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Second Semester 2007-2008

Time: 3 hrs. COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION Max. Marks: 120
The question paper consists of two parts, PART-A (Closed book) of 40 marks and
PART-B (Open book) of 80 marks. PART-B question paper and the answer book will
be supplied after the PART-A answer book is submitted.
CLOSED BOOK Max. Marks: 40
Q.1 (5×4=20 Marks)
(a) Write the generalized form of Newton’s law of viscosity. What main ideas are used

in deriving this from the basic form ?

(b) The velocity potential for a two-dimensional flow field is given by,

Determine the stream function and show that the flow field satisfies the continuity
as well as the Laplace equations.
(c) Describe the phenomenon of cellular free convection resulting in the formation of
Bénard cells. Discuss the physical situation and range of parameters/variables for
which such a phenomenon can exist.
(d) Define and explain the significance of Thiele modulus and the effectiveness factor
for diffusion and a first order reaction taking place inside a spherical catalyst

Q.2 (20 Marks)

A fluid with density ρ and viscosity μ is located between two vertical walls a distance
2B apart. The wall at is maintained at temperature and the cooled wall at
is maintained at temperature
(a)​ The temperature and velocity of the fluid under free convection can be given by
the following equations

State the assumptions/conditions under which these equations are valid.

(b)​Write the boundary conditions and solve the equations to obtain expressions for the
temperature and velocity profiles for the system.
******** ******** ******** ******** (End of PART-A)
OPEN BOOK Max. Marks: 80
Q.3 (18 Marks)
(a) A straight horizontal duct extends in the z-direction for a length L and has a square
cross-section, bordered by the lines and The velocity distribution
for steady flow of an incompressible fluid flowing through this duct is given by

, where P is the modified pressure.

Show that the equation satisfies the relevant boundary conditions and the relevant
differential equations. Postulate that and
(b) Derive an expression for the mass flow rate through the duct for the velocity
profile given in part (a).
Q.4 (16 Marks)
A spherical catalyst pellet has a radius R and a thermal conductivity k. Because of a
chemical reaction occurring within the porous pellet, heat is generated at a rate of
Heat is lost at the outer surface of the pellet to a gas stream at a
constant temperature by convection with a convective heat transfer coefficient, h.
Assume that is constant throughout the pellet.
(a)​ Set up the differential equation by making a shell energy balance.
(b)​Obtain the differential equation by simplifying the appropriate form of the energy
(c)​ Solve the differential equation to get the temperature profile, .
Q.5 (14 Marks)
Predict the value of cDAB for an equimolar mixture of nitrogen and ethane at 350 K and
10 atm, using
(a)​ The corresponding-states plot.
(b)​The results of the Chapman-Enskog theory.
Q.6 (14 Marks)
A binary gas mixture consisting of species A and B is contained in a cylindrical glass
tube of length L, an inner radius, R1 and an outer radius R2. The species A can diffuse
through the glass wall which is impermeable to B.
Obtain an expression for the rate WA (moles/time), at which A will leak out of the glass
tube in terms of diffusivity of A through glass DAG, the interfacial concentrations of A
in glass, CA1 and CA2 and the tube dimensions.
Q.7 (18 Marks)
Consider the flow through a narrow slit as shown in Fig.2B.3, page 63 of the text book
with the boundary conditions, at and at
(a)​ Use the y-component of the vorticity equation, Eq.3D.2-1, page 113 of the text
book to obtain the velocity distribution in the slit.
(b)​Use the z-component of the equation of motion to obtain the pressure distribution
using the velocity profile obtained in part (a).
******** ******** ******** ******** ********

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