BCA 1st To 6th Sem

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Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)

First Semester

S.N Subject Subject Name Marks Distribution

. Code Internal External
Marks Marks Total

Max Max Min Max Min

1. BCA101 Fundamentals 30 70 21 100 35

of Computer
2. BCA102 Programming 30 70 21 100 35
using ‘C’
3. BCA103 Development of 30 70 21
Entrepreneursh 100 35
4. BCA104 Digital 30 70 21 100 35

5. AECC01 Soft Skills 30 70 21 100 35

Max Min
1. BCA152 Programming
Fundamentals 50 25
using ‘C’-Lab
2. BCA155 MS Office Lab 50 25
BCA 2019-2022
Choice Based Credit System
S.N. Subject Subject Name L T P Credit
1. BCA101 Fundamentals of 3 1 0 4
2. BCA102 Programming 3 1 0 4
using ‘C’
3. BCA103 Development of 3 1 0 4
4. BCA104 Digital Electronics 3 1 0 4

5. AECC01 Soft Skills 3 0 0 3

6. BCA152 Programming 0 0 2 1
using ‘C’-Lab
7. BCA155 MS Office Lab 2 1
Total 15 4 4 21
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- I

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Fundamentals of Computer BCA101

Unit - I
Introduction of Computers: Computer System, System Characteristics and capabilities, Types of
Computers: Analog, Digital (Micro, Mini, Mainframe & Super Computers), Generation of

Unit –II
Computer Organisation: Block Diagram of Computer and its functional units. Input Devices
KeyBoard, Scanner, Mouse, Light Pen, Bar Code Reader, OMR, OCR, MICR., Trackball,
Joystick, Touch Screen etc., Output Devices: Monitors Classification of Monitors based on
Technology (CRT Monitor & Flat panel LCD Monitor), Printers Dot Matrix Printer, Ink Jet
Printer, Laser Printer and Plotters, Types of Plotters Drum Plotter and Flat Bed Plotters, LCD
Projectors. Storage Devices: Magnetic tapes, Floppy Disks, Hard Disks, Compact Disc - CD-
Unit- II
Programming Languages: History, Classifications Low Level, Assembly & High Level
languages, Advantages & Disadvantages Programming Languages.

Unit- IV
Types Of Software: System Software - Translators (Compilers, Interpreters, Assemblers),
Operating System, Linkers, Libraries & Utilities, Application Software - Packaged & Tailored
Softwares. Operating Systems: Introduction, Types of O.S. - Single User, Multi User - Multi
Programming, Multi Tasking, Real Time, Time Sharing, Batch Processing, Parallel Processing,
Distributed Processing
Unit V
Program Planning: Purpose of Program Planning, Steps in Program Development,
Characteristics of a Good Program, Algorithms, Flow Charts through examples.

1. Computer Fundamentals By P.K. Sinha
2. Operating System By Peterson
Reference Books:
1. Easy Approach To Computer Course By G.K. Iyer
2. Computer Today By S.K. Basandra
3. Operating System By Godbole 4. 'O' Level Programming Concepts & Systems By V.K. Jain
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- I

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Programming BCA102
Fundamentals using ‘C’

Unit I

Program Logic development Using algorithm and Flowchart, Historical development of_C,
Constants, variables and keywords,_C instructions. Data types - int, float, double, char, void,
short, long, longdouble, signed, unsigned

Unit –II

Decision control structure:- if statement, if-else statement, the conditional operators. Case
control structure: switch statement, goto statement. C' operators: Arithmetic, relational and
logical. Development of_C' program using Decision control & Case control structure.

Unit- III

Operators:- Increment and Decrement operators, Bitwise operator, Operators precedence,

arithmetic and logical expressions evolution. Loop Control Structure:- for loop, while loop and
do while loop, Break statement, continue statement. Development of_C' programs using loops.

Unit IV

Arrays: One dimension array, 2D array, 3D array, Introduction to Pointers. Functions: Function
Declaration and prototypes, Passing values between functions:- call by value. Development of_C
programs using Arrays, functions.

Unit V

Storage classes in_C', Structures:- declaring a structure, accessing structure element, how
structure elements are stored, array of structures, union.
Text Books:

1. Let US C by Yashwant Kanitkar

2. Programming in C by E. Balaguruswami

Reference Books:

1. Schaum's Series C' Programming

2. The complete reference in C/C++ Herbert Shield

3. Working with C by Yashwant Kanitkar

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- I

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Development of BCA103


Entrepreneurship- Definition, Characteristics and Importance, Types and Functions of an

Entrepreneur, Merits of a Good Entrepreneur & Motivational Factors of Entrepreneurship.


Motivation to Achieve Targets and Establishment of ldeas. Setting Targets and Facing
Challenges. Resolving problems and creativity. Sequenced planning and guiding capacIty,
Development of Self Confidence. Communication Skills, Capacity to Influence, Leadership.

Unit Ill

Project Report - Evaluation of Selection Process. Detailed Project Report - Preparation of main
part of a project report pointing out necessary and viability. Selecting the form of Organization -
Meaning and characteristics of Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Cooperative Committees,
Elements Affecting Selection of a form of an Organisation. Economic Management- Role of
Banks and Financial Institutions Banking, Financial Plans, Working Capital-Evaluation and
Management, Keeping of Accounts.

Unit- IV

Production management. Methods of Purchase. Management of Movable Assets/Goods. Quality

Management. Employee Management. Packaging. Marketing Management. Sales and the Art of
Selling. Understanding the Market and Market Policy. Consumer Management. Time
Unit- V

Role of regulatory institutions - District Industry Centre, Pollution Control Board, Food and
Drug Administration, Special Study of Electricity Development and Municipal Corporation.
Role of Development Organizations - Jharkhand State Khadi & Gram Udyog Board, Jharkhand
State Mineral Development Corporation Ltd., etc. ,Self-employment-oriented schemes, Prime
Minister's Employment schemes, Golden Jubilee Urban Environment Scheme, Rani Durgavati
Self-Employment scheme/Pt. Deendayal Self Employment Scheme. d) Various grant schemes-
Cost-of-Capital Grant, Interest Grant, Exemption from Entry Tax, Project Report,
Reimbursement Grant, etc. (C)Role of Women Entrepreneurship in India, Women's
Development Corporations (WDCs), Special Incentives for Women Entrepreneurs, Prospects &

Reference Books :

1. Leadership in Organisation - Published by I.S.T.E. Mysore

2. Motivation - Published by I.S.T.E. Mysore

3. Motivation - I.I.T. Kanpur - Published by I.S.T.E. Mysore

4. AA Hand book on Project Appraisal and follow up, Govind Prakashan, 204, Saraswati Kunj,
90, S. V. Road, Goregoan, Bombay-400 062. - D. P. Sarda

5. Bihar Industrial Policy - Government of Bihar, Department of Industries.

6. Entrepreneurship Guide - Bihar State Financial Corporation, Fraser Road, Patna800 001.
Bachelor of Computer Application(BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- I

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Digital Computer BCA104

Unit I

Representation of information, Number System: Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Conversions from

one base to another base, Binary Arithmetic, Unsigned binary number, signed magnitude
number, Complement representation, 2's complement arithmetic, ASCII Code, BCD Code,
EBCDIC Code,Excess-3 Code and Gray Code

Unit -II

Basic logic designs: Logic gates AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, xOR gates and their Truth
Tables, Boolean algebra, Minimization techniques, Karnaugh map, sOP and POS forms,
Combinational circuit design with gate: multiplexers & demultiplexers, Encoder-Decoder,
Adders and Subtractors, Flip flops: RS, JK, Master slave flip flops, Introduction to counters and

Unit - III

Memory: Memory cell, Primary memory-RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Cache
memory, Secondary Memory and its types, Introduction to physical memory and Virtual
memory, memory accessing methods : serial and random access

Unit - IV

Buses, Word Length of a Computer, Processing speed of a computer, Microprocessor, User

Interface, Hardware, Software and Firmware concepts, General architecture of CPU, Instruction
Format, Data transfer instructions, Data Manipulation instructions, Program control instructions.
Types of CPU organization: Accumulator based machine, Stack based machine and general
purpose register based machine, addressing modes: Direct, indirect, immediate, register and
relative addressing modes.

Unit- V

Data transfer schemes: (1) Programmed data transfer- synchronous, asynchronous and interrupt
driven data transfer scheme, (2) Direct memory access data transfer


1. Digital Principles and applications by Malvino & Leach

2. Computer Fundamentals and Architecture by B.Ram

Reference Books:

1. Computer System Architecture by M.Morris Mano

2. Digital Computer Electronics by Malvino & Brown

3. Digital Computer Fundamentals by Bartee.

Bachelor of Computer Application(BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- I

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Programming Fundamentals BCA152
using ‘C’-Lab


List of Programs as Assignments:

1. Write an interactive program that will read in a +ve integer value and
determine the following
i) If the integer is a prime number ii) If the integer is a Fibonacci

2. WAP in C to compute sinx = x – x3/3! + x5/3! – x7/7! ….. Continue

adding successive terms in the series until the value of the next term
becomes smaller (in magnitude) than 10-5. Test the program for x = 1, x
= 2, and x = 3. In each case display the number of terms used to obtain
the final answer.
3. WAP to generate every 3rd integer beginning with I = 2 and continue
for all integers that are less than 150. Calculate the sum of those
integers that are evenly divisible by 5.
4. WAP to find whether a given year is a leap year or not. Modify it to
generate a list of leap years between two year limits given by user.
5. WAP to display the following pattern:

11 10 11

11 10 9 10 11

11 10 9 8 9 10 11
6. Using Ternary / Conditional operator find the greatest among 3 numbers.

7. WAP to convert a decimal number into an equivalent number of the

input base. Test your program for base 2,8,10 & 16.
8. WAP to read a number n, and print it out digit-by-digit, as a series of
words. For e.g. 123 would be printed as “one two three”.
9. WAP to check whether any input +ve integer is palindrome or not.
10. WAP to simulate a simple calculator (+ - / * %) that takes two
operands and an operator as input and displays the result.
11. WAP to find the GCD of two input +ve integer numbers.
12. WAP to swap the values of two variables without using a third variable.
13. Read a line of mixed text, and then write it out with all lower case and
uppercase letters reversed, all digits replaced by 0s and all other
characters (non-letters and non- digits) replaced by ‘*’.
14. WAP to find the product of two matrices A and B. Display the source
matrices and product matrix C in matrix format.
15. WAP to find whether a given matrix is a triangular matrix or not.
16. WAP to find the transpose of a matrix. Display the source and the
transposed matrix in matrix format.
17. Implement Prob. No. – 14 to 16 using functions for reading,
manipulating and displaying the corresponding matrices in matrix
18. WAP to sort a list of strings alphabetically using a 2-dim. Character array.
19. WAP to display the row sum and the column – sum of an input 2- dim.
Matrix. Display the source matrix with row and column sum.
20. Write a recursive function to calculate S = 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + …… +2N.
Implement the function in a complete C program.
21. Write a function that accepts two arguments an array and its size n. It
performs Bubble up sort on the array elements. Using indirection
operator ‘*’ implement this in a complete C program. Display the
source and the sorted array.
22. Using pointer, write a function that receives a character string and a
character as argument. Delete all occurrences of this character in the
string. The function should return corrected string with no holes.
23. Write a function for reading character string using pointer. Calculate
the length of the string (without using strlen ()). Finally print the string
in reverse order, using pointer.
24. Implement prob. No. 14 using pointers representation of 2 – dim. array.
25. Implement prob. No. 15 using pointer representation of 2 dim. array.
26. Implement prob. No. 16 using pointer representation of 2 dim. array.
27. WAP to sort a list of strings into alphabetical order using array of pointers.
28. Create records of 60 students, where each record has fields-name, roll,
gpa and fees. Write a function update () to reduce the fees of those
students who have obtained gpa greater than 8.5 by 25% of the original
fees. Write a complete program to exercise this function in the main
program and display all the records before and after updation.
29. Define a structure that describes a hotel. It should have members that
include the name, address, grade, average room charge and number of
rooms. Write a function to perform the following operations:
a) To print out hotels of a given grade in order of charges.
b) To print out hotels with room charges less than a given value.
30. WAP to concatenate the contents of two files into a third file.
31. WAP to copy the content of one file into another file. Names of both
the files are to be input as command line arguments

Text Books:

1. Jery R Hanly, “Problem solving and Program design in C”, Paerson

Education, 7th Edition. (T1)
2. Byron Gottfried, “Schaum's Outline of Programming with C”, McGraw-Hill. (T2)
3. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, Tata McGraw-Hill. (T3)
4. R.G.Dromey, How to Solve it by Computer, Pearson Education. (T4)

Reference Books:

1. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, “The C Programming

Language”, Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited.(R1)
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- I

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA MS Office Lab BCA155

Module – I


1. Open Office Word Processing using MS WORD: An
introduction to MS-Word / ON INTRODUCTION TO
2. The Word work space, Starting and quitting word,
Creating and Manipulating Various documents, Editing
of proofing files, Merging documents and macros.
3. How to use Mouse and Menu, Working with dialog box
4. Primary Command in File Menu: The Open Commands,
The File name commands, The New commands, The
Save, Save As, and Save all commands, The Close
command, The Page setup, The Print commands, The
Exit commands
5. Edit Menu commands: The Cut, Copy, and Paste
commands, The Undo and Repeat commands
6. Format commands: Font commands, Paragraph commands
7. Other Menu: The view menu, The Insert menu, The tool
menu, The table menu, The Window menu

Module – II

2. Entering Text, Entering Values, Entering
Dates and Times, Moving
Around, Selecting Ranges, Using Menu, Using
3. Tool Bar, Using Shortcut Menus, Changing Entries,
Copying Entries, Moving Entries, Inserting and Deleting
5. Changing Character Style, Changing Alignment, Changing Column
7. Copying entries between work books, Moving sheets
between work books, Deleting sheets, Quitting Excel
9. Simple calculations, Doing Arithmetic, Totalling column
of values, Naming cells and Ranges
11. Displaying dollars and cents, Formatting decimal places,
dates Format, Copying style and formats
13. Using the IF function, Using the nested IF function, Copying
14. Checking Spelling, Printing Worksheets, Preview Worksheets,
Setting up the pages,
15. Sorting data, Keeping Leading in View, Finding records,
Adding and deleting Records, Filtering Records
16. Plotting charts, Sizing and moving charts, Updating
charts, changing the chart type, Using chart auto format
17. Creating Macros, Recording Macros, Running Macros

Module – III

1. Main Features of Power Point
3. Creating Template with the Auto Content Wizard.
Creating a Presentation with a Template. Creating a
presentation from Scratch
5. Normal Slide, Outline, Slide Sorter, Slide Show, Notes, Slide Master
7. Controlling Transitions between slides.
Animating Different Parts of slide. Inserting
a Motion Clip. Including
8. Sounds in slides.
10. Organization Chart Slide, Creating a table Slide.
Creating two column Slide, Module 1: Showing A
11. Rehearsing/ Timing a Presentation, Designation some
slides as “Hidden”, Viewing Slides Anywhere in a Slide
12. Techniques for Making a Show Livelier
14. Presenting with the help of other Office Programs
Importing the text from a World Document.
15. Printing a Presentation
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
Second Semester

S.N Subject Subject Name Marks Distribution

. Code Internal External
Marks Marks Total

Max Max Min Max Min

1. BCA201 Object Oriented 30 70 21 100 35

with C++
2. BCA202 Computer 30 70 21 100 35
3. BCA203 Operating 30 70 21
System 100 35
4. BCA204 Database 30 70 21 100 35

5. BCA205 Discrete 30 70 21 100 35


Max Min
1. BCA251 C++ Lab
50 25
2. BCA254 DBMS Lab 50 25
BCA 2019-2022
Choice Based Credit System

S.N. Subject Subject Name L T P Credit

1. BCA201 Object Oriented 3 1 0 4
Programming with
2. BCA202 Computer 3 1 0 4
3. BCA203 Operating System 3 1 0 4
4. BCA204 Database 3 1 0 4

5. BCA205 Discrete 3 1 0 4
6. BCA251 C++ Lab 0 0 2 1
7. BCA254 DBMS Lab 0 0 2 1
Total 15 4 4 22
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- II

Course Content
Course Subject Subject Code
B.C.A. Object Oriented Programming BCA201
with C++

Unit –I
Principles of OOP, procedure oriented programming vs. object oriented programming, basic concepts,
advantages, application of OOPs, object oriented languages. Beginning with C++: What is C++,
structure of C++ program, creating, compiling, linking & executing a C++ program, Tokens,
expressions & control structures, keywords, identifiers, basic data types, user-defined data types,
derived data types, symbolic constants, type compatibility, variable declaration, dynamic initialization
of variables, reference variables.
Unit –II
Operators in C++: scope resolution operator, memory management operators, manipulators, type cast
operators, operators, operator precedence, control structures. Functions in C++: Main function,
function prototyping, call by reference vs. call by value, inline functions, default arguments, const
arguments, function overloading, friend functions. Classes and objects: specifying a class, defining
member functions, making an outside functions inline, private member function; array within a class,
memory allocation for object; static data members, static member functions, array of objects, objects
as function arguments, returning objects.
Constructors and Destructors: Constructors, Parametric Constructors, Multiple Constructors in a class,
constructors with default arguments. Dynamic initialization of objects, copy constructors, dynamic
constructors, destructors. Operator Overloading & Type Conversions: Definition of Overloading, &
Operator Overloading, rules for Overloading Operators, Overloading Unary Operators, Binary
Operators, Binary Operators using Friends.
Unit –IV
Inheritance: defining derived classes, single inheritance, multilevel inheritance, multiple inheritance,
hierarchical inheritance, hybrid inheritance, virtual base class, abstract classes, constructors in derived
classes, member class, nesting of class.
Unit –V
Pointers, virtual functions and polymorphism, pointers to objects, this pointer, pointers to derived
class, pure virtual functions, exception handling in C++, managing console I/O operations, working
with files :open, close, basic read-write operations on files .
Suggested Readings:

1.Object Oriented Programming with C++ by E Balagurusamy.

2.Programming in C++ by Robert Lafore
3.C++ -The complete Reference –by Herbert Schildt (TMH)
4.Programming with C++, Schaum Series4.OOP‘s concepts –by David Parsson.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- II

Course Content

Course Subject Subject Code

B.C.A. Computer Architecture BCA202

Unit –I
Basic Computer Organization and Design: Instruction Codes, Computer Registers, Computer Instruction,
Timing and Control, Infarction Cycle, Memory Reference Instruction, Input-Output Interrupt, Design of
Basic Computer, Design of Accumulator Logic.
Unit –II
Basic Computer Organizations and Design: Instruction Cycle, Memory –Reference Instructions, Register
reference instructions, Input -Output Instructions, Design of Accumulator Logic Shift Unit. Central
Processing Unit: Introduction, General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction Formats,
Addressing Modes.

Central Processing Unit: Introduction, General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction
Format, Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program Control, Reduced Instruction Set
Input-Output Organization: Peripheral Devices, Input-Output Interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer,
Modes of Transfer, Direct Memory Access, Input-Output Processor.
Unit –V
Memory Organization: Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary Memory, Associative Memory,
Cache Memory, Virtual Memory, Memory Management Hardware.

Suggested Readings:

1.Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, 3rd Edition, Prentice -Hall of India Private Limited, 1999.
2.WIliam Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Private
Limited, 2001
3.Harry & Jordan, Computer Systems Design & Architecture, Addison Wesley, Delhi, 2000.4.Malvino,
“Digital Computer Electronics: An Introduction to Microcomputers”, McGraw Hill, 1993.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- II

Course Content
Course Subject Subject Code
B.C.A. Operating System BCA203

Unit –I
Operating System Definitions, its Components, Evolution of Operating System, types of operating
systems: batch, multiprogrammed, multitasking, desktop, multiprocessor, real-time, client-server, peer-
to-peer, distributed, clustered and handheld. Operating system services, dual-mode operation, protection
of I/O, memory and CPU. Non-virtual and virtual machines.
Unit –II
Scheduling:Basic Concepts, preemptive and non preemptive scheduling. Scheduling Algorithms. Types
of scheduling: -batch, interactive and real-time. Goals of scheduling algorithms. FCFS, SJF, RR,
priority, multiple queues, three-level scheduling.
Deadlocks:System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock
Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock. Banker's algorithm.
Memory Management Concepts: Address Binding, logical and physical address space, dynamic loading
etc., Contiguous allocation methods –static & dynamic partitioned memory allocation. Concepts of
fragmentation, swapping, relocation, compaction, protection, sharing. Segmentation.Non–contiguous
allocation methods –Paging: basic principle of operation, h/w support for paging, protection and
sharing. Virtual memory: concept of demand paging, Page fault, page replacement algorithms –FIFO,
LRU, OPT. Thrashing, Concept of Page fault frequency, pre-paging, decision about minimum number
of frames, page size.
Unit –IV
File system implementation, Responsibilities of file management system, directory implementation as
linear list/hash table, directory structure, disk organization, disk controller and driver, disk space
management –contiguous allocation, non contiguous allocation –chaining and indexing, disk address
translation. Idea about disk caching, disk mirroring. Disk scheduling algorithms. Disk management.
Unit –V
Device Management: I/O hardware, Techniques for device management. Dedicated devices, shared
devices, virtual peripherals. Security & protection: Security threats and goals, penetration attempts,
Security policies and mechanism, authentication, protection and access control. Interprocess
communication, need for interprocess synchronization. Deadlocks –definition, avoidance, detection,
prevention and recovery.
Suggested Readings:

1. Operating System Concepts –by Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne.

2. Operating System Concepts and Design –by Milenkovic
3. Operating System –by Tanenbaum.
4. Operating System –by Peterson.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- II

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Database Management System BCA204

Unit – I

Introduction: Purpose of Database Systems, View of Data, Data Models, Database Languages,
Relational Database, Database Architecture, Database Users and Administrators, Transaction

Unit – II

Relational Data Models and Languages: Basic Concepts, Constraints, Keys, Entity-Relationship
Diagram, Weak Entity Sets, Extended E-R Features, Reduction of an E-R Diagram to Tables, The
Relational Algebra, The Tuple Relational Calculus and The Domain Relational Calculus.

Unit – III

Relational-Database Design: Pitfalls in Relational-Database Design, Functional Dependencies,

Decomposition, Desirable Properties of Decomposition, First Normal Form, Second Normal Form,
Third normal Form, Boyce-Codd Normal Form, Fourth Normal Form and More Normal Forms.

Unit – IV

Query Processing and Optimization: Overview, Measures of Query Cost, Selection Operation, Join
Operation, Other Operations, Evaluation of Expressions, Transformation of Relational Expressions,
Estimating Statistics of Expression Results, and Choice of Evaluation Plans.

Unit – V

Transactions and Concurrency Control: Transaction Concept, Transaction State, Desirable Properties
of Transactions, Concurrent Executions, Serializability, Recoverability, Lock-Based Protocols,
Timestamp-Based Protocols and Deadlock Handling.
Text Books:

1. Silberschatz, Korth, & Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2011.

Reference Books:

1. Elmasri, & Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
2. Date C.J., “An Introduction to Database System”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2005.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- II

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code


Unit – I

Sets and Propositions: Sets, Operations of sets, Finite and Infinite sets, Principle of inclusion and
exclusion, Propositions, Conditional Propositions, Logical Connectivity, Propositional calculus, Universal
and Existential Quantifiers, Normal forms, Mathematical Induction.

Unit – II

Relations and Functions: Relations, Properties of Binary Relations, Closure of relations, Warshall’s
algorithm, Equivalence relations. Functions, Types of functions, Composition of functions, Invertible
functions.Permutations and Combinations, Pigeonhole Principle, Recurrence Relation.

Unit – III

Partially Ordered Sets: Introduction, Elements of Partially Ordered Sets, Lattices.

Unit – IV

Graph Theory and Trees: Basic terminology, representation of a graph in computer memory, Relations
and Digraphs, Paths in Relations and Digraphs, Shortest path in weighted graphs (Dijkstra’s algorithm).
Basic terminology and characterization of trees, Tree traversal, Spanning trees, Minimal Spanning

Unit – V

Groups, Rings and Fields: Groups, Semi Groups, Monoids, Subgroups, Isomorphism and
Homomorphism and Normal Subgroups, Rings, Integral Domain, Rings Homomorphism, Polynomial
Rings, Fields.
Text Books:

1. KolmanB., BusbyR. and RossS., “Discrete Mathematical Structures”,

6 Edition, PearsonEducation, 2002, ISBN 81-7808-556-9.
2. DeoN., “Graph Theory with application to Engineering and Computer Science”, Prentice Hall of
India, 1990, 0 – 87692 – 145 – 4.
3. JohnsonbaughR., “Discrete Mathematics”, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2001 ISBN 81 – 7808
– 279 – 9.

Reference Books:

1. BiggsN., “Discrete Mathematics”, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0 –19 – 850717 – 8.
2. RosenKenneth H., “Discrete Mathematics and its Applications”, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007,
ISBN 978-0-07-288008-3.
3. LipschutzSemyour & Lipson Marc, “Discrete Mathematics”, McGraw-Hill, 3rd Special Indian
Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0-07-060174-1.
4. LiuC. L. and MohapatraD. P., “Elements of Discrete Mathematics”, SiE Edition, Tata McGraw-
Hill, 2008, ISBN 10:0-07-066913-9.
5. LipschutzS. and LipsonM., Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics, Revised Third Edition,
Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
6. MottJ. L., KandelA.and BakerT. P., Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists and
Mathematicians, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- II

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA C++ Lab BCA251

1. WAP to show the characteristic of a number. {E.g. 24 it has two coefficients 2 in tens position
and 4 in units position. It is composed of 2 and 3. It is a positive number. Also show whether
it is odd or even.
2. WAP to take input through command line argument and do the following:
a) Check whether the number is prime.
b) Generate the reverse a number.
3. Write a menu driven program using switch in C++ to perform following:
a) For input of 1, check whether the number is prime
b) For input of 3, find the factors of the number
c) For input of 5, check the number is odd or even.
4. Write a program in C++ to generate hexadecimal equivalent of a number without using
5. WAP to take two number inputs through command line argument and do the following:
a) Check whether two numbers are prime to each other or not.
b) Find LCM of two numbers.
6. WAP to create a class and exhibit the role of static functions (other than main) by declaring,
defining and calling them.
7. WAP to compute and display the count of occurrence of 4 in a number. E.g. 4564 will
compute 2.
8. WAP to take an angle value in degrees and then compute the equivalent radians and then
sin 2   cos2  1. Note180o   c .

9. WAP to sort a list of numbers in ascending order.

10. WAP to generate Pascal’s Triangle using a square matrix.
11. Write a program in C++ to take input of two 3×3 matrices through command line argument
and then:
a) Add them up and display the result
b) Subtract them and display the result
c) Multiply them and display product
12. WAP to count the number of words, characters in a sentence.
13. Write a program in C++ to take input of a sentence through command line argument and then
count the number of words and vowels.
14. WAP to handle the Exception using try and multiple catch block; the exceptions that you will
handle are, number format error, array bound error and divide by zero.
15. WAP to create a class called Room with two data member length and width and then implement
constructor overloading in it.

16. Write a program in C++ to explain the role of the following:

a) Non-parameterized constructor
b) Parameterized constructor
c) Copy constructor
Take input and display the output.
16. WAP to create a class called Fraction with data member numerator and denominator; take input
(through command line argument) of two fractions and then add, subtract, multiply and divide,
finally display the result in reduced term.
17. Write a program in C++ to create a class for Employee having 2 data member code and name.
Then create 3 classes Officer, AdminStaff and MStaff. The Officer class has data members
designation and pay-scale; the AdminStaff has data members grade and pay-band; the MStaff
has data member department and two sub-classes Regular and Casual. The Regular staff has
data members level and consolidated-pay and Casual has data member daily-wage. Take all
inputs through constructors and write appropriate methods for displaying one data for each type
of class.

18. WAP to design a class called Account using the inheritance and static that show all function of
bank (withdrawal, deposit) and generate account number dynamically.
19. WAP to design an application Password.C++ that produces and prints a random password
depending upon name of an individual. If the input is Abdul Kalam then the password would be
33421LAM. Note: take the first name A=1, B=2, D=4, U=21 where 2+1=3, and L=12, where
1+2=3; so the number comes to be 12433, so u can find out.

20. WAP to draw a format like






21. WAP to take a string count all vowels and then delete the same from the string.
22. Write a Patient class which inherits from the Person class. Patient can again be of
two types, indoor and outdoor. The Patient class requires the following:
a) a variable to store the patient ID for the patient
b) a variable to store the department of hospital
c) a variable to store the ward of hospital
d) a variable to store the patient 's date of joining the hospital
e) a variable to store the patient 's address
f) a variable to store the medical fees that the patient pays
g) constructor methods, which initialize the variables
h) a method to calculate the medical fees (for both indoor and outdoor patient)

23. WAP to take a string as password and check whether it contains at least two numbers,
3 alphabets and no space in it. If any contrary throw message.
24. Write a program in C++ to create a class called Rational having two data members for
numerator and denominator. Take two inputs of rational numbers and perform
multiplication and division. Display the result in reduced form.
25. Write a program in C++ to print a format like,
26. Write a class called Shape which contains a user-defined interface for
Computation, which contains methods for calculation of area, perimeter and
volume. Write four classes for circle, rectangle, sphere and rectangular
parallelepiped, and all these classes inherit from Shape. Now take input for the
a) radius of circle and compute its area and perimeter
b) Length and breadth of rectangle and compute its area and perimeter
c) Length, breadth and height for rectangular parallelepiped and compute
its area and volume
d) Radius of sphere and compute its area and volume
** Area of circle= r 2 , perimeter of circle= 2r , area of sphere= 4r 2 , volume of sphere=
4 3
r , volume
of rectangular parallelepiped = l  b  h area of rectangular parallelepiped= 2(l  b  b 
h  h  l)

27. Write a class called Employee, which requires the following:

a) a variable to store the employee ID
a. employee ID should be of format EMPM1234, EMPS1234,
EMPA1234, EMPC1234, where M=manager, S=supervisor,
A=analyst, C=clerk; number can be any no. but first three
characters should be EMP
b) a variable to store the employee name
c) a variable to store department
d) a variable to store city
e) a variable to store basic salary
f) a method to calculate the salary of employee
a. if the city is metro then the HRA would be 30% else 20%
b. if the employee ID contain M then DA would be 120%, if S then
DA would be 110%, if A then DA would be 100%, and if C then
DA would be 90%
g) constructor methods, which initialize the variables
28. WAP to create 4 threads and show exhibit their execution after the call of the “start (
)” method.
Write a program in C++ to create 3 threads and exhibit their behaviour by changing their
priorities in the “main” thread. Display the possible output.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- II

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code


Consider the following tables:


o,gr), dept(deptno,dname,loc)

Write the following queries:

1. List all information about all department from emp table.
2. List all employee names along with their salaries from emp table.
3. List all department numbers, employee numbers and their managers numbers
in descending order of deptno from emp table.
4. List department names and locations from the dept table.
5. List the employees belonging to the department 20.
6. List the name and salary of the employees whose salary is more than 1000.
7. List the names of the clerks working in the department 20.
8. List the names of analysts and salesmen.
9. List the details of the employees who have joined before the end of September 81.
10. List the names of employees who are not managers.
11. List the names of employees whose employee number are 7369, 7521, 7839, 7934,
12. List the employee details not belonging to the department 10, 30, and 40.
13. List the employee name and salary, whose salary is between 1000 and 2000.
14. List the employee names, who are not eligible for commission.(salary having
>15,000 eligible for commission)
15. List the employees who are eligible for commission.
16. List the details of employees, whose salary is greater than 2000 and commission is
17. List the employees whose names start with an “S” (not”s”).
18. List the name, salary and PF amount of all the employees(PF is calculated as 10% of
19. List the empno, ename, sal in ascending order of salary.
20. List the employee name, salary, job and Department no descending order of
Department No and salary.
21. List the employee details in ascending order of salary.
22. List the employee details in descending order of salary
23. Display name, and sal and commission of all employees whose monthly salary
is greater than their commission.
DEPT 20.Display result in this format.
25. Generate a statement which prompts the user at runtime. The
intention is to display employees hired between 2 given dates.
26. Define a variable representing an expression used to calculate total annual
remuneration. Use the variable in a statement which finds all employees who earn
$30000 a year or more.

27. List all the employees name and salaries increased by 15% and
expressed as a whole number of dollars.
28. Produce the following
29. Produce the
SMITH ( Clerk)
ALLEN ( Salesman)
30. Do a case sensitive search for a list of employees with a job that the user enters.
31. It has been discovered that the sales people in dept. 30 are not all male.
Please produce the Followingoutput.
ALLEN 30 Sales Person
32. Display each employees name and hiredate of dept 20.

33. Display each employees name, hiredate and salary review date. Assume
salary review date is one year from hiredate. Output should be in ascending
review date.

34. Print list of employees displaying just salary, if more than 1500. If exactly
1500 display “ On Target”. If less than 1500 display “ Below 1500”.

35. Write a query which returns DAY of the week ( i.e. MONDAY) for any
date entered in the format DD/MM/YY.
36. Write a query to calculate length of service of each employee.
37. Find the minimum salary of all employees.
38. Find the maximum, minimum, and average salaries of all employees.
39. List the maximum and minimum salary of each job type.
40. Find how many managers are in each dept.
41. Find the average salary and average total remuneration of each job type.
Remembers sales man earn commission.
42. Find out the difference between highest and lowest salary.
43. Find all department s which have more than three employees.
44. Check whether all employee nos are unique. ( No Duplicate)
45. List lowest paid employee working for each Manager. Exclude any groups
where the minimum salary is less than 1000. Sort the output by salary.
46. Produce a list showing employees ‘salary grade’.(> 10000 A, >10000 &<20000 B,
>20000 C)
47. Show only employee on Grade C.
48. Show all employee in Dallas.
49. List the employees name, job, salary, grade and department for everyone in the
company except clerks. Sort on salary, displaying the highest first.
50. List the following details of employees who earn $36000 a year or who are clerks.
Ename Job Annual Sal Dept no Dname Grade
51. Display all employees who earn less than their managers.
52. Display all employees by name and eno along with their managers name and number.
53. Modify above spoliation to display KING who has no MANAGER.
54. Find the job that was files in the first half of 1983 and the name job that was
filled in the same period in 1984.
55. Find all employees who have joined before their manager.

56. Find the employees who earn the highest salary in each job, type, sort in
descending order of salary.
57. Find the employees who earn the minimum salary for their job,
Display the result in descending order of salary
58. Find the most recently hired employees in the department. Order by hiredate.
59. Show the details of any employee who earns a salary greater than the
average for their department. Sort in department number order.
60. List all department where there are no employees.

1.SQL, PL/SQL the programming Language of Oracle, Ivan Bayross, 4th edition
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
Third Semester

S.N Subject Subject Name Marks Distribution

. Code Internal External
Marks Marks Total

Max Max Min Max Min

1. BCA301 Software 30 70 21 100 35

2. BCA302 Data Structure 30 70 21 100 35
using C++
3. BCA303 Computer 30 70 21
Oriented 100 35
4. BCA304 Data 30 70 21 100 35
ns and
5. BCA305 E-Commerce 30 70 21 100 35

Max Min
1. BCA351 Data Structure
Lab 50 25
2. BCA354 CONM Lab 50 25
BCA 2019-2022
Choice Based Credit System
Third Semester

S.N. Subject Subject Name L T P Credit

1. BCA301 Software 3 1 0 4
2. BCA302 Data Structure 3 1 0 4
using C++
3. BCA303 Computer 3 1 0 4
4. BCA304 Data 3 1 0 4
and Computer
5. BCA305 E-Commerce 3 1 0 4
6. BCA351 Data Structure 0 0 2 1
7. BCA354 CONM Lab 0 0 2 1
Total 15 4 4 22
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- III

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Software Engineering BCA301


Introduction to Software Engineering: Characteristics, Emergence of Software Engineering,

Software Metrics & Models, and Process& Product Metrics. Software Life Cycle Models:
Waterfall, Prototype and Spiral Models and their Comparison.


Software Requirements Specification: SRS Documents, their Characteristics and Organization.


Software Project Management: Size Estimation- LOC and FP Metrics, Cost Estimation-Delphi
and Basic COCOMO.


Software Design: Classification, Software Design Approaches, Structured Analysis Data flow
Diagrams and Structured Design, Introduction to Object Oriented Design. Coding and Testing of
Software: Unit Testing, Black Box Testing, White Box Testing, Debugging, Program Analysis
Tools, System Testing.


Software Quality Assurance: ISO 9000 and SEI CMM and their Comparison. Software
Maintenance: Maintenance Process Models and Reverse Engineering, Estimation of
Maintenance Costs.
Reference Books:

1) Pankaj Jalote- An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, 3rd Edition, Narosa

Publishing House, New Delhi,2005

2) Richard Fairley- Software Engineering Concepts, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2006.

3) Software Engineering by Pressman.

Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- III

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Data Structure using C++ BCA302


A First look at a C++ Program, Variables and Constants, Arithmetic Expressions, Logical
Expressions and if-else Statements, Iterative Statements, The switch Statement, Arrays, Strings,
Structures Pointers, References, Dynamic Memory Allocation. Introduction, Public and Private
Members, Encapsulation, Implementation of a Class, Syntax for Accessing Class Members,
Constructors and Destructors, Arrays of Class Objects, Operator Overloading for Classes,
Classes and Efficiency.


Data Structures and Abstract Data Types, Linked List Data structure, Linked List- Single Linked
Lists, Circular Linked List, Doubly Linked Lists ,Traversal, The Insert Function, Remove
Function, Linked Lists vs. Arrays.


Introduction, Array Implementation and linked implementation of Stack. Introduction, Array

Implementation and linked implementation of Queue.


Introduction, Binary Search Trees, Tree Traversals, Graph- adjacency lists & adjacency matrix.


Introduction, Sequential and Binary Search, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick
Reference Books:

1. S.Sahni- Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, 2nd Edn. Universities
Press, India, 2005.
2. 1. M.Litvin&G.Litvin- Programs with C++ and Data structures-Vikas Publishing Home,
New Delhi, 2005
3. Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- III

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Computer Oriented BCA303
Numerical Methods


Errors in Numerical Calculations: Numbers and their accuracy, Errors and their Computations-
Absolute, Relative and Percentage, General Error Formula. Solution of Algebraic and
Transcendental Equations: Introduction, Bisection method, Iteration method, Method of False
Position, Newton- Raphson method.


Interpolation: Introduction, Errors in Polynomial Interpolation, Finite DifferencesForward,

Backward Difference tables, Differences of a Polynomial, Newton’s formulae for Interpolation,
Lagrange’s Interpolation Formula, Divided Differences and their properties- Newton’s General
Interpolation Formula, Inverse Interpolation.


Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Introduction, Numerical Differentiation and Errors,

Numerical Integration – Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s 1/3 Rule, Simpson’s 3/8 Rule.


Numerical Solution of Linear System of Equations: Direct Methods- Matrix Inversion Method,
Gauss-Jordan Method, Gauss Elimination Method.

Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: Solution by Taylor’s Series, Euler’s

method, Modified Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta method of 2nd order.


1. 1) S.S.Sastry -Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis, 4thEdition, Prentice Hall of India,

New Delhi, 2006

2) V.N.Vedamurthy et.al.-Numerical Methods, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2005.

3) B.S.Grewal- Numerical Methods in Engineering & Science, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2005.

4) S.C.Gupta and V.K.Kapoor – Elements of Mathematics, Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- I

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Data Communications and BCA304
Computer Networks

Unit I

Introduction to data communication and networking, Network models: Components of data

communication, data flow, topology-bus, ring, star, hybrid, protocols and standards, The OSI
reference model, Layers in OSI reference model, TCP/IP protocol suite

Unit II

Media and Transmission modes: Data and signals, Periodic analog signals, Digital signals ,
Transmission impairment , Digital to digital, Analog to digital conversion, Transmission modes,
Digital to analog conversion, Analog to analog conversion, Guided media and Unguided media.

Unit III

Switching and routing algorithms: Switching basics, circuit switching, packet switching and
Message switching. datagram networks and virtual circuit networks, routing algorithms- distance
vector routing and link state routing Information Encoding, Error Detection and Correction
Introduction, representing different symbols, Minimizing errors, Error classification, types of
errors, redundancy, detection versus correction, hamming distance, cyclic redundancy check,
checksum and Flow control.

Unit IV
IP: PV4 addressing, IPv6 addresses, IPv6 header formats, IPv6 extension headers, IPv6 auto

Unit V

Network Security: Requirements, conventional encryption, public key encryption & digital


1) A. Behrouz Forouzan, Data communications and Networking, McGraw-Hill Education, 2006.

2) William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Pearson Education India, 2007,
Eighth Edition.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- III

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA E-Commerce BCA305


Introduction to E-commerce: E-commerce: The revolution is just beginning, The visions and
forces behind E-commerce, Understanding E-commerce.


E-commerce business models and concepts: E-commerce business models,Major business-to-

consumer (B2C) business models, Major business-to-business (B2B) business models, Business
models in emerging E-commerce areas, How the internet and the Web change business.


E-commerce infrastructure: The Internet, Technology background, The internettoday, The world
wide web. Building an E-commerce web site: A systematic approach, choosing server software,
choosing the hardware for an E-commerce site, other E-commerce site tools.


Security and Encryption: The E-commerce security environment, Security threats in the E-
commerce environment, Technology solutions, Policies, Procedures and Laws.

Ethical, Social, and Political issues in E-commerce: Understanding ethical, social, and political
issues in E-commerce, Privacy and information rights, Intellectual property rights, Governance,
Public safety and welfare.

Reference Books:

1) R. Kalakota&A.B.Whiilston-' Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Pearson Education- 2006.

2) K.K.Bajaj&D.Nag- E-Commerce, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, Second Edition.

3) K.C. Laudon& C.G. Traver, E-commerce, Pearson Education, 2003

Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- III

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Data Structure Lab BCA351


1. Program to Find the Number of Elements in an Array

2. Develop and Implement a menu driven program in C for the following Array
a. Creating Array of N Integer elements.
b. Display of Array elements with suitable headings.
c. Inserting an element (ELEM) at a given valid position (POS).
d. Deleting an element at a given valid position (POS).
e. Exit
3. Programs for Stack, Queues and Circular Queues using Arrays
4. Program to convert an Infix Expression into Postfix and Postfix Evaluation
5. Program to implement stack using arrays
6. Program to implement stack using linked list
7. Program to implement multiple stack in a single array
8. Program to convert infix notation to postfix notation using stacks
9. Program to implement queue using arrays
10. Program to implement queue using pointers
11. Program to reverse elements in a queue
12. Program to implement circular queue using arrays
13. Program to create add remove & display element from single linked list
14. Program to create add remove & display element from double linked list
15. Program to count number of nodes in linear linked list
16. Program to create add remove & display element from circular linked list
17. Programs to implement stack & queues using linked representation
18. Program to concatenate two linear linked lists
19. Program to accept a singly linked list of integers & sort the list in ascending order.
20. Program to reverse linked list
21. Program to represent polynomial using linked list
22. Program to add two polynomials using linked list
23. Program for the creation of binary tree, provide insertion & deletion in c
24. Program for pre-order, post-order & in-order traversals of a binary tree using non
25. Program to count no, of leaves of binary tree
26. Program for implementation of B-tree (insertion & deletion)
27. Program for implementation of multi-way tree in c
28. Program for implementation of AVL tree
29. Program to implement bubble sort program using arrays
30. Program to implement merge sort using arrays
31. Program to implement selection sort program using arrays
32. Program to implement insertion sort program using arrays
33. Program to implement topological sort using arrays
34. Program to implement heap sort using arrays
35. Program to implement heap sort using pointers
36. Program to implement bubble sort program using pointers
37. Program to implement linear search using pointers
38. Program to implement binary search using pointers
39. Program to implement linear search using arrays
40. Program to implement binary search using arrays

Text Books:
1. Baluja G S, “Data Structure through C”, Ganpat Rai Publication, New Delhi, 2015.
2. Pai G A V, “Data Structures and Algorithms: Concepts, Techniques and
Applications”, 2nd Edn, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
3. Horowitz E., Sahni S., Susan A., “Fundamentals of Data Structures in C”, 2nd
Edition, University Press, 2010.

Reference Books:

1. Tremblay J. P., Sorenson P. G, “An Introduction to Data Structures with

Applications”, 2nd Edn, McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, NY, USA.
2. Lipschutz Seymour, “Data Structures”, 6th Edn, 9th Reprint 2008, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Drozdek Adam, “Data Structures and Algorithms in C++”, Thomson Learning,
New Delhi – 2007.
4. Feller J., Fitzgerald B., “Understanding Open Source Software Development”,
Pearson Education Ltd. New Delhi
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- III

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code


Assignment 1

Write a program in C to solve the equation x4 + x2 -1 = 0, correct to eight decimal places using
bisection method.

Assignment 2

Write a program in C to find the root (which lies between 2 and 3) of the following equation
correct to six significant figures using bisection method:

x2 – 5log10 (5x2+2x+3) = 0

Assignment 3

Write a program in C to find the root of the equation x3 – 4x2 + 10x – 10 = 0 correct to six
significant figures using Regula-Falsi Method.

Assignment 4

Write a program in C to find the root (which lies between 1 and 2) of the following equation
correct to six decimal places using Regula-Falsi Method and the method of Bisection. Compare
the number of iterations required in both the cases:

2x – 3cosx = 1.85

Assignment 5

Write a program in C to find root of the equation x  8 x  4 using Newton-Raphson method


correct to seven significant figures.

Assignment 6

Write a program in C to solve the equation 3x – cosx - 1= 0, by the method of Iteration, for the
root lying between 0 and 1, correct to 6 decimal places.

Assignment 7

Write a program in C to compare the rate of convergence of the Newton-Raphson method,

Regula-Falsi method and the method of Bisection to find the root of the equation 2x sinx = cosx
lying between 0 and 1.

Assignment 8

Write a program in C to compute a difference table for the following data and hence find the
 p yq
value of  yq and
; p and q are to be taken from the users.

X 0.30 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40

Y 1.7596 1.7698 1.7804 1.7912 1.8024 1.8139

Assignment 9

Write a program in C to find f(2.02) having given the following table, using Newton’s forward
Interpolation formula correct to five significant figures.

X 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

f(x) 0.30103 0.34242 0.38021 0.41497 0.44716 0.47721

Assignment 10

Write a program in C to find f(2.91) having given the following table, using Newton’s
Interpolation formula, correct to five significant figures.

X 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

f(x) 0.30103 0.34242 0.38021 0.41497 0.44716 0.47721

Assignment 11

Write a program in C to find the missing element in the following table:

X 22 25 28 31 34 37

f(X) 14 27 35 ? 50 65

Assignment 12

Write a program in C to find the value of X when it is given that f(X) = 55 in the table given in
Assignment 11 after finding the value of f(31).

Assignment 13

Solve by Gauss elimination method with partial pivoting, the following system of equations
correct up to four significant figures.

x + 3y = 2z = 5

2x – y + z = -1

x + 2y + 3z = 2

Assignment 14

Find the inverse of the following matrix by Gauss-Jordan

Gauss method.

Hence find the root of the following system of equations correct up to five decimal places:

5x + 3y +7z = 5

x +5 y +2 z = -1

7x + 2y + 10z = 5

Assignment 15

Jacobi iterative method, the following system of equations correct up to four

Solve, by Gauss-Jacobi
significant figures.

4.50x + 0.15y + 0.30z = 1.57

0.15x – 10.50y + 0.45z = -3.86

0.45x + 0.30y – 15.00z =14.28

Assignment 16
Solve, by Gauss-Seidel
Seidel iteration method, the following system of equations, correct up to four
significant figures.

6.32x - 0.73y - 0.65z + 1.06t = 2.95

0.89x + 4.32y - 0.47z + 0.95t = 3.36

0.74x + 1.01y + 5.28z -0.88t = 1.97

1.13x – 0.89y + 0.61z +5.63t = 4.27

Assignment 17

Write a program in C to calculate the approximate value of the following definite integrals using
Trapizoidal rule, taking 20 subintervals, correct up to 6 significant figures. Calculate the
percentage of error present in the result for (i).


Assignment 18
0 .5
Write a program in C to calculate the approximate value of 0 (1  x 2 )(1  0.75 x 2 )
correct up

to 7 significant figures, using Simpson’s 1/3 rule,

rule taking 30 subintervals.

Assignment 19
Write a program in C to calculate the approximate value of 
0 x  2x  3
2 correct up to 4

significant figures, using Simpson’s 1/3 rule and Trapizoidal rulerule, taking 18 subintervals.
Compare the results by calculating percentage error. (Assume the result correct upto 7 significant
digits as the exact value.)

Assignment 20
Write a program in C to calculate the approximate value of 
2 ( x  1) x 2  2 x
correct up to 6

significant figures, using Simpson’s 3/8 rule.

Assignment 21

y(1.0), correct up to 7 significant figures, by Euler’s method

Write a program in C to compute y(1.0),

dy y
 ; y(0.2) = 2, taking step length h = 0.01.
dx 1 x

Assignment 22

Write a program in C to compute y(1.0), correct up to 5 significant figures, by Euler’s method

and Modified Euler’s method from the following differential equation:

 1  x  x 2 ; y(0) = 1,

taking step length h = 0.25. Compare the results (approximate values) obtained in both the cases
with the exact value.

Assignment 23

Write a program in C to compute y(0.6), correct up to 7 significant figures by the method of

Kutta of second order from the following differential equation:

dy/dx = (0.5 - x + y2) / (x2 + y +1); y(0) = 0, taking step length h = 0.1.

Assignment 24

Write a program in C to compute y(0.5), correct up to 7 significant figures, by the Modified

Kutta method of second order from the following differential
Euler’s method and Runge-Kutta

dy/dx = 0.25 y2 + x2 ; y(0) = -1,

taking step length h = 0.1 . Hence, compare the results.

Assignment 25

Write a program in C to represent a set of 100 bivariate data of the form (x, y) into a two way
frequency table and then calculate and from the marginal distributions. Generate the (x, y)
tuples using random numbers so that 0 < x < 51 and 150 < y < 250.

Assignment 26

Write a program in C to compute the correlation coefficient between X and Y.

X 2.52 2.49 2.49 2.45 2.43 2.42 2.41 2.40

Y 740 720 780 900 960 1020 980 1040

Assignment 27

Ten students obtained the following marks in Mathematics and Statistics. Calculate the rank
correlation coefficient between these two sets of data using a C program.

Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Marks in Mathematics 78 36 98 25 75 82 90 62 65 39

Marks in Statistics 84 51 91 60 68 62 86 58 53 47

Assignment 28

Write a program in C to predict the value of x when the value of y is given and vice versa from a
given bivariate data set.

Reference books:
1. Mollah S. A., “Numerical Analysis and Computational Procedures,” Books and Allied (P)
Ltd., Kolkata, 2017.
2. Sastry S.S., “Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis,” PHI, Private Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Pal N. & Sarkar S., “Statistics: Concepts and Applications,” PHI, New Delhi, 2005.
4. Das N. G., “Statistical Methods,” Tata McGraw Hill Edu. P. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
Fourth Semester

S.N Subject Subject Name Marks Distribution

. Code Internal External
Marks Marks Total

Max Max Min Max Min

1. BCA401 Fundamentals 30 70 21 100 35

of Computer
2. BCA402 Web 30 70 21 100 35
3. BCA403 Organizational 30 70 21
Behaviour 100 35
4. BCA404 System analysis 30 70 21 100 35
and Design
5. BCA405 Object 30 70 21 100 35
using Java

Max Min
1. BCA452 Web
Programming 50 25
2. BCA455 OOP in Java 50 25
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) 2019-2022
Fourth Semester
Choice Based Credit System

S.N. Subject Subject Name L T P Credit

1. BCA401 Fundamentals of 3 1 0 4
2. BCA402 Web 3 1 0 4
3. BCA403 Organizational 3 1 0 4
4. BCA404 System analysis 3 1 0 4
and Design
5. BCA405 Object Oriented 3 1 0 4
using Java
6. BCA452 Web 0 0 4 2
Programming Lab
7. BCA455 OOP in Java Lab 0 0 4 2
Total 15 4 4 24
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- IV

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code


Unit – I


What is an algorithm? Design and performance analysis of algorithms, space and time trade-offs.
Analysis of selection sort and insertion sort. Asymptotic notations (O, è, ¿,ωο) to measure
complexity of algorithms.

Unit – II


Basic concept. Analysis of recursive algorithms, Master's theorem. Divide & Conquer: The
general method. binary search, finding the maximum and minimum, merge sort, quick sort, Best
and worst case analysis for the mentioned algorithms.

Unit – III

The Greedy Method:

The general method. Applications to Knapsack problem, minimum weight spanning trees: Prim’s
& Kruskal’s algorithms. Dijkstra's algorithm for finding single source shortest paths problem.
Unit – IV

Algorithms on Graphs:

Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, Biconnectivity, Depth First Search of a Directed
Graph, Topological Sorting.

Unit – V

Basic concepts of Backtracking:

8-queen problem, Branch and Bound: 0/1 Knapsack problem, assignment problem.

Text Books:

1. CormenThomas H., LeisersonCharles E., & Rivest.Ronald L., “Introduction to Algorithms

PHI publication.
2. Horowitz Ellis, Sahni Sartaj and Rajasekaran S., “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”
Galgotia publications.

Reference Books:
1. Aho Alfred V., Hopcroft John E. & Ullman Jeffrey D., “The Design & Analysis of Computer
Algorithms”, Addison Wesley Publications.
2. Kleinberg Jon & Tardos Eva, “Algorithm Design”, Pearson Education Publications.
3. Brassard Gilles & Bratley Paul, “Fundamentals of Algorithms”, PHI Publications.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- IV

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Web Programming BCA402

Unit – I

Introduction to Internet and HTML: Introduction to Internet, Internet Services, Web Server, Web
Client, Domain Registration, Internet Security. HTML Tags, HTML Documents, Header Section, Body
Section, Headings, Link Documents using Anchor Tag, Formatting Characters, Font tag, Images and
Pictures, Listing, Tables in HTML.

Unit – II

Java Script:Data Types, Variables, Operators, Conditional Statements, Array Objects, Date Objects,
String Objects, Use of Java Script in Web Pages, Advantages of Java Script, Type Casting, Array,
Operators and Expression, Conditional Checking, Function, User Defined Function.

Unit – III

Understanding XML: Overview of XML, XML Families of Technology, Creating XML Documents,
Rules for Well-Formed XML, Discerning Structure, Working with Mixed content, Adding Comments,
CDATA Sections, Creating a DTD-The Concept of a Valid XML Document, Creating a DTD for an
existing XML File.

Unit – IV

ASP .NET: Building Web Forms Using ASP .NET, Exploring ASP .NET Server Controls,
Using ASP.NET Server Controls to Create Web Forms, Understanding the Code behind the
Page. Working with User Controls, Exposing User Control Properties and Methods, Using ASP
.NET Server Controls in User Controls, Using Validation Controls to Improve Web Forms,
Uploading Files to a Web Server.
Unit – V

PHP: Preparing the Use PHP, Exploring PHP for the First Time, Understanding PHP Basics, Displaying
PHP Output, Managing PHP Program Flow. Planning a PHP Web Application, Creating and Using a
Logon Window, Managing System Data, Updating a PHP Web Application.

1. XavierC., “Web Technology & Design”, New Age International Publishers, 1st
Edn, New Delhi, 2004.
2. BaiXue, Ekedahl Michael, FarrellJoyce, GosselinDon, ZakDiane, KaparthiShashi,
MacintyrePeter, Morrissey Bill, “The Web Warrior Guide to Web Programming”,
India Edition, Thomson Education.

1. RossIvan Bay, “Web Enable Commercial Application Using HTML, DHTML”,
BPB Publication.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- IV

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Organizational Behavior BCA403

Unit – I

What is Psychology? Whom does the Psychologist observe? What does Psychologist observe?
Where does the Psychologist observe?

Unit – II

Sensation & Perception, Feelings and Emotions, Learning and Thinking.( in so far as they are
applicable to Industry), Personality, Definition & Theories, Assessing Personality.

Unit – III

An Overview of Transactional Analysis as a Tool for Measuring One‘s Own Awareness and of
helping Interpersonal Relationship in an Organisation. Theories of Organisation, Contingency
Model and other Models of Organisation, Theories of Motivation. – Abraham Maslow,
Herzerberg Mecleland.

Unit – IV

Group Dynamics, Structure, Process, Values of Groups, Role and Stature. Theories of
Leadership, Identifying Leadership Potential.
Unit – V

Communication: Process, Methods, Barriers and Usefulness.


1. Organizational Behavior – by Robbins.

2. Organizational Behavior – by Luthans.

3. Organizational Behavior – by Sashi Gupta & Rozy Joshi.

Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- IV

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA System analysis and Design BCA404

Unit – I

Overview of System Analysis & Design Definition, Characteristics, System Concepts, Elements
and Types. System Development Life Cycle Impetus for change, Steps involved in SDLC,
People involved SDLC. Initial Investigation Background Analysis, Fact finding techniques, tools
for Information gathe ring, types of interviews and questionnaires.

Unit – II

Structured Analysis Definition, tools for structured analysis. Feasibilit Study Definition,
Considerations Technical, Economic, Behavioral & Political, Steps in Feasibility Study,
Feasibility Report. Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) Categories Hardware, Personnel, Facility,
Operating and Supply Costs, Proce dure for CBA Determination.

Unit – III

System Design-Definition, Process of Design, Structured Design, Elements of Functional

Decomposition – Module, Connection and Coupling, HIPO and IPO Charts, Major development
activities of Design stage Data Validation, Audit Trial. System Testing – Why Testing ? Factors
considered for testing, Test Data & Test Plan, Phases of Testing, Types of system tests.

Unit – IV

Quality Assurance – Definition, Goals in System Life Cycle, Levels of Quality Assurance,
Tresting. Implementation – Conversion, Stages of Conversion, Combating resistance to change,
Post Implementation Review, Review Plan. Software Maintenance – Maintenance/Enhancement,
Activities of a Maintenance procedure, reducing maintenance costs

Unit – V

System Security – Data Security, Threats to System Security, Risk Analysis, Control Measures,
System Audit, Protection Againts VIRUS. Hardware and Software Selection –
Hardware/Software Suppliers, Procedure for Hardware/Software Selection, Major Phases in
Selection. Types of Software, Attributes of Software, Criteria for Software Selection, Evaluation
Process. Financial Consideration in Selection – Rental, Lease, Purchase Options.


1. System Analysis and Design - by Elias M Awad.

2. System Analysis & Design – by V K Jain, Dreamtech Press.

3. System Analysis & Design – by Theoroff.


1. Computers Today – by Suresh K Basandra.

2. Modern System Analysis & Design by A Hoffer, F George, S Valaciah, Low price Edn.
Pearson Education.

3. Information Technology & Computer Applications – by V.K. Kapoor, Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi.

4. Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design – by Lee.

Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- IV

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code


Unit - I

Procedure-Oriented Programming, Object-Oriented programming, Benefits of OOP,

Applications of OOP, Basics, Evolution of Java, Structure of JAVA Program, Simple Java
Program, Tokens, Comments, Identifiers, Operators, Literals, Control Structures. Java
Environment Setup, Compiling a Java Program, Java Virtual Machine, Philosophy of Java and

Unit - II

Data types and program statements: Primitive and reference data types, variables and constants,
enumerated constants, labelled statement, expression and null statements, compound statement,
control statement – decision and loops, jump statement, declaration statement, try-throw-catch-
finally statement, declaring and creating arrays, accessing array elements, assigning values to
array elements, multidimensional arrays.

Unit - III

Functions, Data Abstraction and classes: Declaration, definition and call, main method
arguments, reference variables, method overloading, parameter passing by value for primitive
types, object references and arrays, scope of variables, return from methods.
Class and object, class members and initialization, access rights of members – public, private and
protected access modifiers, constructor and copy constructor, mutability, finalization, dynamic
memory management, garbage collection, this keyword, static members, scope of variables,
interface – declaration, implementation and extending, package and package visibility.

Unit – IV

Inheritance and Collection classes: multi-level and single inheritance, multiple inheritance of
interfaces, Object class, access rights in subclasses and packages, constructor calling sequence,
super keyword, dynamic binding of methods, abstract class, overriding, shadowing and hiding,
finalize, association, aggregation and composition.

String, StringBuffer, Date, Calendar, Math, Object, Class, Exception class

Module – V

Input/Output and JAVA Applets: Stream clases – InputStream, OutputStream, Buffered Stream,
file classes and handling, pushback streams, reader and writer classes, file reader and writer,

Applet code example, HTML tags for applet, applet life cycle, color, font andbasic GUI
handling, basic graphics, and animation.

Text Books:
1. Balagurusamy E., “Programming in Java”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Publication, New Delhi.

Reference Books:

1. Naghton Patrick & Schildt H., “The Complete Reference Java 2”, Tata McGraw
Hill Publication, New Delhi.
2. Dietel Harvey M & Dietel Paul J., “Java How to program”, 7th edition, Pearson
Education, New Delhi.
Web Programming Lab


1. India is a large country. Different regions observe variations in climate. The spoken
language of one state is quite different from that of another. They wear different types
of garments. They celebrate different festivals and perform varied religious rites.
People belonging to diverse cultures belong to different religious faiths. In spite of
these diversities, Indians feel a sense of unity and oneness among them. Thus, we
conclude that India is a land of Unity in Diversity.
a) All the headings should be H2 and green colour.
b) Main heading should be H1 and centre aligned.
c) The background should be yellow colour.
d) There are 10 paragraphs so each of them should be made using P tag.
e) The Introduction and Conclusion paragraphs should have “Times New
Roman” font, the size should be 12 and colour should be blue.
f) All the remaining paragraphs text should be pink and magenta coloured in
an alternate way.
g) There should be one meaningful picture in the web page with specific
2. Create a webpage having a list as shown below:
 Food
a. Fruit
 Apple
 Mango
 Pear
b. Vegetable
 Potato
 Tomato
 Carrot
 Dress
a. Ethnic wear
 Kurta
 Sherwani
b. Western wear
 suit
 jeans
 Sports
a. Indoor sports
 carom
 table tennis
b. Outdoor sports
 Cricket
 Hockey
3. Create a webpage with the following:
a) A superscript and subscript tag
b) Pre tag
c) Paragraph tag
d) Anchor tag
e) Image tag
f) Definition list tag
g) Marquee tag
h) Horizontal line tag
i) Break tag
j) Heading tag

4. Create a webpage having 10 divisions each having separate background color and text
color using
<DIV> tag. At the top right corner there should be an image hyperlink opening in a new
5. Create a webpage with a form loaded into it and take input of three
strings through three textboxes and then concatenate them without using any
built-in function.

6. Create a webpage with two tables. First one should have 1 row and 5 columns and
the second one with 3 rows and 4 columns. The contents of the first table should be
center aligned and contents of the second table should be right aligned. Each column
of the first table should have separate
colors and each row of the second table should have separate colors.

7. Write a JavaScript program to calculate and display the aggregate and

percentage of three subjects’ (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) marks
along with the name of a student. The name and individual marks input shall
be taken by textbox in the webpage.

8. Write a JavaScript program to search the element 4 in the array [2, 6, 4, 10, 4,
0, -2] using any method.
9. Create a framed webpage with different frames as below:

1 2 3

4 5

6 7 8
Contents of 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th frame should be same again 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th should be same.

10. Create a webpage to take input of a string and check whether it is a palindrome or not.
11. Write a program using JavaScript to display a structure as given below:

12. Write a program using JavaScript to take input of an array of numbers like [-4, 5, 6, -
1, 10] and then sort it in descending order.
13. Create a webpage to take input of a string and reverse that without using any user
defined function.
14. Write a JavaScript program to search 10 in the array [2, 6, -5, 10, 11, 0, -2] using a
binary search method.
15. Write a JavaScript program to take two arrays like [3, 7, 1, 6, 2, 3] and [5, 6, 0, -3]
and merge them into third array along with that remove the repetitive elements.
16. Write a JavaScript program to calculate the percentage of three subjects’ (English,
Mathematics, and Science) marks along with the name of a student. The name and
individual marks input shall be taken by form in the webpage.
17. Create a webpage to take input of a string and count the number of vowels in it.
18. Create a webpage to take input of two strings and concatenate them without using any
built-in function.
19. Create a webpage to take input of a string and then slice it into three separate strings and
display that.
20. Write a JavaScript program to take two arrays like [1, 3, 8, 1, 6, 2, 3] and [2, 1, 5, 6, 0,
-3] and merge them into third array along with that remove the repetitive elements.
21. Write a JavaScript program to calculate and display the aggregate and percentage of
three subjects’ (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) marks along with the name of a
student. The name and individual marks input shall be taken by textbox in the
22. Create a webpage to take input of a string and check whether it is a palindrome or not.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Fifth Semester

S.N Subject Subject Name Marks Distribution

. Code Internal External
Marks Marks Total

Max Max Min Max Min

1. BCA501 Computer Graphics and 30 70 21 100 35

2. BCA502 Management 30 70 21 100 35
Information Systems
3. BCA503 Program Elective –I 30 70 21 100 35
 Cloud
 Android
 Python

4. BCA504 Program Elective –II 30 70 21 100 35

 Soft Computing
and Applications
 Data Analytics

Max Min
1. BCA551 Computer
Graphics Lab 50 25
2. BCA553 PE-I Lab 50 25

 Android
 Python
3. BCA554 PE-II Lab 50 25

 Soft
 Data
Lab using R
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Fifth Semester
Choice Based Credit System

S.N. Subject Subject Name L T P Credit

1. BCA501 Computer 3 1 0 4
Graphics and
2. BCA502 Management 3 1 0 4
3. BCA503 Program Elective - 3 1 0 4
4. BCA504 Program Elective - 3 1 0 4
5. BCA551 Computer 0 0 4 2
Graphics Lab
6. BCA553 PE-I Lab 0 0 4 2
7. BCA554 PE-II Lab 4 2
Total 15 4 4 22
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- V

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Computer Graphics and Multimedia BCA501

Unit – I

Introduction to Graphics Systems: Video Display Devices, Raster Scan Systems, Random
Scan Systems, Graphics Monitors and Workstations, Input Devices, Hard Copy Devices,
Graphics Software. Three-Dimensional Viewing Devices, Stereoscopic & Virtual Reality

Unit – II

Output Primitives: Points and Lines, Line Drawing Algorithms (DDA and Bresenham’s
Algorithms), Loading the Frame Buffer, Circle Generating Algorithm, Filled Area Primitives –
Scan-line Polygon Fill Algorithm, Boundary-Fill Algorithm, Flood-Fill Algorithm, Color Tables.

Unit – III

2D Transformation and Viewing: Basic Transformations, Matrix Representations and

Homogeneous Coordinates, Composite Transformations (Translations, Rotations, Scalings),
Other Transformations (Reflection and Shear), The Viewing Pipeline, Viewing Coordinate
Reference Frame, Window-to- Viewport Coordinate Transformation, Clipping- Point, Cohen-
Sutherland Line Clipping and Sutherland- Hodgeman Polygon Clipping.
Unit – IV

Three-Dimensional Geometric Transformations: Translation, Rotation, Scaling.

Unit – V

Introduction to Multimedia Systems and Multimedia Components: Multimedia Systems,

Multimedia Presentation and Production, Characteristics of Multimedia Presentation, Uses of
Multimedia. CD Formats, DVD, DVD Formats. Text and its File Formats, Image Types and File
Formats, Fundamental Characteristics of Sound, Audio File Formats, Video, Transmission of
Video Signals, Video File Formats.

1. HearnD. and BakerM. P., “Computer Graphics: C Version”, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2007.
2. BufordJ. F. K., “Multimedia Systems”, 1st Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.

1. FoleyJ. D., DamA. Van, Feiner S. K. and HughesJ. F., “Computer Graphics:
Principles and Practice in C”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2000.
2. ParekhR., “Principles of Multimedia”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- V

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Management Information Systems BCA502

Unit – I

Information Systems in Global Business Today:

The role of Information System in Business Today, How Information Systems Are Transforming
Business, What’s New in Management Information Systems?, Globalization Challenges and
Opportunities: A Flatted World, The Emerging Digital Firm, Strategic Business Objectives of
Information Systems, Perspectives on Information Systems, What is an Information System?,
Dimensions of Information Systems, It Isn’t Just Technology: A Business Perspective on
Information Systems.

Unit – II

E-Business: How Businesses Use Information Systems:

Business Processes and Information Systems, Business Processes, How Information Technology
Enhances Business Processes, Types of Information Systems, Transaction Processing Systems,
Management Information Systems and Decision-Support Systems, Systems That Span the
Enterprise, Enterprise Applications, Intranets and Extranets, Collaboration and Communication
Systems: “Interaction” Jobs in a Global Economy, E-Business, The Information Systems
Function in Business.
Unit – III

Information Systems, Organizations, and Strategy:

Organizations and Information Systems, What Is an Organization?, Features of Organizations,
How Information Systems Impact Organizations and Business Firms, Economic Impacts,
Organizational and Behavioural Impacts, The Internet and Organizations, Implications for the
Design and Understanding of Information Systems, Using Information Systems to Achieve
Competitive Advantage, Porter’s Competitive Forces Model.

Unit – IV

IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies:

IT Infrastructure, Defining IT Infrastructure, Evolution of IT Infrastructure, Technology Drivers
of Infrastructure Evolution, Infrastructure Components, Computer Hardware Platforms,
Operating System Platforms, Enterprise Software Applications, Data Management and Storage,
Networking/ Telecommunication Platforms, Internet Platforms, Consulting and System
Integration Services, Contemporary Hardware Platform Trends, The Emerging Mobile Digital
Platform, Grid Computing, Cloud Computing and the Computing Utility, Autonomic
Unit – V

Enhancing Decision Making:

Decision Making and Information Systems, Business Value of Improved Decision Making,
Types of Decisions, The Decision Making process, Managers and Decision Making in The Real
World, Systems for Decision Support, Management Information System(MIS), Decision-Support
Systems(DSS), Web- Based Customer Decision-Support Systems, Group Decision-Support
Systems(GDSS), Executive Support Systems(ESS).
Case Studies: Two Recent Case Studies to be Discussed Fully Covering the Whole Syllabus.
1. Laudon K. and Laudon J.,“Management Information Systems”, Prentice Hall
1. Murdick, Ross and Claggett, “Information Systems for Modern Management”, PHI
2. Jawadekar W. S., “Management Information Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill
3. GoyalD. P., “Management Information Systems Managerial
Perspectives”, Macmillan India Ltd.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- V

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA PE-I(Cloud Computing) BCA503

Unit – I

Cloud Computing at a glance, Distributed Systems, Virtualization, Web 2.0,

Unit – II

Eras of Computing, Elements of Distributed Computing, Concepts of Virtualization and its

characteristics, Virtualization and cloud computing, cloud reference model, types of clouds,
economics of the cloud.

Unit – III

Cloud Interoperability and standards:

Amazon Web Services: Compute Services, Storage Services, Communication Services. Google
AppEngine: Architectural and Core Concepts, Application Life-Cycle, Cost Model.

Microsoft Azure: Azure Core Concepts, SQL Azure.

Unit – IV

Energy-Efficiency in clouds, Energy-Efficient and Green Cloud Computing Architecture,

Market- Oriented Cloud Computing, Federated clouds: characterization and definition, cloud
federation stack.

Cloud Security and Trust Management: Cloud Security Defense Strategies

Unit – V

Application of clouds in: Health care, Biology, CRM, ERP, Social Networking, Productivity and
Geoscience. Cloudlets for Mobile Cloud Computing.


1. BuyyaRajkumar, Charles, VecchiolaChristian amd SelviS. Thamarai

“Mastering Cloud Computing”, McGraw Hill Education(India) Private Limited,

1. HwangKai, FoxGeoffrey C., DongarraJack J., “Distributed and Cloud Computing
from Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things”, Morgan Kaufmann - India
Edition, 2012.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- V

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA PE-I(Android Programming) BCA503

Unit – I

What is Android? Android EcoSystem, Features of Android, Architecture of Android, Android

Verson,Android SDK, Android Development tools, Anatomy of an Android Application.

Unit – II

Android User Interface: Linear Layout, Absolute Layout, Frame Layout, Relative Layout, Table

Unit – III

Designing User Interface with View: Text View, Push Button, Image Button, Edit Text,
Checkbox, ToggleButton, Radio Button, ProgressBar, Spinner, List View, Gridview, Time and
Date Picker.

Unit – IV

Displaying Pictures and Menus with Views: Gallery Views,ImageSwitcher, GridView, Options
Menu, Context Menu, DigitalClock View, Webview.

SMS Messaging: Sending SMS Messages Programmatically

Unit – V

SQLITE Database in Android: SQLite Database, Creation and connection of the database,
extracting values from a cursor.
1. DixitPrashant Kumar, “Android”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 1stEdition, 2014.

LeeWei-Meng, “Beginning Android for Application Development”, Wiley, Indian Edition.

Android Programming Lab(BCA553)


List of Programs as Assignments:

1. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to generate Frame Layout.

2. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to generate button with content
“My Button”.
3. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to generate three buttons with
content “First”, “Second”, “Third” and then orient them along row wise.
4. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to generate three buttons with
content “First”, “Second”, “Third” and then orient them along column wise.
5. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to create Text-View to accept
user name.
6. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to generate the following Table

Roll Number


7. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to generate the following

Table Layout

Login Id


8. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to implement Check_box.
9. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to implement Radio_Button.
10. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to import image to Frame
11. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to display an option Menu.
12. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to generate Analog Clock.
13. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to generate Digital Clock
14. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to load URL “google.com”.
15. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to load URL “bitmesra.ac.in”
16. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to accept a mobile number and
then send sms “Welcome”.
17. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to implement Context Menu.
18. Write a program using Android Developer Studio/Eclipse to display current date.
19. Create a SQLITE database Employee and Make a form in Android Studio/Eclipse to
allow data entry to Employee Form with the following command buttons:

Employee Id

Employee Name


Date of Joining

1. Create a SQLITE database Student and Make a form in Android Studio/Eclipse to allow
data entry to Student Form with the following command buttons:
Roll No


Text Books:
1. DixitPrashant Kumar, “Android”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 1 st Edition,2014.
Reference Books:

Programming Android, 2nd Edition, Zigurd Mednieks, Blake Meike, Laird Dornin, Masumi
Nakamura, O'Reilly Media, October 2012
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- V

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA PE-I(Python Programming) BCA503

Unit – I

Introduction to Computers, Programs, and Python:Introduction,Programming Languages,

Operating Systems, The History of Python, Features of python language, Getting Started with
Python, Programming Style and Documentation, Programming Errors.

Elementary Programming:Introduction, Writing a Simple Program, Reading Input from the

Console, Identifiers,Variables, Assignment Statements, and Expressions, Simultaneous
Assignments, Named Constants, Numeric Data Types and Operators, Evaluating Expressions
and Operator Precedence, Augmented Assignment Operators, Type Conversions and Rounding.
Unit – II

Mathematical Functions, Strings,and Objects: Introduction, Common Python Functions, Strings

and Characters, Introduction to Objects and Methods, Formatting Numbers and Strings.

Control Structures: Selections:Introduction, Boolean Types, Values, and Expressions,if

Statements, Two-Way if-else Statements, Nested if and Multi-Way if-elif-else Statements,
Logical Operators, Conditional Expressions, Loops: Introduction, The while Loop, The for Loop,
Nested Loops,Keywords break and continue
Unit – III

Functions: Introduction, Defining a Function, Calling a Function, Functions with/without

Return Values, Positional and Keyword Arguments, Passing Arguments by Reference Values,
Modularizing code, The Scope of Variables, Default Arguments, Returning Multiple Values.

Lists:Introduction, List Basics, Copying Lists, Passing Lists to Functions, Returning a List from
a Function, Searching Lists, Sorting, Processing Two-Dimensional Lists, Passing Two-
Dimensional Lists to Functions, Multidimensional Lists.
Unit – IV

Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries: Introduction, Tuples: Creating Tuples, Basic Tuple Operations,
Indexing and Slicing in Tuples, Tuple methods, Sets: Creating Sets, Manipulating and Accessing
Sets, Subset and Superset, Set Operations, Comparing the Performance of Sets and Lists,
Dictionaries: Creating a Dictionary, Adding, Modifying, and Retrieving Values, Deleting Items,
Looping Items, The Dictionary Methods.
Unit – V

Objects and Classes: Introduction, Defining Classes for Objects, Immutable Objects vs.
Mutable Objects, Hiding Data Fields, Class Abstraction and Encapsulation, Object-Oriented
Thinking.Inheritance and Polymorphism: Introduction, Superclasses and Subclasses, Overriding
Methods, The object Class, Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding, The isinstanceFunction. Class
Relationships: Association, Aggregation, composition.

Files and Exception Handling:Introduction, text input and ouput: opening a file, Writing Data,
Testing a File’s Existence, Reading All Data from a File, Writing and Reading Numeric Data,
Binary IO Using Pickling, Exception Handling, Raising Exceptions.
1. Y. Daniel Liang, “Introduction to programming using python”, Pearson Education; First
edition (2017).

1. Martin C. Brown, “Python: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill Education; Forth
edition (2018)
2. Mark Lutz, “Learning Python” O′Reilly Fifth edition (2013)
3. Mark Summerfield, “Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python
Language” Pearson Education; Second edition (2018)

Python Programming Lab(BCA553)


List of Programs as Assignments:

1. Write a program that displays “Hello to Python programming”.

2. Write a program to read two integers and perform arithmetic operations on them
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

3. Write a program to read the marks of three subjects and find the average of them.

4. Surface area of a prism can be calculated if the lengths of the three sides are known.
Write a program that takes the sides as input (read it as integer) and prints the surface
area of the prism (Surface Area = 2ab + 2bc + 2ca)
5. A plane travels 395,000 meters in 9000 seconds. Write a program to find the speed of the
plane (Speed = Distance / Time).

6. You need to empty out the rectangular swimming pool which is 12 meters long, 7 meters
wide and 2 meter depth. You have a pump which can move 17 cubic meters of water in
an hour. Write a program to find how long it will take to empty your pool? (Volume = l *
w * h, and flow = volume/time).

7. Write a program to convert temperature from centigrade (read it as float value) to


8. A car starts from a stoplight and is traveling with a velocity of 10 m/sec east in 20
seconds. Write a program to find the acceleration of the car. [acc = (Vfinal−Vinitial)/

9. Write a Program to Prompt for a Score between 0.0 and 1.0. If the Score Is Out of Range,
Print an Error. If the Score Is between 0.0 and 1.0, Print a Grade Using the Following

10. Write a Program to find the maximum of three numbers.

11. Suppose you want to develop a program to play a lottery. The program randomly
generates a two-digit number, prompts the user to enter a two-digit number, and
determines whether the user wins according to the following rules:
a) If the user’s input matches the lottery in the exact order, the award is $10,000.
b) If all the digits in the user’s input match all the digits in the lottery number, the award
is $3,000.
c) If one digit in the user’s input matches a digit in the lottery number, the award is

12. Write a Program to Check If a Given Year Is a Leap Year.

13. Program to Find the GCD of Two Positive Numbers.

14. Write a program that prompts the user to enter a four-digit integer and displays the
number in reverse order.

15. Write Python Program to Find the Sum of Digits in a Number

16. Write a program to print the sum of the following series.
a) 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 +. …. + 1/n
b) 1/1 + 22/2 + 33/3 + ……. + nn/n

17. Write a Program to Display the Fibonacci Sequences up to nth Term Where n is Provided
by the User.

18. Write a Program to Find the Sum of All Odd and Even Numbers up to a Number
Specified by the User.

19. Write a Program to Check Whether a Number Is Prime or Not.

20. Write a Program to Find the Factorial of a Number.

21. Write a Program to Demonstrate the Return of Multiple Values from a Function

22. Program to Demonstrate the Use of Default Parameters

23. Write Program to Demonstrate the Scope of Variables.

24. Program to Print the Characters Which Are Common in Two Strings.

25. Write a program to check whether a given String is palindrome or not.

26. Write Python Program to Count the Number of Times an Item appears in the List.

27. Write a program to create a list of integer numbers. Sort the elements using any sorting

28. Write a program to create a lists of integer numbers and perform the linear and binary

29. Write a program to create a lists of cities names and perform the sort the cities name in
alphabetical order.

30. Find Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation of List Numbers

31. Write a Program to Find the Transpose of a Matrix.

32. Write a program to perform the matrices multiplication.

33. Write a program to create a dictionary for countries name as key and currency as value.
Traversve the dictionary with key:value Pairs in using for Loop.

34. Write a program to create tuples, and perform the following operations: Merging of
tuples, Spliting of a tuple, comparison of two tuples.

35. Write a program to create an intersection, union, set difference, and symmetric difference
of sets.
36. Write a program with “MyRectangle” class aving the dimensions as data members and
area() as a method member. Calculate the area of each rectangle object created by user.

37. Design a class with name “MyComplex” to represent the complex number including the
constructor overloading, methods to perform the arithmetic operation over the two
complex numbers. Write the complete python program for the above design.

38. Design a class with name “Distance” to represent the distance in feet and inch. Include
the method to calculate the addition of two distances. Write the complete python
program for the above design.

39. Write a complete program to implement the Employee and its subclasses (Salarayed
Employee, DailyWaged Employee, Commission based employee) given in Hierarchical
and multilevel manner. The program should exhibit the use of super key word to invoke
the super class constructor.

40. Write a program to open a file and perform the reading and writing operation with the

41. Write a program to count the number of line in a file.

42. Write a program to count the frequencies of each word from a file.

43. Write a program to copy the text of a file to another file.

44. Write a program to append a file with the content of another file.

45. Write a program to compare two file.

46. Write a program to delete and insert a sentence at specified position in a file.

47. Write a program to delete a sentence from a file if the file contains a specific word.

48. Write program to delete comment lines from a file.

49. Write a program to capitalize each word of the file.

50. Write a program to handle an exception using exception handling mechanism of the

51. Write a program to raise an exception explicitly using raise keyword.

Text Books:
1. Y. Daniel Liang, “Introduction to programming using python”, Pearson Education; First
edition (2017).

Reference Books :
1. Martin C. Brown, “Python: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill Education; Forth
edition (2018)
2. Mark Lutz, “Learning Python” O′Reilly Fifth edition (2013)
3. Mark Summerfield, “Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python
Language” Pearson Education; Second edition (2018)
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- V

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA PE-II(Soft Computing BCA504
and Applications)

Unit – I

Fuzzy Set Theory: Basic Definition and Terminology, Set Theoretic Operations, Fuzzy types
and levels, MF Formulation and Parameterization, MF of two dimensions, Fuzzy Union,
Intersection and Complement, Fuzzy Number, Fuzzy measure.

Unit – II

Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Reasoning: Extension Principles and Fuzzy Relations,
Fuzzy IF THEN Rules, Defuzzification, Fuzzy Reasoning. Fuzzy Inference System:
Introduction, Mamdani Fuzzy Models, Other Variants, Sugeno Fuzzy Models, Tsukamoto Fuzzy

Unit – III

Fundamentals of Genetic Algorithms: Basic Concepts, Creation of Offsprings, Encoding, Fitness

Functions, Reproduction, Genetic Modelling: Inheritance Operators, Cross over, Inversion and
detection, Mutation operator, Bitwise operators.

Unit – IV

Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks: What is a Neural Network? Human Brain, Models of
Neuron, Neural Network viewed as Directed Graphs, Feedback, Network Architecture,
Knowledge Representation, Learning processes:(Error correction, Memory-Based, Hebbian ,
Competitive, Boltzman ,Supervised,Unsupervised),Memory,Adaptation.
Unit – V

Perceptrons, Adaline, Back Propagation Algorithm, Methods of Speeding, Convolution

Networks, Radical Basis Function Networks, Covers Theorem, Interpolation Learning, The
Hopfield Network.

Text Books:
1. Jang J.S.R., Sun C.T. and Mizutani E., “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing” PHI/Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Rajasekaran S. & Vijayalakshmi, G.A. Pai, "Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic
Algorithms: Synthesis and Applications”, PHI, New Delhi, 2003.
3. Ross T. J., “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, TMH, New York, 1997.
4. Haykins Simon, “Neural Networks:A Comprehensive Foundation”, Pearson Education,2002.

Reference Books:
1. Ray K.S., “Soft Computing and Its application”, Vol 1, Apple Academic Press.2015.
2. Lee K.H., “First Course on Fuzzy Theory and App.”, Adv in Soft Computing Spinger.2005.
3. Zimmermann H.Z., “Fuzzy Set Theory and its App”, 4thEdition, Spinger Science,2001.

Soft Computing LAB(BCA554)

Implementation of Fuzzy Operations.

Implementation of Fuzzy Relations (Max-min Composition).

To implement De-Morgan’s Law.

To plot various membership functions.

To implement FIS Editor.

Implementation of Fuzzy Controller (Washing Machine).

Implementation of Perceptron Learning Algorithm.

Implementation of Unsupervised Learning Algorithm.

Implementation of Simple Genetic Application.

Text Books:
1. Jang J.S.R., Sun C.T. and Mizutani E., “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing” PHI/Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Rajasekaran S. & Vijayalakshmi, G.A. Pai, "Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic
Algorithms: Synthesis and Applications”, PHI, New Delhi, 2003.
3. Ross T. J., “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, TMH, New York, 1997.
4. Haykins Simon, “Neural Networks:A Comprehensive Foundation”, Pearson Education,2002.

Reference Books:
1. Ray K.S., “Soft Computing and Its application”, Vol 1, Apple Academic Press.2015.
2. Lee K.H., “First Course on Fuzzy Theory and App.”, Adv in Soft Computing Spinger.2005.
3. Zimmermann H.Z., “Fuzzy Set Theory and its App”, 4thEdition, Spinger Science,2001.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- V

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA PE-II(Data Analytics) BCA504

Unit – I
Analysis using Descriptive and Pictorial Statistics: mean, median, mode, harmonic mean,
geometric mean, variance and standard deviation, quantiles, skewness, moments and kurtosis.
Data Visualization: Summery table, Contingency table, Bar plot, Pie chart, Frequency
distribution, Relative frequency distribution, Cumulative frequency distribution, Histogram,
Frequency polygon, Cumulative frequency graphs, Box plot, Time series plot, Scatter diagram.

Unit – II
Data Relationships, Transformation, and Data Cleaning: Relationships between different types of
data: Relationship between two categorical data, Relationship between categorical and
quantitative data, Relationship between two quantitative data Transformation: The logarithm
transformation, Root and
square root transformation Standardization (Z-transformation), Min-max normalization. Data
cleaning: missing values, noisy data.

Unit – III
Analysis using Inferential Statistics: Sampling, Sampling Distribution, and Estimation of
Parameters, Sampling distribution of: means, proportions, difference of means, difference of
proportions. Hypothesis testing about: population mean, the difference between two means,
about a population proportion, difference between two proportions.

Unit – IV
Social Network and Text Data Analysis: What is a social network? Characteristics of social
network. Link mining: Tasks and challenges. Mining on social networks. Text data analysis and
informational retrieval. Dimensional reduction for text.
Unit – V
Outlier Analysis: Outlier detection based on: statistical distribution, distance based, deviation

Text Books:
1. Gupta and Gupta, “Business Statistics”, Sultan Chand and Sons, 2014.
2. Bishnu and Bhattacherjee, Data Analysis: Using Statistics and Probability with R
Language, PHI Learning, 2019.
3. Han J and Kamber M, “Data Mining: Concepts and techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann

Reference Books:

1. Maheshwari Anil, “Data Analytics”, Mc Graw hill publication, 2017.

2. TanPang-Ning, SteinbachMichael, and KumarVipin, “Introduction to Data Mining,
Pearson Education”, New Delhi.Dunham
3. H.M. & Sridhar S., “Data Mining”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006.

Data analytics using R Language Lab(BCA554)

Unit – I
1. Mean, median, mode. 2. Harmonic mean, geometric mean. 3. Variance and standard deviation.
4. Quantiles, Percentile. 5. Skewness. 6. Moments. 7. kurtosis.

Unit – II
8. Summery table, contingency table. 9. Frequency distribution, relative frequency distribution,
cumulative frequency distribution. 10 Histogram, frequency polygon, cumulative frequency
graphs, 11 Satter diagram. 12. Pie chart (2 D and 3 D) and bar plot (stacked and side by side). 13.
Time series plot.
Unit – III
14. Relationships between different types of data: Relationship between two categorical data. 15.
Relationship between categorical and quantitative data. 16. Relationship between two
quantitative data Transformation. 17. Logarithm transformation, Root and square root
transformation. 18. Z-transformation 19. Min-max normalization.

Unit – IV
20. Sampling distribution of: means. 21. Sampling distribution of: proportions. 22. Sampling
distribution of: difference of means. 23. Sampling distribution of: difference of proportions.

Unit – V
24. Hypothesis testing about: population mean. 25. Hypothesis testing about: the difference
between two means. 26. Hypothesis testing about: a population proportion. 27. Hypothesis
testing about: difference between two proportions. 28. Identification of outlier data using scatter
plot and regression line. 29. Identification of outlier data using quartiles. 30. Identification of
outlier data using box plot.
Text Books:
1. Jared P. Lander, R for Everyone: Advanced Analytics and Graphics, Addison-Wesley
Professional, 2017.
2. Bishnu, Partha Sarathi, Bhattacherjee, Vandana, Data Analysis : Using Statistics and
Probability with R Language, PHI Learning, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Mark Gardener, Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language, O’Reilly.
2. Hadley Wickham and , R for Data Science: Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and
Model Data, O'Reilly.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
Sixth Semester

S.N Subject Subject Name Marks Distribution

. Code Internal External
Marks Marks Total

Max Max Min Max Min

1. BCA601 Data Mining 30 70 21 100 35

2. BCA602 Distributed 30 70 21 100 35
3. BCA603 Program Elective 30 70 21
–III 100 35
 Mobile
 Cloud
 Network
 Cyber

4. BCA604 Program Elective- 30 70 21 100 35

 Distributed
 Decision

5. BCA605 Project 30 70 21 100 35

Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)(2019-2022)
Sixth Semester
Choice Based Credit System

S.N. Subject Subject Name L T P Credit

1. BCA601 Data Mining 3 1 0 4
2. BCA602 Distributed 3 0 0 3
3. BCA603 Program Elective - 3 1 0 4
4. BCA604 Program Elective- 3 1 0 4
5. BCA605 Project 0 0 0 6
Total 12 2 0 20
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- VI

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA Data Mining BCA601
Unit – I

Introduction: What is data mining? Motivating challenges. The origins of data mining. Data
mining tasks. Data: Types of Data. Attributes and Measurement. Types of Data Sets. Data
Quality Measurement and Data Collection Issues.

Unit – II

Measures of Similarity and Dissimilarity: Basics. Similarity and Dissimilarity between Simple
Attributes. Dissimilarities between Data Objects. Similarities between Data Objects. Examples
of Proximity Measures. Issues in Proximity Calculation. Selecting the Right Proximity Measure.

Unit – III

Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms Preliminaries. Frequent Itemset

Generation. The Apriori Principle. Frequent Itemset Generation in the Apriori Algorithm.
Candidate Generation and Pruning Support Counting. Rule Generation.

Unit – IV

Cluster Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms. What Is Cluster Analysis? Different Types of
Clustering. Different Types of Clusters. K-means. Basic K-means Algorithm. Basic
Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm. Key Issues in Hierarchical Clustering. The
DBSCAN Algorithm.

Unit – V

Classification: Basic Concepts and Techniques. General Framework for Classification. Decision
Tree Classifier. A Basic Algorithm to Build a Decision Tree. Methods for Expressing Attribute
Test Conditions. Measures for Selecting an Attribute Test Condition. Algorithm for Decision
Tree Induction. Characteristics of Decision Tree Classifiers. Model Evaluation.

1. Tan Pang-Ning, Steinbach Michael, andKumar Vipin , “Introduction to Data
Mining”, Pearson Education, New Delhi.

1. Han Jiawei & Kamber Micheline, “Data Mining Concepts & Techniques”,
Publisher Harcourt India. Private Limited, Second Edition
2. Dunham H.M. & Sridhar S., “Data Mining”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- VI

Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code


Unit – I

Distributed Computing Concept: Definitions, The history of distributed computing, Different

forms of computing, The strengths & weaknesses of distributed computing, Basics of operating
systems, Network basics, Software engineering basics. Event synchronization, Timeouts and
threading, Deadlocks, Data representation, Data marshalling, Event diagram and sequence
diagram, IPv4 & IPv6, Connection – oriented versus connectionless IPC.

Unit – II

Distributed Computing Paradigms: Paradigms and Abstraction, Message Passing, The Client-
Server Paradigm, the Message System Paradigm, Remote Procedure Call Model, RMI, The
Distributed Objects Paradigm, The Object space, The Mobile Agent Paradigm.

Unit – III

The Socket API: The Socket metaphor in IPC, The Datagram Socket API, The Stream-Mode
Socket API, Sockets with nonblocking I/O Operations, Secure Socket API.

The client server paradigm issuers, connection- oriented and connectionless servers, Iterative
server and concurrent server, stateful server and stateless server.

Unit – IV

Distributed Objects: Remote Procedure Calls, Distributed Objected Systems, Remote Method
Invocation, The Java RMI Architecture, The API for the Java RMI, RMI Security Manager,
Comparison of RMI
Remote Procedure Calls, Distributed Objected Systems, Remote Method Invocation, The Java
RMI Architecture, The API for the Java RMI, RMI Security Manager, Comparison of RMI and
Socket APIs.

Unit – V

Group Communication: Unicasting versus Multicasting, Multicast API, Connectionless versus

Connection-oriented Multicast, Reliable Multicasting versus Unreliable Multicasting, The Java
Basic Multicast API.

1. Liu M. L., “Distributed Computing: Principles and Application”, Pearson Education,

1. AltiyaH., WelchJ., “Distributed Computing Fundamentals, Simulations and
Advanced Topics”, 2nd edition, Wiley – India Edition, 2006.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- VI
Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA PE-III(Mobile Application(MA)) BCA603

Unit – I

Introduction, Developing Mobile Applications, Going Mobile, People Perspective, Mobilizing

the Enterprise.

Unit – II

Mobile Application Architectures, Client-Server layers and Tires, Client thin and fat & web page
Hosting, Server one, two and three tire architecture, Connection type with always, partially and
never connect, Good Architectural Design Tenets

Unit – III

Mobile Infrastructure, Mobile Device Types, Mobile Device Components, Connection Methods

Unit – IV

Mobile Client Applications, Thin Client, Fat Client, Web Page Hosting, Best Practices

Unit – V

Mobilizing existing application architectures. Evolution of Enterprise Architectures, Anatomy of

Enterprise Web Architecture, Considerations When Mobilizing Existing Applications, Types of
Mobile Applications, Mobile Web Apps Versus Native Applications, Mobile Web Apps Versus
Native Applications, Mobile 2.0
Text Books:
1. SchellRobbie, SchneiderHeather, LeeValentino, “Mobile Applications: Architecture, Design,
and Development”, Prentice Hall 2004.
2. FlingBrian, “Mobile Design and Development”, O'Reilly Media, 2009.

Reference Books:
1. McWherterJeff, GowellScott, “Professional Mobile Application Development”, John Wiley &
Sons 2012.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- VI
Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA PE-III(Cloud Computing) BCA603

Unit – I

Cloud Computing at a glance, Distributed Systems, Virtualization, Web 2.0,

Unit – II

Eras of Computing, Elements of Distributed Computing, Concepts of Virtualization and its

characteristics, Virtualization and cloud computing, cloud reference model, types of clouds,
economics of the cloud.

Unit – III

Cloud Interoperability and standards:

Amazon Web Services: Compute Services, Storage Services, Communication Services. Google
AppEngine: Architectural and Core Concepts, Application Life-Cycle, Cost Model.

Microsoft Azure: Azure Core Concepts, SQL Azure.

Unit – IV

Energy-Efficiency in clouds, Energy-Efficient and Green Cloud Computing Architecture,

Market- Oriented Cloud Computing, Federated clouds: characterization and definition, cloud
federation stack.

Cloud Security and Trust Management: Cloud Security Defense Strategies

Unit – V

Application of clouds in: Health care, Biology, CRM, ERP, Social Networking, Productivity and
Geoscience. Cloudlets for Mobile Cloud Computing.


1. BuyyaRajkumar, Charles, VecchiolaChristian amd SelviS. Thamarai

“Mastering Cloud Computing”, McGraw Hill Education(India) Private Limited,

1. HwangKai, FoxGeoffrey C., DongarraJack J., “Distributed and Cloud Computing
from Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things”, Morgan Kaufmann - India
Edition, 2012.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- VI
Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA PE-III(Network Security) BCA603
Unit – I

Introduction to networking: OSI Reference model, Active vs Passive attacks, Layers and
cryptography, Multilevel model of security.

Unit – II

Modes of Operation: encrypting large messages, Generating MAC’s, Multiple Encryption DES,
Hash and message digest: Using Hash for encrypting, MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1.

Unit – III

Authentication Systems, Password authentication systems, authentication protocols,

tructed intermediates, session key establishment.

Security handshake pitfalls: mutual authentication, Integrity / encryption of data,

mediated authentication, strong password protocols.

Unit – IV

Real time communication security: Session key establishment, perfect forward secrecy, DOS,
clogging protection, Arranging for parallel computation, session resumption, data steam
protection, plausible deniability.

Unit – V

E mail security, PEM& S/MIME, PGP, Firewalls.

1. Kaufman Charlie, Perlman Radia and Speciner Mike, “Network
Security: Private Communication in a Public World”, 2nd Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2002.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula
Semester- VI
Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA PE-III(Cyber Forensics) BCA603

Unit – I

IPsec protocols - IP Authentication header - IP ESP, Key management protocol for IPsec,
Transport layer Security: SSL protocol, Cryptography computations - TLS protocol

Unit – II

PGP - S/ MIME: Internet Firewalls for Trusted System: Roles of Firewalls - firewall related
terminology, Types of Firewalls, Firewall design, Honeycomb design: Set for E-Commerce

Unit – III

Introduction to traditional cybercrime, Traditional problems associated with cybercrime,

Introduction to Identity Theft & Identity Fraud, Types of Cyber Forensics techniques: incident &
incident response

methodology, Forensics duplication & investigations, Preparation of IR: Creating response tool
kit & IR team, Forensics Technology & Systems

Unit – IV

Processing Crime & Incident Scenes, Working with windows & DOS systems, Current computer
Forensics tools: Software/ hardware tools

Unit – V

Validating Forensics data, Data hiding techniques, Performing Remote Acquisition, Network
Forensics, Email investigations, Cell phone & Mobile devices Forensics
Text Books:

1. Albert J. Marcella Jr., & Frederic Guillossou, “Cyber Forensics: From Data to Digital
Evidence”, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN-13: 978-1118273661, 2012.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula

Semester- VI
Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA PE-IV(Distributed Database BCA604


Introduction: Distributed Data Processing, What is a Distributed Database System? Promises of

DDBSs, Problem Areas.


Distributed DBMS Architecture: DBMS Standardization, Architectural Models for Distributed

DBMSs, Distributed DBMS Architecture.

Distributed Database Design: Alternative Design Strategies, Distribution Design Issues,

Fragmentation, Allocation.


Overview of Query Processing: Query Processing Problem, Objectives of Query Processing,

Complexity of Relational Algebra Operations, Layers of Query Processing.

Query Decomposition and Optimization: Query Decomposition, Query Optimization,

Centralized Query Optimization, Distributed Query Optimization Algorithms.

Unit -IV:

Transaction Management and Concurrency Control: Definition of a Transaction, properties

of Transactions, Serializability Theory, Taxonomy of Concurrency Control Mechanisms,
Locking-based Concurrency Control Algorithms, Timestamp-based Concurrency Control
Algorithms, Deadlock Management.
Unit -V:

Distributed DBMS Reliability: Reliability Concepts and Measures, Failures and Fault
Tolerance in Distributed Systems, Failures in Distributed DBMS, Local Reliability Protocols,
Distributed Reliability Protocols.


1. OzsuM. Tamer, ValduriezPatrick, “Distributed Database Systems”, 2nd Edition, Pearson,



1. NavatheElmasri, “Fundamental of Database Systems”, 5th Edition, Pearson Education,

2. ConnollyThomas, BeggCarolyn, “Database Systems – A Practical Approach to Design,
implementation and Management”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
3. Silberschatz, Korth, &Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, 4th Edition, McGraw
Hill, 2002.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

New Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curricula

Semester- VI
Course Content

Course Subject Title Subject Code

BCA PE-IV(Decision Support System ) BCA604


Introduction to DSS:

Definition. Types of DSS. Data and Model Management. DSS Knowledge Base. User interface.
The DSS user. Categories and classes of DSS.

Unit -II

Decision and Decision-makers:

Definition. Types of decision. Different levels of Decision makers in the organization and their
requirement. Decision effectiveness. Simon’s model of decision making. Rational decision
making. Bounded rationality. Biases and heuristics in decision making.

Unit -III

Group Decision Support System (GDSS):

Group decision making. GDSS modeling. Brainstorming process. MDM support technologies.
Managing MDM activities. System perspective of a DSS: DSS in the context of information
system. Information quality issues in DSS design. Role of internet in DSS development.

Unit -IV

Designing and building DSS:

Strategies for DSS analysis and design. The DSS developer. Tools for DSS development.
Implementing and Integrating DSS: DSS implementation. System evaluation. The importance of

Intelligent Decision Support system:

The intelligence of Artificial Intelligence. Future of Expert and Artificial Intelligence.

Knowledge acquisition for Expert Systems. Future of Intelligent integration. Software Agents
and Delegation.


1. Marakas George M., “Decision Support Systems in the 21st century”, Pearson education.


1. Turban Efraim, “Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems”, Pearson Education.

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