Jac Delhi

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Name of the University / Institute Programmes offered

Netaji Subhas University of Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) in:

Technology, Azad Hind Fauz Marg,
Sector-3, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 1. Bio-Technology (BT)
www.nsut.ac.in 2. Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
3. Computer Science and Engineering (Data
Science) (CSDS)
NSUT Main Campus 4. Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial
Azad Hind Fauz Marg, Sector-3, Intelligence) (CSAI)
Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 5. Electrical Engineering (EE)
6. Electronics and Communication Engineering
7. Electronics and Communication Engineering
(Internet of Things) (EIOT)
8. Information Technology (IT)
9. Information Technology (Network and
Information Security) (ITNS)
10. Instrumentation and Control Engineering (ICE)
11. Mathematics and Computing (MAC)
12. Mechanical Engineering (ME)

NSUT East Campus* 13. Computer Science and Engineering (Big Data
(formerly Ambedkar Institute of Analytics) (CSDA)*
Advanced Communication Technologies 14. Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of
and Research) Things) (CIOT)*
Geeta Colony, Delhi – 110031 15. Electronics and Communication Engineering
(Near Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya) (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

NSUT West Campus** 16. Civil Engineering (CE)**

(formerly Ch. Brahm Prakash 17. Geoinformatics (GI)**
Government Engineering College) 18. Mechanical Engineering (Electric Vehicles)
Jaffarpur, New Delhi – 110073 (MEEV)**
(Near RTRM Hospital) .
1. 1. Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.) 5 year course**

Delhi Technological University Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) in:

Shahbad Daulatpur, Main Bawana 1. Bio-Technology (BT)
Road, 2. Chemical Engineering (CHE)
New Delhi-110042 3. Civil Engineering (CE)
www.dtu.ac.in 4. Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
5. Electronics and Communication Engineering
6. Electrical Engineering (EE)
7. Environmental Engineering (ENE)
8. Engineering Physics (EP)
9. Information Technology (IT)
10. Mathematics and Computing (MCE)
11. Mechanical Engineering (ME)
12. Mechanical Engineering with Specialization in
Automotive Engineering (MAM)
13. Production and Industrial Engineering (PIE)
14. Software Engineering (SE)
Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech. 4 year course)
for Women in
Kashmere Gate, 1. Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
New Delhi-110006 2. Computer Science and Engineering – Artificial
www.igdtuw.ac.in Intelligence (CSE-AI)
(for female candidates only) 3. Electronics and Communication Engineering
4. Electronics and Communication Engineering –
Artificial Intelligence (ECE-AI)
5. Information Technology (IT)
6. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
7. Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MAE)
8. Six-Years Dual Degree: Bachelor of Mechanical
and Automation Engineering (B.Tech. - MAE) and
Mater of Business Administration (MBA) with Exit
Option after 4 years (DMAM)
1. Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.) 5 years course
Indraprastha Institute of Information Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) in:
Technology (IIIT) Delhi 1. Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase –III 2. Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
Near Govindpuri Metro Station (CSAM)
New Delhi-110020 3. Computer Science and Design (CSD)
www.iiitd.ac.in 4. Computer Science and Social Sciences (CSSS)
5. Computer Science and Biosciences (CSB)
6. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
7. Electronics and Communication Engineering
8. Electronics and VLSI Engineering (EVE)
Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) in:
University 1. Computer Science Engineering (CSE)*
Sector 9, Dwarka, 2. Computer Science Engineering (CSE)**
Delhi – 110077 3. Electronics & Communication Engineering
GB Pant DSEU Okhla I Campus*
(ECE) *
(Erstwhile GB Pant Govt. Engineering
4. Mechanical Engineering (ME) *
College), Okhla Phase III, Okhla
Industrial Area, New Delhi, Delhi - 5. Mechanical Engineering (ME) **
110020 6. Mechatronics Engineering (MCT) **
Email ID: director-GBPEC@dseu.ac.in
DSEU Okhla II Campus** Note: B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering students will
(Erstwhile Delhi Institute of Tool have an option to choose specialization in Automation
Engineering), Maa Anandmayi Marg Engineering (Okhla-I Campus) or Tool Engineering
(Near DJB Water Tank), Okhla Industrial (Okhla-II Campus) also.
Area Phase-II,
New Delhi - 110020
Email ID: director-DITE@dseu.ac.in

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