DLL Front
DLL Front
DLL Front
3. Textbook pages
Pages3-5 Pages 5-8
4.Additional Materials from
Video presentation
Learning Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or What process /method did you
presenting the new lesson follow to have a conclusion to
Present a Key Behavioral Terms
your experiment? Which process
did you enjoy the most ?Why?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Read the directions to the class Read the Paragraph
C. Presenting examples/instances of The students will answer the
Flash a Questions through ppt
the new lesson Preassessment questions
D. Discussing new concepts and What have you observed in
practicing new skills #1 Check the paper
the text you read?
E. Discussing new concepts and Define and discuss inquiry and
practicing new skills #2 Interpret the score of the students
F. Developing mastery (leads to Have you ever experienced doing
Collaborative work
formative assessment 3) an experiment?