Book1 SNS Combat

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Part 1

The Wormwood - PCs Lv1

Welcome to the Sweet Trade [Impossible]: Master Scourge (see below) and x6 Wormwood
Pirates (lv0 dockhand, GMG p.222). Pirates attempt to disarm and knock unconscious.

A4a: Harpoon Trap (lv2 spear launcher hazard, CRB p.523).

A4b: Shocking Grasp Trap (lv3 electric latch rune hazard, CRB p.523).
A5: Shocking Grasp Trap (lv3 electric latch rune hazard, CRB p.523). Crossbow Trap (lv5
hazard, see below).
A5b: x2 Poison Dart Trap (lv1 poisoned lock hazard, CRB p.523).
A9-3: Poison Dart Trap (lv1 poisoned lock hazard, CRB p.523).
A9-4: Poison Dart Trap (lv1 poisoned lock hazard, CRB p.523).
A9-6: Poison Dart Trap (lv1 poisoned lock hazard, CRB p.523).
A11: Bilge Spider (lv-1 weak dream spider, PB2 p.249).

The Wormwood’s Crew

Sandara Quinn (lv1 acolyte of nethys, GMG p.212) 1st air bubble, command, harm (x2)
Cantrips daze, know direction, light, shield, stabilize Cleric Domain Spell tidal surge (CRB
p.397) she is an acolyte of Besmara.
Rosie Cusswell (lv1 goblin commando, PB p.180) replace horsechopper with hatchet 1d6+3.
Crimson “Cog” Cogward (lv1 orc warrior, PB p.257) orc necksplitter flavored as cutlass.
Conchobhar Turlach Shortstone (lv1 dancer, GMG p.236) add sword cane 1d6+3.
Mr. Plugg (see below in NPCs)
Wormwood Pirates [x14] (lv0 dockhand, GMG p.222).
Master Scourge (lv3 elite pirate, GMG p.242) add whip 1d4+3 and black adder venom
Ambrose “Fishguts” Kroop (lv2 drunkard, GMG p.239).

Day2 [Severe 1, 120 XP]: x4 Wormwood Pirates (lv0 dockhand, GMG p.222), Nonlethal until
their opponents draw weapons.
Day4 [Severe 1, 120 XP]: x6 Dire Rats (lv-1 giant rat, PB p.276). [Reduce to 4 for a Moderate
Day5: Owlbear Hartshorn (lv1 bodyguard, GMG p.226) Owlbear uses his fists 1d4+4 at first,
then a club 1d6+4. Special Ability: Blind in One Eye Owlbear is blind in one eye and his
perception is only +6. When Owlbear targets a creature, and the opponent is aware of his blind
left eye, they can use an action on their turn to keep to his blind side. Owlbear treats the target
as concealed until the start of the creature’s next turn.
Day11 [Moderate 1, 80 XP]: x2 Reefclaws (lv1 reefclaw, PB p.279). Adverse Terrain (GMG
p.47), you may decide to award additional XP to the party for their first full-swimming encounter.
This can be useful if your party is not close to having enough XP to reach Lv2 for Part 2.
Day19 [Severe 2 / Extreme 1]: x2 Wormwood Pirates (lv-1 weak dockhand, GMG p.222). As
written, this is a one-on-two fight. The PC should be level 2 (or almost there), but there is still a
very real chance of character death. Instead, you could have a single Wormwood Pirate for a
Low (lv-1 weak dockhand, GMG p.222) or Moderate (lv0 dockhand, GMG p.222) encounter.
Part 2
The Man’s Promise - PCs Lv2
The Sea: x6 Sharks (lv2 weak brine shark, PB p.152) Remove elemental & water trait,
Darkvision, its Immunities & Resistances, and reduce its Speed 15 feet to 0 feet. Add animal
trait and blood scent, scent (imprecise) 100 feet; Blood Scent The shark can smell blood in the
water from up to 1 mile away.
Round1 [Severe 2, 120 XP]: x6 Rahadoumi Sailors (lv0 duergar sharpshooter, PB p.138)
Remove spellcasting ability and light blindness, remove duergar & dwarf traits.
Round6 [Low 2, 60 XP]: x3 Rahadoumi Sailors (lv0 duergar sharpshooter, PB p.138) Remove
spellcasting ability and light blindness, remove duergar & dwarf traits.
Round11 [Moderate 2, 90 XP]: x3 Rahadoumi Sailors (lv0 duergar sharpshooter, PB p.138)
Remove spellcasting ability and light blindness, remove duergar & dwarf traits. Rahadoumi
Officer (lv1 hobgoblin soldier, PB p.206) The officer has a longspear 1d8+3.

B7a: Shocking Grasp Trap (lv3 electric latch rune hazard, CRB p.523).

Day4 [Severe 2, 120 XP]: x6 Grindylow (lv0 grindylow, PB2 p.138). This encounter is quite
dangerous, even if they flee when half are killed. Reduce to x5 for a Severe (100 XP) or x4 for a
Moderate (80 XP) encounter.

Part 3
Bonewrack Isle
The Swamp: Mosquito Swarm (lv3 fen mosquito swarm, PB2 p.175) These mosquitoes carry
ghoul fever in place of pyrexic malaria; Saving Throw DC 20 Fortitude; Stage 1 carrier with no
ill effect (1 day); Stage 2 2d6 negative damage and regains half as many Hit Points from all
healing (1 day); Stage 3 as stage 2 (1 day); Stage 4 2d6 negative damage and gains no benefit
from healing (1 day); Stage 5 as stage 4 (1 day); Stage 6 dead, and rises as a ghoul the next
midnight. 1d3 Ship’s Whores (lv1 ghoul, PB p.169).
C4 [Low 2, 60 XP]: x2 Giant Frogs (lv1 giant frog, PB2 p.121). The Quicksand (Lv3 quicksand,
CRB p.526) acts as a separate encounter if the party leaves the trail [hazard worth 60 XP].
C5 [Moderate 2, 90 XP]: x3 Ship’s Whores (lv1 ghoul, PB p.169). May not be here if
encountered in the Swamp during a random encounter.
C6 [Severe 2, 120 XP]: x3 Giant Crabs (lv2 giant crab, PB2 p.55). If fought at once, but are
spread out in different areas.
C7 [Severe 2, 100 XP]: Botfly Swarm (lv3 fen mosquito swarm, PB2 p.175) these mosquitoes
carry ghoul fever in place of pyrexic malaria and Ankheg (lv2 weak ankhrav, PB p.22), only if
fought at once.
C8a [Moderate 2, 80 XP]: x2 Vine Chokers (lv2 choker, PB2 p.51). The chokers gain Jungle
Camouflage The choker can change the color of its skin to Hide so long as it is near a tree or
thick shrubs.
C8b [Severe 2, 100 XP]: Arron Ivy (lv2 ghast, PB p.169) and Botfly Swarm (lv3 fen mosquito
swarm, PB2 p.175) these mosquitoes carry ghoul fever in place of pyrexic malaria.
C9 [Moderate 2, 80 XP]: Young Giant Moray Eel (lv4 weak giant moray eel, PB p.142).
Adverse Terrain (GMG p.47), you may decide to award additional XP for this encounter.
Note: To make it more inline with other PF2e adventures, and if your party is doing all of these
encounters in a day, C6 should have only x1 crab for Low [40 XP] or x2 crabs for Moderate [80
XP] and C7 should have only the Ankheg or the botflys are attracted when the Ankheg is almost
defeated. This way, the party is only expected to deal with 1-2 Low encounters, 4-5 Moderate
encounters, and only 1 Severe encounter in a day. This will mean they will need to earn
additional XP before tackling Riptide Cove or award them additional XP for Adverse Terrain.

Riptide Cove - PCs Lv3

Lake of Hooks DC 15 Reflex save or become Clumsy 1 (or Clumsy 2 on a Critical Failure).
Requires a DC 15 to Escape or a DC 10 Strength check.
D1 [Moderate 3, 80 XP]: x8 Stirge (lv-1 bloodseeker, PB p.42).
D2 [Low 3, 60 XP]: x4 Grindylow (lv0 grindylow, PB2 p.138).
D3 [Severe 3, 120 XP]: x8 Grindylow (lv0 grindylow, PB2 p.138).
D4 [Trivial 3, 40 XP]: x2 Lacedon/Aquatic Ghouls (lv1 weak lacedon, BotD p.104).
D5 [Moderate 3, 80 XP]: Devilfish (lv5 spiny eurypterid, PB3 p.97).
D6 [Hazard 3, 12 XP]: Drowning Spikes Trap (lv4 hazard, see below).
D7 [Severe 3, 120 XP]: x8 Grindylow (lv0 grindylow, PB2p.138).
D8 [Severe 3, 120 XP]: The Brinebrood Queen (lv3, see below) and The Whale (lv3, see
below) and x2 Lacedon/Aquatic Ghouls (lv1 weak lacedon, BotD p.104).

Adverse Terrain (GMG p.47), you may decide to award additional XP for these encounters.

Note: To make it more inline with other PF2e adventures, and if your party is doing all of these
encounters in a day, D3 and D7 should have only x6 grindylow for a Moderate encounter.

Mutiny! - PCs Lv4

Varies: Low 4, 70 XP (Master Scourge & Mr. Plugg) to Extreme 4, 165 XP (Master Scourge,
Mr. Plugg, x8 Wormwood Pirates, Owlbear)
x8 Wormwood Pirates (lv0 dockhand, GMG p.222)
Mr. Plugg (see below in NPCs)
Master Scourge (lv3 elite pirate, GMG p.242) add whip 1d4+3 and black adder venom
Owlbear Hartshorn (lv1 bodyguard, GMG p.226) Special Ability: Blind in One Eye Owlbear is
blind in one eye and his perception is only +6. When Owlbear targets a creature, and the
opponent is aware of his blind left eye, they can use an action on their turn to keep to his blind
side. Owlbear treats the target as concealed until the start of the creature’s next turn.

Note: If the party has not rested before heading back to the ship after defeating the Brinebrood
Queen, you may nudge them to take a rest first, have Master Scourge & Mr Plugg only fight the
party with 2 pirates for an even fight, or allow your party to regain all their hit points and spell
slots when they reach Lv4. In addition, unless the party has gone out of their way and made lots
of friends and defeated every encounter at full strength, they will be anywhere from 500 to 120
XP from reaching Lv4. You may decide to wait until the fight against Mr Plugg for them to reach
Lv4 or award additional XP for adverse terrain, for accomplishing certain goals they set
themselves, or other situations that warrant such awards. You could even use fast progression
so they only need 800 XP for level up, though you will need to remove a few encounters.

Story Awards
- The party earns 30 XP for each NPC (x17 named members, not including Sandara
Quinn) that they influence and turn helpful. Note: If you are going with normal
progression (1,000 XP for level up) the party needs to make at least 7 crew members
helpful. This will, if they accomplish everything else, get them 20 XP from lv2, in which
case you can give them two minor awards, or more, of 10 XP for accomplishing
personal goals while on board or for doing something spectacular - or they may be able
to influence more crew members than needed to get them that additional XP.
- The party earns 80 XP if they make Cut Throat Grok helpful.
- The party earns 80 XP if they make Ambrose “Fishguts” Kroop helpful.
- A character earns 30 XP for winning their first Gamble aboard the Wormwood.
- A character earns 30 XP for successfully entertaining the crew for the first time.
- A character earns 30 XP for recovering all their equipment.
- A character earns 30 XP for successfully completing their daily task (once).
- The party earns 30 XP for defeating Owlbear or if they gain his friendship.
- The party earns 80 XP for surviving the storm on Day 8, and gains an additional 30 XP
for rescuing the NPC who falls overboard.
- A character earns 30 XP for successfully completing boarding exercises on Day 14.
- The party earns 80 XP for successfully rescuing Sandara Quinn in Part 3.


The Brinebrood Queen / Creature 3

Unique / NE / Small / Aberration / Amphibious
Perception +12; darkvision
Languages Aquan
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +8, Nature +11, Stealth +9, Survival +9
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +4, Cha +1
Items moderate healing potion (Lv3), vindictive spear (see below, Lv3)
AC 16; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +12
HP 34
Attack of Opportunity (Reaction) A grindylow gains 1 extra reaction at the start of each of its
turns that it can use only to make an Attack of Opportunity with a tentacle. It can't use more than
one Attack of Opportunity triggered by the same choice.
Speed 10 feet, swim 25 feet
Melee (1 Action) bite +9 [+4/-1] (finesse), Damage 1d6+3 piercing
Melee (1 Action) tentacle +9 [+5/+1] (agile, finesse, trip), Damage 1d4+3 bludgeoning plus Grab
Melee (1 Action) vindictive spear +9 [+4/-1], Damage 1d8+3 piercing
Ranged (1 Action) vindictive spear +9 [+4/-1] (thrown 20 feet), Damage 1d8+3 piercing
Clinging Suckers When a grindylow Grabs a creature larger than itself, it attaches to that
creature. The grabbed creature is not immobilized, but if it moves, the grindylow moves with it. If
the creature is Medium or smaller, it takes a –5-foot status penalty to its Speeds while the
grindylow is attached. The grindylow is flat-footed while it is attached to a creature.
Jet (2 Actions) (move) The grindylow moves up to 60 feet in a straight line through the water
without triggering reactions.
Primal Prepared Spells DC 19, attack +11; 2nd obscuring mist, sudden blight; 1st hydraulic
push, longstrider, summon animal; Cantrips detect magic, guidance, prestidigitation, ray of
frost, read aura
Druid Order Spells DC 19, 1 Focus Point; 2nd tempest surge

The Whale / Creature 3

Unique / NE / Large / Giant / Aberration / Amphibious
Perception +5; darkvision
Languages Aquan
Skills Athletics +12, Stealth +6, Survival +5
Str +5, Dex +1, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +0, Cha -1
AC 16; Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +5
HP 54
Attack of Opportunity (Reaction) A grindylow gains 1 extra reaction at the start of each of its
turns that it can use only to make an Attack of Opportunity with a tentacle. It can't use more than
one Attack of Opportunity triggered by the same choice.
Speed 10 feet, swim 25 feet
Melee (1 Action) bite +12 [+7/+2] (finesse), Damage 1d10+5 piercing plus Grab
Melee (1 Action) tentacle +12 [+8/+4] (agile, finesse, trip), Damage 1d8+5 bludgeoning plus
Clinging Suckers When a grindylow Grabs a creature larger than itself, it attaches to that
creature. The grabbed creature is not immobilized, but if it moves, the grindylow moves with it. If
the creature is Huge or smaller, it takes a –5-foot status penalty to its Speeds while the
grindylow is attached. The grindylow is flat-footed while it is attached to a creature.
Jet (2 Actions) (move) The grindylow moves up to 60 feet in a straight line through the water
without triggering reactions.
Swallow Whole (1 Action) (attack) Medium, 1d8+5 bludgeoning, Rupture 7

Mr. Plugg / Creature 4

Unique / NE / Medium / Human / Humanoid
Perception +9
Languages Common
Skills Athletics +8, Intimidation +8, Lore Sailing +8
Str +2, Dex +5, Con +3, Int +2, Wis -1, Cha +0
Items cat-o’-nine tails, tidewater cutlass, light crossbow (10 bolts)
AC 20; Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +7
HP 50
Attack of Opportunity (Reaction)
Speed 30 feet
Melee (1 Action) cat-o’-nine tails +12 [+7/+2] (disarm, nonlethal), Damage 1d8+6 slashing
Melee (1 Action) tidewater cutlass +13 [+7/+2] (forceful, sweep), Damage 1d6+6 slashing
Ranged (1 Action) crossbow +15 [+10/+5] (range increment 120 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d8+6
Sea Frenzy (2 Actions) Mr. Plugg makes two cutlass Strikes and one cat-o’-nine tails Strike in
any order.
Primal Spells (tidewater cutlass) attack +8; 1st hydraulic push

New Weapons

Martial Weapons Price Damage Bulk Hands Group Weapon Traits

Cat-o’-nine tails 1 sp 1d8 S L 1 Flail Disarm, nonlethal

Cutlass 1 gp 1d6 S 1 1 Sword Forceful, sweep

Grappling Hook 6 sp 1d4 S L 1 Knife Grapple, thrown 20 ft.

Tidewater Cutlass / Item 3

Magical / Evocation
Price 50 gp
Usage held in 1 hand Bulk 1
The blade of this +1 cutlass is spotted with rust, and its basket hilt is cast in the likeness of a
grinning skull.
Once per day, a tidewater cutlass can be used to cast hydraulic push.
Activate (2 Actions) Cast hydraulic push, attack +8

Vindictive Spear / Item 3

Magical / Evocation
Price 100 gp
Usage held in 1 hand Bulk 1
This +1 returning trident is carved from the jagged, scrimshaw-carved tusk of a narwhal and
attached to a 50-foot length of woven sinew. Ranged attacks made with this weapon while
underwater or against an underwater target do not have their range increments halved unlike
other ranged weapons.


Crossbow Trap / Hazard 5

Simple / Mechanical / Trap
Complexity Simple
Stealth DC 23 (expert)
Description A wall socket loaded with a crossbow.
Disable Thievery DC 23 (expert)
AC 20; Fort +15, Ref +9
Hardness 12, HP 50 (BT 25); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Crossbow Reaction (attack); Trigger Door is opened. Effect The trap fires the crossbow,
making an attack against the triggering creature.
Ranged crossbow +19, Damage 2d8+5 piercing plus violet venom (PB2 p.286)

Drowning Spikes Trap / Hazard 4

Simple / Mechanical / Trap
Complexity Simple
Stealth DC 22 (expert) to notice the iron grille can move
Disable Athletics DC 22 to Force Open the grate
AC 21, Fort +14, Ref +8;
Hardness 13, HP 46 (BT 23), Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
Reaction Trigger A creature enters its area; Effect The iron grille falls in a 20-foot cube,
targeting every creature in the area. A creature can attempt a DC 21 Reflex save to avoid the
grille, taking 4d8+10 bludgeoning damage and restrained beneath the grille.

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