Barks and Bites 2021
Barks and Bites 2021
Barks and Bites 2021
3. Name your dog. This can be what the dog thinks of them self as or what humans call them.
4. Determine your health. If your number is 2, your health is 5. If your number is 3, your health is 4. If
your number is 4, health is 3. If your number is 5, your health is 2. This is how many times you can get hit
before you die. All dogs go to Apocalypse Heaven.
GM: Roll on the following tables to create a scenario and environment for your Pack to deal with, or
make up your own.
Ari, Paul, and Tommy, the goodest boys
Jim and Jesse for proofreading this and others
Zack M, my first customer
John Harper for Lasers & Feelings
Jenna for putting up with me
And most of all, Thank YOU for checking out Barks & Bites! If for whatever reason you didn’t get this
from my Itch page, you can find more Barks & Bites content as well as other games I’ve designed here