Assignment No 1@2k20@HFE

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Course Name: Human Factors Engineering Course Code: IE-317
Semester: 6th (2k20Session) Total Marks: 10

(CLO3, C4, PLO7)

Q #1: The inspection department in a factory is currently illuminated by eight overhead incandescent
lamps with reflectors. Each lamp is 100-watt and has a luminous efficacy of 16 lumens/watt. It is
proposed that the incandescent lighting be replaced with three fluorescent lamps rated at 40-watt. The
luminous efficacy of each fluorescent lamp is 85 lumens/watt. Compare
(a) the illuminance levels and
(b) annual electricity costs of the two alternatives, given that they will operate three shifts (24
hr/day), 250 days per year, and power cost is 6.5 cents per kW-hr.
(c) Each incandescent lamp has a lamp life of 1500 hr and costs $0.60. Each fluorescent lamp has
a lamp life of 15,000 hr and costs $6.00. Determine the annual cost of lamps for the two

Q #2: A worker is filling out a report at a workbench illuminated by a 200-candela source located
750 mm overhead. The report form is white paper (85% reflectance), and the inspector is writing with
black ink (10% reflectance). Determine (a) the illumination on the form, (b) luminance of the form,
and (c) contrast in the writing task. (d) Assuming a worker of age 35 years and that speed and
accuracy are important but not critical, is the illumination for this task sufficient? If not, what
illumination level is required?

Q #3: You are reading a book in a room under moderate light conditions. A friend enters at the far
end of the room and turns on a bright light in the room. When you look at your friend what happens to
your iris muscles?

Q #4: (a) One group of workers in a factory are exposed to a noise level of 100 dB(A) for 8 hours. In
the adjoining work area, their colleagues are exposed to 70 dB(A) for 8 hours. Management proposes
introducing job rotation (everyone works for 4 hours in the noisy area and 4 hours in the quieter area)
to bring the 8-hour exposure down to 85 dB(A), on average, for everyone. Will management’s
proposal work? If not, suggest what the new noise dose will be.

(b) A machine subjects its operator to 90 dBA when it is idle and to 95 dBA when it is used at full
power. Assume 7 hours of use per day, with 2.1 hours at 90 dBA and 4.9 hours at 95 dBA. Find the
noise dose for the operator and TWA.

Human Factors Engineering Assignment # 1

Q #5: A set of ear muffs have a NRR (noise reduction rating) of 30 dB(A) and a set of plugs have
an NRR of 20 dB(A). Workers in a car factory are exposed to 110 dB(A) for 8 hours. Before
advising management on whether to purchase muffs or plugs, you do a small trial on the factory
floor. Workers wearing the muffs take them off for about 1 hour a day while working, because of
discomfort, whereas plug wearers soon forget they are wearing them. Which device will give the
best ear protection in practice?

Human Factors Engineering Assignment # 1

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