1A 2022 Mid Sem TP 2022 2
1A 2022 Mid Sem TP 2022 2
1A 2022 Mid Sem TP 2022 2
Q1.) Show for flow of fluid though pipe 𝑓 = 𝑅𝑒 and write all important assumptions needed for this.
When this equation can also be rewritten as 𝑓 = 𝑅𝑒 ? (4)
Q2.) Calculate all properties for Q2a, Q2b, Q2c using data in table E.1 and table E.2. Clearly write all data
and formula and calculate answers systematically and explains the process clearly. Direct answers will be
given zero (2 X 3)
Q2a.) Calculate the viscosity of Propene and dichloromethane at 45 ºC at atmospheric pressure
Q2b.) Calculate the thermal conductivity of Propyne and bisisocyanide at 60 ºC at atmospheric pressure
Q2c.) Calculate the diffusivity of benzene-cyclohexane system at 30 ºC at atmospheric pressure
𝜕𝑣 𝑛
𝜏 = 𝐾( )
𝐾 is the flow consistency index (SI units Pa sn),
is the shear rate or the velocity gradient perpendicular to the plane of shear (SI unit s−1), and
Q3a.) Consider flow of falling film of power-law fluid on the outside of circular tube as shown in Figure
(3a), observe figure carefully and derive the equation for volumetric flow rate of fluids and drag force on
wall. Explain all assumptions properly. (7)
Q3b.) Consider flow through a slit of power-law fluid, with B << W << L as shown in Figure (3b), observe
figure carefully and derive the equation for volumetric flow rate of fluid and drag force on wall. Explain all
assumptions properly. (8)
Figure (3a): Flow of falling film on the Figure (3b): Flow through a slit,
outside of circular tube with B << W & L