US4066000 - Machine Gun pattern

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United States Patent (19) 11 4,066,000

Rostocil 45) Jan. 3, 1978

54 MACHINE GUN 2,421,858 6/1947 Trimbach ........................ 89/37 GM
3, 198,076 8/1965 Stoner ....... ... 89/198
75) Inventor: Charles Edward Rostocil, Sugar 3,318,192 5/1967 Miller et al. .. ... 89/199
Grove, Va. 3,489,060 /1970 Marocchi...... ... 89/180
3,651,736 3/1972 Ingram ...... ... 89/199
(73) Assignee: Brunswick Corporation, Skokie, Ill. 3,736,693 6/1973 Koch ................................... 42/76 R
21) Appl. No.: 464,109 Primary Examiner-Stephen C. Bentley
22 Fied: Apr. 25, 1974 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-John G. Heimovics; Sheldon
Int. Cl.' ........................ F41D 9/02; F41D 11/06;
L. Epstein
(5 1)
F41D 11/12; F41F 17/10, F41F 17/12 57 ABSTRACT
(52) U.S. Cl. ........................................ 89/198; 42/1 S; An automatic weapon incorporating a retarded blow
42/25;42/75 A42/75 B; 42/76R; 42/77; 89/1 back, a cartridge and bolt centering assembly, light
K; 89/14 C; 89/33 BC; 89/34; 89/37 B; weight and minimum component construction, simplic
89/130; 89/132; 89/134; 89/148; 89/180; ity in disassembly, easily detachable barrel, unique
(58) Field of Search ........... 89/180, 198, 199, 37 GM; belted ammunition feed system, disposable ammunition
42/76 box, a guide buffering assembly, muzzle brake, remote
References Cited
firing capability, front sight charging system and a bulk
(56) head recoil absorbing arrangement.
1,165,621 12/1915 Nelson ................................... 89/180 82 Claims, 57 Drawing Figures
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356 365 A76 67

1. 2
Another object of this invention is to provide an
MACHINE GUN automatic fire weapon that has a front sight that is also
a charger for charging the weapon.
The instant weapon incorporates retarded blow back, Another object of this invention is to provide a de
belt fed, and is a fully automatic light machine gun. The 5 tachable barrel for an automatic weapon wherein the
low weapon weight and the high packing density of its bottom of the receiver forms a handle grip for removing
ammunition allows one infantryman to satisfy the light the barrel.
machine gun tactical requirements previously requiring Another object of this invention is to provide an
a minimum of two infantrymen. In addition, its light automatic fire weapon that can fire different caliber
weight and ease of handling permits the tactician to 10 projectiles by merely interchanging barrels.
fully utilize new infantrymen mobility found in the Another object of this invention is to provide an
helicopter and armored vehicles. The weapon can uti automatic fire weapon having holes in the receiver
lize the new 6MM cartridge that tactically duplicates housing to provide cooling and stress relieving.
the present 7.62 NATO cartridge. It can be constructed 15 Another object of this invention is to provide an
to fire any caliber ammunition. automatic weapon which disassembles so as to allow
The weapon incorporates a retarded blow back ac withdrawal of the bolt assembly from the rear of the
tion, which uses the cartridge case itself for bolt retar weapon.
dation, and thus permits the basic mechanism to be Another object of this invention is to provide an
extremely simple. By minimizing the number of compo 20 automatic weapon having a bulkhead at the front end of
nents, basic weapon reliability and serviceability is the receiver housing which absorbs most of the recoil of
greatly improved. To complement the retarded blow the bolt assembly.
back mechanism, a unique feed system was developed. Another object of this invention is to provide an
The feed system permits ammunition belts of any length automatic weapon which has a permanent front sight
to be loaded and unloaded from the weapon with speeds 25 which is not removed during a barrel change.
comparable to present box magazine weapons. Because Another object of this invention is to provide an
the weapon is capable of high volume sustained fire, the automatic weapon which has a break-away shotgun
type of disassembly.
gun barrel was made "quick changeable' by another Another object of this invention is to provide an
unique method. The weapon barrel change can be ac automatic weapon wherein the bipod is not bulky,
complished from any position, including any standard 30 forms a handle for firing while in standing position and
firing position or mount installation, in less than five is not attached to the barrel.
seconds. To maximize the tactical usefulness of the Another object of this invention is to provide an
weapon, a foldable bipod was designed integral with the automatic weapon having angular slots in the muzzle
receiver. The bipod permits accurate, long range firing which forms part of the recoil system.
from the prone position, while not deterring the weap 35 Another object of this invention is to provide an
ons flexibility when using the offhand or hip firing automatic weapon which the user can change the barrel
methods. To assure the safety of the gunner under all while in a prone position.
conditions, many unique safety features were incorpo Another object of this invention is to provide an
rated into the basic mechanism. No moving exterior automatic weapon wherein the barrel may not be
components, shrouded bolt, recessed bolt face, vented 40 changed unless the bipod is in a down position, thus
forward receiver and telescoping bolt, are a few of the insuring against dirt getting into the receiver.
integral safety features. Another object of this invention is to provide an
In addition to the tactical and functional qualities automatic weapon having a new and improved car
incorporated into the mechanism, the production of the tridge feed system.
final systems was considered from the very first. Al 45 Another object of this invention is to provide an
though the weapon is a light machine gun, its cost and adapter and disposable magazine for an automatic
simplicity of fabrication is similar to that of the present weapon.
assault rifle. This permits expanded tactical utilization Another object of this invention is to provide a rotary
of the weapon system over existing light machine guns. feed system for an automatic weapon which can be used
Accordingly, it is an object of this invention to pro 50 individually with a cartridge belt or with a magazine.
vide a new and improved fire-support system. Another object of this invention is to provide a dis
A further object of this invention is to provide a posable plastic magazine which may be provided singu
machine gun with a quick change barrel. larly or with a rotary feed adapter thereon as a unit.
A still further object of this invention is to provide an Another object of this invention is to provide an
improved machine gun with a minimum of recoil. 55 automatic weapon having a disposable magazine with a
Another object of this invention is to provide an transparent portion by which the gunner can ascertain
improved machine gun utilizing a modified blow-back how much ammunition remains therein.
firing system. Another object of this invention is to provide a
Another object of this invention is to provide a new unique ammunition feed system for an automatic
and improved machine gun in which the ejection part is weapon without the use of springs to feed the ammuni
closed both in the cocked and uncocked position. tion.
Another object of this invention is to provide a stan Another object of this invention is to provide a maga
dardized construction for an automatic fire weapon that zine for an automatic weapon wherein the magazine has
can be made in versions ranging from a small caliber to pivotable handles that are used as carrying handles for
a very large caliber. 65 the automatic weapon.
Another object of this invention is to provide an Another object of this invention is to provide a de
automatic fire weapon that can be fired from a bipod tachable feed system with a rotary feed cam for an
position or from a standard machine gun mount. automatic weapon.
4,066,000 4.
Another object of this invention is to provide a rotary FIG. 11 is a series of partial views of the bipod legs;
feed advance cam system for an automatic weapon FIG, 12 is a perspective view of the feed ramp of the
wherein automatic firing of the gun advances the cam. automatic weapon;
Another object of this invention is to provide a de FIG. 13 is a top plane view of the front end of the
tachable ammunition feed system for an automatic 5 machine gun;
weapon that can accommodate different size rounds. FIG. 14 is a partial side view of the chamber portion
Another object of this invention is to provide a latch of the barrel;
ing forward sight charger on an automatic weapon. FIG. 15 is a side view of the machine gun muzzle;
Another object of this invention is to provide a re FIG. 16 is a sectional side view of the chamber por
mote firing automatic weapon. 10 tion of the machine gun barrel showing a cartridge in
Another object of this invention is to provide a car place;
tridge centering bolt assembly in a fully automatic FIG. 17 is a sectional view of the machine gun barrel
weapon. showing one of the locking rings;
Another object of this invention is to provide a bolt FIG. 18 is a partial sectional view taken along line
assembly for an automatic weapon which allows for 15 18-18 of FIG. 16;
two rates of fire. FIG. 19 is a graph showing a pressure-time plot of
Another object of this invention is to provide a firing within the barrel of FIG. 16;
unique barrel locking system. FIG. 20 is an exploded perspective view showing the
Another object of this invention is to provide a maga feed advance adapter and the components thereof in
zine for an automatic weapon that is sealed and has a 20 exploded position;
rotary feed advance system incorporated therein. FIG. 21 is a rear view of the feed advance adapter;
Another object of this invention is to provide a maga FIG. 22 is a sectional side view of the rotary feed
zine that also acts as a support for an automatic weapon. advance cam;
Another object of this invention is to provide a FIG. 23 is a partial perspective view of the magazine
unique recoil buffering system for an automatic 25 gun with carrying handles in carrying position;
weapon. FIG. 24 is a front view of the magazine;
Another object of this invention is to provide an FIG. 25 is a sectional side view of the magazine;
automatic weapon that can be quickly field stripped into FIG. 26 is a side sectional view of the feed advance
five major components or fourteen minor components. system cam mechanism;
Another object of this invention is to provide an 30 FIG. 27 is a front view of the feed advance system
automatic machine gun that is over powered. cam mechanism;
Another object of this invention is to provide an FIG. 28 is a front view, partially in section, of the bolt
automatic machine gun construction wherein the rate of cam follower of the machine gun;
fire can be varied by changing the weight of the bolt. FIG. 29 is a side view of the bolt cam follower of the
Another object of this invention is to provide a 35 machine gun;
unique recoil system for an automatic weapon which FIG. 30 is an enlarged cross sectional view of the
will cock with or without the barrel in place. rotary feed cam;
Another object of this invention is to provide an FIG. 31 is a perspective view of the bolt, buffering
automatic weapon using a blow-back firing system springs and buffering plate;
without any holding paws. 40 FIG. 32 is a botton view of the machine gun bolt;
These and other objects of this invention will become FIG. 33 is a rear view of the bolt;
apparent when reference is had to the accompanying FIG. 34 is a front view of the upper bolt;
specification and drawings in which: FIG. 35 is a sectional view of the upper bolt;
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the machine gun on a FIG. 36 is a front view of the lower bolt;
standard field mount showing a belt feed; 45 FIG. 37 is a partial sectional view of the lower bolt
FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the machine gun taken along lines 37-37 of FIG. 36;
showing bipods extended and the magazine in place; FIG. 38 is an enlarged partial view of the front end of
FIG. 3 is an exploded perspective view showing the the bolt;
machine gun stripped to its major components; FIG. 39 is a side view of the member used as both the
FIG. 4 is a partial sectional side view of the stock and 50 firing and ejection pins;
grip of the machine gun; FIG. 40 is a partial perspective view of the firing end
FIG. 5 is a partial sectional side view of the machine of the lower bolt;
gun showing the firing mechanism feed adapter and FIGS. 41 through 44 illustrate a firing sequence in
advance, and feed ramp; which the bolt engages the cartridge, fires it and ejects
FIG. 6 is a partial side sectional view of the front of 55 it;
the machine gun showing the recoil support bulkhead FIG. 45 is an exploded view of the trigger assembly;
and bipods; and
FIG. 7 is a partial side sectional view of the machine FIG. 46 is an exploded view of the stock assembly;
gun showing the barrel and muzzle; FIGS. 4-7 can be FIG. 47 is a perspective view of an alternate stock
laid end to end to show a complete side sectional view 60 mount;
of the machine gun; FIG. 48 is a perspective view of the chambering pad
FIG. 8 is a partial exploded perspective view of the and buffering spring guide;
front end of the machine gun showing the bulkhead FIG. 49 is a perspective view of the sear;
recoil buffering system; FIG. 50 is a partial perspective view of the buffer
FIG. 9 is a sectional side view of the front end of the 65 guide;
machine gun; FIG. 51 is a schematic of an electrical firing system;
FIG. 10 is a front view of the front end of the ma FIG. 52 is a schematic of a remote control firing
chine gun receiver; system;
FIG. 53 is a schematic of an alternate remote control pin 713 and trigger guard lock 825, Bolt assembly 600 is
firing system with a charging capability; and shown with upperbolt 601, lowerbolt'610, bolt charg
FIG. 54 is a perspective view, partially broken away ing groove 605, guide rods 134 and 135, buffering spring
of the buffer guide and sear mounted in the bolt assem. 604 and buffering plates 828. Receiver assembly 100 is
bly; shown with receiver 100, front sight-charger 102, cock
FIG.55 is a perspective view of an alternative bulk ing slot 182, bipod tab 109, bipod 112 with swivel head
head assembly. 51, feed rampflange 150 and field mount mounting hole
FIG. 56 is a perspective view of an alternative charg 151, pivot bar flange. 153, stock lockingpin slot 154,
ing sight. feed cam assembly flange 501, rear sight 103 with wind
FIG. 57 is a side view of the charging side of FIG. 56. 10 age adjustment knob 110 and rear sight support 104.
Referring to FIG. 1, the gun is shown generally des Also shown are feed cam retraction lever 518, lower
ignated as 1. It consists of a barrel assembly 200, a re bolt cam follower 530, feed cam 523 and feed cambias
ceiver assembly 100, a bolt assembly 600, stock assem ing spring 523'. *
bly 800, trigger assembly 700, feed system 300, feed Since the weapon is made up of major sub-assemblies,
advance system 500 and magazine 400. FIGS. 1 and 2 15 each sub-assembly will be discussed in detail followed
show the gun 1 in two basic positions. FIG. 1 shows the by an overall description of the weapon, its operation
gun with its bipods removed and mounted on a standard and the interrelationship of the major components or
machine gun field mount. The gun has receiver 101, sub-assemblies. . . . . .. . . .
front sight 102, rear sight 103 and its support 104, wind RECEIVERASSEMBLY 100
age knob 110, bulkhead 105, ejection port 106, advance 20
cam flange 107, bipod tabs 108 and 109, barrel 201, The receiver assembly 100 is shown in FIGS. 3, 4, 5,
muzzle 202, barrel support 203, stock cushion 802, stock 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. The receiver 101 comprises a
801, grip 803, trigger guard 804, trigger 701 and feed generally channel shaped piece of stamped metal. The
adapter 301 with ammunition belt B secured thereto. rear sight 103 is a standard M3 Carbine sight mounted
The gun is mounted by adapter frame 2, which is se 25 on a plastic support member 104 to bring it up into
cured to gun1 by machine screws such as 3, 4 engaging alignment with front sight 102. Front sight 102 is shown
holes in the receiver. In FIG. 1, the bipod legs are re in detail in FIGS. 6 and 8. As shown, sight 102 performs
moved. Frame 2 has main portion 5 which is pivotally two functions. It is the front sight of the gun and it is
secured to rod 7 and threadably receives elevation also the cocking handle for the piece. It consists of a
screw 24 and is locked thereto by knob 6. Collar 25 30 plastic member with a sighting bore 129 therein. A peg
locks screw 24 in position and rod 7 is pivotally at 130 is mounted in the base of bore 129 and is used in
tached by bolt 9 to swivel 8 which is mounted for rota conjunction with the peep sight on 103 for aiming the
tion on frame 10. Frame 10 has leg support section 11 gun. The sight 102 is mounted for sliding movement
which receives telescoping portion 13 of leg 13. At the along the top of the front of the receiver 101. A charger
base of leg 13 is plate 14 with ground engaging 15. 35 member 132 is secured to sight 102 by means of a pair of
Frame 10 also leg support section 12 and locking bolt 18 rivets 131' passing through both members and a spacer
Section 12 receives upper rear leg portions 16 and 17 131. The end of slot 128 acts to stop the forward motion
which pass through collars 20 and 19, respectively, to of the slider charger 132 together with tab portion 142
become lower rear leg sections 26 and 26, respectively. of bulkhead 139. The spacer 131 is the same width as
Collars 19 and 20 are joined by bar 21 having screw slot 128 while sight 102 and slider charger 132 are
support 22 and collar 23 thereon. Legs 26 and 26 have wider. The rear end of charger 132 is rounded (as
plates 27, 29 and projections 28 and 30, respectively. shown in FIG. 8); and engages in slot 605 of upperbolt
601. The forward travel of bolt assembly 600 is limited
Screw 24 is used to raise or lower the line of fire of gun both
1 and member 22 will slide along bar 21 to allow the gun chamber by the face of lower bolt 610 contacting the end of
O travese. 45 portion 211 and by full engagement of charger
In FIG. 2, the gun is shown with bipods 111 and 112, 132 by slot 605. To cock the weapon, one grasps sight
having bases 113 and 114, respectively, in place and 102 and pulls it rearwardly until the bolt assembly 600 is
supported thereby. In lieu of belt B, a magazine 403 is cocked. -
shown attached to adapter 301. Also shown are carry The receiver assembly 100 has a pair of depending
ing handles 401 and 402 which are capable of being 50 flanges 150 (FIG. 5) between which is mounted the feed
swung upwardly as in FIG. 23 to enable the gunner to ramp 178 (FIG. 12). Feed ramp 178 has a groove 186
carry the gun. The safety latch 713 is also shown. In therein with guide surfaces 187, 188 at the base thereof.
FIG. 2, the trigger guard 804 has been folded into grip Ramp 178 is mounted between the feed adapter assem
803. While only two positions (FIG. 1 and FIG. 2) of bly 300 and the rear of the barrel chamber portion 211
gun 1 are illustrated, it is obvious that many other posi 55 (FIG. 5). A bore 182 therein is aligned with holes 151
tions are possible, e.g., bipod legs folded up and carried (FIG. 3) into which machine screws 4 fit when the
similar to the Browning Automatic Rifle, tank or vehi weapon is attached to a standard field machine gun
cle mounting and aircraft or helicopter mounting. mount (FIG.1). The frontoffeed ramp 178 has a pair of
FIG. 3 shows the field stripped version of the gun 1. locking studs 193, 194 therein (FIG.5) which engage in
The barrel assembly 200 has barrel 201, muzzle 202, 60, holes 206 of barrel brachet 205. At the rear offeed ramp
locking rings 217, 218, barrel grip 203, barrel chamber 1781 are a pair of bores which receive biased plunger
portion 211 and locking stud receiving holes 205, 206. units 195,183, having ball plungers 196, 184. These ball
Adapter assembly 300 is shown with feed adapter 301, plungers are engaged to biasingly engage the front sur
cam drive 313 and locking bar 305. Trigger assembly face of assembly. 300 under the rib opposite rib 305
700 is shown with trigger housing 717 and trigger 701. 65 (FIG.20):
The receiver 101 has elongated flanges 152, 153 on
Stock assembly 800 is shown with stock 801, stock
cushion 802, receiver support 806, pivot bar 811, grip the rearward end thereof. The front end of the receiver,
803, grip flange 817, grip locking pin 712, stock locking referring to FIGS. 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13, it is seen that
the top of the receiver has stress relieving and cooling Bipod legs 111 and 112 are identical opposites. They
holes such as 125, 126therein (FIG. 13). The front sides both have a representative cross sectional leg shown as
of the receiver also have stress relieving and cooling 50 in FIG. 11. At the top, there are a pair of ears 51 and
holes 115, 116 and 117 (FIG. 8). Rivets such as 126, 127 53 with a tab receiving slot 52. Holes in the ears such as
are located in the top front of the receiver to insure that 5 65 receive pins such as 108 to secure the bipods to the
the top of bolt assembly 600 doesn't ride up against the receiver. At the base of each leg is a base 113 having
receiver. angled side 56, beveled area 52, edge 51 and projection
A pair of tabs 108, 109 extend forward from the front S5.
lower edges of the receiver and are bent over as at 108', Ball plungers in feed ramp 178, only shown in FIG. 5,
109', respectively. O engage bases 113 to lock the bipods in the up position in
Referring now to FIGS. 6, 8, 9, 10 the bulkhead as groove 181 when they are not being utilized as in FIG.
sembly is shown. It should be remembered that all the 3.
recoil forces are anchored to this assembly so that it is Barrel 201 is thus supported by studs 193, 194 offeed
strongly made to absorb these forces. An alternative ramp 178 and by pawls 163 and 168 cooperating with
construction is shown in FIG. 55. 15 lug 217.
Bulkhead 139 (FIG. 8) is shown as having notched I.e., the function of the receiver assembly 100 is to tie
portions 145, 146 and flanges 140, 141 and 142. The together the entire weapon. The most important subas
front face of bulkhead 139 has holes 147, 147" for receiv sembly the receiver shell 101 (a formed sheet metal shell
ing the ends of bolt assembly guide rods 134, 135, re holding the receiver components together) holds is the
spectively. Guide rods 134, 135 have slots 136, 137 20 front bulkhead assembly 139. The bulkhead is the stron
therein. Hole 148 receives a rivet 171 (FIGS. 9 and 10) gest point in the weapon; and thus receives the full force
which secures locking member 153 thereto. A washer of the barrel thrust, transmits the recoil loads from the
guide rods to the receiver, affords the attachment points
172 allows locking member 153 to pivot on rivet 171.
Holes such as 143 on flange 141, holes 144 on flange 142 25 for the forward bipod, transmits the dry firing load from
the bolt to the receiver via the charger/buffer combina
and holes on flange 140 align with holes 119, 120, holes tion, and finally is the forward attachment point for the
121, 122 and holes 123, 124 respectively on receiver 101. gun sling. The slot inserts between the two machined
Rivets such as 169, 170 (FIG. 9) secure the bulkhead lugs 216, 217 on the barrel and locks the barrel securely
flanges to the receiver. from forward and aft movements. Because of the horse
A central cut-out 152 in bulkhead 139 is adapted to 30
receive the area of the barrel 201 between lugs 217, 218. shoe configuration of the slot, the slot also affords verti
cal control for the barrel. To the left and right of the
Locking member 153 has handle 160, notched areas slot
176, 176', 177, 177' locking tabs 155, 156, and arcuate barrelthepawls barrel pawls 163, 168 are attached. The two
legs 158, 159. It also has a central cut-out 157 (FIG. 8) ing spring 161arebycammed the
outward against their retain
insertion of the barrel into the
which aligns with cut-out 152. 35 bulkhead slot. Once the barrel 201 is fully inserted into
Member 153 is rotated to align any two of the the bulkhead the locking pawls 163, 168 prevent the
notched areas with holes 147 and 147". The guide rods barrel from dropping out of its locking recess by latch
134, 135 with the bolt assembly 600, are then pushed ing underneath the locking shoulders of lug 217.
forward until the slots 136, 137 are just forward of holes The bolt guide rods 134, 135 are inserted through two
147, 147". Member 153 is then rotated and tabs 155, 156 equally spaced holes 147, 147" in the forward bulkhead
enter slots 136, 137, respectively and lock the guide rods and locked into position by latch 153 on the bulkhead
to the bulkhead 139. that is free to rotate only when the barrel is removed.
A pair of rivets 173, 174 pass through holes 149, 163 The guide rod latch is configured so tabs 155, 156 are
in member 153 and secure locking pawls 162, 165 in inserted into matching notches 136, 137 in the bolt guide
place on the rear surface thereof. The tops of pawls 162, 45 rods. This engagement gives positive control to the bolt
165 have holes 167, 166, respectively, therein which guide rods in the forward and aft directions. The close
receive the ends of biasing spring 161 therein. Spring fitting of the guide rods in the bulkhead control radial
161 normally biases the pawls so that the upper inner movement. Bipod legs 111, 112 are attached to the for
edges protrude slightly into the area circumscribed by ward bulkhead flanges or tabs. The flange is bent 25 to
cut-outs 152 and 157. One can remove them from ob 50 give the bipod legs an acute stance of approximately
structing the area by pinching in on tab portions 163, 50. The bulkhead 139 is attached to the receiver shell
168 (FIG. 10). by 15 rivets, five rivets pattern on the three tab exten
The width "B" between lugs 217, 218 on barrel 201 is sions of the forward bulkhead. The bulkhead tabs se
equal to the width of bulkhead 139 and member 153 so cure the bulkhead assembly to the sides and top of the
that when the barrel is snapped up into the area circum 55 receiver shell.
scribed by cut-outs 152, 157, a tight fit (no front or rear The most critical function the bulkhead has is to hold
movement) is accomplished and pawls 163 and 168 snap and maintain alignment of the barrel to the receiver.
back after lug 217 forces them apart. Any downward The width of the semicircular 152 cut into the bulkhead
movement of the barrel 201 merely forces the top of must match quite closely the root diameter of the lug
pawls under lug 217 (FIG. 6) to lock it in place even 50 surfaces on the gun barrel. Currently, the material used
more securely. To remove the barrel, the gunner merely are two sheets of 4130 steel sheet of 1/16-inch thickness.
pinches the pawl tabs together, FIG. 6 shows the barrel Other suitable materials can be used if sufficiently
in place on the bulkhead. The ends of lug 217 are bev strong. These two shees when welded together form a
eled at angle "D" (FIG. 17) to obtain a flat engagement flange thickness of 0.125 inch. The matching notch in
with part of the top surfaces of each pawl member. 65 the gun barrel is 0.130 inch. Some clearance is needed
Pins such as 108" lock bipod legs 11 and 112 to tabs because the gunbarrel is inserted at an angle up into the
108 and 109 when the gun is used in the mode shown in slot. In addition to the close tolerancing of the bulkhead
FIG. 2. flange to the gun barrel locking lugs, the attachment
4,066,000 10
points for the barrel pawls are important. If the barrel blast backwards. This, in effect, gives two force vec
pawls are not equally spaced so that both pawls engage tors, one backwards towards the chamber and another,
on the barrel locking shoulder, one latch will take an more than twice as strong, upwards. Muzzle 202 is
undue beating and might fail under adverse conditions. integral with the barrel 201, and the effective area is the
Another critical interface the bulkhead must have is three areas delineated by the cuts in the muzzle. Portion
in the positioning of the guide rod attachment latch 153. 211 of the barrel acts as a heat sink. The total barrel is
The latching tabs 155, 156 of this latch should be designed to weigh about two pounds, and can be
equally spaced so that the loads transmitted by the quickly changed to substitute another barrel of the same
guide rods are equal. If one attachment tab is slightly or of a different caliber. Because of grip 203, a firer in
shorter than the other or thinner than the other, and the 10 the prone position can quickly change barrels without
notches in the guide rods are equally spaced; one guide burning his hands. The holes in grip 203 provide access
rod will transmit all of the recoil loads to the forward for cooling air and egress for particles that may get
bulkhead. entrapped in the receiver assembly 100. Members 204
Under the current bipod design, the included angle of and 205 are of stainless steel construction to prevent any
bipod attachment legs is important for proper folding 15 large amount of heat transferring to the grip 203 from
against the forearm. Also the reinforcing flange, bent the barrel assembly 200.
90° to the bipod, acts as a forward stop for the bipod leg. The chamber portion is grooved as at 231 to provide
a means for grasping the cartridge at its base during
MODIFIED BLOWBACK SYSTEM firing. These grooves allow escaping gases from the
Referring now to FIGS. 14-19, there is shown the 20 firing to exit rearwardly along the surface of the shell
barrel, muzzle and chamber assembly generally desig casing 1001 toward its base. As the projectile or slug
nated as 200. It consists of a tapered barrel portion 201 101 exits along the bore and the pressure within the
having a muzzle 202, a uniform diameter barrel portion cartridge 100C decreases, the cartridge grips the un
211 and a hand grip 203. Referring to FIG. 14, barrel fluted area. As the gas expands, i.e., it flows down along
portion 211 is shown as having a pair of angled attach 25 the external portion of the shell 1001 toward the rear
ment members 204, 205 secured thereto as at 219, 221 face 1005 of the cartridge. During this time, the pressure
such as by welding. Member 205 has a pair of lug re is continuing to buildup within the cartridge. In the area
ceiving holes such as 206 (see FIG.3, also) for reception of fluting or grooving, the cartridge will cease to grip
of lugs 193, 194 (see FIG. 12). the chamber wall, but will tend to grip the chamber 213
Holes such as 207, 209 receive rivets 208, 210 to se 30 wall in the area between grooves 230 and tapered end
cure the base of the members 204, 205, respectively, to chamber enhance 229. This action tends to push the rear
hand grip 203. Grip 203 has a plurality of holes (not face or head 1004 off the cartridge, thereby stretching
shown) therein to facilitate the flow of air around the the cartridge. If this were allowed to continue, its possi
barrel portion 211 to provide cooling therefor. ble that the rear face 1005 might be blown out of the
The end of portion 211 is bevelled as at 220. The 35 cartridge. However, simultaneous with that buildup,
tapered portion 201 has a pair of locking lugs 217, 28 there is a buildup in pressure in the grooved or fluted
which fit on either side of the bulkhead 139. FIG. 17 area 230 which tends to act along the axis of the cham
shows a sectional view of the barrel showing bore 213 ber around the periphery of the cartridge and thereby
and lug 217. Lug 217 extends, at its extremities, 180 tending to push the entire casing rearward. This action
around portion 211, but is bevelled away at an angle D breaks the seal between the smooth walled section of
which is less than 90. portion 213 and the upper end of the casing 1001.
Muzzle 201, shown in FIG. 15, contains a continua Therefore, there is a momentary gripping action during
tion of bore 216 which is slightly enlarged as at 222. the initial stage of the pressure buildup. Subsequently,
Slots 224, 225 and 226 are cut at angle X in the muzzle the pressure buildup in the grooved area releases the
and have width C. The bore extension is tapered as at 45 cartridge. This two stage action allows for a holding
223 at angle E. action to allow the gases to exit forward only, thus
Referring to FIGS. 16 and 18, the inside of the cham providing the necessary velocity to projectile 1010 and
ber portion is shown. The main chamber has a diameter then releasing the cartridge to the rear.
P and is fluted as at 230 to provide grooves 231. The FIG. 19 shows the time pressure plot during the firing
difference in the radius of smooth chamber 213, and of 50 at three different points. Within a barrel, pressure read
the grooves, which have diameter Q, is shown as G. ings are usually taken at three distinct points. The first
The width of the grooves is shown as Z in FIG. 18. The of these being in the receiver portion opposite the shell
grooved chamber is shown as tapering at 214 by angle casing, referred to as the chamber pressure (CP) and
H into grooved chamber portion 215 having grooves represented by plot 242. The second point is in the
215" with a diameter O. Intermediate chamber portion, 55 initial portion of the chamber located in front of the
having diameter N, 228 extends from portion 215 to projectile prior to firing, referred to as the throat pres
bore 216. Bore 216 has spiral grooves 217" which taper sure (TP) and represented by plot 237. The third point
as at 227 into portion 228. at which pressure is read is at the fore end of the muzzle,
A round 1000 is shown positioned in the chamber referred to as muzzle pressure (MP) and represented by
213. The round has a casing 1001 which is necked down plot 232. Most weapons of a nature similar to the instant
as at 1002 to base or head portion 1003 on which is invention operate so that the throat pressure (TP)
flange 1004 having a rear face or firing portion 1005. buildup legs the chamber pressure (CP). I.e., the portion
Casing 1001 is tapered at 1006 to form neck portion 238 of plot 237 would not overlap portion 293 of plot
1107 which, in turn, is pinched at 1008 against slug 1010. 242. The resulting gap would tend to blow the head
The muzzle is designed to eliminate one-third of the 65 1004 off the casing. As shown in the graph, the TP
kick. The angle X is approximately 30 which blows peaks at 239 above the peak of the CP at 244 and then
slightly more than two-thirds of the muzzle blast up at tapers off as at 240, above CP taper 245 and levels off at
right angles to the gun, and one-third of the muzzle 241, still above the leveling off at 246 of the CP.
11 12
The pressure at the muzzle rises later as at 233, peaks invention. While flutes or grooves have, in some cham
at 234, tapers off at 235 until leveling off at 236. As the bers, been employed, they have never been employed
projectile paasses down the bore, pressure recedes for momentarily allowing part of the casing to lock to
rather rapidly except in the grooved area. Upon igni the chamber wall and allowing the remaining part to
tion, the casing moves rearwardly approximately ten 5 elongate. They are usually employed to free the neck
thousandths of an inch prior to the gripping action of area of the casing, an entirely different intent, i.e., to aid
the grooves 230 taking place and after the gripping, (2) in extraction where bottleneck cartridges are used.
an elongation of the casing itself occurs which is ap In the instant weapon, 90-95 percent of the initial
proximately between ten and fifteen thousands of an rearward motion of the bolt is imparted by the case
inch. Both these movements of the head 1004 of the O locking action. As shown in FIG. 16, the fluted or
casing and the final release of the casing through the grooved area is approximately two-thirds of the main
action of the gases in the grooved area a great deal of chamber length, i.e., the ratio of K/R is approximately
stored energy is transmitted to the bolt. This force . The letter J denotes the length of the entire chamber
moves the bolt rearwardly so as to provide access for area, I denotes the barrel diameter and L represents the
the next cartridge. As the bolt assembly 600 moves 5 length of the unrifled portion of the bore.
rearwardly it activates the feed mechanism which By increasing G, FIG. 18, by one-ten thousandths of
forces a cartridge into position to be fed into the barrel. an inch, the bolt velocity is cut approximately in half.
Of all the contributing forces, the second force, i.e., the This happens since the casing expands the full addi
stretching or elongation of the casing contributes the tional amount to grip the chamber walls.
majority of the rearward energy to the bolt assembly 20 Again referring to FIG. 19, the initial burn forces
600. The initial rearward movement of the casing also upon ignition, moves the projectile into the unrifled or
contributes. These two forces give the bolt its rearward free bore portion 228 having length L. This causes the
energy. I.e., this first twenty-thousandth of an inch overlap of the plots of the TP and CP in FIG. 19. The
movement overcomes the inertia of the static bolt. At
the end of this movement there is a velocity which then 25 main propellant burn then takes place, thus forcing the
rises due to the action of the cartridge being loosened projectile down the bore 216, and simultaneously caus
and moving rearwardly. ing the casing to grip the grooved walls of chamber 213.
After approximately three-eighths of an inch rear When the gases float down in grooves 231 to thus re
ward movement, the velocity of bolt assembly 600 falls lease the lower portion of casing 1001, the pressure CP
off. However, in the space between twenty-thousandths 30 and TP begin to decline in the graph.
of an inch and three-eights of an inch, the velocity in FEED ASSEMBLY
crease imparted to the bolt gives it sufficient momentum FIGS. 20-22 show the mechanism for feeding belted
to move rearwardly.
The advantage to this system is that by controlling rounds to the automatic weapon and it is generally
the gripping action on the cartridge one can control the 35 designated as 300. It comprises a mounting member 301
rearward velocity of the bolt. This is different from any consisting of a stamped housing of sheet metal such as
known machine or submachine gun system. 302. A pair of flanges 303, 303 extend downwardly
Factors affecting this gripping are several. Among from member 301 and have a pair of holes such as 306,
them is the clearance between the chamber and the 307 therein. The holes are adapted to overlie apertures
cartridge noted as G in FIG. 18. Another factor is the 40 such as 406, 407 in ammunition box 400 (FIG. 20). A
length of the grooved area 230, noted as K. Still another pair of locking lugs 304,305, are positioned on the mem
factor is the shape of the projectile itself and the last is ber to lock it within weapon 1. These lugs are elongated
the material or structure of the shell casing itself. This and fit within slots, such as 185 on feed ramp 178 and
system, i.e., gripping and then releasing, allows use of a 503 on advance mechanism 500 (FIG. 26).
much lighter weight bolt than a weapon employing 45 One side of the housing is bowed as at 308 and an
standard blowback technology would require. One can arcuate notch 310 is cut on one side of the housing and
use a bolt weighing approximately one-third of the an arcuate surface 309 is found on the opposite side
standard bolt weight. The gripping action is self com thereof. A support frame 311 provides a groove 312 to
pensating since by cutting the cartridge charge in half cooperate with the rotary feed member 320. A hole 313
one only affects a twenty percent reduction in bolt 50 in one end of mechanism 300 provides access for driv
velocity. Thus a buffering effect is caused by the inter ing lug 523 of the advancement mechanism 500. Lug
action of the grooves, the expansion which tends to be 523 is adapted to engage hexagonal aperture 321, having
self-compensating and the projectile. One can, there tapered portion 322 and bore 323 of rotary feed member
fore, control the projectile velocity without substan 320. Lug 523 provides rotation of member 320.
tially affecting the bolt velocity. 55 Member 320 has a series of six detents such as 325
The instant invention operates at about 45,000 psi, equally spaced around the driving end 324 thereof.
much higher than submachine guns. The blowback These detents are adapted to receive detent ball 317
system employed is significantly different than hereto which resides at the base of aperture 314. A spring 316
for used. Only submachine guns have used blowback biases ball 317 against portion 314 and, in turn, is kept in
technology and they have mostly employed straight place by set screw 315.
blowback technology. A few have used a mechanical Portion 324 has six equally grooves 326 cut therein
roller and cam to affect a delayed blowback. The firing for receiving the ends of rounds B through B4. A nar
in such submachine guns imparts energy initially to rowed neck portion 28 connects portion 324 with
withdraw rollers in recesses before propelling the bolt grooved section 332 which has six elongated grooves
rearwardly. Such a mechanical system necessitates 65 such as 329, 330 therein for receiving the fore or neck
more parts, friction, wear, etc. With the instant inven portion of cartridges. These grooves are aligned with
tion, the transition is much smoother and continuous; grooves 326, 327. A reduced diameter collar portion
there is no "jump' and there is no stopping in the instant 331 is adapted to rotate within a hole (not shown) in the
4,066,000 14
other end of housing 301. A bushing 340 maintains the The tape is then removed and the handles snapped
other end of member 320 in alignment, back in place to secure the assembly 300 in place. The
Housing 301 is cut away as at 318 to provide an exit whole unit is then slid sideways into the magazine area
for clips such as C. A spring 334 is attached to the inner of the weapon. The weapon must be charged prior to
upper portion of housing 301 and a pair of extension sliding in assembly 300. Once assembly 300 is in place
portions 335 and 336 which act to keep the rounds, such the weapon is ready to fire.
as B, in place in the grooves 326,330 until portion 627 FEED ADVANCE ACTIVATING ASSEMBLY
of bolt 600 engages the rear face of the cartridge to push
it forward on the feed ramp toward the chamber. As the Referring now to FIGS. 5 and 26 through 30 there is
cartridge is forced forward the clip C, a standard clip 10 shown the assembly 500 for activating the feed advance
which holds the cartridges together, is detached and assembly 300. The assembly 500 comprises a frame
exits sideways through cut-away area 318. A guard member 501 having a central chamber 502 therein. A
member 337 having ramp portion 38 is attached to the notch 503 relieved as at 504 extends across the frame
underside of housing 301. The ramp portion 338 aids in 501. Notch 503 receives one of the guides 305 of assem
insuring prompt and accurate exit of clip C. 15 bly 300 while notch 185 of feed ramp 178 (FIG. 11)
The edge 333 (FIG. 20) of portion 312 aids in keeping receives the other, thus locking assembly 300 in place.
the cartridges in place until they are engaged by por A central bore 505 extends longitudinally of frame 501
tions 335 and 336. The ball 317 cooperate with detents and has a bushing 506 surrounding a portion of it. The
325 to maintain the member 320 in place between fir lower portion of frame 501 is curved and tapered as at
ings. After a round has been fired, the bolt assembly 600 20 507 and extends downwardly to form a pair of flanges
starts rearward and lug 523 begins to rotate member 320 512 and 513. At the base of flanges are a pair of holes
to bring another round into position. As portion 627 of such as 516. A pin 517 extends through the flanges and
the bolt clears the member 301, the next round enters is received within bore 519 in pawl 518 which has light
the area between 309 and notch 310. The member 301 ening holes 520, 521 therein.
may be provided together with the ammunition box 400 25 The top 509 of assembly 500 is split as at 510 and has
or be provided separately. a ridged relief 528 adjacent chamber 502. Projection 627
on lowerbolt portion 610 rides through the split portion
AMMUNITION BOX of top 509.
FIGS. 23-25 show the ammunition box 400. It com A pair of bores such as 508 receives a pair of spring
prises a housing 403 having thickened portions as at 404 30 biased members such as 501' and 501'. Members 501'
to provide cylindrical portions such as 405. A pair of and 501" have biased projections such as 502' which
bores 406, 407 are located in said thickened portions. tend to extend slightly out into chamber 502.
Between the portions is located a central opening which Located within bore 505 is pawl member 523. It has
provides the egress for belted rounds of ammunition to a rear face 525 and a reduced diameter area 524 which
feed to the weapon. Rules 411 of plastic 410 extend 35 receives projection portion 522 of member 518. By
from the thickened portions to the end walls. The inside rotating member 518 one pawl can advance or retract
of the box has smooth sides as at 419 and has an inside 523 within bore 505. Member 518 is biased clockwise so
width approximating the length of whatever size round that pawl 523 normally projects out of the front of bore
is being employed, e.g. 0.30 caliber, 0.50 caliber or 505. A spring 515 acts to engage pin 517 with bore 514
20mm. Naturally, the weapon and its various compo 40 of flange 513. Spring 515 is received within bore 513.
nents are of a proportional size also. A pair of handles FIG. 26 shows member 518 and pawl 523 is biased
401 and 402 are attached to the box. They are pivotally condition so that assembly 300 can be slid sideways into
mounted by projections such as 408 and 409 and have a the receiver and grooves 503 and 185.
central carrying grip portion such as 412 and 413. The Pawl 523 has a hexagonal shape with faces such as
handles are shown in their down position in FIG.24 and 45 526, 527. A series of slots such as 526 and 527 are cut
in FIG. 2. FIG. 2 shows the handles also securing as into each face. Each slot has a "back angle' face such as
sembly 300 to the box. FIG. 23 shows the handles in 526' and 527' which is approximately 5 (see FIG. 30).
carrying position. It should be noted that the handles Surrounding pawl 523 and mounted in chamber 502
can be used to carry solely the ammunition box or to in cam follower 530 which acts as a ratchet. It consists
carrying the weapon when the box is attached thereto. 50 of follower head or ball which is adapted to ride within
A piece of Mylar R tape 420 is used to seal the box. and from end to end to cam 614 in lower bolt portion
This tape has a diamond shaped terminus portion on one 610. The follower 530 is only at rest when tipped left or
side (shown by the dotted lines) and a tap portion 415 on right. In the position shown in FIGS. 26, 27, 28 or 29,
the other side. The tape is adhesive everywhere except the follower would be at midtravel in cam 614.
over the opening on top of the box and in the circular 55 A neck portion 532 connects ball 531 with the main
area 416 which is used to grip the end of the tape to tear body portion 533. Portion 533 has a bore 535 and is cut
it off the box and unseal it. away as at 539 and 540. Threaded bores such as 541
The base of the box may be made transparent as at receive machine screws such as 542 having head por
404 and 404' so that the gunner can tell when the ammu tions 543, 545'. These screws hold metal spring steel
nition is about to be expended and another box is plates 544 and 545 in position.
needed. The ends of these plates engage within grooves 526,
The box is lightweight and is disposable due to its 527.
plastic construction. Assembly 300 may be provided As the ball moves from right to left and back again,
with the box with the seal underneath it. To load the the plates slide out of the grooves and ride over the
weapon, the assembly 300 is removed by detaching the 65 edges between the faces when the follower 350 moves
handles. The handles are made of pliable plastic and in a counter-clockwise direction. Pawl 523 does not
thus can be bent outwards to remove portions 408, 409 move. When the follower moves in the opposite direc
from the bores. tion, i.e., when the bolt assembly 600 moves rearwardly
15 16
after firing, the ends of plates 544, 545 engage in the Mounted to upper bolt portion 601 by bolts 619 and
back faces of the grooves, such as 526", and rotates the 622 and rivets 620, 621, 623 and 624 is lower bolt por
pawl. tion 610. The lower bolt portion 610 incorporates a
Since the end of pawl 523 is engaged with hexagonal linear cam 614 on its lower surface. Can 614, shown in
aperture 321 of rotary member 520, each time the bolt FIGS. 32-34, 36 and 54 has smooth inner walls such as
assembly retracts, a cartridge is advanced by assembly 615 rounded ends as at 618 and beveled entrances as at
300. 616, 617. Cam follower knob 531 of feed advance as
To insure that follower 350 stays in either the right or sembly 500 which has already been described.
left position at the end of the forward or rearward The upper surface of lower bolt portion 610 is planar
travel, a series of three detents are provided on 530. In and is in surface engagement with the lower surface of
the right position, detents 536 and 537 are engaged by upper bolt portion 601.
the biased projections such as 502 of members 501' and On the underside of lower bolt portion 610 has two
501'. projections thereon, namely cocking projection 625
Flanges depending from receiver 101 engage along (FIGS. 5 and 32) and cartridge chambering projection,
the side notches such as 529 on frame 501. The rearmost 15 627 (FIGS. 5,32, 36 and 38). The latter has a supportive
portion of top 509 of frame 501 rests atop trigger assen section 626 and is angled out at angle “F” (FIG. 38)
bly 700. As shown in FIG. 5, a spring 731 extends from which is approximately 30'.
a bore 730 in assembly 700 and biases pawl 523 forward. Projection 625 is engaged by the sear 705 (FIG. 5)
until trigger 701 is pulled. The sear, moving down
BOLT ASSEMBLY wardly, then releases the bolt allowing it to move for
The bolt assembly, generally designated as 600 in ward and the firing sequence commences. As long as
FIGS. 3, 5, 31-44, 48-50 and 54 is a floating type of bolt. the trigger is held down, the gun maintains its automatic
Referring to FIGS. 31-33 the bolt is shown as having As the bolt moves forward, projection 627 engages
an upper bolt portion 601, a lower bolt portion 610 and 25 the rear of cartridge 1001 (See FIG. 5) and moves it out
guide portions 608 and 609. In the top of upper portion of the area denoted by 309 and 310 offeed assembly 300.
601 is found a channel 605 which is adapted to receive As the bolt continues to move forwardly, the cartridge
the rear end of charging member 132 (see FIG. 6) i.e., is slid upward over cartridge ramp grooves 188 and 187
when the user wishes to charge or cock the weapon, he to align it with the opening of chamber 213.
pulls back on sight 102 which slides backward in re 30 As the cartridge commences to enter chamber 213
ceiver slot 128 (FIG. 13) and charger member 132 en the buffer guide pad 660 and its surface 658 come into
gages within channel 605 to force the bolt assembly play.
rearwards along guide rods 134 and 135 until the pro Prior to describing the function of the pad 660 the
jection 625 engages sear 705 (see FIG. 5) to thereby firing and ejection structure should be described. Refer
cock the gun. Actually, the bolt assembly slides rear 35 ence is had to FIGS. 40-44 and 36-39. FIGS. 40-44
wardly on guide springs 138 and 138 as shown in FIG. show the action end of lower bolt portion 610. A recess
5. The springs 138 and 138 are positioned in holes 606 631 in the bolt face receives the end of the cartridge.
and 607 in upper bolt portion 601 surrounding rods 134 The end of cartridge 1001 consists of leveled portion
and 135. Shoulders 606 and 607 (FIGS. 5 and 33) pre 1002, neck 1003, rim 1004 and rear face 1005 (FIG.16).
vent the springs from passing completely through bolt Within recess 631 is an aperture 633 which receives
portion 601. When the bolt assembly is moved rear firing pin 633. Firing pin 633 has a notch 635 (FIG. 39)
wardly the springs 138 and 138' are compressed be therein and a firing projection 634. A smaller recess 631'
tween shoulders 606 and 607 and plate 828. They stay opens into recess 631 and eventually bore 639 (FIG. 38)
in this compressed state until trigger 701 is pulled releas which contains ejector pin 640. Ejector pin 640 is identi
ing the bolt. 45 cal in size and configuration to firing pin 633 but is
Upper portion 601 also has a large bore 683 which reversed. Pins 633 and 640 are held in place (not shown)
terminates at shoulder 681 (FIG. 32). A buffer guide rod passing through bare 635 (FIG. 38). Firing pin 633 is
653 passes through this bore and through rounded fixed in position in bare 632 while ejector pin 640 is able
groove 682. Groove 682 is in communication with re to move with relation to the bolt. Pin 640 is fixed to the
cess 617' in portion 601. Rod 653 is surrounded by buf 50 inner end of recess or bore 639 by a spring (not shown).
fer spring 656 and is threaded at one as at 654 (FIG. 48). Thus when bolt 600 commences to move rearwadly the
Nut 655 secures buffer spring, a large and more rigid pin 640 is slightly delayed and thus moves out into
spring than guide springs 138 and 138', to rod 653. recess 63".
At the other end of rod 653 and integral therewith is Recess 631 has an arcuate notch 368 (FIG. 38) which
buffer guide 651. The assembly of buffer guide 651, rod 55 receives an extractor member 638 of spring steel which
653 and spring 656 is denoted as the buffer guide assem has ends (not shown) extending through holes 636 and
bly and designated 650. Portion 657 of guide 651 is 637.
adapted to enter recess 617' in bolt portion 601. Guide As the bolt moves forward and the cartridge face
651 has a rubber end portion which acts as a bumper in 1005 nears the front of the bolt appears as in FIG. 41.
impacting the rear wall of recess 617. Guide 651 has a FIG. 42 shows the relative positions as the cartridge
pad portion 660 which has a centering pad surface 658 face 1005 enters recess 631 and rim 1004 depresses ex
thereon. The surface 658 is arcuate and the center of the tractor 638 and nudges ejector pin 640. FIG. 43 shows
arc radius is the center of firing pin 634 (FIGS. 38 and the cartridge completely seated and the projection 634
39). has pierced cartridge face 1005 and firing occurs. FIG.
The underside of guide 651 is channeled as at 661 65 44 shows the action as the bolt is driven rearwardly. Pin
(FIG. 50) to provide groove 662 and has a pin 659 inter 640 acts to push on one side of rim 1004 and tilt the
secting said channel. The purpose of the guide 651 and cartridge since the other side is temporarily held by
pin 659 will be described below. extractor 638. The tilting continues as the bolt moves
17 18
further rearward and the cartridge casing is ejected Therefore, if sear 673 engages assembly 650 a low
through ejection port 106 (FIGS. 1 and 2) and the next firing rate results and if it doesn't, one gets a high rate of
cartridge is advanced by assemble 300 to be in position fire. -

for the next forward movement of the gun. TRIGGER ASSEMBLY

As previously stated, the face of lower bolt portion
610 is recessed to center the firing pin 633 extractor 638' The trigger assembly 700 is shown in FIGS. 5 and 45.
and ejector 640 onto the cartridge head. The barrel is It comprises a trigger 701 having main portion 702 with
chambered and contains all of the cartridge head except aperture 704 therein and extension portion 703. Portion
for that amount shown in FIG. 16. The cartridge head 703 is adapted to engage within notch 709 of member
must enter the bolt face recess. The last small amount of 10 705. The ends of member 705 are rounded as at 708, 710
bolt travel has to be controlled to insure centering due to allow the rounded end of portion 703 to ride easily
to the amount of cartridge extending from the barrel therein. An elongated hole 706 is located in the opposite
assembly 200. If the cartridge extends rearwardly 0.10 end of member 705 which allows member 705 to slid
of an inch the last one-half inch of bolt travel must be ingly pivot on pin 712. A spring 711 engaging in a hole
controlled to eliminate "wiggle', i.e., it should be 15 (not shown) in trigger housing 717 and in aperture 707
damped out. Assuming that the chamber is centered of member 705 biases the latter upward.
relative to the barrel the instant weapon centers the bolt Housing 717 has an aperture 730 in one end thereof
on the outside of the barrel. The chamber will then which receives spring 731. Spring 731 acts against the
center with a point within the bolt. The point is the end 525 of lug 523 to maintain the lug biased to ad
center of the lower bolt face recess 631, i.e., the center 20 vancement mechanism 300. Apertures such as 720 re
of pin projection 634. To accomplish this pad 660 is ceive 712 to maintain member 705 in place. A safety
slidably mounted within the bolt assembly 600 just for latch 715, having cut-away area 716thereon is received
ward of the lower bolt face. The pad surface 658 is a within apertures such as 721. Area 716 allows the mem
surface circumscribed by an arc whose radius is the ber 705 to pivot when it is in the position shown in FIG.
center of the barrel chamber. The pad length is approxi
25 5. When latch 715 is rotated to its safety position, the
mately one inch, inch for close centering and inch rounded portion opposite area 716 prevents the member
lead-in. By actually guiding only the last one-halfinch, 705 from pivoting downward, as in FIG. 5, to allow the
bolt assembly to move forwardly to fire the weapon.
the bolt is free to move by sand or other particles en Pin 713 is received with apertures such as 722 and aper
trapped within the receiver and then locks in for the last 30 ture 704 in trigger portion 702.
one-half inch. This smooths out the transition from
loose to tight bolt travel. ALTERNATE FIRING MECHANISMS
Since the pad wraps over the barrel there are forces In FIGS. 51-53 there are shown several alternate
necessary to maintain it in place on the barrel. The firing mechanisms that can be employed with the instant
spacer can be made of plastic or brass. The spacer is 35 automatic weapon. FIG. 51 shows a remote control
located so that it bears for only the last one-half inch of firing apparatus 1200. It consists of power source 1201,
bolt travel. remote switch 1202, solenoid 1203 and a pin and spring
The bolt assembly 600 then can travel loosely unit 1204 which acts to normally force trigger 1204
throughout most of its travel and is only accurately forward. When switch 1202 is closed, solenoid 1203 acts
controlled during a small part thereof. 40 against spring unit 1204 to pull the trigger rearwardly to
The instant weapon can be operated at two rates of fire the weapon. As 1205 is rotated rearwardly, it acts
fire. Pad 660 is one half of a two component system that against spring 1208 to pivot member 1206 downwardly
accomplishes this feat. Pin 659 of buffer guide assembly about pin 1207 thus allowing the bolt assembly to go
650 acts as a sear shoulder. Sear assembly 670 is shown forward and fire the weapon.
in FIG. 49. It comprises an elongated member 671 hav 45 FIG. 52 shows an advanced pneumatic version of the
ing cam 674, extension 672, sear hook 673, hole 676 and mechanism of FIG. 51. It consists of a three way manual
biasing projection 675. Spring 677 acts against 671 to firing valve 1211 having a spring return 1212. A high
pivot 671 clockwise. A rate control latch 678 is used to pressure air supply 1213 is provided as well as check
control rate of fire. By turning latch handle 680 the flat valve 214, a four way double air cylinder valve 1215, a
surface 679 will be either parallel to or perpendicular to 50 two way air cylinder 1216 and a piston extension 1217
the underside of projection 675. Sear assembly 670 is to engage the trigger. This system can detect remote
mounted in bolt portion 609 and member 671 moves loading and is self charging.
within a slot 684 (See FIG. 54). As the bolt assembly FIG. 53 shows a more elaborate pneumatic system
600 rides over the barrel, the barrel strikes the cam 674. generally designated as 1220. It has a charging valve
Further movement of the bolt cam sear 673 by barrel 55 1222, a trigger valve 1221, a four-way double air charg
201 projection 673 engaging it. When the sear is ing valve 1224, a high pressure air source 1223 and a
cammed down the buffer guide assembly 650 is free to four-way double air trigger valve 1225. This much of
extend itself. However, since the bolt counter recoil has the system can be located remotely from the weapon,
moved the buffer pad 660 beyond the extended reach of designated as 1226, a bracket 1230 holding a double
the buffer while extended, the extending force of the 60 charging air cylinder 1231 on top thereof having a rod
buffer spring 656 is lost or thrown into bolt assembly 1232 connecting it to slider charger 1233. A double air
600. To soften the impact the plastic bumper 651' (FIG. cylinder 1227 is attached to the base of the weapon and
32) is employed. Spring 677 is located in groove 684 to has a connection 1228 with trigger 1229. The cylinder
position the sear 673 upwardly. By camming the sear 1231 is a long stroke variety and is capable of charging
673 down, i.e., by removing the bolt and turning latch 65 the gun when charging valve 1222 is activated.
handle 680 so that surface 679 is perpendicular to the Thus, any of the three remote control filing or charg
underside of projection 675, the sear 673 will not catch ing systems described can be put on the instant auto
pin 659 and the buffer buide assembly 650. w matic weapon.
19 20
STOCK ASSEMBLY 101 until the feed cover 301 strikes the right receiver
wall. Release the feed cover release lever. It will move
Referring now to FIGS. 3, 4, 46 and 47 there is shown forward and lock the ratchet mechanism 500 within the
the stock assembly generally designated as 800 in FIG. gun to the feed cover. The weapon is now loaded.
46 and an alternate assembly as 1100 in FIG. 47. The If by chance the feed assembly 300 had not been
stock 807 consists of a balsa wood core 85 covered loaded with a cartridge belt prior to the field loading,
with a thermoplastic covering 850. This provides for a the following sequence describes the loading of the belt
lightweight stock which has a recoil pad 802 on the base into the feed cover 301. With the right hand, grasp the
thereof. The attachment portion of the stock has a feed cover 301 so its under side is upward. Insert the
thickened portion 805 having faces 809, 810 with raised 10 open link end of the ammunition belt into the slot on the
portion 806. Raised portion 806 has a pair of notches bottom of the feed cover. With the thumb, continue to
807, 808 therein to receive the ends 829 of guide rods force the belt into the feed cover. Three clicks will be
134 and 35. Nuts 830 secure the threaded ends to butt heard or felt. The sprocket 320 within the feed cover
plate 828 although the rods 134, 135 may be welded has rotated the first three rounds and locked then into
directly to plate 828. An L-shaped extension 811 of the 15 place. Turn the feed cover over and check the cartridge
portion 806 has a pair of bores 812, 813 therein. Refer alignment in the feed slot. Return the feed cover to the
ring to FIG. 4, it is seen that a pair of spring-ball plunger ammunition box 400 and replace the feed box handles
units 812, 813' are located within a longitudinal bore 401 and 402. It is intended that the feed cover be loaded
within 811. Balls 812", 813' protrude into bores 812, 83, prior to weapon fielding in order to minimize the time
respectively to securely lock notched pins 712, 713 20 required to load the weapon in the field. When the feed
therein. Pin 713 has an angled handled portion 714 box is depleted of its two hundred plus round allotment,
thereon. A handle 803 is adapted to be secured to the the feed cover is intended to be retained by the gunner
end of the receiver and to portion 811 of the stock as and reused on future ammunition boxes. The ammuni
sembly by pins 712 and 713. Handle 803 has a hollow tion box 400 itself is intended to be an expendable item
inner portion 803' and has a pair of flange portions 816, 25 but capable of being reused.
817 extending upward from widened areas such as 815. To fire the weapon rotate the safety 715, located on
Flanges 816 and 817 have holes such as 818 and 819 the lower right hand side of the receiver forward of the
therein and engage either side of portion 811. The trigger 701, to the forward "fire' position. Rotating the
necked down portions 153 and 154 of receiver assembly safety unlocks the sear 705 and trigger 701. By depress
100 (FIG. 3) engage on either side of flanges 816 and 30 ing the trigger, the gun will now fire. The gun is fully
817. As shown in FIG. 3, receiver portions 153 and 154 automatic and will continue to fire as long as the trigger
have holes therein. The holes near the end of receiver is depressed.
portions 153, 154 are opened to the edges thereof so that If a misfire occurs, release the trigger and pull the
when pin 713 is removed the stock assembly may be front sight 102 to the rear until the bolt strikes the buffer
swung downwardly, pivoting on pin 712. The assembly 35 plate. Return the front sight and allow it to latch into
800 swings down sufficiently so that access may be had place. The gun has now been cleared of the misfire, the
to the components in the rear of the receiver. In fact, feed system 300 advanced, and a fresh cartridge indexed
the whole bolt assembly 600 including guide rods 134 in the feed way.
and 135 may be removed from the receiver without any The cartridge line "C" is contained within the top
further disassembly thereof. 40 feed cover until the cartridge is chambered. Once the
Handle 803 is notched as at 820 in the front thereof bolt has chambered, the link is free to move to the right
and has a pair of tab portions 825, 826 at the base and clear of the gun. If gravity or some other force pulls
thereof. A pin 821 pivotally secures a retractable trigger the link, it could clear the gun as soon as the cartridge
guard 804 to handle 803. At the end of guard 804 are a has been stripped from the link. Under normal condi
pair of tab portions 822, 823 having ball projections 45 tions the cartridge link will eject from the gun during
such as 824 thereon. These projections are adapted to feed advance. The velocity given the link during ejec
snap into holes such as 327 in tab portions 825 and 826. tion is equal to the feed belt advance. The ejection path
Since the handle and guard 804 are made of plastic the is straight to the right hand approximately parallel to
guard can be easily snapped into recess or notch 820. the cartridge case ejection. The link ejection path and
FIG. 47 shows an alternate stock 1100 that is used 50 the sequence of when link ejection occurs, assures that
when firing the weapon from the prone position. It the cartridge case and the ejected link will not interfere
consists of a metal or plastic butt plate 1101 which is with each other during their ejection.
attached, at its narrowed portion 1103 to member 1102. To change the gun barrel 201, the left hand holding
Member 1102 is essentially of the same shape as portion the forearm is moved forward so the index finger and
811 inasmuch as it slopes down at 1104 and has a pair of 55 thumb can depress the barrel pawl levers. Once the
bores 1105 and 2106 therein. The end thereof is split to levers have been squeezed together, the forearm is
provide tabs 1107 and 1108. pulled downward away from the receiver. The barrel
OPERATION will pivot around pins 193, 194 located on the feed ramp
178 and "break opin' like a shotgun. Once the barrel has
Charge the action by pulling back on front sight 102 60 been broken from the receiver, it is pulled forward off
or 350 to the rear until bolt assembly 600 strikes the the pins and clear of the gun.
buffer plate 828. Afte charging, return sight 102 to the To replace the barrel, the sequence is reversed. First,
forward position. Sight 1350 will latch in place auto the base of the barrel is inserted over the pivot pins 193,
matically while 102 will be kept in place by friction. 194 and then pivoted upward into the receiver. Once
To load the weapon depress the feed release lever 518 65 correct index is obtained the spring loaded barrel pawls
located forward of the feed ratchet housing with the engage the locking shoulders of lug 217 on the barrel to
forefinger of the right hand. With the left hand, insert lock the barrel in place. The barrel can be changed with
the feed assembly 300 into the left side of the receiver the bolt in either the forward or the rear position.
4,066,000 22
The gun is equipped with a muzzle brake 202 that Throughout the entire recoil cycle, the recoil springs
moves the muzzle of the barrel downward during firing. located within the bolt have been compressed; but after
This is accomplished by venting muzzle gases upward the buffer plate of the guide rods is impacted by the
and to the rear after the bullet has left the muzzle. The buffer spring 656 it can compress into the bolt two
muzzle brake gives the entire weapon a forward and 5 inches. Actual buffer stroke depends upon the bolt re
downward movement and counters the later rear and coil energy at the time of buffer plate impact. The buffer
upward movement incurred during gun recoil. During a plate 828 transmits all recoil forces, (recoil springs;
burst, the gun rocks forward and aft, and thus increases buffer; and if the buffer bottoms out, the impact of the
the control of the weapon by preventing muzzle climb bolt against the buffer plate) to the bolt guide rods 134
and weapon setback. 10 and 135. If the buffer spring 656 bottoms out, the buffer
When the trigger 701 is depressed it cams the sear 705 plate will pull the guide rods to the rear. The guide rods
down, thus permitting the bolt 600 to move forward are secured to the front bulkhead 139 of the receiver, so
under the impedance of the recoil springs 138. Forward any movement to the rear of the buffer plate will stretch
movement of the bolt 600 strips the cartridge from the the guide rods and transmit the load to the bulkhead.
cartridge link. Once the cartridge is free of the link, the 15 The forward bulkhead then transmits the load to the
feed ramp 178 cams the cartridge nose upward into entire gun mass, thus damping the original recoil force
alignment with the gun chamber 213. Continued move given to the bolt at the time of firing.
ment of the bolt raises the head of the cartridge into When bolt recoil is stopped, the recoil springs push
chamber alignment for final chambering. During final the bolt 600 forward into counter recoil. The bolt will
chambering the ejector 640 will push the cartridge into 20 move forward until it reaches the seared position. If the
the chamber until the cartridge shoulder 1006 strikes sear 705 is still depressed, the bolt will continue forward
the chamber shoulder 214, at which time the cartridge beyond this point and being another cycle. If the sear
head overcomes the preload of the cartridge ejector 640 has been released by the trigger, the bolt projection 625
and starts to depress the ejector. The buffer guide pad will impact the sear 705 and move the sear forward into
surface 658 is in engagement with the top of barrel 201. 25 the sear buffer 714, and the gun cycle stops. This con
The action of depressing the cartridge ejector moves cludes the sequence of operation of the basic mecha
the bolt (relatively) over the cartridge head and thus S.
allows the fixed firing pin to strike the cartridge primer. To field strip the weapon, first charge the weapon
During this relative bolt movement period, the car and check the chamber to assure that the gun is un
tridge extractor 638' is cammed over and into the rim 30 loaded. After the bolt has been seared, depress the feed
1004 of the cartridge head. After the firing pin projec cover release lever 518 and remove the feed cover 301
tion 634 contacts the primer, the cartridge propellant is to the left of the weapon. Depress the trigger 701 and
ignited and its rapid burning expands the cartridge case allow the bolt 600 to go forward. Remove the barrel
to the wall of the chamber. While the case body 1001 is 201 from the weapon. Rotate the receiver end cap latch
expanding to the chamber wall, the cartridge head 1005 35
713 so that the arm 714 points downward. This will
is moving toward the rear accelerating the bolt to the allow the stock assembly 800 to pivot downward, open
rear. Once the cartridge case meets the chamber wall ing the rear of the receiver 101. Rotate the guide rod
213, obturation occurs and the case body locks to the retaining latch 153 and remove the guide rod assembly
chamber walls for the high pressure period. During this through the rear of the receiver. The bolt can now be
period of time, the cartridge head 1005 is still moving to 40 removed from the rear of the receiver. The gun is now
the rear accelerating the bolt and also elongating the field stripped. See FIG. 3.
cartridge cases 1001. Since the cartridge case is being If further weapon take down is necessary, the follow
elongated, bolt acceleration is lower than a standard ing sequence will strip the weapon to its major compo
blow back.
Once the high pressure period is over, the case 1001 45 nent or fixed assemblies.
is freed from the chamber walls and moves with the bolt To remove the fire control housing from the receiver,
600 to the rear of the mechanism. The bolt and case rotate the safety 715 to the down position. Pull the
movement toward the rear continues until the mouth of safety 715 to the right and clear of the receiver. Remove
the case clears the chamber face, at which time the the fire control housing 717 from the receiver by pivot
cartridge ejector 640 can move forward and pivot the 50 ing it downward and away from the ratchet housing
case around the cartridge extractor. This pivoting support shoulders 509. Using a cartridge point, push out
movement throws the cartridge case through the ejec the two pins. In the fire control housing: one pin 713 for
tion slot and clear of the gun. the trigger, another pin 712 for the sear. The trigger 702
After the cartridge case has been ejected, the bolt and sear 705 can now be removed from the fire control
cams the feed ratchet assembly 500 and indexes a fresh 55 housing. Removal of the sear 705 will also remove the
round within the feed assembly 300. Final movement of fire control spring 711.
the cartridge within the feed cover 301 is downward To disassemble the feed ratchet assembly use a car
into a cartridge tray such as 329 machined into the feed tridge point to remove the feed assembly release lever
sprocket 320. The cartridge link drops down between pivot 517. Remove the feed cover release lever 518
the tray and the rear of the sprocket onto a link ejection 60 from the ratchet housing 501. Once the feed cover re
guide 337. Two cartridge depressors 335 and 336 retain lease lever is removed, the feed ratchet can be removed
cartridge location. Once the cartridge is under the car through the front of the ratchet housing. Remove the
tridge depressors, any forward movement of the car feed ratchet arm by inserting a cartridge point through
tridge will strip the cartridge from the cartridge link. the position previously occupied by the feed cover
When feed index is complete, the bolt cam 614 stops the 65 release lever.
feed ratchet and locks it in place. Once the feed ratchet To disassemble the butt stock 801 from the pistol grip
is locked, further bolt movement is restrained by the use a cartridge point to remove the pivot pin 712 hold
buffer plate 828. ing the stock's assembly to the receiver. To separate the
23 24
two parts use a cartridge point and remove the receiver the area or slot between members 1351 and 1352 is a
end cap latching lever 713. latching member 1364. Its top 1366 is below guides
Using a cartridge point, remove the bipod leg pivot 1353, 1354 to provide a center aiming member for the
pin 108. No further action is required. front sight. Member 1364 is angled as at 1367, arcs at
To remove the feed ratchet housing from the re 136 and has a notch 1369 which receives lug 1304 (FIG.
ceiver, remove the four allen head screws holding it to 55). It has a cut away area 1370 and a spring receiving
the receiver. To remove the two feed ratchet arm bore 1372. Membe 1364 is pivotally mounted on pin
plunger units 501" and 501' from the feed ratchet hous 1363 for pivotal movement. Its notch 1369 is biased
ing, insert a screwdriver into the rear of the two tapped down by the action of spring 1374 which has one end in
holes and back them out. Do not attempt to remove the 10 bore 1372 and the other in bore 1371 in slide base 1360.
hardened steel bushing 506 within which the feed Screw plug 1373 keeps spring 1374 in place in bore
ratchet rotates. 1371.
To remove the feed ramp from the receiver, remove Slide base 1360 is slotted as at 1358 and notched as at
the four allen head screws holding it in place. 1359. Since the top 1359 of the slide base 1360 is wide
To remove the lower portion of the bolt from the bolt 15
the edges of the receiver slot (not shown) fit in 1358 and
assembly, knock out the four retaining dowel pins 620, allow base 1360 to slide on the receiver. Notch 1357 is
621, 623 and 624 and then the two allen head screws 619 to allow it to slide forward for enough when bulkhead
and 622. This will free the lower bolt 610 from the bolt assembly 1300 (FIG. 55) is being used, i.e., it enables it
assembly. To disassemble the lower bolt, drive out the to clear tabs 1312 and 1313.
ejector retaining pin. This will allow the ejector spring 20 The front of 1360 has a bore 1361 therein which holds
and plunger 640 to move forward free of the bolt. To a resilient plug member 1362 to cushion the shock of
remove the extractor, depress the extractor spring and 1360 hitting the inner portions of the bulkhead.
lift the extractor off its pivot pin. This completes lower A pair of studs 1376, 1377 extend upwardly from the
bolt disassembly. To remove the buffer system 650 from rear of the assembly and support a pin 1378 on which
the upper bolt assembly, unthread nut 655 and pull pad 25
the central portion 1379 of a wire sling swivel 1380 is
660 free of the bolt. Buffer spring will fall out. mounted. Swivel 1380 can be used with another swivel
This concludes component disassembly of the entire (not shown) mounted on the rear of the receiver or
weapon. To remove further components from either the stock 801.
receiver or feed cover assembly would require the re By pulling rearwardly on member 1375, latch 1364
moval of rivets or welded assemblies. 30
rotates counterclockwise just sufficient to disengage
Alternate Bulkhead notch 1369 from lug 1304. After the gun is cocked the
Refering to FIG.55 there is shown an alternate bulk assembly 1350 is pushed forward and automatically
head assembly 1300 which may be utilized. It consists of locks in place.
a bulkhead plate 1301 which can be made up of several 35 While only one embodiment of the instant invention
layers of high tensile steel. Plate 1301 has a pair of guide has been shown and described, it will be obvious to
rod holes such as 1302 therein, a latch pivot hole 1303 a those of ordinary skill in the art that many changes and
locking lug 1304 for engaging notch 1369 on charging modifications can be made without departing from the
member 1350 (FIGS. 56 and 57) and a U-shaped barrel scope of the appended claims.
receiving notch 1305. The plate 1301 has an extension I claim:
portion 1306 which terminates in attachment wings 1. An automatic weapon for automatically firing live
1310-1312. Holes such as 1307, 1309 and 1314-1316 cartridges comprising:
may be used to secure it to the front of the receiver. The a. a receiver housing;
whole assembly can also be welded to the receiver. It b. a bolt assembly slidably mounted for fore and aft
has holes such as 1308 for receiving screws on a tripod 45 movement within the housing;
mount (FIG. 2). c. trigger means for releasing the bolt assembly;
A pair of support members 1318 and 1320 are welded d. a barrel assembly including chamber means
to the inner sides of extension portion 1306 and as at mounted in the housing;
1321 have holes to align with holes such as 1317. These e. a feed system;
holes receive pins such as 1322 to pivotally secure bar 50 f. the bolt assembly being adapted to advance the feed
rel lug pawls, such as 1323 which secure the barrel in system while ejecting spent cartridges during its aft
place as previously described. movement and to chamber live cartridges and reset
A pair of bipod support tabs 1219 and 1325 extend the feed system, the bolt assembly comprising:
from the front of plate 1301 and are welded thereto as at 1. a body having top and bottom surfaces; and
1326. They have folded position notch 1328, arcuate 55 2. a buffer assembly biasably movably mounted on
portion 1327 and two-position notches 1329 and 1320so the bolt assembly adatped tp seat on top of the
that the bipod legs may be placed in either of two sup barrel of the barrel assembly when the bolt
porting positions. Relief holes such as 1333, 1334 and assembly is moving forward to chamber a car
pivot pin cut-outs 1331, 1332 are provided. tridge, the buffer assembly also acting to absorb
Alternate Charging Assembly
60 excess energy to reduce peak recoil forces.
2. A weapon as in claim 1 wherein the bolt assembly
Referring to FIGS. 56 and 57 there is shown an also includes;
charging assembly 1350 which can be employed with a. a lineal cam groove located on the bottom surface;
the weapon. It consists of a base members 1351 and 1352 and
which can be made integral, if desired. They are cut 65 b. a firing pin and extractor-ejector assembly located
away at the top to provide arming guides 1353 and in front of and adjacent the cam.
1354. A pair of aligned bores 1355, 1356 receive a cylin 3. A weapon as in claim 2, the feed system compris
drical handle 1375 of lesser diameter therethrough. In ing:
4,066,000 26
i. a feed ratchet subassembly mounted within the handles being pivotally mounted to the housing adja
housing adjacent the trigger means and having a cent the opening, the handles adapted to be swung so as
cam follower for rotating the ratchet, and to lie flush with the sides of the housing in one position
ii. a feed cover partially mounted in the housing and and adapted to be swung upwardly towards each other
being slideably removable therefrom during load to form a carrying handle for the weapon.
ing and unloading the weapon with ammunition, 16. A weapon as in claim 15 wherein the feed cover
the cover having a rotatable biased sprocket and and the box housing have aligned holes therein, the
holding means to permit the sprocket to rotate in handles having portions filling the holes and securing
only one direction when there is ammunition in the the box to the feed cover.
cover, the sprocket rotated by the ratchet. 10 17. A weapon as in claim 13 wherein the box is con
4. A weapon as in claim 3 wherein the feed cover structed entirely of plastic.
means includes a feedway, a plurality offeed grooves in 18. A weapon as in claim 17 wherein a portion of the
the sprocket in which belted cartridges are adapted to plastic box is transparent to enable a gunner to ascertain
lie, and spring means adapted to biasly engage the car when the cartridge belt is almost expended.
tridge aligned in the feed way, the feed way adapted to 15 19. A weapon as in claim 1 including means detach
position a cartridge for engagement by the bolt assem ably mounting the barrel assembly to the receiver hous
bly. 1ng.
5. A weapon as in claim 4 wherein the sprocket has a 20. A weapon as in claim 19 wherein the detachable
series of detents therein corresponding to the number of mounting means includes a notch means in the front of
feed grooves, and the feed grooves, and the feed cover 20 said housing and stud means about midway in the length
includes a spring biased plunger means adapted to en of the housing, the barrel assembly having cooperating
gage the detents to lock the sprocket against rotative holes to receive the studs and lugs to secure the barrel
movement during the bolt fore movement. to the housing.
6. A weapon as in claim 3 wherein said feed cover 21. A weapon as in claim 20 wherein the notch means
includes a pair of guide members thereon, the receiver 25 includes a downward facing arcuate U-shaped notch in
housing having a pair of traverse slots therein, the guide the housing, biased pawl means mounted on each side of
members adapted to slide in the slot members to allow the notch, the pawl means adapted to cooperate with
the feed cover to be slid sideways from the receiver. the lugs to detachably secure the barrel to the receiver
7. A weapon as in claim3 wherein said feed cover has housing so that a gunner may, by pressing the pawl
an ejection part therein for allowing belt clips to be 30 means, remove the barrel from the receiver housing.
sequentially ejected as the bolt assembly advances car 22. A weapon as in claim 21 wherein the receiver
tridges into the chamber means. housing has a front bulkhead member, the notch being
8. A weapon as in claim 3 wherein the assembly con in the bulkhead member, the pawl means comprising a
tains a cam and the cam follower is adapted to ride pair of pawls pivotally mounted on the bulkhead mem
therein. 35 ber and spring means biasing the tops of the pawls to
9. A weapon as in claim 8 wherein the ratchet assem engage the lugs.
bly includes pawl means, the pawl means being 23. A weapon as in claim 22 wherein the lugs con
mounted for rotary and sliding movement, the cam prise two spaced lugs, the spacing between the lugs
follower as attached to the ratchet mounted for side to being slightly greater than the width of the bulkhead
side traverse movement, the cam in the ratchet assen 40 member and the lugs extending not more than 180 of
bly being configured so as to effect a side to side move the barrel assembly.
ment of the ratchet as the bolt assembly advances and 24. A weapon as in claim 23 wherein the ends of one
retracts. lug are beveled to cooperate with the pawls to prevent
10. A weapon as in claim 9 including a spring means rotation of the barrel.
and wherein pawl means is normally biased forward by 45 25. A weapon as in claim 20 wherein the barrel assem
the spring means to engage the sprocket within the feed bly comprises a barrel and forearm grip means, the grip
COWer. means forming the bottom of the receiver housing when
11. A weapon as in claim 10 including a lever to the barrel assembly is attached to the weapon.
retract the pawl means from engagement with the 26. A weapon as in claim 25 wherein the grip means
sprocket so that the feed cover means can be slidably 50 comprises a channel shaped member adjacent the bot
detached from the weapon. tom of the chamber portion of the barrel, a pair of
12. A weapon as in claim 9 wherein ratchet sub flanges securing the member to the barrel, the rearmost
assembly includes detent means and cooperating spring flange having holes therein to receive the studs.
biased plunger means to arrest movement of the cam 27. A weapon as in claim 20 including one barrel
follower between its periods of side to side movement 55 assembly which is constructed to accommodate one
created by the cam. caliber cartridge and a second barrel assembly con
13. A weapon as in claim 3 wherein the weapon also structed to accommodate a second and different caliber
includes an ammunition box, the box being attached to cartridge both of which can be fired from the same
the feed cover and comprising a housing, an opening in weapon without changing other parts.
the top of the housing for allowing feed of belted am 28. A weapon as in claim 22 wherein the receiver
munition to the weapon, and positionable carrying housing includes a front bulkhead member, the receiver
means on said housing and adapted to form a handle for channel being generally an inverted channel member
said weapon. and the bulkhead member fixedly secured to the re
14. A weapon as in claim 13 wherein said box is rect ceiver so as to close the front end of the channel mem
angular, in front and side views and the opening is lo 65 ber
cated on the top of the housing. 29. A weapon as in claim 28 wherein said weapon
15. A weapon as in claim 14 wherein the carrying includes a buffer plate, a pair of spaced parallel guide
means comprise a pair of juxtapositioned handles, the rods, the guide rods being secured at one end to the
27 28
buffer plate, the bulkhead member having a pair of gage the bolt assembly with the trigger means to over
holes therein and a movable latch means secured come the biasing force of the guide rod compression
thereto, the guide rods extending through the holes and springs.
being secured in place by the latch means. 40. A weapon as in claim 38 wherein the lower bolt
30. A weapon as in claim 29 wherein said latch means portion has a first projection member on the base
comprises a latch member pivotally mounted to said thereof, the projection member adapted to engage car
bulkhead member and having portions overlying the tridges from the feed system and chamber then into the
holes when in a central position, the latch member being barrel assembly.
configured so as to uncover the holes when pivotally 41. A weapon as in claim 40 wherein the lower bolt
swung in either direction, the guide rods having slots in 10 portion also includes a sear projection thereon, the
the ends thereof adapted to receive the latch member trigger means including a biased sear means, the Sear
portions when the latch member is in the central posi projection adapted to engage the sear means when the
tion thereby locking the guide rods in place. trigger means is not depressed.
31. A weapon as in claim 28 wherein the bulkhead 42. A weapon as in claim 38 wherein the lower bolt
member has a pair of tab portions on each lower side 15 portion includes a recess, the recess adapted to receiver
thereof, a pair of swingable bipod legs, pivot means, the end of a cartridge casing therein, fixed firing pin
each tab portion having the pivot means mounting the means in the recess and adapted to fire the cartridge
bipod legs thereon for swingable movement, the legs when it is fully chambered by the bolt assembly.
adapted to support the front end of the weapon in one of 43. A weapon as in claim 42 including an extractor
several positions and to be folded back along the re 20 means in the recess, the extractor means being biased so
ceiver housing when not in use. as to engage one portion of the rim of a cartridge and to
32. A weapon as in claim 3 which includes recoil simultaneously extract it and tip it so that it can be
absorbing means on the front end of the receiver of the ejected to the side as the bolt moves rearwardly after
receiver housing. firing.
33. A weapon as in claim 32 including a recoil absorb 25 44. A weapon as in claim 43 including a spring biased
ing system, the system comprising recoil energy absorb ejection plunger in the recess, the plunger adapted to
ing means, recoil transmitting bolt guide rod means, and push against a spent cartridge casing and, in concert
recoil buffering means. with the extractor to pivot it to one side for ejection
34. A weapon as in claim 33 wherein the recoil en from the receiver housing.
ergy absorbing means comprises a strengthened bulk 30 45. A weapon as in claim 38 wherein the lower bolt
head member secured to the front of the receiver assem portion has a cam groove in its lower face, said feed
bly and adapted to receive all of the recoil forces, di advance means having a cam follower adapted to ride in
rectly or indirectly. the can groove and to advance another cartridge for
35. A weapon as in claim 34 wherein the bolt guide firing when the bolt assembly retracts to its fullest ex
rod means includes a pair of spaced guide rods secured 35 tent after firing.
at their front end to the bulkhead member and at their 46. A weapon as in claim 38 wherein the upper bolt
rear end to a portion of the recoil buffering means, the portion includes skirt flanges and a buffer spring means
bolt assembly slidably mounted on the guide rod means. thereon.
36. A weapon as in claim 35 wherein the recoil trans 47. A weapon as in claim 1 including alignment means
mitting bolt guide rod means also includes compression 40 mounted on the bolt assembly to cooperate with the
springs mounted on the guide rods between the rear barrel assembly when the bolt is moving forward dur
ends thereof and the bolt assembly and adapted to ab ing chambering of a cartridge and to insure that:
sorb and energy of the bolt on its rearward movement, i. the firing pin is correctly aligned with the cartridge
to slow it down and to assist in forcing it forward. primer, and
37. A weapon as in claim 36 wherein the guide rods 45 ii. the extractor is engaged and the ejector is de
are attached to a buffer plate member which is a part of pressed by the cartridge head.
the recoil buffering means, the buffer assembly adapted 48. A weapon as in claim 47 wherein the upper bolt
to impact upon the buffer plate, which in turn, transmits portion has a central portion and a flange portion, the
this force through the guide rods to the bulkhead mem flange portion including skirt flanges.
ber. 50 49. A weapon as in claim 48 wherein the central
38. A weapon as in claim 1 wherein the bolt assembly portion has a bore therein, the bore being counterbored
includes an upper bolt portion and a lower bolt portion, for a greater part of its length, a buffer rod slidably
the upper bolt portion having a pair of elongated paral mounted in the bore, compression spring means Sur
lel bores therein, the bores being counterbored for a rounding the buffer rod and extending rearwardly from
greater part of their length, a pair of parallel guide rods, 55 the upperbolt portion a substantial distance, stop means
the guide rods being secured at one end thereof to the on the rear end of the buffer rod to prevent disengage
front of the receiver housing and at their other end to a ment of the spring means.
buffer plate, the upper bolt portion bores receiving the 50. A weapon as in claim 49 wherein the alignment
guide rods and a compression spring mounted on each means is adapted to center the bolt assembly with the
guide rod between the buffer plate and the juncture of 60 chamber means during the last one-halfinch of forward
the bores and their counterbored portions thereby tend travel of the bolt assembly.
ing to bias the bolt toward the forward end of the re 51. A weapon as in claim 49 wherein the alignment
ceiver. means comprises a large member having an arcuate
39. A weapon as in claim 38 wherein the receiver surface thereon whose radius center, when seated on
housing has a longitudinally extending slot therein, a 65 the barrel assembly, is the exact center of the chamber
combination front gunsight-charging means mounted eaS.
for sliding movement in the slot, whereby to cock the 52. A weapon as in claim 51 including a resilient pad
weapon the front gunsight is pulled rearwardly to en means on the rear of alignment means to soften the
4,066,000 30
impact of the alignment means on the central portion of cartridge from the chamber means by means of a mo
the upper bolt portion when the bolt means commences mentary gripping action during the initial stage of the
its forward travel during automatic firing after the buf. pressure buildup occasioned by firing the cartridge and
fer spring, hitting the buffer plate and compressing has thereafter utilizing the continued pressure buildup to
moved the alignment means forwardly relative to the facilitate extraction of the fired cartridge.
central portion. 63. A weapon as in claim 62 wherein the chamber
53. A weapon as in claim 48 including hook means means comprises a cylindrical chamber portion, a shoul
mounted between the skirt flanges in the flange portion, der portion and a bullet discharge portion, the enhanc
the hook means adapted to be set in one of two positions ing means comprising a plurality of longitudinal slots in
so as to alter the rate of fire of the weapon. O the chamber portion, the slots extending from the shoul
54. A weapon as in claim 53 wherein the alignment der portion to a point short of the entrance to the cham
means has a pin means therein which is adapted to be ber portion which is the end of the barrel.
engaged by the hook means in one position and not 64. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein the length of the
when the hook means is in the other position. slots is approximately two thirds of the chamber por
55. A weapon as in claim 54 wherein the flange por 15 tion.
tion has a recessed area therein, the hook means 65. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein the slots are of
mounted in the recessed area and including a notch identical configuration and are parallel.
portion and a cam portion, the cam portion adapted to 66. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein there are ap
be engaged by the alignment means and to cam the proximately twenty slots around the circumference of
notch portion away from the path of travel of the align 20 the chamber portion and their length is about two thirds
ment means, the notch portion adapted to engage the of the length of the chamber portion.
pin means when the alignment means is thrust forward 67. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein the chamber
relative to the central portion of the bolt assembly when means is configured to fire 5.56 mm. cartridges.
impacting the buffer plate. 68. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein the chamber
56. A weapon as in claim 55 wherein the recessed 25 means is configured to fire 7.62 mm. cartridges.
area also includes a pivot means biasly mounting the 69. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein the chamber
hook means for pivotal movement and a latch means for means is configured to fire 20 mm. shells.
changing the position of the hook means whereby in 70. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein the chamber
one position the hook means will be pivoted so as to not means is configured to fire 40 mm. shells.
engage the alignment means resulting in one rate offire 30 71. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein the chamber
and in the other position it will engage the alignment means is configured to fire 0.225 caliber cartridges.
means and effect the rate of fire by altering the effect of 72. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein the chamber
the buffer assembly. means is configured to fire 0.30 caliber cartridges.
57. A weapon as in claim 56 wherein the bolt assem 73. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein the chamber
bly includes a projection, the trigger means including a 35 means is configured to fire 0.45 caliber cartridges.
sear means normally adapted to engage the projection 74. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein the chamber
to prevent the bolt assembly from moving forward. means is configured to fire 0.50 caliber cartridges.
58. A weapon as in claim 57 wherein the trigger 75. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein the chamber is
means comprises a unit member, an open ended slot in configured to fire 0.22 caliber cartridges.
the unit member, two pivot pins in the slot, a trigger 40 76. A weapon as in claim 63 wherein the chamber is
member pivotally mounted on one of the pins, the sear configured to fire 9 mm. cartridges.
means pivotally and slidably mounted inward of the 77. A weapon as in claim 1 including manually opera
trigger member on the second pin, the sear means nor ble charging means for charging the weapon.
mally extending above the slot means and adapted to 78. A weapon as in claim 77 wherein the receiver
depress when the trigger is pulled thereby releasing the 45 housing has a elongated slot therein, the charging means
bolt assembly. positioned in the slot and adapted to be pulled rear
59. A weapon as in claim 58 wherein the sear means wardly to charge the weapon.
includes a sear member and a spring in the base of the 79. A weapon as in claim 78 wherein the charging
slot normally biasing the sear member upwardly, the means includes a front sight member thereon, the re
sear member having a smooth notch in one end, the 50 ceiver housing having a rear sight member thereon.
trigger member having a projection thereon engaging in 80. A weapon as in claim 78 wherein the front of the
the notch. receiver housing has a lug thereon, the charging means
60. A weapon as in claim 57 including a sear recoil comprising a charging member slidably mounted in the
pad between the sear means and the end of the slot to slot, a latch means adapted to engage the lug to prevent
absorb the impact of the sear means engaging the sear 55 rearward movement of the charging member and a
projection. handle connected to the latch means so that when a user
61. A weapon as in claim 57 including a safety means pulls rearwardly to charge the weapon, the latch means
associated with the receiver housing and the trigger disengages from the lug.
means to prevent movement of the trigger means and 81. A weapon as in claim 80 including a sling swivel
consequent firing. 60 member connected to said charging member.
62. A weapon as in claim 1 wherein the chamber 82. A weapon as in claim 80 wherein a portion of the
means includes enhancing means which initially hinders latch means comprises a front aiming sight for the
extraction of a fired cartridge from the chamber means weapon.
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and momentarily thereafter facilitates extraction of the

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