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“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 1

Dungeon Age
An adventure for Levels 1 to 7
by Joseph R. Lewis

The ancient world of Harth withers This adventure is designed for a The names and settings used in this
beneath its dying sun…but it’s not party of characters ranging from adventure are drawn from the
dead yet. level 1 to 7. The content divides its world of Dungeon Age.
focus evenly between urban
Welcome to the strange and Obviously, you can and should
exploration, social encounters, and
dangerous city of Carcassay, change whatever you want to fit
huddled below the skeleton of a in your campaign setting.
titan rat, sprawling above the Estimated run time is… well, it is Obviously, you can and should
ruins of countless dead very long. Many sessions. A adjust the stats and numbers of
civilizations. This is where folk medium-length campaign, most creatures to meet the skills of your
come to find wealth, power, likely. All items and creatures in players or your style of play.
revenge, secrets, oblivion… and this adventure are entirely new
everything in between. and original. But you already knew that, right?

This is a sandbox city adventure. The GM’s read-aloud text looks I want to thank everyone who
There are scores of well-defined like this. It’s brief! helped develop this adventure,
locations, NPCs, factions, including the lead playtesters:
creatures, quests, and rewards. Descriptions of locations focus on Brennon, Chris, Jeremy, Kramer,
key adventure items. You may Kyle, Lain, Matt, Max, Michael,
The tone leans more toward low assume that any “missing” details Miguel, Nadine, Patrick, Tiffany,
fantasy or sword-and-sorcery. are given, like a pot in a kitchen. and Trey. We had some wild
Most shops look like real shops.
Items that are further explained in adventures in, around, and under
Most people look like real people.
their own bullet or section are Carcassay.
bolded and underlined.
MONSTERS are red all-caps.
The adventure itself is system- Location references for the GM The paintings featured herein
neutral. There are separate are blue like this: (#45). include works by David Roberts,
appendices containing monster Francois Antoine Bossuet, Hermann
stat blocks for Fifth Edition, Old David Salomon Corrodi, Hubert
School Essentials, and Into the Robert, Ludwig Deutsch, Rudolf
Odd gaming systems. Ernst, and Vasily Vereshchagin.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 1

Map of the Worm Quarter ................................... 20
Notes for the GM ................................................... 5
The Worm Quarter .............................................. 21
Overview ...................................................................... 5
Is this linear?................................................................. 5 Introduction................................................................. 21
Is this balanced? .......................................................... 5 Encounters (d6) .......................................................... 21
Prep Work? ................................................................. 5 17 Citadel .......................................................... 21
X-in-6 Chance .............................................................. 5 18 Ivory Tower .................................................. 22
Challenge ..................................................................... 5 19 Foundry ......................................................... 22
Combat ......................................................................... 5 20 Gnawing House ........................................... 24
Traps ............................................................................. 5 21 Lonely Jack Club ......................................... 24
22 Manse of Nemato ....................................... 24
Map of Carcassay ................................................. 6
23 Flint Street Hotel.......................................... 25
Carcassay.............................................................. 7 24 Flint Street .................................................... 26
TITAN RAT CITY ........................................................... 7 25 Copper Crow Bar ....................................... 26
Origins .......................................................................... 7 26 Rake’s Forge ................................................ 27
How to get started ..................................................... 7 27 Traegon Square .......................................... 27
28 Butcher’s Hill ................................................. 27
Treasure ................................................................ 8 29 Scarlet Street Abbatoir ............................. 28
Quest Items (d20) ....................................................... 8 30 Swan’s Crematorium ................................... 28
Fine Treasures (d20)................................................... 8 31 Prellgor Abbey ............................................ 28
32 Clay Street Graveyard ............................. 30
Map of the Spider Quarter..................................... 9
33 Poison Garden ............................................. 30
The Spider Quarter .............................................. 10
Map of the Firefly Quarter .................................. 31
The Firefly Quarter.............................................. 32
Encounters (d6) ..........................................................10
1 Blue Bazaar ......................................................10 Introduction................................................................. 32
2 Frowd’s Pawn Shop .........................................10 Encounters (d6) .......................................................... 32
3 Golden Touch ...................................................12 34 Embassy of Baas Boora ............................. 32
4 Rae Library .......................................................12 35 Needles ......................................................... 32
5 Manse of Aranea.............................................12 36 Glint’s Antiques ............................................ 33
6 Silk Street Tunnel .............................................13 37 Elixir Emporium ............................................ 34
7 Spinner Road ....................................................13 38 Red Cauldron ............................................... 34
8 Weaver Street .................................................13 39 Cypress Hall ................................................. 34
9 Jeredest Academy...........................................15 40 Manse of Lampyr ........................................ 36
10 Embassy of Djemburu .................................15 41 Frell Carriage House .................................. 36
11 Indifference Engine .....................................15 42 Silver Court................................................... 37
12 Yellow Theater.............................................17 43 Plain Brownstone ......................................... 37
13 Bent Leg Lane ..............................................17 44 Mank Gallery .............................................. 38
14 Sanctuary of the Sphere ............................18 45 Midnight Pagoda ........................................ 39
15 Tormenteum Tenebrous...............................18 46 Silken Pillow ................................................. 40
16 Ditch ...............................................................19 47 Crystal Street Pet Cemetery .................... 40

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 2

Map of the Flea Quarter ...................................... 41 Outskirts of the City ............................................ 63
The Flea Quarter ................................................. 42 Map of the Northern Hills ................................... 64
Introduction.................................................................42 Northern Hills...................................................... 65
Encounters (d6) ..........................................................42 70 Clearwater Lake ......................................... 65
48 Embassy of the Golden Alliance ..............42 71 Crooked Wall .............................................. 66
49 Basilica of Saint Hester ..............................43 72 Green Vault ................................................. 66
50 Hop Street Aleworks...................................44 73 Helm Hill........................................................ 67
51 Leap Street Grocery ..................................44 74 Vrahoi Henge............................................... 67
52 Garlic Mill .....................................................44 75 Rainbow Pool ............................................... 68
53 Nepravik Asylum .........................................45
54 Rotting Shipwreck........................................45 Map of the Eastern Woods .................................. 69
55 Ironwood Armory ........................................46 Eastern Woods .................................................... 70
56 Ottum Inn ......................................................46
57 Manse of Syfon ...........................................48 76 Nottic Farm ................................................... 70
58 Burnt Tower ..................................................49 77 Rune Tree Grove ......................................... 70
59 Manse of Acarif...........................................50 78 Short Black Chimney ................................... 70
60 Songbird Saloon..........................................50 79 Tall Gray Chimney...................................... 71
61 Egg Street.....................................................51 80 Tubera Farm................................................. 71

Map of the Sewers .............................................. 52 Map of the Southern Plains................................. 72

The Sewers .......................................................... 53 Southern Plains ................................................... 73

Introduction.................................................................53 81 Akaroy Village ............................................ 73

Encounters (1d10) .....................................................53 82 Fetid Pools .................................................... 73
62 Door ...............................................................53 83 Lethar Farm .................................................. 74
84 Lunar Sound Mirrors ................................... 74
Map of the Dreaming Skull ................................. 54 85 Park of Horrors ............................................ 75
The Dreaming Skull ............................................. 55 86 Skull Mound .................................................. 75
Introduction.................................................................55 Map of the Western Rotwood ............................. 77
63 Silver Spires .................................................55 Western Rotwood................................................ 78
64 Crystal Palace .............................................56
65 Golden Dome...............................................57 87 Basidi Farm................................................... 78
66 White Ziggurat ............................................58 88 Hidden Stepwell .......................................... 78
67 Pearl Manse .................................................59 89 Leaning Tower ............................................. 78
68 Black Maze ...................................................60 90 Mud Road ..................................................... 79
69 Holy Tomb ....................................................61 91 Silent Bells..................................................... 79
92 Vulgrane Roost ............................................ 79
Howling Spine - Hermits ..................................... 62

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 3

The Spiraling Tail ................................................ 80 Dungeon 3 – Map of Ajara ................................. 91
Introduction.................................................................80 Dungeon 3 - Ajara .............................................. 92
Tail Encounters (d20) ................................................80 Introduction................................................................. 92
Dead Dungeoneer Loot ...........................................81 Encounters (d20) ....................................................... 92
Dungeon 1 – Map of Zhelezo ............................. 82 103 Hidden Shrine of Saint Bollo .................... 93
104 Tainted Shrine of Saint Yng ..................... 93
Dungeon 1 - Zhelezo .......................................... 83
105 Scarlet Altar of Bajathet .......................... 93
Introduction.................................................................83 106 Broken Watchtowers .................................. 94
Encounters (d20)........................................................83 107 Flooded Temple of Brahav the Rover ..... 94
93 Empty Silos ...................................................84 108 Burned Temple of Abriel the Maker........ 95
94 Cold Furnace ................................................84 109 Defiled Temple of Nevael the Teacher .. 95
95 Dead Menagerie.........................................84 110 Hidden Temple of Yeledron the Vessel .. 96
96 Blind Observatory.......................................85
Appendix A: Fifth Edition Stats ........................... 97
97 Dry Watermill ..............................................85
Appendix B: Old School Essentials Stats .......... 112
Dungeon 2 – Map of Glerborg ............................ 86
Appendix C: Into the Odd Stats ........................ 122
Dungeon 2 - Glerborg ......................................... 87
Encounters (d20)........................................................87
98 Unstable Quarry .........................................88
99 Unseen Gallery............................................89
100 Unclean Greenhouse...................................89
101 Unopened Gate ..........................................90
102 Unlit Lighthouse ............................................90

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 4

Carcassay is a sandbox city YES. Because there is so much If things are too easy for your
adventure. There are many content, and no central “plot”, players, just add more monsters. I
locations to explore in, around, GMs are encouraged to review recommend pursuing a “horror”
and under the city. There are the whole adventure and find style or tone, with larger numbers
NPCs, factions, quests, monsters, locations or quests that might of regular monsters, rather than
and special items. appeal to their players, to get creating stronger “boss” monsters.
them started.
Players can explore any place at
any time, and may radically Over time, the GM will become
reshape the city’s politics, more familiar with the content, or
economy, religions, and physical will become skilled in looking
existence. There are standard things up. There are opportunities for
dungeons stacked under the city, combat in almost every location.
and GMs are encouraged to keep But many adversaries have Wants
adding more dungeons… all the and Fears that can be used to
way down. start, stop, or manipulate a
combat encounter.
If the text says there is a “1-in-6
chance” of something, then roll
1d6 and if the result is [ 1 ], then
the effect happens.
NOPE. This is a wide-open
If it says a “2-in-6 chance”, then
sandbox. There is no central story There are not many traditional
roll 1d6 and if the result is [ 1 OR
or plot. But there are small (and traps (pressure plates, tripwires) in
2 ], then the effect happens.
not-so-small) stories lurking in this adventure. However, there are
almost every location. And so on.
lots of mechanical devices and
magical objects for the players to
interact with, for better or worse!

NO. Some things are deadly, and

some are merely dangerous, and
some are mostly harmless. It’s up
to the GM to present things
clearly and it’s up to the players
to react however they wish.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 5

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 6
This is an urban adventure. Or many adventures? Plus Once upon a time, a Titan Rat burrowed up through
some dungeons. Or perhaps it is better to call it an the crust of the world, threatening all the great cities
adventure setting? of the day. But a band of heroes conjured a massive
spike of red stone to erupt straight through the rat’s
Let me start again.
skull. The titan died mere moments after it appeared,
Carcassay is a vast, bizarre city. It has over 100 and its gargantuan body was left to rot.
locations where you can meet Chaos cultists, Lawful
Explorers soon discovered that the rat’s tail formed a
knights, retired adventurers, shopkeepers, brewers,
long spiraling tunnel deep into the earth, down
musicians, artists, scientists, hermits, royalty, beggars,
through layer after layer of lost civilizations.
doctors, vampires, and diplomats from distant lands…
Dungeons full of riches!
and the moon. And every one of them has goods or
services to sell, and a quest (or three) to offer. Over time, a strange city grew up around the rat’s
tail, sheltered by the titan’s bones, and powered by
What sort of quests? Fetch a relic, assassinate a rival,
the titan’s huge parasites. This is the strange city of
find a relative, steal a soul, implant an agent, cure a
Carcassay, lying at the intersection of the River
disease, stop a riot, solve a murder that hasn’t
Akaroy and the Mud Road.
happened yet, hunt a thief, locate a shrine… the list
goes on. And for every Quest, there is a specific
Reward: money, weapons, relics, Chaos mutations,
exclusive memberships, information, Angelic
miracles… the list goes on.
This is a place where you can make a lot of money,
but also where you can spend that money on
interesting goods and services.
Factions? We have a few. Seven Chaos cults, five
knightly orders, two mercenary companies, four
wealthy families, six (seven!) Corpse Lords, foreign
diplomats, rival innkeepers, rival tavern owners, plus
all the dungeon-delving gangs currently mucking
about underground. When you grow weary of all the
adventures at ground level, there are three distinct Carcassay is a place where adventurers come to find
dungeons buried under the city to explore. wealth, power, knowledge, and glory. It is well-known
that there are multiple dungeons here.
This book contains months (if not years) of
campaigning. Enjoy the Chaos. Players can begin by simply arriving at the city to
“seek their fortune” with plans to stay at the Ottum
Inn (#56) or the Flint Street Hotel (#23), or to simply
squat in an abandoned house. The GM could also use
any of the Quests in the city as a Rumor or Hook to
get the players started, depending on their interests.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 7

Number appearing in the world: [S]ingle, [M]ultiple 1. Ossuary containing 4d6 tiny silver skulls (100 GP).
2. Black leather valise of 1d6 noxious vials (poison,
1. [S] The Spleen of Wallaki, a lump of malachite
4d6) (50 GP).
that suppresses the bearer’s diseases.
3. Warm lump of starmetal (3,000 GP).
2. [S] A silk map to the Shrine of Saint Nekai located
4. Wooden case of costume rings and severed ring
in the Rune Tree Grove (#77).
fingers (20 GP).
3. [S] The Enchiridion of Eshe, volume 3.
5. Jade chess set of horrors and angels (200 GP).
4. [S] The Skull of Brom Bell, a fabled magician (+3
6. Golden spittoon full of stuffed cats (50 GP).
to all enchantment spells).
7. Glass jar of glass goat eyes (10 GP).
5. [S] An ivory tube containing the Sublime Smithing
8. Silk bag of 1d6 wax dolls that look like whoever
Scroll, grants +10 to smith or tinker.
holds them (200 GP).
6. [S] The Jakareen Vulture (famous stolen opal
9. Red leather case of 2d6 skillful charcoal drawings
sculpture worth 10,000 GP).
of demon knights (50 GP).
7. [M] A magical instrument (flute, horn, lyre, ocarina,
10. Flask of 6,000-year-old absinthe (500 GP).
or lute), grants +5 to impress or distract.
11. Severed left hand (still alive!) that walks and uses
8. [M] 1d6 pieces of Inkaran porcelain (bowls, cups).
sign language (eager to help).
9. [M] Glass jar containing 100 seeds of an extinct
12. 2d6 bronze death masks of the same woman, all
grain (vynkorn, borgum, or keff).
screaming in anguish (50 GP).
10. [M] Leather case containing 1d6 watercolor
13. 2d6 marble figurines of dancing couples (50 GP).
paintings of ancient flowering forests.
14. 1d6 oil paintings of sour old kings (100 GP).
11. [M] Leather pouch containing 2d6 dried black
15. 1d6 tapestries of sweeping battles (200 GP).
orchid blossoms.
16. Black iron box containing 2d6 old magician skulls
12. [M] 1d6 vials of intoxicating unicorn oil.
etched with runes (300 GP).
13. [M] A sineater toad suspended in a chunk of ice,
17. Velvet pouch of 3d6 obsidian dice (10 GP).
can swallow one disease or curse at a time.
18. Sealed jug of 1,000-year-old mead (300 GP).
14. [M] A pure lump of exotic metal (starmetal, fae
19. Mason jar containing a preserved dragon
silver, null bronze, or cold iron).
hatchling (500 GP).
15. [M] A glass vial containing a single finger bone
from Saint Hester. 20. Wooden orb containing 2d6 diamonds (100 GP).
16. [M] A warm, vibrating shard of wyrm glass (+3 to
all rolls for Chaotic creatures, -3 to all rolls for
Lawful creatures).
17. [M] 2d6 bulbs of Scarlet Garlic of Varreg, makes
any dish distractingly delicious.
18. [M] A dented tin full of Dolgenheffer Hops
(ancient, delicious, intoxicating).
19. [M] An Arascene scimitar, beautifully patterned
metal, impossibly sharp (+2).
20. [M] A tessellating feather of tetrium steel, celestial
and indestructible (+3 to all rolls for Lawful
creatures, -3 to all rolls for Chaotic creatures).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 8

1. Blue Bazaar 8. Weaver Street 15. Tormenteum Tenebrous
2. Frowd’s Pawn Shop 9. Jeredest Academy 16. Ditch
3. Golden Touch 10. Embassy of Djemburu
4. Rae Library 11. Indifference Engine
5. Manse of Aranea 12. Yellow Theater
6. Silk Street Tunnel 13. Bent Leg Lane
7. Spinner Road 14. Sanctuary of the Sphere

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 9

The oldest district of the city, Dust and noise hang over the A small shop crowded with dusty
where ramshackle cottages and hundreds of tiny carts and stalls shelves laden with old assorted
shops of cracked clay and crowding the huge square. Locals wares. A large woman reclines in
crumbling stone lean together and foreigners mingle in the the corner, petting an old hound.
along disorienting lanes centered thousands. A soaring blue tent
wraps around the giant Rat’s Tail. ¤ WARES. Common tools, clothing,
around the Titan Rat’s buried tail
weapons, musical instruments,
bones. Bizarre refuse from exotic
¤ CARTS AND STALLS. Sell religious amulets, hunting
plants, clothing, trinkets, and pets
trinkets, souvenirs, food. Loud, trophies, and children’s toys.
clogs the gutters and alleys.
pushy. Wares: glass beads, Dented, stained, and mundane.
Half the population is engaged in ragdolls, scarves, fake relics, Search for 1 hour, find any
the profitable yet arcane business damaged amulets (from dead common item you can name
of spidersilk garmentry, and the clerics), cheap floppy hats, (but old and damaged).
other half begs for scraps. Spiders flimsy colorful tunics, woven Cost: 2d6 x 10 GP.
of disturbing sizes and colors lurk belts. Foods: sweet breads, ¤ DANGER. Clumsy customers get
in every crack and shadow. spiced snake meat, pickled buried in a landslide of junk.
crocodile eggs, worm kebabs,
honeyed pretzels, fried rats. ¤ WOMAN. Madame Violira
Danger: pickpockets galore. Frowd (50), fence. Large, bob,
1. 4 KNIGHTS LITIGANT on monocle. Slow, deliberate,
¤ TENT. Temple-sized, stained,
patrol. precise. Wants to get away
shadowy. Countless beggars
2. 1d6 street urchins try to from this city. Fears religion.
crowd the stale darkness, lining
playfully rob you. a narrow path to the entrance ¤ HOUND. “Fetch”. Loud bark,
3. 1d6 desperate DUNGEONEER to the Spiraling Tail down to weak bite. Barking summons
NOVICES try to violently rob the dungeons (p80). 1d6 KNIGHTS LITIGANT.
¤ BEGGARS. Egar, Faen, Garnet, ¤ QUEST. Find a buyer willing to
4. 2d6 HOUND SPIDERS swarm
Hallef (15-65), vagabonds. pay 10,000 GP for the
out of the shadows at you.
Filthy, raggedy. Gaunt, hungry. legendary painting “Moon of
5. 1d6 EYES OF QUOLLOR cultists
Hands outstretched, eyes Qaray” in her cellar (the image
try to quietly recruit you.
imploring. Want money, food. secretly contains the spell
Know who has gone down the Unkind Resinator: target
HASHAKETH cultists fighting
Tail recently, and who has not creature leaks sticky resin from
returned. all of their orifices). REWARD:
Strange item called the
Blackest Heart (appears to be
a preserved human heart, the
bearer can sense the emotions
of any creature they can see).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 10

Market In Jaffa (1887),
Gustav Bauernfeind

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 11

Beyond the polished door is a A stone rotunda armored in iron A sprawling mansion of complex
narrow space for customers to squats in the middle of the lane. ornamented porticoes and
stand at a high counter, facing a Bars cover the filthy windows. balconies. Inside, a labyrinth of
seated woman. To one side, a Above the iron door a rusted sign passages connects dim cluttered
man sits on a stool, watching you. reads, “The Eternal Bank”. rooms filled with smoky
In the back, massive alembics glasswares, spidersilk tapestries,
bubble in the shadows, filling the ¤ INSIDE. A woman sits reading and tiny red eyes in the shadows.
air with curious fumes. at a desk beside a massive
circular iron door (open to the ¤ GLASSWARES. Contain ancient
¤ WOMAN. Madame Berelle vault). A small wooden sign and foul liquors.
Lome (40), alchemist. Pale, reads, “The Rae Library”.
¤ TAPESTRIES. Images of torture
shaking, wheezing. Brilliant, ¤ WOMAN. Missus Enzoga Rae and dismemberment, framed
educated, industrious. Dying of (65), librarian. Thick glasses, by elegant spiders.
Uphrex poisoning (Chaotic gray hair, heavy shawls. Chilly,
infection, source unknown). ¤ EYES. HOUND SPIDERS.
suspicious, secretive. Wants to
Wants to create new marvels. Venomous. Web-spitters.
read. Misses her dead
Fears losing sight and hands. ¤ MANSION. Home of the Aranea
husband Jozen Rae. Fears fire
¤ MAN. Mister Donath Riley (45), and moths. family. Wealthy spider
guard (retired DUNGEONEER breeders. Mesoth, Opis,
¤ VAULT. Hundreds of leather,
EXPERT). Heavy, gray beard, Mygalo, Avic, Gradu (40-80),
wood, and iron tomes. Each
dirty suit, mace. Suspicious, merchants. Gaunt, frayed black
chained to the shelf. Dozens of
plain spoken. Loves Lome suits, sharp rings. Manipulative,
jangly chains hang from above.
(secretly). Wants to save her. artistic. Want wealth and
Tiny bats roost on the ceiling,
Fears being alone. order. Fear Chaos cults. Sell
protect books from pests. spidersilk armor (plate, silent,
¤ ALEMBICS. Purifying potions. ¤ BOOKS. Beautiful, ancient. lightweight, immune to acid) for
¤ FUMES. Highly explosive. Research for 1 hour, 1-in-6 1d6 x 1,000 GP.
chance to find a desired
¤ SELLS. High quality potions for ¤ SECURITY. 2d6 HOUND
answer (history, nature).
3d6 x 10 GP. Healing (3d6 SPIDERS.
HP). Sleep (1 hour). Grease ¤ HIDDEN. The Enchiridion of Eshe ¤ SEARCH. 1 Quest Item (p8).
(30x30). Invisibility (1 hour). (volume 1).
Poison (3d6). Flying (1 hour). ¤ QUEST 1. Convince mercenaries
¤ DANGER. The vault itself fights and knights to buy spidersilk
¤ DANGER. One large flame thieves! Chains come alive to armor. REWARD: 1 spidersilk
detonates the entire shop, and whip, grapple, and choke. armor per sale.
the shops to either side. ¤ QUEST. Donate rare books to ¤ QUEST 2. Disrupt iron imports.
¤ QUEST. Discover an antidote to the library. REWARD: Enzoga REWARD: 1 free spidersilk
Uphrex poisoning. REWARD: provides one scroll of your armor for each success.
Her invention the Lome Stone choice: Read All Languages (1
(transmutes stone into ice for hour), Locate Anything (10 ¤ QUEST 3. Shut down the
one minute, once per day). leagues, 1 hour), Speak with Foundry (#19). REWARD: 3
Anything (1 hour), True spidersilk armors.
History (Touch 1 item, instantly
know its full provenance).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 12

A crooked little lane covered by a Stone warehouses flank this Countless shops cram both sides
dense canopy of spider webs that broad road. Workers in heavy of the street. Shining cloth hangs in
blocks out the sky. It is always as leathers carry rolls of raw silk on every filthy window. Small
dark as night here. their shoulders. Inside the children claim to know the best
buildings, thousands of red eyes shops, and fight over street
¤ WEBS. Thick. Difficult to cut or wink in the dark. A worker sits corners. A young woman lurks in
burn. Choked with debris groaning on a bucket, while a an alley, wrangling a small dog.
(leaves, cloth, hair, bread, hunched man fusses over him.
flowers, insects, rats, birds, ¤ SHOPS. Dyers, weavers, tailors,
bats, snakes). ¤ WAREHOUSES. Spider pens and cobblers. All work in
owned by the Aranea family. Aranea spidersilk. Cost: 4d6 x
¤ DARK. Doors and windows are
Unguarded because the 100 GP for any item, lifetime
illuminated by interior candles
spiders protect themselves. guarantee.
and exterior lanterns.
¤ RAW SILK. Beautiful and strong. ¤ CHILDREN. Half-feral urchins,
¤ PEOPLE. Impoverished laborers.
Valuable. Sold to special desperate for tips.
Cults. Gangs. Petty criminals.
tailors and armorers. ¤ WOMAN. Miss Ophelia (20),
¤ WORKER. Mister Kason Luff amateur rat-catcher. Small,
HASHAKETH cult. Yamuna,
(35), spider wrangler. Dirty, babyface. Awkward, shy.
Venkat, Radha, Nithin, Lalitha
gruff. Bitten by a spider, not Loves animals. Loves killing
(20-30), memory thieves. Pale,
doing well. animals. She’s complicated.
hairless, blue rags. Aggressive,
Paid by the shop owners to
demanding, questioning. Want ¤ MAN. Doctor Piter Spengler
keep the street clean of vermin.
to serve the Horror Hashaketh, (50), toad doctor. Squinty,
learn ancient secrets (from curly hair. Skilled, clever. Tries ¤ DOG. “Snapper”. Mangy little
brains, not books). Fear losing to be kind. Upset by suffering. terrier. Yaps, growls. Bites
their minds. Often hired by House Aranea people. Lousy hunter.
to treat workers.
¤ LORE. These cultists bound their ¤ QUEST. Fetch a better
minds to Hashaketh. They have ¤ TOAD DOCTOR. Healer who ratcatching pet for Ophelia.
the power to steal (and relive) treats all ailments using toads REWARD: She can hunt down
memories in order to feed their and toad biles. Good at any person or creature you
patron Horror. If they stop extracting toxins and diseases. describe.
stealing memories, then ¤ QUEST. Fetch a Sineater Toad
Hashaketh will consume their (fabled toad that cures
memories instead (often fatal). anything). REWARD: A toad-
¤ DANGER. 2d6 HOUND SPIDERS. skin glove called “The Croaker”
(instantly chokes any living
¤ QUEST. Fetch an old person
creature into unconsciousness in
with unique knowledge or life
a single touch, 1-in-10 chance
experience. The cult drains the
of dissolving after each use).
person’s memories (3-in-6
chance the person dies).
REWARD: They interrogate
anyone you bring them (truth is
guaranteed, but survival is not).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 13

Bazaar of the silk mercers, Cairo. (1846-
1849), David Roberts

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 14

A stately building of red brick A mighty tower of dark green Inside a cramped office, an
and white columns wrapped in wood grows from the rich soil. elderly man sits among stacks of
green ivy. Inside, people work There are no walls, no paths, and stained boxes, tinkering with a
diligently in small laboratories. no doors. High above, a single huge device of copper gears,
The air reeks of smoke and sulfur. row of windows flicker with light. crystal lenses, silver wires, and
white skulls.
¤ BUILDING. The Alchemists Guild ¤ TOWER. 100ft tall. No one
Hall. 2 JASSINAR guards. knows anything about it. It just ¤ MAN. Mister Savrini Vellar
appeared many years ago. (90), inventor. Bald, frail, cane.
¤ PEOPLE. Gaspar, Hector,
Brilliant, forgetful. Loves
Isabel, Jacinta, Lazaro, Nadia ¤ ENTER. Options: Teleport in,
machines. Hates people. Wants
(20-50), alchemists. Stained contact the inhabitants
to finish his device before he
black robes, chalk dust. telepathically, climb/fly to the
dies. Fears distractions.
Absentminded, obsessive. Want windows. Beware: The
to invent new potions, and to inhabitants will teleport a ¤ BOXES. Stuffed with notes and
prove they are smarter than nuisance inside to deal with diagrams (stained, crumpled).
each other. Fear expulsion, and them quietly. ¤ DEVICE. The Indifference
getting real jobs. ¤ INSIDE. A spacious apartment, Engine. A dazzling artificial
¤ LABORATORIES. Beakers, elegant furniture, golden mind that can solve any
burners, jars, vials, and tools. candlesticks and chess sets, problem. Speaks with a tired,
Huge cabinets of powders, crystal spyglasses, mossy beds. bored voice. Refuses to do
biles, acids, herbs, organs. any work, not in the mood.
¤ PEOPLE. Jengo and Subira
¤ SELLS. Dangerous potions. (35), envoys. Tall, athletic, ¤ SKULLS. Human and animal.
Jacinta’s Immolator (burn one green and gold silk suits. ¤ DANGER. When insulted in any
object or creature to ash). Wary, observant. Want to way, the Indifference Engine
Gaspar’s Stiffener (petrify one monitor the city for threats to loudly analyzes the critic’s
object or creature). Nadia’s Djemburu (the hidden third character flaws (in Sherlock
Dissolution (liquefy one object moon that almost no one knows Holmes fashion), reducing them
or creature to water). Lazaro’s exists). Fear discovery. to utter despair for 1d6 hours.
Reanimator (turn one corpse ¤ DANGER. When threatened, They suffer a penalty of -3 to
into obedient undead). Isabel’s the envoys teleport the everything they do.
Devolver (mutate one creature intruders back outside… 100ft
into a more primitive form). ¤ QUEST. Fetch a human soul
above the ground!
Cost: 3d6 x 1,000 GP. (helpful, energetic) to install in
¤ QUEST. Recover the three the Indifference Engine.
¤ QUEST 1. Fetch any rare volumes of the Enchiridion of REWARD: The device will
components for general Eshe (memoirs of the founder instantly solve one logical
alchemical use. REWARD: One of Djemburu). REWARD: Exotic mystery for free (after that it
free potion. and priceless plants including costs 2d6 x 1,000 GP).
¤ QUEST 2. Fetch leeches to Odrisha grass (tea), Ekabash
power the Tempest flowers (visions of tomorrow),
Prognosticator (Hector’s foul Yiri fern (3d6 healing), Whade
biomechanical device on the moss (spiritual cleansing).
roof that predicts storms).
REWARD: One free potion.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 15

Learned Advice (1895), Ludwig Deutsch

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 16

Roofless yellow walls enclose an The empty road twists through a
old warped stage and hundreds silent neighborhood. Suspicious
of bowed, stained benches. A few ¤ QUEST 2. Escort two cultists to faces glare from the windows. A
people are scattered about inside, the Silk Street Tunnel (#6) to lone man shuffles along bearing a
beyond the open doors. meet with the “Thoughts of huge burlap sack.
Hashaketh” cult, to try to learn
¤ STAGE. About to collapse. ¤ NEIGHBORHOOD. One-room
the location of the lost spawn
cottages. Stone and clay. Old,
¤ BENCHES. Damaged by neglect of Quollor (3-in-6 chance that falling apart.
and the elements. they know the spawn is in the
Sanctuary of the Sphere, #14). ¤ FACES. Bitter elderly folk. The
REWARD: 2 random aerial neighborhood is dying.
cult. Attila, Beyza, Cevahir,
Duru, Enver, Firuza (30-40), visions. ¤ MAN. Mister Corin (75), rag
blind cultists. Sunburnt, milk man. Thin, hunched, white hair.
white eyes, yellow robes. Large heavy sack. Private,
Always stand under the open short-tempered. Wants things
sky. Curious, gentle, flinching. ¤ A man eating breakfast on the to be the way they used to be,
Want to serve the Horror roof of a pink rowhouse (#44), back in the good old days.
Quollor, find its lost spawn, see suddenly attacked by a Fears change.
the interiors of buildings. Fear gigantic bat.
¤ SACK. Collection of junk from
enclosed spaces. ¤ A giant helmet sitting atop a the streets.
¤ LORE. These cultists bound their lonely hill (#73).
¤ SELLS. Everything in his sack for
vision to Quollor. The Horror ¤ Red crab-men building a 10 GP. 1-in-20 chance of a
lives on the red moon of Qaray village on the shore of a lake Quest Item today (p8).
and it sees the world through (#70).
the cultists’ dead eyes. In ¤ SELLS. Cigars for 10 GP. 2-in-6
return, the cultists see the world ¤ A strange machine atop a red chance of something special
through Quollor’s eyes… which and white brick building (#9). today (black orchid, starlight
are on the moon. They see the ¤ Six fabulous shining towers and jasmine, moonrise lotus).
city from above. mansions atop a massive white
¤ QUEST 1. Escort two cultists skull (p54).
inside any large building full of ¤ Colorful glowing lights in the
people to see as much “stuff” backyard of a small manse
as possible. REWARD: 1 Aerial (#40).
Vision (see list).
¤ Steam puffing and gears
whirring atop a small house

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 17

Between two houses rises a huge A black house sits in the shadows
sphere of gray stone with one ¤ QUEST. Completely destroy of its neighbors. Curtains obscure
circular door. any empty or unused city the windows.
buildings. Ghirans will replace
¤ SPHERE. No windows, nearly ¤ DOORS. Thoroughly locked and
them with geometrically perfect
impossible to break in. reinforced.
structures. May or may not be
¤ DOOR. Visitors not welcome, pleasant for humans to use. ¤ INSIDE. An unremarkable
but may be tolerated. REWARD: 1d6 x 1,000 GP OR though tidy home.
¤ INSIDE. A single large chamber 1 perfect mechanical prosthetic ¤ HOME. Miss Thekla Severus
filled with tables and shelves of limb per building. (25), private torturer. Small,
books and maps. A golden ¤ DANGER. Hidden beneath the thin, dark curls, pale skin, black
orb hovers in the center. Metal floor are twelve Lawful cells cloak over white dress.
people study and work. (renders Chaos harmless). Half Professional, fearless, polite.
contain a TINY HORROR Calmly brutal. Amoral. Views
¤ BOOKS. Architecture, art,
(Chaotic, mutagenic). torture as an ancient art form.
history, mathematics.
Wants to do a good job and
¤ MAPS. The city of Carcassay. maintain her reputation. Fears
Stunning detail. interference.
¤ ORB. Altar to Tetriel. Contains ¤ CELLAR. Contains a rack, iron
three angelic metal feathers maiden, thumb screws, dunk
(holy, priceless). tank, caged rats, bottles of
¤ TETRIEL. A lesser-known angel spiders. Vials of sleeping
of precision and geometry. agents, sleep suppressants,
pain killers, and hallucinogens.
¤ TEMPLE OF TETRIEL. Lag, Hex, Also needles, knives, hammers,
Carriage, Socket, Hanger, tongs, chisels, brands, hooks.
Truss, Button, Torx, Wing, The room is spotless.
Flange, Clutch, Spanner (ages
unknown), GHIRAN monks. ¤ SELLS. Torture. Bring a subject.
Mechanical humanoids. Short, Severus will torture them as
elegant, expressionless. long as requested (hours, days,
Precise, honest, logical, weeks), and dispose of the
devoted to cosmic Law. remains or provide them upon
Want to make the city request. Anything the subject
“perfect”. Fear Chaos. says will be relayed to the
client, but such confessions are
¤ GHIRAN. Mechanical people rarely reliable. Cost: 4d6 x
created by the angel Tetriel as 1,000 GP.
an exercise in logic. Extremely
rare, but not unknown.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 18

A sluggish stream of filth and
garbage flows through an open
sewer behind several blocks of
old homes. A lone girl wades in
the muck.

¤ FILTH. Rotten food, waste.

Biting insects galore.
¤ GARBAGE. Old clothing, broken
furniture. Search for 1 hour, 1-
in-6 chance to find a Fine
Treasure (p8).
¤ GIRL. Miss Lura Day (20),
mudlark. Big teeth, frizzy hair,
bad cough. Excitable, curious,
awkward. Lives in a shack
nearby full of old toys and
costume jewelry. Collects and
sells junk. Wants friends and
food. Fears beatings and
¤ QUEST. Find her a good home.
REWARD: Her treasured talking
porcelain doll (possessed by
the evil Queen Nendaska who
dreams of resurrection and
world domination, but mostly
looks cute).

Rue de la Giralda (Seville),

Francois Antoine Bossuet

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 19

17. Citadel 23. Flint Street Hotel 29. Scarlet Street Abattoir
18. Ivory Tower 24. Flint Street 30. Swan’s Crematorium
19. Foundry 25. Copper Crow Bar 31. Prellgor Abbey
20. Gnawing House 26. Rake’s Forge 32. Clay Street Graveyard
21. Lonely Jack Club 27. Traegon Square 33. Poison Garden
22. Manse of Nemato 28. Butcher’s Hill

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 20

The industrial district of the city, An armored cathedral of white
where huge stone warehouses and marble rises high above the street.
workhouses spew pillars of smoke Warriors in full armor bar the
from their forests of chimneys. Foul doors. Stained-glass windows
worm biles flow relentlessly from shine with images of battle.
the pens and slaughterhouses
¤ CATHEDRAL. Temple of Virune
across the muddy lanes to the
(angel of Lawful virtue,
reeking sewers.
violently intolerant of Chaos).
Hellish flames rage day and night
in the forges where all manners of
Zoya, Yuri, Viera, Ruslan,
metalworking ring out at all hours.
Natallia, Maxim, Ksenia (20-
Violent mercenary companies and
40), crusaders. Plate mail, gray
unstable Chaos cultists roam the
tabards, 8-pointed star
streets openly, looking for
amulets. Tall, pale. Short blond
profitable distractions. Work is
hair. Zealous, brutal. Want to
plentiful, and often fatal.
cleanse the world of Chaos,
convert everyone to worship
Virune (the best angel!). Fear
all forms of corruption.
patrol. ¤ INSIDE. High Templar Maxim
2. 1d6 COPPER SCARS try to pick oversees chanting priests and
a fight with you. training knights. Many chapels,
3. 1d6 VEINS OF JAGANOSTRA private chambers, small prison.
cultists try to outright kill you. Unimaginative art praising
4. The DOOMPIPER Talasyn Gale Virune. No gardens, no music!
hovers down the street, ¤ QUEST. Destroy a Chaos cult!
playing a mind-bending flute REWARD: 1 Holy Amulet of
and causing general chaos. Virune (wearer is immune to
5. 1d6 STOCK WORMS rampage cultist magic, and cannot lie).
down the street.
¤ SECRET. In a sealed vault: the
6. 6d6 rioting workers rampage
Holy Heresy. A sacred Virunic
down the street.
scroll written in the blood of a
Horror. Should not exist but La façade de la Cathédrale de Reims avec
cannot be destroyed. The une procession médiévale et un cortège au
bearer cannot use magic and is premier plan (1825-1838), David Roberts
immune to all magic. Also in the
vault, 1 Fine Treasure (p8) and
1 Quest Item (p8).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 21

A slender white spire twists high Behind iron fences, huge chimneys
above the city. Windows at the spew black smoke over a long
top flicker with lights. Heaps of ¤ Moonwyrm. Tiny pearlescent stone hall. Fires roar, hammers
garbage block the front door. dragons, adorable. Act like ring, and smiths shout as carts
simple pets. SECRET: They are rattle through the courtyard.
¤ SPIRE. 100ft. Sheer.
hyperintelligent psychic visitors ¤ INSIDE. Oppressive heat,
¤ LIGHTS. Red, blue. from the moon of Djemburu,
choking fumes.
¤ GARBAGE. High quality illusion. here to spy on the humans from
Djemburu. Currently control ¤ SMITHS. Arne, Brita, Eino,
¤ DOOR. Locked with magic. everything the four magicians Franni, Helgi, Jarmo, Katja (30-
¤ INSIDE. Ground floor, empty do and say. Want to expel all 50), artisans. Muscular, sweaty,
space, top floor. humans from Djemburu. grim. Quiet, proud, short-
tempered. Want to create
¤ GROUND FLOOR. Empty sacks ¤ QUEST 1. Gain access to the masterworks. Fear magic.
and crates (food stains). Embassy of Djemburu (#10),
Levitation platform to top floor collect information or evidence ¤ SELLS. Masterwork (+1)
(say “Up”). of what goes on inside. weapons and armor, 3d6 x
REWARD: Any magical service 100 GP. Machine parts, 1d6 x
¤ TOP FLOOR. Plush blue carpet, 100 GP.
(up to Level 3 spell).
red velvet couches, hovering
lanterns, small book shelves, ¤ QUEST 2. Lure as many humans ¤ QUEST. Fetch rare metals for
piles of crystal balls, four gaunt as possible away from their masterworks. Reward:
elders pondering crystal balls. Djemburu. REWARD: Any Carcassite armor (chain, silent,
magical service (up to Level 5 immune to fire).
¤ SEARCH. 1 Quest Item (p8).
spell). ¤ SECRET 1. In an alley behind
¤ ELDERS. Mistress Tirzah, Master the Foundry are twisted pipes
Solomon, Mistress Rivika, (origin unknown) wailing a sad
Master Oded (70), tune. Homeless people sleep
professional magicians. here for warmth. Many
Rumpled red and blue robes, corpses. Item: The wails come
curling white hair, pet from an ancient tetrium flute
moonwyrms on shoulders. inside the pipes. Owick’s
Absentminded, insomniacs. Angelic Flute (holy, music
Obsessed with scrying on the soothes Lawful creatures and
Embassy of Djemburu (#10). repels Chaotic creatures).
Deeply suspicious, not sure why.
“When we can see inside, then ¤ SECRET 2. In a cellar under the
we will know what they are Foundry, the smiths have
hiding!” drugged and shackled a fire
drake called BAZZUR. They use
its breath to heat their forges.
It has been asleep for 6 years
now. Guarded by 4 JASSINARS

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 22

The Arms Merchant (1885),
Rudolf Ernst

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 23

An old wooden house leans Dark puddles and broken glass Behind a wrought iron fence, a
weakly on its wretched neighbor. litter the street in front of the pub. sprawling mansion of many
Boards cover the windows, but tiny Inside, smoky lanterns sputter mismatched additions fills the city
eyes gleam in the cracks. Soft around dark tables on a sticky block. Armed fighters lurk on the
gnawing sounds can be heard day floor. Patrons sing old war songs, shaded porches. Curtains obscure
and night. drink whiskey, and play dice. the windows.

¤ INSIDE. Filthy furniture. Gaping ¤ BARKEEP. Mister Yeong Hark ¤ GATE. Mister Boris Davich (40),
holes in floor and walls. (45). Heavy, sweaty, bald. guard. Huge, muscular. Loves
Leaking roof. Rats galore. Suspicious, short tempered, pastries and idle gossip.
yells, swears. Not chatty, not
¤ HOME. CULT OF THE RAT (not a ¤ INSIDE. Huge echoing rooms,
interested, not helpful.
real cult). Wollem, Veer, Tuur, shoddy construction, gaudy
Reneer, Noor (20), urchins. ¤ PATRONS. COPPER SCAR chandeliers, gilt framed
Small, thin, raggedy. Timid, mercenaries. Sang, Nari, Jae, paintings, uncomfortable
playful. Petty thieves. Love Hyun, Duri, Bora (25), golden chairs, peeling
their rats. Want to feed and organized thugs. Red tunics, wallpaper, timid servants, 3d6
protect rats. Fear predators. leather armor, copper knives, COPPER SCARS (mercenaries).
ritual arm scars. Gruff,
fatalistic, practical, fraternal.
SERPENT in the sewer. REWARD: worm breeders. Doryl, Enop,
Want work (guarding, killing).
A loyal pet rat named Ben. Secern, Tylen (20-60), trust
Basic skill, reliability. Effective fund heirs. Tall, heavy,
against commoners. 2-in-6 expensive suits and dresses,
chance of success versus skilled excessive jewelry. Loud, dim,
opponents. 1-in-6 chance of entitled, cruel. Want power and
success versus monsters and respect. Fear being ignored or
magicians. Cost: 10 GP per mocked. Control the only
fighter per day. Total of 21 source of meat in the city
Copper Scars available. (worms). Offer free food,
¤ QUEST. Break their leader Jisu invitations to parties, chance
Brass out of jail at the Silver for future work (none will be
Court (#42). REWARD: Copper honored). Demand favors and
Scars improve to 4-in-6 chance loyalty.
of success versus skilled ¤ QUEST 1. Destroy House Syfon
opponents, 2-in-6 chance of (flea breeders). REWARD:
success versus monsters and 10,000 GP (will not actually
magicians, and cost 20 GP per be paid).
fighter per day. One free job
for the PCs. ¤ QUEST 2. Destroy the outlying
farms (alternate sources of
food). REWARD: 10,000 GP
(will not actually be paid).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 24

An old mansion leans precariously
over the thoroughfare. Nervous
merchants and swindlers linger ¤ QUEST 2. Hunt down the ¤ GUESTS. Corbin (45) and Daisy
among the worn carpets, broken vampire Constantine (beautiful (25), refugees. Dark, slender,
chandeliers, and peeling paint. killer) in the Firefly Quarter private. Lots of knives. Been
(Plain Brownstone, #43). Seer living here for 6 months. Rumors
¤ OWNER. Mister Alphar Nottic
Bashinova foresees this say they killed someone rich
(40), pathetic innkeep. Small,
vampire feeding on corpses in and powerful far away, but no
oily hair, cheap suit. Babbles,
the streets. REWARD: 1d6 x one wants to confront them.
complains. Coward, cheap.
10,000 GP (with 15% to Secret: Corbin keeps them in
Wears his mother’s silver
Harson Thorn). money by robbing graves on
locket, contains a baby tooth.
Clay Street (#32), has a velvet
Wants respect. Fears violence. ¤ GUESTS. Navid and Parid Glum
purse full of antique wedding
(25), brother DUNGEONEER
¤ QUEST 1. Burn down the Ottum rings (500 GP).
NOVICES. Handsome, athletic.
Inn (rival hotel, #56). REWARD:
Eager, confident. Just arrived ¤ GUEST. Madame Hrashta
Deed to the Nottic Farm (#76).
from the distant Holy Virunic LaVoe (80), local lounge
¤ GUEST. Mister Harson Thorn Empire. Want to make their singer. Tall, gaunt, sculptural
(60), murder broker. Heavy, fortune in the dungeons. wigs, clattering jewelry. Smoky
sweaty. Fake smiles, back- voice. Known everywhere,
stabber. Contracted by Seer beloved icon of 50 years ago.
Rane Bashinova to find a Can get into any establishment.
vampire hunter. Knows all the gossip.

The coffee shop. (1846-1849),

David Roberts

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 25

Crowds of tired porters, masons, Grime obscures the tavern
smiths, carpenters, and ranchers windows. A horrid reek of beer
wade back and forth between the ¤ SHOP: AXEL’S BAKERY. Best in and vomit oozes from the building.
shops to find cheap worm steaks, the city: naan, babka, challah, The music and laughter inside are
burnt bread, wilted vegetables, lavash, rye. Always loud, hot, deafening.
and damp coal. crowded, delicious. Axel (30), ¤ INSIDE. Dozens of drunks
baker. Black hair, beard,
¤ CROWDS. Quietly hostile. crammed around tables. Sticky
tattoos, muscles. Loves bread, floor (beer, urine, vomit). Cigar
¤ SHOPS. Dim, filthy. knows he is the best. fumes. Constant noise, shout to
¤ DANGER. Miss Bianca Gull (20), ¤ SHOP: KELLY’S BOOTS. Worst in be heard. Long bar with one
cutpurse. Blonde, short. the city: riding, hiking, wading. woman serving drinks.
Nervous, fidgety. Wants to be Extremely comfortable, short-
¤ WOMAN. Madame Dellifer
left alone, get rich quick. Fears lived boots. Always cold, foul Desh (45), barkeep. Tall,
her filthy sickly father. smelling, muddy floor. Kelly heavy, freckles. Loud,
¤ QUEST 1. Tell Gull’s father (60), cobbler. Small, squinty, commanding, boisterous. Wants
Abren that she is dead so he gray, scarred fingers. Hates
to get rich. Fears some idiot
stops looking for her (Tall Gray people, doesn’t care what burning down her bar.
Chimney, #79). REWARD: Her anyone thinks.
rare coin collection, mostly ¤ SHOP: ERYK’S BELTS. Boarded (mercenaries) sit in a corner,
worthless, but includes the up, closed down years ago. watching for trouble.
Death Defying Drachma (when Secret: The DOOMPIPER
reduced to 0 HP fall to 1 Talasyn Gale lives here. This ¤ OFFER. Access to Desh’s
instead, once per day). mad arcane musician has no dubious spy network of back
true agenda, he simply loves to alley drunks. Follow someone?
play his flutes and watch the Watch a building for a few
Luka, Marko, and Petra (from a
chaos that ensues. days? 1d6 x 10 GP, 4-in-6
distant fungal land). By day,
chance of success.
provide basic plumbing
services (installations, repairs). ¤ DANGER. There is a fight club
By night, hunt for the fire drake in the cellar. The “champ” is a
BAZZUR that destroyed their Kadav (undead) named Gritch
village 10 years ago. tal Grav (stat: KNIGHT
REVENANT). 1d6 x 1,000 GP
¤ QUEST 2. Help find and slay
to the winner. Lore: Used to be
a lichen farmer named Gritch
Vengeance! (and 1 Quest Item,
Lethar, killed by Dungeoneer
Novices while on a shopping
trip to the city, prefers the
excitement of fighting.
¤ QUEST. Kill Calpurnia Seren
(Songbird Saloon, #60). Desh
wants a classy second bar!
REWARD: Free access to Desh’s
spy network (see above).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 26

In a walled courtyard, half a A statue of a giant worm rears Iron fences enclose the muddy
dozen young apprentices sweat triumphant over a plaza full of pens. Chutes funnel the stock
over their ringing anvils. Raw iron, loose trash. Graffiti covers the worms into huge dark halls
water barrels, and coal bins sit in walls. Homeless folk sleep in the reeking of blood. Wagons rattle
tidy rows. A white-haired man alleys. A foul-smelling man stands in and out, laden with dripping
supervises the work. alone, gazing at a puddle. slabs of pale flesh.

¤ APPRENTICES. Larcus, Gemily, ¤ STATUE. Cheap stone, inferior ¤ STOCK WORM. 15ft long, 3ft
Katthew, Hawl, Nyan (20), workmanship. Inscription: thick. Pale, slimy, mindless. Eat
metalworkers. Aprons, gloves, “Donated by the Nemato anything. Descendants of the
sweaty, muscular. Focused, family. You’re welcome.” giant parasites carried by the
professional, humble. Want to Titan Rat. Currently the main
¤ TRASH. Stained butcher paper,
do good work, be helpful. source of meat in Carcassay.
scraps of clothing, animal
¤ MAN. Mister Tiband Rake (55), bones, black slime (rotten fruit). ¤ HALLS. Slaughterhouses. Dozens
master blacksmith. Lean, of workers in each one, hacking
¤ GRAFFITI. Various messages:
burned, squinty. Stutters, worms into steaks to load onto
“Enjoy the Silken Pillow”
distrustful, perfectionist. Wants wagons. Blood-drenched floors.
“You can trust the Torturer”
to prove his shop is better than Cleavers and saws. Hot, humid,
“Never go to the theater”
the FOUNDRY. Fears the loss of nauseating.
“Fight the Law!”
his sight and hands. “Where is Bazzur?” ¤ INSIDE. Each hall has a small
¤ SELLS. Basic iron items (nails, “Who rules Djemburu?” office (desk, bloody papers).
hand tools, cookware) for 3d6 Supervisors are members of the
¤ FOLK. Cold, hungry, tired.
GP. Basic weapons and armor Bloody Guild.
for 3d6 x 10 GP. Custom ¤ MAN. Master Balthazar the
¤ GUILD. Ashki, Bizil, Nanaba,
machine parts and metal Uromancer (55), piss prophet.
Nizoni, Nota, Shandin (20-40),
artwork for 3d6 x 100 GP. Gaunt, stained green suit,
butchers. Muscular, scarred,
hands tremble. Close talker,
¤ QUEST. Fetch the Sublime bloodstained, leather aprons.
manic, eyes darting. Can learn
Smithing Scroll. Enhances all Grim, protective of workers.
a person’s deepest secret by
Forge products to masterwork Want better working conditions.
gazing into their urine. Wants
status (+2 bonus, and 10x the Fear injuries. Dislike salads.
to learn all the secrets of the
cost). REWARD: Rake’s universe. Uninterested in ¤ DANGER. 2-in-6 chance of a
Hammer (light hammer,
mundane realities. STOCK WORM breaking free.
smashes holes through mundane
wood, stone, and iron structures ¤ PUDDLE. Dog urine: “This poor ¤ QUEST. Find a new source of
with one blow). soul constantly desires to be meat so the Bloody Guild is not
scratched on the ear, and dependent on the Nemato
rubbed on the belly. What family (worm breeders).
strange mortal agony!” REWARD: Free meat for life,
and one favor from a band of
¤ QUEST. Fetch the urine of one
strong folks with big cleavers.
of the six Corpse Lords.
REWARD: Location of the
seventh Corpse Lord (Holy
Tomb, #69).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 27

A long building of warped wood A crooked brick chimney and These roofless ruins of black stone
contains hundreds of dangling shed stand near the graveyard. A echo with low grunts. Vines chew
hooks dripping with flesh. Blood thin layer of ash covers the dead at the mortar. Light glares through
shines on the floor. Several people grass and old headstones. Inside, broken stained glass. Dried blood
lie in the shadows, wheezing. voices howl and screech. spatters the painted walls and
rotting pews. A handful of youths
¤ FLESH. Worm steaks. Bland, ¤ CHIMNEY. Scorched. Cold. whip themselves in the aisles.
slimy, nutritious. ¤ ASH. Human.
¤ GRUNTS. Pained humans.
¤ BLOOD. Worm. 1-in-6 chance ¤ HEADSTONES. Cracked, pitted.
of containing a disease. ¤ VINES. Easy to climb.
600 years of dead peasants.
¤ PEOPLE. VEINS OF ¤ GLASS. Rings of golden wings
¤ VOICES. Humans making animal
JAGANOSTRA cult. Vesta, around flaming eyes (angels).
sounds (roars, hoots, screams).
Silvanus, Nona, Lavinia, Janus ¤ BLOOD. Humans.
(35), blood drinkers. Pale, ¤ INSIDE. Dim, dusty. Iron hatch to
weeping pustules, shaky, the furnace. Ragged animal ¤ PAINTED. Murals of clerics
stained rags. Delusional, self- hides and furs carpet the floor banishing tentacled creatures
aggrandizing, condescending. and hang from the walls. down into darkness.
Believe they are a superior Several figures crawl and ¤ YOUTHS. KNIGHTS FLAGELLENT
species (false). Want to crouch, grunting. order. Yulduz, Timur, Sitora,
become true vampires. Fear the ¤ FIGURES. FLESH OF Jasur, Guli (20-30), masochist
sun, silver, garlic (all baseless). MORDROGA cult. Aeden, zealots. Shirtless, scarred, lean,
¤ LORE. These cultists bound their Brigid, Conor, Dirdra, Madoc haunted eyes, flails. Puritanical,
blood to Jaganostra. They (20-25), bestial shifters. Hairy, fearless. Believe that pain
drink the blood of others in dirty, claw necklaces. Barbaric, makes them powerful (true).
order to feed their patron unpredictable. Want to serve Want to experience enough
Horror in exchange for weak Mordroga, gain animal pain to become living saints so
vampiric powers. If they stop powers, live wild. Fear cages, they can battle Chaos. Fear
drinking blood, then tailored clothing, baths. sloth, comfort. Distrust people
Jaganostra will drain their without scars.
¤ LORE. These cultists bound their
blood instead (fatal). flesh to Mordroga. They can ¤ QUEST. Discover a source of
¤ QUEST. Bring a true vampire to briefly gain animal senses, transcendent pain (for
turn them undead. REWARD: speed and strength, claws and example, #15). They become
Instant betrayal, they try to eat fur. They sacrifice animals to immune to all weapon attacks.
the PCs. the Horror. When displeased, REWARD: Trial of Prellgor, one
Mordroga reduces them to PC is initiated into the Knights
prey. When amused, Flagellent via whipping from
Mordroga evolves them into sunset to sunrise. If the PC
bloodthirsty giant apes. remains conscious throughout,
then they gain Armor of Scars
¤ QUEST. Fetch exotic animal
(half damage from all weapon
hides so they can channel their
spirits. REWARD: 1 Fine
Treasure (p8) in the furnace.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 28

La chapelle de la Sorbonne avec la voûte
de la nef effondrée (1800), Hubert Robert

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 29

Thousands of stone markers lean A glass enclosure houses a riot of
in the yellow weeds. Iron cages exotic flowers and trees. Insects
and stone crypts dot the over- drone constantly. Women in green ¤ CREAK. All plants here want to
grown fields. Armored figures meditate on large stones. The return to their native lands
shuffle through the mist. plants creak softly in the heat. (distant, unknown). Their rage
makes them especially toxic.
¤ MARKERS. Names and dates in ¤ FLOWERS. Hemlock, white
Beg to be removed from the
crude runes. Centuries old. blossom (death). Lily of the
greenhouse. When removed,
valley, white bell (pain).
¤ CAGES. Rusty, dented. Protect they rapidly wither and die
Nightshade, purple blossom
graves from robbers. from the colder air outside.
(visions, death).
¤ CRYPTS. Ivied walls, broken ¤ QUEST. Fetch a mutagen to
¤ TREES. Strychnine, orange fruit
doors. Looted long ago. 3-in-6 help the Brides evolve.
(death). Oleander, long seeds
chance to shelter a beggar. 1- REWARD: Zerah’s Kiss (immune
(vomiting, pain, death).
in-6 chance to find a Fine to poison, and your kiss
Cerbera, green fruit (vomiting,
Treasure (p8). becomes toxic, choose one
¤ FIGURES. KNIGHTS REVENANT effect: paralyzed for 1 minute,
¤ INSECTS. Torment Wasps hallucinate for 10 minutes,
order. Agathon tal Grav,
(slender, yellow). Defend the charmed to obey one simple
Charis tal Grav, Drakon tal
garden. Sting causes crippling command).
Grav, Galene tal Grav, Kyros
pain for 1d6 minutes. Repelled
tal Grav, Thea tal Grav (150),
by smoke. Venom is worth 1d6
undead Kadav guards. Rotting
x 10 GP to alchemists.
corpses in rusting armor with
coffin-lid shields. Jolly, friendly, ¤ WOMEN. BRIDES OF ZERAH.
noble, polite. Protect the Sisters Aroha, Hina, Kiri, Norogi
graves from robbers. (40), warrior nuns. Athletic,
hairless, tattoos of plants,
¤ QUEST. Find the local grave
green dresses, spiked silver
robber (#23) and return the
rings. Fearless, aggressive.
stolen wedding rings. REWARD:
Want to evolve/mutate into
Grav Amulet (when you die,
more powerful bodies. Fear
you instantly become undead).
weakness/disease. Know
everything about plants and
¤ OFFER. Refined poison,
undetectable, instantly fatal to
living creatures human-sized
and smaller (3d6 x 100 GP
per dose).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 30

34. Embassy of Baas Boora 39. Cypress Hall 44. Mank Gallery
35. Needles 40. Manse of Lampyr 45. Midnight Pagoda
36. Glint’s Antiques 41. Frell Carriage House 46. Silken Pillow
37. Elixir Emporium 42. Silver Court 47. Crystal Street Pet Cemetery
38. Red Cauldron 43. Plain Brownstone

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 31

The newest district of the city, A great blue dome stands On a busy street corner, this dimly
where rows of tidy townhouses between the surrounding homes. lit shop displays a small selection
line the immaculate cobblestone Inside, dozens of athletic women of expensive fabrics alongside
streets. Wrought iron fences and in blue silks lounge and exercise. detailed drawings of various
benches stand in good order On a balcony, two crones sit suits, dresses, and robes.
beside manicured lawns. Wealthy smoking and whispering.
¤ FABRICS. Joro wool, Ineffable
professionals promenade in their
¤ DOME. Smooth, windowless, cashmere, Pure velvet, Saintly
fashionable suits, dresses, and
armored. No guards needed, silk. A new suit, dress, or robe
robes. Messes, noises, and general
everyone inside is a killer. can be ready in 3 days for
effrontery are not tolerated.
2d6 x 100 GP.
Knights are highly visible, while ¤ INSIDE. Pool, gymnasium, art
the poor are nowhere to be seen. gallery, music studio, library, ¤ DRAWINGS. By local artist
offices, dorms. Edvar Mank (#44). Every
current popular fashion.
¤ SEARCH. 1 Quest Item (p8).
¤ OWNER. Mister Iago Betterwick
¤ REFRESHMENTS. Banana rum,
1. 2d6 KNIGHTS LITIGANT (65), tailor and retired
coconut balls, sweet knots.
dragging 1d6 criminals to the assassin. Average looking,
Silver Court. ¤ WOMEN. MOTLEY MAIDENS. forgettable. Suave, charming.
2. 2 MOTLEY MAIDENS walk Sarajel Solongo, Nomori Gentleman provocateur.
swiftly and silently by. Nashka, Abaka Kinar (25), Deadly. Wants to enjoy
3. A wealthy couple lies dead in assassins. Calm, fearless. Tall, retirement in peace. Fears
an alley. Bloodless. Bitten on athletic, shaved heads, tattoos. embarrassment.
the neck. Serve the Arcane Ladies.
¤ SEARCH. In the basement,
4. 1d6 down-on-their-luck ¤ CRONES. Kallati Koros, Ellenda Betterwick keeps a hidden
DUNGEONEER NOVICES lunge Eden (85), politicians. Cold, chest of syringes, needle-rings,
out of an alley. calculating. Gray, squinting. collapsible daggers, and a
5. 3 KNIGHTS VIRUNIC hunting Negotiate for power. Serve the variety of exotic (and
for Chaos cultists. Domina of Baas Boora (distant untraceable) poisons.
6. A disheveled couple stumbles island nation).
along, reeking of burnt ¤ QUEST. Find and destroy
flowers, eyes wide, drooling ¤ DANGER. They will kill you if it Betterwick’s Red Ledger,
and mumbling. serves their goals. somewhere in the Silver Court
¤ QUEST. Install MOTLEY MAIDEN (#42). It details his career kills
agents throughout the city: and someone is using it to
Silver Court, Jeredest blackmail him. Reward: One
Academy, Citadel, Foundry. free assassination (5-in-6
REWARD: Aether knife (clear, chance of success).
weightless, indestructible, cut
anything, priceless).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 32

Nestled on a busy market street,
this tidy shop displays countless
trinkets in glass cases. A large ¤ TRINKETS. From dungeons. ¤ DANGER. Glint protects his
man sits behind a heavy desk, Magic items for 1d6 x 1,000 shop with hidden traps: blow
reading an old book. GP. All items can be used once darts, pendulum blades, razor
per day for 1 minute. Use the wire, trap doors, spike pits. He
¤ CASES. Armored. Locked.
table below to create random keeps an ooze in the cellar to
¤ DESK. Full of old journals about trinkets as needed. Example: dispose of dead thieves.
dungeon delves. 1-in-6 chance Crystal Bell of Summon Insects. ¤ QUEST. Fetch items of Inkaran
of containing an entry that
¤ MAN. Mister Horace Glint (55), porcelain (dark red with gold
helps the PCs in the dungeons
antiquarian (retired patterns, ancient). REWARD:
under the city.
DUNGEONEER EXPERT). Square One trinket for every two (2)
¤ BOOK. A swashbuckling jaw, short hair, muscular, Inkaran items.
adventure / romance novel suspenders. Observant, helpful,
about Captain Gayle Flint. experienced. Wants exciting
stories. Fears actual work.

MATERIAL (1d10) ITEM (1d10) of POWER WORD (1d10) POWER FORM (1d10)

1 Mystwood 1 Bell 1 Locate 1 Wind

2 Antler 2 Wand 2 Banish 2 Water
3 Ivory 3 Ring 3 Freeze 3 Fire
4 Amber 4 Amulet 4 Blast of 4 Stone
5 Jade 5 Eye 5 Armor of 5 Insects
6 Crystal 6 Knife 6 Wall of 6 Rodents
7 Obsidian 7 Figurine 7 Form of 7 the Undead
8 Coral 8 Talon 8 Speak with 8 Plants
9 Bone 9 Fang 9 Immune to 9 Smoke
10 Silver 10 Coin 10 Servant of 10 Shadows

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 33

An elegant townhome was This claustrophobic shop is piled Ivy curls around the pillars of a
converted into this shop, crowded high with bales of herbs, cages of small wooden temple. Sunlight
with racks full of vials, flasks, insects, and sacks of powders. A spills through its broken windows.
bottles, and jars of colorful liquids. narrow path barely allows two Several musicians sit in a circle,
Tiny chandeliers sparkle above people to enter and approach the playing lutes and harps. A small
the polished floors. A woman owner sitting on a high stool. donation box rests on the floor.
coughs as she dusts the shelves.
¤ HERBS. Pungent, unlabeled. ¤ TEMPLE. Deconsecrated and
¤ WOMAN. Miss Dorcas Allergens. A skilled alchemist pillaged long ago. Original
Penumbrell (30), struggling can use these to cure common patron angel unknown.
alchemist. Flowery dress, cheap diseases. Cost: 2d6 x 10 GP.
¤ MUSICIANS. Anika, Brunhilda,
rings. Loud, friendly. Pet gray ¤ INSECTS. Dead moths, worms, Dieter, Gerhardt, Helga, Katja,
kitten. Dying of a rare wasting beetles, wasps. 4-in-6 chance Ludwig (20-60). Dusty brown
disease. Wants to live! to double the potency of any robes, yellow scarves.
¤ SELLS. Watered down potions potion. Cost: 2d6 x 10 GP. Perfectionist, obsessive. Hope
for 1d6 x 10 GP. to summon a Lawful angel of
¤ POWDERS. Odorless,
- Healing (1d6 HP). music to silence the madness of
unlabeled. Recreational. 1d6
- Sleep (1 minute). Chaos. Fear sour notes.
hours of hyperactivity,
- Grease (10x10). hallucinations, painlessness, or ¤ PLAYING. The Seven Century
- Invisibility (1 minute). oblivion. Cost: 2d6 x 100 GP. Sonata, currently in year 679
- Poison (1d6). of unbroken performance.
- Flying (1 minute). ¤ OWNER. Miss Aurel Winder
There are always at least three
(60), apothecary. Thin, bird-
¤ DANGER. She has a small musicians playing at any time.
like, predatory. Observant,
crossbow under the counter and mocking. ¤ BOX. Empty. Make a donation
a twitchy trigger finger. and become immune to Chaos
¤ QUEST. Fetch black orchids.
¤ QUEST. Fetch the fabled cultist effects for 1 day.
REWARD: A single dose of the
Spleen of Wallaki (curative very rare Qordain’s ¤ DANGER. When threatened,
gem) to save her life. Ambrosia. Roll 1d6 on each musicians play shrieking notes
REWARD: She gives you her
stat: 1-2, it goes down -1. to deafen, blind, and stun.
Kildoon Kitten (smoke-cat, 3-6, it goes up +1.
intelligent pet, snarky and lazy, ¤ QUEST. Fetch any three (3)
walks through walls). magical instruments to
accelerate the summoning.
REWARD: They summon the
angel Escalon (three flaming
eyes, orbiting rings of gold
feathers), which sings a holy
note to implode every Chaos
cultist in two randomly chosen
city Quarters.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 34

The Perfume Makers, Rudolf Ernst

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 35

A lovely red manse stands at the Behind a large blue manse stands
end of a quiet lane. Colorful a little blue carriage house,
lights glow in the windows. A row surrounded by a yellow lawn.
of wooden hutches stands in the Lacy white curtains obscure all of
manicured backyard. the windows.

¤ MANSE. Home of the Lampyr ¤ MANSE. Home to Madame

family, wealthy firefly Letty Frell (65), wealthy widow.
breeders. Lucia, Ptero, Psilo, Tidy, private. Greedy, bitter.
Amyde (15-55), aristocrats. Attended by her grim butler,
Colorful suits and dresses, Mister Akamin (45).
elaborately fashionable ¤ DANGER. Akamin likes to offer
hairstyles. Refined, enigmatic, guests poisoned drinks. Just to
curious, flirtatious. Want to watch them suffer.
breed beautiful fireflies, make
money, be the center of ¤ HOUSE. Rented to Mister Modu
attention. Guarded by the Wolland (40), wealthy pilgrim.
muscular Miss Sood (45), Handsome, colorful robes.
retired boxer. Plain, gray suit. Scholarly, friendly. From the
Quiet, bored. desert city of Sahar. Visits
shrines, writing his memoirs.
¤ LIGHTS. Giant fireflies. Hand- Small personal library
sized, respond to simple containing notes about every
commands, produce various religion and cult in the world.
lights and simple visual effects.
Mostly harmless and useless. ¤ QUEST. Locate the fabled
Cost: 1d6 x 1,000 GP each. Shrine of Saint Nekai and
escort Wolland to it.
¤ HUTCHES. Locked. Breeding REWARD: Scroll of Celestial
nests for giant fireflies. Summons (a ghostly saint
¤ DANGER. Psilo has secretly either answers any three
raised red fireflies that feed on questions OR restores one living
human blood. creature to perfect health).
¤ QUEST 1. Tell them juicy gossip
about wealthy or influential
people. REWARD: A secret
about a given person of
interest (weakness, desire, dark
past, etc.).
¤ QUEST 2. Fetch exotic seeds to
feed and enhance their firefly
stock. REWARD: One free
A Refreshing Drink, Rudolf Ernst firefly.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 36

Armored guards protect the In the middle of a quiet, well-
polished steel columns of the court maintained street stands a lovely
house. Inside a labyrinth of court ¤ QUEST 1. Capture the poacher home identical to the ones on
rooms teem with knightly lawyers in the Rotwood (Makeda Fine, either side of it.
and judges, as well as jail cells #89). REWARD: 500 GP.
crammed with hopeless prisoners. ¤ NEIGHBORS. No one can
¤ QUEST 2. Capture the robber remember who lives there. No
¤ COURT ROOMS. Crowded, on the Mud Road (Tycho Black, one ever goes in or goes out.
busy, lines, paperwork. #90). REWARD: 2,500 GP.
¤ INSIDE. Tastefully furnished,
¤ LAWYERS. KNIGHTS LITIGANT. ¤ QUEST 3. Capture the limb- perfectly clean (dining room,
Counselor River Bosh, Counselor loppers in the Flea Quarter parlor, bedrooms, kitchen, etc.).
Verse Nell, Counselor Belton (#51). REWARD: 5,000 GP. ¤ SEARCH. 1 Quest Item (p8).
Rink (25-50), legal warriors. ¤ QUEST 4. Cold Case! Find the
Armored knights, athletic. Loud, ¤ BASEMENT. A gleaming black
legendary Jakareen Vulture
overconfident, argumentative. coffin, resting place of the
(opal sculpture stolen by
Want to capture criminals, vampire Constantine.
master thieves 100 years ago,
especially Chaos cults. worth 10,000 GP). ¤ TIMING. By night, no one is
¤ JUDGES. KNIGHTS JUDICANT. REWARD: 2,500 GP. here. By day, the vampire
Honorable Heren Reed, Constantine sleeps in the coffin.
Honorable Teric Pale (70-90), ¤ CONSTANTINE. 200-year-old
legal experts. Armored knights, beautiful VAMPIRE. Gorgeous
frail. Squinty, deaf, irritable. youth, shining black hair, gray
Want to condemn criminals, skin, red eyes. Luxurious red
especially Chaos cults. coat, gold trim. Charming,
¤ CELLS. Locked, 2d6 KNIGHTS sensual, carnal, aggressive.
LITIGANT on guard. Prisoners: Loves music, art, sex, and
Petty thieves, drunks, debtors, murder. Bored by classical
charlatans, brawlers, arsonists, vampire pursuits (alchemy,
burglars, kidnappers, forgers, warfare, space travel).
and cultists. Special: Jisu Brass ¤ QUEST. Fetch the enchanted
(35), leader of the COPPER rapier “Scarlet Waltz” (#58).
SCAR mercenaries (#21), REWARD: A red-steel whistle
expert martial artist, cocky, (blow to summon Constantine to
charming, assaulted two aid you in battle, he instantly
lawyers. kills all enemies, one use).
Locked. Hidden in a secret desk
drawer is a Red Ledger,
detailing the assassinations
committed by master poisoner
Iago Betterwick (#35).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 37

This converted rowhouse, painted
a garish pink, features a single
large gallery space on the ground ¤ UPSTAIRS. A cluttered loft ¤ DANGER. In the loft, Mank is
floor. On display is an eclectic where the owner lives. drawing with cursed charcoal
collection of new and ancient (unbeknownst to him). In 1d6
paintings of all sizes and styles. ¤ OWNER. Mister Edvar Mank
days, he accidentally creates a
(40), popular artist. Short, thin,
portal to a dungeon under the
¤ STATUS. By day, closed. By haggard, paint-spattered.
city. Monsters emerge and
night, a loud fashionable party Passionate, exhausted. Wants
attack the neighborhood (use
to admire the art. to create “real” art that is
the table below to generate
deep and eternal. Secretly
¤ PAINTINGS. New: Disturbing random dungeon creatures).
hates his fans.
portraits of people in the city. Only holy fire (or similar) can
Ancient: Elegant landscapes of ¤ QUEST 1. Find strange-looking destroy the charcoal portal.
lost civilizations unearthed in people to sit for portraits.
¤ LORE. Mank bought the cursed
the dungeons below. REWARD: 1d6 x 100 GP.
charcoal from Abren Gull, the
Cost: 3d6 x 1,000 GP. ¤ QUEST 2. Fetch ancient works of charcoalburner in the eastern
art for resale. forest outside the city (#79).
REWARD: 1d6 x 1,000 GP.

What came through the charcoal portal?


1 One 1 Injured 1 UNICORN SCARAB

2 Two 2 Exhausted 2 OILSLICK GANGSTER
3 Four 3 Confused 3 SHRIKELING SWARM
4 Six 4 Cautious 4 KYRAPTOR
5 Eight 5 Hungry 5 ASURAPTOR
6 Ten 6 Angry 6 ARBAJ DRYAD

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 38

Behind a high stone wall stretches
a vast garden. In the center stands
a seven-story pagoda of black ¤ QUEST 1. Prevent a disaster. In ¤ QUEST 2. Solve a murder. In
wood and golden eaves. Clerics 1d6 days, the oracles foresee 1d6 days, the oracles foresee
in black robes pace the grounds. a violent riot in the Firefly their leader Seer Uvan Shale
Quarter (looting, fires, deaths). stabbed in his room at the top
¤ GARDEN. Koi pond, sand
of the pagoda.
paintings, stacked rocks,
Possible Suspect: An explosion
sculpted trees.
at the ELIXIR EMPORIUM or the Possible Suspect: Rival oracle
¤ PAGODA. Temple of the angel RED CAULDRON. Moro Dastaka wants to take
Zodiel (stars, prophecy). Simple over the temple.
meditation rooms and True Cause: The Brewing Guild
bedrooms. A small library of (#50) sets fire to the rival True Cause: The Embassy of
history and astronomy texts. Silken Pillow (#46), but the Baas Boora (#34) sends a
Tapestries of constellations. fire spreads out of control and MOTLEY MAIDEN assassin to
¤ CLERICS. Seer Nisha Nakara, the drugged smoke intoxicates destabilize and weaken the
Seer Uros Lark, Seer Rane hundreds of people. oracles (they couldn’t foresee
Bashinova (40-70), oracles of and avoid their own death?!).
the angel Zodiel. Shimmering REWARD: Black Pearl of
black robes, bone staff, starry Destiny (one person can go REWARD: Crystal ball (bearer
crystal ball. Proud, insightful, back in time 1 hour, one use). is never surprised, 2-in-6
anxious. Want tranquility and chance of reading the stars
respect. Afraid of the future. each night to answer one minor

The Fortune Teller, Rudolf Ernst

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 39

Beside an old warehouse sags a
colorless rowhouse with blacked- Behind a tasteful wooden fence
out windows. Curious fumes fill the ¤ OFFER. Take a drag and sleep lies a tiny plot of trimmed green
air. Well-dressed and disheveled for 1 hour. Dream (1d6): grass with nine small graves. A
patrons occasionally stumble in 1-3, visions of fear and failure. man in brown kneels to tend the
and out of the house. 4-5, visions of joy and success. lovely flowers.
6, speak with a dead ancestor
¤ WAREHOUSE. Broken barrels ¤ GRAVES. Lord Tortifer. Lady
who reveals a clue about your
and crates. Old oil spills. Pawson. Master Birdly. Mistress
current endeavor.
¤ FUMES. Smoke of blue lotus, Slithers. Madame Scaleworthy.
Cost: 1d6 x 10 GP.
frost lavender, bitter jasmine. Count Floof. Duchess Meow. Sir
¤ DANGER. When a person has Pouncelot. Miss Ruffafeather.
Rare, dangerous intoxicants.
their dreams eaten for 7 days
¤ INSIDE. A filthy home, rotting ¤ MAN. Mister Rory Krum (50),
in a row, they die.
furniture, stained blankets and caretaker. Tidy brown suit,
¤ FUTURE. In 1d6 weeks, the gardening tools. Lonely, sad.
pillows, sleeping people.
horror Dunajja consumes Wants peace and quiet.
¤ PATRONS. 1-in-6 chance to enough dreams to manifest in
recognize someone. Special: A ¤ DANGER. When Krum is afraid
the city. A huge mass of red
youth named Orleth (black or angry, he summons the
flesh covered in golden eyes
curls, muddy shoes) mutters: “I undead pets in the cemetery to
appears on a random building,
miss the river…” protect and comfort him
crushing it. All people within
(alarming, harmless).
¤ OWNERS. “Dreams of Dunajja” 500ft instantly die and become
cult. Dane, Dino, Dona, Della CHAOS ZOMBIES. The immortal ¤ QUEST. Fetch him a new pet.
(20), psychics. Purple togas, horror vanishes at sunrise. REWARD: Charm of Peaceful
shaggy hair, bloodshot eyes. Rest (bronze rabbit foot, all
¤ QUEST. Fetch new stronger
Gentle, sleepy. Can view and undead creatures within 5ft
intoxicants. REWARD: Mark of
control the dreams of others. revert to being dead, effect
Dunajja (purple scar on
Currently feeding the dreams ends when the charm moves
temple). One PC gains the
of their customers to their away).
ability to touch a sleeping
patron horror Dunajja, in person to view and manipulate
exchange for psychic powers. their dreams, once per day.
Want new dreamers. Fear
noises that wake people up.
¤ LORE. These cultists bound their
dreams to Dunajja. They can
steal (and experience) dreams
from others in order to feed
their patron Horror. If they stop
stealing dreams, then Dunajja
keeps them awake until they
go mad (3d6 days).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 40

48. Embassy of the Golden Alliance 53. Nepravik Asylum 58. Burnt Tower
49. Basilica of Saint Hester 54. Rotting Shipwreck 59. Manse of Acarif
50. Hop Street Aleworks 55. Ironwood Armory 60. Songbird Saloon
51. Leap Street Grocery 56. Ottum Inn 61. Egg Street
52. Garlic Mill 57. Manse of Syfon

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 41

¤ SECRET TOMB. At the peak of
the pyramid, a single room of
gold bricks. Contains the
The dying district of the city, golden sarcophagus of the
where old wooden houses and A pale stone pyramid rises back undead mummy Princess
shops stand half empty, or half- from the street, flanked by shining Harpetra (golden chain dress,
collapsed. Huge riding fleas leap black obelisks covered in ancient filthy funereal wrappings,
through the dusty streets. Rickety runes. Warriors guard the gate. bookish, introverted) studying
wagons struggle through deep political reports and drafting
muddy ruts. ¤ PYRAMID. Ancient, cracked. No her expert analysis for the
windows, one entrance. ministers. Wants a mental
Professional mercenaries and
inhuman cultists alike quietly linger ¤ OBELISKS. 20ft tall, marble. challenge. Fears boredom.
in the shade, looking for ¤ RUNES. Describe the five cities ¤ AMBASSADORS. Minister
opportunities. Alcoholic fumes of the Golden Alliance: Sahar Brahim of Sahar, Minister
linger on the warm breeze. of the Blue Princes, Kalahar of Rashida of Kalahar, Minister
the Red Scholars, Thar of the Yusuf of Thar (40-50), skilled
Gray Magicians, Yumar of the politicians. Silk robes,
Green Oasis, Antar of the feathered turbans, golden
1. 2 KNIGHTS LITIGANT on Yellow Priests. jewelry. Refined, educated,
patrol. savvy. Want to trade deals for
2. 1d6 HANDS OF VERMESH the spices, cottons, and silks of
¤ INSIDE. (1) Grand Hall. the desert cities. Fear poverty
cultists try to outright kill you.
(2) Private quarters. and irrelevance.
(3) Secret tomb.
try to steal your gear. ¤ LORE. Antar was recently
4. An old house tumbles down ¤ GRAND HALL. A vast echoing destroyed by demons. Yumar
into the street. chamber of hieroglyphic- was destroyed decades ago
5. 2d6 RIDING FLEAS stampede etched walls, painted pillars, by famine and sandstorms.
down the street. spice carpets, silk couches,
¤ QUEST. Discover a way for the
6. A swarm of HOG MITES fragrant braziers, beautiful
Alliance to restore life to the
stampede down the street. servants with trays of wine,
vast deserts of their homeland.
pomegranates, figs. Cats
REWARD: Choose one:
lounge on huge pillows.
(1) a Saharite sand cat, which
Musicians pluck at harps.
can find a safe path through
¤ PRIVATE QUARTERS. A warren any maze or dangerous
of small bedrooms, washrooms, terrain, and hisses when
and kitchens. Softest cotton in danger is near.
the world, spice lamps, golden (2) a Kalaharite silk lute,
trinkets. which can charm everyone who
¤ SEARCH. 1 Fine Treasure (p8). hears it, two times per day.
(3) a Tharite spice carpet,
which can fly two riders for
1d6 hours per day.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 42

This red brick temple has a copper
dome above a chamber filled with
light streaming through stained ¤ QUEST 1. Fetch relics of Saint
glass windows. The open doors Hester (bones). Empowers the
reveal incense and chanting. clerics to restore lost limbs and
resurrect the dead.
¤ WINDOWS. Images of red-
REWARD: Free limb restorations
robed clerics healing the sick.
and resurrections.
¤ CHANTING. Soothing prayers
¤ QUEST 2. Brother Fabian and
to the angel Ariel.
Sister Geraldine are horribly
¤ INSIDE. A warm, clean chapel sick (boils, bleeding, screaming,
with wood pews and marble flailing), clerics cannot heal
altar. A tidy library of medical them. Find a cure!
texts. A humble kitchen with
fresh herbs drying on the SOLUTION: Discover the FLESH
ceiling. Six small private rooms OF MORDROGA cultist Brigid
(bed, shelves, clothing). hiding in the basement with a
¤ SEARCH. A rusty door outside Chaos Orb to torment the
leads down to a dank cellar kindly clerics.
full of rotting empty boxes,
and a sweaty woman in rough REWARD: Ring of Saint Hester
hides muttering over a swirling (Cast 20ft of light, and Lay on
red orb (see Quest 2). Hands 5HP per day).

¤ TEMPLE. Brother Alphonse, ITEM: Chaos Orb (red stone

Sister Celia, Brother Dorian, sphere that causes illness, pain,
Sister Elodie, Brother Fabian, madness, and mutations in
Sister Geraldine (30-60), creatures aligned with Law).
clerics of Ariel. Red robes, short
hair, medical supplies. Kind,
gentle. Want to heal the sick
and injured. Fear Chaos.
¤ OFFER. Heal basic wounds and
diseases (donations welcome).

Colossus in front of Temple of Wady

Saboua [Wadi al-Sabua], Nubia. (1846-
1849), David Roberts

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 43

A gleaming bar stretches behind a In a sunny courtyard, small stalls Three slender windmills whirl
sea of tables and chairs. Burly under thin awnings sell local above a wooden rooftop. In the
people reeking of alcohol mutter produce. The vendors all dress in shop below, three creaking axles
over papers and pints. white and never touch anything. grind garlic cloves on ancient
stained millstones.
¤ BAR. Serves 33 varieties of ¤ PRODUCE. Onions, turnips,
bright lagers, dark porters, beets, carrots, mushrooms, blue ¤ MILLER. Mister Etebar Nash
and thick stouts. Best beer in berries, blackberries, grapes. (55), pharmacist. Black oiled
the city. Run by Synthia Smalls Cost: 1 GP per pound. hair, mustache, stained smock.
(50), alewife and guildmaster. Energetic, talkative. Obsessed
Tall, gaunt, gray. Commanding, with healthy living, and the
cult. Hata, Bota, Anga, Paya
perfectionist, practical. Wants virtues of garlic. Wants
(20), limb loppers. No arms,
to keep the guild wealthy and everyone to eat more garlic.
white cloaks, white hair, sinister
respectful. Fears pale ales, Fears illness and weakness.
smiles. Soft spoken, polite.
rumrunners, mold, corks, Believe they are becoming ¤ SELLS. Medicinal products.
sunlight, and prohibitionists. immortal spirit creatures (false). One dose of garlic oil makes
¤ PEOPLE. Members of the Want to become living ghosts. you immune to disease and
Brewing Guild (alewives, mutation for 1d6 hours.
¤ LORE. These cultists bound their
vintners, distillers). Chemists, One dose of garlic powder
limbs to Vermesh. They sacrifice
perfectionists, alcoholics, smocks makes you immune to mental
the severed limbs of others to
and aprons, stained, odd effects (charm, fear, sleep,
feed their patron Horror in
smelling. Protective of their illusions) for 1d6 hours.
exchange for ghost limbs. If
recipes and ingredients. One dose of garlic paste
they stop sacrificing limbs, then
Suspicious of strangers. grants a bonus of +3 to all
Vermesh will devour their
STR-based rolls for 1d6 hours.
¤ AROUND BACK. A dozen bodies instead.
Cost: 1d6 x 100 GP per dose.
copper tanks connected by a ¤ GROCERY. A legitimate
maze of pipes. Alewives in ¤ QUEST. Discover the fabled
business so the cult can earn
leather smocks diligently Scarlet Garlic of Varreg (one
money and also keep their
cleaning, testing, filling. dose of medicine from this
victims properly fed.
garlic lasts for 1d6 days
¤ QUEST 1. Discover superior ¤ QUEST. Kill the KNIGHTS instead of 1d6 hours, and costs
hops. REWARD: One flask (10 LITIGANT (law enforcement 10x as much).
sips) of the Grand Imperial.
suspects them of attacking REWARD: Nash’s Tincture (one
One sip makes the drinker people at night). dose, permanently increases
immune to pain and fear, and REWARD (for each knight one random ability score by 3).
sing like an angel for 1 hour. killed): Rite of Vermesh
¤ Quest 2. Eliminate sellers of replaces one PC arm with an
drugs (competitors). REWARD: invisible ethereal arm that
Access to the Private Bar, which deals 2d6 of electrical shocks
sells chemical weapons. Nitro on unarmed strikes.
sticks (detonate one 30x30
structure), Cost: 2d6 x 1,000
GP. Thermite (drill a 100ft
hole through any material),
Cost: 2d6 x 1,000 GP.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 44

Beyond rusting gates and wild In a dusty ditch between two brick
thorn bushes, a gray mansion houses leans the splintered gray
stands choked with vines. Ravens ¤ TATTOOS. Applied by each wreck of an ancient sailing ship.
croak on the roof. Lights flicker in other, appear to be random Its tattered sails flap in the
the grimy windows. An occasional lines and parts of words. But breeze. A lone man hobbles
wail disturbs the silence. when the Knights stand side by about on the deck with a broom.
side, the tattoos form a map
¤ GATES. Scream when opened. ¤ WRECK. Cannon-shot holes
pointing to a location outside clear through the hull.
¤ THORN. Shred clothing, stinging the city (Rainbow Pool, #75).
scratches. This is the den of the Dreaming ¤ SHIP. 2-masted caravel, small
Horror that is driving the trading vessel “Dawn Dancer”.
¤ VINES. Hundreds of rats
climbing all over the asylum. Knights mad. ¤ MAN. Boris the Sailor (60),
¤ QUEST (STATED). Fetch more cabin boy. Gaunt, wild-eyed,
¤ RAVENS. Intelligent, curious,
madmen to live here. Surely rags, sailor cap, peg leg, hook
can croak single-word answers
more brothers and sisters will hand, eye patch, parrot
to questions. Easily bribed with
help them unravel their “Kracks”. Shaky, darting eyes,
meat and shiny trinkets. Will
nightmares! mumbling. Sailed on the last
not risk their lives for anything.
REWARD: Take anything from voyage of the Dawn Dancer
¤ WAIL. A cry of dismay. the junk in the morgue (1d6): with Admiral Yngov, destroyed
¤ INSIDE. Abandoned by owners 1-5, Fine Treasure (p8). by pirates on the river Akaroy
and staff. Dusty chairs and 6, Quest Item (p8). here in Carcassay. Claims to
cots. Empty cupboards. see the ghosts of the crew
¤ QUEST (SECRET). Slay the
Occupied by several strangers. (true). Wants to put the ship
Horror (#75) to restore the back in the water to find
¤ STRANGERS. KNIGHTS ERRANT knights. One of them offers to Yngov’s secret treasure. Fears
order. Sir Diggory, Sir Perdita, join the PCs as a retainer
the ghosts.
Sir Sverre, Sir Bradamante, Sir (KNIGHT LITIGANT).
Aran, Sir Nasrin (40-60), ¤ QUEST. Put the Dawn Dancer
cursed madmen. Wild hair, on the river (somehow). The
patchwork clothing and armor, ghost crew appears and sails
bizarre tattoos. Muttering, away into a mysterious fog.
twitchy, quick to anger. REWARD: In 3d6 days, the ship
Formerly members of the returns laden with Yngov’s
Knights Litigant, now confused, treasure (30,000 GP).
obsessed with their eldritch
nightmares (harmless).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 45

A long building of undecorated This lovely old home stands on a
stone sits by several willow trees. quiet corner. Lacy curtains part to
Boards cover the windows. ¤ QUEST. Fetch Arascene reveal a merry fire in the parlor
Warriors sit by the door, talking scimitars (legendary). and a dining room set for tea.
and rolling dice. REWARD (for each): 3 free Harp music underscores the soft
Jassinars for one day, or one sounds of polite conversation.
¤ BUILDING. Plain, forgettable.
PC learns one battle maneuver:
Formerly a shipping and ¤ OWNER. Missus Hally Ottum
(1) Throw a stone at any
receiving workhouse. Boarded (65), motherly innkeep. Plump,
target within 60ft for damage
up and reinforced by the gray bun, shawls. Sweet,
equal to your DEX (auto-hit).
mercenaries. generous, works too hard.
(2) Kick a cloud of dust into Wants you to eat more and
¤ WARRIORS. JASSINAR the eyes of up to three
meet someone nice. Fears
mercenaries. Zahir, Vida, creatures within 10 ft, and they getting too old to work.
Soraya, Reza, Pari, Omid, are blinded until the end of
Nazli (20-40), high quality their next turn (no save). ¤ HOUSEKEEPER. Miss Kora
soldiers. Athletic, short black (3) Grab one humanoid target Noddin (45), failed harpist.
hair, steel breastplates, violet by one finger and flip them Drab dresses, long braids.
cloaks. Serious, professional, flat on their back (no save). Avoids eye contact, talks too
deadly. Want high paying softly. Loves cats.
work. Want high quality ¤ SECURITY. Mister Walt Taper
recruits. Fear stupid mistakes (30), DUNGEONEER EXPERT.
and dishonest business Quiet, serious, decent. Guards
partners. Advanced skill, the inn when he’s not looting
reliability. 5-in-6 chance of the dungeons.
success versus skilled
opponents. 3-in-6 chance of ¤ QUEST. Please make that
success versus monsters and unpleasant Mister Alphar Nottic
magicians. Cost: 50 GP per (Flint Street Hotel, #23) leave
fighter per day. her alone. He keeps sending
mean men to mess up her inn
¤ DICE. Currently playing a
and scare her customers away.
violent adventure story game, But no nasty business! REWARD:
“Warrens and Wyverns”. Free room and board.
Newcomers are welcome, but
the rules are very complex.
¤ INSIDE. One long room divided
by curtains into a mess hall,
barracks, and gymnasium.
Total of 42 Jassinars available.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 46

Timur’s (Tamerlan’s) doors (1872),
Vasily Vereshchagin

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 47

A sprawling mansion of sagging
porches, crooked chimneys,
cracked windows, stained siding, ¤ FLEAS. Horse-sized. Riders can ¤ QUEST 3. Secure business
and missing shingles commands the leap a hundred yards at a alliances with House Lampyr
end of the lane. Huge dusty fields bound. Very fast, very (prim and proper) and House
extend beyond the leaning fences dangerous. Aranea (fellow old money).
out back. Several gray-haired REWARD: One large political
people in pinstripe suits and favor (release an important
dresses play chess on the porch. ¤ QUEST 1. Get rid of the prisoner, arrest an innocent
obnoxious young Acarif family. high-ranking official, etc.).
¤ MANSION. Once grand, now in
Buy them out? Convince them to
disrepair. Interior full of leave town? REWARD: Keep the
expensive antiques, now Manse of Acarif as your new
tarnished and falling apart. home (or sell for 10,000 GP).
¤ FIELDS. Scores of giant fleas
leaping about. Three yellow
barns. A dozen wranglers ¤ QUEST 2. Undermine the
herding the fleas. grotesque and boorish Nemato
family (damage their worm
¤ PEOPLE. Syfon family. Hecto, business, steal their money,
Pygio, Chima, Qeran (50-70),
embarrass them in public).
flea breeders. Trim, tidy, fine REWARD: Keep what you steal.
clothes worn shabby. Proud, Syfon family will bail you out
old money, value manners. of jail if needed. Free fleas.
Want to restore their family to
dignity and comfort. Fear
shame and poverty.

The Galata Bridge, Constantinople,

Hermann David Salomon Corrodi

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 48

Above the yellow grass hovers a
gothic tower of shimmering stone
and dull bronze. The bottom half ¤ LABORATORY. Tables of ¤ OFFER. Will attach any limb to
of the tower is scorched black. alembics, burners, vials (empty, any creature, free of charge.
Red lights flicker in the windows. cracked). Cages of rats and 5-in-6 chance of success.
There is no door. toads with deftly transplanted ¤ QUEST 1. Fetch the blood of a
bat wings and lizard tails (long
¤ HOVERS. 5ft off the ground. unique exotic creature, a
dead). delicacy! REWARD: Bloodlust
¤ TOWER. 50ft tall. Pointed
¤ SEARCH. 1 Quest Item (p8). Claw Ring (claw sucks 3d6 HP
arches. Fanged gargoyles.
blood from target and heals
Smoky glass. Serrated ¤ NOCTORIUM. Sinfully soft
the wearer by the same
buttresses. Ribbed spires. scarlet fainting couches, pulsing
crimson lamps, black chains
¤ SCORCHED. Blackened, sooty.
dangling from the ceiling. Two ¤ QUEST 2. Discover a way for
Cause: Burned when it fell from
pale aristocrats playing with the vampires to travel back to
the orbital vampire city of
cards made of human skin. their orbital City of Night.
REWARD: Vampirism! (undead,
¤ ITEM. On the wall hangs a
¤ LIGHTS. Alchemical lamps superhuman senses, doubled
beautiful red-steel rapier,
containing luminous blood. speed, +1d6 DEX, double
“Scarlet Waltz” (only serves a
¤ ENTER. Teleport inside, or fly damage from silver weapons,
vampire, 1d8, +2 att/dmg,
up to the windows. 1d6 damage per minute in
hovers beside its master, can
direct sunlight).
¤ INSIDE. Five floors: strike any target within 30ft as
(1) Abattoir, a standard attack, grants +1
(2) Servants quarters, armor by parrying).
(3) Library, ¤ ARISTOCRATS. Lord Octavius,
(4) Laboratory, Lady Valentina (5,000),
(5) Noctorium. VAMPIRE alchemists. Gray skin,
¤ ABATTOIR. Dark, cold. A red eyes, white hair, tight black
hundred human and animal and gold suits. Brilliant,
bodies, drained of blood, charming, inhuman. Want to
heaped on a floor sticky with return to the orbital vampire
dried bile. city Araveshti (banished for
conducting cruel and pointless
¤ SERVANTS QUARTERS. Six transplant experiments on
musty beds. Six unlocked chests fellow vampires). Fear
of simple clothing, tear-stained boredom. Danger: 2-in-6
letters, rusty lockets, and chance of attacking on sight (so
drawings of sad couples. thirsty!).
¤ LIBRARY. Thick dust on velvet
chairs. Small ebony carts of
golden books (tragic romance
and grotesque poetry).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 49

Fresh white paint covers a sleek This blue mansion is divided into
ranch house. Young ranchers in many rooms, richly furnished,
silk vests strut on the porch, calling plushly carpeted, and dimly lit.
out to passersby. Tall fences The beautiful servers wear dark
obscure the backyard. silks and flirtatious expressions.

¤ HOUSE. New, sturdy but plain. ¤ OWNER. Madame Calpurnia

Interior full of cheap furniture Seren (60), professional
and cute knick-knacks. madame. Slender, elegant,
sparkly. Confident, intelligent,
¤ RANCHERS. Acarif family.
sensual. Wants to feel safe,
Sarco, Trombi, Demod, Erioph,
and to protect her staff. Fears
Tarson (20-30), mite breeders.
violence and plagues.
New hats and boots, attractive,
outgoing. Too excited, easily ¤ SERVERS. Angel, Brook, Cyan,
frustrated, whiny. Trying to get Emory, Gray, Lyric, Quin, Rain,
rich quick, used to things going Seven (20-40). Men and
their way, entitled. Want to be women, slender, athletic,
rich and adored. Fear poverty, voluptuous. Charming, aloof,
aging, and hard work. aggressive, submissive.
Whatever you want.
¤ CALLING OUT. “Mites! Get your
mites here! Finest mites in ¤ LOUNGE. Mister Zephraim Lee
Carcassay! Hello ma’am, why plays soft meandering tunes on
carry those heavy groceries piano. Miss Priscilla West sings
when a sturdy little mite could wistful romantic songs in a low
do that for you? Hello sir, why smoky voice.
carry out your household ¤ SECURITY. 2 JASSINARS sitting
garbage every day when a in opposite corners.
clean little mite can simply
gobble it up for you?!” ¤ QUEST. Kill Dellifer Desh
(owner of the Copper Crow
¤ MITES. Cat-sized arachnids. Eat Bar, #25). Desh makes Seren
dead matter. Harmless to feel threatened.
humans. Obey commands (eat,
REWARD: All manners of free
fetch, sit). Cost: 1d6 x 10 GP. accommodations, for a while.
¤ REAR. Behind the fence,
thousands of HOG MITES scuttle
in a dusty yard and barn,
eating garbage and old wood,
breeding out of control.
Harmless, for now.
¤ QUEST. Help them sell mites
and build their business.
REWARD: Free mites (as many
as you want, they have a lot).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 50

This quiet, dusty road runs
between aging barns. Squinty-
eyed ranchers pace the ¤ LAST BARN ON THE LEFT. Silent, ¤ CONVERT. They remove their
perimeters. Loud chirps echo unlocked. Aura: People who mouth-masks to reveal a
inside the barns. approach feel compelled to tongue made of many writhing
walk away. Inside: Four tentacles. Kiss the convert to
¤ BARNS. Ten. Peeling yellow
cultists in dusty gray robes connect their flesh to the horror
paint, warped boards. No
and wooden masks sit Sholleth. Become ageless, eat
windows. Locked doors (except
meditating on the dirt floor. dust, telekinetic, leave body in
the last on the left). Inside:
astral form, serve the will (and
Giant flea queens lie on ¤ CULTISTS. DUSTEATERS OF
hunger) of Sholleth.
mountains of hay, laying pale SHOLLETH cult. Aphra, Kiran,
yellow eggs (watermelon Ramlah, Sayaka (100-300), ¤ QUEST 2. Fetch shards of wyrm
sized). Hatchlings (cat sized) mystics. Ageless, slender, wind- glass (for them to eat).
screech and leap about. scarred. Gray robes, wooden REWARD: Stain of Sholleth
mouth-masks. Curious, naive, (1d6):
¤ RANCHERS. Employed by the
forgetful, artistic. Currently 1-2, Never sleep.
Syfon family. Experts in raising,
feeding the dust of the earth to 3-4, Never breathe.
wrangling, and riding giant
their patron horror Sholleth (by 5-6, Never frightened or
fleas. Serious about their work,
eating it), in exchange for charmed.
but also like to show off with
psychic powers (telekinesis,
lassos and rodeos.
astral-walking). Helpful one
¤ CHIRPS. Giant flea queens. moment, murderous the next.
Hungry, immobile. Search: The Want converts. Fear nothing.
last barn on the left is silent.
¤ QUEST 1. Old Bessie has
stopped laying eggs, find out
why! SOLUTION: Chirping
noises bother her, play some
soothing music. REWARD: A
good flea stallion “Lightning”,
strong jumper, slightly erratic.

The Old Fish Market in Antwerp (1833),

Francois Antoine Bossuet

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 51

¤ G = Grates in the street that can be lifted up so that people can drop down into the sewer tunnels.
¤ D = Doors in the sewer tunnels that open into forgotten cellars and basements.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 52

Just below the surface of the Roll for a random encounter when An ancient iron door sits wedged
Firefly and Worm Quarters entering a new segment of the into a stone wall just above the
stretches a rudimentary system of sewer tunnels. waste water.
stone tunnels. Rainwater and street 1. An iron grate snaps overhead, ¤ WEDGED. Rusted, grimy,
waste drizzle steadily through dropping a dead camel and a deformed frame. Difficult to
rusty iron grates into sluggish deluge of murky water. force the door open.
currents of knee-deep sludge.
2. A cascade of ancient stones
These cold rivers crawl past ¤ DANGER OPTION 1. Fragile
give way from the ceiling,
hidden subterranean doors down walls and ceiling. Whole
completely blocking the sewer.
to the River Akaroy. section of the sewer collapses
The water level rapidly rises.
when the door opens.
3. The tunnel floor collapses into
a 10ft pit swamped with ¤ DANGER OPTION 2. Runes on
waste water, which rapidly the door (“Fire”). When the
spins into a whirlpool that door opens, a jet of fire ignites
drags everything down. the waste fumes for 3d6.
4. Two threadbare youths (CULT
OF THE RAT) hunch in the
shadows, whispering to the
rats. Flee when approached.
5. A human corpse floats by
(1d6 GP).
6. A dark wave of sewage
sloshes up the wall and
crashes down over the party.
7. A swarm of hungry rats
carpets the floor and walls,
squeaking and biting, eager
to scurry inside bags and
8. A swarm of snakes swim over
the flowing sludge, biting and
tearing at a dead cat.
9. 2d6 rotting CHAOS ZOMBIES
stagger out of the gloom.
10. The monstrous RATGLUTTON
SERPENT slithers straight
toward the party.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 53

63. Silver Spires 66. White Ziggurat 69. Holy Tomb
64. Crystal Palace 67. Pearl Manse
65. Golden Dome 68. Black Maze

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 54

At the top of the Red Road, at the Thirteen slender towers of pale
peak of the red rock spear, rests gray stone cluster together, each
¤ OPPORTUNITY. When pleased,
the Dreaming Skull of the Titan crowned with a uniquely designed
the Silent Nocturne guides the
Rat. And built upon this wind- roof. Soft white lights glimmer in
PCs to a book that answers
scoured expanse of white bone the many high windows.
their questions (they may read
are the strange and decadent but not remove).
¤ ENTRANCE. Stone doors.
homes of the six mysterious
Closed. Magically sealed. ¤ DANGER. When displeased,
Corpse Lords who claim to rule
Place a rare book or document the Silent Nocturne casts the
over the city of Carcassay (and
of historical significance in the PCs out the nearest window
the seventh who no one knows
silver slot by the entrance to with a flick of his finger, to fall
open the door. upon the Skull, or all the way
No one knows who the Corpse down to Carcassay.
¤ INTERIOR. A vast library. Every
Lords originally were, and no one
tower is walled entirely with
knows what the Corpse Lords
books on historical events
currently are. Many assume they
spanning the entire history of
are Kadav, the living dead. Or
the world. Countless stairs and
possibly vampires, or mummies. In
ladders ascend the towers. No
truth, the Corpse Lords are six
other types of rooms. Several
living magicians who have
frail, hunched servants dust the
discovered the ritual art of
shelves (refuse to interact).
corpse-construction. By carefully
arranging thousands of dead ¤ ENVIRONMENT. Silent. Sound is
bodies in a complex ritual pattern, impossible here. Spells that
they each created their strange require speaking do not work.
homes. As long as they remain ¤ CORPSE LORD. “The Silent
inside these necromantic castles, Nocturne”. A mute magician
they are immortal and cannot be obsessed with ancient history.
acted upon against their will. Bald, silver robes, thick reading
The Corpse Lords play no part in glasses. Always seated
the day-to-day concerns of somewhere in the library,
Carcassay, its culture or politics. reading. Wants to achieve
But from time to time, a Corpse perfect knowledge and
Lord will send a servant into the understanding of the history of
city on a strange errand, and woe the world. Fears fire,
to any who stands in their way. bookworms, and loud sounds.
GM NOTE: Use the Corpse Lords
sparingly as sources of items,
information, powers, and tasks.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 55

A cottage-sized castle of shining
glass and mirrors reflect the sky
and horizon so that the structure is ¤ ENVIRONMENT. Dimly lit. Rain ¤ OPPORTUNITY. When pleased,
almost invisible. A soft echo of rain sounds (soothing white noises) the Corpse Lord reveals a
can be heard from inside. come from everywhere, all the secret truth about a person or
time. Difficult to stay awake. group of people that can be
¤ ENTRANCE. An open corridor.
Impossible to perceive reality, accessed through their dreams.
¤ INTERIOR. A simple bedroom only shifting dreamscapes. ¤ DANGER. When displeased,
dominated by a massive
¤ CORPSE LORD. “The Contented the Corpse Lord casts the PCs
wooden bed piled high with
Sigh”. A sleeping magician out the doorway and the
pillows and blankets, where the
obsessed with dreams. In palace vanishes completely.
Corpse Lord lies sleeping.
reality, they are shriveled with For the next 1d6 nights, the
When entering, each PC
long gray hair, long curling PCs have intense nightmares
perceives a different dream-
nails permanently asleep upon that prevent them from gaining
fused bedroom (1d20):
the bed. In the dreamscapes, the benefits of rest.
1. Furs in a wintry yurt. they are beautiful versions of
2. Carpets in a desert tent. whatever is appropriate to the
3. Wolves in a mountain cave. dreamscape (hunter, wolf,
4. Kelp in a flooded grotto. sailor, orphan, monkey, etc.).
5. A battlefield of bloody grass. Always exploring the dreams
6. A bedroll in a wooden shack. of other people. Expert in
7. A hammock on a sailing ship. primal fears and desires.
8. A woven bird nest. Wants to discover elemental
9. A buzzing bee hive. truths about what it means to
10. An earthen rabbit warren. be human. Fears being alone in
11. Falling up into a starry void. their own mind.
12. A golden sarcophagus.
13. A rotten coffin in a cold crypt.
14. Snowdrifts in an igloo.
15. A hot spring full of monkeys.
16. A cot in an orphanage full of
starving children.
17. A smoky den of intoxicated
naked strangers.
18. A pit full of mutilated corpses.
19. A vast mound of gold coins.
20. The place where the PC slept
last night.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 56

An enormous dome of solid gold
sits upon the Dreaming Skull like a
beautiful tumor, shining in the ¤ Corpse Lord. “The Dire ¤ OPPORTUNITY. When pleased,
celestial lights. Golden flag poles Caress”. A smoking magician the Corpse Lord teaches a
ring the dome, each displaying a obsessed with pleasure. secret of the senses (1d6):
wide slithering banner of Golden curls, robes of soft 1-3, strike the crown of a
unmarked golden silk. golden fleece, sleepy-eyed. humanoid’s head to cause total
Slow to move, slow to speak, numbness for 1d6 minutes.
¤ ENTRANCE. A dimly lit tunnel,
ever smiling. Expert in physical 4-5, press a humanoid’s chest to
passing through seven black
and mental perception of cause intense pain for 1d6
curtains of satin and velvet.
pleasure and pain. Wants to minutes.
Touching each curtain causes a
feel constantly increasing 6, touch a humanoid between
shiver of physical pleasure.
pleasures of all types. Fears the eyes to cause intense
After touching all seven, a
numbness. pleasure for 1d6 minutes.
visitor is incapable of anger or
deception for 1d6 hours. ¤ DANGER. When displeased,
the Corpse Lord cripples the
¤ INTERIOR. A decadent lounge
PCs with sourceless pain, and
where the Corpse Lord lies
the waddling hookahs drag
smoking. The floor is one
them outside. They recover in
enormous pillow (soft, bouncy).
1d6 minutes with a 1-in-6
Chairs and fainting couches
chance of feeling intense pain
meander around the room,
(blinding or paralyzing)
seeking occupants (gently mold
whenever they smell smoke.
to fit you, impossibly
comfortable, relieve aches and
pains). Gorgeous golden
hookahs waddle about,
offering pipes of intoxicating
golden smoke (lily-of-the-
heavens). Erotic music throbs
gently from the walls.
¤ ENVIRONMENT. Dimly lit, soft,
comfortable, pain-killing,
exciting. Impossible to be
aggressive here. Seductive

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 57

A step pyramid of human bones
rises above the Dreaming Skull.
On three sides, the cemented ribs ¤ CORPSE LORD. “The Cold ¤ OPPORTUNITY. When pleased,
and femurs form three jagged Embrace”. An artistic magician the Corpse Lord grants you a
tiers. On the fourth side, thousands obsessed with death. Straight boon (1d6):
of skulls lay fused together in the white hair, spotless white cloak.
likeness of one gargantuan human 1. Smell dead remains (60ft).
Whispers loudly. Constantly
skull, the eye sockets filled with 2. Sense undead creatures
drawing disturbing images in
black pitch, and the nasal cavity (30ft).
the ash with their mind. Sculpts
gaping as a ragged door. 3. Speak with dead remains at
three-dimensional people and will.
animals from the ash, which act
¤ ENTRANCE. Upon entering, all 4. Command undead creature
on the Corpse Lord’s whims.
living creatures appear as smaller than you.
Expert in physical decay,
decaying eyeless corpses with 5. Go unnoticed by undead
necromancy, and undeath.
brown bones covered in creatures.
Wants to create a world of
tattered flesh and wriggling 6. Animate dead remains as
undead creatures, beyond pain
maggots. No skill can overcome obedient undead thralls (lasts
and fear, all clean and dry.
this illusion. 1d6 minutes).
Despises the juicy, bloody
¤ INTERIOR. A serene meditation flesh of the living. ¤ DANGER. When displeased,
garden where the Corpse Lord the Corpse Lord deals you a
sits in contemplation. Powdery bane (1d6):
gray ash (human and animal)
covers the ground in a 1. You lose one of your senses
perfectly level carpet. permanently.
Complex geometric designs 2. You attract the undead upon
are drawn in the ash sight.
(necromantic formulae). White 3. You see all living creatures as
ghost lights hover in the air. their skeletons, unable to see
flesh or faces.
¤ ENVIRONMENT. Deathly still. 4. You age 4x faster than
Cold, misting breath. Echoes normal.
ominously. Choking ash. It is 5. You become undead, steadily
impossible to heal here. Any rotting into a walking
curses, wounds, or diseases skeleton.
fester and advance at fearful 6. You instantly die, crumbling
speed. into ash on the floor.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 58

Dozens of iridescent pearls, as
small as pumpkins and as large as
boulders, sit in a gleaming jumble ¤ CORPSE LORD. “The Knowing ¤ OPPORTUNITY. When pleased,
of curves and bulges. The shining Smile”. A questioning magician the Corpse Lord lets slip a
structure rumbles quietly from time obsessed with the future. useful fact about the near
to time, as the Dreaming Skull Sculpted red hair, blackout future in Carcassay. This fact
quakes underfoot. eyes, long boneless fingers, usually leads to an obscure,
rainbow finery. Constant deserted location just as
¤ ENTRANCE. Step through a
questions, probing, predictions something bizarre suddenly
circular portal of swirling
(general, dismissive). Always happens. (An empty yard when
rainbow lights in the outer wall
pacing, peering into the a person falls from the sky. A
to teleport to the inner
portals, speaking to unseen dark cellar when a creature
chamber. All weapons and
people in them, nodding at burrows up. An overgrown
magical items are left
unheard answers. Currently statue when the monument
discarded outside.
mapping the events leading up crumbles to reveal a hidden
¤ INTERIOR. An egg-shaped to the destruction of the city of passage.)
chamber of curving walls made Carcassay (a city doomed to ¤ DANGER. When displeased,
of pearl nacre. Dozens of die a hundred deaths!). If you the Corpse Lord hurls the PCs
swirling rings of light dot the want to make them laugh, tell through a portal to (1d6):
walls like windows. The Corpse them your plans.
Lord stands at one glowing 1. Gnawing House (#20) in 1d6
portal, speaking casually with hours.
an unseen person. 2. Silk Street Tunnel (#6) in 2d6
¤ ENVIRONMENT. Each portal
3. Inside the Burnt Tower (#58)
radiates a microclimate (less
at midnight.
than an arm’s length),
4. Ditch (#16) in 1d6 days.
betraying what is on the far
5. Clearwater Lake (#70) in 1d6
side. Cold and frost. Heat and
sand. Humidity and moisture.
6. Rainbow Pool (#75) in 1d6
Putrescence and oil. Fire and
light. Void and darkness. Etc.
Each portal connects to a
different time and place in the
distant future. The Corpse Lord
controls the portals, moving
them to explore and map the
future of the world. Only the
Corpse Lord can see and hear
through the portals, but they
never step through them.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 59

At the edge of the titan rat’s Skull,
a dense jumble of oily black
stones form a low, foul-smelling ¤ CORPSE LORD. “The Laughing ¤ OPPORTUNITY. When pleased,
labyrinth. No light escapes from Shadow”. A giggling magician the Corpse Lord offers a bit of
the narrow opening in the black obsessed with trivial secrets. trash that reveals an
wall. But from time time, a giggle Balding, thin-limbed, pot- embarrassing truth about
can be heard inside. bellied, food-stained blue silk someone in the city (a clumsy
robe that doesn’t stay closed. love letter, a lost vault key, a
¤ ENTRANCE. Wander blindly
Slouches, grins, mocks and poorly made doll, a man’s hair
through the claustrophobic
taunts, complains about their piece, an overfed dead
tunnels, surrounded by the
cat’s picky eating, kicks songbird, an accidentally
hissing of serpents and clicking
garbage about. Constantly severed finger, a rejected
of insects. Floor tiles give way
collecting worthless anecdotes wedding ring).
at random, revealing deep
and bits of gossip. Doesn’t care
shafts into watery pits where ¤ DANGER. When displeased,
if it is true. Enjoys the
unseen creatures growl. the Corpse Lord sends a swarm
misfortunes of others. of moths to carry the PCs back
¤ INTERIOR. At the center of the
outside, where they discover
maze lies a small chamber
the moths have stolen personal
cluttered with garbage. Piles of
trinkets from each of them.
shredded parchments, bent
used cutlery, dented oil lamps,
frayed headscarves, mangled
bird cages, tangled wigs, and
soiled tapestries all lean and
mingle across the unseen floor.
Moths and worms crawl over
the heaps, nibbling. Dozens of
yellow candles flicker all
about, dribbling wax on the
detritus and exhaling bitter
fumes. The Corpse Lord sits on
a heap of bloody books,
petting a bony orange cat.
¤ ENVIRONMENT. Filthy and
cluttered. Nothing here is useful
or meaningful. It is literally
trash. No one can move quickly.
It is impossible to remain clean
here, all visitors quickly become
stained and foul-smelling. They
feel insects crawling on their
flesh and hear voices laughing
in the shadows.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 60

(Unknown to the public)
A narrow ledge of bone leads
around and under the Dreaming ¤ CORPSE LORD. “The Unseen ¤ OPPORTUNITY. When pleased,
Skull. Across a wide gap of Star”. A dancing magician the Corpse Lord offers
wailing wind, a dim red light obsessed with gateways and knowledge of the invisible
flickers in a cage of golden aliens. Hairless, solid gold eyes, portals hidden in and under
blades. A shadow moves beyond small, strong, antique bronze Carcassay, permanently linking
the light. armor. Moves like a dancer, different locations together.
like a fencer. Precise, curious, (GM may place them
¤ ENTRANCE. Leap across the odd. Wants to leave this world anywhere: One end is always
gap between the ledge and and visit others. Fascinated by in a safe or deserted location
the cage. The wind buffets and the alien worlds glimpsed and the other end is always in
shrieks. Miss, and the fall will through the dead angel’s eye. danger or turmoil.)
take 1 whole minute before the
fatal impact on the rocks far ¤ DANGER. When displeased,
below. the Corpse Lord drops the PCs
through a portal in the floor,
¤ INTERIOR. The golden cage is a which deposits them in a
riot of thousands of metal random dungeon chamber
feathers, small as fingers and under the city.
long as spears, locked into a
vast tessellating pattern. In the
center of the singular chamber,
a black orb hovers in the air,
licked by a few feeble tongues
of red flame. The wind whistles
constantly through the gaps in
the golden feathers, chilling the
air. The Corpse Lord paces in a
complex pattern across the
feathers, gazing into the red
¤ ENVIRONMENT. Geometric,
metallic, and celestial. The
golden cage is the corpse of
the angel OVAKRON. Chaos is
impossible here. Chaotic
creatures suffer mental and
physical pain in this space.
Lawful creatures feel safe and
strong. Staring into the red
flames of the dead angel’s eye
causes true visions of distant

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 61

The spine of the titan rat arches
high above the city of Carcassay. ¤ GUTHLACK THE CROW (55), ¤ ATHERIN THE JUST (65), judge.
At the northern end, the spine seer. Thin, jaundiced, trembling, Grim, grizzled, gray. Cold
emerges from the Dreaming Skull coughing. Catches fleeting steely eyes. Can see a person’s
atop the Red Spire. At the glimpses of tomorrow’s events guilt and criminal history with a
southern end, the spine plunges (people falling ill, spreading single glance.
down into the Spiraling Tail in the disease).
Spider Quarter. ¤ MAGRED THE ANGELIC (30),
¤ WOLFRACK THE WAKING (25), actor. Beautiful, blonde,
In between, the spine hangs in the healer. Bloodshot eyes, twitchy, buxom. Acts naive, but
sky, dotted with crude mud hovels hallucinates. Has not slept in perfectly understands peoples’
where strange hermits sit in months. Can heal minor cuts true thoughts. Inspires youthful
meditation, praying to become and bruises with a touch. bravado.
saints before they starve, or fall.
sineater. Pale, sniffling, tear- poet. Hunched, frail, serene.
stained. Frequent crying fits. Broken bones, unable to move.
Absorbs the regrets and Hovers just above the ground.
sadness of others.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 62

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 63
70. Clearwater Lake 72. Green Vault 74. Vrahoi Henge
71. Crooked Wall 73. Helm Hill 75. Rainbow Hot Spring

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 64

Outside the city, near the grassy
hills, a wide lake ripples with a
¤ WESTERN SHORE. Hidden in the ¤ VIEW. On the eastern horizon,
gentle breeze, reflecting the sky.
grass and reeds, the ruined leagues away, a massive crab-
A small black shape stands rigidly
foundations of a vast manse. A creature lumbers toward the
in the center of the water. On the
small iron shed with locked lake. This Brakken Bilger
eastern shore, a ragged yellow
door. Inside the shed, a marble contains thousands of barrels of
wall stands in the reeds.
stair spirals down to an sea water and tiny sea
¤ LAKE. 5,000ft across, 50ft armored passageway that creatures.
deep. Cold, clear, safe. leads under the lake to an ¤ IN 3 DAYS. The Bilger arrives
Contains edible fish, frogs, intact structure. and dumps its hold into the
snails. Danger: 1-in-6 chance ¤ EASTERN SHORE. A yellow wall lake, instantly transforming the
of waking a DROWNED TROLL of living coral (10ft tall) environment with sea weeds,
when wading. encloses a circular compound at sea stars, large shrimp,
¤ SHAPE. A bronze statue of a the water’s edge. Inside, a aggressive eels, venomous
blind-folded saint attached to dozen domed huts of yellow nettles, etc. The lake becomes
a large structure below the coral. A score of humanoid dangerous to land folk.
surface. Pale blue lights glow crabs (BRAKKEN BRUTES) and ¤ IN 3 MONTHS. The Brakken
underwater. dozens of canine crabs colony is a large, well-
¤ STRUCTURE. A fabulous glass defended town of 1,000 huts.
through the camp, gathering
domed chamber beneath the fish from the water and ¤ IN 3 YEARS. The Brakken colony
water, the sunken ballroom of improving the huts. Atop the expands down the River
the Duchess Indulja Dulak. largest hut sits a Brute on a Akaroy and invades the city of
Contains decaying silk couches, coral throne, clutching a Carcassay.
crystal fluyts, 1d6 bottles of glowing red staff.
Celestial Champagne (500 GP
each), 1d6 pouches of ¤ CRABS. These are the red-
Nightengale Narca (5,000 GP shelled Brakken crab-folk.
each), 3d6 solid silver knives, Isolationist colonizers. Want to
dozens of dusty skeletons, and create a marine paradise near
1 Quest Item (p8). An armored any body of water. No interest
passageway leads from the in land folk, or politics, or
dome to the western shore. money. Protective of water.
Fear pollution.
¤ THRONE. A Brakken priest
named Krayse. Elderly, frail,
crystal growths on shell. Terse,
xenophobic. Carries a coral
staff with a red glowing
crystal. This “beacon” guides
Brakken to join the colony.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 65

Mostly hidden by tall waving From the side of a grassy hill, a
grass, the remains of a jagged wagon-sized cylinder of green
stone wall sit low in the moist metal angles up out of the ground, ¤ CORPSE. Skeletal / mummified,
peat. At its center, a precariously displaying a round, rusty hatch. male. Multiple stab injuries.
balanced arch of heavy stones Torn linen suit, broken glasses,
forms a small open doorway. ¤ GRASSY. Dozens of different
clutching a leather book. The
grasses all growing together
last caretaker of the seed
¤ WALL. 30ft long, 3ft thick. (wheat, barley, fescue,
vault. The book is a ledger of
Uncut chunks of gray rock. lemongrass, rye, reeds, rice,
the seeds, written in a dead
etc.). Only near the cylinder.
¤ DOORWAY. 5ft high/wide. language, that crumbles to dust
The rest of the area is
Appears unremarkable. When when opened.
switchgrass and dandelions.
a creature steps through the
¤ HOLE. Metal ripped by claws,
doorway (in either direction), ¤ CYLINDER. 10ft across, 30
leads to a dirt tunnel down into
they arrive in a mirror- degree angle.
the earth. The tunnel leads to
dimension where everything is ¤ HATCH. Locked: a spinning several dens, each contains:
identical except that all living tumbler of many runes. dagger-sized fangs, large
creatures are physically inside- Password: “Precious”. ragged snake skins, scattered
out (bones crushed inside,
¤ INSIDE. A narrow passage bones. Last den contains a
organs dangling outside),
angling down into the hill, bloated dying mutant snake,
including the newly arrived
100ft, to a metal vault with with bear-like arms and claws.
creature. While in this reality,
hundreds of tiny drawers built It hisses: “Seedsss… sssave the
all creatures have no Armor
into the walls, each containing seedsss… preciousss
Class and are highly
thousands of seeds of an seedsss…” And then dies.
vulnerable to physical harm.
Stepping back through the extinct plant (delicious fruits ¤ DANGER. If left open, the seed
portal restores the creature to and berries, beautiful flowers, vault attracts hungry wildlife.
their original world and healthful grains). Names Birds, rats, and insects
physical state. unknown, properties unknown. converge on the vault in
A human corpse lies on the apocalyptic numbers.
¤ SEARCH. In the other dimension, floor. A ragged hole is torn in
1 Quest Item (p8).
the back wall.
¤ OPTION. With moderate effort,
the stone arch can be knocked
over, destroying the magic
portal permanently (trapping
all creatures on which ever side
they are on).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 66

Atop a crooked heap of boulders On a wind-swept hill where
sits a giant iron helm. A campfire nothing grows, ninety-nine stone
glows in the dark shelter of the pillars stand in a spiral formation. ¤ NORTHERN SLOPE. Dotted with
helmet, where two dim figures sit On the northern slope, a small 57 unmarked graves. Vrahoi
in the shadows. cottage is built into the hill. pilgrims buried by Helvig.
¤ BOULDERS. Chunks of rounded ¤ HILL. This site is guarded by the ¤ COTTAGE. Quaint home of
masonry. The broken remains ghosts of 57 Vrahoi pilgrims Helvig. Warm, cozy. Roast
of a colossal black marble buried on the northern slope. mutton. Shovels.
statue of an armored soldier. 1d6 GHOSTS lurk in every ¤ HELVIG HELSDOTTIR. Vrahoi
shadow to protect the pillars
¤ HELM. 20ft across, like a one- caretaker, gravedigger.
and Helvig.
room cottage. Dirt floor Granite flesh, copper hair.
covered in layers of old ¤ PILLARS. 20ft tall, 10ft wide. Leather apron, boots. Tidy,
carpets. Campfire, tattered Etched with runes for Earth, proper. Friendly by day, grim
blankets, dented pan, sack of Stone, Spirit, and Speaking. by night. Lovingly tends the
beans, wooden canes. This site allows visitors to hear pillars and graves. Fears
messages from the heart of the graverobbers.
¤ FIGURES. Two ancient men,
planet Harth itself. The planet
shriveled, hunched, squinting. ¤ GRAVES. Each one contains a
speaks slowly, one message
Long white beards, bald. Tall heap of polished stone pebbles
per night. Roll 1d6:
one is dour and untrusting. and 3d6 x 100 GP of metal
Short one is friendly and 1. “The angelim have all gone hair and livers made of pure
curious. Both nearly blind and mad, trust none of them.” gold, or silver, or copper.
deaf. Cannot remember their 2. “The sun grows colder each ¤ PILGRIMS. Each day, there is a
own names or origins. Afraid to year, and soon we will die 2-in-6 chance of a Vrahoi
leave. Content to stay. Cannot together.” pilgrim visiting Helvig to
remember how long they have 3. “The silver moon is home to commune with the planet or to
been here (decades!). saints, who are cold and rigid be buried by her.
¤ LORE. These carpet merchants
4. “The red moon is home to ¤ GRAVEROBBERS. Each night,
made camp here years ago,
Dreaming Horrors that hunger, there is a 2-in-6 chance of 1d6
fell ill and lost their memories DUNGEONEER NOVICES
but never lie.”
to a fever, so they never left. digging up a pilgrim grave.
5. “My flesh is full of sparkling
¤ SAFETY. Safe place to rest. graves, no matter how deep
Uncanny creatures are you delve.”
repulsed by the iron helm. 6. “Dragons sleep in my bones…
¤ TREASURE. Under the layers of but one will wake soon.”
carpet is a book of beautiful
¤ VRAHOI. Mutant humans with
ink illustrations of everyday
stone flesh and metal hair.
people in Carcassay going
Short, heavy, long-lived.
about their business, drawn by
Immune to heat and cold.
the tall merchant. Several
Cannot swim.
pictures are clearly inside and
outside the Flint Street Hotel

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 67

High in the hills, a small hot spring
feeds into a wide, shallow pool of
steaming iridescent waters.
Colorful coins shine in the pool.
Nearby, a small stone pillar
displays a few etched words.

¤ SPRING. A narrow crack in the

rocks. Boiling water spills into
the pool. Natural feature.
¤ POOL. 50ft across, waist-deep,
rock bottom. Oily rainbow
colors. Steaming. DANGER:
boiling hot acid, 4d6 per round
spent in it.
¤ COINS. Spanning several
centuries and many origins.
Worth 500 GP to a collector.
¤ PILLAR. “Welcome to Lookout
Fountain. Toss a coin and make
a wish!”
¤ OPTION. Toss a coin and make
a wish. Nothing happens.
dreaming at the bottom, its
shapeless body obscured by
the shifting rainbow stains on
the acidic water. Attacks any
creature in the pool.

A Rich Kirghiz Huntsman with a Falcon

(1871), Vasily Vereshchagin

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 68

76. Nottic Farm 78. Short Black Chimney 80. Tubera Farm
77. Rune Tree Grove 79. Tall Gray Chimney

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 69

Thousands of pumpkins lie rotting Hundreds of trees all twist and A wide kiln of scorched black
in the untended fields near a small warp into an identical unnatural rocks sits close to the pine trees.
log cabin. Red-eyed mice swarm shape. At the center of the grove, Black smoke crawls up into the sky.
over the half-dead crops. A large a weathered stone statue leans at Nearby, a man sits by a crooked
hound lies by the cabin door. a weary angle. shack, smoking a pipe.

¤ PUMPKINS. Failed hybrids. ¤ TREES. Pine, each bent in three ¤ KILN. Obscenely hot, cooking
Each one is filled with silky blue unlikely angles to form the rune limestone down into lime
flower petals that reek of bile for Dream. powder for cement. Next to
and vomit. heaps of firewood and chunks
¤ STATUE. Encircled by the ruins
of limestone. Able to atomize
¤ MICE. Follow the PCs, always of a small shrine. Image of
almost anything.
10ft away. Any dropped food Saint Nekai, protector of those
is instantly devoured. who suffer nightmares. Eyes ¤ MAN. Mister Filo Hett (35), lime
closed, head angled (as though burner. Short, plump, curly red
¤ HOUND. Guard dog “Gorm”.
asleep), smiling curiously. One hair. Quiet, friendly. Often
Droopy, sad-eyed. Undead
hand held out for offerings. sleepy from lime fumes, often
creature, exposed bones and
passes out.
muscles, one missing eye. ¤ OPTION. Lay your head in the
Gentle, friendly, tired. hand and close your eyes to ¤ QUEST. None. But if you don’t
become immune to nightmares. find a way to keep him healthy
¤ CABIN. No windows. Door
from the fumes, then in a week
locked. A voice hums softly.
he’ll pass out and not wake up,
Inside, a workshop for tending
and his kiln will explode,
beautiful flower hybrids.
resulting in a massive forest fire
Elaborate pots, fertilizers.
that will destroy countless crops
¤ VOICE. Mister Rolf Nottic (40), and homes.
gardener. Kadav (undead).
Rotting flesh, jutting bones,
leather apron. Reclusive,
cringing. Wants to cultivate
beautiful new flowers. Can
create any known flower in 1
week. Was murdered by his
twin brother Alphar for the
family’s savings.
¤ QUEST. Find and kill his brother
Alphar Nottic (#23), and bring
back their mother’s silver La Promenade Solitaire (1777),
Hubert Robert
locket. REWARD: 4d6 black
orchids (valuable narcotic).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 70

A slender tower of ashen bricks Flower-lined paths wind between
looms above a bulging clay groves of miniature oak trees to a
chamber. Pale smoke rises from large log CABIN. ¤ SAFETY. The Tubera family are
the top. A small hut sits up among the nicest folks you could hope
the trees nearby. ¤ GROVES. Waist-high, full of
to meet.
truffles. Make delicious oils and
¤ CHAMBER. Very hot, burning vodkas. ¤ DANGER. 2-in-6 chance each
wood down into charcoal for night that literally any monster
¤ CABIN. Viren, Sinen, Rufum,
townsfolk. Next to heaps of will attack the farm to eat the
Oliva, Cibari (30), truffle
firewood (includes a lot of delicious truffles.
diggers. Fuzzy sweaters, tall
tangleroot shrubs).
boots. Friendly, kind.
¤ TANGLEROOT. A woody shrub
known for its dense roots. These
specimens have sickly red
bulges from growing atop
human corpses, and are infused
with human rage and sorrow.
SECRET: The charcoal made
from this wood will open a
portal to a random location in
the dungeons below the city,
and pull monsters into
¤ LORE. Artist Edvard Mank
recently purchased some of the
cursed charcoal (#44).
¤ HUT. Mister Abren Gull (45),
charcoal burner. Tall, lean,
sunburned, wild beard full of
leaves. Long-talker, repeats
himself, lonely. Wants
company, a family. Fears
dying alone. Misses his
runaway daughter, who found
life here boring.
¤ QUEST. Find and return his
daughter Bianca Gull (#24).
REWARD: A pyrolith (Orb of
Fire Control, place it in a fire
for 1 hour to regain 1d6
Mounted Warrior in Jaipur (1881),
Vasily Vereshchagin

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 71

81. Akaroy Village 83. Lethar Farm 85. Park of Horrors
82. Fetid Pools 84. Lunar Sound Mirrors 86. Skull Mound

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 72

A dozen mudhif reed houseboats Behind a low ridge lies a muddy
float in the shallows, roaring with field punctured by three murky
¤ LORE. 20 years ago, the Knight
music and laughter. Hooded pools of gray water. Two ducks
Judicant Heren Reed (#42)
figures on stilts wade above the paddle in the pools. A wretched
ordered that all of Tamber’s
current. Several huge hideous campsite sits on a ledge nearby.
rare ducks be confiscated as
statues loom up out of the water. A woman wades in the water.
evidence when a jewel thief
¤ FIGURES. Wattana, Sunan, ¤ POOLS. 30ft across, waist dropped some pearls into their
Kamon, Arthit, Lawan (30-50), deep. Cold, muddy. Swarming pond. The ducks died and she
fishers. Tall, dark, graceful, with common black leeches. was never compensated. It
musical. Families, children ruined her.
¤ SEARCH. 1 Fine Treasure (p8).
playing. Skilled with nets, ¤ QUEST. Make Heren Reed
DANGER: 1-in-6 chance of
traps, guitars, and horns. publicly apologize for the loss
Avoid the city, and conflict. of the ducks, and repay her
¤ DUCKS. Beautiful blue and gold 35,000 GP in damages.
¤ STATUES. Three, 15ft tall. feathers. Loud, aggressive. Eat REWARD: 10% finder’s fee and
Crude stone carvings, fish-head the leeches in the pools. Last of free leeches for life.
humanoids. Animate to defend
their species, priceless.
the village from danger.
¤ CAMPSITE. Tattered tent, few
¤ SAFETY. Safe place to rest. provisions, sputtering fire.
Hidden, protected.
¤ WOMAN. Miss Rijulla Tamber
¤ QUEST. Find their cousin Orleth (55), leech farmer. Tight gray
(#46), who disappeared a bun, deep wrinkles, soaked
week ago. REWARD: The Song brown dress, tall leather boots.
of Lady Akaroy (when Loud, crude, distrusting. Used to
performed well, the entire raise beautiful ducks as pets in
audience sees the singer as a
the Firefly Quarter. Now hates
close and trusted friend for the city. Sells leeches to
1d6 hours). doctors (10 GP per jar). Wants
to be left alone. Won’t reveal
who betrayed her, or how.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 73

A few meager acres of lichen- Three huge white dishes gleam
crusted rocks surround a small log among the dark witchgrass. A
cabin. It always seems overcast, silver-robed figure sits in each DRAMATIC PROPHECIES
cold, and drizzling here. dish, their eyes closed. Silver (AND THEIR MILD OUTCOMES):
butterflies flit across the weeds.
¤ LICHEN. Blue, fast-growing, ¤ “When the red moon is full, the
poor nutrition, intense umami ¤ DISHES. 50ft across, 10ft deep horrors will strike you all mad.
flavor. at the center. Each a single Renounce Chaos! Cleanse this
curved block of white marble. city of its cults before they
¤ CABIN. Chlor, Treb, Peltiger,
Perfectly shaped to reflect consume your minds!”
Lobar, Degel (65), lichen
celestial sounds to their centers. (Everyone in the city shares a
farmers. Tattered overalls. strange nightmare.)
Miserable, desperate. Miss ¤ FIGURES. Akachi, Chinasa,
their big brother Gritch, who Ngozi (40), Qamarite ¤ “On midsummer’s day, the
went into the city and never prophets. Short, slender, dark, angel Helikron will send the
returned last year. silver robes, snow-blind eyes. holy Knights Tyrant to slaughter
Listening to the chanting of the the impure! Embrace the Law,
¤ DANGER. The Lethar family are or embrace fiery oblivion!”
saints on the holy moon Qamar.
hungry. So very hungry. (A knight kills a few cultists.)
Occasionally they receive a
¤ OPPORTUNITY. The lichen could prophecy and go to the city to ¤ “Vampires walk among you!
become valuable if sold as a proclaim it in the streets, often Shun the night and the blood
seasoning instead of a food. resulting in violent riots. Each drinkers in your midst! They
¤ QUEST. Find their brother prophecy comes true, but in a come from castles in the stars to
Gritch (#25). They won’t less dramatic form. drink your children dry!”
reward you, but they will be ¤ BUTTERFLIES. Spirit creatures, (A few beggars turn up dead,
even sadder and grimmer than manifestations of saints. When drained of blood.)
they were before. touched, they whisper generic ¤ “An Empyrean dragon shall fall
words of encouragement: upon the Rat’s Spine, and crush
“Trust your instincts.” the wicked beneath its ruined
“Don’t judge too harshly.” beauty!” (A small wyvern drops
“Take your time.” dead at the edge of the city.)
¤ DANGER. When threatened,
the prophets summon 2d6
GHOSTS (of dead prophets) to
defend them.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 74

A ramshackle cabin squats by a In a bleak field of yellow grass,
ruined tower. In the field beyond hundreds of human skulls sit in a
it, a hundred stone statues stand pile. Dozens of crows perch on
shrouded in vines and weeds the skulls, and dozens more wheel
around a scummy pond. overhead, under a dark cloud.

¤ CABIN. Abandoned, empty. ¤ FIELD. Nothing grows here. No

Meager shelter. insects chirp. Nothing burrows.
The earth is salty.
¤ SEARCH. A tin box containing
an adamantine chisel ¤ SKULLS. Decades old. Each one
(indestructible, can carve has a small puncture wound on
anything), a hammer, and a top. Cause of death: hail storm
tattered paper with one of salt crystals.
hundred names, all crossed out ¤ PILE. 20ft high, 50ft wide.
(townsfolk, 100 years ago). Loose, unstable. Assembled by
¤ TOWER. A circular base 20ft the crows. When disturbed, the
across. Completely dismantled crows scream.
for its stone. ¤ CROWS. Wear gold and silver
¤ STATUES. 100, human, life- rings on their legs, or necklaces
sized, uncanny detail. Look like (scavenged from dead
regular townsfolk cringing in a humans). When approached,
silent scream of pain. Each one they all look at the PCs in
weighs 3x as much as a person, unison, and squawk in unison.
and is worth 1d6 x 100 GP. ¤ DANGER. When the PCs come
¤ LORE. The poor sculptor Pyro close to the mound, the crows
Orsindo retreated to this cabin all scatter in all directions.
and spent his last years carving Suddenly the dark cloud drops
statues of everyone who was a hail storm of jagged salt
ever unkind to him. crystals all over the field. A
head-strike is fatal, otherwise
¤ POND. 30ft across, 5ft deep.
3d6 damage. The crows soon
Thick layer of green algae. 1
return to eat the dead and
DROWNED TROLL, sleeping.
steal shiny treasures.
TREASURE: 3d6 mummified
noses, 1 bronze figurine, and ¤ TREASURES. Each crow has 1d6
1 Fine Treasure (p8). x 10 GP worth of jewelry.
Hidden under the skulls are
¤ BRONZE FIGURINE. 1ft warrior.
2d6 daggers, an ornate
Whisper a single-word
mystwood staff with a dragon-
command in its ear and it
shaped headpiece, a bronze
spends 10 minutes following
helm with a horsehair crest, and
that order to the best of its
1 Fine Treasure (p8).
ability (1/day).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 75

The Apotheosis of War (1871),
Vasily Vereshchagin

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 76

87. Basidi Farm 89. Leaning Tower 91. Silent Bells
88. Hidden Stepwell 90. Mud Road 92. Vulgrane Roost

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 77

Thousands of giant mushrooms Precisely carved stone stairs lead Tall as the slimy trunks of the
fill the vast fields around a small down into a square stepwell. Pale Rotwood fungi, the remains of an
log cabin. blue fungal tendrils poke through ancient watchtower leans in the
the walls. Beautiful orange mud. A grimy ladder stands inside,
¤ MUSHROOMS. Tree-sized. blossoms float on the dark water leading up to a ledge enclosed by
Meaty, filling, bland. Prone to at the bottom. a makeshift curtain.
¤ STEPWELL. 39 steps down to the ¤ LEDGE. A permanent campsite
¤ CABIN. Agar, Boleta, Russul
water’s edge (30ft). with bedroll, fire circle, water-
(45), mushroom orchardists.
proof bags of clothing, dried
Muddy smocks. Reclusive, timid. ¤ TENDRILS. When creatures
meat. By day, no one is here.
pass, the tendrils extend tiny
¤ OPPORTUNITY. Provide 10 By night, the poacher is here
delicate feelers (harmless) and
workers to assist, and the with the ladder pulled up.
release clouds of blue spores
Basidi family can begin
(allergens, induce sneezing that ¤ POACHER. Miss Makeda Fine
supplying giant mushrooms (rich
echoes loudly in the well). (25), boar trapper. Blind, bald,
in protein) to the city as an
muddy poncho. Quiet,
alternative to worm meat. ¤ BLOSSOMS. Delicate fungal
distrustful. Expert in tying
growths on the heads of the
snares and setting deadfalls.
corpses in the water. Release
Keen sense of hearing and
clouds of orange spores (mind-
smell. Wants to get away from
controlling, flesh-colonizing).
Carcassay, but doesn’t know
Roll to avoid infection.
how (nowhere to go). Fears the
¤ INFECTION. An infected game warden.
creature cannot harm fungal
¤ QUEST. Blind the game warden
creatures and exhales orange
Agalin (even footing!).
spores to infect more creatures.
REWARD: Fine guides the PCs
Over 1d6 hours, orange fungal
to the nearby hidden nest of
growths appear on the head.
the Sopranic Songbirds (last
Over 1d6 days, they transform
known breeding pair, ethereal
warbling music, dazzling
¤ WATER. Foul. Contains 2d6 lavender feathers, delicious
human corpses covered in meat, valuable).
orange fungal growths. When
¤ GAME WARDEN. Mister Wimbly
disturbed, they reanimate as
Agalin (35), retired
CHAOS ZOMBIES and try to
drag the PCs into the water.
drab. Boring, distrustful. Patrols
¤ ITEMS. 1 Fine Treasure (p8). the Rotwood to protect the
boars (not a real job, he just
likes them).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 78

A cold rain falls steadily on the Three massive timbers covered in A dozen massive mushrooms rise
northwest road. Always. Dark orange fungal frills stand in the above the mud, their caps blotting
puddles fill the deep wagon ruts. muddy earth. A bronze BELL hangs out the sky. Winged creatures
Travelers trudge and slip, or from a hook atop each beam. perch on the tops. The ground is
struggle to free their carts. Rotting Three BOARS dig in the muck, dotted with odd shoes, frayed
shacks lean darkly all around. grunting and squealing. hats, and rotting fingers.

¤ RAIN. Constant, unnatural. ¤ TIMBERS. 20ft tall, 5ft thick. ¤ MUSHROOMS. 50ft tall, 15ft
Arranged in a triangle. thick. Hard as wood.
¤ TRAVELERS. Poor farmers,
foolish pilgrims, miserable ¤ FRILLS. Dazzling colors, thick ¤ CAPS. 100ft across. Smooth
beggars, lost merchants. leathery flesh, crawling with and leathery on top. Ragged
beetles (biting), oozing dark wet gills underneath.
¤ SHACKS. Long abandoned.
sap (sticky, flammable).
Filthy, cold, fragile shelters. ¤ CREATURES. VULGRANES.
¤ BELLS. Keg-sized. No clapper. Large black pterosaurs, cruel.
¤ DANGER. Mister Tycho Black
SEARCH: Engraved with Vrahoi Like to snatch up prey and
(45), highwayman. Albino,
runes for summoning. drop them on sharp rocks.
lean, wide hat, long coat.
Cautious, cold, apathetic, ¤ BOARS. Mule-sized, tusks. ¤ TOPS. Nests full of vulgrane
calculating. Can be reasoned Hunting for truffles. Territorial. eggs (head-sized, three in each
with. Throws daggers, runs and clutch, worth 1d6 x 100 GP
¤ OPTION. Ring the bells
hides. A ragged white scar on each). Littered with bones
individually. Many tiny rips
his chest reveals where his (human and animal), shredded
appear in the air, and then
heart was torn out (retired clothing, and 1d6 x 100 GP in
close. The 3 BOARS attack.
DUNGEONEER EXPERT). coins and cheap jewelry.
¤ OPTION. Ring the bells
¤ QUEST. Fetch his heart (The ¤ GROUND. Peppered with items
simultaneously. The boars flee
Blackest Heart). Lore: Torn out and remains of prey. SEARCH:
(for now). One large rip
by a master torturer (#15) for 1d6 x 100 GP in coins and
appears in the air and
a sadistic aristocrat (#22), later cheap jewelry.
something falls through (1d6):
sold to a pawn shop (#2). ¤ OPTION. 2-in-6 chance of
REWARD: Re-heartened, Tycho 1. A screaming DUNGEONEER
finding a dead DUNGEONEER
is fueled by wrathful passions, NOVICE covered in biting
NOVICE down in the mud.
disappears into the city to SHRIKELINGS.
carry out a bloody killing spree 2. A dead DUNGEONEER EXPERT ¤ OPTION. 1-in-6 chance of
against random strangers. impaled on an Arascene finding a terrified
scimitar. DUNGEONEER NOVICE on top.
3. A sleepy DROWNED TROLL in ¤ OPTION. 1-in-6 chance of
a deluge of slimy water. finding a Fine Treasure (p8) on
4. A cascade of ancient silver top, stuck in the mushroom flesh.
coins worth 1d6 x 1,000 GP.
5. A hungry VULGRANE, flapping
and thrashing wildly.
6. A tiny kitten, helpless and

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 79

The ancient hindquarters of the 1. A burnt corpse (DUNGEONEER 14. Ghostly lights swirl inside a
titan rat’s skeleton squat in the NOVICE). A swarm of fiery narrow crack of jagged
Spider Quarter, where the dragonflies in the wall. obsidian. The lights beckon the
monster’s serpentine tail plunges 2. A corpse (DUNGEONEER PCs to squeeze into the crack,
down through the earth, NOVICE) impaled on a large to be trapped and sliced on
supporting a tunnel that pierces mechanical spike (trap). Two the sharp edges (3d6).
through layer after layer of more spike traps are hidden 15. A humanoid figure of woven
buried civilizations. beside it (3d6). fibers and swirling lights
3. Three swarms of UNICORN (“Glimmerfolk”) strides down
When delvers venture into the
SCARABS skitter down the the tunnel, causing the walls to
dungeons below Carcassay, they
tunnel, then dash into narrow melt, growing flowers in its
enter the Tail at the Blue Bazaar
gaps in the walls. footsteps that instantly die. Its
(#1) and continue down via the
4. Two DUNGEONEER NOVICES passing Aura of Chaos causes
follow procedure:
weeping over the corpse of excruciating pain (4d6).
1. Descend the Tail for 1d6 their friend (poisoned). 16. In the distance, a person
hours. Roll for 1 Tail Encounter. 5. The ceiling groans, and a titan screams in terror… and is
2. Arrive at Dungeon 1: bone crashes down (3d6). abruptly silenced.
Zhelezo (p82). 6. Gleaming black oil drips from 17. In the distance, a person
3. Descend the Tail for an above (slippery, flammable). shrieks with laughter… and is
additional 2d6 hours. Roll for 7. Three DUNGEONEER EXPERTS abruptly silenced.
2 Tail Encounters. sit in a comfortable campsite. 18. A moaning DUNGEONEER
4. Arrive at Dungeon 2: A small chest sits in their tent. NOVICE crawls up the tunnel,
Glerborg (p86). Their eyes say, “Move along.” burnt and slashed and legless.
5. Descend the Tail for an 8. A ghostly eel slithers out of the Without aid, they will die.
additional 3d6 hours. Roll for walls, baring its teeth silently. 19. An ARCANE DRAKE bursts out
3 Tail Encounters. Causes paralyzing pain when of the wall, roaring and
6. Arrive at Dungeon 3: touched. Otherwise harmless. laughing. They eat the
Ajara (p91). 9. Bloated dead rats litter the magicians first.
7. And so on… ground. When touched, they 20. A gap in the wall reveals a
burst with toxic gas (3d6). small chamber containing 1
10. The floor ripples upward as Fine Treasure (p8).
something huge burrows by,
and then disappears.
11. A swarm of SHRIKELINGS peer
out from cracks in the walls,
and then quickly vanish.
12. 1d6 swarms of SHRIKELINGS
flood out of the cracks in the
walls to devour the PCs.
13. A KYRAPTOR swoops down to
devour the PCs.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 80

When you find (or “find”) a dead Dungeoneer (Novice or Expert), use the table below to generate the loot
found on their corpse. Roll once in each column for each Dungeoneer.

TOOLS (1d20) ARMS (1d20) TRINKETS (1d20)

1 50ft of rope 1 Dagger 1 3d6 GP

2 Crowbar 2 Spear 2 Copper locket, ribbon
3 Pickaxe 3 Shield 3 Sunglasses, cracked
4 1d6 iron spikes 4 Whip 4 Fancy silver earring
5 Grappling hook 5 Mace 5 Tiny crystal figurine
6 Spool of wire 6 Net 6 Glass eye
7 1d6 torches 7 Axe 7 Bone dice
8 Small steel mirror 8 Club 8 Brass chess piece
9 Wool blanket 9 Scimitar 9 Linen doll
10 1d6 candles 10 Sling 10 Stone egg
11 10ft of chain 11 Bow 11 Little wooden duck
12 Bag of sand 12 Quiver of 2d6 arrows 12 Silk scarf
13 Bag of marbles 13 1d6 javelins 13 Wool mittens
14 Lantern 14 Hammer 14 Sketch book
15 Flask of oil 15 Staff 15 Bloody handkerchief
16 Flask of rum 16 Flail 16 Stuffed mouse
17 Ball of twine 17 Leather armor 17 Mummified monkey paw
18 Cast iron skillet 18 Chain armor 18 Three dead sylphs in a jar
19 Bar of soap 19 Plate armor 19 Fine Treasure (p8)
20 Small magnet 20 Trident 20 Quest Item (p8)

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 81

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 82
OVERVIEW: A system of Roll for an encounter at each [E] 13. Two OILSLICKS spray oil on the
claustrophobic tunnels, chambers, on the map. party, then threaten to ignite
and dead-ends of twisted, rusting them. The Oilslicks want food
1. A burnt smoking corpse.
metal. These are the crushed and water. They ignite the oil
Young, smeared with oil.
remains of some ancient iron city, either way.
(A reckless OILSLICK)
now reduced to crumbling scrap. 14. The ceiling splits open and a
2. A gaunt corpse. Impaled on a
Jagged edges all around. swarm of UNICORN SCARABS
trap of rusty blades long ago.
Shifting, grinding, squealing falls on the party (2d6
(An unfortunate RUSTFOOT)
sounds in the walls. accidental damage), and then
3. An iron chest lodged in the
scurry away into the floor.
LORE: An industrial town from a wall: 1 Quest Item (p8).
15. A twisted sculpture of rusty
forgotten Age, destroyed by war. 4. Two bandits in patchwork
scraps in the shape of winged
armor (SCRAPPERS) robbing a
DANGERS: gargoyle, with a solid silver
¤ 3 gangs of squatters tongue (100 GP).
meager weapons and armor.
16. A mound of rusty scraps
¤ 1 group of miners 5. A massive iron beam crashes
topped with a scrubbed plate:
down through the corroded
¤ 1 colony of beetles “Here lies Woolly Bully.” In the
ceiling (3d6).
mound, a skeleton of a large
6. A patch of floor gives way,
sheep with a small saddle.
revealing a quicksand pit of
17. Bloated dead rats litter the
tiny rust particles.
ground. When touched, they
7. Oil drips from a cracked
burst with toxic gas (3d6).
barrel in the wall (slippery,
18. The floor ripples upward as
something huge burrows by,
8. Filthy water trickles from a
and then disappears.
crushed tank in the ceiling.
19. A keg of Nirvut Whiskey lies
9. Two intoxicated DUNGEONEER
at the bottom of a ramp.
EXPERTS sit muttering in a
Intact. Delicious.
corner about their dreams.
20. Under a pile of scrap lies 1
Fine Treasure (p8).
try to rob the party.
11. An elderly DUNGEONEER
EXPERT pulling a Fine
Treasure (p8) from the wall.
12. A ghostly eel slithers out of the
walls, baring its teeth silently.
Causes paralyzing pain when
touched. Otherwise harmless.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 83

Huge iron granaries stand in silent A chamber of scorched metal sits Dozens of iron cages stand empty,
rows, their sides ruptured. melted into the walls. Twisted displaying rusting chains and
Shadows skitter in the darkness. A lumps of melted steel hang from broken bones. Pale figures of
loud clicking echoes. Inside, the ceiling. Dark stains gleam on strange animals waft through the
marvelous clay cathedrals spiral the floor. Huts of stretched animal shadows. A meager campsite sits
up to the ceiling. skin glimmer with firelight. in the center of the cages.

¤ GRANARIES. Full of dried ¤ CHAMBER. Ruined iron furnace. ¤ FIGURES. Angry ghosts of
rotten sludge. Insects skitter Ashes, bone fragments. imprisoned extinct animals.
over the filth in search of Working hatch can be locked Aggressive toward armed
edible crumbs. or jammed shut. people, cause paralyzing and
disorienting pain. Repelled by
¤ SHADOWS. UNICORN SCARABS. ¤ STAINS. Dozens of oil puddles
fire. Examples: snake-wolf,
Cat-sized black beetles with (flammable, slippery).
octogator, troll-deer, sky-turtle,
violet and green chitin, armed ¤ HUTS. OILSLICKS gang. Lovky, tree-crab, glass-fox.
with a single horn on their Smavat, Skolky, Maslo (20),
armored heads. Led by the ¤ CAMPSITE. RUSTFOOTS gang.
rebels. Ragged clothing, messy
Empress Scarab (horse-sized). Zhavy, Grazny, Pilny, Krazny
hair, smeared with grease,
Sad, alien, proud, defensive. (25), refugees. Filthy rags,
reeking of oil. Manic, giggling.
Want to be friends with other gaunt bodies. Starving, timid.
Want to perform wild stunts
swarms (people). Fear violence. Want to eat unicorn scarabs,
and prove they are better than
and feel safe. Have forgotten
¤ QUEST. Negotiate an alliance others. Want the Vrahoi drill so
about the surface world.
with the gangs to create a they can dig for oil.
single harmonious hive together ¤ QUEST. Fetch them unicorn
¤ QUEST. Kill the Vrahoi delvers
(unlikely). REWARD: 1 Quest scarabs (#93) to eat, and get
at the Dry Watermill (#97).
Item (p8). rid of the other gangs.
REWARD: A barrel of crude oil
REWARD: An animal-ghost
(flammable), a flask of artificer
becomes your guide, will lead
oil (frictionless), and a lump of
you toward whatever you ask
grease (cool hair styles).
to see while underground.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 84

Four iron domes rise above the The ruined frame of a watermill
ruins, each with a giant telescope stands motionless by a dry river
pointed at the cavern roof. Atop a bed. A small camp nearby rings
shaky stair, a small campsite sits with pounding hammers and
on a reinforced platform. harmonious singing. Upriver, a
rockslide glistens wetly.
¤ DOMES. Full of ancient metal
tools crumbling in heaps. ¤ CAMP. VRAHOI DELVERS.
Grafa, Skoflu, Haki, Kafa
¤ TELESCOPE. Intact, useless.
(200), prospectors. Short,
¤ DANGER. This chamber is filled stone-skin, copper-wire hair.
with simple traps (trip wire, Leather boots and gloves.
spring-loaded) that hurl sharp Miners from Nirvut in the
metal scraps (d6). Difficult to northern tundra. Curious,
spot and avoid. patient, creative. Want to dig
¤ CAMPSITE. SCRAPPERS gang. for jewels, such as the fabled
Klam, Musor, Trata, Drevna Spleen of Wallaki (a lump of
(35), hoarders. Patchwork malachite that suppresses the
armor, makeshift weapons. bearer’s diseases).
Greedy, hagglers. Want better ¤ ROCKSLIDE. This chamber is
armor and weapons to defeat under immense pressure from a
the other gangs. Sell scrap: hidden lake. Carefully dig into
1. Bar of cold iron (repels fae the rockslide to release the
creatures, 50 GP). river and power the mill.
2. Ingot of red gold Failure will flood the chamber
(rare, 250 GP). and destroy the mill.
3. Rope of fae silver (obeys ¤ SEARCH: 1 Quest Item (p8).
simple commands, 500 GP).
¤ QUEST. Help convert the mill
4. Shield of null bronze (immune
into a drill to dig for gems.
to heat and cold, 1,000 GP).
Need to repair the structure
5. Arascene scimitar
and make the river flow.
(beautiful relic, 500 GP).
REWARD: A sack of uncut gems
(3,000 GP) OR the Spleen of
Wallaki (if they decide that
¤ QUEST. Fetch newly made
they really like you).
armor and weapons (metal
only!). REWARD: Dig through
their scrap hoard for whatever
catches your eye.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 85

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 86
OVERVIEW: This labyrinth of Roll for an encounter at each [E] 12. An ALLOYED HUSBAND miner
crystalline galleries and passages on the map. (black tunic, goggles) is
resembles the glassy remains of melting the glass floor to free
1. A swarm of Shrikelings lie
buildings and people. Light warps a Fine Treasure (p8). They
dead on the floor, scorched.
and flares unpredictably through don’t want to share.
2. A swarm of SHRIKELINGS peer
the imperfect prisms of the walls. 13. A humanoid with bark-skin and
out from cracks in the walls,
Shards and splinters of razor- vine-hair hangs dead from the
and then quickly vanish.
sharp glass lie everywhere. wall, nailed in place with steel
3. 1d6 swarms of SHRIKELINGS
chisels. Treasure: A mystwood
LORE: A magician’s college from a flood out of the cracks in the
staff (1d6 x 1,000 GP).
forgotten Age, destroyed by a walls to devour the PCs.
14. A heap of rich soil lies on the
magical accident. 4. A Kyraptor lies impaled on a
floor, with a small sapling
glass stalagmite, dried blood
DANGERS: growing in it. A large bat
on its ruptured ears.
¤ 3 groups of miners talon pokes out of the soil.
5. Two KYRAPTORS glide silently
15. An ARBAJ DRYAD kneels over
¤ 1 coven of dryads far overhead.
a dead Vrahoi miner (yellow
6. 1d6 KYRAPTORS swoop down
¤ giant bats tunic). The body starts turning
to devour the PCs.
into soil. She flees rather than
¤ shrikelings 7. A Vrahoi miner (blue tunic,
earmuffs) lies dead, their
16. A Vrahoi miner (yellow tunic,
stone-like flesh cracked by
rubber boots) lies dead,
huge talons. Treasure: A sonic
covered in circular bite marks.
wand (1d6 charges).
Treasure: 1d6 diamond chisels
8. The chamber is riddled with
(1d6 x 100 GP).
tiny cracks. Sounds of cracking.
17. Bulges in the glass walls
The chamber collapses in an
create warped reflections.
avalanche of glass particles.
Any light source creates an
4d6 damage.
instant web of searing beams.
9. A PERFECT TONE miner (blue
4d6 damage.
tunic, earmuffs) is carefully
shattering the glass wall to
(yellow tunic, rubber boots)
free a Fine Treasure (p8).
chisels the glass into a stunning
They don’t want to share.
portrait. They slyly direct the
10. A Vrahoi miner (black tunic,
PCs toward danger.
goggles) lies dead, eyes
19. A silent ghost image appears:
bulging, neck twisted. Burnt
frightened people in magician
leaves litter the ground.
robes fleeing away from the
Treasure: A flamethrower
Unstable Quarry (#98).
(1d6 charges).
20. Ghostly lights swirl inside the
11. The chamber is blackened and
glass wall near an iron chest
hot. The glass ceiling begins to
with 1 Fine Treasure (p8).
melt and fall. 4d6 damage.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 87

Walls of cracked quartz soar up
into the shadows. Huge boulders
lie shattered in wide murky pools ¤ BOULDERS. Masses of quartz
that bubble and steam. A small break free of the walls from
camp sits on a makeshift platform time to time, and splash down
on rusty stilts above the water. into the acid pools.
¤ QUARTZ. Yellow with white ¤ POOLS. Acid springs. 4d6 per
veins. Vague shapes of doors, round spent in it.
windows, and human faces. ¤ CAMP. VITREOUS CUTTERS.
Excavate a discovery (d8):
Blad, Brun, Skarpur, Skera
1. Magic wand (jade, mystwood, (200), Vrahoi jewelers. Short,
coral, bone, antler). Control stone-skin, copper-wire hair.
one element (fire, water, air), Yellow tunics, rubber boots.
three charges per sunset. Diamond-edge chisels,
2. Magic orb (opal, amber, hammers. Miners from Nirvut in
obsidian). Summon one storm the northern tundra. Obsessed
(lightning, rain, dust), one with gems. Want to discover
charge per sunrise. gems buried in the quartz
3. Magic ring (silver, gold, structure. Fear mistakes,
platinum). Manipulate a mind damaging the jewels.
(illusion, command, read), one ¤ SEARCH: 1 Fine Treasure (p8).
charge per midnight.
4. Gold-leaf tome, heavy (dead
language). 500 GP to a
5. Rune Bell (bronze, brass, iron).
Ring for effect. Examples: 1
minute of silence, repel vermin,
summon pet, shatter stone.
6. Arcane Eye (marked with the
glyph for Fire, or Ice, or
Lightning). Insert into a bronze
item socket to gain immunity to
that element.
7. Bronze staff with an empty
spherical socket in the
8. Quest Item (p8).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 88

Thousands of clear glass panes A wide crystalline dome echoes
and cloudy melted glass lumps with dripping water. The interior is
glimmer with half-glimpsed human ¤ ECHO. A group of Vrahoi choked with twisted gray
faces. Dark shapes hang frozen in miners are testing new sonic mangrove trees. A thin layer of
the walls, floors, and ceiling. delving tools. soil covers the floor. A small
Metal clanking and musical whines dome of interwoven trees
echo through the space. ¤ MINERS. PERFECT TONE. Laglin, glimmers with fireflies.
Satt, Kor, Songvari (300),
¤ FACES. The arcane shadows of Vrahoi inventors. Short, stone- ¤ WATER. Clean. Seeping in
old men and women in the skin, silver-wire hair. Blue tunics, through cracks in the dome.
moment of their deaths, earmuffs. Miners from Nirvat in
¤ TREES. Visibly growing and
preserved by some ancient the northern tundra. Curious, blossoming. Creaking and
magical cataclysm. impatient, sensible, creative.
Experimenting with large multi-
¤ SHAPES. Sealed in the glass,
pronged tuning forks to shatter ¤ SEARCH: Half of the trees have
takes 10 minutes to break
the glass. Want to dig for mystwood trunks grown from
something free (loud). Roll 1d8
magic items in the glass (all at defunct magician staves and
for discovery:
once!). Fear thieves and wands. Option: Harvest the
1. Bronze knife with an empty miscasts. raw mystwood (2d6 x 1,000
spherical socket in the handle. GP per tree).
¤ QUEST. Find their lost friend
2. Defunct magic wand, bizarre
Kjartan. He’s been missing for ¤ SOIL. Magically composted
(jade, mystwood, coral, bone,
days! REWARD: Your pick of people. Bone fragments, blue
antler). 100 GP.
their loot (see d8 list). cloth shreds.
3. Defunct magic orb, flawless
(opal, amber). 200 GP. ¤ SEARCH: 1 Quest Item (p8).
4. Defunct magic ring, elegant ¤ DOME. Iyo, Omi, Etikun, Okun
(silver, gold). 300 GP. (150), ARBAJ DRYADS. Thin,
5. Gold-leaf tome, heavy (dead bark-skin, vine hair, amber
language). 500 GP to a eyes. Love plants. Hate people
collector. and animals. Want to spread
6. Rune Bell (bronze, brass, iron). the Great Mire to the
Ring for effect (Level 1 spell, underground realm.
1/day). Examples: Sleep,
Shield, Detect Magic, Charm ¤ FIREFLIES. Enchanted, provide
Person. the trees with artificial sunlight.
7. Arcane Eye (marked with the ¤ LORE. The Arbaj dryads killed
glyph for Bat, or Spider, or Kjartan of the Perfect Tone to
Toad). Insert into a bronze create fertilizer.
item socket to gain the abilities
of the noted creature for 1
hour per day.
8. Fine Treasure (p8).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 89

A vast corridor of glass curtains A crooked spire of black stone
and crystal trees ends at a teeters on a cliff overlooking a
triumphal arch of red jade. The black chasm. Leathery wings
pillars are caryatids with dragon rustle unseen above the yawning
heads, flanking two massive steel gulf. A dim red glow shimmers in
doors. Several people argue the glass chamber at the top of
loudly by a small campsite. the tower.

¤ CURTAINS. Warp light and ¤ SPIRE. 50ft high. Ancient,

reflections, funhouse mirrors. crumbling. Incomplete stairs
and ledges.
¤ TREES. Fragile, sharp.
¤ TEETERS. Proceed with caution
¤ ARCH. 50ft tall, 50ft wide.
or the tower falls off the cliff
Monument to Balance.
into the chasm.
¤ JADE. Indestructible. Radiates
ancient Chaos energy.
roosting on the ceiling. Hungry.
¤ STEEL. Indestructible. Radiates
¤ GLOW. On a dusty pedestal sits
ancient Lawful energy.
a blood-red eyeball with a
¤ DOORS. Locked (mechanically). golden iris (the severed eye of
Any item of Law (tetrium steel) the Horror Visikalla). Option:
or Chaos (wyrm glass) instantly Touch the eye and it melts into
opens the door to reveal your body to replace one of
another long corridor. your eyes. Gain the ability to
¤ PEOPLE. ALLOYED HUSBANDS. stare at a any creature smaller
Malmi, Jarn, Stali, Kopar (100), than your fist to mutate it in
Vrahoi pyromaniacs. Short, any way you can imagine
stone-skin, bronze-wire hair. (1/day).
Black tunics, thick goggles. TREASURE:
Tongs, flame throwers. Miners
¤ Ivory spyglass (200 GP).
from Gulkat in the southern
volcanos. Obsessed with fire. ¤ Silver sextant (400 GP).
Want to open the gate and ¤ Dusty tome, detailed ledger of
discover more treasure. Fear shipping activity, several Ages
failure and embarrassment. old (3,000 GP).
¤ QUEST. Help open the gate. ¤ 1 Quest Item (p8).
REWARD: Treasure? No! They
attack so they don’t have to
share with the party.
¤ TREASURE. They each wear six
defunct magician rings
plundered from the crystal
walls, 300 GP per ring. Plus 1
Fine Treasure (p8).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 90

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 91
OVERVIEW: This vast stone Roll for an encounter at each [E] 12. Two SKULLCAPS arguing over
complex extends deep into a mass on the map. which has stronger mental
of solid coal. Beyond a ruinous powers, eager to attack.
1. Tiny handprints on the walls.
battlefield and mighty walls, four 13. A small area scrubbed clean,
Chewed nuts, gnawed bones.
ancient temples to forgotten tiny metal scraps arranged in
Voices babble in the dark.
angels are now home to strange a stunningly realistic globe.
2. 13 Cave Baboons lie dead,
new worshippers with very Crumbles when touched.
fur and blood everywhere,
different desires. 14. Rusty metal arms, legs, ribs,
each one’s head exploded
and skull scattered around.
LORE: A temple complex from a from the inside.
Treasure: Pile of diamond
forgotten Age, destroyed by 3. 3d6 CAVE BABOONS shriek,
sand (1,000 GP).
mundane warfare. and leap down to attack.
15. Four GHIRANS carrying a
4. Huge claw marks on stone
DANGERS: beam of pure silver to the
walls. Treasure: Asuraptor
¤ Kadav undead soldiers, Burned Temple (#108). They
claw (dagger).
fight to keep it. Treasure:
¤ Corrupt priests 5. An Asuraptor stands dead,
10,000 GP of silver.
propped up on spears.
¤ Ghiran mechanical priests 16. A dozen thorn bushes in the
Treasure: 1d6 Asuraptor
shapes of human beings. Each
¤ Arbaj dryads organs (brain, heart, etc.).
has a fruit in its ribcage.
6. An ASURAPTOR paces in front
Treasure: Heartfruit (plant it to
of you, while a second one
instantly grow a dense thorn
attacks from behind.
bush 30ft wide).
7. Skeletal footprints in the muck,
17. A tree stands in a dim corner,
marks of dragged bodies, and
arm-like branches, a humanoid
lost finger bones.
face with hair-like vines (dead
8. A corpse in rusty armor lies
Arbaj). Treasure: Quest Item
crushed under a boulder.
9. A corpse with gold coins on its
18. An ARBAJ DRYAD stalks out of
the shadows, the walls alive
cries out, “Don’t harm the
with writhing vines and roots,
dead!” and attacks.
full of rage.
10. A small pyramid of human
19. A silent ghost image appears,
skulls smeared with blood on a
hundreds of pale soldiers
stained orange tabard.
hacking each other to pieces,
11. A dead man in an orange
and then fades away.
tabard, top of the head
20. Ghostly lights swirl through a
smashed open, fingers
heap of bones toward a stone
covered in dried blood.
chest containing 1 Fine
Treasure: Fresh human brain.
Treasure (p8).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 92

A gray stone statue of a hooded A gray stone statue of a hooded A red stone slab shaped like a
man leans against the dirt wall. woman leans against the dirt wall, giant tooth sits in the mud, its top
One hand clutches an ornate staff, full of red glassy veins. One hand covered in jagged runes.
the other holds a small orb clutches a cane, the other holds a
covered in runes. fan covered in runes. ¤ SLAB. Altar of Bajathet, an
ancient Horror of gluttony.
¤ STATUE. Saint Bollo the ¤ STATUE. Saint Yng the Gentle, Radiates Chaos aura.
Penitent, known for humility known for whispering powerful ¤ CHAOS AURA. Lawful creatures
and meekness. confessions. suffer a -5 penalty to any roll
¤ STAFF. Sculpture, not an item. ¤ VEINS. Oozing blood of a in this area. Chaotic creatures
distant Horror, liquid Chaos. gain a +5 boon to any roll in
¤ ORB. Sculpture, not an item.
this area.
¤ DANGER. Touch the red veins
¤ RUNES. A dead language:
and your hand permanently ¤ RUNES. A dead language:
“Only a penitent person can
mutates into (1d6): “Give me what I want, and you
find what is hidden here.”
shall devour the world.”
1. Crab claw.
¤ OPTION. Kneel before the
2. Crow talon. ¤ OPTION. Tear out a tooth and
statue. Result: Your knee
3. Monkey paw. place it on the altar. Result:
bumps an object buried in the
4. Five snakes. Your teeth turn red and can
ground, 1 Quest Item (p8).
5. Solid iron. bite through any substance.
6. Tentacle. You body can digest any
substance. You are constantly
¤ RUNES. A dead language: hungry. For each hour that you
“Only true confession can do not eat, lose 2 HP.
reveal what is hidden here.”
¤ OPTION. Whisper your worst
sin. Result: Dirt falls from the
wall, revealing 1 Fine Treasure
(p8) and a TINY HORROR,
which attacks.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 93

Crumbling bones and metal litter
the ancient battlefield, choked A dark oily sludge oozes through
with gray witchweed. Looming a labyrinth of cracked masonry ¤ STRANGERS. SKULLCAP priests.
over the dead, tall watchtowers and shattered mosaics, echoing Cherep, Kost, Rebro, Skelet
lean in unstable heaps, on the with footsteps and whispers. (85), corrupt clerics. Small,
brink of falling. Silent figures Painted skulls line the winding, bent, nearly blind, moldering
wade through the weeds. narrow paths. Massive stained orange tabards, leather caps
tapestries rustle on the walls. covered in skull fragments,
¤ LITTER. Endless heaps of ruined
bloody skulls in hand.
armor and weapons. All good ¤ SLUDGE. Dead titan blood.
Fanatical, cryptic, sinister. Pray
for exactly one last use. Sometimes erupts into bloody
to the wise angel Halcyon.
¤ WITCHWEED. Drains the earth spikes, 2d6. Search: 1 Fine
Wield skulls painted with
of life, leaving ash. Screams Treasure (p8).
bloody runes. Want forbidden
when stepped on: 1d6 harm, ¤ MASONRY. Unstable. Falls knowledge to control living
blurred vision, ringing ears. when struck, 1d6. people. Fear being controlled.
¤ WATCHTOWERS. Crumbling ¤ MOSAICS. Old, damaged. A Try to steal magic items.
stone. Easily toppled. dark traveler in various lands ¤ QUEST. Fetch the Holy Skull of
Search: 1 Quest Item (p8). (sinister trees, misty seas, Brom Bell (relic, enhances mind-
¤ FIGURES. KNIGHTS REVENANT. skeletal towns). Lore: Brahav control spells). REWARD: A
Neru, Magre, Vechu, Dulore the Rover is the patron saint of blessed skullcap (enchanted,
(ancient), undead soldiers. travelers and pilgrims. the wearer can hear the
Scorched skeletons, tattered ¤ SKULLS. Human. Painted with thoughts of everyone within
gray uniforms, scraps of armor. bloody runes for Memory, 30ft, and can control one
Soft kind voices. Slow, diligent, Thought, Fear, Rage. creature for 1 minute per day).
weak. Original paladins of the
¤ TAPESTRIES. Ancient. Silver
temple. Burying thousands of
thread, beautiful maps of lost
ancient dead. Want to respect
places. 1d6 x 1,000 GP each.
the dead. Fear never finishing.
¤ QUEST. Make the invaders
leave the temples so the Kadav
can restore it. REWARD: Mark
of the Kadav (rune scar,
immune to disease, can smell
dead and undead up to 60’
away, touch a corpse to
instantly know how it died).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 94

A dark haze hangs over a A milky amber dome rises to the
charred stone vault. The ground ¤ DEVICE. Collection of metal shattered outlines of gaping
has been swept clean. Inside, a spheres: a divine resonator. skylights. Shredded tapestries
trove of ancient weapons and When complete, it allows carpet the floor. Smashed planks
tools lie in perfectly organized anyone to converse with the and beams clutter the rear corner,
piles. A group of strangers work angel Tetriel (uncharismatic, forming a barricade around
quietly at a large device. logical). Danger 1: Any organic several large round objects.
creature hearing the voice of
¤ HAZE. Noxious cloud of burnt ¤ AMBER. Resin of the extinct
Tetriel suffers 1d6 per minute
corpses, ancient and malignant. moonwood tree (priceless).
(vibrations). Danger 2: After
Angry faces appear.
1d6 days, the angel Tetriel ¤ TAPESTRIES. Images of moons,
¤ CLEAN. A perfect circle, possesses the divine resonator, scrolls, bears, quills, and crows.
exactly 100ft wide. transforming it into a mobile Lore: Nevael the Teacher-
avatar that alters the world Mother is the patron saint of
¤ INSIDE. A massive chamber,
around it into perfect scholars and doctors.
echoing. Skillfully carved pews,
elegant pillars. geometric shapes. ¤ BARRICADE. Remains of ancient
¤ QUEST. Escort additional chairs, desks, lecterns, benches.
¤ WEAPONS. Filigree gothic
Ghirans down from the city to Search: The Enchiridion of Eshe
armor, ornate leather
assist. REWARD: Ghirans offer (volume 2) and 1 Fine
scabbards, patterned steel
free metal prosthetics: legs +2 Treasure (p8).
swords. Search: 1d6 Arascene
scimitars (+2). Strength, arms +2 Dexterity, ¤ OBJECTS. Five speckled gray
eyes immune to illusions. eggs (5ft long). Tapping,
¤ TOOLS. Smithing, tinkering,
shaking (smell the PCs, hatch in
woodworking, leatherworking,
1d6 minutes). ASURAPTORS
weaving (preserved in
beautiful cases). Lore: Abriel
the Maker is the patron saint of
craftsmen and artisans.
Cog, Torque, Mesh, Rack (400),
machine clerics. Metal, slender,
crystal eyes, quietly whirring,
wearing metal folds to
resemble robes. Gentle,
obsessive, precise. Pray to the
logical angel Tetriel. Want to
learn their reason for existing.
Fear rust.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 95

A grove of red trees twists and
weaves about the crown of a
terraced hill. Within the trees
stands a tiny ivy-choked pyramid
of white marble. Inside, dozens of
vases crowd the corners. Four
women sit chanting softly.

¤ TREES. Bloodwoods,
carnivorous. Stab nearby
creatures, drain blood (2d6).
¤ PYRAMID. Covered in tiny
hieroglyphics of children
playing with toys and pets.
Lore: Yeledron the Vessel is the
patron saint of children,
innocents, and apprentices.
¤ VASES. Stoneware. Contain
100 Depicula seeds, extinct
vicious flesh-eating flowers (50
GP each).
¤ WOMEN. Irugbin, Iya, Akoko,
Atijo (700), ARBAJ DRYADS.
Thin, bark-skin, vine hair,
amber eyes. Love plants. Hate
people and animals. Want to
resurrect the Depicula seeds in
the vases to create a new
species of sentient plants that
will rise up and rule the world.
¤ QUEST. Bring dead bodies to
fertilize the seeds. REWARD:
Mark of the Arbaj (thorn
piercing, speak with plants at
will, enemy plants will not
attack first). Danger: In 1d6
hours, the dryads create a
pack of 6d6 DEPICULA
REAVERS that go running for
the city above.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 96

A short fellow with stony skin, bronze hair, black tunic, and A tall woman with bark skin and vine hair. Trying to
iron gloves. Treasure hunter. Pyromaniac. Brutal. resurrect extinct plants. Xenophobic.

Small humanoid AC HP MOVE Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE

Lawful neutral 15 50 30 ft Lawful neutral 16 60 30 ft
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire. IMMUNITY. Poison. Disease. Bludgeoning.
FIRE GAUNTLET. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ROOT WHIP. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and 7 one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) slashing damage. Target must
(2d6) fire damage. 2-in-6 chance the target ignites for make a DC 13 STR save or be Grappled.
1d6 fire for 2 rounds.
THORN SPRAY. Ranged Weapon Attack: range 15 ft. cone.
FIRE BOMB. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 60 DC 13 DEX save or 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
ft., all adjacent targets. Hit: 7 (2d6) fire damage. 2-in-6
SUMMON PITCHERPLANT. One target within 30 feet must
chance the target ignites for 1d6 fire for 2 rounds.
make a DC 15 DEX save or be swallowed by a Medium
DEATH: DETONATOR. When killed, the miner detonates pitcherplant erupting from the ground. Take 14 (4d6) acid
their gauntlets. All creatures within 5 feet must make a DC damage and be Restrained. A swallowed creature takes
13 DEX save or take 14 (4d6) fire damage. 14 (4d6) acid damage at the start of its turns. A
swallowed creature can make a DC 15 STR check to
escape. If the pitcherplant is empty at the end of the
dryad’s turn, it dies and becomes difficult terrain.
SUMMON THORN WALL. A 20-foot long, 5-foot wide
wall of thorns erupts from the ground. All targets in range
must make a DC 15 DEX save or take 14 (4d6) piercing
damage. A creature that passes through the thorns takes
10 (3d6) piercing damage. A creature can spend one
Action to destroy one 5x5 section of the wall.
REACTION: GRASPING ROOTS. When hit, the dryad
summons writhing roots. The attacker must make a DC 13
DEX save or be Restrained.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 97

A wingless dragon with variously colored scales and A wingless dragon covered in heavy scales, shells, and
shaped horns. Devours magic. Shapeshifter. Intelligent. horns, bellowing fire. Hungry, cruel, greedy.

Large dragon AC HP BURROW Huge dragon AC HP MOVE

Neutral 18 75 40 ft Neutral 18 180 40 ft
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 22 (+6) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 18 (+4)
SHAPESHIFTER. Can appear as a bear-sized drake or as IMMUNITY. Fire.
a human with patches of scales and small horns.
CLAW. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
CLAW. Melee Weapon Attack. +7 to hit, range 5ft, one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) slashing damage.
target. Hit: 4d6 slashing damage.
SHELL SHOT. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 30-
ARCANE BREATH (RECHARGE 4-6). 30ft line, 5ft wide. foot line. Hit: 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage and thrown
Targets must make a DC 13 DEX save. On a fail, take 15 feet back. Fixed structures are destroyed.
damage equal to the drake’s current HP. On a success,
FIRE BALLS. Recharge 5-6. Spits three fire balls up to 60
take half. Roll 1d6 for damage type: (1) fire, (2) cold, (3)
feet. Targets make a DC 15 DEX save or suffer 14 (4d6)
acid, (4) poison, (5) thunder, (6) lightning.
fire damage. At each impact, a 10x10 area of ground
REACTION: STUNNING ROAR. When hit by an attack, melts into slippery glass and becomes difficult terrain.
the drake roars in rage. All creatures within 30ft must
make a DC 13 CON save or be Stunned until the end of
their next turn.

A feathered dinosaur from a lost Age. Hisses and clicks. A tusked mammal covered in bristly hair. Aggressive,
Hunts in packs. Clever. hungry, territorial. Clever.

Large beast AC HP MOVE Medium beast AC HP MOVE

Neutral 15 25 50 ft Neutral 12 15 40 ft
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

IMMUNITY. Poison. TUSK. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing and 7 (2d6) poison damage.
REACTION: TAIL SWIPE. When a creature first comes
within 5 feet of the raptor, it swings its tail at the creature’s
legs. The target must make a DC 15 DEX save or be
knocked prone.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 98

A red crab hound trained to hunt and kill. Fast. Vicious. An athletic woman with thorny tattoos, shaved head, and
spiked silver rings. Fanatic. Cruel.
Small monstrosity AC HP MOVE
Neutral 13 10 50 ft Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Lawful neutral 14 30 40 ft

8 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
IMMUNITY. Cold. Necrotic.
IMMUNITY. Poison. Radiant.
CLAW. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage. ATTACKS. Two.
DEVASTATOR. The blitzer can claw through any barrier in PUNCH. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
one round. target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
REACTION: BURROW. When hit, the blitzer buries itself in TOXIC MUSK. When a creature starts a turn within 5 ft. of
the ground and moves 10 ft unseen. It erupts from the the nun, take 3 (1d6) poison damage.
ground on its next turn.
EYES IN THE BACK OF HER HEAD. The nun cannot be
surprised or attacked with advantage.

A red crab warrior with spiny armor and crushing claws.

Brutal. Coldhearted.
A small white monkey. Agile climber. Works in groups.
Large monstrosity AC HP MOVE Clever. Vicious.
Lawful neutral 17 50 40 ft Small beast AC HP CLIMB
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Neutral 13 10 30 ft
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
IMMUNITY. Cold. Necrotic. 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
ATTACKS. Two. OPPORTUNIST. A baboon always attacks the most edible-
looking target (the one with the least armor).
ROTTING MUSK. When a creature starts their turn within 5
ft of the brute, they must make a DC 13 CON save or take TROOPER. A group of baboons always works together
3 (1d6) necrotic damage. and attacks the same target.
CLAW. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (3d6) slashing damage. target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
MUSTARD SPRAY. The brute spews fluids in a15 ft cone. REACTION: HOWL. When hit by an attack, the baboon
Each creature in range must make a DC 13 DEX save or howls at the attacker. Make a DC 11 CON save or stumble
take 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. back 10 feet.
REACTION: SAND FLEAS. When hit, the brute shakes off
a few hungry fleas. The attacker must make a DC 13 DEX
save or take 3 (1d6) piercing damage.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 99

A shambling corpse that mutates when harmed. Mindless. A meek urchin in gray rags. Awaits the resurrection of the
titan rat. Timid. Shifty. Coward.
Medium undead AC HP MOVE
Chaotic neutral 10 25 20 ft Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Chaotic neutral 12 10 30 ft

12 (+1) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 6 (-2) 2 (-4) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
CLAW. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d6) slashing damage. IMMUNITY. Disease.
REACTION: CHAOS CHANGE. When hit, the zombie DAGGER. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
grows a random feature (feathers, scales, horns, antlers, target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
extra arms, talons). There is a 3-in-6 chance that this
PIPER. The cultist blows a whistle and rats swarm over one
doubles the damage of their Claw attack.
target. Roll 1d6. On 1-3, target takes 3 (1d6) piercing
damage. On 4-6, target loses half their money.
hit, the cultist allows a handful of rats to spill out of their
A rugged fighter with leather armor and bronze weapons. sleeve to take only half damage.
Sensible. Honest. Survivor.

Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE

Lawful neutral 16 20 30 ft
A hulking humanoid carnivorous plant. Hates animals.
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) Large plant AC HP MOVE
Neutral 16 100 30 ft
SCIMITAR. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
SHORTBOW. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
WEAKNESS. Poison. Fire.
REACTION: ESCAPE. When hit, the mercenary rolls 10 ft
away without triggering attacks of opportunity.
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage. Target must make
a DC 13 STR save or be Grappled. Each round that the
target is grappled, it suffers 10 (3d6) acid damage.
THORN SPRAY. Ranged Weapon Attack: range 15 ft. cone.
DC 13 DEX save or 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
REACTION: GRASPING ROOTS. When hit, the reaver
summons writhing roots. The attacker must make a DC 13
DEX save or be Restrained.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 100

A hovering figure in a tattered black minstrel’s suit playing A sleepy-eyed cultist in a purple toga. Enjoys intoxicants.
a flute, with two large birds. Torturer artist. Invades the dreams of others. Gentle and quiet.

Medium humanoid AC HP HOVER Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE

Chaotic neutral 14 75 40 ft Chaotic neutral 12 10 30 ft
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
IMMUNITY. Psychic. Fear. IMMUNITY. Psychic. Sleep.
AURA OF DOOM. A creature that starts its turn within 5 ft CLUB. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
of the piper must make a DC 13 WIS save or be frightened target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
of the piper.
VALERIAN DUST. All enemies within 5 ft must make a DC
TWO PIPES. At the start of the piper’s turn, roll 1d6. 1-3, 13 CON save or fall asleep.
the piper uses a large bone flute. 4-6, the piper uses a
DREAM-THIEF. The cultist touches a sleeping creature,
small silver flute.
which takes 3 (1d6) psychic damage and the cultist learns
OBSIDIAN DAGGER. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, who they are and what they want.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) slashing damage.
REACTION: POPPY DUST. When hit, the cultist blows dust
BONE FLUTE DOOM. The piper plays a haunting tune. All at the attacker. They must make a DC 13 CON save or be
creatures within 30 ft must make a DC 15 DEX save or Stunned until the end of their next turn.
suffer 10 (3d6) damage. Roll 1d6. 1-2, Red Rain (acid).
3-4, Quake (bludgeon). 5-6, Ghosts (necrotic).
SILVER FLUTE DOOM. The piper plays a shrieking tune.
All creatures within 30 ft must make a DC 15 WIS save or
be enchanted until the end of their next turn. A tall slender humanoid with pruny gray flesh covered in
Roll 1d6. 1-2, Charmed. 3-4, Paralyzed. 5-6, Berserk. white moss. Sleeps underwater. Blind, cruel, jealous.

RAVINGALE: CROAKER. AC 13, 10 HP, FLY 50. After an Large giant AC HP MOVE
enemy turn, a large black bird croaks in a 30-foot cone. Chaotic neutral 15 75 30 ft
All creatures in range must make a DC 13 CON save or
take 7 (2d6) thunder damage. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 6 (-2)
RAVINGALE: LADY. AC 13, 10 HP, FLY 50. After an
enemy turn, a large white bird whistles at a point within 30 IMMUNITY. Cold. Visual effects (blind).
feet. All creatures in a 10-foot radius of the point must
make a DC 13 INT save or take 7 (2d6) psychic damage AMPHIBIOUS. The troll can breathe underwater. While in
and be stunned until the end of their next turn. water, it regains 3 (1d6) per round. A dead troll must be
left on dry ground or it will revive.
REACTION: BLAST. When the piper is hit, they blow a low
note. All creatures within 10 ft must make a DC 15 STR ATTACKS. Two.
save or be pushed 10 ft and knocked prone. BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (3d6) piercing damage.
SMACK. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and make a DC
13 STR save or fall prone.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 101

An experienced adventurer with the scars to prove it. A masked worshipper in brown robes. Controls sand. Alien
Careful, clever. Stronger in large numbers. mind. Minor mutations and psychic abilities.

Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE

Neutral 15 50 30 ft Chaotic neutral 14 25 30 ft
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
SPECIAL: TEAMWORK. When multiple dungeoneers fight SAND FIST. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
side-by-side, they both gain +2 to hit and +2 to AC. one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
LONGSWORD. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 SAND FALCON. Ranged Magic Attack. The cultist conjures
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage. a raptor of sand. The target must make a DC 13 DEX save
or take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and stumble back
STOLEN WAND. Ranged Magic Attack: +5 to hit, range 80
10 ft.
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) damage (fire, cold, acid, or
lightning). REACTION: SAND STORM. When the cultist is hit by a
melee attack, the damage is halved and the attacker is
REACTION: REGROUP. When harmed, the dungeoneer
blinded until the end of their next turn.
runs 15 feet toward their nearest ally without triggering
attacks of opportunity.

A blind worshipper in yellow robes. Sees the world from

above (Cosmic Sight). Fears being inside. Twitchy.
An inexperienced adventurer with more curiosity or greed
than sense. Stronger in large numbers. Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE

Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE Chaotic neutral 12 10 30 ft

Neutral 13 25 30 ft STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) IMMUNITY. Psychic. Blind.

ATTACKS. Two. DAGGER. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
SPECIAL: TEAMWORK. When multiple dungeoneers fight
side-by-side, they both gain +2 to hit and +2 to AC. SIGHT-THIEF. The cultist touches a target. Make a DC 13
CHA save or be blinded until you touch the cultist back.
SHORTWORD. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) slashing damage. REACTION: SAW IT COMING. When hit, the cultist dodges
at the last instant and takes no damage.
LIGHT CROSSBOW. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
range 80 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 102

A bestial worshipper in leathers and furs. Brutal and wild. An incorporeal spirit of a slain creature. Driven by rage,
Mimics the creatures of the skins they wear. fear, hate, envy, or pride.

Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE Medium undead AC HP HOVER

Chaotic neutral 14 25 35 ft Chaotic neutral 10 25 40 ft
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 16 (+3)
IMMUNITY. Psychic. Poison. IMMUNITY. Non-magical attacks.
SCORPION CLAW. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach SPECIAL. Repelled by salt. Cannot cross a line of salt.
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) slashing damage.
SPECIAL. Can move through any object or creature.
DOOM GOAT SKULL. The cultist charges in a 30 ft line. All
DEAD HAND. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
targets in range must make a DC 13 DEX save or take 7
one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) cold damage.
(2d6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
REACTION: DEAD SCREAM. When hit, the ghost’s face
REACTION: RAZORBACK BURST. When the cultist is hit,
twists into a horrible silent scream. Make a DC 13 WIS
they hurl quills. All enemies within 10 ft must make a DC 13
save or become frightened of the ghost until the end of
DEX save or take 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
their next turn.

A mechanical monk with a metallic voice and dimly glowing

An armless worshipper in white cloak with spectral arms.
eyes. Calm. Logical.
Believes the world is ending. Manic. Arm-lopper.
Medium construct AC HP MOVE
Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE
Lawful neutral 16 35 30 ft
Chaotic neutral 14 15 30 ft
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
IMMUNITY. Psychic. Radiant.
IMMUNITY. Psychic.
SPIRITUAL STRIKE. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
IRON FIST. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) psychic damage and the
one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. target’s arms are numb until the end of their next turn.
DISASSEMBLE. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 GHOSTLY GRASP. One target within 5 ft must make a DC
ft., one target. Hit: remove the target’s armor. 17 DEX save or be Grappled.
REACTION: ANALYZE. When an attacker hits the monk, SOUL STRANGLE. The cultist squeezes a grappled target.
the monk gains Advantage on all attacks against that The target must make a DC 13 CON save or fall
attacker until this ability is used again. Unconscious.
REACTION: PHANTOM PARRY. When the cultist is hit by
a melee attack, the damage is halved.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 103

A mass of cat-sized fleas. Stupid. Eat everything. A professional fighter with steel armor and violet cloak.
Proud, confident, aloof. Always finishes the job.
Large swarm AC HP MOVE
Neutral 13 25 40 ft Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Lawful neutral 18 25 30 ft

8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage. ATTACKS. Two.
SCIMITAR. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) slashing damage.
JAVELIN. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30 ft.,
A hairy gray cat-sized spider. Lurks underwater. one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) piercing damage.
REACTION: DISARM. When hit with a melee attack, the
Small beast AC HP CLIMB
mercenary strikes the attacker’s weapon. Make a DC13
Neutral 13 7 40 ft STR save or drop the attacking weapon.
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
FEATURES. Amphibious. Attracted to noise and water.
Fears heat. Walks on webs, walls, and ceilings. Immune to A fool in armor who is always stubbornly wrong and pig-
poison. Whispers random words it hears (always eerie). headedly confused.
POISON BITE. Melee Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, range 5ft, Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) poison damage, and then half as
Neutral 16 15 30 ft
much on the next turn.
WEB SHOT. Ranged Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, range 20ft,
one target. Hit (choose one): (1) FACE: target cannot see 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 10 (+0)
or breathe until they remove the webbing, (2) LEGS: target
LONGSWORD. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
falls prone and cannot move until they remove the
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage.
REACTION: OVERREACT. When hit, the knight
immediately makes a random Longsword attack.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 104

A warrior emboldened by pain, shirtless and covered in A young lawyer in heavy plate armor and powdered wig,
scars, carrying whips and flails. Fearless. with a rapier. Clever. Smug.

Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE

Lawful neutral 13 25 30 ft Lawful neutral 18 35 30 ft
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
FLAIL. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one RAPIER. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
WHIP. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one I AM THE LAW. The knight yells quotes from ancient legal
target. Hit: 3 (1d6) slashing damage and pulled 5 ft. texts. All creatures within 20 ft must make a DC 13 INT
save or take 3 (1d6) psychic damage.
REACTION: MASOCHIST. When hit, the knight gains
temporary strength. Their next attack deals +3 (1d6). REACTION: OBJECTION. When attacked, the knight hurls
a paperweight at the attacker’s head. Make a DC 13 DEX
save or be Stunned until the end of their next turn.

A squinting old judge in heavy plate armor with a massive

maul. Close-minded. Surprisingly spry.
A shambling corpse with bronze armor, rusty sword, and
Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE coffin-lid shield. Courteous. Brave. Slow.
Lawful neutral 20 50 35 ft
Medium undead AC HP MOVE
Neutral 18 35 25 ft
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
ATTACKS. Two. 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
DOOM GAVEL. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
IMMUNITY. Poison. Fear.
ft., one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage.
THROW THE BOOK AT THEM. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6
to hit, reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) bludgeoning LONGSWORD. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
damage. ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage.
REACTION: CONTEMPT. When an attack misses the SHIELD BASH. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
knight, they list the attacker’s worst qualities, causing 7 one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage and knocked
(2d6) psychic damage. prone.
RALLY THE TROOPS (1/DAY). At the end of the round,
one KNIGHT REVENANT unearths and joins the fight.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 105

A holy warrior in heavy armor with a blessed sword. Hunts An acrobatic assassin in violet and yellow motley. Elegant,
and destroys creatures of Chaos. showy, gleeful.

Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE

Lawful neutral 18 25 30 ft Lawful neutral 14 15 30 ft
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
IMMUNITY. Radiant. Fear. ATTACKS. Two.
ATTACKS. Two. DAGGER. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
LONGSWORD. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage. GARROTE. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage and target
KNEEL, HERETIC! The knight plunges their sword into the
is Grappled. On following turns, the assassin can
ground. All creatures within 10 ft must make a DC 13 CHA
automatically cause 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage to a
save or fall prone.
Grappled target.
REACTION: BURN, HERETIC! When hit, the knight summons
REACTION: ACROBATICS. When hit, the assassin
a veil of holy fire. All creatures within 5 ft must make a DC
cartwheels 20 ft away without triggering attacks of
13 CHA save or take 3 (1d6) radiant damage.
opportunity and only takes half damage.

A horse-sized bat with rough mottled flesh that resembles

A jaundiced, hunched scavenger in greasy hides with many
stone. Prefers caves. Sometimes used as mounts.
flasks of oil. Vicious. Slippery.
Large beast AC HP FLY
Small humanoid AC HP MOVE
Neutral 13 25 60 ft
Lawful neutral 17 15 30 ft
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
6 (-2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
MACHETE. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
SCREAM. All creatures that can hear must make a DC 13
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) slashing damage.
CON save or fall prone and deaf for one round.
REACTION: MORE OIL. When hit, the gangster splashes a
flask of slippery oil on the attacker. Make a DC 13 DEX
save or fall prone.
TOSS A MATCH. The gangster ignites a target that has
been splashed with oil for 10 (3d6) fire damage.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 106

A short fellow with stony skin, silver hair, and blue tunic. A horse-sized flea. Excellent jumper. Used as mounts.
Scientist obsessed with sounds and vibrations.
Large beast AC HP JUMP
Small humanoid AC HP MOVE Neutral 13 15 60 ft
Lawful neutral 14 40 30 ft STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 2 (-4)
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
KICK. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire. target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
IRON MAUL. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage. Target
makes a DC 13 STR save or falls prone. A jaundiced, hunched scavenger in rags. Hungry. Timid.
TUNING FORK. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range Desperate. Good at hiding.
60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) thunder damage and
Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE
knocked back 10 feet.
Lawful neutral 12 10 30 ft
REACTION: RUNE BELL. When hit, the miner rings an iron
bell. The attacker must make a DC 13 WIS save or be STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Stunned until the end of their next turn. 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
TACTICS. Ambush the weakest-looking enemy.
GOUGE. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
A huge amphibious snake that swims through sewers,
REACTION: FLEE. When hit, the gangster retreats 15 feet
gobbling up vermin. Cunning, hungry.
without triggering attacks of opportunity.
Huge beast AC HP MOVE
Neutral 13 75 50 ft
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
IMMUNITY. Poison. Disease.
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (3d6) piercing and 7 (2d6) poison damage.
TAIL WHIP. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage.
REACTION: VOMIT RATS. When hit, the serpent vomits a
mass of dead rats. The attacker must make a DC 15 DEX
save or fall prone and take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 107

A jaundiced, hunched scavenger in scrap metal armor with A pale slimy mass of blind wriggling flesh. Easily panicked.
a knife and spear. Clever.
Large beast AC HP MOVE
Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE Neutral 10 25 40 ft
Lawful neutral 16 15 30 ft STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 6 (-2) 2 (-4)
8 (-1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
SPEAR. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
WRITHING FRENZY. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning.
KNIFE. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
REACTION: SNATCH. When hit, the gangster tries to steal
an item from the target’s belt. Make a DC 13 DEX save or
lose one item. A 20-foot swarm of hairless white bats hissing through
circular fanged lamprey mouths. Vicious, cowardly.

Large swarm AC HP FLY

Chaotic neutral 12 25 40 ft
A jaundiced, hunched priest in dirty hides holding a green STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
glowing skull. Mystic. 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)
Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE IMMUNITY. Piercing.
Chaotic neutral 14 15 30 ft WEAKNESS. Repelled by loud noise and bright light.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA SWARM DAMAGE. Creatures inside the swarm must make
6 (-2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) a DC 13 DEX save or take 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
TACTICS. Fight at range. GUANO SPRAY. Creatures inside the swarm must make a
DC 13 DEX save or be struck by explosive waste causing 7
CURSE. Range 60 ft. One target must make a DC 15 CHA
(2d6) fire damage.
save or else make all rolls at Disadvantage until end of
their next turn.
LEECH. Range 60 ft. Two adjacent targets must make a DC
13 CON save or take 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The cultist
heals half as much.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 108

A psychic worshipper in blue rags. Telepathic and A swarm of fist-sized black beetles with iridescent chitin
telekinetic. Analytical. Over-thinker. Amoral. carapaces and long vicious horns. Curious. Cautious.

Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE Medium swarm AC HP MOVE

Chaotic neutral 15 15 30 ft Lawful neutral 13 25 20 ft
8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 4 (-3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 8 (-1) 2 (-4)
IMMUNITY. Psychic. IMMUNITY. Piercing.
MINDKILLER. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30 FEAR. Fire.
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) psychic damage.
SWARM DAMAGE. Creatures inside the swarm must make
MIND OVER MATTER. All enemies within 5 ft must make a a DC 13 DEX save or take 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
DC 13 STR save or be hurled away 10 ft.
DRONING. Buzzing wings make hypnotic sounds. Creatures
MEMORY CORRUPTION. The cultist touches a target. that start their turn inside the swarm must make a DC 13
Make a DC 13 INT save or be Stunned until the end of WIS save or be Stunned until the end of their next turn.
your next turn.
REACTION: SHARE MY PAIN. When the cultist is hit, the
attacker takes half the damage.

A human-sized shapeless mass of writhing red tentacles

and mad golden eyes. Feeds on nightmares.

Medium aberration AC HP MOVE

Chaotic neutral 15 50 30 ft
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
IMMUNITY. Psychic. Charm. Fear. Non-magical attacks.
TENTACLE. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 20 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage.
ELDRITCH THRUM. All creatures within 30 feet must make
a DC 13 CHA save or fall asleep into a shared nightmare.
You are in a swamp, being hunted by huge red hairless
zombie kittens with golden eyes. Sleepers awaken when
damaged or shaken. They retain a lifelong fear of cats.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 109

An ancient vampire noble in aristocratic dress. Skilled in A blood-thirsty worshipper in red cloaks. Cruel and vicious.
dueling, alchemy, and cruel remarks. Bloodthirsty. Instinctive. Dim and short-sighted.

Medium undead AC HP MOVE Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE

Neutral 17 200 50 ft Chaotic neutral 12 15 30 ft
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 14 (+2)
IMMUNITY. Necrotic. Non-magical weapons. IMMUNITY. Psychic. Poison.
WEAKNESS. Silver weapons (2x damage). Sunlight (3d6 DAGGER. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
per turn of exposure). target. Hit: 10 (3d6) slashing damage.
ATTACKS. Three. BLOODSUCKER. One creature within 30 ft must make a
DC 13 DEX save or take 7 (2d6) necrotic damage as the
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
cultist sucks the blood from their body at range.
target. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage. The vampire
regains HP equal to half the damage. REACTION: BLOODSPRAY. When the cultist is hit, the
attacker must make a DC 13 CON save or be Poisoned by
CLAW. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
the blood spray.
target. Hit: 21 (6d6) slashing damage.
DAGGERS GALORE. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
range 30 ft., three targets. Hit: 10 (3d6) piercing damage.
BLOOD DANCE. The vampire dashes 50 ft in a straight
line without provoking attacks of opportunity. All creatures A short fellow with stony skin, copper hair, and white tunic.
in that line must make a DC 15 DEX save or take 14 (4d6) Loves gems. Suspicious. Aggressive.
slashing damage as they are clawed across the throat.
Small humanoid AC HP MOVE
SUMMON STEED (1/DAY). The vampire summons one Lawful neutral 14 40 30 ft
KYRAPTOR, which arrives immediately and obeys the
vampire’s commands. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
HELL’S BREATH. The vampire exhales an alchemical cloud. 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
All creatures within 10 ft must make a DC 17 CON save or IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire.
take 10 (3d6) necrotic damage and be Blinded and
Deafened by bloody eyes and ears until the end of their ATTACKS. Two.
next turn. WARPICK. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
BONUS ACTION: RIDICULE. The vampire insults one one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) piercing damage. Roll 1d6: on a
creature it can see. The target must make a DC 15 WIS 1, the target’s armor is destroyed.
save or take 7 (2d6) psychic damage. CRYSTAL LENS. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
REACTION: BLOCK. When hit by a weapon attack, the 60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) radiant damage.
vampire deftly grasps the attacking weapon to reduce the REACTION: FLARE. When hit, the miner displays a
damage to zero. dazzling crystal. All non-miners that can see the crystal
REACTION: SHADOW DANCE. When missed by an must make a DC 13 WIS save or be Blinded until the end
attack, the vampire vanishes and reappears up to 20 ft of their next turn.
away in an empty space.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 110

A large black saurian predator with leathery wings and a
long toothy maw. Cruel, cowardly.

Large monstrosity AC HP FLY

Neutral 12 25 60 ft
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage.
SOARING DOOM. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage. The
vulgrane grabs a target, flies up, and lets go in one turn.

A short fellow with stony skin and metallic hair who loves
digging for buried treasure. Defensive. Kind.

Small humanoid AC HP MOVE

Lawful neutral 13 30 30 ft
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire.
WARHAMMER. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage.
HEAVY CROSSBOW. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
REACTION: PITON. When missed, the miner hurls a steel
spike at the attacker’s leg. Make a DC 13 DEX save or
take 3 (1d6) piercing damage and your movement is
halved until the end of your next turn.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 111

A short fellow with stony skin, bronze hair, black tunic, and A wingless dragon with variously colored scales and
iron gloves. Treasure hunter. Pyromaniac. Brutal. shaped horns. Devours magic. Shapeshifter. Intelligent.
AC 4 [15], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × fire gauntlet or fire AC 1 [18], Hit Dice 7 (31hp), Att 2 × claw (1d8), 1 roar,
bomb (1d8), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 60’ (20’), SV D8 W9 or breath, THAC0 13 [+6], MV 90’ (30’), SV D8 W9 P10
P10 B13 S12, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 100 B10 S12, ML 11, AL Neutral, XP 1,250
IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire. SHAPESHIFTER. Can appear as a bear-sized drake or as
a human with patches of scales and small horns.
FIRE GAUNTLET. Punch! 2-in-6 chance the target ignites,
1d6 for 2 rounds. ARCANE BREATH (3/DAY). 30’ long line, 5’ wide. Roll
1d6 for damage type: (1) fire, (2) cold, (3) acid, (4)
FIRE BOMB. Throw! 2-in-6 chance the target ignites, 1d6
poison, (5) thunder, (6) lightning. All targets in range take
for 2 rounds.
damage equal to the dragon’s current hit points (save
DEATH: DETONATOR. When killed, the miner detonates versus breath for half).
their gauntlets. All creatures within 5’ take 1d6.
STUNNING ROAR. All creatures within 30’ must save vs
spells or are unable to act on their next turn.

A tall woman with bark skin and vine hair. Trying to

resurrect extinct plants. Xenophobic.
A feathered dinosaur from a lost Age. Hisses and clicks.
AC 5 [14], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × root whip (1d8) or Hunts in packs. Clever.
thorn spray (1d6) or summon, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 120’
(40’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14, ML 7, AL Lawful, XP 25 AC 3 [16], Hit Dice 5 (22hp), Att 1 × bite (2d8, poison) or
tail (1d10, prone), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12
IMMUNITY. Poison. Disease. W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 950
THORN SPRAY. 15’ cone. IMMUNITY. Poison.
SUMMON PITCHERPLANT. One target is swallowed by a POISON. Causes death in 3 turns (save versus poison).
giant pitcherplant erupting from the ground. A swallowed
creature takes 1d6 at the start of its turns (save vs death
to escape). When empty, the pitcherplant dies.
SUMMON THORN WALL. A 20’ long, 5’ wide wall of
thorns erupts from the ground. A creature that passes A wingless dragon covered in heavy scales, shells, and
through the thorns takes 1d6. horns, bellowing fire. Hungry, cruel, greedy.
AC 1 [18], Hit Dice 10 (45hp), Att 2 × claw (2d8), 1 scale
shot (1d8), or breath, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 90’ (30’), SV
D6 W7 P8 B8 S10, ML 11, AL Neutral, XP 2,300
SCALE SHOT. 30’ long line. Structures are destroyed.
FIRE BREATH (3/DAY). 60’ long cone of fire. All targets in
range take damage equal to the dragon’s current hit
points (save versus breath for half). Ground melts into
glass and becomes difficult terrain.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 112

A tusked mammal covered in bristly hair. Aggressive, An athletic woman with thorny tattoos, shaved head, and
hungry, territorial. Clever. spiked silver rings. Fanatic. Cruel.
AC 7 [12], Hit Dice 3 (13hp), Att 1 × tusk (1d8), THAC0 AC 5 [14], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 2 × fist (1d6), THAC0 18
17 [+2], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML [+1], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL
9, AL Neutral, XP 35 Chaotic, XP 50
TOXIC MUSK. When a creature starts their turn next to the
nun, take 1d6 (save vs poison).
A red crab hound trained to hunt and kill. Fast. Vicious. EYES IN THE BACK OF HER HEAD. Cannot be surprised.
AC 2 [17], Hit Dice 3 (13hp), Att 2 × claw (1d8), THAC0
17 [+2], MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 9,
AL Neutral, XP 35
IMMUNITY. Cold. A small white monkey. Agile climber. Works in groups.
DEVASTATOR. Can claw through any barrier. Clever. Vicious.

BURROW. Can burrow under the ground and move 10’ AC 6 [13], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 1 × bite (1d6), THAC0 18
unseen. It erupts from the ground on its next turn. [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18, ML 7, AL
Neutral, XP 10
TROOPERS. A group always attacks one target.
HOWL. When hit, the baboon howls to make the attacker
A red crab warrior with spiny armor and crushing claws. back away 10’ (save vs spells).
Brutal. Coldhearted.
AC 2 [17], Hit Dice 4 (18hp), Att 2 × claw (1d8) or
mustard spray, THAC0 17 [+2], MV 90’ (30’), SV D12
W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 100 A shambling corpse that mutates when harmed. Mindless.
IMMUNITY. Cold. AC 9 [10], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × claw (1d8), THAC0 18
ROTTING MUSK. When a creature starts their turn next to [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 12, AL
the brute, take 1d6 (save vs poison). Chaotic, XP 25
MUSTARD SPRAY. 15’ cone. 1d6 (save vs poison). CHAOS CHANGE. When harmed, the zombie grows a
random feature (feathers, scales, horns, antlers, extra
SAND FLEAS. When hit, the brute shakes off a few hungry
arms, talons). There is a 3-in-6 chance that this doubles the
fleas that cause 1 damage.
damage of their Claw attack.
UNDEAD. Immune to poison, charm, hold, sleep.

A rugged fighter with leather armor and bronze weapons.

Sensible. Honest. Survivor.
AC 3 [16], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 1 × scimitar or bow (1d8),
THAC0 18 [+1], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15
S16, ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 20

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 113

A meek urchin in gray rags. Awaits the resurrection of the A hovering figure in a tattered black minstrel’s suit playing
titan rat. Timid. Shifty. Coward. a flute, with two large birds. Torturer artist.
AC 7 [12], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 1 × dagger (1d6) or AC 5 [14], Hit Dice 4 (18hp), Att 1 × obsidian dagger
piper, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 (1d8) or pipe, THAC0 15 [+3], MV 90’ (30’) hovering, SV
B15 S16, ML 6, AL Chaotic, XP 10 D4 W5 P6 B5 S8, ML 11, AL Neutral, XP 1,000
IMMUNITY. Disease. IMMUNITY. Psychic. Fear.
PIPER. The cultist blows a whistle and rats swarm over one AURA OF DOOM. A creature that starts its turn next to the
target. Roll 1d6. On 1-4, target takes 2 damage. On 5-6, piper must flee 15’ (save vs spells).
target loses half their money.
TWO PIPES. At the start of the piper’s turn, roll 1d6. 1-3,
use the bone flute. 4-6, use the silver flute.
BONE FLUTE DOOM. The piper plays a haunting tune. All
creatures within 30’ take 1d8 damage (save vs death).
A hulking humanoid carnivorous plant. Hates animals. Roll 1d6. 1-2, Red Rain (acid). 3-4, Quake (bludgeon). 5-
6, Ghosts (necrotic).
AC 2 [17], Hit Dice 8 (36hp), Att 1 × bite (1d10, swallow),
thorn spray (1d6), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D8 SILVER FLUTE DOOM. The piper plays a shrieking tune.
W9 P10 B10 S12, ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 650 All creatures within 30’ are enchanted (save vs spells).
Roll 1d6. 1-2, Charmed. 3-4, Paralyzed. 5-6, Berserk.
WEAKNESS. Poison. Fire.
RAVINGALE: CROAKER. AC 13, 2hp, FLY 50. After an
SWALLOW. Each round that a target is swallowed, it enemy turn, a large black bird croaks in a 30’ cone. All
suffers 1d8 acid damage (save vs paralysis). targets take 1d6 (save vs breath).
THORN SPRAY. 15’ cone. RAVINGALE: LADY. AC 13, 2hp, FLY 50. After an enemy
GRASPING ROOTS. All targets within 15’ are trapped in turn, a large white bird whistles in a 30’ cone. All targets
writhing roots (save vs paralysis). are deafened (save vs breath).

A sleepy-eyed cultist in a purple toga. Enjoys intoxicants.

Invades the dreams of others. Gentle and quiet.
AC 7 [12], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 1 × club (1d6) or valerian
dust, THAC0 19 [+0], MV 60’ (20’), SV D11 W12 P14
B15 S16, ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 25
IMMUNITY. Psychic. Sleep.
VALERIAN DUST. All creatures next to the cultist fall
asleep (save vs paralysis).
DREAM-THIEF. The cultist touches a sleeping creature,
which takes 1d6 damage and the cultist learns who they
are and what they want.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 114

A tall slender humanoid with pruny gray flesh covered in A masked worshipper in brown robes. Controls sand. Alien
white moss. Sleeps underwater. Blind, cruel, jealous. mind. Minor mutations and psychic abilities.
AC 4 [15], Hit Dice 6 (27hp), Att 2 × bite or claw (1d8), AC 5 [14], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × sand fist or sand
THAC0 13 [+6], MV 120’ (40’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 falcon (1d8), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D11 W12
S14, ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 650 P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 100
IMMUNITY. Cold. Visual effects (blind). IMMUNITY. Psychic.
AMPHIBIOUS. The troll can breathe underwater. While in SAND FIST. Knocks the target back 10’.
water, it regains 1d6 per round. A dead troll must be left
SAND FALCON. Blinds the target (save vs breath).
on dry ground or it will revive.
SAND STORM (3/DAY). When harmed, the cultist hurls up
a momentary wall of sand to halve the damage.

An experienced adventurer with the scars to prove it.

Careful, clever. Stronger in large numbers.
A blind worshipper in yellow robes. Sees the world from
AC 4 [15], Hit Dice 3 (13hp), Att 2 × sword (1d8) or wand above (Cosmic Sight). Fears being inside. Twitchy.
blast, THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14
B15 S16, ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 100 AC 7 [12], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × dagger (1d6) or sight-
thief, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14
IMMUNITY. Charm. B15 S16, ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 25
TEAMWORK. When multiple dungeoneers fight side-by- IMMUNITY. Psychic. Blind.
side, they both gain +2 to hit and +2 to AC.
SIGHT-THIEF. The cultist touches a target and they are
WAND BLAST. Range 60’. Roll 1d6: 1, Nothing. blinded until they touch the cultist back (save vs spells).
2-3, 1d6 Fire. 4-5, 1d6 Cold. 6, 2d6 Lightning.
SAW IT COMING (2/DAY). When harmed, the cultist
REGROUP. When harmed, the dungeoneer runs 15 feet dodges at the last instant and takes no damage.
toward their nearest ally.

A bestial worshipper in leathers and furs. Brutal and wild.

An inexperienced adventurer with more curiosity or greed Mimics the creatures of the skins they wear.
than sense. Stronger in large numbers.
AC 5 [14], Hit Dice 3 (13hp), Att 1 × claw (2d6) or doom
AC 6 [13], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 2 × weapon (1d6), THAC0 goat charge, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13
18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 9, P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 100
AL Neutral, XP 50
IMMUNITY. Psychic. Poison.
TEAMWORK. When multiple dungeoneers fight side-by-
DOOM GOAT CHARGE. 30’ line. All targets take 1d10
side, they both gain +2 to hit and +2 to AC.
and are knocked prone (save vs death).
RAZORBACK BURST (1/DAY). When harmed, the cultist
hurls sharp quills in all directions. All targets within 10’ take
1d6 (save vs death).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 115

A mechanical monk with a metallic voice and dimly glowing A mass of cat-sized fleas. Stupid. Eat everything.
eyes. Calm. Logical.
AC 6 [13], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × bite (1d8), THAC0 17
AC 3 [16], Hit Dice 3 (13hp), Att 2 × iron first (1d8) or [+2], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 11, AL
disassemble, THAC0 16 [+3], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 Neutral, XP 35
P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 100
IMMUNITY. Psychic.
DISASSEMBLE. The monk deftly removes all of one target’s
armor (save vs paralysis). A hairy gray cat-sized spider. Lurks underwater.
ANALYZE. When an attacker hits the monk, the monk AC 6 [13], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 1 × bite (1d8, poison) or
gains +3 to hit that attacker until this ability is used again. web shot, THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13
P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 50
FEATURES. Amphibious. Attracted to noise and water.
Fears heat. Walks on webs, walls, and ceilings. Immune to
An incorporeal spirit of a slain creature. Driven by rage, poison. Whispers random words it hears (always eerie).
fear, hate, envy, or pride. POISON. Causes death in 3 turns (save versus poison).
AC 9 [10], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × dead hand (1d8) or WEB SHOT. Choose one: (1) FACE: target cannot see or
dead scream, THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’) flying, SV breathe, (2) LEGS: target falls prone and cannot move
D10 W11 P12 B13 S14, ML 11, AL Chaotic, XP 100 (save vs paralysis).
INCORPOREAL. Immune to non-magical attacks. Can move
through any object or creature.
SPECIAL. Repelled by salt. Cannot cross a line of salt.
DEAD SCREAM. The ghost’s face twists into a horrible A professional fighter with steel armor and violet cloak.
silent scream. All creatures within 10’ are frozen with fear Proud, confident, aloof. Always finishes the job.
and cannot attack the ghost (save vs paralysis). AC 1 [18], Hit Dice 3 (13hp), Att 2 × scimitar or bow
UNDEAD. Immune to poison, charm, hold, sleep. (1d8), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14
B15 S16, ML 10, AL Lawful, XP 100
DISARM (2/DAY). When hit by a melee weapon, the
mercenary knocks the weapon out of the attacker’s hand.

An armless worshipper in white cloak with spectral arms.

Believes the world is ending. Manic. Arm-lopper.
AC 5 [14], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × spirit claw (1d8),
THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15
S16, ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 50
IMMUNITY. Psychic.
SPIRIT CLAW. Target is numb and cannot attack until the
end of their next turn (save vs paralysis).
PHANTOM PARRY (3/DAY). When the cultist is hit by a
melee attack, the damage is halved.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 116

A fool in armor who is always stubbornly wrong and pig- A young lawyer in heavy plate armor and powdered wig,
headedly confused. with a rapier. Clever. Smug.
AC 3 [16], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 1 × longsword (1d8), AC 1 [18], Hit Dice 3 (13hp), Att 2 × rapier (1d8) or
THAC0 17 [+2], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 objection, THAC0 16 [+3], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13
S16, ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 25 P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 200
OVERREACT. When harmed, the knight immediately I AM THE LAW. The knight yells quotes from ancient legal
attacks one random nearby creature. texts. All creatures within 10’ take 1d6 psychic damage
(save vs spells).
OBJECTION. The knight hurls a stone at the attacker’s
head. Stunned for 2 rounds (save vs paralysis).
A warrior emboldened by pain, shirtless and covered in
scars, carrying whips and flails. Fearless.
AC 6 [13], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 2 × flail (1d8), THAC0 17
[+2], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 11, A shambling corpse with bronze armor, rusty sword, and
AL Lawful, XP 100 coffin-lid shield. Courteous. Brave. Slow.

MASOCHIST. When harmed, the knight gains temporary AC 1 [18], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 2 × weapon (1d8), THAC0
strength. Their next attack deals +2 damage. 17 [+2], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 9,
AL Neutral, XP 200
WEAPON. Longsword (slash). Shield (bash).
RALLY THE TROOPS (1/DAY). At the end of the round,
A squinting old judge in heavy plate armor with a massive one KNIGHT REVENANT unearths and joins the fight.
maul. Close-minded. Surprisingly spry. UNDEAD. Immune to poison, charm, hold, sleep.
AC 0 [19], Hit Dice 5 (22hp), Att 2 × weapon (2d6) or
contempt, THAC0 14 [+5], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13
P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 400
WEAPON. Doom gavel (maul). Iron-bound law book (throw A holy warrior in heavy armor with a blessed sword. Hunts
the book at them!). and destroys creatures of Chaos.
CONTEMPT. The knight describes a target’s worst
AC 1 [18], Hit Dice 4 (18hp), Att 2 × longsword (2d6),
qualities, causing 2d6 psychic damage (save vs spells).
THAC0 15 [+4], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15
S16, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 300
IMMUNITY. Fear. Charm.
KNEEL, HERETIC! The knight raises their sword and all
creatures within 10’ fall prone (save vs paralysis). Chaotic
creatures automatically fail.
BURN, HERETIC! The knight summons a circle of holy fire.
All creatures within 10’ take 1d6 (save vs spells). Chaotic
creatures automatically fail.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 117

A horse-sized bat with rough mottled flesh that resembles A short fellow with stony skin, silver hair, and blue tunic.
stone. Prefers caves. Sometimes used as mounts. Scientist obsessed with sounds and vibrations.
AC 6 [13], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × bite (1d6) or scream, AC 5 [14], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 2 × iron maul (1d8) or
THAC0 17 [+2], MV 180’ (60’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 tuning fork or rune bell, THAC0 17 [+2], MV 60’ (20’), SV
S16, ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 35 D8 W9 P10 B13 S12, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 50
SCREAM. All creatures that can hear are deaf and blind IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire.
for 2 rounds (save vs breath).
TUNING FORK. 30’ cone of nauseating noise. All targets
are deafened and move at half speed (save vs spells).
RUNE BELL. All targets within 20’ are frozen in pain for 2
rounds (save vs paralysis).
An acrobatic assassin in violet and yellow motley. Elegant,
showy, gleeful.
AC 5 [14], Hit Dice 3 (13hp), Att 2 × dagger (1d6) or
garrote, THAC0 16 [+3], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 A huge amphibious snake that swims through sewers,
P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 100 gobbling up vermin. Cunning, hungry.
GARROTE. Target is choking. They cannot speak, move, or AC 6 [13], Hit Dice 5 (22hp), Att 1 × bite (1d8, poison) or
act. They take 1d6 (save vs death). The target continues vomit rats, THAC0 15 [+4], MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13
to take 1d6 per round until they save or die. The assassin P14 B15 S16, ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 300
cannot move or attack other targets while doing this.
IMMUNITY. Poison. Disease.
ACROBATICS (2/DAY). When harmed, the assassin
cartwheels 30’ away and takes no damage. POISON. Causes blindness, move at half speed, and deal
half damage (save vs poison).
VOMIT RATS. The serpent vomits a mass of dead rats. The
target takes 2d6 and falls prone (save vs paralysis).

A jaundiced, hunched scavenger in greasy hides with many

flasks of oil. Vicious. Slippery.
AC 2 [17], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 1 × machete (1d6) or
splash oil or toss a match, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 120’ (40’), A horse-sized flea. Excellent jumper. Used as mounts.
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 50 AC 6 [13], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 1 × kick (1d8), THAC0 18
SPECIAL. Cannot slip (fall prone). [+1], MV 240’ (80’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 6, AL
Neutral, XP 20
SPLASH OIL. One target falls prone.
TOSS A MATCH. The gangster ignites a target that has
been splashed with oil for 2d6.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 118

A jaundiced, hunched scavenger in rags. Hungry. Timid. A pale slimy mass of blind wriggling flesh. 15’ long.
Desperate. Good at hiding. Slippery. Easily panicked.
AC 7 [12], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 1 × fist (1d4), THAC0 18 AC 9 [10], Hit Dice 3 (13hp), Att 1 × slam (1d8), THAC0
[+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 7, AL 14 [+5], MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 8,
Lawful, XP 10 AL Neutral, XP 50
TACTICS. Ambush the weakest-looking enemy.
FLEE. When harmed, the gangster runs 30’ away.

A 20-foot swarm of hairless white bats hissing through

circular fanged lamprey mouths. Vicious, cowardly.

A jaundiced, hunched scavenger in scrap metal armor with AC 7 [12], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × swarm (3) or guano
a knife and spear. Clever. spray, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’) flying, SV D12 W13
P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 35
AC 3 [16], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 1 × knife or spear (1d6)
or snatch, THAC0 16 [+3], MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 IMMUNITY. Non-magical weapons.
P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 50 WEAKNESS. Repelled by loud noise and bright light.
SNATCH (1/DAY). The gangster steals an item from the SWARM. Targets inside the swarm automatically take 3
target’s belt. damage (ignore armor).
GUANO SPRAY (1/DAY). Targets inside the swarm are
struck by burning waste for 1d6, as well as 1d4 on the
following round.
A jaundiced, hunched priest in dirty hides holding a green
glowing skull. Mystic.
AC 5 [14], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × knife (1d6) or curse or
leech, THAC0 19 [+0], MV 90’ (30’), SV D11 W12 P14 A psychic worshipper in blue rags. Telepathic and
B15 S16, ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 100 telekinetic. Analytical. Over-thinker. Amoral.

TACTICS. Fight at range. AC 4 [15], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × mindkiller (1d8) or
mind over matter or memory corruption, THAC0 18 [+1],
CURSE. Range 60 ft. Two targets make all rolls with -4
MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 10, AL
penalty (save vs spells).
Chaotic, XP 200
LEECH. Range 30 ft. Two targets take 1d6 damage and
IMMUNITY. Charm. Hold. Sleep.
the cultist heals half as much (save vs death).
MINDKILLER. Range 30’, one target. Psychic attack.
MIND OVER MATTER. All targets within 10’ are pushed
10’ away in a straight line (save vs spells).
MEMORY CORRUPTION. Touch. Target cannot move or
act for 2 rounds (save vs paralysis).
SHARE MY PAIN (2/DAY). When harmed by a melee
attack, the cultist gives half the damage to the attacker.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 119

A human-sized shapeless mass of writhing red tentacles An ancient vampire noble in aristocratic dress. Skilled in
and mad golden eyes. Feeds on nightmares. dueling, alchemy, and cruel remarks. Bloodthirsty.
AC 4 [15], Hit Dice 6 (27hp), Att 2 × tentacle (2d8) or AC 2 [17], Hit Dice 9 (40hp), Att 2 × bite (1d10, drink) or
eldritch thrum, THAC0 13 [+6], MV 90’ (30’), SV D6 W7 claw (2d6) or other, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV
P8 B8 S10, ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 1,200 D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 2,300
IMMUNITY. Charm. Hold. Sleep. Non-magical attacks. IMMUNITY. Non-magical weapons.
ELDRITCH THRUM. All targets within 30’ fall asleep into a WEAKNESS. Silver weapons (2x damage). Sunlight (d6
shared nightmare (save vs paralysis). You are in a per turn of exposure).
swamp, being hunted by huge red hairless zombie kittens
DRINK. The vampire gains HP equal to half the damage.
with golden eyes. Sleepers awaken when damaged or
shaken. They retain a lifelong fear of cats. BLOCK (2/DAY). When hit by a weapon, the vampire
deftly grasps the weapon and takes no damage.
SHADOW DANCE. When missed by an attack, the
vampire vanishes and reappears up to 20’ away.

A swarm of fist-sized black beetles with iridescent chitin OTHER:

carapaces and long vicious horns. Curious. Cautious. DAGGERS GALORE. Targets within 10’ take 3 damage.
AC 6 [13], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × swarm (4) or droning, SUMMON STEED (1/DAY). The vampire summons one
THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’) flying, SV D12 W13 P14 KYRAPTOR, which obeys the vampire’s commands.
B15 S16, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 50 HELL’S BREATH (2/DAY). The vampire exhales an
IMMUNITY. Non-magical weapons. alchemical cloud. Targets within 10’ take 1d6 and are
blinded and deafened by blood (save vs breath).
FEAR. Fire.
RIDICULE. The vampire insults one target, which takes 1d8
SWARM. Targets inside the swarm automatically take 4 damage (save vs spells).
damage (ignore armor).
DRONING. Buzzing wings make hypnotic sounds. Targets
inside the swarm are charmed (save vs spells). Charmed
targets cannot harm the swarm, and defend the swarm.
A blood-thirsty worshipper in red cloaks. Cruel and vicious.
Instinctive. Dim and short-sighted.
AC 7 [12], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × dagger (1d8) or
bloodsucker or bloodspray, THAC0 17 [+2], MV 60’ (20’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 10, AL Chaotic, XP 100
IMMUNITY. Charm. Poison.
BLOODSUCKER. One target within 30’ takes 1d6 as their
blood is ripped out of their body to fly through the air,
and the cultist gains half as much HP (save vs breath).
BLOODSPRAY (1/DAY). The cultist sprays all targets
within 5’ to blind them for 1 round.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 120

A short fellow with stony skin, copper hair, and white tunic.
Loves gems. Suspicious. Aggressive.
AC 5 [14], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × pick (1d8, shatter) or
crystal lens (1d8) or flare, THAC0 16 [+3], MV 60’ (20’),
SV D8 W9 P10 B13 S12, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 100
IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire.
SHATTER. 1-in-6 chance the target’s armor is destroyed.
CRYSTAL LENS. Range 60’, one target. Laser.
FLARE. The miner displays a dazzling crystal and all
targets within 30’ are blinded (save vs wands).

A large black saurian predator with leathery wings and a

long toothy maw. Cruel, cowardly.
AC 7 [12], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × bite (1d6) or soaring
doom (2d6), THAC0 17 [+2], MV 180’ (60’), SV D12 W13
P14 B15 S16, ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 35
SOARING DOOM. The vulgrane grabs one target, flies up,
and lets go in one quick swoop.

A short fellow with stony skin and metallic hair who loves
digging for buried treasure. Defensive. Kind.
AC 6 [13], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × hammer or crossbow
(1d8) or piton, THAC0 16 [+3], MV 60’ (20’), SV D8 W9
P10 B13 S12, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 100
IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire.
PITON. Range 20’. The miner hurls a steel spike at one
target’s leg. The target takes 1d6 and their movement is
halved until they regain HP.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 121

4 HP, 2 Armor, 14 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL, fire gauntlet (d8) 10 HP, 1 Armor, 12 STR, 12 DEX, 10 WIL, bite (2d6,
or fire bomb (d8) poison), tail (d10)
 A short fellow with stony skin, bronze hair, black tunic,  A feathered dinosaur from a lost Age. Hisses and
and iron gloves. Treasure hunter. Pyromaniac. Brutal. clicks. Hunts in packs. Clever. Neutral.
Lawful.  IMMUNITY. Poison.
 IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire.  POISON. Causes death in 3 turns (STR save).
 FIRE GAUNTLET. Punch! 2-in-6 chance the target
ignites, 1d6 for 2 rounds.
 FIRE BOMB. Throw! 2-in-6 chance the target ignites,
1d6 for 2 rounds. 18 HP, 3 Armor, 18 STR, 12 DEX, 16 WIL, claw (d10+d8)
 DEATH: DETONATOR. When killed, the miner  A wingless dragon covered in heavy scales, shells, and
detonates their gauntlets. Creatures within 5’ take 1d6. horns, bellowing fire. Hungry, cruel, greedy. Neutral.
 SCALE SHOT. Line (d10). Structures are destroyed.
4 HP, 1 Armor, 8 STR, 14 DEX, 14 WIL, root whip (d8) or  FIRE BREATH (3/DAY). Cone (d12). Ground melts into
thorn spray (d6) or summon glass and becomes difficult terrain.

 A tall woman with bark skin and vine hair. Trying to

resurrect extinct plants. Xenophobic. Lawful.
 IMMUNITY. Poison. Disease. 3 HP, 12 STR, 10 DEX, 6 WIL, tusks (d6)
 SUMMON PITCHERPLANT. One target is swallowed  A tusked mammal covered in bristly hair. Aggressive,
by a giant pitcherplant erupting from the ground. A hungry, territorial. Clever. Neutral.
swallowed creature takes d6 on its turns (STR save to
escape). When empty, the pitcherplant dies.
 SUMMON THORN WALL. A wall of thorns erupts from
the ground. Passing through causes d6. 3 HP, 1 Armor, 8 STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL, claws (d6)
 A red crab hound trained to hunt and kill. Fast. Vicious.
18 HP, 3 Armor, 18 STR, 12 DEX, 16 WIL, claw (d10+d8)  IMMUNITY. Cold.
 DEVASTATOR. Can claw through any barrier.
 A wingless dragon with variously colored scales and
 BURROW. Can burrow under the ground and move
shaped horns. Devours magic. Intelligent. Neutral.
unseen. It erupts from the ground on its next turn.
 SHAPESHIFTER. Can appear as a bear-sized drake
or as a human with patches of scales and small horns.
 ARCANE BREATH (3/DAY). Cone (d12).
Roll 1d6 for damage type: (1) fire, (2) cold, (3) acid,
(4) poison, (5) thunder, (6) lightning.
 STUNNING ROAR. All creatures are unable to act on
their next turn (WIL save).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 122

6 HP, 2 Armor, 12 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL, claws (d10) 4 HP, 12 STR, 14 DEX, 12 WIL, sword (d8), bow (d8)
 A red crab warrior with spiny armor and crushing  A rugged fighter with leather armor and bronze
claws. Brutal. Coldhearted. Neutral. weapons. Sensible. Honest. Survivor. Neutral.
 ROTTING MUSK. When a creature starts their turn
next to the brute, take 1d6 (STR save).
4 HP, 8 STR, 14 DEX, 12 WIL, dagger (d6), piper
 MUSTARD SPRAY. 1d6 (DEX save).
 SAND FLEAS. When hit, the brute shakes off a few  A meek urchin in gray rags. Awaits the resurrection of
hungry fleas that cause 1 damage. the titan rat. Timid. Shifty. Coward. Chaotic.
 IMMUNITY. Disease.
 PIPER. The cultist blows a whistle and rats swarm over
one target. Roll 1d6. On 1-4, target takes 2 damage.
6 HP, 12 STR, 14 DEX, 12 WIL, fists (d8) On 5-6, target loses half their money.
 An athletic woman with thorny tattoos, shaved head,
and spiked silver rings. Fanatic. Cruel. Chaotic.
 IMMUNITY. Poison.
10 HP, 2 Armor, 15 STR, 8 DEX, 12 WIL, bite (d10,
 TOXIC MUSK. When a creature starts their turn next swallow), thorn spray (d6, blast)
to the nun, take 1d6 (STR save).
 EYES IN THE BACK OF HER HEAD. Cannot be  A hulking humanoid carnivorous plant. Hates animals.
surprised. Chaotic.
 WEAKNESS. Poison. Fire.
 SWALLOW. Each round that a target is swallowed, it
suffers 1d8 acid damage (STR save).
3 HP, 10 STR, 14 DEX, 8 WIL, bite (d6)  GRASPING ROOTS. All targets nearby are trapped in
 A small white monkey. Agile climber. Works in groups. writhing roots (DEX save).
Clever. Vicious. Neutral.
 TROOPERS. A group always attacks one target.
 HOWL. When hit, the baboon howls to make the
attacker back away 10’ (WIL save).

6 HP, 10 STR, 6 DEX, 3 WIL, claws (d6)

 A shambling corpse that mutates when harmed.
Mindless. Chaotic.
 CHAOS CHANGE. When harmed, the zombie grows a
random feature (feathers, scales, horns, antlers, extra
arms, talons). There is a 3-in-6 chance that this doubles
the damage of their claws.
 UNDEAD. Immune to poison, charm, hold, sleep.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 123

10 HP, 12 STR, 14 DEX, 16 WIL, obsidian dagger (d6), 6 HP, 1 Armor, 14 STR, 12 DEX, 10 WIL, claws and bite
pipes, ravingales (d10+d6)
 A hovering figure in a tattered black minstrel’s suit  A tall slender humanoid with pruny gray flesh covered
playing a flute, with two large birds. Torturer artist. in white moss. Sleeps underwater. Blind, cruel, jealous.
Neutral. Chaotic.
 IMMUNITY. Charm. Fear.  IMMUNITY. Cold. Visual effects (blind).
 AURA OF DOOM. A creature that starts its turn next  AMPHIBIOUS. The troll can breathe underwater.
to the piper must flee 15’ (WIL save). While in water, it regains d6 HP per round. A dead
 TWO PIPES. At the start of the piper’s turn, roll 1d6. troll must be left on dry ground or it will revive.
1-3, use the bone flute. 4-6, use the silver flute.
 BONE FLUTE DOOM. The piper plays a haunting tune.
All creatures nearby take d8 damage (DEX save). Roll
4 HP, 1 Armor, 13 STR, 15 DEX, 13 WIL, sword (d8), wand
1d6. 1-2, Red Rain (acid). 3-4, Quake (bludgeon).
5-6, Ghosts (necrotic).  An experienced adventurer with the scars to prove it.
 SILVER FLUTE DOOM. The piper plays a shrieking Careful, clever. Stronger in large numbers. Neutral.
tune. All creatures nearby are enchanted (WIL save).  IMMUNITY. Charm.
Roll 1d6. 1-2, Charmed. 3-4, Paralyzed. 5-6, Berserk.  TEAMWORK. When multiple dungeoneers fight side-
 RAVINGALE: CROAKER. 2 HP, 14 DEX. After an by-side, they both gain +2 damage and +2 HP.
enemy turn, a large black bird croaks. All targets  WAND BLAST. Roll 1d6: 1, Nothing. 2-3, Fire (d6).
nearby take d6 (WIL save). 4-5, Cold (d6). 6, Lightning (2d6).
 RAVINGALE: LADY. 2 HP, 14 DEX. After an enemy  REGROUP. When harmed, the dungeoneer runs
turn, a large white bird whistles. All targets nearby toward their nearest ally.
are deafened (STR save).

4 HP, 10 STR, 13 DEX, 11 WIL, sword (d6)

4 HP, 8 STR, 10 DEX, 16 WIL, club (d6)
 An inexperienced adventurer with more curiosity or
 A sleepy-eyed cultist in a purple toga. Enjoys greed than sense. Stronger in large numbers. Neutral.
intoxicants. Invades the dreams of others. Gentle and  TEAMWORK. When multiple dungeoneers fight side-
quiet. Chaotic.
by-side, they both gain +2 damage and +2 HP.
 IMMUNITY. Charm. Sleep.
 VALERIAN DUST. All creatures near the cultist fall
asleep (STR save).
 DREAM-THIEF. The cultist touches a sleeping creature, 4 HP, 10 STR, 12 DEX, 16 WIL, sand fist or falcon (d8)
which takes d6 damage and the cultist learns who they
 A masked worshipper in brown robes. Controls sand.
are and what they want.
Alien mind. Minor mutations and psychic abilities.
 IMMUNITY. Charm.
 SAND FIST. Knocks the target back.
 SAND FALCON. Blinds the target (DEX save).
 SAND STORM (3/DAY). When harmed, the cultist hurls
up a momentary wall of sand to halve the damage.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 124

4 HP, 6 STR, 8 DEX, 12 WIL, dagger (d6) 6 HP, 12 STR, 16 DEX, 12 WIL, spirit claws (d8)
 A blind worshipper in yellow robes. Sees the world  An armless worshipper in white cloak with spectral
from above (Cosmic Sight). Fears being inside. Twitchy. arms. Believes the world is ending. Manic. Arm-lopper.
Chaotic. Chaotic.
 IMMUNITY. Charm. Blind.  IMMUNITY. Charm.
 SIGHT-THIEF. The cultist touches a target and they are  SPIRIT CLAW. Target is numb and cannot attack (STR
blinded until they touch the cultist back (DEX save). save).
 SAW IT COMING (2/DAY). When harmed, the cultist  PHANTOM PARRY (3/DAY). When the cultist is hit by
dodges at the last instant and takes no damage. a melee attack, the damage is halved.

6 HP, 1 Armor, 14 STR, 12 DEX, 10 WIL, claws (d10) 4 HP, 6 STR, 12 DEX, 6 WIL, bite (d6)
 A bestial worshipper in leathers and furs. Brutal and  A mass of cat-sized fleas. Stupid. Eat everything.
wild. Mimics the creatures of the skins they wear. Neutral.
 IMMUNITY. Charm. Poison.
 DOOM GOAT CHARGE. Straight line. All targets take
6 HP, 8 STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL, bite (d8, poison)
d10 and are knocked prone (DEX save).
 RAZORBACK BURST (1/DAY). When harmed, the  A hairy gray cat-sized spider. Lurks
cultist hurls sharp quills in all directions (d6, blast) underwater. Neutral.
 FEATURES. Amphibious. Attracted to noise and water.
Fears heat. Walks on webs, walls, and ceilings. Immune
to poison. Whispers random words it hears.
8 HP, 1 Armor, 12 STR, 10 DEX, 14 WIL, iron fist (d8)  POISON. Causes death in 3 turns (STR save).
 A mechanical monk with a metallic voice and dimly  WEB SHOT. Choose one:
glowing eyes. Calm. Logical. Lawful. (1) FACE: target cannot see or breathe,
 IMMUNITY. Charm. (2) LEGS: target falls prone and cannot move.
 DISASSEMBLE. The monk deftly removes all of one
target’s armor (DEX save).
 ANALYZE. When an attacker hits the monk, the monk’s
6 HP, 1 Armor, 16 STR, 14 DEX, 14 WIL, scimitar (d8), bow
iron fist against that attacker increases to d12.
 A professional fighter with steel armor and violet
cloak. Proud, confident, aloof. Always finishes the job.
8 HP, 6 STR, 10 DEX, 15 WIL, dead hand (d6) Lawful.
 An incorporeal spirit of a slain creature. Driven by  DISARM (2/DAY). When hit by a melee weapon, the
rage, fear, hate, envy, or pride. Chaotic. mercenary knocks the weapon out of the attacker’s
 INCORPOREAL. Immune to non-magical attacks. Can hand.
move through any object or creature.
 SPECIAL. Repelled by salt. Cannot cross a line of salt.
 DEAD SCREAM. The ghost’s face twists into a horrible
silent scream. All targets are frozen with fear and
cannot attack the ghost (WIL save).
 UNDEAD. Immune to poison, charm, hold, sleep.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 125

3 HP, 1 Armor, 12 STR, 10 DEX, 16 WIL, sword (d8) 8 HP, 2 Armor, 14 STR, 10 DEX, 12 WIL, sword (d8)
 A fool in armor who is always stubbornly wrong and  A holy warrior in heavy armor with a blessed sword.
pig-headedly confused. Neutral. Hunts and destroys creatures of Chaos. Lawful.
 OVERREACT. When harmed, the knight immediately  IMMUNITY. Fear. Charm.
attacks one random nearby creature.  KNEEL, HERETIC! The knight raises their sword and all
targets nearby fall prone (WIL save). Chaotic
creatures automatically fail.
 BURN, HERETIC! The knight summons a circle of holy
8 HP, 1 Armor, 12 STR, 12 DEX, 12 WIL, flail (d8)
fire. All targets nearby take d6. Chaotic creatures
 A warrior emboldened by pain, shirtless and covered take double.
in scars, carrying whips and flails. Fearless. Lawful.
 MASOCHIST. When harmed, the knight gains
temporary strength. Their next attack deals +2
damage. 3 HP, 10 STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL, bite (d8), scream
 A horse-sized bat with rough mottled flesh that
resembles stone. Prefers caves. Sometimes used as
mounts. Neutral.
3 HP, 2 Armor, 8 STR, 8 DEX, 16 WIL, weapon (d8)
 SCREAM. All creatures that can hear are deaf and
 A squinting old judge in heavy plate armor with a blind for 2 rounds (STR save).
massive maul. Close-minded. Surprisingly spry. Lawful.
 WEAPON. Doom gavel (maul). Iron-bound law book
(throw the book at them!).
8 HP, 10 STR, 16 DEX, 12 WIL, dagger (d8), garrote (d6)
 CONTEMPT. The knight describes a target’s worst
qualities, causing d6 psychic damage.  An acrobatic assassin in violet and yellow motley.
Elegant, showy, gleeful. Lawful.
 GARROTE. Target is choking. They cannot speak,
move, or act. The target continues to take d6 per
6 HP, 2 Armor, 12 STR, 10 DEX, 12 WIL, rapier (d8) round until they save STR or die. The assassin cannot
 A young lawyer in heavy plate armor and powdered move or attack other targets while doing this.
wig, with a rapier. Clever. Smug. Lawful.  ACROBATICS (2/DAY). When harmed, the assassin
 I AM THE LAW. The knight yells quotes from ancient cartwheels away and takes no damage.
legal texts (d6, blast).
 OBJECTION. The knight hurls a stone at the attacker’s
head. Stunned for 2 rounds (DEX save).
4 HP, 8 STR, 15 DEX, 11 WIL, machete (d6)
 A jaundiced, hunched scavenger in greasy hides with
many flasks of oil. Vicious. Slippery. Lawful.
3 HP, 1 Armor, 10 STR, 8 DEX, 14 WIL, weapon (d8)  SPECIAL. Cannot slip (fall prone).
 A shambling corpse with bronze armor, rusty sword,  SPLASH OIL. One target falls prone (DEX save).
and coffin-lid shield. Courteous. Brave. Slow. Neutral.  TOSS A MATCH. The gangster ignites a target that
 WEAPON. Longsword (slash). Shield (bash). has been splashed with oil (2d6).
REVENANT unearths and joins the fight.
 UNDEAD. Immune to poison, charm, hold, sleep.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 126

4 HP, 2 Armor, 14 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL, maul (d8) 4 HP, 6 STR, 12 DEX, 16 WIL, knife (d6), curse, leech
 A short fellow with stony skin, silver hair, and blue  A jaundiced, hunched priest in dirty hides holding a
tunic. Scientist obsessed with sounds and vibrations. green glowing skull. Mystic. Chaotic.
Lawful.  TACTICS. Fight at range.
 IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire.  CURSE. Two targets nearby make all rolls with -4
 TUNING FORK. Nauseating noise. All targets are penalty (WIL save).
deafened and move at half speed (STR save).  LEECH (1/DAY). Two targets nearby take d6 damage
 RUNE BELL. All targets are frozen in pain for 2 rounds and the cultist heals half as much.
(WIL save).

6 HP, 10 STR, 6 DEX, 4 WIL, slam (d8)

10 HP, 14 STR, 8 DEX, 10 WIL, bite (d8, poison), vomit
 A pale slimy mass of blind wriggling flesh. 15’ long.
 A huge amphibious snake that swims through sewers, Slippery. Easily panicked. Neutral.
gobbling up vermin. Cunning, hungry. Neutral.
 IMMUNITY. Poison. Disease.
 POISON. Causes blindness, move at half speed, and
4 HP, 6 STR, 12 DEX, 6 WIL, bite (d6), guano spray
deal half damage (STR save).
 VOMIT RATS (1/DAY). The serpent vomits a mass of  A 20-foot swarm of hairless white bats hissing through
dead rats. The target takes 2d6 and falls prone. circular fanged lamprey mouths. Vicious, cowardly.
 IMMUNITY. Non-magical weapons.
 WEAKNESS. Repelled by loud noise and bright light.
3 HP, 10 STR, 14 DEX, 4 WIL, kick (d8)
 GUANO SPRAY (1/DAY). Targets inside the swarm
 A horse-sized flea. Excellent jumper. Used as mounts. are struck by burning waste for d6, as well as d4 on
Neutral. the following round.

2 HP, 6 STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL, fist (d6) 4 HP, 10 STR, 10 DEX, 16 WIL, mindkiller (d8)
 A jaundiced, hunched scavenger in rags. Hungry. Timid.  A psychic worshipper in blue rags. Telepathic and
Desperate. Good at hiding. Neutral. telekinetic. Analytical. Over-thinker. Amoral. Chaotic.
 TACTICS. Ambush the weakest-looking enemy.  IMMUNITY. Charm. Hold. Sleep.
 FLEE. When harmed, the gangster runs away.
MINDKILLER. Ranged psychic attack. Painful.
MIND OVER MATTER. All targets nearby are pushed
away in a straight line (STR save).
4 HP, 1 Armor, 10 STR, 12 DEX, 11 WIL, spear (d6)
MEMORY CORRUPTION (1/DAY). Touch. Target cannot
 A jaundiced, hunched scavenger in scrap metal armor move or act for 2 rounds.
with a knife and spear. Clever. Neutral. SHARE MY PAIN (2/DAY). When harmed by a melee
 SNATCH (1/DAY). The gangster steals an item from attack, the cultist gives half the damage to the attacker.
the target’s belt.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 127

10 HP, 1 Armor, 12 STR, 12 DEX, 18 WIL, tentacles 3 HP, 10 STR, 16 DEX, 14 WIL, dagger (d8)
(d8+d8), eldritch thrum
 A blood-thirsty worshipper in red cloaks. Cruel and
 A human-sized shapeless mass of writhing red tentacles vicious. Instinctive. Dim and short-sighted. Chaotic.
and mad golden eyes. Feeds on nightmares. Chaotic.  IMMUNITY. Charm. Poison.
 IMMUNITY. Charm. Hold. Sleep. Non-magical attacks.  BLOODSUCKER (3/DAY). One target nearby takes
 ELDRITCH THRUM. All targets nearby fall asleep into d6 as their blood is ripped out of their body to fly
a shared nightmare (WIL save). You are in a swamp, through the air, and the cultist gains half as much HP.
being hunted by huge red hairless zombie kittens with  BLOODSPRAY (1/DAY). The cultist sprays all targets
golden eyes. Sleepers awaken when damaged or nearby to blind them for 1 round.
shaken. They retain a lifelong fear of cats.

4 HP, 2 Armor, 14 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL, pickaxe (d8,

6 HP, 10 STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL, bite (d8), droning shatter) or crystal lens (d8) or flare
 A swarm of fist-sized black beetles with iridescent  A short fellow with stony skin, copper hair, and white
chitin carapaces and long vicious horns. Curious. tunic. Loves gems. Suspicious. Aggressive. Lawful.
Cautious. Lawful.  IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire.
 IMMUNITY. Non-magical weapons.  SHATTER. 1-in-6 chance the target’s armor is
 FEAR. Fire. destroyed.
 DRONING. Buzzing wings make hypnotic sounds.  CRYSTAL LENS. One target. Laser.
Targets inside the swarm are charmed (WIL save).  FLARE. The miner displays a dazzling crystal and all
Charmed targets cannot harm the swarm, and defend targets are blinded (WIL save).
the swarm.

10 HP, 8 STR, 15 DEX, 8 WIL, beak (d6)

12 HP, 1 Armor, 14 STR, 12 DEX, 16 WIL, bite (d10, drink)
 A large black saurian predator with leathery wings
 An ancient vampire noble in aristocratic dress. Skilled and a long toothy maw. Cruel, cowardly. Neutral.
in dueling, alchemy, and cruel remarks. Bloodthirsty.  SOARING DOOM (1/DAY). The vulgrane grabs one
Neutral. target, flies up, and lets go in one quick swoop (2d6).
 IMMUNITY. Non-magical weapons.
 WEAKNESS. Silver weapons (2x damage).
Sunlight (-2 HP per turn of exposure).
 DRINK. The vampire gains HP equal to half the 4 HP, 2 Armor, 14 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL, hammer (d8) or
damage. crossbow (d8) or piton (d6)
 BLOCK (2/DAY). When hit by a weapon, the vampire  A short fellow with stony skin and metallic hair who
deftly grasps the weapon and takes no damage. loves digging for buried treasure. Defensive. Kind.
 SHADOW DANCE. When missed by an attack, the Lawful.
vampire vanishes and reappears nearby.  IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire.
 DAGGERS GALORE (1/DAY). (d6, burst).  PITON. The miner hurls a steel spike at one target’s
 SUMMON STEED (1/DAY). The vampire summons one leg. The target takes d6 and are impaired until they
KYRAPTOR, which obeys the vampire’s commands. regain HP.
 HELL’S BREATH (2/DAY). The vampire exhales an
alchemical cloud. Targets nearby are blinded and
deafened by blood (STR save).

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 128

Copyright © 2023 Joseph R. Lewis ▪ Illustrations by Joseph R. Lewis ▪ Edition: January 2024

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Carcassay: Titan Rat City version 1.1 © 2023 Joseph R. Lewis. All rights reserved.

“Carcassay: Titan Rat City” DUNGEON AGE Page 129

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