Line Outage Detection (Synchrophasor)
Line Outage Detection (Synchrophasor)
Line Outage Detection (Synchrophasor)
Abstract—Since transmission lines are crucial links in the such as synchrophasor measurements, advanced metering
power system, one line outage event may bring about interruption infrastructure, and home energy management system.
or even cascading failure of the power system. If a quick and Nowadays, the density of synchrophasor is increasing
accurate line outage detection and localization can be achieved, the
dramatically to observe the dynamic behavior of the system
system operator can take necessary actions in time to mitigate the
negative impact. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to study following a contingency, which gives the unpreceded insights
a method for line outage detection and localization via to the system [23]-[28]. For example, there are 114 and 238
synchrophasor measurements. The density of deployed Phasor PMUs installed at Jiangsu power grid, respectively. As shown
Measurement Units (PMUs) is increasing recently, which greatly in Fig. 1, the density of distributed PMU is significant high,
improves the visibility of the power grid. Taking advantage of the which covers all 500kV transmission lines and parts of 220 kV
high-resolution synchrophasor data, the proposed method utilizes
transmission lines with the reporting rate 25 Hz. To utilize the
frequency measurement for line outage detection and power
change for localization. The procedure of the proposed method is PMU data and achieve wide area monitoring purpose, a PMU
given. Compared with conventional methods, it does not require based situational awareness data analytics platform has been
the pre-knowledge on the system. Simulation study validates the developed by Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute
effectiveness of the proposed method. North America (GEIRINA) [29]-[33]. The PMU based
Index Terms— Detection and localization, Line outage, PMU, platform collects synchrophasor measurements with massive
synchrophasor channels in real time from Jiangsu power grids and processes
I. INTRODUCTION large amount of data, which can be affected by latency from
PMU device or communication network. The platform not only
T he detection and localization of transmission line outage in
power system is of great significance for the system
operators to take prompt action to avoid the widespread damage
incorporates event detection application developed by
GEIRINA, but also provide interface for event detection
applications from third party. The density synchrophasor
and maintain the reliability of power supply[1]-[5]. Most of
measurement brings the opportunity to detect the line outage
current methods rely on angle data along with network
location and locate the fault location without knowing the
susceptance matrix to calculate power injection change, which
system parameters. The line outage detection approach
is a high computation burden and requires the information of
introduced by [34] was employed in the PMU based platform
system parameter [2], [6]-[11]. The method using PMU angle
and the reported line outage locations have significant deviation
data and network susceptance was originally proposed in [2]
from actual line outage location. Similar phenomenon was also
and pre- and post-outage power flow were calculated to match
founded in simulation cases in New England ISO (ISO-NE) and
the measured event. Later, compressive sensing and global
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) systems.
optimization techniques are proposed to improve the method in
To address the issue mentioned above, this paper focuses on
[7] and [8]. A general Bayesian criterion was employed to
the method for line outage detection and localization via
handle the uncertainty issue of PMU data in [9]. Different new
synchrophasor measurement. First, the line outage is detected
schema and frame are developed to deal with bad PMU
via employing low pass filter and peak detector on
measurements in [10] and [11]. However, the system parameter
synchronized frequency measurements. Once a line outage
may not be available all the time due to strict security concerns.
event is triggered, the location of the fault line will be
With the rapid transformation from traditional power system
pinpointed using power flow change. The requirement of
into the smart grid, there are various types of novel applications
computational effort for the whole process is not high thus
involved into the system [12]-[15]. These smart grid
outage location can be estimated in real time. The proposed
applications are relying on the high quality synchronized data
method is straightforward and easy to implement. It also can be
and advanced communication network infrastructure [16]-[24],
used for cross-checking line outage event via SCADA.
This work is supported by the CURENT Industry Partnership Program and the The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II,
Engineering Research Center Program of the National Science Foundation and the proposed line outage detection and localization method via
DOE under NSF Award Number EEC-1041877.
simplified system diagram of ISO-NE and TVA systems are Fig. 6. It can be seen that the power flow changes at the
showed in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, respectively. terminals of the outage line have the highest value for the both
cases. What is more, the power flow change closer the outage
line generally has a larger value than the line far away from the
event location.
345 kV Y 37 0 0
230 kV Y 20 0 0
Fig. 6. Distribution of power change in TVA system (a) Line3 outage (b) 1 345 kV Y 725.17 0 93
Line4 outage
2 230 kV Y 224.43 0 123
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method for line 3 230 kV N 285.65 9.366 126
outage detection and localization, a simulation is conducted in
4 115 kV N 100.45 0 18
ISO-NE which assumes that synchrophasor covers all 345 kV
and part of (26%) 230 kV transmission lines. Line outages
events are triggered in PSS/E to evaluate the performance of the
events at different voltage levels. The parameters of the filter
for line outage detection are selected based on [34], which are
listed in Table II. The event detection module is implemented
in C#, while location module is developed by MATLAB. The
simulation tests are on a computer running a 64-bit Windows
10, with a 3.60 GHz Intel I7-7700U CPU and 16 GB memory.
Parameters Values
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