Personal Details
JEE (Main) Application 230310100684 Candidate Name PARTH RANJAN
Father Name DEVENDER KUMAR Mother Name SHALU
Gender Male Date of Birth 09-11-2004
Region From where Delhi (NCT) Category Schedule Caste (SC)
passed 12th
Rank Details
All India Rank (B.E/B. Tech) 57108
Choice Locking Details
Locking Status System Locked Locking IP
Locking Date & Time 26/06/2023 11:36:00 AM Locking Code CB7945C2A412D10B9A02ED16AC294CA2
Filled Choice(s)
Choice No Institute Name Program Name
1 Netaji Subhas University of Technology Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
(CSAI)(NSUT Main Campus - Dwarka)
2 Netaji Subhas University of Technology Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)(NSUT Main Campus -
3 Netaji Subhas University of Technology Information Technology (IT)(NSUT Main Campus - Dwarka)
4 Netaji Subhas University of Technology Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) (CSDS)(NSUT
Main Campus - Dwarka)
5 Netaji Subhas University of Technology Information Technology (Network and Information Security)
(ITNS)(NSUT Main Campus - Dwarka)
6 Delhi Technological University Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
7 Delhi Technological University Information Technology (IT)
8 Delhi Technological University Software Engineering (SE)
9 Delhi Technological University Mathematics and Computing (MCE)
10 Netaji Subhas University of Technology Mathematics and Computing (MAC)(NSUT Main Campus - Dwarka)
11 Netaji Subhas University of Technology Electronics and Communication Engineering (Internet of Things)
(EIOT)(NSUT Main Campus - Dwarka)
12 Netaji Subhas University of Technology Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)(NSUT Main
Campus - Dwarka)
13 Delhi Technological University Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
14 Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi Computer Science and Artifical Intelligence (CSAI)
15 Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
16 Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CSAM)
17 Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi Computer Science and Design (CSD)
18 Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi Computer Science and Social Sciences (CSSS)
19 Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi Computer Science and Bio Sciences (CSB)
20 Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
21 Netaji Subhas University of Technology Instrumentation and Control Engineering (ICE)(NSUT Main Campus -
22 Netaji Subhas University of Technology Mechanical Engineering (ME)(NSUT Main Campus - Dwarka)
23 Delhi Technological University Mechanical Engineering (ME)
24 Delhi Technological University Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Automotive
Engineering (MAM)
25 Netaji Subhas University of Technology Electrical Engineering (EE)(NSUT Main Campus - Dwarka)
26 Delhi Technological University Electrical Engineering (EE)
Candidate's Consent
I hereby agree to the following terms and conditions governing the admission process of JAC Delhi Counseling:
1. I have gone through and understood the process of online Counseling-2023 and read all the instructions and guidelines available on
https://jacdelhi.admissions.nic.in website..
2. I know that the personal information provided by me is genuine and authentic.
3. I am aware that certain participating Institutes have additional restrictions (with regard to admissions) on gender and minimum marks in qualifying exam
etc. I understand that if I fail to fulfil the conditions, my admission to that institute is liable to be cancelled for which I alone will be responsible.
4. In case of physically challenged candidates:
I have exercised my choices of branch depending upon the nature of my physical disability. My final admission is subject to the condition that the I am
capable of carrying out all activities related to theory and practical work as applicable to Engineering course without any special concessions and
Signature of Canddate
Name of Canddate: PARTH RANJAN
Locking Date & Time: 26/06/2023 11:36:00 AM