Catalogo ASI 2020
Catalogo ASI 2020
Catalogo ASI 2020
May 2020
Giorgio Saccoccia
ASI President
May 2020
Platform design
and integration
robotic exploration
lunar gateway, etc.)
Earth observation
Nano/micro up to 50 kg
Medium 500-2000 kg
Small 50-500 kg
and ai)
*Other (max 3
HDRM, Additive
AEREA S.p.A. X X X X Manufacturing,
AEROSPAZIO Electric Propulsion,
TECNOLOGIE X X X X Testing, Thermal
s.r.l. Vacuum
Transfer, Expert and
semantic systems,
Edge AI, Artificial
AIKO X X X X X X X X X X X X Intelligence, Safety
Airbus Italia X X X X X X X X
Re-entry; Deployable;
ALI Scarl X X X X X X X X X X
Transport Containers
X X X X X X for satellites, MGSE,
Consultants srl X X X
Business consultancy
Earth Station Feed/
Altec X X X X X X X Horn ACU - Antenna
Control Unit
Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration
Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3
Satellite navigation
Earth observation
re-entry services
Small 50-500 kg
and ai)
Test X X X X X X X X X X X X
Earth Station Feed/
Antech Space X X X Horn ACU - Antenna
Control Unit
Thermal and
Environmental Control
APR srl X X X X X Equipment, Design,
Development and
X X X X X Landing, Agrospace,
Planetary Protection
microsatellites for
Argotec Srl X X X X X X X X deep space, payloads,
human factor
Aviospace s.r.l. X X X X X X X X
Design, manufacturing
and integration of
Thermal Control
Aviotec Srl X X X X X X X X X X
Hardware and
Electrical Harness sub-
BEAMIT X X X X X X X X X X X Manufacturing
BERCELLA X dissemination
design, manufacturing
Blu Electronic
X X X X X X X X X X and technologic
advanced materials,
new manufacturing
X X X X X X X X technology, digital
Engineering Srl
modelling, simulation
and testing.
X X X X X X X X Laser, Optical, Lidar
Aerospace Srl
X X X X X X X X Laser, Optical, Lidar
Solutions Srl
ELECTRONICS X X X X X X X X X X Electronic design
Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration
Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3
Satellite navigation
Earth observation
re-entry services
Small 50-500 kg
and ai)
X X downstream services,
Multijunction, solar
cells, GaAs compound
Simulation, Prototype,
Compolab S.r.l. X X X X X
Consorzio di
X X X Technology Transfer
ricerca Hypatia
bending machines,
DAVI X profile bending, metal
sheets bending
Systems, Debris,
D-Orbit SpA X X X X X X X X X Mission Control
Mechanical, Fluidic
DTM srl X X X X X X X X X X X
and Thermal GSE
Radiation detection,
Solid-state detectors,
X- and gamma-rays
ELETTRONICA education,
Group dissemination
Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration
Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3
Satellite navigation
Earth observation
re-entry services
Small 50-500 kg
and ai)
Engineering X X X
Infrastructural Services
MECCANICA Flight safety, Parts
DI PRECISIONE manufacturing
Euro.Soft srl X X X X X X
MGSE; Space
Remote Sensing,
Geocart S.p.A. X X X X X Integrated Multi-
Sensor Platform
Artificial intelligence,
GEO-K S.r.l. X X X Education, Drone
APPLICATIONS dissemination, training,
PROCESSING transponder
(GAP) srl
IMT srl X X X X X X X X X
Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration
Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3
Satellite navigation
Earth observation
re-entry services
Small 50-500 kg
and ai)
IP Cores Ground
Test Equipments
IngeniArs S.r.l. X X X X X X X X X
SpaceFibre, CCSDS
Intecs Solutions
observation, big data
Integrated Logistics
Issel Nord S.r.l. X X X
Italconsul X X X X X X X
Satellite Bandwidth,
Italspazio X X X X X X X Cubesat, Geo
Localization Systems
Antispoofing, OBDH
Space applications,
KELL Srl X X X X X X e-health, HW/SW
Machining, Quality,
L.M.A. srl X X X X X X X
Industrial Computed
Labormet Due X
Metrology, Quality
Latitudo 40
X X Artificial Intelligence
Integrated Logistic
Lead Tech
X X X X X X X X Support
Ground segment
Leaf Space S.r.l. X X X X X X X as-a-service, ground
Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration
Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3
Satellite navigation
Earth observation
re-entry services
Small 50-500 kg
and ai)
Technology transfer;
Leonardo SpA X X X X X X X X X X X X Training; On-orbit
robotic servicing
Plasma Surface
Nadir X X X X X X
Polymer composite,
Applications, EO
NAIS Srl X X X X X X X X X Mapping, System
Space Outpost Education, Cubesat
Europe srl Deployment
Neohm PSUs, DC/DC
Componenti X X X X X X Converters, Hybrid
s.r.l. circuits
INGEGNERIA Ground Segment, Cal/
DEI SISTEMI Val, Software
NOVOTECH X X dissemination
X X X X X X dissemination
Ground Telescope -
OHB Italia X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration
Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3
Satellite navigation
Earth observation
re-entry services
Small 50-500 kg
and ai)
Optec S.p.A. X X X X X X X X
structural health
Progem srl X X X monitoring /
machining / window
Elint, Observation,
Speciali Italiani X X X X X X X X X X X
EO-based solutions,
X X X Scalable processing,
Validation support
ASIC, MW&RF, Ground
Analog Micro X X X X X X X
Electronics srl
localisation systems,
data analysis, security
RedCat Devices X X
antennas, filters,
RINA Project/Program
Consulting X X X X X X X X management,
S.p.A. Modelling, Training
Aerospace S.r.l.
S.A.T.E -
Systems &
simulation, control,
Advanced X X X X X
data analysis
Engineering srl
Technologies X X X X X
X X X X X Launch Services
cargo organization
Sabelt S.p.A X X X X X X X X X X X
Telescopes, ground
SAM scrl X X
Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration
Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3
Satellite navigation
Earth observation
re-entry services
Small 50-500 kg
and ai)
EO Data processing &
Serco SpA X X X dissemination; Ground
Segment operations
Antenna& RF
Communications X X X
Components design
Sòphia High
Space Factory X X X X
Technology Srl
GALILEO, monitoring,
Spaceexe s.r.l. X X X X X
propulsion. Avionic,
mechanisms, space
Stam S.r.l. X X X X X X
debris, EO applications
STMicroelectronics X
Geomatic Monitoring,
Survey Lab X X
Nano/micro up to 50 kg
and robotic exploration
Medium 500-2000 kg
cis-lunar gateway, etc.)
*Other (max 3
Satellite navigation
Earth observation
re-entry services
Small 50-500 kg
and ai)
Electric Propulsion,
T4i X X
Chemical Propulsion
Techno system
development X X X X X X X X X X
srl (TSD)
TELESPAZIO X X X X X X X infrastructures and
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X technology transfer
device and material
TIBERLAB srl X X X modeling and
GSE, technology
Trans-Tech X X X X X X X X X X X
transfer, Space tourism
high performance
ADCS; mission design;
International X X X X X X X X X X X
launch integraiton
Vitrociset SpA X X X X X X X X
Structural Health
Wise Robotics X X X
Monitoring, IoT, GNSS
YETITMOVES X X X X X dissemination
AIKO is a deep tech company, delivering state of the art Artificial Intelligence solutions for
flight and ground software with the goal of enabling autonomous space missions. AIKO
has active contracts, collaborations and partnerships with many european institutions
and companies, including European Space Agency and the European Commission.
AIKO has been the first European company to publicly announce the in-orbit
Corso Castelfidardo, 30/A
demonstration of Deep Learning algorithms, in October 2019.
Torino TO 10129
Founded in 2017 in Torino and registered in the list of innovative Italian companies, since
May 2017 is incubated in I3P (, one of the most important public incubators
Lorenzo Feruglio
in the world (15th worldwide in 2014, 1st worldwide in 2019). AIKO business focuses CEO
on the development of Artificial Intelligence software for space applications, targeting
automation of operations, support to operators and advanced mission autonomy. Key +393290918239
areas of expertise are Machine and Deep Learning, Knowledge-Based Systems and
embedded software design applied to space missions, in the domains of autonomous
decision-making, payload data information extraction, failure detection, and mission
replanning. AIKO is composed of a team of highly skilled researchers and engineers, Date of birth 2017
boosting years of experience in space programs, including two small satellites launched
and operated, publications on international journals and congresses and collaborations
with some of the most prominent research institutes, such as ESA, NASA JPL, and MIT.
Since June 2018, AIKO is part of the NVIDIA Inception Program, a program reserved for
startups that have Artificial Intelligence as the core competence and focus. The program
nurtures dedicated and exceptional startups who are revolutionizing industries with
advances in AI and data science. AIKO has secured both private and public funding,
including investment from VC involved in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
among the operators of the satellite market, especially between the owners of teleports
and their end-users (such as National Broadcasters, Defense and Space Agencies).
Recently the company has specialized in participating in international tenders, organized
by State Institutions or private companies.
Antech Space has a large range of products, that include Ka, K, Ku, X, C, S and L Band Via Vittorio Emanuele
feed/horn RF solutions, both for fixed and mobile antennas, or electronic parts (as ACU Orlando, 7
- antenna control unit for GEO/LEO/MEO satellite antenna systems): every solution is
configurated and customized according to customer needs.
San Giovanni La Punta
CT 95037
Antech Space team is also able to carry out any kind of refurbishment activities on old
satellite telecommunication systems, both from the RF and the mechanical and handling Federico Turrisi
point of view. Managing Director
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies +390957413637
Satellite Earth Station
Antech Space projects, designs, integrates and installs satellite Earth station with
Date of birth 2016
antenna dish dimension from 3.7 mt up to 18 mt.
Frequency range Tx/Rx:
L/S band (1.6 – 2.5 GHz), C band (3.4 – 6.8 GHz), X band (6.7 – 8 GHz), Ku band (10.7
-14.5 GHz), K band (17.5 – 18.3 GHz), Ka band (20 – 30 GHz)
Prime Focus, Dual Optics, Cassegrain, Gregorian, etc.
Project, Design and Measurements Division
Antech Space projects, designs, produces and sells every kind of satellite passive parts
(feed or parts of it) under project or specific customer requirements for any kind of
application from L band to Ka band, giving also measures and calibration in its laboratory
(equipped with an anechoic chamber). Its main capabilities are:
• RF measures on passive parts of the antenna feed;
• RF measures on power amplifiers with an high level electronic laboratory;
• antenna alignment service (e.g. Teodolite, Laser tracker, Photo Grammetry);
• antenna on site measurement (e.g. Gain, G/T, Waveguide loss).
DSNG Vehicle for Governative Agencies
Antech Space can provide turn-key coach worked vehicle for the Governative agencies
equipped with mobile satellite antenna systems and other RF equipments for disaster
recovery, Military and Police services.
Last main installations/refurbishment works
Supply and installation of Nr.9 - 2.4mt V-SAT Ku band antenna system, installed in Rabat
Italiana Ponti Radio/Italy:
Satellite band management for RPAS (Remotely Piloted Air System), named Falco-EVO,
related services
New 4ports monopulse Ku band feed for ITA-FOC-04C antenna system installed in
Fucino Teleport
ARCA Dynamics
Company profile
ARCA Dynamics is an Innovative Startup (Italian law n. 221/2012) active in the
field of Space technology R&D. The company provides enabling technologies
for space proximity operations (collision avoidance, rendezvous, docking,
undocking, berthing, capture, etc.) while increasing space automation.
Research & Development activities focus on the need of New Space companies to deliver their
value proposal through cost-efficient constellations of small satellites. In this framework, Contact
R&D efforts will guarantee autonomous and safe performances of new mission concepts,
such as in-orbit servicing, space surveillance, debris mitigation and in-orbit assembly.
According to its mission, ARCA Dynamics offers cutting-edge products and services Via Ludovico di Monreale, 8
for both flight- and ground-segment like high fidelity simulators, attitude actuators, Roma RM 00152
attitude determination software, control algorithms, sensors firmware, optimization
Daniele Luchena
software, propagators, design and development of CubeSat missions enabling New
Space enterprises, Attitude Determination and Control Systems (ADCS), design and CEO
hardware in the loop testing of autonomous Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC)
systems for proximity operations. +390692949701
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
Fluid Wheel
Date of birth 2016
An innovative reaction wheel that enables near null angular velocity manoeuvres while
providing clean torque. It has no moving mechanical parts (no jitter and very high
reliability) and low power consumption (almost 90% less wrt traditional reaction wheels).
Thanks to its customizable design and performances, this innovative device allows to
meet New Space customers needs of designing new cost-efficient and sustainable
mission concepts for EO, in-orbit servicing/assembly, formation flying.
Star tracker/Stellar Gyro SW
A computer vision based on-board software for accurate determination of angular
velocity and attitude during lost-in-space and tracking phases using on-board optical
devices for minimal impact on the satellite architecture.
Its performances, comparable to FOG technology, enable gyroless architectures, hence
sensible overall costs reduction. Furthermore, thanks to its design with minimal impact
on system architecture, it can be implemented on in-orbit operating satellites.
AI guidance
A reliable and accurate autonomous Real Time Optimal Control (RTOC) on-board
software that uses Artificial Intelligence algorithms to compute optimal guidance with
respect to power consumption or time, including keep-out cones.
The implemented AI enables autonomous manouvers to promptly react to unexpected
events like collision avoidance, autonomus docking/undocking or debris catch.
New Space mission design&development
Thanks to its know-how, network and expertise with CubeSat missions, ARCA Dynamics
is able to design from scratch and develop CubeSat missions enabling New Space
companies to deliver their value proposition through a sustainable satellite infrastructure
using reliable and cost-efficient cutting edge technologies.
HIL tests for autonomous GNC systems
Experimental verification and validation of autonomous Guidance Navigation and
Control systems through Hardware In the Loop simulations using the following test
• Autonomous GNC testbed using a main large 3DOF robotic arm (optional 3DOF end-
effector, 6DOF small robotic arm, and a rover);
• ADCS for Cubesats test facility using pneumatic suspension.
We have been involved in the past decades in the evaluation services related to rural
development programmes as a part of European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Evaluation is a discipline which requires the application of research and methods in order
to gauge the evidences of policy effects. With this respect, we progressively become
aware that part of our evaluative research could have been turned into a business
opportunity addressed to the environmental impacts’ mitigation of the agricultural and Via Giacomo Peroni 442/444
agribusiness activities. Roma RM 00131
Evaluation still remains company’s core business, but we now offer other environment- Matteo De Sanctis
related services like: Managing Partner
EO-based services for farmers, insurance companies and golf courses: TETHYS –
Smart Farming; +393285660368
Innovation brokerage and advisory services promoting circular economy solution for +390621129565
a better management of waste in agriculture and agribusiness sector;
Carbon foot print applications at farms and industries level in the agriculture and
agribusiness sector, to estimate greenhouse gas emissions and to obtain carbon
credit certificates.
Date of birth 2016
As for earth-observation based services, we’ve received some awards:
• Winners of 2017 ESA-BIC Incubation
• Third place in 2017 Copernicus Masters B2B Challenge
• Participation to the 2018 Copernicus Accelerator programme
• Finalist in 2018 Copernicus Masters Land Monitoring Challenge
• Winners of 2019 Copernicus Incubation
The team of Centrale Valutativa is made up of seven partners with 20 years’ proven
experience in agricultural field.
The strengths of our team rely on:
• The multidisciplinary background (3 agronomists, 2 economists, a statistician, a GIS
and EO-data expert)
• The experience gained over the past decades in the agricultural area and the contacts
we’ve built in it
• The applied research and methods carried out in the evaluation activities on
environmental impact assessment
• The cooperative network of researchers focusing on environmental and other issues,
which has been consolidated in the past decades
• The strong motivational attitude of new entrepreneurs
Latitudo40 S.r.l.
Company profile
Latitudo 40 has created the easiest and fastest platform to turn satellite imagery into
geospatial information to support everyday decisions.
Stellar Project is focused on ground-breaking innovation to provide a step increase in
the capabilities of nano/micro satellites and facilitate/ accelerate the transition from
traditional spacecraft architectures to future highly capable and widely accessible
miniaturized space systems, always with a high degree of care towards environment
via N. Tommaseo, 69
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Padova PD 35131
Alessandro Francesconi
LaserCube is a laser communication terminal for nano, micro and mini satellites, and is CEO
compliant to the CubeSat standard for satellites of size 6U and larger. LaserCube is an
enabling technology for future applications based on small satellites, since provides a
step change in communication capabilities of nanosatellites, increasing the throughput +390492020885
performance of these miniature spacecraft of more than 10 times compared to state-of-
the-art radiofrequency solutions.
LaserCube features two different configurations, one for downlink and the other Date of birth 2015
for intersatellite link applications. The downlink version can downlink data at an
unprecedented rate, permitting the full exploitation of optical payloads for high-
resolution multispectral imaging; the intersatellite link version represents a fundamental
element to realize high-efficient IoT and M2M networks, as well as spaceborne data
relay constellations. The system is composed by two main parts: the optomechanical
unit and the electronic unit, each made of standardised building blocks. The former
features a dedicated dual-stage pointing system based on a technology patented by
Stellar Project and the optical head, while the electronic unit contains the laser sources
and drivers, as well as ancillary electronics.
Stellar Project offers a unique consultancy service to analyze the risk of mission
deterioration for spacecraft and constellations exposed to the current orbital
environment, with special focus to the threat posed by space debris. Environment
analyses are coupled with the examination of spacecraft design reports provided by
manufacturers, in order to derive realistic predictions and/or assessments of satellite
anomalies, useful for the Space Insurance market.
Because of the growing interest in large constellation of small satellites, the risk related
to space debris and space radiation is going to be better perceived day by day. The
debris population in Earth orbits is in fact continuously increasing, and the robustness
of nanosatellites to the radiation, plasma and neutral environments is still not at the
same level of that of large spacecraft. In respect of these threats, Stellar Project provides
advice to operators willing to maximize the environmental robustness of their space
systems since early design stages.
Mission equipment are tasked to hold releasable payloads to the platform during
carriage phase and, when necessary, to ensure their safe relase or ejection.
Since 2011 invested to orientate its technology innovation capability to the space sector
closer to its field of application, recognizing the similarity between the requirements for
space HDRM’s and aeronautic Mission Equipment, both devoted to restrain, release and
Via C. Cattaneo 24
deploy of payloads.
Turate Como 22078
In 2012, within a technology innovation program, funded by the Italian MISE-MIUR
agencies, in collaboration with former Selex Galileo (now LEONARDO Airborne
Giovanni Murettino
and Space Systems Division) acting in the integrator role, AEREA developed, and Marketing Director
subsequently worldwide patented, SHREK (SHockless RElease Kinematic), a Hold Down
and Release Mechanism, actuated with Shape Memory technology, for solar array panels. +39 02 33483 222
In 2014 AEREA initiated the development of the high pre-load hold down release
mechanism ALARM (Advanced Latch And Release Mechanism), actuated with piezo-
electric technology, aimed to latch and release satellites/payloads of mass up to 400 kg.
In 2015 AEREA, in collaboration with the Department of Aerospace Sciences of the
Polytechnic of Milan, and LDO ASSD, developed the breadboard model of a Nozzle
Tool, subsystem of a technology demonstrator for a In Orbit Refueling System between
collaborative satellites. This activity was nested within the section STRONG (Sistemi
Tecnologie e Ricerche per l’Operatività Nazionale Globale) of the larger project SAPERE
(Space Advanced Project Excellence in Research and Enterprise) funded by Italian MIUR.
Since 2015 AEREA introduced the Additive Manufacturing technology for aerospace
applications. Initially with EBM technology, applied to Ti6Al4V powders, and lately with
technical polymers.
As responsible of the platform mechanisms, AEREA partnered in an RTI (temporary
industrial teaming) led by OHB Italy, that, in 2016, was awarded a contract from ASI to
carry out the phase A feasibility study for the PLATiNO (Mini Piattaforma spaziaLe ad
Alta TecNOlogia) satellite.
In 2017 AEREA did carry out a feasibility study for a HDRM for CubeSat in support of the
Argotec proposal to the ESA ITT AO/1-8930/17/NL/PS.
In 2018 AEREA manufactured with Additive Technology, and tested, a set of torsional
springs aimed to be integrated in deployment mechanisms.
In 2019 SHREK has been selected to be integrated on the PLATiNO platform as HDRM
for the Solar Array and the SAR antenna.
Founded in 2014, the company has developed and patented an advanced technology
based on Artificial Intelligence to identify numerous pollutants and improve indoor
air quality and wellbeing. Through continuous monitoring and an instant notification
system, environmental quality can always be maintained at high standard by creating a
proper balance of temperature and humidity, adequate illumination and ambient noise
reduction, all while smartly saving energy. Via Franco Becci, 14
Roma RM
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Maryna Lotsman
Account Manager
Three lines of product are available:
• Airgloss ProSense, designed for industrial applications, offices, meeting rooms and +390687071093
other public spaces such as schools and workspaces, where air quality influences
occupants’ wellbeing and health, with a direct impact on performance and
• Airgloss ComfortKit, gesture controlled and specifically intended for homes, with air
quality monitoring and smart thermostat features, providing heating, ventilation and
air conditioning management;
• Airgloss OEM, the core technology, as small as a 2 euro coin, designed to be integrated
into third-party devices such as air purifiers, range hoods or portable systems for
environmental monitoring.
Airgloss is currently located in the ESA Business Incubation Centre (BIC) Lazio in Rome
(Italy) and has a distribution network in EU and US.
and repositioned in their respective markets by its marketing team: this way injecting
innovation and adding value into its customers products.
In addition, Agt develops horizontal capabilities of technology transfer and
consultancies, develops its own prototype products, and operates services based on
Artificial Intelligence proprietary patents applications.
via Paolo Emilio, 34
Agt is active in the Aerospace, Transportation, Oil and Gas, and Energy production and Rome RM 00192
distribution fields.
+39 0645437023
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
AGT is a company specialised in industrial and applied research, technology transfer,
engineering and prototyping, as well as project management, marketing and sales of
projects and systems in the areas of transportation (aerospace, terrestrial and marine),
energy generation (conventional, advanced and renewable), and of the application of
innovative materials and processes to the Industrial companies. The AGT capabilities are: -
Ideation and Research: assistance to structure research activities and research financing,
when possible through European and national funds, both for customers and on self
generated ideas. - Technology Transfer: Scouting of specific technologies to design and
manufacture innovative systems and components developed in existing market areas,
this way reducing time and costs of the R&D. Conversely, valorisation of technologies,
processes, systems or components originated by its own applied research projects to
new market areas. - Engineering and Prototyping: Transformation of the results of the
research and development into operational projects, systems and products for validation
and testing of an innovation.- Production: Streaming of the prototypes developed and
tested into pre-series and small batch production. Assistance in the implementation of
the series production. - Project Management: Project Management for its customers for
high technology content projects. - Marketing and Sales: Build up and management for
its customers of methods for strategic marketing; turn-key sales networks structures;
follow-up in the European and North American Countries; introduction and sale of
high technology systems and components into the European and Italian markets.
AGT is therefore operational in the entire value chain of the innovative technologies,
from ideation and research to the full commercial deployment of innovative systems
and components, generating added value to its Customers through its knowledge of
the detailed methods to apply innovation, and the technology transfer of innovative
materials, components and processes. A Special Project department has been recently
added, to implement the potential of Artificial Intelligence systems to the Industrial
applications in various areas, from the energy distribution systems to the aggregation
of international clusters and companies. AGT has been partner of the ESA (European
Space Agency) to transfer to the European Industries the activities available on the
ISS (International Space Station), in the areas of Life Sciences and Advanced Materials;
and to the ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) and NASA to perform two experiments with
the Italian Astronaut Luca Parmitano during his mission on the ISS. AGT is also partner
in an International Consortium for the development and manufacture of innovative rail
structural systems; designs and manufactures special systems and parts for the F1, the
transportation and the aerospace markets; runs activities of Project Management for
important Multinational Groups; Acts as Technology Broker for the Association Lazio
Connect inside the DTA-Filas district of the Aerospace Industries, and for Lazio Innova
for the internationalization of the Aerospace cluster companies of the Lazio district.
ARESYS is a strongly R&D oriented company, that exploits cutting edge technologies to
deliver highly customized solutions and services to its customers.
ARESYS expertise covers the following areas:
• Airborne and Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) ;
• Ground based SAR, RADARS and GPR; via Flumendosa, 16
• Pipeline acoustic monitoring systems; Milan MI 20132
• Seismic and geophysical prospection systems +39 0287244800
Nowadays ARESYS can count on a group of around 45 high skilled professionals and
serves customers in Europe, Asia and South America.
Between January 2010 and March 2016 Aviospace has been an Airbus Defence and
Space company, remaining however an Italian registered company with management
and personnel entirely Italian.
Company core competences:
• System Engineering, Space Transportation, Future Launchers, and Space Exploration Via Giovanni Botero, 18
systems Torino TO 10122
• Thermal Control, Mechanical structures, Composite materials, and nano-structured +39011 0867 100
• Avionics and On-board Software
• Propulsion, Multi-layer thermal insulation equipment (MLI), and Multi-physical
• Human Life in Space and ISS operations
AVIOSPACE can benefit of a network of collaborations with small and medium companies
with robust experience in high-quality manufacturing and niche technologies.
The scenario of collaborations is permanently in evolution: agreements across Italy
and Europe are already established or are in final preparation in the sector of the
automatic space systems for transportation and exploration with the Italian Institute
of Technology (IIT), as well as with universities and other academic organizations (e.g.
INSTM, Politecnico of Torino, La Sapienza) and manufacturers.
Project: Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle – European Service Module for NASA’s Orion
programme (MPCV-ESM)
The activities are developed in the frame of collaboration between Aviospace and Airbus
Defence and Space Bremen, it consists in a support for: Design and Manufacturing of
mechanical parts of the propulsion systems and for Design and Analysis support for
Primary and secondary structure interface for the Propulsion System
Project: Capture and De-orbiting Technologies (CADET)
The project developed and demonstrates, by the development of ground functional
breadboards, key technologies for ADR, including the capture systems and a vision
based navigation system, including target in-situ recognition and properties assessment
Project: e.Deorbit phase A
The e.Deorbit mission objective is to “Remove a single large ESA-owned Space Debris
from the LEO protected zone”. The role of Aviospace in the project is the design of a
tethered-net capture mechanism.
Project: Activ-jet
The project allowed Aviospace to develop a full process of materials functionalization by
means of ink-jet printing, including: 1) Case-by-case nanoparticle-based ink design and
formulation (e.g. both conductive and dielectric inks). 2) Printed pattern optimization
and printing process set-up. 3) Wide range of possible substrates (e.g. ceramic, metallic,
composites). 4) Post-printing thermal treatments. This technology involves the use
of a stable and repeatable process, which makes use of less galvanic treatment and
waste production. Moreover, mass savings and lower manufacturing costs, as well as
exploration challenges.
From its headquarter site in Turin, Aviotec combines its SME identity to a policy focused
on On-quality and On-time delivery attitude.
Through its “Design Authority” capability already implemented in several flying space
projects, Aviotec can support the Customer starting from Design up to integration on CORSO VIGEVANO, 46
the Spacecraft or Payload structure at Customer premises. TORINO TO 10155
Aviotec is a Customer satisfaction oriented Company: our goal is to be considered not RICCARDO BARRESI
only a Supplier but a Customer Partner.
Aviotec QMS is certified EN9100, ISO9001.
+39011 0437091
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
Aviotec is specialized in the design, manufacturing, integration and test of MLI,
thermal control hardware and electrical harness for spacecraft, defense, and cryogenic
applications. Aviotec effort is focused on technological innovations to offer high
reliability and cutting edge technology products.
Thermal Control S/S
• Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) Blankets
• Second Surface Mirror (SSM)
• Tapes
• Heaters
• Thermistors
• Thermo-couple
• Thermal Fillers
• Thermal Washers
• Cryogenic and TVAC Insulation blankets / tapes
Electrical Harness S/S
• Power, signal cables according to ESA standards
◦ ECSS-Q-ST-70-26C
◦ ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C
• RF cables
• Continuity and High Voltage electrical test up 7.000 points
• Cryogenic and TVAC vacuum compatible EGSE harness
Starting from raw materials, all the Hardware is accepted, manufactured, inspected and
tested in Aviotec ISO Class 8 (100.000) Clean Room.
Committed to pursuing business models that are profitable, friendly for the environment,
and socially beneficial, D-Orbit is the first certified B-Corp space company in the world.
Headquartered in Como, Italy, D-Orbit has subsidiaries in Lisbon, Portugal, Harwell, UK,
and Washington DC, USA.
Viale Risorgimento, 57
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Fino Mornasco CO 22073
The company’s competitive advantage is the versatility of its launch and deployment STEFANO ANTONETTI
services that can be tailored to the customer’s needs, from the launch procurement of a HEAD OF SALES -
single spacecraft using standard deployment strategies to the precise deployment of a INSTITUTIONAL BUSINESS
full constellation with ION Satellite Carrier, a satellite dispenser developed and operated
by D-Orbit.
+3902 3792 0900
ION Satellite Carrier can host any combination of CubeSats with a total volume of up
to 48U and release them individually into distinct orbital slots, enabling deployment
schemes previously unavailable to spacecraft with no independent propulsion.
D-Orbit also offers launches services through its proprietary standard CubeSat
deployers, and a configurable and convinient mission control software (Aurora).
Design tools include 3D CAD drafting and modelling software, structural, thermal and
fluidic analysis as well as fracture control analysis software.
DTM facilities include grey areas for integration of small equipments, ISO6 clean room
(ISO5 ready), tools and test equipments for manufacturing and testing of composite
parts (autoclave), three thermal vacuum thermal chambers with temperature ranges
Via Tacito, 65
from cryogenic up to 200°C and above, static and fatigue test jigs, shaker and many
acquisition systems. Modena MO 41123
DTM head office and laboratory is located in Modena (1100 m2). A second laboratory /
Davide Santachiara
integration area is located in Bastiglia (Modena) and provides 500 m2 area (including CEO
an ISO 8 clean room) for integration and testing of large equipments like mechanical
ground support equipments and other large structures and testing facilities (20 tons +39 059847337
DTM quality management system is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and EN-
9100:2016. Main customers in the space field are ESA, ASI, Airbus, Thales Alenia Space
and Leonardo. DTM is also involved in activities in industrial fields like marine, automotive
and biomedical sectors.
Due2lab was founded in January 2014 by a research group with years of experience
in the field of ionizing radiation detection working at the Institute of Materials for
Electronics and Magnetism (IMEM-CNR) in Parma. In 2015 the company changed its
shareholder structure turning to only two majority ownership associates and moved
the headquarter in Scandiano (Reggio Emilia). Since then, Due2lab has become one of
the few European companies providing state-of-the-art CZT radiation detectors on the Via Paolo Borsellino, 2
national and international market. Scandiano RE 42019
CZT technology is based on a direct conversion semiconductor material whose use has Nicola Zambelli
incredibly spread in the last 10 years thanks to a great improvement in the growth yield CEO
and quality of CZT raw crystals, and its associated cost reduction. Due2lab team masters
the whole value chain of CZT technology, from sensor processing of CZT raw crystals to
assembly of the electronic chain for precise signal read-out and final digitalized signal
+390522 1607010
Nowadays Due2lab portfolio includes products and services for manifold applications.
Due2lab is involved as technology supplier of radiation detection solutions for pioneering
research projects in the field of Astrophysics (observation of X- and gamma-rays coming
from universe and their polarization) and Medical Imaging and Therapy (prototype
for prompt gammas real-time dosimetry during cancer neutron-capture treatment).
Besides the participation to these projects at the forefront of innovation, Due2lab is
key technology provider for several industrial partners interested in innovative solutions
for in-line smart production control and zero-defect manufacturing: Due2lab mission is
to drive non-destructive inspection system into the hyperspectral X-ray world. Indeed
in the years prior to Due2lab creation, several demands for radiation sensors from the
industrial sector came to IMEM institute: this kind of demands were better suited for a
company than a for a research institution, and this was one of the main driving forces
that led to Due2lab foundation.
Thanks to the synergy with IMEM-CNR Institute (Parma) and the know-how of its
highly skilled team, Due2lab aims to become, in the coming years, one of the global
reference points for the creation of highly innovative detectors and systems based on
CZT technology.
The company deals with the complete manufacturing process, starting from draft
and implementation of qualification plan, to final control of the parts and the related
technical documentation.
Thanks to the competences in the special processes of welding and heat treatment,
the availability of qualified personnel and cutting-edge systems, Ecor International
Via Friuli, 11
guarantees manufacturing high quality standards.
Schio Vicenza 36015
The conventional dimensional controls are integrated by:
Rinaldo Rigon
• Non-destructive testing
Key Account Manager -
• Leak/Proof/Leak - L/P/L at high pressure with helium leak detector Aerospace
The production site is equipped with a Cleanroom ISO 7 operational, a clean environment
where welding and system integration are performed, aiming at not compromising the
+390445 576063
cleaning level of the components. The cleaning process in compliance with cleanliness
standards and related verifications are managed in-house.
Furthermore, for the Space industry, the company performs heat treatments and high-
vacuum outgassing on critical items such as protective screens, components and sub-
systems of orbiting satellites to streamline and improve material performance.
The core of EICAS scientific background concerns dynamic system modelling, simulation
and control, signal theory and applied mathematics.
The main activity areas include
• Space: EICAS has been working on autonomous spacecraft attitude determination
from star measurement for years, in collaboration with the major players of the Via Vincenzo Vela, n.27
industry. In the most recent years the company has finalized a new concept of Torino TO 10128
multicamera system powerful and low cost, based on sophisticated in-flight auto-
calibration techniques both of the camera model and of the camera attitude related
Gabriella Caporaletti
to the spacecraft reference system. The first proprietary multicamera star tracking CEO
system is now under development, named ARGO. The company skills include
capabilities in control design and data fusion techniques, FDIR and dependability, +390115623798
signals and images elaboration.
• Industrial automation: automatic digital control design, discrete manufacturing
automation, handling of flexible materials, development of software tools for
automatic control design and rapid control prototyping, development of sophisticated
techniques for safety, human-robot collaboration.
• Automotive: vehicle precise positioning and control, proprietary software tools
for vehicle dynamic, fault injection simulation, vehicle automatic control and fault
tolerance algorithm testing.
EICAS has mainly worked on advanced, long term innovation projects for and/or in co-
operation with industrial companies (LEs & SMEs), research institutes and Universities,
having also a strong reputation as a partner and coordinator of European R&D projects.
The core of Company’s experience is the capability to manage large and complex projects,
developed in the course of a multi-decennial working history with the most important
customers, suppliers, scientific institutions, and industrial groups of the word. Whether it
is space instrumentation, space facility, telescope, dome, or optical equipment, the goal
of the Company is to satisfy customer’s expectations. In this perspective, the business of
the Company is then summarized in three macro concepts: Management & Contracting, Via Torino, 151A
Engineering & Design, Production & Services. Mestre Venezia 30172
Thanks to its excellence, the Company responds to extreme project’s functionality, Mattia Scomparin
efficiency, maintenance and growing lifetime requirements well beyond the limits Chief Marketing Officer
imposed by the customer’s specifications. Assistant
At the base of EIE GROUP Srl success are a fluid organizational structure, a multi-skilled
personnel with solid engineering/technological/scientific know-how, a deep belief on
creativity and emotional intelligence to best serve customer demand. In this sense, the
Company promotes a constant growing of its innovation culture.
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
EIE GROUP Srl is an International Leader in the design and development of cutting-edge
solutions for high-impact technological projects. The Company promotes technology
and innovation through a unique series of products and services, capable of generating
value for its clients and partners. In this perspective, the Company uses exclusively high-
quality industry standards for the projects undertaken, ensuring their operativity in full
efficiency for several decades.
EIE GROUP Srl features an outstanding background in Management & Contracting,
Engineering & Design, and Production & Services for:
• The most sophisticated Ground Facilities for Space Missions Testing and Space
Situational Awareness Monitoring. Among all, the Mercury Sun Simulator, the ESA’s
VERT-X Facility, and the ESA’s NEOSTED Project;
• The most innovative Opto-Mechanical Systems for Solar System exploration and
Earth Observation. Among all, the patented HYPerspectral Stereo Observing System
• The largest ground telescopes and domes all over the world. Among all, the Very
Large Telescopes (VLTs), the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), the Atacama Large
Millimeter Array (ALMA), the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), and Vera Rubin
Observatory (LSST).
EIE GROUP Srl well knows that the development of space and astronomical technologies
represents a powerful engine for human, social, and economical heritage. For this reason
the Company offers the TBO Project, a suite of services to support the development of
international cooperative Astronomical & Space projects.
advanced tecniques Helium Leak Test and Acoustic Test with engineers certified at level
2 and Level 3 under ISO9712/2012 Standards.
We are involved in more European Founded projects (FP7 and Horizon 2020)
particularly dedicated to Structural Health Monitoring in Aerospace (like Comphealth: ) and nuclear fields.
Via S. Francesco 323
Brugherio MB 20861
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies E.T.S. Sistemi Industriali Srl
Structural Heath Monitoring - Acoustic Emission Test - Permeability Test - Helium Leak Alberto Monici
Test - CleanRoom Maintenance and refurbishing - Special facilities for cleanroom Amministratore Unico
process (Vacuum, special gases, chemical), antivibrational frames. Prototyping.
+39039 877790
Immediately after its foundation GEO-K was incubated within ESA-ESRIN where new
technology, based on artificial neural networks for the processing of satellite data, was
further developed.
In 2007, GEO-K was awarded the ISO 9001:2008 certification for “Design and
development of satellite data processing components for GeoInformation production.
Via del Politecnico, 1
Over the last few years Roma RM 00133
GEO-K has been involved in contracts with national (ISPRA, ASI) and international (ESA) Fabio Del Frate
institutions for the exploitation of EO data. Furthermore, in the ESA Fuegosat Synthesis
+3906 72597734
study, GEO-K has contributed, together with the University of Valencia, to defining a new
TIR space-mission. The company has also acquired experience in providing educational
sessions in EO, mainly addressing companies or technical groups.
Often GEO-K exports its technology and know -how to other fields of engineering not
strictly related to EO. In the past, consultancy has been provided for Automatic Incident
Detection problems, Solar Energy Devices and Electromagnetic Pollution analysis.
Complex Modeling & Simulation Scenarios,
Space Surveillance & Tracking and Space Situational Awareness Systems,
Missile Defense Network Analysis Systems,
Satellite Remote Sensing Products and Services,
Via Stefano Longanesi, 14
UAVs Surveillance & Monitoring Solutions,
Roma RM 00146
Model Based System Engineering Solutions,
Filippo Gemma
Offering Products, Services, Training, and Know-how transfer, to develop Integrated and
Customized Information Systems, and customers’ tailored ICT applications and related
+3906 4555 2502
GMSPAZIO operates in EU Countries and overseas markets delivering integrated solutions
to the main actors of the aforementioned market segments, serving International and
National Space Agencies, Ministries of Defense, Prime Contractors, Subcontractors, and
Research Entities with state-of-the-art products and solutions used to produce high
quality results saving time, money and resources.
GMSPAZIO is an EU SME hi-tech company based in Rome, made mainly of brilliant
young engineers operating in the fields of Aerospace, Defense and Homeland Security
to help customers managing:
Complex Modeling & Simulation Scenarios,
Space Surveillance & Tracking and Space Situational Awareness Systems,
Missile Defense Network Analysis Systems,
Satellite Remote Sensing Products and Services,
UAVs Surveillance & Monitoring Solutions,
Model Based System Engineering Solutions,
Offering Products, Services, Training, and Know-how transfer, to develop Integrated and
Customized Information Systems, and customers’ tailored ICT applications and related
GMSPAZIO operates in EU Countries and overseas markets delivering integrated solutions
to the main actors of the aforementioned market segments, serving International and
National Space Agencies, Ministries of Defense, Prime Contractors, Subcontractors, and
Research Entities with state-of-the-art products and solutions used to produce high
quality results saving time, money and resources.
On-board units for space commercial, scientific and defense applications.
• Parts Engineering: Characterisation and Testing of EEE (Electrical, Electronic, Electro-
Mechanical) parts.
• IoT solutions: Development of Iot Solutions for Smart Cities, Environmental Monitoring
and Agriculture. Via Carlo Bartolomeo Piazza,
30 Roma RM 00161
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Massimo Perelli
• ERMES Cubesat 3u
+39 06644292634
• HORTA Cubesat 6u
• NADIR Nanosatellite
• EOSS Cubesat 6u
• Nanosat X-Band Transponder
• Cubesat/Microsatellite C-Band Transceiver
• IMT uSADA (Solar Array Drive Assembly) for Cubesats 3/6/12u
• KA-Band Transmitter
• S-Band Transceiver for Small Satellites
• Cubesat OBDH (On-board data handling)
• DPA (Desctructive Physical Analysis)
• Failure Analysis
• Construction Analysis
• Re-Life Test
• Environmental Testing
• Upscreening
• Radiation Testing (TID, SEE, Displacement)
ISSEL NORD’s Engineering department is specialized in Integrated Logistics Support
(ILS) analysis, which consists in collecting, analysing and processing all the information
related to the life cycle of any complex system, in order to increase the predictability
of the deterioration times of each individual component and optimize maintenance and
replacement procedures to ensure maximum safety and efficiency.
Via Trieste, 4
ISSEL NORD’s Information Technology department develops and produces powerful
management software and multimedia solutions, using the most advanced technologies Follo La Spezia 19020
available on the market. Our flagship product, SIMPLICIO NXT, can integrate the ASD/ Guido Bancallari
AIA S-Series and the ADL SCORM® specifications in a single common source database, Commercial Director
and it is already widely deployed in a number of national and international projects both
in the military and civil sector.
+390187 941414
ISSEL NORD’s Translation & Interpreting Department can rely on a worldwide network
of over 1,000 qualified translators, reviewers and DTP experts, as well as a suite of
innovative translation management software, such as CAT tools and translation memory/
terminology software.
ISSEL NORD currently has more than 180 employees. Our staff guarantees professional
and high quality services.
Thanks to our fully-equipped warehouse, located close to Fincantieri‘s Shipyard in La
Spezia, our company can handle a great number of goods, and ensure the right spare
parts are delivered in the right place at the right time. Each year we manage more than
125,000 parts for a variety of naval vessels.
ISSEL NORD production processes – including software design – are certified to:
• UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
• EN 9100:2018
ISSEL NORD language services are certified to:
• EN ISO 17100:2017 (Translations)
• UNI 10574:2007 (Interpreting)
ItalConsul offers Logistics Engineering services providing its customers with continuous
support in the various phases of the product life cycle: definition of requirements,
design, implementation and technical assistance.
Decades of experience gained in RAMS Analysis led ItalConsul to develop its ability to
Design in the fields of Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics Engineering (Machinery and
Via Frangipane 24
Equipment), Software and Assessments.
Roma RM 184
Moreover, ItalConsul extended over time its skills to simulations by software, such as
Finite Element Analysis, Multi-domain and circuit simulations, too. The work-areas of
Anna Paggi
ItalConsul concern Aerospace, Naval, Railway, Defence, Power Plants and manufacturing. Chief Executive
ItalConsul employs Human Resources with long experience, gained over decades.
They work in symbiosis with young talents, supported and trained constantly to highly +39066791818
advanced projects.
Then ItalConsul is engaged in Research & Development activities. Among its results it
includes three patents, seventy scientific publications (also in prestigious journals) and
the realization of RelySoft®.
RelySoft® is a software that automates a methodology conceived to calculated the
probability involved in the Physics of Failure (PoF) approach. It can be used for Reliability
Prediction in order to overcome the limitations of the traditional reliability prediction
methods (like MIL-217 or NPRD approach) but not only for this. Italconsul has been using
Relysoft® for more than 20 years for railway and aerospace applications.
platforms in the field of e-health, telemedicine, e-government, Earth Observation, GIS
and navigation systems.
Kell constantly invests in R&D to pursue its vision: “facilitate the day-by-day life through
ICT, make it easy, usable”. This is pursued by means a continuous innovation process, a
strong investment in human resources and collaborations with Scientific organisations
Piazza Cavour, 17
as Universities, public and private Research centres.
Roma RM 193
The team is formed by young researchers and technicians, with strong and focused
skills on ICT solutions, informatics, software engineers, electronic engineers,
Cesare Aragno
physicists, engineers, electronic, oceanographers, economist who form dynamic Technical Director
and multidisciplinary group engaged in R&D and services activities performed for
international and national Public Bodies and private organizations. The team is formed +3906 36004916
by a fixed group of managers, researchers and technicians and a broader network of
professionals with multidisciplinary skills.
Kell has been involved in EU / national funded trans-national programs as prime
contractor, lead partner and partner. Kell has also been prime contractor of the European
Space Agency (ARTES Programme) and Italian Space Agency projects to develop new
SatCom services for e-Health (KosmoMed, TeleSal, NESA, etc.).
Kell internal organization aims to satisfy its customers in respect of its quality system
and certified procedure (ACCREDIA and KIWA).
• UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 for the sector EA 33: “Design, development, implementation,
technical installation of SW platforms and systems for tele-medicine, Earth
Observation and navigation for telecommunications”;
• UNI EN ISO 13485:2016 for the “design and development, implementation, technical
installation and assistance of SW medical platforms and systems for the tele-
Main technologies and skills are:
• Information Technology: web platform and mobile solutions for e-Health applications;
• Earth Observation: Kell designs and develops software systems for telemetry
processing and production and processing of remote sensing images, optical and
SAR, archiving and distribution of data and quality control fusion and geo-location
for smart agriculture, water and land management;
• Navigation
characterization of related materials, from the stereo-microscope to the 200-ton
traction machine.
The real added value of the service offered lies in decades of experience and in the
acquired professionalism that allows us to offer customized technology solutions based
on customer needs and turnkey laboratories for the solution of any problem relating to
Corso Orbassano 402/18
the control of materials in the entry, to control production and generally improve quality.
Torino TO 10137
Labormet Due guarantees for all the equipment supplied: installation and training of
personnel, after-sales assistance, requalification, and certification.
Riccardo Girelli
At the same time, Labormet Due has its metrology and industrial computed tomography
Reverse engineering, evaluation of the porosity, internal control of the defects are just +39 011 740905
some examples of what the tomographic technique can offer.
Typically the purchase of this instrument scares users for its costs and the management
and logistical costs that it entails, the offer of the service quantifiable in “projects” or
overtime represents an ideal solution both for customers who have continuous requests
for analysis and sporadic customers.
In this field, the company has been able to work for various leading companies in the
space sector, which more and more often require advanced control techniques to
guarantee the highest quality in products of high technology, innovation, and economic
value, for example, components additively manufactured.
products and services of remote sensing for continuous monitoring of the Earth’s soil and
sea. These activities are aimed at protecting environment and climate, citizens security,
urban planning, development of energetic and electrical infrastructure, prevention of
human and natural risks and, more generally, updating and control of the elements of
main interest to constantly increase the knowledge of territorial changes.
C.da Piano Cappelle, 129
MapSAT targets both public and private clients, with the aim of creating technology
platforms dynamic and flexible, able to satisfy both of these stakeholders, working on (area MUSA) Benevento BN
customizing the hardware and software solutions based on the same technology. 82100
MapSAT is developing a solid platform of business based on MARSec (Mediterranean +390824 52422
Agency for Remote Sensing and Environmental Control) previous existing know how
and technologies, along with a new push to develop new Earth Observation products
and services for civilian and military market. Moreover, MapSAT will spend many energies
to start and strengthening its relationships with the European Space Agency, United
Nations, European Agencies (Frontex, JRC, EMSA, UNOSAT, ..) governmental bodies
of competence of the Mediterranean countries (North Africa and Eastern Europe)
interested in services of remote sensing for their territory.
Company location in Campania Region provides the strategic coverage of an important
geopolitics area: Europe, Mediterranean Sea and North Africa.
The GS is equipped with two antennas that have been provided from Sea Space
Corporation (USA). The largest antenna (X band) is based on a structure of several
meters in height.
Since 2004, the MARSec Ground Station has been acquiring data from Aqua and Terra
NASA satellites equipped with MODIS sensor. This experience has given the opportunity
of configure and adapt the systems to acquire EROS-A starting from August 2005,
RadarSat-1 from 2006 and EROS-B since 2009.
The X-band Antenna System is SeaSpace TeraScan 4.4m, three axes X-Band Polar
Satellite Tracking Antenna. The Antenna is connected to the Equipment Racks located
in Equipment Room.
The distance is about 146 meters therefore the tracking/carrier frequency is down-
converted to 720 MHz. The antenna is configured to acquire EROS-B, EROS-A, Terra
and Aqua missions.
formed Optics™ process suitable for high volume applications.
We work with leading industrial and Agency partners including Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
(ASI), the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA.
For more than a quarter century, Media Lario has been providing the technology to take
some of the most significant and beautiful Images of the Universe ever seen. This work Via al Pascolo
has contributed greatly to scientific research and understanding of the world in which Bosisio Parini LC 23842
we live.
Giovanni Bianucci
Media Lario optics have been utilized in space borne programs since company founding
VP, Sales and Marketing
for large scale missions like Beppo-SAX, XMM-Newton, SWIFT, ROSETTA, eROSITA,
CHEOPS, METOP. giovanni.bianucci@
Ongoing programs include ATHENA, Einstein Probe, ASTHROS, FLEX, PLATO, ARIEL.
+39347 9734011
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
Suitable for high volume – 1-day manufacturing time for optics
Scalable production – Production capacity for 100’s telescopes / month
High replicability – Process uses a mould, no grinding or polishing
High Precision Glass Mirrors, Lenses and Metallic Mirrors
Shape accuracy ≤ 20 nm – Aspheric, off-axis, freeform designs for UV, VIS, IR
Size up to 1.2 m or larger – Including Glass, Quartz, Zerodur, Alum substrates
Optical assemblies for inter-satellite and ground communication
Suitable for small satellite constellations.
Utilizing patented high-volume, low-cost manufacturing processes
Hyperspectral EO Payload for Small Satellite – 9+ bands, 2.7 m res PAN, 5 m res RGB
Custom high-performance optical systems with <1 m GSD for small satellites
Optical assemblies utilizing patented electroforming technology
Large range of coating materials and complex shapes
High Precision Curved Mirrored Panels
Laminated structures made of Ni or glass skins glued to Alum honeycomb (≤ 15 kg/m2)
Shape accuracy ≤ 10 µm – Spherical, aspheric, off-axis designs. Life tested to 20 years
algorithms for sensor fusion allows NT to develop modular and customized solutions in
a very short time with an agile process.
Thanks to the solid technical background NT team is able to fulfill all the customer’s
requirement specifications in a wide variety of projects worldwide and ensures the early
adoption of the latest methods, concepts, and technologies.
Via Betti 27/29
ELMAS CA 09067
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Pietro Andronico
NT Application Domains CEO
Aerospace pietro.andronico@
• Specialized engineering support
• SST/SSA and Orbit Propagation
• Mission Data Analysis, Test & Evaluation
• Autonomous navigation of Swarm of Drones
• Remote Sensing Data Exploitation
Instrumented Test Range
• Specialized engineering support
• Real-Time Command & Control
• Electro-Optical Tracking Systems
• Automatic Target Identification and Tracking
NT brand new products
NAIS, Nurjana Artificial Intelligence for Swarm of Drones: a machine learning environment
for a swarm of drones designed for training algorithms.
NEWMOS, Nurjana Earth Wildfire Monitoring and Observation System: a software
system for planning tactical strategic interventions aimed at both the prevention and
management of forest fires as well as the post-fire recovery activities.
Its unique position in the reference market is due to its specialistic in-house expertise and
advanced skillset for the development, implementation and commissioning of complex
opto-mechanical engineering projects in the aerospace field for scientific, research or
defense-related purposes.
From specifications drafting to final acceptance tests, OS guarantees maximum
Via della Tecnica, 87/89
efficiency of the supply chain and high risk management facilities.
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Gino Bucciol
New Space economy (Earth Observation, Laser Communications, Space Situational
Awareness), Scientific Research, Defense are OS main fields of application. +39 0445370540
Officina Stellare products are known for their highly advanced technology and
competitiveness. Time-to-market, versatility, results achieved, and the in-house control
over most of the value chain make OS uniquely positioned within the reference market..
our high standards solutions, and represents for our Customers the correct answer for
each problem who tumble in Optec’s action area.
Studies carried out inside Optec, are present in several technical publications; inside
“Collana di Ottica e Fotonica”, a technical Italian publication which contains different
and interesting articles, Optec has given a contribute with the 4th volume “Elements
Via Mantegna, 34
of Optical design”, written by our professionals engaging in private Industry and in
research area. Parabiago Milano 20015
Since its start up in 1985, Optec is more than a manufacturer. It is a service organization
Giuseppe Cilia
with a proven record of successful performance. President
Optec is always driven by its dedication to serving Customer needs and by its
commitment to producing quality products with high performance, with reference +39 0331021815
to optical sector. Optec’s standard and custom products are a result of experience in
imaging applications.
In the beginning, Optec provided only lenses, now we offer complete integrated systems.
By providing the complete system, Optec is able to optimize system performance
rather than just individual component performance. Optec has a great attention to
research field, which has conducted us to collaborate with a lot of important partners in
Aerospace and Imaging sectors Industry.
Optec has obtained the quality certificate ISO 9001:2015 by TÜV Italy certification
The Company designs new processes and solutions that simplify the use of geo-localized
We cover all phases of the geo-localized data life cycle, from the acquisition, storage,
management, analysis and sharing of information in order to produce and generate
Via Massaua, 12
We adopt the principles of Strategic Design to satisfy users’ needs with full respect for Bari 70132
economic, social and environmental sustainability and technological feasibility.
Daniela Drimaco
Our many application areas range from environmental and land monitoring to open-
Business Development
government and smart cities, including defence and security, as well as scientific
missions and planetary exploration. The main activity areas are: Specialist
• Satellite, aerial and drone data processing for cartography and geo-information SpaceStream SBU
• EO based solutions in the field of urban planning, civil protection and emergency +39080 96 44 200
response, tourism, renewable energy, fleet monitoring, coastal monitoring and
protection, defence, as well as in the markets of energy, transport and infrastructures;
• Design and development of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) INSPIRE compliant for
geospatial data archive, management and sharing;
• Design and development of real-time geo-location based solutions, through
positioning systems such as GPS/Gallileo/GNSS and indoor location systems;
• Development of software for on-board payload data processing and for ground
segment infrastructures for both EO and planetary missions
• Space Mission Analysis and Design (SMAD)
• Software for Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) and Satellite Telemetry
Planetek Italia is Hexagon Geospatial Platinum Partner in Italy providing software
solution for Earth Observation and Geospatial Data management. The Company is one
of the main Italian satellite data reseller and value added provider.
The Company responds to markets needs through its three Strategic Business Units:
• SBU SpaceStream designs and develops solutions to support the European
Institutions (EUMETSAT, ECMWF) and Space Agencies (ESA, ASI).
• SBU Government & Security offers solutions and services in the Public Administration
market at national and international levels and for the Defence, Educational and
scientific research markets in Italy. It provides geospatially powered solutions to the
agencies and European institutions such as EEA, EDA, EC, REA and JRC.
• SBU Business to Business offers solutions to companies operating in Oil & Gas,
Water, Renewable Energy, Transports and Infrastructures sectors. Its products range
from systems for business intelligence on geographic data to the creation of geo-
informative products and value-added data from Earth Observation.
These activities typically require bursts of intense engineering, development and
production works periods, however followed by long times of lack of further similar
Therefore, the solution was found by an agreement among some few SMEs to support
the creation of a company, dedicated to such special projects, having a flexible amount
VIA Monte Santo, 2
of resources to be deployed according to the actual workload.
Roma RM 00195
Each SME part of the Group provides specific technologies and industrial capabilities
contributing to special multidisciplinary projects through a mix of PSI Senior and Young
Armando Orlandi
specialist. President
The cooperation within PSI is open, so that other companies might enter within the PSI
cooperation agreement. +3906 3215001
This approach provides PSI to operate as the core of a Virtual Company of 20 Million-
euro turnover with more then 200 employees, still maintaining the size of a small fraction
of such a size.
In fact, the average number of PSI employees consists of less than 20 persons generating
a financial turnover of 3 Million Euros.
The company organization is based on four Directorates (Programs, Technical,
Commercial and Administrative) working under control of the company President.
A group of senior advisors provides support to the company activities, according to the
flexible assignment of resources planning together with strategic policies consultancy in
accordance with the multi-company agreement.
The combination of High Tech and Multidisciplinary approach demonstrated to be
successfully in the competitive environments participated by PSI with Italian and Foreign
Final Client with the following activities are undergoing:
TOMS – High Resolution Telescope for Microsatellites (Italian MoD program)
ESA Artes 5.1 ITT AO/1-8556/16/NL/CLP - Deployable Antenna Structures for Small
Satellites (ESA program)
ESA Artes 5.1 ITT AO/1-8218/16/NL/WE - Aeronautical antennas for dual-band including
L-band AMS(R)S and other existing aircraft applications (ESA program)
ESA AO/1-8433/15/NL/CBi - Participation of Poland in the ESA Small Launcher Initiative
(PPSLI) as PGZ subcontractor (ESA Program)
ESA Artes 5.1 ITT AO/1-8692/16/NL/CLP – Prototype for a Command and Control Data
Link for UAVs in the 5GHz Band (ESA Program)
ESA Artes 5.1 ITT ESA AO/1-8999/17/NL/WE – SMA Fast Locking Connector (ESA
The current legal status is: limited liability research & development organization.
RAME has applied for Italian Anagrafe Nazionale delle Ricerche (CAR code: 62214MIO)
obtaining 100% rank from Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca.
RAME has been approved for french Tax Credit (CIR) Accreditation from the French
Research Ministry.
Via C. F. Bellingeri, 14
Roma RM 00168
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies Stefano Perticaroli
RAME provides services and disposes of tehcnologies in ASIC, MW & RF circuits, FPGAs CEO
and EM-based sensor development application fields.
ASIC: RAME owns a portfolio of patented IPs in the following fields of application: • VCOs +390692919797
and PLLs • ADCs and DACs • RF receiver frontends (Attenuators, LNAs, Mixers) • RF
transceiver frontends (Variable Gain Amplifiers, Poly-phase Filters) • Linear regulators
(LDOs, Bandgaps) • Switching regulators (Buck and Buck-Boost converters) • Digital
controllers for Power Management Ics.
MW & RF: Ku and Ka frontends for RF radar signal conditiong.
FPGA: mixed-signal controller Ips, cross and auto correlations IP for realtime radar signal
conditioning, frame rate converters for realtime video applications (ARINC818 and other
EM-Based sensors: RAME owns patented technologies for sensing of gauging in
liquid with very low dielectric constant or determination of dielectric constant in finite
volumes, for sensing conductivity in nanostructured surfaces (e.g. photo-voltaic cells).
RAME is further developing proprietary technologies for sensing of the vascularization
of human skin.
In Italy, our core business sector is Space, and in particular the Earth observation (EO)
domain: we have been providing a wide range of services to the European Space
Agency (ESA), national space agencies, institutional governments and the European
Commission (EC) for the past 30 years.
Serco’s teams of engineers, technicians and operations specialists support a wide range
Via Sciadonna, 24-26
of space and ground activities: from data archiving and exploitation, data processing;
to systems design, operation and maintenance; data production quality control; and the Frascati Roma 00044
scientific and technical support for EO satellite data exploitation projects. Roberto Mulatti
In addition, as part of our user-facing functions, we provide specialised EO Helpdesk and General Manager
Service desk as well as 24/7 operations for critical services (e.g.: to manage incoming
requests for the International Charter for Disasters). +3906 983 54 400
Our employees also play an important role in supporting prestigious European
programmes, such as the EU Copernicus programme, where Serco Italia provides key
services for the Sentinels Core Ground Segment and Data Access and for the data
dissemination operations to final users.
Serco is also participating in a number of EC H2020 Calls, such as EOPEN (opEn
interOperable Platform for unified access and analysis of Earth observatioN data), which
aims to fuse Copernicus Sentinel data with heterogeneous big data sources, and MOSES
(Managing crOp water Saving with Enterprise Services), which proposes an integrated
and innovative water management solution.
The main fields of application are:
DEFENCE & AEROSPACE: Flight & Radar Simulators, On-Board Simulators, Avionic
Defense Systems; Operation Support Centers, Ground Station Control for UAV and
Aircraft Missions, Automation Test Bench.
ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING: Radio Emissions Monitoring System (HW and SW). Via Adriano Olivetti, 24/26
HOMELAND SECURITY: ELINT Satellite, COMINT, RADAR, Intelligence Command & Roma RM 00131
Control. Carlomagno Simotti
CIVIL APPLICATIONS: Inertial Location / GPS, Telemedicine, Precision Farming, Smart President
City, Cybersecurity.
Over its twenty years of activity, Sigma has signed agreements and partnerships with +3906 87725590
leading institutions and companies in the field of Aerospace and Defense such as
the Italian Air Force, Italian Navy, Finmeccanica and Selex ES and Selex Galileo (now
Leonardo), MBDA, ELT Elettronica, MES, Vitrociset, Alenia Aeronautica, Galileo Avionica,
Aermacchi, Agusta Westland, Sirti, Alitalia, EADS, Northrop Grumman Italy.
Sigma steadily collaborates in R&D projects with the Universities of Rome Sapienza, Tor Vergata
and Roma Tre, the University of L’Aquila and the CNR-IAC (National Research Institute).
Sigma Consulting processes are managed according to UNI EN ISO ISO 9001:2015
quality standards.
Sigma Consulting is located in Tecnopolo Tiburtino - the main technological district in
Rome, which hosts 130 companies mainly in Aerospace sector.
Sigma is the formal representative of ATEN IS Group, an Advanced Technology Network
established in 2013 with the aim of developing products and services in the Aerospace
and ICT sector. ATEN IS currently consists of more than 30 companies and has
established international partnerships with several countries to-date including Brazil,
Peru, Ecuador, Bulgaria, China.
than 1000 employees and production plants in Italy, USA and China.
SOMACIS is a worldwide supplier for HDI, rigid, rigid-flex and flex PCBs for time critical
NPIs as well as for mass production requirements.
Company profile
SpacEarth Technology is a spin-off of the the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e
Vulcanologia. We have a team of engineers, physicists and geologist with a long
involvement in research and business management
We design and develop applications, tools, software, hardware components and
products for Aerospace, Maritime and Environment sectors in cooperation with major
European and Italian industries, organizations, universities and research centres.
It has long standing experience in the use of GNSS receivers and algorithms development
for the monitoring, forecasting, mitigation and analysis of ionospheric disturbances and
Via di Vigna Murata, 605
their effect on high-accuracy positioning. SpacEarth Technology is the owner of the
international patent “Method for forecasting ionosphere total electron content and/or Roma RM 00143
scintillation parameters” (2015) able to feed mitigation algorithms aiming at improving +393396071094
the accuracy on real-time GNSS precise positioning techniques (RTK, NRTK, and PPP)
under harsh ionospheric conditions. This can contribute to improve the scenario for the
use of GNSS and SBAS (EGNOS) in several field of applications.
We also have remarkable experience in the use of optical and radar remote sensing and
geodetic methods for the monitoring and analysis of geological and geophysical hazards.
We provide advanced scientific products, as well as consultancy services, in these
subjects. We provide tailored services and information products for geomorphological,
structural and lithologic investigations, using optical and radar remote sensing data,
from satellite and airborne (manned and unmanned) platforms.
Spacearth Technology has recently completed a feasibility study funded by the European
Space Agency for an innovative service offering a very accurate positioning service for
the maritime market in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions.
We are also involved in the BELS+ project, funded by the European GNSS Agency under
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, which aims to develop GNSS markets for
EU companies and helps EU GNSS applications gain a foothold in Southeast Asia.
The company is involved in the mine seismology sector by performing the integration
of tomographic (Local Earthquake Tomography) and geodetic (GNSS and SAR) data
to obtain an all-embracing picture of the alteration of the state of the rock mass during
mining operations, useful to safety planning of mining activities. Here we received
funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) – Raw Materials
and have active contracts with major mining companies.
The SpaceDyS’s founder are eleven, the senior ones having a strong experience in the
space business and Celestial Mechanics, with many years of work on programmes with
space agencies such as ESA and NASA.
Starting from the experience gained by its associates, SpaceDyS is able to offer services
and develop software for many Space Applications :
Via Mario Giuntini, 63
Orbit Determination of Asteroids from optical observations, with impact monitoring Cascina PI 56023
functions for NEO
Marina Scatena
Orbit Determination of Satellites and Space Debris (LEO, MEO, GEO, GTO, HEO) from
optical and radar observations
Highly accurate Orbit Determination for interplanetary missions
+39 050 0984170
Radio Science experiments
Planning of satellite de-orbiting
Space mission
and Detailed Design Control attitude are believed of paramount importance by ST4I.
That is the main reason for the presence in the company of owners - individuals and
SMEs - exhibiting deep knowledge of the European Space’s Industry as well as excellent
technical background gained through the participation to the most important Space
R&D and Commercial European programs over last 40 years.ST4I is registered in ESA-
STAR. Via G. Peroni, 96
ST4I’s mission is to conceive and develop, in the field of satellite segment, products Roma RM 131
and related services based on added-value technologies, through applied research, Lino Gianfranco Russo Ruggerini
technology transfer and engineering activities. Such effort shall be addressed to on- General Director CTO
board satellite and on-ground at the level of component, equipment and sub-system
in the domain of Telecom, Navigation, Earth Observation and Science at all operating
bands and set of applications.
+39 39335387377|3387589272
The embedded SMEs presence in ST4I permits to autonomously manage the whole
set of the project development phases, being operational over the entire value chain,
from the initial offer preparation to the product manufacturing process and test passing
through all qualification processes. ST4I is therefore in the position to well manage
and address all the necessary competences in terms of state-of-art electrical design,
thermo-mechanical analysis, passive and active components and equipment, technology
assessment and future needs as well as devices integration and test.
In addition to the above, fruitful interaction between research and industry is considered
by us a must and therefore dedicated partnerships with Universities on specific R&D
subjects have been already setup, enlarging the technical base at the same time
providing short termopportunities for students and young engineers.
ST4I further goal isto create and consolidate the partnership with European SMEs and
Primes aimed at innovative design and enabling technologies development, also in view
of providing new services.
ST4I offices are placed in Rome Tiburtina - TECNOPOLO area.
scratch and provides complete space products up to TRL9, focusing on electrical and
chemical propulsion systems to cover different in-space applications as proximity
maneuvers, orbit raising, decommissioning, station keeping, relative satellite position
maintenance and chemical propulsion systems for launchers applications.
planning and simulation tools for space and space-driven applications, with particular
focus on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing services to improve the safety of
persons and goods.
Taitus applications are powered by in-house-built technology that makes extensive use
of modern 3D computer graphics, integrated with advanced user interfaces. All Taitus
via Frascati, 60
projects use the in-house developed components, GanttX and SatX, which greatly
reduces the development cycle times and provides an enormous library of complex and Monte Porzio Catone RM 78
continually-tested functionalities. Felipe Martin Crespo
The high quality of our products and services have let us become a key software and Managing Director
software services supplier for major European Space sector players
Since 2004 Taitus Software develops software applications, specialized libraries and +390681908004
development kits for the aerospace industry, using the latest programming techniques
of general purpose computing on GPUs to achieve breakthrough visualization, modelling
and simulation power, with exceptional improvement in execution speeds.
Our technology led us to focus on the remote sensing and Earth observation services,
and allowed us to reach a very good market penetration with proven technology used
by space agencies and key organizations (e.g. NASA, ESA, Airbus) in 25 countries.
Our commercial activities are currently structured around our SDK (GANTTX and
SATX) and around our multi-satellite swath planner SaVoir, a leader in the industry with
over 150 licenses sold worldwide. We also develop bespoke applications and provide
client support services. It has been precisely our success upon SaVoir that has made
us realise the strong business opportunity coming from facilitating our customers the
development of this type of applications for their specific needs.
Our own experience developing SaVoir has made our current basic libraries and services
ready to be seamlessly integrated in more complex and specific products and we are
taking this opportunity also to further transform our company from a bespoken software
development company to a software services oriented company, which will strongly
boost our revenues and maximise the return of our investment in space research and
innovation actions.
TSD technological strategy is based on:
1. Focus on small platform and real time application
2. Look for technological excellence and for primeship in small niches
3. Technological independance
Via Provinciale Pianura 2,
4. Build strong core competence
Zona Industriale int.23
5. Develop proprietary solutions
Pozzuoli NA 80078
6. Adopt simple and replicable architectures
Francesco Monti
7. Use of standard I/F
Sales and Programs Manager
8. Easy of customisation
• TSD operates on the following space market segments: +39081 5263475
◦ Institutional, in the frame of Agency (ESA, ASI) programs with direct contract
and/or under Prime contractors in the field of Microgravity, Technological
developments, Earth Observation, Exploration, Navigation
◦ Commercial, most in the field of Earth Observation, by providing Prime contractors
with general Avionics (OBDH, GN&C, PMS, TT&C, CDMU), Digital Video systems
and Optical payloads electronics
◦ R &D, by supporting research centers such as CIRA (Italian Center for Aerospace
research), INAF, CNR insitutes and universities mostly for electronic developments
in experimental/not recurrent applications
• TSD also operates in non space markets such as Aerospace and Military
Trans-Tech provides requested technologies, methodologies and know-how to industry
thanks to knowledge, experience and competence we’ve collected under a unique
This highly valuable service is achieved also thanks to our business model: Trans-Tech
embraces the Open-Enterprise concept, based on the synergic fusion of the best
Via Filippo Palizzi, 107
resources and capabilities coming from national and international companies linked
each other by proper MOUs or contractual arrangements. Napoli NA
Trans-Tech thus represents a singularity in the Italian engineering scenario: its mature
Giancarlo Pagliocca
and well developed experience together with the enlarged capabilities of our partners Administrator
make Trans-Tech the best support for the development of innovative projects that
requires integration of comprehensive and differentiated technical competencies. Trans- +393385832183
Tech provides to the customers a single expert interlocutor able to intercept their needs
and translate them into an efficient and effective answer, especially in a context of
international and multi-national programs and collaboration.
to design, manufacture, test and integrate not only solid / liquid fuel propulsion engines
for space and defense applications, but also a complete Launcher System, i.e. Vega and
its upcoming evolutions Vega C / Vega E AVIO is a public Company listed on the Milan
Stock Exchange since April 2017 (70% of free floating, 4% Management share), we are
more than 1000 people working in Italy, France and French Guiana, successfully running
propellant, filament-wound structures and stage integration plants as well as operating Via Ariana Km 5,2
the Vega launch pad at CSG, Kourou. Colleferro RM 00034
+39 06.97285201
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
Design, manufacturing, assembly and testing of Solid Rocket Motors (SRM) and their
different sub-assembly (Inert Motor Case, Thermal Protections, Loaded Motor Case,
• SRM P230
Solid Rocket Motors of about 240 tons of propellant and a Maximum Thrust of
about 7000 kN, used as first stage booster of Ariane 5 launcher.
• P80 1
Solid Rocket Motor of about 88 tons of propellant and a Maximum Thrust of about
3000 kN, used as first stage of Vega launcher.
• P120C 1
Solid Rocket Motor of about 140 tons of propellant and a Maximum Thrust of about
4300 kN, to be used as first stage of Vega C launcher and booster of Ariane 6
• Z40
Solid Rocket Motor of about 36 tons of propellant and a Maximum Thrust of about
1300 kN, to be used as second stage of Vega C launcher.
Design, manufacturing, integration and testing of Liquid Rocket Propulsive Systems
and their different sub-assembly:
• AVUM Liquid Propulsion System
Vega launcher fourth stage main propulsion system; NTO/UDMH bipropellant
pressure regulated system.
• Vulcain 1/2 and Vinci Turbo Pump Oxygene1
Liquid Oxygen Turbo Pumps for Vulcain 1/2 engines used for the first core stage of
Ariane 5 launcher. & VINCI used for Ariane 6 upper cryogenic stage.
• M10 Engine
Cryogenic LOX/LCH4 10-tons class liquid rocket engine that will be the upper stage
of the Vega E launcher. At the nominal point and steady-state M10 engine has to
provide 98 kN thrust, with propellants mixture ratio 3.4
• Satellites chemical liquid propulsion systems
MON3/MMH bipropellant regulated chemical propulsion systems of the
geostationary satellites Small GEO and EDRS-C.
Vega Launch Vehicle
Vega is a 4-stage Launch Vehicle. It is composed by:
• 1st stage: P80 SRM (88 tons)
Company profile
CESI is a world-leading technical consulting and engineering company in the field of
technology and innovation for the energy sector. With a legacy of more than 60 years
of experience, CESI operates in 40 countries and supports its global clients in meeting
the Energy Transition challenges. CESI also provides testing and certification services to
the power equipment industry, as well as civil and environmental engineering services.
CESI is a fully independent joint-stock company headquartered in Milan (Italy) and
with facilities in Berlin, Mannheim, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Washington DC, Knoxville, Rio de
Janeiro, Santiago de Chile and Bogota. CESI operates through three Divisions: Testing &
Certification (which includes the Solar Cells Facility), Consulting, Solutions and Services Via R. Rubattino, 54
and Engineering & Environment. Milano MI 20134
CESI has been involved since 30 years in the manufacturing of high efficiency space Marco Ficcadenti
solar cells based on III-V semiconductors for civil applications and it is one of the main Commercial Reference
international suppliers of space solar cells. CESI has strongly invested for decades in Contact for Solar Cells
developing its own proprietary technology going through all the roadmap steps from
single junction to multi-junctions, while being involved in the main space research and
development programs at EU and international level. +39 0221255183
The research activities of CESI have been performed through time thanks to relevant
internal investments and to the financial support of the Italian Space Agency and of the
European Space Agency.
CESI has cooperated in many significant projects for interplanetary missions ( Mercury, Mars
and Jupiter). The heritage of CESI includes more than 150,000 manufactured solar cells,
powering more than 70 civil satellites for Clients from over 25 different countries worldwide.
Solar cells are manufactured at our facility in Milan and can be provided either bare or
SCA (aka CIC) to serve the civil application markets with the best cost versus quality mix.
CESI is particularly proud of its distinctive positioning based on our attention and capability
to shape and fine tune our solar cells for the specific needs and applications of our customers.
Our standard triple junction space cells are state of the art 30% typical efficiency,
qualified for both LEO and GEO missions according to ECSS-E-ST20-08C standard. In
our continuous improvement effort, we are already investing with effective results into
four-junction cells towards space efficiencies beyond 35%.
The CESI Management System complains and has been certified to the international
Standards ISO-9001, BS-OHSAS-18001, ISO-14001. The Code of Ethics, adopted in 2002
was updated on 2009.
The task of the PCB Division is to enhance the specific competences of the three
factories in order to offer customers excellent results thanks to their synergies in terms
of technology, production and service.
The solution provider’s vocation coupled with the long-standing skills of Cistelaier,
Techci and EPN to support their partner since the early stage of a new project with
Via Gandhi, 1
codesign activities make Finmasi Group’s PCB Division an ideal partner for supplying
printed circuits boars of any typology and for any application. Modena MO 41122
Cistelaier S.p.A., established in 1998 merging the two industrial entities, Cistel S.r.l.,
Claudio Guerzoni
established in Genoa in 1976 and Laier S.r.l., established in Modena in 1986, manufactures General Manager
prototypes, small, medium and large series of a very wide range of printed circuit boards
(up to 40 layers): double-sided, multilayer, rigid-flex, HDI (multilayer as well as flex-rigid) +39 059269711
PCBs and boards realised with special materials.
Cistelaier S.p.A’s mission is to become the main benchmark in Europe for companies
seeking service, quality and know-how to make the PCB a strategic instrument for their
business. With more than 40 years’ experience, Cistelaier S.p.A. manufactured thousands
of PCBs for businesses active in the Aerospace & Defence, Space, Rail, Automotive and
Medical sectors. In order to continue to develop competences and know-how to meet
all different and increasing market demands, Cistelaier S.p.A. is constantly investing in
machineries, methods and research.
What makes Cistelaier S.p.A. a unique interlocutor is to be homologated for:
Aerospace & Defence sector: UNI EN 9100:2016
Automotive sector: IATF:2016
Medical devices: ISO 13485
Railway sector: ISO/TS 22163.
Products are manufactured according to the following standards and specific control
plans are agreed with customers when needed:
IPC-A-600, class 2, 3 or class 3DS(A)
IPC 6012 (Rigid), IPC 6013 (Rigid-Flex), IPC 6016 (HDI) and IPC 6018 (Microwave)
MIL-P-55110 (Rigid) and MIL-P-50884 (Rigid-Flex)
ESA-ECSS - Q ST 70 10C / 11C / 12C
ESA-ECSS - Q ST 70 60C
With its know-how and experience gained in more than 30 years of continuous operation
on the market, Exprivia has a team of experts specialized in various technologies and
domain areas. The Exprivia sites can be found at the different locations in Italy and
abroad (Europe, America and Asia).
Listed on the MTA STAR segment of the Borsa Italiana Stock Exchange (XPR) since
Via A. Olivetti, 11
2000, Exprivia works alongside its customers in the Banking&Finance, Telco&Media,
Energy&Utilities, Aerospace&Defence, Manufacturing&Distribution, Healthcare and Molfetta BA 70056
Public Sector. Roberto Maria Medri
Exprivia has established a quality system compliant to UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO Head of Defence &
13485, UNI CEI ISO/IEC 20000-1 and UNI CEI ISO/IEC 27001 standards. Aerospace Digital Factory
In December 2018, Advanced Computer Systems ACS S.r.l. became one of the Exprivia
Account and Digital Factory units. Delivering custom tailored solutions to aerospace +39080 3382070
and defence industry the unit will continue legacy of the ACS company as the Payload
Data Ground Segment specialist and innovative software and system designer. Thus, a
profound knowledge of and capabilities in handling different satellite data, metadata,
sensors, products, facilities interactions, associated services delivery is concentrated
today in the Exprivia Defense & Aerospace unit.
The unit offers integrated systems, software, services and consultancy in:
Earth Observation Satellites Payload Data Ground Segments
Environment monitoring Applications development
Advanced & Immersive data visualization
We develop ground segments, subsystems and components for satellite data acquisition,
dissemination, processing. Almost 40-year long record testifies to profound knowledge
of and capabilities in handling different satellite data, metadata, sensors, products,
facilities interactions, associated services delivery. Our cutting end technology solutions
are serving customers in thirty countries.
• More than 200,000 solar cells integrated on PVA and • High Power Laser TxA for atmospheric LIDAR
operating on orbit. • ALADIN on board ADM-Aeolus since 2018 and to be flown on
GROUND SEGMENT Earth-CARE, the two ESA “Earth Explorer” missions to the
study Earth atmosphere.
• Complete solution, from Master/Anchor Station to set of
Terminals both for Military and Civil Applications: • Laser High Power Transmitter (TxA), with an optical output
power of 120mJ @ 355 nm with very high frequency stability.
• Commercial and Military GEO Earth Terminals for telecom
and LEO Earth Station for Earth Observation systems. • ALADIN is the most powerful laser source ever built in the
Example: UV band.
Ground terminals and anchoring stations for SICRAL and SPACE COATINGS
Athena/FIDUS • Center of Excellence for Thin Film Coatings (optical and
• Satellite network Management Solution providing a functional) for space, aeronautics, defense and industrial
complete FCAPS model services applications.
GALILEO PRS • Coating systems: n.6 EB-PVD, n. 1 new Plasma and Ion
Assisted Deposition (PIAD), n.5 Sputtering, n.3 PE-CVD.
• Galileo PRS receivers: P3RS-2, the first operational
“unclassified when keyed”; PR2C (Prototipo Ricevitore • Testing: Spectrophotometers and Climatic chambers. Clean
Dual-Constellation), combining navigation data acquired room area class 1000 (class 100 in loading zones). 20k coated
from Galileo and GPS constellations surfaces per year, over 70 qualified optical coatings.
The quality of Sabelt products is the result of intensive Research and Development,
which allows to achieve the highest levels of performance and safety.
Sabelt yearly invests 8% of its resources in this department and is the only company
of its kind to have an internal dynamic test lab to perform ECE and FIA tests, verifying
strength and effectiveness of its products. Thanks to its long-lasting experience in
Via Guido Rossa 8/10/12
safety, it has been able to reduce the mass of the retaining systems for the space cargo
module up to 40% of its’ original weight (around 100 kg mass reduction achieved thanks Moncalieri Torino 10024
to high tech materials and new geometry design). It extended also the product portfolio Diego Cagna
for space with new fireproof EPP bag support used in the space cargo operations to Special Applications & OE
optimize load storage. Special Projects Manager
+39 0116477911
Products | Services | Applications |Technologies
Cygnus Cargo Modul retaining systems
Sabelt retain systems have been studied to improve the cygnus module maximum cargo
100kg mass reduction has been achieved thanks to high tech materials and new
geometry design.
New components make the on-orbit operation easier and quicker for full astronauts’
Volume reduction thanks to flexible webbing straps instead of metal structure.
Latest geometry development gave more storage flexibility in dimension and shape for
both bags and experiment.
Ultralight Aircraft Seat Belts
A three points seat belts designed for aircraft cockpit where the weight is the major
issue. Two inches webbing able to resist up to 26kN, hardware tested at 15kN and a
complete flight configuration for 700g only. All components are competition parts carry
over to guarantee the maximum safety level. Fully adjustable for shoulder straps and
lap belt, it is easy to fit and dress while the two inches webbing give the maximum
comfort on the body. These harnesses are produced mainly with polyester webbing to
achieve the common market positioning but Sabelt is the only company able to replicate
this geometries with different ultralight material (Zylon two inches webbing is 24g per
Cargo Modul Foam Support
Sabelt supplies cargo module foam supports used for building a regular floor to fit
bags and instruments. Foams are made by EPP material produced by mold with a
specific shape, rounded to match the module primary structure and flat to permit bags
The EPP material is flame retardant with good performance at compression, rigidity
and with good characteristics of thermal and acoustic isolation. They can be designed
in order to create space for additional bags, with holes to reach the primary structure.
It is also possible to co-mold fixing and create boxes and cover to protect the payload.