Komatsu Undercarriage

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Keep your machine on the right tracks

Undercarriage Systems

Dual bushing
Komatsu Undercarriage
Undercarriage specialist
Komatsu is a leading undercarriage manufacturer and
developer, committed to provide cost effective solu-

As an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), we

understand the importance of your undercarriage
investment, which can represent up to 50 percent of a
machine’s maintenance expenses.

Tailor-fitted to your Komatsu dozer or excavator – and

to your needs and expectations, our undercarriage
parts optimize the performance of Komatsu equip-
ment and reduce your operating costs.

Undercarriage Options
Greased Sealed Track (GST) Sealed And Lubricated Tracks (SALT)
– for excavators – for bulldozers
With a simple yet highly effective design, the Komatsu Komatsu SALT undercarriages feature lubricating oil
GST undercarriages use high performance grease to between pins and bushings, as well as unique high
lubricate pins and bushings, and reduce internal wear. performance seals that minimize the risk of link pitch
Their steel is optimally hardened during manufacturing, extension and maximize wear life. You can choose
to ensure a longer lifetime and maximum reliability. from a wide variety of SALT undercarriages tailored to
fit different applications.



All excavators 
D37  
D41  
D51   
D61   
D65   
D85 
D155 
D275  
D375  
D475  

PLUS (Parallel Link Undercarriage System)
Developed for mid-size bulldozers (D37, D51, D61, D65), the PLUS undercarriage is ideal for any application – no
matter the level of impact and abrasion. Its main feature is a unique rotating bushing that minimizes wear between
itself and the sprocket. All other PLUS components are different from those on a standard undercarriage, and
were redesigned to last up to twice as long.

Standard track PLUS

Rotating bushing
Fixed bushing




Bushing rotates around the pin. Less wear for bushings and sprockets – Longer track life.

Unique Komatsu-designed seals. Reduced risk of leakage – Lower service costs – Longer
undercarriage life.
Recessed sprocket segments, with a slot on their side Less material packing – Lower track tension and pressure
face for easier disposal of dirt and mud. on seals – Longer sprocket and track life.
Bigger and parallel links, with track shoes redesigned to fit Longer undercarriage life.
Wedge ring inserted between link and pin – Less press Easier replacement of accidentally damaged link assembly
fitting force needed for track assembly. parts – Lower service costs.
Track rollers with higher flanges. Improved track guidance and longer track roller life.

Carrier rollers with a bigger diameter and a deeper Longer life for carrier rollers.
hardened tread surface.
New track guard design. Better protection of the undercarriage.

Note: For the available retrofit conversion upgrade from standard undercarriage up to PLUS, the following parts must be replaced: track link assembly, shoes,
shoe bolts & nuts, sprocket segments, track rollers, carrier rollers and track guards (if equipped).

Rotating bushing

Long-life seals

Wedge ring Additional fixed



×1000 hrs




 * *

Low High * conventional undercarriage

A PLUS undercarriage is the ideal solution for any Field tests prove that a PLUS undercarriage lasts sig-
application. nificantly longer than a conventional undercarriage, no
matter the application.

Abrasion Resistant (AR) Track

The bushings of the Abrasion Resistant track (AR) are thoroughly heat treated. The track is available with heavy
duty or standard links, depending on the machine. Developed for mid-size Komatsu bulldozers (D41, D51, D61,
D65), AR is designed specifically for abrasive and low impact applications.


Bushings are heat treated and hardened. They are harder 50% longer life than a standard track in abrasive and low
and less flexible than standard bushings. impact conditions. *1
HD links are higher than standard. Pins and bushings are Longer link life and higher durability of the entire track
also bigger than standard ones. *2 chain.
Note *1: Results will vary depending on terrain type, weather, job application, operational and maintenance practices.
Note *2: HD links are available on D41 and D65 only.

Bushing cross section: The entire bushing

wall is hardened (from point A to B)

HD Abrasion Impact Resistant (HD-AIR) Track

The HD-AIR Track was developed by Komatsu for D65 bulldozers. It features AIR bushings that are more impact
resistant than on the standard track and more flexible than on the AR track, making the track suitable for both
abrasive and impact applications. It is also equipped with Heavy Duty links that are bigger and more durable than
standard ones.


Bushing’s outer diameter is more heat treated and Longer wear life than a standard bushing
hardened than a standard one.
Softer area between the bushing’s outer and inner AIR bushing is more flexible than the AR, and can be used
diameter, to retain bushing flexibility. on a much wider range of applications.
HD links are higher than standard. Pins and bushings are Longer link life and higher durability of the entire track
also bigger than standard ones. chain.

case depth case depth

AIR bushing cross section Standard bushing cross section

Dual Bushing Track
The Dual Bushing Track is a unique system with two bushings, an inner fixed bushing with an outer bushing that
rotates around it. Developed for Komatsu’s larger class bulldozers (D275, D375, D475), it is designed specifically
for abrasive and low impact applications.

Dual bushing track Standard track

Sprocket teeth Sprocket teeth
Double press fit Press fit

Inner bushing (fixed) Bushing (fixed)

Outer bushing (rotating)


Outer bushing rotates around the inner one, which is fixed 100% longer life than standard track in abrasive and low
around the pin. Exclusive sprocket segments are required impact conditions. *1
as the dual bushing is bigger than the standard one.
All track rollers must be single flange type to avoid Cost savings on track rollers, as single flange rollers are
interference between the inner flanges and bushings as less expensive than double flange rollers.
the wear of links and rollers advances.
Note *1: Results will vary depending on terrain type, weather, job application, operational and maintenance practices.

Komatsu Undercarriage Options
Special application undercarriages for bulldozers


D37EX/PX Parallel Link Undercarriage System (PLUS) Ideal for any application – whatever the level of
D51EX/PX impact and abrasion.

D41E/P Abrasion Resistant (AR) Track Abrasive or very abrasive, soft and low-impact
D51EX/PX applications.
D61EX/PX Examples: phosphate and sand mines.

D65EX/PX/WX Heavy-Duty Abrasion Impact Resistant (HD-AIR) Track All applications and conditions: standard or heavy-
duty, low or high impact, as well as abrasive ones.

D275A/AX Dual Bushing Track Abrasive or very abrasive, soft and low-impact
D375A applications.
D475A Examples: phosphate and sand mines.

Contact your Komatsu Distributor now, for expert advice on the best option available for your needs.

Komatsu Undercarriage
Choose the very best undercarriage for your needs

A complete range Superior seals

One size does not fit all. We offer a complete range Seals durability is a key to long components’ life.
of high-quality parts for your Komatsu bulldozers and Komatsu F5 seals are designed with a unique load
excavators, tailored to specific applications. ring shape that keeps high sealing longer.

Optimised heat treatment Lower operating costs

Thanks to our patented heat treatment process, our Komatsu genuine undercarriages offer outstanding
steel undercarriage components are optimally hard- quality, long lifetime, and parts tailor-made for your
ened to deliver the perfect balance between long application. This adds up to real cost savings, with
wear life and strong impact resistance. fewer work stoppages, and reduced labour costs.

Operational and Maintenance Tips
Maximize your undercarriage life and minimize your costs
Undercarriage wear is normal and unavoidable. However, a few simple tricks can help you manage it efficiently
and reduce your costs.

Operational tips Maintenance Tips

Select the right shoe for the job Maintain proper track tension
Choose the narrowest shoes possible that still Check track tension daily. A tight track increases load
provide proper floatation for your application. Wide and wear on the seals and all undercarriage com-
shoes on hard terrain will have a negative impact on ponents. A loose track can cause improper engage-
the undercarriage lifetime. ment between bushings and sprockets, and damage
track guidance components. Refer to the Operation &
Maintenance Manual of your Komatsu machine for
Minimize high speed travel details on maintaining proper track tension.
Avoid unnecessary high speed, to decrease avoidable
wear on all undercarriage components.
Keep it clean
Clean the undercarriage frequently. Accumulation of
Minimize reverse travel mud and debris increases track tension, does not al-
Limit unnecessary reversing and lower reverse speed, low rollers to turn properly, and increases fuel con-
to decrease avoidable load between bushings and sumption.
sprocket teeth, and faster and unnecessary wear.

Visual inspection
Avoid spinning the tracks Check daily for loose bolts and pins, leaking seals,
Spinning and slipping the tracks accelerates wear on bent or cracked shoes, and abnormal wear.
all undercarriage components, especially on grouser
Measure your undercarriage wear
Maximize the life of your components by measuring
Avoid favoring one side and monitoring wear at least twice a year. Ask your
When possible, use alternate direction steering and Komatsu Distributor for details.
try to work with both sides of the machine to limit
uneven wear of undercarriage components.

Keep your machine on the right tracks
Undercarriage Systems

Your Komatsu partner:

Komatsu Europe
International NV
Mechelsesteenweg 586
Tel. +32-2-255 24 11
Fax +32-2-252 19 81

FENS00910 07/2014 Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
is a trademark of Komatsu Ltd. Japan.

Printed in Europe – This specification sheet may contain attachments and optional equipment that are not available in your area.
Please consult your local Komatsu distributor for those items you may require. Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.

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