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Catalogo ASI 2020

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs

and International Cooperation


Products - Services - Applications - Technologies
Catalogue 2020
Italian Space
This Catalogue collects the company profiles of the
enterprises operating in the Space Sector in Italy, with its
products, services, applications and technologies.
The initiative is edited jointly edited by ASI and ICE, in
collaboration with the National Industrial Associations
The data contained in this Catalogue were provided
directly by the companies, under their responsibility.
This initiative complements the ASI tool D.V.
(Distretto Virtuale web 2.0 interactive portal)

Photo Credits: ESA | Andros, Bahamas

Giorgio Saccoccia
President of the Italian Space Agency (ASI)

I am pleased to present the fourth edition of the

Italian Space Industry Catalogue. This edition
comes with a new graphic design and a wider and
more detailed coverage of the national industrial
system, including a new session devoted to start-
Italy has always believed in the huge benefits of
space activities, both from a technological and a
social perspective. We are convinced that Space
is a terrific tool for a dynamic and modern society
because it enables services and applications for
a large community, much wider than space users.
With the aim to leverage and encourage socio-
economic benefits deriving from space activities,
a Space Economy Strategic Plan has been defined
also at National level, to broaden and use space
systems, products and applications in non-space
markets and push our industrial system towards the
New Space Economy.
Italy has a very wide and well articulated industrial
value chain. On the one side there is a competitive
space industry with solid and long lasting
capabilities, from system integration, payload
design and subsystems to value added services and
applications. There are Large System Integrators
(satellites, ground infrastructures and launching
systems), small system integrators (payload
and satellites of all sizes) and a vibrant and wide
community of small and medium companies,
including start-ups and spin-offs with very good
performances and an excellent potential for growth.
Industrial competitiveness and growth is one of
the pillars of ASI mandate. Italian space industry
has a long tradition of internationalization: there
are cooperation initiatives and commercial
relationships with a very large number of countries
in all continents, both at bilateral and multilateral
This Catalogue intends to provide a general
overview of the space industrial capabilities in Italy.
Although it is not an exhaustive representation
of the entire Space Italian industry (in particular
for the SMEs), it is an extensive representation,
thus enabling international public and private
stakeholders to identify potential Italian industrial
partners in space activities.

May 2020

Giorgio Saccoccia

ASI President


Carlo Ferro
President of ITA | Italian Trade Agency

The aerospace industry plays a leading role in the

national economy. It stands out among the high
tech industries producing innovation capable of
cross-fertilizing the whole value chain, between
large champions and many innovative SMEs, as
well as spilling-over to other national industries and
technology enablers.

Today, the Italian aerospace industry ranks fourth

in Europe and seventh worldwide. The activities
carried out in Italy generate 13 billion euros
revenues and employ 64,000 people, out of which
more than 52,000 in the fields of aeronautics and
space. Furthermore our national players achieved
an international profile through cross-border
acquisitions, partnership and new products jointly
developed which bring the total size of business for
the Italian companies at around 18 billion euros.

I have highlighted in other occasions the relevance

of R&D spending to boost a virtual cycle of
innovation-export-growth, funding new research
and fuelling more growth on the global market. Here
we are in front of a very substantial investment in
R&D, accounting for 15% of turnover, resulting into This catalogue of the Italian Space Industry
technological innovations and spill-over effects in aims to give the reader a comprehensive vision
other technology-intensive industrial fields such as of our companies’ activities, specialization and
nanotechnology, new materials, microelectronics, achievements, a working tool in the process of starting
defense, communications and electronics. a dialogue to create new opportunities for industrial,
commercial or technical cooperation. In this current
edition, we also created a section dedicated to
Those capabilities are open to cross-border the start-ups, aware that new ventures and young
cooperation. Indeed, the Italian aerospace industry brains can help the entire sector to grow even more.
is a vibrant, rapidly growing sector, eager to The catalogue has been realized during the
establish new relationships around the world. Our emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
task, at the Italian Trade Agency, is to facilitate these Allow me to conclude with a warm wish for the
connections, together with a substantial investment health of all people, the prompt recovery of the
of promotional resources for the aerospace. industrial activities and of global trades in this and
any industry. 

May 2020

Carlo Maria Ferro

President of ITA - Italian Trade Agency


Photo Credits: 3
ESA | Kuwait


2020 5
Credits: ESA

AIAD, AIPAS and ASAS are very glad to participate

and to contribute for the success of this National
space companies catalogue.
The Italian space industry plays a leading role in
the Italian economy and stands out as one of the
high-tech industries able to produce innovations
generating positive ripple eff ects in other industrial
Space is one of the few high-tech sectors in which
Italy holds a global leadership position. Italy belongs
to the exclusive club of spacefaring nations in the
world that have a complete supply chain and a full
range of expertise in the fi eld.
Moreover, Italy is characterized by an advanced
technology, a wide range of available applications
(civil, military and dual-use) and a fruitful interaction
between research and industry.
The Italian leadership leverages on the unique
capabilities (skills and infrastructure) developed
by the diff erent actors of the sector (research
institutes, universities and industry) and on a broad
spectrum of enabling technologies, ranging from
the manufacture of systems (satellites, launchers,
inhabited infrastructure, etc.) to the operational
management of space centres, to the provision
of services in diff erent areas of civil society
(security, environmental monitoring, transport,
telecommunications, science, critical infrastructure
monitoring, etc.).
The national ranking is the result of the continuity of
investments which have been a priority since many
years by the Italian Government, it materialized
through the policies and the programs of the Italian
Space Agency (national programs, ESA programs)
and the initiatives of other national organizations
and institutions.
In Italy the Space sector has a signifi cant number
of both large companies and small and medium-
sized enterprises (SMEs). They are represented by
three diff erent national organizations:

AIAD, Italian Industries Federation for Aerospace,

Defence and Security
00184 Rome (Italy), Via Nazionale 54
aiad@aiad.it, +39 064880247, www.aiad.it
AIPAS, Association of Italian Space Companies
00186 Rome (Italy), Via del Tempio 1
info@aipas.it, +39 066869222, www.aipas.it
ASAS, Association for Space-based ICT
Technologies, Applications and Services
00187 Rome (Italy), Via Barberini 3
asas@asaspazio.it, +39 06421401,
Photo Credits: ESAINDUSTRY 2020
| Canadian Arctic 7




ASI – Italian Space Agency
Information gathering and content management
Silvia Ciccarelli, Rosa Maria Parrella and Caterina De Fano
Supervision of technical contents
Walter O. Piperno and Danilo Rubini


Industrial Technology, Energy and Environment
Giuseppe Oliva
Made in Italy Export Promotion Department
Graphic Design & Layout:
Vincenzo Lioi, Irene Caterina Luca.
Photo 2020
Credits: ESA 9
| Victoria Falls
domains and


Photo Credits: ESA
Application domains and
enabling techonologies


Observing the universe, science and

mechanical, mechanisms and others

Space situational awareness and in

Launch vehicle mission design and

(incl. International space station, cis-
Human spaceflight and microgravity

integrated sensors and cryogenic

Space transportation, launch and

Platform design

orbit servicing (incl. Debris, near

Integrated applications, security

Software,data management and

signal processing (incl. Big data

Payload design and integration

Electronics, photonics, optics,
earth objects, space weather)

(e.G. Additive manufacturing)

Materials, structures, thermo-
services and others (incl. Iot,

and integration

components (incl. Quantum

Technologies for space

Satellite navigation

robotic exploration
lunar gateway, etc.)
Earth observation

Large more than 2000 kg

re-entry services

Nano/micro up to 50 kg


Medium 500-2000 kg

Small 50-500 kg
and ai)
*Other (max 3

HDRM, Additive
AEREA S.p.A. X X X X Manufacturing,
AEROSPAZIO Electric Propulsion,
TECNOLOGIE X X X X Testing, Thermal
s.r.l. Vacuum
Transfer, Expert and
semantic systems,
Edge AI, Artificial
AIKO X X X X X X X X X X X X Intelligence, Safety

Airbus Italia X X X X X X X X

Airgloss X X X X gas sensor, air quality


Re-entry; Deployable;
ALI Scarl X X X X X X X X X X

Transport Containers
X X X X X X for satellites, MGSE,
Consultants srl X X X
Business consultancy
Earth Station Feed/
Altec X X X X X X X Horn ACU - Antenna
Control Unit



Space situational awareness and in

Launch vehicle mission design and

Human spaceflight and microgravity

integrated sensors and cryogenic

Space transportation, launch and
design and

orbit servicing (incl. Debris, near

Integrated applications, security

Software,data management and

signal processing (incl. Big data
Observing the universe, science

Payload design and integration

(incl. International space station,

Electronics, photonics, optics,

earth objects, space weather)

Materials, structures, thermo-

services and others (incl. Iot,

components (incl. Quantum

Large more than 2000 kg

and others (e.G. Additive
mechanical, mechanisms

Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration

Technologies for space

Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3

Satellite navigation
Earth observation


re-entry services

Small 50-500 kg


and ai)
Test X X X X X X X X X X X X
Earth Station Feed/
Antech Space X X X Horn ACU - Antenna
Control Unit
Thermal and
Environmental Control
APR srl X X X X X Equipment, Design,
Development and

ARCA proximity operations,

Dynamics collision avoidance, AI

X X X X X Landing, Agrospace,
Planetary Protection


microsatellites for
Argotec Srl X X X X X X X X deep space, payloads,
human factor

Solid and Liquid


Aviospace s.r.l. X X X X X X X X

Design, manufacturing
and integration of
Thermal Control
Aviotec Srl X X X X X X X X X X
Hardware and
Electrical Harness sub-
BEAMIT X X X X X X X X X X X Manufacturing

BERCELLA X dissemination

design, manufacturing
Blu Electronic
X X X X X X X X X X and technologic
advanced materials,
new manufacturing
X X X X X X X X technology, digital
Engineering Srl
modelling, simulation
and testing.

X X X X X X X X Laser, Optical, Lidar
Aerospace Srl

X X X X X X X X Laser, Optical, Lidar
Solutions Srl

ELECTRONICS X X X X X X X X X X Electronic design



Space situational awareness and in

Launch vehicle mission design and

Human spaceflight and microgravity

integrated sensors and cryogenic

Space transportation, launch and
design and

orbit servicing (incl. Debris, near

Integrated applications, security

Software,data management and

signal processing (incl. Big data
Observing the universe, science

Payload design and integration

(incl. International space station,

Electronics, photonics, optics,

earth objects, space weather)

Materials, structures, thermo-

services and others (incl. Iot,

components (incl. Quantum

Large more than 2000 kg

and others (e.G. Additive
mechanical, mechanisms

Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration

Technologies for space

Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3

Satellite navigation
Earth observation


re-entry services

Small 50-500 kg


and ai)
X X downstream services,

Multijunction, solar
cells, GaAs compound

Cistelaier S.p.A. X X X X X X X X Printed Circuit Boards

Simulation, Prototype,
Compolab S.r.l. X X X X X

Consorzio di
X X X Technology Transfer
ricerca Hypatia

bending machines,
DAVI X profile bending, metal
sheets bending

DEMA SPA X X X X Engineering, tooling.

Systems, Debris,
D-Orbit SpA X X X X X X X X X Mission Control

Mechanical, Fluidic
DTM srl X X X X X X X X X X X
and Thermal GSE

Radiation detection,
Solid-state detectors,
X- and gamma-rays

Dune srl X X X X X dissemination

Ecor Propulsion, Fluidic,

International Pipes

Big Data Analytics,

e-GEOS X X X Geoinformation,
Artificial Intelligence
EICAS Multicamera star
Automazione X X X X tracker, Autonomous
S.p.A. Attitude Determination

EIE GROUP Srl X X X X X X GSE, Ground Stations

ELETTRONICA education,
Group dissemination


ELITAL X X X X X X X X X X X X Qualified PCB, Brazing,



Space situational awareness and in

Launch vehicle mission design and

Human spaceflight and microgravity

integrated sensors and cryogenic

Space transportation, launch and
design and

orbit servicing (incl. Debris, near

Integrated applications, security

Software,data management and

signal processing (incl. Big data
Observing the universe, science

Payload design and integration

(incl. International space station,

Electronics, photonics, optics,

earth objects, space weather)

Materials, structures, thermo-

services and others (incl. Iot,

components (incl. Quantum

Large more than 2000 kg

and others (e.G. Additive
mechanical, mechanisms

Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration

Technologies for space

Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3

Satellite navigation
Earth observation


re-entry services

Small 50-500 kg


and ai)
Engineering X X X
Infrastructural Services

Esri Italia X X X X GIS, GNSS, EO

MECCANICA Flight safety, Parts
DI PRECISIONE manufacturing

Euro.Soft srl X X X X X X

PDGS Data Processing

EXprivia S.p.A. X X X
EO applications

Remote Sensing, Big

FLYSIGHT SRL X X X X X Data Analytics, Real-
time analysis

MGSE; Space

GAUSS SRL X X X X X X X X X X dissemination

Harnesses design and

Gelco Spa X

Remote Sensing,
Geocart S.p.A. X X X X X Integrated Multi-
Sensor Platform
Artificial intelligence,
GEO-K S.r.l. X X X Education, Drone
APPLICATIONS dissemination, training,
PROCESSING transponder
(GAP) srl

GMSPAZIO X X X X X X Modeling & Simulation

GP Advanced Sensors, cubesat,

Projects constellation


IMT srl X X X X X X X X X



Space situational awareness and in

Launch vehicle mission design and

Human spaceflight and microgravity

integrated sensors and cryogenic

Space transportation, launch and
design and

orbit servicing (incl. Debris, near

Integrated applications, security

Software,data management and

signal processing (incl. Big data
Observing the universe, science

Payload design and integration

(incl. International space station,

Electronics, photonics, optics,

earth objects, space weather)

Materials, structures, thermo-

services and others (incl. Iot,

components (incl. Quantum

Large more than 2000 kg

and others (e.G. Additive
mechanical, mechanisms

Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration

Technologies for space

Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3

Satellite navigation
Earth observation


re-entry services

Small 50-500 kg


and ai)
IP Cores Ground
Test Equipments
IngeniArs S.r.l. X X X X X X X X X
SpaceFibre, CCSDS


Intecs Solutions

Intelligentia Software Embedded

S.r.l. Systems Industry 4.0


observation, big data

Integrated Logistics
Issel Nord S.r.l. X X X

Italconsul X X X X X X X

Satellite Bandwidth,
Italspazio X X X X X X X Cubesat, Geo
Localization Systems

Antispoofing, OBDH

Kayser Italia Srl X X X X X X X X

Space applications,
KELL Srl X X X X X X e-health, HW/SW

Machining, Quality,
L.M.A. srl X X X X X X X

Industrial Computed
Labormet Due X
Metrology, Quality

Latitudo 40
X X Artificial Intelligence

Integrated Logistic
Lead Tech
X X X X X X X X Support

Ground segment
Leaf Space S.r.l. X X X X X X X as-a-service, ground



Space situational awareness and in

Launch vehicle mission design and

Human spaceflight and microgravity

integrated sensors and cryogenic

Space transportation, launch and
design and

orbit servicing (incl. Debris, near

Integrated applications, security

Software,data management and

signal processing (incl. Big data
Observing the universe, science

Payload design and integration

(incl. International space station,

Electronics, photonics, optics,

earth objects, space weather)

Materials, structures, thermo-

services and others (incl. Iot,

components (incl. Quantum

Large more than 2000 kg

and others (e.G. Additive
mechanical, mechanisms

Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration

Technologies for space

Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3

Satellite navigation
Earth observation


re-entry services

Small 50-500 kg


and ai)
Technology transfer;
Leonardo SpA X X X X X X X X X X X X Training; On-orbit
robotic servicing

Testing Validation &


direct broadcast, VHR,

near real time


Media Lario Optics, EO,

S.r.l. Communications

-big data - remote

sensing -datacube

Plasma Surface
Nadir X X X X X X
Polymer composite,
Applications, EO
NAIS Srl X X X X X X X X X Mapping, System
Space Outpost Education, Cubesat
Europe srl Deployment
Neohm PSUs, DC/DC
Componenti X X X X X X Converters, Hybrid
s.r.l. circuits
INGEGNERIA Ground Segment, Cal/
DEI SISTEMI Val, Software

NOVOTECH X X dissemination

NPC Telescope mounts;

Spacemind Cubesat; Deployers


X X X X X X dissemination

Ground Telescope -
OHB Italia X X X X X X X X X X X X X X



Space situational awareness and in

Launch vehicle mission design and

Human spaceflight and microgravity

integrated sensors and cryogenic

Space transportation, launch and
design and

orbit servicing (incl. Debris, near

Integrated applications, security

Software,data management and

signal processing (incl. Big data
Observing the universe, science

Payload design and integration

(incl. International space station,

Electronics, photonics, optics,

earth objects, space weather)

Materials, structures, thermo-

services and others (incl. Iot,

components (incl. Quantum

Large more than 2000 kg

and others (e.G. Additive
mechanical, mechanisms

Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration

Technologies for space

Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3

Satellite navigation
Earth observation


re-entry services

Small 50-500 kg


and ai)
Optec S.p.A. X X X X X X X X

PICOSATS Transceivers, antennas,

S.R.L. structural bus

SaaS, OBSW, Info as a

Planetek Italia X X X X X X

structural health
Progem srl X X X monitoring /
machining / window
Elint, Observation,
Speciali Italiani X X X X X X X X X X X
EO-based solutions,
X X X Scalable processing,
Validation support
ASIC, MW&RF, Ground
Analog Micro X X X X X X X
Electronics srl

localisation systems,
data analysis, security

RedCat Devices X X

antennas, filters,

EEE Parts Testing and

RGM S.p.A. X X X X X

RINA Project/Program
Consulting X X X X X X X X management,
S.p.A. Modelling, Training

Aerospace S.r.l.

S.A.T.E -
Systems &
simulation, control,
Advanced X X X X X
data analysis
Engineering srl
Technologies X X X X X

X X X X X Launch Services

cargo organization
Sabelt S.p.A X X X X X X X X X X X

Telescopes, ground
SAM scrl X X



Space situational awareness and in

Launch vehicle mission design and

Human spaceflight and microgravity

integrated sensors and cryogenic

Space transportation, launch and
design and

orbit servicing (incl. Debris, near

Integrated applications, security

Software,data management and

signal processing (incl. Big data
Observing the universe, science

Payload design and integration

(incl. International space station,

Electronics, photonics, optics,

earth objects, space weather)

Materials, structures, thermo-

services and others (incl. Iot,

components (incl. Quantum

Large more than 2000 kg

and others (e.G. Additive
mechanical, mechanisms

Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration

Technologies for space

Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3

Satellite navigation
Earth observation


re-entry services

Small 50-500 kg


and ai)
EO Data processing &
Serco SpA X X X dissemination; Ground
Segment operations

Antenna& RF
Communications X X X
Components design


space economy, electric

SITAEL X X X X X X X X X X X X X X propulsion, In-Orbit

SOMACIS SpA X High Technology PCB

Sòphia High

Space Factory X X X X

Technology Srl

GALILEO, monitoring,
Spaceexe s.r.l. X X X X X

propulsion. Avionic,


ST4I - Space active antenna,

Technologies X X X X X X X X X satellite payload, RF
for Innovation sub-system

mechanisms, space
Stam S.r.l. X X X X X X
debris, EO applications


STMicroelectronics X

Studiomapp Artificial Intelligence,

s.r.l. SaaS, Object detection

Geomatic Monitoring,
Survey Lab X X



Space situational awareness and in

Launch vehicle mission design and

Human spaceflight and microgravity

integrated sensors and cryogenic

Space transportation, launch and
design and

orbit servicing (incl. Debris, near

Integrated applications, security

Software,data management and

signal processing (incl. Big data
Observing the universe, science

Payload design and integration

(incl. International space station,

Electronics, photonics, optics,

earth objects, space weather)

Materials, structures, thermo-

services and others (incl. Iot,

components (incl. Quantum

Large more than 2000 kg

and others (e.G. Additive
mechanical, mechanisms

Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration

Technologies for space

Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3

Satellite navigation
Earth observation


re-entry services

Small 50-500 kg


and ai)
Electric Propulsion,
T4i X X
Chemical Propulsion

Taitus Software analysis, simulation,

Italia s.r.l. visualisation

Techno system
development X X X X X X X X X X
srl (TSD)
TELESPAZIO X X X X X X X infrastructures and


X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X technology transfer

device and material
TIBERLAB srl X X X modeling and

GSE, technology
Trans-Tech X X X X X X X X X X X
transfer, Space tourism

high performance
ADCS; mission design;
International X X X X X X X X X X X
launch integraiton

Vitrociset SpA X X X X X X X X

Structural Health
Wise Robotics X X X
Monitoring, IoT, GNSS

YETITMOVES X X X X X dissemination




Photo Credits:INDUSTRY
NASA / ESA 2020 23
| Luca Parmitano

Photo Credits: ESA

Company profile
AIKO S.r.l. (www.aikospace.com) is an innovative deep-tech company with a unique
mission: “Introducing Artificial Intelligence to space, to catalyze the evolution of space
systems towards smarter, more autonomous and more efficient satellites”

AIKO is a deep tech company, delivering state of the art Artificial Intelligence solutions for
flight and ground software with the goal of enabling autonomous space missions. AIKO
has active contracts, collaborations and partnerships with many european institutions
and companies, including European Space Agency and the European Commission.
AIKO has been the first European company to publicly announce the in-orbit
Corso Castelfidardo, 30/A
demonstration of Deep Learning algorithms, in October 2019.
Torino TO 10129
Founded in 2017 in Torino and registered in the list of innovative Italian companies, since
May 2017 is incubated in I3P (www.i3p.it), one of the most important public incubators
Lorenzo Feruglio
in the world (15th worldwide in 2014, 1st worldwide in 2019). AIKO business focuses CEO
on the development of Artificial Intelligence software for space applications, targeting lorenzo@aikospace.com
automation of operations, support to operators and advanced mission autonomy. Key +393290918239
areas of expertise are Machine and Deep Learning, Knowledge-Based Systems and
embedded software design applied to space missions, in the domains of autonomous
decision-making, payload data information extraction, failure detection, and mission info@aikospace.com
replanning. AIKO is composed of a team of highly skilled researchers and engineers, Date of birth 2017
boosting years of experience in space programs, including two small satellites launched
and operated, publications on international journals and congresses and collaborations
with some of the most prominent research institutes, such as ESA, NASA JPL, and MIT.
Since June 2018, AIKO is part of the NVIDIA Inception Program, a program reserved for
startups that have Artificial Intelligence as the core competence and focus. The program
nurtures dedicated and exceptional startups who are revolutionizing industries with
advances in AI and data science. AIKO has secured both private and public funding,
including investment from VC involved in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

AIKO provides state of the art technology and expertise in four distinct domains related
to the design and development of Artificial Intelligence for space missions:
1. State of the art AI-enabled automation: AIKO main product, MiRAGE (Mission
Replanning through Autonomous Goal gEneration) is an AI-based ground and flight
software designed to enhance the autonomy level of a spacecraft. MiRAGE is currently
at TRL6, and features several AI technologies interacting, such as Deep Learning and
Knowledge-Based Systems. The technology enables state of the art functionalities in
mission operations automation, such as goal generation and management, event and
failure detection including prediction, and mission re-planning, performed by analyzing
on-board telemetry and payload data and generating an operations schedule that
adapts to the events monitored. MiRAGE enables E4 mission autonomy on spacecraft.
2. Deep Learning and AI on the edge: AIKO unique expertise involves developing and
deploying state of art AI to edge devices, including recent releases of AI accelerators.
Among the applications developed by AIKO, and compatible with integration on
onboard computing platforms, there are: cloud detection and segmentation, terrain and
urban detection and segmentation, ship detection, predictive maintenance and failure
prediction, attitude and position estimators for Rendez-Vous maneuvres, and more.
3. Complex automation algorithms: autonomous decision-making algorithms, advanced
planning, goal reasoning and goal management. AIKO develops algorithms that
enable spacecraft coordination, cooperations and interaction.
4. AI for safety-critical applications: in addition to the expertise in quickly and reliably
integrating state of art technologies upstream, AIKO expertise is growing in the field
of verification and validation of AI for safety-critical applications, both in the field of
supervised AI and in the field of robust and explainable AI.


Antech Space Srl
Company profile
Antech Space designs, manufactures and integrates turn-key satellite telecommunications
systems and related RF equipment.
The company, founded in 2016, is made up of a team of great experience and already known

among the operators of the satellite market, especially between the owners of teleports
and their end-users (such as National Broadcasters, Defense and Space Agencies).
Recently the company has specialized in participating in international tenders, organized
by State Institutions or private companies.
Antech Space has a large range of products, that include Ka, K, Ku, X, C, S and L Band Via Vittorio Emanuele
feed/horn RF solutions, both for fixed and mobile antennas, or electronic parts (as ACU Orlando, 7
- antenna control unit for GEO/LEO/MEO satellite antenna systems): every solution is
configurated and customized according to customer needs.
San Giovanni La Punta
CT 95037
Antech Space team is also able to carry out any kind of refurbishment activities on old
satellite telecommunication systems, both from the RF and the mechanical and handling Federico Turrisi
point of view. Managing Director
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies +390957413637
Satellite Earth Station
Antech Space projects, designs, integrates and installs satellite Earth station with
Date of birth 2016
antenna dish dimension from 3.7 mt up to 18 mt.
Frequency range Tx/Rx:
L/S band (1.6 – 2.5 GHz), C band (3.4 – 6.8 GHz), X band (6.7 – 8 GHz), Ku band (10.7
-14.5 GHz), K band (17.5 – 18.3 GHz), Ka band (20 – 30 GHz)
Prime Focus, Dual Optics, Cassegrain, Gregorian, etc.
Project, Design and Measurements Division
Antech Space projects, designs, produces and sells every kind of satellite passive parts
(feed or parts of it) under project or specific customer requirements for any kind of
application from L band to Ka band, giving also measures and calibration in its laboratory
(equipped with an anechoic chamber). Its main capabilities are:
• RF measures on passive parts of the antenna feed;
• RF measures on power amplifiers with an high level electronic laboratory;
• antenna alignment service (e.g. Teodolite, Laser tracker, Photo Grammetry);
• antenna on site measurement (e.g. Gain, G/T, Waveguide loss).
DSNG Vehicle for Governative Agencies
Antech Space can provide turn-key coach worked vehicle for the Governative agencies
equipped with mobile satellite antenna systems and other RF equipments for disaster
recovery, Military and Police services.
Last main installations/refurbishment works
Supply and installation of Nr.9 - 2.4mt V-SAT Ku band antenna system, installed in Rabat
Italiana Ponti Radio/Italy:
Satellite band management for RPAS (Remotely Piloted Air System), named Falco-EVO,
related services
New 4ports monopulse Ku band feed for ITA-FOC-04C antenna system installed in
Fucino Teleport


10mt antenna system with a new X band monopulse Feed and
high speed motorization sub-system completed with ACU for
LEO application
Hellas Sat Teleport/Cyprus:
7mt Antenna system refurbishment activities on Az. & El.
motors kit
Dish Media Network/Nepal:
9mt Antenna system refurbishment activities on Azimuth
motors kit

ARCA Dynamics
Company profile
ARCA Dynamics is an Innovative Startup (Italian law n. 221/2012) active in the
field of Space technology R&D. The company provides enabling technologies
for space proximity operations (collision avoidance, rendezvous, docking,
undocking, berthing, capture, etc.) while increasing space automation.
Research & Development activities focus on the need of New Space companies to deliver their
value proposal through cost-efficient constellations of small satellites. In this framework, Contact
R&D efforts will guarantee autonomous and safe performances of new mission concepts,
such as in-orbit servicing, space surveillance, debris mitigation and in-orbit assembly.
According to its mission, ARCA Dynamics offers cutting-edge products and services Via Ludovico di Monreale, 8
for both flight- and ground-segment like high fidelity simulators, attitude actuators, Roma RM 00152
attitude determination software, control algorithms, sensors firmware, optimization
Daniele Luchena
software, propagators, design and development of CubeSat missions enabling New
Space enterprises, Attitude Determination and Control Systems (ADCS), design and CEO
hardware in the loop testing of autonomous Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) daniele@arcadynamics.com
systems for proximity operations. +390692949701
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies info@arcadynamics.com
Fluid Wheel
Date of birth 2016
An innovative reaction wheel that enables near null angular velocity manoeuvres while
providing clean torque. It has no moving mechanical parts (no jitter and very high
reliability) and low power consumption (almost 90% less wrt traditional reaction wheels).
Thanks to its customizable design and performances, this innovative device allows to
meet New Space customers needs of designing new cost-efficient and sustainable
mission concepts for EO, in-orbit servicing/assembly, formation flying.
Star tracker/Stellar Gyro SW
A computer vision based on-board software for accurate determination of angular
velocity and attitude during lost-in-space and tracking phases using on-board optical
devices for minimal impact on the satellite architecture.
Its performances, comparable to FOG technology, enable gyroless architectures, hence
sensible overall costs reduction. Furthermore, thanks to its design with minimal impact
on system architecture, it can be implemented on in-orbit operating satellites.
AI guidance
A reliable and accurate autonomous Real Time Optimal Control (RTOC) on-board
software that uses Artificial Intelligence algorithms to compute optimal guidance with
respect to power consumption or time, including keep-out cones.
The implemented AI enables autonomous manouvers to promptly react to unexpected
events like collision avoidance, autonomus docking/undocking or debris catch.
New Space mission design&development
Thanks to its know-how, network and expertise with CubeSat missions, ARCA Dynamics
is able to design from scratch and develop CubeSat missions enabling New Space
companies to deliver their value proposition through a sustainable satellite infrastructure
using reliable and cost-efficient cutting edge technologies.
HIL tests for autonomous GNC systems
Experimental verification and validation of autonomous Guidance Navigation and
Control systems through Hardware In the Loop simulations using the following test
• Autonomous GNC testbed using a main large 3DOF robotic arm (optional 3DOF end-
effector, 6DOF small robotic arm, and a rover);
• ADCS for Cubesats test facility using pneumatic suspension.


Centrale Valutativa
Company profile
Centrale Valutativa S.r.l. is an innovative start-up founded in January 2016 by seven
partners who had been working together over the past decade, as a team, in a big
consulting company operating in agro-environmental field.

We have been involved in the past decades in the evaluation services related to rural
development programmes as a part of European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Evaluation is a discipline which requires the application of research and methods in order
to gauge the evidences of policy effects. With this respect, we progressively become
aware that part of our evaluative research could have been turned into a business
opportunity addressed to the environmental impacts’ mitigation of the agricultural and Via Giacomo Peroni 442/444
agribusiness activities. Roma RM 00131
Evaluation still remains company’s core business, but we now offer other environment- Matteo De Sanctis
related services like: Managing Partner
ˆ EO-based services for farmers, insurance companies and golf courses: TETHYS – matteo.desanctis@centralevalutativa.it
Smart Farming; +393285660368
ˆ Innovation brokerage and advisory services promoting circular economy solution for +390621129565
a better management of waste in agriculture and agribusiness sector; www.tethysfarming.com
ˆ Carbon foot print applications at farms and industries level in the agriculture and www.centralevalutativa.it
agribusiness sector, to estimate greenhouse gas emissions and to obtain carbon
credit certificates.
Date of birth 2016
As for earth-observation based services, we’ve received some awards:
• Winners of 2017 ESA-BIC Incubation
• Third place in 2017 Copernicus Masters B2B Challenge
• Participation to the 2018 Copernicus Accelerator programme
• Finalist in 2018 Copernicus Masters Land Monitoring Challenge
• Winners of 2019 Copernicus Incubation
The team of Centrale Valutativa is made up of seven partners with 20 years’ proven
experience in agricultural field.
The strengths of our team rely on:
• The multidisciplinary background (3 agronomists, 2 economists, a statistician, a GIS
and EO-data expert)
• The experience gained over the past decades in the agricultural area and the contacts
we’ve built in it
• The applied research and methods carried out in the evaluation activities on
environmental impact assessment
• The cooperative network of researchers focusing on environmental and other issues,
which has been consolidated in the past decades
• The strong motivational attitude of new entrepreneurs

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

TETHYS - Smart Farming is a Decision Support System, using earth observation and
other (weather, soil and agronomic) data to enable farmers better manage their day-
by-day decision-making process. It includes specific services on crop vigour monitoring,
smart irrigation and crop yield estimation.
TETHYS - Crop Monitor is useful to monitor, with proper vegetation indexes, the crop
health and maturation in each part of the field.
NDVI (to monitor the health of crops by detecting in advance any occurrence of stress
conditions), NDWI (to estimate the percentage of dry matter of the crop) and other
vegetation indexes are used to monitor specific agronomic issues.


TETHYS - Water Saver guides farmers in irrigating only where,
when and how much it is necessary.
Water is a common but precious resource, essential for human
life. Agriculture consumes more than 70% of the available
fresh water globally, with inefficiencies and waste reaching
up to 40% of the total.
It is therefore a pressing imperative, driven and fuelled
by public policies, to use farming water resources more
efficiently and consciously.
TETHYS - Water Saver is able to estimate the correct amount
of water to be distributed in each portion of the field, reducing
waste and limiting consumption, with obvious positive
effects on the company’s balance and on the environmental
sustainability of production.
TETHYS - Yield Estimator, to assess the agricultural production
of each area of the field.
Estimating agricultural production at harvest time is a
difficult and costly task and often leads to inaccurate and
generally poor results. New technologies offer different
alternatives to traditional estimation methods, from drones
to sensors, but they are still expensive and not free of flaws
(non-repeatability, high time commitment).
TETHYS - Yield Estimator is able to estimate the daily
production of biomass for each area of the field, allowing the
user to monitor the progress during the growing season and
to create yield maps and prescription maps at the end of the
This allows the farmer to better plan the agronomic activities
and to differentiate the use of production factors according
to the actual needs of each area of the field, reducing the
overall use of inputs and maximizing the production capacity
of the company, and improving farm accounts.
The services are highly scalable, with interesting possible
applications for insurance companies, golf clubs, public
bodies and other subjects.

Latitudo40 S.r.l.
Company profile
Latitudo 40 has created the easiest and fastest platform to turn satellite imagery into
geospatial information to support everyday decisions.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

We have integrated in a single platform all the technologies necessary to create, manage
and use applications of spatial geoanalysis. EarthAlytics automates the entire workflow,
from the automatic selection of data sources, based on the final application, to the
analysis with automatic processing blocks based on artificial intelligence, up to the Via Gianturco 31/C
representation on an internal GIS and with intuitive information dashboards. Napoli NA 80138
Gaetano Volpe
BoD President
Date of birth 2017


S2G Technologies Srl
Company profile
S2G Technologies is a young startup born after an aerospace engineer and a physicist
won an ESA contract for ground spinoff application of space technologies. While
actively working on this project, we also look forward to take on new challenges, both
in the industrial and research fields. Our expertise covers a wide range of skills, from
electronics, software development, hardware, additive manufacturing, FEM analysis and
simulations, CAD design and project management. We can thus cover the design and Contact
prototype manufacturing completely in-house, accelerating the development of new
innovative products.
Via Giacomo Peroni, 444
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Roma RM 00131
Yannick Tedeschi
Our expertise includes:
Vice administrator
Instruments: Particle Sensors, Proximity Electronics, High Reliability FPGA Based DPUs y.tedeschi@s2g-technologies.eu
Software: On-board Data Compression, On-board Software +39348 6047625
Hardware: Ground Support Equipment’s, professional Additive Manufacturing (3D www.s2g-technologies.eu
printing), CAD Design and Assembly y.tedeschi@s2g-technologies.eu
Analysis: Finite Element Method (FEM) Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics Date of birth 2019
(CFD) Analysis


Company profile
Space Factory (SF) is an innovative start-up born in 2015 whose corporate purpose
is the development and the production of innovative products and / or services with
high technological value in the field of aerospace, advanced mechanics, ICT and
telecommunications. In 2015, SF signed a twenty-year contract with ALI to exploit the
patent technology called IRENE (Italian RE-Entry NacellE).
Mulltinationals like VIASAT, Lockeed Martin, THALES ALENIA SPACE, ASI with which
the first commercial contacts have already begun, have shown interest in the use of the
technology called IRENE .
Via E. Gianturco, n. 31
Space Factory participated in the following projects
Napoli NA 80146
• MISSION - “Maritime Integrated Satellite System in an Inter Operable service
Network”; it is a research contract financed by ASI (Italian Space Agency).
Maurizio Ruggiero
• MINI IRENE “Maxus International Nacelle to Investigate IRENE capabilities”: it is a research
contract funded by the European Space Agency to develop a “ground demonstrator” maurizio.ruggiero@spacefactorysrl.it
technology of the variable-geometry, umbrella-like heatshield of the MINI IRENE capsules. +390816020139
• TALED - project for the forest fire fighting using an integrated platform of TLR and www.spacefactory.it
TLC data. The project was funded by the European Space Agency. segreteria@spacefactorysrl.it
• SISDA - “”System of controlled downhill and precision landing””. Controlled descent Date of birth 2015
system and precision landing The project was funded by Italian MISE (Ministry of
Italian Economic Development).
SF’s members have high quality profiles able to creating synergies of high strategic value
are Dr. Paolo Lepre, CEO, 70% shareholder, graduated in International Economics in 1998
at the Parthenope University of Naples. Qualified as a chartered accountant and auditor,
he has the appropriate expertise in the business environment and in the management
of research projects. Former President of the Aerospace Commission of the Order of
Chartered Accountants of Naples, and member of the commission for public and private
partnerships at the National Council of Chartered Accountants.
He has a ten years’ experience in business consultancy for aerospace companies in the
Campania Region.Prof. Fabrizio Ferrucci, 30% shareholder , graduated in Nautical Sciences
in 1980 at the Parthenope University, has suitable and functional expertise in the scientific
field through the realization of design studies and research aimed at favouring technological
innovation and to provide innovative solutions to the aerospace market. Professor at the
Open University –Dept of Earth Ecology and Environmental Science, Milton Keynes, UK.
Professor From 2010 to 2013 he was a first-class professor in Space Geophysics (invited)
at the University Paris VII “””” Denis Diderot “””” and “””” Enseignant-Chercheur de 1ère
classe “””” at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris , France. In September 2013 he was
appointed honorary professor at the Open University in the United Kingdom.
Overall, F.F. he was coordinator or P.I. in 23 projects with budgets of over 25 million
euros, with a focus on Europe, Africa and Asia - author or co-author of 5 patents (three
international and two Italian) in Electronics and Remote Sensing, author or co-author of
over 100 publications (56 in class A international journals) and official reports on Science
and Technology, author or co-author of over 150 oral presentations at international
workshops and symposia (over a third of them by invitation).

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Space Factory aims to customize IRENE’s patented technology in different aerospace
applications such as: atmospheric re-entry, landing, movement of space components
(i.e. deployable antennas and solar arrays on satellites) aiming to introduce an innovative
customized technology in the aerospace market.
The IRENE patented technology has technological and economic advantages that
make it unique compared to other solutions in the space sector, and compared to the
inflatable opening systems (“”inflatables””).


Stellar Project srl
Company profile
Stellar Project is an innovation-based startup and a spin-off of the University of Padova.
It develops game-changing products, solutions and unique services to bridge the
performance and reliability gap between nano/micro satellites and large spacecraft.

Stellar Project is focused on ground-breaking innovation to provide a step increase in
the capabilities of nano/micro satellites and facilitate/ accelerate the transition from
traditional spacecraft architectures to future highly capable and widely accessible
miniaturized space systems, always with a high degree of care towards environment
via N. Tommaseo, 69
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Padova PD 35131
Alessandro Francesconi
LaserCube is a laser communication terminal for nano, micro and mini satellites, and is CEO
compliant to the CubeSat standard for satellites of size 6U and larger. LaserCube is an alessandro.francesconi@stellarproject.space
enabling technology for future applications based on small satellites, since provides a
step change in communication capabilities of nanosatellites, increasing the throughput +390492020885
performance of these miniature spacecraft of more than 10 times compared to state-of- www.stellarproject.space
the-art radiofrequency solutions. stellarproject@pec.stellarproject.space
LaserCube features two different configurations, one for downlink and the other Date of birth 2015
for intersatellite link applications. The downlink version can downlink data at an
unprecedented rate, permitting the full exploitation of optical payloads for high-
resolution multispectral imaging; the intersatellite link version represents a fundamental
element to realize high-efficient IoT and M2M networks, as well as spaceborne data
relay constellations. The system is composed by two main parts: the optomechanical
unit and the electronic unit, each made of standardised building blocks. The former
features a dedicated dual-stage pointing system based on a technology patented by
Stellar Project and the optical head, while the electronic unit contains the laser sources
and drivers, as well as ancillary electronics.
Stellar Project offers a unique consultancy service to analyze the risk of mission
deterioration for spacecraft and constellations exposed to the current orbital
environment, with special focus to the threat posed by space debris. Environment
analyses are coupled with the examination of spacecraft design reports provided by
manufacturers, in order to derive realistic predictions and/or assessments of satellite
anomalies, useful for the Space Insurance market.
Because of the growing interest in large constellation of small satellites, the risk related
to space debris and space radiation is going to be better perceived day by day. The
debris population in Earth orbits is in fact continuously increasing, and the robustness
of nanosatellites to the radiation, plasma and neutral environments is still not at the
same level of that of large spacecraft. In respect of these threats, Stellar Project provides
advice to operators willing to maximize the environmental robustness of their space
systems since early design stages.


Studiomapp srl
Company profile
STUDIOMAPP is an innovative startup with offices in Ravenna and Rome (Italy),
specialized in AI and advanced ICT.
Using AI applied to Satellite and UAV imagery we deliver solutions for location


Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Satellite & UAV imgint.Artificial Intelligence object detection SaaS, 100+ categories
Via Pietro Alighieri 43
(maritime, engineering, ports, mining, logistics, buildings and informal settlements,
energy assets, defence). Environmental Intelligence for natural resources management Ravenna RA 48121
and climate change impact evaluation (vulnerability and risk assessment). Smart farming Leonardo Alberto Dal Zovo
& precision agriculture. Web Gis, Cartography, data modelling. Co-founder & CEO
Date of birth 2015


Wise Robotics srls
Company profile
Wise Robotics is a startup born in 2015 made up of electronic and IT engineers, data
scientists, economists and structural engineers with the mission of improving the quality
and security of people’s life, through the development of Iot monitoring solutions able
to analyse the data to provide information and analysis in real-time.
Wise possess expertise in Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis,
Robotics, System Development and Cloud Computing.
Among the projects developed by Wise, it is worth noting the Quakebots system, which
is an innovative structural health monitoring platform based on Internet of Things,
via Ardito Desio 60
Machine Learning and Cloud Computing.
Roma RM 131
The value of Wise Robotics has been demonstrated by relevant European awards such
as SME Instrument Phase I and recognized by several key players such as the Enterprise
Gianni Alessandroni
Europe Network, Microsoft, LVenture and Forbes for the development and validation of Founder & CEO
the Quakebots System. gianni@w1s3.com
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies www.quake.cloud
Quakebots is an innovative real-time vibrational monitoring system to analyze the
dynamic response of buildings and infrastructures. The system is a micro-computer with Date of birth 2015
a high sensitivity accelerometric sensor connected to the Quakebots Cloud platform via
Wi-fi, Ethernet or LTE.
Quakebots is a system that combines the latest technologies in AI, IoT and Cloud
computing to offer high precision and high-quality services. Wise has worked to create
a Cloud platform that is highly scalable and have the potential to handle millions of
buildings with very low latency. The system enable a continuous monitoring of the
structure over time, which in turn allows to discover deviations of the behaviour the
structure from its normal state by means of AI and engineering algorithms, with the aim
to help asset managers in the optimization of the maintenance operations.
The Quakebots system has achieved relevant national and international awards that
have contributed to the development of the startup.
Among them we can find the European Space Agency grant that allowed Wise
developing the Quakebots SAT technology.
The new patented Quakebots SAT system combines the vibrational algorithmic
component of measurements on buildings and infrastructures, with a positional
component related to the use of GNSS. The Quakebots SAT allows to detect even the
smallest displacement, landslides and for the early identification of any slippage of a
structure over time.
The GNSS Quakebots SAT was installed on the Basilica of S. Francesco in Assisi, one of
the test sites where it remained to perform acquisition and transfer of data. This allows
to Wise to integrate these components with vibrational monitoring devices already
present on the structure, through external prototypal connections, in order to obtain
results and data based on the correlation between the movements registered by the
vibrational algorithms and movements registered based on the component of GNSS.
Quakebots is a patented technology and has been tested on ENEA (Italian National
Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development)
vibrating table, together with DICA (University of Perugia), that certified Quakebots
system and has already received an important market validation considering clients not
only in Italy, but also in Belgium and Israel.


Company profile
YETITMOVES is an Italian company, headquartered at EUCENTRE – University of
Pavia, whose mission is the scientific research, design, development, production
and marketing of innovative and high technology solutions and services in the
field of Geomatics. YETITMOVES boasts a consolidated experience in GNSS
data processing for high-precision static and kinematic positioning applications.
Since its foundation, YETITMOVES has been working with EUCENTRE (European Centre for Contact
Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering) participating to international research
projects, also with funding from the European Commission and the European Space Agency.
YETITMOVES develops and markets innovative solutions, easy-to-use and low-cost, Via Ferrata 1 c/o
made according to the most advanced practices of Geomatics. EUCENTRE Pavia PV 27100
Massimiliano Chersich
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Chief Executive
To tackle the problem of creating efficient and economical solutions dedicated to monitoring mchersich@yetitmoves.it
and early warning of critical infrastructures and areas subject to hydro-geological +393355429320
instability, YETITMOVES has developed DISPLAYCE, an innovative IoT solution based on www.yetitmoves.it
single-frequency and high-tech GNSS sensors, able to compete, in terms of reliability, info@yetitmoves.it
efficiency and measurement accuracy, with much more expensive instrumentation.
Fields of application are monitoring and early-warning of areas subject to
Date of birth 2017
hydro-geological instability (landslides, bradyseism, sinking, subsidence, etc.),
monitoring and early-warning of critical infrastructures and sites such as
pipelines, geothermal energy plants, dams, towers, high voltage pylons, chimneys,
bridges, viaducts, railroads, motorways, ports, natural gas storage sites, schools,
historical buildings, archaeological sites, building sites, river basins, quarries, etc.
With more than one hundred receivers sold in two years DISPLAYCE has already found
its main users in large companies operating in the Energy and Transportation sectors, in
the most important Italian Research Institutes, Universities, Civil Protection and Public



Photo Credits: ESA.

Company profile
Funded in 1916, and organized as a private S.p.A. (Società per Azioni) in 1927, AEREA
is active in the design, development and manifacture of mission equipments for higfh
performance military flying platforms.

Mission equipment are tasked to hold releasable payloads to the platform during
carriage phase and, when necessary, to ensure their safe relase or ejection.
Since 2011 invested to orientate its technology innovation capability to the space sector
closer to its field of application, recognizing the similarity between the requirements for
space HDRM’s and aeronautic Mission Equipment, both devoted to restrain, release and
Via C. Cattaneo 24
deploy of payloads.
Turate Como 22078
In 2012, within a technology innovation program, funded by the Italian MISE-MIUR
agencies, in collaboration with former Selex Galileo (now LEONARDO Airborne
Giovanni Murettino
and Space Systems Division) acting in the integrator role, AEREA developed, and Marketing Director
subsequently worldwide patented, SHREK (SHockless RElease Kinematic), a Hold Down murettinog@aerea.it
and Release Mechanism, actuated with Shape Memory technology, for solar array panels. +39 02 33483 222
In 2014 AEREA initiated the development of the high pre-load hold down release www.aerea.it
mechanism ALARM (Advanced Latch And Release Mechanism), actuated with piezo- aerea@aerea.it
electric technology, aimed to latch and release satellites/payloads of mass up to 400 kg.
In 2015 AEREA, in collaboration with the Department of Aerospace Sciences of the
Polytechnic of Milan, and LDO ASSD, developed the breadboard model of a Nozzle
Tool, subsystem of a technology demonstrator for a In Orbit Refueling System between
collaborative satellites. This activity was nested within the section STRONG (Sistemi
Tecnologie e Ricerche per l’Operatività Nazionale Globale) of the larger project SAPERE
(Space Advanced Project Excellence in Research and Enterprise) funded by Italian MIUR.
Since 2015 AEREA introduced the Additive Manufacturing technology for aerospace
applications. Initially with EBM technology, applied to Ti6Al4V powders, and lately with
technical polymers.
As responsible of the platform mechanisms, AEREA partnered in an RTI (temporary
industrial teaming) led by OHB Italy, that, in 2016, was awarded a contract from ASI to
carry out the phase A feasibility study for the PLATiNO (Mini Piattaforma spaziaLe ad
Alta TecNOlogia) satellite.
In 2017 AEREA did carry out a feasibility study for a HDRM for CubeSat in support of the
Argotec proposal to the ESA ITT AO/1-8930/17/NL/PS.
In 2018 AEREA manufactured with Additive Technology, and tested, a set of torsional
springs aimed to be integrated in deployment mechanisms.
In 2019 SHREK has been selected to be integrated on the PLATiNO platform as HDRM
for the Solar Array and the SAR antenna.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

HDRM (Hold Down Release Mechanisms) for small and mini satellites.
Mini HDRM for CubeSats.
DM (Deployment Mechanisms).
Additive Manufacturing (Techno Polymers and Titanium Alloys)


Company profile
AEROSPAZIO Tecnologie is a leading SME providing testing and engineering services
for Aerospace. The company is particularly active in the fields of Thermal Vacuum and
Electric Space Propulsion, where provides its services to most of the European space
For its mission, the company operates a test laboratory equipped with several vacuum
test facilities some of which are unique in their features.
The expertise of the company includes the development of electric propulsion
technologies, diagnostics (plasma probes, thrust balance), vacuum systems and
Via Provinciale Nord, 42a
cryogenic equipment, data acquisition & control systems, networking & communications
in harsh environments, software tools. Rapolano Terme SI 53040
The company has worked in several ESA flight programmes, including the BepiColombo
+390577 705009
mission to Mercury, the Exomars mission to Mars and the Small-GEO programme. www.aerospazio.com
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies aerospazio@aerospazio.com

Electric Space Propulsion

technology development
development & qualification testing
Thermal – Vacuum
thermal cycling
thermal balance
In-vacuum EMC testing
electric propulsion testing
ESD – Electro Static Discharges
plasma source and electron gun available
arcing on solar array coupons


Airgloss srl
Company profile
Airgloss provides innovative solutions for real-time air quality monitoring and thermal
comfort management for any kind of indoor space, from homes to offices, schools,
hotels, healthcare and even transports.

Founded in 2014, the company has developed and patented an advanced technology
based on Artificial Intelligence to identify numerous pollutants and improve indoor
air quality and wellbeing. Through continuous monitoring and an instant notification
system, environmental quality can always be maintained at high standard by creating a
proper balance of temperature and humidity, adequate illumination and ambient noise
reduction, all while smartly saving energy. Via Franco Becci, 14
Roma RM
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Maryna Lotsman
Account Manager
Three lines of product are available: maryna.lotsman@airgloss.com
• Airgloss ProSense, designed for industrial applications, offices, meeting rooms and +390687071093
other public spaces such as schools and workspaces, where air quality influences
occupants’ wellbeing and health, with a direct impact on performance and
productivity; info@airgloss.com
• Airgloss ComfortKit, gesture controlled and specifically intended for homes, with air
quality monitoring and smart thermostat features, providing heating, ventilation and
air conditioning management;
• Airgloss OEM, the core technology, as small as a 2 euro coin, designed to be integrated
into third-party devices such as air purifiers, range hoods or portable systems for
environmental monitoring.
Airgloss is currently located in the ESA Business Incubation Centre (BIC) Lazio in Rome
(Italy) and has a distribution network in EU and US.


AGT Engineering s.r.l.
Company profile
Agt is a scientific, engineering, marketing and sales integrated organization.
Agt enhances its customers products with innovative technologies identified by its sales
team, reviewed by its R&D development team, engineered by its engineering team,

and repositioned in their respective markets by its marketing team: this way injecting
innovation and adding value into its customers products.
In addition, Agt develops horizontal capabilities of technology transfer and
consultancies, develops its own prototype products, and operates services based on
Artificial Intelligence proprietary patents applications.
via Paolo Emilio, 34
Agt is active in the Aerospace, Transportation, Oil and Gas, and Energy production and Rome RM 00192
distribution fields.
+39 0645437023
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies www.agtgroup.it
AGT is a company specialised in industrial and applied research, technology transfer,
engineering and prototyping, as well as project management, marketing and sales of
projects and systems in the areas of transportation (aerospace, terrestrial and marine),
energy generation (conventional, advanced and renewable), and of the application of
innovative materials and processes to the Industrial companies. The AGT capabilities are: -
Ideation and Research: assistance to structure research activities and research financing,
when possible through European and national funds, both for customers and on self
generated ideas. - Technology Transfer: Scouting of specific technologies to design and
manufacture innovative systems and components developed in existing market areas,
this way reducing time and costs of the R&D. Conversely, valorisation of technologies,
processes, systems or components originated by its own applied research projects to
new market areas. - Engineering and Prototyping: Transformation of the results of the
research and development into operational projects, systems and products for validation
and testing of an innovation.- Production: Streaming of the prototypes developed and
tested into pre-series and small batch production. Assistance in the implementation of
the series production. - Project Management: Project Management for its customers for
high technology content projects. - Marketing and Sales: Build up and management for
its customers of methods for strategic marketing; turn-key sales networks structures;
follow-up in the European and North American Countries; introduction and sale of
high technology systems and components into the European and Italian markets.
AGT is therefore operational in the entire value chain of the innovative technologies,
from ideation and research to the full commercial deployment of innovative systems
and components, generating added value to its Customers through its knowledge of
the detailed methods to apply innovation, and the technology transfer of innovative
materials, components and processes. A Special Project department has been recently
added, to implement the potential of Artificial Intelligence systems to the Industrial
applications in various areas, from the energy distribution systems to the aggregation
of international clusters and companies. AGT has been partner of the ESA (European
Space Agency) to transfer to the European Industries the activities available on the
ISS (International Space Station), in the areas of Life Sciences and Advanced Materials;
and to the ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) and NASA to perform two experiments with
the Italian Astronaut Luca Parmitano during his mission on the ISS. AGT is also partner
in an International Consortium for the development and manufacture of innovative rail
structural systems; designs and manufactures special systems and parts for the F1, the
transportation and the aerospace markets; runs activities of Project Management for
important Multinational Groups; Acts as Technology Broker for the Association Lazio
Connect inside the DTA-Filas district of the Aerospace Industries, and for Lazio Innova
for the internationalization of the Aerospace cluster companies of the Lazio district.


Company profile
ALFA MECCANICA is specialized in High Precision Machining (Milling up to 8m and
Turning), EDM, FPI (Nadcap Accredited), Precision Cleaning and Cleanliness Inspection
(Qualified by GE Aviation), Assembling, Testing and Design&Manufacturing of Jigs and
Fixtures (Support Equipment and MGSE).

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Contact

The main products are: Engine and Propulsion subassemblies, Aerostructures, Structures
for Space (Cargo Modules primary structures, Hatches, opening and closing mechanisms, Via G. Agnelli 3
honeycomb panels trimming and drilling, wave guides, tie rods and components) Jigs Sommariva Del Bosco Cn
and Fixtures, Support Equiment and MGSE. 12048
Davide Fusta
Business Development


ALI - Aerospace Laboratory for
Innovative Components - s.c.a r.l
Company profile
ALI - Aerospace Laboratory for Innovative Components - is a consortium among
aerospace and ICT companies, which works in the fields of design, engineering,
prototyping and manufacturing of innovative components for aerospace, ground
segment for controlling remote platforms, science and technology. The associated
companies cover the entire range of competences in the areas of considered activity.
ALI (Aerospace Laboratory for Innovative Components) S.c.a r.l. is a consortium
gathering 18 member companies, mainly active in the aerospace sector, operating in the
sectors of design, engineering, prototyping and production of aerospace components
(SRS Engignerign Desing Srl, ATM srl, Astro Meccanica Srl, AermecSud Srl, Powerflex Via Emanuele Gianturco 31
Srl), in the integration of systems (Intecs Solution Spa, Space Engineering Spa) in Napoli NA 80146
electronics and SW / HW applications, on-board systems and systems for remote control Francesco Punzo
of aerospace platforms (EuroSoft, Techno System Development, Foxbit) in ITC services Program Engineer - Research
and advanced applications for aerospace (Lead Tech, ITSLab, Space Factory, Form &
Atp, Canale otto, Fabrica Srl). ALI is active in co-operative programs with Italian and and Development Division
foreign organizations such as the European Space Agency (ESA), the Italian Ministry of francesco.punzo@aliscarl.it
Research, the Italian National Research Council (CNR), the Italian Space Agency (ASI), +390816020139
the Campania Region. www.aliscarl.it
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
ALI was involved in following projects:
IRENE – “Italian Re-Entry Nacelle”: research contract founded by the Italian Space
Agency to develop a low-cost re-entry capsule, able to return payloads from the ISS to
Earth and/or to perform short-duration, scientific missions in Low Earth Orbit (LEO);
MISSION – “Maritime Integrated Satellite System in an Inter Operable service Network”,
research contract founded by the Italian Space Agency;
SAR4BAT – “SAR data fusion for bathymetric data retrieval in coastal areas and in
submarine archaeological sites” research contract founded by the Italian Space Agency;
SIMDEO (ASI) – Landfill monitoring system with EO data;
OCEANSAT (ASI) – Satellite system for the control of marine currents;
TALED (ESA) – “TelecommunicAtion, Localization and real time Environment Detection”
Satellite fire monitoring system.
FIT (Technological Innovation Fund) – Experimental development programme:
“Technological Developments for the realization of a deployable structure prototype for
a space re-entry capsule”.
ALI is currently involved in following project:
MINI IRENE – “Maxus International Nacelle to Investigate IRENE capabilities”: research
contract founded by the European Space Agency to develop a ProtoFlight for a rocket-
probe launch;
SMS – “Small Mars Satellite” - research contract founded by the European Space Agency
to develop the concept of a small technology mission to Mars, based on the adoption of
an IRENE-like technology to deliver one or more payloads to Mars;
SISDA – SIStema di Discesa controllata ed Atterraggio di precision: MiSE-funded project
for controlled descent system and precision landing.


Company profile
ALMA Sistemi Srl is an Italian SME established in 2005 providing high-level engineering
and consultancy in the space and defence markets. ALMA provides services in Business
Development, Project and Proposal Management, Mechanical and Electrical Ground
Support Equipment, Software Engineering, image processing for Earth Observation
applications with specific focus on Cultural Heritage.
ALMA Sistemi help research organisations and industries to identify potential
opportunities, make project proposal, development plan and implement new products
and services. ALMA has contributed in behalf of its international clients to a number of
key space projects funded by the EU, ESA, NASA and ASI. VIA DEI NASTURZI, 4
In fact ALMA Sistemi has successfully completed 10 research and development projects GUIDONIA MONTECELIO
under FP7, H2020, ESA and national/regional programs. ALMA is currently involved in ROMA 00012
four H2020 projects of which three as coordinator. ALESSIO DI IORIO
ALMA turn-over in 2018 was 1,5 M€ with a current workforce of 15 employees and CEO
consultants. ALMA is certified ISO 9001:2015 for engineering. adi@alma-sistemi.com
+39335 6317013
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies www.alma-sistemi.com
ALMA Sistemi Srl provides turn-in key product and engineering in the frame of Mechanical info@alma-sistemi.com
and Electrical Ground Support Equipment (trolley, stands, transport containers, lifting
devices, adapters, Instrument EGSE, Software EGSE, RF and Power Special Check-Out
Equipment etc.) for payload and satellites.
Services include Project and Proposal/Bid Management, Business development and
market analysis, in the frame of European Space Agency, European Union and Italian
Space Agency programs.
ALMA Sistemi is engaged in several international Research & Technology Development
projects in the frame of EU (H2020) covering instrument development for planetary
exploration for dating rocks and sediments, plasma metamaterials lens and plasma
antennas, EO applications for monitoring and assessment of Cultural Heritage structural
stability of Historical Centres and archaeological sites risk monitoring.
ALMA is certified ISO 9001:2015 for engineering.


ALPHA Consultants srl
Company profile
ALPHA Consult is a European management and technology consultancy supporting
businesses, regulators and European institutions. We are recognised as one of the leading
independent experts in Satellite Navigation (GNSS), Earth Observation (EO), Intelligent
Transport System (ITS) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs),and are increasingly
active across other supporting and related markets (chiefly Aerospace, Transportation,
Agribusiness, Emergency response and management, and Climate Change). Contact
ALPHA Consult was established as a private limited company in 2009 by an experienced
strategy consultant and today is an independent and wholly owned company by its
working director and staff. ALPHA Consult’s headquarters is Milan (Italy), with offices in Viale Cirene, 7
London (UK) and Brussels (BE). Milano MI 20135
We have a staff of consultants with strong business and technical backgrounds and Emiliano Spaltro
experience in various aspects of GNSS, EO, ITS, and UAVs. Our success is due to: Managing Partner
• The international standing and reputation of our consultants, combining business, es@alphacons.eu
technical and linguistic skills +39 0239810139
• An outstanding track record of delivering high quality advice and support that www.alphacons.eu
encourages repeat business and onward referrals info@alphacons.eu
• The development of long-term working partnerships with our customers
• A successful policy of retention of our consultants.
Our broad staff profile means that we can draw on the internationally-recognized
expertise of senior business managers, economists, and technology specialists to create
bespoke multi-disciplinary teams tailored to meet customers’ needs.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Project Management
Stakeholders’ Management
Administrative/ Contractual Management
Quality Management
Risk Assessment and Management
Innovation e knowledge Management
Technical Support
On-site support
User requirements analysis
Independent Technical/ Business Reviewer
Ad-hoc technical consultancy services
Support to various R&D projects
Business strategy
Strategy Definition
Market Assessment
Competitive Analysis
Selection criteria
Pricing and Positioning Strategy
Business Models
Corporate Finance
Business Plans
Costs-Benefits Analysis
Impact assessment
Business Due Diligence
Company Evolution
Financing strategy


Go-to-market strategy
Business Opportunities
Roadmap Definition
Detailed Market Survey
Support to the Implementation Activity
Exploitation activities
Events, Workshop, Focus Group Organization and Management
Web 2.0 Social Tools/ Community Management
Web-based Marketing Strategies
Web Design and Implementation
Materials preparation (e.g. leaflet, videos…)


APR srl
Company profile
APR is a SME founded in 1998, operating in the production of mechanical parts and
equipment for aerospace industries, notably for propulsion applications. Historically APR
core-business lays in the production of rotating parts, recently extending to production
of aerostructures and production of complex assemblies and kits for integrations.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Contact

Turn-key solutions provided by APR to His Customers including activity of co-
engineering / co-design with the Customer, Industrialization of products, Production via R. Incerti, 10
(based on advanced manufacturing technologies) both for series or small batches or Pinerolo TO 10064
prototypes, Supply Chain management, assembly and Testing. Alessandro Chiesa
In space sector, APR is operating on design and manufacturing of fluidodynamic Program Manager
equipment, in particular pumps and valves for TCS, ECLS and propulsion applications.. alessandro.c@apr.it
Leveraging on a strong manufacturing footpring of highly critical rotating parts, APR
brings to the space industry its expertise and skills on customized solutions and services +390121 525202
for fluidodynamic systems and propulsion applications. www.apr.it


Arescosmo S.p.A.
Company profile
Arescosmo’s mission is to supply products and services dedicated to support life
and survival of Defense and Security Forces, as well as developing systems for space
missions and applications, based on the best and consolidated mechanical technology,
software, textiles and innovative materials in a National and International perspective.
Arescosmo has gained a significant experience in managing technological programs at
system level for space applications; this regards all the lifecycle of the product, starting Contact
from the feasibility study up the qualification.
This capability is exploited by means of the consolidated experience of the engineering
group and through the capabilities in managing external technological partners. Via delle Valli, 46
Engineering has a wide experience in design, testing, test set up configuration and Aprilia LT 4011
calibration and test correlation with analysis data. Moreover, it is quite usual in Arescosmo Marco Adami
to utilize test data acquired on materials and on in house manufactured components as Space Division manager
input to perform analyses, covering what is generally required to characterize a space adami@arescosmo.it
product (in this case mechanical analyses and thermal analyses).
Cooperation with Universities and with Materials Experimental Centres in Italy and in
Europe are completing the Arescosmo heritage.
Furthermore, Arescosmo is also involved in European working groups in advanced
technologies and processes for space, being active in ablative shielding technologies,
composites, inflatable structures.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Arescosmo experience in space field resides in designing, manufacturing and management
of several space programs, involving several systems and subsystems such as:
• Planetary landing
• Planetary descending
• Atmospheric Re-entry
• Inflatable module
• Recovery subsystems
• Space agriculture
• Life Support Systems
• Capture Mechanisms
• Planetary protection
Main programs in which Arescosmo has been involved are: Planetary landing
ˆ MLT-Mercury Landing Technologies
Development and manufacturing of a shock attenuation system for the Bepi Colombo
mission lander.
ˆ ADLT-Alternative Descent and Landing Technologies
Development of a preliminary prototype of the new vented airbag for future ESA robotic
missions in the framework of space exploration, with specific reference to EXOMARS
ˆ EXOMARS–Airbag sub-system
Design, development and verification of the airbag sub-system.
ˆ Airbag for Small Landers
ˆ Design, breadboard and test a complete airbag system which would be used for
small landers (130 to 170 kg mass) to be delivered to the surface of Mars.
Planetary descent
ˆ EXOMARS 2016–Parachute sub-system
Development of the parachute system for the EXOMARS mission. FM was delivered in
July 2014, and was successfully used for the mission on 19/10/2016.
ˆ EXOMARS 2018–Parachute sub-system
development, manufacturing and test of the parachute subsystem for the Exomars 2018
Space Rider Descent system


Responsible for the Descent System.
Atmospheric Re-entry
ˆ ARD-Atmospheric Re-entry Demonstrator
Responsible for localization, parachutes and floating systems.
ARD capsule in-space flight with Ariane-503 has been
performed successfully on 1998.
ˆ IRT - Inflatable Re-Entry Technology
Consisting in the development for ESA of an inflatable re-
entry system for capsule-type vehicle or payloads.
ˆ SPEM-SPacecrew Emergency system
SPEM is a concept designed for use as an escape mechanism
by orbiting astronauts, financed 50% by Italian MoD.
ˆ Marco Polo
Responsible of the preliminary design of the sample return
Inflatable module
ˆ IMS- Inflatable Materials for Space
ˆ FLECS- FLexible Expandable Commercial Structure
Responsible for design and manufacturing of bladder and
restraint sub-structures.
ˆ IMOD- Inflatable MODule
Manufacturing of flexible-rigid parts joints and the potential
insertion of windows in habitation modules design.
ˆ ICM– Inflatable Capture Mechanism
Study for “Mars Sample Return” mission.
Developed a flexible module with 2.5 meters diameter and 5
meters high.
Recovery Subsystems
ˆ IXV–Recovery Subsystem
Responsible for Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of the
floating Subsystem.
Other Projects
ˆ Air Bladders Bonding & Sealing Technologies in Manned
Inflatables Structures
ˆ Elastic tether design and dynamic testing
ˆ IDRA Inflatable Deployable Rigidisable Antenna


Aresys s.r.l. - Advanced
REmote-sensing SYStems
Company profile
ARESYS, Advanced Remote Sensing Systems, is an Italian SME, spin-off of Politecnico
di Milano, founded in 2003, that inherits the internationally renowned expertise of
Politecnico di Milano in the field of remote sensing.

ARESYS is a strongly R&D oriented company, that exploits cutting edge technologies to
deliver highly customized solutions and services to its customers.
ARESYS expertise covers the following areas:
• Airborne and Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) ;
• Ground based SAR, RADARS and GPR; via Flumendosa, 16
• Pipeline acoustic monitoring systems; Milan MI 20132
• Seismic and geophysical prospection systems +39 0287244800
Nowadays ARESYS can count on a group of around 45 high skilled professionals and
serves customers in Europe, Asia and South America. info@aresys.it

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Synthetic Aperture Radars: with our 10+ years experience in SAR systems we can offer
product and services encompassing operational software solutions for simulation, processing,
focusing, interferometry and best-in-class engineering services for new SAR system design.
SARFOC: is a multi-sensor, versatile kernel for SAR focusing and L1 processing. It
handles mono as well as bistatic SAR, ScanSAR, TopSAR, Spotlight and other modes.
It is designed with emphasis on geometric accuracy, calibration and phase preserving
features. SARFOC comes in two different versions: DESKTOP, a light version that can be
used on a desktop PC (for academic and scientific purposes) and HPC, a highly efficient
and optimized version suitable for multi-core and high-throughput processing solutions
for Ground Segments and Operational Data Centers.
SARINT: provides advanced tools and components for SAR interferometry and
interferometric stacking. It supports Stripmap, ScanSAR, TopSAR and Spotlight acquisition
modes. SARINT is robust and mature and it is the core of operational interferometric stack
processor of the Santinel-1 PDGS. SARINT can be used in combination with SARPS to
perform multi-temporal interferometric processing and Persistent Scatterer analysis.
SARFOC, SARNT and SARPS can be managed through simple and easy to use web-
application, FreeSAR, that allows to exploit powerful SAR data processing features
without any local software installation.
SAR system end-to-end simulations: ARESYS offers a complete SAR simulation
framowork, for SAR satellites and UAV/airborne systems called GSS-RT. Our solution
includes a flexible SOFTWARE raw data simulator (GSS) and a Real-Time optional
component (AWG-4k, developed by ARESYS Electronics) that is able to provide
simulated data over a real-time IF link or over an high-rate Digital link.
Innovative SAR system design, SAR Engineering support services: ARESYS supports
SAR systems manufacturers and designer world-wide offering highly specialised
consultancy services. Thanks to the long experience in SAR mission design, through
the participation to many national and international SAR projects, ARESYS can offer a
unique support service starting from SAR system concept, to SAR operations support,
SAR calibration and SAR data processing.
Besides Space activities ARESYS is also active in the following fields: Ground
interferometric Radars monitoring solutions, Leak detection systems and pipeline
monitoring and Seismic and Geophysics.


Argotec Srl
Company profile
Argotec is an aerospace engineering company founded in 2008 in which research,
innovation, and development involve various fields: engineering, information technology,
systems integration, “Human Space Flight and Operation”, implementation of solutions
in the field of renewable energy, as well as design and production of satellite platforms.
All these activities have the same objective: realization of systems for space with
potential Earth applications. In fact, according to the company’s vision, everything that Contact
is useful for space activities can have an Earth application, bringing benefits in daily life
and responding to needs not yet met.
All Argotec’s activities are focused in two main directions. The first one regards the via Cervino, 52
development of microsatellites able to work in deep space; in this area, intense research Torino 10155
and development activities are oriented to design compact and reliable technological +39 0117650567
solutions including using Artificial Intelligence for autonomous operations. The second www.argotecgroup.com
direction includes the development of technological solutions in order to improve and
to support the life and the comfort of future space explorers. info@argotecgroup.com
Argotec is a UNI EN 9100:2018 and UNI ISO EN 9001:2015 certified company, and
compliant with the ECSS and NASA standards framework. Moreover, the company has
the experience, the tools and the laboratories needed to perform all of the activities
required for design, integration and testing of space systems in house (e.g. a Clean Room
that guarantees cleanliness standard at an ISO 5 level, a Thermal Vacuum chamber, etc).
Since the beginning, the company has always collaborated with the main international
space agencies such as the Italian Space Agency (ASI), the European Space Agency
(ESA) and NASA. It had promoted the development of innovative technologies which
involved universities, research centres and other companies with skills and different
backgrounds. This has been substantially translated into partnerships with companies
coming from fields other than aerospace. It allowed the realization of innovative systems
in order to obtain several patents and international awards.
In recent years Argotec has demonstrated its excellence at a national and international
level thanks to its dynamic and flexible working methods supported by a young
team of professionals with an average age of 29 years. These aspects have allowed a
reduction in the time for the development of company activities and the opportunity to
find alternative solutions as compared to current standard processes. This has helped
to increase competitiveness and to facilitate achieving the objectives in advance of
projected timetable due dates.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Argotec’s activities follow the “all in-house” concept that includes design & development,
integration, qualification and operations services. The company is equipped with an
Electronics Lab, a Thermal and Mechanical Laboratory, a Mission Control Centre, a
Thermal Vacuum Chamber and a Clean Room that guarantees cleanliness standards
according to an ISO 5 level. Argotec makes available the company’s facilities to other
companies as well as universities and research institutions that are interested in
integration activities requiring high levels of quality and environmental monitoring.
Argotec has the internal expertise to develop microsatellite platforms from the concept
to the design, assembly, integration, testing and in-orbit operations. These platforms
are designed to operate in Deep Space for Exploration Missions and as part of
Telecom constellations: they are equipped with highly-reliable and rad-hard electronic
components while they guarantee large room for payload allocation (2U for the 6U
version and >4U for the 12U version) and an integrated propulsion system. Argotec is
also working on advanced algorithms based on Artificial Intelligence to increase the
capabilities of the platform during on-orbit autonomous navigation. This feature helps
the satellites to handle off-nominal events by executing a series of complex tasks without
the involvement of the Ground Segment.


Argotec’s Avionics Unit designs and tests space-capable
electronic systems. It operates at every level of the development
process; its heritage spreads from LEO applications flown on
the ISS to systems designed for deep-space. Usually both
hardware and software are designed internally by our team
aiming for the optimal implementation. As for the hardware
side, the core products include Electrical Power Subsystems
and On-Board Computers. From the software perspective,
the Unit works on FPGA “Robust” IP Cores, whole On-Board
Software solution and AI-based control algorithms.
Argotec develops and supports the development of payloads
for human space flight and space exploration. The company
deals with the following HW and SW payloads’ activities:
design, development, assembly, integration, testing, on-orbit
operations, logistic and safety support. Argotec has recently
awarded a 3-year service contract (UTISS) to support the
Italian Space Agency to fly payloads on-board the ISS. In
the frame of this contract Argotec is in charge of supporting
the management of the Italian ISSresources, interfacing the
experiments Principal Investigators and Payload Developers
and overseeing the safety evaluation of all Italian payloads.
Furthermore, Argotec coordinates the technical team
supporting the payload development and supports the
payload manifesting process and qualification process
leading towards a safe and efficient delivery, utilization and
recovery of the payload.


Aviospace srl
Company profile
AVIOSPACE is a space company located in Torino. The company was formed in 2004
and its network of partnership includes various SMEs in the field of Engineering and
Manufacturing, several Universities, and Professionals.

Between January 2010 and March 2016 Aviospace has been an Airbus Defence and
Space company, remaining however an Italian registered company with management
and personnel entirely Italian.
Company core competences:
• System Engineering, Space Transportation, Future Launchers, and Space Exploration Via Giovanni Botero, 18
systems Torino TO 10122
• Thermal Control, Mechanical structures, Composite materials, and nano-structured +39011 0867 100
• Avionics and On-board Software contact@aviospace.com
• Propulsion, Multi-layer thermal insulation equipment (MLI), and Multi-physical
• Human Life in Space and ISS operations
AVIOSPACE can benefit of a network of collaborations with small and medium companies
with robust experience in high-quality manufacturing and niche technologies.
The scenario of collaborations is permanently in evolution: agreements across Italy
and Europe are already established or are in final preparation in the sector of the
automatic space systems for transportation and exploration with the Italian Institute
of Technology (IIT), as well as with universities and other academic organizations (e.g.
INSTM, Politecnico of Torino, La Sapienza) and manufacturers.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Project: Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle – European Service Module for NASA’s Orion
programme (MPCV-ESM)
The activities are developed in the frame of collaboration between Aviospace and Airbus
Defence and Space Bremen, it consists in a support for: Design and Manufacturing of
mechanical parts of the propulsion systems and for Design and Analysis support for
Primary and secondary structure interface for the Propulsion System
Project: Capture and De-orbiting Technologies (CADET)
The project developed and demonstrates, by the development of ground functional
breadboards, key technologies for ADR, including the capture systems and a vision
based navigation system, including target in-situ recognition and properties assessment
Project: e.Deorbit phase A
The e.Deorbit mission objective is to “Remove a single large ESA-owned Space Debris
from the LEO protected zone”. The role of Aviospace in the project is the design of a
tethered-net capture mechanism.
Project: Activ-jet
The project allowed Aviospace to develop a full process of materials functionalization by
means of ink-jet printing, including: 1) Case-by-case nanoparticle-based ink design and
formulation (e.g. both conductive and dielectric inks). 2) Printed pattern optimization
and printing process set-up. 3) Wide range of possible substrates (e.g. ceramic, metallic,
composites). 4) Post-printing thermal treatments. This technology involves the use
of a stable and repeatable process, which makes use of less galvanic treatment and
waste production. Moreover, mass savings and lower manufacturing costs, as well as


the possibility to deal with 3D shapes, make it a competitive
alternative to traditional manufacturing techniques.
Project: Wireless Sensor Network
This project focuses on sensing nodes development,
powered by a vibration energy harvesting technologies,
developed in the frame of the project. The nodes are
conceived to be used on-ground, during storage, pre-launch
phase, and during ascent/in orbit phases, e.g. Launcher
staging, to allow communication between stages after
separation. The communication system is composed by a
multi-radio communication platform capable of using, in
cognitive and opportunistic mode, heterogeneous wireless
communication technologies for monitoring and control of
complex systems for industrial and aerospace markets. The
communication platform consists of multi-radio nodes able
to cooperate for building up an intelligence network, that
promotes the opportunistic use of wireless technologies with
complementary characteristics in terms of data rate, latency,
robustness to radio channel conditions, power consumption,
and ability to self-organization in networks.


Company profile
Aviotec core-businesses are Thermal Control and Electrical Harness sub-systems.
Thanks to more than 10 years of consolidated experience, Aviotec joins high reliability
solutions and innovation technologies in order to be ready to catch new Space

exploration challenges.
From its headquarter site in Turin, Aviotec combines its SME identity to a policy focused
on On-quality and On-time delivery attitude.
Through its “Design Authority” capability already implemented in several flying space
projects, Aviotec can support the Customer starting from Design up to integration on CORSO VIGEVANO, 46
the Spacecraft or Payload structure at Customer premises. TORINO TO 10155
Aviotec is a Customer satisfaction oriented Company: our goal is to be considered not RICCARDO BARRESI
only a Supplier but a Customer Partner.
Aviotec QMS is certified EN9100, ISO9001. riccardo.barresi@aviotec.it
+39011 0437091
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies www.aviotec.it
Aviotec is specialized in the design, manufacturing, integration and test of MLI, info@aviotec.it
thermal control hardware and electrical harness for spacecraft, defense, and cryogenic
applications. Aviotec effort is focused on technological innovations to offer high
reliability and cutting edge technology products.
Thermal Control S/S
• Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) Blankets
• Second Surface Mirror (SSM)
• Tapes
• Heaters
• Thermistors
• Thermo-couple
• Thermal Fillers
• Thermal Washers
• Cryogenic and TVAC Insulation blankets / tapes
Electrical Harness S/S
• Power, signal cables according to ESA standards
◦ ECSS-Q-ST-70-26C
◦ ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C
• RF cables
• Continuity and High Voltage electrical test up 7.000 points
• Cryogenic and TVAC vacuum compatible EGSE harness
Starting from raw materials, all the Hardware is accepted, manufactured, inspected and
tested in Aviotec ISO Class 8 (100.000) Clean Room.


Company profile
Family owned SME specialized in design and manufacturing of solutions
with composites for aerospace and motorsport industry. Turn over of
about 9 million euro with over 80 employees and organized with three
different production facilities. After more than 20 years of experience Contact
with challenging composite parts for different applications, now Bercella
can count on a flexible and reactive team of people, with specific Via Enzo Ferrari, 10
expertise and with a solid heritage in different fields. Varano de Melegari Parma
The regular manufacturing activity is combined with the constant inno- 43040
vation effort and the R&D activity mostly based on composite material Davide Solaroli
and their applications. The Space industry represent a clear trend of de- Key Account Aerospace
velopment for Bercella, with important accounts such as Airbus DS, Leo- d.solaroli@bercella.it
nardo, OHB, together with many space agencies and other institutions. +39052553680
Among the space projects that belong to the Bercella’s heritage we can www.bercella.com
mention Rosetta and ExoMars2020 Drill box, substrate sandwich panel info@bercella.it
for Prisma solar array (OHB Italy), SSMS Dispenser for SAB Aerospace
(VEGA Launcher), Semi-rigid solar array and yoke for EurostarNeo Aur-
bus DS, support Bipods for Majis-Leonardo and more..
Beside the specialization for the space projects, Bercella is also active in
other industrial fields, that require advanced design and manufacturing
of composite parts, such as: defense, motor racing and transportation.
Sometimes for new space projects it’s important to count also on al-
ternative sources of inspiration, to elaborate innovative solutions and
cost-effective approaches. Bercella makes it possible thanks to its iterdi-
sciplinary experience.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

The manufacturing capabilities of Bercella are mainly based on hand
lay-up of prepreg for autoclave curing, filament winding and machining.
These processes are supported by a set of 5 autoclaves, 2 Filament Win-
dings machines, 6 CNC machines and 2 robotic arms. The lay-up and the
filament winding processing are organized in two different Clean Rooms
ISO 8 (ISO 7 at rest). Thanks to the considerable dimensions of some
of the autoclaves (4 meters of diameter and 6 meters of lengths) it’s
possible to process large monolithic composite parts. For many space
projects, such as reflectors, large sandwich panels and payload adapters,
these industrial capabilities have been very important to save weight
and to reach a better performance of the even surfaces.
Bercella can count on a “state of the art” equipped internal laboratory,
where it’s possible to run all the mechanical and physical test campai-
gns, complementary to most of the design and
manufacturing phases of the projects. Incoming,
Development and Acceptance Test campaigns can
be organized more cost-effectively, within the Ber-
cella’s premises.
Design and Co-engineering of composite solutions
represent an added value to the proven manu-
facturing capabilities of Bercella. Especially for
the space industry, we noticed how several Prime
contracts tend to require more involvement of the
manufacturing companies, in different phases of
Design, Development and Qualification of impor-
tant projects. Our Technical Office, together with
the Laboratory and the Workshop, are the ingre-
dientes of a versatile system, capable to deliver a
complete package of product and service to the
Space Industry.


Blu Electronic srl
Company profile
The company was founded in 1998 and boasts several years experience in athe design
and development of electronic boards, equipment and sub-system for its Customers.
The principal activities are within the space & avionics arena’s. The company maintains
established collaborations with European Universities for research projects and
technological innovation. Blu Electronic is an UNI EN9100 certified company The
Headquarters are located in Desio Italy (Polo Tecnologico Brianza - PTB). Contact
Company Facilities:
ISO8 (Class 100,000) Clean Room
Via lavoratori Autobianchi, 1
ESA qualified assembly and inspection process line, according to the ESA ECSS-Q-ST- Desio Monza Brianza 20832
38C standard for space electronics
Marco La Bella
Electronic Design Automation Tools
Thermal chambers. marco.labella@bluelectronic.it
Test equipment and facilities for the evaluation, debug, functional test +39 3356866951
EMC/EMI laboratory ufficio: 0362-1791453
Mechanical test www.bluelectronic.com
Temperature/Altitude test marco.labella@bluelectronic.it
Temperature/Humidity test

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

International Space Station (ISS Columbus FSL)
BLU has designed and developed the following experiment controllers for the Columbus
GeoFlow (Geophysical flow simulations): first run 2008
FASES (Fundamental and Applied Studies in Emulsion Stability): first run 2013
CIMEX-1 (Convection and Interfacial Mass Exchange): on-hold after EM completion
SMD (Soft Matter Dynamics, was FOAM): first run 2018
RUBI (Reference mUltiscale Boiling Investigation): FM final integration testing on-ground
Scientific Satellites – Large Platform
Power electronics / DC-DC converters
ESA Hershel Payloads.
ESA Sentinel-1 A, B, C & D
Orbital Transportation
Pressure and Smoke Detector for the Cygnus Cargo
Expert BAU
Scientific Satellites – Small Platform
Data Processing / Power Coversion and Distribution / Satellite Power System
Design, development, production, testing and qualification of the Power Electronic Box
(PEB) for the Italian mission AGILE. Control algorithms include MPPT (Maximum Power
Point Tracker)
Power Systems for Small Satellites, Housekeeping boards, Signal Acquisition boards,
CPU boards based on: DSP, uC, ARM (Cortex R4 and A9), LEON-III Sparc V8, FPGA
boards for custom applications, Stepper and DC motor drivers, Equipment designed
according to Customer specifications




Bright Aerospace Srl
Company profile
Bright Aerospace is a company of the Bright Solutions Group focused on the development
and manufacturing of Solid State Lasers dedicated to Aerospace applications. Our know-
how spans from Lasers and Optics to Optical Systems Engineering, Optical Equipment
and Instruments Technology.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Contact

Leveraging on our expertise in manufacturing highly compact/rugged laser units
designed for flight, and on our heritage in the development of lasers for satellite Via degli Artigiani, 19-21
instruments, Bright Aerospace can offer design, customization and manufacturing Cura Carpignano PV 27010
services aimed to the development of laser instruments for space missions. Enzo Nava
Bright Aerospace offers Partnership in common R&D Projects, Design, Engineering, Chief Scientist
Manufacturing, Integration, Industrialisation. e.nava@brightaerospance.com
+39 0382 583094
info@brightaerospace.co m


Bright Solutions Srl
Company profile
Bright Solutions Group is focused on the development and manufacturing of Solid State
Lasers dedicated to several applications including industrial, medical and Aerospace
applications. Our know-how spans from Lasers and Optics to Optical Systems
Engineering, Electronic Design and testing, Mechanical design, Optical Equipment and
Instruments Technology.
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
Bright Solutions develops and manufactures highly integrated solid state lasers for Via degli Artigiani, 27
applications in the industrial market as well as scientific , medical and aerospace. Cura Carpignano PV 27010
Our capabilities span from manufacturing of standard DPSS lasers and diode lasers Giuliano Piccinno
manufactured in volumes to customised developments of single units for unique and
specific application fields.
+390382 583094


Company profile
CBL Electronics is an electronic design engineering company focused on avionics,
space, defence and naval markets. We can manage the complete workflow from
specification acquisition to product manufacturing and testing, with built-to-print, built-
to-specification and R&D capabilities.
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
Our core business is: test benches, test fixtures, custom Electronic boards, telemetry
Systems, custom systems integration, system integration for avionics, space and
defence application, management and data acquisition softwares for STTEs (dreamTest
Vocabolo Bodoglie n. 148/P/3
and Cloudless).
Todi PG 6059
Massimiliano Bellucci


Compolab Srl
Company profile
We are a multi purpose hub able to meet the demand for qualified and customized
services, creating value through smart preocesses for product and process innovation
and through accelerated time to market. We make avalilable to our stakeholders: over
400 square meters of technical and productive space; high computing capacity; many
years of multidisciplinary experience, in design and calculation. It is also able to actually
realize the demonstrator and/or the prototype, up to (the supply of) the industrialized Contact
product. It entirely realises special machines for tests, stations for the automation and
the robotics of the process
via Dell’Artigianato, 53/55
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Livorno LI
Ing. Giuseppe Sgrò
Starting from customers necessities and requirements (including ECSS), Compolab
technicians are able to design and follow the definition and the development stages
of experimental tests, example HALT (Highly accelerated life testing), Robotics test; in +390587422497
different contest of R&D industrial. www.compolab.it
We perform FEM calculations and simulations, both structural and thermal, relying on info@compolab.it
a wide professional expertise and using the most advanced computational tools and
taylor made. Process simulation, including Stir Welding, and Additive Manufacturing.
Design and costruction prototypes, product demonstrators, test systems and equipment
for benchmark activities are here studied and realized. Here at Compolab we are able
to develop complete software solutions, based on commercial languages, for specific
purpose (embedded) and general purpose devices. Design, construction and testing
developing UAV control electronic boards.
Our CAD designers are highly skilled and focused on the client’s needs; moreover
we own equipments and devices for the scanning, the measurement and the reverse
engineering of mechanical components. Closing the circle the digital production in
metal and polimers.
Other product/services:
• Data correlation
• Quality
• Support to company management
• Courses and training
• Production start up
• Business management
• Design and calculation CFD
• Calculation and verification of 3D tolerances
• Industrial automatetion


Consorzio di ricerca
Company profile
HYPATIA is a Research Consortium of private companies devoted to applied research
and space-earth technology transfer to enhance R&D and SMEs’ innovation. Research
Consortium Hypatia operates to create a shared space for research entities and
companies promoting open innovation, at national and european level. Hypatia
contributes to the New Space economy, the full range of activities and the use of
resources that create value and benefits to human beings in the course of exploring, Contact
researching, understanding, managing, and utilising space.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Viale I Maggio, 156

Grottaferrata RM 00046
The principal technology areas covered by Hypatia activities include: Advanced Flavio Lucibello
Manufacturing, Advanced Materials, Biomaterials, and Renewable Energies. Consortium
Hypatia is also active in business services, providing assistance to those who want to
fully exploit the growth opportunities in the R&D sector, through the participation in info@consorzioipazia.it
European, national and regional programmes. +39 068567612


Davi - Promau srl
Company profile
DAVI, manufacturer of the most sold plate and angle rolls worldwide, produces plate
rolls to roll up to a thickness of 400mm as well as angle rolls for beams up to a height of
1250mm and pipes up to 1000mm. All the products are completely made in Italy. DAVI
customer care follows the customer from installation and training up to online support,
with the most experienced technicians in the sector
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Via Civinelli, 1150
Cesena FC 47522
Irene Roveda
DAVI plate rolls are able to roll every kind of components used in the space industry: Office Marketing
whatever the material, the dimension and the bending radius requested, DAVI range
presents an optimal alternative to offer to the customer. Whether we are talking about
building parts of capsules, nacelles or boosters, in different materials (any type of steel, +390547319611
aluminium, titanium or other alloys), DAVI can supply the ideal solution, through both www.davi.com
standard machines and products deeply customized, that are granted by a Research & davi-sales@davi.com
Development Division that is in constant growth and evolution.


Company profile
Digimat is an Innovative SME, founded in the year 2001 in Matera with the aim to
become an important point of reference amongst other ICT businesses, both locals and
nationals. In 2018 it was the transformation into a public limited company this permits a
greater expansion and leads to more prestige. Innovation and research are fundamental
elements of the company, our skills focus on several areas of ICT: Software Engineering,
IoT, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Cloud Services, Downstream Services, Precision Contact
Farming an Industry 4.0.
Our team is composed highly specialized staff that provides customers with its scientific
methodological rigor, practical experience on the market and the constant comparison Via G. Agnelli,
with colleagues from international research centers. A Board of Directors composed of sn Matera MT 75100
three working partners manages the company: Donvito Angelo - Chairman and Manager ANGELO RAFFAELE DONVITO
of the Software Development and R&D Section, Acito Andrea – Managing Director and CEO
Head of the IT Services & Consultancy Section, Pentasuglia Giuseppe - Director and
Manager of the Quality Management System. There are two-business units “Software angelo.donvito@digimat.it
Development and Research & Development” and “IT Services and Consulting”. The +390835 345000
first section develops Software for SMEs, large companies, public bodies and research www.digimat.it
institutes. The research laboratory has the knowledge, expertise, professionalism and info@digimat.it
equipment to carry out the study, development and development of SW systems
oriented to the management of geo-located data for indoor and outdoor environmental
In the telecommunication context, Digimat is a partner with TIM, Fastweb and Huawei
Technologies, in the MISE call for 5G technologies, on experimentation activities in the
Matera/Bari area (Smart Building, agriculture/environment, Tourism). Furthermore,
Digimat, cooperated with Ericsson, Fastweb and CNR-IBAM on the project #Roma5G at
Diocletian Baths, consisting of high-speed connection networks that offer powerful new
solutions to virtual reality and augmented reality.
Within the field of “Aerospace”, Digimat has developed important technological
and know-how skills thanks to the numerous research projects carried out. These
collaborations have also been formalized through participation in networks such as
operational consortia in the field of Earth Observation and Environmental Monitoring:
TeRN (recognised by the Basilicata Region and the Ministry of Scientific Research as
the Basilicata Technology District for Environmental Monitoring and Earth Observation),
Createc and IRIS (with Digimat being one of the founding members), EXO, CETMA.
Digimat is also involved as partner of Telespazio in the SPACE-ECONOMY-Mirror
GovSatCom Program and in several research projects in Precision Farming, recently
including also the UAE (agriculture and food security).

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Matera Space Center is dedicated to Earth observation activities and also provides
operational services for the Space Geodesy Centre. Digimat developed the ASMC
(Antenna Station Monitoring and Control) supplying the following features:
1. Monitoring of the acquisition devices, aimed at the acquisition and display of status
and parameters of the antenna system components;
2. Control of the components of the antenna systems, in order to the set the various
components with the parameters necessary to allow the acquisition of satellite data,
according to the acquisition schedules;
3. Resource Conflict Manager, aimed at analyzing and solving conflicts in the use of
Monitor & Control system for Supervision and Remote Control of the CSG Ground
Segment functional plants located at the Matera Space Centre. The system includes
hardware and software components to manage: the air conditioning system; the UPS
power generation system No-Break; CEDE air conditioning system.


ACQ: Digimat is involved in the COSMO-SkyMed (CSK/CSG)
space project together with Telespazio and TASI about the
analysis, design and development of Ground Segment, and
image processing on satellite data and its applications.
Digimat has developed the ScanSAR data processor and
the CCSDS payload data formatter. In addition, together
with Thales Alenia Space, Digimat has worked on the
KOMPSAT 5 project and has developed the geocoding and
orthoencryption processor for all SAR data and the validation
eMAGE is the e-GEOS distributed framework for data analysis
and processing. It is currently used in e-GEOS for operational
services dedicated to SAR and Optical data management,
viewing and processing. Digimat is currently developing a
new version of eMAGE server from scratch, featuring many
enhancements including authentication, subtask execution,
frontend/backend modules, enhanced logging.
Research and development projects to create innovative
services based on interoperable downstream services and use
of Earth Observation technologies (both satellite and on-site
• The Web-GIS for precision agriculture provides two
operating services: one related to the management
of variable rates fertilization and one related to the
management of irrigation resources. The use of such
products allows to monitor vegetation health and plan
appropriate variable irrigation and fertilization rates. The
objective is to optimize the use of water resources and to
reduce the environmental impact of nitrogen fertilization
improving the yield;
• SPOT, web platform for security of the territory and energy
sustainability to be implemented through monitoring of
wildfires, wind and infrastructures;
• Monitoring and security for the Colosseum’s Archaeological
Park Area.


D-Orbit SpA
Company profile
D-Orbit is a New Space company with solutions covering the entire lifecycle of a space
mission, including mission analysis and design, engineering, manufacturing, integration,
testing, launch, and end-of-life decommissioning.

Committed to pursuing business models that are profitable, friendly for the environment,
and socially beneficial, D-Orbit is the first certified B-Corp space company in the world.
Headquartered in Como, Italy, D-Orbit has subsidiaries in Lisbon, Portugal, Harwell, UK,
and Washington DC, USA.
Viale Risorgimento, 57
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Fino Mornasco CO 22073
The company’s competitive advantage is the versatility of its launch and deployment STEFANO ANTONETTI
services that can be tailored to the customer’s needs, from the launch procurement of a HEAD OF SALES -
single spacecraft using standard deployment strategies to the precise deployment of a INSTITUTIONAL BUSINESS
full constellation with ION Satellite Carrier, a satellite dispenser developed and operated stefano.antonetti@dorbit.space
by D-Orbit.
+3902 3792 0900
ION Satellite Carrier can host any combination of CubeSats with a total volume of up dorbit.space
to 48U and release them individually into distinct orbital slots, enabling deployment
schemes previously unavailable to spacecraft with no independent propulsion. info@dorbit.space
D-Orbit also offers launches services through its proprietary standard CubeSat
deployers, and a configurable and convinient mission control software (Aurora).


DTM srl
Company profile
DTM is active since 1994 in the design, development and testing of aerospace structures,
testing equipments and GSE (mechanical, fluidic, thermal ground support equipments)
for satellites, launchers and experiments for manned or unmanned missions.

Design tools include 3D CAD drafting and modelling software, structural, thermal and
fluidic analysis as well as fracture control analysis software.
DTM facilities include grey areas for integration of small equipments, ISO6 clean room
(ISO5 ready), tools and test equipments for manufacturing and testing of composite
parts (autoclave), three thermal vacuum thermal chambers with temperature ranges
Via Tacito, 65
from cryogenic up to 200°C and above, static and fatigue test jigs, shaker and many
acquisition systems. Modena MO 41123
DTM head office and laboratory is located in Modena (1100 m2). A second laboratory /
Davide Santachiara
integration area is located in Bastiglia (Modena) and provides 500 m2 area (including CEO
an ISO 8 clean room) for integration and testing of large equipments like mechanical dsantachiara@dtm.it
ground support equipments and other large structures and testing facilities (20 tons +39 059847337
DTM quality management system is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and EN- info@dtm.it
9100:2016. Main customers in the space field are ESA, ASI, Airbus, Thales Alenia Space
and Leonardo. DTM is also involved in activities in industrial fields like marine, automotive
and biomedical sectors.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

In the space field DTM main product services are related to design, manufacturing
integration and testing of flight mechanical and fluidic systems like satellites primary,
secondary and tertiary structures, cold plates for temperature control of flight hardware,
as well as mechanical parts belonging to payloads, instruments or antennas.
DTM since many years is developing facilities for manned and unmanned missions:
International Space Station, sounding rockets and parabolic flights.
For ground support equipments main product services are related to design,
manufacturing integration and testing of mechanical, fluidic and thermal GSE for
integration, transportation and testing of flight components.
Main technology applications are focused on materials with special focus on composite
technologies. For components technology DTM is developing since many years fluidic
parts (including custom ones like valves, filling equipments) for special applications with
demanding cleanliness, molecular and contamination requirements including extra high
pure gas delivery systems.


Company profile
Due2lab s.r.l. is a small Italian enterprise specialized in the realization of fully integrated
spectroscopic radiation detectors based on Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) technology
for research projects and industrial applications.

Due2lab was founded in January 2014 by a research group with years of experience
in the field of ionizing radiation detection working at the Institute of Materials for
Electronics and Magnetism (IMEM-CNR) in Parma. In 2015 the company changed its
shareholder structure turning to only two majority ownership associates and moved
the headquarter in Scandiano (Reggio Emilia). Since then, Due2lab has become one of
the few European companies providing state-of-the-art CZT radiation detectors on the Via Paolo Borsellino, 2
national and international market. Scandiano RE 42019
CZT technology is based on a direct conversion semiconductor material whose use has Nicola Zambelli
incredibly spread in the last 10 years thanks to a great improvement in the growth yield CEO
and quality of CZT raw crystals, and its associated cost reduction. Due2lab team masters zambelli@due2lab.com
the whole value chain of CZT technology, from sensor processing of CZT raw crystals to
assembly of the electronic chain for precise signal read-out and final digitalized signal
+390522 1607010
elaboration. www.due2lab.com
Nowadays Due2lab portfolio includes products and services for manifold applications. info@due2lab.com
Due2lab is involved as technology supplier of radiation detection solutions for pioneering
research projects in the field of Astrophysics (observation of X- and gamma-rays coming
from universe and their polarization) and Medical Imaging and Therapy (prototype
for prompt gammas real-time dosimetry during cancer neutron-capture treatment).
Besides the participation to these projects at the forefront of innovation, Due2lab is
key technology provider for several industrial partners interested in innovative solutions
for in-line smart production control and zero-defect manufacturing: Due2lab mission is
to drive non-destructive inspection system into the hyperspectral X-ray world. Indeed
in the years prior to Due2lab creation, several demands for radiation sensors from the
industrial sector came to IMEM institute: this kind of demands were better suited for a
company than a for a research institution, and this was one of the main driving forces
that led to Due2lab foundation.
Thanks to the synergy with IMEM-CNR Institute (Parma) and the know-how of its
highly skilled team, Due2lab aims to become, in the coming years, one of the global
reference points for the creation of highly innovative detectors and systems based on
CZT technology.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

• Hyperspectral X-ray Spectrometer (HXS) equipment.
• Single CZT Sensor Unit with collimation kit (D2L001)
• Multichannel Digital Pulse Processor Unit (D2L009).
• CZT sensors customized according to client needs.
• Fabrication of state-of-the-art CZT highly segmented sensors prototypes for cutting-
edge applications in aerospace and/or medical imaging
• Advanced bonding and attachment of solid-state detectors to read-out electronics
• Laboratory measurements and feasibility studies for X-ray inspection on different
materials and samples (wood, ceramics, plastics, food, others)
• Design and realisation of industrial prototypes for new generation X-ray non-
destructive tests and innovative measurement systems for in-line real-time quality
control systems


• A highly skilled team at your service for specialist
consultancies on the use of radiations for different
• Preferential relation with world leading CZT suppliers
• Space, Astrophysics, Observation of the Universe
• Medical imaging (densitometry, CT, gamma cameras,
SPECT) and medical therapy (prompt gammas detection
for dosimetry in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy)
• Environmental Monitoring, Nuclear Safety, Security,
• Material inspection, analysis and recognition (absolute
density, compositional analysis, etc)
• Defectoscopy and quality control inspection, where high
X-ray flux is required
• Ionizing Radiation Detection, Solid-state detectors,
• X-ray hyperspectral imaging, Compton imaging, high-flux
X-ray applications


Company profile
DUNE is a Small-Medium Enterprise (staff of 15 engineers) operating since 1980
in R&D, aerospace, defense, underwater acoustics, robotics, industrial control and
communications. Over the last 40 years we have focused our activities in the fields of
design, simulation and development of SW processing architectures for hard real-time
systems on multi-core and multi-processor platforms (Radar, Sonar and Satellite Systems,
Robotic and Industrial Control Systems, Inertial Navigation Systems), management of Contact
EU Research Projects (Wireless networks, GSM, UMTS, LTE, LTE-A, femtocells, picocells,
broadband communication networks), design and development of dedicated HW
solutions for real-time purposes. Application-ready or dedicated solutions based on Via Tracia, 4
a consolidated experience are provided as well as the capability to seek innovative Roma RM 183
solutions in system analysis. Flexible processing architectures are exploited to prevent
Fabio Andreucci
or mitigate the risks related to the obsolescence providing the Customers with systems,
easy to be migrated on innovative platforms, which minimize program risks, reduce CEO
migration costs and accelerate time to deployment and time-to-market. The company andreucci@dune-sistemi.com
skill in leading and managing International Research Projects ensures a solid support to +390677203350
the Customers regarding proposal of innovative ideas, international partner contacts, www.dune-sistemi.com
proposal presentation and project management. The expertise in developing high-
performances HW solutions may answer to specific Customer needs not completely info@dune-sistemi.com
met by commercial products.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Radar and sonar signal processing. Production of localization equipments


Ecor International S.p.A.
Company profile
Headquartered in Schio, Vicenza, Ecor International produces welded and brazed
components in stainless steel, nickel, titanium and aluminium alloys for aircrafts,
spacecrafts and orbiting satellites.

The company deals with the complete manufacturing process, starting from draft
and implementation of qualification plan, to final control of the parts and the related
technical documentation.
Thanks to the competences in the special processes of welding and heat treatment,
the availability of qualified personnel and cutting-edge systems, Ecor International
Via Friuli, 11
guarantees manufacturing high quality standards.
Schio Vicenza 36015
The conventional dimensional controls are integrated by:
Rinaldo Rigon
• Non-destructive testing
Key Account Manager -
• Leak/Proof/Leak - L/P/L at high pressure with helium leak detector Aerospace
The production site is equipped with a Cleanroom ISO 7 operational, a clean environment rinaldo.rigon@ecor-international.com
where welding and system integration are performed, aiming at not compromising the
+390445 576063
cleaning level of the components. The cleaning process in compliance with cleanliness
standards and related verifications are managed in-house. www.ecor-international.com
Furthermore, for the Space industry, the company performs heat treatments and high- info@ecor-international.com
vacuum outgassing on critical items such as protective screens, components and sub-
systems of orbiting satellites to streamline and improve material performance.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Ecor International has been involved in the following main programs:
• Orion MPCV (NASA)
• Solar Orbiter (ESA)
• Cygnus PCM (NASA)
Ecor International has achieved the following certifications and accreditations:
• ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001
• AS/EN 9100
• NADCAP for welding processes (WLD), heat treating (HT), non-destructive testing
The parented company, Il Sentiero International Campus, carries out research activities
on Surface Engineering, Reliability Engineering, Additive Manufacturing, Joining
Technologies to develop innovative components.
Ecor International has been involved in the following main programs:
• Orion MPCV (NASA)
• Solar Orbiter (ESA)
• Cygnus PCM (NASA)
Ecor International has achieved the following certifications and accreditations:
• ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001
• AS/EN 9100
• NADCAP for welding processes (WLD), heat treating (HT), non-destructive testing (NDT).
The parented company, Il Sentiero International Campus, carries out research activities
on Surface Engineering, Reliability Engineering, Additive Manufacturing, Joining
Technologies to develop innovative components.


EICAS Automazione S.p.A.
Company profile
EICAS is a small-size high-tech company established in 1984 by a group of professors
and industrial researchers of the Politecnico di Torino with the aim to set up a company
excelling in the complex system management and control area.

The core of EICAS scientific background concerns dynamic system modelling, simulation
and control, signal theory and applied mathematics.
The main activity areas include
• Space: EICAS has been working on autonomous spacecraft attitude determination
from star measurement for years, in collaboration with the major players of the Via Vincenzo Vela, n.27
industry. In the most recent years the company has finalized a new concept of Torino TO 10128
multicamera system powerful and low cost, based on sophisticated in-flight auto-
calibration techniques both of the camera model and of the camera attitude related
Gabriella Caporaletti
to the spacecraft reference system. The first proprietary multicamera star tracking CEO
system is now under development, named ARGO. The company skills include g.caporaletti@eicas.it
capabilities in control design and data fusion techniques, FDIR and dependability, +390115623798
signals and images elaboration.
• Industrial automation: automatic digital control design, discrete manufacturing info@eicas.it
automation, handling of flexible materials, development of software tools for
automatic control design and rapid control prototyping, development of sophisticated
techniques for safety, human-robot collaboration.
• Automotive: vehicle precise positioning and control, proprietary software tools
for vehicle dynamic, fault injection simulation, vehicle automatic control and fault
tolerance algorithm testing.
EICAS has mainly worked on advanced, long term innovation projects for and/or in co-
operation with industrial companies (LEs & SMEs), research institutes and Universities,
having also a strong reputation as a partner and coordinator of European R&D projects.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

EICAS owns a significant portfolio of innovative products and key enabling technologies:
• ARGO for Space
Highly accurate, flexible, robust and scalable multicamera system for spacecraft
autonomous attitude determination through low cost cameras. The ARGO Star Trackers
are tailored for the emerging market of SmallSats where the trade-off performance/
cost/size is fundamental for spacecraft manufacturers.
The first version, ARGO 1.0, is currently being tested at TRL 9 in a IOD co-funded by
H2020 EIC SME Instrument Programme. A second version targeting constellations
market, ARGO 2.0, is currently under development.
Application domain: Space.
The professional software suite for automatic control design and forecasting, able to
support the automation of industrial processes through powerful tools for modelling
plants, designing and testing embedded control system architectures.
Application domain: Space, Automotive, Industrial Automation, Robotics, Machine
Tools, Economics.
EICASLAB Rapid Control Prototyping multi-core PC platform. Based on EICASLAB™
technology, it represents a turn-key solution for quick, smart and easy validation in field
of even complex control architectures.
Application domain: Space, Automotive, Industrial Automation, Robotics, Machine Tools.


• ARGO for Industrial automation
Plug & play, low cost and highly accurate optical multicamera
measuring system for contact-less measurement of the
pose of moving rigid objects, applicable in many context of
Industry 4.0 for the development of intelligent robotic cells.
Application domain: Industrial Automation, Aeronautics.
Multisensory precise localisation system for safer and
autonomous vehicles, applicable in automotive sector
(active safety, autonomous vehicles), industrial automation
(automated guided vehicles), in aerospace (unmanned aerial
vehicles, AUTOTAXI functionality on the airport surface).
Application domain: Automotive, AGV, UAV..
EICAS offers the following consultancy services:
• Automatic control design: innovative and customized
solutions for industrial automation, automotive and space
• Control algorithms, real-time software development, rapid
control prototyping and FDIR techniques
• Transfer of know-how: Training courses on EICAS control
design methodology and EICASLAB technology


Company profile
EIE GROUP Srl is an International EPCC Company globally operating for more than 30
years in areas such as Aerospace, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Big-Science, and Large
Scientific Technological Facilities.

The core of Company’s experience is the capability to manage large and complex projects,
developed in the course of a multi-decennial working history with the most important
customers, suppliers, scientific institutions, and industrial groups of the word. Whether it
is space instrumentation, space facility, telescope, dome, or optical equipment, the goal
of the Company is to satisfy customer’s expectations. In this perspective, the business of
the Company is then summarized in three macro concepts: Management & Contracting, Via Torino, 151A
Engineering & Design, Production & Services. Mestre Venezia 30172
Thanks to its excellence, the Company responds to extreme project’s functionality, Mattia Scomparin
efficiency, maintenance and growing lifetime requirements well beyond the limits Chief Marketing Officer
imposed by the customer’s specifications. Assistant
At the base of EIE GROUP Srl success are a fluid organizational structure, a multi-skilled mscomparin@eie.it
personnel with solid engineering/technological/scientific know-how, a deep belief on
creativity and emotional intelligence to best serve customer demand. In this sense, the
Company promotes a constant growing of its innovation culture. www.eie.it
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
EIE GROUP Srl is an International Leader in the design and development of cutting-edge
solutions for high-impact technological projects. The Company promotes technology
and innovation through a unique series of products and services, capable of generating
value for its clients and partners. In this perspective, the Company uses exclusively high-
quality industry standards for the projects undertaken, ensuring their operativity in full
efficiency for several decades.
EIE GROUP Srl features an outstanding background in Management & Contracting,
Engineering & Design, and Production & Services for:
• The most sophisticated Ground Facilities for Space Missions Testing and Space
Situational Awareness Monitoring. Among all, the Mercury Sun Simulator, the ESA’s
VERT-X Facility, and the ESA’s NEOSTED Project;
• The most innovative Opto-Mechanical Systems for Solar System exploration and
Earth Observation. Among all, the patented HYPerspectral Stereo Observing System
• The largest ground telescopes and domes all over the world. Among all, the Very
Large Telescopes (VLTs), the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), the Atacama Large
Millimeter Array (ALMA), the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), and Vera Rubin
Observatory (LSST).
EIE GROUP Srl well knows that the development of space and astronomical technologies
represents a powerful engine for human, social, and economical heritage. For this reason
the Company offers the TBO Project, a suite of services to support the development of
international cooperative Astronomical & Space projects.


Elital srl
Company profile
Design and construction of electronics and mechanical systems, telecommunication
systems for mobile and transportable station terrestrial and airborne, electronic and
mechanical components and subsystems, shelters, transportation systems, special
trailers, fixed station, field systems for space, defense and strategic applications.
Design and equipping of shelters, vans, trucks, tracked vehicles, moving platforms,
trailers, vehicles in general, both civilian and military.
Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (M-GSE), Electronic Ground Support equipment
(E-GSE). Design and implementation of ballistic protection on shelter and vehicles.
c/o Tecnopolo D’Abruzzo - ss.17
Design and construction of systems for high accuracy weapons. Ovest, loc. Boschetto N. Ind.
Design and manufacturing of printed circuit boards, cabling and silkscreen for space di Pile L’Aquila AQ 67100
and defense.
Guido Arista
Business Development Manager
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies guido.arista@elital.com
Products: MGSE for small and large satellites, Transport Container, Tilting Trolley, +39 0862 1965740
Multipourpose trolley, Mass properties measurements, Optical Instruemnts MGSEs. www.elital.com
EGSE: RF EGSE for testings in RF. info@elital.com
Satcom Products, Communipack familiy products for satellite communication.
Transportable trailers and suitcase products in X, Ku ad Ka band.
Military and Homeland Security - design and manufacturing of special purpose vehicles
for reconnaissance, sourveillance and intelligence.


Esri Italia
Company profile
Esri Italia is the Italian leading company in geospatial solutions for Government
and Enterprise. Esri Italia is Esri Official Distributor for the Italian market where the
company operates also in networks with important Partners. The target customers are
mainly in Government, Defence, Public Safety & Security, Space, Telecom & Utilities,
Enterprise Companies, Universities, Research Institutions and No-Profit Associations.
Esri Italy has a strong presence in the Italian market with Enterprise solutions supporting Contact
operation and decision making of any private or public organization.
The company offers high level of expertise in various application fields with solutions
based on Esri technology and the integration of ArcGIS Platform with other enterprise Via Casilina, 98
systems. The offering integrates Geolocation and Mapping Platforms, Spatial Analysis, Roma RM 00182
GIS, Geospatial Data, Training Programs and Professional Services. +3906 40696.1
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies info@esriitalia.it
ArcGIS is a geolocation platform to make better, smarter decisions and a more efficient
It works about every problem and situation has a location aspect.
People in an organization can use ArcGIS in different ways i.e.:
Executives use the platform to keep on top of key performance indicators and analyze
trends and spatial connections that influence every aspect of organization’s operations.
GIS analysts with ArcGIS can build maps using up-to-date data, perform deep analysis,
and share results within or outside their organization
Knowledge Workers use ArcGIS for manage enterprise data in decisions and business
workflows. Support decision making in their organization with tools for advanced
analysis and data visualization.
CIO & IT Professional with ArcGIS can integrate mapping and spatial analysis into
business system dashboards and reporting systems without customization. Implement
ArcGIS across your enterprise using your organization’s policies and procedures for
maintaining security and data integrity. You can deploy ArcGIS on-premises or in the
Many projects in Environment & Natural Resources, Defense, Public Safety & Security,
Urban Design, Utilities & Communication include the ArcGIS Platform.
Esri Italia Solutions complementing the ArcGIS platform:
Normalization and Geocoding – Standardize and convert an address into a geographic
location allows fully understanding the spatial relationships with other information. Esri
Italia supports standardization and mass geocoding of addresses and points of interest.
Image Processing - The processing of remote sensing images provides powerful
spatial analysis tools. Esri Italia offers skills and solutions for satellite images analysis,
particularly in SAR (synthetic aperture radar images). The company owns a patented
solution called GISAR for filtering and extracting automatically information from data.
The collaboration with the European Space Agency allowed testing the solution mainly
with COSMO-SkyMed and Envisat data.
Geophysical and Structural Monitoring – This topic is very important in Italy, a country
with exposure landslides, subsidence, bradyseism, volcanoes and a unique historical
heritage. Maintain the territory integrity requires effective control actions. The SENDAS
solution is an alternative tool to traditional monitoring systems, based on GNSS sensors
single frequency. It is a technologically advanced solution for monitoring landslides,
volcanoes, dams or other similar elements.


Company profile
ESSETI MECCANICA DI PRECISIONE Srl was founded in Mirandola, near Modena, the
Italian famous area of Motor Valley, in 1988. ESSETI takes its first steps on worldwide
circuits and racetracks by supplying mechanical prototypes for the motorsport
industry. In few years it partner of companies in the field of: automations, packaging
and automotive. In 2009 ESSETI to supply high technology mechanical components for
the aeronautics as well as mechanical prototypes based on customer’s drawing for the Contact
aerospace industry. Few years later, as it is a prerequisite to work in this field, ESSETI its
9100 certification. ESSETI is now closely and constantly co-operating with the biggest
aircrafts producers in the world. The goal of ESSETI’s team is offering a complete service Via Statale Sud, 163
to customers that are not simply looking for a supplier but for a reliable partner, which Mirandola MO 41037
should mandatory be fast with deliveries and answers, opened minded enough to give
Gilda Soffiati
assistance and solve problems thorough and with undeniable quality and machining
precision. These elements are the key to make it good in ESSETI. Quality, precision, Sales Front Office
fastness and continuous improvement is what we are working on every day. gilda.soffiati@officinaesseti.it
+390535 26606
• Manufacturing prototypes, complex mechanical components and small series;
• Complete service of mechanical prototyping: from the analysis of the customer’s
drawing up to the finished component, including special processes (heating and
surface ones) and tests;
• Turning services and complex job-orders on demand;
• Milling services and complex job-orders on demand;
• Gear Cutting, Grinding and Electron Discharge services;
• High technology mechanical machining on any kind of metal (no matter whether rod
or casting, for instance: Inconel 718, 13-8 PH, 15-5 PH, Greek Ascoloy, Titanium, steels,
aluminium, plastics ...);
• Complex mechanical machining on demand for the aerospace industry;
• Manufacturing and assembling complete groups.


ETS Sistemi
Company profile
Our Company is an SME active in High Tech Fab Maintenance (CleanRoom for aerospace,
nuclear and semiconductor) and NDT Testing and Consultancy.
For NDT Branch, we operate principally in all Europe Countries with our service in

advanced tecniques Helium Leak Test and Acoustic Test with engineers certified at level
2 and Level 3 under ISO9712/2012 Standards.
We are involved in more European Founded projects (FP7 and Horizon 2020)
particularly dedicated to Structural Health Monitoring in Aerospace (like Comphealth:
www.comphealth.eu ) and nuclear fields.
Via S. Francesco 323
Brugherio MB 20861
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies E.T.S. Sistemi Industriali Srl
Structural Heath Monitoring - Acoustic Emission Test - Permeability Test - Helium Leak Alberto Monici
Test - CleanRoom Maintenance and refurbishing - Special facilities for cleanroom Amministratore Unico
process (Vacuum, special gases, chemical), antivibrational frames. Prototyping. a.monici@etssistemi.it
+39039 877790


Euro.Soft srl
Company profile
Euro.Soft field of work is a result of a number of years of experience in the design,
prototyping and manufacturing of hardware and software in various fields of application.
The small but dynamic workgroup (15 stable resources) collects within it various skills
related to SW-HW design in terrestrial and space environments.
Euro.Soft was set up in 2000 and operates in the aerospace sector, particularly:
• Space software and electronics systems
• E-GSE, M-GSE and data acquisition equipment
• NavSat & TLC applications Via Nuova Poggioreale 11,
• Earth Observation Centro Polifunzionale ed.13
• Ground systems - Astrophisics (telescopes) and antennas Napoli NA 80143
The Company is certificated ISO 9001 and is compliant with the ECSS ESA standards.
Marcello Ciobbo
The company worked on several space programs as: Chief executive
+39 0812397764

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

The company has skills on HW/SW space & ground systems, characterized by the
reliability and precision combined with the modernity and power of the terrestrial HW/
SW platforms. The latter offer excellent performance in terms of processing power, low
power consumption and speed of engineering. In recent years, it has also begun to use
FPGA platforms for various aerospace projects.
Euro.Soft has developed and managed several orders for public and private clients, both
in Italy and abroad, demonstrating the ability to integrate different technologies: within
the Space field participated, as Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio’s sub-contractor,
to the COSMO SKYMED program and to the Euroskyway, GOCE, ISS EPDS programs,
in which developed land and flight HW/SW and participated to the design, testing and
integration activities.
The company operates following an ISO 9000 certified quality system and regularly
applies the ECSS ESA standards. In collaboration with other companies, Euro.soft has
participated in many space projects, including “CIRANO Robotic Support Systems”
within the “Italian Vision for Moon Exploration”, MIOSAT (Phase B design of a
decomposable telescope: autofocus electronics), on board avionics (OBDH) for various
programs conducted by the ALI consortium for small reentry satellites, funded by ASI
In the field of TLC/NAVSat/EO applications, Euro.Soft realized several systems, for
municipalities and other authorities. In some cases, Euro.Soft assists and maintain those
systems, including the system hosting and tele-maintenance.
In the space downstream application portfolio of the Company, we can mention the ESA
and ASI projects TALED (TelecommunicAtion, Localization and real time Environment
Detection), DIGICULT (fruition of “cultural heritage spread in the territory”), NADIA
(Navigation for Disability Applications), OCEANSAT, MEMORIES, “Vento e Porti”, AMICO
(data fusion of ground data, NAVSAT, optics and radar satellite images, for maritime
applications), SIMDEO, (landfill monitoring), SIGRI, (Forest Fire Management), TELESAL
(TLC e-health satellite applications).


FlySight Srl
Company profile
FlySight S.r.l. is the Strategic Company dedicated to Defence and Security, as a part of
Flyby S.r.l. group, which is specialized in the development of DSSs (Decision Support
Systems) exploiting cutting edge technologies Remote Sensing and Big Data Analytics
fields. FlySight Team provides solutions including design and development of state of
the art C4ISR systems (Command, Control, Computer, Communication for Intelligence
Surveillance and Reconnaissance). The solutions proposed are based on AI (Artificial Contact
Intelligence) approaches exploiting the latest cognitive signal processing and adaptive
data fusion algorithms. Typical applications are for avionics, naval and underwater
sectors providing geospatial situational awareness both for the on-ground segment and via Aurelio Lampredi, 45
for the on-board one. Real time PED (Processing Exploitation and Dissemination) is Livorno LI 57121
allowed by the integration of our products in already existing architectures thanks to the
Emilio Simeone
interoperability of our systems with STANAG and OGC standards.
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies info@flysight.it
FlySight’s flagship product is OpenSIGHT, a Geospatial Solution for Processing, https://www.flysight.it/
Exploitation and Dissemination. This product is a modular cost-effective system info@flysight.it
resulting from over 10 years of experience in the development of on-board and on-
ground solutions. OpenSIGHT exploits real information in a synthetic environment for
Geospatial Situational Awareness and provides a new approach in the definition of
Decision Support Systems as a component of the TMC (Tactical Mission Command) or
as a tool for the real-time mission analysis, enabling real-time collaboration in a COP
(Common Operating Picture) of the scenarios. The adoption of OpenSIGHT allows
the integration of new solutions or it brings new fundamental capabilities in a Legacy
Command and Control environment:
• to process data from heterogeneous sensors in real-time (Electro-optical, Infrared,
Hyperspectral, Radar, LIDAR, SONAR);
• to layer information from multiple warfighting functions on 3D map displays or on
Augmented Reality views;
• to share information and commands, providing all parties with a real-time common
view of the scenarios.
The built-in interoperability features (STANAG and MIL-STD) allow OpenSIGHT to
directly interface NATO systems and to manage georeferenced data in already existing
geodatabases (or to provide new solutions for geospatial information management).
Process heterogeneous data
Many processing functionalities are available to enhance the situational awareness and
to support the decision process:
Real-time processing of EO and IR images/videos
The following functions are integrated into the real-time processing of EO (Electro-
Optical) and IR (InfraRed) images/videos: Enhancing, Fog Suppression, Fusion,
Electronic Stabilization, Tracking, Super Resolution, Mosaicking, Moving Target Indicator,
Automatic Target Recognition, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping.
Real-time processing of hyperspectral images
The following functions are integrated into the real-time processing of hyperspectral
images: Anomaly Detection, Features Segmentation, Features Classification, Features
Manage common information layer
OpenSIGHT supplies and manages multi-layer information, either in synthetic 3D displays
or adopting Augmented Reality solutions to enhance the human comprehension of
operative scenarios.
The displays can be used to show a 3D rendered environment derived from merging a


priori knowledge with the real-time information coming both
from connected actors and from on-field sensors. The same
pictures can be shown in Augmented Reality views, where all
the information is overlaid on the scenario sampled by the
adopted sensors.
Share information:
OpenSIGHT exploits existing communication layers allowing
the information sharing between the actors operating in the
same mission. Tools for the dissemination of the information
and commands are ready to be interfaced with legacy


Company profile
G & A Engineering S.r.l. is a small company operating for over 45 years in military and
space sector; it is located in a modern plant in Oricola (AQ) divided into different
buildings and structured to meet the needs arising from research, design, engineering,
experimentation, prototyping and series construction, that the company carries out in
military, space, industrial sectors.
The company as the following certifications: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, SA
8000:2015, Innovative SME, Private Research Center for Microelectronics for Space
Application, Private Research Laboratory
The company has several workshops with tools, machines and equipment of the latest
generation that, together with the company know-how and qualified and multidisciplinary ORICOLA,
staff, have allowed to consolidate high-level technologies and processes that allow it to AQ 67063
operate in sectors very challenging and that make it independent in passing from an GIORGIA PONTETTI
idea to a finished product. CEO
Over the years the company has consolidated high-level technologies, processes and giorgia@pontetti.com
know-how that allow it to operate in very challenging sectors and has a structure able to
+39 0863909003
guarantee the sale of services and products at all stages of their “Life Cycle”, carrying out
research, design, engineering, industrialization, manufacturing and logistics activities, +39 3475949835
integrated with the continuous application of all the standards typical of space, military www.gaengineering.com
and industrial sectors. info@gaengineering.com
Unique and peculiar characteristic of the Company is the ability to design and build
“Special Equipment”, custom designed devices built with criteria that make a prototype
comparable, for finishes and construction features, with an industrialized product;
these special equipment typically include electronic, microelectronic and electrical
technologies as well as mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, vacuum, etc ...; beyond that,
the company is known on the market for its ability to cooperate with the world of
research and the ability to make experimental systems indistinguishable from industrial
These capabilities, together with the particularity of having a strong expertise in R
& D and design and engineering activities, with the exclusive presence of qualified
personnel and the availability of cutting-edge machines and equipment, have enabled
the company to successfully participate in large international experiments, like AMS02
and GLAST/Fermi.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

The company competence are all those necessary for analog and digital electronic and
microelectronic, mechanic and micromechanics, electro-mechanic, vacuum , hydraulic,
pneumatic, else that software & firmware.
In the space sector, the company participated in the two largest physics experiments
ever carried out: AMS-02 and GLAST/Fermi, building the silicon heart of the experiments,
under NASA control. We made more than 1 million wire bonds without failure.
With the co-financing the Ministry of Manufacturing Activities we developed an entire
micro-satellite (GEASAT) using state-of-the-art technologies and developing all the
subsystems. The characteristics of such this satellite is that all subsystems are positioned
on the satellite’s side wall, leaving the entire bus available for payload.
Else this microsatellite we have developed and manufactured also some cubesat 1U and
3U, for universities and research activities.
The company participated with its own experiments in two space missions aboard the
ISS, Eneide Mission with the EST experiment and DaMa Mission with the APE experiment,
as well as having engineered and built other experiments for flight and ground space.
We successfully had direct contracts with the Italian Space Agency and with the
European Space Agency, else that with national research institutes.


The company proposes itself in the space market with the
following products and services:
• Development and construction of special equipment for
space experiments
• Providing custom components for mini and micro satellite
• Providing cubesat satellites and standard cubesat parts
• Development and construction of battery packs for
satellites and launchers


Company profile
Garofoli S.p.A. is a company specialized in the development of satellite and payload
transport, lifting and handling equipment and test equipment adapters.
Since its creation, the company has provided several MGSEs for the space sector.
Nowdays Garofoli S.p.A. has expanded its experience and its skills to be able to propose
customized solutions and face new challenges. Contact
Garofoli provides innovative solutions and concepts, from the engineering phase to final
assembly and testing, as well as on-site assistance.
High capacity to manage international programs. Strada di Pantano, 15/13
Terni TR 05100
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Filippo Garofoli
During the years Garofoli has developed several custom-made systems including
engineering, analysis, qualification, manufacturing and tests of: +39 0744803511
- Storage and transport containers (different sizes: up to a lenght of 13000mm; active; www.garofoli.it
ISO8; transportable by road, boath and air; sliding / lifting cover or front door solution)
- Handling and Lifting Devices
- Multipurpose Trolleys (mechanical and electro mechanical; balancing; load cells...)
- Manacle Clamp Bands
- Vibration Test adapters
Today Garofoli offers a complete range of services from discrete work packages to full
turnkey solutions.


Company profile
The Group of Astrodynamics for the Use of Space Systems (GAUSS Srl) is an Italian
limited liability company based in Rome, founded in 2012 as a spin-off of the Scuola di
Ingegneria Aerospaziale of Sapienza University of Rome, carrying on the school’s more
than twenty-year tradition in the field of microsatellites. Active in the space technology
field, its aims are the research, the development and the implementation of aerospace
projects, plus the educational aspect and the execution of related cultural initiatives. Contact
GAUSS has gained experience from 9 differently shaped and sized satellites’ launches.
The company business is mainly related to the design and the manufacturing of micro,
nano, pico and femto satellites, intended as CubeSat, PocketQube and releasing Via Sambuca Pistoiese, 70
platforms such as GPOD (GAUSS Picosatellites Orbital Deployer), MRFOD (Morehead Roma RM 138
Rome Femtosatellites Orbital Deployer) and TUPOD (TubeSat Picosatellites Orbital Filippo Graziani
Deployer). President
Since the early nineties, activities of designing, ground testing, integration, launch and filippo.graziani@gaussteam.com
ground operations have been managed by GAUSS members at the Scuola di Ingegneria
Aerospaziale, where the UNISAT program started under the supervision of Professor
+39 0697881440
Filippo Graziani. www.gaussteam.com
In the most recent launches, UniSat was also a platform and it was able to release 4 info@gaussteam.com
CubeSats, thus letting GAUSS be a small satellites launch provider. GAUSS activities
include also structural design, realization and integration of the main subsystems
and payloads and all the ground segment operations. The scientific and educational
mission of the company is also very important: several experiments are boarded on the
microsatellites, ranging from space debris observation instruments to space biomedicine
payloads research.
Since 2009, GAUSS has been performing bio-medical research in space and on 2011 it
was able to conduct two bio-medical experiments on board the Space Shuttle.
Since 2000, GAUSS has been launching satellites with the support of “International Space
Company” (ISC) Kosmotras, using the Dnepr LV. At present, GAUSS has an agreement
with the Company established by ISC Kosmotras and Glavkosmos, GK Launch Services,
which operates Soyuz-2 commercial launches.
Most recently, GAUSS is also performing launches from the “International Space Station”
through the Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo”.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

UniSat series consists of microsatellites, originally conceived for Space education,
then evolved into a commercial bus system, able to host many kinds of payload: from
nanosatellites to be released in orbit to onboard IOD/IOV experiments.
Releasing systems: GAUSS designs, manufactures and launches the CubeSat deployer
GPOD (Gauss Picosatellite Orbital Deployer), available for 1U, 2U, 3U and 3U+ CubeSats.
Furthermore, it is customizable on request. The MRFOD (in cooperation with Morehead
State University) is a deployer for PocketQube satellites. The TUPOD (in cooperation
with TetonSys) is a deployer for TubeSats.
GAUSS provides launch services for micro, nano and pico satellites with different
opportunities: launches into near SSO and other LEO orbits at heights ranging from 450
to 650km with the cooperation of GK Launch Services which operates the Soyuz launch
vehicle, using the UniSat platform; ISS launches through the Japanese Experiment
Module “Kibo” at heights of around 400km. In fact, GAUSS is able to provide services in
LEO orbits for any kind of picosatellites and nanosatellites standard.


ABACUS is an OBC manufactured with a PC104 form factor.
It is a multi-core OBC with a MSP430 microcontroller and
a Spartan-3E FPGA. It includes a 9DoF IMU and FLASH
memory. Software libraries include the capability to update
the firmware once in orbit. It has an extensive flight heritage
and more than 4,5 years of continuous operation in orbit.
HERCULES is an advanced OBC that features a dual-core
220MHz ARM Cortex R4F 32-Bit CPU, with cores working
in lockstep. It integrates two 9DoF IMUs, a FRAM memory, a
NOR flash and SDCard. The CPU architecture makes it able to
detect and to recover from common mode faults.
The GAUSS UHF transceiver is designed for nano and
microsatellites and it is available in two RF power versions (2W
and 5W). It includes a TNC, with speeds up to 125kbps, using
RAW, AX25 and FEC protocols. Its small dimension allows to
stack two radios on the same PC104 board. Test equipment
and software are included. New features are planned using
upgradable firmware.
GAUSS offers support for in orbit operations through its
fully automated ground station (based in Rome) in VHF &
UHF (uplink & downlink) and S-Band (downlink). GAUSS also
offers customized software to automate a ground station and
support for designing and building it.


Company profile
GELCO is a customer-oriented company operating in professional electronic
sectors, both national and international. GELCO is specialized in design, engineering,
manufacturing and testing services at the highest levels of experience and technology,
in defence (avionic, naval, land) as well as other professional sectors (electro-medical,
automotive, communications, aerospace). EN9100, ISO 14001, ISO 45001
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
Design and manufatcuring ef EGSE. Design and manufacturing of harnesses and boards STRADA POGGINO, 45 D/E
according to ECSS standards (Gelco has two clean rooms ISO8). Microelectronics VITERBO VT 1100
activities (Package welding system, Parallel GAP, Wire bonding , Ultrasonic cleaning, Pull ENZO MANCINI
tester, Leak tester). Design of power supplies, digital boards (FPGA, microcontrollers,
DSP), RF Modules (Transmit/Receive Module for Phased Array Radar, AGC).Operators
qualified according IPCs and ECSS-Q-ST-70-38, ECSS-Q-ST-70-28, ECSS-Q-ST-70-08, emancini@gelcospa.it
ECSS-Q-ST-70-26. Firmware and software development. +39 0761354321


Company profile
It is the commercial vehicle through which the scientific know-how developed by the
University’s Earth Observation Laboratory is made available to public and private
initiatives in the form of user-oriented applications.

Immediately after its foundation GEO-K was incubated within ESA-ESRIN where new
technology, based on artificial neural networks for the processing of satellite data, was
further developed.
In 2007, GEO-K was awarded the ISO 9001:2008 certification for “Design and
development of satellite data processing components for GeoInformation production.
Via del Politecnico, 1
Over the last few years Roma RM 00133
GEO-K has been involved in contracts with national (ISPRA, ASI) and international (ESA) Fabio Del Frate
institutions for the exploitation of EO data. Furthermore, in the ESA Fuegosat Synthesis
+3906 72597734
study, GEO-K has contributed, together with the University of Valencia, to defining a new
TIR space-mission. The company has also acquired experience in providing educational www.geo-k.co
sessions in EO, mainly addressing companies or technical groups. info@geo-k.co
Often GEO-K exports its technology and know -how to other fields of engineering not
strictly related to EO. In the past, consultancy has been provided for Automatic Incident
Detection problems, Solar Energy Devices and Electromagnetic Pollution analysis.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

EO Software development - For more than 5 years now, GEO-K has been conducting
a variety of Earth-Observation application-development projects leveraging the use of
radar and optical data to generate thematic maps, hydrocarbon pollution maps and
update land use classification. One such software is Neumapper, which processes
remotely sensed imagery using an artificial neural network computational model.
Change Detection - Change detection is an automated process that generally consists
of comparing images acquired on two or more different dates. A recent image can also
be compared to a geospatial database to spot differences, mainly in terms of the size
of mapped linear or surface features. Our change detection services are used to: Assess
logging activities caused by forest fires and etc.; monitor urban sprawl and wetlands;
detect cm-scale surface movements impacting critical infrastructures.
Precision Farming – GEO-K provides you with make use of satellite images acquired
during the growing season to generate various agricultural diagnostic tools. Satellite
imagery such as RadipEye are especially suited to such a need because of the possibility
of acquiring images several times a week. Crop yield diagnostic tools can be used to:
access plant growth stage and ground cover; produce a vegetation index to indicate
crop vigour; produce economic yield maps.
Natural Disasters: Following natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes, GEO-K may
give the authorities in charge images and map information useful for people in the field
by: extracting tactical information for emergency situations; providing expertise in the
use of radar images in case of heavy cloud cover, particularly for floods.
Thematic Mapping - The combination of satellite optical and radar acquisitions at various
spatial resolutions with powerful automatic image processing techniques facilitates the
frequent generation of updated worldwide cartography at different scales. During the
data production process, one of our thematic specialists extracts the information directly
from satellite imagery by using machine learning algorithms. Our thematic mapping
services include: land use mapping; eco-forestry mapping; geomorphological mapping;
Image Processing with artificial intelligence - Satellite images abound in information
that is sometimes hard to interpret and synthesize; they need additional processing to
extract information relevant to the user. We carry out several types of image processing
based on artificial intelligence to facilitate information extraction. Besides the spectral
values of pixels, the object based approach defines and takes into account many of an


object’s features. Applied to ocean monitoring, this approach
can, for example, detect ships and oil spills in a radar image.
Drones - The last frontier for imaging and soil data acquisition:
drones represent the new way to look down on. GEO-K
achieves the ENAC (the Italian institution for civil aviation)
licence to use these versatile devices.
Apps - With modern mobile devices, it is possible to use
satellite data smartly thanks to the on line applications.
GEO-K has already developed two apps for meteorology and
geographic edutainment. Many other applications can be
developed: satellite data - and more generally images - permit
a territory and its institutions adaptable study


Company profile
Geocart is an engineering company that operates in the fields of Earth Observation,
Environmental Monitoring, Engineering and Information and Communication Technology
by providing technical expertise and highly innovative services. The core activity is the
design, production and maintenance of geographical databases.
The company provides services related to the processing of satellite images and of
geographic data acquired by means of terrestrial and aerial remote sensing with
the use of traditional techniques and innovative instruments (GPS, laser scanner,
photogrammetric cameras and sensors operating in different spectral bands). Moreover,
Geocart designs and develops multi-sensor integrated platforms and carries out GIS Viale del Basento, 120
and cartographic editing and offers a consolidated experience on differential SAR Potenza PZ 85100
interferometry techniques. Regarding SAR analysis, the company has developed a +390971 56671
software named “SLIDE” (acronym for SAR Land Interferometry Data Exploitation) www.geocart.net
that allows to measure, with very high precision, displacements of land, works and
infrastructures, using the SAR data acquired by satellites. geocart@geocart.net

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Orthophotos and Oblique Photos, Digital Cartography, Satellite Data, Thermal Imaging,
Hyperspectral Imaging, DTM, DSM, 3D Models, Software and App, Web GIS
Infrastructures Inspection and Analysis, Aerial and terrestrial remote sensing, Satellite
data processing, Topography, Cartography, Environmental Impact Studies, Environmental
monitoring, Soil Use Classification, Characterization of forests, Corridor mapping, Urban
and territorial planning, System integration, Web GIS, Software and App.
Urban and Terrain Mapping, Coastal and Protected Area Characterization,
Environmental Assessment, Land Degradation Risk Management, Natural and Antropic
Risk Management, Water Bodies Monitoring, City modeling, Civil Design, Analysis of
structures displacement, Precision farming, Analysis of the Vegetation, ICT Solutions
Laser Scanner, Hyperspectral Sensors, Digital Cameras, Thermal Cameras, Gps And
Topographic Tools, Multi-Sensor Integrated Platforms, Own Software


Company profile
Geophysical Applications Processing s.r.l., innovative SME, born as a spin-off company
of Politecnico di Bari, Italy, on February 2006, whose mission is to develop products,
processes and services with technological and scientific value in the fields of satellite
remote sensing, stereo vision and biomedical research, and related software/hardware
technologies. The company is also able to provide scientific and technical trainings in
the same fields. Contact
The educational and research background of the spin-off company is based on
scientific results achieved, over the last twenty years, by the Remote Sensing Group
of the Department of Physics of Bari, and the Institute for high studies on Intelligent Via Amendola, 173 c/o
Automation Systems (ISSIA) of the National Council of Research (CNR) of Bari, in the Physics Department
framework of research projects funded by national and international space agencies Bari BA 70126
(ASI, ESA, NASA) as well as by the European Commission. Filomena Ciola
Shareholders of GAP are Polytechnic of Bari, Planetek Italia s.r.l., SITAEL s.p.a., three Administration
professors of the Polytechnic of Bari, one professor of the University of Bari and four
researchers of CNR.
+39080 5442180
GAP is member of the Association of Italian Small and Medium Aerospace Enterprises
(AIPAS) and the Apulian Aerospace District, an association recognized on 2009 by a www.gapsrl.eu
regional law that operates to reinforce and consolidate the competitiveness of regional info@gapsrl.eu
aerospace products, in both national and international markets. The policy of the district
aims on the one hand at reinforcing the integration and synergies between large and
small & medium enterprises, and on the other hand at increasing and promoting its
competence in research and vocational training throughout the entire country.
GAP offers a wide range of products and services for environmental monitoring and
mapping through remote sensing techniques as well as in situ measurements. Here
below the main areas of competence.
• Radar Satellite Remote Sensing
• VIS/NIR Satellite Remote Sensing
• UAV technologies for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
• Meteorological services Other areas
The long-term experience in the field of digital signal processing has enabled the transfer
of GAP algorithms, developed for remote sensing, in other areas where advanced
techniques are required for digital processing of data. Examples of this technological
transfer are:
• Stereo Vision & 3D Tracking
• Biomedical Applications

Products Services Applications Technologies

GAP provides the following products and services characterized by high level of
innovation and scientific/technological contents in the field of remote sensing and the
related hardware and software technologies:
• production, marketing and customer service
• feasibility studies, designing, developing and prototyping of innovative procedures
for digital signal processing (DSP) dedicated in particular to satellite remote sensed


• training activities dedicated to the product users;
• activities of research and development aimed at updating
the scientific knowledge in the specific fields of interest.
GAP expertise is based on Digital Signal Processing Techniques
(Assembly, Fortran, C, Python, Matlab programming) applied
to remote sensed data.
These techniques are used to:
• Monitor and study of terrain displacements (earthquakes,
landslides, subsidence)
• Monitor building stability
• Monitor the risk of fire in critical areas
• Produce Digital Elevation Models
• Perform water quality analysis
• Weather Forecasts
• Detection of fishing zones
For each of these products, GAP has:
• the expertise to select the right combination of sensors
and data sets;
• the tools to process remote sensed data;
• the skills to devise and develop ad hoc tools for a specific
Of particular importance is the GAP expertise concerning
the processing of data acquired by Synthetic Aperture
Radars (SAR) with particular emphasis on Differential SAR
Interferometry. This technique has been successfully applied
to obtain topographic maps and study ground displacements
with an accuracy of 1 mm/year. One of the major interests
of the group is the assessment of EO-based methodologies
to produce landslide early-warning maps, which rely on the
detection of temporal changes of slope-related surface factors,
associated with static landslide susceptibility mapping. The
use of advanced these techniques applied to multi-temporal
series of acquisitions is essential in this field of applications
to detect small-scale phenomena such as slope and building
instabilities using the Persistent/Distributed Scatterers (PS/
DS) with sufficient spatial density. GAP has implemented a
Multi Temporal Interferometry software, named SPINUA and
based on PS/DS techniques, able to process multi-temporal
series of acquisitions for the monitoring of building and terrain
instabilities (seismic displacements, landslides, subsidence
phenomena) even in scarcely urbanized areas.
SPINUA software implements a proprietary version of the PS/
DS techniques. It is able to process L, C and X-Band satellite
data and has been successfully tested in many research
activities as in the LEWIS (FP-V) and MORFEO (ASI) projects
and in many case studies (Haiti, USA, China, Italy, Israel,
Poland, Oman, etc.) concerning the monitoring of subsidence,
landslides, earthquakes and infrastructures instabilities.


Company profile
GMSPAZIO is an EU SME hi-tech company based in Rome, made mainly of brilliant
young engineers operating in the fields of Aerospace, Defense and Homeland Security
to help customers managing:

Complex Modeling & Simulation Scenarios,
Space Surveillance & Tracking and Space Situational Awareness Systems,
Missile Defense Network Analysis Systems,
Satellite Remote Sensing Products and Services,
Via Stefano Longanesi, 14
UAVs Surveillance & Monitoring Solutions,
Roma RM 00146
Model Based System Engineering Solutions,
Filippo Gemma
Offering Products, Services, Training, and Know-how transfer, to develop Integrated and
Customized Information Systems, and customers’ tailored ICT applications and related
+3906 4555 2502
services. www.gmspazio.com
GMSPAZIO operates in EU Countries and overseas markets delivering integrated solutions info@gmspazio.com
to the main actors of the aforementioned market segments, serving International and
National Space Agencies, Ministries of Defense, Prime Contractors, Subcontractors, and
Research Entities with state-of-the-art products and solutions used to produce high
quality results saving time, money and resources.
GMSPAZIO is an EU SME hi-tech company based in Rome, made mainly of brilliant
young engineers operating in the fields of Aerospace, Defense and Homeland Security
to help customers managing:
Complex Modeling & Simulation Scenarios,
Space Surveillance & Tracking and Space Situational Awareness Systems,
Missile Defense Network Analysis Systems,
Satellite Remote Sensing Products and Services,
UAVs Surveillance & Monitoring Solutions,
Model Based System Engineering Solutions,
Offering Products, Services, Training, and Know-how transfer, to develop Integrated and
Customized Information Systems, and customers’ tailored ICT applications and related
GMSPAZIO operates in EU Countries and overseas markets delivering integrated solutions
to the main actors of the aforementioned market segments, serving International and
National Space Agencies, Ministries of Defense, Prime Contractors, Subcontractors, and
Research Entities with state-of-the-art products and solutions used to produce high
quality results saving time, money and resources.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

GSTT (GMSPAZIO Satellite Tracking Tool-Kit) is an integrated system able to allow the
cooperation of several heterogeneous SSA/SST Systems devoted to Space Surveillance &
Tracking, and Space Situational Awareness operations. It offers the capability to employ
its sensors and a network of commercial sensors using these measurements together to
locate, track, and predict movements of space objects. Its incredible precision (around
tenths of meters) is feasible due the combination of GMSPAZIO software tools and
advancements in high effective commercial sensing technologies, offering unparalleled
accuracy and high degree of certainty to obtain the best avoidance prediction and
enable near real time maneuvers’ detection.
GMDT (GMSPAZIO Missile Defence Tool-Kit) is a powerful yet simple software
environment where evaluating the performance of Missile Defence System. GMDT
works side by side with AGI STK (AGI Systems Tool-Kit) in order to quantify the most


important metrics characterizing the performance of such
kind of systems against any type of incoming ballistic threat
GMPS (GMSPAZIO Mission Planning & Simulation) is a
software solution dedicated to Mission Planning & Mission
Simulation supporting Single and Multiple (Constellation)
Satellite Missions dedicated to Remote Sensing Activities
(LEO Orbits with single/multiple Satellites and single/multiple
Uplink and Downlink Ground Stations).


GP Advanced Projects
Company profile
GP Advanced Projects is an innovative SME active in both production and management
of space projects. Thanks to its experience in project & innovation management, the
company enabled different non-space companies and institutions entering the space
sector; the company is also actively engaged in scientific projects for both ESA and
In addition, GP Advanced Projects has developed its proprietary pico-satellite platform,
able to perform IoT/IoV activities in LEO.
All of this, has been made possible by a passionate team of young engineers and
Via del Brasile, 26
managers, based in Brescia, at the crossroad between Milan and Venice.
Brescia 25124
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Guido Parissenti
GP Advanced Projects offers consultancy to help companies in entering the space field guido.parissenti@
and provides support in designing and developing space components and systems. The gpadvancedprojects.com
company focuses on innovative projects about cutting edge technologies in the space
field and on the terrestrial applications of space technologies.
The company also is active in the development of nanosatellites and their subsystems
enabling the delivery to clients of its proprietary constellation platform for LEO missions. info@gpadvancedprojects.com
Applications areas are, for example, IoT, smart farming, air traffic and navigation control.
This is possible thanks to the ViVa platforms which delivers increased payload capacity
and the PiCo constellation, based on a unique 1/3U technology.
The company product portfolio showcases:
- A proprietary pico-satellite platform able to perform IoT/IoV activities in LEO. The
platform is ideally suited to become a constellation and the company is striving towards
this goal.
- System engineering and management support on different scientific projects for both
- Development of innovative space components, such as:
-- WAMS: an monolithic silicon-only, reliable and highly scalable sun sensor with up to
170° field of view;
-- Solar panels following Cubesat standards including temperature and fine sun sensor;
-- POD: a 3U cubesat deployer, able to deliver your product in orbit with zero momentum.


Company profile
HTT is a SME focussed on design, manufacture and valued services of
for Aerospace, Space and Defense.
With over 30 years of extensive hardware design and manufacturing experience, our
team is able to offer t-key solutions and problem solving in collaboration with main Contact
research institutes and universities for the Industry players across Europe.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Via Giacomo Peroni, 400

Roma RM 00131
Custom design, manufacture and added value services of Hi-Rel and VHi-Rel products Andrea Marinelli
and electromagnetics devices for Aerospace and Defense.
BD & Sales Manager
Design and Engineering, manufacture, build to print/spec, R&D, reverse engineering and
fast prototype service of Transformers and Inductors, Electric Motors and Generators.
+39 06.45438570


IMT srl
Company profile
IMT Srl is a private company, founded in 1991 and active in the Space sector on three
main types of activities:
• Systems Engineering: Design and Development of Nano/Microsatellites and relevant

On-board units for space commercial, scientific and defense applications.
• Parts Engineering: Characterisation and Testing of EEE (Electrical, Electronic, Electro-
Mechanical) parts.
• IoT solutions: Development of Iot Solutions for Smart Cities, Environmental Monitoring
and Agriculture. Via Carlo Bartolomeo Piazza,
30 Roma RM 00161
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Massimo Perelli
• ERMES Cubesat 3u
+39 06644292634
• HORTA Cubesat 6u
• NADIR Nanosatellite
• EOSS Cubesat 6u
• Nanosat X-Band Transponder
• Cubesat/Microsatellite C-Band Transceiver
• IMT uSADA (Solar Array Drive Assembly) for Cubesats 3/6/12u
• KA-Band Transmitter
• S-Band Transceiver for Small Satellites
• Cubesat OBDH (On-board data handling)
• DPA (Desctructive Physical Analysis)
• Failure Analysis
• Construction Analysis
• Re-Life Test
• Environmental Testing
• Upscreening
• Radiation Testing (TID, SEE, Displacement)


Company profile
ITS was established on 1st September 1999 and is formed by managers and entrepreneurs
deriving their complementary experiences from a prolonged activity in the main
aerospace Italian industries and from the mastery of the financial instruments necessary
for the “start-up” of firms focusing in the high technological sectors.
Mission of ITS is to operate in the High Band of the Information Technology field and
relevant Electronic Technologies.
The development of ITS, in terms of manpower and turn over, will be based through a
mix of internal and external strategic path, in this latter case making use of capabilities
Via Monte Santo, n. 2
already present in Italy and Europe in the SME, through a policy of stable partnership.
Roma RM 00195
In this sense a particular attention will be devoted to the relationship between Research
and Final Users, carrying out the industrial link which changes technologies into hi-tech Silvio Ciaccia
products really usable. Presidente CEI
ITS main fields of action sciaccia@intese.com
In terms of Vertical sectors the action of ITS is addressed mainly to: +3906 3215001
Defence www.intese.com
Space info@intese.com
Commerce, deriving competences and technologies from the first two fields
In terms of Horizontal capabilities, ITS will develop the following main ones:
Data processing of digital images coming from several typologies of sensor (multispectral
and hyperspectral electro-optics, radar, etc.) also implementing techniques of data fusion
System Integration extending the concept of distributed information architectures (LAN
and Web) also to Complex and Robust systems (C4I2) using wireless links (Link 16,
Satcom UHF, GBS)
Simulation and Modeling also of Complex Scenarios (Digital Battlefield)
Technologies and Systems based on satellite navigation (GPS and Galileo)
High End Computing also for on-board and distributed systems.
RFID Application for the Italian Air Force
TLC Satellite Space architectures
TLC Satellite Ground Architecture
Strategic and Sectorial Consultancy both to SME and to the Research and Acquisition
Government Bodies

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

ITS main capabilities are:
On Board Supercomputing for Space and UAV applications
Anti-Spoofing Simulation and Apparatus Development
UAV jamming Apparatus
Ground Segment TLC architectures
On Board Payload for Micro and Nano Satellites
On Board Antennas for Aircrafts
Satellites Antennas
Multibeam Stearing Antennas


IngeniArs S.r.l.
Company profile
IngeniArs was born in 2014 out of its joint founders’ extensive experience in the areas
of electronics and advanced computer science engineering research. As a spin-off of
the University of Pisa, it continuously promotes technology transfer from research
outcomes to the market.
The name IngeniArs, a fusion of the Latin words ingenium and ars, conveys a strong
correlation between creative art and engineering skill. The key to IngeniArs’ success
is the ability to combine these skills to create outstanding products and services.
The company responds to the ever-increasing demand for innovation in the strategic
aerospace, healthcare and automotive sectors, offering highly advanced hardware/ via Ponte a Piglieri n.8
software products and managing the full lifecycle of electronics, microelectronics and Pisa PI 56121
embedded systems. Giuseppe Gentile
Despite its relative youth, IngeniArs already has several major achievements, such as CEO
winning the European Comission’s Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 1 and 2 projects info@ingeniars.com
with the SIMPLE (SpaceFibre IMPLementation design and test Equipment) proposal.
The second phase of the SME Instrument, in particular, is extremely competitive, with
only around 3% of applicants being successful. Moreover, IngeniArs has obtained prime www.ingeniars.com
contracts with the European Space Agency for the development of highly advanced info@ingeniars.com
technologies, i.e. the CCSDS 131.2-B IP Core. Also, the company has contracts with
national and international prime companies in the aerospace field.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

In the aerospace field, IngeniArs offers IP Cores which implement the state-of-the-art
communication technologies SpaceWire, SpaceFibre, WizardLink and CCSDS 131.2-
B. IngeniArs products portfolio includes also Eth-, PCIe- or PXI-based ground test
equipments/software for EGSE.
IngeniArs IP Core family includes:
The Gigabit Serial Link Controller (GSLC) IP Core, which implements the digital interface
for both simple and complex communication protocols based on the most used
Serializer/Deserializer (SERDES) available on the market. It can be customised to be
compatible with a very simple hand-shake/flow control protocol or with a more complex
communication standard including FDIR and Quality-of-Service such as SpaceFibre.
The SpaceWire CODEC IP Core, a very compact macrocell providing a complete and
configurable interfacing solution for high data-rate communications compliant with the
standard ECSS-E-ST-50-12C.
The SpaceWire Router IP Core, a macrocell offering a configurable and flexible solution
for high data-rate routing switch functionality for on-board satellite networking. It
is based on the SpaceWire protocol, defining bi-directional, full-duplex, serial data
communication link, and it is compliant with the SpaceWire standard ECSS-E-ST-50-12C.
The CCSDS Telemetry Transmitter IP Core, fully compliant with the CCSDS 131.2-B
standard, combining powerful Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes (SCCC) with
modulations ranging from QPSK to 8PSK and 16-, 32- and 64-APSK, offers precisely
such benefits, together with a high degree of flexibility. Such flexibility, thanks to the
number of modulation and coding formats (ModCod) provided, will help configuring the
system to better adapt to the specific target requirements.
IngeniArs EGSE family includes:
The SpaceWire/SpaceFibre Analyser, based on PXI which is a modular instrumentation
standard from National Instruments. It can count on more than 1,500 products from
more than 70 vendors, speeding up testing, improving productivity, faster throughput,
and increasing scalability, resulting in an overall great cost reduction. It is built upon the
PXIe-6591R National Instruments high-speed FPGA board which guarantees a seamless
integration with the LabVIEW environment.


SpaceART – SpaceWire/SpaceFibre Analyser Real-Time – ,
a complete testing solution for high-speed links in space
applications. SpaceART supports both SpaceWire and
SpaceFibre standards. It can operate as a SpW/SpFi EGSE,
generating, processing and consuming SpW/SpFi packets in
real time, allowing the validation of SpFi/SpW based devices
at their full bandwidth. SpaceART can also act as a SpW/
SpFi link analyser, which allows the monitoring of the link.
SpaceART is available in two different versions, Standalone
and CompactPCIe.
IngeniArs Test Software family includes:
SpaceWire / SpaceFibre Network Simulator: this allows
simulation of complex, mixed SpaceWire / SpaceFibre
SCCC SW EGSE: this is fully compliant with CCSDS 131.2-B
standard and simulates the entire communication from the
transmitter to the receiver, passing through a customizable


INNOVA Consorzio per
l’Informatica e la Telematica Srl
Company profile
INNOVA Consorzio per l’Informatica e la Telematica Srl is an Italian SME founded in 1989
by three successful local ICT companies. INNOVA is geared mainly towards the space
sector, and more specifically towards the Earth Observation sector. The main remote
sensing technology on which the company operates is the processing of satellite images
acquired with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) used in various civil and military related
applications, primarily for monitoring and control of the territory. Contact
Over the last few years the company has also invested in the infomobility sector, focusing
on systems that use GPS satellite navigation and of course, ESA’s future GALILEO
Recinto II Fiorentini, 12/21
We count today with 17 highly qualified professionals and over 15 years as partner of
Leonardo (ex Finmeccanica) within the COSMO-SkyMed programme. Matera MT 75100
Andrea Di Pasquale
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies CEO
INNOVA has had and continues to have a major role in the COSMO-SkyMed programme, +390835 307760
the largest Italian investment in Space Systems for Earth Observation, commissioned
and funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and the Italian Ministry of Defence (MoD)
and conceived as a Dual-Use (Civilian and Defence) end-to-end Earth Observation info@consorzio-innova.it
System aimed to establish a global service supplying provision of data, products and
services compliant with well-established international standards and relevant to a wide
range of applications, such as Risk Management, Scientific and Commercial Applications
and Defence/ Intelligence Applications.
Within the programme, INNOVA has been involved in the analysis and prototyping of
the focusing algorithms for the StripMap and Spotlight acquisition modes to generate
Single Look Complex, Multilooked, Detected, Ground Projected and/or DEM Projected
Highlight of said experience is without a doubt the design and development of the
processor to focus very high resolution data acquired in Spotlight acquisition mode, of
great interest for civil, but mostly, military defence applications.
Currently, the Second Generation programme is underway, which will put another 2
satellites with improved, more advanced electronics in orbit from the second half of


Intelligentia S.r.l.
Company profile
Intelligentia was born as the result of the collaboration between Balance Systems Srl,
a company operating in the manufacturing sector since 1975 (production of balancing
machines and auxiliary systems for process control), and University of Sannio, an
important research center in the heart of Campania region in Southern Italy.
Intelligentia has been listed as an Innovative START-UP according to the Italian Law
(art. 25, comma II, D.L. 18 October 2012, n.179) up to December 2015, and currently is
officially listed as Innovative SME according to the Italian Law (D.L. 3/2015) in the Italian
Business Registry.
Via del Pomerio, 7
In December 2018 Intelligentia acquired the control of Emmedidue S.r.l., now Intelligentia
Electronics S.r.l., an engineering company highly specialized in electronic design. Benevento BN 82100
Intelligentia Electronics offers advanced consulting in engineering and innovation to Davide De Pasquale
meet the needs of customers with turnkey systems. Intelligentia Electronics can boast Chief Executive
of many years of experience in design of both analog and digital electronics using the davide.depasquale@intelligentia.it
most innovative technologies such as latest DSP, FPGA and A/D conversion processors
generation. The field of application of Intelligentia Electronics µproducts and expertise
+390824 1774728
vary from Aerospace to Automotive to Industrial to Green Energy. www.intelligentia.eu
The persistent research for innovative technologies & methodologies and the subsequent info@intelligentia.it
utilization in industrial and aerospace markets are our leitmotif. All mixed with the
enthusiasm of a competent, motivated, and highly specialized group of professionals.
For instance, we examine the technological solutions provided by the research
community for the management, processing, and storage of huge quantity of data.
The latter, when properly elaborated, can be used by our customers for improving their
products and increasing their business opportunities.
Intelligentia invests a significant budget in internal R&D with the aim at identifying new
needs, and in developing prototype solutions. Once converted into industrial products,
our customers can take advantage of them, for instance, to reduce their time-to-delivery
and increase the quality parameters of their services.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Focused on our R&D activities and prototypes, our products are based on the most
reliable and cutting-edge technologies available on the market.
The application contexts can vary from general purpose Information Systems to very
specialized tools for specific customer needs, including hardware and firmware design
for embedded systems.
Intelligentia delivers solutions and products to different Market segments, that is to say,
the Aerospace, Finance, and Industrial contexts.
In particular our expertise can be grouped into the following areas:
On board software development : design & development of critical on-board SW running
on space qualified on-board computers. Development of the Packet Utilization Standard
C library (ESA project).
On board software testing: full-blown SW Verification and Validation, covering the entire
V-model: SW Unit Testing, SW Integration Tests, SW TS Validation, SW RB Validation,
and Acceptance Tests.
Satellite Configuration & Calibration Database, customizable for different satellite
Satellite Assembly, Integration, and Testing activities, especially in the context of
functional chain verification.
Ground software: Design and development of fully integrated Rich Internet applications
compatible with the most common cloud platforms. They are based on the REST/
SOAP services layers to enable third Party integration. Most of the developed software


applications have a common technological core based on
our platform ELISA (Enterprise Light Information Systems
Architecture), which offers the possibility to deliver very
stable and long term supported applications in particular for
private and hybrid cloud.
Industry 4.0 and IoT: Intelligentia develops and delivers
fully integrated solutions and enabling technologies for the
Industry 4.0 systems, such as Big Data, IoT, Cyber-security,
Cloud Computing, and Simulation. Real-time processing of
live data from Industrial plants, also integrated with satellite
downstream data, are used to deliver innovative services such
as assets monitoring and locating, production and quality
KPIs monitoring, preventive and predictive maintenance.
Electronics, sensors, and embedded solutions: motor driver
design and implementation, algorithms for motor control,
power electronics, digital electronics for signal analysis
and elaboration, power transmission contactless systems,
radiofrequency circuits, Sensor and actuator design and
customization (accelerometers, eddy current, acoustic
emission, inductive, Hall effect).


Interconsulting S.r.l.
Company profile
Interconsulting S.r.l. is an Italian Systems Engineering SME, focused on aerospace and
defence solutions of high technological value. Its core business lies, among others, in
the development of Safety and Mission Critical turnkey solutions. Participation in both
national and European R&D projects (e.g. CleanSky2 programme) gives its products a
high added value.
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
1. BEP-1553 FEE Via Adriano Olivetti 24/26
This activity was performed for TAS-I client. InterConsulting has performed porting Roma RM 00131
and new development activities of TASI BEP-1553 SW to make it compliant with the Carmine Caretta
new MIL-STD-1553B HW Device (AIT boards instead of AIM boards) adapting the Sole Director
device drivers and software interface with the drivers. c.caretta@inter-consulting.it
2. BRT-SIM FEE +39 348 729 837606-
This activity was performed for TAS-I. InterConsulting has been developing and 41204467
providing to TASI a system (HW and SW) named BRT-SIM-1553 FEE devoted to test, www.inter-consulting.it
simulation and analysis of data exchange with a Unit Under Test (UUT) over MIL-STD-
1553B standard bus. BRT-SIM-1553 FEE SW also manages an Ethernet Interface to gare@inter-consulting.it
communicate with CCS. The overall test execution is controlled by the CCS computer
that commands and synchronizes the operation of the other FEEs using the EDEN
TCP/IP protocol, monitors their status and acquires the test result information.
3. Wizard FEE-SW
This activity was performed for TAS-I client. It consists of the development of a
software component running on a test workstation with the aim of testing a mass
memory support connected to the workstation via Wizard Interface. Test activities are
based on both low level (Wizard) and high level (CCSDS) communication protocols
4. IP Core
Design, Development and integration of a firmware component dedicated to the
Virtual Channel Assembler / Multiplexer for FPGA Virtex5. For this component a
set of different interface protocols have been implemented, based on CCSDS and
SpaceWire protocols. All components are managed through a soft-core LEON2 via
AMBA communication bus.
5. Remote Sensor Monitoring System
Software application to store and display data collected from GPS/EGNOS/GALIELO
remote sensors net. The aim of the software is to demonstrate the capabilities of
GNSS utilities for environmental monitoring of civil engineering and special structures
(edges, buildings etc..). The central applications retrieve data from sensors storing
them on internal database to make them available for post-processing and display on
a 2D Raster Map. IC has developed both server-side components (GPS data collection,
data pre-processing, pre-processed data archiving) and client-side components (data
post-processing, data analysis, data graphical presentation, alarms management).
6. Web Portal for Ionospheric Prediction Services
WebClient-side application providing to the user a set of functionalities to monitor and
retrieve data and statistics regarding ionospheric space weather predictions. The data
are retrieved by client software through web services calls made available by Back-end
application, collecting all data on database.


Iptsat srl
Company profile
The Iptsat has long been engaged in the development of solutions for the management
and monitoring of land and environment through interaction with the users community
GIS (Geographic Information System) and Remote Sensing, providing high level of
professionalism in all aspects relative to the use of these technologies and proposing
solutions with high added value. The business sector in which Iptsat in 1987 initially
concentrated its energies was that of GIS Geographic Information Systems, operating in Contact
developing applications for the management of geographic resources. Since 1996 Iptsat
draws new life and economic planning from a corporate reorganization operated to meet
the growing demand for remote sensing data and the need to create new GIS solutions Via Sallustiana, 23
to meet ever-changing technology. In 1999 Iptsat joined the Business Network of esri Roma RM
Italy, dealing with the sale, assistance and development of customized software ArcGIS.
+39 0642041717
With the growth of its know-how, Iptsat pays special attention to training activities,
offering training courses best suited to professions and businesses, with strong skills in www.iptsat.com
computerized management of land and environment. From 2010 we are Rapideye (now info@iptsat.com
Planet) partner.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

CLOUD GIS AND CATALOGS We offer all the commercial and open source solutions
for publishing customer data through their servers either at our data center business,
or through the clustering of the data, the optimization of databases and cataloging
and dating of meta data according to the standards of the INSPIRE Directive. VISTA
Web Planning tool (server side) for the download of Copernicus data with download
connection rescue, ping control for new data (for long period monitoring), with easy user
interface, with the possibility to make at the same time more download. EOFARMING
main objective is to launch in the market an innovative Precision Farming service which
targets small farms (average size between 5-30ha), addressing a clear user need, and
to enter in the emerging market of commercial applications of EO downstream services
in agriculture. The combined usage of GIS and remote sensing, for the development of
a Webgis platform related to a geographic database; the use of an innovative algorithm
derived from the 3 indexes NDVI,LAI and OSAVI developed by IPTSAT in collaboration
with CRA for the production of 3 kind of maps simultaneously i.e. crop vigor maps,
vegetation status maps, green leaf maps. The use of free data from Sentinel 2 and
Landsat 8 as basic information in the realization of thematic maps, thus valorizing EU
efforts in provision of open access data from satellites. REMOTE SENSING Iptsat has for
years been engaged in the world of Remote Sensing • Distributing RapidEye satellite
imagery, GeoEye, IKONOS, Aster, Landsat (7.8), Pleiades. • Carry out activities in remote
sensing proximity via radio-controlled UAV drones • By providing remote sensing data
processing and classification, i.e. analysis and interpretation of the images • Proposing
solutions with high added value for the study and control of environmental resources,
agricultural, and forest vegetation Products: Very High Resolution Data (RapidEye -
5mt); High Resolution Data (0,5 mt - 4mt); Medium Resolution Data (10mt - 60mt) Value
Added Services: • Correctional services and preparation of satellite images; Change
Detection and historical analysis; dem – stereoscopy; ctrn e dbt; orthophotomaps; maps
of vegetation indices. UAV Cartography:w • Mappe No fly zones per SAPR GIS Iptsat
has been for years engaged in the world of geographic information systems: • Dealing
with the sale and support of the ArcGIS software, thanks to its membership in the Esri
Business Network of Italy. Esri is a leading global provider of GIS software. • Land use
planning, urban planning, infrastructure, public works and transport • Environmental
monitoring, study and management of natural resources • Emergency and Safety •
Tourism, Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Landscape • Facility Management, Real
Estate Management, Marketing • Utilities and Telecommunications • By creating and
updating geographic databases based on geospatial information and technology • Esri
and/or open source, both for desktop environments, and Web • Providing Geographical
datasets, ready to be used in the context of systems and GIS applications


Issel Nord S.r.l.
Company profile
ISSEL NORD, a Fincantieri company well-established on the market for more than
30 years, is specialized in providing a wide range of integrated logistics and product
support services for civil and defence sectors.

ISSEL NORD’s Engineering department is specialized in Integrated Logistics Support
(ILS) analysis, which consists in collecting, analysing and processing all the information
related to the life cycle of any complex system, in order to increase the predictability
of the deterioration times of each individual component and optimize maintenance and
replacement procedures to ensure maximum safety and efficiency.
Via Trieste, 4
ISSEL NORD’s Information Technology department develops and produces powerful
management software and multimedia solutions, using the most advanced technologies Follo La Spezia 19020
available on the market. Our flagship product, SIMPLICIO NXT, can integrate the ASD/ Guido Bancallari
AIA S-Series and the ADL SCORM® specifications in a single common source database, Commercial Director
and it is already widely deployed in a number of national and international projects both guido.bancallari@isselnord.it
in the military and civil sector.
+390187 941414
ISSEL NORD’s Translation & Interpreting Department can rely on a worldwide network
of over 1,000 qualified translators, reviewers and DTP experts, as well as a suite of
innovative translation management software, such as CAT tools and translation memory/ info@isselnord.it
terminology software.
ISSEL NORD currently has more than 180 employees. Our staff guarantees professional
and high quality services.
Thanks to our fully-equipped warehouse, located close to Fincantieri‘s Shipyard in La
Spezia, our company can handle a great number of goods, and ensure the right spare
parts are delivered in the right place at the right time. Each year we manage more than
125,000 parts for a variety of naval vessels.
ISSEL NORD production processes – including software design – are certified to:
• UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
• EN 9100:2018
ISSEL NORD language services are certified to:
• EN ISO 17100:2017 (Translations)
• UNI 10574:2007 (Interpreting)

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Technical Publications for the Defence Industry, as per ASD S1000D, ATA, MIL standards
• Aeronautical systems and equipment for military aircrafts and helicopters
• Naval systems and equipment for warships and submarines
• Naval and land-based weapon systems: small, medium and large calibre naval gun
mounts, missile systems, battle tanks
Technical Publications for the Civil Sector
• Industrial plant systems
• Naval systems
• Rail systems
• Electronic and TLC systems
Logistics Studies
• Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) and LSA Record as per ASD S3000L and MIL-STD-
1388-2B standards
• Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Testability Analysis (RAM-T)
• Hazard and Safety Analysis
• Failure Modes Analysis (FMEA, FMECA)
• Life Cycle Cost Analysis Models (LCC)
• Level of Repair Analysis (LORA)


• Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
• Logistics calculation of spare parts, support tools and test
• Initial Provisioning Lists (IPL) as per ASD S2000M standard
• Illustrated Parts Catalogues (IPC/IPD)
• NATO codification both for Italian and foreign material
• Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and Training Plans
Simplicio NXT Integrated Authoring System
• ASD S1000D XML Interactive Electronic Technical
Publications (IETP)
• SCORM Computer Based and Web Based Training Content
• ASD S2000M Initial Provisioning Lists (IPL)
• ASD S3000L and MIL-STD-1388-2B Logistics Support
Analysis Record (LSA-R)
IETP Visualization Systems
• Web based and stand-alone IETP Browsers
Custom Services for IETP and LSA-R Production
• S1000D Guidance Documents
• Business Rules Exchange Data Modules (BREX)
• Applicability Data Modules (ACT, CCT, PCT)
• HTML and PDF Style Sheets
• LSA-R Import & Export Tools
MRO Software
• Logistics configuration breakdown management
• Parts list management
• Maintenance procedures management
• Spare parts, tools, consumables and skills management
• Preventive (periodical and on condition) maintenance
• Store keeping management
• Technical documents integration
• Graphics, reporting and accounting
Multimedia Applications
• 2D and 3D animations on assembly and disassembly
procedures, graphic illustrations, flow animations
• Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality applications
• Commercial and promotional presentations and video
CAD & Desktop Publishing
• 2D and 3D models
• Exploded views
• Functional and wiring diagrams
• Composition of publications according to specific formats
and applicable standards
Spare Parts Management
• Definition and sizing of the required spare part sets
• Goods purchasing
• Packaging, Handling, Storage and Transportation (PHS&T)
• Test and validation
• Delivery
Training Services
• Familiarisation systems
• Computer & Web Based Training (CBT/WBT)
• Training Courses for operators and maintainers
Language Services
• Translation of technical manuals, spare parts catalogues,
contracts, marketing and advertising documentation, legal
translations, authenticated expert reports, websites
• Localisation of documents, websites and publications
• Translation Memory with company-specific terminology
• Controlled Natural Languages
• Transcription
• Interpreting services


Italconsul S.r.l.
Company profile
ItalConsul is an engineering services enterprise. Its Core Business is Logistics Engineering,
in particular the R.A.M.S. (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety), as support for
the Design of Systems and Equipments.

ItalConsul offers Logistics Engineering services providing its customers with continuous
support in the various phases of the product life cycle: definition of requirements,
design, implementation and technical assistance.
Decades of experience gained in RAMS Analysis led ItalConsul to develop its ability to
Design in the fields of Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics Engineering (Machinery and
Via Frangipane 24
Equipment), Software and Assessments.
Roma RM 184
Moreover, ItalConsul extended over time its skills to simulations by software, such as
Finite Element Analysis, Multi-domain and circuit simulations, too. The work-areas of
Anna Paggi
ItalConsul concern Aerospace, Naval, Railway, Defence, Power Plants and manufacturing. Chief Executive
ItalConsul employs Human Resources with long experience, gained over decades. a.paggi@italconsul.it
They work in symbiosis with young talents, supported and trained constantly to highly +39066791818
advanced projects.
Then ItalConsul is engaged in Research & Development activities. Among its results it italconsul@italconsul.it
includes three patents, seventy scientific publications (also in prestigious journals) and
the realization of RelySoft®.
RelySoft® is a software that automates a methodology conceived to calculated the
probability involved in the Physics of Failure (PoF) approach. It can be used for Reliability
Prediction in order to overcome the limitations of the traditional reliability prediction
methods (like MIL-217 or NPRD approach) but not only for this. Italconsul has been using
Relysoft® for more than 20 years for railway and aerospace applications.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

The following are some analyses that Italconsul provides for its ILS services.
FTA/Event Tree/HAZOP
Hazard Analysis, Hazard Log
SIL Demonstration
Logistic Support Analysis Report LSAR
Italconsul can also integrate the above traditional logistics analyses by means of Relysoft
tool in order to deal with reliability problems that otherwise would not be tractable
with traditional reliability methods. RelySoft® automates a methodology based on the
failure-oriented approach, developed and applied for many years by Italconsul, mainly
in the aerospace and railway sectors. Relysoft® does not need a considerable number


of tests on physical samples in order to quantify the generic
failure of the component in time, but analyzes the process
underlying the fault and the value and the uncertainties of the
quantities involved in the process itself. It is able to assess the
probability that this component will fail.
Relysoft is suitable to be used not only for the reliability
prediction, but also to perform a Probabilistic Design, in order
Calculate probability of success of a physical process
Assess the importance of the uncertainties in a process
Reduce the over-sizing
Fit design changes (prototype)
Evaluate the reliability of a process/component over the time
Determinate the end of life of a component/system
Establish the time to perform preventive maintenance,
reducing the necessity of predictive maintenance
Estimate the cost of warranty


Italspazio Srl
Company profile
Italspazio is a telecommunications company, established in 2005, specialized in design,
development and support of systems, products, solutions and hi-tech services. The
company’s services are aimed to customers in the purview of software and automation,
defence, professional communication and ICT. The company provides satellite capabilities
to enable the customers to use Internet in areas with no terrestrial connectivity, to
broadcast events and to bring GSM coverage to areas affected by natural disasters Contact
such as earthquakes, floods, etc. Moreover, the company provides solutions that can
detect via satellite the positions of mobile vehicles located in areas with no GSM/UMTS
coverage. Italspazio is a perfect blend of experience and innovation: his staff is formed Via Vittorio Emanuele
by a team of engineers with ten-year experience and a group of young engineers Orlando, 7
who are constantly engaged in the research and development of innovative solutions
San Giovanni La Punta CT
and innovative projects, such as those based on satellite remote sensing. Using Earth
Receiving Stations, designed and manufactured by Italspazio, and specifically launched 95037
satellites for tracking our planet, Italspazio works on research and development projects Massimo Majorana
that allow to continuously detecting and monitoring the most important phenomena Sales manager
characterizing planet Earth such as pollution, deforestation and so on. m.majorana@italspazio.it
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies www.italspazio.it
Aramis project is relative to planning and development of a fleet of Cubesat, a kind of info@italspazio.it
microsatellite whose fulfillment cost is inexpensive. The satellite constellation main purpose
will be planet earth observation in Mediterranean and North African basin. The gained data
will be transmitted to a geostationary satellite, which in turn will transmit to a gateway.
The satellites will be able to communicate with each other, to gain the largest number of
information. Moreover the satellite will be multi-application, such as TLC, navigation, SAR RF,
SAR Optic and so on. Satmonitor is a user-friendly web platform developed by Italspazio,
that provides real-time VSAT Monitoring that grants the end user a comprehensive
overview over connected assets. The platform is optimized for cross-platform and can be
accessed from tablet, smartphone and desktop. The scope of the platform is to provide live
tracking solutions for either fixed or mobile stations. The tracking is visually represented
by color-coded markers displayed on geographical mapping software powered by Google.
Additionally, the platform has also been designed to integrate essential services such as
real-time remote sensing (Weather reports) and technical satellite data (Coverage, Latency
& IP Traffic data) for control and security purposes.
Same as Satmonitor is Sat-tracking, which as been developed for mobile stations.
Italspazio provides Satellite Internet Connectivity Services, collaborating with different
satellite operators and teleports, provides bundle VSAT services on different platform
and on different satellite. The VSAT allows a wide coverage and the ability to reach
those countries whose infrastructures are underdeveloped, and also provides satellite
coverage in rural areas where there is the need to constantly monitoring solar parks
and the operation of the plant, and to make video surveillance. Italspazio offers a wide
range of maritime services. The coverage is obtained using capacity of a selected
fleet of satellites, allowing an extended coverage throughout Europe and Caribbean.
The maritime services are operated from satellite fixed antennas devoted to track the
relevant satellites, using dedicated bandwidth.The Italspazio NOC is operative 24/7.
The correct functioning of all services, infrastructure and systems is guaranteed by
a monitoring system that allows timely action against any problem. The operational
structure is composed of technical experts for monitoring of major hardware / software
platforms, applications and network services, and a team of certified engineers on
systems that operate at the application infrastructure level. The highest level of
technological equipment with backups needed for continuity of service are available.
The NOC then responds effectively to the needs of organizations that rely heavily on
their own internal procedures and on computer applications and that want to make
use of assistance from specialized personnel, constantly updated, without having to


commit internal resources. Through the constant monitoring
and support activities of specialists, the constant control of
the proper functioning of the systems and the full usability of
applications is in fact guaranteed. This allows to minimize any
kind of “failure” and minimizes the out-of-service time. Every
customers request in fact is handled in real time, allowing to
guarantee the shortest solving time.


Kayser Italia Srl
Company profile
Kayser Italia is a Small Medium Enterprise (SME), a private independent aerospace system
engineering company, owned by Dr. Valfredo Zolesi’s family. It has been incorporated in
1986, and since 1995 it is 100% Italian property. The company is located in the countryside
of Livorno, in the region of Tuscany, 20 Km south of the international airport of Pisa and 90
Km from Florence. In a modern building, the company has 5,000 sq. meters of property,
organized into offices, meeting rooms, conference room, laboratories, clean room, Contact
manufacturing, inspection and integration area, and an User Support Operation center
(USOC) for the support to the execution of experiments with astronauts on board the ISS.
Since the beginning up to now, Kayser Italia has participated to over 70 space missions Via di Popogna, 501
with more than 110 payloads, all of them completed with full scientific, technical, economic Livorno 57128
and programmatic success. The staff consists of over 60 high-specialized engineers, with
Valfredo Zolesi
expertise in electronics, aeronautics, mechanics, thermodynamics, physics, computer
science, optics and molecular biology. Their design and manufacturing capabilities, joined President
with a deep engineering background, have allowed the participation of the company kayser@kayser.it
as both prime-contractor as well as sub-contractor to many European Space Agency +390586562100
(ESA) and Italian Space Agency (ASI) programmes, especially in the area of life science www.kayser.it
(biology and human physiology). The payloads developed by Kayser Italia have flown on
sounding rockets, on the Russian capsules Bion, Foton, Progress, Soyuz, on the Shuttle kayser@kayser.it
Transportation System (STS), on SpaceX, on the Japanese HTV module, on the European
ATV module, on the Chinese Shenzhou spaceship and on the International Space Station
(ISS). Kayser Italia supports grants and partnership programs with universities and
research institutes and is actively involved in the promotion of the integration process
between large and Small Medium Enterprises working in space.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

• Bioreactors, Experiment Containers, Incubators, etc. for biology experiments
• Bio analysers
• Instruments, devices and consumables for human research experiments
• Experiment hardware for physical and material science research
• Payloads and associated control electronics and software
• Electronic equipment (power conversion and distribution, control, data acquisition, etc.)
• Structures and deployable systems
• Project Management
• Space system engineering
• Electrical and electronics design
• Manufacturing of electronic circuits and harness
• Structural, mechanical and thermal design and analysis
• Software design and implementation
• System Assembly, Integration and Verification (AIV)
• Product and Quality Assurance, Safety
• Support to ISS on-board astronaut operations by means of dedicated User Support
Operation Centre (USOC) and certified personnel
• Deployable space structures based on tensegrity technology
• Miniaturised deployable boom (Cubesat standard)
• Wired and wireless on-board sensors and actuators network


Kell s.r.l.
Company profile
Kell srl is an innovative Italian ICT SME located in Rome, Arezzo and in Gualdo Tadino,
near Perugia (operative sites), Italy. It is fully owned by private shareholders.
Kell has over 20 years of experience in space sector developing SW and HW integrated

platforms in the field of e-health, telemedicine, e-government, Earth Observation, GIS
and navigation systems.
Kell constantly invests in R&D to pursue its vision: “facilitate the day-by-day life through
ICT, make it easy, usable”. This is pursued by means a continuous innovation process, a
strong investment in human resources and collaborations with Scientific organisations
Piazza Cavour, 17
as Universities, public and private Research centres.
Roma RM 193
The team is formed by young researchers and technicians, with strong and focused
skills on ICT solutions, informatics, software engineers, electronic engineers,
Cesare Aragno
physicists, engineers, electronic, oceanographers, economist who form dynamic Technical Director
and multidisciplinary group engaged in R&D and services activities performed for caragno@kell.it
international and national Public Bodies and private organizations. The team is formed +3906 36004916
by a fixed group of managers, researchers and technicians and a broader network of
professionals with multidisciplinary skills.
Kell has been involved in EU / national funded trans-national programs as prime
contractor, lead partner and partner. Kell has also been prime contractor of the European
Space Agency (ARTES Programme) and Italian Space Agency projects to develop new
SatCom services for e-Health (KosmoMed, TeleSal, NESA, etc.).
Kell internal organization aims to satisfy its customers in respect of its quality system
and certified procedure (ACCREDIA and KIWA).
• UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 for the sector EA 33: “Design, development, implementation,
technical installation of SW platforms and systems for tele-medicine, Earth
Observation and navigation for telecommunications”;
• UNI EN ISO 13485:2016 for the “design and development, implementation, technical
installation and assistance of SW medical platforms and systems for the tele-
Main technologies and skills are:
• Information Technology: web platform and mobile solutions for e-Health applications;
• Earth Observation: Kell designs and develops software systems for telemetry
processing and production and processing of remote sensing images, optical and
SAR, archiving and distribution of data and quality control fusion and geo-location
for smart agriculture, water and land management;
• Navigation

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Satellite Telecom supports ICT / SW open source web platform, tested in healthcare
organizations, to provide and manage the classical e-health services as tele-counselling,
tele-consultation, tele-diagnosis, tele-emergency, screening campaigns services,
electronic medical records, plus the tele-validation service, that is especially delivered to
CRO and pharma companies to raise the performance of management of clinical trials.
During last years, Kell has established a leadership position in the development of
telemedicine systems; enhancing technological innovations in the ICT field that can
be used in the health sector to improve the efficiency and increase the quality of
health processes, in all the different contexts of their “value chain” such as prevention,
emergency care, maintenance of own well-being – wellness, family support, clinical
and epidemiological studies. Along with some of the major Italian companies, it has
developed the largest telemedicine programs especially some of them based on satellite
communications for mobile telemedicine.


Some examples of applications and tools deployed are:
• KosmoMed: SW/HW integrated system for satellite tele-
medicine to support high quality video-conference and
medical data exchange in all kind of medical branch;
• Mobile Ambulatories (by land and sea): with advanced
diagnostic equipment and satellite solutions for screening
campaign, clinical investigations, etc.
Kell operates in the Earth Observation since 1997, as service
provider for Public and Private organisations, developing
and implementing. The use of Satellite technologies, the
integration with other sources to collect data (aero-UAV,
ground sensors), the use of open standards to design and
perform ICT applications and solutions, are at the core of the
innovation strategy of Kell. Some examples of applications
and tools deployed are:
• WAGRIT: a SW tool for the land and agriculture monitoring
that able the classification of vegetation
• AIRFIRE: Satellite and Hyperspectral images monitoring
campaign to assess and alert in case of fire
• MIA-VITA “Mitigating and Assessing Volcanic Impacts on
Terrain and human Activities”, an integrated tool to assess
and manage the volcanic risk for human
• ITACA (Innovation Technologies and Applications for
Coastal Archaeological sites), a tool using satellite
techniques, remote sensing, special algorithms from
marine movements, to identify sub-marines archeological
sites and support the management decisions of public
• MEMORIES (marine MEteo MOdelling for weather RoutIng
Enhanced by Satellite navigation and wave radars), The
project developed a prototype of a meteo-navigation on-
board terminal and the related service center, to support
weather route planning processes (i.e. route planning
based on weather conditions to improve efficiency,
comfort and safety of navigation).


Labormet Due
Company profile
Labormet Due is one of the most solid commercial structures in Northern Italy in the
field of scientific instrumentation for the laboratory and quality control.
The company supplies tools and related consumer products for the control and

characterization of related materials, from the stereo-microscope to the 200-ton
traction machine.
The real added value of the service offered lies in decades of experience and in the
acquired professionalism that allows us to offer customized technology solutions based
on customer needs and turnkey laboratories for the solution of any problem relating to
Corso Orbassano 402/18
the control of materials in the entry, to control production and generally improve quality.
Torino TO 10137
Labormet Due guarantees for all the equipment supplied: installation and training of
personnel, after-sales assistance, requalification, and certification.
Riccardo Girelli
At the same time, Labormet Due has its metrology and industrial computed tomography
laboratory. r.girelli@labormetdue.it
Reverse engineering, evaluation of the porosity, internal control of the defects are just +39 011 740905
some examples of what the tomographic technique can offer. www.labormetdue.it
Typically the purchase of this instrument scares users for its costs and the management info@labormetdue.it
and logistical costs that it entails, the offer of the service quantifiable in “projects” or
overtime represents an ideal solution both for customers who have continuous requests
for analysis and sporadic customers.
In this field, the company has been able to work for various leading companies in the
space sector, which more and more often require advanced control techniques to
guarantee the highest quality in products of high technology, innovation, and economic
value, for example, components additively manufactured.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Quality Control and material characterization products:
• scanning electron microscopes SEM, Micro-analysis EDX, WDX, EBSD, atomic force
microscopes AFM, scanning acoustic microscopes SAM, x-ray diffractometer XRD,
x-ray fluorescence spectrometer XRF
• systems for industrial x-ray computed tomography
• machines for test traction, compression, and resilience testing and other static
mechanical tests
• specific instruments for the control of physical and mechanical characteristics of the
• bench hardness testers HV HR HB, universal, portable hardness tester
• chemo-mechanical durability, fingertip & hand abrasion testers, multi-functional and
high dynamic scratch/punch/abrasion testers, universal surface testers, 3D optical
measurement systems, micro-calo tests for wear and coating thickness testing
• stereoscopic microscopes, optical and confocal, digital cameras, image analysis
systems for metallography and cleaning control details
• furnaces and heat treatment plants
• optical 3D measurement machines (non-contact), roughness, profilers, roundness
• machines and consumables for the preparation of metallographic samples
• resonant testing systems and machines for dynamic materials testing
• development of leading software for the analysis and visualization of industrial
computed tomography data
• climatic chambers, rooms for corrosion tests in salt spray, heat treatment furnaces for
environmental simulation equipment in general


Industrial X-Ray Computed Tomography Services:
• Failure analysis
• 3D metrology
• Reverse Engineering
• Defect Analysis
• Product Contamination
• Electronics inspection
• Assembly verification
• Weld quality analysis


Lead Tech Group
Company profile
Lead Tech is an engineering company skilled in providing technical support for the
design and development of Technical Publications, Management Software, Industrial
Automation Systems and Mechanical Design for both the military and civil fields in the
aerospace, railway, naval, and industrial sectors.
Our services fall within the Integrated Logistic Support and include study, design and
planning of activities as necessary to ensure the effective, efficient and cost-competitive
support of systems/machineries during their life cycle.
We believe that partnership is a key factor for every company and the starting point for
Via Napoli 141
new projects, new challenges, new opportunities.
Casalnuovo di Napoli,
Our mission is to offer the best customer care in order to establish more effective,
fruitful and durable relationships.
Napoli 80013
Lead Tech Group
Our company is certificated UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and EN 9100: 2018 for Design and
Production of Technical Publications, Design and Production of Software, Mechanical Arturo Moccia
Design and Space System, Electronic Design and Industrial Automation Systems. Legal rapresentative
Our company is a member of ALI (Aerospace Laboratory for Innovative Components) arturo.moccia@leadtech.it
S.c.a. r.l. consortium, operating in the sectors of design, engineering, prototyping and +39081 3176671
production of aerospace components, in the integration of systems, in electronics and www.leadtech.it
SW / HW applications, on-board systems and remote control systems for aerospace
platforms, in ITC services and advanced applications for aerospace. Through the ALI
consortium we are partner of the DAC (Distretto Aerospaziale Campano), which gathers
159 entities, including 22 big enterprises, 109 SME’s, 5 universities, several research
centers and others.
Lead Tech is also a member of the CHAIN consortium (Campania Helicopters and
Airplane Industry Network), which groups many companies of Campania in the
aeronautics, aerospace and transportation sectors.
Main Customers are Leonardo, Geven, Tecnam, CIRA, Magnaghi Aeronautica, MIUR,
Vulcanair Aircraft, Ansaldo Breda, Selex ES, Firema, ABC International, Knorr-Bremse,
Thales, Eredi Giuseppe Mercuri, Mermec Group, A. Abete, AIM Altitude, Black Shape
Aircraft, MES, Istituto Motori, Dell’Orto, Zetalab, EOS Belumbury.
Main Partners are Fujitsu, Aerospace Valley, ALI, Unimpresa, Scama and the consortium
A controlled company of Lead Tech is Lead Tech I&D SAS, in St. Sulpice (France), a
business unit is present in Rivoli (Turin -Italy) and a newest one in Münich (Germany).

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

The Lead Tech’s activities concern engineering fields, such as Design and Realization of
Technical Documentation, Design and Development of Software, Electronics Design and
Automation of Industrial Systems, Mechanical Design and Space Systems.
The design and realization of Technical Publications is developed with the aim of
providing clear and complete information to the end-user and can be realized both
in paper and interactive/multimedia format (pdf, html and xml), in accordance with
national and international standards (ATA, MIL, AER, AECMA etc.) or according to
customer’s specific requirements. To support the customer in training activities, our
company designs and develops courses such as computer-based/web-based training
and produces educational documentation for multi-language training activities.
The design and development of Software is developed with customized, simple and
intuitive management systems to optimize activities and business processes. The LMS,
Lead Management System, allows the production, management and editing of S1000D
technical publications. The LMS-RFID System enables the tagging and tracking of aircraft
components according to the ATA Spec 2000 standard. The LAM, Lead Company


Management System, supports corporate administrative and
operational management with particular attention to the
management of orders, business documentation and human
resources. To the completion of software development, our
company provides web services, web marketing services.
Electronic design was initially focused on company’s activities
related to Data Acquisition Systems and the LMS-Maintenance
System for predictive maintenance management. Later,
its target has been extended to prototype design and
implementation of electronic systems for command and
control in the aeronautic field with a FDR system for general
aviation and automotive/industrial field with two HMI systems.
Mechanical design activities are aimed at the realization of
aeronautical mechanical components as well as of Space
Systems. Currently our company is at the forefront for the
design and development of a new technology for atmospheric
entry, descent and landing, featuring a variable-geometry
heat shield, working also as an aero-brake, which allows
landing without parachute and without braking rockets. New
projects include the development of a proprietary technology
for 3D-printed metamaterials with potential applications both
in space and industry.
All the production activities are backed by experimental and
industrial research, which is performed in the framework of
national and international projects, in order to increase the
Company’s know-how and to offer our Partners and Customers
more and more innovative and competitive solutions.


Leaf Space S.r.l.
Company profile
Leaf Space S.r.l. is a high-tech company that offers dedicated services for microsatellites
operators. Born as a natural evolution of a close-knit relationship between its founders
and the fruitful cooperation with both research and commercial partners, Leaf Space
develops products and services to simplify the access to space for commercial, scientific
and exploratory purposes, by tackling the unmet needs of the microsatellites sector. Leaf
Space offers turnkey solutions for microsatellites’ operators tailored to their specific Contact
requirements. Leaf Space wants to streamline the accessibility to space by designing
and developing dedicated products and services to enhance the process of using space
in commercial terms over the scientific and exploratory ones already gained. Leaf Space ComoNext via Cavour, 2
delivers a set of services for micro and nanosatellites, including telecommunication Lomazzo Como 22074
services and custom telecommunication products.
Jonata Puglia
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies jonata.puglia@leaf.space
Leaf Space provides complete Ground Segment services for the New Space market. +3902 36714624
Leaf Line is a unique multi-mission ground segment as-a-service solution, completely www.leaf.space/
owned and operated by Leaf Space. A network of 12 ground station sites (at regime, info@leaf.space
in Q4 2020) and a strong software infrastructure are the base of the service, which
can manage and optimize requests from different users. The GSs time is shared
between different customers and missions using a high efficiency scheduling algorithm,
optimizing the GSs use while satisfying the customer’s constraints. From the operations
point of view, Leaf Space will carry out all the activities and management of the ground
segment, therefore the customer will have the important advantage of focusing more
on his own core business. To interact with the Leaf Line network, our customer can use
a dedicated API and a real-time data transfer interface through which a proprietary
control centre or ground segment manager software can be integrated. Leaf Key is an
exclusive Ground Segment as a Service solution created for satellite operators and space
service providers who need a custom and dedicated way to operate their space assets.
Based on a similar technology and infrastructure as Leaf Line, Leaf Key is tailored on the
mission needs both from the performance and operations point of view. The deployment
of the network backbone follows the development plan of the customer constellation,
guaranteeing the right performance at the right time.
In addition, Leaf Key can be paired with Leaf Line to balance peak loads or to increase
the support to the customer’s mission.
From the operations point of view, Leaf Space carries out all the activities and
management of the ground segment, therefore the customer will have the important
advantage of focusing more on his own core business.
To interact with the dedicated network, customers can use an API and a real-time
data transfer interface through which a proprietary control centre or ground segment
manager software can be integrated. Leaf Space also provides LEOP (launch and early
operations phase), anomaly resolution, back-up, capacity boost, consultancy services
and ground station provision for New Space market players.


L.M.A. s.r.l.
Company profile
Over 50 years of experience in the Aerospace Market, LMA is today a leading global
supplier of complex assembled components to the most important Space Customers.
A whole set of in-house capabilities and a strong Research & Development enable LMA
to offer cutting edge processes (from the detailed-design up to the delivery of the final
product) and provide ground-breaking innovation solutions to its customers.
The Company excels at being a Tier 1 Integrator filling the gap between the main
Customers and the traditional Subcontractors by integrating the supply base.
By investing in a significant R&D budget, the Company is building its future
Via Vercelli, 6
competitiveness by focusing efforts in the development of the innovative additive
manufacturing technologies. Pianezza TO 10044
4 fields of excellence:
General Manager
• Machining (Aluminum, Titanium, Steel, Inconel, etc..)
• Sheet Metal Forming (Aluminum, Titanium, Steel, Inconel, etc..)
• Additive manufacturing (plastic and metal)
• Expertise (NCM, Mechanical, Metallurgical, etc..)

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Liquid Nitrogen distributor to refuel the space station.
Manufacturing of key components, assembly and final control.
Machining (5 Axis) and final control.
Machining (5 Axis) and final control.
Front Door (Aluminum)
Front Door
Liquid Nitrogen distributor to refuel the space station.
Manufacturing of key components, assembly and final control.
Machining (5 Axis) and final control.
Machining (5 Axis) and final control.


Front Door (Aluminum)
Front Door


Mapsat srl
Company profile
MapSAT is an Italian newCo, based in Milan (Italy) and established in March 2015.
The principal place of operations is located in Benevento (Campania Region - Italy)
in order to meet a specific sector of the market, related to the growing demand for

products and services of remote sensing for continuous monitoring of the Earth’s soil and
sea. These activities are aimed at protecting environment and climate, citizens security,
urban planning, development of energetic and electrical infrastructure, prevention of
human and natural risks and, more generally, updating and control of the elements of
main interest to constantly increase the knowledge of territorial changes.
C.da Piano Cappelle, 129
MapSAT targets both public and private clients, with the aim of creating technology
platforms dynamic and flexible, able to satisfy both of these stakeholders, working on (area MUSA) Benevento BN
customizing the hardware and software solutions based on the same technology. 82100
MapSAT is developing a solid platform of business based on MARSec (Mediterranean +390824 52422
Agency for Remote Sensing and Environmental Control) previous existing know how www.mapsat.it
and technologies, along with a new push to develop new Earth Observation products direzione@mapsat.it
and services for civilian and military market. Moreover, MapSAT will spend many energies
to start and strengthening its relationships with the European Space Agency, United
Nations, European Agencies (Frontex, JRC, EMSA, UNOSAT, ..) governmental bodies
of competence of the Mediterranean countries (North Africa and Eastern Europe)
interested in services of remote sensing for their territory.
Company location in Campania Region provides the strategic coverage of an important
geopolitics area: Europe, Mediterranean Sea and North Africa.
The GS is equipped with two antennas that have been provided from Sea Space
Corporation (USA). The largest antenna (X band) is based on a structure of several
meters in height.
Since 2004, the MARSec Ground Station has been acquiring data from Aqua and Terra
NASA satellites equipped with MODIS sensor. This experience has given the opportunity
of configure and adapt the systems to acquire EROS-A starting from August 2005,
RadarSat-1 from 2006 and EROS-B since 2009.
The X-band Antenna System is SeaSpace TeraScan 4.4m, three axes X-Band Polar
Satellite Tracking Antenna. The Antenna is connected to the Equipment Racks located
in Equipment Room.
The distance is about 146 meters therefore the tracking/carrier frequency is down-
converted to 720 MHz. The antenna is configured to acquire EROS-B, EROS-A, Terra
and Aqua missions.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

MapSAT can provide a wide range of products and value-added services from EO
satellite data acquired at the center in Benevento.
Earth Observation Midstream: Near Real Time Services
MapSAT manages a Ground Receiving Station (GRS) certified by ImageSat INTL as
EPOD Station since 2009. The Exclusive Pass on Demand (EPOD) Program enables our
Ground Station to autonomously task the EROS B satellite and directly receive all the
acquired imagery on a selected set passes every year into MapSAT commercial footprint
(EPOD footprint) established in the business agreement.
MapSAT can choose in advance and notify ImageSat of the relevant orbits for which it
would like to have full control. In the selected passes, the MARSec GRS will create and
transmit to the satellite the acquisition command file generated by Mission Planning
System (MPS).
The satellite will acquire the images as planned and will downlink them to MapSAT


Ground Station in real-time.
Thus MapSAT is able to process and transfer a set of Products
to the Customer in NEAR REAL TIME (24h/36h).
Earth Observation Downstream: Value Added
AGRICULTURE: Agriculture Land Use Map (using VHR and HR
Optical satellite), Crop Monitoring, Frauds Detection...
FORESTRY: Forest Inventory (using VHR and HR Optical
satellite), Estimate of the damage after a forest fire, Illegal
use of soil...
ENERGY & INFRASTRUCTURE: Map of electrical networks,
Oil Spill Detection, Offshore Drilling Installations, Oil Drilling,
Oil & Gas Infrastructure Planning and Management....
SECURITY: Ship Tracking, Route Detection, Target Recognition,
Illegal immigration Control, Illegal Traffic Control, Piracy Sea
Monitoring, Borders Control, Terrorist Attacks...
GOVERNMENT: Analysis for Disaster and Crisis-Management
Support (Civil Protection), Port Development, Municipal
Planning, Illegal Buildings Monitoring, Cartography update...
ENVIRONMENT: Recognizing trends in resource depletion,
Climate Changes, Efficient disaster assessment of natural
Defense PNRM, EDA, CIRA, ASI ...


MEC srl
Company profile
MEC was founded in 2004, as spin-off of Bologna’s and Ferrara’s Universities, in order to
offer to the Italian and European enterprises, the know-how coming from the university
R&D department in the field of microwave electronic components, with a main focus on
MMIC and TR Modules. The Company’s expertise and core business, are based on the
executive design, lay-out generation, on wafer probe test, on jig electrical & thermal
characterization of MMIC.s and discrete active components. The leading technologies Contact
based on GaAs and GaN semiconductors are used in our projects. A manpower of
fifteen PhD Engineers, with solid background and expertise in MMIC design, make the
strength of our Company. Further, the most advanced software tools , based on ADS , Via San Nicolò di Villola, 1
Microwave Office Sonnet EM and Ansys TAS, are always available to this design team. Bologna BO 40127
On the base of the excellent results achieved in strategic European projects for Space,
Giorgio Mariani
MEC was appointed by UMS ( which is first European GaAs / GaN foundry ) its official
Design House. Since then, a very tight cooperation is in progress with this foundry, which giorgio.mariani@mec-mmic.com
allows MEC to get early access to each new technology. From its inception, MEC had the +39051 6333403
opportunity to develop, for enterprises which are leaders in satellite systems, as Thales www.mec-mmic.com
Alenia Space, Selex , and Space Agencies as ESA , CONAE and ASI, very innovative contact.mec@mec-mmic.com
microwave integrated modules and advanced MMICs, which allowed us to become one
of the preferred European Design Centre for spatial microwave components. The most
known European satellite programmes, to name some : Iridium, Galileo, CosmoSkymed,
SIASGE, Sentinel…etc, board MMIC.s and microwave ybrids in their most critical line-ups,
developed by MEC.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

X-Band GaN Single Chip TR-Module
27W X-band GaN HEMT HPA
50W L-band, 45% PAE
High Power Micro-Modules L, C, X band
Over the twelve years since our inception, we had the opportunity to cover a large
spectrum of designs, from L band thru W band, both for small signal and very high
power amplifiers. The above pictures give an idea of some significant items which
address the new generation of SAR Antenna for Earth Observation 1), 2), 4) and mobile
Communications ( Iridium ) 3).
More in general, the following products, based on GaAs and GaN technologies, represent
a short catalog of what a Satellite System Integrators can find as MEC’s off-the shelf
HPA at X, Ku and Ka band for satellite and terrestrial telecommunication systems.
HPA at L and X band for Earth observation satellite.
Down converter at V band for Telecommunication Satellite.
VCO at C, X and Ku band.
LNAs from 2 to 20 GHz.


Media Lario
Company profile
Media Lario is a dynamic and innovative technology-driven company supplying high
specification optical components and optical systems including the patented Repli-

formed Optics™ process suitable for high volume applications.
We work with leading industrial and Agency partners including Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
(ASI), the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA.
For more than a quarter century, Media Lario has been providing the technology to take
some of the most significant and beautiful Images of the Universe ever seen. This work Via al Pascolo
has contributed greatly to scientific research and understanding of the world in which Bosisio Parini LC 23842
we live.
Giovanni Bianucci
Media Lario optics have been utilized in space borne programs since company founding
VP, Sales and Marketing
for large scale missions like Beppo-SAX, XMM-Newton, SWIFT, ROSETTA, eROSITA,
CHEOPS, METOP. giovanni.bianucci@
Ongoing programs include ATHENA, Einstein Probe, ASTHROS, FLEX, PLATO, ARIEL. medialario.com
+39347 9734011
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies www-medialario.com

Suitable for high volume – 1-day manufacturing time for optics
Scalable production – Production capacity for 100’s telescopes / month
High replicability – Process uses a mould, no grinding or polishing
High Precision Glass Mirrors, Lenses and Metallic Mirrors
Shape accuracy ≤ 20 nm – Aspheric, off-axis, freeform designs for UV, VIS, IR
Size up to 1.2 m or larger – Including Glass, Quartz, Zerodur, Alum substrates
Optical assemblies for inter-satellite and ground communication
Suitable for small satellite constellations.
Utilizing patented high-volume, low-cost manufacturing processes
Hyperspectral EO Payload for Small Satellite – 9+ bands, 2.7 m res PAN, 5 m res RGB
Custom high-performance optical systems with <1 m GSD for small satellites
Optical assemblies utilizing patented electroforming technology
Large range of coating materials and complex shapes
High Precision Curved Mirrored Panels
Laminated structures made of Ni or glass skins glued to Alum honeycomb (≤ 15 kg/m2)
Shape accuracy ≤ 10 µm – Spherical, aspheric, off-axis designs. Life tested to 20 years


Meteorological Environmental
Earth Observation -MEEO SRL
Company profile
It all has begun with the weather. Weather monitoring from space and from local
weather stations has always been the fil rouge of the history and the present of MEEO.
Since the beginning, the MEEO’s staff has been spending all its resources and energy to
facilitate the access and the exploitation of any kind of geospatial data with a clear focus
on remote sensing and climate data. Founded in 2004 in Ferrara, Italy, MEEO started
its activity providing products and services for climate monitoring and atmospheric Contact
pollution monitoring, extending successively its application domain to the Earth surface
In 2006, the European Space Agency - ESA awarded MEEO with an industrial contract viale Volano, 195/a int 2
for the implementation and development of products and services based on remote Ferrara FE 44123
sensing and since that time, the company has been continuously working in the space Marco Folegani
sector by providing innovative solutions to cope with the never-ending challenge of Amministratore di MEEO SRL
Earth Observation data exploitation.
e Space business manager
MEEO has always been looking for new ways to evolve and, in 2009, a branch company,
SISTEMA GmbH, was founded in Vienna as R&D laboratory. SISTEMA is focused on
development of new data processing tools, working mainly on ESA and on Austrian +390532 1861501
National projects. In 2011 MEEO became an affiliated partner of the Climate-KIC www.meeo.it
European initiative, investing in innovative projects to create new services for the climate info@meeo.it
mitigation and adaptation market.
In 2014 MEEO opted to improve the quality of its offer establishing a owned data
infrastructure that provides on line processing and storage capability. The MEEO Data
Facility (MEEO-DAF) is a high performance infrastructure created to support the high
computing demand of geospatial data and services and to develop and test new cloud
computing solutions for big geospatial data exploitation.
In 2018 MEEO entered formally in the Copernicus world becoming a partner of the
Copernicus Academy network to empower the next generation of researchers, scientists,
and entrepreneurs with suitable skill sets to exploit Copernicus data and information
services at their full potential.
By going through the brief company history, the offer of MEEO is quite clear. MEEO
boasts a team made by people with a decadal experience and passion for innovative
solutions in the use of Climate and Earth Observation data and tools and with a deep
knowledge of the whole value chain of the space data management and processing.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

MEEO started developing thematic applications in the domain of meteorological and
climate data and since the beginning, it was quite clear that the main barrier to provide
effective EO data services was the complexity of the data preparation phase. For this
reason, in 2008, MEEO decided to extend its internal R&D working programme to the
data accessing part of the Remote Sensing Processing value chain. Bridging the gap on
data accessibility has become the core mission of the company and the steady effort
dedicated to pursuing this scope has produced a game changer product called ADAM,
the Advanced geospatial DAta Management platform. ADAM implements the Digital
Earth concept allowing the access to large variety of multi-year global environmental
data (e.g. temperature, precipitation, vegetation status, etc) enabling visualization,
combination, processing and download (https://adamplatform.eu/). ADAM makes
global environmental geospatial data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable
(FAIR). ADAM exposes heterogeneous geospatial data as datacubes allowing effective


subsetting functionalities. ADAM provides the user with only
the portion of data in space and time which is really needed.
The application domains.
ADAM is an enabling technology for geospatial data
processing centres. By means of its unlimited customizations,
it allows to implement the “data as a service” paradigm
to enhance the processing performance, to extend the
processing capability and to improve the level of automation
and flexibility of the cloud-based data processors. ADAM can
be linked to existing user environments by exposing backend
data access services or it can be provided with user interfaces
like a web data portal and jupyter notebooks.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The major part
of SDGs can take benefit from the implementation of the
ADAM technology. In the Earth Observation for Sustainable
development initiative, ADAM is supporting climate-resilient
decision making by providing a quick, easy assessment of
climate anomalies (hot spots detection) and rapid calculation
of climate risk indicators and associated extreme events.
The climate indicators and the EO data analytical tools
implemented in ADAM are used to support the insurance
sector and European farmers community in the agricultural
sector, the monitoring of Climate change effects on Cultural
Heritage and the assessment of Climate-related Health risk.
Professional level education and training. Geospatial Big data
is currently one of the hottest topics for data researchers and
industry in the space economy and ADAM provides a unique
data laboratory and learning environment to grow the new
generation of geospatial data experts.


Company profile
We are advanced mechanical parts manufacturers specialized in the aerospace field. We
supply aero structures, complex components, assemblies, subassemblies, and parts for
the global aerospace industry as subcontractors or as direct suppliers. We can execute
the design, manufacturing, testing and certification of all the components that we
produce. We are partners of leading companies and we are involved in major projects
for the civil aviation, the military aviation and the aerospace industry. Contact
We have capabilities for 3,4 and 5 axes machining of mechanical parts with dimensions
up to 4 meters. With our presence and activity in this sector since 2008, we have now
acquired a long experience for manufacturing small, medium and large mechanical parts Via Del Tridente N. 33
and we highlight our components and tooling production for all kind of materials. Nettuno Roma 00048
We are specialized in the manufacture of any kind of aeronautics tooling and we can Carmen Corrado
provide a system of supply vertically organized including materials, machining and International Sales Manager
special processes. We extended our traditional machines to develop high technology commerciale@ncmtecnology.it
tools that meet all irregular shape parts working especially for the aerospace sector.
We produce a wide range of components for SAR satellites and many other aerospace
+39 0698575122
mechanical parts and assemblies. www.ncmtecnology.it
We have a wide capacity of working hours per year, with great resources and a technical commerciale@ncmtecnology.it
staff with long experience.
The traceability of all the parts realized is ensured thanks to production cycles specifically
created for each order. The conformity of the components and the repeatability of all
details are ensured through our cutting-edge CMM machines. We stand in a leading
position thanks to the high-level technologies used, the accurate realization of the
projects and the strict quality tests procedures.
Our quality system is recognized and certified by RINA institution according to the
strictest standard rules in place: AS/EN9100 and ISO 9001.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

• Complex precision machines
• SAR satellites mechanical parts
• Components for civil and military aviation industry.
• Complex mechanical assemblies for the aerospace sector
• Subassemblies and precision machining in aluminum alloys and any kind of special
steel, meant for the global aerospace industry.
• Molds for Injection
• Thermoforming plastic


Company profile
Nadir S.r.l. is a small enterprise headed by some experienced researchers that focus their
activities in the application of a novel and proprietary atmospheric plasma technology
and in the development of innovative nanocomposites polymers materials with active
and smart functionalities.
The Company holds an international patent (US9693441B2, JP6569954B2
AU2014349815B2 CN105900532B), related to the new plasma jet device that is now
emerging in several fields ranging from advance manufacturing to biomedical, for
surface cleaning, adhesion promotion and functional coating depositions.
c/o Campus Scientifico
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Università Cà Foscari Venezia
Via Torino 155b-30172 Mestre
The Nadir Plasma device is a jet type that works in atmospheric conditions and thus (VE), Italy Mestre VENEZIA
does not require vacuum systems for the plasma generation. 30172
Thanks to the innovative own design the Nadir device is able to generate efficient and Marco Scatto
cold plasma, (even less than 40 °C on the substrate) particularly suitable for surface
treatment of heat sensitive materials.
Surface treatments for Printed Circuit Boards, Optical Lenses, others…
Cleaning, Activation, Etching, Bonding, Adhesion, Polymerisation, thin films deposition
of functional layers.
The Nadir Plasma device is also a mounted as module in additive manufacturing 3D
printing application for surface modification of materials during the printing process.
Nadir is a supplier of custom compounds for end users looking for innovative polymer
materials, blending a specific polymer with performance additives or other polymers to
achieve properties specific to each application. The technology used by Nadir is Melt
compounding assisted by the use of a Lab Scale Corotating Twin Screw Extruder.
Consolidated experience in the realization of polymer compound with:
ˆ Enhanced mechanical, thermal, gas barrier properties
ˆ Antimicrobial/antioxidant/antibiotic and other biologically activity
ˆ Graphene based filler for conductivity improvement
ˆ Metallic nanoparticles for metaldetect-ability
ˆ Phluorofors for optical recognition
ˆ Innovative lightweight material (nanostructured bulk or foam polymers)
The custom compounds can be obtained as a pellet or as calibrated filament for 3D
printing applications in order to obtain 3D article with specific functionality with a tailor
made approach on the base of customer request.
• On demand atmospheric plasma surface treatments and functionalistion
• Customised atmospheric Plasma equipment realization
• On demand specialty masterbatches with tailor made properties
• Melt compounding service
• Technological Scouting of Innovative high performance materials
• Plasma & Polymers scientific consultan


Company profile
NEXTANT Applications & Innovative Solutions – NAIS was established at the end of
2005, as Italian private owned; It’s an ICT System House based in Rome, classified as
SME according to the European Commission classification (2003/361/EC). Company’s
mission aims to design and propose to the proper market sectors, innovative applications
and services based on ICT technologies and Satellite Navigation, EO & Communication
assets. NAIS core competencies on Space & Defence market’s domain plays a strategic Contact
role in the development of innovative application by enabling technologies. Passing
through R&D Projects, product industrialization and commercialization, NAIS completing
in this way the whole Technology Transfer Process. Via Andrea Noale n.345/A
Over time several innovative applications and services have been developed and Roma RM 155
now available in the field of Smart-mobility (solution for both citizens and tourists Marco PASCALE
transportation support and information), Emergency (mission management and Commercial Director
resource planning), Cultural Heritage (safeguard, fruition and prevention), Maritime
(search & rescue, mission management and access to harbour and docks), Defence marco.pascale@nais-solutions.it
(air defence systems radar), and Aeronautics (Air Traffic Management system 2D & 3D +3906 91139002
and flight information systems of General Aviation aircraft). Based on the following ICT www.nais-solutions.it
knowledge: amministrazione@nais-
• Satellite technologies (Navigation (EGNOS/GALILEO), Communication, and Earth solutions.it; nextant@pec.it
• Innovative HMI techniques based on Virtual and Augmented Reality techniques
(e.g.applied to the development of non-conventional radar displays for the future Air
Traffic Control);
• Engineering and architectural aspects (e.g. Enterprise Architecture, Model Driven
Engineering, SOA, RAMs analysis) applied to the development of complex safety
criticalsystems (e.g. next generation ATM systems).
NAIS was involved and in someone still running, in National & European R&D project
and programs, such as in the ATM sector: SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research),
eATMS (new ATM Italian program) S2BAS (Small airport & small aircraft flight information
services) and RAID (RPAS & ATM Integration Demonstration). In ESA-ARTES20 IAP
program; IRIS ANTARES on the SATCOMM domain, SIMONA on Maritime situation
awareness and in ASI co-financed project such as: WHERE in the Earth Observation/
GMES technologies on Cultural Heritage domain and AIRONE on Aeronautic Meteo
services. Some others on Transport, Maritime and Cultural Heritage areas of European
Frame Programme, such as: Meduse (FP7), Enhanced Wisetrip (FP7), ITACA (FP7).

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

The skills in satellite navigation technologies (EGNOS / GALILEO), Telecommunications
and Earth Observation (GMES, now COPERNICUS) in synergy with ICT technologies
allow NAIS to develop solutions in the following application domains: Mobility (smart-
mobility and info-mobility); Cultural Heritage (transport, monitoring and safeguarding,
use); Emergencies and Civil Protection (command and control systems operations and
decision support); Defense (weapon simulation systems for staff training); Aeronautical
transport (ATM and in-flight services for General Aviation); Marine transport (access
management of protected areas); Health (e-Health systems for mobile health).
In the field of technologies applied to Cultural Heritage, NAIS has expertise in techniques
and technologies of human-machine interaction based on virtual and augmented reality;
GIS and WebGIS systems; standards for the interoperability of geo-spatial systems
(INSPIRE directive, metadata standards, OGC standards); Earth observation data
analysis techniques (classification, change detection, interferometry); systems based
on GNSS positioning; wireless communication systems; satellite and terrestrial data
In the application domain of Cultural Heritage, NAIS offers:


• Solutions for monitoring and safeguarding the immovable
cultural heritage and the natural heritage threatened
by the impact: anthropic (human impact on the
environment); meteoclimatic (impact on the vulnerability
of monuments); geotechnical-structural (deformations of
land and structures).
• Solutions for the protection and use of theme parks,
historic buildings and museums with IT systems able
to: manage multimedia contents for tourist use with 3D
reconstructions; digital signature of the works (digital
watermarking); manage access to sites with ancillary
services to support visitors, such as location tracking,
assistance requests and emergencies.
• Solutions to monitor the integrity of mobile cultural assets
(eg artwork, paintings ect.) During transport - VECTOR
service. The proposed solution is able to check in real
time both the geographical position of the asset and the
physical parameters such as: temperature, brightness,
brightness and vibrations, detected in the transport case
and in the cargo compartment.
NAIS is promoting its services to public territorial bodies
(eg Superintendencies, Museums and Municipalities) and to
associations that manage buildings and private properties of
high historical and cultural interest, services deriving from the
technological transfer of the results obtained from research
and development projects carried out in collaboration with
ASI (Italian Space Agency), the MiBACT (Ministry of Cultural
Heritage and Activities and Tourism) and the ISCR (Italian
Institute for Conservation and Restoration).


Nanoracks Space
Outpost Europe srl
Company profile
Nanoracks Space Outpost Europe srl is an Italian-based company belonging to XO
Markets company. XO Markets, the world’s first commercial space holding company,
includes Nanoracks LLC, DreamUp, Nanoracks Space Outpost Europe (Nanoracks-Italy),
and Nanoracks UAE. NanoRacks is internationally known as the largest commercial
user of the International Space Station, successfully launching over 1000 payloads in
key markets for customers in over 30 countries and generating over $50 million US in Contact
revenues since its establishment. Nanoracks is poised for a period of rapid growth due to
several factors: 1) the continuation of the ISS for at least another decade allowing further
investment and increase in revenues; 2) our international reputation has allowed us to Via Ettore de Sonnaz 19
open this year a subsidiary in Italy, an office in Hub71 and by year’s end a company in Torino TO 10121
China. In total, Nanoracks is poised perfectly to take advantage of the explosive growth
Veronica La Regina
in the commercial exploration and utilization of the international space effort.
Business Development and
Nanoracks has the most access to space of any company in the world. Nanoracks
has agreements for utilizations of the ISS, Blue Origin’s New Shepard, Virgin Galactic, Sales Director
Chinese recoverable satellites, Indian vehicles, partnerships with US efforts to the Moon, vlaregina@nanoracks.it
as well as our own non-ISS commercial platforms. +393495068325
Nanoracks is also market leader in creating space research hardware at efficient price www.nanoracks.com
points, having about $40 million US invested in the ISS today. info@nanoracks.com
Looking forward, Nanoracks using our proven experience and leadership to become
the market leader in utilizing the microgravity of space for advances in the fields of
life sciences, biopharma and agriculture. For the past several decades there has been
glimpses of how powerful taking gravity out of the equation is on new biopharma and
agricultural products. Today, with greater access to space and with miniaturization of
off-the-shelf research hardware, these critical and mature industries are ready to utilize
microgravity as a cutting edge research and manufacturing tool. Nanoracks positioned
to be the key partner for companies world-wide focused on three hubs: Italy, the States
and UAE.
Nanoracks deploys 250 satellites (from 1U to Microsat) and brought to Space over 1000
payloads. All these are commercially driven and procured by customers as services
provision request.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Nanoracks can offer affordable and prompt services to access Space to everyone. Its
target market customers are Education entities (e. g. school, universities, etc.), Science
Community and, Space and non-Space technology developers. The main services to
access Space are: 1. Satellite deployment from 1U CubeSat to MicroSat up to LEO, 2.
Science & Technology Payloads embarkable on internal and external platforms, e. g.
sub-orbital crafts, ISS, LEO and beyond, 3. Education curricula about Space matters and
field of knowledge. The Nanoracks facilities in Space are: LEO ISS - Internal Payloads:
NanoLabs, NanoRacks Frame-3, NanoRacks Plate Reader, NanoRacks Microscope,
NanoRacks MixStix; LEO Satellite Deployment: ISS CubeSat Deployment, ISS MicroSat
Deployment, External Cygnus Deployment, Other space vehicles (Indian PSLV, SpaceX
Falcon 9, etc.); LEO ISS External Platform: NanoRacks External Platform, Bishop Airlock.
Nanoracks is contnously enlarging the list of opportunty to host payload in Space in
LEO and beyond, e. g. LEO Free-flyer, Moon and Mars.


Neohm Componenti s.r.l.
Company profile
Neohm Componenti S.r.l. is an Italian electronic engineering company located in the
industrial area of Turin, in the Piedmont region, just 15 km from the International Airport
of the city. The company has a 3,000 sq. meters building, organized into offices, meeting
rooms, conference rooms, laboratories, clean room and manufacturing area. Neohm
Componenti was established in 1990 and it absorbed the know-how, trademark and
experience of Neohm Elettronica S.p.A., which was a company active in the market of Contact
electronic components for nearly thirty years.
Since then, the company has been technologically updating with an improvement of the
production lines so to guarantee a perfect compliance to the market needs. Via Cascina Borniola, 13/D
To date, Neohm Componenti area of business is the study, design, development, Settimo Torinese Torino 10036
industrialization, production and sales of electronic components, boards and systems. Chiara Gionco
In particular, the company works in five different fields of electronic manufacturing: Technology Process Manager
• Hybrid circuits and resistive networks c.gionco@neohmcomponenti.com
• Avionic, military and space PSUs +390119974022
• Custom power resistors
• Avionic, military and space microelectronics
• Electronic systems for railroad communication
Neohm Componenti is able to assist the customers from the design of the electronic
component with a team of highly qualified technicians, to the product manufacturing
using state of the art technologies and the product screening according to military
The technologies available at the site include, but are not limited to, the thick film
substrate preparation, surface mounted technology, chip on board assembly and wiring,
hermetic encapsulation, PCB assembly with both SMT and PTH.
The microelectronics products are assembled inside a 400 m2 ISO7 clean room.
In March 2018, the company was acquired by a consortium of enterprises lead by TKM
and Tekfer, consolidating the company’s presence in the market. In 2020 a new joint
venture with the swiss company Arc Power was established,
The company has a Quality Management System certified by KIWA UNAVIA CERT which
complies with the UNI EN 9100:2018 and ISO 9001:2015 standards, which establishes the
basic criteria, pursuing the goal of continuous improvement.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Neohm Componenti core business is the development and manufacturing of high-end
CUSTOM electronic services. The company goal is to be an electronic PARTNER to the
customer, supplying a complete OUTSOURCING service:
• Electronic support during development
• Industrialization
• Technological support
• Materials purchasing
• Manufacturing
• Electrical test
The products that can be manufactured can cover a wide range of technologies and
applications. The product portfolio includes:
• Mechanical assembly of boards for railways communication systems
• Surface Mounted Technology (SMT) and Through Hole Technology (THT) assembly of
boards on Insulated Metal Substrates (IMSs), rigid or flex Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)


• Custom thick film resistors
• Industrial thick film based hybrid circuits
• Avionic, military and space grade Power Supply Units
• Avionic, military and space hermetic circuits
Neohm has a strong heritage in power electronics design
both on PCBs and hybrid circuits. We are currently providing
five different power supply products for the railways market.
We participated to nine avionics and military programs, and
we are currently providing twelve hybrids for the European
Fighting Aircraft (EFA) program.
The company participated as sub-con to five space programs,
including Cosmo Skymed and SAOCOM. For the last program
(SIASGE-SAOCOM L-band SAR for remote sensing) we
designed and manufactured 300 Flight Model units of the
H5 hybrid. The hybrid is a DC/DC converter with 5 regulated
secondary voltages, mounted on the PSU boards of the
satellite. The H5 hybrid consists of capacitors, thick-film
resistors, active components in chip form and magnetics and
was intended for use in high reliability space applications; it
is able to withstand a total radiation dose of 50 Krads (Si).
In 2019 we started a collaboration with Arc Power for the
design and manufacturing of a family of standard European
DC/DC converters for space, and we built the first prototypes
of the 15W DC/DC converter under the ESA/EPFL COO18
The hybrids intended for space applications are designed and
manufactured according to the ECSS-Q-ST-60-05C “Generic
Procurement Requirements For Hybrids”.
The company is going to start the activities to obtain the
Process Capability Approval from ESA according to the ESCC
Basic Specification No. 2566000.


Company profile
NEXT Ingegneria dei Sistemi Spa is an entirely private Italian company, founded in
1999 as a software company for the Defense and Space markets. Over the years it
has developed offering solutions and specialized personnel for other markets, while
expanding the offer in the Defense and Space markets.
In mid 2018 a Merge & Acquisition operation made NEXT Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A.to
become part of the Italian “DEFENCE TECH HOLDING”.
NEXT S.p.A.’s main activities are performed in the following domains and contexts:
SPACE - Ground Segment: Engineering, Mission Control, Mission Planning, Satellite Via Giacomo Peroni, 452
Control, Flight Dynamic for big and nanosatellite missions Roma RM 131
SPACE - Space Segment: In Orbit Validation, Payloads Calibration and Validation Alessio Di Salvo
SPACE -Big Programmes participation : GALILEO, COSMO SKYMED and COSMO Space Engineering Business
SECOND GENERATION, GOKTURK, OPTSAT including activities of system engineering, Unit Manager
GS and Subsystems AIV, System and Subsystem developments
DEFENCE -Naval: Design, development, Integration and Maintenance of Command &
+39342 6457645
Control Systems, Combat Systems, Radar Data Processing.
DEFENCE - Avionic: Design, development and Integration of Advanced Simulator,
Scenario Generator, Mission Planner, Test/ Verification/Validation
DEFENCE -Missile: Design, Development, Integration and Maintenance of Launchers’
components, Command and Control Systerm, Radar Data Processing, Flight Planning.
DEFENCE -Radar: Requirements Analysis, Systems Design, Systems implementation,
Hardware and Software Components Integration, Test, Verification And Validation.
TRANSPORT: Design, development, integration and Test of ATC/ATM Tower Systems,
Rails On Board System
e-GOVERNMENT: Design and Operational Support for ICT Infrastructure, Clounds,
Data Mining, Big Data Processing and Management, Back Office, WEB Services and
In the Space sector, which belongs to the Space Engineering Unit and with particular
reference to the Ground Segment, NEXT has developed competences for activities related
to satellite missions: design, integration and verification in Ground Segment Engineering
(at system and subsystem level), design, integration and verification, preparation,
production, execution and management of tests, SW design and development of Flight
Dynamics subsystems, calibration / validation, data acquisition, satellite control centers,
big data systems for satellite telemetry analysis
NEXT, as regards its solutions and services offered in the SPACE sector, is able to cover
all the phases of a space project, from the definition of the project requirements to
the operations and maintenance of the system, working in the previous study phases,
design, development, integration, test and validation by mean of its staff and its highly
qualified solutions.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

“AR-TowerR” ARTower (i.e. Augmented Reality Tower for ATM/ATC) is an ICT system
based on Augmented reality and advanced Computer Vision technology strongly
integrated with ATC/ATM Primary Radars, Weather Stations, On Board Transponders
ADS-B, also capable to manage “NON Collaborative Targets”
“SuSyARR” SuSyAR (Surveillance System based on Augmented Reality) is a Situational
Awareness ICT system and solution, mainly focused on the protection of Sensitive
Sites and/or Areas, such as Airports, Military Sites, Power Stations, Power and/or
Communication Infrastructures Nodes, Country Borders, Coastal Surveillance. SuSyAR
is specifically well designed to detect, respond and manage, in a very fast way, to


many kind of threat. Its Capability to collect and process in
real time a huge amount of data/information coming from
heterogeneous and distributed environmental sensors as well
as from multi purpose 2 axis orientation day/night/infrared
cameras, make it an advanced and complete answer to the
Urban and extra urban Security needs, and more in general to
smart Cities development, allowing easy integration with IoT
(Internet of Thing) methodology and technology. “MIDAS”
This is a co-owned product (with COBAM-CTS UK) , focused
on Military, Commercial as well as Humanitarian Demining.
NEXT developed and own three of the main components: a
Control Centre called “Command Management Tool” (CMT), a
Mobile Control Centre called “Mobile Command Management
Tools” (MCMT) and the Operational WEB site to follow the
Demining activities from any remote location.
“ANDROMEDA” This is an advanced BIG DATA Management
and Analysis Tool. ANDROMEDA System is capable to ingest,
organise, analyse and through an advanced GUI, allows a very
easy retrieval, access and relations creation, to heterogeneous
Data, no matter their format and organisation structure.
Moreover ANDROMEDA, through an advanced Graphic GUI,
allows the definition of Data Ontology, while the capability to
distribute the Analysis Work Load, allows an easy scalability,
depending on the amount of Data and Analysis requirements.
“NCS - Nanosatellite Control Segment”
NCS system is aimed to provide control and flight dynamics
services to commercial and scientific nanosatellite
constellations by mean of an innovative ground control
segment characterized by the following key characteristics:
multi-constellation simultaneous management, compatibility
with Mission Operation and Information Management
Services, autonomous routine operation management and
remote manned mission monitoring & control, multimission
automatic orbital control management.
NCS is provided with enhanced features to support the
most advanced nanosatellite generation as well as standard
features to be implemented for basic constellations.


Company profile
NOVOTECH is a key partner for many industries working in the aerospace field and other
advanced technology sectors. The Company was founded in 1992 as spin-off engineering
consulting company from Department of Aerospace Engineering of the University of
Naples “Federico II”. In order to keep high competitiveness on the market, NOVOTECH
has developed well consolidated know-how on aircraft and aircraft components: design/
certification; automated composite manufacturing processes; advanced FEA; static/ Contact
dynamic experimental tests.
NOVOTECH has proven capability in design and manufacturing of composite structures,
based on low cost and out-of-autoclave automated production processes (as AFP, PCM, Via Costanzi, 3
RTM and LRI). Manduria TA 74024
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Legal Representative
Novotech because of the long period of activity, most of 25 years, has gained over
time the specific expertise in various engineering aerospace and other high-tech fields. +390812392156
Starting from the initial activity in the field of GVT and Aeroelasticity, it has gradually www.novotech.it
expanded its expertise in the fields of various kinds of simulations, analysis and design novotech@pec.it
of aerospace and non-aerospace structures, adding in recent years a competence and
significant capacity in the field of advanced manufacturing of composite structures
(AFP, RTM, RFI, etc.).


Company profile
Nurjana Technologies provides Systems and Software Solutions for Real-Time Sensor
Integration, Multi Sensor Data Fusion and Automatic Target Tracking.
The long-standing expertise in the field of sensor data fusion and in the development of

algorithms for sensor fusion allows NT to develop modular and customized solutions in
a very short time with an agile process.
Thanks to the solid technical background NT team is able to fulfill all the customer’s
requirement specifications in a wide variety of projects worldwide and ensures the early
adoption of the latest methods, concepts, and technologies.
Via Betti 27/29
ELMAS CA 09067
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Pietro Andronico
NT Application Domains CEO
Aerospace pietro.andronico@
• Specialized engineering support nurjanatech.com
• SST/SSA and Orbit Propagation
• Mission Data Analysis, Test & Evaluation
• Autonomous navigation of Swarm of Drones
• Remote Sensing Data Exploitation
Instrumented Test Range
• Specialized engineering support
• Real-Time Command & Control
• Electro-Optical Tracking Systems
• Automatic Target Identification and Tracking
NT brand new products
NAIS, Nurjana Artificial Intelligence for Swarm of Drones: a machine learning environment
for a swarm of drones designed for training algorithms.
NEWMOS, Nurjana Earth Wildfire Monitoring and Observation System: a software
system for planning tactical strategic interventions aimed at both the prevention and
management of forest fires as well as the post-fire recovery activities.


Company profile
Officina Stellare (OS) is an innovative SME based in Sarcedo (VI), Italy, active in the
design and production of telescopes, opto-mechanical and aerospace instrumentation
for Ground and Space based applications.

Its unique position in the reference market is due to its specialistic in-house expertise and
advanced skillset for the development, implementation and commissioning of complex
opto-mechanical engineering projects in the aerospace field for scientific, research or
defense-related purposes.
From specifications drafting to final acceptance tests, OS guarantees maximum
Via della Tecnica, 87/89
efficiency of the supply chain and high risk management facilities.
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Gino Bucciol
New Space economy (Earth Observation, Laser Communications, Space Situational gino.bucciol@officinastellare.com
Awareness), Scientific Research, Defense are OS main fields of application. +39 0445370540
Officina Stellare products are known for their highly advanced technology and www.officinastellare.com
competitiveness. Time-to-market, versatility, results achieved, and the in-house control info@officinastellare.com
over most of the value chain make OS uniquely positioned within the reference market..


Optec S.p.A.
Company profile
Founded in 1985, OPTEC SpA is the Italian firm reference leader in optical, optoelectronic
and optomechanical sector, in Europe and in the World.
OPTEC customized development for many Industry sectors, represents the engine of

our high standards solutions, and represents for our Customers the correct answer for
each problem who tumble in Optec’s action area.
Studies carried out inside Optec, are present in several technical publications; inside
“Collana di Ottica e Fotonica”, a technical Italian publication which contains different
and interesting articles, Optec has given a contribute with the 4th volume “Elements
Via Mantegna, 34
of Optical design”, written by our professionals engaging in private Industry and in
research area. Parabiago Milano 20015
Since its start up in 1985, Optec is more than a manufacturer. It is a service organization
Giuseppe Cilia
with a proven record of successful performance. President
Optec is always driven by its dedication to serving Customer needs and by its gcilia@optec.eu
commitment to producing quality products with high performance, with reference +39 0331021815
to optical sector. Optec’s standard and custom products are a result of experience in www.optec.eu/index.html
imaging applications. info@optec.eu
In the beginning, Optec provided only lenses, now we offer complete integrated systems.
By providing the complete system, Optec is able to optimize system performance
rather than just individual component performance. Optec has a great attention to
research field, which has conducted us to collaborate with a lot of important partners in
Aerospace and Imaging sectors Industry.
Optec has obtained the quality certificate ISO 9001:2015 by TÜV Italy certification

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Optec designs starting from scratch, manufacture and certify diffraction limited optical
payloads, multichannel camera systems for Space, focus mechanism with remote control
and every kind of optical system starting from UV, passing through Visible and coming
to InfraRed range.
As leading Company of Optica Group, Optec can offer not only long term heritage in
designing but also glass polishing capability, mechanical components manufacturing
and moreover a new optical coating facility inside of the Group.
Our core business is to follow and guide customers from the very beginning to the
final system, offering continuous and tailored support in the niche world of optical and
optoelectronic systems.
Optec is directly involved in design and engineering of optical systems for satellites or
space stations for various companies around the world.
Through the years Optec has been protagonist of numerous successes in the Space
In 2001, in collaboration with CGS, Optec designed and implemented various optical
systems still in use in BIOLAB of the ISS.
In 2003, in collaboration with Turin Astrophysics Observatory (OATO) Optec has been
involved in SCORE experiment and the optical unit for the solar corona analyzer was
In collaboration with TDS in 2010 the optical unit for the PRISMA mission was
implemented. PRISMA is operational and functioning in geostationary orbit.
Under an ASI (Italian Space Agency) contract, in collaboration with TSD and Optec
partner Tecnottica, 4 new advanced system were presented as navigation tools for
interplanetary exploration.
Together with Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) and University of Toronto Institute for


Aerospace Studies (UTIAS) the first extremely high resolution
dioptric satellite, limited in resolution only by diffraction, has
been designed, manufactured and qualified for launch.
OPTEC has delivered, after having successfully performed
the qualification campaign, the polarimeter for the ESA Solar
Orbiter METIS project which was first flight unit of the METIS
Solar Orbited mission to be delivered for integration.
Finally, OPTEC is manufacturing ARGOMOON flight optical
payloads. ArgoMoon is a nanosatellite that will fly on board
the new American launcher, Space Launch System (SLS),
during its first mission (Exploration Mission 1) scheduled for
The objective of the ArgoMoon mission is to provide NASA
information about the correct launch vehicle operations
through photography. At the time the second stage will
release the CubeSats, it will not be able to communicate
with the ground anymore. ARGOMOON will be the first
nanosatellite (6U) to be released in moon orbit.


Company profile
PICOSATS is an Innovative SME founded in 2014 as a spin-off of the University of
Trieste. PICOSATS is incubated in Area Science Park, the largest science and technology
park in Italy. PICOSATS commercial scope relates to the development, production and
marketing of innovative products, processes and services with high technological value,
in particular with regards to the development of small satellites and the associated
instrumentation. Currently, PICOSATS main business consists of a new generation of Contact
telecommunication systems for small satellites, RADIOSAT. RADIOSAT is a miniaturized
Ka-band transceiver, capable of providing a data transmission speed five times higher
than the current technologies available in the market. In order to diversify the company’s Padriciano, 99 c/o
portfolio of solutions, PICOSATS developed its own full small satellite structural bus, AREA Science Park Trieste TS
BRICSAT, a new solution for building small satellites by using a promising plastic polymer
and 3-D manufacturing technique, with a modularity design. Together, RADIOSAT
and BRICSAT create a bundle between the hardware’s side, the satellite bus, and the Anna Gregorio
software’s side, the communication system, addressed to the same potential user and Legal Representative
customer segments. Additional serviced are being proposed for payload design and anna@picosats.eu
integration. +39040 375 5445
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies info@picosats.eu
1. RADIOSAT - Telecommunication. A new generation of telecommunication systems
for space applications dedicated to small satellites. The key technologies at the core
of this system are a software defined radio and a highly directive and configurable
antenna, operating at high frequencies (Ka band), and providing very high data
rates. The hardware system will be associated with ad-hoc telecommunication
2. BRICSAT - Mechanics. PICOSATS is carrying on an R&D program towards the hardware
development of the structural bus of the satellite that will allow exploiting cross-
selling opportunities (hardware & software). BRICSAT represents a new solution
for building small satellites by using an ad-hoc polymer and 3-D manufacturing
techniques. BRICSAT aims at providing the means to get independency in satellite
bus manufacturing and to grant accessibility and adaptability of space industry, in
the light of a remarkable interest in small space programs, both in the scientific and
industrial field. The hardware system will be associated with customization services.
3. Services. Beyond services associated to the hardware products, PICOSATS is
proposing engineering services and consultant services for End to End Scientific
Mission simulations.


Planetek Italia s.r.l.
Company profile
Planetek Italia is an Italian SME (Small and Medium Enterprise), established in 1994,
which employs 50 men and women, passionate and skilled in Geoinformatics, Space
solutions, and Earth science.

The Company designs new processes and solutions that simplify the use of geo-localized
We cover all phases of the geo-localized data life cycle, from the acquisition, storage,
management, analysis and sharing of information in order to produce and generate
Via Massaua, 12
We adopt the principles of Strategic Design to satisfy users’ needs with full respect for Bari 70132
economic, social and environmental sustainability and technological feasibility.
Daniela Drimaco
Our many application areas range from environmental and land monitoring to open-
Business Development
government and smart cities, including defence and security, as well as scientific
missions and planetary exploration. The main activity areas are: Specialist
• Satellite, aerial and drone data processing for cartography and geo-information SpaceStream SBU
production; drimaco@planetek.it
• EO based solutions in the field of urban planning, civil protection and emergency +39080 96 44 200
response, tourism, renewable energy, fleet monitoring, coastal monitoring and www.planetek.it
protection, defence, as well as in the markets of energy, transport and infrastructures; info@planetek.it
• Design and development of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) INSPIRE compliant for
geospatial data archive, management and sharing;
• Design and development of real-time geo-location based solutions, through
positioning systems such as GPS/Gallileo/GNSS and indoor location systems;
• Development of software for on-board payload data processing and for ground
segment infrastructures for both EO and planetary missions
• Space Mission Analysis and Design (SMAD)
• Software for Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) and Satellite Telemetry
Planetek Italia is Hexagon Geospatial Platinum Partner in Italy providing software
solution for Earth Observation and Geospatial Data management. The Company is one
of the main Italian satellite data reseller and value added provider.
The Company responds to markets needs through its three Strategic Business Units:
• SBU SpaceStream designs and develops solutions to support the European
Institutions (EUMETSAT, ECMWF) and Space Agencies (ESA, ASI).
• SBU Government & Security offers solutions and services in the Public Administration
market at national and international levels and for the Defence, Educational and
scientific research markets in Italy. It provides geospatially powered solutions to the
agencies and European institutions such as EEA, EDA, EC, REA and JRC.
• SBU Business to Business offers solutions to companies operating in Oil & Gas,
Water, Renewable Energy, Transports and Infrastructures sectors. Its products range
from systems for business intelligence on geographic data to the creation of geo-
informative products and value-added data from Earth Observation.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

1. Rheticus®: is an automatic cloud-based geo-information service platform designed to
deliver fresh and accurate data and information for territorial monitoring. It is designed
to deliver up-to-date, accurate maps and historical graphical data via a user friendly
dashboard. https://www.rheticus.eu/
2. Preciso®: Geo-information products, derived from satellite and remote sensing


data, designed to provide cognitive frameworks that
meet the specific needs of each application field.
3. Cart@net® : it is the WebGIS solution for the management
and consultation of large raster and vector datasets, ideal
to distribute on-line catalogues of cartographic data.
4. LOD4SDI: it is an open and reusable solution for publishing
geographic data on the Web as Linked Open Data, according
to the standard RDF / XML. www.planetek.it/eng/getlod
5. Blockchain4EO: By means of Blockchain technology, the
EO value chain is improved in its aspects related to security,
integrity, encryption and distribution of EO very large
datasets to a group of peers (in the ground segment and
on-board) enabling tradeable distributed processing.
6. Information-as-a-Service: new remote sensing applications
in precision farming and sustainable development areas by
making use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and
cloud computing technologies.
7. Satellite Ground Segment: Software infrastructures
development for managing, acquiring, processing,
archiving and disseminating satellite data (radar, optical,
8. Satellite Health Monitoring: technology that detects
anomalies and prevents potential failures of the spacecraft
or its subsystem. It includes automatic checking tools and
visualization tools.
9. Earthbit: it is a tool that manipulates very big SAR
and hyperspectral images together with image
streams (live videos from e.g. drones) in real-time.
10. SpacePDP: it is an open and modular Payload Data
Processing framework aimed to transfer satellite data
processing from the Ground to Space Segment. It is
composed of independent hardware and software modules.
11. SpaceADM: it is a real time algorithm to evaluate
satellite attitude based on Kalman Filter theory. It
is able to integrate data from different devices for
providing highly precision estimates of satellite attitude.
12. SpaceOP3C: it is a FPGA or SW solution for on-board
hi-performance hyperspectral data compression
and cloud classification. OP3C compressed data
can be processed in their compressed form.
13. SpacePTS: it is an EGSE SW Front-End for Integration,
Verification & Validation activities of a satellite payload. It
provids full front-end functionalities (TM/TC, power and
custom analogical links) on top of a commercial HW platform.
14. ERMES: it is a modular, flexible and interoperable SW,
developed by Planetek, to accomplish AIT, Check-Out and
Operations activities for Satellites, Payloads, SCOEs and
equipment in general.
15. CASTeC (Context Aware Spacecraft Telemetry Checking):
it is a software tool intended to ease the labour-intensive
task of spacecraft telemetry checking, by automating
the telemetry signals trend analysis and the detection of
anomalous behaviours and novelties.https://www.planetek.


Company profile
Progem is involved in the industrialization, manufacture and control of precision
mechanical parts for aerospace, space and defense for both civil and military purposes.
Progem operates not only in general mechanical environment but also conception, design,
processing and construction in other sectors like industrial automation, automotive,
agricultural, textile, nautical. Progem manages prototypes and individual pieces, even
at a low production rate, and full-bodied bundles of work with a high production rate. Contact
Progem designs and manages special processes related to the activity and mechanical
assembly and provides complete processing including various materials’ testing and
finishing. Progem is involved in several R&d projects related to the Aerospace sector, Via Monteu Roero, 12/16
with the support of the Polytechnic of Turin and some large companies in the Piemonte Carmagnola Torino 10022
area (North-West of Italy).
Lorenzo Grossi
Business Development Manager
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies lorenzogrossi@progem.eu
Progem is a Tier1 supplier that design, produce, assemble and test aerospace and +39011971496
defence structures and components. Progem has also successfully developed a carbon www.progem.eu
fiber strain gauge that should fly in space in 2022. It is a new technology that allows the lorenzogrossi@progem.eu
structural health monitoring of every critical component spending ten time less than
the actual solution available. Furthermore Progem can provide technological industrial
washing machines created to meet the various needs of degreasing and cleaning of
mechanical parts present in the field of industrial mechanical production. Its high
versatility makes it suitable for both interoperational cleaning and finishing cleaning.
The large number of available options allows the machine to be configured to make it
more suitable for different production needs.


Progressive Systems Srl
Company profile
Progressive Systems Srl is an Italian company with more than a decade of experience
in simplifying the access to Earth Observation data and turning this information into
valuable insights for EO and non-EO experts needing to solve diverse environmental
and societal challenges. The offer of the company is based on the cross-sectoral
competences of a highly qualified team which operates on the following areas:
• earth observation data quality and exploitation;
• algorithms development and integration into processing environment to interpret
satellite data for the most accurate results;
Via Enrico Fermi, 62
• independent test and validation to ensure software quality and usability; Frascati RM 00044
• IT solutions and cloud computing to enable customers to access, download and Giancarlo Rivolta
manage a massive amount of data by reducing time and saving storage;
Chief Executive
• education and outreach activities to raise awareness on the benefits and opportunities giancarlo.rivolta@
offered by the Earth Observation sector.
Progressive Systems also focuses on research activities including environmental
+39 069424783
monitoring (e.g. land classification, agriculture and precision farming) and early warning
and risk management support (e.g. fire detection, flood detection, ground deformation). www.progressivesystems.it
The company is also active in training initiatives to support universities, start-ups and info@progressivesystems.it
SMEs interested in using Big Data.
The experience of Progressive Systems is based on a long-lasting collaboration with the
European Space Agency and on-site presence at ESRIN. Progressive Systems’ customers
can therefore benefit from:
• A sound knowledge and understanding of ESRIN and its infrastructure, stakeholders
and processes;
• Deep involvement in technology and research related projects;
• Strong experience in EO data processing for scientific exploitation and data users
(researchers and service industry) support;
Competence to effectively manage verification, validation and change management
processes, and to support operations, maintenance and R&D projects.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Progressive Systems’ activity lines are:
1. Operational services
2. Testing, Verification and Validation
3. Research Projects and Services
1. Operational services
ESA Research and Service Support
Since 2006 Progressive Systems operates the ESA Research and Service Support
whose mission is to support scientists, service developers such as SMEs, start-ups and
businesses in the space industry, and institutions in exploiting Earth Observation data
during the R&D phase. RSS supports its customers in developing and integrating new
algorithms, elaborating on-demand processing campaigns and generating and delivering
value-added information. RSS customers are enabled to 1) have more resources 2) scale-
up and process massive data preventing them from buying storage 3) benefit from wide
service exposure.
EOsuite is a set of services aiming at bridging Earth Observation with non-EO research
and business domains. Four are the main services offered: 1) Expert Support (feasibility


studies, validation, consulting); 2) EO services (ad-hoc
developments; turn-key solutions; platform independence) 3)
Partnership (R&D projects, participation to call for bids) 4)
Training (basic, advanced, customized). All the services are
customizable and focused on customers’ requirements.
2. Testing, Verification and Validation
ESA Fast Prototyping
From 2014 to 2019 Progressive Systems was involved in the
frame contract for social media and mobile applications
development for Earth Observation ground segment and
mission operations (Fast Prototyping). It aimed at filling
the gap between the general public and ESA by promoting
its EO missions and emergency and monitoring services,
and by highlighting the importance of EO data for the
scientific community. Among the activities, the Sentinel and
the Copernicus Eye Apps are still ongoing. The main role
of Progressive is to gather the requirements and perform
independent testing of the software deliveries released by the
industrial consortium.
3. Research Projects and Services
◦ Fire and Burnt Areas Detection: Progressive Systems
developed a fire detection service to detect fires in
near- real time and assess derived burned areas mainly
based on Meteosat Second Generation data. It allows
local authorities to warn citizens and monitor the
identified fires in sensitive locations.
◦ Flooded Areas Detection: Progressive Systems is in the
position to develop maps based on Synthetic Aperture
Radar acquisitions, which indicate the areas affected
by the floods to support decision making and disaster
◦ Ship Detection: Progressive Systems set-up a prototype
ship detection chain based on SAR observations to
support the Italian Coast Guard in increasing the
efficiency of its surveillance activities.


Company profile
The idea behind the Progetti Speciali Italiani Srl foundation consists in the fact that
multidisciplinary activities, having important economic value exit, are characterized by
short time activity concentration.

These activities typically require bursts of intense engineering, development and
production works periods, however followed by long times of lack of further similar
Therefore, the solution was found by an agreement among some few SMEs to support
the creation of a company, dedicated to such special projects, having a flexible amount
VIA Monte Santo, 2
of resources to be deployed according to the actual workload.
Roma RM 00195
Each SME part of the Group provides specific technologies and industrial capabilities
contributing to special multidisciplinary projects through a mix of PSI Senior and Young
Armando Orlandi
specialist. President
The cooperation within PSI is open, so that other companies might enter within the PSI aorlandi@intese.com
cooperation agreement. +3906 3215001
This approach provides PSI to operate as the core of a Virtual Company of 20 Million- www.psi-space.eu
euro turnover with more then 200 employees, still maintaining the size of a small fraction info@psi-space.eu
of such a size.
In fact, the average number of PSI employees consists of less than 20 persons generating
a financial turnover of 3 Million Euros.
The company organization is based on four Directorates (Programs, Technical,
Commercial and Administrative) working under control of the company President.
A group of senior advisors provides support to the company activities, according to the
flexible assignment of resources planning together with strategic policies consultancy in
accordance with the multi-company agreement.
The combination of High Tech and Multidisciplinary approach demonstrated to be
successfully in the competitive environments participated by PSI with Italian and Foreign
Final Client with the following activities are undergoing:
TOMS – High Resolution Telescope for Microsatellites (Italian MoD program)
ESA Artes 5.1 ITT AO/1-8556/16/NL/CLP - Deployable Antenna Structures for Small
Satellites (ESA program)
ESA Artes 5.1 ITT AO/1-8218/16/NL/WE - Aeronautical antennas for dual-band including
L-band AMS(R)S and other existing aircraft applications (ESA program)
ESA AO/1-8433/15/NL/CBi - Participation of Poland in the ESA Small Launcher Initiative
(PPSLI) as PGZ subcontractor (ESA Program)
ESA Artes 5.1 ITT AO/1-8692/16/NL/CLP – Prototype for a Command and Control Data
Link for UAVs in the 5GHz Band (ESA Program)
ESA Artes 5.1 ITT ESA AO/1-8999/17/NL/WE – SMA Fast Locking Connector (ESA

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Progetti Speciali Italiani Srl is able with his organization to deliver a large set of product
and technologies applied to the Space Sector but seamless to other applicative sector
in the new philosophy of COTS into Space and Spin In.
The Major Product capabilities consist on:


Nano an Microsatellite for Dual Use Application
Elint and Optical Payload for Microsatellites
Sensor Suite for UAV
Ground TLC Satellite Stations
Large Thermal Vacuum Simulators
The Major Technological capabilities consist in:
Mission System Studies
System Definition
Thermo-Mechanical Analysis
RF Analysis
Deploying Mechanism
Metal and Composite Structure design and fabrication
Power Condition Unit design and fabrication
Feed and Antenna design and fabrication
Algorithm design and relevant SW development
AOCS Analysis and relevant SW development


Radio Analog Micro Electronics srl
Company profile
Radio Analog Micro Electronics srl, RAME in short, was established in September 2014
as High-Technology Content Innovative start-up company in the framework of Italian law
221/2012 based in Rome, Italy.

The current legal status is: limited liability research & development organization.
RAME has applied for Italian Anagrafe Nazionale delle Ricerche (CAR code: 62214MIO)
obtaining 100% rank from Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca.
RAME has been approved for french Tax Credit (CIR) Accreditation from the French
Research Ministry.
Via C. F. Bellingeri, 14
Roma RM 00168
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Stefano Perticaroli
RAME provides services and disposes of tehcnologies in ASIC, MW & RF circuits, FPGAs CEO
and EM-based sensor development application fields. stefano.perticaroli@ramesrl.it
ASIC: RAME owns a portfolio of patented IPs in the following fields of application: • VCOs +390692919797
and PLLs • ADCs and DACs • RF receiver frontends (Attenuators, LNAs, Mixers) • RF www.ramesrl.it
transceiver frontends (Variable Gain Amplifiers, Poly-phase Filters) • Linear regulators
(LDOs, Bandgaps) • Switching regulators (Buck and Buck-Boost converters) • Digital info@ramesrl.it
controllers for Power Management Ics.
MW & RF: Ku and Ka frontends for RF radar signal conditiong.
FPGA: mixed-signal controller Ips, cross and auto correlations IP for realtime radar signal
conditioning, frame rate converters for realtime video applications (ARINC818 and other
EM-Based sensors: RAME owns patented technologies for sensing of gauging in
liquid with very low dielectric constant or determination of dielectric constant in finite
volumes, for sensing conductivity in nanostructured surfaces (e.g. photo-voltaic cells).
RAME is further developing proprietary technologies for sensing of the vascularization
of human skin.


Company profile
Radiolabs Consortium, is a not-profit Research Organization established its headquarters
in Rome in 2001and currently includes three academic partners - University of Rome
“Tor Vergata”, “University of Roma Tre”, “University of L’Aquila” - and two industrial
partners - Ansaldo STS S.p.A. a Hitachi Group Company and WESTPOLE S.p.A. Radiolabs
mission is to contribute on Applied Research, Innovation, and Knowledge Transfer in the
emerging fields of ICT and relevant applications. More specifically, its main skills are in Contact
the areas of telecommunications, including wireless, satellites, railways communications
and navigations, Internet systems and services, and new media technologies. Main areas
of interest include: new wireless technologies, ambient intelligence, infomobility and Corso D’Italia, 19
context based services. Thanks to the close relationship between University and Industry Roma RM 00198
partners strongly committed to research and innovation, Radiolabs represents one rare
Alessandro Neri
experience of a joint team able to gather a wide range of high level and complementary
research expertise that produce studies design development of prototypes and patents. President
Thanks to the close relationship between University and Industry partners strongly presidenza@radiolabs.it
committed to research and innovation, Radiolabs represents one rare experience of +39 0685380460
a joint team able to gather a wide range of high level and complementary research www.radiolabs.it
expertise that produce studies design development of prototypes and patents. Just
to mention a few of the latest research activities on wireless systems, Radiolabs is info@radiolabs.it
involved on channel modeling, on theoretical analysis and performance improvement
of modulation schemes (e.g., OFDM), and on the coexistence and interference of
wireless access systems (e.g. UWB with WiMAX/IEEE802.16-based systems, Point-
to-Point and UMTS). Regarding industrial developments, Radiolabs designed new
protocols for mobile ad hoc WiMAX-based networks (WiMAX Mesh Networks project,
2007-2008) and now is involved in developing of Software Defined Radio platforms
for the integration of wireless systems based on different standards (Stanag 4285, MIL-
STD 188-110/B). Radiolabs is also involved in development, implementation and test of
Waveforms according to SCA (Software Communication Architecture) methodologies
for radio programmable platform in HF, VHF e UHF bands.The Consortium participated
to the development of a mobile terminal to guarantee cross heterogeneous wireless
network (Wi-Fi – UMTS) and in co-operation with RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana), worked
on the possibility to extend GPS and GALILEO coverage in tunnels for the European
Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS). The Consortium also studied the service
architecture to provide time information from GALILEO satellites. RadioLabs best-
practice approach is based on continuously gaining experience through participation in
a number of innovative National, ESA and European projects.


RedCat Devices srl
Company profile
RedCat Devices (RCD), born as a start-up company in 2006, is a fabless semiconductor
company devoted to design semiconductor memories and analog devices for aerospace
and nuclear science taking the best from standard and well consolidated CMOS technologies
and using Radiation Hardening By Design (RHBD) proprietary methodologies to enhance
resistance both to total ionizing dose (TID) and single event effects (SEE).
RedCat Devices volatile and non volatile memories are designed specifically to be Contact
used in very aggressive environmental conditions. RedCat Devices can count on seven
people permanent staff team including founders and consultants. Its capability spreads
from project management to physical simulation and layout design of complete silicon Via Moncucco, 22
devices for customers who can also be helped on silicon process evaluation. Milano MI 20142
Commercial Partnership
Cristiano Calligaro
In november 2018, RedCat Devices signed an agreement for joint development and
marketing of rad-hard processors for space applications with ARSULTRA (Argentina). Chief Executive Officer
The agreement aims to trigger common business opportunities in the space market and c.calligaro@redcatdevices.it
realize research activities for the development of new processors to be implemented +393288822037
firstly on ARSULTRA on-board computers. www.redcatdevices.eu
Technological partners (Foundries)
X-FAB (Erfurt, Germany), TowerJazz (Israel), IHP (Frankfurt, Germany), LFoundry c.calligaro@redcatdevices.it
(Avezzano, Italy), TSMC (Taiwan), UMC (Taiwan).
Other partners
University of Jyväskylä (Jyväskylä, Finland), in particular with the RADiation Effects
Facility, RADEF, an ESA-supported radiation effects test site.
University of Palermo (Italy), Dept. of Engineering for testing under irradiation (Cobalt
60) and development of rad-hard test-beds
Tecnode Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (India).
Research and Industrial projects
Running project:
Title: MORAL - Export-free Rad-hard Microcontroller for Space Applications
Funded under the Horizon 2020 Programme - SPACE-10-TEC-2018-2020, N52 action
Period: 01/01/2020 – 30/04/2023
Title: Development of rad-hard PROMs for Space Applications (RAD-PROM)
Funded under the Italian Space Agency’s Industrial
Period: 04/06/2018 - 04/06/2020
Title: Monitoraggio del Territorio e Agricoltura di precisione mediante sistemi a pilotaggio
Funded under Regione Lombardia (Call HUB) – POR 2014/2020 – INNOVAZIONE E
Period: 01/02/2020 – 01/08/2022
Title: ESA-NAVISP Anti Jammer SoC (AJS)
ESA Contract EL2-004
Period: 18/09/2019 – 18/03/2022
Former projects:
Title: Radiation Hard 16Mbit MCM SRAM for Space Applications (EuroSRAM4Space)
Funded under the European Union’s Eureka Eurostars2 Programme.
Title: Radiation Hard Resistive Random-Access Memory (R2RAM )
Funded under the European Union’s Horizon2020 Programme.
• C. Calligaro and U. Gatti, (2018). “Rad-Hard Mixed-Signal IC Design, Theory and
Implementation” in A. Baschirotto, P. Harpe, K. Makinwa, “Next-Generation ADCs,
High-Performance Power Management, and Technology Considerations for Advanced
Integrated Circuits”, pp. 273-297, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-25267-0, ISBN 978-3-030-


25267-0 (eBook), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-25267-0
• Calligaro, C., and Gatti, U. (Eds.). (2019). Rad-hard semiconductor memories. River Publishers, Series in Electronic Materials
and Devices. ISBN: 9788770220200.”

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

“RedCat Devices proprietary methodology for rad-hard components has been proven both for space applications (TID up
to 300 krad (Si) and SEL over 80 MeV*mg/cm2 (Si)) and high energy physics experiments (TID over 25 Mrad (Si)) pushing
standard Bulk CMOS to the same level of reliability of SOI/SOS and Triple Well CMOS. RedCat Devices also manages
irradiation testing campaigns by using proprietary methodologies and FPGA-based custom board implementing ATE-
equivalent functions for in-situ (under irradiation) testing.
RAD-HARD components:
1. RC7C1024RHS: a 1Mbit (128Kbit x8) SRAM for standard space applications (LEO, MEO, HEO, GEO). Foundry: TowerJazz.
2. RC7C2048RHM: a 2Mbit (256kbit x8) SRAM device for low orbit (LEO) space applications. Foundry: TowerJazz.
3. RC7C4096MCT is a 4Mbit (128kbit x8 x4) MCM SRAM device for low orbit (LEO) space applications. Foundry: TowerJazz.
4. RC7C4096RHM: a 4Mbit (512kbit x8) SRAM device for low orbit (LEO).
space applications. Foundry: TowerJazz.
5. RC7C512RHH: a 512Kbit (64Kbit x8) SRAM for Deep Space and High Energy Physics Experiments. Foundry: TowerJazz.
6. RC7C512RHM: a 512Kbit (64Kbit x8) SRAM device for low orbit (LEO) space applications. Foundry: TowerJazz.
7. RC7C512RHS: a 512Kbit (64kbit x8) SRAM device for standard space applications (LEO, MEO, HEO, GEO). Foundry:
8. RC7C81092MCX: a 8Mbit (256kbit x8 x4) MCM SRAM device for low orbit (LEO) space applications. Foundry: X-FAB.
Rad-hard Libraries:
RedCat Devices rad-hard libraries are designed to be used in digital ASICs for space applications. All cells can be placed by
using standard tools such as Cadence or Tanner.
Standard Cells:
RadLib18T. Rad-hard standard cell library (1.8V) for TowerJazz ts18sl CMOS process (RadLib18T_v3).
RadLib18XF. Rad-hard standard cell library (1.8V) for X-FAB xh018 CMOS process (RadLib18XF_v2).
RadLib12I. Rad-hard standard cell library (1.2V) for IHP sg13s CMOS process.
RadLib18LF. Rad-hard standard cell library (1.8V) for LFoundry lf15a CMOS process.
RadLib18TC. Rad-hard standard cell library (1.8V) for TSMC cm018 CMOS process.
RadLib33T. Rad-hard standard cell library (3.3V) for TowerJazz ts18sl CMOS process.
RadLib33XF. Rad-hard standard cell library (3.3V) for X-FAB xh018 CMOS process (RadLib33XF_v1).”


RF Microtech s.r.l.
Company profile
RF Microtech is a service company developing custom products and smart solutions for
industries and system integrators operating in the field of Telecommunications, SatCom,
Aerospace, Localization and Manufacturing Industry. RF Microtech offers innovative
solutions in the area of antennas, beam forming networks, microwave filters and passive
components, tunable devices, RF systems for satellite and terrestrial communications,
radars for civil and military applications, sensors for real-time industrial processes Contact
Founded into 2007 as a spin-off of the University of Perugia, RF Microtech can now rely
on a high-qualified and creative team of 23 employees and 4 external collaborators, via Leone Maccheroni 64
most of them engineers with PhD. The company is involved in different H2020 programs Perugia PG 06132
and is prime contractor in several European Space Agency projects. It is partner of Paola Farinelli
international players such as Thales Alenia Space, SIAE Microelettronica, Elettronica Marketing and Promotion
and others. In 2017, the company moved into a larger premises, where a new and
well-equipped laboratory for the manufacturing, assembly and test of antennas and Manager
microwave circuits has been set up, along with measurement facilities up to 67GHz farinelli@rfmicrotech.com
+39075 527 1436
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies www.rfmicrotech.com
The core business of the company consists of custom design and development of
RF components and systems for industries, operating in the telecommunication field.
Specifically, the main areas are:
• Antennas and phased arrays
• Microwave filters and passive devices
• Microwave Sensors and Systems
RF Microtech supports projects at different levels. In fact, the company provides
Simulation and Technical Consultancy, System and Sub-system Design, Prototyping
and Low-volume Manufacturing, RF Testing and Characterization, starting from a deep
analysis of the customer requirements. The most advanced simulation tools are used:
Ansys HFSS, AWR, CST microwave Studio and other in-house computational platforms
for Antenna or Filter design. A well-equipped laboratory for the assembly of phased
array antennas has been arranged, along with measurement facilities up to 67GHz for
antenna and microwave equipment.
The enabling technologies provided by RF Microtech can be transversally applied in
different markets, such as:
• Telecommunications and SatCom
• Space and Avionics
• Radio Link
• Real Time Control of Industrial Processes
• Localization and Sensing


RGM S.p.A.
Company profile
RGM is an Italian company founded in 1986 by a small group of people dedicated to
production of power supplies. During the years, RGM expanded its portfolio of products,
specializing in the creation of complex custom systems for power conversion for a wide
range of applications in transportation, hybrid systems and energy storage, industrial
and medical markets.
RGM has an important Business Unit RGM SPACE based in Rome, focused on EEE parts
procurement and testing of Hi-Rel components and completely dedicated to the Space
market. Via Buccari, 19/21
RGM SPACE is a Procurement Agency formed by Managers with large experience in
16153 GENOVA (GE)
Space Projects, Component Engineers in the field of Hi-Rel components and Technical RGM SPACE
Experts in Space components and related activities management. Via Zoe Fontana 220,
RGM SPACE participated to the main European Space Agency (ESA) and Italian 00131 ROME (RM)
Space Agency (ASI) Programmes through their Customers based in Italy, Europe and +3906 41405153
Worldwide. www.rgmspace.com
Our activities start from the analysis of part list and customer requirements to achieve
the best qualitative, technical and economical definition of part numbers and related test
activities, in order to provide turn-key solutions in terms of parts and documentation.
Our Division has special and direct agreements with a wide range of Manufacturers and
Suppliers in order to provide to our Customers the best solution, supporting them also
in Parts Reductions, Standardisation and Cost Evaluation.
RGM SPACE also manage all the tests requested in a Space Program and all the
procurement related documentation (Certificate of Conformity, PAD, DPA, NCR, RVT,
Up-screening, Precap, Buy-off, Datapackage, EDAX, Relife, Humidity Test, etc.), available
also online in a reserved area on our Web Procurement Documentation Management
All the processes in the Company are managed according to :
ISO 9001:2015 (Quality) for RGM Space
EN 9120:2010 requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense distributor
EN ISO IEC 80079-34 (ATEX) for products to be used in explosive atmosphere
For the more demanding Military and Space projects we apply the rules and the quality
requirements set down respectively by the ECSS standards.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

The activities covered by RGM SPACE can be divided into three areas:
Parts Engineering
Parts Reduction and Standardization and Preparation of Consolidated Component List
Preparation of Detailed Specification
Technical Negotiation of Specification
PAD Preparation
Evaluation / Qualification Plan and Test Plan Preparation
Technical Interface with Manufacturer / Users
Technical and Radiation Data Base Management
Request for Quotation and Negotiation with Vendors


Procurement Schedule and Planning Definition
Purchase order Placement /Monitoring
Parts Procurement Status and Schedule Monitoring
Custom Operation / Ex –Import / Export License management
Parts in Stock Management
Incoming, Logisting & Testing
Visual Inspections, EDX Analisys,
Documentation and data review
Store management,
Management of NCRs.
RGM SPACE manage also complex testing activities such as
Destructive physical analysis (DPA), failure and construction
analysis, Up-screening & QCI, Relife, Humidity Test, Burn-in,
Life test, Electrical Test characterization, Hermeticity test,
Radiation test –TID-DD-SEE, Xrays, CSAM, Radiation Tests
(Total Ionizing Dose HRD/LDR/ELDRS).


S.A.T.E. - Systems and Advanced
Technologies Engineering S.r.l.
Company profile
S.A.T.E. is an R&D and engineering company, founded in 1998 that performs services of
advanced technology engineering in many different industrial fields, in particular in the
offshore industry, in the gas compression and processing industry, in the automotive
industry, in the space and marine industries.
S.A.T.E. specialises in the study and analysis of innovative systems, modelling, simulation,
diagnostics and knowledge extraction from data, applied to power and operating
machines, plants, vehicles, space systems and special machines.
In particular, S.A.T.E. operates in the following areas of activity:
Santa Croce 664/A
• SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, which consists in the activities of consultancy, study and Venezia 30135
design with regard to mechanical, underwater, marine and space systems for which
design with a strongly interdisciplinary and inter-functional (“systems-engineering”)
Chiara Brighenti
approach is normally necessary. Technincal Director
• SIMULATION AND MODELLING, consisting of dynamic simulation services of systems chiara.brighenti@sate-italy.com
operation and control, which is necessary to verify their design. To provide these +39041-2757634
services, S.A.T.E. uses its own proprietary advanced software products, developed www.sate-italy.com
in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment, for both off-line and real-time simulation. info@sate-italy.com
S.A.T.E. simulation tools for compressors and gas turbines thermo-dynamics and
control, energy generation cycles, internal acoustics propagation and flow induced
vibrations phenomena are key qualifying company products in this area.
• SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, which services are provided for applications requiring
customised software products, either for simulation activities or for other purposes.
• DATA ANALYSIS AND DIAGNOSTICS, which consists in services oriented to the
interpretation of data acquired from any type of physical system, such as a car
or a satellite, with the purpose of characterising the system behavioural patterns
and exploiting the knowledge extracted from data to improve system or process
performance, identify anomalies, detect incipient faults and identify possible causes,
automatically. Both physical-mathematical models and data-based models are
designed and developed by S.A.T.E. with the purpose of system diagnosis.
SATE is a qualified supplier of international OEM, IPC contractors and oil companies in
the power and oil&gas sector.
SATE is a qualified consultant and supplier of OEM and engineering companies in the
automotive and motorcycle sectors and of CERN, ESA and Large System Integrators in
the research and space sector.
SATE quality system is certified according to ISO 9001-2015 standards.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Dynamic simulation and real time simulators of processes and machines operation and
control, such as for the gas compression facilities, gas turbine power plants, refrigeration
cycle compressors during design, commissioning and start up phases.
Simulation of telescopes dynamics, to evaluate the dynamic oscillations of the mounting
structure and optical parts and verify compliance with system specifications, considering
wind disturbance, gravity, bearing friction, motors model and controls.
Systems diagnostics in a variety of solutions, including both model-based and data-


based approaches. In the space field, S.A.T.E. performed
six projects for ESA for the study and implementation of
innovative data mining solutions for the extraction of relevant
knowledge from large datasets and the automatic detection
of novelties or correlations. The technologies developed were
applied to:
• spacecraft telemetry or test data, to support the
evaluation of test results, monitor the spacecraft health
state and learn from data on its behaviour. The software
solutions developed are KETTY (Knowledge ExtracTion
from TelemetrY) and CASTeC (Context Aware Spacecraft
TelemetrY Checking).
• medical data, to define solutions that may enable
astronauts’ medical autonomy in future missions. The
software solution developed is CLUE (Tool for Clinical
Laboratory data Understanding and Knowledge
• GNSS data, to extract recommended ships routes from
historical GNSS datasets, with space-time tolerances,
based on ships characteristics and weather conditions, to
enhance vessels traffic monitoring. The software solution
developed is TRA-Miner (TRAjectory Miner).
Technology transfer to other application domains, such as the
automotive and the energy distribution fields, is continuously
applied by S.A.T.E.
Software products for the simulation or diagnostics of
different types of systems.
S.A.T.E. is included in the network “Third party products &
services”, qualified by The Mathworks Inc., having produced,
sold and used for commercial services, advanced simulation
products for compressors, gas turbines, power-train dynamics,
tyre-road interaction, mechanical suspensions, automotive
HVAC, pneumatic systems, CAN signals acquisition and on-
board diagnostics, fuel consumption monitoring for vehicle
fleets and data analysis.
For example, in the automotive filed, for the vehicle
transmission dynamics, the tyre threads performance, the
vehicle air conditioning system, the heat transmission and the
automatic correction of the temperature set point according
to the driver effort and physiological status. The experience
gained in software engineering allows S.A.T.E. deploying
software satisfying the customer requirements and tailoring
it to the specific programming languages and framework


SAB Aerospace S.r.l.
Company profile
S.A.B. Aerospace S.r.l. (SAB-IT) is a company part of SAB group, in the space business
since 2004. The company’s core business is focused on the development of mechanical
systems and subsystems for Launchers and Satellites. The internal facilities such as
Manufacturing, Assembly, Integration and Testing, together with the heritage in ESA
programs as responsible for small systems, put SAB-IT in the position of being a valuable
alternative to large companies in different fields of activities. Contact
Nowadays SAB-IT is recognized as one of the Italian player in the Launchers field, thanks
to the collaboration with ESA and AVIO on the Small Spacecraft Mission Service project
(SSMS). Contrada Piano Cappelle, 8
The other main activities carried out by SAB-IT are related to Satellites, mainly focused Benevento BN 82100
on the development of mechanical subsystems of satellites platforms as well as optical Megi Mali
payloads and equipment. Executive Assistant
In the frame of the internationalization process, a new company has been started in mmali@sabaerospace.com
Czech Republic (S.A.B. Aerospace Sro), Poland (SAB Aerospace Spzoo) and for 2020 +39082425587
new operational headquarters are planned to start in Romania. The company is nowadays
recognized as a small system company, with competences related to electronics,
mechanical, thermal, software and system integration. info@sabaerospace.com

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

SPACEBATTERY: development of next generation battery packs, using lithium ion
cells and an evolved Battery Management System with the possibility of telemetry and
remote control;
Launchers, Adapters, Dispensers and Interface Rings;
UAV: unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
• Machined of Machined Parts (internal facility);
• Manufacturing of Composite Parts (outsourced)
• MWI Baseplate
ASSEMBLY/INTEGRATION: AIT activities performed by certified operators:
• Internally in clean room 100000 Class (e.g. Assembly Integration and test of Flight
HW internally manufactured);
• By the customer ( e.g. EDRS-C panel integration and alignment at OHB System
• In Centre Spatial Guyanais (e.g. SSIS integration on VEGA for PROBA–V launch at
CSG in Kourou);
• VESTA (Vega Shock Test Apparatus): Shock Qualification Test for the Satellite
embarked on VEGA launcher;
• Vibration and Shock Testing (internal facility);
• TVAC Testing (outsourced);
• SSMS Dispenser First Tower;
• VIS SDPU PFM Physical and Mechanical test;
• SA-4S PDR opening and drop test.


Conero-UAV: environmental monitoring services to the local
communities and public Institutions through the Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (e.g. coast erosion, environmental pollution);
ARIANNA: platform that optimizes the tracking and
management of goods within the intermodal logistics
(vehicles tracking, traffic status monitoring, tracking of
goods, Personal Protective Equipment RFID identification,
Driver Rfid Identification, Communication interfaces towards
National Telematic System);
Development of Material Technologies
• Advanced Ceramics: development of novel materials for
TPS for re-entry vehicles and equipped with SHMS (in
collaboration with CGS and CNR-ISTEC);
• Light Alloys: innovative application of magnesium alloys
for aerospace systems.
Development of Processes Technologies:
• Friction Stir Welding/Laser Welding;
• Carbon Fiber Lamination;
• Honeycomb Sandwich Panel with CFRP skins
Development of Technologies for Separation Systems
Development of Aeronautical System:
• UAV (unmanned air-vehicle);
• Flight Management System.


SAB Launch Services S.r.l.
Company profile
SAB Launch Services S.r.l. (SAB-LS) is a company part of SAB group offering launch
services for Nano and Micro-satellites on European Rideshare and Piggy Back missions.
SAB-LS offers “end to end” services including launch procurement, support to the
customer during development and qualification phase, integration activities of the
satellite on the launch vehicle structure, pre and post launch support and full insurance
at very competitive prices.SAB-LS focuses its activities on the VEGA and VEGA-C Contact
missions belonging to the Small Spacecraft Mission Service (SSMS) family. In the frame
of the SSMS project a modular dispenser has been developed to enable the provision of
a dedicated service to small satellites. Such modular structure can be flexibly configured Contrada Piano Cappelle, 8
in order to be adapted to the specific satellite aggregate. Benevento BN 82100
The SSMS dispenser coupled with the VEGA AVUM (Attitude Vernier Upper Module) Megi Mali
provides maximum flexibility for rideshare missions, allowing multiple satellite releases Communication and General
in different orbits with different altitudes and/or some inclination change.
The company operates from its headquarters of Benevento (Italy), while payload
integration activities in Europe are carried out in the SAB Aerospace facility in Brno
(The Czech Republic). Final Integration and Pre-Flight Operations are performed in the +39082425587
European Space Port in French Guiana. www.sablaunchservices.com
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
Brokering of launch services including pre and post-launch activities;
Deployment Hardware Procurement;
Fit Check at Customer Premises;
Satellite integration on launch vehicle in European Premises;
Packaging and shipment to launch site;
Launch Insurance.


Serco Italia SpA
Company profile
Serco Italia is an Italian company belonging to Serco Group, the public services expert
specialising in the delivery of essential public services and managing over 500 contracts

In Italy, our core business sector is Space, and in particular the Earth observation (EO)
domain: we have been providing a wide range of services to the European Space
Agency (ESA), national space agencies, institutional governments and the European
Commission (EC) for the past 30 years.
Serco’s teams of engineers, technicians and operations specialists support a wide range
Via Sciadonna, 24-26
of space and ground activities: from data archiving and exploitation, data processing;
to systems design, operation and maintenance; data production quality control; and the Frascati Roma 00044
scientific and technical support for EO satellite data exploitation projects. Roberto Mulatti
In addition, as part of our user-facing functions, we provide specialised EO Helpdesk and General Manager
Service desk as well as 24/7 operations for critical services (e.g.: to manage incoming roberto.mulatti@serco.com
requests for the International Charter for Disasters). +3906 983 54 400
Our employees also play an important role in supporting prestigious European www.serco.com/eu
programmes, such as the EU Copernicus programme, where Serco Italia provides key sercospa@serco-pec.it
services for the Sentinels Core Ground Segment and Data Access and for the data
dissemination operations to final users.
Serco is also participating in a number of EC H2020 Calls, such as EOPEN (opEn
interOperable Platform for unified access and analysis of Earth observatioN data), which
aims to fuse Copernicus Sentinel data with heterogeneous big data sources, and MOSES
(Managing crOp water Saving with Enterprise Services), which proposes an integrated
and innovative water management solution.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

ˆ Systems Engineering
ˆ Service Operations
ˆ Scientific Support for data exploitation
ˆ Satellite Data processing
ˆ Satellite Data Archiving
ˆ Quality Control Services
ˆ Satellite Data Dissemination
ˆ Ground Segment Operations
ˆ Earth Observation Help Desk
ˆ Front-end User Services
ˆ Project Management
ˆ Training Services
Information Technology
ˆ IT Infrastructure Maintenance and Operations
ˆ System and Database Administration
ˆ Web design and operations
ˆ Cloud Solutions
ˆ Programme/Project management support services


Serco Italia leads one of the Copernicus Data and Information
Access Service (DIAS) foreseen by the European Commission
and operated by ESA.
ONDA is a cloud-based platform providing direct access
to one of the largest archives ever built for geospatial data
(including full availability of all Copernicus Sentinel Missions
data, information products from the Copernicus Services, and
data from additional missions like Landsat-8 and Envisat).
ONDA’s aim is to support the development of Copernicus-
based user applications and also to enable research and
business by providing custom solutions.
ˆ www.onda-dias.eu


Sicilsat Communications srl
Company profile
Sicilsat Communications operates in the area of satellite communication systems.
The company was founded in 2010 by Concetto Squadrito which has more than
thirty years of experience in the telecommunications sector. The main activities are
design, manufacture, installation and testing of up-link and satellite system. Sicilsat
Communications designs and manufactures fixed and mobile satellite systems, adapting
them to the needs of its customers. This allows to obtain high reliability, a good standard Contact
realization, while maintaining a very competitive final price.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Via Roma, 19/21

Pedara CT 95030
Sicilsat Communications is able to design geometry for both satellite and ground Concetto Squadrito
antenna, single or multi reflector.
Moreover, in recent years we have specialized in the field of microstrip and planar +390952933861
antennas, with considerable satisfaction of our customers for space applications as
cubesat and nanosatellites. www.sicilsat.com


Sigma Consulting
Company profile
Founded in 1998, Sigma is a System Integration Company experienced in the Design of
Electronic and ICT Systems (HW and SW) for satellite, avionics, naval and ground platforms
and all related services such as: Logistic Support, Training and Customer service.

The main fields of application are:
DEFENCE & AEROSPACE: Flight & Radar Simulators, On-Board Simulators, Avionic
Defense Systems; Operation Support Centers, Ground Station Control for UAV and
Aircraft Missions, Automation Test Bench.
ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING: Radio Emissions Monitoring System (HW and SW). Via Adriano Olivetti, 24/26
HOMELAND SECURITY: ELINT Satellite, COMINT, RADAR, Intelligence Command & Roma RM 00131
Control. Carlomagno Simotti
CIVIL APPLICATIONS: Inertial Location / GPS, Telemedicine, Precision Farming, Smart President
City, Cybersecurity. carlo.simotti@sigmaconsulting.it
Over its twenty years of activity, Sigma has signed agreements and partnerships with +3906 87725590
leading institutions and companies in the field of Aerospace and Defense such as
the Italian Air Force, Italian Navy, Finmeccanica and Selex ES and Selex Galileo (now
Leonardo), MBDA, ELT Elettronica, MES, Vitrociset, Alenia Aeronautica, Galileo Avionica, info@sigmaconsulting.it
Aermacchi, Agusta Westland, Sirti, Alitalia, EADS, Northrop Grumman Italy.
Sigma steadily collaborates in R&D projects with the Universities of Rome Sapienza, Tor Vergata
and Roma Tre, the University of L’Aquila and the CNR-IAC (National Research Institute).
Sigma Consulting processes are managed according to UNI EN ISO ISO 9001:2015
quality standards.
Sigma Consulting is located in Tecnopolo Tiburtino - the main technological district in
Rome, which hosts 130 companies mainly in Aerospace sector.
Sigma is the formal representative of ATEN IS Group, an Advanced Technology Network
established in 2013 with the aim of developing products and services in the Aerospace
and ICT sector. ATEN IS currently consists of more than 30 companies and has
established international partnerships with several countries to-date including Brazil,
Peru, Ecuador, Bulgaria, China.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Space and Defence Systems and Sub-Systems
• Intelligent Data Fusion Algorithms, regarding the supervision of territory from enemy
• Development of ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) and COMINT to installation on board
a microsatellite
• LIDAR Anti-IED System for analysis of terrestrial missions through optical systems;
IR, Lidar on UAV.
• Radiofrequency Protractor for Anti-IED localization with RF emission
• Phased Array and Collision Avoidance Radar used both for avionics and UAV
applications, and for land and border security.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
• PNRM a2011.190 “Advanced C-ESM Intercept Systems on UAV-APR C-IED”
• PNRM a2010.49 “Configurable Electronic Defense Training Simulator - SADEC”
• POR FERS 2007-2013 – FILAS-MI-2011-1012 “Interception and Advanced Localization
Emissions System”
• PNRM 2013: Presented - in collaboration with Thales Alenia Space, a technical
proposal for Implementation of an ESM Satellite Technology Demonstrator


EU project:
PANTHEON (Precision Farming of Hazelnut Orchards) is a
research project funded by the European H2020 program
(H2020-SFS-2016 – Sustainable Food Security). The project
aims to define a new paradigm for precision farming in
hazelnut orchards: a SCADA system capable of monitoring
the phytosanitary status of each single geolocalized plant
through data collected by drones and ground robots.
PANTHEON resorts to remote sensing capabilities to collect
very large amounts of data and reach the information
granularity of the single plant. Research activities concerning
the management of big data, in terms of collection, storage
and processing, have been included in the project.
One of the objectives of the Project is the development of
techniques for the treatment of data acquired from high-level
sensors (e.g. multispectral camera, LiDAR, etc.) to extract
relevant features for subsequent agronomic analysis.


Società Aerospaziale
Mediterranea - SAM Scrl
Company profile
The Mediterranean Aerospace Society SAM is composed by fourteen Companies (large,
small and medium) operating in the aeronautic and space sector. SAM, a simultaneous
engineering system, is one of the first Italian examples of Companies aggregation in the
aerospace sector.
SAM has been founded in order to meet the market needs and to take advantage of
all the development opportunities coming from national and international economic
SAM activities are focused:
Largo F. Torraca, n. 71
• INDUSTRY: design, manufacturing and aircraft maintenance activities, development Napoli NA 80133
and manufacturing of mechanical and electronic apparatus for aeronautic-space
Elena Ruggiero
• SERVICES: advanced technology services on earth observation implemented through
satellite, avionic platforms and ground segment for monitoring and surveillance of +39081-2507130
territorial environment parameters www.samaerospazio.it
• ASTROPHISICS: SAM is member of the Dish Consortium (SKADC) led by CETC54 sam@samaerospazio.it
of JLRAT (China), and in particular it is involved in the Structural Branch led by MT
Mechatronics, Germany and in the Local Monitoring & Control, led by INAF (Italy).
SKA Dish Consortium (SKADC) The SKA Dish Consortium is responsible for the design
and verification of the antenna structure, optics, feed suites, receivers, and all supporting
systems and infrastructure for SKA1-mid and SKA1-survey.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

INDUSTRY – Astrophisics & Big Science Projects
SAM is involved in some important “Big Science Projects”. In the biggest world Astrophisics
Project SKA (Square Kilometre Array), SAM is member of the Dish Consortium led by
CETC54 of JLRAT (China), and in particular it is involved in the Structural Branch led by
MT Mechatronics, Germany and in the Local Monitoring & Control, led by INAF (Italy).
Integrated earth observation system through satellite and avionic platform using
multisensor technologies and possessing operating characteristics enabling data
acquisition via diverse sensors in a single mission.
Ground segment which guarantees data in the field of Geographic Information 24/7
for environmental monitoring and surveillance services, mapping and value added
information for GIS and DDS systems.
• Design and manufacturing of space infrastructures and payloads for scientific and
commercial missions, environmental monitoring, and TLC applications
• Design, development and manufacturing of on board and ground electronic
• Antennas and other ground mechanical equipment
• Prototyping and reverse engineering
• Precision machining
• Composite materials design and development


Company profile
Since more than fortyfive years SOMACIS has been a dynamic company producing high-
tech PCBs and delivering innovative solutions worldwide.
SOMACIS, headquartered in Italy, is one of the leading PCB manufacturers, with more

than 1000 employees and production plants in Italy, USA and China.
SOMACIS is a worldwide supplier for HDI, rigid, rigid-flex and flex PCBs for time critical
NPIs as well as for mass production requirements.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies VIA Jesina, 17

Castelfidardo AN 60022
High-Technology Printed Cicuit Boards Marco Galassi
Quick Turn-Around EU Business Development
Material Choice Flexibility m.galassi@somacis.com
Co-Engineering, Development, Prototyping and Mass Production +39 071721531
AS9100 and NADCAP Certified www.somacis.com


Company profile
SÒPHIA HIGH TECH is focused on design, development and manufacturing of mechanical
components and equipments for applications in aerospace, defense and automotive
field. SÒPHIA, certified according to EN 9100:2018, AS9100D, JISQ 9100:2016 Aerospace
Quality Management, uses both robust CAD design methods (time and cost saving) and
advanced numerical simulation techniques (linear and non-linear FEM Finite Element
Method) in order to optimize the product development phase. Contact
Pursuing technological innovation objectives, based on high professional and ethic
content, SÒPHIA HIGH TECH incresed its value in manufacturing sector. Production
Department is equipped with high precision CNC machines and Additive Manufacturing Via Romani, 228
processes. Today the Companu is able to complete the production cycle in a verticalized Sant’Anastasia Napoli 80048
process (turnkey project), from the concept to the realization and quality control of Antonio Caraviello
mechanical assemblies in the aerospace sector. SÒPHIA’s products are subject to CEO
accurate dimensional and geometrical checks, during the metrology phase, and process
controls to guarantee the maintenance of a high quality standard. antonio.caraviello@
Company management is entrusted by PhDs with high experiences in the aerospace and
defense field. it implies not only an effective and mativational coordination of the TEAM +390823 150 47 48
but of suppliers that work around the Company. The supply chain that has built SÒPHIA www.sophiahightech.com
HIGH TECH, from its experience, enjoys a strong trust through the various challenges info@sophiahightech.com
faced in an optimal way.
This extremely forward-looking and innovative way of working allowed the Company
to be qualified as supplier to the major Costructors in the defense, aerospace and
automotive sector.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

SÒPHIA HIGH TECH core business is focused on product development and manufacturing.
The Company has 3 main Business Units:
• BU 1 | Prototyping & LRIP
Low Rate Industrial Production with high precision CNC machines and Additive
Manufacturing processes. SÒPHIA has a strong know-how related to product
development, which has allowed the Company to become increasingly involved in
the control of the production process. Using this “turnkey” approach, the Customer
has the advantage of interfacing with a single company that assumes the complete
responsibility for the project.
• BU2 | Design & Simulation
Structural optimization, using CAD-CAD approach, allows SÒPHIA to design lightweight
and performative parts using a simulation-driven design approach. Advances in
manufacturing technology also allow these sometimes complex designs to be built using
both traditional processes like CNC machining, but also through Additive Manufacturing
(AM) or 3D printing. Structural optimization has great potential for the aerospace
construction industry. The construction industry is responsible for a large share of the
worldwide consumption of natural resources, and structural optimization can help to
reduce this, so improving the sustainability of the sector.
• BU 3 | Testing Equipments
In R&D are frequently required materials and structures testing fixtures for the execution
of tests.
Sòphia High Tech design and manufactures a wide range of test equipments for the
testing of materials, made in accordance with UNI, EN, ISO, ASTM, DIN, BS, AF, standards
and following custom specifications provided by Customers.
SÒPHIA HIGH TECH is qualified as primary supplier, for design, development and
manufacturing field, to the major Constructors in the defense, aerospace and automotive


• AVIO SPA (Italy, SPACE field, on VEGA C/E Program)
Program, C27J Program, C-Series)
• Italian Air Force (Italy, LM C130 Program, Air Launch
• CIRA S.C.p.A – Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (Italy,
SPACE field, VEGA C/E Program , SPACE RIDER Program)
SIAN Program)
• FCA – Fiat Chrysler Automobilies (Italy, AUTOMOTIVE
• USACE – United States Army Corps of Engineers (US,
Romanian Defense Dept, Custom AntiBlast doors)
• STRABAG (Austria, DEFENSE Field, Custom AntiBurglar
• SAIPEM (Italy, DEFENSE field, Special Antiburglar door)
• METASENSING (Holland , SPACE field, Guardian, Wether
Radars & ECR)
• MYNARIC (Germany, SPACE field)


SpacEarth Technology

Company profile
SpacEarth Technology is a spin-off of the the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e
Vulcanologia. We have a team of engineers, physicists and geologist with a long
involvement in research and business management

We design and develop applications, tools, software, hardware components and
products for Aerospace, Maritime and Environment sectors in cooperation with major
European and Italian industries, organizations, universities and research centres.
It has long standing experience in the use of GNSS receivers and algorithms development
for the monitoring, forecasting, mitigation and analysis of ionospheric disturbances and
Via di Vigna Murata, 605
their effect on high-accuracy positioning. SpacEarth Technology is the owner of the
international patent “Method for forecasting ionosphere total electron content and/or Roma RM 00143
scintillation parameters” (2015) able to feed mitigation algorithms aiming at improving +393396071094
the accuracy on real-time GNSS precise positioning techniques (RTK, NRTK, and PPP) www.spacearth.net
under harsh ionospheric conditions. This can contribute to improve the scenario for the info@spacearth.net
use of GNSS and SBAS (EGNOS) in several field of applications.
We also have remarkable experience in the use of optical and radar remote sensing and
geodetic methods for the monitoring and analysis of geological and geophysical hazards.
We provide advanced scientific products, as well as consultancy services, in these
subjects. We provide tailored services and information products for geomorphological,
structural and lithologic investigations, using optical and radar remote sensing data,
from satellite and airborne (manned and unmanned) platforms.
Spacearth Technology has recently completed a feasibility study funded by the European
Space Agency for an innovative service offering a very accurate positioning service for
the maritime market in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions.
We are also involved in the BELS+ project, funded by the European GNSS Agency under
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, which aims to develop GNSS markets for
EU companies and helps EU GNSS applications gain a foothold in Southeast Asia.
The company is involved in the mine seismology sector by performing the integration
of tomographic (Local Earthquake Tomography) and geodetic (GNSS and SAR) data
to obtain an all-embracing picture of the alteration of the state of the rock mass during
mining operations, useful to safety planning of mining activities. Here we received
funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) – Raw Materials
and have active contracts with major mining companies.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

GNSS high accuracy positioning service: A patented service able to forecast minutes in
advance the ionospheric parameters and provide a mitigation solution. It provides high
accuracy GNSS services and overcome economic losses due to large positioning errors
under disturbed ionosphere for commercial applications such as precision agriculture,
mining, dredging, constructions, offshore operations, aeronautics, land management
and geodesy/land surveying.
Ground deformation monitoring and source analysis: we provide tailored services and
information products for the monitoring of the ground motions and for the generation
of models and scenarios, aiding in the deformation source analysis.
AIS ionosonde (Advanced Ionospheric Sounder): is an efficient and simple instrument
capable to investigate Earth ionosphere. Designed and carried out employing the most
advanced radar techniques, it allows to get an ionogram with only 250 W peak power,


keeping dimensions and weight low with respect to similar
instruments, and above all the reliability of the measurement
due to the usage of coded pulses. Various specimens of AIS
are currently working in ionospheric observatories placed in
different continents.
IONOspheric Ray Tracing (IONORT): is an applicative
software tool package for calculating a three-dimensional ray
tracing of high frequency (HF) radio waves in the ionospheric
Mines-In-Time: an automatic solution for monitoring in real
time the stress alteration of the rock mass during mining
operations, to be integrated in a traffic-light Decision Support
System (DSS) and SAR-GNSS systems to avoid risks and
cost related to mines collapse. The system is based on the
innovative 4D LET algorithm (fourth dimension is time),
able to analyze both natural and induced micro-seismicity
(movements due to drilling or other mining operations).


Space Dynamics
Services srl
Company profile
SpaceDyS s.r.l. is a company founded in 2011 as a spin-off of the Celestial Mechanics
Group of the University of Pisa, located near Pisa (Italy) at “Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico
di Navacchio”.

The SpaceDyS’s founder are eleven, the senior ones having a strong experience in the
space business and Celestial Mechanics, with many years of work on programmes with
space agencies such as ESA and NASA.
Starting from the experience gained by its associates, SpaceDyS is able to offer services
and develop software for many Space Applications :
Via Mario Giuntini, 63
Orbit Determination of Asteroids from optical observations, with impact monitoring Cascina PI 56023
functions for NEO
Marina Scatena
Orbit Determination of Satellites and Space Debris (LEO, MEO, GEO, GTO, HEO) from
optical and radar observations
Highly accurate Orbit Determination for interplanetary missions
+39 050 0984170
Radio Science experiments
Planning of satellite de-orbiting admin@spacedys.com
Space mission

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

SpaceDyS is responsible for managing and operating the NEODyS and AstDyS online
services on NEOs and Asteroids, and produces on a daily basis the computation of the
impact probability of an asteroid with the Earth.
SpaceDyS developed CEOD project (Computational Engine for Orbit Determination of
Solar System Objects). The software will be used to monitor the position of the satellites
and to make the satellite orbit determination more accurate with innovative methods.
SpaceDyS activity is mainly focused on the field of:
Orbit determination of Main Belt Asteroids (MBAs) and Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and
in particular, its excellence and expertise in impact monitoring of NEOs.
Orbit determination and correlation of space debris objects
Space Missions
Data processing and management of data centers for asteroids
Training of very high-qualified personnel for orbit determination and data centers


Space Lab Spa
Company profile
The company was founded in December 2000 by Avio and ASI (the Italian Space
Agency) as “ELV S.p.A.” and on 9 May 2018 it changed its name to “Spacelab S.p.A.”,
owned by Avio S.p.A. and the Italian Space Agency. Its aim is to carry out activities in
Italy and internationally in the aerospace industry, and more specifically in the field of
space transport systems, launchers and the associated components and equipment.
Spacelab S.p.A. focuses in particular on research and development for new technologies
that can bring about product innovations, as well as on the design of cutting-edge
infrastructures for experimenting with these technologies. The capacity to experiment
plays an indispensable strategic part in putting new technologies into practice in Via Leonida Bissolati, 76
industry. Roma RM 00187
Spacelab S.p.A. will take part in research, development and experimentation programmes Andrea Preve
funded by public and private clients and it will provide consulting services in the above- CEO
mentioned areas. andrea.preve@avio.com
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies www.avio.com/en/about-us/
The company is supporting the development of new avionic architectures for future space group/elv/
transportation systems focusing its activity in the development of the control benches Roberta.DiVirgilio@
to allow real time simulation, acceptance and qualification of the above mentioned spacelabcompany.it
systems. The company is also developing test infrastructures to carry out firing test of
large solid rocket motors and liquid propulsion systems based on storable and cryogenic
propellants. The company will be progressively also involved in the development of new
technologies which are considered strategic in achieving/maintaining the state of the
art in the aerospace propulsion as the developing of carbon-carbon components for
the nozzle of solid rocket motors and the additive layer manufacturing to manufacture
components for liquid propulsion systems.


Space Technology for
Innovation srl
Company profile
“Space Technologies for Innovation s.r.l.”, in short “ST4I”, is an Italian innovative SME
recently established.
Credibility, Competence, Innovative Ideas as well as Enabling Technologies development

and Detailed Design Control attitude are believed of paramount importance by ST4I.
That is the main reason for the presence in the company of owners - individuals and
SMEs - exhibiting deep knowledge of the European Space’s Industry as well as excellent
technical background gained through the participation to the most important Space
R&D and Commercial European programs over last 40 years.ST4I is registered in ESA-
STAR. Via G. Peroni, 96
ST4I’s mission is to conceive and develop, in the field of satellite segment, products Roma RM 131
and related services based on added-value technologies, through applied research, Lino Gianfranco Russo Ruggerini
technology transfer and engineering activities. Such effort shall be addressed to on- General Director CTO
board satellite and on-ground at the level of component, equipment and sub-system lino.russo@st4in.com
in the domain of Telecom, Navigation, Earth Observation and Science at all operating
bands and set of applications.
+39 39335387377|3387589272
The embedded SMEs presence in ST4I permits to autonomously manage the whole
set of the project development phases, being operational over the entire value chain,
from the initial offer preparation to the product manufacturing process and test passing
through all qualification processes. ST4I is therefore in the position to well manage
and address all the necessary competences in terms of state-of-art electrical design,
thermo-mechanical analysis, passive and active components and equipment, technology
assessment and future needs as well as devices integration and test.
In addition to the above, fruitful interaction between research and industry is considered
by us a must and therefore dedicated partnerships with Universities on specific R&D
subjects have been already setup, enlarging the technical base at the same time
providing short termopportunities for students and young engineers.
ST4I further goal isto create and consolidate the partnership with European SMEs and
Primes aimed at innovative design and enabling technologies development, also in view
of providing new services.
ST4I offices are placed in Rome Tiburtina - TECNOPOLO area.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Innovative enabling technologies development is considered the “key” to maintain
appeal to market especially when on-board and on-ground market ask for product
miniaturization and cost minimization. Typically, cost minimization asks for tolerant
design and the necessary use of low-cost materials and consequently product
manufacturing tolerances control is fundamental.
Several subjects and initiatives aimed at spatial technologies development are present
over Europe. Among the others, ESA-ESTEC certainly represents one of the most
attractive ways to maintain state-of-art competence on this subject in view of the
product realization, either on-board or on-ground.
SME capabilities are considered of high value to Europe’s space industry by ESA which
encourages the large industrial group to involve SMEs on European Space programs
creating opportunities for the SMEs to work more extensively with ESA and its space
The participation to the ESA world of opportunities - through the support of ASI - is


considered by ST4I the preferred approach to allow the growth
of SMEs according to their own identified Products roadmap.
ST4I intends to become an important partner for European
SMEs trying to provide an answer to the before mentioned
points in terms of adequate subjects for innovative design
consolidation and enabling technologies development.
ST4I is addressing its interest to technological opportunities
characterized by low TRL recommendinghigh innovation
substantiated by credible solutions; their industrial validation
could be carried out by eitherTechnology Demonstration
Payloads or the use of dedicated small satellite (micro, nano,
CubeSat). Once validated, the developed product could be
usefully considered also for Institutional programs providing
the right Return of Investments spent in such development.
At the present, for on-board application, particular attention
is devoted by ST4I to flexible and reconfigurable satellite
payloads through analogue and/or digital configurations.
The (V)HTS scenario is the one ST4I is investing at the end
identifying innovative solutions where the active antenna
and associated BFNs play an important enabling role. Next
figure shows an example of the evaluated multi-beams Earth
coverage (>1000 beams).


Spaceexe s.r.l.
Company profile
Spaceexe is a technology company skilled in the design and development of IoT solutions
based on GNSS and telecommunication devices. Spaceexe has a large experience in
developing GNSS based products, focusing on critical infrastructure monitoring and football
players tracking. Moreover is able to conceive and lead innovative R&D projects activities in
satellite navigation, telco, firmware and electronics for the production of high-tech devices
and services with international and national partners (ESA, GSA, ASI, Lazio Innova, etc.). Contact
Spaceexe was founded in 2013. It was born as Startup, participating in the ESA BIC
incubation program. In 2014, Spaceexe was incubated in Ericson through the EGO
program. It has followed its path gaining participation in the FIWARE accelerate program Via degli Albatri, 24
and finally it took part in the acceleration program run by Telecom (#WCAP). Via Ardito Desio, 60
Spaceexe was awarded of several and prestigious prizes such as ESNC (European 00169 Roma - Casale 5 00131
Satellite Navigation Competition) in 2013, 2014, 2017 and 2018. In 2014, during the ESA Roma
Investment Forum, Spaceexe was awarded as “the most promising startup”. In 2016, Tecnopolo Tiburtino
Spaceexe won the “Think4South” awarded by Groupama and the Lazio Innovatore as
“best startup 2016”.
Mirko Antonini
Spaceexe has presented its solution and won the BELS + project for “Continuing
Building European Links toward South East Asia in the field of EGNSS” and thus gaining mirko.antonini@spaceexe.com
participation in GNSS Demo Centre at the NAVIS in Hanoi, Vietnam. +3906 98376227
In 2018, Spaceexe has become a member of GSA Raw Measurements Task Force. www.spaceexe.com
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
• DEDALOS is a GNSS based completely autonomous system, dedicated to continuous
monitoring of surface displacement to be used in areas subject to deformation, due to
landslides of deep gravitational slopes or on critical infrastructures (dams, bridges, oil
pipelines or buildings), subject to sinking, subsidence or more in general to external
forces endangering their stability. DEDALOS has gone through a long R&D process.
First it has been designed to bring to market a low-cost, lightweight and low energy
consumption IoT solution for deformation monitoring and early-warning of hazards
induced by geophysical phenomena (landsides, subsidence, sinking, etc.) or by man-
made activities (excavations, injection/extraction of natural gases, etc.). After that,
Spaceexe has developed a second version of DEDALOS named DEDALOS-SAT.
• DEDALOS SAT aimed at the improvement of the DEDALOS system providing a satellite
data transmission interface as a backup for standard ground-based (mobile phone)
network. Another objective of DEDALOS SAT project was to integrate GALILEO GNSS
data (multi-constellation approach) to improve the reliability of service when visual
impairment due to mountains or buildings may degrade the precision of GPS alone.
• WHEARE is an innovative technical and tactical live performance monitoring system for
the professional football teams. Sport performance monitoring systems have become
one of the main instruments for improvement of a professional football team. Rise
the need for new technologies to have better performance analysis. WHEARE pushes
forward the football analysis by combining physical and tactical performances analysis,
all in real-time. Through the use of GALILEO, WHEARE reaches a high accuracy in
positioning detection; LIVE technology enables performance analysis during an official
match; finally, the extremely miniaturized devices and its competitive price make
WHEARE a unique and innovative performance monitoring system. Finally, Spaceexe
has moved from a concept of GNSS integrated shin guard toward devices worn by
football players as the primary source of data.
• EAGLE is an innovative device, which integrates an high precision GNSS receiver with
the capability of authenticating the position through the GNSS satellite signal recording,
the I.D. satellite tracked, and their position in orbit. EAGLE introduces the possibility of
a “Fluid Limited Traffic Zone”, in which fixed gates is no longer the standard method
to regulate dynamically downtown access. Instead, Public Administration can manage
traffic in a new smarter way, implementing differential access to the city centre,
based for example to a political rally, block-based pollution data, urban air quality and
commercial activities.


Company profile
Scientific and industrial research in aerospace , specifically in TLC and Earth Observation
satellites. Design, development , test and commercialization of innovative products/
services for applications in the General Aviation,Ultralight and UAV aircrafts and in
aerospace transportation.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Contact

Service for ultralight /General Aviation aircraft and UAV for high resolution aeronautical
weather forecasts and for the distribution of real-time weather observation during Viale Pasteur, 45
the flight via satellite connection. The service is covering Italian territory (GABBIANO 00144 Roma RM
application) and is expandable to European territory. Weather observation come from Andrea Lorenzoni
Earth Observation constellation (EMMA, European MicroMeteoroly for Aircraft).through.
innovative satellite weather algorithms in support to aeronautical navigation. Design
and development of airborne modem for satellite point-to-point data transmission and a.lorenzoni@spaziofuturo.net
geolocalization. Further application in the use of satellite data ere in the field of wind +393387846668
and photovoltaic fields www.spaziofuturo.eu
Engineering support to system feasibility and general design of mini satellite info@spaziofuturo.net
transportation into low-orbit by high-performance military aircrafts:
• ESA-ESTEC Feasibility study:Aircraft Launching system ALA-SCC assessing the
possibility to embark the launch module on board of European fighters.
• Italian Air Force. Collaboration agreement among IAF, Research Institution, University
and Industry “Study for innovative small satellites launchers on board of military


Stam S.r.l.
Company profile
Stam is a private engineering SME, based in Genoa, Italy, whose main mission is to
provide engineering services to industries. The company was founded in 1997, thanks to
the seed funding provided by the Technology Transfer Programme of ESA, to develop
an innovative gearbox system. Today Stam successfully operates also in the following
fields: space and defence, industry and robotics, security and transport, energy and
environment. Contact
The staff of Stam is composed of high-level professionals: 90% owns at list a M.Sc and
over 70% a M.Sc. in Engineering. Mr Franco Malerba, first Italian astronaut, has been the
Business Coach of Stam. Piazza della Vittoria, 14/11
Stam has collaborated with ESA since 1999, through the Innovation Triangle Initiative Genova GE 16121
and the Technology Transfer Programmes. In the recent years, Stam has been involved in Umberto Battista
the ESA Clean Space Programme and in a YGT feasibility study within TEC-MSM. Area Manager
In particular, Stam was main subcontractor in the project ADRiNET “Net parametric u.battista@stamtech.com
characterisation and parabolic test”, aimed at the development of a parametric simulator +390103694967
for active debris removal with nets, and the validation of the Active Debris Removal
(ADR) concept through a parabolic flight campaign performed at the NRC-CNRC in
Ottawa, Canada. The ADR technology has been further developed within the H2020 stam@stamtech.com
ADR1EN Project “First European System for Active Debris Removal with Nets”, through
upscaling activities, thermal-vacuum cycling tests at Thales Alenia Space Italy facilities,
and full-scale free fall ground experiments, till the development of an ADR business plan.
Stam was also prime contractor in the ESA project “Hermetic Sealing for Rotating
Shaft”, focused on studying the feasibility of the mechanical sealing concept, through
breadboard design, prototype and tests.
Thanks to its number of R&D projects, Stam could establish strong collaborations and
partnerships with several hundreds of international companies and research institutions.
In particular Stam has collaborated with key players in the space field (ESA, Thales
Alenia Space Italia, DLR, GMV, OHB, Azimut Space, Arescosmo, Leonardo, QinetiQ) and
a number of research bodies (e.g. ASI, CNR, ENEA, CIRA, IIT, Polytechnic University of
Milan, Polytechnic University of Turin, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Tecnalia, CEA,
Fraunhofer, Sintef).

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

The main mission of the company is to provide engineering services to industries.
Since its establishment in 1997, the company has been specializing in design and
manufacturing of innovative mechanical systems, based on conventional and non-
conventional mechatronics.
Stam has patented several devices, like transmissions and manufacturing machinery,
and is experienced in design and integration of system mechatronics. Stam invests a
significant part of its turnover in R&D, thus providing their customers with most qualified
and edging competencies to drive development based on availability and affordability
of technological trends.
Stam performs all stages of the product design cycle, from conception through validation,
to component and subsystem design and specification, down to the definition of tools
and production cycles.
Today Stam is a successful high tech company offering engineering services and
products in a number of market sectors including: space and defence, automation and
robotics, security and transport, energy and environment.
Stam owns the following patents, born and/or applied in the space field:
• ITSV20000049A1 “Nutating bevel gears based gearbox”.
• ITRM20060609A1 “Equipment for the modeling of products in particular products


that can be shaped to prevailing extension on a particular
floor textile products and control system of the same”.
• EP2975296A2 “Planetary Gearbox based on Tilted Bevel
Gears with Two Reduction Stages for Very High Gear
• EP3381637B1 “Apparatus for modelling products”
Besides Stam owns a laboratory equipped with a test bench
to measure the performances of mechanical and mechatronic
systems developed either by Stam or by third-parties. The
laboratory is equipped with dedicated instrumentation and
software for data acquisition and processing.


Survey Lab
Company profile
Survey Lab, established in 2008 as a spin-off of Sapienza University of Rome. Survey
Lab is currently focused on the development of geomatic monitoring systems by means
of advanced surveying and mapping technologies, including remote sensing technology.
It develops applications in many fields of civil and environmental engineering, with a
focus on methods for monitoring natural hazards effects on the land and on the built-
up environment. The expertise of the Company in the techniques for monitoring land, Contact
structure and infrastructure derives from the strict connection with researchers of the Area
of Geomatics in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering.
Its mission is to develop and distribute innovative monitoring systems based on Via Eudossiana, 18
advanced surveying and mapping technologies with a specific focus on remote sensing Roma RM 00184
data. Survey Lab aims to stimulate and spread the use of satellite technology within the
Survey Lab
community of civil and environmental engineering as means for improving structural
investigations and fostering best-practice for prevention. It also promotes training Ilaria Moriero
courses, seminars and workshops, tailored to target audience and stakeholder’s specific Ingegnere Spaziale
interests. ilaria.moriero@surveylab.info
+39 3933805392
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies www.surveylab.info/it/home
Survey Lab’s services includes:
Geomatic monitoring of structure, infrastructure and cultural heritage - Survey Lab
provides services to monitor historical-architectural, infrastructure, and facilities,
based on the use of data acquired through SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) satellite
methodology and its integration with ground-based measurements. The acquired
data constitutes the basis for the development of numerical models that describe the
behaviour of the investigated structures.
Land Monitoring - Survey Lab designs and implements systems for land monitoring at
small and large scale through the integration of geomatics ground-based sensors and
observation systems operating on aerial and satellite platforms.
Database for infrastructure management - Survey Lab takes a census of the infrastructure
networks by means of GNSS survey methods, and constructs/populates georeferenced
dynamic database usable and accessible in the most common GIS platforms, with
precision techniques for real-time positioning and instrumentation for the acquisition of
the ancillary parameters, based on the user requirements.
High precision surveying - Survey Lab designs, manufactures and surveys high-precision
topographic networks through high-performance instrumentation to support large-
scale scientific installations and infrastructure that need to be placed into a reference
frame with the greatest precision.
Three-dimensional modelling - Survey Lab provides a reverse engineering service using
high-precision measurement methods via laser scanner and digital photogrammetry
and takes advantage of its three-dimensional modelling experts.
The company’s core service is I.MODI, an operational prevention and investigation tool,
aimed at monitoring medium-long term buildings and infrastructures. This product was
born during the incubation in the ESA-BIC Lazio from 2013 to 2015, but it was developed
thanks the H2020 SME Instrument Phase II funding obtained from 2016 to 2018. Now it
is in the commercialization phase.
I.MODI (Implemented MOnitoring system for structural DIsplacement) is a value added
service, co-funded by European programme H2020, that integrates Earth Observation
technologies, ground based data and ICT to develop services for monitoring the stability
of buildings in large urban areas and for controlling critical civil infrastructures. The aim
of I.MODI project is the development of a service that fully employs Earth Observation
(EO) data into standard procedures, devoted to structural damage assessment, thus
contributing to implement mitigation and prevention actions for potential failures.


T4i - Technology for Propulsion
and Innovation
Company profile
T4i provides innovative propulsion solutions for nanosatellites and microsatellites in-
space and access to space. T4i develops both customized propulsion solutions from

scratch and provides complete space products up to TRL9, focusing on electrical and
chemical propulsion systems to cover different in-space applications as proximity
maneuvers, orbit raising, decommissioning, station keeping, relative satellite position
maintenance and chemical propulsion systems for launchers applications.

Via della Croce Rossa, 112

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Padova PD 35129
WHAT WE DO T4i - Technology for
T4i’s key products are small electric and chemical propulsion systems for in-space Propulsion and Innovation
applications as nano and micro satellites and chemical rocket engines for micro Elena Toson
launchers, small upper stages, sounding rockets and gas generators. BD Manager
Our technologies are the result of more than 10 years of studies and tests and aim to e.toson@t4innovation.com
revolutionize transportation in space and access to space. +390499271547
ELECTRIC PROPULSION www.t4innovation.com
Our electric propulsion module, REGULUS, is a complete and innovative 1.5U-2U electric info@t4innovation.com
propulsion system suitable for micro and nanosatellite platforms from 6U to 150kg and
REGULUS gives mobility to satellites to cover different mission manoeuvres as orbit
raising and drag compensation, formation flying and decommissioning at the end of
The system is currently under qualification, the flight model will be ready by end 2020,
while its In-Orbit Demonstration is scheduled for Q4 2020 onboard Unisat-7.
REGULUS is the first and only commercially viable propulsion system based on solid
unpressurized propellant which combines high propulsive performances with compact
design and plug & play integration, leading to drastically increased satellite versatility at
a low cost. REGULUS has ones of the best thrust to power ratio and specific impulse to
power ratio between the competitors, as well as the best k€/thrust and k€/total impulse
ratios, making it the most convenient electric propulsion system in the market in terms
of cost and performance.
Our Chemical propulsion solutions are based on highly stabilized hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2) that range from 50N to 10kN of thrust. Depending on the costumer needs, we
offer mono-propellant, bi-propellant and hybrid motors to cover different in-space and
access to space applications.


Taitus Software Italia s.r.l.
Company profile
TAITUS was founded in 2004 by its Managing Director, Felipe Martín-Crespo, a former
ESA staff for more than 15 years.
We are a software development company specializing in advanced mission analysis,

planning and simulation tools for space and space-driven applications, with particular
focus on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing services to improve the safety of
persons and goods.
Taitus applications are powered by in-house-built technology that makes extensive use
of modern 3D computer graphics, integrated with advanced user interfaces. All Taitus
via Frascati, 60
projects use the in-house developed components, GanttX and SatX, which greatly
reduces the development cycle times and provides an enormous library of complex and Monte Porzio Catone RM 78
continually-tested functionalities. Felipe Martin Crespo
The high quality of our products and services have let us become a key software and Managing Director
software services supplier for major European Space sector players support@taitus.it
Since 2004 Taitus Software develops software applications, specialized libraries and +390681908004
development kits for the aerospace industry, using the latest programming techniques www.taitussoftware.com
of general purpose computing on GPUs to achieve breakthrough visualization, modelling support@taitus.it
and simulation power, with exceptional improvement in execution speeds.
Our technology led us to focus on the remote sensing and Earth observation services,
and allowed us to reach a very good market penetration with proven technology used
by space agencies and key organizations (e.g. NASA, ESA, Airbus) in 25 countries.
Our commercial activities are currently structured around our SDK (GANTTX and
SATX) and around our multi-satellite swath planner SaVoir, a leader in the industry with
over 150 licenses sold worldwide. We also develop bespoke applications and provide
client support services. It has been precisely our success upon SaVoir that has made
us realise the strong business opportunity coming from facilitating our customers the
development of this type of applications for their specific needs.
Our own experience developing SaVoir has made our current basic libraries and services
ready to be seamlessly integrated in more complex and specific products and we are
taking this opportunity also to further transform our company from a bespoken software
development company to a software services oriented company, which will strongly
boost our revenues and maximise the return of our investment in space research and
innovation actions.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Taitus produces software products for space-related activities specializing in remote
sensing applications. The software products are available in three different formats:
Applications, Plugins, Libraries. We have highly-configurable and powerful applications
which are extremely user-friendly due to a highly intuitive and user-oriented interface.
With the plug-in architecture available in some of our applications, we are able to offer
extensions and customisations by creating plug-ins. We also provide libraries and
software development kits (SDKs) so that our clients can develop their own customised
Taitus Software Italia applications are powered by in-house-built technology that
makes extensive use of modern 3D computer graphics, integrated with advanced user
Taitus technology is based on careful optimization of data analysis according to its type,
which determines if it will be best processed either by the CPU or the GPU. It is important
to notice that the more multithreaded the data, the more advantageous GPU processing
is over traditional CPU processing. All Taitus Software Italia projects use the in-house-
built components, GanttX and SatX, which greatly reduces the development cycle times
and provides an enormous library of complex and continually-tested functionalities.


The main product, SaVoir - Multisatellite Swath Planner, is a
standard in the industry: it is a standalone application for fast
planning of Earth observation Satellite sensing operations
over selected Areas of Interest (AOI). By combining each
satellite’s orbit, sensor field of view geometry and the shape
and location of a user-defined AOI, it can determine the
exact times when a satellite would be capable of observing
the specified area. SaVoir’s functionalities can be expanded
thanks to the addition of plugins, which can be customized
according to the customer’s needs.
HERMES is a software development ecosystem (HERMES
SDK plus applications, plugins and services) that allows
building quickly and efficiently software systems for the
space industry, providing competitive advantages in terms
of performance and visualization. It is focused on providing
our customers, satellite service providers and end-users
of satellite data, specifically those in the segment of Earth
Observation, the perfect tool to precisely plan and design
the right scheduling, the right amount of data and the right
providers to cost-effectively achieve their mission goals.
HERMES aims to incorporate into the space and satellite
industries the latest technological innovations available in
the hardware and software industries, in particular the use
of GPUs to process visualization, simulation and similar data
commonly used in space application.


Techno System
developments srl
Company profile
TSD has a relevant experience in the development of Imaging Systems, Avionics and
Scientific payload and Instruments for space applications on board several platforms
like Satellites, ISS, Capsule, Re-entry vehicles Sounding Rockets, Balloons and UAV.

TSD technological strategy is based on:
1. Focus on small platform and real time application
2. Look for technological excellence and for primeship in small niches
3. Technological independance
Via Provinciale Pianura 2,
4. Build strong core competence
Zona Industriale int.23
5. Develop proprietary solutions
Pozzuoli NA 80078
6. Adopt simple and replicable architectures
Francesco Monti
7. Use of standard I/F
Sales and Programs Manager
8. Easy of customisation fmonti@tsd-space.it
• TSD operates on the following space market segments: +39081 5263475
◦ Institutional, in the frame of Agency (ESA, ASI) programs with direct contract www.tsd-space.it
and/or under Prime contractors in the field of Microgravity, Technological info@tsd-space.it
developments, Earth Observation, Exploration, Navigation
◦ Commercial, most in the field of Earth Observation, by providing Prime contractors
with general Avionics (OBDH, GN&C, PMS, TT&C, CDMU), Digital Video systems
and Optical payloads electronics
◦ R &D, by supporting research centers such as CIRA (Italian Center for Aerospace
research), INAF, CNR insitutes and universities mostly for electronic developments
in experimental/not recurrent applications
• TSD also operates in non space markets such as Aerospace and Military

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

◦ Space Cameras
◦ Compression & Image Processing (visible/hyperspectral/multispectral)
◦ Payload Data Handling & Storage
◦ Command and Data Handling Systems
◦ Processing Unit for Vision Based navigation
◦ On Board Computers
◦ Remote Terminal Units
◦ Power Systems
◦ Data Processing Unit
◦ Control and Data Management Systems
◦ High Accuracy Signal Conditioning and Data Acquisition
◦ Power Actuators Driving and Control




Company profile
TEMIS is a company, part of ART S.p.A a medium sized company (200 resources),
working in space domain for more than 10 years, establishing itself in the field of test
system design, electromechanical actuators and avionics/space systems. TEMIS was
founded in 2006 with the mission of developing electronic products for the Motorsport
sector; in the following years, the experience accumulated by the design of ECUs for F1
pushed TEMIS to face a market such as the aerospace one and it’s from this challenge Contact
that a telemetry system born to be integrated in the VEGA launcher for data and video
acquisition, thus contributing to the validation of the first Italian launcher.
TEMIS is now constantly present on VEGA, and it will be also on VEGA-C, providing via Donizetti, 20
equipment like telemetry system, video-cameras , separation command units and heat Corbetta Milano 20011
flux sensors Marco Alberti
TEMIS has the headquarter located in Corbetta (close to Milan), distributed in 400 m^2 Head of Marketing and Sales
of offices and about 200 m^2 of laboratory for integration and test and a subsidiary marco.alberti@temissrl.com
office in Passignano sul trasimeno at ART headquarter
+3902 90380812
The Corbetta office counts about 20 resources, mostly highly graduated engineers
deeply experienced in:
• Project Management Office (including System Engineering and Product Assurance)
• Design & Manufacturing of Test Equipment & Simulators
• Design & Manufacturing of custom Embedded Systems
• Thermo-Mechanical Analysis and Design
• Control Systems Development and Simulation (including satellite AOCS)
TEMIS premises in Umbria are equipped with state-of-the-art of the production tools in
order to provide fast prototyping during design and high-quality production process.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

TEMIS is placed in the market as system provider, and it’s capable to provide a turn-
key solution for the customers, starting from the requirement analysis until the product
Attention is given to quality assurance policy to design, produce and test products
responding to a high quality and reliability level for professional and space applications.
Attitude Control System (AOCS)
TEMIS supports Large systems Integrators in the design, implementation and validation
of the satellite AOCS subsystem. The company can start from the system requirements
and define the attitude control system specification providing also a first dimensioning
and choosing sensors and actuators.
Test Systems (EGSE/SCOE)
TEMIS has been involved in some important space projects as subcontractor of Large
system Integrators. The main effort has been spent in the definition, project and
realization of Electrical Ground Support Equipment’s (EGSE) with a special focus on the
attitude and control subsystem and Payload SCOE.
In-flight telemetry systems
TEMIS, for the VEGA qualification launches, delivered the Avionic & Harness Subsystem
The A&H has been conceived with the purpose of assisting the Launch Vehicle in the
acquisition and monitoring of key parameters inside the launcher fairing and of providing
separation of the payloads (satellites) inside the launcher.
In the frame of EXOMARS project TEMIS have developed and delivered the Central
Electronics Unit (CEU) Boards in charge of:


• communication I/F with CTPU fotr TM/TC,
• Power conditioning
• Payload sensors acquisition
• housekeeping signals acquisition
Electromechanical Actuators
The current trend in aerospace is the replacement of
hydraulic systems with electromechanical ones in order to
simplify the architecture and to reduce and almost to zero
the maintenance during long term storage. For this reason, in
the last years, TEMIS has added a line of electromechanical
actuators to its portfolio addressing the military market.
TEMIS has gained competencies in the electrical actuator
field, and it’s able to provide a qualified product for avionic
purpose. Both the development of the actuator itself and of
the HW/SW control parts are managed from the company
engineers, allowing to deliver a turn-key system to the


Company profile
TSS srl is a company that operates since 2000 in special processes and more underlined,
with thermal spray coatings and brazing.
TSS srl is a small company, but with high technological profile.
Engineering specialists have an elevated skill and are present in the company with a high
rate in relation to production employees. As well, all the equipment are full automatic and
assisted by robot and computers.
Part of the production is of items designed and developed inside, and are actually used
in aerospace field. Via Solfegna Cantoni snc,
The production is conduct in an industrial building of 1000 sqm with the support of 600 CASSINO FR 3043
smq for technical and administrative operation. ANTONIO SQUILLACE
The company is strategically located at 2 km from the exit of Cassino of A1 highway, far C.E.O.
only 100 km from Rome and 100 Km from Naples, linked with the same highway. info@tsssrl.eu
Customer list is a very qualified. Companies as CIRA (Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali), +393209286803
Fincantieri, Peroni Pompe, Pilkinghton NSG and more, are by over 15years in the list.
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
TSS capability is related to all technologies of thermal spray and to cupper brazing processes
and more underlined, concerns Metallization, Plasma and HVOF (high velocity oxy fuel)
coatings. The three technologies can perform coatings of all kind of powders on the market,
such as WC (tungsten carbide); CrC (chromium carbide); Ni (nickel) base metallic; Co
(cobalt) base metallic; all grades of stellite; Cr2O3 (chromium oxide); Zr2O3 (zirconia); Al2O3
(alumina); TiO2 (Titanium oxide); Cu (copper) etc.
Thermal spray coatings have a wide range of applications from aeronautical field to oil & gas,
as well as glass and paper production, or aluminum lamination. Furthermore, the production
of thermal spray coatings for many other purposes such as dimensional restore of worn parts,
thermal insulations, electrical insulations, anti-wearing of rotating parts may be considered.
Brazing of cupper items are conduct in specific furnace as well as with manual torch braze.
TSS is involved in all the above fields and mainly is specialist of manufacturing of plungers of
alternative pumps and mechanical seals of centrifugal pumps, being the principal producer
of such items in Italy.
TSS has also a special skill to develop new application or new solution for any kind of industrial
problems solvable with thermal spray coatings. To support these activities, the Group has
one of the most complete laboratory to perform all kind of tests needed to set and check
performance of coatings.
The production is conduct with the support of:
• Metallization, Plasma and HVOF full automatic equipment of last generations, operating in
cabins capable of parts up to 5000 kg of weight and 2000x2000x1000 mm of dimension.
• Furnace for brazing;
• A complete mechanical department with lathes and grinding machines for the
manufacturing of plungers and rotating mechanical seals.
• A laboratory that can perform test also for aeronautical field.
TSS has many certifications and qualification of the major companies operating in all the
above fields mentioned.
TSS is also partner of the University of Naples for research and development of new coatings
and new application.


Tiberlab srl
Company profile
Tiberlab Srl is a spin-off of University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. Our mission is to develop
innovative software solutions aimed to the design and simulation of electronic and
optoelectronic devices, focusing in particular on nanostructured devices. Modern
nanostructure devices pose new challenges due to the wide range of length and time
scale involved. We provide tools for multiscale simulation able to perform analysis and
optimization at all the relevant length scales, through state of the art physical models Contact
ranging from continuous to atomistic level. Tiberlab offers consulting services and end-
user software. Our core product is TiberCAD, a software for modeling and design of
innovative nanostructured devices. tiberCAD software has been and is presently used Via del Politecnico, 1
as a main simulation tool in several FP7 EU projects, for the design and the study of Roma RM 00133
optoelectronic properties of quantum well and nanowire based LEDs and of advanced
Fabio Sacconi
solar cells. Tiberlab is presently a partner in FP7 Project Deepen, aimed to the design of
an open source multiscale simulation environment for electronics and optoelectronics +39 0672597781
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
Our software product TiberCAD is a multiscale CAE tool for design and simulation of
electronic and optoelectronic nanostructured devices. This simulation software provides
novel tools to accomplish the critical requirements imposed by the recent developments
in Key Enabling Technologies such as micro-nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, photonics
and advanced materials.
Among the applications of TiberCAD are LEDs based on quantum wells and quantum
dots, nanowire FETs, III/V heterostructures, photovoltaic cells for space applications,
organic solar cells (OPVs), Dye Solar Cells (DSCs), piezoelectric nanogenerators.
TiberCAD is a multiscale tool, since it allows the simultaneous solution of physical
models on different length scales, ranging from the continuous level of macroscopic
device to the atomistic structure of the active region at the nanoscale. The multiscale
approach can be employed in several fields such as particle transport, heat dissipation
and mechanical deformation. In this way, quantum and classical descriptions can be used
in different regions of a device/nanostructure within the same simulation; analysis and
optimization may be performed at all the relevant length scales, possibly including self-
consistent coupling of different models, such as quantum, thermal and drift-diffusion
TiberCAD is capable to couple the FEM-based continuous media physical models with
simulation models based on quantum approaches in an atomistic framework, such
as Empirical Tight-binding (ETB) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) for electronic
properties and Non-equilibrium Green Function (NEGF) for quantum transport. Based
on the FEM device description and crystallographic orientation, the needed atomistic
structure is generated internally in TiberCAD. Then, the atomistic structure is deformed
according to the strain obtained from the continuous media elasticity model or from
an atomistic approach such as Valence Force Field (VFF). TiberCAD provides models
to calculate particle transport and IV characteristics, including strain and piezoelectric
effects in nitride materials; a fully 3D quantum model allows to calculate optoelectronic
properties at operating bias. Atomistic models for strain and electronic calculations such
as VFF and ETB, together with random alloy representations of the active region, allow
to study realistic material nanostructures, where the fluctuation of alloy composition
may affect in a critical way the properties and performances of a LED or a solar cell.
Accurate models for the most important material systems for photonics and electronics
applications are provided, such as GaAs/AlGaS and GaN/AlGaN/InGaN. Methods for
parallelization of computationally heavy routines for atomistic calculations through
Graphical Processing Units (GPU) and MPI techniques are implemented.


Company profile
Trans-Tech is an Italian company founded on a proven 30-year experience in the
aerospace sectors. For us Technologies Transfer means pushing space solutions into
the market.

Trans-Tech provides requested technologies, methodologies and know-how to industry
thanks to knowledge, experience and competence we’ve collected under a unique
This highly valuable service is achieved also thanks to our business model: Trans-Tech
embraces the Open-Enterprise concept, based on the synergic fusion of the best
Via Filippo Palizzi, 107
resources and capabilities coming from national and international companies linked
each other by proper MOUs or contractual arrangements. Napoli NA
Trans-Tech thus represents a singularity in the Italian engineering scenario: its mature
Giancarlo Pagliocca
and well developed experience together with the enlarged capabilities of our partners Administrator
make Trans-Tech the best support for the development of innovative projects that giancarlo.pagliocca@trans-tech.it
requires integration of comprehensive and differentiated technical competencies. Trans- +393385832183
Tech provides to the customers a single expert interlocutor able to intercept their needs
and translate them into an efficient and effective answer, especially in a context of
international and multi-national programs and collaboration. info@trans-tech.it

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Trans-Tech srl provides services and solutions such as:
• Advanced concepts, systems and special devices design and development
• Technology Transfer, Concepts Feasibility, Products Innovation advisoring services.
• Operative Support for R&D projects development (up to complete Management and
team Coordination focusing on tangible results) and issuing of technical proposals
for international and national funding opportunities.
• Training & Education.
The industrial sectors in which Trans-Tech naturally operates are: Space, Aeronautics
and also Transport, Automotive and Energy as target for space technologies application
and exploitation.
Trans-Tech develops technological concept and turnkey solutions for industry , research
centers and the scientific community.
The more recent example is the Autonomous Thermal Simulator (ATS), originally
designed to support the ground calibration of “MicroMED”, a scientific instrument for
the study of Martian environment that will be integrated on the lander of the ExoMars
2020 mission led by the European and Russian space agencies.
The ATS not only meets the specific functional and operational requirements of the
development / calibration / set up tests of equipment destined for space missions
similar to that of MicroMED but introduces a significant change of the overall testing
process: for setting up the instruments, for its calibration, and finally for the qualification
and validation.
Trans-Tech is the conceiver, team coordinator and designer of several innovative projects
(have a look to our website), the most known in the world is the Hypersonic Airplane
the HYPLANE. It is a “triple-use” jet for fast business travel, suborbital space tourism
and mother aircraft for microsatellite orbital launch. It is a new concept of hypersonic
transportation system able to offer access to stratospheric and space flights as safe,
convenient and commonplace as today commercial air transportation .
Around Hyplane project many technologies are being currently explored by Trans-Tech
and its partners: High Thermal Exchange Leading edges, reconfigurable seats; innovative
systems for Guidance, Navigations and Controls, On-Screen Display and many others.


Tyvak International srl
Company profile
Tyvak International SRL is one of the three operating groups and the first international
branch of Terran Orbital Corporation. Terran Orbital teams are leading innovators
and providers of nanosatellites and microsatellite space vehicle products that target
advanced state-of-the-art capabilities for government and commercial customers to
support operationally and scientifically relevant missions.
Tyvak International represents the most advanced and vertical integrated offer in the
market of small space vehicle products and services. The proprietary technology and
know-how, based upon the continuous progress in the miniaturization of semiconductors,
enable to develop, design and commercialize small satellites platforms faster and cheaper Via Orvieto, 19
with respect respect to traditional satellites systems. This also provides considerable Torino TO 10149
opportunities to exploit the space more effectively and profitably. +39 0110905163
Founded in 2015, during its first year Tyvak has successfully started the process of www.tyvak.eu
technology transfer from the USA headquarters, being able to start its own R&D activities. administration@tyvak.eu
So far, Tyvak International has executed considerable space engineering projects, from
mission concepts and feasibility studies to nanosat development and integration, launch
integration services and procurement of launch opportunities, for commercial and
institutional customers at international level. The company has established partnerships
with important stakeholders of the Aerospace Industry such as SMEs, Large System
Integrators (LSI), Research centers and Universities. Tyvak International executes
R&D programs with several of them focused on breakthrough technologies which will
contribute in the next future to foster the company’s growth.
Tyvak capabilities include mission & system design, software and hardware manufacturing,
assembly, integration & verification, consulting services, launch integration & insurance
services, operations support. The company’s growth strategy will imply hiring new
experienced staff and the acquisition of new facilities with up-to-date manufacturing
and testing facilities. Seeking for advanced technology suppliers, in order to cover
the whole range of products and services, Tyvak will maintain control of integration
processes and will expand as needed in response to advanced space mission needs in
the European framework.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

PRODUCTS The Endeavour product line is Tyvak’ solution to the needs of high-
performance nano- and micro-satellite missions. Tyvak designed its Endeavor platforms
to provide cutting-edge capabilities with inherent design flexibility to accommodate
missions requiring S/Cs from 5 to 75Kg. Endeavor platform offers: High Power, electrical
PMAD, custom and high-power solar array design; Advanced Thermal management;
Precision attitude knowledge and control (next generation Star Tracker and reaction
wheel assembly); Advanced fault handling and autonomous FDIR; Radiation-tolerant
avionics; High communication data rates; Miniature Deployable Mechanisms and
Structures (high-gain X-band, S-band and UHF antennas); Configurable multi-mission
components and bus; Custom mission operations design; Flawless integration with
existing ground networks.
CONSULTING SERVICES Tyvak critical role in nanosats development-and-launch
activities affords the ability to provide its customers with a robust portfolio of consulting
services. Mission Development and Analysis: mission design, compatibility and feasibility
analysis, system engineering support and industry/application market research;
Spacecraft Analysis and Development at system and subsystem level, requirements
development and analysis, system engineering support; Integration and Test Support
including integration process and procedure development and analysis, test plan
development and test services. Ground Operations plan development, Ground station
support, frequency management.
LAUNCH INTEGRATION Tyvak understands the unique challenges to get a customer


satellite integrated with the right launch vehicle and mission
to ensure success. To get the objective Tyvak provides
its customer with System Engineering Support, including
integration of complex s/c subsystems, vehicle ICD, safety
and Mission Assurance; Assembly and Integration: custom
deployer design, fabrication and flight certification, s/c-
to-deployer integration, launch vehicle integration; System
Testing of s/c system performance (environmental, shock,
vibration, thermal, thermal vacuum) by aerospace test
standards tailoring; Launch coordination and operations
including selection of international launch opportunities,
regulatory processes management and satellite on-orbit
operations; Launch & Satellite Insurance characterized by
competitive rates and favorable payment terms, simple
process and contract, financial risks reduction analysis, to
cover the full cost of launch/satellite in case of unexpected
launch failure.
APPLICATIONS Tyvak small satellites provide an advantage
over larger, more traditional and expensive satellites due to
built-in redundancy, lower cost and the ability to solve a myriad
of challenges. Tyvak leadership team expertise supports
Commercial, Government and Academic missions ranging
from Technology Demonstration in LEO to Weather Data
and Climate monitoring, Disaster Management, Advanced
Telecommunication, Machine-To-Machine applications, Earth
Observation and Maritime Security.



Photo Credits: ESA

Airbus Italia S.p.A.
Company profile
Airbus Italia is part of Defence and Space within the world leading Airbus, Space
Systems, Telecom division. The Airbus’ Italian subsidiary Space Engineering S.p.A.
officially changed its name to Airbus Italia S.p.A. in August 2019; Space Engineering had
been a 100% Airbus Defence and Space company since 2015.
Airbus Italia operates in the satellite telecommunications sector, developing applications
for the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile terminals for airborne, train and land applications,
RF components and ground modems.
Since August 2017, Airbus Italia’s Headquarters and Industrial Plant share the same
via dei Luxardo, 22-24
industrial area in Rome, in Tiburtina area, thus ensuring a complete integration between
Engineering and AIT effectively serving programs operations and products development. Roma RM 00156
The 1.250 sqm plant has been mainly equipped for payload and electronic equipment Violetta Orban
assembly, integration and testing. Manifold facilities are available: Anechoic Chamber; Marketing & Communication
Climatic Chamber; Clean Room; Motion and Attitude Simulator for mobile terminals; Specialist
Digital, RF and Mechanical Laboratories.
Airbus Italia employs a highly skilled workforce of about 120 people, focusing on cutting
+3906 22595 386
edge solutions and technologies. The company is EN 9100:2018 and ISO 9001:2015
certified. Its significant experience in design, integration and test is serving key European www.airbus.com
programs like METOP-Second Generation, QUANTUM and EDRS. violetta.orban@airbus.com

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Over the past few years, Airbus Italia evolved to progressively meet its ambition of
being a recognized industrial leader for selected products, including SatCom antennas
for airborne, railways and navy, passive and active RF components, ground modems.
It develops On-Board and Ground products with particular attention to 5G and EO
through flexible antennas and payloads, multiband ground terminals, Machine-to-
Machine gateways, Inter-Satellite Link solutions, smart modems. The Company has a
well-renowned expertise in research, development, engineering, simulation, prototyping,
integration, testing, validation, small-scale production for Space & Ground system and
components, owning a significant number of international patents on antennas, radars,
scientific software and Digital Signal Processing.
Leveraging on its distinctive heritage in Antennas, RF and Digital Equipment,
Communication Protocol and System Design, Airbus Italia can offer a qualified portfolio
of products and solutions:
• Mobile multiband SatCom antennas for airborne applications. Airbus Italia invented
the Janus line: very low profile dual-band (Ku/Ka, X/Ka) antennas for different kinds
of aircrafts, including UAVs and helicopters. Janus is the unique broadband antenna
concept patented by Airbus Italia (European Patent 2757632 A1) to enable remote
switch between two frequencies. The switch is performed by mirror rotation with
a dedicated RF chain for each frequency band. Thanks to Janus, the Janus Aero
antennas can be provided in dual band configuration in Ku/Ka (X/Ka and Ka/QV
also possible) with remote frequency switching. Janus Aero compact size and high
throughput both in reception and transmission makes it the ideal solution for several
types of Mission Patrol and UAV applications. Janus Aero product targets Institutional
& Governmental Airborne. Starting from the first version Janus 1.0, Airbus Italia has
been keeping on updating the antenna design considering always more advanced
technical solutions and it is successfully developing the second version of the Satcom
terminal named Janus 2.0.
• Gateway and Professional Terminals for Internet of Things (IoT)/Machine-to-Machine
applications using SatCom
• Onboard Communication Equipment for inter-satellite link, including those enabling
Data Relay systems like Globenet


• Payload Operational Software for new generation satellites
with flexible payload
• Passive Onboard RF components and Feed Chains,
including high bands (Q/V/W)
• Active and reconfigurable onboard antennas for High
Throughput and Flexible Satellites, new tools for the
operation of flexible payloads.
• World leading supplier of Broadband SatCom terminals
for trains, providing fully operational terminals in France,
Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan. Designers of the only Ka-band
antenna for trains.
• Ground Transponders and Calibrators for EO Optical and
SAR satellites


Company profile
ALTEC (Aerospace Logistics Technology Engineering Company), a public-private
company owned by Thales Alenia Space Italy (63,75%) and the Italian Space Agency
(36,25%), is the Italian center of excellence for the provision of engineering and logistics
services to support operations and utilization of the International Space Station and the
development and implementation of planetary exploration missions. ALTEC is based
in Turin and has liaison offices at NASA and ESA. ALTEC services include: engineering Contact
and logistics support, astronauts training, support to in orbit experiments, operations,
processing of scientific data, development and management of the ground segment
of space programs and the promotion of space culture. ALTEC collaborates on large Corso Marche, 79
international projects defined in the context of the programs of the Italian and European Torino TO 10146
Space Agencies. Participation in the programs developed for the International Space
Daniela Souberan
Station is the core business of the company and indicates the strong commitment to
promote the development of technological innovation and scientific knowledge. ALTEC, Communication Manager
working closely with NASA centers in the exchange of sensitive data, as part of the daniela.souberan@altecspace.it
bilateral agreement ASI-NASA, takes the value of a prestigious international showcase +39011 7430302
of Italian industrial excellence. ESA’s designation of ALTEC as the Operations Control www.altecspace.it
Center for the “EXOMARS Rover” acknowledges the company’s operational capabilities
in the context of European research and innovation. communications@altecspace.it

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Engineering Support Services to the ISS
ALTEC, as Prime Contractor of ESA’s ISS Training Logistics and Operations support
(TLO), provides Engineering Services to support the exploitation of the International
Space Station both at system and payload level.
ALTEC performs the complex ensemble of required engineering services thanks to the
availability of the dedicated PMM (Pressurized Multi-purpose Module) Mission Support
Centre, part of the NASA ISS related Ground Segment to which is connected by the
ASINet infrastructure, and the Columbus Engineering Support Center, part of the ESA
ISS related Ground Segment through the ESA IGS network.
The main provided services are:
• Integrated Logistics Services: ALTEC covers the role of “International Space Station
European Logistics Center” on behalf of ESA; ALTEC is certified as Known Consignor
(KC) and Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) to perform its duties. The dedicated
tasks are:
• Centralized spare warehouse
• Ground inventory management
• The Logistics Information System (L.I.S.)
• Ground logistics planning
• Launch package logistics
• Packaging Handling Storage & Transportation (PHS&T)
• Ground h/w maintenance management
• On-orbit inventory monitoring
• Launch package preparation & cargo review execution
• Engineering Support Services: ALTEC supports the activities of the Columbus Control
Centre providing to its team a Flight Director, members of the STRATOS team for the
on-board computer management and, as detached from Col-CC team, the COSMO
and PASO positions, respectively devoted to maintain on-orbit stowage assets and
assure Product Assurance and Safety to European ISS operations.
• ALTEC manages the industrial consortium that provides training to ISS assigned
crewmembers, ESA astronauts, other International Partners astronauts and
cosmonauts, focusing on Columbus System and ESA Payloads operations. These
training tasks are carried out also through ALTEC own instructors and are mainly
performed at EAC, where the instructor team is located.


Planetary Mission Exploration through a full set of ground engineering services, covering
ALTEC is responsible for the design, development and payload-engineering support, experiments AIT/AIV, integrated
operations of the ESA EXOMARS Rover Operations Control logistics, operations, data processing and exploitation. Access
Center (ROCC). The ExoMars ROCC encompasses also to space is guaranteed via a set of partnerships allowing for a
Science Operation Center (SOC) functions and is equipped wide range of space access solutions, ranging from sounding
with the Mars Terrain Simulator (MTS). rockets and balloons, to cubesats, Space Rider and ISS.
The MTS facility supports engineering, training, rehearsal Research & Development according to European and
plus testing and verifications activities in performing the National Strategic guidelines
followings: rover module deployment and egress from landing ALTEC is partner of reference within several consortiums,
platforms, mobility confidence end to end test, drilling participated by industries and research centers, dedicated to
verification, sample collection and distribution to instruments technical research in multidisciplinary space relevant fields
payload analytical instrument operations and simulation of with possible applications also to the life on earth.
off-line nominal and non-nominal rover surface operations Presently the main covered topics are:
providing an easily reconfigurable Mars-like environment. ˆ Big Data: Implementing big data systems to manage,
The Rover Operations are organized in line with up-to- process, analyze, visualize and preserve space data
date robotic autonomy concepts that leverage actions characterized by huge volume, variety and veracity. In
and tasks, the onboard high-level commanding elements particular, ALTEC is interested in the definition of data
that allow an event-based control of the system. From a exploitation platforms for users’ communities using space
scientific perspective the ROCC, processing is based on the data in their business.
ALTEC ASDP (ALTEC Space Data Processing), a proprietary ˆ Advanced Space Data Processing: ASDP (ALTEC SPACE
multi-purpose reusable tool through which new automatic DATA PROCESSING) is a distributed data processing
processing pipelines and software infrastructures can be built framework dedicated to the on-ground handling and
and set up. transformation of any aircraft and spacecraft data.
Scientific Data Management and Processing ˆ Smart Center: implementing a “Station of Supervision and
ALTEC is responsible for the design and operations of the ESA Coordination” designed as a multi-mission, multi-sensors
Gaia Data Processing Center (DPCT), located in Turin, part of system able to operate in a broad range of scenarios and
the European ground segment dedicated to the processing with a multitude of data input coming from a variety of
of the Gaia data. platforms (satellite, airborne, balloons, rpas, in-situ). Bio-
The DPCT main activity is the Astrometric Verification of the and Space-medicine: aimed to understand how to deal
scientific data performed using dedicated software products with the physiological changes and conditions that can
developed under ALTEC responsibility: occur when humans are exposed to extreme environments.
ˆ AIM (Astrometric Instrument Model): to process the Astro ALTEC interest in the gravitational physiology and the
data telemetry in order to monitor and analyze the Astro relevant technology and methodologies to support
instrument response over the mission lifetime; astronauts’ activities and ergonomics has evident
ˆ BAM/AVU (Basic Angle Monitoring) software system: to application and offer synergies with on-earth researches
process the BAM device telemetry in order to monitor and dedicated to other human areas such as aviation, extreme
analyze the BA behavior over time and Paralympic sports, rehabilitation.
ˆ GSR (Global Sphere Reconstruction): the mathematical ˆ Virtual and Augmented Reality: participating to important
and numerical framework to verify the global astrometric European R&D projects (in the frame of H2020 program)
results produced by AGIS. addressed to study and develop new applications such
The scientific data management and processing is performed as augment training in situ with live expert guidance
according to up-to-date “Big Data” approaches, exploiting in knowledge-intensive environments where effective
advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence techniques. decision making has high impact on processes.
Sub-Orbital and Nano-Satellite Mission Control Center
In the frame of the European IXV (Intermediate eXperimental
Vehicle) Mission, ALTEC has designed, developed and
operated the IXV Ground Segment whose core element is the
Mission Control Center located at ALTEC premises.
This asset enables the performance of the broad and complex
ensemble of tasks and operations required for the controlling
and commanding of Sub-orbital Vehicles, guaranteeing at the
same time a safe re-entry and landing of involved spacecraft.
The available asset is ready to support operations control
and data management of nano-satellite systems, a dedicated
research and development effort is actually on going to
implement innovative approaches based on advanced
mission planning systems.
Space Commercialization
ALTEC, through its Spacegate initiative, is set to provide a
turn-key service concept to offer customers flexible access to
a wide range of platforms and to end-to-end services for P/L
& experiments.
Thanks to its 20 years long experience in supporting
customers’ payloads/experiments accessing to space, ALTEC
offers support from early stage of payloads design phases up
to full exploitation and retrieval/disposal. This is performed


Company profile
Angelantoni Test Technologies is a company with a turnover of around 50 million euro
and 250 employees. The company is part of the Angelantoni Industrie Group, operating
globally since 1932, with a turnover of around 60 million euro and 340 employees,
and active also in the fields of Life Sciences, Energy efficiency devices and Thin Film
Deposition Technology. Angelantoni Test Technologies is now present with its own
branch companies in Germany, France, China and India, in addition to being well
represented worldwide in over 40 countries.
Since 1952, Angelantoni has been producing and marketing worldwide, under the ACS
brand, environmental test chambers for all types of tests on materials, components,
and finished products. The ACS brand has always been associated with experience and Località Cimacolle, 464
flexibility in customized solutions, undisputed expertise and technological innovations. Massa Martana PG 06056
The ACS brand has acquired a strong leadership position in the Aerospace sector, the Fabrizio Rinalducci
most challenging environment for simulation: after the first Thermal Vacuum Chamber Aerospace Products
(TVC) in 1988, Angelantoni became one of the few leading international manufacturers
at international level, and a supplier for the most important Space Research Centers Application Engineer
testing satellites, subsystems, and components fabrizio.rinalducci@
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies +3907589551
Angelantoni Test Technologies has developed a wide range of Thermal Vacuum Chambers
thanks to its wide experience in several techniques applied in the environmental
simulation and testing.
TVC are able to artificially create the operating conditions (temperature and high
vacuum) of whole satellites or equipment used on board of satellites.
• Wide range of TVC sizes, with diameters ranging from under 1m up to 10m
• High quality and vast experience in vacuum pumping systems
• High quality of black shroud paint with a solution for low outgassing at maximum
temperatures (>+150°C) according to ESA standard ECSS-Q-ST-70-02C
• Special shroud design to withstand the highest heat dissipations (>5 kW/m2)
• Special attention to minimizing consumption through hardware solutions and
software management of the plant
• Integrated control and monitoring system totally developed by ACS
• Special attention to and experience in redundancy aspects
• Full capability for supplying turnkey syste ms
ACS prefabricated chambers can be supplied for temperature only or temperature/
humidity tests, and are suitable for tests on electronic modules or complete assemblies
(solar panels, satellites, antennas, etc…). Where high power dissipation by the specimen
is expected, i.e.testing of complete assemblies, the temperature humidity chamber
incorporates the indirect system for climatic thermoregulation.
Entrance doors for technicians or materials can be supplied for any size chamber, either
side hung and automatic sliding type.
Special chambers to combine thermal tests and Radio Frequency measurements on
active antennas.


Company profile
Avio SpA, the Colleferro, Rome-based leading Company in Space Transportation
Systems, has been working in the space segment for more than 50 years.
Thanks to the Ariane and Vega programs, we have acquired knowledge and expertise

to design, manufacture, test and integrate not only solid / liquid fuel propulsion engines
for space and defense applications, but also a complete Launcher System, i.e. Vega and
its upcoming evolutions Vega C / Vega E AVIO is a public Company listed on the Milan
Stock Exchange since April 2017 (70% of free floating, 4% Management share), we are
more than 1000 people working in Italy, France and French Guiana, successfully running
propellant, filament-wound structures and stage integration plants as well as operating Via Ariana Km 5,2
the Vega launch pad at CSG, Kourou. Colleferro RM 00034
+39 06.97285201
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies avio.com/it
Design, manufacturing, assembly and testing of Solid Rocket Motors (SRM) and their
different sub-assembly (Inert Motor Case, Thermal Protections, Loaded Motor Case,
• SRM P230
Solid Rocket Motors of about 240 tons of propellant and a Maximum Thrust of
about 7000 kN, used as first stage booster of Ariane 5 launcher.
• P80 1
Solid Rocket Motor of about 88 tons of propellant and a Maximum Thrust of about
3000 kN, used as first stage of Vega launcher.
• P120C 1
Solid Rocket Motor of about 140 tons of propellant and a Maximum Thrust of about
4300 kN, to be used as first stage of Vega C launcher and booster of Ariane 6
• Z40
Solid Rocket Motor of about 36 tons of propellant and a Maximum Thrust of about
1300 kN, to be used as second stage of Vega C launcher.
Design, manufacturing, integration and testing of Liquid Rocket Propulsive Systems
and their different sub-assembly:
• AVUM Liquid Propulsion System
Vega launcher fourth stage main propulsion system; NTO/UDMH bipropellant
pressure regulated system.
• Vulcain 1/2 and Vinci Turbo Pump Oxygene1
Liquid Oxygen Turbo Pumps for Vulcain 1/2 engines used for the first core stage of
Ariane 5 launcher. & VINCI used for Ariane 6 upper cryogenic stage.
• M10 Engine
Cryogenic LOX/LCH4 10-tons class liquid rocket engine that will be the upper stage
of the Vega E launcher. At the nominal point and steady-state M10 engine has to
provide 98 kN thrust, with propellants mixture ratio 3.4
• Satellites chemical liquid propulsion systems
MON3/MMH bipropellant regulated chemical propulsion systems of the
geostationary satellites Small GEO and EDRS-C.
Vega Launch Vehicle
Vega is a 4-stage Launch Vehicle. It is composed by:
• 1st stage: P80 SRM (88 tons)


• 2nd stage: Z23 SRM (24 tons)
• 3rd stage: Z9 SRM (10,5 tons)
• 4th stage: AVUM liquid stage (including Liquid Propulsion
System, Roll Attitude Control System, Avionics)
Flight Program Software
• Upper Composite: Payload Adapter & Fairing for the
satellite accommodation
Vega C Launch Vehicle
It is an upgrade of present launcher Vega configuration aimed
to improve the launch system performance.
Vega C is a 4-stage Launch Vehicle. It is composed by:
• 1st stage: P120C SRM (140 tons)
• 2nd stage: Z40 SRM (36 tons)
• 3rd stage: Z9 SRM (10,5 tons)
• 4th stage: AVUM+ (including enhanced Liquid Propulsion
System, Roll Attitude and Control System, upgraded
• Flight Program Software
• Upper Composite: Payload Adapter & Fairing (larger than
the VEGA fairing) for the satellite accommodation.
SPACE RIDER (under development)
Space Rider is a reusable space transportation system to
be launched by the VEGA-C launcher and able to perform
experimentation and demonstration of multiple application
missions in low Earth orbit and recovered.
The Space Rider System is managed in co-premiership
with TAS-I. It is made of the AVUM Orbital Module (AOM),
designed and developed by AVIO, and a Re-entry Module
(RM) integrated in a single stack-up.
The AVUM Orbital Module is made by:
• PLA1194-LEK: standard 1194mm conical adapter modified
for Space Rider
• ALEK: hosts the avionics dedicated to the orbital
operations and the solar panels.
The AOM will start its operations as service module after the
initial orbit acquisition at the end of the VegaC ascent phase
and it is able to service the Space Rider System for more than
2 months supplying:
• Power
• Propulsion
• Attitude Control
• Guidance & Navigation


Company profile
BEAMIT SpA (www.beam-it.eu) is a Highly Qualified Italian Company specialized in
Additive Manufacturing (AM), established in two facilities: Fornovo di Taro and, since
2015, Rubbiano (both in Parma area, Italy). By July 2019, SANDVIK Machining Solutions,
as minority shareholder, is entered in BEAMIT SpA.
BEAMIT has more than 20 years’ experience in Rapid Prototyping before and Additive
Manufacturing later on.
BEAMIT has a leading role, having installed an AM park of 33 (28 Metal dedicated)
different technology machines at its headquarters: this made it possible for BEAMIT to
Strada Prinzera, 17
become one of the largest European AM companies. BEAMIT is active in several high-
value markets and applications with several materials qualified and operative in various Fornovo di Taro Parma
sectors as aeronautical, aerospace, racing, automotive and food domains. 43045
In particular, for aeronautical and biomedical applications BEAMIT is strictly following Gabriele Rizzi
several procedures qualified by main worldwide customers and certified in accordance CCO
to ISO9001, ISO9100 and NADCAP accreditation. g.rizzi@beam-it.eu
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies www.beam-it.eu
BEAMIT has 14 different metallic materiuals and few new materials in R&D. Applications g.rizzi@beam-it.eu
and products are several thanks to flexibility of the additive manufacturing technologies.


BLUE Engineering Srl
Company profile
BLUE Engineering, founded in 1993, provides engineering services in the areas of
transport excellence, such as automotive, rail, aerospace and naval. The strong multi-
sectoral know-how and the singular specialization in numerical analysis distinguish us
on the market and allow us to develop innovative projects, at the highest quality level,
during all phases of development: style, design, engineering, Virtual prototyping, testing
and validation. Contact
BLUE Engineering develops its ‘ business ‘ beyond the technological and geographic
frontiers. We work with important national and international customers, always looking
towards new markets. We offer a full turnkey service, including vocational education, in via Albenga, 98
order to transfer our skills to the customer team. Rivoli TO 10098
BLUE Engineering is a good partner for project development, thanks to the integration of Andrea Tosetto
competences in all their aspects: design, functionality and innovative features. Our team Team Leader
of designers and specialized technicians work in close collaboration, thus optimizing a.tosetto@blue-roup.it
time planning and achieving results of high reliability. BLUE Engineering constantly
invests in education and vocational training, to promote the development of the skills
+39 0119504211
of its team. www.blue-group.it
BLUE Engineering PLUS info@blue-group.it
• Innovation development.
• Product quality optimization.
• Processes and methodologies development.
• Excellent knowledge of CAD/CAE computer systems.
• Excellent TEAM of expertise and experience.
• Flexibility
Provided Services:
• Turnkey project development.
• Management of engineering development platforms.
• Contract management.
• Technical specifications issue.
• Technical documents.
• ICT MES (Manufacturing Execution System) and SW of traceability.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

BLUE Engineering has many years of experience in Engineering, Design, Software
Development, Verification and Validation, Testing.
Our services are applied to space structures, payloads & subsystems, propulsion
test bench and manufacturing tools. We collaborated to the development of several
international space programmes such as:
• ISS Cupola
• ISS Nodo2
• RADAR SAT Satellite
• ALADIN Equipment
• ASTR Equipment
• IRES Equipment
• CDP Equipment
• VEGA Launcher


• EXOMARS Participation to several research and development
• GALILEO projects in different fields: aerospace, railway, automotive.
The subjects of R&D projects are of very different type:
• Application of advance materials.
Main partners of our activities are Leonardo,
ThalesAleniaSpace, Airbus Defence & Space and ESA. • Application of advanced manufacturing methodologies
(3D print for metal and plastic parts, Carbon Fiber grid
For several programmes and payloads BLUE provides the panel technology)
following capabilities:
• Advanced design and verification methodology
Structural Analysis.
• New ground transportation vehicles (hybrid, unmanned, …)
For the realization of Node2, ATV and Cupola, the
interconnection element between the various pressurized • Development of system design tools
modules for the International Space Station, Blue has been Some internal developments became products such as:
responsible for the following activities: P.ANA.MA
• Structural check of the overall structure. The Parametric Analysis Manager performs multi-
• Verification of the resistance to buckling of the single disciplinary sensitivity & optimization analyses with the
components. stochastic method, it has the following features:
• Structural inspection of riveting and bolting. • Definition of variations of Parameters
Thermal Control. • Management of REMOTE ANALYSIS (structural,
• Model Analysis thermal …)
• Model Reduction • Possibility of performing MULTIDISCIPLINARY
• Reporting
• Data Processing
• Model Correlation with thermal vacuum tests data.
• Stochastic sensitivity and optimisation.
• Sensitivity Analysis
• Requirements Checking.
The Purpose of Collaborative System Manager is to
• Attitude simulation. support the calculation and analysis of several sectors
Fluid Mechanics projects performed at discipline level through a common
• Re-Entry Aerodynamics. and user friendly environment with flexible degree of
• Thermo-chemical non-equilibrium effects.
It shall describe space scenarios, run computation
• Unsteady Aerodynamics: damping derivative and dynamic
processes, analyse result with extended post-processing
and easily build reports with curve, picture and animations.
• Low-Gravity fluid dynamics and transport phenomena. To each engineer is shown a well-defined and easy to use
• CFD in propulsion: combustor chamber, turbine stage, environment with a fast learning curve.
pump stage. COSM was initially developed for aerospace sector, and
• Climate Control and Thermal Comfort. now collect features and can manage models relevant to
automotive and railway sectors.
COSM is made in collaboration with ThalesAlenia Space
• Testing facility design:
• Structures,
• Instruments
• Environment simulation (CO2, high temperatures)
• Test procedures definition & Execution
• Reporting.
Software Development
Since 2004 BLUE Engineering increase its experience on
software development, we start a collaboration with ESA
on the development of the Thermal Concept design tool,
we participate actively in national programmes like STEPS,
STEPS2 and CADET developing software tools for system
modelling and advanced calculation methodologies such as
GPGPU programming, IR image processing and recognition,
BLUE is focused also on research and development in
order to ensure the innovative contents to its projects and
products. In particular main R&D activities and products can
be summarised as follows:
Research and Development.


CESI – Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale
Italiano “Giacinto Motta” S.p.A.

Company profile
CESI is a world-leading technical consulting and engineering company in the field of
technology and innovation for the energy sector. With a legacy of more than 60 years
of experience, CESI operates in 40 countries and supports its global clients in meeting
the Energy Transition challenges. CESI also provides testing and certification services to
the power equipment industry, as well as civil and environmental engineering services.
CESI is a fully independent joint-stock company headquartered in Milan (Italy) and
with facilities in Berlin, Mannheim, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Washington DC, Knoxville, Rio de
Janeiro, Santiago de Chile and Bogota. CESI operates through three Divisions: Testing &
Certification (which includes the Solar Cells Facility), Consulting, Solutions and Services Via R. Rubattino, 54
and Engineering & Environment. Milano MI 20134
CESI has been involved since 30 years in the manufacturing of high efficiency space Marco Ficcadenti
solar cells based on III-V semiconductors for civil applications and it is one of the main Commercial Reference
international suppliers of space solar cells. CESI has strongly invested for decades in Contact for Solar Cells
developing its own proprietary technology going through all the roadmap steps from
single junction to multi-junctions, while being involved in the main space research and
development programs at EU and international level. +39 0221255183
The research activities of CESI have been performed through time thanks to relevant www.cesi.it
internal investments and to the financial support of the Italian Space Agency and of the solar@cesi.it
European Space Agency.
CESI has cooperated in many significant projects for interplanetary missions ( Mercury, Mars
and Jupiter). The heritage of CESI includes more than 150,000 manufactured solar cells,
powering more than 70 civil satellites for Clients from over 25 different countries worldwide.
Solar cells are manufactured at our facility in Milan and can be provided either bare or
SCA (aka CIC) to serve the civil application markets with the best cost versus quality mix.
CESI is particularly proud of its distinctive positioning based on our attention and capability
to shape and fine tune our solar cells for the specific needs and applications of our customers.
Our standard triple junction space cells are state of the art 30% typical efficiency,
qualified for both LEO and GEO missions according to ECSS-E-ST20-08C standard. In
our continuous improvement effort, we are already investing with effective results into
four-junction cells towards space efficiencies beyond 35%.
The CESI Management System complains and has been certified to the international
Standards ISO-9001, BS-OHSAS-18001, ISO-14001. The Code of Ethics, adopted in 2002
was updated on 2009.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

High efficiency multi junction solar cells based on III-V compounds for civil space
Triple-Junction Solar Cell for Space Application (CTJ30)
The CESI Standard space Triple Junction solar cell named CTJ30 is qualified for LEO
and GEO missions have to date powered more than 70 satellites of clients from over 25
Features & Characteristics (bare level)
• 29.5% efficiency at AM0
• Triple Junction Solar Cells InGaP/GaAs/Ge for Space Applications
• Very low solar cell mass (81-89 mg/cm2)


• Thickness 150 μm
• Fully qualified according to ECSS E ST20-08C standard
for LEO and GEO orbit
• High Radiation Resistance
Thin Triple-Junction Solar Cell for Space Applications (CTJ30-
The Thin triple junction solar cell named CTJ30-Thin (80μm
thin, bendable) maintains the high quality features and the
electrical performances of CTJ30, while reducing of about
one half the whole cell thickness. These cells are aimed at
the New Generation Array (NGA) designs requiring flexibility
Features & Characteristics (bare level)
• 29% efficiency at AM0
• High Radiation Resistance
• Thickness 150 μm
• 50 mg/cm2 mass
• >0.7 W/gr (power-to-mass ratio)
• Fully qualified according to standard ECSS E ST20-08C
rev. 1 standard for LEO and GEO orbit (qualification at SCA
level pending)
Low Cost Triple-Junction Solar Cell for Space Applications
The Low Cost solar cell named CTJ-LC supports the
achievement of costs/prices 30% lower than current
commercial market levels, being especially suitable for the
new mini/micro/cube satellite macro-constellation emerging
market where the costs are key (the new CTJ-LC2 version
(efficiency 27% @ AM0) with price towards 50% lower, is
already available);
Features & Characteristics (bare level)
• 28% efficiency at AM0
• High radiation resistance
• Standard assembly approach for solar cell interconnection
and coverglassing
• Applicability of low cost concept also to thin and/or large
area cells
• Higher volume production capacity
• Fully Qualified according to ECSS E ST20-08C rev.1
standard for LEO and GEO orbit at bare level (qualification
at SCA level pending)
Large Area Triple-Junction Solar Cell for Space Applications
The Large Area solar cells named CTJ-LA (c.a. 69cm^2)
maintains the high quality features and the electrical
performances of our standard cell with typical AM0 efficiency
30%. This new class of solar cells is mainly devoted to the
market of Telecom satellites and in general to the high power
demanding missions powered by large area solar arrays that
are requested to be increasingly lighter and cheaper and
more efficient, while maintaining their high reliability.
Features & Characteristics
• 30% efficiency at AM0
• Lower manufacturing costs per cm^2 at cell level
• Lower assembly costs at solar generator level Space
saving at solar generator level
The Low Cost the Thin and the Large Area features can be
COMBINED to manufacture and supply, either as bare cells or
Solar Cell Assembly (SCA), new convergent space solar cell
products fine tuned to the requirement needs of any satellite


Cistelaier S.p.A.
Company profile
Cistelaier S.p.A. is a Printed Circuit Boards manufacturing company belonging to the Member
Finmasi Group PCB Division, consisting of Cistelaier S.p.A. in Italy, Techci Rhône-Alpes
in France and EPN Electroprint GmbH in Germany.

The task of the PCB Division is to enhance the specific competences of the three
factories in order to offer customers excellent results thanks to their synergies in terms
of technology, production and service.
The solution provider’s vocation coupled with the long-standing skills of Cistelaier,
Techci and EPN to support their partner since the early stage of a new project with
Via Gandhi, 1
codesign activities make Finmasi Group’s PCB Division an ideal partner for supplying
printed circuits boars of any typology and for any application. Modena MO 41122
Cistelaier S.p.A., established in 1998 merging the two industrial entities, Cistel S.r.l.,
Claudio Guerzoni
established in Genoa in 1976 and Laier S.r.l., established in Modena in 1986, manufactures General Manager
prototypes, small, medium and large series of a very wide range of printed circuit boards c.guerzoni@cistelaier.com
(up to 40 layers): double-sided, multilayer, rigid-flex, HDI (multilayer as well as flex-rigid) +39 059269711
PCBs and boards realised with special materials.
Cistelaier S.p.A’s mission is to become the main benchmark in Europe for companies c.guerzoni@cistelaier.com
seeking service, quality and know-how to make the PCB a strategic instrument for their
business. With more than 40 years’ experience, Cistelaier S.p.A. manufactured thousands
of PCBs for businesses active in the Aerospace & Defence, Space, Rail, Automotive and
Medical sectors. In order to continue to develop competences and know-how to meet
all different and increasing market demands, Cistelaier S.p.A. is constantly investing in
machineries, methods and research.
What makes Cistelaier S.p.A. a unique interlocutor is to be homologated for:
Aerospace & Defence sector: UNI EN 9100:2016
Automotive sector: IATF:2016
Medical devices: ISO 13485
Railway sector: ISO/TS 22163.
Products are manufactured according to the following standards and specific control
plans are agreed with customers when needed:
IPC-A-600, class 2, 3 or class 3DS(A)
IPC 6012 (Rigid), IPC 6013 (Rigid-Flex), IPC 6016 (HDI) and IPC 6018 (Microwave)
MIL-P-55110 (Rigid) and MIL-P-50884 (Rigid-Flex)
ESA-ECSS - Q ST 70 10C / 11C / 12C
ESA-ECSS - Q ST 70 60C

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Cistelaier’s processes have been designed in order to be fast and reliable from feasibility
analysis to shipment of the finished printed circuit boards.
Cistelaier S.p.A. designed its factory and implemented the necessary organization
in order to be able to deliver quick turnaround (QTA) service: this enable Cistelaier’s
customers to get prototypes with short lead time so to improve their time to market and
their business performance. Cistelaier’s Manufacturing System is managed according
to Lean principles and this increase its capabilities to deliver quality and service to
All information related to products coming from customers are systematically verified
(Key Point Analysis) in order to identify any risk factors (Risk Analysis) with the use of


Enig (Al bondable); Chemical Tin & Chemical Ag; ENIPIG (Au
DFM and FMEA type evaluation techniques. bondable); Galvanic hard and soft gold
Its valuable heritage in “all” market sectors enable Cistelaier SPACE SECTOR
S.p.A. to support customers since the early stage of their
projects in order to implement the best practices for PCB Even if is producing PCBs for Space applications since more than
design to increase effectiveness of the PCBs in each and 10 years, Cistelaier S.p.A. is more and more focusing in Space
every specific application. sector since year 2013.
MARKET SECTORS In the last 5 years Cistelaier manufactured according to ECSS
more than 50 part numbers and tested all PCBs manufactured
Thanks to its know-how and accreditations, to its absolutely for “fly purpose” through ECSS Group 6 qualification process.
reliable products and to its extremely flexible service
Cistelaier has been able to become a technological partner of Cistelaier S.p.A. manufactured for Space sector PCBs with the
customers performing in the following sectors: following features
Avionics Multilayers PCBs up to 18 layers
Aerospace & Defense Epoxy & Polyimide resin base material, glass or para-aramidic
fiber support
Standard ML , Sequential Lamination and HDI build up
Electronics for the Railway sector
Laser drilled and copper filled vias
Mechanically drilled Filled & Capped vias
Vision technology systems
Minimum vias of 0.15 mm
Thickness up to 2.80 mm
Aspect ratio up to 9.3:1
Tin-Lead Reflow finishing
Selective Electolytic Nickel/Gold
Industrial Automation
Test results showed high reliability of the PCBs manufactured by
Renewable energy sources Cistelaier S.p.A.
University and R&D
Up today more than 50% of the turnover of Cistelaier S.p.A. is
related to Aerospace & Defense applications.
Cistelaier S.p.A. constantly invests in machineries and
equipments at the state of the art of technology and suitable
for QTA management and flexibility to produce for the whole
of the market sectors/applications where different and
specific materials are needed.
Cistelaier S.p.A. validated its processes to produce with more
than 100 different base materials.
Cistelaier S.p.A. is also partner of several of its suppliers for
machineries, equipment, material and chemistry for R&D
projects to develop new solutions for the PCB industry.
Technological capabilities are also assured by Cistelaier’s
highly skilled people in PCB industrialization, in PCB
manufacturing and in Production and Quality methods.
Cistelaier S.p.A. produces all kind of PCBs
PCB families: rigid (up to 40 layers) and rigid flex (up to 12
flex layers) PCBs / rigid HDI and rigid flex HDI PCBs
Materials: standard and high performance materials (i.e. Hi Tg,
Alogen Free, Hi speed, epoxy and polyimidic resin materials,
copper/invar/copper, Hi frequency materials Teflon and not
Teflon based, thick copper materials) / mixed materials
Power Management: busbars , heavy copper , copper inlay,
different thickness on same layer and selective plating;
Heat Management: heat dissipator, paste dissipator
application, metal back PCB, copper coin technology
Size: up to 860 mm length and 470 mm width
Thickness: up to 5.5 mm
Fine line/space: down to 75 μm
Finishes: Tin-Lead reflow; HASL with and without Lead;


Company profile
DEMA – Design Manufacturing SpA has been operating in the aerospace industry since
1993 as an innovative company with the capabilities to offer a complete, integrated
product. By contributing to the most important international aerospace programs and
Research & Development initiatives, DEMA has the ability to offer a wide variety of up-
to-date products and to perform as an integrator for other suppliers and their customers.
Dema’s mission is to be Aerostructures World-Class Supplier, to create Added Value
integrating Design, Industrialization and Manufacturing, and to be the Partner to Share
the Challenges.
Via Partenope, 5
The company took up the challenge imposed by today’s competitive market and has
consequently developed significant research programs and technological innovations Napoli NA 80121
at an international level. aviola@demaspa.it
Dema group, with a forecasted turnover of approx. 65 million Euros and with a staff +39 08119095010
of 800 employees, is located in Italy and precisely in Somma Vesuviana (Naples), WWW.DEMASPA.IT
Paolisi (Benevento) and Brindisi with manufacturing facilities and engineering offices. info@demaspa.it
Lastly, Dema is also present in Montreal (Canada) with Dema Aeronautics, a design and
engineering center.
•Aerostructure Design, Industrialization, Manufacturing and Assembly.
•Sheet Metal forming and fabrication, Machining, Composites.
•Innovative Processes and Materials.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Transport aircraft and helicopter’s primary and secondary structure, with conventional
materials and composites.
Airborne system installations and components design.
Static, fatigue and damage tolerance analysis.
Certification documentation.
Structural testing definition and planning.
Manufacturing operational definition and instructions.
Tool and jig design.
Numerical control programming and simulation testing.
Definition of methods and work process.
Tool and jig fabrication.
NC machining fabrication.
Sheet metal stretch forming and fabrication.
Heat and surface treatments of aluminium alloys and steels.
Manufacturing of composite components (Kevlar, Fiberglass, Carbon Epoxy).
Quality control and non-destructive testing.
Aerostructures assembly.


Company profile
e-GEOS, an ASI (20%) / Telespazio (80%) company, is a leading AN AS I / TELESPAZIO COMPANY

international player in the Earth Observation and Geo-Spatial

Information business.
e-GEOS is the exclusive global distributor for the COSMO-SkyMed and COSMO Second
Generation data, the most advanced and performing Radar Satellite constellation
available today.
Through the Matera Space Centre e-GEOS acquires, processes, stores and distributes
remotely-sensed data from the main Earth observation satellites, and also produces
Via Tiburtina 965 Roma RM
images, products and services in near real-time for maritime surveillance. 00156
In particular, the Centre contributed to the design, integration, and testing of the civil e-GEOS
ground segment data of the Italian radar satellite constellation COSMO-SkyMed, for Catia Rispoli
which it has provided operation and maintenance service since the launch of the first Communication Manager
satellite in 2007. communication@e-geos.it
Since 2012, the Matera Space Centre has been one of the four stations of the Core +393358267423
Ground Segment of the European Space Agency (ESA) for the reception and processing
in real-time of radar and optical data acquired by Sentinel satellites within Copernicus,
the European Earth observation programme. info@e-geos.it
The e-GEOS portfolio includes whole spectrum of geoinformation services, cloud based
application platforms dedicated to different markets and, CLEOS, the geoinformation
digital marketplace and gateway to digital services and the environment taking benefit
of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence based solutions for information extraction.
The solutions cover all the spectrum of domain:
• Land management
• Defence & Intelligence • Maritime Surveillance
• Environmental monitoring and Ice monitoring
• Infrastructure and City monitoring.
• Agriculture
• Emergency support
Company’s goal is to transform geographic information in actionable data as a valuable
decision making support for both Public Sector and private market.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

In addition to the provision of data from most of the Earth Observation satellite missions
available on the world-wide market, e-GEOS offers a unique portfolio of application
services. Thanks to the superior monitoring capabilities of the COSMO-SkyMed
constellation and the fusion with a broad range of EO and non EO data, e-GEOS has
become one of the global leaders in geospatial services and acquired a leading position
also within the European Copernicus Program. COSMO-SkyMed Constellation and its
Second Generation satellites, represent the forefront technology in the SAR (Synthetic
Aperture Radar), e-GEOS is the global distributor for the data acquired. The systems is
designed and built, under the prime contractorship of Thales Alenia Space, with major
contribution from Telespazio and Leonardo divisions. Today, the planning activities and
the main receiving antennas of this important investment, cofounded by the Italian
Space Agency and the Italian MoD, are in the Matera Space Center.
Covering the whole value chain, from data acquisition to the generation of analytics and
insight reports, e-GEOS, thanks to proprietary assets, algorithms and AI based features,
integrates data from all satellites with the IoT information gathered over different
sources, creating a big data lake where all the e-GEOS platforms are able to extract
signals and key indicators dedicated to different markets. This approach is one of the


key assets of the new services and products offered by the IceWatch
company and it can be run both on premises and mainly on Thanks to the integrated capabilities of COSMO-SkyMed
cloud. and SEonSE Engine algorithms, e-GEOS in able to support
AWARE different monitoring activities specifically tailored for the
Aware is the platform designed by e-GEOS to support Arctic region and the Pole. Form safe navigation, based on
both Public Administrations and private companies along the revisit time of COSMO integrated with the wider swat
the whole lifecycle of an infrastructure. It provides a set of of Sentinel and in the future through the integration of
services to monitor linear infrastructures, buildings, urban new small-sat constellation, to the Iceberg monitoring and
areas, monuments. Using the most advanced radar data pollution at sea.
techniques combined with IoT, In Situ sensors and drones CLEOS
generated information AWARE provides information through CLEOS, the digital infrastructure providing access to the
standard GIS layers and a set of user customized data analytics whole spectrum of services, the new «digital market place»,
workbench from the planning phase to the management and the tool for the transformation and digital use of the solutions
maintenance of complex infrastructures. of e-GEOS solutions and of our partners. CLEOS allows
SEonSE customers to take full advantage of the digital services of the
SEonSE (Smart Eyes on the SEas) is the e-GEOS new platforms and developers to quickly define new workflows
Maritime Surveillance Platform providing an innovative way making use of the potential of advanced algorithms that
to gain access to maritime domain awareness and tailored implement innovative Artificial Intelligence techniques for
information, including early warning notifications, based on information extraction.
criteria established with the users. Geodesy
SEonSE to deliver Maritime Domain Awareness applications Space Geodesy activities within e-GEOS date back to the
in Near Real Time, leverages on SEonSE-engine, the e-GEOS beginning of 80’s when a Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) station
toolkit, for an advanced exploitation of Multimission and was installed at the Italian Space Agency’s Space Geodesy
COSMO-SkyMed satellite data, integrating marine traffic data Center in Matera. We collect, analyze, interpret and archive
(e.g. SatAIS, AIS), meteo information and open-data satellites. data from the main space geodetic techniques: Satellite
BRAINT and Lunar Laser Ranging (SLR/LLR), Very Long Baseline
Interferometry (VLBI) radio telescope, Global Navigation
Image Intelligence analytical capability is continually Satellite System (GNSS) receivers and absolute Gravimeter.
improving as the technical performance of Earth Observation
(EO) satellite missions evolve. In parallel to the proliferation
of Open Source geospatial information, the intelligence
community is set to experience a transformational sea change
in capability, however as sources become more diverse
and plentiful, so analysts need a platform to effectively
and efficiently consolidate and synthesize it. braINT™ is the
e-GEOS solution for imagery based actionable intelligence
analysis, a modular environment for IMINT analysis and report
generation. Based on a blended integration of proprietary
algorithms braINT™ provides at its core a range of tailored
operational workflows providing easy access to satellite
imagery exploitation through simple steps to support analysts
during each intelligence assessment phase.
Urban environment is particular important in the evolution for
our society. UrbanGEO, a complete newly designed platform
includes, from a combination of EO and non EO, In-situ and
social feed data, a set of specific services to contribute to
a resilient and sustainable urban environment looking to a
green and circular economy. Features includes urban heat
wave, monitoring of infrastructure and urban planning,
industrial and construction sites monitoring, water leaks
detection, information deck for resilient cities.
From precision farming to crop yield and damage estimation,
the combined use of Earth observation data, Deep Learning
and the supervision of photointerpreter create the usable
feed for AGRIGEO the platform dedicated to the agricultural
market segment. The innovation activities is an important
asset of e-GEOS. Indeed, in this field, where Drones, small-
sat and Sentinel are giving food for in-cloud processing and
new algorithms allow unexpected analysis and new indicators
suitable to support both public administration and farmers to
better manage their own resources.


Elettronica SpA
Company profile
Elettronica (ELT), since 1951 has been one of the European leaders in the world
of electronic defense (EW). The company provides EW and SIGINT solutions and
systems, interception capacity during law enforcement operations, surveillance of risk
areas, platform self-protection in hostile scenarios, monitoring of the electromagnetic
scenario, Cyber ElectroMagnetic Activity and develops its peculiar EW capabilities in
five domains: Earth, Air, Sea, Cyber and Space. Contact
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Via Tiburtina Km 13,700
Elettronica has extensive experience in controlling the entire electromagnetic spectrum, Roma 131
advanced radio frequency signal processing, designing antennas and microwave Antonio Tafuto
components and developing software applications for command and control centres.
R&I Responsible
Distinctive capabilities: antonio.tafuto@elt.it
• Electronic Attack & Self Protection, for radar signal interception, processing and +39064154502
contrast using state-of-the-art technology (DRFM, digital receiver, very wide band
solid state transceiver modules, AESA broadband antennas, high power transmitters).
• IR-based ECM System, for the protection of avionics platforms
against threats MANPad with solid state laser sources. comunicazione@elt.it
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, for the detection, classification,
identification and contrast of a wide variety of threats in both the radar and
communications domain.
• Cyber defence for the protection of wireless networks and nodes from cyber attacks
through innovative systems based on cognitive techniques.


Company profile
Engineering is the leading national software and services company, with 10,500
employees and 50 branches in Italy and overseas (Germany, Spain Belgium, Republic of
Serbia, United States, Brazil and Argentina) with a consolidated revenue portfolio at the
end of 2017 of 1 Billion Euro.
The company carries out IT innovation combining the potential of a full, integrated offer
of Business Integration, infrastructural Outsourcing and Cloud services (provided by
5 Data Centers) Consulting, customized proprietary solutions for vertical markets –
from Industry Space sector to Healthcare, Utilities, Finance and Public Administration
- and technologically cross-market, such as geo-referencing and Open Source Business Piazzale dell’Agricultura, 56
Intelligence solutions. Roma RM 144
Special attention must be given to the Defense , Space & Security Division, which +3906.87596103
historically has decades of experience and technological, methodological and managerial www.eng.it
expertise specific to the Defence & Homeland Security sector. info@eng.it
With 420 researchers located in many R&D laboratories the Engineering Group plays
a leading role in ICT research, coordinating and participating to several national and
international projects thanks to established open partnerships with other EU companies,
universities and research centers.
The research areas that the company focuses in, in line with the European Research
Agenda of Horizon 2020 are linked to the notion of smart cities conceived as ecosystems
of digital services. Specifically, the research and innovation activities concentrate on the
following research topics: Smart Health, Smart Government, Smart Enterprise, Smart
Tourism, Smart Energy, Secure societies, Digital Transformation.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

DSI (Data Consolidation and Bulk Processing Service Initiative)
Engineering offers consolidated Infrastructure services providing data reception,
processing, distribution, data quality control and archiving services to the mission
operated by ESA and member states. A relevant reference is the ESA Project called DSI
(Data Consolidation and Bulk Processing Service Initiative) for management of various
activities concerning Earth Observation(EO) data and to provide a solution for ESA EO
Data Users, focused in particular on activities systematically performed upon acquisition
of data concerning:
ESA missions (ERS, ENVISAT, Earth Explorers);
ESA Third Party Missions (e.g., Landsat, etc.)
Past, present and future missions (with future ESA missions limited to Earth Explorers).
During the project the following operations on missions have been carried out:
Data Collection and Data Consolidation
Processing System Integration
Reprocessing / Bulk processing / Format Conversion
Data Repatriation / delivery
Data Information and Configuration Management
Project and Service Process management and other support services.
With “SIMONA” Engineering is providing an information platform for the completion and
improvement of existing services in Maritime Situation Awareness, improving the skills
that the Italian Coast Guard and the Italian Navy currently have, as well as providing
added value services based on satellite assets in support of private subjects, such as
merchant naval transport companies and insurance brokerage, insurance and assistance
companies. The main functions of the SIMONA platform can be summarized in:


Contributing to the generation of an enriched Common Operating legal regulations Italian and European (https://vetrina.cloudeng.it)
Picture (eCOP) by integrating data coming from various sources BIG DATA
of information (EO images, data on weather and oceanographic
conditions, Local Pictures supplied by collaborative users) in Cloud Computing facilitates the commercial use of Big Data,
adherence with the main reference standards (GRIB, VMS) especially for Space. The main benefits cloud computing
provides are the systematic evaluation of big data, understanding
Supporting maritime surveillance, S&R and safe navigation the collected information and how it relates to each other as well
operations, by providing services that integrate the satellite as the near real-time analysis of the collected data. Moreover ,
assets, and such as to guarantee safety, integrity, precision and the recent increase of free and open access initiatives to big
reliability characteristics. data from space, such as the European Copernicus programme,
During the SIMONA project a bidirectional narrowband satellite extends the spectrum of users.
module has been developed, in order to take advantage of The Big Data Competency Center, which includes data analysts,
SIMONA services also with absence of a common traditional data architects, data developers, data scientists, research
communication channel (WIFI, UMTS, etc.) This narrowband scientists, is the specialized organizational unit that supports the
lighter module (named SatcomBox) is tailored for a more wide Engineering Group’s offer and coordinates its initiatives involving
market of private leisure boat users and linked through SIMONA big data skills and technologies. The competencies include goal
services to Insurance contracts. The SatcomBox includes a GPS definition and solution design; big data architecture design and
function and, during normal navigation conditions, will support realization; specialized skills on technologies and development
only offshore (SATCOM) navigation telecommunications from/to methods; data collection, open data management, advanced
crafts. The use of the SatcomBox by the leisure boat users is also data analysis and visualization; presentation and communication
well seen by Italian Cost Guard because enabling continuity of skills, and business development support.
communication from coastline to open sea, increasing the safety
of the leisure navigation. DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION
CLOUD Digital Transformation affects all organizations and is based on
the introduction of innovative technology transversely to working
Engineering services are available through different technology areas. Technology is at the service of business renewal and must
stacks: be enhanced through analysis processes and structural planning.
CloudEng offering based on the “Microsoft Azure Pack” platform, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica combines a great knowledge
these services allow you to build both Private Cloud and Hybrid of the ICT world with a consultant approach that accompanies
Cloud thanks to the perfect combination between the IT services the Customer in identifying needs and making changes useful
offered by the Engineering Data Centers and its Cloud platform for systemic evolution. We are inspired by the methodologies
based over Microsoft WAP technology. of System and Design Thinking to support our Customers and
CLOE (Cloud Computing by Engineering) is the Engineering identify the processes and systems object of the transformation,
platform for the provision of Cloud services based on the Vmware employing all the most suitable professionals for each single area.
technology platform (Vmware Vcloud director) according to https://www.osservatori.net/it_it/osservatori/design-thinking-
various innovative modes: IaaS: virtual servers on demand with for-business
a wide range of standard catalogue and customized operating
systems; PaaS: service development platforms with main stacks; http://www.ingenium-magazine.it/inail-da-e-government-a-
SaaS, document, contact management and service collaboration digital-government-intervista-a-stefano-tomasini/
applications, CRM and asset management applications, electronic
mail systems.
The management policy of the Information security for Cloud
services is defined in harmony and within the compliance with


Company profile
Exprivia is an international group currently employing about 1800 professionals capable
of enabling the digital transformation processes through solutions that involve the entire
value chain. http://www.exprivia.it/en/

With its know-how and experience gained in more than 30 years of continuous operation
on the market, Exprivia has a team of experts specialized in various technologies and
domain areas. The Exprivia sites can be found at the different locations in Italy and
abroad (Europe, America and Asia).
Listed on the MTA STAR segment of the Borsa Italiana Stock Exchange (XPR) since
Via A. Olivetti, 11
2000, Exprivia works alongside its customers in the Banking&Finance, Telco&Media,
Energy&Utilities, Aerospace&Defence, Manufacturing&Distribution, Healthcare and Molfetta BA 70056
Public Sector. Roberto Maria Medri
Exprivia has established a quality system compliant to UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO Head of Defence &
13485, UNI CEI ISO/IEC 20000-1 and UNI CEI ISO/IEC 27001 standards. Aerospace Digital Factory
In December 2018, Advanced Computer Systems ACS S.r.l. became one of the Exprivia roberto.medri@exprivia.com
Account and Digital Factory units. Delivering custom tailored solutions to aerospace +39080 3382070
and defence industry the unit will continue legacy of the ACS company as the Payload
Data Ground Segment specialist and innovative software and system designer. Thus, a
profound knowledge of and capabilities in handling different satellite data, metadata,
sensors, products, facilities interactions, associated services delivery is concentrated
today in the Exprivia Defense & Aerospace unit.
The unit offers integrated systems, software, services and consultancy in:
Earth Observation Satellites Payload Data Ground Segments
Environment monitoring Applications development
Advanced & Immersive data visualization
We develop ground segments, subsystems and components for satellite data acquisition,
dissemination, processing. Almost 40-year long record testifies to profound knowledge
of and capabilities in handling different satellite data, metadata, sensors, products,
facilities interactions, associated services delivery. Our cutting end technology solutions
are serving customers in thirty countries.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Payload Data Ground Segments
Exprivia Aerospace & Defence Digital Factory develop PDGS SW infrastructures
embedding facilities and components to enable mission specific data ingestion and
processing. The modular and scalable Ground Station solution features multimission
acquisition, real time ingestion, data processing and dissemination. As a technological
partner to Primes within large industrial European consortiums ACS has participated to
Core PDGS implementation for Sentinel 1, 2, and 3. Exprivia SW is running in all of ESA
Copernicus PDGS operating centers and is currently maintained by Exprivia.
Exprivia Main EO contracts in the last years
The SW products developed in the recent years testify to our knowledge on relevant
SW technologies, coding languages and specific functionalities of the ground segment.
We design and develop Facilities and Tools to support different functions performed at
ground segment:
Data Processing & Calibration
Exprivia have designed, developed, tested and certified different Processors (SAR,
optical, meteorogical, altimetric, gravimetric). These Processors consent basic and
value-added processing: Level 0, Level 1A, Level 1B and Level 2 products generation.


For products’ quality control Exprivia have realized Quality mechanisms allow retrieving past information for the purpose
Control and Calibration/Validation Facilities. of their analysis. All data objects are displayed using the map,
A complete range of services time and tabular display paradigms. The fully scalable system
currently manages +80k vessels in real time, with a data flow
Exprivia is structured to properly manage challenging project of thousands positions per second and a historical database
from the definition of the requirement, through design, of 1 billion records. The system integrates all existing maritime
implementation/procurement, integration/validation and up data types and sources (AIS, satellite, costal radars, port
to support to operations and maintenance. We provide long- information, reports), displaying the resulting information in
term maintenance services for our systems. Majority of these an interactive 3D Web interface. A configurable surveillance
space contracted Services are OME (Operation, Maintenance, engine allows automatic detection of suspicious behaviours.
Evolutions) and/or Framework contracts with the major Notifications are sent to interested users. A strong security
Space Agencies (ESA, ASI, EMSA, EUMETSAT) under which module allows protecting / tailoring data access. IMDatE v2.0
we provide maintenance, engineering and enhancements reaches 1700 messages per second objective. This amount
support (including development of Test scenarios and TDS of messages is the input of the ingestion system that stores
for new developments), systems performance monitoring and vessel positions into the Oracle Exadata database. These
consulting. positions are returned by a set of REST services exposed by
In addition to maintenance services for the in-house the application backend.
developed SW, we are specialized to provide maintenance TECHNOLOGY: Exprivia is not only implementing, but
services also for third parties developed SW (including also developing innovative technology. From large-scale
procurement, corrective maintenance, evolutions, integration, industrial systems to Internet of Things, Exprivia has been
testing and deployment into operational environments). driving forward innovation in Space, Cloud Computing and
APPLICATIONS: cover a wide range of both research and Healthcare.
commercial/operational activities. From VR& augmented
reality for 3D models and scientific data visualization to EMSA
IMDatE surveillance system for maritime safety and security
business. IMDatE is a complex 24/7 monitoring service
addressing different Maritime Safety and Security scenarios.
(Virtually) unlimited number of users worldwide can access
the Web Based Display system. The Web User Interface
displays integrated maritime information on a single console.
Data is updated in real time. Powerful search and query


Intecs Solutions S.p.A.
Company profile
Intecs core business is in the area software controlling advanced defence systems.
Intecs extended its market areas to cover also the Space sector in the 80’s. This led to
the acquisition of expertise in key technological areas, ranging from earth observation
infrastructures and applications to satellite navigation and on-board/embedded
systems. The close working relationship with the European and national space agencies,
exposing Intecs to cutting-edge technologies and standards, has become the vehicle Contact
for technological innovation in Intecs itself. An important expansion into neighbouring
sectors occurred in the 1990’s, when Intecs was able to leverage upon own experience
with standards-based, mission-critical Space systems, to enter into the railway sector, via Giacomo Peroni n. 130
developing safety-critical railway systems and certifying them against stringent safety Roma RM 00131
Intecs Solutions S.p.A.
In the 2000’s, Intecs was once again able to leverage upon its experience to make Marco Casucci
another strategic expansion into the Aerospace, Telecom, and Automotive sectors,
expanding once again its portfolio of systems development and expert services of Aerospace Division Director
process and safety consulting. marco.casucci@intecs.it
As of today, Intecs has headquarters in Rome and other Italy offices in Pisa, Naples, +3906.20392800
Milan, Turin, Genoa. www.intecs-solutions.it
Intecs Solutions currently delivers high-tech systems across a wide range of markets, marco.casucci@intecs.it
spanning from Railway to Telecom, Automotive, traffic Control, Defence and Aerospace,
and offers expert services of processes and safety consulting. It provides big national
and international organizations with consultancy services on high-tech systems, as well
as prototypes, products, and “turn-key” software systems developments.
Large and prestigious industries, such as ESA, Ansaldo STS, RFI, Leonardo Company,
ASI, and Thales Alenia Space Italia, figure among Intecs’ main customers. Intecs’
consulting activities cover leading edge topics, ranging from the CENELEC norms for
Railways to ESA SW engineering standards, namely the European Cooperation for
Space Standardization (ECSS), ISO 26262 Automotive functional safety, CMMI®, SPICE®
and related Software Life Cycle processes.
Large emphasis is also placed on the study and experimentation of innovative
technologies, aiming at maintaining its expertise updated with the state-of-the-art. To
this end, Intecs Solutions dedicates over 15% of its annual budget to R&D activities.
Intecs Solutions expertise in the Aerospace market covers the following areas:
• Earth Observation Infrastructures and Applications;
• Geographic Information Systems;
• Satellite Navigation Applications;
• Software Engineering and Software Quality;
• Scientific Visualisation Architectures;
• On-Board Software Systems;
• Embedded and Control Systems;
• Communications Software;
• Operating Systems and Software Architectures;
• Check-out Systems.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

The experiences of Intecs Solutions in advanced technological developments led to
the identification and implementation of some products used in new applications and
advanced systems productions.
The following products are carriers of experience and investment consolidated over the


years in both research and industrial fields. and nano UAV) in order to protect airports, prisons, critical
SOFT-REC: The SOFT-REC family includes two main product infrastructures and sensitive sites (in urban and suburban
lines: a real-time software receiver and a software digital context), without interfering with public infrastructures.
signal analysis tool. The first, called Softrec, supports GPS ADRANO is a passive Acoustic Detection system which is
and EGNOS constellations. The second, called SoftrecG3, able to recognize and localize the sound of sniper or drones,
supports all GNSS Navigation signals. providing real time alert of sniper attack or unauthorized
gLab: is the result of INTECS’s experience in GNSS signal drone, enabling a rapid and coordinated response.
analysis, particularly in GPS, Galileo and EGNOS performance G-PASSION project is an innovative and competitive system
and signal quality monitoring: its flexibility allows to analyze in the Satellite Navigation and in the wider Positioning
the Galileo signals currently under definition. Navigation and Timing (PNT) domain. The system provides
SIRIO-OD: SIRIO is an automatic system for the detection of a GNSS server-based position authentication service using
targets along the railway lines. It consists of a remote-control the full spectrum of the Galileo signal in the air, exploiting
system and many peripheral boards that are so-called SIRIO cross-correlation techniques between E1A signals recorded at
nodes. different locations.
DEJAMM-R: The DEJAMM-R sentinels are autonomous
devices that continuously monitor all the downlink and uplink
GSM-R bands, which are used for ETCS Level 2 signalling in
high-speed rail systems.
DLT Analyzer is a software tool designed to collect and
analyze log and trace information from a vehicle ECU. The
tool works in the Eclipse environment
SIMIS is a Sustainable and Intelligent Mobility Integrated
Ethernet Repeater (TL): TL-ER TechnoLabs Ethernet Repeater
is a new system that can be used on existing Ethernet cabling
to transparently drive Ethernet communications beyond
the maximum permissible IEEE 802.3 Ethernet distance.
Traditional 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet Networks utilize
CAT5e copper cabling which has a distance limitations of 100
meters between geographically separated LANs
DDF (TL): The DDF is a passive equipment used to minimize
high density of the cables for distribution and communication
from/to digital terminal equipment. All the transmission rate
is based on 2Mbit/s.
EFAS (TL) is an innovative transport system designed for
the next generation of access networks commonly known as
Metro Ethernet.
HRT-UML: The Hard Real-Time Unified Modelling Language
(HRT-UML) method, and the supporting toolset, aims at
providing a comprehensive solution to the modelling of hard
real-time and dependable systems and their early verification,
according to rigorous techniques based on formal theories,
such as schedulability analysis and simulation, formal
verification and quantitative evaluation of dependability
Microsek is an INTECS Hard Real-Time and Networked
Operating System compliant to the Osek/Vdx standard
and suitable for the development of Embedded Real-Time
D.I.A.N.A. Intecs has developed the test bench, to automate
the validation process of network layer of the control units,
Digital Instrument for Automatic Network Analysis.
Sirio-LX is an automatic system for preventing trains from
colliding with obstacles on the track at level crossings.
EMUSER is an innovative solution providing a satellite Broad
Band link certified to be used in the Railway domain. The
usage of satellite datalink introduces a change of perspective
for addressing safety issues in the railway domain providing a
fast and cost effective solution.
DEDALO is a Passive Anti Drone System for detection,
classification and localization of commercial drones (micro


Leonardo S.p.A.
Company profile
Leonardo is a global high-tech Aerospace, Defence and Security company. Our
consolidated industrial capabilities, together with our outstanding human capital and
constant attention to innovation, have led us to become one of the top ten players in the
world in Aerospace, Defence and Security, with revenues of € 12.2 billion, 85% of which
deriving from international markets. Leonardo - headquartered in Italy - has a strong
industrial presence in four domestic markets: Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States Contact
and Poland.
We are a partner of choice for governments, institutions and Armed Forces, as well as
for private customers and entities. We deliver products and integrated solutions based Piazza Monte Grappa, 4
on cutting-edge technologies with dual-use applications, to strengthen global security; 00195 Roma RM
protect people, the territories, infrastructures and information networks; contribute to the Enrico Suetta
sustainable management of the environment, urban spaces and climate. Optronics & Space
Air, land, sea, space and cyberspace: wherever defence and security are needed, our Equipment LoB
customers find in Leonardo effective solutions for their requirements in each of these
areas through a complete and integrated offer in strategic sectors such as helicopters,
VP CTO & Capability
aeronautics, unmanned systems, defence and security electronics, defence systems, and enrico.suetta@
satellite systems and services. leonardocompany.com
Leonardo’s activities in Space date back to the mid-60s when Officine Galileo and FIAR +39 06 324731
participated to the first European programs promoted by the European Agencies ELDO www.leonardocompany.com/
(European Launcher Development Organisation) and ESRO (European Space Research space
Organisation). Since then, Leonardo has designed and produced qualified instrumentation
for space activities implementing optical systems, star trackers, radio frequency devices,
photovoltaic assembly, distribution and power control systems and robotic devices. At
present, the products are used on-board the most important European space missions
such as Rosetta, Exomars, Galileo, Copernicus, Cosmo-Skymed, METOP, MeteoSat Third
Generation, Earth Explorer, within other ESA and NASA missions as well as for other
international customers.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

• PRISMA hyperspectral payload (ASI)
• Thermal-InfraRed payload for PLATiNO (ASI)
• Sea Land and Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR): 2 units Flying on Copernicus
Sentinel 3 A and B
• Lightning Imager (LI) for MTG
• Multi-viewing Multi-channel Multi-polarization Imager (3MI) for MetOp-SG
• FLEX on Earth Explorer 7
• Visible InfraRed Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) flown on Venus Express,
Rosetta and DAWN
• Spectrometer and Imager SIMBIO-SYS in flight on BepiColombo.
• Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) - Camera and Spectrometer for the Juno
mission to Jupiter
• MAJIS and JANUS optical instruments for JUICE mission to Jupiter
Autonomous Star Trackers (A-STR, AA-STR): more than 100 ASTR and AA-STR
• SPACESTAR for Iridium NEXT constellation (240 units in flight).


• InfraRed Earth Sensor (IRES): over 500 Earth Sensors
delivered • DEXARM (Dextrous Robot System): 7 degrees-of-freedom
manipulator for exploration and servicing
• IRES-N2 for Galileo GNSS, SICRAL …, IRES-C for LEO
satellites • DELIAN: lightweight robotic arm
• Smart Sun Sensor (S3): for LEO, MEO, GEO or Interplanetary • Rosetta SD2: drilling, sampling and sample distribution
missions (GOCE, LISA Pathfinder, SICRAL, Earthcare …) system (operated in 2014 on the comet CG 67P)
POWER CONDITIONING AND DISTRIBUTION • ExoMars Drill system (up to 2 meters depth) with embedded
spectrometer and control system to drive the Drill and the
• Electrical Power Systems & Equipment composed of Sample Preparation and Distribution System mechanisms to
standard, flight proven functional blocks, ranging from a be flown in 2020 on Mars
few watt up to 6 kW
• Lunar driller for icy soil sampling to be flown in 2021.
• Cosmo-Skymed, Copernicus, GAIA, ATV, Exomars, …
• Bio-containment system for Mars Sample Return.
• Specific Application High Voltage Power Supply, EPC for
TWTA and Converters for Electric Propulsion RF EQUIPMENT
ATOMIC CLOCKS • Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPA)
• Passive Hydrogen MASER (PHM). It is the master clock • UHF SSPA cover the bands from 200 to 1000MHz and deliver
developed for Galileo Navigation Satellite System (more up to 200 W of output RF power
than 50 units delivered). The PHM is the most stable clock: • ATV, SkyNet V, Sicral missions
requency drift less than 10-14. • BIOMASS PAS (Power Amplifier System)
• Rb POP atomic clock: under development in ESA program • Vacuum Tube Power Amplifiers (pulsed and continuous TWT
GSTP, more compact and lighter and an higher stability and Klystron)
than the PHM.
• Vacuum Tube Amplifiers are integrated with high voltage
• PhotoVoltaic Assemblies for Scientific missions (Rosetta Electronic Power Conditioning units and cover the bands
Orbiter and Lander, GAIA, LISA Pathfinder, Exomars TGO, from 1 to 40 GHz (EarthCare, Cloud Profiling Radar)
Exomars 2020 carrier and Lander), LEO missions (COSMO
SkyMed, ATVs, Pleiades), MEO/GEO missions (GIOVE A, • Ka and EHF satellite transceivers providing high integrated
MTG) solution for Vsat Terminals operating in enhanced High
Frequencies 30..50GHz
• Small satellite applications (AGILE, PRISMA, PROBA,
DUBAISAT) LASER transmitters

• More than 200,000 solar cells integrated on PVA and • High Power Laser TxA for atmospheric LIDAR
operating on orbit. • ALADIN on board ADM-Aeolus since 2018 and to be flown on
GROUND SEGMENT Earth-CARE, the two ESA “Earth Explorer” missions to the
study Earth atmosphere.
• Complete solution, from Master/Anchor Station to set of
Terminals both for Military and Civil Applications: • Laser High Power Transmitter (TxA), with an optical output
power of 120mJ @ 355 nm with very high frequency stability.
• Commercial and Military GEO Earth Terminals for telecom
and LEO Earth Station for Earth Observation systems. • ALADIN is the most powerful laser source ever built in the
Example: UV band.

Ground terminals and anchoring stations for SICRAL and SPACE COATINGS
Athena/FIDUS • Center of Excellence for Thin Film Coatings (optical and
• Satellite network Management Solution providing a functional) for space, aeronautics, defense and industrial
complete FCAPS model services applications.

GALILEO PRS • Coating systems: n.6 EB-PVD, n. 1 new Plasma and Ion
Assisted Deposition (PIAD), n.5 Sputtering, n.3 PE-CVD.
• Galileo PRS receivers: P3RS-2, the first operational
“unclassified when keyed”; PR2C (Prototipo Ricevitore • Testing: Spectrophotometers and Climatic chambers. Clean
Dual-Constellation), combining navigation data acquired room area class 1000 (class 100 in loading zones). 20k coated
from Galileo and GPS constellations surfaces per year, over 70 qualified optical coatings.

• Galileo Security Monitoring Center (GSMC), part of the GaAs/GaN foundry

Galileo Ground Segment, for managing Galileo PRS users • Development and Production of GaAs/ GaN devices (LNA,
and users’ access to the PRS service HPA, …) and T/R modules from L band to X band.
ON ORBIT PROPULSION • Microelectronics Technologies for RF Sub-systems
• Cold Gas Micropropulsion subsystem: ON/OFF Propulsion • 900 m2 ISO 5 clean room: from wafer to packaged device
(SmallGEO) Micro thruster (1-500mN) processing.
• Linear control Micro-thruster (LISA Pathfinder, Microscope, SPACE SOFTWARE
Euclid) up to 2mN, Low thrust noise • On-board s/w (OBDH for Cosmo-Skymed, SICRAL, PICS,
• In-flight heritage on GAIA, LISA Pathfinder and Microscope. Sentinel 1 and PRIMA; SAR payload s/w), Mission planning for
• Micropropulsion Components: Pressure Regulation, remote sensing (CSK) and telecom (SICRAL, Athena-FIDUS).
Propellant Flow Regulation/Gauging • Network management/monitoring and control (SICRAL, CSK)
• Hollow Cathodes and Thermionic Neutralizers


Company profile
Loccioni integrates “Ideas, people and technology” in the development of automatic
measure and quality control systems to improve the quality, the efficiency and the
sustainability of products, processes and buildings. The commitment is measuring to
improve, helping the industry and service providers to operate in the best way possi-
ble, saving time and money, and respecting the environment. Clients and partners are
worldwide leaders in sectors ranging from Automotive to Home Appliances, from En- Contact
vironment Monitoring to Healthcare, from Energy to Aerospace. Among the most im-
portant there are Daimler, Ferrari, Ford, Bosch, Whirlpool, Airbus, RFI, Enel, Leonardo,
Eni, Eon, Pfizer, General Electric. To improve their processes and products quality and via Fiume 16
to develop joint innovative projects, local offices are established in Germany, US, China, Angeli di Rosora AN 60030
Japan, India.
Alessandro Ragnoni
From the world sites and from the headquarter in Italy, the young researchers, AEROSPACE BUSINESS UNIT
professionals and scientists in Loccioni are dedicated to the development of bespoke MANAGER
measure and testing solutions by integrating innovative technologies: artificial a.ragnoni@loccioni.com
intelligence, collaborative robotics, sensor fusion, data science, edge computing, for the
continuous improvement of quality. Wellness, Energy, Environment, and Mobility: these
are the topics upon which high level networks are created, community of researchers www.loccioni.com/aerospace
oriented to open innovation. aerospace@loccioni.com
Openness and a network approach are at the base of the knowledge enterprise
development. From the very beginning, Loccioni starts the collaboration with schools,
institutions and the territorial community. The wealth of the enterprise is linked to the
wealth of its surroundings and the profit of the enterprise is used for projects in and for
the territory.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Our expertise includes the design and implementation of:
• Automatic testing line
• Automatic assembly line
• Test Benches for laboratories
• Test Rigs
• Robotic cells
• Instruments
• Feasibility studies
• Test Campaigns (to host in-house in our testing laboratories)
• Energy efficiency and sustainability
In the Aerospace domain we already developed turn-key solutions in the frame of:
• Propulsion systems and components testing
• Avionics testing
• Satellite Solar Panels manufacturing and testing
Each solution is created from scratch starting from customer specifications then
covering its full life cycle spanning from design, implementation and commissioning up
to maintenance and continuous upgrade services.


N.P.C. New Production Concept S.r.l.
Company profile
N.P.C. New Production Concept S.r.l. is a dynamic Italian company operating in multiple
business sector ranging from assembly and delivery of complex mechatronic machines
and groups in the field of automation towards the design and realization of space
system and astronomical professional insrumentation. Nowadays NPC can count on
35 emplyees with more then 6000m2 of assembly facility and wharehouse. The space
business unit is represented by Spacemind division created in 2013. Spacemind’s mission Contact
is to become a solution provider for nano satellite and space related applications
offering complete package solutions and permitting to bring a scientific research to a
commercial industrialized product and service. Via Errico Malatesta 27/29
The streght of the company at the basis of the business idea is to offer qualified space Imola Bologna 40026
engineering know-how combined with more then 15 years experience in assembling Niccolò Bellini
complex automatic machines. Neverthless, thanks to it shareholder companies CURTI Aerospace division Manager
Spa and ECOR Spa, specialized in mechanical production with experience in complex
manufacturing techniques in the field of aerospace, food, beverage and pharmaceutical, n.bellini@npcitaly.com
NPC is able to offer end-to-end solutions from concept design towards manufacturing, +39 0542362000
prototyping, integration, test and delivery. It’s flexible structure is based on a trasparent www.npcspacemind.com
open book approach towards the customer, supported by WCM methodologies and n.bellini@npcitaly.com
lean production strategy, allowing thus to provide cost competitive services ranging
from different level of involvement in the development and implementation of product
customer. The production process has aleays been characterized since the beginning
by a strong focus on quality management system that today led to ISO 9001 and ISO
14100 certificate.
The main output of the proposed business model is the capability to provide end-to-end
solutions starting from engineering services to complete product design and realization.
The concretization of the proposed model is represented by the products that NPC
Spacemind developed in the field of ground equipment for astronomy and SST/SSA
activity, and nanosatellites space sector. Thanks to a consolidated network of suppliers
and relations with Italian academic key players, nowadays NPC is able to provide full
nanosatellite mission development for industry, commercial and scientific activities.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

NPC Spacemind operates in three main areas for which it can provide products and
• Space products for nano satellite platforms; Space mission design and
development; High performance ground based tracking solutions;
a. Considering space products the company has developed a range of subsystems
for CubeSats exploiting the experience in the research and development and
transversal competences and its hands-on experience on several satellite missions.
NPC has developed ARTICA a family of deorbiting devices compatible with CubeSat
applications as an effective action to the issue of space debris. The goal of the system
is to allow the reentry of the satellite at the end of its operative life by deploying a
thin membrane (a square sail). By interacting with atmosphere the system is able to
increase the drag and accelerate the reentry of the satellite. The reentry is ensured
also in case of satellite failure, since the system can work in a fully autonomous way,
being equipped with proper control board and power unit. The system has been
integrated on a nanosatellite to perform IOD and launched on 2017 on board a 3U
NPC experience in structural design has been exploited for the development a family
of lightweight structures for nanosatellites characterized by enhanced accessibility
and ease of integration while ensuring stiffness and capability to withstand severe
loading condition. A set of structures ranging from 1U to 12 U form factor have been
produced. The design of the structures can be easily customized to satisfy specific


user needs. NPC structures have been ground qualified for designed and produced according to specific user needs.
launch (mechanical and thermal testing have been carried NPC can provide tailor made solutions for the complete
out) and passed ESA review for launch acceptance. NPC package solution, covering all aspects of dimensioning
Spacemind division has also r&d experience on other fields and design to fit within customer technical requirements
including: attitude control systems based on magnetorquers and performing trade-off between commercial solutions.
and wheels, deployable structures and EPS.
b. NPC Spacemind is provider of end to end nano and
microsatellite based missions and solutions for different
applications. thanks to its consolidated network of partners
and qualified suppliers NPC is able to cover all aspects of
a space missions from preliminary feasibility studies and
design to in orbit operations. Among its competences NPC
Spacemind can perform the dimensioning and selection
of sensors for remote observation. NPC can provide also
services for communication and tracking of the satellite.
The list of services carried in house by NPC include:
◦ Feasibility study; Mission profile trade off; Definition
of mission requirements; Cost analysis; System
requirement definition; Assessment of budgets; Design
and production of subsystems; Satellite integration;
Management of test campaign; Documentation
management; Launch integration and in-orbit
operations; Ground system design and production;
NPC has performed the study and design of several nano-
satellite missions based on user needs:
◦ Advanced communication missions; EO missions for
maritime traffic monitoring; EO missions for disaster
recovery; Agriculture monitoring missions;
The company has already taken part to 3 nanosatellite
mission as payload responsible, desing and integrator and
supplier of structural subsystem.
c. NPC Spacemind has developed a family of high
performance ground based systems with features suitable
for SSA, SST and aerial tracking applications. The systems
are compatible with a wide range of optical instruments,
ranging from 300 mm to 1000 mm in diameter.
Different aspects have been optimized during the project
in order to achieve the desired level of performance in
terms of accuracy, precision, slew rate acceleration.
The systems exploit direct drive motors coupled with high
resolution absolute optical encoders in order to achieve
desired accuracy for pointing and tracking.
An optimization has been carried out on the mechanical
design in order to improve the static and dynamic behavior
of the mount in relevant operative conditions, aiming at
increasing stiffness and ensuring an overall lightweight
structure. The family of telescope mounts include M1000,
M700 and M500 respectively for one meter, 700 mm and
500 mm class telescopes: all the systems share top level
of performance.
Moral has been designed in order to be easily operated
by commercial software and user developed software
exploiting ASCOM interface and TCP/IP open protocol. It
has been however developed a user interface that offer
the possibility to exploit specific built-in algorithm for
high performance operation. The scope of the system
is to provide modular open platform for professional
observatories allowing the user to explore the level of
customization of the mount operating at different levels
with its proper tool and ease the integration of the system
in an existing network. Thanks to consolidated partnership
with optics producers, NPC can provide a complete
package with required telescope integrated which can be


Company profile
OHB Italia S.p.A. is part of the European Space and Technology Group OHB SE
(Orbitale Hochtechnologie Bremen), listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. It is one
of the three top system integrators in Europe with 2900 employees worldwide and
total revenues exceeded EUR 1 Billion in 2019. OHB Italia S.p.A. was funded in 1981,
nowadays it is one of the two major satellite system integrators in Italy with more
than 200M€ backlog and 96M€ revenues in 2019. It is a recognized national leader Contact
in the fields of Satellite&Missions, Earth Observation, Space Situational Awareness,
Electronics&Mechanisms, Scientific&Planetary Instruments, with head-quarters and
Clean Room facilities in Milan and offices in Rome and Be-nevento. OHB Italia S.p.A. Via Galllarate, 150
provides innovative solutions combined with high performance and a strong focus Milano 20151
on customer satisfaction. The com-pany employs 210 people between staff and
Angelo Vallerani
collaborators, with a high per-centage of graduates (78,5%) whose degrees are mainly
in Aerospace Engineering, Math and Physics, Electronic Engineering, Information Tech- Institutional Relations
nology. OHB Italia S.p.A. is prime contractor for various ASI/ESA missions and the Manager
main customers are the Italian Space Agency and European Space Agency, Research angelo.vallerani@ohb-italia.it
Institutes, Universities and all the industrial key players in the space market, with special +3902 380481
attention to export domain.
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies info@ohb-italia.it

Satellites & Missions

• PRISMA (PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa) satellite was realized
for the Italian Space Agency (ASI) by a consortium led by OHB Italia S.p.A. as
Prime Contractor with an innovative hyperspectral optical instrument developed
by Leonardo. It was success-fully launched atop a Vega launcher on 22nd March
2019 from Arianespace’s Kourou Space-port in French Guyana. In December 2019
ASI declared the successful conclusion of the Oper-ational Qualification phase and
thereby the formal completion of the Commissioning of the satellite.
• NAOS (National Advanced Optical System) is a very-high-resolution optical satellite
sys-tem developed by OHB Italia S.p.A. as the Prime Contractor for the Luxembourg
Government. NAOS contract is an end-to-end agreement for the provision both of
the satellite and of its ground segment.
• URANO CONSTELLATION is composed of 57 Eaglet II mini-satellites with worldwide
cov-erage and very small revisit time (every 30 min.). The constellation will monitor
climate changes, marine/land surveillance as well as enable security and emergency
• VEnUS (Vega Electric nudge Upper Stage) is an electrical transfer/module to be
installed on VEGA payload interface to perform constellation precise orbit positioning,
in orbit services and orbit transfers.
Earth Observation Instruments
• MWI (MicroWave Imager) is a conically scanning microwave radiometer providing
meas-urement of precipitation, observations of clouds, snow, sea-ice coverage,
water vapor, tem-perature and surface imagery. MetOp mission, a program that was
jointly established by ESA and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of
Meteorological Satellites (Eumetsat), is forming the space segment of Eumetsat’s
Polar System (EPS).
• CIMR (Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer) the mission would carry a
wide-swath conically-scanning multi-frequency microwave radiometer to provide
observations of sea-sur-face temperature, sea-ice concentration and sea-surface
Space Situational Awareness
• FLYEYE is an innovative large-field-of-view telescope developed by OHB Italia


S.p.A for the Italian Space Agency ASI and the European
Space Agency ESA able to monitor dangerous asteroids
or space debris running towards the Earth one week in
advance thanks to its very large Field of View (FOV). It will
use optical sensor for Space Surveillance / Tracking (SST)
and for Space Situational Awareness to detect Near-Earth
Object Segment (SSA-NEO).
Electronics and Mechanisms
• OHB Italia realized several Launch Locking Device (LLD)
for MetOp-SG, MWI Inst., ICI Inst. and also Separation
Subsystem for LARES I (spherical passive satellite
launched in 2012 on VEGA maiden flight) and LARES II (to
be launched in 2021 on VEGA-C maiden flight). Both sys-
tems were developed under ASI flag.
• BIOMASS Earth Explorer Mission of ESA for Biomass and
Tropical Forest Observation (dis-tribution, annual changes,
links with Earth climate). Essential support to UN treaties
on the reduction of emissions from deforestation and
forest degradation. It will carry the first P-band synthetic
aperture radar, able to deliver accurate maps of tropical,
temperate and boreal for-est biomass.
Scientific and Planetary Instruments
• ISRU Demonstrator Payload for extraction of Oxygen from
lunar regolith on lunar surface. OHB Italia, involved in ISRU
developments since 2009, is working on ESA projects
relevant for the extraction of oxygen from the regolith
minerals and is performing important system stud-ies and
technology research.
• LARES is a spherical passive satellite launched in 2012 on
VEGA maiden flight. LARES 2 is to be launched in 2020
on VEGA-C maiden flight. Both systems were developed
under ASI flag.
• LISA PATHFINDER is an ESA Mission to detect one of
the most elusive phenomena in as-tronomy: gravitational
waves. It has a Caging Mechanism with the function to
hold the Test Mass in-side the inertial sensor during launch
then release it in a very soft way.
• EUCLID is an electronic unit for ESA/NASA Mission.
Flight hardware of the Visible Instru-ment and of the Near
Infrared Spectrometer / Photometer. Main target: to map
the geometry of the Universe and better understand the
mysterious dark matter and dark energy.
• IXPE The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer exploits the
polarization state of light from astrophysical sources to
provide insight into our understanding of X-ray production
in objects such as neutron stars and pulsar wind nebulae,
as well as stellar and supermassive black holes


RINA Consulting
Company profile
RINA provides a wide range of high quality tailored solutions in the Energy, Marine,
Certification, Transport & Infrastructure, Industry sectors. Multiple assets for a unique
purpose: to build mutual trust with customers and to be recognized as the right choice
in any step of a project lifecycle.
Our activities contribute to developing the qualitative level of the market by adopting
measures to protect health and safety.
RINA believes in the value of visionary ideas and the importance of protecting life and
environment. For this reason, innovation and sustainability run through our business and
Via Cecchi, 6
increase the reputation of both RINA and the customers who care for the planet, look
ahead and want to lead the way in the market. Genova GE 16129
RINA’s commitment to excellence is full and fuelled by our people’s work and
Alessandro Di Mezza
competences, essential to bring the best solutions on the stage where the market Team Leader “Innovation
leaders play. System Integration”
RINA vision on strategic growth is to progress with the changing world, turning alessandro.dimezza@rina.org
challenges into opportunities and visionary ideas into excellent solutions. +39010 31961
RINA’s ambition is to be identified as the smartest partner to work with: extraordinary www.rina.org/en/business/
promptness, the value of teamwork, courage in making choices, out-of-the-box thinking industry
and innovative mindset are the values we believe in.
The very same approach is in our focus for the services offered to the Space Economy:
no boundaries and limits to the services we want to offer providing top performing
project support to ranges of stakeholders operating in space.
Services to the space assets are offered through two legal entities: RINA Consulting
SPA and RINA Consulting CSM: the former focused on the consulting services and
on-premises applications, the latter with deep specialization and competences on
laboratories, materials testing, development of new materials for extreme applications

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Products: whole range of materials, components and design of parts suited to be exposed
to extreme space conditions and environments. Verification of the performances and
modelling suites permitting the virtual verification of the performances under e.g.
extreme temperatures, radiations, thermal or mechanical stresses (typical in space
ˆ Security & cyber-security (secuirty by design for systems and HW/SW, support to
accreditation, support to certifcation, vulnerability assessment/penetration testing,
governance, PRS, etc). saverio.scopelliti@rina.org
ˆ SW/FW Engineering services to design, develop, prototype and test applications and
tools (e.g. command and controls, simulators/emulators, validation tools, interface
management, TM/TC data analysis) saverio.scopelliti@rina.org
ˆ System Safety (Hazard Analysis, Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Assessments and
Risk Acceptance, Safety Requirements and SIL Assessments, Software Assurance
and V&V, Design Validation through Simulation, Safety Risk Analysis and Assessment
for CE Marking). enrico.maggiani@rina.org
ˆ Independent Safety Assessment (Independent Safety and Environmental Audit,
Independent Technical Evaluation, Safety Advisor, Safety Management). enrico.
ˆ Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC testing and specialist measurements, Support
of E3 protection & mitigation measures, EMC management & control, EMC design
consultancy, EMC risk analysis & mitigation, EM Modelling & simulation, EMC
qualification & validation). rocco.catalano@rina.org


ˆ Technology Transfer: mapping, promotion, support to polymeric), processing, special testing design and
exploitation and effective implementation of space execution. dante.pocci@rina.org
technologies in terrestrial domain (RINA is since 1992 the ˆ Advanced Coatings: design and development of
Broker for Italy of the Technology Trasnfer programme of advanced coatings for specific space applications (e.g.
ESA). THis service is erogated to industrial owners of space thermal barriers, oxidation protection, optical coatings).
technologies developed in the framework of ESA missions, Manufacturing of prototypes for testing in operative
and to a full range of technology stakeholders from the conditions. Modelling of coating composition evolution in
ground willing to radically improve the technologies they service conditions. dante.pocci@rina.org
operate and to solve their needs through non-obvious
instruments. andrea.ferrari@rina.org ˆ Advanced characterization and testing: characterization of
materials, components and systems according to standard
ˆ Advanced modelling services: modelling of different testing procedures or taylored testing procedures
physical phenomena: thermal, mechanical, chemical and developed for specific environments and operating
coupled events, Finite Elements and Computational Fluid conditions. Measure and analysis of material properties:
dynamic models. Aero-elastic modelling, Reduced Order microstructure (e.g. grain size, morphology), physical
Methods (ROMs), Impact models and large deformations properties (e.g. dffusivity, thermal expansion), chemical
modelling. alessandro.bozzolo@rina.org properties (e.g. composition, phases), mechanical
ˆ System Engineering (telecommunication systems properties (e.g. UTS, elongation, young modulus). Standard
integration, data management, 5G data security and test facilities include: mechanical testing, oxidation and
data access; satellite communication). Coupling of corrosion testing, tribological testing, electric, electronic
satellite communication capabilities, terrestrial 5G and magnetic testing. Capability to develop specific test
and NTN-5g IOT to the benefit of industrial processes. rigs to test materials subject to multiple and combined
Enterprise Architecture definition; Capture, analysis and sources of stress (e.g. wear/temperature, wear/corrosion).
management of requirements; Stakeholder identification Full scale testing (e.g. satellite antenna frame multiaxial
and management; Functional & physical integration load testing). stefano.lionetti@rina.org
management and support; Acceptance Testing and ˆ Additive Manufacturing: design, development and
evaluation. alessandro.dimezza@rina.org manufacturing of standard and special alloys taylored
ˆ Management Services (Definition of requirements and for Additive manufacturing process. Production of gas
preparation of System documents, Management of atomized powders for AM, material characterization
industrial activities including reviews of design, follow up (powders and products) and process parameters
of in factory tests and on site installations and acceptance optimization (atomization and AM consolidation).
tests Cost and Schedule Management Risk Management Development of light alloys for space application. dante.
Support to configuration, documentation, Product pocci@rina.org
Assurance, safety, assets and security management).
ˆ Integrated Logistics Support (RAM&T -
modelling&analysisofavailability, reliability, maintainability,
testability, Configuration Management, System Reliability
and Maintainability, Maintenance planningand Level of
Repair Analysis, Systems’ Availability & Life Cycle Cost,
Failure Report Analysisand Corrective Action System,
Technical Publications development (S1000D), ILS Data
Management, Maintenance Management & Monitoring
System). luca.peruzzo@rina.org
ˆ Training & Learning (Training consultancy, Training
analysis including the application of SAT ADDIE, Learning
and development research studies, Training design and
development, Human factors integration, Multi media
learning solutions, Delivery and evaluation of training,
Competence management, Trainer development. luca.
ˆ Supply Chain and Quality (Suppliers Technical Assessment,
Supplier delivery management and coordination,
Planning, tracking and production processes mapping
for costs optimization, Supply monitoring and definition
of key indicators (KPI), Product testing and verifications
Product Services:Acceptance, First Article Inspection,
Not Conformity Management Root Cause Analysis and
Corrective ActionManagement, Production process
optimization and industrialization, FOD ( Foreign Object
Damage Debris ) procedure application management).
ˆ Advanced Materials: integral materials engineering and
consultancy; materials composition (metallic, ceramic,


Sabelt S.p.A
Company profile
Sabelt, founded in 1972, is a global leader in development and manufacturing of original
equipment car seats, motorsport products and special applications including cargo
retaining systems.

The quality of Sabelt products is the result of intensive Research and Development,
which allows to achieve the highest levels of performance and safety.
Sabelt yearly invests 8% of its resources in this department and is the only company
of its kind to have an internal dynamic test lab to perform ECE and FIA tests, verifying
strength and effectiveness of its products. Thanks to its long-lasting experience in
Via Guido Rossa 8/10/12
safety, it has been able to reduce the mass of the retaining systems for the space cargo
module up to 40% of its’ original weight (around 100 kg mass reduction achieved thanks Moncalieri Torino 10024
to high tech materials and new geometry design). It extended also the product portfolio Diego Cagna
for space with new fireproof EPP bag support used in the space cargo operations to Special Applications & OE
optimize load storage. Special Projects Manager
+39 0116477911
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies www.sabelt.com
Cygnus Cargo Modul retaining systems info@sabelt.com
Sabelt retain systems have been studied to improve the cygnus module maximum cargo
100kg mass reduction has been achieved thanks to high tech materials and new
geometry design.
New components make the on-orbit operation easier and quicker for full astronauts’
Volume reduction thanks to flexible webbing straps instead of metal structure.
Latest geometry development gave more storage flexibility in dimension and shape for
both bags and experiment.
Ultralight Aircraft Seat Belts
A three points seat belts designed for aircraft cockpit where the weight is the major
issue. Two inches webbing able to resist up to 26kN, hardware tested at 15kN and a
complete flight configuration for 700g only. All components are competition parts carry
over to guarantee the maximum safety level. Fully adjustable for shoulder straps and
lap belt, it is easy to fit and dress while the two inches webbing give the maximum
comfort on the body. These harnesses are produced mainly with polyester webbing to
achieve the common market positioning but Sabelt is the only company able to replicate
this geometries with different ultralight material (Zylon two inches webbing is 24g per
Cargo Modul Foam Support
Sabelt supplies cargo module foam supports used for building a regular floor to fit
bags and instruments. Foams are made by EPP material produced by mold with a
specific shape, rounded to match the module primary structure and flat to permit bags
The EPP material is flame retardant with good performance at compression, rigidity
and with good characteristics of thermal and acoustic isolation. They can be designed
in order to create space for additional bags, with holes to reach the primary structure.
It is also possible to co-mold fixing and create boxes and cover to protect the payload.


Company profile
SITAEL is the largest privately-owned Space Company in Italy and worldwide leader in
the Small Satellites sector. With highly qualified employees and state-of-the-art facilities,
SITAEL covers a wide range of activities in development of small satellite platforms,
advanced propulsion systems and on board avionics, providing turn-key solutions for
Earth observation, telecom and science.
Being one of the main players of the Space Economy, SITAEL is changing the way to
conceive space products, both in the upstream and downstream segments, providing,
thanks to its IoT capabilities, competitive smart services for a wide range of applications.
Via S. Sabino, 21 Mola di Bari
SITAEL belongs to Angel Group, an Italian holding world leader in Railway, Aerospace
and Aeronautics markets. Bari 70042
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Marco Molina
Space Commercial Director
SMALL SATELLITES marco.molina@sitael.com
SITAEL offers a complete new generation Small Satellites Product Line, based on smart, +390805321796
modular, scalable all-electric platform solutions in the class range from 50 kg to 350 www.sitael.com
kg. SITAEL platforms are designed to host multiple payload technologies, covering
applications from LEO Earth Observation (PAN-VIS, NIR/SWIR/TIR, Multi/Hyperspectral, info@sitael.com
small SAR) to Telecom (i.e. LEO/MEO small constellations, Internet-Of-Things, Machine-
To-Machine), IoD/IoV and Science missions.
SITAEL is able to provide Small Satellites based “Turn-Key” services to meet customer’s
needs, taking care of the complete chain from Mission Concept to Small Satellites
Production up to Ground Infrastructure services.
SITAEL Earth Observation services exploit the benefits of constellations, with very low
revisit times, high reliability and strong redundancy. The combination of data from Small
Satellites, Institutional and Commercial Satellites, Airborne and In-situ sensors, through
an innovative and efficient Data Integration Centre, is able to provide useful services
for Environmental Monitoring, Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection, Industrial & Home
activities and Security, Surveillance and Defence applications.
In addition, through the STRIVING service, SITAEL offers affordable and effective access
to space for IoD/IoV missions to both private and public entities that want to validate in
orbit their innovative technologies. STRIVING is a one-stop-shop commercial service in
which SITAEL, the Space Mission Provider (SMP), acts as a single interface to customers
and offers an end-to-end service including small satellite platforms from 3U-class
cubesats to 300kg-class minisats, AIT/AIV, ground segment and launch.
SITAEL has a long heritage in development of Advanced Propulsion Systems based on
innovative proprietary technologies.
SITAEL is one of the worldwide leading companies in designing, manufacturing
and testing of Hall Effect Thrusters ranging from the very low power HT100 (100W
operating power) suitable for small satellites up to the high power HT20K designed
for interplanetary missions. Moreover, SITAEL’s electric propulsion systems include
Electrothermal Thrusters and micro-Newton Field Emission Electric Propulsion Systems.
The Electric Propulsion team successfully developed the proprietary air-breathing
technology (ram-EP) demonstrating, for the first time in the world, the feasibility of
creating thrust in orbit using residual gases of the atmosphere instead of onboard
SITAEL provides reliable equipment and sub-systems for space missions. In order to
assure the best product quality, the highest level system design techniques are used


to provide flight equipment and components for satellite
data processing, handling, storage and communications.
With more than 20 years of space heritage, SITAEL portfolio
includes small satellite specific products based on COTS
components, such as OBC, TT&C, PCDU, Solar Arrays, Battery
Packs and AOCS, but also several reliable and high efficiency
spaceborn electronic products, ranging from power supplies,
drive and control equipment to satellite data processing,
handling, storage and communications. Moreover, SITAEL
Microelectronics Design Center has been pioneering radiation
hardening techniques for the design of Integrated Circuits
suitable for space environment.
SITAEL is equipped with a unique set of test facilities, covering
all phases of advanced Space technology development and
qualification. Besides the extensive test services offered,
SITAEL can manufacture custom turn-key test infrastructures,
such as vacuum and thermal-vacuum facilities fully equipped
with diagnostics, control and feeding systems.


STMicroelectronics S.r.l.
Company profile
STMicroelectronics is a world leader in providing the semiconductor solutions that make
a positive contribution to people’s lives, today and into the future.
• Among the world’s largest semiconductor companies
• A leading Integrated Device Manufacturer delivering solutions that are key to Smart
Driving and the Internet of Things Contact
• A leading technology innovator: ~7,800 people working in R&D, ~18,500 patents,
~9,600 patent families and ~ 590 new patent filings in 2019
• An unwavering commitment to sustainability Via Camillo Olivetti, 2
• Corporate Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland Agrate Brianza MB 20864
• President and CEO: Jean-Marc Chery Marcello San Biagio
• 2019 revenue: $9.56 billion
GPA&RF Division Manager
• ~46,000 employees worldwide
+39 039 6031
• 80 sales & marketing offices in 35 countries
• More than 100,000 customers worldwide
• 11 main manufacturing sites
• Public since 1994: shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: STM),
Euronext Paris, and Borsa Italiana
• Created as SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics in June 1987, from merger of SGS
Microelettronica (Italy) and Thomson Semiconducteurs (France). Renamed
STMicroelectronics in May 1998

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

In the Space Domain ST proposes a large portfolio of products specifically designed,
packaged, tested and qualified to comply with the standard defined by the Space
agencies and to meet the customer needs.
ST has supported European space applications for long time, being qualified by ESA
(European Space Agency) since 1977 and enlarging to the American QML-V certification
since 2000, in accordance with RHA certification (Radiation Hardness Assurance).
ST, present at world-wide level and recognized by the biggest accounts, offers a wide
Space product range from Diodes, Power MOSFET and Transistors to Sub-micron
technologies digital ASICs, through Smart Power ICs, Logic and Analog components.
It is actively working to enlarge its product portfolio pursuing innovation, application
coverage, top-level service and quality.


Company profile
Telematic Solutions Srl is an Italian company, with headquarters in Milan, specialized
in EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) projects, maintenance and
exploitation services within the space sector, specifically in the ground segment and
telemetry domains.
The company has a continued and valued presence in major European space programs,
and in many other projects in low current & security, fluids, TT&C at the Guyana Space
Center (CSG) where the company has a permanent work force through Telematic
Solutions Guyane.
Via Gallarate, 205
For fifteen years the main space players, such as the European Space Agency (ESA),
the Italian Space Agency (ASI), the Centre National des Etudes Spatiales (CNES) Milano MI 20151
have continuously renewed their trust in Telematic Solutions by awarding contracts Alberto Provasi
for ambitious space projects on a European scale, such as the operation and the Managing Director
maintenance of VEGA fluid ground segment and the engineering, procurement, delivery alberto.provasi@telematicsolutions.it
and installation of telemetry stations for IXV (Intermediate eXperimental
Vehicle) reentry vehicle.
The expertise and the commitment to fulfill each customers’ specific needs are Telematic info@telematicsolutions.it
Solutions features upon which Customer’s rely to build their space programs.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

Engineering, procurement and integration as well as operations of
TM and Tracking Ground Stations
Integration of ground stations for telemetry reception
Antenna Control Unit and tracking receiver stations
Telemetry ground stations monitoring and control
Telemetry data recording and re-play tools.
Telemetry post-processing tools.
Telemetry distribution
Development of Transportable Ground Station
Naval Ground Station integration


Telespazio Spa
Company profile
Telespazio, a joint venture between Leonardo (67%) and Thales (33%), is one of Europe’s
leaders and one of the world’s main players in satellite solutions and services. The
company has its headquarters in Rome, Italy, and is supported by a staff of approximately
2600 people.
Telespazio operates worldwide through numerous companies, and has a wide
international network of space centres and teleports. In particular, it is present: in
France with Telespazio France; in Germany with Telespazio VEGA Deutschland, GAF
and Spaceopal (a joint venture in which the German space agency DLR holds a 50%
interest); in the United Kingdom with Telespazio VEGA UK; in Spain with Telespazio Via Tiburtina, 965
Iberica and in Romania with Rartel. Telespazio has a consolidated presence in South Roma Rm 00156
America with Telespazio Brasil and Telespazio Argentina. In Italy, the company is also Roberto Petronio
present through e-GEOS (in which the Italian Space Agency holds a 20% interest). Head of External Relations
Telespazio is a leading company in “key” sectors for public institutions, business and Communication
operators and consumers, with activities ranging from the design and development
of space systems to the management of launch services and in orbit satellite control;
from Earth observation services, integrated communication, satellite navigation and www.telespazio.com
localisation, to scientific programmes. Telespazio relies on a wealth of experience of the telespazio.pressoffice@
highest level, stemming from technological expertise acquired over 50 years of business telespazio.com
The Company’s experience is also drawn from the management of space infrastructure
– including the Fucino Space Centre, one of the world’s largest civilian teleports - as well
as from its qualified involvement in space programmes of great significance, including:
Galileo, EGNOS, Copernicus, COSMO-SkyMed and SICRAL.
The company now covers the whole space market value chain through its three lines of
business: Satellite Communications, Geo Information, Satellite Systems and Operations.
Telespazio responds to new demands in the market with innovative ideas and solutions.
Today, more than ever, Telespazio is a true innovator, transforming what were once just
possibilities into real services available to an increasingly wide audience worldwide.

Products | Services | Applications |Technologies

With its long track record in the satellite telecommunication and television sectors
and thanks to a portfolio of cutting-edge products and services, Telespazio offers its
clients secure, reliable and globally available solutions. Telespazio is the Italian leader
and a major European player in radio and television broadcasting, thanks to its facilities
at the Fucino and Lario Space Centres and to the equipment installed and managed
at clients’ premises. The company manages communications networks capable of
integrating satellite and ground-based infrastructure, responding effectively to the
requirements of business and institutional markets, media and broadcast sectors
and global telecommunications operators. In the business market Telespazio offers
dedicated services for the oil &gas, utilities, maritime and telco sectors, implementing
fixed-line, mobile broadband satellite services in Italy and abroad. In tactical military
satellite communications (Milsatcom), Telespazio provides telecommunications services
to the armed forces of NATO countries, through its involvement in the Italian defence
programme SICRAL. In non-tactical military communications (Comsatcom), the
company offers telemedicine, distance learning and wideband connectivity services.
As part of the institutional satellite communications, Telespazio participates with a
strategic role in the ATHENA-FIDUS programme and delivers innovative applications
and services in the field of civil protection, security and e-government. Finally, in its
Fucino and Scanzano Space Centers, Telespazio hosts ground segment equipment
dedicated to telecommunications satellite systems managed by leading international
operators (Inmarsat, Eutelsat).


GEOINFORMATION: orbit phase and routine operations (LEOP, IOT, relocation,
Telespazio is one of the major global suppliers of geospatial mission operations) during the working life of satellites in low,
application solutions and services. Through its subsidiaries medium Earth and geostationary orbits. These services are
- mainly through e-GEOS in Italy and GAF in Germany provided by means of proprietary ground elements:
- Telespazio is active in all areas relating to the Earth satellite control center, flight dynamics systems and ground
observation market: from acquiring and processing satellite stations, together with all the necessary teleport facilities
data to develop and sell software and products. The company (aux systems, communications, logistic and security facilities).
provides application services such as environmental Telespazio employs highly skilled staff, with internationally
protection monitoring, rush mapping in support to natural recognized know-how, to operate via the proprietary Space
disaster management, specialized products for defense Centres in Italy (Fucino, Lario and Scanzano), as well as
and intelligence, oil spill and ship detection for maritime through customer infrastructures throughout the world.Based
surveillance, interferometric measurements for landslides on 50 years’ experience supporting the majority of National
and ground subsidence analysis, thematic mapping for and European agencies, Telespazio provides engineering,
agriculture and forestry. Telespazio is involved in the major operations and logistic services for large and complex
Earth Observation programmes including the European institutional Earth Observation programmes (COSMO-
Copernicus and the Italian COSMO-SkyMed. Lastly, in the SkyMed, Copernicus), Navigation (Galileo, EGNOS) and the
geoinformation sector, Telespazio offers GIS solutions and relevant downstream applications.In this field Telespazio is
applications for the control of vehicle fleets, the monitoring a key innovator in the development of systems, applications
of dangerous sites and e-tourism services. In support to its and services providing:
operational applications, e-GEOS - a joint venture between in Earth Observation missions, the user ground segment
Telespazio (80%) and ASI (20%) - operates the Matera Space elements and processor applications that properly handle
Centre for acquisition, archiving and processing of multi- and elaborate the optical or radar images; for Navigation
mission satellite data including COSMO-SkyMed and ESA and Aviation missions, the capability - thanks to proprietary
Sentinels. e-GEOS is the exclusive distributors of COSMO- laboratory, simulators and facilities - to develop and provide
SkyMed data worldwide. applications and qualify new services for the downstream
SATELLITE SYSTEM AND OPERATIONS: market. The most important customers are the main satellite
Telespazio is one of the world leaders in the design, operators and satellite manufacturers, the main National and
development and qualification of Integrated Satellite Systems European space agencies and defence administrations.
and in the supply of In Orbit Control services for launch, early


Thales Alenia Space
Italia S. p. A.
Company profile
Thales Alenia Space, joint venture between Thales (67%) and Leonardo (33%), is a key
European player in space Telecommunications, Navigation, Earth Observation, Science
& Exploration, Orbital, Infrastructures & Space Transport. Since 1982 the Company has
designed, integrated, tested, operated and delivered innovative space systems. With
our cutting-edge products and services in space, defense, science and security markets,
we meet the needs of commercial and government customers around the world. Thales Contact
Alenia Space’s satellites and payloads are recognized worldwide as benchmarks in
delivering communications and navigation services, monitoring our environment and
the oceans, better understanding climate change and supporting scientific research. Via Saccomuro, 24
Because of our unrivaled expertise in dual (civil-military) missions, costellations, flexible Roma RM 00131
payloads, altimetry, meteorology and high-resolution radar and optical observation,
Giuseppe Matarazzo
Thales Alenia Space is the natural partner to countries that want to expand their space
program. In order to offer a complete range of solutions and services to our customers, Director Italy Institutional
Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio have formed the Space Alliance. Sales KAM ASI & Italia Mod
Thales Alenia Space Italia S.p.A. is the Italian component of Thales Alenia Space. Sales & Marketing
The company is based on experience gained through over two hundred satellites for giuseppe.matarazzo@
Telecommunications, Navigation, Science and Exploration, Remote sensing. thalesaleniaspace.com
Today, Thales Alenia Space is also one of the main suppliers to the ISS and a pivotal player +3906 41512839
in systems to explore our Universe. She is responsible for over half of its pressurized
volume and played a major role on the ATV (Automated Transfer Vehicle) cargo vessels
for ESA and on NASA’s Cygnus program, which will also bring supplies to the ISS. The
company collaborates with the leading international space industries on the programs
of the most prestigious agencies, such as NASA, the European Space Agency and the
Italian Space Agency.
Thales Alenia Space en route for the Red Planet
ExoMars is a 50/50 joint program between ESA and the Russian space agency,
Roscomos. Thales Alenia Space is prime contractor for the two missions in this program.
For the first mission Thales Alenia Space was in charge of designing the reentry module
and designing and integrating in orbital module. On the second mission (2020), the joint
venture is in charge of developing the navigation and guidance system for the orbital
and descent modules, designing the Martian rover and building the analysis lab carried
by the rover. This lab feature a perforator, capable of drilling two meters deep into the
Martian soil and removing samples.
Thales Alenia Space, joint venture between Thales (67%) and Leonardo (33%), is a key
European player in space Telecommunications, Navigation, Earth Observation, Science
& Exploration, Orbital, Infrastructures & Space Transport. Since 1982 the Company has
designed, integrated, tested, operated and delivered innovative space systems. With
our cutting-edge products and services in space, defense, science and security markets,
we meet the needs of commercial and government customers around the world. Thales
Alenia Space’s satellites and payloads are recognized worldwide as benchmarks in
delivering communications and navigation services, monitoring our environment and
the oceans, better understanding climate change and supporting scientific research.
Because of our unrivaled expertise in dual (civil-military) missions, costellations, flexible
payloads, altimetry, meteorology and high-resolution radar and optical observation,
Thales Alenia Space is the natural partner to countries that want to expand their space
program. In order to offer a complete range of solutions and services to our customers,
Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio have formed the Space Alliance.
Thales Alenia Space Italia S.p.A. is the Italian component of Thales Alenia Space. The


company is based on experience gained through over two services) and sectors requiring the highest safety standards.
hundred satellites for Telecommunications, Navigation, The company provides also some key elements as the signal
Science and Exploration, Remote sensing. generation units and the antennas for the first 22 satellites
Today, Thales Alenia Space is also one of the main suppliers to of the Full Operational Capability phase and has developed
the ISS and a pivotal player in systems to explore our Universe. in the site of Rome the assembly, integration and test of 4 In
She is responsible for over half of its pressurized volume and Orbit Validation satellites.
played a major role on the ATV (Automated Transfer Vehicle) The International Space Station (ISS)
cargo vessels for ESA and on NASA’s Cygnus program, which Thales Alenia Space Italia, gave an essential contribution to the
will also bring supplies to the ISS. The company collaborates ISS’s development building several modules of the “orbiting
with the leading international space industries on the home”. The three (Multi-Purpose Logistic Modules are among
programs of the most prestigious agencies, such as NASA, the symbol projects. Other crowning achievements are the
the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. Columbus European laboratory for microgravity research,
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies the Automated Transfer Vehicle modules, automatic logistics
ATHENA-FIDUS: telecommunications system based on a system with maximum refuelling and materials loads for
geostationary satellite for dual use broadband communications astronauts up to 7,300 kilograms; NODES 2 and 3, elements
services Is a satellite communication system in Ka Band that connect the pressurize modules of the “orbiting home”
dedicated to institutional and governmental services. The together and the CUPOLA, a special observatory to allow the
Company is responsible for the development, construction astronauts on board the station to operate in remote robotic
testing and putting in orbit of the satellite, construction arm during the module assembly operations. The company
and testing of the satellite center. The programme is one also makes the Pressurized Cargo Modules for the Cygnus
of the first European cooperation for dual-use civil/military resupply vessel and is prime contractor for ESA’s IXV and
communications space programme. Expert reentry demonstrators.
BEPICOLOMBO EOS20 Radar: platforms for Earth Observation high
performance imaging, global coverage and high revisit times
BepiColombo is the very first European mission dedicated to exploiting innovative technologies as PDHT (Payload Data
the exploration of Mercury. Handling & Transmission), CMG (Control Moment Gyro),
The Company is responsible for the telecommunication, Radar reflector for VHR (Very High Resolution), End-to-End &
thermal control, electric power distribution systems, Ground Systems Solutions.
integration and tests of the complete satellite and of the Different platforms (HP-R, HE-R1000, HE-R500 and HR-R)
support for the launch campaign. She develops the X and Ka- are available for different scenario in order to satisfy both
band transponder, the onboard computer, the mass memory military and civil users interests.
and the high-gain antenna.
HE-R1000 platform optimized for Export market requiring
COSMO-SkyMed Earth Observation at very high resolution (new contract with
Earth observation programmes. The project is based on four South Korea “SmallSAT Korea 425”).
satellites equipped with radar sensors that can operate in any HE-R500 is the compact solution for multiple launch and
meteorological condition or visibility with a very high revisit maritime surveillance.
frequency. The company is responsible for the entire system
including the space and ground segments. The Second HR-R microsatellites solution for global coverage and high
Generation of COSMO-SkyMed envisages the continuity revisit (PLATiNO is developing a very low cost multi-mission
of the dual purpose (civil and military) Earth Observation platform) exploiting innovative technologies as mini-CMG
satellites. and IPAC (Integrated Processing, data-handling and AOCS
HP-R: direct heritage of COSMO-SkyMed is the National and
These Earth observation programme provides accurate, timely EU champions in fully active phased array
and easily accessible information that enables the monitoring
of the earth, marine and atmospheric environments, NAVCOM: MEO payload products and services for
understanding and mitigating the effects of climate change Institutional and commercial customers. Implemented for
and ensuring civil security. The Sentinels provide high- Galileo Constellation through on board digital processor,
resolution radar and optical images of our planet. Space receiver on Chip (SparCh), Multispot L band Antenna
(MLAnt) and COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) based
Exomars Software Defined Radio (SDR) for Space GNSS Receivers.
Trace Gas Orbiter which has made the journey to Mars and SpaceHOME: in-habited space modules for Institutional
after orbiting the planet he observe the atmosphere and customers (ESA, ISS, etc..). Strong heritage to gain the
surface and investigate the planet’s surface and subsurface. commercial market (Chinese Orbital Station, Moon Village,
Entry, Descent and Landing Demonstrator designed to etc..). SpaceHOME is suitable also for high technological
measure wind speed, humidity, atmospheric pressure, ground laboratories thanks comfortable areas for crew in term of
temperature, atmospheric transparency, electrical fields and temperature and breathable air, regeneration of air and water,
more. protection from radiation, meteoroids, debris impingement
Galileo and vacuum space.
The purpose is to create a global navigation system for a
highly accurate and reliable global positioning service and
to provide Europe with an independent navigation system
capable of satisfying a wide range of sectors such as transport
(by air, rail, road and sea), telecommunications (geo-location


Vitrociset SpA
Company profile
More than fifty years of experience in logistics to support operations in mission
critical areas, expertise in integrating complex systems, consolidated presence
all over Europe and in several other countries in the world, the substantial
investments in Research & Development, the high skilled staff with young graduates
coordinated by experienced professionals, make VITROCISET, a LEONARDO
company, the ideal technology partner for Companies and Public Administrations. Contact
The areas of intervention of VITROCISET range from systems for the
Defense to those for Air Traffic Control, from Satellite Technologies
to Telecommunications, from Transportation to Integrated Logistics. Via Tiburtina, 1020
In particular, VITROCISET’s activity in Space business area dates back to 1982 with Roma RM 156
the awarding of a turnkey contract for the ESA Redu tracking station. The gradual
Ettore d’Andria
and constant expansion of its offer to the key players of the sector (ESA, ASI, CNES,
Arianespace, Space Systems Manufacturers and Satellite Operators) has required the Account Manager
diversification of its products and services, such as the design and development of e.dandria@vitrociset.it
mission-critical systems +3906 8820 1
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies spazio.vitrociset.it
Ground Data Systems
VITROCISET designs, implements, validates and maintains checkout software and
operating systems for Ground Segment of different Space Programmes.
The Company’s involvement includes Mission Control Systems (VITROCISET participated
in the development of SCOS 2000 and it is now involved for ESA in the development
of EGS Common Core), Mission Automation and Planning Systems, Central Checkout
systems and Database Engineering.
In this context, VITROCISET works with the main space agencies (ESA, CNES, ASI),
with large system integrators (TAS, Airbus D&S, Leonardo) and the most important
commercial players (Arianespace, EUTELSAT, INMARSAT), to support the provision of
services to public and private sector.
VITROCISET has been general contractor for ESA for VEGA Ground Segment
development, from 2004 till successful maiden flight in February 2012. Since then
VITROCISET has participated as Design Authority to all VEGA launch campaigns and it
is currently involved in VEGA-C program development.
More recent achievements are the VEGA EGSE at AVIO premises and Command and
Control Bench at CSG in French Guyane for ESA; the re-engineering of Tracking Radars
(Amazonie, Bretagne) for CNES, the EGSE systems for different space programs: METOP,
Sentinel, Cosmo 2G for TAS and ADS;.
In 2018 the company has been awarded by CNES with the Contract for the refurbishment
of the cineteodolite located on the Ile Royale , normally used in the frame of Ariane,
VEGA and Soyuz launches.
Moreover, VITROCISET is involved in a project, called SESAME (Smart European Space
Access through Modern Exploitation) aiming to apply machine learning algorithms
on big data, retrieved from historical Launch Operations Informations, in order to
implement new optimized processes on the CSG, such as, for example, a proactive
risk management, a predictive maintenance and quality management system of new
adaptive logistic processes.

Space G/S ILS & Operations

Working at the Centre Spatial Guyanaise (CSG) since more than 30 years, VITROCISET
has acquired a sound experience in technical operational support and ad-hoc critical
developments of ground systems in the space launchers domain.


Extending the perimeter from VEGA also to Ariane 5 and Building on its experience in the space market and on its
Soyuz launchers, VITROCISET is supporting operational team capabilities in critical system management, and command &
for trajectography and localization systems, telecommand control systems development, VITROCISET works on different
and neutralization systems, meteorological system, quality international projects, supporting the implementation of large
assurance and services. experimental physical facilities, providing highly specialized
Taking into account the Broglio Space Centre in Malindi, systems engineering services and developing ad-hoc systems.
Kenya, the Company, in cooperation with Telespazio, is VITROCISET is involved in ITER program (International
supporting the Italian Space Agency since 2011 for logistics Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project), working in
and operations of the Centre. command&control (CODAC) and diagnostic domain, being
one of the few authorized CODAC Core System development
center worldwide. VITROCISET is also working at Fusion For
The Company is also deeply involved in European satellite Energy (F4E), the European Agency supporting the ITER
navigation systems, where, following the consolidated program, in the Instrumentation and Control department.
experience in delivery of site survey services for EGNOS, the
Company (through its subsidiary –VITROCISET BELGIUM) has At European Spallation Source (ESS) program in Sweden,
been awarded 10 years contract by GSA in cooperation with VITROCISET has been awarded with three framework
Spaceopal, being prime the main responsible for integrated contracts for electronics, SW development and mechanical
logistics support and maintenance of Galileo worldwide consultancies services.
ground infrastructures. The Company has recently provided the complete command
and control system for STAR Materia, a linear accelerator
developed for University of Calabria, in South of Italy and is
Applications & Services currently developing for the ITER Program the control system
For Operations & System Engineering, VITROCISET has for the remote handing in operation maintenance activities.”
consolidated a strong focus in all phases of mission life cycle
- from the early feasibility studies through its realization and
operation, and finally to the exploitation of the results. Since
more than 30 years, VITROCISET has developed a wide range
of support activities to provide technical, operational and
engineering services to ESA and other major Space Agencies
(DLR, ASI, NASA, CNES). This has allowed the development
and consolidation of capabilities related with Satellite Ground
Segment Services and Systems. Qualified and motivated
staff are greatly contributing, with a strong commitment, to
maintain the highest quality throughout the work carried out,
all over this period of longstanding presence in Noordwijk
(NL), at the European Space Research and Technology Centre
(ESTEC), and in Darmstadt (D), at the European Satellite
Operation Centre (ESOC), and nowadays in Spain at European
Science Astronomy Centre (ESAC), in Germany at European
Astronaut Centre (EAC), in Belgium at European space
Security and Education Centre (ESEC), in UK at European
Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications
(ECSAT), in Italy at European Space Research Institute
(ESRIN) and in France at ESA Head Quarter.
VITROCISET is also supporting the Italian Consortium
for the implementation of SST operations based on radar
technologies. UHF transmitter has been provided and installed
by VITROCISET and it is currently operated with the support
of VITROCISET team, working in bi-static configuration with
other Italian assets provided by the Italian National Institute
for Astrophysics, granting the capability to discover objects
with an area less than10 cm , at a distance up to 2,000 km.
In parallel, VITROCISET is providing its expertise in the frame
of the feasibility study of the refurbishment of an existing
radar system to be used for Surveillance and Tracking
purposes, located in CHEIA (RU).
In the frame of Italian Galileo Program, VITROCISET is part
of the industrial group (which includes the biggest Italian
industrial players working in the Space market), awarded
by the Italian Space Agency with the contracts to design
and develop the receiver for Galileo PRS (Public Regulated
Services) Service and the PRS National Center, i.e. the building
in which all activities relevant to Galileo PRS Services will be
carried out.
Big Science



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