Blade Savant
Blade Savant
Blade Savant
A tough human wielding a greatsword dives into the melee. As a Blade Savant, you gain the following class features
One swing and a Kobold falls unconscious, and two flying
daggers strike down the goblins waiting in ambush. A rugged Hit Points
elf standing within a storm of blades sighs as the bandits fall, Hit Dice: 1d8 per Blade Savant level
almost too easily to her powers. Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
A lithe half-elf swings his twin blades, felling one of the Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
orcs, and spins, slaying another. modifier per Blade Savant level after 1st
The Blade Savant is a fighter, born for battle and made for
slaying. You can tap into arcane energies and commune with Proficiencies
the ambient spirits within blades, to learn their secrets and Armor: Light armor
feel the energies of others nearby. Weapons: Simple weapons and one martial weapon of
Creating a Blade Savant Tools: None
First, choose Strength or Dexterity as your highest stat, Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
depending on wether you want to focus on finesse weapons Skills: Choose three from Athletics, Acrobatics, Deception,
or not, then choose Constitution. Perception, Insight, Investigation, or Performance
For your background, pick the soldier background You are Equipment
a Blade Savant, a mystical fighter who is a cut above the rank You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
and file. What drove you to the intensive study required to equipment granted by your background:
learn the powers? What drives your fight? Were you a soldier
who was hand-picked for the path, or self-taught, learning in a (a) Choice martial weapon or (b) a shortsword
secret library somewhere? (a) Choice martial weapon or (b) a shortsword
(a) 2 daggers or (b) a shortbow
(a) Dungeoneer's Pack or (b) Explorer's Pack
leather armor
Blade Savant Archetypes Bladestorm
You are a warrior who stands alone in a storm of steel of your
Whirling Blade own creation, a master of the Weapon Float.
You hone your speed to become a blur of light, a flash of steel
to cut through any foe. Windswept Blade
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you may use
Whirlwind Weapon Float on 1 additional weapon with the Light Quality
When you choose this archetype at the 3rd level, you increase per blade savant level, and you may make Floated Weapon
your land speed by 5 feet. attacks with 2 floated weapons at a time.
Spinning Slash Maelstrom
At 7th level, when you hit a target with two different melee At 7th level, you may simultaneously make an attack with all
weapons on your turn, as a bonus action you may attack of your floated weapons at once. Once you use this feature,
another creature within 10 feet of you with the same you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it
weapons if you could attack this new target normally. Once again.
you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest
before you can use it again. Lift Creature
At 11th level, you may use Weapon Float on a creature,
Speeding Death counting it as 3 one-handed weapons (plus or minus 1 for
At 11th level, you deal an extra 2d4 weapon damage for 10 each size category above or below Medium, Tiny creatures
minutes. When this period ends, you gain one level of count as Light weapons and you may not lift Gargantuan
exhaustion and are incapacitated for 5 minutes. Once you use creatures), and lift it for a number of minutes equal to your
this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it Blade Savant level. If using the lifted creature as a weapon, it
again. deals 3d6 bludgeoning damage (plus or minus 1d6 for each
size category above or below Medium). If made of soft
Liquid Agility materials like fabric, use d4 instead of d6; if made of hard
At 15th level, increase your land speed by 5 feet. In addition, materials like metal, use d8 instead of d6. Once you use this
you cannot have your speed lowered unless you are feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it
restrained, and you ignore nonmagical difficult terrain. again.
Ravager Storm's Wrath
You are a terror to behold, a master of armour and heavy At 15th level, weapons lifted with Weapon Float can move up
blades, a master of strength. When you choose this archetype to 30 feet away from you, and you gain a fly speed equal to
at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in medium and heavy your land speed as long as you are floating at least one
armour, and martial weapons. weapon.
Power Smash
At 7th level, when you hit an enemy with a weapon that you
are holding with both hands, attacks made against that
enemy have advantage, and it has disadvantage on Strength
and Dexterity saves for a number of minutes equal to your
Strength modifier. Once you use this feature, you must finish
a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Forceful Slash
At 11th level, when you hit an enemy with a weapon that you
are holding with both hands, you can force the enemy to
make a Constitution saving throw with DC equal to the
damage you rolled. On a failed save, the creature falls
unconscious for a number of minutes equal to your Strength
modifier. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long
rest before you can use it again. This feature may only affect
creatures with fewer than 100 hit points remaining.
Solid Strength
At 15th level, wearing armour never reduces your movement
speed, all damage you deal that includes your Strength
modifier is increased by 1d4, and you are resistant to all non-
magical slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage as long
as you are wearing armour.