Bug Report Guideline
Bug Report Guideline
Bug Report Guideline
developers about it. The bug report is divided into separate fields. Use this guideline to
submit precise bug reports.
Assign defect to developer who responsible for issue.
Define appliction priority using this table.
Description Any Any feature Any Major feature A defect that completely
cosmetic implemented implemented hampers or blocks testing
defects that is not that is not of the product/ feature is
including meeting its meeting its a critical defect. An
spelling requirements/use requirements/use example would be in the
mistakes or case(s) and case(s) and case of UI testing where
alignment behaves behaves after going through a
issues or differently than differently than wizard, the UI just hangs
font casing expected but the expected, it can in one pane or doesn’t go
can be impact is be classified further to trigger the
classified negligible to under Major function. Or in some other
under Low some extent or it Severity. cases, when the feature
Severity. doesn’t have a developed itself is missing
major impact on from the build.
the application,
can be classified
under Minor
A brief and very clear title that expressed the problem. The summary consists of two parts:
„problem + few details“. The problem is the main information and the source states where
the problem is reproduced.
Send doesn‘t work in Categories
No data when Home loaded
Avoid to write generic or very broad descriptions like "Had to send message" or "Problem in
Categories dialog". Such titles do not sufficiently describe the problem to get the attention.
A descriptive summary of the issue. This includes details, explanations other available
information necessary to reproduce the problem.
• Who in the application caused the problem (if such information is available)
[Example 1] The ‚Enter‘ key event calls infinity requests to the server that prevents the
app from woking properly.
[Example 2] Issue cause hot fix #ID363.
Always imagine that person is not familiar with your project and he must understand how to
reproduce the defect from first attempt to read steps.
Tap Jobs button to open the list of persons.
Click Settings button to enter the application settings screen
2. Number each step.
4. If there are many steps, you can merge more generic steps to one sentence using these
1. Press ALT + ENTER shortcut in the Create New Template window to enter full screen
Actual Result
Describe what actually happened after completing the steps above.
In certain circumstances screenshots or video materials is big advantage as well.
Distorted lines are visible on the Create dialog.
Expected Result
Describe result that is expected for the correct functioning of the application.
Expected Result:
New result is displayed in the table when clicking Display button.
1. Use generic expected result for obvious situations
Situation: Application quits unexpectedly when pressing a button.
Expected result:
Application works without malfunctions.
Correct: Application must set language from the system settings.
Incorrect: It would be great if application could set language from system settings.
Reproduction Rate
Specify the frequency this problem reproduces:
Approx. 80 %
Approx. 50 %
Approx. 10%
Unable to Reproduce