Velocity Report

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Three Critical

Development Metrics
for Engineering

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

Table of Contents
P.03 P.07 P.11

Introduction Three Metrics Findings, Analysis &

Best Practices

Purpose Mainline Branch Stability Mainline Branch Stability

Methodology Deploy Time Deploy Time
Deploy Frequency Deploy Frequency
Metric Interactions

P.22 P.25

Demographics Conclusion

Geographic Distrbution
Number of Builders
Dominant Programming

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI


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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

you’re an engineering leader or your business depends on
software (hint: it does), you’re probably spending a lot of time
thinking about DevOps.

This is a fusion of two traditional divisions in the software world: development

and operations. By tearing down the wall between these teams, companies can
quickly create meaningful products without sacrificing stability or performance.
But DevOps isn’t a team; it’s a cultural movement, one that is rapidly becoming
the gold-standard for delivering code.

Companies who embrace DevOps practices are more successful, regardless

of industry. Most engineering leaders are sold on the idea of DevOps but, when
they try to institute these practices, they stumble.

There are many reasons why adopting DevOps is so challenging: organizational

friction, change management, and cultural inertia are some of the obvious
offenders. Ultimately, though, you can’t manage what you can’t measure;
without knowing what to track or how to define progress, organizations can’t be
confident that their digital transformation is moving in the right direction.

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

As a CI/CD platform, CircleCI occupies a critical role in the world of software
development: we know how often a mainline branch is in a deployable state,
how long it takes to deploy a change, and how often companies are deploying.
And we think these metrics—stability, commit-to-deploy time (CDT), and deploy
frequency–are the best predictors of an organization’s velocity and growth.

There were two goals of this report: 1) investigate these metrics’ correlations
with business growth, and 2) uncover concrete practices organizations can
implement to improve these metrics. CircleCI’s position in the software devel-
opment lifecycle grants us access to an impressive dataset: in just one hour,
our users build around 5,400 branches—that’s about 3,900 hours of cumulative
build time. At time of writing, we process over 6.2 million builds per month.1

We used this dataset to identify top performers for each metric, then asked
teams how they write and deploy software. Our aim in highlighting these best
practices is to provide a tangible path for introducing DevOps principles to your
own organization.

1 For those interested in the infrastructure behind these numbers, check out this deep
dive on StackShare.

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

For this report, we examined a sample of GitHub and Bitbucket organizations2
built on CircleCI’s cloud platform from June 1 to July 31 of 2017. To mitigate
the effects of inactive projects, organizations must have had a) tested and
deployed a project and b) merged to master at least once on at least one proj-
ect during the time range. Future iterations of this study will be less restrictive,
likely using clustering or classification.

For the growth metric, we selected Global Alexa Internet Ranking and used
enrichment services from Clearbit. Our entity match rate between organizations
and Clearbit was 82.02%. Future iterations will use other sources to find match-
able domains.

2 CircleCI takes security and privacy seriously. All named customers have given their
permission to publish this report. Please see our privacy policy for more information.

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Three Metrics

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

“If you had to deploy right now, could you?”

The mainline branch is your application’s source of truth. It’s the master mold
for every feature branch created by your developers. If the mainline branch is
broken, your team is paralyzed: they can’t start building new features, and their
ability to address major incidents is hampered.

In other words, mainline branch stability is a measurement of deploy readiness.

It answers the question, “If you had to deploy right now, could you?” If the
answer is no, it won’t matter how long a deploy takes because a deploy will
be impossible. Consequently, mainline branch stability also directly affects
deploy frequency.

In this study, stability was measured as the percentage of wall-clock time a

project’s default branch spent in a failed state. Wall-clock time represent
real-world passage of time, as opposed to total time consumed by all of a
project’s containers—virtual machines in which software is tested. The default
branch is the branch a project has chosen as the project’s “master” branch.

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

The lower the deploy time, the less expensive
it is to change your product.

After code has been written, reviewed, and tested, it still needs to be delivered
to users. The time it takes for code to move from the mainline branch to
production can range from a few minutes to many hours. And this cost is
incurred every time an organization’s codebase changes, whether that’s for a
new feature or bugfix.

Deploy time is a measurement of deploy cost. The lower the deploy time, the
less expensive it is to change your product. Engineers waste less time waiting
for deploys, allowing them to start new work more quickly. Product owners can
conduct more experiments and build more prototypes. Customers see changes
faster, and bugs can be patched within minutes of being spotted.

In this study, deploy time was measured as the number of wall-clock minutes
between queueing a build and completing the build.

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

A vital sign–the heartbeat of an organization.
With each pulse, an org is delivering value,
discovering customer needs, and fixing problems.

While the above metrics are benchmarks for how often an org could be moving,
it is deploy frequency that indicates a company’s actual speed. Deploy frequen-
cy is also a function of the previous two metrics: high stability and low deploy
time both encourage higher deploy frequency.

Deploy frequency is a vital sign—the heartbeat of an organization. With each

pulse, an organization is delivering value, discovering customer needs, and
fixing problems. Frequency is also directly affected by the previous metric:
when the cost of a deploy goes down, engineers are encouraged to deploy
more often.

“We see that deployment frequency is a key indicator of high performing organi-
zations,” says Dr. Nicole Forsgren, author of Accelerate and CEO/Chief Scientist
of DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA). “High performers can deploy on
demand, while their low-performing peers can only deploy their code once per
month or longer. This difference in deployment speed makes all the difference
in delivering value, delighting your customers, and keeping up with compliance
and regulatory changes.”

In this study, deploy frequency was measured as the median number of

“default-branch” builds run on our cloud platform with a valid deploy step,
per week per organization.

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

Findings, Analysis &

Best Practices

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Mainline Branch Stability

Generally, stability is a key metric for companies, with 80% of organizations
keeping their mainline branch deployable over 90% of the time. The data are
exponentially distributed, with organizations in the 95th percentile maintaining
stability 99.9% of the time. Median stability is at 98.7% stability, while the
mainline branches of the lower 5th percentile spend 47% of their time in a
failed state.

For the top 10th percentile of Alexa Internet Ranked orgs, a similar distribution
exists, with the bottom 5th percentile spending 46% of their time in a failed
state. Median stability is 98.5%, and the top percentile is 99.9%. Again, 80%
of all organizations keep their master branch stable 90% of the time.

Histogram of Time in Red by Alexa Internet Rank

Top 10th percentile

Bottom 90th percentile


Count of Organizations









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time in Red (%)

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

Most organizations, whether they’re in the Fortune 100 or a three-person start-

up, seem to understand the value of high mainline branch stability. But reaching
and maintaining that stability requires rethinking team structure and changing
traditional process.

Best Practices
Robust Suite of Tests

If the mainline branch fails, production grinds to a halt. The best companies
know this and invest in robust suites of automated tests. By testing each
change, engineers can ensure their code functions as expected. These test
suites act as a kind of preventative healthcare for software; it’s far easier to
catch bugs by performing routine checkups—and the more routine, the better.

Ben Sheldon, Senior Software Engineer at Code for America, believes good
tests reduce cognitive load, saying, “In most of our code reviews, we have high
confidence that, if the tests pass, the risk of actually breaking something is
low. So, our code review process is less around preventing problems and
more around understanding changes that are happening. Ultimately, we want
engineers to have the opportunity to talk at a high level about architecture,
or where the codebase is going in the long term.”

Having tests not only keeps bugs out of the mainline branch, they also allow
engineers to spend precious mental energy on more important decisions.
Instead of wasting time debating small decisions, they can discuss high-level
system choices. This leads to higher overall code quality and, in turn, more

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

Feature Flags

Even the most sophisticated test suites can’t capture the complexity of the real
application. Instead of depending on tests to catch every potential issue, Circle-
CI ships features behind feature flags with LaunchDarkly for safer releases.

Tim Wong of LaunchDarkly, says that “feature flags decouple the release of
functionality from the deployment. In a traditional shop, both of these things are
the same: The code ships when the deploy is complete. With feature flags, you
get to decide when to deploy the code, and when to release your code. You test
in the real world, then you can decide whether you’re prepared to give that to
your users. That’s a very stark difference.”

A bonus effect of feature flags is that they can be used defensively during
incidents. If there’s a problem in production, for example, developers can sim-
ply turn off the offending feature, effectively quarantining the problematic code
until a fix is produced. This is usually faster than rolling back an entire change,
thus increasing overall stability.

Efficient Recovery from Failure

Even with the best test suites, bugs will inevitably find their way into production.
When that happens, it’s important to have a fast, reliable recovery process in

Stripe’s publication Increment conducted a study of incident responses across

leading companies (including Amazon, Facebook, and Google) and found that
best practices were generally aligned. Most had well-defined processes for
dealing with production outages, from paging on-call engineers to runbooks for
consistently triaging issues. Defining and practicing these routines is essential
for maintaining the mainline branch’s health.

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

One finding relevant to our study is that leading companies mitigate before
they resolve. This often means rolling back a change instead of fixing the root
cause. Debugging an error is time-consuming and results in more time in the
red, whereas reverting a change can quickly staunch the flow.

Communicating the Cost of Failure

Bugs aren’t just errors in the codebase; they have real consequences, for both
you and your users. Identifying and understanding the impact of these conse-
quences helps prioritize work and increases motivation to resolve technical

At GetCalFresh, a division of Code For America, engineers block out an hour

each day to observe how people fill out food stamp applications. John O’Duinn,
former “Infrastructure Guy” at Code For America, says this is intentional be-
cause “5 o’clock is a cutoff for government paperwork. It’s not just an arbitrary
time; it’s heads down and very focused. Everyone’s thinking, ‘Get people food,’
and this puts a constant pressure in that hour.”

If anything breaks in that hour, engineers witness it firsthand. This makes

abstract “errors” more concrete and increases motivation for fixing those
problems. Not only do engineers see the impact of their work, they’re also
able to see how problems affect lives. A little bit of paranoia can be healthy,
although teams must be vigilant of this slipping into a repressive culture of fear.

Communicating Potential Conflicts

While tests are the most obvious way to prevent failure, there are other, more
subtle variables involved. The most insidious of these is a lack of awareness
and communication around potential code conflicts. It might seem logical to
organize teams around parts of the tech stack (backend, frontend, operations,

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

etc.), but these structures have weaknesses: horizontal slices of engineers have
more blind spots and less insight into how their code affects others.

At, engineers are organized into functional, vertical “cabals” of three

to seven engineers. Jeremy Stone, Head of Engineering at, says they
“broke into missions and grouped people who worked on similar proj-
ects. At small sizes, it was easy for teams to meet every day without straining
people’s attention spans.”

Each cabal participates in a daily standup, where they share unplanned work
and highlight potential conflicts. These daily standups only work because of a
Goldilocks effect: there are just enough engineers to be productive, but not so
many that people are losing context into what others are doing. And this con-
text is crucial in preventing repeated or conflicting work, both of which increase
the odds of the mainline branch entering a bad state.

Deploy Time
Deploy time is largely kept under control, with 80.2% of organizations deploying
in under 15 minutes. The fastest organizations (95th percentile) deploy in 2.7
minutes, while the median is at 7.6 minutes. From there, a long tail extends to
30 minutes for the bottom 5th percentile.

Among top performers (10th percentile of AIR orgs), 80% deploy in less than 17
minutes, with the top 5th percentile at 2.6 minutes. The median for these
organizations is 7.9 minutes, and the bottom 5th percentile is at 36.1 minutes.

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

Histogram of Commit to Deploy Time by Alexa Internet Rank

Top 10th percentile

Bottom 90th percentile


Count of Organizations








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Commit to Deploy Time (Minutes)

The fact that we pulled these data from organizations using CircleCI gives
us some insight into these low CDT times. While we’re clearly biased, we’re
pleased to see that developers who use a dedicated CI/CD platform spend less
time waiting for their code to deploy.

Freedom from Manual QA

One byproduct of having a robust test suite is a reduction of time spent per-
forming manual QA. Organizations can only do this when processes are highly
optimized: few bugs, efficient recovery from failure, and constant monitoring.

Having these pieces in place allows orgs to treat customers as the QA team—
at least where it’s safe to do so. This doesn’t mean that QA isn’t important, only
that there’s a definite advantage to automating expensive manual work where

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

Deploy Frequency
75% of all organizations deploy their most active project less than 13 times a
week. Top performers (95th percentile) deploy their mainline branch 32 times
per week; that’s over 5 times the median and nearly 24 times the bottom 5th

For organizations in the top 10th percentile of Alexa Internet Ranked orgs, we
saw an increase at the leading edge and even greater spread, with the 95th
percentile deploying 42 times per week — 40 times the bottom 5th percentile,
but still 5 times the median (8 deploys/week). A slight difference in range is
also reflected, with 75% of organizations deploying less than 16 times a week.

Histogram of Average Weekly Deploys by Alexa Internet Rank

Top 10th percentile

Bottom 90th percentile


Count of Organizations






0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

Of these three metrics, we see top Alexa Internet Ranked orgs moving the fast-
est. There is a slightly higher distribution between high-scoring organizations
and the rest, with the top percentile of Alexa Internet Ranked orgs pushing code
more at the high end. This is a reflection of the importance of velocity: to be the
best in any category, organizations must maximize their deploy rates.

Best Practices
Small, Short-Lived Pull Requests

Deploy frequency is a composite metric, dependent on both mainline branch

stability and CDT. One well-known but powerful tactic is to limit the size and
lifespan of pull requests.

“Generally,” says Jeremy of, “we have a culture against long-lived

branches, to the extent that around 80% of them get merged within 24 hours.”

Brad Buchanan, Lead Software Engineer at adds further details: “We’ll
see pull requests as small as one or two lines of code, and a bulk of them fall
under 200 lines.”

While this might seem impossible, it’s a testament to’s commitment

to splitting work into small, shippable units. By doing this, they’ve created a
culture of incremental development, allowing them to get code out of review
and into users’ hands more quickly.

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

Feature Flags

Another way to shorten PRs and increase deploy frequency is to use feature
flags. Tim of Launch Darkly says that “large PRs are large because of depen-
dencies. By shipping dependent pieces independently of each other, you reduce
the amount of code in PR rot.”

Breaking work into digestible chunks is at the core of continuous software

development. Feature flags empower developers to ship work they’re doing
as they complete it. Developers are happy because they’re finishing tasks, and
users are happy because their product still works.

Metric Interactions
While these metrics have been presented discretely, they are not isolated vari-
ables; optimizing for one will affect the others. For example, organizations that
spend less than 5% of their time in the red have a median of 5.3 deploys per
week and 6.7 minutes of CDT. By contrast, everyone else has a median of 8.7
deploys per week and 11.7 minutes of CDT.

Moving quickly without a proper test suite in place will result in lower stability
and higher deploy frequency. It’s possible that organizations focusing only
on velocity have to spend more time fixing their mistakes. This hypothesis
might explain why, despite higher CDT, these companies still deploy more—
not because they planned to, but because they have to.

Organizations that only prioritize deploy frequency increase the likelihood

of instability as cruft and technical debt increase. Shipping buggy code also

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

increases the need for more deploys to fix problems. With this in mind, deploy
frequency can’t be safely treated as the definitive measure of an organizations’

Organizations building in 12 minutes or less have a median of 5.3 deploys per

week and an instability of 0.2%. Organizations over 12 minutes of build have a
median of 8.3 deploys per week and instability of 2.7%. This reinforces the
theory so far: orgs pushing themselves to quickly meet customer needs may
find themselves in bad states or waiting longer for projects to build.

Finding a balance is key.

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

In addition to our three primary metrics, we also examined several demographic

variables, including geographic distribution, number of people running CircleCI
builds, and programming languages.

Geographic Distribution

Of the sampled organizations, 79% had all their developers in one country. For
56% of these mono-national dev teams, that country was Japan, the United
Kingdom, or the United States. Of those in the top 20th percentile of Alexa Inter-
net Ranking organizations, 74.2% were in one country.

This implies that leveraging CI for growth is independent of your team’s geo-
graphic distribution. There is no significant difference between teams consoli-
dated in one location and well-organized distributed teams. Whether your team
is in one room or spread across time zones, you should feel confident that team
distribution has little to do with its success.

Histogram of Developers by Alexa Internet Rank

Top 10th percentile

Bottom 90th percentile


Count of Organizations







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Number of Developers

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

Number of Builders

95.4% of sampled organizations had an average of ten or fewer developers building every
week. That same average was seen by 85.3% of organizations in the top 10th percentile
of AIR.

We think top performers are more likely to split projects into small teams. As we saw
above with, small teams tend to be more effective at breaking work into units
and keeping communication loops tight.

Dominant Programming Languages

For projects with a “dominant language”, 48.2% were written primarily in JavaScript or
Ruby. However, these two languages only accounted for 49.3% of projects in the top 10th
percentile of AIR organizations. These data imply that engineers’ language choice have a
negligible effect on their organization’s success.

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Three Critical Development Metrics for Engineering Velocity | CircleCI

survive in an accelerating world, organizations must be
constantly adapting. Embracing DevOps culture requires
altering your organization to enable change; a company’s
success depends on its ability to change itself for a world in constant flux.

But it’s a mistake to believe that a “digital transformation” can happen instanta-
neously. Instead, the best companies treat their software development pipelines
as strategic investments or better, company values. They’re continuously inte-
grating the best practices of continuous integration.

The rewards they reap are many: increased throughput, happier engineers, and
better insight into customer needs. And these are just a few of the advantages
an organization gains by adopting a new, more nimble development philosophy.
Organizations optimizing for the three metrics we’ve identified have set them-
selves up for success. By following their best practices, other organizations can
pull the idea of DevOps from philosophy to practice.

This is the first time we’ve conducted a study at this scale. We think there’s
something interesting here—and we’re not entirely sure we’ve gotten it right—
but consider this the initial foray into hitherto unknown territory. As with all our
work, we’ll iterate: by shipping our initial thoughts, we’ll start and maintain a
conversation with our users and colleagues. When we learn, we’ll continuously
integrate those lessons into future studies, inching closer to an ever more accu-
rate impression of the world of software development.

We hope you’ll join us.

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