Overload Mitigation SIPS Based On DC Model Optimization and PMU Technology
Overload Mitigation SIPS Based On DC Model Optimization and PMU Technology
Overload Mitigation SIPS Based On DC Model Optimization and PMU Technology
Original scientific paper
Abstract: System integrity protection schemes (SIPS) supported by phasor measurement unit (PMU) technology are based on the concept of collecting information from
remote stations, sending the information to a central concentrator that executes a decision-making algorithm and initiates specialized actions to prevent the spread of system
disturbance. This paper gives application of overload mitigation SIPS. Described protection scheme is based on a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) optimization of
the DC power flow model whose objective is to maximize total load on the observed part of the network. Inaccuracy of the used DC model and the actual state is replaced
by using the PMU technology. In this way, the influence of reactive power that is ignored in the DC model power flow model calculation is replaced in real-time with real
synchronized measurements. Described SIPS is tested on IEEE 14 busbar test system. Conducted simulations indicate that developed optimization algorithm can mitigate
potential element overloads with extremely high accuracy by using load shedding methods. Example on real part of Croatian power transmission network is given at the end
of paper. This specific analysis demonstrates benefits of using SIPS based on synchro phasors in real world.
Keywords: optimization; overload mitigation; phasor measurement unit; system integrity protection scheme
using the DC power flow model in relation to the actual 0 for disconnected or 1 for connected state; N - number of
power flows. nodes; δREF - reference voltage phase angle.
The node sum is defined by the following expression:
VARi ⋅ Li = Gi + ∑ j∈N Pij ; i, j ∈ N (5)
The task of the optimization algorithm is to mitigate
the overload in the network by optimizing consumption
with the aim of preserving the transmission system. The where: VARi - load shedding solution at node i, defined as
algorithm applies MILP based on the method of branching binary value 0 for load disconnection or 1 for load
and fencing. connection at node i; Li - active load power at node i in
MILP studies the optimization problems within the MW; Gi - active generation power at node i in MW.
system's default limits. Optimization can be based on the Real-time adjustment factor kQ is created in order to
problem of maximizing or minimizing the default objective compensate inaccuracy of the DC model. It represents
function by finding appropriate decision variables along impact of reactive power in the real system relative to its
with the constraints described by certain equations and neglect in the DC model.
inequalities. At MILP, a certain decision variable can take
values from a set of real or integer numbers. The method Pij ≤ kQ ⋅ SijMAX ; i, j ∈ N (6)
of branching and fencing is based on the principle of
successive solving the objective function, while the
permissible values of the decision variables do not reach where: kQ - adjustment factor that is calculated in real time
the optimal solution. The details of the integer when overloading occurs in MW/MVA according to Eq.
programming can be found in [12]. (7); SijMAX - maximum transmission power between nodes i
The mathematical model of used algorithm is based on and j in MVA.
the power flow calculation of the simplified model of the Adjustment factor is calculated in real time when
network, the so-called DC model. The DC model assumes overloading occurs in MW/MVA according to Eq. (7), and
three assumptions: its value is always less than 1.
- line resistance RL is negligible in relation to line
reactance XL, PijDC
= ; i, j ∈ N ; kQ < 1 (7)
RL X L (1)
where: PijDC - calculated active power flow based on the
- per unit voltage |VN| is the same for all nodes,
DC model from node i to node j when overloading occurs;
SijREAL - real time measured apparent power of the
VN = 1 p. u. (2) overloaded connection between node i and node j when
overloading occurs.
- voltage angles difference δi − δj of the adjacent nodes As an additional release condition the model allows
is small, which derives: definition of critical loads which must remain connected
according to Eq. (8).
( ) ( ) (
sin δ i − δ j ≈ δ i − δ j ; cos δ i − δ j ≈ 1 ) (3)
VARi ≥ PRIORi ; i ∈ N (8)
Obviously, taking into account these assumptions
where: PRIORi - load shedding release condition in node i,
affects the accuracy of the DC model. According to [13],
defined as binary value 0 for loads that can be disconnected
the total error of the DC model is 5% compared to the more
or 1 for loads that must remain connected.
accurate AC nonlinear model. Though the accuracy of the
Objective function is to maximize connected load
DC model is smaller than the AC model, it is characterized
according to Eq. (9).
by the simplicity and the speed of the calculation
conditioned by its linearity, which is why it is proposed in
making SIPS. Max ( ∑ i∈N VARi ⋅ Li ) (9)
P1− 2( 2 ) DC 127,3 MW MW
=kQ = = 0,92 (10)
S1− 2( 2 ) REAL 138,7 MVA MVA
Figure 5 Checking optimization result on nonlinear model with implemented load supply priority
Table 2 Optimization results Table 3 Optimization results with implemented load supply priority
Optimal load solution Supply priority
Load /
Busbar 0 - not connected, 0 - can be Optimal solution
1 - connected Busbar Load / MW disconnected 0 - not connected,
1 0 0 1 - cannot be 1 - connected
2 21,7 1 disconnected
3 94,2 1 1 0 0 0
4 47,6 1 2 21,7 0 1
5 7,6 1 3 94,2 0 1
6 11,2 0 4 47,6 0 1
7 0 0 5 7,6 0 1
8 0 0 6 11,2 1 1
9 29,5 1 7 0 0 0
10 9 1 8 0 0 0
11 3,5 0 9 29,5 0 1
12 6,1 1 10 9 0 1
13 13,5 1 11 3,5 1 1
14 14,9 1 12 6,1 0 1
Total load before optimization / MW 259 13 13,5 0 1
Total optimized consumption / MW 244,3 14 14,9 0 0
Load that needs to be disconnected / MW 14,7 Total load before optimization / MW 259
Total optimized consumption / MW 244,1
Load that needs to be disconnected / MW 14,9
3.5 Checking Optimization Solution on Nonlinear Model
3.8 Comparison of Optimization Results
Optimization algorithm solutions are checked by
calculating nonlinear model power flows in the PSS/E. Fig. 6 shows line apparent power flow data for N-1
Outage of loads in busbars 6 and 11 was simulated. Power analysis and optimization algorithm with and without
flow calculation results in active power of 128,2 MW and supply priority in relation to the assumed rated power.
reactive power of −20,1 MVAr on line 1-2 (2), which gives Overload mitigation of line 1-2 (2) using described
apparent power of 129,77 MVA. Calculated apparent optimization algorithms can be easily detected reviewing
power is 99,82% of the assumed rated power. We can given figure. Calculated values for line 1-2 (2) are shown
conclude that described optimization algorithm offered in Tab. 4.
solution that successfully mitigates overload of line 1-2 (2)
with extremely high accuracy. Table 4 Power flows of line 1-2 (2) for different activities
N-1 line Optimal Supply
Line Unit SMAX
3.6 Implementing Load Supply Priority and Re-optimization 1-2 (1) SIPS priority
MVA 130 138,69 129,77 129,32
1-2 (2)
% 100 106,69 99,82 99,48
Situation when some of the loads for different reasons
must not be disconnected is predicted as part of described
optimization algorithm. We can say that this kind of load Fig. 7 shows busbar voltages for different activities
has a supply priority over other loads. In order to check from which is clear that implementation of described
optimization algorithms does not endanger voltage
optimization algorithm, the next step proposes the
originally chosen loads 6 and 11 as the load supply conditions in the observed test system.
priorities. After re-optimization with given conditions of
supply priority, the algorithm solution changes. The new
solution defines load at busbar 14 of 14,9 MW as one that
needs to be disconnected in order to mitigate overload on
line 1-2 (2), Tab. 3.
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