ES031 M2 LE2 LastName
ES031 M2 LE2 LastName
ES031 M2 LE2 LastName
N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City, Philippines
1. For a manufacturing industry, the number of industrial accidents averages three per week.
a. Find the probability that at most five accidents will occur in a given week.
b. Find the probability that two accidents will occur in a given day.
c. If an assembly has been on test for 400 hours without a failure, what is the
probability of a failure in the next 100 hours?
b. (Continuing from result in item a) in one production run of 500 eighty-unit lots, how
much would be the loss if the cost to manufacture one unit is ₱ 335.75?
c. How much is the difference from the old process? Did the new process effectively
reduce the company’s losses?
4. The time until recharge for a battery in a laptop computer under common conditions is normally
distributed with a mean of 260 minutes and a standard deviation of 50 minutes.
a. What is the probability that a battery lasts more than four hours?
b. What are the quartiles (the 25% and 75% values) of battery life?
b. What is the probability that exactly 3 bolts are from the same supplier?