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Fitt 1 Syllabus

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CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission

The premier university in Cavite State University shall provide
CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY excellent, equitable and relevant educational
historic Cavite recognized for
excellence in the development
Don Severino de las Alas Campus opportunities in the arts, science and
of globally competitive and Indang, Cavite technology through quality instruction and
morally upright individuals. relevant research and development activities.
It shall produce professional, skilled and
morally upright individuals for global



1ST Semester, AY 2022-2023

Course Lecture __/__

FITT 1 Course Title Movement Enhancement Type Credit Units 2
Code Laboratory ___
This course FITT 1 Movement Enhancement is one of the important courses to develop and understand the scientific basic
Course movements to help students to be aware of physical literacy, which help an individual to move competently and confidently in all
Description types of environments. This course is being offered to prepare the students for advance learning movement.

Lecture: Tuesday: 11:00AM-12:00NN

Pre- Wednesday: 11:00AM-12:00NN
None Course Schedule
requisites Thursday: 8:00AM-9:00AM
Friday: 8:00AM-9:00AM
Core Values Students are expected to live by and stand for the following University tenets:

TRUTH is demonstrated by the student’s objectivity and honesty during examinations, class activities and in the development of

EXCELLENCE is exhibited by the students’ self-confidence, punctuality, diligence and commitment in the assigned tasks, class
performance and other course requirements.

SERVICE is manifested by the students’ respect, rapport, fairness and cooperation in dealing with their peers and members of
the community.
In addition, they should exhibit love and respect for nature and support for the cause of humanity.

In support to the Vision and Mission of the University, CvSU – Bacoor City Campus shall:

1. Provide quality and affordable education which promotes intellectual growth, academic excellence and moral integrity;
Goals of the
2. Prepare students to meet the demands of the global market and respond to the society’s needs.
3. Develop innovative and scholarly researchers who have the ability to create new understanding in quest for GAD related
quality research through inquiry, analysis and problem solving; and
4. Produce globally competitive graduates with full competence in their fields of study.

The Department of Computer Studies aims to produce students who are professionals, skilled and morally upright individuals for
global competitiveness.

Specifically, the department strives to:

1. Provide in-depth knowledge across fundamental areas of Information Technology and Computer Science and be successful
Objectives professionals in diverse career paths;
of the 2. Deliver skilled graduates in designing and developing hardware and software systems of varying complexity;
Department 3. Inculcate teaching principles in the field of technological information and application that become key factors in personal,
social, and economic growth of every student;
4. Develop technological researches applying the mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and theories, which
contribute to the application of technical standards and interoperability;
5. Strengthen IT linkages with government and non-government organizations.

Program Educational Objectives (based on the program CMO)

To attain the objectives of the department, the program aims to produce graduates who can:
1. Acquire skills and disciplines required for designing, writing, and modifying software components, modules and applications that
comprise software solutions;
2. Analyze complex problems and ethically demonstrate critical and logical problem solving skills to develop computer-based solutions in a
collaborative environment;

3. Design algorithmic software and develop new and effective algorithms for solving computing problems;
4. Utilize modern computing tools in legal, social, ethical and professional manner and engage in life-long learning endeavors;
5. Conduct relevant technological researches in the field of Computer Science with effective communication, reports, and design

Student Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational Objectives Code (based on the

program CMO)
Program/Student Outcomes (based on the program CMO)

3 5
The students should: 1 2 4

Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, computing specialization,

mathematics, science and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing ✔ ✔ ✔
specialization to the development of computing models from defined
problems and requirements;
Communicate effectively both oral and written form and act in recognition of
professional, social and ethical responsibility; ✔ ✔
Identify, analyze, formulate, conduct research, and solve computing
problems and requirements reaching validated conclusions using ✔ ✔ ✔
fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences and relevant
domain disciplines;
d. Design and develop computing solutions using a system-level perspective;
✔ ✔
Create and use existing and modern computing tools and appropriate ✔ ✔
techniques to complex activities and;
Recognize the need, and have the ability to engage in an independent
learning for continual development as a computing professional. ✔ ✔
Course Outcomes and Relationship to Student Outcomes

Program/Student Outcomes Code
Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course
After completing this course, the students must be able to: b c d e f

1. Attain the vision, mission, goal and objectives of the university, campus and
department; (E)
2. Deliver a gender fair and gender sensitive instruction to students aligned E E
with University Goals and objectives. (D)
3. define and interpret the meaning of physical education with 100% accuracy; E
4. discuss the general objectives of physical education as a part of the D E
educational system in 300 hundred words; (I)
5. enumerate the components of physical fitness; (D) E D E
6. determine and evaluate their fitness level; (D)

7. perform the modalities and supplementary activities to improve their

performance with 70% level of intensity; (D)
8. identify and discuss the effects of exercise to the different body system 300
hundred words; (D)
9. undergo different physical fitness test that will measure the components of
physical fitness 100% level of intensity; (D)
10. evaluate the result of fitness test with 95% accuracy; (D)

11. discuss the components of Aerobic Exercises in 300 hundred words; (D)

Level: I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative

Intended Topic Teaching and Mode of Resources Outcomes- Due Date of
Wee Learning Learning Activities Delivery Needed based Submission

k No. of Output
Outcomes (ILO) (TLA)
1 After the I. Orientation
completion of the A. Vision, Mission,
chapter, students Goals and
should Objectives of the
be able to: university,
1. Attain the campus and
university VMGO, department; Books,
as well as the B. Subject Copy of
campus and guidelines and Lecture discussion,
development policies course Recitation,
objectives C. GAD Orientation syllabus, Comparing and
presentation and Face to face
2. Develop positive 1. GAD Power point, contrasting
Group Dynamics Mode
perceptions, 2. Gender Guide
attitudes and Sensitivity Questions
behaviors in 3. Gender
relation to gender. Issues
Gender Fair Language

2-4 After the I. Introduction/

completion of the Orientation
chapter, students
should A. Introduction
be able to: a.1. Legal Basis for
physical Education Interactive Distance Books Practical Based
a.2. Discussion of Discussion, Learning / Policies, Assessment
1. Define and Course Syllabus Multimedia Face to Face Standards Rubrics
interpret the Presentation and Mode and
meaning of B. Physical Brainstorming Guidelines of
physical education Education: A Tertiary
with 100% Concern for Life Physical
accuracy; b.1. Brief History of Education
Physical Education

2. discuss the b.2. Definition of
general objectives Physical Education
of physical b.3. Objectives and
education as part Major Goal of
of educational Physical Education
system in 300 b.4. Functions of
hundred words; Physical Education
b.5. Characteristics of
Physical Educated
5-7 After the II. Physical Fitness
completion of the
chapter, students c.1. Definitions of
should Physical Fitness
be able to: c.2. Aspect of Physical
Fitness Interactive Books Practical Based
3.enumerate the c.3. Components of Discussion, Policies, Assessment
components of Physical Fitness Multimedia Standards Rubrics
physical fitness; c.1. Health Related Presentation and and
Components Distance
Brainstorming Learning / Guidelines of
4. determine and c.2. Skill Related Tertiary
Components Face to Face
evaluate their Mode Physical
fitness level; c.3. Importance of Education


9 -11 After the completion III. Body Posture

of the chapter, a. Definition of Body
students should Posture Interactive Distance
be able to: b. Curves of a Discussions, Learning/ Internet, Rubrics
5. perform the Healthy Back Multimedia Face to Face Books and
modalities and c. Postural Deviations presentation, Mode Dance

supplementary d. Causes of poor Practical/ Literature
activities to improve Posture Demonstration and
their performance e. Body Types Practical Activities
with 70% level of f. Body Mass Index

6. identify and
discuss the effects
of exercises to the
different body
system in 300
hundred words;


13-14 After the IV. Eating disorder

completion of and four types of
the chapter, eating
students should
be able to: A. Genetics; Interactive Internet
7. Learn about B. Biochemical; Discussions Books and
Distance Learning / Rubrics
eating disorder C. Psychological; Multimedia Dance
Face to Face Mode
8. identify the and Presentation, Literature
four eating D. Psychological Practical
disorders and Activities
difference Video
15-16 After the V. Non-Locomotor
completion of and Locomotor
the chapter, Movement
students should
be able to: A. Breathing
B. Bracing Interactive Distance Learning / Books Practical Based
1. Define Discussion, Face to Face Mode Policies, Assessment

locomotor and Multimedia Standards Rubrics
non-locomotor Presentation and and
movements Brainstorming Guidelines of
2. Identify Tertiary
the locomotor Physical
and non- Education
3. Execute
the locomotor
and non-

17 After the VI. Aerobics

completion of
the chapter, A. Two major type of
students should Aerobics
be able to: B. Benefits of Aerobic
Exercise Interactive Books Practical Based
1. Learn about C. Components of Discussion, Policies, Assessment
aerobics Aerobics Multimedia Standards Rubrics
2. Learn the two D. Aerobic dance Presentation and and
major types of E. Aerobics dance Brainstorming Guidelines of
aerobics and its guidelines Tertiary
difference. F. Aerobic dance Distance Learning / Physical
3. Analyze the precautions Face to Face Mode Education
benefits of
4. Identify
the components
of aerobics.




Suggested Lecture Requirements:

1. Mid-Term Examination
2. Final Examination
3. Quizzes/Seat works/Recitations
4. Video presentation
5. Fact Sheet
6. Class Reporting/Reaction Paper
7. Assignments
8. Class or Group Project (Term Paper/Project Design/Case Study/Feasibility Study/Culminating Activity/Portfolio)
9. Class Attendance

Suggested Laboratory Requirements:

1. Laboratory Reports
2. Individual Performance
3. Quizzes
4. Mid-Term Examination
5. Final Examination
6. Video presentation
7. Fact Sheet
8. Attendance

*All exams must follow a Table of Specifications (TOS) and Rubrics for evaluation of student’ performance or projects.

A. Major Examinations 60%
B. Long Exam / Quizzes/ Activities 30%
C. Class Participation 10%
Total 100%


96.7 – 100.0 1.00

93.4 – 96.6 1.25
90.1 - 93.30 1.50
86.7 – 90.0 1.75
83.4 – 86.6 2.00
80.1 – 83.3 2.25
76.7 – 80.0 2.50
73.4 – 76.6 2.75
70.00 – 73.3 3.00
50.0-69.9 4.00
Below 50 5.00
INC Passed the course but lack some requirements.
Dropped If unexcused absence is at least 20% of the Total Class Hours.
Total Class Hours/Semester: (3 unit Lec – 54 hrs; 2 unit Lec – 36 hrs)
(1 unit Lab – 54 hrs; 2 units Lab – 108 hrs; 3 units Lab – 162 hrs)

A. Attendance
Students are not allowed to have 20% or more unexcused absences of the total face to face class hours; otherwise, they will be graded as

B. Classroom Decorum

During face to face mode

Students are required to:
1. wear identification cards at all times;
2. wear face mask at all times
3. observe physical/social distancing at all times
4. clean the classroom before and after classes;
5. avoid unnecessary noise that might disturb other classes;
6. practice good manners and right conduct at all times;

7. practice gender sensitivity and awareness inside the classroom; and
8. come to class on time.

During distance mode

Students are required to:
1. sign an honor system pledge;
2. avoid giving or receiving unauthorized aid of any kind on their examinations, papers, projects and assignments,
3. observe proper netiquette during on-line activities, and
4. submit take home assignments on time.

C. Examination/ Evaluation
1. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
2. Mid-term and Final Examinations are scheduled.
3. Cheating is strictly prohibited. A student who is caught cheating will be given a score of ”0” for the first offense. For the second
offense, the student will be automatically given a failing grade in the subject.
4. Students who will miss a mid-term or final examination, a laboratory exercise or a class project may be excused and allowed to take
a special exam, conduct a laboratory exercise or pass a class project for any of the following reasons:
a. participation in a University/College-approved field trip or activity;
b. due to illness or death in the family; and
c. due to force majeure or natural calamities.



A. Manto and Mayor (2015) et. al, MAPEH Music Arts Physical Education and Health, MET review publishing house
B. Punzalan Gonzalvo (2016) ; Physical Education and Health
C. Williams, M., Anderson, D. Rawson E. 2015. Nutrition: for health, fitness and sports. New York McGraw Hill.
D. Eviza, J.A. et. Al, (2014). Physical Education 1: A Work text for the Tertiary Level. Mutya
E. Oyco, V.D. (2015). Physical Fitness for the College Freshmen. Manila Philippines, Rex
Book Store, Inc.


Date of Revision Date of Implementation Highlights of Revision

Prepared by: Evaluated by: Approved:


Instructor Department Chairperson College/Campus Administrator
CP # 09366919179 Department of Computer Studies College/Campus Bacoor City
E-mail Address: Email Address:
Date Evaluated: ____________________
Date Approved: ____________________


CP # 0977-0098584
E-mail Address: alarthon44@gmail.com

Date Prepared: September 7, 2022


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