Defect Management V1
Defect Management V1
Defect Management V1
Why do we need to raise a Defect? What is the difference between Defects and
A mistake that has been made in the Defect is the problem or error found in the
past, but for some reason it was not application while testing, postproduction or
detected. which may have negative impact to the
Manifestation of technical debt in your other functions of the application.
system and they may be directly visible Enhancement is the additional feature or
to your customer, which usually has a big functionality found and added to the
impact on the priority. application as desired by the end user/real
Any issue or error identified during word customer or tester during the testing
Peer/User and Business testing. process.
What are the different types of Defects? How to manage Defects Vs Enhancements in JIRA?
For managing defects create Jira Issue type
Production – Any defect/errors resulted as “Defect”
or identified after the production release. For enhancements create a Jira issue type as
o Choose Environment type as “Story”.
“Production” in Jira
Non-Production (Dev, QA, Staging): Any
defects/errors identified during
peer/user or Business testing before they
gets implemented in Production
Choose Environment type as “Staging/
Development/ Demo” in Jira