wearing a woolen sweater if possible. No one should stay
away. He spoke^ of some of his games with teams
that did not play fair and square. Before he finished,
he gave the® names of all the players on the squad and the
positions they would fill. As he called each name, he waved
the player to® come quickly to the stage. There were many
cheers and much whistling as the players went swiftly back
to their seats. The cheer*® leader called for three cheers for
the coach and the whole squad.
A man who was in the hardware business and who never
stays** away from a game was asked to speak. His
talk was over quickly because when he was in school, he
swore he*® would make no speeches that would cause people
to get weary. When he was eighteen, he left school so that

he could become^^ a swimming teacher, but he loved football

too, and hoped that when the whistle blew at the end of the
game our team would“ be far ahead. We are quoting from
his talk in our school paper.
The cheer-leading squad of four girls walked on the stage^'’
again and this time they wore woolen sweaters. Everyone
was carried away by their vim and vigor. When the girls'®
urged every man and woman to go to the game, the number
of tickets bought started to swell quickly. The school was" to
be closed early that day and everyone was awaiting the bell.
Even the teachers thought of nothing but the'® game. The
history teacher did not give a quiz and waved the class on
its way. The teachers hoped it would not rain because'® the
team could not play very well on the wet grass. When the
whistle blew it was raining and one man said the only^“ way
to get a score was to swim over the goal. There was only
one real gain by our team, and that came near the end®' of
the game in the closing minutes of play when the left half¬
back crossed the goal. The score was six to nothing in our®®
favor and the whole school was hollering and whistling.
This same half-back made a good kick and the score was then
seven®® to nothing—and that was the score at the end of the
game. The whistle blew, and our team, wet and weary, ran
into®' the dressing room.
Football is a great game even when it is played in the rain.
(493 standard words)
Dear Sir: We have your letter of May 11. We received
the rates you quoted us for the suits which we shall need
for the' coming holidays. There is one thing I must men¬
tion—although we need the goods immediately, we cannot
pay® for them at this time. We shall do our utmost to pay

for the purchases, but you must remember that we havl had^
to take care of a great many repairs to our shop. You are
aware, though, that we have always taken care of our^ debts.
We are going to save much money in the next month or
two as we plan to reduce waste to the minimum® in our
shop. Very truly yours, (105 standard words)

Assignment 20

100. Represented, gladly, stated, situations, parted, favored,

tells, named, forgive, underneath, almost, matters, against, I
have not been, if you will, for that, I told, I cannot believe,
may be able, he will be able, to believe, I should be, I should
have, from which the, to the, in the, by those, as great as,
as good as, to collect, he told me, they received.
101. World, reply, word, body, duty, bring, house-whose,
remark-room, fall-follow, accept-acceptance, gone, nature,
suppose, whether, further, explain, particular, report.
102. Yawn, yacht, youth, yet, year, yellow, Yale, yard.
103. Ring) rink, rang, rank, sing, sink, sang, sank, ring,
rang, wrong, sing, sang, song, ringing, singing, hanging.
104. (a) Unfair, unconscious, undo, unfasten, unfinished,
unlikely, unsafe. j Increase, income, infer, inform, install,
insane, (c) Envy, engine, engineer, enforce, enrich, engrave,
enroll, (d) Emblem, embrace, embarrass, emperor, embark.
(e) Impress, impression, impossible, impair, implore.

105. Reading Exercise

A Fable

One spring morning there came to the campus of a small


engineering school a lad by the name of Russell. The dean’

explained that he was famous in many parts of the world for
his football. There were many good reports and flattering"
words in the daily papers about his work.
He made a hit with all the girls and usually there was a^
group of pretty maidens following him in a body to the
games. The girls would even sing songs for him, and the’
singing would ring in his ears for many days. It will not
be necessary to say that all the lads were jealous'* of this youth.
They did their utmost to impress the girls and embarrass
the youth. They did their utmost to show the girls® that
they possessed an infinitely greater knowledge and that
Russell was unfair. They said further that he was yellow^
and would not play through the whole football year.
The girls replied with a good-natured grin and accepted
the remarks® without a word. They watched Russell play
whether the team played at home or had gone to another city.
The other® lads employed every method they could think
of to impress the girls. They gave up their incomes to take
the girls to supper.'® They gave banquets that they hoped
would bring them favor. They wasted precious afternoons
wading in the stream looking" for yellow water lilies to bring
to the ladies. Then, I suppose to win the favor of the girls,
they took them'^ in a row boat. They even drove them in
their autos to an inn, but it was impossible to win them
over.'® The girls were particular, they said, and went back
to their houses. The lads even sang to the girls, but the
girls thought" it their duty to ask them to refrain, explaining
that the singing increased their headaches.
All this time Russell remained"* at his work. He wasted
no time nor cash on the girls. He would study in his little

house and make his reports^® when they would fall due. He
would work early and late. He was envied by all the ath¬
letes. He never cast a glance at^^ the girls, but yet the foolish
maidens followed him and asked him to explain some par¬
ticular plays that he made.
Soon^* the other lads accepted their fate and gave up their
foolish pranks. They did not embarrass Russell any more;
they“ did not impress the girls any more; they informed the
world that they would give their time to work. The youths
sang the song, “One^“ for all and all for one,” and from that
day had nothing to say to the girls.
The lads worked as hard at making goals as"' they for¬
merly worked in wasting their Dads’ money. The lads were
going to undo all the harm that their remarks and^^ actions
had made. They accepted their duties good-naturedly,
whether the duties were easy or impossible.^"
After much work, with many a busy morning and eve¬
ning, these lads, once Russell’s inferiors, were soon as good^'
as he was in the game of football. One day, the lads were
as famous as Russell. Then the girls were impressed,^’’ par¬
ticularly by the emblems the lads had won for their deeds in
football. They yearned to be back with these lads and even"”
begged them to sing to them. The lads were not angry and,
after all, “all is well that ends well!” (535 standard words)

Assignment 21

106. Talk, solid, broke, brought, mop, chop, stuff, drug,

sugar, foot, choose, dozen, wing, wink, swing, rang, rank,
yard, yarn.
107. Examine, exceed, excess, expense, explode, expression,

108. (a) Things, savings, readings, sayings, evenings, meet¬

ings, dealings, bearings, (b) Exceedingly, seemingly, will¬
ingly, knowingly, feelingly, unwillingly.
109. Unknown, unnoticed, unnecessary.
110. Long, among, young, yes, thank, effort, strength-
strong, communicate-communication, bill-built, friend-friend¬
ly, else-list, car-correct, character, effect, return, answer, ex¬
perience, recent.

111. Reading Exercise


Among the people of this country there are not very many
who know the part that furs have played in the recent^ his¬
tory of our country. The strong fur trappers played an im¬
portant part in settling the country without the help^ of good
methods of communication.
About 1870, furs were rare in France and other countries.
Ar that time, beaver hats were in fashion but the fur for
these hats was exceedingly hard to get. Great effort was put"*
forth to get furs for the French for this purpose.
In still earlier times, only kings and wealthy people could
wear furs.'' In France, the common people both young and
aged had to wear clothes made from strong cloth. Elsewhere
the people thanked the richer® classes for rags from which
they could make clothes to wear on chilly evenings and
Experience shows that each time^ a new world had been
visited the desire for fur began. The ocean got to be a road
for ships going and® returning from the new world even
though sailors said that the sea was full of monsters and

that any ship that stayed® a long time on the water would
soon be dragged to an unknown place.
Wealthy men built ships and went to this new world.
The^° greed for furs and excessive riches took men all over
the globe. The strong character of many men, though, was
in“ their favor.
France was the leading nation in getting furs and metals.
The effect of France’s work was felt in alP® parts of the
world. The French went through the woods of the Great
Lakes and returned with many furs and much metal. The
experience^® of the French was that it was easier to get the
furs than the metals so they went in for furs.
The trappers^^ living in the woods received their food and
' other things from the fur company for which they worked.
The company^® always answered their call for food and went
to every expense to get it to them. At times, this was far
from easy^® as there were no cars on which to ship the food.
As there were no bills to pay, the trappers and their fam¬
ilies lived^^ happily. These people were always singing songs
and were friendly to any one who visited them. These peo¬
ple had^® no fear of hard work.
Their food was exceedingly plain. This food was cooked
over a camp stove. ' Though the food was plain, it’® was
wholesome, but what else could a hungry man wish.? After
a long, hard trip, these trappers would have dealings with
the fur®® company to see that their accounts were correctly
kept and that all the furs they brought in were correctly
listed.®’ Yes, these trappers were exceedingly cautious.
After exchanging greetings, these men returned home
where there would be drinking®® and eating. The. young men
and “young ladies would sing and dance.

After being at home for a time the trapper is“ glad to

get back to the woods again. Many trappers worked for|the
same company year after year. ^
One fur company^^ was started by a friend of our family.
This friend got to be very rich.
Cities soon took the place of these^'" little posts. Many
great cities were once nothing but homes where trappers
made their quarters. (515 standard words)


Assignment 22

112. Recently, experiences, answered, returns, effect, char¬

acter, cars,I lists, unfriendly, bills, communicate-communica-
tion, strength-strong, thank, yes,|young, among, longing, re¬
ported, particularly, explanation, further, weather, supposed,
nature, gone, accepts, following,| remarks, houses, bringing,
duties, body, words, replied, worlds, Reared, carries, forced,
charged, looked, clearly, ^schools, usually, governs, expected,
fully, surely, numbers, | positions, unquestioned, purchased,
remembered, sending, askedvimmediate-immediately, com¬
mittees, offices, represented, officials, alreadv, future,yvalues,
speaks, weeks, floors, complained, employed,jexpresses, knowl¬
edge, opinions, subjects, prepared, children,/together, yester¬
day, necessary, important-importance, books, company-keep,
real-regard, dear-deal, capital, collects, loved, rather, above.
113. Unit, cue, cute, acute, few, view, human.
114. Toy, oil, toil, soil, annoy, noise, voice, join.

115. Lie, apply, applies, applied, arise, price, tries, Aried,

climb, tie, tire, nice, nicely, nicer, sign, fine, vine, sight, fight,
cry, cries, crime, cried.
116. Ounce, now, cow, scout, mouth, mouse.

117. Reading and Writing Exercise

A Toy Store

Now that the holidays are near, many people start to think
of the toys they will get for boys and girls. Our store has^ a
whole floor for toys and you can buy things that we know
your boy or girl will prize and enjoy playing with.
We have tried^ to get in a supply of fine toys from all over
the world. A few of our cute toys come from Troy and
many dolls" that are almost human come from China. They
cry and make cute noises as though someone were annoying
them. The dolls^ do not weigh more than a few ounces.
You really do not realize what the toy makers can do until
you have® seen our well-supplied store with all these nice
toys. Come in and make your choice now. You will get
excited over the toys® when you view them.
We have tiny toys from France—toys so tiny that they
cause a good deal of eye strain to the human^ being that tries
to put them together.
Our library section, with its many files full of white slips,
is the next* place you should visit. In the library, there are
books of all types, for both boys and girls. We have added
a number® of new books for the boy scouts. Few people
realize what a fine gift a book makes. I have made a vow
to give a*“ few books each year to the boys I know. Come in

and browse a bit in our library. There are fine armchairs

in which you“ can sit and read without the annoyance of
people’s voices. All we ask is that you try to handle the books
with^^ care and not soil them.
We have no books on crime. We know that if boys and
girls get the habit now of reading fine books'^ that habit will
never die and the children will always see to it that they are
supplied with at least a few good*'* books.
Our supply of scout books is complete. We also have here
a supply of scout uniforms. A boy should have a*** scout
uniform when he and his scout friends make a campfire.
In another unit of our store, we have a toy theatre.*** The
puppets talk in a high voice and the children get excited.
You should see their faces shine and you should hear*^ the
showers of applause. We have a white cow that goes over the
moon. One boy enjoyed watching this white cow so much**
that he cried when he was forced to leave. Some children
come twice and even three times and we almost have to drive
them from*** the store.
We have almost every game of which the human brain can
think. There is no question you can make a fine choice.^**
Few stores have so much to show you. You will enjoy the
friendly confusion and the eager, excited faces of^* our
small friends.
Every day at four, in the dining room, we have ice cream
for the children.
Let me guide you through our store.'^^ Only in that way
will you realize what a fine choice you can make.
Toys were meant not only for children but for"** grown¬
ups as well. A man should always have time to play. The
harder a man works, the more time he should take for play.

A^'* fine pastime for the business man is ice skating. After
a hard day’s work at the office, there is nothing^® more satis¬
fying than to pick up your skates and glide over the smooth
ice of some adjoining lake.
Our store has given^® a whole floor to skates. You will be
able to get a pair of skates that will fit you perfectly. We
know our skates^^ will help you enjoy to the fullest your
days of skating on the frozen lake. Skates also make a fine
birthday gift.^* (560 standard words)

Assignment 23

118. Few, fuel, futile, youth, views, units, boil, choice, coil,
moist, dime, files, slice, plow, arouse, rout, brow.
119. Life, line, quite, might, use, power, why, night, find,
light, how-out, right-write, while, behind, point-appoint,
thousand, side, wire, kind, inquire-inquiry, mile, require,
lightly, kindly, rightly, nightly.

120. Reading and Writing Exercise


Thousands of years have gone by since Greece was con¬

sidered a world power. Many have inquired why it was
that these Greeks^ could make such a mark on the world that
we still remember and honor them. The man who studies
Greek history might^ inquire into the doings of these Greeks
and find out why and how they got their power. Perhaps I
should point out that this^ inquiry might easily take a life¬

While we know something of the doings of the Greeks, I

need not point out^ that much truth about these people has
yet to be brought to light. Often people find many objects,
after digging'' for quite a long time, that tell a little of the
early life of the Greeks. They find coins and pins made from
fine metal“ wire as well as many kinds of jewelry. For thou¬
sands of years these things might have been under the earth,
side by side,^ and what a thrill it is to find these things.
While we are not able to say very much about Greek
history, we® know that Troy was an important city. Outside
the city of Troy, there were many miles of high walls. Every
night® the Greeks would retire behind these miles of walls.
A number of men were appointed to be outside the wall each
night^® to watch for the enemy.
History inquires into many things. History tries to find
out why Athens was“ a city of thinkers and people with
great regard for the rights of others, while the people from
other parts oF® Greece were fighters. History tries to find
out why our thought today does not seem to be quite as
high as the thinking^® of the Greeks.
The Greeks ate lightly. One would think that so strong
a race would require much food of the right kind to keep
healthy.*^ Their chief food was black soup.
Greece gave to the world a long line of great men. One
great man to whom any good Greek will*^ point is Socrates.
He was always trying to find that which was right and good.
He believed that a spirit was behind'® him that pointed out
what he should do and how he should do it. He loved knowl¬
edge and asked about the use of almost” everything he saw.
The Greeks were quite happy when at play. The Greeks
were famous for their games. The victors in the'® games did

not receive money but were given an olive wreath, which

was lightly placed on their heads. The victors were honored^^
and thousands of people cheered from every side of the arena
as they passed. The great writers of the day would^” write
poems about the victors and many of the lines they wrote are
quite well known to the school children of today.
The^^ plays of Greece were also famous. Thousands of
people would come from miles and miles, and stay in line,
one behind the other,^^ while waiting their chance to get into
the theater. The plays were given nightly. iThe players wore
light masks that were“ tied on with strong wire. The chorus
that would sing at the beginning and at the end of the plays
was required to be^^ behind the scenes.
The Greeks gave a prize to the man writing a good drama.
The Greeks worked hard to win these prizes. When^® a
drama was produced by the players, the writer would look
on and help as much as he could. Many fine plays that“
these Greeks wrote are still given in our theaters today. I
know you would enjoy seeing these plays as much as the
Greeks^^ did when the plays were first put on. (545 standard

Assignment 24

121. As well as, as great as, I would be able, he should be

able, to obey, as many as, I cannot believe, I have told, I
received, to form, to have, in which, of which, to which, life,
rightly, lightly, thousand, wire, mile.
122. Signs, science, riot prior, diet, via, lion.
123. Piano, mania, serial, create, creation.
124. Theory, genius, tedious, idea, ideal, quiet, new, renew,
amuse, avenue, music, reduce.

125. Dollar, object, strange, trust, mail, address, respect-

respectful-respectfully, arrange-arrangement, consider-consid-
eration, across, opportunity, throughout, advantage, please,
progress, various, enclose, wonder.

126. Reaciing and Writing Exercise


We shall now consider money in its various shapes and

forms. We shall consider it all the way from its early* stages
right up to our present dollar. Please remember that
money played as important a part in the^ history of human
progress as music or art. The men who saw the various
advantages of money and^ created a means with which people
had an opportunity to buy and sell were gifted with genius.
Today^ we have an ideal means in the form of the dollar.
Prior to the use of the dollar, men used strange objects as^
money. I wonder what the mail man would say today if
we enclosed those same objects in our letters when paying*"
a debt. He would have a tedious task before him, carry¬
ing his heavy bag up the avenue and^ delivering the
mail to the various addresses. Wouldn’t it be amusing to
open our morning mail* and find a lion’s skin as payment
for a piano. As the lion’s skin lay stretched out across our
desk, we would® most likely lose five years’ growth.
Throughout the ages, money has had an opportunity to
play a great part. Prior*** to the creation of money, people
had strange ideas and theories about value. They felt that
coins had no** particular value, and they gave them no re¬
spect and placed no trust in them.

Today we have new theories about'^ money. We have

made arrangements to reduce the weight of the various ob¬
jects that we use as money. Throughout^^ the business world,
people take advantage of checks and other papers that have
been created for business men. business man would not
put coins or other forms of cash in a letter. He would sign
his name to a check, put it in^'* an addressed letter and
mail it. If the check is lost, he quietly makes another one.
We think nothing now“ of sending huge sums of money via
the mails. The check is a sign of the great progress man has
made. The science^^ of money has been studied by many
great men.
One advantage of using precious metal as money is that^* it
is hard to get. If, through some wonder of science, the ob¬
jects that represent our money should become easy'® to get,
then we should have to change to something else to repre¬
sent our money. Men have tried for years to arrange some^”
way by which they could create precious metals. It is a tedi¬
ous job, but men with a mania for precious^' metals have
put in renewed effort along these lines.
Please do not consider money as wealth. You may have
wealth in^^ the form of cattle, horses, and other objects.
Money alone has no value if there is no opportunity®® to use
it. We have no respect for the miser who is always on a diet
in order to save dollars.®'
In the days of the Greeks, when metal was used for money,
it was necessary to arrange to carry huge money®'’ chests
from place to place, as there were no checks to take care of
this tedious task. Robbers would often stay in the®® woods
and steal these chests from the coaches as they went across
the country. Thousands of dollars in precious metals, en-

closed^^ in strong chests, were stolen in this way. There were

many riots throughout the country when these stage coaches
carried^® precious metals.
In early times governments had to deal with people who
made money by various means. Some men“ would chip
off bits from the coins. Others would put the coins in a
sack and shake the coins. Then they would pick up the
chips and^“ make them into new coins. The government soon
put an end to this. (611 standard words)

Assignment 25

127. Rock, occur, lock, caution, arrow, slow, fur, drug,

cook, fruit, tools, food, viewed, now, powder, try, type, join,
toil, boy, advantages, pleased, various, opportunities, objected,
trusted, respected.
128. Sun, fun, funny, summer, run, come, begun, lunch
luncheon, lumber, crush, touch, rush, judge, brush, blush,
town, down, brown, drown, crown.
129. Assume, resume, consume, presume, assumption, re¬
sumption, consumption, presumption.

130. Reading and Writing Exercise


In Norway, the sun stays up until ten every night during

the summer. It is no presumption to say that you^ could
easily read a book on the porch of your bungalow up to that
time. As you get near the Arctic region,^ the sun stays up
all night. A part of the sun may be seen all the time. This

would be a funny thing to see and it^ would be fun to live

in such a country in the summer.
Big cakes of ice float about in the sea. These cakes are
so^ big that they could easily crush a ship and drown
everyone on that ship. Tons and tons of ice lie about in
big*^ chunks. You can judge from this that it is hard to
explore these regions and I assume you have heard of the
many deaths® that have been announced.
Many people come to visit this region during the sum¬
mer. They bring their trunks and stay^ to enjoy fishing
for brown trout, as they listen to the rush of water in the icy
There is a touch of® magic about the whole country. A
man can drown his sorrows looking at the huge trees that
will some day be cut down® and made into lumber. Norway
consumes very little lumber and it is safe to assume that most
of it is^® for outside consumption.
The Vikings add a touch of romance to the history of
Norway. They loved to sail the^^ seas in their ships and
had no fear of drowning. They went to France, resumed
their sailing, and then went to Italy. No^® one could harm
them, or run down their ships. At that time, the Vikings
were feared by all the towns that lay by the sea. The
Vikings'® would rush upon the town and steal everything in
sight. Great sums of money were brought back to Norway.
History'^ tells us that their ships touched the shores of this
country in the year 1000. We assume that they made many
trips but'"' we have no record to which we can refer.
Along the shores of the sea we find many fishing and
lumbering'® towns. Millions of fish are caught and con¬
sumed by the people of Norway. Every summer the men

rush out and catch millions*' of herrings. These fish are

salted and dried in the sun. Some are served fresh at lunch¬
eon. These fish are also shipped to** France and other coun¬
tries for consumption.
The visitor in Norway can have a good deal of fun. A
person can*® go skating or skiing at almost any hour of the
day. It is nothing to run from one town to another^® on
skates. If you have a gun, you can go up among the pine
trees and catch some game for luncheon. Some hearty folks
even^* go swimming but they rush from the water soon after
they jump in. After a swim, the people resume their work,'^"
if they have not caught pneumonia!
The ruler of Norway wears a crown. We can assume that
the people of Norway^ live a quiet life and do not try to
put aside their king.
In the summer, you may see the hay drying in the“* valley.
There is a good deal of rushing to get the hay in on time.
As I said, there is a' touch of romance about*'' the whole
country. When the summer is gone, you will not like to
pack your trunk and go home. You will feel that your*®
vacation and fun have only begun. But the boat will not
wait, though, and you must say good-bye to the country in
which** the midnight sun hangs over the sky. (545 standard
Assignment 26

131. Throughout the, to consider, to return, among the,

to correct, to report, send the, you will be able, to like, as
much as, you should be able, upon them, I have read, I
told, with the, I cannot, as well as, I did not, he would not,
to plan, to be.

152. (^) Permit, perform, performance, perhaps, pursue,

persuade, persuaded, (b) Promote, promotion, profession,
promise, proper, approach, provision.
133. Sensible, available, humble, reliable, table, terrible,
valuable, respectable, remarkable, favorable, answerable.
134. Simple, sample, ample, example, scruple, disciple.

135. Reading and Writing Exercise

The Power of a Smile

A smile is like the summer sunshine. Perhaps we have

all felt the truth of that remark. A smile requires so little*
effort, yet it is our most valuable asset. No matter what pro¬
fession you pursue, a proper and^ appropriate smile will help
you win a promotion. I know you have seen many ex¬
amples of this.
We all know* how much we like a man who greets us
with a sunny smile. We immediately feel better for having
met him,^ no matter how humble or respectable he may be.
This feeling remains with us and we pass it on to the** next
man we meet. We have seen the remarkable power of a
smile to crush a terrible anger. We have seen® a smile take
much of the bitterness out of harsh and perhaps ill-chosen
When things annoy us, why do we not^ rise above our
simple feelings and permit a smile to creep across our faces.'*
Perhaps the most reliable® sign of a great man is his power to
refrain from being annoyed by petty things. The simple,
unreliable® man is sure to be annoyed when he is approached

for the smallest favor. A smile should be his most valuable'®

asset but he cannot take this sensible view.
There are people who rarely permit a smile to approach
their” lips. Life seems to have little for them, either in the
way of ample promotion x)r happiness. Misery and'^ trouble
seem to pursue them and they have no time available for
good cheer. If these people would only try to’^ smile at
their troubles, they would find ample time for play.
A smile is always a good risk and one that pays well. It
takes” little persuasion to be convinced that there is profit
in a grin. The sight of a smiling face approaching will''' give
new hope to those who are tired from the strife of the world.
How terrible it would be for all of us if we could'® not
smile properly! We have said nothing thus far of the brave
and noble smile that hides some terrible grievance. Very”
often a man will grin while his real thoughts make him
miserable. A man who can be persuaded to smile when'® he
is down and out is an example of a fine and noble character.
“Smile and the world smiles with you; weep and'® you
weep alone” is a saying that is perhaps known to more people
than any other saying. The world is always®® looking for
sensible, reliable men but no man, no matter how valuable
he may be or how®' much promise he may show, will really
enjoy life properly if he cannot smile and brush away his
The®® power of a smile has made a smooth path for many
great men. (440 standard words)
Dear Sir: I should like to use a few boys in our store for
filing letters. If it is possible, I should like to' get boys who
have some idea of our business. I will need those boys im¬

We wish only the right kind^ of boy to apply. We plan

to promote these boys as soon as there is an opening.
Please write me if you know of* someone for this position.
Yours very sincerely, (69 standard words)
Dear Sir; We have your letter regarding the white signs
which you say you have not yet received. After looking
through our' shipping files, we note that the signs in ques¬
tion were shipped to you on May 18. The signs should have
reached you long before^ this time.
We shall try to find these signs by tracing them from the
shop. If we cannot find them, we shall make up new ones"
for you.
Please write me if you receive them during the coming
week. Yours truly, (73 standard words)

Assignment 27

136. Enclosed, wonders, various, pleases, advantageous,

opportunities, objected, addresses, mails, trusting, stranger,
answers, character, listed, strongly, yes, among, long, efforts,
replies, bringing, remarkable, followed, acceptable, supposed,
explanation, forced, numbers, purchases, fully, clearly, ques¬
tioned, sending, officials, immediate-immediately, valuable,
employer, collectible, necessarily, subjects, situations, courses,
purposes, wanted.
137. Treatment, amusement, excitement, moment, enjoy¬
ment, payment, agreement, apartment, statement, shipment,
appointment, employment.
138. Problem, success, probable, except, stop, accord, per¬
son-personal, regret-regular, confident-confidence, correspond-

correspondence, excel-excellent-excellence, organize-organiza-

tion, perfect-proof, satisfy-satisfactory, bed-bad, cover, serious,

139- Reading and Writing Exercise

The Man on Horseback

How was it that a little person like Napoleon, brought up

on a tiny island off the coast of Italy,' could excel every one
else and direct the affairs of nations.^ There were five sons
in Napoleon’s family" but there is no proof that any of the
other sons met with any particular success in life. We are^
satisfied that while Napoleon was Emperor his treatment of
his family was excellent. He gave them' many appointments,
if we are to believe the statements that occur in his cor¬
Napoleon’s'' family had little money and it was a serious
problem for his folks to send him to school. We regret that®
Napoleon’s life at school was far from a happy one. Ac¬
cording to reports, the boys were cruel in their treatment^ of
Napoleon and he could not stop them. He was a haughty lad
and was confident he could be a success® even though he pos¬
sessed a bad impression of most of the boys in the school.
Napoleon probably got the® most enjoyment out of reading
books about Julius Caesar.
He loved history and science and got amusement'® and
excitement by organizing plans with toy soldiers. People were
in agreement that he did not have any" love for the finer
things of life but he did try to write a book once. Though

it was considered satisfactory/^ it was by no means a work

that a person would read from cover to cover. I am con¬
fident, though, that one can^^ get an excellent knowledge
about Napoleon as a person by reading this book.
As a young man, his manners” were bad and often were
the cause for serious thought on the part of his folks. He
was eager to solve any” and all problems and he asked many
questions even though some were cause for amusement. His
clothing, except for a” new hat that he bought, was badly
mended and the boy had to cover a hole in his shoe with a
regular piece” of paper.
When he was wealthy and success had knocked at his door,
he stopped at nothing to satisfy his desire” for fine garments.
A shipment of fifty new suits which he picked out personally
was quite a usual occurrence,” according to his friends.
As a youth, he received a small appointment in the army
and the confidence with” which he took the appointment was
proof that he was eager to see action. He was far from sat¬
isfied with his lot,^^ as he did not care to obey orders and
take directions. He was far from a perfect soldier and over¬
stayed” his leave many times.
An excellent opportunity came to Napoleon one day and
he took advantage” of it. The French Directory remembered
his fine work and called him to France to stop the enemy
when the” Directory was being seriously attacked. Napoleon
was made leader of the army in Italy.” He immediately
started organizing the troops and did not stop until he was
satisfied that they were” in perfect order.
The manner in which Napoleon escaped harm was re¬
markable. He was probably in” the open more than any

of his soldiers yet, except for a few scratches, he was never

hit by a shell.^*
Napoleon said he was confident he would never get trapped
in Russia, but Russia was the beginning of his^® undoing.
He followed the enemy, which kept falling back before him.
The enemy then set fire to its cities^" so that there was no
food for Napoleon’s army. It was a sad army that came back
to France. Napoleon’s^’ star was slowly setting.
Later he went to Elba, and then to Waterloo. Those were
cruel years for the former’^ Emperor. His jailer watched him
closely. Napoleon was a sick man and he tried to pass the
hours away by^^ writing about his experiences. In 1821, he
died and was buried under a willow tree’’’ near his prison
home. The grave was soon covered with weeds because of
lack of care. (693 standard words)


Assignment 28

140. Human, unit, voice, join, tire, sign, tried, ounce, cow,
lightly, finds, lines, thousands, wires, permit, terrible, treat¬
ment, example, performance.
141. Own, owned, sign, signed, strain, strained, join, joined,
print, land, planned, plenty, apparent, around, refund, sound,
found, sent, front, event, prevent, inventory.
142. Seem, seemed, trim, trimmed, blame, blamed, claim,
claimed, prompt, empty, remedy, framed, ashamed.

143. Reading and Writing Exercise

Dear Sir: I received your letter of May 16 in which you say

that you desire to rent the two vacant lots owned^ by my client,
Mr. Trent. Thank you for your prompt reply.
Mr. Trent was in this city yesterday and it was^ my good
luck to run into him. While we dined, I outlined your plan
and he seemed very much impressed. He was glad that^ you
planned to improve the land by planting a flower bed on it,
as this will not only be an asset to the^ other surroundings but
it will save him the trouble of hunting for a man to cut the
weeds every summer.®
Apparently, though, Mr. Trent cannot complete the deal
alone. I found out that before this land can be rented all®
the papers must be sent to his aunt to be signed. His aunt is
joint owner with Mr. Trent. Mr. Trent is confident,^ though,
that his aunt will give her consent. If you will call at my
office in about a week, I think I shall be® able to tell you if
you may rent this land. Cordially yours, (170 standard words)
Dear Sir: Mr. Bond, the mayor of this town, has recently
signed a five-year lease on a house that I have owned for^
more than six months. The house has been empty for all that
time and I must have it cleaned and painted before he moves
in.® I would be ashamed to rent the house in its present state.
I have been looking around for a man who could do this®
work properly and promptly and your name was suggested. I
wonder if you would consent to take charge of putting* the
house and the grounds in perfect order. As I said, the house
has been vacant for six months, and during this time the®
boys in the surrounding blocks have harmed the grounds a

good deal. Apparently, the parents of these boys had not

trained them'* to stay away from empty houses.
I made an inventory of the things that I will have to buy
before Mr.^ Bond moves in, and I found that there were only
three or four things that had to be bought. If Mr. Bond is
well* satisfied, he may consider buying the house.
I have outlined everything that will have to be taken care
of. First,® there is a hole in the roof. The other night it
rained violently. The water came right through the roof and
almost^® ruined the ceiling in the bedroom. This situation will
have to be remedied before we do anything else.“ Then the
whole house should be painted with a good brand of paint.
If you consent to take this job, please write me immediately.^^
I should like the work to be started on Monday, if possible.
Although there is plenty of time, it is** important that these
repairs be completed before winter sets in. Cordially yours,
(275 standard words)
Dear Madam: At a meeting in February, we planned to put
on a three-day sale of ladies’ garments. We have* picked
November as the month of the sale.
If you need a winter coat or a new dress, come to our store—
we know you* will find something that will suit both your
fancy and your purse.
We have never had a finer lot of coats at such low* prices.
We have about fifty fur coats representing the season’s most
stylish models. If you dreamed of possessing* such a fine fur
coat this winter, come in and see what we have to show you.
Our line of dresses is complete. We'’ have printed a book
showing this year’s styles. The style book is on its way to you
and should reach you soon. When it comes, open'’ it to page

12 and examine the model shown there. This model was

planned by a man who for ten years designed^ dresses in well-
known dress shops of France.
Visit our store and look at the many fine garments we have
here. Yours truly,® (160 standard words)

Assignment 29

144. Problem, stop, person-personal, direct, regret-regular,

cover, serious, I will not, I may have, 1 wish, on this, under the,
that it is, to give, you have not, 1 should be, as well as, we feel,
to sell.
145. Fail, failed, field, filed, old, gold, child, held, sold,
146. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December.
147. Entire, copy, stock, stand, allow, draft, refer-reference,
remit-remittance, suggest-suggestion, individual, attention,
acknowledge, receipt, unable, enable, invoice, industry, oblige.

148. Reading and Writing Exercise

A Birthday Party

On Sunday, December 25, Mary would be eight years old.

Her parents were not rich, but they owned a good house.^ Her
Dad was an important individual in the lumber industry, and
lumber dealers would always pay^ attention to his suggestions.
Mary was an only child and was a little spoiled, but she held

a profound respect^ for her parents and always yielded to their

wishes. As Mary would be eight years old soon, her parents
were going"* to give her a party.
This appealed to Mary and she immediately started to form
a list of the friends® she would ask. Mary made a rough draft,
but had to acknowledge that she was unable to put all her
friends on the® list and she could not stand leaving any of
them off.
Mary was obliged to take a copy of her list to her^ aunt and
ask her what she should do. Her aunt suggested that she ask
all the children who did not have a happy home,® as they
would enjoy it most. Mary was sold on this idea and on Mon¬
day she made a list and sent a note to® each of the names on
that list.
Mary said she did not want any presents but instead she
wanted to purchase presents*® for her guests. Her parents
enabled her to carry out this plan and gave her the necessary
money. She** was allowed to buy all the presents. She remitted
promptly and received a receipt in return.
The party was*® to be held at six in the evening. The morn¬
ing was cold and the afternoon was even colder, but when the
time*® came the entire list was represented and everyone filed
merrily into Mary’s house.
At first all of them** seemed embarrassed, but Mary treated
them so well that soon every individual was entirely at his
The guests filed into the dining room and were allowed to
eat all they could. After everyone had dined, the doors of*®
the front parlor were thrown open and standing in the middle
of the room was a big tree covered with lights. On the*^ top
of the tree a gold star was fastened. A big bag of presents was

pulled out from under the tree. The guests were'® unable to
thank Mary enough for her kindness. (368 standard words)
Dear Sir: Enclosed you will find copies of our invoices for
March, April, May, and June. As you have not acknowledged'
receipt of these invoices or the many letters we sent you, we
assume you failed to receive them or else did® not pay any
attention to them.
If it is impossible for you to send us a remittance immedi¬
ately® to cover these invoices,»please oblige us by signing a note
and mailing it today. If we do not' receive this note, we shall
have to refer this account to the man who has charge of collec¬
tions. Sincerely yours, (99 standard words)
Dear Sir: Thank you for your remittance by draft for $98.75
in payment of your' September and October invoices. We
regret we are unable to fill your entire order at this time.® We
do not have in stock several of the individual parts for the
machinery, but the factory® has promised to supply us, either
on Thursday or Friday, with all the necessary parts.
I have referred your' letter of July 1 to the factory, and I
know that will spur them on to give immediate attention® to
this order.
Thank you again for remitting so promptly. The prompt
settlement has enabled us to take care® of our own obligations.
Yours truly, (127 standard words)
Dear Sir: The book on marketing mentioned in your letter
of August 8 was sent to you on June 16. We' cannot explain
why you have failed to receive it. We are mailing you another
copy of the book immediately.® We are taking no chances on
having the book go astray this time and we are sending it
by® registered mail.
With the book you will also find a copy of the book on sell-

1 ing that we are publishing in^ September. We know you will

j enjoy reading it. Please accept it with our compliments. Yours
j truly, (96 standard words)

Assignment 30

I 149. Entirely, stocks, allowable, referred, suggestions, ac¬

knowledgment, enables, invoices, probably, organized, director,
j seriously, appointment, arrangements, objected, considers, ad¬
dresses, enclosure, wonders, advantages.
! 150. (fl) Gentle, genteel, regent, pageant, legend, (b)
I Opened, happened, expend, ripened, cheapened, carpenter.
151. (a) Native, captive, motive, positive, sensitive, (b)
\ Defy, define, defeat, defend, defer, defraud, (c) Divide, di-
i vision, devise, devote, devoted, endeavor.
152. Gentlemen, Dear Mr., Messrs., Yours sincerely, sincerely
yours, very sincerely, yours very sincerely, yours respectfully,
respectfully yours, cordially yours, yours cordially.

153. Reading and Writing Exercise

John Smith and the New World

John Smith was a native of the British Isles. When he was

fifteen his one desire was to devote his life to the^ sea. He ran
away from home, wandered about the world and had many
narrow escapes and more than once was saved from* impend¬
ing death. Finally, while defending his country against the
Turks, he was taken captive and sold as a* slave. His owner
was far from gentle with him, and one day Smith killed the
man and escaped.

He happened to reach home at^ the very time that parties

were being formed to go to the New World. Smith was al¬
ways looking for something exciting,® and he eagerly joined a
group that was leaving in December, 1606.
The colony was® made up of men unfitted for the work
before them. Most of them were of gentle birth and had never
completed^ a day’s work in their lives. Their motive for com¬
ing was to find gold and other valuables and then return
home.® There was no carpenter or skilled laborer among them.
Smith endeavored to find a spot on which to settle that®
would be easy to defend against the Indians. He was positive
his people would have trouble with the natives.*" He spent
many days in this work. He was the only leader with any
initiative in the group. Most of** the men deferred to his
judgment. Several of them, though, endeavored to seize the
only ship and return home. Smith*® spent every effort to pre¬
vent them from doing this. When he opened fire on them,
they gave up. One day Smith was*® made a captive by the
Indians. He devised many ways of amusing them and they
treated him kindly. Smith** found out that the natives wanted
him to be their leader and form a plan by which the Indians
could break through the*® defense of the white colony. When
he defied them they placed his head on a block and were going
to kill him, pending*® the word of the chief. At this moment
the chief’s daughter rushed to the prisoner, threw her arms
around his neck and begged for his life. History does not give
her motive for doing this.
The little girl, who was about twelve years old** at that time,
was always a friend of the white people after this and some
years later she married a white*® settler.

One year the food supply was very low and Smith found it
necessary to ask the help of the Indians.*® But the natives re¬
membered how the white people defrauded them and laid a
plot to kill Smith and his men.®® This plot was defeated by
Smith, who seized the chief, held a pistol to his head and said,
“Grain or your life.” We are told that®* they got grain and
plenty of it.
Smith now set the men to work. Dividing them into two
groups he set one division®® to work planting grain and the
other division cutting lumber. Many tried to escape the labor,
but Smith®® threatened that if they did not work they would
not eat—and all of them worked! (472 standard words)
Dear Mr. Brown: The carpenter in charge of repairing the
woodwork in our building tells me that the metal* in your
nails has been cheapened. He opened a keg of the nails and
found hundreds of rusty ones. He divided the® good ones
from the bad and is returning to you those which are not fit
for use. He says that this happened once before® and that if
it occurs again he will ask me to place the order with another
I realize^ that once in a great while every organization will
make an error, but when errors occur so often I® think you
should start putting your house in order. Cordially yours, (110
standard words)

Assignment 31

154. Signed, strained, rent, refund, blind, apparent, seemed,

trimmed, blamed, remedy, framed, seriously, directly, regret¬
ted, successes, organized, badly.

155. Move, agent, spirit, credit, appear, beauty, differ-differ-

ent-difiference, approximate, deliver-delivery, instant-instance,
response-responsible, rule-railway, quality, definite, tomorrow,
influence, mistake-mistaken, altogether.

156. Reading and Writing Exercise

Robin Hood and His Merry Men

Robin Hood was a mere lad when he was fascinated by the

beauty of the woods. He influenced others to^ join him until
his devoted followers numbered over 120. They defied the
laws of the^ country and robbed those who passed their way.
The sheriff and his men tried many different ways to catch
Robin Hood and^ deliver him to the county jail, but their
plans always met with defeat.
Robin seemed to have his agents in all^ parts of the country,
for it appears that he knew of everything that was going on.
Although he was a bandit,'’ we must credit him with many
fine qualities. One of his fine qualities, for instance, was shown
by his rule that® no women should ever be harmed.
Robin married a girl who possessed not only great beauty
but a strong character^ as well. They lived very happily. I
think it is safe to say that their happiness had a great influence*
on bringing about the wedding of Alan and Ellen, two staunch
followers of Robin.
As the days went on, the® king’s spirits grew lower and low¬
er because he thought Robin would never be caught. He called
in one of his agents'® and said, “Tomorrow you leave with
fifty men. If you move cautiously, you should be able to catch
this fellow and" deliver him to the sheriff.” The king was
mistaken. Even though the agent moved cautiously, he could

not outwit'^ Robin, who took definite steps against having

anything like this happen. Later Robin set the agent'^ and
his men free on the promise that they would be responsible for
paying a definite sum of money each*^ year, which was to be
divided among Robin and his merry men.
Several weeks later, Robin heard that the^'' bishop was com¬
ing. His men dressed as sheep herders and camped at the edge
of the woods. While waiting, they roasted a duck.'® As the
duck was roasting, the bishop came along, and being very hun¬
gry, he ordered his men to seize the meat,” which happened
to be of fine quality. In an instant Robin blew his trumpet and
got his men together. The'® bishop was indeed amazed when
he was taken prisoner. He, too, was released on his definite
promise to'® deliver to Robin a huge sum of money.
Some years later the ruler of the country pardoned Robin
and®” his men and asked them to spend their remaining days
with him. They stayed for a while but were not altogether
happy®'—they longed for the great outdoors. One by one the
men ran away and returned to the woods. Robin, too, lived
his final®® days in the woods that he loved so well. (446 stand¬
ard words)
Dear Sir: In response to your recent letter of April 16, I
think it is altogether apparent that' the agent in question has
not been fair with the creditors. He gave a definite promise to
deliver the® goods approximately February 3. Not only did he
fail to deliver the goods, but he was indifferent® to the appeals
of his creditors in failing to respond to their inquiries.
Fairness is a quality' that seems entirely lacking in the char¬
acter of this agent. He does not have the qualities one should®
possess in so responsible a position. I think it is a mistake to let
him have our business.

It is my® thought that he should be removed by the railway

company and a responsible agent put in his place. I shall^
use my influence to bring this about. Yours truly, (149 stand¬
ard words)
Gentlemen: I am glad that your frank letter of August 3
gives me an opportunity to explain our charge^ of $7.50 for
the cut made for your ad in the July issue of the “Industrial^
Upon receiving your letter, we immediately checked our rec¬
ords and found that $7.50® was the price of the cut to our firm.
As we wrote you on June 17, we are willing to have our^
clients supply us with their own cuts. We supply cuts when
our clients ask us to, but we make no profit on this® end of
our business.
Many of our friends want us to supply the cuts because it
saves time and trouble. They also® find that their ad presents
a better appearance when the cuts are made by our engravers,
who have had years oF experience in this type of work.
We do hope that the appearance of your ad pleased you and
that you will write me® again when I may help you in any
way. Cordially yours, (170 standard words)

Assignment 32

157. Allowed, industries, obligation, individually, copies, en¬

tirely, stands, attention, receipts, stopping, personally, accord¬
ing, problems, covered, shipment, trusted, considered, pleased,
returning, answerable, recently, character, carries, numbered,
purchaser, remembered, surely, government.
158. (a) Beneath, betray, below, begin, began, belong, (b)

Debate, depress, depression, depart, depend, deceit, decision.

(c) Displace, disgrace, dispatch, discover, discredit, (d) Mis¬
place, mishap, misgovern, misprint, (e) Repair, resign, resume,
review, replace, revise, reform.
159-1 had, they had, we had, she had, he had, you had, who

160. Reading and Writing Exercise

Dear Mr. Lee: In July, when I left for Maine, I had not
planned to resume my duties as department head in' your
organization. When I resigned at that time it was my impres¬
sion that I would be replaced by the man^ who had worked
with me from the day I displaced Mr. Jones. As you know,
Mr. Jones was dismissed because of the disgrace^ he brought
to the company.
I was so amazed to find Mr. Jones back at his old post that
I have reconsidered' my decision to resign and plan to be at
my old desk on Wednesday morning.
I cannot yet see why® this man who betrayed his company
should be given this responsible position. The success of the
company® depends very much upon the way this department
is handled, and if we had Mr. Jones as the head, we' might
get into trouble.
My first problem on Wednesday will be to review without
delay all the revisions that® were made in prices. As you know,
the prices were changed without debate when the depression
came, but I think many® decreases may be made. Yours truly,
(186 standard words)
Dear Sir: The printer was depressed—he had misplaced

some copy which had to be set in type that very day in o.rder^
to get into the evening paper. He was in a miserable state,
and well he might be! Because he mislaid^ the copy, an impor¬
tant ad was omitted from the evening papers, which meant
that his employers would^ have to stand a loss of thousands
of dollars.
In all fairness, though, we cannot place all the blame on this
printer. Some^ of it must go to the fellows who write the copy.
If they had sent the copy in a week before it was due'* instead
of mailing it on the final day, this mishap could have been
prevented. If the printer is given a® little time, he can discover
many errors and correct misprints so that when the job,is
finished it is correct^ in every detail. Besides, he will be able to
send you a proof so that you can make any changes® you like.
I know we can depend on you to get your December copy in
without delay. Sincerely yours, (179 standard words)
Dear Sir: I cannot refrain from writing you what a fine im¬
pression your display made. I am glad you replaced the^ old
display, as most of the men with whom I had spoken disliked
it. I realize that it is unreasonable® to expect you to arrange a
display that will please everyone, but your first display was
far from perfect.
I® notice you discharged the young lady who had charge of
the correspondence. She had not made such a good impression^
on any of the men for whom she worked and I think you did
the right thing. If you have not yet replaced the young lady®
perhaps I may be able to help you get someone who will be an
asset to you. I have three girls in my® office who are fine work¬
ers, but I find that I shall have to let one go. She is a hard
worker and perhaps you^ might care to talk to her. She would

be a great help in your department. Cordially yours, (155

standard words)
Dear Sir: Owing to your unreasonable delay in reaching a
decision, we had to refer several' complaints to the railroad
company. If you had made your decision sooner, we could
have taken care of these complaints^ right here in the office.
The railroad company states that it cannot grant a refund for
the goods that were mislaid^ on the train nor can it replace the
goods that were stolen at the depot.
Much as I dislike the railroad' company’s decision, I think
its action is very fair. In most instances, the railroad com¬
pany can be'' depended upon to review any complaints and
differences and settle them with dispatch. When the com¬
pany® discovers an error, it is always willing to repair it.
If possible, I should like to keep these complaints' from
the railroad company. We can do this if you will make your
decisions promptly. All you need to do is sign® your name
below mine on each letter as it comes to you. Yours very truly,
(169 standard words)

Assignment 33

l6l.I will be able, you will be able, he would be able, I

should be able, to be able, has been able, I may be able, he re¬
ceived, I told you, upon the, several times, they received, I
believe, 1 cannot believe, for the, if you would, there will be, I
have not been, if you will, I have given, for them, to be, to
plan, to blame, to feel, to find, to form, from the, about the,
in which, and which, I would like, very much, to the, to them,
he did not, I would not, you could, into this, into that, has
been, as well as, as low as, as great as, to like, to which.

162. Was not, it was not, I was not, he was not, he wasn’t,
there was not, it is not, is not, he is not, which is not.
163. Record, advertise, previous, occasion, quantity, hun¬
dred, improve-improvement, acquaint-acquaintance, neverthe-
less-envelope, insure-insurance, educate-education, difficult-
difficulty, newspaper-inspect, sufficient, merchandise, determine,
pleasure, catalogue.

164. Reading and Writing Exercise

The Story of Printing

Did you ever stop to think that there was a time when there
were no printed books, newspapers, and catalogues.'* It is^ dif¬
ficult to realize that hundreds of years back there were no
newspapers in which a man could advertise his^ merchandise.
There were no books from which he could get ideas and im¬
prove his knowledge of many subjects.
Business today* could hardly be carried on if the printing
press had not been invented. Our whole educational system^
is based upon the printed page and it is difficult to determine
how schools would get along without a* sufficient quantity of
Think back for a minute over the ages previous to the inven¬
tion of the® printing press. Writing in some form is almost as
old as the human race, but the various means of recording’^
thoughts and ideas before the printing press were very crude.
The first writing of which we have any knowledge is® picture
writing. With picture writing, though, it was difficult to record
quickly and completely the thoughts of the people.®
The next stage was the representation of sounds by different

symbols. This was an improvement, but it was^“ not altogether

satisfactory because of the difficulty of keeping records. During
the Middle” Ages, a genius invented the quill pen. He ac¬
quainted the public with the fine qualities of the pen as” a
writing tool and sold hundreds of them. He pointed out that
it was a pleasure to write with the new pen and by” taking
advantage of all the advertising media with which he was
acquainted, he soon collected a” mint of money.
Whole books were copied with this quill pen during the
Middle Ages. On many occasions an author” had to copy his
entire book word by word with this quill pen and I think it is
safe to say that it was not” a very enjoyable task. Nevertheless,
some authors in the Middle Ages wrote as many as ten or”
twelve books.
The coming of the printing press made many changes. Al¬
most all books and newspapers which we have today” are
printed from type of some kind. Yet the first printing from
movable type took place hundreds of years back. The print¬
ing” in the early days was hot always perfect, but it improved
year by year.
A man in Europe is given credit^" for inventing the art of
printing. The first type he used was made of wood. He was
not long in discovering that^‘ wood was not satisfactory, but
he was a man who knew no defeat. Next he tried carving
type out of metal.^^ Even the printing from this metal type
was not very clear, but it was still another improvement in the
art“ of printing. This man had the spirit of a winner and he
had a definite influence on future progress^^ in this field. An¬
other difficulty was conquered when a man printed a catalogue
from type made of melted” lead. (501 standard words)
Dear Sir: Yesterday your new agent called to see me. As

I was not at home, he left an envelope with a' catalogue and

some advertising matter. If you would be good enough to ask
this new agent to call again, should like to get acquainted
with him. It is always a pleasure to talk to a man representing
your company.^
I already carry hundreds of dollars’ worth of insurance, but
one can never determine whether even^ that much is sufficient.
Up until a year ago, I was not insured at all. I soon realized,
though, that U was not doing the right thing. Very truly yours,
(108 standard words)
Dear Sir: Thanks for your fine order of February 18. As
this is the first occasion you have had to order^ a quantity of
our merchandise, we wish to point out to you how quickly the
goods are shipped.
We receive hundreds^ of orders like yours and each one is
given immediate attention—each order is shipped the same day
that^ it is received. It is not our plan to hold shipments and
whenever the occasion arises we hire more men to^ take care
of the business.
I am going to be in your section of the city on April 16. I
wonder^ if you would be good enough to have luncheon with
me on that day. I shall call you on the telephone and make®
any arrangements that have to be made. Yours truly, (129
standard words)

Assignment 34

165. Debts, favorable, depart, matters, wanted, called, gen¬

erally, descend, carried, charged, looking, explanation, reporter,

thanks, requires, objection, satisfies, according, perfection, copy¬

ing, approximate, dissatisfied, industrial, credited, removed,
advantages, decided, remarks.
166. (a) Sudden, deny, dinner, evidence, hidden, condense,
widen, (b) Tender, tendency, written, threaten, bulletin,
straighten, captain, fountain, maintain, contain, obtain, retain,
detain, attain, continue, continued, continues, continuous.
167. faj Random, freedom, kingdom, seldom, academy.
(b) Estimate, victim, temple, temporary, attempt, item.
168. To me, to my, to meet, to mean, to know, to make, it
must be, it may be, at any, at any time, in due time, in due
course, what to do, to draw.

169* Reading and Writing Exercise

A Friendly Visit

1 had not seen Captain Temple for many years. I had

written him many times, but he had never written to* me.
I seldom had occasion to look into the mail box because the
maid I hired temporarily always^ emptied the box, but today
I happened to glance into the box, and there I saw what ap¬
peared to be a* bulletin hidden at the bottom of the box. It
was not a bulletin—it was a letter to me from Captain* Tem¬
ple! In it he asked me to spend several days with him.
As the Captain was a good friend of mine, I started'' imme¬
diately to make arrangements to obtain my freedom from tbe
office for a week. I estimated® that it took me three hours to
straighten out my affairs, although I almost lost my temper
when several people' attempted to detain me.
The distance to my friend’s home was great, and I did not

know what to do with my time while® on the train. After din¬

ner, I continued looking for news items that were of any im¬
portance. On the train® I met a little maiden in a blue cotton
costume. I discovered that this little girl was bound for an^®
academy in a distant city. I pondered over the wisdom of send¬
ing this little girl all alone, without^^ any one to meet her at
the end of her trip. At any time she might be the victim of
some mishap.
The train finally got to my town. All of a sudden a timid
man stepped up to me and said the Captain had sent^® him to
meet me. This little man was a close friend of the Captain and
was in continuous attendance at the*^ Captain’s residence.
My heart missed a beat when I saw again the tender face of
the Captain and I will not deny^® that a tear rolled down my
cheek. The Captain at once made me feel at home. He took
me around his little kingdom^® and showed me the tennis
courts, the fountain in his back yard, and the mountains be¬
yond. It must be heaven living near^^ these mountains all
year round.
The Captain had made a trip to every continent of the globe
and he loved to tell of*® the dangers through which he had
gone. The Captain’s tales were hair-raising, even though he
told them in condensed form.
My*® temporary stay was soon over and I had to leave. My
esteem for the Captain has increased greatly and I am®® already
making plans for another visit next autumn. It is a great pity
that good friends should be obliged®* to live so far apart. (424
standard words)
®ear Madam; Enclosed you will find our new bulletin,
which came off the press yesterday. The bulletin contains an*
itemized list of the autumn costumes that may be obtained

here. Every sentence o£ the bulletin gives^ evidence of our

intense desire to be of help in any way we can.
Come in tonight or at any time and^ inspect these costumes.
Perhaps you may be able to make suggestions that will make
these costumes more desirable.^
May we see you soon ? Yours truly, (85 standard words)
Dear Sir: You may remember that about a year ago we
sent you a bulletin telling you about our^ durable bags selling
for $19.50. The bags have been selling right along, but we now
find it^ necessary to clear out the entire stock of this model,
and therefore we are selling the few remaining bags^ for less
than half the price mentioned above.
As we have only a few of these bags left and as this notice
is going^ to thousands of our friends, those who delay sending
in their order may be too late. Act quickly!
The enclosed® bulletin will give you an idea of what this bag
looks like. Yours truly, (113 standard words)

Assignment 35

170. Ready, reader, readers, leader, leaders, many, manner,

manners, any, near, nears, day, dare, dares, tea, tear, tears, me,
mere, she, sheer.
171. I do not, I do not see, I do not know, I do not believe,
we do not, we do not believe, they do not, they do not know,
you do not, you do not know.
172. I don’t, we don’t, they don’t, I don’t believe, I don’t
know, we don’t know.
173. Abstract, accommodation, accompany, administration,
affidavit, afraid, American, application, approval, architect,
argument, assist, Atlantic, attach, attqrney, attract, authorita¬
tive, automobile, avoid, bankrupt, bookkeeper, bureau.

174. Reading and Writing Exercise

A Sacrifice

Bob and Nell were twins. I do not believe that one ever tried
to do anything without the approval of the' other. They were
very much attached and assisted each other whenever they
All through their school life they maintained^ this tender
regard for each other. I do not think I ever saw Bob that he
was not accompanied by® his sister.
In due course these children finished high school. Nell went
to an American academy to complete' her education. Bob was
not sure whether he would become an architect or an attorney
as he was® attracted by both professions. I am afraid that if
Bob had not written a letter every day to his sister,® she would
have been greatly annoyed. Bob wrote how the school ad¬
ministration had urged him to take up bookkeeping' and
how he finally made an application for the course. I do not
know whether this bookkeeping course appealed® to Bob very
much, but he was not able to avoid it.
All went well for the first year. Suddenly, in the® autumn
of the second year, both parents were killed in an automobile
crash. This meant that one or the other must'® discontinue
school, as there was not enough money for both of them to go
on. I do not believe I would know" what to do in this situa¬
tion, but Nell decided at once that her brother’s education came
first, and after'® considerable argument she persuaded him to
continue his studies. Nell was glad to make this'® accommo¬
dation even though anyone could see that she was sorry to
have to leave school.

She kept Bob happy and'^ helped him with his studies. He
talked over with her his most intimate plans and if she did not
agree with him he*® dropped them at once.
Had Nell given up too much when she left school after her
parents had that automobile crash while*® driving near the
shores of the Atlantic.? I do not think so. I spoke to many of
her friends about this and they** did not think so.
Bob soon got to be a fine attorney and could speak authorita¬
tively on matters having*® to do with abstracts and affidavits.
He had charge of a bureau that dealt with bankrupt organiza¬
tions*® and there was no one with a broader knowledge of
law than he.
Bob always remembered what his sister had done for him®®
and he took care of her for many years, until he saw her
happily married to an attorney friend of his.®* (420 standard
Dear Madam: The abstract promised to me by my attorney
accompanies this letter. I' am sending it to* you for your
approval. I realize that this abstract ought to have been
mailed sooner but the delay could not be® avoided. You will
notice that the abstract is in affidavit form.
I am afraid that the American® Bureau on Marketing will
not give its approval to the contents of this abstract, and
therefore the administration* of our organization has decided
to send it to you and ask for suggestions. It may be that® by
changing a clause or two the Bureau may accept it.
I do not know what we shall do if the Bureau finally® de¬
cides to withhold its approval.
I know we can count on help from every member of our
organization,* all the way from the bookkeeper to the man

in charge of the entire department. Very truly yours, (158

standard words)
Dear Sir: Thank you for writing me so promptly about
your class at the college. I had hoped to visit you on Mon¬
day,^ but I have been sent on the road, and therefore I will
not be able to see you for more than a month.
Under^ another cover I am mailing you several books that
I should have liked to present to you personally,^ but as I
shall not see you this will not be possible. A copy of each
of these books should be in the hands oT your boys and girls.
I know they will enjoy the humorous way in which the sub¬
ject is handled.
Very often a® dull subject can be made humorous by a
proper treatment of the subject matter. You will notice how
well written* these two books are, how they avoid monotony,
and make the reader want to read more and more.
I should like you^ to send me your reaction to these books.
As I am not going to be in the office for a time, please write
me® at my hotel. Sincerely yours, (165 standard words)

Assignment 36

175. Automobiles, avoid, attract, bureaus, attorneys, ac¬

commodations, assists, approval, application, Atlantic, Ameri¬
can, unafraid, bookkeeper, records, improvements, undeliv¬
ered, approximately, disappear, credited, indirectly, uncovered,
industrial, disadvantage, required, answering, reports, value¬
less, carried, unemployed, asked, opinions.
176. Earn, burn, burner, cheer, cheered, shared, germ, shirt,

charter, barn, bird, period.


177. Art, cart, guard, garden, smart, lard, alert, flirt, merit,
178. Conceit, concert, deceit, desert, siege, serge, insert, in¬
sertion, assert, assertion, research, absurd, concern, third, thirty,
179. Large, larger, march, margin, argue, (b) Turn,
term, serve, reserve, deserve, preserve, servant, verse, re¬
verse, converse, learn, certain, firm, confirm, (c) Corner,
born, court, cord, board, boarder, indorse, source, sort, warm,
warn, worry, worth, worthy, worst.

180. Reading and Writing Exercise

Molly Pitcher

Molly Pitcher was a smart and alert little girl who served
bravely in the war of 1776.' She was born on a large farm and
spent part of her life on a'farm. Every day she could be seen
wheeling a little^ cart in her flower garden or making nests
for the birds that made their home in the barn.
When Molly was sixteen,'* she took a position as servant
to an army general. She learned quickly and it never took
her a long* period of time to absorb anything that was told
to her. Molly varnished the surfaces of tables and® repaired
chairs. Her cooking was a source of delight to the reserve
officers and she deserved their high praise.
Molly’s® expert cooking and her charming manner brought
many suitors for her hand and one day she married a young
man by^ the name of John Hays. Molly and John shared
their joys and sorrows for quite a long period of time, but

then the war* broke out and John wanted to serve his coun¬
try. He and Molly would often converse about the war and
he was surprised* to learn how much Molly knew about cer¬
tain phases of army tactics. Suddenly an urgent call came
for^“ John to leave. Molly cheered him and sent him off in
search of his general.
A month passed until one morning she received^^ a message
to return to her own people on the farm. She did this gladly,
as John was a gunner in the'* reserve of soldiers that was
placed there. She saw her brave gunner many times and was
allowed to search for him at the'* scene of the battle.
One afternoon the thermometer reached 90. In this heat
a great battle started and John'^ turned to the cannon he was
to handle and got ready. Because of the heat, Molly marched
to the battle front with'’’ buckets of water for the soldiers.
Each time she appeared the soldiers would cry for joy, “Here
comes Molly and her pitcher.”'® Soon they changed that to
“Here comes Molly Pitcher,” and that name remained for
thirty years after.
Suddenly the warm" sun caused John to faint—the burden
was too much for him. Molly surveyed the situation, ordered
two men to place'* John under a large shady tree, and argued
the general into letting her serve in John’s place. At first
the'* general was firm, but Molly finally convinced him that
she could handle the gun.
Bravely she picked up the rammer,** fired with all the nerve
of an expert gunner. For hours Molly guarded the gun
until the enemy was driven*' back. The general warmly
thanked Molly for her worthy deeds and from that day on she
was known as “Captain Molly,”** the little maid who carried
water to the fighting soldiers. (450 standard words)

Dear Sir: I was glad to get your inquiry of January 12

in which you express a desire to study* drawing. We are
starting a new term next month, and therefore your inquiry
came at the right time. An individual’s^ progress in our school
is limited only by his own merit. You can finish the course
in one year if you care^ to work hard enough.
When you finish our course, we don’t expect to be able to
place you in a job that will pay* $75 a week. I would not
be telling you the truth if I told you that you could go out
tomorrow'’ and get a position as the head of some art divi¬
sion because you took our course. You couldn’t do it. P
am telling you the truth, though, when I say that you will be
equipped for a responsible position when you leave* us.
If you really like to draw, it is not fair to let your talent
die out while others who have taken advantage* of their
talents are holding fine positions that you might hold.
Mr. Brown, who has charge of the art work in this® school,
has written a book on the achievements of our friends. Many
are holding responsible positions that pay*® a fine salary. I
am sending you a copy of the book. Please read about these
men and women who have been** successful in a field that
seems to appeal to you. Cordially yours, (232 standard

Assignment 37

181. Sudden, dinner, widen, written, bulletin, straighten,

kingdom, freedom, estimate, temple, item, attempt, guard,
guarantee, merit, period, large, indorse.
182. Western, eastern, attorney, eternal, fraternity, pattern,

183. Neither, gather, mother, brother, weather, bother,

leather, hitherto.
184. Christmas, citizen, civil, clerk, commerce, commercial,
compare, comparative, consequent-consequence, conclude,
conclusion, congress, connect, conspicuous, constitution, con¬

185. Reading and Writing Exercise

Dear Robert: Yesterday I had a conversation with the clerk

in the office and he tells me that we shall have^ three days for
our Christmas holidays. Because of this I cannot make that
journey north with you. I am going to^ visit my mother and
father. One of my fraternity friends has a big modern car
and has promised to drive^ me home.
In May I came to the conclusion that I should like a civil
service appointment, and consequently^ I studied for the posi¬
tion of clerk of the court. Before an appointment is made
a candidate must prove that® he is a citizen, but I had no
difficulty in that regard.
I have been going to night school every® night and I am be¬
coming quite an expert in commercial subjects. I am now
studying the commerce of the^ eastern and western parts of
this country. Congress has recently passed several laws that
will have an important® bearing on the commerce of these
Somehow it is difficult to connect Christmas with the com¬
paratively® warm weather we are having here. I had hoped
that we would have a white Christmas, with snow covering
the streets.
In^® conclusion, let me wish you a very Merry Christmas.

Cordially yours, (212 standard words)

Dear Martin: We all missed you on Christmas. There was
a terrible blizzard here the night before and we enjoyed the'
white Christmas of which you wrote. The snow storm did not
compare with the one we had once before, but there was
plenty oP snow on the ground.
You were the chief subject of our conversation. We were
all pleased to learn that you had been appointed^ clerk of
the court. You deserve every success and I know you will
handle the position well.
My brother was' among those who gathered around the
dinner table on Christmas and he said that the wages he
was getting did* not compare favorably with those received
by civil service employees. He was seriously thinking oP
turning to civil service work.
Dick is getting to be an expert writer of verse. You may
remember at one^ time he was thinking of studying to become
a teacher of history. He knew a good deal about the* Con¬
stitution and was well fitted for the job. He decided, though,
that he would rather write poetry than teach. Dick* has
been conspicuous at the meetings of the Writers’ League and
was picked to head the organization.
Write me'® when you will have another vacation and I
can guarantee you a warm welcome. The boys want me to
wish you" a Happy New Year. Sincerely, (225 standard
Dear Mr. Wilson: We received an order from the Brown
Company for several carloads of leather. We are' sending
this order to you today, but please do not ship them any more
leather until you hear from us. We have* not yet received
a remittance from them for the goods shipped on October 30.

We learned today from a^ reliable source that the firm is

bordering on bankruptcy and that its eastern mills are not
I was surprised^ to learn of this because all their machinery
is modern and they did business with many large organiza¬
tions'" in this country. We have been selling them a large
assortment of goods for a period of eight or nine® years and
our dealings with them have been very satisfactory. Still,
this doesn’t warrant our selling them now iF payment cannot
be guaranteed. We are very much concerned about this and
will write you again. Yours truly, (159 standard words)
Gentlemen: I have made several comparative statements of
the commercial affairs of our company. Before^ I made these
comparative statements I had a conversation with two mem¬
bers of Congress and several^ attorneys.
I have come to the conclusion lhat I should file these com¬
parative statements with the clerk and have them® considered
immediately. I think this is possible under the Constitution
of our country. Yours truly,'* (81 standard words)
Dear Sir: I am glad to give you my opinion of James Barnes.
The young man has been in our employ for eighteen months*
as manager of the sporting goods branch of our store. He
has attended faithfully to his duties and has shown® himself
prompt and courteous. We are sorry to lose his services.
Yours truly, (54 standard words)

Assignment 38

186. Citizens, clerks, compares, commerce, approval, avoid,

conclusions. Congress, Constitution, attorney, afraid, argu-

ments, attract, consequences, connects, Christmas.

187. Forecast, forever, forget, forgive, forgot, forgotten,
forenoon, forego, foreign, furnace, furnish, furniture.
188. Dignify, gratifying, notify, certified, fearful, grateful,
helpful, beautiful, careful, cheerful, faithful, painful, power¬
ful, successful, thankful, thoughtful, useful, wonderful.
189. Herself, himself, itself, myself, yourself, ourselves,
themselves, yourselves.
190. Average, carriage, cottage, damage, discouraged, en¬
couraged, encouragement, image, manage, manager, mar¬
riage, message, package, passage, patronage, percentage, stor¬
age, tonnage, village.

191. Reading and Writing Exercise

The Furnace

Since my marriage I have lived in a beautiful little cottage

in the country. I coulct live in that cottage forever* if it
weren’t for one thing—taking care of the furnace. I could
forget the hour it takes to get to the^ office in the morning;
I could overlook the task of mowing the lawn myself to make
the land look dignified;^ but I get terribly discouraged when
at six each morning I have to attend to the painful and dread¬
ful duty* of lighting the furnace.
At six in the morning it takes the greatest of will powers
to get a strong grip on"* ourselves, climb fearfully out from
under the covers, and make the trip down to the furnace.
If you have a son your® task is sometimes simplified, but
not always. The average boy does not have the courage to
do this job himself and it is not long before he gets discour-

aged. Even the most tempting bribes could not make him
undertake the task® cheerfully a second time.
When evening comes, though, we forgive the furnace all
the trouble it has caused in the® morning and relax in the
gratifying warmth that it furnishes.
The man who furnishes us with a furnace^® that can take
care of itself will have a statue dedicated to his honor by the
furnace tenders of this” country, and each year on his birth¬
day they will betake themselves to his shrine and sing his
The garage of our” cottage has no furnace and the family
car usually feels almost as cold as I do when I take the daily”
trip to the basement. Every morning when I step on the
starter I am convinced that the car will spend its” next winter
basking in the warmth of a storage house. As each year
rolls around, though, I say to myself, “This winter” cannot
be as bad as the last and I do not see how I can manage to
get along without the car.” True, each” winter wasn’t as
bad as the previous one—it was invariably worse.
Every day I may be seen” thoughtfully reading the real
estate sections of the newspapers; I may be seen talking to
managers of apartment” houses and looking over the furniture
of the various rooms; I may be seen talking with dignified”
agents about rents. Why these strange doings? I am going
to give up my little cottage in the country village;®® I am go¬
ing to forsake the furnace and move to an apartment in the
city where I can, by keeping the®^ janitor well supplied with
cigars, get all the heat I care for.
I know when I’m licked! (436 standard words)
Dear Sir: After a careful inspection of our records, I find
that you did not notify us when you sent us^ your certified

check. The check was mailed to the wrong department and

therefore we had no way to trace it.
We are grateful^ for the promptness with which you mailed
this certified check, but I wonder if you would be kind enough
to send alP future remittances to me. When I receive the
remittance, I can take it personally to the man in^ charge of
your account and have him take care of it immediately.
If we can be helpful to you in any"* way, send us a message
outlining what we can do. You have been kind enough to
give this company a fair® percentage of your business and we
do value your patronage. Very truly yours, (134 standard
Dear Sir: On April 16 the manager was thoughtful enough
to give you several days’ leave so that you might' take care
of your personal affairs. At that time it was my thought that
you would be gone four or five days at the most^ and that
you would be back on the job again by the end of this week
or the early part of next week.
I confess® I was a little'puzzled when I received your air¬
mail letter saying that you would have to remain away a'
whole month. If this had happened at any other time, I
should have had no objection, but as you know, this is the®
busy season in our work and we need the help of every man
on the force.
Would it not be possible for you® to return to the office
immediately, and settle your personal business at some other
time.? I think' we can get the important business finished
in about a month. After that, things will begin to slow up
and you® can take as much time as you like.
I have spoken to the manager about your case and he feels
as I do that® if we are to run this division successfully, all

orders must be shipped the same day they are received. If

you^“ are away, the orders are held up because the only man
who can take over your work is Mr. Jones and he^^ has his
hands full with his own work.
If, for some reason, you can’t return, please wire me so
that I may make plans for the^^ immediate future. Sincerely
yours, (247 standard words)

Assignment 39

192. Standing, suggested, industrial, obligations, enabled,

regularly, forced, except, unarranged, trustee, wires, inside,
points, lightly, effects.
193. To him, I told him, we told him, give him, write him,
tell him, I hope, we hope, I hope to hear, I hope you will, I
hope you can, we hope you will, we hope you will be, we
hope you will have, I am sorry, we are sorry, I want, you
want, we want, if you want, do you want, early reply, at an
early date, days ago, weeks ago, months ago, years ago, week
or two ago, day or two ago, year or two, year or two ago,
as soon as possible, few days, few months, few minutes, be
sure, we are sure, I am sure, I feel sure, we feel sure, we were,
you were, they were, we were not, you were not, they were
194. Corporation, coupon, crop, cultivate, curious, deceive,
default, defendant, democrat, designate, disagreement, dis¬
appoint, discuss, distinct, distinguish, disturb.

195. Reading and Writing Exercise

The Uncovered Blackboard

Several days ago I was greatly amused when I read of the


discovery of a list of names that was^ written fifty-two years

ago. This curious discovery made me think and disturbed
my sleep for a day or^ two.
According to the story, the mayor of the town had a dis¬
cussion with the school committee and decided^ to designate
a corporation to tear down the old school and build a new
one. The workmen tearing down the^ building uncovered
an old blackboard which, I am sure, had not been used for
many years. This board probably had remained'’ in a room
unnoticed or the teacher did not consider it necessary to re¬
move it. At any® rate, there it was.
Now this may not seem so unusual to find an old board in
the back of a school room. But here^ hangs the tale—at the
top of the board were, perfectly written, the years 1881-1882.
Under® these dates was a list of the names of the boys and
girls who had to remain after school that evening for® whisper¬
ing. The writing was very plain and distinct, as it had not
been erased at the time the board was put away.‘“ All through
the years these names had,remained in place.
As I read the list of names, I wondered what had become of
all those’^ children who so many years ago had to stay after
school for having whispered to their neighbors. I wondered,
too,*® if what they said to each other was important enough
to merit keeping them after school. I am sure they, at*® least,
did not consider it so.
I noted that there was only one boy’s name on that list.
This is another proof** that women of even tender years have
simply had to talk! You can be sure that Julia and Ann were
disappointed*'’ because they had to remain after school. But
I wonder whether they refrained from whispering after their
names*® were put on the board or whether a few days later

they were punished again. I wonder if the teacher remem¬

bers^^ putting these names on the board and if she could dis¬
tinguish one girl from the other.
Every day our names are^* being written upon some board
and they will continue to stand there unless they are erased—
and we rieed not deceive’® ourselves. What is written oh the
board depends on the deeds we perform and if we want to
write a good record®” on that board we must play the game
of life fairly and squarely.
But as the record of these children was finally®’ removed
'with the tearing down of the building, so all records of wrong¬
doing may be torn down. We want to forget®® them as soon
as possible. (445 standard words)
Dear Siij I hope it will be possible for us to settle the dis-
agreemenfover the crops that were cultivated’ by the farmers
of this section. We are sure you do not want to default on
the payment of the notes that® fall due in a few months. I
am sorry I cannot see you today as I am the defendant in
a case that® is being tried this afternoon. Do you want to
discuss this matter with me tomorrow? Perhaps we can
issue’ coupons of some sort to the farmers whose crops are
concerned. Very truly yours, (93 standard words)
Dear Mr. Johnson: I am sorry I could not give your letter
an early reply, but I did not get to the’ city until a few days
ago. I hope you will pardon the delay.
I wanted to discuss with our manager® the matter you
bring up, but he had to disappoint me because of another
engagement. He had to attend' a rally in his home town,
as he is a staunch Democrat.
I shall write him of the action I am suggesting.’ I have
already given him a general idea of the situation, but I think

it is a good" plan to tell him about it again.

I was disturbed and disappointed when you designated a
new man to® assist you in your work. I think this will be a
distinct handicap to you, as it will now be necessary^ to train
this man from the beginning. Sincerely yours, (149 standard

Brief Forms
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' 'k'

C.C. 653.8 L635G v.l 404731

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