Art Appreciation
Art Appreciation
Art Appreciation
Source of Subjects
ART - nature
- history
1. Art as Mindset (Plato)
- Greek and Roman mythology
- imitation of the real that was an imitation of - Judeo-Christian tradition
the ideal - sacred oriental text
- art is an imitation of an imitation - other works of art
- formal or tangible aspects, "medium of
- Greek word "musike" art of muses
- line, shape, form, value, color, texture, light,
1. Harmony - verticalization of pitch
Line - expressive and have quality of it's 2. Key - tonality
own, foundation 3. Melody - tune of song or piece of music
Shape - geometric, biomorphic (irregular 4. Pitch - lowness and highness
shape), amorphous (shapeless) 5. Rhythm - pattern of sound in time and beat
Form - quality or likeness 6. Tempo - speed (low or fast)
Value - lightness or darkness 7. Texture - harmonic materials combined in
Color - Subtractive Colors - from pigments composition (monophonic, polyphonic,
Additive Colors - property of light homophonic)
Texture - used in paintings 8. Timbre - quality of the sound
Light - creates illusion, chiaroscuro - strong
and theatrical lightning
Space - are where elements interact GENRE
• Classical Music - the ability to coordinate
with other musician.
• Folk Music - reflects emotion of common
• Contrast - difference between elements or people. Cultural and popular music
subject with a work of art or composition
• Funk - know in late 1960s, most important 1. Physical - fitness
element of this genre is its rhythm 2. Mental/Emotional - sharpen our mind
• Hip-hop - intensified emotions, usually used 3. Social - interaction, socialization
bass, drums instrument 4. Cultural - tradition, culture
• Jazz - complex and strong beats featur. Use
cornet, trumpet, violen
• Meta Music - melody is influenced by the Kinds of Dance
structure of the song
• Opera Music - fantastic combination of the 1. Ethologic Dance - indigenous to a certain
theatrical art and musical invention and is race
played explicitly in big audience 2. Social Dance - for pleasure performed by a
• Rock Music pair or group of people for socialization
• Techno Music - fusion type of music. Based 3. Theatrical Dance - intended for viewing
on African-American music styles like audience
electro, jazz and funk. 4. Ballet - precise and highly formalized set
• Trance Music - performed in clubhouse. Fast steps and gestures
tempo and repetition beats. 5. Modern Dance - rejects many of the strict
rules of classical ballet
6. Filipino Dance - folk dance
Elements of Dance
1. Music - timing and tempo, accompaniment Categories of Soulmaking
2. Space - the area that the dance performers
occupy a d where they move • Crafting Images - imagining or representing
Direction (forward, backward...) in any form ( weaving, quilting, doing
Size (big small) crochet)
3. Movement - action of dances • Crafting Stories - write, engrave, and
non-locomotor movement - occuring above describe images, words, objects
a stationary base • Crafting Instrument- making instrument
locomotor movement - moving from one • Crafting Movements - perform life
place to another • Crafting Techniques- description of all
4. Timing - refers to moving to the beat of the exploration a d experience
5. Theme - the content or main ingredient of
6. Techniques - skill in executing the movement 1. Curiosita or Curiosity - making his insatiable
quest for knowledge and continuous
Reason Why Do People Dance 2. Dimostrazion or Demonstration - testing
• As an approach for courtship knowledge through personal experience
• As a means of religious expression rather than taking others reports for granted
• As a way of expressing tribal unity 3. Sensazion or Sensation - the use of our
• As an aid to military education senses
4. Sfumato - painting technique to create
ethereal quality education, showing to
embrace ambiguity and change
Benefits of Dance
5. Arte/scienza - balance between art and Classification of Motif (Textile: clothes
science or fabric)
6. Coroporalita or "of the body" - healthy
monde requires a healthy body and the • Geometric - lines in various forms
importance of cultivating both fitness and • Realistic or Natural - direct replica of things
poise • Stylized - natural or man-made objects that
7. Connessione or connection - weaving are no longer recognizable
together multiple disciplines around single • Abstract - combination of colors, size and
idea shape without relationship to natural or
man-made objects
• Miniature
Instrumental Music
- small pieces
- nocturne
- western Europe (1600-1750) - preludes
- Barok (corrupted, disjoined) - intermezzo
- Pachelbel's Canon in D - elude
6. MINIMALISM (1960)
- simplicity
- electronic instruments
- improvisation, syncopation,
- Ragtime – earliest
Types of Improvisation