Estratégia Finlandia
Estratégia Finlandia
Estratégia Finlandia
Finland 2025
The world’s most attractive and agile space business
environment which benefits all companies operating here
The space strategy working group for updating measures
which promote the growth and employment of the space sector
Riikka Heikinheimo, chair, Confederation of Finnish Industries; Ilona Lundström, Ministry of Economic
Affairs and Employment; Laura Vilkkonen, Ministry of Transport and Communications; Raimo Jyväsjärvi,
Ministry of Defence; Nina Brander, Prime Minister’s Office; Pekka Soini, Business Finland; Juhani Damski,
Finnish Meteorological Institute; Tua Huomo, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland; Juha-Matti
Liukkonen, Reaktor Oy; Sauli Eloranta, Rolls Royce Oy; Petri Niemi, G2Invest Oy; Jukka Harju, Tuija Pulkkinen,
Aalto University, until 31 Aug 2018 and Minna Palmroth, University of Helsinki, since 1 Sept 2018. Secretariat
Maija Lönnqvist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment; Olli Lehtilä, Ministry of Transport and
Communications; Markus Ranne, Business Finland.
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment / Ministry of Transport and Communications / 2018
Photo: Juha Tuomi / Rodeo
Space business is
an opportunity for Finland
The New Space Economy will change Along with the revolution of the space
sector, Finland joined the family of space
space business globally. It refers to nations when the first Finnish satellite,
space business which is carried out by Aalto University’s Aalto-1, was launched into
space in summer 2017. The first commercial
new operators on a commercial basis satellite, X-1, developed by Iceye Oy, was
independent of the government. launched into space in January 2018, on the
same day as the President of Finland ratified
the Act on Space Activities. Several other
The development of small satellites and private small-satellite projects are in hand.
launch services enables cheaper and simpler
access to space. Space applications and data, such The sector is undergoing a rapid revolution, which
as everyday navigation, telecommunications and is why it has also become necessary to update
weather services, are used in almost all industries. the national space strategy drafted in 2013 with
Space activities are also of ever-increasing strategic measures which promote a favourable operating
importance to the functioning of society. environment and sustainable growth of the space
sector. Many of these measures have already been
The change in the operating environment also realised, examples being the New Space Economy
benefits companies operating in other industries programme launched by Business Finland in spring
which are able, in their own business, to exploit data 2018, the Act on Space Activities (63/2018) which
generated by small satellites, for example. The New entered into force in January 2018 and the Business
Space Economy is an opportunity for Finland. Finnish Incubation Centre established by the European
digital expertise serves as a basis for the utilisation Space Agency in Finland. Updating the strategy
of space applications and data in new ways. It is continues the work started with these measures.
important for Finland to ensure that the business
benefits return to Finland in the long term and that Through a joint effort of enterprises, research and
the space business ecosystem evolves in Finland. administration, and with the help of our international
There are already Finnish space companies which network, we can make Finland an agile, bold and
are gathering capital globally. Space applications renewing actor in the utilisation of space.
also play an important role in the development of the
operations of the European Space Agency. Similarly, Mika Lintilä
the data and services produced by the European Minister of Economic Affairs
Union space programme serve as a basis for the new
globally scalable business.
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The main aims of the strategy are: space industry. The New Space Economy refers to
1. Space applications are developed to meet the business using small satellites to deploy systems
increasing requirements of the Arctic area. which offer commercial services and utilising space
2. The competitiveness of services is strengthened data and applications. The New Space Economy
by open geographic data. enables easier and cheaper access to space than
3. The level of scientific research is raised by ever before. The traditional space industry and the
utilising the programmes of ESA and the EU. New Space Economy complement one another.
4. The space industry will respond to the increasing The New Space Economy is a market-oriented
international competition with applications and continuum for work in the space sector which was
specialisation. formerly publicly funded at a national level.
After the preparation of the national strategy, the
emphasis in space activities has shifted to the
utilisation of new business opportunities. Publicly
funded space research and investments in complex
systems have promoted change and growth in the
New Space Economy
space sector from the traditional space industry to
a sector which produces services through space New space nations
Small satellites,
data and applications. Space is one of the central
enablers of digitalisation and platform economy. New operators New launching services
In recent years, a new operating model, the New Science Space systems Military systems
Space Economy, has emerged next to the traditional
The aim of the working group was to create a firm entering the market; space data and applications;
common understanding between representatives of research and education; and international impact.
the economy, research and administration on what Under each theme, the working group heard
kind of choices, emphases and structures will enable enterprises and research organisations: Iceye Oy,
Finland to be among the top nations in utilising the Space Systems Finland Oy, Here Oy, Collective
opportunities that space has to offer. The proposal Crunch Oy, the National Land Survey of Finland/
drafted by the working group was to meet the Spatial Data Centre, the Finnish Meteorological
following opportunities and challenges, among Institute and the European Space Agency.
others: securing the business prerequisites of the
New Space Economy; promoting the introduction The working group was chaired by Riikka
of new innovations in different application areas; Heikinheimo from the Confederation of Finnish
securing access to the data generated by satellites; Industries. The members of the working group were
improving the international visibility of Finnish space Ilona Lundström, Ministry of Economic Affairs and
sector; efficient utilisation of the frameworks offered Employment; Laura Vilkkonen, Ministry of Transport
by the European Space Agency and the European and Communications; Raimo Jyväsjärvi, Ministry
Union; public measures to support forerunner of Defence; Nina Brander, Prime Minister’s Office;
markets; the role of research and education; and Pekka Soini, Business Finland; Juhani Damski,
efficient space administration. Finnish Meteorological Institute; Tua Huomo,
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland; Juha-
The mandate of the working group extended from Matti Liukkonen, Reaktor Oy; Sauli Eloranta, Rolls
1 March 2018 to 31 October 2018. The working Royce Oy; Petri Niemi, G2Invest Oy; Jukka Harju,
group gathered to meet seven times and it organised Tuija Pulkkinen, Aalto University, until 31 Aug 2018
two complementary workshops and a discussion and Minna Palmroth, University of Helsinki, since
for companies. The meetings of the working group 1 Sept 2018.
were divided across four themes: prerequisites for
Prerequisites for
entering the market
*Estimates on the current state are based on the surveys made by Tekes in autumn 2017.
International impact
SPACE ADMINISTRATION The Ministry of Economic Affairs The central operations of the
and Employment updates the tasks and composition of space administration have
the Finnish Space Committee and enhances its activities. been put together by 2020.
In addition, the ministries foster the establishment of a The effectiveness and impacts of
centralised space administration. centralisation is assessed in 2023.
Research /