This document appears to be a practice exam for a Prof. Ed. 9 midterm examination at San Jose Community College in the Philippines. It consists of 28 multiple choice questions covering various topics related to curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. The questions address concepts like curriculum frameworks, instructional strategies, stakeholders, assessment techniques, and grading systems.
This document appears to be a practice exam for a Prof. Ed. 9 midterm examination at San Jose Community College in the Philippines. It consists of 28 multiple choice questions covering various topics related to curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. The questions address concepts like curriculum frameworks, instructional strategies, stakeholders, assessment techniques, and grading systems.
This document appears to be a practice exam for a Prof. Ed. 9 midterm examination at San Jose Community College in the Philippines. It consists of 28 multiple choice questions covering various topics related to curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. The questions address concepts like curriculum frameworks, instructional strategies, stakeholders, assessment techniques, and grading systems.
This document appears to be a practice exam for a Prof. Ed. 9 midterm examination at San Jose Community College in the Philippines. It consists of 28 multiple choice questions covering various topics related to curriculum development, implementation, and evaluation. The questions address concepts like curriculum frameworks, instructional strategies, stakeholders, assessment techniques, and grading systems.
Direction: Choose the correct answer from the given option. Shade the circle corresponding to your answer on the separate answer sheet. ___ 1. “A good plan is half the work done.” What would the other half refer to in curriculum development? A. Curriculum designing C. Curriculum modification B. Curriculum implementation D. Curriculum evaluation ___ 2. Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Theory in curriculum change describes that change will occur if one one condition exists. Which one? A. Driving force > Restraining force C. Driving force < Restraining force B. Driving force = Restraining force D. Restraining force ≠ Driving force ___ 3. What kind of curriculum change is being described? “ The principal, together with the teachers agreed that the time schedule should be shortened by ten minutes for every subject to provide for a common preparation time for the year-end division Tests.” A. Substitution B. Alteration C. Restructuring D. Perturbation ___ 4. In preparation for the implementation of the curriculum, all teachers are required to write a lesson plan to guide teaching. However, DepEd issued an order that exempts teachers with two or more years of teaching experience to write a detailed lesson plan. This order refers to: A. D.O. No. 70, s. 2012 C. D.O. No. 70, s. 2016 B. D.O. No. 70, s, 2013 C. D.O. No. 70, s. 2021 ___ 5. Based on the complexity of the learning process, Bloom and Anderson recently revised the original taxonomy to present a clearer hierarchy of cognitive learning. Which one is the most recent? A. Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation B. Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating C. Knowing, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Synthesizing, Creating D. Knowledge, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Synthesize, Evaluate ___ 6. How would the level of knowledge appear in the hierarchy from simple to complex? A. Fact > Concept > Procedure > Metacognition B. Fact > Opinion > Generalization > Theory C. Concept > Opinion > > Generalization > Theory D. Concept > Opinion > Fact > Theory > Principle ___ 7. As a teacher, which of the following clusters of teaching-learning strategies will you use to achieve the highest level of learning according to Edgar Dale? A. Reading, Hearing , Seeing C. Watching, Looking, Seeing B. Reading, Listening, Looking D. Doing, discussing, Demonstrating ___ 8. Instructional sup[port materials to be used in teaching should elicit responses of the learners to enhance their learning. Which is the best instructional support that you should utilize in order to maximize learning potential of students? A. Auditory materials C. Tactile materials B. Visual materials D. Experiential materials ___ 9. Each learner has differentiated learning styles and so with the teachers. However, each one has a preferred style that is more often utilized. What would be the implication of this fact to your implementation of the curriculum? A. As a teacher, use your own teaching style unmindful of the learning styles of the students B. Adjust to the learning styles of the learners and provide differentiated approach C. Just focus on the learner’s styles even if you do not have any skill in delivering it D. Go back to the traditional teaching styles that were used by the teachers in the past. ___ 10. TPACK is one pf the frameworks of teaching in the modern times. It is because, the use of technology has been given a lot of importance in how it will facilitate teaching and learning. I using TPACK, what three questions should the teacher always bear in mind? I. What shall I teach? II. How shall I teache? What Should I teach? III. What technology will I use to teach the content and support my pedagogy? IV. How will I assess? A. I II, IV B. I, II, III C. I, II, V D. I, III, IV ___ 11. Aside from the real object and materials that teachers can always utilize, where can the unlimited source of materials be secured? A. World Wide Web C. e-Library B. Learning Resource Center D. A, B, and C ___ 12. Every school is a community. It is composed of several stakeholders who influence what school curriculum implementation would be. In considering all the stakeholders, who should the teacher consider with primary importance? A. Parents B. Learners C. Teachers D. Principals ___ 13. In the Philippines, our educational system is trifocalized. This means that there are three agencies that over see our Philippine education, basic, tertiary and technical-vocational. Which is NOT involved in the trifocalization of education? A. Philippine Sports Commission C. CHED B. TESDA D. DepEd ___ 14. Why are parents involved in the schooling of their children? What role do they play in the implementation of the school curriculum? A. Join the Brigada Eskwela C. Follow up lessons at home B. Chaperone their children during outdoor activities D. A, B, and C ___ 15. “It takes the whole village to educate a child.” Is an old proverb that came from A. Africa B. Philippines C. America D. China ___ 16. The alignment of planned, written and implemented curricula is a fundamental principle in curriculum development. The determination of the different components are aligned is the process of A. Curriculum evaluation C. Curriculum enhancement B. Curriculum modification D. Curriculum reform ___ 17. Which of the following is NOT a reason for evaluating the curriculum? A. To identify the strength and weakness of the existing curriculum B. To monitor the progress of the implementation C. to recruit new teacher for the new curriculum D. to determine if the outcomes are achieved ___ 18. Which of the following curriculum evaluation models refer to the use of final evaluation process for the modification of the curriculum? A. Bradley Effectiveness Model C. Daniel Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model B. Tyler’s Objective-Centered Model D. Stakes Responsive Model ___ 19. Instructional materials like books, modules, and other printed tool kits purchased by users will utilize these evaluation models. A. Scriven’s Consumer Oriented Evaluation C. Stake Responsive Model B. Bradley Effectiveness Model D. Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model ___ 20. RA 10968 s. 2018 refers to a reference system of national standards that specifies what an individual has learned in and out of schooling. A. ASEAN Reference Qualification Standards B. Philippine Qualification Framework C. Philippines professional Standards for Teachers D. Philippines Quality Assurance ___ 21. By qualification, it means that the individual must possess competence along which criteria? I. Knowledge III. Skills and Values II. Application IV. Degree of Independence A. I, II, IV B. I, II, III, IV C. II, III, IV D. I, III, IV ___ 22. In assessment of learning, making meaning of the knowledge or information refers to A. Concept B. Understanding C. Evaluating D. Creating ___ 23. In a multiple choice test, the list of probable options always contain a correct or best answer and a set of: A. Decoys B. Alternatives C. Wrong answers D. None of A, B, C ___ 24. Which item type tries to determine relationship of 2 or more ideas? A. Multiple Choice C. Imperfect matching type B. Simple Recall D. Perfect matching type ___ 25. Among the traditional pencil-and-paper test types, the one that measures complex learning outcomes is the A. Alternative response test C. Matching Type test B. Multiple Choice D. Essay ___ 26. Aurthentic assessment can utilize several learning performance evaluation. This includes the use of A. Checklist B. portfolio rubrics C. rating scale D. A, B, and C ___ 27. In the currect grading system of the DepEd, the following qualitative description are used except one. Which is the exception? A. Advanced B. Developing C. Fairly satisfactory D. Beginning ___ 28. Grades of learners for the whole year are shown to the parents and the learners every quarter, in different percentage proportions of the component to include I. Written Work III. Quarterly Assessment II. Performance Task IV. Group Project A. I, II, III B. I, II< III, IV C. I, III, IV D. I, II, IV ___ 29. Which of the following ideas in evaluation is correct? A. Evaluation follows implementation. B. Implementation continues after planning. C. Planning is the initial step in curricular development. D. Evaluation follows a linear progress. ___ 30.What is the primary end goal of assessment in evaluation? A. As a basis for improvement in teaching-learning outcomes. B. As a basis for an education decision. C. As a basis for giving award at the end of the year. D. A, B, and C. ___ 31. Which of the following forces does not promote curriculum change? A. Tradition values C. Administrative support B. Technological changes D. Knowledge explosion ___ 32. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group? A. Restructuring B. Implementation C. Substitution D. Value orientation ___ 33. In the cognitive categories of the Bloom’s Taxonomy, which of the following key words does NOT belong to the Remembering category? A. Defines B. Describes C. Composes D. Outlines ___ 34. Which of the following is an example of non-projected media? A. Slides B. Films C. Powerpoint presentation D. Audio materials ___ 35. Which of the following factors in technology selection states that the material must help in achieving the learning goals? A. Objective-matching C. Practicality B. Appropriateness D. Acitvity/suitability ___ 36. Which of the following is NOT one of the primary roles of educational technology in delivering the school curriculum’s instructional program? A. Upgrading the quality of teaching-learning in schools B. Providing access to students to various technological tools C. Increasing the capability of the teacher to effectively inculcate learning. D. Revolutionalizing the use of technology to boost educational paradigm shifts that give importance to student-centered learning. ___ 37. This framework presupposes that curriculum delivery adopts ICT as an important tool in education while users implement teaching-learning strategies that conform to the digital environment. A. T-LACK B. TPACK C. e-Curriculum D. e-PLAN ___ 38. Who provided the revision of the original taxonomy for the cognitive domain? A. Abraham Maslow B. Benjamin Bloom C. Kurt Lewin D. Lorin Anderson and Krathwohl ___ 39. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the revision of the original cognitive taxonomy? A. Knowledge became understanding C. Evaluation became creating B. Application became applying D. Synthesis became evaluating ___ 40. These are words or ideas known by common name, common features, multiple specific examples which may either be concrete or abstract. A. Factual knowledge C. Procedural knowledge B. Conceptual knowledge D. Metacognitive knowledge ___ 41. Multiple Intelligence Theory implies several learning styles. Who is the proponent of the MI Theory? A. John Lock B. Hilda Taba C. Howard Gardner D. Albert Bandura ___ 42. Kurt Lewin is to Force Field Theory as Tyler is to __ A. Effectiveness Model C. Responsive Model B. Social Learning Theory D. Objective-Centered Model ___ 43. He proposed a curriculum evaluation model that is oriented more directly to program activites than program intents. A. Robert Stake B. Daniel Stufflebeam C. Ralph Tyler D. Hilda Taba ___ 44. This evaluation model proposed by a certain curricularist uses criteria and checklist as a tool for either formative or summative evaluation purposes. The checklist is used to evaluate educational products. Who introduced such model? A. Daniel Scriven B. Michael Scriven C. Robert Scriven D. Michelle Scriven ___ 45. It is a reference system of national standards of what qualification one has earned by education and training in the Philippines. A. Philippine Training Standard Framework C. Philippine Qualification Framework B. Philippine Qualification Checklist D. Philippine Qualification Standards ___ 46. Under the national qualification standards, a graduate of a senior high school (Grade 12) belongs to what level? A. Level 4 B. Level 3 C. Level 2 D. Level 1 ___ 47. The mastery of learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, process, understanding performances are measured in formal education starting with basic education . This measurement is often referred to as ___ A. Assessment B. Data analysis C. Aptitude testing D. Curriculum evaluation ___ 48. This test requires one and only one correct answer. A. Matching type test C. Essay test B. Objective test D. Restricted response test ___ 49. Which of the following assessment tools is NOT used to measure authentic learning performance and products? A. Checklist B. Rating scale C. Formative test D. Rubrics ___ 50. These are three processes in curriculum development that are taken separately but are connected to each other. A. Planning, Designing, Implementing C. Designing, Implementing, Evaluating B. Designing, Implementing, Evaluating D. Planning, Implementing, Evaluating