Mouse Button
Mouse Button
Mouse Button
In contrast to its motion-tracking mechanism, the mouse's buttons have changed little
over the years, varying mostly in shape, number, and placement.
Double clicking refers to clicking and releasing a button (often the primary one, usually
the left button) twice. Software recognizes both clicks, and if the second occurs within a
short time, the action is recognised as a double click.
If the second click is made after the time expires it is considered to be a new, single
click. Most modern operating systems and mice drivers allow a user to change the
speed of a double click, along with an easy way to test the setting. Some software
recognises three or more clicks, such as progressively selecting a word, sentence, or
paragraph in a word processor text page as more clicks are given in a sequence.
With less abstracted software, a mouse button's current state (“mouse up” and “mouse
down”) is monitored, allowing for modal operations such as drag and drop.
Number of buttons[edit]
Douglas Engelbart's first mouse had a single button; Xerox PARC soon designed a
three-button model, but reduced the count to two for Xerox products. Apple decided on
one button for their GUI environments on commercial release in 1983, while most other
PC environments standardized on two, and most professional workstation environments
used three. Aside from such OEM bundled mice, usually having between one and three
buttons, many aftermarket mice have always had five or more, with varying amounts of
additional software included to support them.
This state of affairs continued until the late 1990s, when growing support for mice with
a scroll wheel after the 1996 introduction of Microsoft's IntelliMouse incidentally made 3-
button pointing devices ubiquitous on OEM hardware. The one major holdout, Apple,
finally went multi-button in 2005 with their Mighty Mouse, though all Apple laptops would
continue to use one-button trackpads until their first buttonless trackpad in 2008.
"My friend Marvin Minsky tells me there's great controversy in the artificial intelligence
community over how many buttons a mouse should have", Jerry Pournelle wrote in
1983.[1] In the matter of the number of buttons, Engelbart favored the view “as many as
possible.” The prototype that popularized the idea of three buttons as standard had that
number only because “we could not find anywhere to fit any more switches.”
Those favoring single-button mice argue that a single button is simpler for novice users
to understand, and for developers to support. In addition, as a lowest common
denominator option, it offers both a path gradual advancement in user sophistication for
unfamiliar applications, and a fallback for diverse or malfunctioning hardware. Those
favoring multiple-button mice argue that support for a single-button mouse often
requires clumsy workarounds in interfaces where a given object may have more than
one appropriate action. Several common workarounds exist, and some are specified by
the Apple Human Interface Guidelines.
One workaround was the double click, first used on the Lisa, to allow both the “select”
and “open” operation to be performed with a single button.
Another workaround has the user hold down one or more keys on the keyboard before
pressing the mouse button (typically control on a Macintosh for contextual menus). This
has the disadvantage that it requires that both the user's hands be engaged. It also
requires that the user perform actions on completely separate devices in concert; that
is, holding a key on the keyboard while pressing a button on the mouse. This can be a
difficult task for a disabled user, although can be remedied by allowing keys to stick so
that they do not need to be held down.
Another involves the press-and-hold technique. In a press-and-hold, the user presses
and holds the single button. After a certain period, software perceives the button press
not as a single click but as a separate action. This has two drawbacks: first, a slow user
may press-and-hold inadvertently. Second, the user must wait for the software to detect
the click as a press-and-hold, otherwise the system might interpret the button-
depression as a single click. Furthermore, the remedies for these two drawbacks
conflict with each other: the longer the lag time, the more the user must wait; and the
shorter the lag time, the more likely it becomes that some user will accidentally press-
and-hold when meaning to click. Studies have found all of the above workarounds less
usable than additional mouse buttons for experienced users.[citation needed]
A workaround for users of two-button mice in environments designed for three buttons
is mouse chording, to simulate a tertiary-click by pressing both buttons simultaneously.[2]
Additional buttons[edit]
Aftermarket manufacturers have long built mice with five or more buttons. Depending on
the user's preferences and software environment, the extra buttons may allow forward
and backward web-navigation, scrolling through a browser's history, or other functions,
including mouse related functions like quick-changing the mouse's resolution/sensitivity.
As with similar features in keyboards, however, not all software supports these
functions. The additional buttons become especially useful in computer gaming, where
quick and easy access to a wide variety of functions (such as macros and DPI changes)
can give a player an advantage. Because software can map mouse-buttons to virtually
any function, keystroke, application or switch, extra buttons can make working with such
a mouse more efficient and easier.
Scroll wheel[edit]
Main article: Scroll wheel
Scrollmice almost always mount their scroll wheels on an internal spring-loaded frame
and switch, so that simply pushing down makes them work as an extra button, made
easier to do without accidentally spinning it by wheel detents present in most scrollmice.
The wheel can both be rotated and clicked, thus most mice today effectively have three
In web browsers, clicking on a hyperlink opens it in a new tab, and clicking on a tab
itself usually closes it.
Some mice have scroll wheels that can be tilted sideways for sideways scrolling.
Omnidirectional scrolling can be performed in various document viewers including web
browsers and PDF readers by middle-clicking and moving the pointer in any direction.
This can be done by holding and scrolling until released, or by short clicking and
scrolling until clicking once more (any mouse button) or pressing the Esc key.[3] Some
applications such as "Xreader" simulate a drag-to-scroll gesture as used by touch
screen devices such as smartphones and tablet computers.[4]
In Linux, pressing the left and right mouse buttons simultaneously simulates a middle
click, and middle-clicking into a text area pastes the clipboard at the mouse cursor's
location (not the blinking cursor's existing location).[5]
Text editors including Kate and Xed allow switching between open tabs by scrolling
while the cursor points at the tab bar.
1. ^ Pournelle, Jerry (June 1983). "Zenith Z-100, Epson QX-10, Software Licensing, and the
Software Piracy Problem". BYTE. Vol. 8, no. 6. p. 411. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
2. ^ Garfinkel, Simson L. (November–December 1988). "A Second Wind for
Athena" (PDF). Technology Review. Retrieved 25 January 2016.
3. ^ The Many Things You Can Do with a Middle Click on Your Mouse – April 22, 2014 –
4. ^ "Linuxmint/Xreader". GitHub. 7 May 2022.
5. ^ "The Linux GUI: Of mice and menus". 3 August 2004.
Basic computer components
ut Graphics tablet
ces Game controller
Light pen
Pointing o Optical
Pointing stick
Other Keyboard
Image scanner
Graphics card
Sound card
o Sound chip
o Softcam
o Screen
ut Printer
ces o Plotter
Sound card
Graphics card
Disk pack
Floppy disk
Optical disc
ble o CD
ata o DVD
ge o Blu-ray
Flash memory
o Memory card
se o Microprocessor
Data storage
Power supply
o Power MOSFET
Network interface controller
Fax modem
Expansion card
Analog audio jack
Parallel port
Serial port