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Planning-1 Syllabus

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CvSU Vision Republic of the Philippines CvSU Mission

The premier university i n Cavite State University shall provide
historic Cavite r e c o g n i z e d for CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY excellent, equitable and relevant educational
excellence in the development Don Severino de las Alas Campus opportunities in the arts, science and
of globally competitive and Indang, Cavite technology through quality instruction a n d
morally upright individuals. relevant research and development activities.
It shall produce professional, skilled and
morally upright individuals for global

College of Engineering and Information Technology

Department of Civil Engineering

1st Semester, AY 2022-2023
Course ARCH Course
Planning 1 (Site Planning & Landscape Type Lecture 3 hours Credit Units 3
Code 170 Title
Course The artistic and functional arrangement of buildings, open spaces, service areas, circulation, and other external areas; techniques in the
Description enhancement and design of exterior environments.
CENG 50 – Surveying ARCH 4-1 Lecture: Monday 9:00-12:00 am
Pre- Course
AENG 24A – Science,
requisites Environment and Schedule ARCH 4-2
Lecture: Monday 1:00-4:00 pm
Students are expected to live by and stand for the following University tenets:

TRUTH is demonstrated by the student’s objectivity and honesty during examinations, class activities and in the development of
Core Values
EXCELLENCE is exhibited by the students’ self-confidence, punctuality, diligence and commitment in the assigned tasks, class
performance and other course requirements.

SERVICE is manifested by the students’ respect, rapport, fairness, and cooperation in dealing with their peers and members of
the community.
In addition, they should exhibit love and respect for nature and support for the cause of humanity.
ARCH 170 – PLANNING 1 V02-2020-06-01
1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023
The College shall endeavor to achieve the following goals:

1. produce globally competent graduates imbued with technical expertise in engineering, information technology and
allied fields; with strong support for environmental preservation; and guided by high ethical standards.
Goals of the 2. conduct relevant research and development activities along engineering, information technology and allied fields that
College/ would contribute to sustainable development in its service areas.
Campus 3. implement effective training and outreach programs that emphasize self-help, critical thinking and life-long learning.
4. manage projects and enterprises along engineering, information technology and allied fields to promote economically
viable and environment-friendly approaches and techniques; and
establish strong linkages with industries, non-governmental organizations, and other government entities in the local and
international arena for the realization of common goals.
The department shall endeavor to:
1. apply architectural theories & principles particularly in the solution of problems related to Architecture development.
Objectives of
2. conduct relevant research and development activities in the field of Architecture.
3. promote the development and transfer of appropriate architecture technology.
4. manage Architectural projects and enterprises that promote environmental preservation and protection; and
produce morally, upright professionals with entry-level competencies.
Program Educational Objectives (PEO) (based on the program CMO)
1. Perform standard competencies in accordance with the scope of the global & local practice of architecture.
2. Show traits of professionalism, sense of responsibility, equality & patriotism.
3. Receptiveness to new ideas & knowledge through scientific research.
4. Direct & focus the thrust of architecture education to the needs & demands of society & its integration into the social, economic, cultural
& environmental aspects of nation building.
Instill understanding of the basic philosophy and fundamental principles of the multi-dimensional aspects of architecture & the direct relationship
between man & his environment.

ARCH 170 – PLANNING 1 V02-2020-06-01

1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023
Student Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives
Program/Student Outcomes (SO) (based on the program CMO) Program Educational Objectives Code
(based on the program CMO)
1 2 3 4 5
The students should:
To keep abreast of the developments in the field of architecture practice. (PQF level
a.     
6 indicator)
b. The ability to effectively communicate orally & in writing using both English & Filipino.     
The ability to work effectively & independently in multi-disciplinary & multi-cultural
c.     
teams. (PQF level 6 indicator)
Recognition of professional, social & ethical responsibility.
d.     
Creation of architectural solutions by applying knowledge in history, theory,
e.     
planning, building technology & utilities, structural concepts & professional
Use of concepts & principles from specialized fields & allied disciplines into
f.     
various architectural problems.
Preparation of contract documents, technical reports & other legal documents
g.     
used in architectural practice adhering to applicable standards & regulations.
Interpretation and application of relevant laws, codes, charters & standards of
h.     
architecture & the built environment.
Application of research methods to address architectural problems.
i.     
Use of various information & communication technology (ICT) media for
j.     
architectural solutions, presentation & techniques in design & construction.
Acquisition of entrepreneurial & business acumen relevant to architecture
k.     
Involvement in the management of the construction works and building
l.     
Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural-heritage”
m     


1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023 V02-2021-07-01
Course Outcomes and Relationship to Student Outcomes
Program/Student Outcomes Code (SO)
Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course (CO)
After completing this course, the students must be able to:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m
CO1. Discuss the University and College VMGO
CO2. Explain the art of site planning and landscape architecture, exposition on their
principles and methods of construction.
CO3. Describe the ecological, social, psychological, aesthetic, and functional basis
of site planning.
CO4. Relate the social issues and implications of site planning. E D E E D D D E E E
CO5. Relate history and planning theories to ecology and sustainable development. E D E E D D D E E E
*Level : I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative
Teaching and Outcomes-
Due Date of
Week Intended Learning Learning Mode of Resources based
Topic Submission of
No. Outcomes (ILO) Activities Delivery Needed Assessmen
(TLA) t (OBA) Output
1 After the completion of the Vision, Mission, Lecture/ Synchronous Student
chapter, students should Goals and discussion Class Handbook
be able to recognize, Objectives Program Course
acknowledge adopt the Educational syllabus
Grading System,
Classroom and
Examination Policies.
2 After the completion of the Introduction to Site Class Synchronous Power
chapter, students should Planning & Discussion; Class Point
be able to: Landscape Recitation Online Presentati
LO1. Understand the Architecture discussion on
various definition of Site
Planning & Landscape
LO2. To know and
understand the basic


1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023 V02-2021-07-01
history, process, and
(CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, &
3-5 After the completion of the Parameters of Site Class Synchronous Power
chapter, students should Selection and Discussion; Class Point
be able to: Analysis Recitation Online Presentati
LO1. Understand the discussion on
needs of Site Planning &
Landscape Architecture
LO2. To know and Group
understand the basic Works:
history, process, and Site
elements of Site Selection Analysis
(CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, & Framework
6 Preliminary Examination (Group Presentation)
7-9 After the completion of the Site Analysis: Class Synchronous Power
chapter, students should Ecological Discussion; Class Point
be able to: Consideration Recitation Online Presentati
LO1. Understand the discussion on
importance of ecological
factors in Site Planning &
Landscape Architecture Messaging / Video
(CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 & shared Presentati
CO5) document on

10 Midterm Examination / Academic Break

11 After the completion of the Social and Class Synchronous Power
chapter, students should Psychological Discussion; Class Point
be able to: Consideration Recitation Online Presentati
LO1. Understand the discussion on
importance of Social and
Psychological Factors and Messaging / Video
Assessment in Site shared Presentati
Planning & Landscape document on /
1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023 V02-2021-07-01
Architecture Related
(CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 & Project
12 After the completion of the Aesthetic and Class Synchronous Power
chapter, students should Physical Discussion; Class Point
be able to: Consideration Recitation Online Presentati
LO1. Understand the discussion on
importance of Aesthetic
and Physical Messaging / Video
Consideration such as shared Presentati
law, zoning classifications, document on /
site context and
requirements in Site
(CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 &
13 After the completion of the Movement and Class Synchronous Power
chapter, students should Utility System Discussion; Class Point
be able to: Recitation Online Presentati
LO1. Understand the discussion on
importance of different
circulation and utility Messaging / Sample
needed to the design shared Plans
criteria of Site Planning document
(CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 &
14-16 After the completion of the Site Development Class Synchronous Power
chapter, students should Plan & Landscape Discussion; Class Point
be able to: Architecture Recitation Online Presentati
LO1. Understand how to discussion on
do site development, and Subdivision
application of different Planning Messaging / Video
considerations tackled shared Presentati
LO2. Understand the PD document on /
957 & BP 220 and their
application in doing site
development such as Group


1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023 V02-2021-07-01
subdivision planning Works:
(CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 & Subdivision
CO5) Planning
17 After the completion of the Sustainable Site Class Synchronous Power
chapter, students should Planning (Basics) Discussion; Class Point
be able to: Recitation Online Presentati
LO1. Understand how to discussion on
apply sustainability in site
planning and landscape Messaging /
architecture shared
(CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 & document

18 Final Examination (Presentation of Group Works)

1. Attendance / Participation
2. 4 Major Examinations
3. Individual / Group Report & Research


Pre-final Grade: 60% Final Grade: 100%

20% Quizzes 60% Pre-final grade
30% Plates 30% Final Exam
10% Assignment/Researches 10% Attendance/Attitude

Passing Grade: 70%

Evaluation of Student Performance / Grading:

1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023 V02-2021-07-01
1.00 = 96.72 – 100.00 2.25 = 80.02 – 83.35
1.25 = 93.38 – 96.71 2.50 = 76.68 – 80.01
1.50 = 90.04 – 93.37 2.75 = 73.34 – 76.67
1.75 = 86.70 – 90.03 3.00 = 70.00 – 73.33
2.00 = 83.36 – 86.69 5.00 = < 70.00
Class Hours:
Total Class Hours/Semester: 3 units Lec =54 hrs
A. Attendance
Students are not allowed to have 20% or more unexcused absences of the total class hours; otherwise, they will be graded as “DROPPED”.

B. Classroom Decorum During

face-to-face mode
Students are required to:
1. wear identification cards always.
2. turn off or put in silent mode cellular phones during class hours.
3. clean the classroom before and after classes.
4. avoid unnecessary noise that might disturb other classes.
5. practice good manners and right conduct always.

6. practice gender sensitivity and awareness inside the classroom; and

7. come to class on time.

During distance mode

Students are required to:
1. sign an honor system pledge.
2. avoid giving or receiving unauthorized aid of any kind on their examinations and projects; and
3. observe proper netiquette during on-line activities.

C. Evaluation
1. Examinations will be announced and scheduled.
2. Cheating is strictly prohibited. A student who is caught cheating will be given a score of ”0” for the first offense. For the second offense,
the student will be automatically given a failing grade in the subject.


1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023 V02-2021-07-01
3. Students who will miss an examination, may be excused, and allowed to take a special exam for any of the following reasons:
a. participation in a University/College-approved field trip or activity.
b. due to illness or death in the family; and due to force majeure or natural calamities.


Textbooks / References:
Lynch, K., (n.d.), Site Planning (latest edition)
De Chiara, Koppelman, (n.d.), Site Planning Standards
Madulid, (n.d.), Encyclopedia of Philippine Ornamental Plants
Harris, C.W., Dines, N.T., (n.d.), Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture (latest edition)
Dines, N.T., Brown, K.D., (2001), Landscape Architect’s Portable Handbook
Minson, A.E., (n.d.), Construction Design for Landscape Architects
Walker, T.E., (n.d.), Site Design and Construction Detailing
American Institute of Architects, (n.d.), Architectural Graphics Standards (8th edition)
Ortho Books, (n.d.), Landscaping and Landscape Plans
D.K. Ching, F. (n.d.), Building Construction Illustrated
BP 220
PD 957
United Architects of the Philippines – Center for Career Development, Board Exam Reviewer
JPT Review Center, Board Exam Reviewer


Supplementary Readings

D.K. Ching, F., (n.d.), A Visual Dictionary of Architecture

Revision Number Date of Revision Date of Implementation Highlights of Revision
1.0 January 13, 2016 2nd Semester 2015-2016 OBE Format


1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023 V02-2021-07-01
2.0 January 3, 2017 2nd Semester 2016-2017 GAD Integration
3.0 August 2, 2017 1st Semester 2017-2018 Updated Format
4.0 August 1, 2018 1st Semester 2018-2019 ISO Format
5.0 August 13, 2019 1st Semester 2019-2020 Updated References
6.0 January 27, 2020 2nd Semester 2019-2020 Updated Contents
7.0 September 6, 2022 1st Semester 2022-2023 Updated Contents

Evaluated by: Approved:

Prepared by:


College Dean
ANNE LORRAINE J. SALINAS Department Chairperson
College/Campus: College of Engineering &
Instructor Department of Civil Engineering
Information Technology/ Main Campus
CP # 09554594908 Email: penaroslynp@cvsu.edu.ph
Email: willie.ceit@cvsu.edu.ph
Email: aljsalinas@cvsu.edu.ph
Consultation Schedule: Friday 3-5pm Date Evaluated: _____________
Date Approved: ___________________


1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023 V02-2021-07-01
1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2022-2023 V02-2021-07-01

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