Sootwyn Barrow 01 - The Stain
Sootwyn Barrow 01 - The Stain
Sootwyn Barrow 01 - The Stain
WHAT IS SOOTWYN BARROW?.................................. 8
WHY GO TO SOOTWYN BARROW?.............................. 9
THE SOOTWYN STAIN............................................... 9
▸ Effects of the Stain...............................................11
▸ Living with the Curse........................................... 13
▸ GMing Cursed Adventures.................................... 13
▸ Those Unaffected by the Stain.............................. 14
THE UNSANGUINE GATE...........................................16
TWILIGHT BETHEL..................................................17
▸ Ser Denith of the Rainsbury Court........................ 18
▸ Fetch................................................................... 18
▸ The Champion’s Grotto......................................... 22
▸ Senza the Cutthroat............................................. 24
▸ Roleplaying the Beastmen.................................... 25
DEFEATING THE BEASTMEN.................................... 26
GMING THE CEMETERY............................................31
THE SKELETONS..................................................... 32
▸ Skeletons at Night............................................... 33
▸ Skeletons During the Day..................................... 34
▸ Varieties of Skeletons.......................................... 34
▸ Adeline............................................................... 35
▸ Temporary Undeath.............................................40
▸ The Birth of the Stain........................................... 41
▸ Ingrid’s Lair........................................................ 43
▸ Roleplaying Ingrid............................................... 43
DEFEATING THE NECROMANCER.............................. 45
▸ Revival Magic...................................................... 47
GMING THE TOMB...................................................51
OUTSIDE THE TOMB............................................... 52
▸ The Tomb’s Doors................................................ 52
▸ The Tomb’s Roof.................................................. 53
▸ Dyzek as an NPC.................................................. 54
▸ Vasile’s Cairn....................................................... 54
▸ Ferdin Tallyview.................................................. 55 3
INSIDE THE TOMB.................................................. 56
VASILE ALBESCU: THE FALSE VAMPIRE.................... 58
▸ The Venerated Pumice.........................................60
▸ Where is The Stone?............................................ 61
▸ Roleplaying Vasile............................................... 62
AFTERMATH........................................................... 64
Cursed to be Unsanguine
Lords of an Unholy Cemetery
A Stain on the Soil
Most travelers know to avoid Once a traveler enters the bar-
the town. Some know to avoid row, they receive the curse. It
it but choose to enter the ac- does not matter whether they
cursed deadlands nonetheless. open the gate or hop over its
Some are deposited outside iron bars. It does not matter if
the gates as punishment for they tunnel below or soar over
a crime. None who enter ever in an aerostat. Any sentient be-
leave. ing that makes their way across
There are many reasons to that threshold gains the mark.
avoid Sootwyn Barrow, but if The Sootwyn Stain appears
you want to motivate an ad- somewhere on the traveler’s
venture arc in the haunted flesh (or scales, exoskeleton,
town, consider consulting the etc.) and cannot be removed
Adventure Motivation table on by any means. If the traveler
the following page. attempts to carve it off their
Vasile has gathered quite a few luxuries.
His tomb was filled with fineries before
1 Treasure his death, including the Venerated
Pumice. He has also stolen countless
valuables from previous victims.
Misguided heroes are the lifeblood of Sootwyn Barrow. Time and
time again, virtuous champions have entered the unholy grounds
in an attempt to purge the evil within. Ser Denith (he/him) is one
such knight, a decorated hero of some far-off king, a king he will
tell travelers about in extensive detail.
Despite his training and multiple successful tours of duty on
16 behalf of the kingdom, Ser Denith is ill-prepared for the dangers
within Sootwyn Barrow. He wields a blessed greatsword (impo-
tent against endlessly regenerating villains) and is well stocked
with holy water (useless against the dark magicks of the Stain).
Unfortunately, Ser Denith failed to bring adequate resolve. Each
night, it’s a coin flip of whether he will even muster the strength
to exit the Twilight Bethel. The beastmen consider him a non-
threat and are disappointed by his weak attempts to fight back.
There isn’t much left of “Fetch” (she/her). She has minimal aware-
ness of her surroundings, few memories, and worryingly little
flesh. Her name isn’t even “Fetch”; that’s just what the beast-
men call her, as it’s the main word she says over and over. Fetch
has been in Sootwyn Barrow for a long time, but she has been
quite slow to deteriorate. She still makes her way into town each
night, usually slain quickly by a casual swipe of skeleton’s blade.
Though she is more-or-less nonverbal, she will make a point each
evening to gesture to the statues in the Twilight Bethel, pointing
out each of the Barrow Lords and saying their name reverently.
Who’s to say what she gains from this minor ritual.
It is entirely possible to run Sootyw Barrow adventures without
doling out additional hints about how the party can progress.
However, it is generally advisable to provide at least a few insights
about how the adventurers might escape from Sootwyn Barrow
and rid themselves of the Stain. Consider presenting one or more
of the hints below to provide some direction.
0 There is an inscription beneath each of the statues of the Twi-
light Bethel. Each explains the identities of the Barrow Lords,
extolling their virtues as dark masters in needlessly flowery
language. Though these plaques may overstate some qualities
of the Barrow Lords, they at least provide useful epithets: “the
sporting beastmen,” “the unlying necromancer,” and “the
dignified vampire king of the unsanguine.”
0 Adventurers might recall a nursery rhyme that they heard in
their youth: 17
Sootwyn Stain, ever will it drain
Wash away the evil of the vampire bane
Down below the tomb, in a moonlit room
A rock atop the water surely wipes away the doom
0 Past victims of the Stain have left behind hastily scrawled
notes from what they had learned about Ingrid: details about
her illusory lodger, her tempestuous relationship with Vasile,
and her surprisingly non-magical control over the barrow’s
skeletons. The beastmen have not yet learned to read and thus
don’t recognize the significance of these notes.
0 Though the Sootwyn Stain drains adventurers of their aware-
ness and mental fortitude, the curse also fundamentally
brings its victims closer to Vasile. The party may find that they
have visions of Vasile’s Tomb and its unholy contents. They
may have nightmares of the creation of the Stain or of the fail-
safes Vasile created for himself.
0 Malicious denizens of the barrow—serpents, minor devils,
lingering spirits, and the like—might betray the Barrow Lords
in a seemingly trivial way: spreading gossip. They may let slip
the name of the Venerated Pumice or perhaps nudge the party
to consider the fact that this town controlled by a vampire is bi-
sected by flowing water.
0 The crows are not truly genuinely to anyone. They can be
bribed, and they know much more than they let on. If the par-
ty can decipher their circuitous, riddle-laden corvine mono-
logues, they can glean quite a bit about Sootwyn Barrow.
Adventurers are likely to meet
their first Barrow Lords sooner
than they might expect. Beshik
(he/him) and Haun (he/him) are self-de-
scribed beastmen, creatures of incredi-
ble strength, neither human nor animal.
They do not remember their childhoods
or their parents, only that their earliest
memories were of hunting big game in
distant forests as a pair. Beshik and Haun
call themselves brothers, but who’s to
say? It is unclear whether they were tru-
ly “born,” or the twisted creations of a 19
long-dead sorcerer, or perhaps wicked
manifestations of the wilds.
Beshik and Haun are ruthless kill-
ers, exceptional trackers, and vora-
cious eaters. Each evening they set
out into the barrow to terrify anyone
bearing the Stain, killing them only
when there is no more fun in the chase. To
be clear: Beshik and Haun love to feast on
the flesh of their quarries—flesh which,
of course, regenerates at sunset—but they
get a far more primal pleasure from the
Though they were once their marks before the mid-
purely bestial, barely able to night hour.
speak, they have since adopt- Beshik and Haun love an
ed many of the affectations especially challenging hunt.
of their favorite former foes. On the rare occasion that an
Skilled knights, clever wizards, adventurer truly impress-
and dignified aristocrats alike es with their ability to evade
have provided the beastmen capture or fight back, Beshik
with challenging hunts. Now, and Haun will extend an offer:
Beshik and Haun don personae spend an hour drinking with
not dissimilar from those of them every other night. Ad-
past victims of the Stain. The venturers will wake up in the
beastmen speak articulately Twilight Bethel with a map, a
and walk through the barrow’s key, and an invitation.
alleyways with an air of swag-
ger and total command. THE CHAMPION’S
The beastmen have a role
to play in Sootwyn Barrow be-
yond just sating their urge to So long as Beshik and Haun
20 hunt and kill. Vasile and Ingrid have suitable drinking part-
have entrusted the duo with ners, they will delay their hunt
protecting them. Despite the by one hour on odd-numbered
power of the barrow’s magicks, days, choosing instead to re-
there is always the tiniest pos- lax in the musty cellar they
sibility that clever travelers call “the Champion’s Grotto.”
might escape the western vil- Should the adventurers accept
lage, charge through the cem- the invitation, they’ll be wel-
etery, descend into Vasile’s comed into the dank bar with
Tomb, and unmake the dark open arms. Beshik and Haun
majesty of the barrow. Beshik always hope to honor their
and Haun are thus the prima- most devious prey, not out of
ry defense against this threat. the goodness of their hearts,
While many more dangers but as encouragement. They
await adventurers who travel want competent adventur-
east out of the haunted vil- ers to keep trying, night after
lage, few ever make it that far. night, until, at last, they suc-
The beastmen rarely fail to kill cumb to the Stain.
The duo lies in wait atop one of the town’s
spires. When they spy the party, both
Leap from
1 beastmen let out menacing howls and
the rooftops
descend. They may attack the party or climb
back up to the rooftops for a second scare.
Those whose hearts are already filled with a profound darkness
may find that one or another aspect of the Sootwyn Stain does
not take hold. Senza the Cutthroat (she/her) made a solemn
22 pledge to a dark God many moons ago, and thus her lifeforce is
“spoken for.” The Sootwyn Stain has still taken hold of the amor-
al assassin, but she is not slowly withering away like so many
other victims in the barrow. Instead, she regenerates night after
night, regardless of where she travels.
Senza still occasionally visits Sootwyn Barrow to check in on
her friends Beshik and Haun. They make for good company, and
she loves regaling the duo with tales of the outside world. Adven-
turers will either run into Senza in the Champion’s Grotto, shar-
ing a drink with the bestial hunters, or they’ll cross paths with
the efficient killer in the moonlit streets of the village.
Note that Senza can play two very different roles depending
on when you decide to introduce her. She can either be a neu-
tral third party during cocktail hour at the Grotto, or she can
add a wrinkle to battles with the beastmen once the players
feel like they’ve learned what to expect.
As the first Barrow Lords the party is likely to meet, Beshik and
Haun will almost certainly be frequently recurring characters in
Sootwyn Barrow. It is crucial for the tone of the adventure that
they are unpredictable and relentless. They ought never to attempt
to defeat the party in the same way twice, and should the party
avoid confronting the beastmen on their way to Vasile’s Tomb, the
beastmen should follow them east into the graveyard.
The beastmen are not efficient. Or rather: efficiency is not their
aim. Their aim is to scare the party. The beastmen will howl and
flash their glowing eyes before disappearing around corners, toy-
ing with the party as long as they can. However, they will not allow
the party to approach Vasile’s Tomb without a fight.
Beshik and Haun can speak, and they will taunt the party elo-
quently, though in their characteristic gruff voices. If the adven-
turers impress the beastmen and gain an invitation to the Cham-
pion’s Grotto, the beastmen will speak openly, asking questions of
the party’s origins, their travels, and their intentions for their re-
maining days before becoming unsanguine. More than anything,
Beshik and Haun will do their best to encourage the party, remind-
ing them that the best they can hope for while they wither away is
temporary glory as exceptional prey. There is no escape, but there
is virtue in fighting until the very end.
Beshik is the more talkative of the two and is generally the
more curious. Haun is softer-spoken but far more brutal in battle.
This does not necessarily mean that Haun is more deadly; simply
that he is more aggressive. In most instances, this increased pre-
dictability is a liability.
Beshik and Haun are Barrow Lords. They are akin to demigods
in the tiny enclave they’ve carved out for themselves. They can be
killed, but only temporarily. When the sun sets again, they will
rise anew. As such, permanently destroying Beshik and Haun is
impossible unless the party can unmake the magicks of Sootwyn
Barrow altogether.
Until the party is able to address the very curse itself, they
must confront the beastmen again each evening. Luckily, if the ad-
venturers are smart and powerful, the two hunters need not stand
in the party’s way. There are various ways to get past the beastmen:
0 The adventurers always have the option to kill the beastmen,
if only for the night. Battles against the Beshik and Haun are
brutal, but the party may find an advantage in numbers, ar-
cane trickery, or clever strategy.
24 0 If they are quick and stealthy enough, the party might be able
to evade the beastmen. It is possible to avoid confronting
Beshik and Haun altogether until the party is slain, achieves
their goal, or falls unconscious with the rising sun.
0 Should the party adequately impress the beastmen, they will
receive an invitation to the Champion’s Grotto. The beastmen
will wait at least one hour for the party to arrive. The party can
use this to their advantage and get a head start on the beast-
men. They should be warned, however, that the Beshik and
Haun don’t respond well to being snubbed. This opportunity
will likely only present itself once.
0 The bestial hunters are blessed with the magick of Ingrid and
Vasile, but they have no spells of their own. As such, the party
may be able to trap the beastmen, either with a potent hex or
even more traditional methods (a snare, a foothold trap, etc.).
It may even be possible to trap the beastmen for more than one
day at a time, though Ingrid will eventually send her minions
to attempt to free the duo.