Arco Compuesto

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,967,132

L00mis (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 19, 1999
54) COMPOUND BOW 4,858,588 8/1989 Bozek .................................... 124/23.1
5,205.267 4/1993 Burdick ... 124/86 X
(75) Inventor: L. Rodger Loomis, Fulton, N.Y. 5,388,564 2/1995 Islas ............ ... 124/25.6
5,687,703 11/1997 Vyprachticky ......................... 124/25.6
73 Assignee: Lakewood Acquisitions, Fulton, N.Y. Primary Examiner John A. Ricci
Attorney, Agent, or Firm Wall Marjama Bilinski & Burr
21 Appl. No.: 09/085,436
22 Filed: May 27, 1998
A compound bow includes a riser Section, a pair of inner
Related U.S. Application Data bow limbs cantilevered to respective ends of the riser
Section, and a pair of Outer bow limbs each hingably
63 Continuation-in-part of application No. 08/900,619, Jul. 25, attached the free Standing end of the inner bow limbs. A cam
1997. assembly includes a pair of parallel cams attached to oppo
(51) Int. Cl." ........................................................ F41B 5/10 site sides of the riser Section for allowing a pair of camming
52 U.S. Cl. ............................................................. 124/25.6 cables to extend over the edges of the hinged limbs. Each
58 Field of Search .................................. 124/23.1, 25.6 pair of parallel cams are disposed outboard of the width of
12486 ss the riser Section to interconnect the bow limbs for lessening
s the pull force as the drawstring is pulled beyond an inter
56) References Cited mediate draw length. In a preferred arrangement, the cam
ming cables each extend of the edge of the outer bow limb,
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS and are spaced on either side of the hinged connection
3,981,290 9/1976 Islas ....................................... is between the bow limbs.
4,287,867 9/1981 Islas ..... ... 124/25.6
4,781,168 11/1988 Lester ..................................... 124/25.6 10 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets

% - O
U.S. Patent Oct. 19, 1999 Sheet 1 of 7 5,967,132
U.S. Patent Oct. 19, 1999 Sheet 2 of 7 5,967,132

Prior Art
U.S. Patent Oct. 19, 1999 Sheet 3 of 7 5,967,132
U.S. Patent Oct. 19, 1999 Sheet 4 of 7 5,967,132

U.S. Patent Oct. 19, 1999 Sheet 5 of 7 5,967,132

U.S. Patent Oct. 19, 1999 Sheet 6 of 7 5,967,132



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U.S. Patent Oct. 19, 1999 Sheet 7 of 7 5,967,132
1 2
COMPOUND BOW the industry to be able to construct and manufacture a
compound bow including a cam assembly for lessening the
CROSS REFERENCE TO OTHER-RELATED draw force, but which optimizes weight, Size and manufac
APPLICATIONS turability.
This application is a continuation-in-part application of SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/900,619, filed Jul. 25, It is a primary object of the present invention to improve
the state of the art of archery bows.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION It is a further object of the present invention to provide a
compound archery bow which is lighter and easier to use
This invention relates to archery bows, and more Specifi than those currently known.
cally to a compound archery bow having an improved cam It is a further object of the present invention to provide a
assembly for lessening the force required to pull the draw compound bow having a cam assembly to take up the draw
String at an intermediate draw point. force at an intermediate pull position of the drawString,
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION while making the bow as light and Simple to manufacture as
For purposes of control and accuracy, it is desirable that Therefore, and according to a preferred aspect of the
a less than maximum draw force be perceived by an archer present invention, there is provided A compound archery
when the bowstring has been pulled taut. To that end, a bow, comprising:
number of bow designs utilize cams Suspended between the a riser Section having a center portion and a pair of
bow limbs to control the relative motion between the bow opposing ends,
String and the bow limbs. Such that maximum pull is reached a pair of flexible inner bow limbs, each of said inner bow
at an intermediate draw position. Such designs are described limbs being cantilevered to a respective end of Said
in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,981,290,4287,867, and 5,388,569. In the riser Section;
U.S. Pat. No. 569 patent, a cam assembly is disposed 25
adjacent the interconnection of the outer and power limbs, a pair of outer bow limbs, each of said outer bow limbs
and interconnected to the riser using a pair of corresponding being hingably attached at an intermediate portion
pulleys. thereof to free Standing ends of a corresponding inner
A more Specific compound bow design designed and bow limb;
manufactured by Oneida Labs of Fulton, N.Y., is illustrated a drawstring tautly attached at each end thereof to respec
in FIGS. 2 and 3. The bow 10A includes a riser portion 12A tive distal ends of said pair of outer bow limbs; and
having a pair of outer limbs 54, each limb being hingably a cam assembly including two pairs of parallel cams, each
attached to the distal end of a respective power limb 38. The pair of parallel cams being oppositely disposed relative
opposite or proximal end of each power limb 38 is attached to the center portion of Said riser Section and oppositely
to the end of the riser portion 12A. A drawstring 74 extends 35 spaced outboard of the width thereof, and first and
between the distal ends of the outer limbs 54. Second camming cables associated with each said pair
More specifically, a Single cam 156 is centrally mounted of parallel cams, each of Said first and Second camming
to an axle disposed between a pair of mounted parallel cables extending along respective Spaced paths extend
extension plates 140, 144 at the top and bottom of the riser ing between a pair of parallel cams and the width of one
portion 12A, the plates being directly attached by fasteners
40 of Said inner and Outer bow limbs, wherein pulling of
thereto. A pair of cables 110, 120 extend from each cam 156, Said drawstring causes coordinated rotation of Said
one of the cables 110 being interconnected with the outer cams So as to cause lessening of the tension of Said
limb 54 to rotate the mounted cam in response to pulling of drawString at an intermediate draw point.
the drawstring 74. As the cam 156 rotates past its knockover Preferably, the camming cables are each disposed over the
point, the tension in the drawstring as perceived by the
45 width of their respective bow limbs, and are aligned with the
archer is significantly reduced, thereby allowing a level of parallel cams. More preferably, the cams are provided on an
accuracy and control at the time most needed. integral portion of the riser and can be oversized to allow
multiple reeving points, with the cams being outboard of the
The remaining cable 120 interconnects each cam 156 with riser and being accessible, it is also preferred the reeving
each flexible power limb 38 to bias and return the cam to its 50 points be disposed on the exterior of the cams.
original prefiring position after the tension of the drawstring The camming cables extend along defined paths between
74 has been removed, using the hinged arrangement a single pair of parallel cams and extend along a path which
between the outer limb 54 and the power limb. covers the width of the outer bow limb and either the inner
In the described bow design, the plates 140, 144 must or outer bow limb, respectively. In a preferred embodiment,
extend a considerable distance in order to allow the mounted 55 each of the camming cables extend over the width of the
cam 156 to Successfully rotate. In addition, because the cam outer bow limb, the cables being Spaced on either Side of the
156 is centrally disposed between the two plates 140, 144, hinge assembly.
an intermediate yoke 130 is required to allow interconnec An advantage of the present invention is that by placing
tion of the first cable 110 from the internal grooves of the the parallel cams outboard of the riser, the cams can freely
cam 156 over the edges of the outer limb 54. Similarly, a 60 pivot without interfering with the construction of the riser.
clevis block 160 is also required to interconnect the remain Therefore, the distance between the riser and the drawstring
ing cam cable 120 to the power limb 38. can be effectively reduced, providing a larger power Stroke,
Each of the above components introduce a level of and the potential for Storing energy and generating Speed.
Structural complexity, as well as add weight to the above Another advantage of the present invention is that directly
described bow. For example, the use of the intermediate 65 attaching the cams integrally with the riser Section provides
yoke constrains the sizing of the bow, preventing the manu a compound bow design which is simpler and cheaper to
facture of bows for younger users. It is a perceived desire in manufacture than current bows of a similar type.
3 4
Yet another advantage of the present invention is that FIG. 2 is a partial end view of a compound bow in
positioning twin Spaced cams in direct alignment with the accordance with the prior art;
edges of the bow limbs removes any need for having a riser FIG. 3 is an enlarged partial side elevational view of the
with extending pylons as previously required to allow Suf bow of FIG. 2, illustrating a cam system utilized in the prior
ficient room for the cam to rotate. Removal of the pylons, art,
therefore, provides a considerable reduction in weight as
well as elimination of Vibration noise, necessarily making FIG. 4 is an enlarged partial side elevational view of the
the bow easier to use, and also eliminates residual costs, bow of FIG. 1;
Such as manufacturing, assembly, coating and painting FIG. 5 is a partial end view of the compound bow as taken
thereof. 1O through the lines 5-5 of FIG. 4;
Advantages are also provided by Splitting the cam assem FIG. 6 is a partial side view of the hinge assembly of the
bly in that the cable grooves of the cams are better aligned compound bow of FIGS. 1 and 4-5;
with the outside edge of the limbs, allowing elimination of FIG. 7 is an enlarged view of the cam assembly illustrated
the yoke of the above described prior art bow. The yoke of in FIG. 5;
the instant bow was required to route the cable from the
outside edges of the outer limbs back to the center of the cam 15 FIG. 8 is a side elevational view of a compound bow made
as mounted between the extension plates. in accordance with a Second embodiment of the present
Further benefits are realized because the cams can be built invention;
to a larger size without impacting the size (e.g. the height) FIG. 9 is a partial side elevational view of the compound
of the riser Section. With larger cams, camming cables can bow of FIG. 8:
be reeved to the accessible exterior Surface of the cams, FIG. 10 is the partial side elevational view of the com
increasing Serviceability and improving assembly time. pound bow of FIG. 9, showing the positioning of the
Another advantage provided by allowing the cables to be respective limbs and cam assembly as the drawstring is
reeved to the cam exteriors is that the cables can be pulled;
reconfigured, if desired, into optional paths which provide
user definable draw lengths and/or letting off percentages 25
FIG. 11 is an enlarged top perspective view of the bow of
without the use of current inserts which are inherently more FIGS. 8-10; and
complex. FIG. 12 is a partial perspective view of a compound bow
Splitting of the cam further eliminates the need for the according to a third embodiment of the present invention.
above clevis block from the preceding compound bow
design, further reducing Strain on fasteners connecting the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
hinge assembly through the power limb to the clevis. INVENTION
Furthermore, and by running the cable above the limb (as the The following description refers primarily to a specific
cam cable does over the width of the limb) the small loop embodiment of a compound bow in accordance with the
previously created in the power cable is avoided, thereby present invention. Throughout the course of discussion,
increasing cable life. terms such as “front”, “rear”, “upper”, “lower”, “top”,
Rerouting the power cable over the power limb in the 35
described manner also aids in limb alignment by allowing “bottom', and the like are used to more clearly describe the
Side to Side Slippage in the cable upon installation and embodiment through the illustrations provided in FIGS. 1-8,
Securing, Such as using a set Screw, as is currently done with herein. It should be noted that these terms are provided
the yoke cable. merely as a frame of reference and are not intended to be
Similar pronounced benefits are provided in that by 40 limiting as to the present invention.
Splitting the cam, the forward edge of the Synchronization Referring now to the Figs. and specifically to FIG. 1, there
timing wheel can be aligned with the timing cable groove, is shown a side elevational view of a compound bow 10 in
thereby eliminating the need for a pair of timing idler accordance with a first embodiment, having a riser or central
wheels, as used in commonly known compound bows. The Section 12 including a hand grip 14 therein and a flat rest (not
overall diameter of the cam can be increased without caus 45 shown) for receiving an arrow (not shown) therein. The riser
ing rotational interference with riser or forcing the cam axle 12 includes a belly side 22 which directly faces the archer
further away from the riser. when he or she is holding the bow 10 in the firing position
Still further, manufacturing a larger cam also provides (as perceived on the left side in this view) with the opposite
more programming Surface which makes the effects of Small back side 26 of the riser Section facing the target (as
changes leSS important, meaning that leSS precision is 50 perceived on the right side according to this view). The riser
needed in manufacture and design. In Summary, the above Section 12 is preferably made from aluminum or magnesium
described compound bow herein includes relatively large and includes respective top and bottom end portions 30, 34.
Savings in weight as compared with existing bow designs,
e.g. 6 to 10 ounces or more, greater design flexibility, Alternately, the riser Section 12 can also be made using any
improved assembly time, reduced numbers of active com Suitable material having Sufficient rigidity and Strength.
ponents required to construct the bow, increases in camming 55 More recently, risers for example, can be manufactured
and timing cable life, and improved Stability and alignment using CNC processing.
in the bow limbs, leSS Vibration noise, and improved aes A pair of identical Spring members (referred to hereinafter
thetics. as power limbs 38) are cantilevered from the top and bottom
These and other objects, features, and advantages are end portions 30, 34 of the riser 12. The base 42 of each
herein described with reference to the following Detailed 60 power limb 38 is securely attached by any suitable means
Description of the Invention which should be read in con within a complimentary limb pocket 50 formed therein. In
junction with the following drawings. assembly, each power limb 38 extends outwardly and
inwardly so that the limb leans toward the belly side 22 of
the riser 12. The power limb 38 may be fabricated from any
FIG. 1 is a side elevational view of a compound bow made 65 Suitable Spring-like material in either a single layer or
in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present multiple layers. A weight adjustment Screw 46 attached to
invention; the front face 13 of the riser section 12, or other Suitable
S 6
means, may be operatively associated with each power limb outer limb 54. The cable 110 is guided through a V-shaped
38 to permit the spring response thereof to be varied. groove 118 extending across the width of the limb in a
The free end 39 of each power limb 38 is hingably secured Saddle 122 attached to the front face 51 of the outer limb 54
to a companion outer bow limb 54 at an intermediate at the interior end thereof. The cam cable 110 extends to the
position thereof using a hinge assembly 58. Each outer limb opposite side of the bow 10 and into the outboard groove
54 is a curved member made from a flexible material, Such 108 of the remaining cam 104. The cable 110 is reeved at its
as fiberglass, that contains a tip 62 at its distal end 66 in remaining end on the opposite end of the cam, e.g. the Side
which a string nock 70, FIG. 4, is formed for operatively directly facing the drawstring 74, as most clearly illustrated
receiving one end of a draw or bow string 74. The outer bow in the enlarged FIG. 7.
limb 54 is more rigid than the flexible power limb 38 and is One end of the Second camming cable, hereinafter
constructed of wood composites which may or may not referred to as the power cable 120, is reeved at an interior
contain fiberglass or any other Suitable material, as is known side of the cam 100 and extends through the inboard groove
and used in the art. 106 to the top face 35 of the power limb 38 where the cable
Synchronization of the limb action of the instant bow 10 is guided through a groove 107 provided in the hinge plate
must act in unison to insure constant accuracy and repeat 15 61, see FIG. 6, and extending over the entire width of the
ability. Therefore, a pulley and cable System is provided limb. The cable 120 is directed over the inboard groove 106
including a Synchronizing pulley 80, which is disposed on a of the parallel cam 104, the remaining end of the power
reflexed portion 15 on either side of the riser section 12 cable 120 being reeved in an interior slot (not shown)
having aidler wheel 84 or wheel disposed proximate thereto. thereof. The synchronizing pulley 80 is secured using fas
An endless timing cable 88 is disposed over cable grooves tenerS or other Suitable means to the interior Side of the cam
(not shown) provided on each synchronization pulley 80 and 104.
interconnected through the center of the riser Section 12 In order to better distinguish the presently described
within a longitudinal conduit (not shown) in a manner which invention, it is believed helpful at this juncture to consider
is known to skill in the art. A Suitable arrangement is 25
and compare the operation of the presently described bow
described in greater detail in U.S. Pat. No. 4,287,867, design with that previously referred to in FIGS. 2 and 3.
incorporated by reference herein. The described Synchroni Note that similar parts have been labeled with the same
Zation System is contained Substantially within the riser 12 reference numerals for the Sake of clarity.
of the bow 10, thereby adding to the aesthetic value of the Briefly, the bow 10A includes a riser section 12A similar
bow, as well as preventing the component parts thereof from in construction to that previously described, as well as a pair
becoming entangled with foreign objects or the like. of power limbs 38, and a pair of outer limbs 54 also attached
As noted above, each of the outer limbs 54 are respec as previously described. For simplicity, only one side of the
tively interconnected to the power limbs 38 by means of a bow 10A is illustrated and described herein, though it will be
hinge assembly 58. Referring to FIGS. 1, 4 and 6, the hinge apparent that the remaining side of the bow performs in an
assembly 58 according to this embodiment includes a pair of identical manner.
hinge plates 61, 63 connected together by a common hinge Each of the power limbs 38 are attached to the outer bow
pin 65 at one end thereof. The hinge plates 61, 63 are limbs 54 by means of a hinge assembly 58, also as previ
respectively attached to the front side 35 of the power limb ously described, with the free end 39 of the power limb 38
38 and the back side 51 of the outer bow limb 54, each plate being attached at an intermediate portion.
being fixedly attached thereto using threaded fasteners 53 or 40 As previously noted, the bow 10A does not include a
other Suitable means. As noted, the free end 39 of each reflexed portion, but rather incorporates a pair of thin metal
power limb 38 is aligned with the outer bow limb 54 at an pylon plates 140, 144 which are attached at one end by
intermediate position, the hinge assembly 58 being located Suitable means, Such as threaded fasteners to the riser
at this aligned location. portion 12, at a position between the hand grip 14 and the top
Referring to FIGS. 1 and 4–7, a center stanchion 92, FIG. 45 end portion 30. The plates 140, 144 extend from the belly
7, includes an axle 95 having a pair of ends 96 extending side 22 to define a cavity 148 therebetween. An axle 152
from a reflexed portion 15 of the riser section 12, the axle mounted at the unsupported end of the plates 140, 144
extending acroSS the entire width of the riser. A cam assem supports a single cam 156. The cavity 148 is sufficient in
bly 90 including a pair of eccentric cams 100, 104 are height to allow the cam 156 to travel in a rotary path as
mounted in parallel and coaxial relation to the axle 95 at 50 detailed below.
either end 96 thereof and beyond the defined width of the A clevis block 160 including a pin 164 is positioned on the
riser section 12 as perceived from the belly side 22 of the back side 37 of the power limb 38 for supporting one end
bow 10. That is to say, each cam 100, 104 is outboard of the loop of a power cable 120. The remaining end of the cable
riser Section 12 Such that the rotation of the cams is not 120 is reeved to the cam 156 as shown in FIG. 3.
impeded. 55 The power cable 120 interconnects the end of the canti
The cams 100,104 are separately mounted to each end 96 levered outer bow limb 54 to the cam 156. Respective ends
of the center stanchion 92 using Suitable threaded fasteners, of the power cable 120 is reeved to the cam 156 and is
each cam having parallel peripheral grooves, more specifi guided along an outboard cam groove 108 through the yoke
cally a pair of inboard and a pair of outboard grooves 106, 130 and across the front side 51 of the outer limb 54 through
108, respectively, for retaining interconnecting cables as 60 a V-shaped groove 118 on the saddle 122 attached to the
described in greater detail below. outer limb 54, using threaded fastenerS or the like. AS is clear
Still referring to FIGS. 1 and 4–7, a first camming cable, from FIG. 3, the yoke 130 allows the cable 120 to extend to
hereinafter referred to as the cam cable 110, is attached/ the edges of the limb 54.
reeved at one end of one of the cams 100 using a end cable In operation, the drawstring 74 is pulled which flexes the
sleeve 112 fitted in an exterior radial slot 116. The cam cable 65 distal end 66 of the rigid outer limb 54 in a counterclockwise
110, wound around the bottom of the cam 100 using the direction shown by the reference numeral 168. The flexion
outboard groove 108, extends therefrom to the end of the of the outer limb 54 causes the limb to pivot about the hinge
7 8
assembly 58 and causes a pulling action of the power cable is closer to the bow drawstring (not shown). That is, the
120, causing rotation of the cam 156. As the cam 156 rotates, brace height is reduced. The advantage of providing lower
the power limb 38 is also flexed inwardly due to the rotation brace height is that the drawstring can be pulled farther,
of the cam and the interconnection of the cam cable 120, thereby increasing the power Stroke and potential for Storing
providing a tensioning force. AS the cam 156 continues to energy and generating Speed. AS Such, the cams can be
rotate as the bowstring 74 is pulled, the cam will pass its directly attached to the riser itself. By making the cams
knockover point, the amount of draw force required by the larger (only cam 180 is visible), an increase in the amount
archer is Subsequently lessened in the manner described in of programming Space is made available, allowing a number
U.S. Pat. No. 5,388,569, the contents of which are hereby of alternative reeving points for either of cables 110, 120
incorporated in their entirety by reference. using external slots 170.
The release of the drawstring 74 removes the force on the PARTS LIST FOR FIGS 1-12
end of the outer limb 54 and the cam cable 110 under
compression from the hinge assembly 58 restoring the cam 10 compound bow
156 to its original prefiring position. 10A compound bow
Comparing the operation of the two bows, and referring 15 12 riser Section
12A riser Section
generally to FIGS. 1 and 4-7., the pulling of the drawstring 13 front face
74 causes the outer limb 28 of the present embodiment to be 14 handgrip
flexed as shown, causing respective clockwise rotation of 15 reflexed portion
the cams 100,104 due to the pulling action of the outer limb 22 belly side
54 and the hinge assembly 58. The rotation of the cams 100, 26 back side
104 continues as the bowstring 74 is pulled until the cams 30 top end portion
have reached their knockover point at which the tension on 34 bottom end portion
the drawstring is eased allowing the maximum pull weight 35 front side-power limb
to be reached without Significant additional effort on the part 25 38 power limbs
of the archer.
37 back side-power limb
Upon release of the drawstring, the cams 100, 104 are 39 free ends-power limbs
restored to their original position due to the tensioning of the 42 base-power limb
camming or power cable 120 as the outer limb 54 is pulled 46 weight adjustment Screw
due to the biasing force Supplied by the hinge assembly 58. 50 limb pocket
Therefore, the operation of each bow provides a cam assem 51 back side-outer limb
bly which allows a lessening of draw force, the presently 53 threaded fasteners
described bow, however, deleting the need for the yoke, and 54 outer bow limb
allowing the power cable 120 to be more reliably secured to 58 hinge assembly
the hinge assembly 68 in that the cams 100,104 are spaced 35 61 hinge plate
at a distance which aligns the pairs of camming cables 110, 62 tip
120 directly with the edges of the bow limbs 38, 54. 63 hinge plate
It will be readily apparent that certain modifications are 65 common hinge pin
possible. For example, and referring to FIGS. 8-11, a 66 distal end
compound bow 200 in accordance with a second preferred 40 70 string nock
embodiment of the present invention routs each of the 74 bowstring
camming cables 220, 230 over the outer bow limb 224 rather 80 synchronization pulley
than over each of the outer bow limb and the power limb 84 idler wheel
216, as described in the preceding. The outer bow limb. 224 88 timing cable
according to this embodiment includes a pair of Saddles 236, 45 90 cam assembly
238 mounted to the exterior side by Suitable means, such as 92 center stanchion
cable lock fasteners 250, each saddle having a groove 242, 95 axle
244 appropriately sized for allowing a respective cam cable 96 ends
220, 230 to be wound therethrough. Saddle 238 is preferably 100 eccentric cam
placed beyond the hinge point, that is further outboard of the 50 104 eccentric cam
hinge assembly 258 to allow significant flexion when the 106 cam groove, inboard
drawstring 222 is pulled, as shown in FIG. 10. The cams 246 107 groove
according to this embodiment are each mounted outboard of 108 cam groove, outboard
the riser portion 212, as in the preceding design, but are 110 cam cable
Suitably shaped to allow Significant contact between each of 55 112 cable sleeve
the respective cam cables 220.230 and the cam grooves (not 116 radial slot
shown). 118 V-shaped groove
Other variations are possible using the concepts as 120 power cable
described herein. For example, and referring to FIG. 12, a 122 saddle
preferred example of an alternate riser design is illustrated. 60 130 yoke
For the sake of clarity, similar parts are labeled with the 140 plate pylon
Same reference numerals. According to this embodiment, the 144 plate pylon
pockets of the riser Section 162 are tipped forward in a more 148 cavity
pronounced refleX arrangement to better incorporate the use 152 axle
of the stanchion (not shown). The net result of this embodi 65 156 cam
ment is that the profile of the riser section 162 can be more 160 clevis block
aesthetic, and perhaps more importantly, the grip of the riser 162 riser section
164 clevis pin 2. A compound archery bow as recited in claim 1, includ
168 direction ing a hinge assembly interconnecting each pair of inner and
170 Slots outer bow limbs, Said hinge assembly includes first cable
180 oversized cam retaining means for retaining a portion of one of Said
200 compound bow camming cables over the width of each inner bow limb.
212 riser portion 3. A compound archery bow as recited in claim 2, wherein
216 power limbs each first camming cable extends along a path defined
220 cam cable between a first peripheral groove provided in each pair of
222 drawstring parallel cams extending over the width of the outer bow limb
224 outer bow limbs 1O
230 cam cable and the Second camming cable extends along a path defined
236 saddle between Second peripheral grooves provided in each pair of
238 Saddle parallel cams and extending over the width of one of Said
242 groove inner and outer bow limbs, each of said bow limbs having
244 groove 15 means disposed on an exterior Side thereof for retaining each
246 cams Said camming cable, each of Said retaining means being
250 fasteners cable lock Spaced from each other by a predetermined distance.
258 hinge assembly 4. A compound bow as recited in claim3, wherein each of
230 cam cable Said camming cables extend over the width of Said outer bow
While this invention has been described in reference to limb, wherein Said retaining means are located on opposite
the disclosure herein Set forth, it is not necessarily limited to Sides of Said hinge assembly.
the above Specific embodiments and this application is 5. A compound bow as recited in claim 1, wherein the
intended to cover any modifications and changes as covered spacing between each cam in Said pair of parallel cams is
by the appended claims. substantially equal to the width of said bow limbs.
What is claimed is: 25 6. A compound bow as recited in claim 1, including a pair
1. A compound archery bow, comprising: of Stanchions oppositely attached to respective reflexive
a riser Section having a center portion and a pair of portions of Said riser Section which are oppositely disposed
opposing ends; relative to the center portion, each said Stanchion including
a pair of flexible inner bow limbs, each of said inner bow an axle having opposing ends to which each cam of Said pair
limbs being cantilevered to a respective end of Said of parallel cams are attached, said cams being outboard of
riser Section; the width of said riser section and rotatable without inter
a pair of outer bow limbs, each of said outer bow limbs ference therewith.
being hingably attached at an intermediate portion 7. A compound bow as recited in claim 6, wherein Said
thereof to free Standing ends of a corresponding inner 35 stanchions are integral to Said riser Section.
bow limb; 8. A compound bow as recited in claim 1, wherein each of
a drawstring tautly attached at each end thereof to respec Said pair of parallel cams includes a plurality of reeving
tive distal ends of said pair of outer bow limbs; and points for Securing at least one end of Said first and Second
a cam assembly including two pairs of parallel cams, each camming cables, Said reeving points being disposed on an
pair of parallel cams being oppositely disposed relative 40 exterior Surface of Said cams.
to the center portion of Said riser Section and oppositely 9. A compound bow as recited in claim 1, in which each
spaced outboard of the width thereof, and first and of Said of pair of parallel cams include an exterior Surface
Second camming cables associated with each Said pair having at least one alternative reeving site for at least one of
of parallel cams, each of Said first and Second camming Said first and Said Second camming cables.
cables extending along respective Spaced paths extend 45 10. A compound bow as recited in claim 1, wherein said
ing between a pair of parallel cams and the width of one riser Section includes a reflexed portion extending toward
of Said inner and outer bow limbs, wherein pulling of Said drawstring, Said reflexed portion including means for
Said drawstring causes coordinated rotation of Said mounting Said parallel cams to opposing Sides thereof.
cams So as to cause lessening of the tension of Said
drawString at an intermediate draw point. k k k k k

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