Corrigendum 04
Corrigendum 04
Corrigendum 04
SN Description Amended Provision
(1) Bidders have to download the Bid documents from the e-procurement portal after
registering themselves on portal and after payment of Tender Processing Fee & Bid Document Fee before last date & time of
downloading the e-bids online.
(2) All Bidders are advised to see Amendments to RFP, if any, before submission of the e-bids. In case the bidder does not
submit the amended bids/amendments, it will be presumed that bidder has seen the amendments/ Amended bids and e- bid will
be evaluated accordingly. The decision of RLDA shall be final and binding.
(3) Any Correction slip consisting of Corrigendum/Addendum to this RFP Notice, if any, would appear only on above
mentioned websites and will not be published in newspapers.