Instructional Design Process and Curriculum Development: First Edition September 2004
Instructional Design Process and Curriculum Development: First Edition September 2004
Instructional Design Process and Curriculum Development: First Edition September 2004
Curriculum Development
- :Prepared by
Islamic University
First Edition
September 2004
Page Contents
learning takes place through a series of small steps in which the learner
4.How do you know if the learning has been achieved or not {Evaluation}
Students Objectives
Teaching Evaluation
[Figure I]
3. learner characteristics
7. Instructional resources.
8. Support services
9. learning evaluation.
10. Pre-testing.
Instructional Design Plan
Pre-testing learner
Services Content
Note: - the elements are not connected with lines. Each person can start with any element.
●Rationale of using Kemp model:-
- An oval does not have a specific starting point.
not connected with lines or arrows. Decisions relating to one may affect
We learned in school that human beings to have a number of basic needs which
must be satisfied. These are food, water, clothing, shelter, and economic security.
Most daily activities are devoted to satisfying these needs. Beyond the basic needs,
the motivation for action in various aspects of life is based on a desire to satisfy
3.Talking with the students and their impression about the value and success of the
2. external assessment
be set.
Chapter 3
To acquire, To interest,
To know, To help,
To understand, To provide,
To become, To present,
To be familiar. To gain,
Goal: to acquire knowledge and understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the
disease process, and proper nursing care for the diabetic patients.
Topics and job tasks
Topic :- is a heading for a unit or component of the course that treats subject content
Job task :- is a heading that relates to a physical skill that is to be performed. (Marger, 1972)
The topics and tasks should be listed in a logical
A- By chronological, numerical.
By proceeding from treatment of simple to more
complex content.
From an overall view to a detailed consideration of
the components.
By proceeding from the concrete to the abstract.
Examples :-
Goal :-
To present essential information and skills required for obtaining the blood pressure.
Differences between a topic and task.
(table I)
Task Topic
problem solving,
Learner Characteristics
potential and actual learners. The instructional planner must obtain information
a bout the abilities, needs, and interests of the learners to know the level at
1.Academic information
•Score of intelligence test and basic skills such as reading, writing and mathematics
Note: Also we can obtain knowledge and skills information through pre-testing.
personal and social characteristics -2
•Vocational aspirations.
Disabled learners
individuals and others with learning disabilities such as hearing and vision loss,
1.Adult enters the program with a high level of motivation and readiness to learn, they clearly know what
2.Adults brings to the course extensive background experience from both their personal and professional
3.Adult may be less flexible than younger learner, before they accept change, they must see an advantage
in doing so.
6.Adult time is important consideration because they may have outside responsibilities.
Learning styles
A. Left Hemisphere:- suited to the functions of language such as reading, speaking, and
B. Right. hemisphere: this side focus attention to the synthesis of information and problem
2. Learning conditions
Many environmental factors in the class or study area can affect a person’s ability to
furniture. We have different conditions under which the person prefers to learn
Learning Objectives
the specification of learning objectives plays a key role . The objectives indicate what a
learner should be able to do after completing a unit of instruction and are expressed in
1.Cognitive Domain.
2.Psychomotor Domain.
3.Affective Domain
Bloom developed a taxonomy for the cognitive domain that is widely used and classified into
(6) categories.
Level of cognitive Domain
Verbs applicable to
knowledge level are :- arrange, define, label, test, name, order, repeat.
2. Comprehension :- interpret information.
Verbs Applicable
5. Synthesis :- Bring together parts of knowledge to form a whole and build
A learning objective is a statement that answer the question or what should the
1.Action verbs :-
within 3 minutes
in proper order
1.To arrange the six steps or level of cognitive domains in proper order.
Objectives derived from the goal and not from the purpose.
Objectives Goals
Name Arrange
Order Define
Recognize Duplicate
Relate Label
Recall List
Repeat Match
reproduce Memorize
2. comprehension : Interpret information in one’s own words
Recognize Classify
Report Describe
Restate Discuss
Review Explain
Select Express
Sort Identify
Tell Indicate
Translate Locate
Operate Apply
Prepare Choose
Practice Demonstrate
Schedule Dramatize
Search Employ
Solve Illustrate
Use Interpret
4. Analysis
break down knowledge into parts and show relationship among parts
Differentiate Analyze
Discriminate Appraise
Distinguish Calculate
Examine Categorize
Question Compare
Test Contrast
5. synthesis
bring together parts of knowledge to form a whole and build relationships for new
Manage Arrange
Organize Assemble
Plan Collect
Prepare Compose
Propose Construct
Set up Create
Synthesize Design
Write Formulate
6. Evaluation
Evaluate Appraise
Judge Argue
Predict Assess
Score Attack
Select Choose
Support Compare
Value Defend
Chapter 6
learning ;-
2.Intellectual Skills : Concepts (relating together more than two facts) “or
Example :
- apple
- watermelon
- peach
If subject content is carefully organized the learners can become capable of solving Problem.
Example: pt. in ICU exhibits a rapidly varying pulse rate. What do you do?
Diagramming Subject Content
Example :
problem solving).
A. Equipment:
•Insulin syringe
•Alcohol swab
B. preparatory steps :-
•Turn the bottle and syringe upside down in one hand and draw up the insulin dose into the syringe .
C. Administration procedure :-
When elements or steps within a task may follow different paths, based on choices
or decisions that must be made, it is useful to prepare a flow chart. Visually the
Information function
The purpose is to select and plan learning activities based on the content associated with
the learning objectives in order to achieve maximum learner success. We need to provide some
basis on which satisfactory decisions can be made about teaching methods and affective
learning activities. This is necessary to enable the largest possible number of learners to master
Learning activities: What the student has to do in order to achieve the Goals and
1. lectures
2. demonstration
3. discussion groups
1) Lecture
information about the topic and the student will take notes and its one
way communication.
How to prepare a lecture
2.Gather information.
4.Arrange information
5.Divide time
1.Personal warmth
1.Compulsory attendance
2.Time of date
6.Tone of voice
Advantage and Disadvantage of Lecture
Disadvantage Advantage
Disadvantage Advantage
Costly if much equipment is involved. Show learner the skill step by step.
learner himself.
a- controlled discussion group: I will be a leader and I will give the topic
to the student.
Two ways communication, which encourage critical thinking and problem solving within
a group.
1.puzzle group:
Consist from 2-6 members, frequently used to provide learner involvement during a
It is under the control of the group members and the teacher acts as an
observer and resource person. The topic and direction are decided by the
3.learning through discussion group:
Similar to the free discussion group, but the topic decided by the teacher rather
4.Seminar group:
It involves the reading of a paper by one group member, after which there is
discussion of the paper by the total group. The teacher or one of the group
In contrast to discussion group's action groups involves the members in activity, and involves
team to solve a complex problem. Aspects of the situation that are close to reality are
created, and the learner must perform manipulations, make responses and take actions to
complete a set of objectives relating to a training topic. The game takes place under a set
of rules and procedures with information being provided required decision making and
follow up actions.
Chapter 8
Instructional Resources
2.number of students
50% of what is seen and heard 80% of what is said and done.
The more active the learner in hearing, seeing, discussing, and performing activities to
C. Models: Tangible simulations can be substitute for real items which are too
big or small.
Functions of Non Projected materials :
A.Overhead projector: it is very simple machine with few components requiring special
To prolong the life of the lamp allow it to cool before moving the projector, and move the
3.Easy to prepare.
Disadvantage :
•Electricity required
2. The automatic projectors allow the presenter to remain at the front of the room.
3. Easily to handle it
1.Electricity Required
3. Easy to prepare.
- Electricity Required.
- Usually restricted to teacher use
Factors to consider in making final media
1- Preparation costs.
2- Time to prepare.
4- Students preference.
5- Instructors preference.
Chapter 9
Support Services
Once the actual instruction, teaching learning activities and resources has been
All new programs require funds to get started. Any institution interested in
supporting its instructional program must provide money for development and
3.maintenance of equipment
2- Facilities:
a- Preparing graphic.
b- Taking pictures.
c- Making slides.
d- Video taping.
e- Tape recorder.
4- Equipment:
5- Personal services
a.Instructor or teacher
c.Evaluation specialist
Evaluating Learning
mentioned that as soon as an objective are listed, you should immediately write the
Evaluating learning:
Is the last of the four essential elements in the instructional design process.
The benefits of evaluation
- It will help you to develop your skills.
- You will be able to assess the quality and impact of the learning
Types of evaluation
1.Formative Evaluation: used to know how well the program is serving the objectives
2.Summative Evaluation: It measured the degree to which the major outcomes are
•Final examination.
3- Performance Evaluation: performance evaluation can be done by
a- Using checklist: to determine how will a learner can Cary out a particular task.
Example: Catheterization
b- Rating scales for only behaviors which can be observed and rated. An
own words.
alternative answer and the students should select the proper answer.
c. check list
there are two important features that tests must fulfill in order for them properly to
Internal validity : the ability of the independent variable (IV) to cause change on the
External validity: the degree to which the finding of the study can be generalized to other
similar sitting.
Types of validity
experience and knowledge of the topic, who make suggestion about the
b. Criterion related validity: comparing the finding with data collected on the
2.alternate from test: asking the same question with other method
3.spilt-half test: dividing the instrument into two parts (e.g. 10 questions) the first
five score should equal the second five questions to be sure of homogenous of the