3. An adjective is a describing word which tells what kind of, how many (or how much), what colour, persons, animals, p l ac es
or things are.
Good boy, Blue jeans.
4. A verb is an action word used to say what a person or thing does, what a person or thing is, or what or thing has. It i s u s e d
to show doing, or being or possessing.
Play, Dance, Talk.
5. An adverb is a word that adds to the meaning of a verb, modify itself and adjectives.
Loudly, Honestly, Clearly.
6. A preposition is a word which shows the relation between a noun and a pronoun and some other words in a sentence.
on, in, out, away.
8. An interjection is a word which expresses some sudden and strong feelings like delight, surprise, anger, disgust etc.
Ah! Ouch! Wow!
Rule No 5. Two singular subjects joined by ‘or’ or ‘nor’ will take a singular verb.
A doctor or a nurse is working in the hospital.
Rule No 6. A singular subject and a plural subject joined by ‘or’, ‘either-or’, ‘neither- nor’, ‘none but’, ‘not only b u t
also’; will take a singular or plural verb depending on, which subject is near the verb:
Neither Deepak nor his friends are joining the tour.
Neither his friends nor Deepak is joining the tour.
None but the leaders of our country are responsible for this.
Rule No 7. If two subjects are joined together by ‘as well as’, ‘with’, ‘along with’, ‘together with’, ‘besides’, ‘in
addition to’, ‘and not’, ‘rather than’, the verb will act according to the main subject:
Students as well as the teacher are playing.
He as well as his brothers is sitting there.
I as well as he am going out of station for a week.
Rule No 8. Indefinite pronouns such as each, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no body, one, no one,
either, neither, etc. always take a singular verb.
Each of my friends calls me once a month.
Each boy and each girl has come.
One must tolerate one‘s friend as well as enemy.
Rule No 9. Non – finite pronouns such as some, all, none, part, majority, remainder, percentage, fraction, most,
rest ,etc decide the verb depending on the following subject:
Both of the books require careful reading.
Several of the fielders regularly run four or five kilometer a day.
Rule No 11. The subject ‘Many a’ …… is always followed by the singular verb.
Many a man was drowned in the sea.
Many a student has not done his homework.
Rule No 13. If the subject begins with ‘A number of’, (A large number of, A Great number of, many) use a plural
A number of books are missing.
Rule No. 14. Some nouns in the plural form represent an amount, a fraction or an element of time (sum, distance,
quantity, and time period) are considered singular and hence take singular verbs.
Sixty minutes is enough to finish this work.
3. The mother as well as her children(A) / were brought (B) / to the police station for int errogation.(C) / no error(D)
4. His benevolence and kindness(A) / are (B) / admired by his friends.(C) / no error(D)
5. Intelligence, as well as knowledge of the subject (A) / are required to grasp (B) / the meaning of the book.(C) / no
6. Four miles (A) / are not a long distance (B) / for a young person like you.(C) / no error(D)
7. He, like the other members (A) / of his family, were left shelter less (B) / as a result of flood in the town.(C) / no error(D)
8. I don’t think (A) / five thousand rupees are a large sum (B) / for the work you are going to undertake.(C) / no error(D)
9. The number of amendments to our constitution (A) / have been very large (B) / during the last fifty years of
independence .(C) / no error(D)
10. Just to the North of India(A) / is the Himalayas (B) / that were once impregnable.(C) / no error(D)
11. Either she or you (A) / is to blame (B) / for the m ismanagement of the domestic affairs. (C) / no error(D)
12. The soldiers along with the commander (A) / was court-martialled (B) / for defying the orders.(C) / no error(D)
13. The rest (A) / of the students is (B) / still working.(C) / no error(D)
14. Everyone of the new Nursing Homes (A) / coming up in the urban areas (B) / need a lot of improvement.(C) / no error(D)
15. The period of twenty five years (A) / have passed (B) / and still he is without a job.(C) / no error (D)
DEFINITION: – Noun is a name of a person, place, thing, quality, condition and action.
Proper Noun
Name of a specific person, place or thing. For example: - Ram is a good boy. (In this sentence, Ram is a proper noun)
Common Noun
A noun which does not point out any particular person, place or thing, but it is common to all the persons, places or thin gs. Commonl y
used for everybody in the same class. It represents the whole class. For example: - River, girl, boy, bench, etc.
Abstract Noun
An abstract noun is the name of something which we can neither see nor touch, but which we can only think of or feel. Th e se n ou n s
are also names of a quality, state or concept.
Collective Noun
The noun which is used for the group or the collective things of same kind, considered as one complete whole, it i s c a l le d c o l l ec tive
noun. For example: army, flock, nation, team, jury, class, etc.
Material Noun
Noun which stands for material or substance used for making things is called material noun. For example: - brick, stone, wo od , g ol d ,
Note: Material nouns like marble, brick, stone, glass, iron, etc., and Abstract Nouns are not used in a plural form.
We use these words in singular only.
Your house is made of stone/ glass.
This house is made of brick.
I have much work to do.
Countable Noun:
A countable noun is a noun that indicates something that you can actually count.
For example:
Proper Nouns: We can count the particular names or proper nouns.
Common Nouns: City, river, boy, girl.
Uncountable Noun:
An uncountable noun is a noun that indicates something you
cannot count.
For example:
Material Nouns: brick, stone, gold, milk.
Abstract Nouns: love, hate, kindness, bravery.
Abstract and Material Nouns have no plural forms. When they are put in the Plural, they are used as Common Nouns.
Wrong Right
He did many mischiefs. He did many acts of mischief.
He gave us many advices. He gave us many pieces of advice.
Excuse me for the troubles. Excuse me for the trouble.
He gave me many abuses. He showered a lot of abuse on me.
He was fond of bad companies. He was fond of bad company. (or bad companions).
Your informations are wrong. Your information is wrong.
His house is built of stones. His house is built of stone.
He had a bag of rices. He had a bag of rice.
➢ He gave me a piece of information.
➢ All pieces of information given by her were reliable.
➢ Many kinds of furniture are available in that shop.
➢ I want a few articles of jewellery.
➢ He ate two slices of bread.
➢ Please show me some items of office stationery.
➢ The Police have found a strand of hair in the car.
➢ Ethics demands honesty.
Note: The plural of compound noun is usually made by adding “s” to the principal word.
Singular Plural
Commander-in-chief Commanders-in-chief
Son-in-law Sons-in-law
Stepson Stepsons
Stepdaughter Stepdaughters
Maidservant Maidservants
Manservant Menservants
Passer-by Passers-by
Looker-on Lookers-on
1) My friend gives me many advices regarding my future career.
2) The doctor has given me many informations about the disease.
3) His little daughter is capable of many mischiefs.
4) Four thiefs broke into my cousin’s house yesterday.
5) My brother-in-laws will come to our house next week.
6) These golds have been brought from South Africa.
7) She has many works to do.
8) The chair’s leg is broken.
9) She gave me many advices.
10) He is true to his words.
11) My diary is full of informations.
12) He showered a lot of abuses on me.
13) His house is built of stones.
14) The fan's wings is broken.
15) The commander-in-chiefs gave instructions to the soldiers.
1. Order has been issued (A)/ for his transfer to another district(B) / but he has not received them so far.(C) / no error.(D)
2. Children are prone (A) / to making mischiefs (B) / if they have nothing to do.(C)/ no error(D)
3. I have not gone through(A) / the letter and so I am not aware(B)/ of its content(C)/ no error(D)
4. I shall not attend the meeting(A)/ since I have many works to c omplete(B)/ within allotted time.(C)/ no error(D)
5. You should always be(A)/ true to your words(B)/ if you are to succeed in life.(C)/ no error(D)
6. It is not my business(A)/ to give advices to those(B)/ who are not sensible enough to deal with th e i r o wn p ro b l e ms. (C) / n o
7. I don’t think(A)/ it is your house(B)/ it is somebody’s else.(C)/ no error(D)
8. The table’s wood(A)/ is infested with mite(B)/ and I am likely to dispose it off(C)/ no error(D)
9. I can’t come to you now (A)/ because a lot of works(B)/ remains to be done.(C)/ no error(D)
10. A farmer was leading oxes (A)/ to his field for ploughing (B)/ early in the morning.(C)/ no error(D)
11. His mouth watered(A)/ when he saw(B)/ a bouquet of grapes.(C)/ no error(D)
12. My brother-in-laws(A)/ who live in Mumbai have come(B)/ to stay with us(C)/ no error(D)
13. What (A)/ is the criteria(B) of selection in the examination.(C)/ no error(D)
14. Students should not take part(A)/ in party politics and political demonstrations(B)/ as they interfere i n s eri o us s tu dy. (C) / n o
15. The flock of lions(A)/ roamed about(B)/ fearlessly in the jungle.(C)/ no error(D)
Rule no. 2:
Some nouns are used in plural form:
Note: As a common noun ‘people’ means a ‘nation’ and is used in both singular and plural; as
The Japanese are a hard-working people.
There are many different peoples in Europe.
The French are a brave people.
There is a mad race for power among the peoples of Europe .
Rule no. 3:
Collective Nouns like committee, jury, house, ministry, family, mob, crowd, audience, police, team, number, board, staff and public are
used with singular verbs like is, was and has when the members in the group act as one body or one unit. These words are us ed wi th
plural verbs like are, have and were when the members act as different individuals within the same group.
Rule no. 4:
Some nouns have only plural forms and consequently are followed by a plural verb. (Many of t hese are used with the phrase “a pair of”
as they refer to something made up of two parts.)
For example: alms, riches, scissors, trousers, pants, clippers, tongs, bellows, gallows, fangs, eyeg l ass es, g o g gl es , a s he s, a rre ars ,
athletics, belongings, breeches, braces, binoculars, congratulations, dregs, earnings, fetters, lodgings, o d d s, o uts ki rts, p a rti cu l ars,
proceeds, proceedings, regards, remains, savings, spectacles, surroundings, valuables, wages, etc.
Scissors My scissors are lost. (In case of singular, this pair of scissors is blunt.)
Trousers His trousers were torn.
Spectacles Where are my spectacles?
Proceeds The proceeds were deposited in the bank.
Assets All his assets were seized.
Embers The embers of the fire were still burnings.
Rule no. 5:- Some nouns have same form in both singular and plural forms, and are expressed as singular or plural only
by the use of verb. For example: deer, swine, sheep, salmon (a type of fish) and offspring .
There is a sheep in the yard.
There are many sheep in the yard.
There are a lot of sheep in the yard.
NOTE: - The words ‘fish’ and ‘hair’ are used in both singular and plural forms in a sentence, but they can b e u s ed a s ‘ fi sh es ’ a n d
‘hairs’ in some specific sense. Like:-
This pond has many fish.
WE use ‘fish’ in a general sense to refer to the aquatic life in a particular water body. More correctly, ‘fish’ is used in a plu ra l fro m to
describe one fish or a group of fish of the same specie s (one type). The word ‘fishes’ is used to describe a variety of fi s h o f d i ffere nt
species (different types).
Incorrect: Her hairs are soft today.
Correct: Her hair is soft today.
When used in a collective sense, hair is used as singular word.
But when there is a countable number, then it is used as ‘hairs’, like:-
He has few grey hairs in his beard.
I have five grey hairs on my head.
Rule no. 6 :- A compound noun (numerical adjective + noun) is not used in plural if a noun does the work of an
adjective. E.g.
i) Ten-day tour
ii) A ten-mile race
iii) A ten-year old boy
Rule no. 7:- Some nouns have different meanings in singular and plural –
Air (Atmosphere) Airs (Affected manners)
Good (Well being) Goods (Things)
Wood (Part of tree) Woods (Forest)
Respect (Regards) Respects (Compliments)
Force (Strength) Forces (Troops)
Iron (Metal) Irons (Fetters – to stop somebody for what they want to do)
Tin (Metal) Tins (Cans made of tin)
Copper (Metal) Coppers (Copper coins)
Manner (Way) Manners (Etiquette)
Arm (Organ) Arms (Weapon)
Humanity (Being Human) Humanities (Art subject)
Pain (Hurt or ill) Pains (Efforts)
Vesper (Evening) Vespers (Evening Prayers)
Abuse (Indecent words) Abuses (Misuses)
Fruit (Edible thing) Fruits (Result/ Consequences)
2) There are two scores of books (A) / which are lying (B)/ unused in the library(C)/ no error(D)
3) Sheeps are economically useful(A)/ and so they a re reared(C)/ in the hills.(C)/ no error(D)
4) It is a pity(A)/ that even five years old boys(B)/ are engaged in hazardous factories(C)/ no error(D)
5) I gave him (A)/ two hundred rupees notes(B) / for depositing.(C)/ no error(D)
6) She misplaced her spectacle(A) / and is now feeling (B)/ great difficulty in studying(C)/ no error(D)
7) I hope to visit(A)/ my uncle only next year(B)/ during summer vacations(C)/ no error(D)
8) Ration has run out (A)/ and the District Magistrate(B)/ has been informed(C)/ no error(D)
9) The morale of the army(A)/ was high because the news(B)/ coming from the front are very encouraging.(C)/ no error(D)
10) All the furnitures have been(A)/ sent to the new house(B)/ located in a village.(C)/ no error(D)
11) The crowd of the angry students(A)/ordered the (B)/ closing of shops(C)/ no error(D)
13) I can’t come to you now (A)/ because a lot of works(B)/ remains to be done.(C)/ no error(D)
14) A farmer was leading oxes(A)/ to his field for ploughing(B)/ early in the morning.(C)/ no error(D)
15) Recently I visited Kashmir(A)/ and found the sceneries(B)/ to be marvelous(C)/ no error(D)
Nominative/ vocative case Accusative /objective Possessive case Reflexive pronoun (Action
(Pronouns come before verb) case (Pronouns come after (Adj/Pro) done by the subject reflects
verb) upon the subject itself.)
I Me My/mine Myself
We Us Our/ours Ourselves
You You Your/yours
He Him His/his Himself
She Her Her/hers Herself
They Them Their/theirs Themselves
It - Its Itself
1. The complement of verb ‘to be’ (is/am/are/was/were) is always in the nominative case. If the complement is
a Personal Pronoun, we should always use its nominative case.
E.g. It was he who did it.
If I were he, I would not go there.
2. The case of the pronoun following ‘than’ and ‘as’ is decided by mentally supplying the verb and completing the
She is taller than I (am).
I love you more than he (loves you).
He is as good a player as I (am).
I can sing as well as she (can).
I have no liking for such a man as he.
3. When a pronoun is the object of a verb or preposition, it should be in the objective case.
E.g. These books are for you and I ()
These books are for you and me (✓)
(Between him and me there is an understanding).
5. The case of the pronoun following ‘to’ and ‘like’ should be objective.
He is senior to me.
We want good people like him.
6. When the same person is the subject and object, it is necessary to use reflexive pronouns.
I cut me shaving this morning ()
I cut myself shaving this morning (✓)
10. Never use possessive case with the words like ‘Separation’, ‘leave’ , ‘excuse’, ‘mention’, ‘report’, ‘pardon’,
‘sight’ and ‘favour’.
I need your favour, please. (X)
I need favour of you or I need favour from you. ()
She did make mention of you. ()
At the sight of him the robbers fled. ()
11. When first, second and third person singular pronouns (I, you, and he) are used together, they are placed in the
order you, he and I. In negative order, it should be first person, second person and third person(I, you and he).
You, he and I are neighbors.
I,you and he will be punished.
12. Reciprocal Pronoun ‘each other’ is used for two, ‘one another’ for more than two.
Rahul and Renu love each other.
They help one another.
1) Each of the students (1)/ in the computer class (2)/ has to type (3)/ their own research paper this semester. (4)/ No error (5)
2) You will come (1)/ to my sister’s wedding tomorrow (2)/ isn’t it? (3)/ No error (4)
3) John, I and Hari (1)/ have finished (2)/ our studies. (3)/ No error (4)
4) My uncle forced (1)/ my friend and I (2)/ to stay back. (3)/ No error (4)
5) When one hears (1)/ of the incident (2)/ about the plane crash (3)/ he feels very sorry. (4)/ No error (5)
6) Rustams and (1)/ myself saw (2)/ the picture. (3)/ No error (4)
7) Science and religion (1)/ are both necessary (2)/ for man and for their (3)/ outer and inner self respectively. (4)/ No error (5)
8) He is (1)/ fatter (2)/ than me. (3)/ No error (4)
9) I and him (1)/ are (2)/ very good friends. (3)/ No error (4)
10) The newspapers (1)/ they admit that (2)/ advertising some times (3)/ influences their editorial policy. (4)/ No error (5)
11) My friend is (1)/ honest and (2)/ hard working (3)/ is not it? (4)/ No error. (5)
12) He tried all the drawers(1) in his desk (2)/ but could not find his purse (3)/ in anyone of it. (4)/ No error. (5)
13) Everyone of (1)/ the man present here (2)/ has given a day’s pay (3)/ as their contribution to the fund. (4)/ No error. (5)
14) The teacher asked the boys (1)/ if it was their practice (2)/ to leave the class (3)/ whenever he pleased. (4)/ No error. (5)
15) It was Mohan (1)/ or her (2)/ who came here last night (3)/ and kept on knocking at the door. (4)/ No error (5)
1. Verbs like ‘enjoy’, ‘avail’, ‘pride’, ‘resign’, ‘apply’, ‘acquit’, ‘assert’, ‘absent’, ‘reconcile’, ‘amuse’, ‘exert’, ‘avenge ’
are followed by reflexive pronouns.
He absented himself from the class.
They enjoyed themselves at the party.
She prides herself on her wealth and beauty.
He resigned himself to fate.
The officers acquitted themselves well during the crisis.
She has reconciled herself to the demands of her in-laws.
2. Verbs like ‘keep’, ‘conceal’, ‘qualify’, ‘spread’, ‘rest’, ‘stop’,’ ‘turn’ and ‘stay’, ‘bathe’, ‘move’ are not followed b y
reflexive pronouns.
I stayed away from my class.
He qualified in the test
She kept away from the show.
A relative pronoun is used to link one phrase or clause to another phrase or clause. The relative pronouns are ‘who’ “whom,” “that” and
Who is used in the nominative case only for persons, both in the singular and plural numbers. Who is not used for i n a n i mate th i n g s
and animals.
An architect is someone who designs buildings.
What was the name of the man who lent you the money?
Anyone who wants to do the exam must enter before next Friday.
Whom is used only for persons in the objective/accusative case both in singular and plural numbers.
The girl whom I gave the notes has secured first division .
The house which has a high gate is mine always used before which.
The post for which I applied is permanent.
That is used both for living and non living things both in singular and plural numbers.
2) The collector (1)/ visits the office (2)/ regularly (3)/ isn’t it? (4)/ No error (5)
3) Being a holiday (1)/ we went (2)/ out (3)/ for a picnic. (4)/ No error (5)
5) The poor man (1)/ poisoned him (2)/ and his (3)/ own children. (4)/ No error (5)
6) It is I (1)/ who is to blame (2)/ for this (3)/ bad situation. (4)/ No error (5)
7) She has a remarkably (1)/ kindly disposition (2)/ who wins (3)/ her friends wherever she goes. (4)/ No error. (5)
8) They that hanker (1)/ after fame & (2)/ money are likely (3)/ to be disappointed. (4)/ No error. (5)
9) She is one of those persons (1)/ whom I am sure always (2)/ does her best even (3)/ in the most trying Circumstances. (4)/
No error. (5)
10) Civil servants should (1)/ acquit (2)/ efficiently (3)/ in the service of a common man. (4)/ No error. (5)
11) Last summer (1)/ he went (2)/ to his uncle’s village (3)/ and enjoyed very much. (4)/ No error. (5)/
12) Wherever they go (1)/ Indians easily (2)/ adapt to local (3)/ circumstance. (4)/ No error. (5)
13) May I (1) / know who (2)/ you want (3) / to see please. (4)/ no error(5)
14) Avail every (1)/ chance that comes your way (2) / lest you should (3) / repent in the long run.(4) / no error (5)
15) He is not (1)/ one of those (2)/ who will help everybody (3)/ whom he meets. (4)/ no error (5)
Action words are called verbs. (Latin word verbum =work).
A tense is a form of verb which shows the time at which an action happens. (Latin word tempus = time).
S+V1 (s, es)+O S+do/does+not+V1+O
I play. I do not play.
We play. We do not play.
You play. You do not play.
He/She/It plays. He/She/It does not play
They play. They do not play.
Ravi plays. Ravi does not play.
Boys play. Boys do not play.
Simple Past Tense is used:
• To express a past event or past action. The action is completely unrelated to the present. It is therefore, used:
(i) When the time is given:
I met him yesterday.
She died in 1987.
(ii) When the time is not given, but it is implied and definite:
I bought this pen in Bombay.
(iii) When the time is asked for:
When did you meet him?
S+V2+O S+did+not+V1+O
I played. I did not play.
We played We did not play.
You played. You did not play.
He/she/it played. He/she/ it did not play.
They played. They did not play.
Ravi played. Ravi did not play.
Boys played. Boys did not play.
Did + S+V1+O (?) Did + S + not + V1 + O (?)
Did I play? Did I not play?
Did we play? Did we not play?
Did you play? Did you not play?
Did he/she/it play? Did he/she/it not play?
Did they play? Did they not play?
Did Ravi play? Did Ravi not play?
Did boys play? Did boys not play?
Simple Future Tense is used:
• To express an action that has still to take place:
He will play cricket tomorrow.
S+will/shall+O S+will/shall+not+V1+O
I shall play. I shall not play.
We shall play. We shall not play.
You will play. You will not play.
He/she/it will play. He/she/ it will not play.
They will play. They will not play.
Ravi will play. Ravi will not play.
Boys will play. Boys will not play.
Will/Shall + S+V1+O (?) Will/Shall + S + not + V1 + O (?)
Will I play? Will I not play?
Will we play? Will we not play?
Will you play? Will you not play?
Will he/she/it play? Will he/she/it not play?
Will they play? Will they not play?
Will Ravi play? Will Ravi not play?
Will boys play? Will boys not play?
The Present Continuous is used:
• To express an action happening now at the time of speaking.
I am writing a letter.
She is reading a book.
• To express an action in progress about this time but not necessarily at the time of speaking.
He is teaching English at the High School.
They are building a new house.
• To express a definite arrangement in the near future.
I am going to London next week.
I am meeting her tonight.
S+is/am/are+V1+ing+O S+is/am/are+not+V1+ ing+O
I am playing. I am not playing.
We are playing. We are not playing.
He/she/it is playing. He/she/it is not playing.
They are playing. They are not playing.
Ravi is playing. Ravi is not playing.
Boys are playing. Boys are not playing.
S+was/were+V1+ ing+O S+was/were+not+V1+ ing+O
I was playing. I was not playing.
We were playing. We were not playing.
He/she /it was playing. He/she/it was not playing.
They were playing. They were not playing.
Ravi was playing. Ravi was not playing.
Boys were playing. Boys were not playing.
S+will/shall+be+V1+ ing+O S+will/shall+not+be+V1+ ing+O
I shall be playing. I shall not be playing.
We shall be playing. We shall not be playing.
He/she /it will be playing. He/she/it will not be playing.
They will be playing. They will not be playing.
Ravi will be playing. Ravi will not be playing.
Boys will be playing. Boys will not be playing.
The Present Perfect Tense is used:
• To express a recently completed action.
I have just finished my work.
He has gone to school.
S+has/have+V3+O S+has/have+not +V3+O
• To express an action in the past which was completed before another action, also in the past.
We had locked all the rooms before we left the house.
I had already known the result when she rang me up.
S+had+V3+O S+had+not+V3+O
I had played. I had not played.
We had played. We had not played.
You had played. You had not played.
He/she/it had played. He/she/it had not played.
They had played. They had not played.
Ravi had played. Ravi had not played.
Boys had played. Boys had not played.
S+will/shall+have+V3+O S+shall/have+not+V3+O
I shall have played. I shall not have played.
We shall have played. We shall not have played.
You will have played. You will not have played.
He/she/it will have played. He/she/it will not have played.
They will have played. They will not have played.
Ravi will have played. Ravi will not have played.
Boys will have played. Boys will not have played.
S+has/have+been+ V1+ing+O S+has/have+not+been+ V1+ing+O
I have been playing. I have not been playing.
We have been playing. We have not been playing.
He has been playing. He has not been playing.
Mohan has been playing. Mohan has not been playing.
• To express an action that began before a certain time in the past and continued up to that time or stopped ju st
The baby had been crying for ten minutes when the nurse attended to her.
Until he reached VIII class, Ravi had been studying in a village school.
S+had+been+V1+ ing +O S+had+not+been+V1+ ing +O
I had been playing. I had not been playing.
We had been playing. We had not been playing.
You had been playing. You had not been playing.
He/she/it had been playing. He/she/ it had not been playing.
They had been playing. They had not been playing.
Ravi had been playing. Ravi had not been playing.
Boys had been playing. Boys had not been playing.
S+will/shall+have+been+V1+ ing +O S+will/shall+not+have+ been+V 1+ ing +O
I shall have been playing. I shall not have been playing.
We shall have been playing. We shall not have been playing.
You will have been playing. You will not have been playing.
He/she/it will have been playing. He/she/ it will not have been playing.
They will have been playing. They will not have been playing.
Ravi will have been playing. Ravi will not have been playing.
Boys will have been playing. Boys will not have been playing.
Classroom exercise
1) How long are you learning English?
2) How many cigarettes have you been smoking this afternoon?
3) I am working here since 1995.
4) I’ve had my watch since a long time.
5) How many years are you living in London?
6) Mohan is exhausted. He is playing tennis since two hours.
7) Sonal is doing very well at school since the beginning of the year.
8) I have worn this sweater since 9 o’ clock this morning. I know Lalita for many years.
9) Pawan is attending English classes since two years.
10) I have been listening to the recording several times today.
11) How many new words did you note down so far in this lesson?
12) In her previous job, Rita has spoken English a lot.
13) Ronit has worked here between 1996 and 1999.
14) There is no lesson today. The teacher has been on holiday.
15) The very thought that I will move into my own house by this time next month makes me feel happy.
1) She (1)/ is working here (2)/ since 1983 (3)/ No error (4)
2) The new dish (1)/ that I ordered (2)/ is tasting good. (3)/ No error (4)
3) I have got your (1)/ letter yesterday (2)/ and felt happy to learn (3)/ of your recovery. (4)/ No error (5)
4) Sam is working (1)/ in a bank in Chennai (2)/ for the past five years. (3)/ No error (4)
5) My nephew (1)/ begun working (2)/ for me (3)/ about 5 years ago. (4)/ No error (5)
6) I work (1)/ as a medical representative (2)/ for eight months (3)/ No error (4)
7) How long (1)/ it takes (2)/ to travel from Chennai to Tricity (3)/ by train? (4)/ No error (5)
8) Water contamination (1)/ has become more serious (2)/ since Chemists have begun (3)/ to use new substances. (4)/ No e rro r
9) I declined (1)/ the invitation (2)/ not because I did not want to go (3)/ but because I have not time. (4)/ No error (5)
10) My friend (1)/ brags (2)/ that he is owning a vast properly. (3)/ No error (4)
11) What worries (1)/ him the most (2)/ is that (3)/ he is having four children. (4)/ No error (5)
12) The company has using (1)/ its influence (2)/ to persuade people (3)/ to buy its refrigerators. (4)/ No error (5)
13) My friend (1)/ wrote (2)/ four letters (3)/ since morning. (4)/ No error (5)
14) Krupa and Kamya studied (1)/ in the Delhi Public School (2)/ and so does Kamya. (3)/ No error (5)
15) When my parents (1)/ visited me last (2)/ I have been (3)/ working for the Red Cross furniture for 5 years (4)/ No error (5)
A modal is an auxiliary verb (generally termed as helping verb) which is used with a main verb to indicate a particular attit ude su ch a s
possibility, obligation and prediction, etc.
For example : can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to, dare, need, used to.
Modals are also sometimes referred to as Modal verbs or Modal Auxiliaries.
Use of Modals
(a) Ability/ Capacity
1. I can lift this box.
2. Can you use a personal computer?
3. I am sorry I cannot lend you any mone y.
(a) Ability/ Capacity in the past
1. We couldn’t get the tickets.
2. I could swim across this river when I was young.
(a) Formal permission
1. May I go home now? Yes, you may.
2. May I use your telephone?
3. Teachers may park their car here.
(b) Possibility
1. She may have been unwell.
2. It may rain in a few days.
(c) Wish
1. May you live long and prosper!
2. May you live long and do well in life!
(a) Possibility in the past
1. You might have been robbed on the way.
2. If you had helped him, he might have thanked you.
(a) Simple futurity with I and We
1. I shall inform you as soon as I can
2. I shall lend you money when I have enough.
(b) Certainty
1. This experiment will bring stability.
2. Your friend will win the Presidential election.
(a) An idea of future when used in the past in reported speech
1. She said that she would be ready in ten minutes.
2. He said that he would accept the new offer.
(a) Duty, obligation, compulsion
1. We must respect our parents and teachers.
2. We must do whatever we can to help her.
(a) Absence of obligation or necessity in negatives and interrogatives
1. I have paid this bill, so you needn’t pay it.
2. You needn’t go to office. It is a holiday.
1. She used to sit at the window and watch the people going down the street.
2. She used to prepare delicious dishes for him.
Conditional tenses are used to speculate about what could happen, what might have happened, and what we wish woul d h a p pe n. I n
English, most sentences using the conditional contain the word if. Many conditional forms in English are used in sentences that inclu d e
verbs in one of the past tenses. This usage is referred to as "the unreal past" because we use a past tense b u t we a re n ot a c tu al ly
referring to something that happened in the past. There are five main ways of constructing conditional s e nte nc es i n E n g li sh . I n al l
cases, these sentences are made up of an if clause and a main clause.
The zero conditional is used for when the time being referred to is now or always and the situati on i s re a l a n d p o ssi b l e. Th e ze ro
conditional is often used to refer to general truths. The tense in both parts of the sentence is the simple present. In ze ro c o n d i tio na l
sentences, the word "if" can usually be replaced by the word "when" without changing the meaning.
The type 1 conditional is used to refer to the present or future where the situation is real. The type 1 conditional refers to a p o s si bl e
condition and its probable result. In these sentences the if clause is in the simple present, and the main clause is in the s imple future.
If clause Main clause
If this thing happened that thing would happen. (but I'm not sure this thing will happen) OR
that thing would be happening.
The type 3 conditional is used to refer to a time that is in the past, and a situation that is contrary to reality. The facts they a re b ase d
on are the opposite of what is expressed. The type 3 conditional is used to refer to an unreal past c o nd i tio n a nd i ts p ro b ab l e p as t
result. In type 3 conditional sentences, the if clause uses the past perfect, and the main clause uses the perfect conditional.
If clause Main clause
If this thing had happened that thing would have happened. (but neither of those things really happened) OR
that thing would have been happening.
If you had studied harder you would have passed the exam.
If this thing had happened that thing would happen. (but this thing didn't happen so that thing isn't happening)
If you weren't afraid of spiders you would have picked it up and put it outside.
1. After the mother saw what the child did, she admonished her.
2. If I’d known the lecture had been cancelled I can stay in bed longer.
3. When I lived in I could often eat in the restaurant next to my flat.
4. I’m surprised he failed, I suppose he may be ill on the day of exam.
5. He said that the next meeting will be in a month’s time
6. You should call her yesterday.
7. Oh no! Frank’s wallet is lying on the coffee table, he may have left it here last night.
8. If I was he I would accept his proposal.
9. If I find her address I should send her an invitation.
10. If I have an opportunity I would surely avail myself of it.
11. If we had a Yacht we will say the seven seas.
12. If they tell their father he would be very angry.
13. If I feel better, I go to the Cinema with you.
14. If I had known about this rose I may have averted it.
15. If I had been a bird I would soar high in the sky.
1. By the time India will (1)/ achieves a better position (2)/ in the world, India will be (3)/ the most popular country (4)/.No error
2. If you would have (1)/ toiled hard you (2)/ would not have had (3)/ to suffer this much (4)/. No error (5)
3. If I (1) /did this, (2) / I shall be (3) /wrong. (4)/ No error (5)
4. When she (1) / will come to Delhi (2)/, she will (3) /visit our house. (4)/ No error (5)
5. If he (1) / would have done (2)/ this, he would have been (3)/ wrong. (4)/ No error (5)
6. I (1) /would do (2)/ this if I (3) /was you. (4)/ No error (5)
7. After you will return (1)/ from new Delhi (2)/ I will meet you. (3)/ No error (4)
8. Had the plane (1)/ not been delayed (2)/ I will reach here (3)/ in time for the function. (4)/ No error (5)
9. He will tell you (1)/ about it (2)/ when (3)/ he will come back. (4)/ No error (5)
10. We shall (1)/ go out (2)/ if it does (3) not rains. (4)/ No error (5)
11. By the time (1)/ you reach (2)/ the cinema hall (3)/ the movie would start. (4)/ No error (5)
12. I do not know (1)/ where could he have gone (2)/ so early (3)/ in the morning. (4)/ No error (5)
13. I use (1) to go out (2)/ to work earlier (3)/ at Ana nd Vihar. (4)/ No error (5)
14. The streets (1)/ are so wet (2)/ it should have rained (3)/ last night. (4)/ No error (5)
15. He said (1)/ that he will meet (2)/ me at (3)/ the restaurant. (4)/ No error (5)
An adjective is a word that is used to add something to the meaning of a Noun or a Pronoun and describe about it.
Ashok is an intelligent boy.
1) Adjectives of Quality: - The adjective which tells us the kind of a person or a thing.
Example: - brave, cloudy, honest, big, beautiful, ugly, dirty, etc.
3) Adjectives of Number: - Which shows how many persons or things are there.
Example: - many, few, all, several, some, first, seven, most, etc.
4) Distributive Adjectives: - It shows the person or the thing which are taken one at a time.
Example: - each, every, either, neither, etc.
Rule 2 – When two changes happen together, comparative degree is used in both.
The higher you go, the cooler you feel.
Rule 4 - The adjectives ending in – ior (prior, junior, senior, superior, inferior, posterior); take to after them.
He is senior to me.
This book is superior to that book
Rule 5- Some adjectives like unique, ideal, perfect, extreme, complete, universal, infinite, perpetual, chief, entire,
round, impossible are not compared.
It is the most unique book ()
It is a unique book (✓)
Rule 6 - When comparative degree is used in superlative sense, it is foll0owed by any other.
Kapil is better than any bowler ()
Kapil is better than any other bowler. (✓)
Rule 7 – When we compare two qualities in the same person or thing, the comparative ending ‘– er’ is not used.
You are wiser than old ()
You are more wise than old (✓)
Rule 8– Compound adjective formed by adding worth is placed after the noun it qualifies.
This is a worth seeing sight ()
This is a sight worth seeing (✓)
Rule 9 – When there are two objects of comparison, then to avoid repetition of noun ‘that’ is used for singular noun
and ‘those’ for plural noun.
The climate of Ranchi is better than that of Gaya.
1) I am more wiser than that student.
2) My house is larger than you.
3) The climate of Hyderabad is better than Madras.
4) Pooja is my older sister.
5) It is much fine today.
6) My friend is senior than me by 4 years.
7) Death is preferable than disgrace.
8) Kolkata is a worth-seeing city.
9) The two first chapters of this book are very important.
10) Suvarna is greater than any students in the class.
11) Shakuntala is better than any drama in Sanskrit.
12) His house is further from the station than yours.
13) The tiger is the ferocious of all animals in the forest.
14) My knife is the sharpest of the two.
15) John thought that Switzerland was more beautiful of all the places he had seen in Europe.
1. Geometry and Drawing (1)/ are more easier (2)/ than (3)/ Geography and Social Studies. (4)/ No error. (5)
2. Everyone felt that (1)/ the big glittering (2)/ diamond (3)/ was most unique. (4)/ No error. (5)
3. Even the most perfect (1)/ person in the world is said (2)/ to have erred (3)/ where there was time to act. (4)/ No error (5)
4. It is a (1)/ worth seeing movie (2)/ and you (3)/ must not miss it. (4)/ No error. (5)
5. I like him because (1)/ he is the (2)/ most interesting fellow (3)/ because of his amiable nature. (4)/ No error. (5)
6. Of all the students (1)/ Rita was less worried (2)/ when the date for (3)/ the annual examination wa s a n n ou n ce d. ( 4 )/ No
error. (5)
7. In the opinion of (1)/ everyone (2)/ she is wiser (3)/ than beautiful. (4)/ No error. (5)
8. Your essay (1)/ should not exceed (2)/ more than (3)/ hundred words. (4)/ No error. (5)
9. The two last (1)/ pictures of a (2)/ very competent director (3)/ have not proved a success. (4)/ No error.(5)
10. Tanya is more (1)/ intelligent than any other (2)/ boy in (3)/ her class. (4)/ No error. (5)
11. She is better (1)/ than any girl (2)/ that studies (3)/ in our class. (4)/ No error. (5)
12. There is no name (1)/ more glorious (2)/ than Sardar Patel (3)/ in the history of India. (4)/ No error. (5)
13. Privatization offers the (1)/ most ideal situation (2)/ for consumers because private sector(3)/ is very conscious of quality.(4) /
No error (5)
14. He is as intelligent (1)/ if not more intelligent (2) / than his brother who has qualified (3) / for this post.(4) / no error(5)
15. She is the best (1) / and (2)/ beautiful girl (3)/ of our class. (4)/ no error (5 )
Determiners are adjective words like a, an, the (articles), some, any, each, every, either, neither, a great many, l i ttl e, a l i ttl e, th e
little, few, a few, the few, less, fewer, much, many.
1. Some, Any:
To express quantity some is used in the affirmative sentences; any in negative sentences.
I have some milk but I do not have any sugar.
She bought some shoes but did not buy any dresses .
An adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, adjective or another adverb. It is said to modify verbs, adjectives
and adverbs. For example:-
1. She is walking slowly.
2. She is very intelligent.
Kinds of Adverb
1. Adverb of time- Before, ago, lately, now, soon, yesterday, already, never.
2. Adverb of frequency- Always, once, seldom, usually, rarely etc.
3. Adverb of place- Here, everywhere, down, near, away, backward, upward.
4. Adverb of manner- Slowly, so, soundly, delightfully.
5. Adverb of affirmation and negation- Certainly, apparently, obviously, no, undoubtedly.
6. Adverb of degree- Almost, fully, very, enough, rather, quite, too, really.
7. Interrogative adverb- How, what, when, why.
8. Relative adverb- When, where, why, how.
Relative adverbs are used to make an adjective clause.
Example:- He was born in the year when I left India.
Rules of Adverb
Rule 1. Adjective qualifies a noun and a pronoun whereas adverb modifies a verb, an adjective and an adverb. For example: -
1. Her act was remarkable.
2 .She ran quicker than I.
Rule 2. Adverb of time such as-
“Always, often, already, just, never, sometimes, frequency, generally, recently, usually, hardly, rarely, normally etc. are
generally placed before the verb they modify. For example:-
1. My brother often comes every Sunday.
2. He usually goes to the movies every Friday.
Rule 3. Adverbs of manners are placed only after the intransitive verb. However, the adverb can be placed either b e fo re o r
after the transitive verb.
For example:- 1. He returned immediately.
2.He slept soundly last night.
Rule 4. If the sentence is introduced by an adverb, inverted form of the verb is used for sake of emphasis. For example: -
1. She no sooner reached the station than she met her friend.
2.She had hardly reached the station when the train arrived.
Rule 5. Use of Else and Other
‘Else’ should be followed by ‘but’.‘Other’ and ‘Otherwise’ are followed by ‘than’.
For example:-
1. She had no other alternative than stay here. (Use ‘than’ in place of ‘but’)
2. She has no one else to look after her but me. (Use ‘but’ in place of ‘except’)
Rule 6. Both ‘never’ and ‘not’ are adverbs. The use of ‘never’ for ‘not’ is incorrect.
For example:-
1. I did not went to Ooty last year. (Use ‘did not’ go in place of ‘never’)
2. I do not remember to have said so. (Use ‘do not’ in place of ‘never’)
Rule 7. Note the use of phrases.
‘Seldom or never’, ‘seldom, if ever’, ‘little or nothing’. ‘little, if anything’.
The phrases ‘seldom or ever’ and ‘little or anything’ are wrong in use.
For example: We seldom or never meet our relatives these days.
Rule 8. Negative adverbs should not be used with the words negative in meaning. So two negatives should be avoided.
‘Seldom, nowhere, never, nothing, hardly, scarcely, neither, barely, rarely’ are some of the adverbs expressing negative mean ing.
For example:-
1. I rarely went to meet nobody across the road. (Use ‘anybody’ in place of ‘nobody’)
2. She hardly knows nothing about the family. (Use ‘anything’ in place of ‘nothing’)
Rule 9. Given below are some of the examples of the words being treated as adverbs whereas they a re a d je cti ves o r n o u n s. Fo r
(A) Manly, masterly, slovenly, monthly, weekly, sickly, friendly, orderly, gentlemanly are adjectives and should not b e
confused with adverbs.
(B) Coward, miser, niggard are nouns.
‘Cowardly, miserly, niggardly’ are adjectives.
‘In a coward, miserly, niggardly manner’ are used as adverbs.
(C) Fast, straight, outright, direct, hard, hardly, late, light, high, safe, quiet etc, are used both a s a n a d j ecti ve a n d
(D) ‘Loudly’ and ‘Aloud’ are adverb though in meanings. ‘Loud’ is an adjective.
(E) Late, lately
Late is both an adjective & an adverb
Lately is an adverb.
(F) Hard is both an adjective and adverb used in affirmative sense.
Hardly is an adverb used in negative meaning.
For example:-
1. A soldier is trained never to fight cowardly. (Use ‘in a cowardly manner’)
2. Rohit always comes late to school. (Say ‘late’ for ‘lately’)
Rule 10. The use of ‘very, much, so, too, enough, rather’.
(A) ‘Very’ modify present participle used as adjective, adverb and adjectives in positive degree. ‘Much’ is used with c o mp arati ve
degree and past participle.
For example:-
1. It is a much interesting picture. (Use ‘very’ in place of ‘much’)
2. I was very exhausted in the evening. (Use ‘much’ in place of ‘very’)
Note:- The use of ‘Very’ and ‘Much’ in superlative degree.
(B) ‘So’, and ‘too’ should be used without ‘that’(Adverb clause) and ‘to’ (Infinitive) respectively.
‘Very’ and ‘much’ may be used in the place of so and too.
For example:-
1. My brother is so healthy. (Use ‘very’ in place of ‘so’)
2. She is too poor to study further.
(C) ‘Enough’ is both an adjective and adverb. As an adverb it is always p laced after the adjective it modifies.
As an adjectives it is placed before a noun. For example:-
1. She is enough wise to allow her son to go. (Place ‘enough’ after ‘wise’)
2. She is enough money to spend.
1. The principal forbade us not to use the entire central hall. No error.
2. Believe me I couldn’t hardly believe what anyone of them had said. No error.
3. The real important thing to remember is that language learning requires a lot of practice . No error.
4. We should appreciate that the telephones here have been working as efficiently as in the past.
No error.
5. He returned quicker than I expected. No error.
6. She is either intelligent or honest if not both. No error.
7. There is no other way to rend war except disarmament. No error.
8. After toiling very hardly over a long period to time he found that people recognized him as a
successful person. No error.
9. She was noticeable upset by how indignant he responded to her final question. No error.
10. She can understand Marathi but she cannot speak it properly or fluently. No error.
11. She stated to me as blunt as she could. No error.
12. One should face the misfortunes of life manly. No error.
13. He is enough kind to help every body in need. No error.
14. When I got home I was too exhausted. No error.
15. It was much hot yesterday and we didn’t go out. No error.
(A, An) (The)
Use of ‘An’
Rule 1 – Before words beginning with vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u are called vowels and others are called consonants ).
An apple, an egg, an owl.
Rule 3 – F, H, L, M, N, R, S, X are letters that are not vowels but begin with vowel sound.
e.g. ‘M’ has the sound of ‘em’ (vowel sound).
an M.L.A., an R.A.F., an N.C.C. officer, an F.I.R. an X- ray, an H.E. school, an S.P. an LEA school, an X-ray.
Use of ‘A’
Rule 1 (i) In the sense of one
He couldn’t speak a word to save
(ii) With one
A one man show, a one–rupee note.
Use of ‘The’
Rule 3 With names of Gulfs, bays, rivers, oceans, seas, island groups, deserts and mountain
The Himalayas, the Indian ocean, the Persian gulf, the Red sea, the Andaman and Nicobar islands, the Brahmapu tra
8. Before names of public institutions (Church, School, University, Prison, Hospital, Court, etc) if they are used,
for the purpose they exist rather than actual building.
He went to church. (It means he went to church for saying his prayer)
He went to the church and from there he took a bus. (Means that he went to the place where building of the church is
9. When two or more descriptive adjectives qualify the same noun and adjectives are connected by ‘and ’; the
article is used before the first adjective only.
This is a Hindi and English Dictionary.
(Here dictionary is one)
He is a qualified and hard-working man.
But, If two nouns refer to different persons or things, the article must be used with each noun.
He is a doctor and a musician.
5) I go to the temple (1)/ as often as (2)/ I find time. (3)/ No error (5)
2) Shahrukh is (1)/ a Tom Cruise (2)/ of India. (3)/ No error (5)
9) Pacific Ocean is (1)/ the deepest ocean (2)/ in the world. (3)/ No error (4)
10) Unicef (1)/ is (2)/ an international organization. (3)/ No error (4)
12) A interesting book (1)/ ‘A Tale of two cities’ (2)/ was written by Alexander Domes. (3)/ No error (4)
14) She had an (1)/ miserable existence (2)/ living with him. (3)/ No error (4)
17) Teachers were instructed (1)/ to follow (2)/ an uniform method (3)/ of evaluation. (4)/ No error (5)
13) I met the gentleman (1)/ today morning (2)/ on my way (3)/ to the market. (4)/ No error (5)
18) Equator (1)/ divides the earth (2)/ into two hemispheres (3)/ No error (4)
16. Book I read last week was an interesting one. No error .
17. Sunil is a best student in our class at present. No error .
18. I go to the bed at eight every night. No error .
19. A person I met in the theatre was the playwright himself. No error .
20. In a report issued by Indian statistical Institute the Iron & steel Industry is investing more than any other Indian I n d u stry i n
fighting pollution. No error .
21. According to the Bible it is meek and the humble who shall inherit the earth. No error .
Conjunctions are joining words as they join either two sentences or two subjects.
1) Conjunctions of Addition: and, both-and, as well as, also, besides, moreover, too, not only–but also
3) Conjunctions of Time: when, whenever, as long as, no sooner than, before, till, since, after, while, as soon as
8) Conjunctions of Concession and Contrast: though/although-yet, even though, however, but, despite, in spite of
12. Words such as regard, describe, define, treat, mention, depict, portray are followed by as.
I regard her as my sister.
He was treated as a slave.
20. While is used for two simultaneous actions, When is used for sequential actions.
I saw a friend while I was driving under the bridge.
I will call you when I finish my work.
1. Although they listen to me (A) / but their actions (B) / prove otherwise (C) / no error(D)
2. He treats (A) / us as (B) / slaves. (C) / no error (D)
3. She looked at him (A) / in such distress (B) / as he had to look away. (C) / no error (D)
4. This film is interesting (A) / and the previous one (B) / was b oring. (C) / no error (D)
5. It is difficult to know (A) / whether (B) / you are selected or not. (C) / no error (D)
6. He has no other chance (A) / but to start (B) / his own business. (C) / no error (D)
7. They had hardly finished (A) / their meals that at once (B) / they resumed their duty. (C) / no error (D)
8. I don’t know whether (A) / Raj is equally (B) / good as Vimal. (C) / no error (D)
9. He has no other business (A) / but to play (B) / with computers. (C) / no error (D)
10. Be smart (A) / not only in dress (B) / and also in action. (C) / no error (D)
11. Because he is physically strong (A) / therefore he was selected (B) / for the school boxing team. (C) / no error (D)
12. The reason for his failure (A) / is because (B) / he did not work hard. (C) / no error (D)
13. Unless you do not listen to his advice (A) / I am not going (B) / to help you. (C) / no error (D)
14. How do you say (A) / that neither he or Raj has qualified (B) / in the examination?(C) / no error (D)
15. We are not sure (A) / if he is coming (B) / to the party. (C) / no error (D)
A Preposition is a word used with a noun or pronoun to show its relation to some other word in a sentence.
(a) With a definite point of time
I usually get up at 5 o’clock. 1. At refers to an exact point:
She leaves her house every day at 9 a.m. The tourist stayed at the Tourist Hotel.
(b) With festivals He studied at Oxford.
He will come at Holi. He is waiting at the door.
5. For is used with perfect continuous tense showing 6. Above is used for higher than:
the duration of an action: The sun rose above the horizon.
I have been here for three years. We were flying above the clouds.
6. Since is used with the point of time when action 7. Under is used for vertically below:
begins and continues: It is shady under the trees.
He has been ill since last Tuesday.
Since 1980, Shalini has lived in Delhi. 8. Below is used for lower than:
When the sun sets it goes below the horizon.
7. From refers to the starting point of an action: Your work is below average.
This water came from a spring.
She came from USA. 9. Over is used for vertically above:
There is an aircraft coming over.
The bathroom is over the kitchen.
4. At refers to aim.
He aimed at bird.
4. He is addicted _______ smoking.
5. He was ashamed ___ his conduct.
6. I am not afraid ____ death.
7. Harry is very fond ____ reading novels.
8. She was very kind ___ us all.
9. I prefer riding ___ walking.
10. Be careful ____ your health.
11. You must take care ___ your health.
14. He is proud ___ his wealth.
15. Ali begged ____ mercy _____ the king.
18. She takes delight ___ swimming.
19. I was then busy ____ my lessons.
20. We were astonished ___ her rudeness.
21. We all wondered ___ her success.
22. The people were alarmed ____ this news.
23. The dog is ever faithful ___ his master.
26. My book is different ____ Harry’s.
27. Please excuse me __ coming late.
28. The basket is full ____ flowers.
29. Fill the bottle ____ hot water.
72. He was accused ____ theft.
74. I congratulate you ____ your success.
76. He objected ___ my proposal.
62. He deals ____ Japanese silk.
94. Alcohol is injurious ___ health.
5. It was apparent for everyone (A) / present that if the patient did not receive (B) / medical attention fast, he wo uld d i e . ( C) /
no error (D)
2. I was taken with surprise (A) / when I saw (B) / the glamorous Appu ghar. (C) / no error (D)
12. I must start at dawn (A) / to reach the station (B) / in time. (C) / no error (D)
15. The father brought the sweets (A) / and distributed them (B) / between his five children. (C) / no error. (D)
16. Raman developed the habit (A) / for sleeping late (B) / when he was staying in the hostel. (C) / no error.
19. My niece has been married (A) / with (B) / the richest man of the town. (C) / no error. (D)
20. The venue of examination (A) / is one mile (B) / further up the hill. (C) / no error. (D)
18. The top-ranking candidates (A) / will be appointed in senior jobs (B) / in good companies. (C) / no error.
21. The doctor referred the patient (A) / for the OPD (B) / without examining him. (C) / no error. (D)
26. After opening the door we entered (A) / into the room (B) / next to the kitchen. (C) / no error. (D)
30. The engineer came out to a novel solution (A) / which may even reduce (B) / daily energy consumption.
(C) / no error. (D)
31. On a holiday Madhu prefers (A) / reading than going (B) / out visiting friends. (C) / no error. (D)
32. People who are (A) / averse with (B) / hard work generally do not succeed in life. (C) / no error. (D)
33. Vishal is one year junior (A) / than (B) / Madan in our office. (C) / no error. (D)
34. They walked (A) / besides (B) / each other in silence. (C) / no error. (D)
25) Hide from: I will not hide the truth from you.
1) Doubt about: There is no doubt about it.
26) Recover from: She has not yet recovered from illness.
2) Complaint against: Have you any complaint against 27) Believe in: I do not believe in what you say.
28) Interested in: I am not interested in this matter.
3) Guard against: You must guard against this bad habit.
29) Afraid of: He is afraid of his own shadow.
4) Rebel against: The people rebelled against the rule o f
the cruel King. OF
5) Struggle against: The poor people have to struggle 30) Approve of: I do not approve of your plan.
against many difficulties.
31) Ashamed of: You ought to be ashamed of your
AT conduct.
6) Aim at 1 : He aimed at the tiger and fired. 32) Avail of: You must avail yourself of this opportunity.
7) Astonished at: I was astonished at his sudden 33) Aware of: I was not aware of the danger.
34) Beg of: I begged a favour of him.
8) Laugh at: Do not laugh at him.
35) Beware of: Beware of the crossing.
9) Wonder at: He wondered at my boldness.
36) Boast of: He always boast of his riches.
10) Gain by: A wise man gains by experience.
37) Cheat of: He cheated me of five rupees.
38) Composed of: Water is composed of hydrogen and
11) Candidate for: I am also a candidate for the post. oxygen.
12) Eager for: Some people are eager for praise. 39) Convinced of: I am convinced of your innocence.
13) Excuse for: Have you any excuse for your conduct? 40) Cured of: The patient was soon cured of his disease.
14) Famous for: Kashmir is famous for its shawls. 41) Guilty of: The judge declared him guilty of the crime.
15) Fit for: This food is hardly fit for a dog. 42) Hear of: Did you not hear of his failure?
16) Good for: Quinine is good for malaria. 43) Ignorant of: I am ignorant of the customs of this
17) Mistake for: I mistake him for his brother.
18) Necessary for: Pure air is necessary for health. 44) Jealous of: Don’t be jealous of others’ reputation.
19) Send for: Send for the doctor at once. 45) Lame of: He is lame of one leg.
20) Sorry for: I am sorry for the mistake. 46) Made of: This box is made of wood.
21) Start for: Exactly at 8 o’clock we started for the Qutab. 47) Proud of: She is very proud of her beauty.
22) Taste for: She has a taste for poetry and music. 48) Relieve of: This medicine will certainly rel i eve yo u o f
your pain.
23) Escape form: The parrot escaped from the cage. 49) Remind of: His face reminds me of his father.
24) Free from: You are free from blame in this affair. 50) Rob of: They robbed him of one hundred rupees.
51) Short of: Nothing short of one hundred rupees will 81) Limit to: There is a limit to everything.
satisfy him.
82) Listen to: Listen to me.
52) Smell of: This dash smells of garlic.
83) Loyal to: We must remain loyal to the Government.
53) Sure of: He is quite sure of his success.
84) Married to: Sita was married to Rama.
54) Think of: Can you think of nothing else?
85) Regard to: I have a great regard for him.
55) Warn of: I warned him of the danger.
86) Obedient to: You should be obedient to your parents.
56) Worthy of: Gandhi was a man worthy of praise.
87) Object to: I do not object to your proposal.
88) Objection to: Have you any objection to this?
57) Act upon: I will act upon your advice.
58) Congratulate on: I congratulate you on your success. 89) Occur to: It did not occur to me.
59) Count on: I count on your help. 90) Parallel to: This straight line is parallel to that.
60) Depend upon: Your success depends upon hard work. 91) Peculiar to: This is a custom peculiar to the Hindus.
61) Hit upon: The wise crow hit upon a plan. 92) Prefer to: I prefer death to dishonour.
62) Rely on: I cannot rely on such a person. 93) Reduced to: He is reduced to a skeleton.
63) Control over: I have no control over him. 94) Refer to: The complement must refer to the subject o r
the object.
64) Preside over: Who will preside over the meeting?
95) Related to: How are you related to Mr. Sethi?
65) Rule over: Akbar ruled over a vast empire.
96) Similar to: Her voice is similar to yours.
97) Submit to: We must submit to the will of God.
66) Add to: Add this to that.
98) Subordinate to: Teachers are subordinate to the
67) Amount to: Hs expenses amount to five hundred Principal.
99) Subscribe to: Did you subscribe nothing to the Poor
68) Belong to: This house belongs to my uncle. Fund?
69) Commit to: Commit these lines to memory. 100) Succeed to: The young prince succeeded to the throne
of his father.
70) Consent to: He will not consent to your proposal.
101) Surrender to: The proud general would not surren de r
71) Contrary to: You are acting contrary to my to the enemy.
102) True to: He is true to his word.
72) Courteous to: He is courteous to all.
103) Used to: I am not used to cycling.
73) Dear to: He is very dear to me.
74) Exception to: This is an exception to the rule.
104) Busy with: The student is busy with his lessons.
75) Faithful to: A dog is very faithful to its master.
105) Comply with: I cannot comply with his request.
76) Heir to: He is the sole heir to his father’s property.
106) Displeased with: He is displeased with you.
77) Injurious to: Drinking is injurious to health.
107) Familiar with: I am not familiar with this language.
78) Introduce to: He introduced me to the headmaster.
108) Ill with: He is ill with fever.
79) Invite to: He was not invited to the feast.
80) Lead to: Where does this road lead to?
109) Intimate with: Are you very intimate with the 110) Popular with: our English Teacher is very popular with
Principal? the students.
Directions (Q. 1-25): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it.
The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error; the
answer is (e). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
1) Before he started out (A)/ he had collected all the (B)/ informations about the country (C)/ he was going to visit. (D)/
No error (E)
2) The assurance that (A)/ he will cured from the disease (B)/ pleased him (C)/ him very much.(D)/ No error (E)
3) Her ability to (A)/ talk to strangers (B)/ is one of her (C)/ stronger points. (D)/ No error (E)
4) My brother-in-law (A)/ along with his daughter (B)/ were present (C)/ at the function. (D) No error (E)
5) After you will return (A)/ from America (B)/ I will come and see you. (D) No error (E)
6) The child picked up (A)/ a burned paper (B)/ from the debris (C)/ left behind by the inferno. (D)/ No error (E)
7) When she (A)/ is finishes her studies, (B)/ she wants (C)/ to become a journalist. (D)/ No error (E)
8) There were two childhood buddies (A)/ who went through school and college (B)/ and would even (C)/ join the army to g eth er. No
error (E)
9) When a person refuses to forgive, (A)/ he is locking doors (B)/ that some day (C)/ he might be needing to open. (D)/
No error (E)
10) If you have someone (A)/ with all the ability but (B)/ if he is not dependable (C)/ do you want him as a part of your tea m? (D)/ No
error (E)
11) While it is not worth (A)/ to have been holding grudges,(B)/ it doesn’t make sense (C)/ to be bitten time and again. (D)/ No e rro r
12) One can be truthful (A)/ without having been cruel but (B)/ that may not always (C)/ be the case. (D) No error (E)
13) Excellent cannot be achieved through luck; (A)/ it is the result (B)/ of a lot of (C)/ hard work and practice. (D)/ No er ror (E)
14) It is not uncommon (A)/ in seeing the prey (B)/ outsmarting the predator, (C)/ because one is running for its food a n d th e o the r
for its life. (D)/ No error (E)
15) The first lesson I got (A)/ in my military days was that (B)/ one should love his country better than (C)/ anything else. (D)/ No error
16) Hardly I have finished reading (A)/ when my sister (B)/ snatched the book (C) from me. (D)/ No error (E)
17) I went to the Principal (A)/ because I wanted (B)/ to know as to why (C)/ I was detained. (D)/ No error (E)
18) I have been living here (A)/ since four years (B)/ but no one has (C)/ noticed my presence so far. (D)/ No error (E)
19) No sooner did the train start (A)/ when there was (B)/ a great rush (C)/ into my compartment (D)/ No error (E)
20) Do you object to me (A)/ sitting in this room (B)/ and reading a book (C)/ for a short while? (D) / No error (E)
21) Hardly had (A)/ I left the school (B)/ than it began (C)/ to rain. (D)/ No error (E)
22) My sister (A)/ only drew (B)/ on one side (C)/ of the paper. (D)/ No error (E)
23) Motivating employees with (A)/ traditional authority and financial (B)/ incentive have become (C)/ increasingly difficult.
(D)/ No error (E)
24) I had worked (A)/ in this (B)/ school for (C)/ 25 years. (D)/ No error (E)
25) The man who (A)/ I have often met (B)/ is one whose property has been (C)/ acquired by the government (D)/ No error (E)
1 C 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 A
6 B 7 B 8 C 9 D 10 C
11 B 12 B 13 A 14 B 15 C
16 A 17 C 18 B 19 B 20 A
21 C 22 B 23 C 24 A 25 A
6. When he will come (a)/ I will (b)/ make sure(c)/ I meet him.(d)/ No error(e)
7.The traveller being weary(a)/ he(b)/ sat by(c)/ wood side to rest.(d)/ No error(e)
8. He did not (a)/ and could not have (b)/ understood(c)/ the full facts of the case (d)/. No error (e)
9.Neither(a)/ Rohit nor (b)/ Kabir have done his(c)/ le sson.(d)/ No error(e)
10. I am opposed(a)/ to the plan of action not because(b)/ it is ill conceived but that(c)/ it seems impractical(d)/. No error (e )
11.He as well as you (a)/ is tired of (b)/ this long(c)/ and troublesome affair(d)/. No error(e)
12. Along the (a)/ northern frontier of India(b)/ is seen(c)/ the Himalayas mighty in their splendor(d)/. No error(e)
13. The recommendations of the committee(a)/ that the age should be lowered down(b)/immediately(c)/ was not a c ce pte d( d )/ . No
14. Each of the students whom(a)/ I have chosen to take part(b)/ in the discussion have(c)/ indicated that he will b e h a pp y to d o
so(d)/. No error(e)
15. Our country need (a)/ a number of(b)/ self sacrificing(c)/ and devoted political leaders(d)/. No e rror(e)
16. We erect(a)/ monuments in the memory (b)/of the great lest their achievements(c) / mig h t b e fo rg e tten (d ) /. No e rro r ( e ) .
17. He used rather harsh words(a)/ in denouncing(b)/ her but he must have had(c)/ some very stro n g re a so ns to d o s o ( d ) /. No
18. Since he has not(a)/ yet attained the age of eighteen(b)/, he had no righ(c)/ to vote in the presen t e l ecti o n( d )/ . No e rro r( e )
19. I am disappointed(a)/ in not having saw(b)/ any place while(c)/ I was in Delhi on vacation(d)/. No error(e)
20. What India needs today(a)/ are more scientists(b)/ technicians(c)/ and planners(d)/. No error(e)
21. No sooner did(a)/ the thief saw the (b)/policeman than(c)/ he ran away(d)/. No error(e)
22. Neither the size(a)/ nor the colour(b)/ of the gloves(c)/ were right(d)/. No error(e)
23. If it was possible(a)/ to get near(b)/ where one of these eruptions took place(c)/, we could have a grand sight(d)/. No e rro r( e )
24. Most of us are not aware(a)/ that(a)/ eating some varities(c )/ of mushrooms result(d)/ in death(e)/No error(f)
25. After(a)/ Nepoleon had lost(b)/ the battle of Waterloo in 1815, he had been (c)/exiled to(d)/ the I s la nd o f S t. He l e na (e) / No
1. He, you and I (a) / will manage (b) / this problem together (c) / No error (d)
2. Last summer he went (a) / to his grand parent’s village, (b) / and enjoyed very much. (c) / No error
3. If I were him, (a) / I would have taught (b) / those cheats a lesson (c) / No error (d)
4. As soon as he (a) / saw his mother (b) / he ran to her (c) / and embraced (d) / No error (e)
5. Being a (a) / rainy day I (b) / remained indoors. (c) / No error (d)
74 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
9(c) Use ‘has’
10(c) Use ‘but because’
11(e) No error
12(c) Use ‘are seen’
13(d) Use ‘were not’
14(c) Use ‘has’,
15(a) Use ‘needs’
16(d) Use ‘should be’
17(d) Use ‘for doing so’
18(c) Use ‘ he has’
19(b) Use ‘in not having seen’
20(b) Use ‘is’, 21(b) Use ‘see’
22(d) Use ‘was’, 23(a) Use ‘if it were possible’
24(d) Use ‘results’
25(c) Use ‘was exiled’
1. a The correct form is ‘You, he and I’
Directions (Q. 26-50): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it.
The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error; the
answer is (e). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
26) Page after page (A)/ of Quran were read (B)/ and it gave great consolation (C)/ to his mind. (D)/ No error (E)
27) One day, a baker (A)/ decided weighing the (B)/ butter to see if he was getting a pound (C)/ and found that he was no t. ( D) / No
error (E)
28) There is more gratification (A)/ for being a caring (B)/ person than in just (C)/ being a nice person. (D)/ No error (E)
29) Relationship are built (A)/ in kindness, understanding and self sacrifice (B)/ not on jealousy, selfishness, puffed up e g o s ( C) / a nd
rude behavior. (D)/ No error (E)
30) He resolved being tender with the young, (A)/ compassionate with the aged, (B)/ s ympathetic to the striving (C)/ and to l era nt o f
the weak. (D)/ No error (E)
31) Companies spend (A)/ close to a million dollars (B)/ for a 30 second advertisement (C)/ between a major event. (D)/ No er ror (E)
32) People who do not want (A)/ to adhere to any moral standards (B)/ keep changing the definition of morality (C)/ on saying nothing
is right or wrong, only your thinking makes it so. (D)/ No error (E)
33) Unless you build (A)/ your self-esteem (B)/ you cannot achieve (C)/ the success in your life (D)/ No error (E)
34) Not all medicine (A)/ is sweet (B)/ not all surgery is painless (C)/ but we have to be taking it. (D)/ No error (E)
35) There is a misconception (A)/ that freedom means (B)/ to be doing (C)/ your own thing. (D)/ No error (E)
36) Shakespeare was (A)/ better than any poet (B)/ of his days (C)/ according to critics. (D)/ No error (E)
37) I ordered for a cup of tea (A)/ but the bearer (B)/ brought it only (C)/ at the end of the tea-session. (D)/ No error (E)
38) Lack of honesty (A)/ is sometimes labeled as tact, (B)/ public relations (C)/ or politics. (D)/ No error (E)
75 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
39) In the aftermath of 11 th of September, (A)/ the American President’s speech was (B)/ broadcasted and televised (C)/ a l l o ver th e
world. (D)/ No error (E)
40) Acceptance of responsibility (A)/ is a reflection (B)/ of our attitude (C)/ and the environment we operate in. (D)/ No error (E)
41) The wards of the hostel are (A)/ allowed to do (B)/ anything except to go out (C)/ on their own at night. (D)/ No error ( E)
42) The best way to explore Egypt (A)/ is to take a trip down Nile, (B)/ the river that runs like (C)/ a thread throughout Egypti an
history. (D)/ No error (E)
43) The hawkers have been carrying (A)/ out their business on the main (B)/ pavement since three years ( C) / b u t n o o n e h as e ver
objected. (D)/ No error (E)
44) Hardly I have finished (A)/ writing when my brother (B)/ snatched the foundation (C)/ pen from my hand. (D)/ No error
45) India which makes up (A)/ sixteen percent of the global population, (B)/ carries twenty percent (C)/ of their disease bu rd e n. ( D) /
No error
46. Another baffling change (a)/ that I notice in him now -a-days (b)/ is that he avoids to speak to me.(c)/ No error(d)
47. He lay the watch on the table (a)/ and then forgot all about it(b)/ when he went out.(c)/ No error(d)
48. While it is apparent (a)/ that biotechnology offers significant benefits (b)/ adequate attention has not been focused to th i s vi ta l
area.(c)/No error(d)
49. There is a need (a)/ to revising Government policies (b)/ on controlling unauthorized constructions.(c)/ No error(d)
50. If you had seen (a)/ yesterday’s cricket I am sure (b)/ would have enjoyed seeing our team bat.(c)/ No error(d)
26 B 27 B 28 B 29 B 30 A
31 D 32 D 33 D 34 D 35 C
36 B 37 A 38 B 39 C 40 D
41 C 42 B 43 C 44 A 45 D
46 C 47 A 48 C 49 B 50 E
16. The number of vehicles (a) / plying on this road (b) / is more than on the main road. (c) / No error (d)
7. Being a begger, (a) / I admitted him (b) / to an old people’s home. (c) / No error (d)
8. This is the girl (a) / whom I think had won (b) / the gold medal in the Dance competition. (c) / No error (d)
9. Wherever they go, (a) / Indians easily adapt to(b)/local circumstances.(c)/No error (d )
10. Reema is (a) / taller (b) / than me. (c) / No error (d)
11.Inspite of the doctor’s stern warning, (a) / he continued taking (b) / sugar in his coffee. (c) / No error (d)
12. Had I come (a) / to know about (b) / his difficulties (c) / I would have certainly helped. (d) / No error (e)
13. One of them (a) / forget to take their bag (b) / from the school. (c) / No error (d)
14. Mr. Sunil Pawar, our representative, (a) / he will attend the meeting (b) / on our behalf. (c) / No error (d)
15.Being a destitute, (a) / I admitted him (b) / to an old peoples home. (c) / No error (d)
6.If the teacher is good (a) / the students (b) / will respond (c) / positively to them. (d) / No error (e)
17. Just before the race (a) / I asked him (b) / whom he thought (c ) / was going to win (d) / No error (e)
18. It is not difficult to believe that a man (a) / who has lived in this city for a long tim e ( b ) / h e wi l l n e ver fe e l a t h o me
anywhere else in the world. (c) No error (d)
19. Each girl was (a) / given a bunch of flowers, (b) / which pleased her very much. (c) / No error (d)
20. The party chief made it a point to state that (a) / the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister should also come ( b ) /
and they see what his party men had seen. (c) / No error (d)
21. I going there (a) / will not solve (b) / this complicated problem. (c) / No error (d)
22. As it was Rajani’s (a) / first interview he dressed him (b) / in his most (c) / formal suit. (d) / No error (e)
23. Whatever work (a) / that which you undertake (b) / put your best efforts (c) / in it. (d) / No error (e)
24. The district superintendent of police has announced that those who are found guilty of breach of peace (a) / or of ta ki n g
the law into their own hands (b) / they will be taken to task. (c) / No error (d)
25. Myself and Ramu (a) / will take care of (b) / the function on Monday. (c) / No error (d)
26. Mahatma Gandhi taught us (a) / that one should respect (b) / the religions of others (c) / as much a s h i s o wn ( d ) / No
error (e)
27. Was it him (a) / who got injured (b) / in an accident this morning (c) / No error (d)
28. I suppose (a) / you have heard the latest news (b) / John has married that girl (c) / No error (d)
76 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
29. Due to me being a newcomer (a) / I was unable to get a house (b) / suitable fo r m y wi fe a n d m e ( c ) / No e rro r ( d )
30. He could not plan his strategy (a) / until he knew (b) / whom his opponents could be. (c) / No error (d)
17. 6. Correct Option :c. Add ‘that’ after ‘than’
7. Correct Option :a. Add ‘He’ before ‘being’
8. Correct Option : b. Replace ‘whom’ by ‘who’
9. Correct Option : b. Add ‘themselves’ after ‘adapt’.
21. 10. Correct Option : c. Replace ‘me’ by ‘I’
22. 11.Correct Option : c. Remove ‘his’
23. 12.Correct Option :d. Add ‘him’ after ‘helped’
24. 13. Correct Option : b. Replace ‘their’ by ‘his’
25. 14. Correct Option : b. Remove ‘he’
26. 15Correct Option : a. Add ‘He’ before ‘being’
27. 16.Correct Option : D. Replace ‘them’ by ‘him’.
28. 17. Correct Option : c. Replace ‘whom’ by ‘who’
29. 18. Correct Option : c. Remove ‘he’
30. 19. Correct Option :c. Replace ‘her’ by ‘them’
31. 20. Correct Option : c. Remove ‘they’
32. 21. Correct Option :a. Replace ‘I’ by ‘My’
33. 22. Correct Option : b. Replace ‘him’ by ‘himself’
34. 23Correct Option : b. Remove ‘that which’
35. 24Correct Option : c. Remove ‘they’
36. 25. Correct Option : a. Replace ‘Myself and Ramu’ by ‘Ramu and I’.
37. 26Correct Option :d. Replace ‘his’ by ‘one’s’
38. 27. Correct Option : a. Replace ‘him’ by ‘he’
39. 28Correct Option : a. Add ‘that’ after ‘suppose’
40. 29. Correct Option :a. Replace ‘me’ by ‘my’
41. 30. Correct Option :c. Replace ‘whom’ by ‘who’
77 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
Classroom Exercise-I
Directions: In these questions, which of the phrases; (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below, should replace the phrase g i ven
in bold letters in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence i s
correct as it and no correction is required, mark (e) as the answer:
1) As they approaching the house, the colonel’s wife calls him for tea.
a) as they approaching the house
b) as they will be approaching the house
c) as they approach the house
d) as they approach to the house
2) Centuries of servility has been making him tame and passive, incapable of any resentment or revolt.
a) has been making him
b) have made him
c) has made him
d) has been made him
6) I suppose everyone has one particular childhood Christmas who stands out more than any other.
a) who stands out
b) who will stands out
c) that stands out
d) that may stand out
7) The sun was just setting over the distant horizon when I heard the roar of an unexpected motor in the driveway.
a) was to just set
b) was to be setting
c) was just setting
d) just set
8) My son crept into my lap and we hugged and had talked for a while
a) and have talked
b) and talked
c) and had many talk
d) and we talked
9) Catherine was a young mother with three small children when her husband had became the warden.
a) was became
b) had became
c) was become
d) became
78 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
10) After I grew up and went into business, I always have had a soft spot for kids without bikes.
a) always have had
b) always had had
c) always had
d) have always had
11) The pharmacist handed me my prescription, apologized for the delay and has explained that his register had been closed.
a) explained that
b) has explained that
c) had explained that
d) was explaining that
12) I have much memories about my father and about growing up with him in our apartment which is next to the elevated train tracks.
a) much memories
b) all memories
c) many memories
d) more memories
13) Heart broken and ignored, she grind her way through each of her numbers to the best of her ability.
a) she grind her way
b) she ground her way
c) she had ground her way
d) she had grind her way
14) Gayatri informed one of the directors that she has ssent the material for printing.
a) shall be sending
b) sends
c) had sent
d) had been sending
15) Not knowing the language and having no acquaintances in the city, he found it hard getting work.
a) hard to getting to work
b) hard in getting work.
c) hard to get work.
d) hardly to get to work.
16. Bindu is strongly desiring to buy a car, so that she can travel fast and reach the office in time.
a) strongly desires
b) is desiring strongly
c) desired strongly
d) was strongly desiring
18. The man spent a lot because he had so large amount of money.
a) he had a large lot of money
b) he had a large number of money
c) he had a large amount of rupees
d) he had a large amount of money
20. When problems seem insurmountable, quit seems to be the easiest way out.
a) to quit seems to be
b) quiet seems to be
79 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
c) quitting seems to be
d) quitting is to be
21. Looking back, I can rarely remember the names of the children who shared my birthday.
a) can rarely remember
b) can lately remember
c) can shortly remember
d) can scarcely remember
22. With only two weeks before the party, the last place I would wanted to be was in the hospital recovering from surgery.
a) would wanted to be
b) wanted to be
c) would want myself to be
d) wanted me to be
23. We had been almost halfway there when the left rear tyre blew out.
a) had been almost
b) were almost
c) were going to be almost
d) were reaching
24. Being a recently divorced man with full custody of children, I was determined to give than a n o rm al a nd s tab l e a h o me l i fe a s
a) a normal and stable a home life
b) a normal as well as stable a home life
c) as normal and stable a home life
d) a home life which is normal and stable
Homework Exercise-I
26. He was daydreaming when he reached the house and noticed someone cling to the outside of the fence.
a) someone cling to the outside
b) anyone cling to the outside
c) anyone clinging on the outside
d) someone clinging to the outside
28. Hardly did Vina scold her daughter, when she started crying.
a) Vina scolded her daughter hard
b) Hardly had Vina scolded her daughter
c) Hardly does Vina scold her daughter
d) Vina has scolded her daughter hardly
29. Sosin suggested that not to talk about her selection in I.A.S till the received the orders.
a) not to be talking
b) that we should not talk
c) that we would not talk
d) that she will not talk
80 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
b) didn’t have
c) wouldn’t have
d) shouldn’t have
33. Neither the chairman nor the members of the committee had attended the meeting.
a) have attended the meeting
b) has attend the meeting
c) will have attended the meeting
34. The master tested the new boy to see if he can read English.
a) if he could reach English
b) to see if he will read English
c) to see if he could read English
d) to see if he can read English
36. As women assert their identity and enter his bastions of power, the traditional Indian male is reaction in violence.
a) reacts in violence
b) is reacting with violence
c) reacted with violence
d) is violently reacting
37. Massive unemployment is one of the most grievous consequence of an excessively rapid population growth.
a) one of the more grievous consequences
b) one of the most grievous consequences
c) one of grievous consequences
d) one of the grievous consequences
38. Either my sister or I is held responsible for the damaged car.
a) myself is held
b) I are held
c) me is held
d) I am held
39. Though he got a job in a renowned software company,, he soon realized that he was not cut in for that kind of work.
a) cut up for
b) cut out for
c) cut off to
d) cut up to
40. I would rather work twelve hours a day in the office than sitting and watching the idiot box at home.
a) that to sit and watch
b) instead of sitting and watching
c) than to sitting and watching
d) than sit and watch
41. Under law, Indians cannot be test subjects for a drug that have been developed in a foreign country.
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a) that have been developed
b) that has been developed
c) that were developed
d) that has been developing
42. With regard to banking in india, branch expansion is skewed towards states that have a track record of growth.
a) expansion is skewed towards states
b) expansion is skewed within states
c) expansion is being skewed among states
d) expansion had to be skewed amongst states
43. The US (United States of America), regardless of being a melting pot of cultures, is not the leader of cultural competency.
a) regardless of being
b) supposedly being
c) despite being
d) on account of being
44. With its stunning landscapes and outdoor activity the coastal town offers a variety of options for the avid traveler.
a) With its stunningly
b) Despite it’s stunning
c) With it’s stunning
d) With its stunning
45. The government is concerned with the small level is digits literacy prevalent in India.
a) small levels of
b) low levels of
c) tiniest levels of
d) reduced levels of
45) By definition, make a map is ‘to select certain features as relevant and ignore others’.
a) To make a map by definition is, b) In making a map, the definition is,
c) Map making is defined as, d) No improvement
49) If you had attended the meeting, you would have benefitted a great deal.
a) would benefit b) could benefit
c) benefited d) No improvement
5) If you would have remembered to bring the map, we would not have lost our way.
a) had remembered b) were remembering
c) remembered d) No improvement
12) The spirit of democracy had sped into our way of thinking.
a) leaked into b) permeated
c) soaked into d) No improvement
13) The decent from the mountain peak was slow and painful.
a) descent b) decline
c) decrease d) No improvement
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a) to be true b) to become true
c) having been true d) No improvement
17) If I will get an opportunity, I shall attend the conference without fail.
a) shall get b) get
c) got d) No improvement
18) No sooner he had arrived home than he was asked to start on another journey.
a) has he arrived b) he has arrived
c) had he arrived d) No improvement
19) To worship idols, has been our custom from times immemorial.
a) since time b) for times
c) for time d) No improvement
22) The teacher was unhappy to find that the boy had lied rather than telling the truth.
a) rather than tell b) instead of telling
c) rather than told d) No improvement
26) The technician and not the three managers are running the company.
a) were running b) is running
c) have been running d) No improvement
27) It was not long for I discovered that the man could neither read nor write.
a) long before b) long since
c) longer than d) No improvement
30) He promised that he will deliver the goods within a week but he did not keep his promise.
a) must have delivered b) will have delivered
c) would deliver d) No improvement
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31) The negotiations faced a predicament with neither side ready to offer any concession to the other.
a) problem b) dilemma
c) situation d) No improvement
32) I got up early so that I could cover most of the distance before noon.
a) would b) may
c) ought d) No improvement
33) The father together with his sons and daughters have gone to see a film.
a) are gone b) has gone
c) is gone d) No improvement
34) The stranger asked the little girl what is her name.
a) what her name is b) what her name was
c) what was her name d) No improvement
35) The family has changed house during the last six months.
a) since the past b) after the past
c) for the last d) No improvement
37) The higher you climb a Himalayan peak, the more cold you feel.
a) the colder b) the most cold
c) colder d) No improvement
38) If you are a resident of Agra, you might be knowing all about Ambar.
a) would be knowing b) might know
c) are knowing d) No improvement
39) It is well-acclaimed principle that every person should hold fast to his beliefs.
a) hold fast to others beliefs b) hold fast to their beliefs
c) hold fast to the beliefs d) No improvement
40) This was my business to cross the bridge to explore the bridge head and to find out the extent to w h i ch th e e n e m y h a d
a) how much b) the extent where
c) the point where d) No improvement
41) The world is becoming increasingly polarize d between the rich and the poor.
a) among rich b) around the rich
c) in between the rich d) No improvement
42) I laid all the facts before him so that he could make his own judgement.
a) laid all the facts in front of him b) lay all the facts before him
c) lay all the facts in front of him d) No improvement
43) If only she had told me about her problem, I would have helped her.
a) would help b) could help
c) had helped d) No improvement
85 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
c) disposed of d) No improvement
Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A.
1 D 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A
6 B 7 C 8 D 9 B 10 D
11 A 12 B 13 A 14 A 15 A
16 B 17 B 18 C 19 A 20 B
21 D 22 D 23 A 24 B 25 C
26 B 27 A 28 B 29 C 30 C
31 D 32 D 33 B 34 B 35 C
36 B 37 A 38 A 39 D 40 D
41 C 42 D 43 D 44 C 45 C
46 C 47 B 48 D 49 A 50 C
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The cloze test is a kind of integrative test in which the entire word is rationally or randomly deleted. The word “cloze” was derived from
“closure” indicating that humans are able to fill in what is missing by using their prior knowledge o r th e i r e xp eri en c e. A c l o ze te st
involves a piece of text, from which a number of words have been removed.
Students are then instructed to fill in the blanks for the passage. Teachers are able to use the stude nt’ s a n swe rs to d e te rmi n e th e
reading level of the passage.
Important steps while solving a question of cloze test.
1. First, slowly read all the text without filling any of the gaps. Read it until you have a clear understanding of what the text is about.
2. Only those gaps that you are sure of must be filled first.
3. Analyse the parts of speech that may fit in the gap and pay attention to the grammar of the words around gap.
4. A few gaps may even demand a vocabulary item such as an idiom ( beat around the bush ), a phrasal verb ( hang up the p h on e)
or a collocation( make a choice).
I want to avoid violence. Non-violence ... (1)... the first article of my faith. It is also the..(2) ... article of my creed. But I h a d to ( 3 ). . .
my choice. I had either to submit ..(4)... a system which I considered ... (5)... done irreparable harm to my country, (6 ) . . . i n c u r th e
risk of the mad fury... (7).... my people bursting forth, when they... (8)... the truth from my l i p s. I . .. . ( 9 ). .. th a t m y p e o pl e h ave
sometimes... (10)... mad. I am deeply sorry for it.
1. a) was b) be c) is d) being
4. a) over b) in c) against d) to
7. a) with b) by c) in d) of
Books give us all the information ... (1)... a man. They show ... (2) ... interest. They are the ... (3) to his mind. Al l th e ri c h es o f th e
world ... (4) ... their importance in the face of books. A man with money and ... (5) ... books is a poor man. Bo o ks h a ve b ec ome so
cheap that a library can ... (6) ...be made. Money spent on good books is never ... (7) ... It is a ... (8) ... to re a d g o od b o oks. Th u s
man gains both ... (9) ... and wisdom. You can... (10) ... your library with the expenditure of only a few hundred rupees.
87 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
9. a) skill b) aptitude c) knowledge d) efficiency
I used to look...(1)....to the holidays. I was usually...(2)....to my uncle’s house where I...(3)...his children. I did not g e t p a id a s al ary
for...(4)... What I received in return however, was far more...(5)... My unc le was an avid reader. During the time I spent with his family
I had an...(6)...to read the vast amount of books and magazines that he possessed. This improved my English to some...(7).... Reading
became my new....(8). ….(9)....spending my pocket money on a ticket to the cinema I began to ....(10)....books. This has benefited me
In the modern times, few Indians only put for a lifetime. They move from town to city and from city to suburb . Th e y c o mpl ete h i gh
school from a different state and (1) college in a different one. They hope from a job in a particular region to a better job e l s ewhere .
With each move, they make new friends, who become part of their (2) lives at that time. For many of them, the summer i s a s p ec i al
(3) for new friendships. Today millions of Indians holiday abroad, and they go not only with an intent to see new (4) but (5 ) wi th th e
(6) of meeting new people. No one really expects a casual (7) to produce a close friend. But (8) the beginning of a (9) a s so ci ati o n i s
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A professor was (1) the Indian Independence Movement and the idea of non-violence (2) by Mahatma Gandhi. “Althoug h o th ers l i ke
Nelson Mandela follow this idea and (3) the Nobel Prize for Peace Mahatma Gandhi did not.” she said. One s tud en t s p oke u p , “i t i s
good that he didn’t (4) it was an award started by Alfred Nobel who invented dynamite, which causes (5)!”
The professor (6) “in fact the world should be (7) to Nobel because he invented dynamite. It was very useful to build tun n el s
(8) mountains for trains to pass. If we choose to use it for war it is not his fault. Furthermore he (9) all his wealth into instituting prizes
for literature, physics, chemistry, medicine, peace, etc. His (10) was that anything which woul d b e n efi t th e h u man ra c e d e ser ve d
recognition so that the person who had started it would have no financial difficulties in achieving his goal!”
Some people believe that marriages are made in heaven. One cannot say ...(1)... this is true or not. However, in America now many .. .
(2) ... who get married seek to evolve a fool proof ... (3)... to ensure that the marriage survives. However, the idea of married person s
... (4)... the burden of domestic chores, instead of all the dirty work being dumped on the woman has (5) ... been propagated b y th e
feminist ... (6)... and it has gradually, if grudgingly, been ... (7) ... This arrangement may work on a te mpo rary b a s i s b u t ta ki ng . . .
(8)... of a particular domestic work on a permanent basis will pose problems of its own. For instance, taking out th e ru b b i sh m ay . . .
(9)... make a refreshing change from washing baby's nappies. However, a contract is a contract and must be ... (10) ... Yo u m a y n o t
like it but this is what life is coming out to be in the most modern of the countries in the world.
A decade ago, a financial crisis (1) Bangkok. During the next fifteen months it swept (2) Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong and Seoul.
As Asian countries borrowed and spent beyond their means . (3) of thousands lost their jobs. (4) half-built buildings throu g ho u t As ia n
89 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
cities (5) as reminders of the shattered hopes not only of distinguished entrepreneurs but also (6) workers. Asia has come a l o n g wa y
during way during the past ten years – vast economic imbalances no longer (7). However, market cra s he s a re ( 8 ) e ve n to d a y a nd
Asia’s best insurance policy to (9) with any future crises is to build (10) financial systems.
Mass migration has produced a huge word wide economy of its own which has (1) so fast during the past few years th a t th e fi g u re s
have (2) experts. Last year remittances sent home by migrants were expected to (3) $ 232 billion according to the World Ba n k wh i ch
(4) these figures. (5) though the flow of remittances is to alleviate the plight of the migrant’s family it c a n n ot o n i ts o wn l i ft e n ti re
nations out of poverty. Those who study the (6) of remittances argue that the money allows poor countries to put o ff basic decisions of
economic management like (7) their tax collection systems and building schools. Remittances to poor countries can a l so ( 8 ) th e fa ct
that they do not produce much at home. The challenge is now to find programmes that (9) the benefits o f remitte d c a sh wh i l e ( 1 0)
some of it downside.
90 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
7. a) declaring b) established c) measuring d) reforming e) govern
The warning against carbon emissions, which is (1) the Earth, just got more urgent. The UN Hu m a n De ve l op men t Re p o rt s ai d o n
Tuesday that (2) the global community agreed to (3) emissions by half by 2050, the world would face huge e c on o mic s etb ac ks a n d
also ecological (4). “We are on the (5) of seeing human development (6) for the first time in 30 years,” Kevin Watkins, th e a u tho r o f
the report was (7) as saying. The report said the poor nations would be hit the (8) as they are the l e a st ( 9 ) to fa c e n a tu re ’ s ( 1 0 ),
manifest in devastating storms and droughts.
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Rearrangement of sentences or Parajumbles have some sentences either numbered (1,2,3 and so on) or lettered (a, b , c a n d s o o n )
given in a jumbled form. The sentences are followed by choices of possible combinations of arrangements o f th e se s e nte nc es . Yo u
have to choose the most logical order of arrangement of these sentences to form a meaningful, coherent paragraph.
Important steps while solving a question of rearrangement
1. You need to understand the idea behind the paragraph. If you can understand the idea/theme of the paragraph it is easy to put th e
sentences in order then.
2. You should look out for the starting or the concluding sentences in the question.
3. You need to know the relationships between different sentences to put them in the right sequence.
4. Transition words and contrasting words also help in finding clean relationships between sentences of the sentence rearrangement.
5. The whole paragraph should have a coherent idea and flow when arranged in the correct order.
A) As a result the non-stop tensions and anxieties at work often result in health-related problems.
B) The truth is we cannot change the world of work.
C) We spend at least half our waking hours at work.
D) We have therefore to take charge and transform the way in which we respond to our work environment.
E) So how can we control these problems and perform at work?
F) However, we can change the way we feel and deal with various situations.
1. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement ?
1) B 2) C 3) D 4)E 5) F
(A) We feel these things are glorious because of the splendid triumphs.
(B) Because of these sacrifices we realize the victories of peace are even more glorious than victories of war.
(C) The word victory is associated in our minds with war.
(D) We are impressed by their sacrifices.
(E) It calls up visions of battles, bloodshed and conquests by force.
(F) But when we think of the philosophy of great men, scholars, social reformers, scientists and philanthropists we start th i n ki n g i n a
different way.
6. Which sentence should be the FOURTH in the paragraph?
1) B 2) C 3) D 4) E 5) F
(A) One day, one of the heads found a jar of nectar and decided to taste it.
(B) Enraged, the other neck soon found a jar of poison and consumed it.
(C) The first neck, however, refused to let the second neck have it.
(D) The poison reached the common stomach and both the necks perished.
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(E) Once upon a time there lived a special kind of bird which had two necks and shared a common stomach.
(F) On seeing this, the other head also wanted to taste the nectar.
11. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F
12. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement?
a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E
13. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
a) A b) B c) C d) E e) F
14. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F
15. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E
A) A study to this effect suggests that the average white-collar worker demonstrates only about twenty-fi ve p e rc en t l i ste ni n g
B) However, for trained and good listeners it is not unusual to see all the three approaches duri n g a s e tti ng , th u s i m pr o vi n g
listening efficiency.
C) There are three approaches to listening: listening for comprehension, listening for empathy, and listening for evaluation.
D) Although we spend nearly half of each communication interaction listening, we do not listen well.
E) Each approach has a particular emphasis that may help us to receive and process information in different settings.
A) Modern science has produced some good drugs for these ailments.
B) Heart ailments are very common these days.
C) So I always prefer taking milk these days as it contains no fat.
D) But this can also be prevented by taking fatless food.
E) That is why people call this era as the age of heart troubles.
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(A) On the other hand, it can mean giving us what we need.
(B) We are happy to belong to such a society that treats us fairly, has given us our due and that is impartial.
(C) Both in a way will be right.
(D) The problem, however, is that ‘giving each his due’ can mean a variety of contradictory things.
(E) Political parties will take advantage of this and will champion one definition or the other depending upon their co n ve ni en c e a n d
claim to be a party of justice.
(F) Justice is the bond of society.
(G) It can, for instance, mean giving us what we deserve -be that a reward for achievement or a punishment for offences.
A) Further, he pretended to have a particular dislike for the lowest laboring classes declaring that they ough t to b e a b so lu te ly
B) One of his little eccentricities was violent disbelief in government by the people.
C) He was a man who despised the aims and beliefs of his fellow-men, and a trifle eccentric.
D) His closest friends, however, knew that these were all assumed attitudes, and that, secretly he was kindly dispose d to wa rd s
his fellow men, and the poor.
E) It was contradiction in terms, he said, government by a single man was the only form of government that had ever been able
to do things.
94 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
a) C b) D c) E d) A e) B
40) Which sentence should come last (i.e. fifth) in the paragraph?
a) C b) D c) E d) A e) B
(A) The urban poor were neglected.
(B) A new generation of professionals however are attempting to reach the urban poor.
(C) This is because they were considered too mobile and lacking in cohesion
(D) Micro-finance institutions have traditionally focused on the rural poor.
(E) These factors do not facilitate generation of peer group pressure which is essential for the success of the micro -finance model.
(F) Their challenge will be to adapt the traditional micro -finance model to one suited to urban micro-finance.
43) Which of the following is the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement?
a) B b) C c) D d) E e) F
(A) To address these issues Indian corporate are increasingly turning eco-friendly.
(B) At present however, there are only a dozen green buildings in the private sector.
(C) However, though an eco-friendly building may cost more upfront, it is cost effective because of lower operating c o sts i n th e
long run.
(D) Today there is growing concern about global warming, energy and water crises.
(E) The reason is the construction cost of an eco-friendly building is 15% to 20% more than putting up a conventional building.
(F) Planting trees, using energy saving lighting systems and constructing eco-friendly green buildings are some o f th e m e asu re
they are taking.
46) Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E
47) Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
a) A b) C c) D d) E e) F
48) Which of the following will the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
a) B b) D c) C d) E e) F
49) Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
a) C b) D c) E d) F e) A
50) Which of the following will be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement?
a) B b) C c) D d) E e) F
95 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
Easy --01
DIRECTIONS : Read the following passage carefully to answer the questions that follow it on the basis of the p assag e.
Certain words are highlighted in BOLD letters to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Death pockmarks the golden sands of Gahirmatha beach today. Until recently, the golden dunes of th i s p ri s tin e s tre tc h i n Co a s tal
Orissa throbbed with life. The tiny strip of land acted like a hot, fertile womb for the mysterious Olive Ridley turtles th a t c a me o u t o f
the sea at the dead of night to lay their eggs. Like an ancient ritual, these elusive creatures, which trace their origin to the Jurassic era,
would come in thousands (In a good year, even upto seven lakhs), turning the entire beach into one movin g m as s ---m a ki n g i t th e
largest rookery for Olive Ridley turtles. But this year, for the se cond consecutive year, less than 100 turned up. Every year during th i s
ritual, the scientists would record a small number of turtles (ranging from 1000 to 3500) that would die trapped in the nylon nets of the
numerous trawlers that fish along this coast. Last year, the figure stood at 3634. This year, they recorded 16000 dead turtles. “It’s li ke
mass annihilation of an entire species,” says BC Chaudhary, a turtle expert and scientist with the Wildlife Institute of Indi a.
For years, wildlife experts have be en crying hoarse over the turtle population sinking towards extinction. And for years, the
Environment and Forests Ministry has laughed off the forebodings. But of late, chinks have appeared in that armour o f i n d i ffe re n ce.
One way to look at this change of heart is that the ministry officials were staggered at the large number of deaths and the fact that n o
mass nesting has taken place for two years in succession at the Gahirmath beach. The other way to look at i t i s th ro u g h th e t i n ted
glasses of lucre. The US environment lobby has banned Indian marine exports like shrimp, linking it with India’s failure to p ro te ct i ts
turtle population. As much as $ 1162 million (Rs. 10530 crore) is at stake. Whatever, the fact is the tables are turning. Sa ys the Uni o n
Minister for Environment, “We are on the verge of starting Project Sea Turtle.... It will be a massive operation just like Proje ct Tiger.”
In its ambition, at least, if not in deed, Project Tiger was sold as a campaign to save many other species besides th e ti g e r s i n ce th e
jungle predator is an apex species at the top of the food chain. Not so with the turtle. Project Sea Turtle, if anything, wil l just focu s o n
the five different existing sea turtle species ---- Olive Ridley, hawksbill, green turtle, leatherback and loggerhead. According to a d ra ft
proposal on Project Turtle, at present pending with the ministry, the main thrust would, first of all be to stop the annihila tion. An d th e
predictable first move would be to make turtle-extruder devices (TED) mandatory in trawlers. Most of the devasta ti on i n O ri s sa h a s
taken place because of uncontrolled trawler traffic. Turtles get stuck in the trawler nets, and breaking their skulls or back is the
accepted alternative instead of cutting the nest to set them free. The TED is an escape hatch that is built into the n e t wh i c h e na bl es
trapped turtles to free themselves. But that’s just part of the problem.
3. According to the author, “mass annihilation of an entire species” would mean that
A. Only the fittest would survive B. The population of an entire species is mushrooming
C. An entire species has been wiped out D. A hybrid species has been produced
6. According to the passage, trawlers are responsible for the rapid extinction of turtles because
A. Trawlers are fond of the turtles’ meat. B. Trawlers love to domesticate turtles.
C. Trawlers' nets trap the turtles and freedom from the net costs them death
D. Trawlers trap the turtles in order to tempt the fish.
7. The author says that the TED (Turtle Extruder Device) is actually
A. An imported net B. A steel trap C. An escape hatch D. A rat trap
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9. The last line of the passage hints at the fact that
A. The scientists have been unable to identify and understand the problem
B. Installing the TED will solve the entire problem.
C. Installing the TED will not solve the entire problem.
D. The government is not interested in finding a solution to the turtle problem.
10. The line ….whatever, the fact is the tables are turning… in the second paragraph implies that
A. The situation has caught serious attention of the government now.
B. The situation is likely to become more serious in future.
C. The government will act strictly against those killing the turtles.
D. The government is shifting its responsibility to the private sector
DIRECTIONS: Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold as used in the
A. Place of stay B. Killing place C. Playfield D. Hatchery
Easy -1
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. C
Easy --02
DIRECTIONS : Read the following passage carefully to answer the questions that follow it on the basis of the p assag e.
Certain words are highlighted in BOLD letters to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Havldar Vishnu Prasad is a bemused man. Since he arrived at Military Hospital, Srinagar with gunshot wounds and splinter injuries, he
has been visited by a stream of VVIPs- the Prime Minister, the defence minister, Mrs Sonia Gandhi, the chief minister, the Govern or e t
al. “How come”, he wants to know, “no one inquired about me when I was here just a month ago after an encounter with militants in
Manasbal? Does anyone know about my Company Commander Major A P Singh who l ost his life in that encounter? I feel h i s l o ss , h i s
wife and children miss him, the regiment cannot forget him, he was an asset to the Indian Army but what about the country? We re we
at cross-purposes with the country’s interests then?”
India’s is not peace-time soldiering. We have been losing one of our bravest sons in every crisis. Our soldiers have been in operation in
Sri Lanka, Punjab, the North-east, J & K and on peace-keeping missions abroad. They are battle-hardy, not battle-weary and are much
more than a fighting outfit- they constitute an organization of people with unity, discipline and energy. It is probably the only
organization that has continued to utilize its capacities to achieve professional objectives, resisting all attempts to compr omise its ideals
or to deliver below its potential. This has been possible because the motivation of the soldier is duty, honour, integrity. Th ro u g ho u t
history, the reason why a soldier has voluntarily given his life has remained the same- he is moved by a sense of duty. Th o u gh th e
soldier’s motivations have remained the same, as is brought home to us now more than ever by the casualtie s i n Ka rg i l a n d Dra s s,
things are changing. In fact, they started changing a decade ago with the arrival of the matriculate ja wan (the minimum qual i fi c atio n
97 | GYANM SCO 13-15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
for all regiments except the Gorkhas), globalisation, private sector salaries and the rapid urba ni za tio n o f c atc h men t a rea s f o r th e
services. In their uniforms, soldiers are ordinary people with human needs and emotions. They too have families, problems,
responsibilities and aspirations. Earlier, there were institutional arrangements within the civilian s et -u p to ta ke s pe ci al c are o f th e
soldiers’ families, their land disputes and family sickness while they were away on field postings. Cut off from the rest o f th e c o u ntry
and restricted by their own terms of service, the jawan has always depended on the government to s ee h i m th ro u g h h i s e veryd ay
problems. A letter from the commanding officer to the district magistrate was enough to settle a property problem back h o me. Wh en
he went home on leave, his railway warrant was all he needed to get a good berth. Today, the l e tte rs g o u n a ns wered a n d ti c ket
collectors need to be bribed. The insensitivity of the civilians makes him feel alienated. Dying in action is a fact of life for our m e n i n
uniform. As the last post is sounded for yet another military funeral, one can’t help but marvel at the brand equity o f wa r b e ca us e i t
took an Operation Vijay for supreme sacrifice to be noticed.
1. Havaldar Vishnu Prasad thinks that nobody knows about Major A.P. Singh because
B. He died peacefully
B. Nobody cares for a soldier who dies in an encounter during peace time
C. He was not visited by VVIPs when he was in hospital.
D. He was a company commander.
E. None of these
2. Find out the correct expression from among the given options.
A. Major A.P. Singh died in an encounter with militants in Manasbal.
B. Soldiers are not ordinary people as they are in uniforms.
C. Indian people are very forgetful.
D. The minimum qualification for all regiments is matriculation.E. 1 and 4
3. Before the start of Operation Vijay, India had to lose one soldier
A. Per day B. Every week C. Every few days D. Every month E. None of these
4. Which of the following is/are the quality/ies of Indian soldiers, as mentioned in the passage?
A. Unity B. Energy C. Discipline D. Battle-weary E. A, B and C
5. What is the reason for which a soldier voluntarily gives his life?
A. To become hero B. To enrich his successor
C. His sense of duty D. He is bound to do so E. None of these
6. Earlier, the families of soldiers who were away on field postings were looked after by
A. Common people B. There was special arrangement within the civilian set-up for that
C. Elder members of the families, and government had scant regard
D. A and B E. B and C
7. The soldier’s motivation started changing a decade ago with the arrival of
A. Matriculate jawans B. Globalisation C. Private sector salaries
D. Rapid urbanization E. All of these
8. Which of the following is the intention of the writer behind the writing of the passage?
A. To point out the lack of commitment of the society towards the problem faced by the soldiers
B. To disclose the enthusiasm showed by the people during operation Vijay
C. Point out the changing trends among Indian soldiers.
D. To draw attention towards the dying soldiers.
E. None of these
9. Find out a suitable title for the passage from the options given below.
A. Soldiers vs Civilians B. Soldiers’ Difficulties C. Family Problems of Soldiers
D. Changing Trends among Soldiers E. Globalisation and Soldiers
DIRECTIONS: Find out the word from the given options which is most nearly same in meaning to the word given in
bold as used in the passage
B. Satisfied B. Dissatisfied C. Exhausted D. Bewildered E. Be sought
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A. Meeting B. Dealing C. Conference D. Conflict E. Counteraction
A. Sleeping place B. Tier C. Harbour D. Safe E. Position
DIRECTIONS: Find out the word from the given options, which is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word given i n
bold as used in the passage.
A. Capacity B. Heredity C. Environment D. Achievement E. Kinetic
A. Forcibly B. Carefully C. Correctly D. Hesitatingly E. Haphazardly
Easy -02
1. B
2. A
3. E
4. E
5. C
6. B
7. E
8. A
9. A
10. B
It is a truism that effective advertising must be built on an understanding of the consumer. Yet sometimes perceptions and
assumptions about people and about countries prevent marketers from responding to the opportunities inheren t i n s o c i al c h an ge.
There are two subjects about which everyone in the marketing and advertising communities has strong opinions and preco n cep ti on s.
One of them is women. The other is international marketing.
It isn’t too many years ago that markets in the United States were clearly separated b y gender. The assumption was that th e
target for all the expensive, big-ticket products and services, such as cars, travel and financing services were men. On the other h an d ,
women were sold food, household, fashion goods and cosmetics. It is remarkable to recall that at tha t ti m e, wo rki ng wo me n we re
invisible in the marketing and advertising plans.
Most advertisers thought of women consumers as housewives. The usual target definition was “an y h o us ewi fe , 1 8 to 4 9 ”.
Occasionally, they would recognize young, single women, who in those days described girls as natural targets for cosmetic and fashio n
targets. These two perceptions of women dominated marketing approaches to women in those days.
The surge of women entering the workforce has revolutionized the way we define the consumer market place. We fi n d th a t
men are crossing over into the supermarkets and shopping for food and household products that used to be the exclusive responsibility
of the housewives.
We find women crossing over into big-ticket product categories. They have become good customers fo r fi n a nc i al s ervi c es,
travel and cars. We find that not all working women are young, single girls, and not all housewives are married.
In short, our perception of the total consumer marketpl ace has turned upside down as a result of this one single
demographic fact. The concept of effective advertising and marketing must be built on an understanding of the consumer, parti cu la rl y
relevant to the international market-place.
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16. How can an effective advertising be built, according to the passage?
A. By conducting live demonstrations of the product/s.
B. By announcing handsome discounts.
C. By understanding the market players
D. By introducing free gift schemes.
E. None of these
21. Which of the following is FALSE in the context of the above passage?
A. Women and International Marketing are the two points of concern for the advertising community.
B. These days, the US markets are separated by gender.
C. In the past, most consumers took women consumers as housewives.
D. Nowadays, a large number of women are becoming working professionals.
E. None of these
23. What is the meaning of the phrase turn upside down as used in the passage?
A. to reverse the position B. to uplift
C. to make a negative impact D. to fall in disorder E. to crumble down
DIRECTIONS (25-27): Choose the word that is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold as used in
the passage.
A. Recollect B. Call again C. Summon D. Order
E. Command
A. Attacked B. Targeted C. Confronted D. Fundamentally changed
E. Symbolized
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A. Worth 2 Owing C. Pragmatic D. Sensible
E. Pertinent
DIRECTIONS (28-29): Choose the word that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning as the word given in bold as u sed i n
the passage.
A. Fact B. Fallacy C. Irony D. Nuisance
E. Understatement
A. Prevalent B. Hidden C. Complex D. Extrinsic
E. Excluded
A. Rush B. Decrease C. Soaring D. Dearth
E. Drain
16 E 17 E 18 C 19 C 20 C
21 B 22 C 23 A 24 A 25 A
26 D 27 E 28 B 29 D 30 B
Easy -- 04
DIRECTIONS : Read the following passage carefully to answer the questions that follow it on the basis of the p assag e.
Certain words are highlighted in BOLD letters to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Today the import duty on a complete machine is 35% for all practical purposes, whereas the import duty on raw materials and
components range from 40% -80%. The story does not end here. After paying such high import duties on components, once a
machine is made, it suffers excise duty from 5% - 10% (including on the customs duty already paid). At the time of sale, the mach i n e
tools suffer further taxation, i.e., Central sales tax or State sales tax which range from 4% -16%. This much for the tax angle. An o the r
factor which pushes the cost of manufacture of machine tools is the very high rate of interest payable to banks ranging up to 22 %, a s
against 4%-7% prevailing in advanced countries. The production of machine tools in India being not of the sam e scale as it is in other
countries, the price which India’s machine tool builders have to pay for components is more or less based on the pattern of h igh pricing
applicable to the prices of spares. The above represents only a few of the extraneous reasons for the high cost of Indian machines. The
machine tool industry in India has an enviable record of very quick technology absorption, assimilation and development. There are a
number of success stories about how machine tool builders were of help at the mo st crucial times. It will be a pity, in fact a tragedy, i f
we allow this industry to die and disappear from the scene. It is to be noted that India is at least 6000 km away from any dependable
source of supply of machine tools. The Government of India has always given a great deal of importance to the development o f s ma ll
scale and medium scale industries. These industries have also performed pretty well. Today, they are i n n e e d o f h e l p fro m I n d i a ’s
machine tool industry to enable them to produce quality components at reduced costs. Is it anybod y’s c as e th a t th e n ee ds o f th i s
fragile sector (which needs tender care) will be met from 6000 km away? Then, what is it that the industry requests from the
Government? It wants a level playing field. In fact, all of us must have a deep introspection and recognise the fact th a t th e m ac hi n e
tool industry has a very special place in the country from the point of strategic and vital interests of the nation . Mo s t i m p orta ntl y, i t
pleads for the government’s consideration and understanding.
1. According to the passage, the factors responsible for the high costs of machine tools in India are
1. High customs duties 2. Sales Tax 3. High interest rates 4. Excise duties
A. 1, 2 and 3 B. 1, 3 and 4
C. 1, 2 and 4 D. 1 and 2 E. 1, 2, 3 and 4
2. If the banks’ rate of interest in India is made on par with that in advanced -countries, the cost of manufacture of
machine tools
A. May go up by about 4 to 7% B. Will remain the same due to import duty
C. May increase by about 22% D. May decrease by about 4 to 7%
E. May decrease by about 15 to 18%
3. According to the passage, all the following factors are responsible for high cost of India machine EXCEPT
A. Higher import duty on spares
B. Excise duty
C. Sales tax
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D. High profit margin expected by manufacturers
E. Bank’s rate of interest on loans for manufacture
4. The disparity in the quantum of machine production in India and that in other countries leads to
A. The necessity to export the machine from India to other countries
B. Lethargy in the process of absorption and assimilation of new technology
C. A need to pay higher for components and spares
D. Over-production of machines as compared to the actual need
E. The development of small scale and medium scale industries.
6. The availability of Indian machine tool industry’s help to small scale industry is most likely to result in
A. Deterioration in the quality of components manufactured by them
B. Severe competition among the small and medium scale industries.
C. Further increase in the customs duty on the imported machines.
D. Enhancement in the quality and quantity of their production at a cheaper cost.
E. Increase in demand of imported machine tools.
7. Which of the following groups of statements is definitely true in the context of the passage?
1. The vital role of India’s machine tool industry has not been duly recognised by the government.
2. Small scale industry’s performance can be further improved with the help from the Indian machine tool industry.
3. The author of the passage has not discussed all the factors which are responsible for high cost of Indian machines.
A. Only 1 and 2 B. Only 1 and 3
C. Only 2 and 3 D. All the statements are true E. None of these
8. Which of the following best explains the sentence “It wants a level playing field” as used in the passage? Th e
machine tool industry in India
A. Needs land for opening more factories
B. Needs freedom to import the desired components at a low cost
C. Seeks to have the small scale industry as its patron
D. Wants to adopt novel marketing strategies for sale promotion
E. None of these
9. Why do small and medium scale industries look for help from India’s machine tool industry?
1. To produce low cost components without dilution in quality.
2. To produce cheaper components notwithstanding the poor quality.
A. Only 1 B. Only 2 C. Either 1 or 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2E. None of these
10. Which of the following inferences can be drawn in the context of the passage?
A. Levying heavy custom duty is absolutely necessary.
B. Banks in other countries are running in loss owing to a low interest rate.
C. The government of India has not been considerate to the difficulties faced by the machine tool industry.
D. The government of India has duly recognised the role of the machine tool industry.
E. India should not waste its precious resources on the production of machine tools.
11. Which of the following is the principal focus of the content of the passage?
A. Exorbitant sales tax
B. Unrealistic strategy of development of technology
C. Reduction in rate of interest on loans to machine industry
D. Indian machine tool industry and its vital role in the country’s development
E. Encouragement to small and middle scale industries
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DIRECTIONS : Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the world given in CAPITALS as used in
the passage.
A. Quantity B. Proportion C. Quality D. Steep E. Trace
A. Miserable B. Disappointing C. Praiseworthy D. Pessimistic E. Jealous
DIRECTIONS : Choose the word which is most nearly the OPOSITE in meaning as the world given in CAPITALS as u sed
in the passage.
1. Independent 2. Creditable 3. Unreliable 4.Unapproachable
5. Incongruent
1. Weak 2. Perfect 3. Vulnerable 4. Robust 5. Delicate
1. E
All these facts are duly mentioned in the first few lines of the passage.
2. E
Compare the rate of interest as mentioned in the first paragraph i.e. 4 -7% vs. 22% and the conclusion is obvious.
3. D
Option D not mentioned anywhere in the passage.
4. C
5. A
The machine tool industry in India has an enviable record ….
6. D
….they are in need of help ….to produce quality components at reduced costs.
7. A
8. B
A level playing field implies equality i.e. no favour or bias.
9. A
10. C
…..it pleads for the government’s consideration and understanding.
Easy --05
DIRECTIONS : Read the following passage carefully to answer the questions that follow it on the basis of the p assag e.
Certain words are highlighted in BOLD letters to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
The train, named Samjhauta Express, was launched as a new symbolism of accord between two battle-scarred n atio ns - I n d ia a n d
Pakistan which have lived together uneasily since their creation sixty five years ago. But Samjhauta Exp re ss b etwe en Am ritsar a n d
Lahore has hardly transcended the invisible barriers that continue to divide the two countries. It has neither brought in its train
greater accommodation and understanding between the two countries nor, indeed, fostered an exchange of visitors , c o mmo dities,
ideas or goodwill between the two peoples. If anything, the biweekly express itse lf has, since its launch over two dec ad es a go , b e en
derailed several times by the conflicting political perceptions of Islamabad and New Delhi and has become a source of new ten sions.
Not long ago, reports had it that the militants trained and equipped with arms were using it to enter Punjab and Jammu a n d Ka sh mi r
to fuel insurgency in the two sensitive border states. These reports only led to greater harassment of genuine passengers cro ssing th e
border to meet and visit their long-separated relatives. Earlier reports suggested that baskets of paan were being smuggled abroad the
train from India to meet the huge demand for betel leaf in Pakistan, which had banned imports from India of the commodity of
common consumption throughout the subcontinent.
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Fresh trouble now seems to be brewing at Attari, the border station on the Indian side, where in a crackdown against petty smugglin g,
the customs authorities have banned the entry of porters to Platform number 2 reserved for international traffic. The customs offic i al s
claim that the coolies were helping the passengers with excess baggage and thereby causing revenue loss to the government.
Contesting the charge, the porters say that the new regulation is hurting their employment. With just two departures a n d a rri va l s o f
Samjhauta Express in a week, the porters’ pickings are not much to boast of, anyway. But n o twi th s tan di n g th e q u an tu m o f l o ss ,
Samjhauta Express has bred new tensions.
1. What was the main purpose behind the launching of Samjhauta Express?
1. To facilitate trade between India and Pakistan. 2. To ease the heavy traffic load
3. To improve the relation between India and Pakistan 4. To facilitate the movement of the army
5. To facilitate smuggling
2. Samjhauta Express runs between
1. New Delhi and Karachi 2. Amritsar and Lahore
3. Attari and Lahore 4. Attari and Karachi 5. New Delhi and Islamabad
3. Which one of the following countries had banned imports from India?
1. Iraq 2. Afghanistan 3. Nepal 4. Pakistan 5. Sri Lanka
4. Which one of the following is the border station on the Indian side, according to the passage?
1. Attari 2. Katra 3. Srinagar 4. Doda 5. Amritsar
5. Why have the customs authorities banned the entry of porters to the Platform Number 2 at Attari?
1. Only foreigners are allowed 2. There is no need of porters
3. No train leaves from the Platform number Two 4. To check petty smuggling
5. To prevent petty smuggling and revenue loss to the government
6. According to the passage, the two sensitive border states of India are
1. Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir 2. Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir
3. Punjab and Rajasthan 4. Punjab and Uttar Pradesh
5. Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir
DIRECTIONS (9-12): Choose the word that is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold as used in
the above passage.
1. Agreement 2. Forceful 3. Unity 4. Compromise 5. Measure
1. Supreme 2. Represent 3. Cross 4. Beyond 5.Freedom
1. Advance 2. Promote 3. Develop 4. Cause 5. Establish
1. 3
…..was launched as a new symbolism of accord between two battle-scarred nations - India and Pakistan.
2. 2
But Samjhauta Express between Amritsar and Lahore has hardly….
3. 4
Pakistan, which had banned imports from India….
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4. 1
Fresh trouble now seems to be brewing at Attari, the border station on the Indian side…
5. 4
….crackdown against petty smuggling, the customs authorities have banned the entry of porters …..
6. 2
7. 1
8. 3 9. 4 10.3 11. 2
Moderate --01
DIRECTIONS : Read the following passage carefully to answer the questions that follow it on the basis of the p assag e.
Certain words are highlighted in BOLD letters to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
When life throws you a curveball, most of us tend to accumula te clutter and become rather disorganized for a while. It
happens to everyone. We become ill, a family member becomes ill, we are assigned a project at work that requires a lot o f tra ve l , o r
has a ridiculous deadline. Our lives change. We move, get married , have kids, or start a new job. During times of transition, a certain
amount of chaos, clutter and disorganization is natural. This is what we call “Situationally Disorgan i zed ”: Di s o rg an iza ti on t h a t i s a
normal side effect of a life situation.
Chronic Disorganization is different because when life transitions happen to you, instead of “recovering” and “restoring order”
after a few months or so, the disorganization does not improve and may even continue to worsen over time. The clutter c o nti n u es to
accumulate. At a certain point, daily life becomes overwhelmingly stressful and chronic procrastination becomes a ch al l en g e a s we l l.
The clutter itself starts affecting your emotional state so strongly, you may find yourself so drained and depressed that you no lon ge r
have the heart or the energy to dig out alone.
Help will most likely be needed to recover. And, in many cases, it may be that you wi l l n e ed o n g oi ng h e l p to m a in tai n a
reasonable level of organization. If your quality of life is suffering, and you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed m u c h o f th e ti me ,
and you don’t feel like you can fix it yourself, you are likely to be “stuck” in a pattern of being “chronically” disorganize d . I f yo u fi n d
that you tend to yo-yo between the extremes of getting organized and then becoming overwhelmed with clutter. This “pattern” m ay
also be considered “chronically disorganized.”
One of the key differences between situational and chronic disorganization is that not only are you functionally chal le ng ed , I
have found that every CD person I’ve ever met or worked with, including myself, has been emotionally traumatized by the exper ien ce.
Many of us become almost numb to the situation so don’t even realize the chronic pain we are in. There tend to be acute flare -up s o f
extremely intense emotions like frustration, anger, overwhelming grief and sadness for what your life could have been li ke, or dis g us t,
followed by episodes of other addictive or compulsive behaviors like shopping, eating, creative projects, self -isolation, workaholism, TV
watching or other kinds of “escape.”
1. Which of the following CANNOT be called an example of transiti on, as discussed in the passage?
A. Marrying off kids B. Getting a job promotion
C. Sticking to a job for 20 years D. Moving into a new house E. Having guests for a week
2. It can be made out that the expression throws you a curveball most likely means
A. Develops a sudden illness B. Presents multiple problems simultaneously
C. Presents a problem never seen before D. Presents a sudden crisis
E. Sends a heavy object towards you
3. Which of the following is NOT a feature of chronic disorganization?
A. Quickly shifting between organized and disorganized behaviours
B. Feeling unable to find a solution on one’s own
C. Mostly feeling stressed and overwhelmed
D. Emotional trauma is a part of it
E. The individual shows social withdrawal
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5. An analysis of this article reveals that most likely, the writer is a
A. Motivational speaker B. Psychologist
C. Part of a hospital D. Female counsellor
E. Doctor
DIRECTIONS: Choose the word which is the most OPPOSITE in meaning to the word printed in bold as u sed i n
the passage.
8. FIX
A. Rectify B. Remove
C. Lose D. Hide E. Create problem
A. Stable B. Energetic
C. Dull D. Empty E. Full
A. Disorganization B. Change
C. Transfer D. Loyalty E. Constancy
DIRECTIONS: Choose the word which is the SAME in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the
A. Affected B. Impressed
C. Weighed down D. Free E. Excessive
12. NUMB
A. Careless B. Dull
C. Not hearing D. Immune E. Responsive
Answer Key and Solution – RC -01
1. C
2. D
3. E
4. E
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. E
9. B
10. E
11. C
12. D
Moderate --02
DIRECTIONS : Read the following passage carefully to answer the questions that follow it on the basis of the
passage. Certain words are highlighted in BOLD letters to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
One day while swimming off the coast of Indonesia, I came across a river of refuse and raw s ewa ge s tretc h in g fo r m i le s.
These streams and islands of refuse now populate all our oceans. In the middle of the Pacific, there is an island of garbage the size o f
Texas. This floating pollution chokes and kills sea turtles -- driving them closer to extinction. At the same time, the cora l re efs wh ere
sea turtles get their food are dying due to rising sea temperatures from global warming. To top it, sea turtles are hunted and killed fo r
meat, a delicacy in many Asian countries. It is an ugly but altogether 1 -2-3 type punch for this unique species.
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This is not just a race to save a handful of charismatic species -- animals to which we attach human values or
characteristics. Who wouldn't want to save the sea otter, polar bear, giant panda or gorilla? These striking mammals tug at our
heartstrings and often our charitable purse strings. But our actions need to be just as swift when it comes to the valley longhorn beetle
or the ugly-looking Puerto Rican toad or the black-footed ferret, whose fate is intertwined with the prairie dog’s. The reality is that each
species, big, small, friendly or vicious, plays an essential role in its ecosystem. And we're in a race to preserve as much o f th e a n imal
kingdom as possible.
Meanwhile, around the planet, there are massive die-offs of amphibians, the canaries in our global coalmine. When frogs a n d
other amphibians, which have existed for millions of years, start vanishing, it indicates that our natural world is in peril. Ba t a n d b ee
populations are also being decimated. Without bees, there will be no pollination, and without pollination, the predator that is
decimating these species -- humankind -- will also be headed toward its own extinction. Yes, there is a certain irony there.
This was all brought home to me in an intimate way after a recent trip to Panama. My young daughter, Ma ya, a ske d i f s h e
could accompany me on my next trip there so that she could see her favorite animal -- the Panamanian golden fro g – u p , c l os e a nd
personal in the jungle. Sadly, I had to tell her no. This small, beautiful frog -- the national symbol of Panama -- no longer exists i n th e
wild. Only a few live in captivity.
Is there hope? Yes. Because in every place I visited to witness the extinction unfold, I met brave and selfless conservationists,
biologists and wildlife scientists working hard to save the species.
1. Which of the following is NOT supported by the passage?
A. We are more likely to try to help animals which look beautiful
B. The writer’s daughter wanted to have a close look at the Panamanian golden frog
C. The writer is an Indonesian
D. The Pacific garbage is responsible for eliminating many turtles
E. All the species are essential to create an environment with natural balance
3. The phrase brought home to me, as used here in the fourth paragraph, most likely means
A. Given an example in a personal way B. Was told to me in person
C. Was delivered while I was at home D. Driven forcefully into my mind
E. Came to me through my daughter
DIRECTIONS: Choose the word which is the most OPPOSITE in meaning to the word printed in bold as u sed i n
the passage.
A. Appealing B. Unclear
C. External D. Unnecessary E. Ugly
A. Wild B. Safety
C. Shock D. Crisis E. Sequence
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DIRECTIONS: Choose the word which is the CLOSEST in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the
A. Something fragile B. Rarity
C. Festival item D. Popular dish E. Decorative item
10. TUG
A. Pull B. Affect
C. Touch D. Impress E. Grasp
Key and Solution- RC -02
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. E
8. B
9. D
10. A
Moderate --03
DIRECTIONS : Read the following passage carefully to answer the questions that follow it on the basis of the
passage. Certain words are highlighted in BOLD letters to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Frustration is a global cancer. It has spared no country. In some countries, frustration exists b e ca us e th e se c o u n tri es a re
populated by “have-nots”. In other countries which are populated by “haves”, frustration is common among them also because they do
“have”. As far as India is concerned, its education system is breeding more and more frustration among both students and tea chers .
And yet no one seems too clear about what can be done to make it more meaningful. Many reforms have been discussed at length but
have come to nothing for one reason or the other. The authorities are now peddling the idea of autonomous colleg es a s a m ean s o f
toning up teaching standards. They argue that by allowing certain colleges to introduce their own courses, hold seminars , a n d a bo ve
all, to evolve their own method of assessment, the students will get a far better deal. Indeed, they make out that such c o ll eg es wi l l
have a free hand in nearly everything except granting degrees. In theory, all this sounds attractive enough. But there is li ttle to s h ow
that the managements concerned are keen on such reforms. Even today, nothing prevents a college fro m inviting gue st s p eake rs o n
specialised subjects or holding courses in English. It is no secret that colleges which may be ‘freed’ to an extent from univ ersity contro l
are highly elitist: In Mumbai, for example, there is a big cultural gulf between city c olleges and s u b urb a n c o l l eg es. I f s o me o f th e
former are now given a degree of autonomy, it will only heighten this disparity.
The answer to the vexed problem of declining standards in higher education does not lie in encouraging the growth of
‘model’ institutions but in improving overall standards. This is, of course, easier said than done, since more and more young people ar e
seeking degrees. The only solution, however unpalatable it may sound, is to reduce drastically the number of those who are a d mitte d
to colleges. Even though there is political pressure on many state governments to build new colleges and to re s e rve m o re s e at s for
backward classes, it will be sheer folly to expand such facilities recklessly without giving any thought to th e q u a li ty o f e d uc ati o n
imparted. If admissions are made far more selective, it will automatically reduce the number of entrants. This should apply p articularl y
to new colleges, many of which are little more than degree factories. Only then can the authorities hope to b ri n g d o wn th e te a che r
student ratio to manageable proportions. What is more, teachers should be given refresher courses every summer vacation to br ush up
their knowledge. Besides, if college managements increase the library budget, it will help both the s taff and the students a great d eal .
At the same time, however, it will be unfair to deny college education to thousands of young men and women unless emp lo yers s top
insisting on degrees even for clerical jobs. For a start, why can’t the government disquali fy graduates from securing certain jobs - s a y,
class III and IV posts? Once the degrees are delinked from jobs, at least in some important departments, i t wi l l m a ke m an y yo u ng
people think twice before joining college.
2. Which of the following is the main difficulty, according to the passage, i n the way of improving standards?
A. Paucity of library facilities B. Paucity of funds
C. Ever increasing number of young men wanting degrees
D. Grant of autonomy to colleges E. Absence of refresher courses
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3. How, according to the passage, can the number of students taking college education be reduced?
A. By abolishing seat reservations for backward classes
B. By reducing the number of colleges
C. By abolishing seat reservations for backward classes
D. By discouraging the founding of model institutions
E. By making admissions highly selective in nature.
4. Why, according to the passage, do more and more young men go in for college education ?
A. Because more and more colleges are opened
B. Because it is cheap
C. Because employers insist on degrees even for clerical jobs
D. Because many colleges help them get degrees easily
E. Because more and more facilities are made available
5. The author fears that granting autonomy to colleges will not help because
A. The proposal may be attractive, yet the college managements do not seem to be interested in it.
B. It contains no new proposals.
C. The experiment has not been successful anywhere else.
D. Autonomous colleges ten to dilute teaching and evaluation standards.
E. None of these
8. What is the most appropriate meaning of the expression “have-nots” used in the passage?
A. Unwilling to have material possessions B. Wretched people
C. Poor people D. Middle-class
E. Dispossessed
DIRECTIONS: Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold as used i n
the passage.
A. Annoying B. Recurring C. Debatable D. Complex E. Dangerous
A. Introduce B. Start C. Develop D. Abandon E. Establish
1. Decrease 2. Produce 3. Multiply 4. Variety 5.Help
DIRECTIONS: Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in bold as used in the
A. Right B. Exact C. Mistake D. Action E. Wisdom
A. Widen B. Decrease C. Strengthen D. Dissolve E. Disappear
A. Fast B. Thoughtlessly C. Carefully D. EasilyE. Calmly
10. C 11. C 12.B 13. E 14. B 15. C
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Key and Solution- RC -03
1. E
2. C
3. E
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. C
13. E
14. B
15. C
Moderate --04
DIRECTIONS : Read the following passage carefully to answer the questions that follow it on the basis of the
passage. Certain words are highlighted in BOLD letters to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
How do you make an American worker as enthusiastic, loyal and hard -working as a Japanese? A few years ago, the
fashionable answer was to copy Japanese ways suc h as quality circles - the use of teams of workers to improve quality - and
suggestion boxes. Monsanto, a chemical-to-drugs firm, thinks it has found a better way. A visit to its agricultural - che m i ca ls p l ant i n
Luling, on the Mississippi delta just outside New Orleans, suggests that it might as well be right.
The trick that Monsanto is attempting to pull off is one that many firms are talking about: making employees feel “ownership ”
for their company. How? Mainly, it seems, by allowing them to use their brains as well as their hands. Monsanto’s main organisatio na l
change in its factories has been to do away with most of its foreman, supervisors and quality inspectors and i n ste ad to i n vi t e p l a nt
workers to oversee themselves. To that end, it has given ordinary workers financial information abo u t th ei r p a rt o f th e o p e rati on .
Previously, as in most firms, this was kept secret. A production-line operator now knows, for example, what his section’s profit or loss is
at the end of each month.
Sometimes, this information is available on the interactive computers used to control plants: otherwise by more old -fashione d
ways. It means that workers can now tell what difference it makes to the business (and thus to their pay and fu tu re j ob p ro sp ec ts)
whether they do something well or badly, quickly or slowly. The next step has been to encourage them to form te a ms o n a n a d h oc
basis, to make measurable improvements, whether big or small. At Luling, there is a plant producing analgesics fo r u s e i n h e a d ach e
pills. It is 30 years old, so it leaks. Instead of calling in outside repairers, plant workers decided to form a small team to m ake i t l e a k
less. Gleefully, they reckon they have already saved $ 155,000 a year. Previously, they didn’t think it mattered.
A further step has been to encourage teams to compete. In November, the whole agricultural division had a conference in S t.
Louis called the “big” meeting at which 60 teams vied to prove that their scheme was the cleverest, safest or most valuable. Accordi ng
to Mr. Ed Jurevic, the Luling plant manager, the atmosphere on the bus going there was like a team on the way to a fo o tba ll g ame :
excited and determined to win. Monsanto’s chemicals division has launched a similar meeting called the “tournament of champio ns”.
Cynical? Well, the Economist’s correspondent met enough workers at Luling to be convinced that they, at least, are not. An d
recently two employees, one from a fibre plant in Pensacola, Florida, and one from a chemicals factory in Chocolate Bayou, Texas were
summoned to talk to the parent firm’s board. One said, according to an evidently awed Mr. Richard Mahoncy, the chief executiv e that it
was “so exciting when somebody asks me to use my head. I have so much to offer.” Mr. Mahoncy thinks it is no coincidenc e th a t th e
fibre plant has increased productivity by 50 % in the past three years.
Another useful change has been to give workers contact with their customers, so that they know where the product goes a n d
why. A Luling team redesigned the packaging of their product once they had what was really needed. Pre vi ou sl y, th e y wo ul d h a v e
gone through the sales staff. Now they can go direct.
Similarly, quality control in the filling of bottles of herbicide improved markedly once workers were trained in several differe n t
ways of measuring quality and could get feedback from vendors and customers. Complaints p e r 1 0 0, 00 0 h al ved i n 1 9 8 8. Me re l y
ceasing to overfill bottles (as a result of better measurement) saved perhaps $ 200,000 in costs last year. Why d i d n ’ t q u al i ty c i rcl es
work as well as this? According to Luling staff, circles were too artificial, being fixed on single projects with little feel for why they were
there. “It felt as if you were doing it for somebody else,” said one worker.
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The change in Monsanto’s factories has not happened overnight. It took time to convince workers that management genuinely
wanted to attack the feeling of “us and them”. Success has meant that the same approach of using self-directed teams cou l d a l s o b e
applied to other tasks, such as safety, because workers were convinced that management was committe d. Th e n e w me tho d s we re
tried first at non-union plants where workers were more flexible, but have now been spread to some unionized plants. Tha t was e asy
whenever there was a sense of crisis. What has not yet been solved is how to link improvements with the p a y o f o rd i n ary wo rke rs,
beyond a general system of bonuses. That is what Mr. Mahoney wa nts to crack next.
On its own, Monsanto’s apparent breakthrough in employee motivation will not be enough to make the firm prosper. But a s
long as is it lasts, if will be a big help. One lesson is that in trying to match the Japanese ability to get the be st out of workers, it is n o t
enough merely to copy the Japanese methods of gimmicks. The question to be asked is not what the Japan es e a re d o in g b u t wh y.
Having answered that, firms can then seek their own means to achieve the same end.
1. Which of the following alternatives are listed in the passage as recognized Japanese methods for increasi n g
work efficiency?
1. Suggestion Boxes 2. Quality circles
2. Incentive of ownership 4. A new system of bonuses
A. 2 and 4 B. 2, 3 and 4 C. 1 and 2 D. 2 and 3
E. None of the options is correct
3. Monsanto gave ordinary workers financial information about their part of the operation
A. Because they believed in the rights of the workers.
B. To make them understand the profits at stake for the owners.
C. To encourage their desire to own the factory.
D. To foster a greater sense of involvement.
E. So as to make them understand the company's balance sheet
4. Monsanto did away with most of its foremen, supervisors and quality inspectors because
A. They added considerably to the expenditure.
B. They generally tend to foment trouble among the workers.
C. They wanted the plant workers to take on the additional work.
D. They wanted to nourish the enthusiasm and innate sense of responsibility in the workers.
E. None of these
6. The plant workers repaired the leak in the analgesics unit happily
A. Because it proved their capability. B. Since they were expected to do it.
C. In order to save $ 155,000 annually for the owners. D. Because of a sense of ownership.
E. It eased the burden of their operational duties
7. The fibre plant has increased its productivity by 50% in the past three years because
A. Creative suggestions were invited from the workers.
B. Mr. Richard Mahoncy was the chief executive.
C. The workers thrived under the attentions of the Economist.
D. There was no cynicism among the workers.
E. There were better incentives on offer
8. In the herbicide section, the complaints from customers were halved in 1998
A. Because the workers were allowed to sell the stuff.
B. Because the workers were trained in measuring quality and could get feedback from the customers.
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C. Because the quality circle was effective.
D. Because the bottles were not overfilled.
E. Because the sales had got halved
DIRECTIONS: Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold as used i n
the passage.
A. Not believing B. Faithful C. Hopeful D. Truthful
E. Interested
A. Change B. Concept C. New discovery D. Success
E. New method
A. Bust B. Solve C. Repair D. Attack E. Break
Key and Solution- RC -04
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. A
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10. B
11. D
Moderate --05
DIRECTIONS : Read the following passage carefully to answer the questions that follow it on the basis of the
passage. Certain words are highlighted in BOLD letters to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Japan’s system of economic management is probably without parallel in the world. Although the extent of direct state
participation in economic activities is limited, the government’s control and influence over business is stronger and more pe rvasive than
in most other free-enterprise countries. This control is not exercised through legislation or administrative action but through constan t -
and to an outsider, almost obsessive, consultation with business and through the authorities' deep indirec t i n vo lve men t i n b a nki ng .
Consultation is mainly by means of joint committees and groups that keep under review, monitor performance of, and set ta rg et s fo r
just about every branch and sector of the economy. In addition, there are several agencies and gov ernment departments that conce rn
themselves with such aspects of the economy as exports, imports, investment, and prices, as well as overall economic gro wth . Th e se
are staffed by experts, who are not only in constant touch with business but are also close to the minister concerned; th e y fo rm a n
integral part of a system that is quick to collate and interpret the latest economic indicators and to respond to th e c h a ng es i n th e
situation. The most important of these agencies is the Economic Planning Agency. Like the Bureau of Statistics, i t fo rm s p a rt o f th e
Prime Minister’s Office and, apart from monitoring the daily running of the economy, it is also responsible for long -term planning.
The system works well, without any major crises in government-business relations, because of the unusual self-disci p li n e o f
Japanese businessmen in their dealings with the authorities and the government's deep understanding of the role, needs, and
problems of business. The need for large-scale government participation in economic activities is thereby obviated a n d , u n l i ke m an y
governments in the free-enterprise world, the state appears to be positively reluctant to extend its direct rol e . Th e g o vern me nt h a s
monopoly on tobacco and salt, which is operated through the Japan Mon opoly Corporation. It also runs the telephone a n d te l eg rap h
services through the Nippon telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, while another publicly -owned company, the Japa n Na ti on al
Railways is responsible for about two-thirds of rail transport. The government has an interest in air travel, ratio, and television. It plays
no part in gas production or except for providing electricity in economically undeveloped areas- in electricity generation.
The government’s economic influence is supplemented by its substantial role in bankin g . Th e s tate o wn s a n u mb er o f
financial institutions, such as the Japan Development Bank, the Export-Import Bank, the Small Business Finance Corporation, a n d th e
Housing Loan Corporation, whose principal objective is to provid e finance to private enterprise in areas in which it is considered
particularly desirable. The Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan have considerable influence over business investment d ec i sio n s
because of the close interdependence of business, the c ommercial banks, and the central bank. The industry looks to the banks fo r a
substantial part of its investment funds, which are a turn dependent on the central bank's financial support.
2. One of the major factors contributing to the success of the Japanese economic management system is
A. That its politicians are honest
B. That its banking system is allowed to function independently of government interference
C. The efficiency of the Bureau of Statistics
D. That Japanese businessmen strictly adhere to instructions of government authorities
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5. The Japanese government is able to influence business investment decisions in the private sector through
A. The daily monitoring of economic progress
B. Its considerable control over the banking system
C. Its monopoly over the communication system including telephones and railways
D. Government Directors in Company Boards
7. One of the economic activities in which Japanese government has a monopoly interest is
A. Generation of electricityB. The banking system C. The railways D. Salt
DIRECTIONS: Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in bold as used in the
A. Additional B. Extra C. Unnecessary D. Optional E. Clear
A. Scatter B. Distribute C. Publish D. Mystify E. Withhold
A. Weaken B. Subtract C. Criticize D. Unnecessary E. Core
1. D
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. C 9. A 10. A
Directions (1-50): Fill in the blanks with the MOST APPROPRIATE pair given in the options:
1) Today’s wealth of some nation conceals its long-standing fundamental in feeding itself.
a) substantial, ability b) perpetual, belief
c) a martyr, killed d) ostentatious, urge
3) I am not attracted by the life of the always wandering through the countryside, begging for charity.
a) proud, almsgiver b) noble, philanthropist
c) affluent, mendicant d) peripatetic, vagabond
4) Her true feelings themselves in her sarcastic asides: only then was her revealed.
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a) concealed, sweetness b) manifested, bitterness
c) hid, sarcasm d) grieved, charm
5) The sugar dissolved in water ; finally all that remained was an almost residue on th e b ottom of
the glass.
a) quickly, lumpy b) immediately, fragrant
c) gradually, imperceptible d) subsequently, glassy
6) It is foolish to vent your spleen on object; still, you make enemies that way.
a) an inanimate, fewer b) an immobile, bitter
c) an interesting, curious d) an insipid, dull
7) Moreover, a fact-finding mission by BSN to India in January this year strongly recommended that the
French group should go it alone, and not hand over to an Indian partner.
a) constituted; authority b) organised; papers
c) dispatched; control d) sponsored; power
8) It is indeed _______ that fifty years after independence, we have failed to ________ a suitable education or
examination system.
a) bad; produce b) improper; create
c) sad; evolve d) objectionable; present
9) The bandit ______ the traveller of his purse of gold and _____ him grievously.
a) snatched; hurt b) stole; injured
c) demanded; beat d) robbed; wounded
10) Santosh looked very happy and ______ when he heard that his proposed scheme was _______ by the
a) energetic; rejected b) elated; accepted
c) satisfied; stalled d) disconsolate; approved
11) It is ______ for every tax payer to ________ the tax returns to the Income Tax Department.
a) necessary; lodge b) binding; pay
c) obligatory; submit d) possible; remit
13) Cholesterol has long been identified as a silent killer because the patient has no _______ of the danger freely
______ his system.
a) idea; infecting b) thought; attacks
c) information; invading d) inkling; traversing
14) Synthetic milk _______ real milk in all ______ except taste and nutritional qualities.
a) resembles; respects b) exempted; respect
c) copies; manners d) marks; qualities
15) If we do not take ______ care in our industry, we will have to _______ a grave problem.
a) normal; experience b) proper; face
c) adequate; catch d) intensive; aggravate
16) He shifted to his late parents’ house not because of the _______ it provided but for purely _______ reasons.
a) convenience; sentimental b) grace; aesthetic
c) value; monetary d) comforts; personal
17) Some people have the ______ for learning foreign languages but they have no _______ in speaking.
a) mania; urge b) aptitude; interest
c) stamina; fondness d) capacity; ability
18) The increasing revival of dramatic classics is, to one critic, ______; it seems to him a sign of the ______ of the
modern theatre.
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a) auspicious; resurgence b) deplorable; anaemia
c) incomprehensible; paradox d) astounding; vitality
19) We must explore _______ sources of energy as our supply of fossil fuel has been ______.
a) alternate; depleted b) guaranteed; over
c) natural; exhausted d) sufficient; increased
20) This partly explains how the Mehra family has been able to _____ its lavish life style in recent times, despite th e
fact that all its assets have been ______.
a) keep up; destroyed b) develop; liquidated
c) afford; attached d) keep; removed
21) The activities of the association have ______ from the _______ objectives set for it in the initial years.
a) grown; simple b) deviated; original
c) details; grand d) emerged; total
22) Those suffering from glaucoma find that their _______ vision is _______ and that they can no long er see
objects not directly in from of them.
a) optical; distorted b) peripheral; impaired
c) prephrastic; demurred d) peripatetic; diminished
23) _______the broker had warned him that the stock was a ________ investment, he insisted on buying a
thousand shares.
a) because; prudent b) since; negligible
c) although; precarious d) as; vulnerable
24) Due to ________ rainfall this year; they had to _______ cut in water supply.
a) scantly; lift b) heavy; regulate
c) inadequate; impose d) sufficient; enforce
27) The great scientist ________ himself with ability and moderation all ______ the conference.
a) felt; about b) displayed; in
c) disclosed; besides d) conducted; through
28) The speech _____ with subtle threats has resulted in ______ tension in the sensitive areas of the city.
a) started; reduced b) replete; increased
c) full; escalating d) forced; dissolving
29) The minister felt that the ______ made by the committee was _______ even though similar schemes had
worked earlier.
a) decision; gainful b) choice; profitable
c) recommendation; infeasible d) election; acceptable
31) He was no convinced that people were driven by _____ motives that he believed there was no such thing as a
purely ______ act.
a) personal; anti-social b) personal; eternal
c) altruistic; praiseworthy d) ulterior; selfless
32) Any system is likely to ____ for ______ of support from the public.
a) survive; lack b) succeed; reason
c) fail; want d) finish; failure
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33) Since we _______ read every book, we ______ only the famous ones.
a) have; sold b) should; buy
c) cannot; select d) can; purchase
34) The education minister emphasised the need to discover and ______ each student’s ________ talents.
a) enlarge; dormant b) belittle; concealed
c) develop; intrinsic d) flourish; hidden
35) The mill workers were not _____ with their low wages and non-payment of wages for last three months _____ _
fuel to the flames.
a) good; put b) satisfied; added
c) joyful; poured d) pleased; directed
37) The changes made in the system were so ______ that they didn’t require any _______.
a) big; time b) genuine; intelligence
c) obvious; modifications d) certain; expertise
38) He was ________ of playing _______ and loose with the sentiments of his dearest friends.
a) complained; thick b) accused; tight
c) innocent; false d) guilty; fast
39) He granted the request because he was _______ to _____ his friend.
a) bound; hurt b) destined; agonise
c) reluctant; disappoint d) unwilling; please
40) I would like to ______ your attention to the second paragraph of my letter ________ to the terms of sale of th e
a) invite; according b) withdraw; regarding
c) react; mainly d) draw; pertaining
42) After several _______ attempts to ______ the rebels, Army was deployed to rout them.
a) successful; control b) abortive; subjugate
c) futile; control d) fruitless; down
43) It is pity that masses are often _______ by the_______ arguments of the politicians.
a) beguiled; specious b) pleased; false
c) deluded; illusory d) deceived; desulting
44) The ________ attitude of the Government in tackling the problem of the Army personnel has made them
a) haughty; pathetic b) adamant; afraid
c) arbitrary; restive d) uncared; restless
45) Every member of the team showered _______ on Arnav for his ______ performance.
a) praise; exceptionable b) appreciation; remarkable
c) encomium; exceptional d) approval; unique
46) Speaker after speaker _________ the _________ behaviour of the Minister with the Air Hostess.
a) blamed; unsuitable b) censured; unbecoming
c) criticised; graceless d) reproached; unmoral
47) The ________ behaviour of Principal is _______ to callousness towards the bereaved family of the teacher.
a) cruel; equal b) apathetic; tantamount
c) heartless; like d) antipathetic; compared
117 | GYANM SCO 13 -15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
48) The _________ is the nickname given to any object or place according to its _______ characteristics.
a) title; clear b) sobriquet; unique
c) caption; special d) pseudonym; poetical
49) The ______ to judge the ability of a candidate is ________ laid down by Government.
a) criterion; specifically b) criteria; clearly
c) measurement; ably d) system; specially
50) The oblique _______ implied in her talk wounded the __________ of the family.
a) sarcasm; pride b) meaning; respect
c) significance; feeling d) suspicion; sentiments
118 | GYANM SCO 13 -15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
119 | GYANM SCO 13 -15, 2 N D FLOOR, SECTOR 34 -A, CHANDIGARH, PH: 0172 -4052124
Dear Aspirants
Please be informed that the Chapter – Structure of Sentence is a basic topic and requires a basic
understanding. Therefore, no quiz has been provided for this chapter. Quiz has been provided in the
course for all the important chapters. You are advised to cover the same.
Team EduTap
Practice Questions
Subject – Verb Agreement
2) They left (a)/ their luggages (b)/ at the railway (c)/ station. (d)/ No error (e)
3) The customer (a)/ handed over (b)/ a hundred rupees note (c)/ to the shopkeeper. (d)/ No
error (e)
4) Recently I (a)/ visited Jamashedpur (b)/ and found the sceneries (c)/ to be marvellous. (d)/
No error (e)
5) A trained (a)/ gang of sailors (b)/ was employed (c)/ on the shop. (d)/ No error (e)
6) These kind (a)/ of shirts (b)/ are rather expensive (c)/ for him to buy. (d)/ No error (e)
50% OFF on NABARD courses
Code: NABARD50
7) Her mouth (a)/ watered (b)/ when she saw (c)/ a bouquet of grapes. (d)/ No error (e)
8) My brother-in-laws (a)/ who live in Mumbai (b)/ have come (c)/ to stay with us. (d)/ No
error (e)
9) All the furnitures have been (a)/ sent to the new house (b)/ located (c)/ in a village. (d)/ No
error (e)
10) The sound of (a)/ a gun shot (b)/ scattered (c)/ the flock of birds. (d)/ No error (e)
11) The team members (a)/ should listen (b)/ to the advices (c)/ given by the captain and the
manager. (d)/ No error (e)
12) The Hindus, the Muslims, the Sikhs and the Christians (a)/ are brothers (b)/ so they love
(c)/ one another. (d)/ No error (e)
15) The law of indexes (a)/ proves (b)/ very helpful (c)/ in algebraic calculations. (d)/ No error
16) The practices (a)/ of the lawyers (b)/ varies (c)/ from that of the doctors. (d)/ No error (e)
17) The idea that shook (a)/ the whole world was (b)/ published in one (c)/ of the unknown
journal. (d)/ No error (e)
18) Aditi was unable (a)/ to support her parent (b)/ even though both of them (c)/ had no
income of their own. (d)/ No error (e)
19) The disclosure of the synopsis of (a)/ the Thakkar Commission Report (b)/ on the
assassination f Mrs. Gandhi (c)/ has raised several vital question. (d)/
50% OFF on No error
Code: NABARD50
20) I lived (a)/ in a three-hundred years (b)/ old house (c)/ in Mumbai. (d)/ No error (e)
21) He knows many languages (a)/ but the German and (b)/ the Chinese alphabet (c)/ will be
a problem for him. (d)/ No error (e)
22) Mr. Khanna gave me (a)/ two important informations (b)/ I had been waiting for (c)/ the
previous six months. (d)/ No error (e)
23) The Cotton Textile Company (a)/ cannot work properly (b)/ unless it employs (c)/ a
talented sale-representative. (d)/ No error (e)
24) Mr. Narendra Thakur had been (a)/ suffering from (b)/ diabeteses for (c)/ the last ten
years. (d)/ No error (e)
25) It is harmful (a)/ to take cupsful (b)/ of coffee (c)/ eight 50%
OFFaonday. (d)/courses
NABARD No error (e)
Code: NABARD50
23) The parcel has been lying here ………. several days.
24) My mother had been fasting ……. four weeks when the doctor came.
2) She loves me / more than / she loved / her own brother. / No error
10) He / helped that orphan / more than / he had helped his own children. / No error
12) The notice / was published / in order that / all may know the facts. / No error
13) I then saw him / often / than I have seen / him now. / No error
18) He is disappointed with the result /so he had decided / to give up / all further trial./ No error
15. The rules say that you ______ bring along your identity card to the examination hall.
a. Will b. Used to c. Would d. Need to
19) If I were (a)/ in his shoes, (b)/ I would die with shame. (c)/ No error (d)
20) My friend did not see me (a)/ for many years (b)/ when I met him last week. (c)/ No error
Conditional Sentences & Tenses
21) Why you don’t told him (a)/ and (b)/ clarify all (c)/ pending matters. (d)/ No error (e)
22) He was extremely annoyed (a)/ when I reported (b)/ the matter to him (c)/ and has fired
me. (d)/ No error (e)
23) He obtained good marks (a)/ not only in English essay (b)/ but also in Arithmetic which
was (c)/ full of complicated calculations. (d)/ No error (e)
24) As soon as the principal (a)/ entered the school (b)/ all the students approached him (c)/
and report the matter. (d)/ No error (e)
25) The programme which (a)/ came on television (b)/ these days in the evenings (c)/ is very
interesting. (d)/ No error (e)
Conditional Sentences & Tenses
1. The postman (a) / has came already. (b)/ There (c) / are no letters for you. (d)/ No error. (e)
2. She dreaming (a) / of the day (b) / when she can go to (c) / China to visit her relatives. (d)
/ No error. (e)
3. Chandra (a) / was mop (b) / the house with (c) / an old rag. (d)/ No error. (e)
4. Jill (a) / was standing (b) / at the bus-stop (c) / when I saw her. (d)/ No error. (e)
5. All the (a) / books is (b) / belonging to me. (c)/ I love books. (d) / No error. (e)
6. I have saw (a) / Jack with that (b) / strange woman (c) / many times. (d) / No error. (e)
7. The car (a) / looks dirty (b) / but it was (c) / cleaned yesterday. (d) / No error. (e)
8. Since the new (a) / market opened, (b)/ I had done my (c) / shopping there. (d) / No error.
9. Salsa (a) / was went (b) / to Singapore (c) / last Monday. (d) /No error. (e)
10. I have (a) / just driven 600 kilometers (b) / from Saint (c) / Peter Street. (d) / No error. (e)
Conditional Sentences & Tenses
1) Each student (A)/ were given (B)/ a chance (C)/to prove his talent. (D)/No Error (E)
2) The judge said that (A) / the crime motivated (B)/ by robbery (C)/ and not racial prejudice.
(D)/No Error (E)
3) She is waiting (A)/ for (B)/ her sister(C)/ for two hours. (D)/No Error (E)
4) The examinee (A)/ had scribble (B)/ certain things (C) / on his question paper. (D) /No
Error (E)
5) The police lobbed (A) / six rounds of teargas shells (B)/ and used force (C) /to dispersing
the violent crowd. (D)/No Error (E)
6) The number of (A)/ police stations (B)/ have gone (C)/ up to forty-three. (D) /No Error (E)
7) More than (A)/ 200 members of (B)/ the church (C)/ participate in the event last night.
(D)/No Error (E)
8) The centre (A)/has not pay heed (B)/ to the suggestions (C)/ put forward earlier. (D) /No
Error (E)
9) Last Monday the (A)/ Security Council (B)/ has urged Libya’s interim leaders to (C)/ curb
proliferation of weapon (D)/. No error (E)
Conditional Sentences & Tenses
10) Three years ago, an earthquake (A)/ had destroyed the lives (B)/ of Indian people, and they
(C)/ are still struggling (D)/ No error (E)
11) As and when you are needing (A)/ my help, I am (B)/ always there to help (C)/ you whole
heartedly (D)/. No error (E)
12) By the time India will (A)/ achieves a better position (B)/ in the world, India will be (C)/ the
most popular country (D)/. No error (E)
13) If you would have (A)/ toiled hard you (B)/ would not have had (C)/ to suffer this much
(D)/. No error (E)
14) In film industry if Shammy (A)/ Kapoor was alive (B)/ he would not have (C)/ let us cry
today (D)/. No error (E)
15) In case India is focusing on (A)/ the root cause of corruption, India (B)/ will definitely
progress in (C)/ short span of time (D)/ No error (E)
16) Mr. Verma was (A)/ one of the persons (B)/ who is still working (C)/ today (D)/. No error (E)
Conditional Sentences & Tenses
17) I know that Ravi plan (A)/ to work with a multinational (B)/ company as it (C)/ pays very
high (D)/. No error (E)
18) The government of Punjab has (A)/ declared that they are going (B)/ to launch a scheme
for the sports person (C)/ so as to boost their career (D)/. No error (E)
19) The teacher (A)/ asked the (B)/ student to (C)/ speak loud. (D)/ No error (E)
20) He finished breakfast (A)/ quick and left (B)/ for (C)/the school. (D) / No error (E)
21) Our plan (A)/ is to make the trauma care building (B)/ full functional by the third week
(C)/ of January. (D)/ No error (E)
22) The government (A)/ has ever been (B)/ serious about (C)/ the issue. (D)/ No error (E)
23) The night temperatures (A)/ dipped in (B)/ those cities (C)/ considerable. (D)/ No error (E)
24) Doctor are (A)/ desperation needed (B)/ in the present (C)/ commercial world. (D)/ No error
25) His contribution (A)/ as a manager (B)/ is still (C)/no clear. (D)/ No error. (E)
Conditional Sentences & Tenses
26) You said (A) /that you saw (B)/ her (C)/last year. (D)/ No error (E)
27) I did not stop (A)/ because he had (B)/ already (C)/ went out. (D)/ No error (E)
28) You got (A) /angry before (B)/ I uttered (C)/a word. (D)/ No error (E)
29) This (A) /was going (B) / on since (C) /a long time. (D)/ No error (E)
30) If I (A) /did this, (B) / I shall be (C) /wrong. (D)/
No error (
31) When she (A) / will come to Delhi (B)/, she will (C) /visit our house. (D)/ No error (E)
32) If he (A) / would have done (B)/ this, he would have been (C)/ wrong. (D)/ No error (E)
33) Rama (A)/ is ill (B) /for two (C) /months. (D) / No error (E)
34) The audience (A)/ did nothing (B) / but (C)/ cheered. (D)/ No error (E)
35) Which (A)/novel (B) / you like (C)/ the most? (D)/ No error (E)
Conditional Sentences & Tenses
36) You do (A) /nothing (B) /but to sing (C) /and dance. (D) / No error (E)
37) He (A) /told me (B) /that he will (C) /help me. (D) / No error (E)
38) I (A) /would do (B)/ this if I (C) /was you. (D)/ No error (E)
39) He denied (A) / that he (B) / was not (C) / a thief. (D) / No error (E)
40) It being a (A) /very cold (B) /day, I did (C) /not go to office. (D)/ No error (E)
2) When the police accused him with theft, (a)/ nobody believed them, (b)/ as he was well
known for his honesty. (c)/ No error (d)
3) The meeting scheduled to be held (a)/ between 2 P.M. to 3 P.M. (b)/ was postponed
suddenly (c)/ No error (d)
4) He was conferred with an honorary D. Lite degree (a)/ in recognition of his services (b)/ to
the cause of learning. (c)/ No error (d)
5) The myth that some races (a)/ are naturally superior than others (b)/ has now been fully
demolished. (c)/ No error (d)
6) This particular issue (a)/ has been hanging in fire (b)/ for a long time. (c)/ No error (d)
Complex Prepositions
7) In the past (a)/ people travelled (b)/ by foot. (c)/ No error (d)
8) You should know (a)/ that the ultimate decision in the matters (b)/ rests upon the board of
directors. (c)/ No error (d)
9) In some tribal areas (a)/ people worship snakes (b)/ and are not scared from them. (c)/ No
error (d)
10) His new proposal (a)/ seems hardly different (b)/ than that the one I’ve just rejected. (c)/
No error (d)
11) To lead a well-balanced life (a)/ you shall have to cultivate other interests (b)/ beside your
professional ones. (c)/ No error (d)
12) After nagging constantly for months (a)/ and administering weekly tests (b)/ the teacher
was at last pleased for the boys’ progress. (c)/ No error (d)
Complex Prepositions
13) I’d appreciate spending half an hour with you (a)/ to discuss about how these and other
experience (b)/ might be mutually beneficial. (c)/ No error (d)
14) The teacher was happy (a)/ when he entered the class (b)/ which comprised of a wonder
where it comes from. (c)/ No error (d)
15) Yet, firms and other concerns are spending large sums of money all the time (a)/ and
somehow we take this for granted (b)/ and never stop to wonder where it comes from. (c)/ No
error (d)
16) Thank for your invitation for lunch (a)/ which I am very pleased (b)/ to accept. (c)/ No
error (d)
17) Both the boys (a)/ came late in the hall (b)/ and sat besides me. (c)/ No error (d)
Complex Prepositions
18) I signed on the receipt (a)/ in the morning but the pay (b)/ has not been disbursed to me.
(c)/ No error (d)
19) In my opinion (a)/ a pencil is always (b)/ preferable than a pen. (c)/ No error (d)
20) You must make up the (a)/ time you wasted this afternoon (b)/ by working late over the
night. (c)/ No error (d)
21) The extraordinary ability of the satellites to (a)/ see, listen and communicate has made
them integral with (b)/ modern warfare and nuclear war strategies in particular. (c)/ No error
22) He looked like a lion (a)/ baulked from (b)/ its prey. (c)/ No error (d)
23) Often in political campaigns, a point is reached at which (a)/ the candidates take out their
gloves (b)/ and start slagging with bare fists. (c)/ No error (d)
Complex Prepositions
24) One of the major aims of the Air force (a)/ was the complete demolition of all means of
transportation (b)/ by the bombing of rail lines and terminals. (c)/ No error (d)
25) The celebrated singer was (a)/ surrounded by the usual crowd (b)/ of lackeys and
hangers—in. (c)/ No error (d)
Complex Prepositions
Find out the error part of the following sentences:
1) The aircraft was overloaded (a)/ there was something wrong of the battery (b)/ and the
engine was making a queer noise. (c)/ No error (d)
2) I warned him (a)/ for the danger (b)/ he was going (c)/ to face during the hiking. (d)/ No
error (e)
3) Ordinarily, when in difficulty (a)/ Ranuka prefers keeping her counsel (b)/ than running
about (c)/ taking advice. (d)/ No error (e)
4) Shella advised to (a)/ her child not to (b)/ play with the ball (c)/ on the road. (d)/ No error
5) Basu was trying to pass (a)/ through the gap on (b)/ the fence when he (c)/ tore his shirt.
(d)/ No error (e)
Complex Prepositions
6) I have been teaching in this school (a)/ since several years (b)/ but have never met (c)/
such a hopeless class as this. (d)/ No error (e)
7) It is easy to see that (a)/ a lawyer’s demeanour in court (b)/ may be prejudicial against the
interests of his client. (c)/ No error (d)
8) The reason we have not been able to pay income tax (a)/ is due to fact (b)/ that we did not
receive pay on time. (c)/ No error (d)
9) The policemen fired at all the (a)/ students when (b)/ they were attacked (c)/ by some of
them. (d)/ No error (e)
10) He was not promoted (a)/ to the rank of colonel (b)/ till for a few (c)/ months of his
resignation. (d)/ No error (e)
11) All the players (a)/ except Sam (b)/ were present (c)/ on the field. (d)/ No error (e)
Complex Prepositions
12) Despite of a good monsoon (a)/ this year, the production (b)/ of food grains in the (c)/
country did to go up. (d)/ No error (e)
13) Yesterday, while (a)/ crossing the road (b)/ he was (c)/ run out by a truck. (d)/ No error (e)
14) The girl wrote an essay (a)/ so well (b)/ that her teacher was exceedingly (c)/ pleased at
her. (d)/ No error (e)
15) He tried (a)/ to open the can (b)/ by a can opener. (c)/ No error (d)
16) When the students reached late (a)/ the teacher objected their entering the class (b)/
without his permission. (c)/ No error (d)
17) The captain and his (a)/ wife were invited (b)/ for the cultural (c)/ function at my home.
(d)/ No error (e)
Complex Prepositions
18) The government decided to (a)/ write of the debts (b)/ of the farmers who were (c)/ below
the poverty line. (d)/ No error (e)
19) Children visiting the (a)/ park are amused (b)/ by the monkey’s (c)/ play in the cages. (d)/
20) The great actor was (a)/ angry with the treatment (b)/ during the party (c)/ in Ashoka
Hall. (d)/ No error (e)
21) Don’t go by his appearance, (a)/ he is capable at (b)/ doing any work (c)/ without any
hesitation. (d)/ No error (e)
22) The teacher pointed out the (a)/ students that they might (b)/ learn something from
Kalidas because (c)/ Kalidas was the Shakespeare of India. (d)/ No error (e)
23) The consequence of (a)/ the action was not fully realized (b)/ to the authorities. (c)/ No
error (d)
Complex Prepositions
24) I am pleased to sanction (a)/ one special increment (b)/ to all the employees (c)/ with the
month. (d)/ No error (e)
25) I have (a)/ an appointment (b)/ on the 9th of September (c)/ on 5 o’clock. (d)/ No error (e)
Appropriate Use of
Approve of (accept) They may not approve of us seeing each other.
Aptitude for (talent) She has a special aptitude for mathematics.
Argue with (quarrel with a person) It's difficult to argue with the religious heads.
Arrive at ( to reach a place) He would be the last to arrive at the scene of any real battle.
Arrive in ( to enter a country) It took another year to arrive in Canada.
Ashamed of (embarrassed) Peter should be ashamed of himself.
Ask for (request for a thing) There is no need to ask for permission.
Ask of or from somebody for I couldn't refuse her the very last thing she'd ever ask of me
something as a little girl.
Aspire after (desire for fame) It is human nature to aspire after fame.
Aspire to (desire for post) All the candidates aspire to the post of commissioned
Assent to (agree to) The President has given assent to the bill.
Assiduous in (diligent) I’ve always been assiduous in my duties.
Associated with (related) Many of the traits are associated with Type-A behaviour
Assurance of (affirmation) He had the assurance of winning the contest.
Astonished at (amazed) They were astonished at her command of language.
Atone for (compensate for a fault) The Hindus go to the Ganga to atone for their sins.
Attachment to (bond) He has a great attachment to this town.
Attend to (pay attention to) He did not attend to what his mother advised him.
Attention to (notice) He pays no attention to the teacher.
Attain to (accomplish) They contend that they may attain to perfection in this life.
Attracted to or towards (enchant) He was attracted to her at first sight.
Avail of (utilize opportunity etc.) More women entered the job market to avail of the
multitude of opportunities.
Averse to (opposed to) Johnny is not averse to killing anyone who gets in his way.
Bargain with (negotiate) An American will usually not bargain with a store owner
Bathe in (to swim) Varanasi draws Indians from around the world to bathe in
the holy Ganges.
Beg for (appeal for a thing) The puppy stood up on its hind legs to beg for a piece of my
barbecued chicken.
Beg of (appeal of a person) I have one thing to beg of you.
Begin with (to start) To begin with, we have no money now.
Belong to (to belong to a person, or We should be glad to belong to our nation.
a place)
Beneficial to (advantageous to) A basic understanding of this process is quite beneficial to
Enveloped in (covered) As soon as the plane left the runways they were enveloped
in clouds.
Envious of (jealous) One man is envious of another man.
Equal to (same) The average per capita income was approximately $34,700,
equal to about 94% of the national average
Escape from (flee) I don't have any idea how to escape from the dungeon.
Essential to (necessary for health Budgeting is essential to making your money go further.
Exception to (anomaly, deviation) There will be no exceptions to this rule.
Exemption from (release) The report confirmed their exemption from military duty.
Experience of (having practical The woman had lived through quite an experience of her
contact with) own.
Embark on (begin a venture) He has decided to embark on new business undertaking.
Enter (come into a place) He entered my room without my permission.
Enter into (get involved in an India and America have entered into various agreements.
agreement or alliance)
Enrage at (infuriate at a thing) The teacher was enraged at the student’s insolence.
Enrage with (angry with a person) The teacher was enraged with the student for his insolence.
Enlarge on/upon (say more, I need not enlarge on the problem and waste your time.
Failed in (unsuccessful) He failed in his mission, for which she was grateful.
Failure of (unsuccessful) One failure of the marketplace is the misattribution of the
amount of utility an item will bring a person.
Faithful to (loyal) Be faithful to the king and do your duty.
False of (untrue of heart) He is not false of heart.
False to (untrue to promise) He was on several occasions forced to yield to false to his
Familiar to (known) This sounds very familiar to me.
Familiar with (know about a You don't seem to be very familiar with politics.
Famous for (popular) This region is famous for wine yards and wine.
Fatal to (deadly, harmful) It is fatal to the fat globule membrane.
Fatigued with (exhaust) She still looked fatigued with dark circles under her eyes.
Favourable to (beneficial) It's believed the conditions in which the elections are being
held are too favourable to the government
Fearful of (afraid) Many are so fearful of speaking out.
Fertile in (generative) Today the island is one of the most fertile in the world.
Fond of (liking for) Bloggers are extremely fond of taking photos.
Fondness for (liking for) My fondness for my children allows me to forgive their
12 | P a g e
Foreign to (unfamiliar) The whole idea of arranged marriage is quite foreign to most
people in North America.
Fought against (quarrel) He fought bravely against despair.
Free from (free from worries etc.) I am free from every kind of suffering.
Free of (free of cost) The Sun is there for all and energy we get from it comes free
of charge.
Full of (filled) It's full of sculptures and paintings.
Fascinated by (enchanted by a The children were fascinated by all the toys in the shop.
Fascinated with (enchanted with a I was fascinated with her because of her admirable manners.
Fly into (anger) On hearing my remarks she flew into a rage.
Feed on (live on) Carnivorous animals feed on flesh.
For lack of / for short of / for want For lack of money he could not continue study further.
of (devoid of)
Get at (reach the truth) We want to get at the truth. Who killed him? And why?
Get on (be compatible with a The host fears the guests won't get on.
Get out of (escape) It's amazing what people will do to get out of paying taxes.
Get over (overcome a difficulty) It took me a very long time to get over the shock of her
Gifted with (talented) He is gifted with the command of the English language.
Good at (good at English/singing He is good at piano.
Grateful to (thankful to a person) I would be grateful to hear from anyone who may be able to
Greedy of (voracious of wealth) They are so greedy of wealth and power that they are
behaving like demi-gods who are invincible.
Guilty of (culpable) The driver of the bus that hit the two children has been
found guilty of criminal negligence causing death.
Grieve for (mourn for a person) He grieved for the victims of the storm.
Grieve over (mourn over a thing) He grieved over the loss of money at business.
Grieve at (mourn at an event) He grieved at my father’s death when I informed him of my
personal tragedy.
Guard against (prevent from You should guard against the wrong use of words.
mistakes, temptations)
Guard from (protect from a danger, You should guard from him as he is of false heart.
a thing etc.)
Glance at (look at someone) He glanced at her face and started noting down her address.
Glance through (look over briefly, He glanced through the letter in a hurry and handed it back
read) to me.
Good for (not worthy of anything) He is good for nothing fellow
13 | P a g e
Hatred for/ of (intense dislike for I inherited a hatred for immortals after what they did to my
something) family.
Heedless of (unmindful of) I sat down heedless of the water that came over my feet
Heir to (successor to the throne) Alex was the heir to an enormous amount of land and
Honest in (sincere) They are honest in their report.
Hope for (desire for good or We must hope for the best.
Hopeful of (optimistic) After listening to the doctor, I am hopeful of a quick
Hostile to (antagonistic) At least 70% of women are hostile to war under almost any
Hurtful to (causing distress) Their comments were really hurtful to me.
Hear from (to receive news or I have not heard from you for a long time.
information from someone)
Hear of (to get information about I heard of this event in Mumbai and rushed back to Delhi.
Hear by(to get information by post, I heard by a letter about his uncle’s death.
Hard by (near, beside) The college is hard by and go to college on foot.
Hard up (short of money) He is hard up these days.
Hanker after (long for, run after) Don’t hanker after money and fame.
Healed of (cured of a disease) He healed of illness after long treatment.
Ignorant of (unknowledgeable) A lot of people seem to be happily ignorant of the real threat
of global warming.
Ill with (sick) My grandma is ill with a number of problems associated with
the elderly.
Immaterial to (unimportant, The judge told the jury to disregard the testimony because it
irrelevant) was immaterial to the trial.
Impertinent to (rude) Would it be impertinent to ask where exactly you were?
Impervious to (not allowing The broken window is not impervious to the rain.
something to enter or pass
Implicated in (involved in crime) Three other men implicated in the conspiracy were
subsequently sentenced to imprisonment.
Inclined to (disposed, attracted) I don't feel inclined to play baseball today.
Indebted to (duty-bound, owing to) I'm indebted to you for your kindness.
Indifference to / indifferent to Which side is winning is a matter of complete indifference to
(unconcerned) them.
Indigenous to (native) Soybeans are indigenous to China.
Indispensable to (essential) To most teenagers, their mobile phones are indispensable to
their happiness.
14 | P a g e
Mix with (blend with a thing) Please don’t mix water with milk.
Mock at (make fun of a thing) Never mock at the poverty of others.
Meditate on (ponder over an event She was in tears when she meditated on her humiliation.
of past)
Meditate (think about future) She is meditating revenge for her humiliation.
Natural to (existing in or caused by Use what feels most natural to you.
Necessary to (required) Maybe it wasn't necessary to say anything.
Need for/of (requirement) There would be no need for any high stressed jobs.
Negligent of (careless of a person, If you are negligent of self, you will neglect others.
thing or work)
Negligent in ( careless in duty) Don’t be negligent in your duty.
Neglectful of (disregardful of one’s He has been neglectful of his business.
Obedience to (submissiveness) He is acting in obedience to his conscience.
Obedient to (respectful to a Children are taught to be obedient to their parents.
Objected to (opposed) Many people objected to working as teachers on Sunday.
Objection to (protest) The hen was very gentle, and made no objection to our
Obliged by/to (grateful to a person) We are obliged to respond to requests within 20 working
days of receipt of the request.
Obstruction to (obstacle) Again we are pushed to contemplate woman as the
mysterious obstruction to the perfect purity of soul
Offensive to (insulting) What is offensive to one isn't to others.
Opportunity for (chance) There are a lot of job opportunities for teenagers in the
tourist industry.
Opposite to (conflicting) The reality is quite opposite to their self-claimed belief.
Overwhelm by (defeated by) The enemy was overwhelmed by our army.
Overwhelmed with (overload by Her mother was overwhelmed with love for his son.
Originate in (begin from a place) Modern civilization originated in Europe.
Originate with (begin with a This scheme originated with the Finance Minister.
Occupied in / with (busy in doing a I am occupied in solving the problems.
Operate on /upon (to perform The Doctor decided to operate on her leg immediately.
some process of work or
Oblivious of (unaware) Oblivious of danger, they kept on marching ahead.
Offend at (upset at a thing) He was offended at my words.
18 | P a g e
Offend with (upset with a person) Please don’t get offended with her as she is honest.
Painful to (hurt) She finds it too painful to return there without him
Recovered from (to regain a normal The patient recovered from flu.
or usual condition)
Reduced to (lessen) This may reduce to three depending upon the requirement.
Reference to (context to) His journal contains many references to railways
Refrain from (hold back) You must refrain from all interferences.
Regard for (consideration) The government seems to act with little regard for human
Regardless of (despite everything) Jackson could always make her laugh regardless of her
Rejoice at (happiness for success) I was prepared to rejoice at a short-term victory.
Related to (associated) Most of the problems are related to pollution.
Relations with (connection) We've always had excellent relations with our neighbours
Relevant to (appropriate) I was able to find a book in the library that will be relevant to
my research project.
Remorse for (repent) She felt remorse for neglecting her old parents.
Remarkable for (extraordinary) These islands are remarkable for a number of architectural
remains of a very early date.
Remiss in (negligent) Remiss in her duties, the waitress forgot to take water to her
Replete with (full) History is replete with examples of the dangers of war.
Reply to (respond) I received her reply to my letter in the mail this morning.
Repugnance to / Repugnant to The repugnance to animal food is not the effect of
(disgust, hatred) experience, but is an instinct.
Reputation for (fame) The best hotel in the city has a reputation for providing
outstanding customer service
Resemblance to (similarity) This wallet bears a strong resemblance to the one I lost last
Respite from (break, rest) The land prospered rapidly during this respite from the
horrors of war.
Responsible for (accountable) You're responsible for cleaning your own clothes and linens.
Restricted to (confined) The direction of flow of water is more or less restricted
to certain channels.
Result of (outcome) The result of that battle had been deplorable.
Revenge on (vengeance from a She took revenge on him for his misdeeds.
person or anything)
Revenge oneself (vengeance from a He revenged himself of his enemy for the murder of his
person) brother.
Revolt against (rebel) The citizens were gathering arms, preparing to revolt against
the government.
Reconcile oneself to (accept the You must reconcile yourself to the circumstances and
circumstances) endure them.
Reconcile with (restore friendly He has not yet been reconciled with his wife.
21 | P a g e
Reckon on/ upon (depend) You can safely reckon upon the books for advice.
Remonstrate with (protest) The players remonstrated with the umpire against his
L>B.W. decision.
Reason with (try to persuade a I reasoned with him but could not bring him round.
Replace by (take place of Old furniture will be replaced by new one.
Repent of (regret) He repented of the misdeeds of his youth.
Recourse to (option, possibility) They took recourse to wrong means for success.
Sacred to (pious) Cows for instance are sacred to Hindus.
Satiated with (satisfied) It is only when you are satiated with your desires.
Satisfied with (contended) I have never been satisfied with my work.
Save from (rescue) He tried to save something from his travel expenses
Search for (to find) He probably went to search for food.
See into (investigate) Mother could see into Mary very well and knew exactly what
she was up to.
Sensible of (practical) It is sensible of you to follow her advice
Sensitive to (responsive to) I'm very sensitive to the cold, so I think I'd better put on a
Sentenced to (punish) Lawrence was sentenced to death.
Sequel to (continuation of a film in Is it a worthy sequel to the first film?
another part etc.)
Short of (less than) He died at sixty-one, four years short of his pensionable age.
Sick of (not well, tired of Mary was sick of being stuck in traffic.
Smile at (mock) All his friends smiled mockingly at his failure.
Smiled on (happy) At last fate smiled on him and he was successful.
Sorry for (regretful) Vanessa was genuinely sorry for hurting your feelings.
Stick to (firm) Why don't you make up your mind and stick to just one?
Subject to (dependent or Private secondary schools are subjected to state inspection.
conditional on)
Submission to (yielding ) The British, especially, appear to have been submissive to
the native powers at Madras.
Subsist on (depend on) For months together a Rohan will subsist on vegetables.
Succession to (sequence,. descent) The prince’s child is third in the line of succession to be king
Suffering from (undergoing pain, She's suffering from a serious disease.
disgust, hardship etc.)
Sufficient for (enough) He had a small private income which was sufficient for her
Suitable to (be acceptable to) People can come together and choose a form of government
22 | P a g e
suitable to them.
Superior to (better than) A man's wealth may be superior to him
Supplement to (addition to) There is a special financial supplement to the newspaper
every Friday.
Sure of (certain) The school counsellor encouraged the students to send their
applications to several colleges to be sure of getting a place.
Surprised at (amazed) I was a little surprised at the invitation.
Surrender to (yield) During the war, many soldiers chose to die rather than
surrender to the enemy
Susceptible to (prone to) You're so susceptible to flattery.
Suspicious of (doubtful) I was suspicious of Tom from the start.
Sympathise with (pity) I sympathize with you about what you are going through
Show off (draw attention to Mrs. Williams was showing off her new car to the neighbors.
Speak for (to support/ testify I would be happy to speak for you in court.
Speak of (reflect a particular Jeff's behavior spoke of a good upbringing.
Start on (begin) After dinner, I started on my homework.
Strive for (try) We must strive for the greatest authenticity possible.
Strive with (competing) Don’t strive with the rich and the powerful.
Side with (favour) He would never side with those who are unjust.
Seek (try to find shelter) He sought shelter in the house of his friend when there were
Seek for (try to win) He always sought for his aim in his life.
Seek after (aspire) He is much sought after actor these days.
Suffer (loss) He suffered heavy loss in business.
Suffer from (hardship) He is suffering from cancer.
Substitute for (replacement) New furniture will be substituted for old one.
Shoot (successful in attempt) The police shot the robber dead.
Shoot at / strike at (unsuccessful in The police shot at the thief who escaped in darkness.
Spark off (trigger off, give rise to) Communal speech will spark off riots in the town.
Seething with (anger, discontent) The residents of the locality were seething with anger over
the apathy of the police.
Slow at (sluggish) They are extremely slow at reaching decisions.
Scare of (frighten) I got scared of the sound of bomb blast.
Talk over (to discuss) Let's talk over the plan after school.
Talk to (speak to someone) She didn't come here to talk to me.
23 | P a g e
Vote for (vote for a person) I don’t vote for worthless politicians.
Vain of (proud of) Though rich, she is not vain of her wealth.
Vexed with (annoyed with a Don’t get vexed with me.
Vexed at (annoyed at a thing) He was vexed at his failure.
Venture upon (take risk) He did not dare to venture upon new enterprise.
Wait for (hold back for a person) He was waiting for her.
Want of (absence) What makes life dreary is the want of a motive.
Warn of (alert of danger/ bad He warned the nation of financial crises.
consequences etc.)
Weary of (tired) He was weary of study and retired to bed.
Wonder at (surprised at) The boys gazed in wonder at the shiny red Ferrari.
Worthy of (deserving) The labourer is worthy of his hire.
Wish for (desire) Be careful what you wish for.
Ward off (do away with evils etc.) She was given a magic charm to ward off evil spirits
Wanting in (lack of) They were skilled, but wanting in discipline.
Yield to (submissive) The people who were held down ruthlessly would not yield to
Yearn for (crave) She yearned for the return to her own home.
Zeal for (passion) She had a true zeal for journalism.
Practice Questions
2. This is the place _______ we stayed last time we visited. (where, when, how)
3. _________ you win first place, you will receive a prize. (wherever, if, unless)
4. You won’t pass the test _________ you study. (when, if, unless)
5. I could not get a seat, _________ I came early. (as, though, when)
7. Pay attention to your work _________ you will not make mistakes. (so that, unless, or)
8. The musicians delivered a rousing performance _________ they had rehearsed often.
(though, as, once)
11. I plan to take my vacation _________ in June ______ in July. (whether - or, either - or, as - if)
12. _________ I’m feeling happy _________ sad, I try to keep a positive attitude. (either - or, whether - or,
when - I’m)
13. ______ had I taken my shoes off ______I found out we had to leave again. (no sooner - than, rather -
than, whether - or)
14. _____ only is dark chocolate delicious, ______it can be healthy. (whether - or, not - but, just as - so)
15. _________ I have salad for dinner, _______I can have ice cream for dessert. (if -then, when - than,
whether - or)
16. ______ flowers _______ trees grow _____ during warm weather. (not only - or, both - and, not - but)
17. _______ do we enjoy summer vacation, _______ we _______ enjoy winter break. (whether - or, not only
- but also, either - or)
18. Calculus is _______ easy _______ difficult _______ (not - but, both - and, either - or)
19. It’s _______ going to rain _______ snow tonight. (as - if, either - or, as - as)
20. Savory flavors are _______ sweet _______ sour. (often - and, neither - nor, both - and)
22. Sharon hates to listen to rap music, _______ will she tolerate heavy metal. (but, nor, or)
23. Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, _______ Bill insisted that they fly. (and, or, but)
24. I’m afraid of heights, _________ I appreciate the view from the top of this building. (and, yet, nor)
25. I have to be on time, _________ my boss will be annoyed if I’m late. (and, nor, for)
26. Do you like chocolate _________ vanilla ice cream better? (or, nor, and)
27. I have to go to work at six, _________ I’m waking up at four. (but, so, yet)
28. I was on time, _________ everyone else was late. (so, but, for)
29. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, _________ she takes the bus everywhere. (but, yet, so)
30. Our trip to the museum was interesting, _________ there were several new artifacts on display. (but,
for, yet)
31. Bianca wore her rain boots; _________, her feet stayed dry during the storm. (however, therefore, on
the other hand)
32. I love the color red; _________, this shade seems a little too bright. (therefore, nonetheless, in fact)
33. You have to be on time; _________, you’ll miss the train. (nonetheless, however, otherwise)
34. Teresa likes to read; _________, her sister Julia prefers to watch TV. (however, in contrast, again)
35. She really wanted to eat ice cream; _______, she had a salad. (however, likewise, instead)
36. We were working hard; _________, Jill and Jerry were lounging by the pool. (meanwhile, instead,
37. He is a weak leader; _________, he has plenty of supporters. (otherwise, moreover, nevertheless)
38. She has an incredible voice; _________, she will go far in her music career. (otherwise, undoubtedly,
39. Natalie wanted to make pie but didn’t have apples; _________, she decided to bake a cake. (therefore,
namely, in contrast)
40. We had hoped to go to Spain; _________, we ended up in France. (otherwise, instead, again)
1. If I knew that my friend had planned to visit the town today, I would have made his stay
comfortable. No error.
2. The reason he was late was because he had been caught in rain. No error.
3. Neither the size nor the colour of the gloves were right. No error.
4. Both Mamta as well as Vina were absent from the class. No error.
5. Until, I do not inform my teacher I shall not go out of the school. No error.
6. I am opposed to the plan of action not because it is ill conceived but that it seems impracticable. No
9. All the books what you bought are not upto the mark. No error.
10. It is better to write with a pen whose nib is smooth. No error.
11. He was talking of the women who he told he met in America. No error.
13. He is a good student but I have much pleasure in granting him scholarship. No error.
15. When you wait a little longer I shall fetch food for you. No error.
16. She ran up stairs no sooner she saw her father. No error.
18. Hardly did the rain stop than the match will start. No error.
20. Wait so that you should fall into their trap. No error.
21. I have not written to her after she left for America. No error.
23. She had waited long after her husband returned. No error.
24. Please tell me where you are going with your uncle. No error.
25. She will have deserted her husband by the time the divorce has been obtained. No error.
26. What I told him is a fact and nobody can deny it. No error.
27. Hardly had he left the house than the bandit broke into the house. No error.
29. He will not work for you until you pay him handsomely. No error.
30. The police came to find out as to when murder took place. No error.
Find out the error part of the following sentences:
1) Both Shyam (a)/as well as Ghanshyam (b)/are interested to (c)/prepare the examination.
(d)/No error (e)
2) Scarcely had I bought (a)/the ticket than (b)/the postmaster showed (c)/the green flag.
(d)/No error (e)
3) I asked him (a)/that why he was (b)/not preparing for the (c)/U.P.S.C examination. (d)/No
error (e)
4) Fifteen years (a)/have passed (b)/that he came back (c)/from Darbhanga. (d)/No error (e)
5) In Bihar leaders are (a)/taking bad advantage of casteism (b)/I think it is (c)/nothing than
bad things. (d)/No error (e)
6) The criminal had (a)/hardly put the precious things (b)/in his bag than (c)/the landlord got
up.(d)/ No error (e)
7) Either you (a)/and he (b)/went there (c)/to see the helpless. (d)/No error (e)
8) While I opened (a)/the gate of my house, (b)/I found (c)/a dead cat (d)/No error (e)
9) No sooner did the jeep arrive (a)/at the station (b)/then a young police officer (c)/jumped
out of it. (d)/No error (e)
10) His book has been (a)/missing from (b)/his room (c)/since yesterday (d)/No error (e)
11) I have never (a)/visited (b)/nor intend to visit (c)/foreign countries. (d)/No error (e)
12) His manners indicate (a)/that he has no other intention(b)/than (c)/to steal his money.
(d)/No error (e)
13) The headmaster advised the student (a)/who had failed in the examination twice (b)/that
not to attempt it again (c)/until he had time to prepare for it properly. (d)/No error (e)
14) Nishant could not (a)/go to the picnic(b)/for his mother (c)/was not well. (d)/No error (e)
15) He says he (a)/is going to (b)/cut down(c)/his smoking.(d)/No error (e)
16) When learning to swim(a)/one of the most important things(b)/is to relax (c)/No error.(d)
17) He not only comes here (a)/for swimming but also for coaching (c)/new swimmers. (d)/No
error (e)
18) A more irrational world (a)/to this one in which (b)/ we presently live (c)/could hardly be
conceived. (d)/No error (e)
19) Hardly had (a)/I left the house (b)/than it began (c)/to rain. (d)/No error (e)
20) You should take (a)/a book with you (b)/unless (c)/ you have to wait. (d)/No error (e)
Find out the error part of the following sentence:
1) There is (a)/a beautiful and old church (b)/in the centre (c)/ of the town. (d)/No error (e)
2) I was treated (a)/if (b)/I were (c)/an old friend. (d)/No error (e)
3) I’ll go (a)/with you (b)/as soon as (c)/I don’t have to sing. (d)/No error (e)
4) He’ll pay (a)/you as long as (b)/he receives (c)/the parcel. (d)/No error (e)
5) Remember to go (a)/there early, (b)/so long as (c)/you may not get a seat. (d)/No error (e)
6) At night we used to go out (a)/with our friends (b)/nor stay at home (c)/listening to music.
(d)/No error (e)
7) She has lived (a)/in New York for many years (b)/but regards New York (c)/as her home.
(d)/No error (e)
8) Since it’s his birthday (a)/on Monday (b)/so he’s (c)/having a party. (d)/No error (e)
9) If you are a naughty boy, (a)/so the big crocodile (b)/will come (c)/and eat you. (d)/No error
10) His English (a)/is so poor (b)/so his beloved (c)/has to translate everything. (d)/No error (e)
11) He hadn’t taken (a)/any warm clothes (b)/with him (c)/so that he felt cold. (d)/No error (e)
12) We took (a)/our umbrellas (b)/so we (c)/wouldn’t get wet. (d)/No error (e)
13) I shall either go home (a)/to Muzaffarpur or my family (c)/will come to Patna. (d)/No error
14) Inside the examination room (a)/we could (b)/neither smoke (c)/or talk. (d)/No error (e)
15) Two of the biggest firms (a)/ are APPLE and IBM (b)/which both are (c)/in the computer
business. (d)/No error (e)
16) No sooner had (a)/we arrived (b)/when (c)/it began to rain. (d)/No error (e)
17) The magazine (a)/covers everything from politics (b)/until what’s (c)/happening in
Hollywood. (d)/No error (e)
18) When I was (a)/driving to the airport, (b)/my car (c)/broke down. (d)/No error (e)
19) The weather here (a)/is always warm and (b)/this is the reason because (c)/there are so
many public swimming pools. (d)/No error (e)
20) Neither the salary (a)/or the work (b)/atmosphere was (c)/good in that office. (d)/No error
2) ……. Ganga is ……….. sacred river. 10)) Sanskrit is ………. easy language.
3) ………. French defeated ……… Germans. 11) English is ………… difficult language.
4) Which is ……….. lonest river in India? 12) If you see her, give her ……… message.
5) Honest men always speak ………. truth. 13) She looks as stupid as …….. owl.
6) Rustum was ……. young Parsee. 14) ………. sun rises in ……... East.
7) She returned after …….. hour. 15) You are ………. Fool to say that.
16) What ………. beautiful scene this is!
24) ………. Maharashtra is …….. holy book of ……….
17) She was killed in ………. accident. Hindus.
18) …………. pen is mightier than ……. sword. 25) ……… Everest is ……….. highest peak in ……….
19) Get me ……… kilo of rice from ……… nearest
grocer. 26) ………. lion is ………. king of beasts.
20) They waited for her for ……… hour. 27) ……… honesty is ………… best policy.
22) Kashmir is ……… Switzerland of India. 29) She told ….. lie.
23) ……….. Himalayas lie to …….. north of India. 30) ……… novel you gave me is out of ……… print.
31) America is ……….. richest country in the
world. 38) ……… word to ………..wise is sufficient.
32) Iron is ………. useful metal. 39) …….. earth moves round …….. sun.
33) He is ………. Indian but his wife is ………. 40) ……… Banyan is ……… kind of …….. fig tree.
41) She is ……….. better singer than ………. dancer.
34) …………. Andmans are ……….. group of
Islands in ……… Bay of Bengal. 42) ……….. secretary and ………. treasure was there.
35) Sushama is ………. Foolish girl. 43) …………secretary and ……….. treasure were
36) But Rajani is ……… intelligent girl.
44) ………… black and ………. white horse is mine.
37) There is ………. great deal of water in …….
pond. 45) ………. black and ………. white horse are yours.
46) He is going to ………… hospital to visit ……
stick friend.
63) …….. Queen Elizabeth is ………. famous 70) ……… Bible is ………. religious book.
British liner.
71) Valmiki’s ……… Ramayana is a sacred book.
64) ………. Arabian Nights is ………. nice book.
72) …….. pacific ocean is ……… largest ocean in the
65) …….. Times of India is ………. Leading world.
73) I have …….. pen and ………. Inkpot.
66) ……….. more one has, …….. more one
wants. 74) ……….. horse is ………. Useful animal.
67) ……….. tiger is …….. fierce animal. 75) ……….. Daniel came to judgement.
76) ……… cat catches …… mouse.
84) ………. wisdom is ………. gift of heaven.
96) Dr hira Kant Jha is ……. Headmaster of 104) ………. Industrial Revolution changed ….. face
Yajuar High School. of England.
138) …….. man is mortal. 146) Will you give me ………. piece of bread?
139) Mr. Mishra is ………. senior teacher. 147) She was …… Italian singer.
140) Do you lay ……… football? 148) I want to appoint ……… assistant.
141) Now you have ………. Interesting book. 149) …….. Piano is …….. musical instrument.
142) Is he going to England by ………. air? 150) My wife wants to go to …….. cinema every
143) It is pleasant to read ……… novel in ……..
158) What is ……….. language of ……….. people of
151) Don’t open …….. door.
168) When do you go to ……….. office? 176) …….. Lok Sabha passed ……….. bill yesterday.
169) Each of …….. girls has a book. 177) Many of ………. problems are linked to ……..
170) ……… Bhartiya Janata Party is ………
ruling party. 178) You are …….. good publisher; I have ………
little doubt regarding your success.
171) There is ………. fish in ……. bottle.
179) ………… Prince of Wales found himself in
172) He goes there on ………. horseback. ………. dilemma.
173) She is on …….. television. 180) What ………. Innings it has been?
181) January is ……… first month of ………. 188) Nirala is considered to be ……….. ideal student.
189) ……… poetry is ……. essence of humanity.
182) ………. action will be taken against him.
190) Kumle is ………. best bowler in ……….. country.
183) ………… industrious are rewarded.
191) I drive ……… motor car at ……… uniform
184) Of Delhi and Mumbai, which city is ………. speed.
192) …………. nature of Sohan is bad,
185) They have joined …….. three-year course.
193) I have read ……….. first and ……… second
186) It was…….. coldest and ………. driest day. chapter of this book.
187) ………… thing of beauty is ……… joy for 194) But my brother has read ……. tenth and ………
ever. eleventh chapters of this book.
212) ……… Punjab is ……….. land of …… brave. 219) This is ………. most fragrant flower in my
213) Delhi is ……. Paris of India.
220) He felt ……… patriot rise within his heart.
214) Dickens is famous as ……… novelist and 221) ……… more you labour, the more you earn.
…….. essayist.
222) ………. red and ……… white rose looks
215) ………. USA is ……… richest country of ….. beautiful.
223) …….. red and …… white rose look beautiful.
216) ……… children recited ……. poem in ……..
honour of ……. Prime Minister. 224) ………. President and S.D.O are coming.
217) ………. S.D.O. is …… officer of ……. very 225) ………… President and …………. S.D.O is
high rank. coming.
226) ……… death of ……….. great scientists
causes ………. Great loss to …….. country. 233) Cloth was sold by …….. yard.
227) He moved from ……….. place to ……… 234) He was not in ……… mood to think.
235) It is too difficult ……. problem to be solved.
228) Both ……….. husband and ………. wife
were in the room. 236) Let us go out for ……… walk.
229) ………. beggar moves from …….. door to 237) On such ………. cold morning I do not go out.
………. door.
238) ………. ewe was tied to ……… tree with …….
230) What kind of …… woman is she? rope.
231) ………… Ladies and …….. gentlemen, I have
to say much to you. 239) Kalidas was …….. poet and ………… dramatist.
232) O ……… dearest friend, when will you come 240) What kind of ……… book do you want?
245) His car struck ……. tree, you can still see
…… mark on …… tree.
Find out the error part of the following sentences:
1) Mr. Thakur lived (a)/ in the three-hundred year (b)/ old house (c)/ in Patna. (d)/ No error (e)
2) The English (a)/ defeated (b)/ french (c)/ in the battle of Waterloo. (d)/ No error (e)
3) An old man in the crowd (a)/ warned Julius Caesar (b)/ from the danger of death (c)/ on certain day.
(d)/ No error (e)
4) Never have I listened (a)/ to such a beautiful music (b)/ as the piece we heard on radio (c)/ last night.
(d)/ No error (e)
5) The uncle of mine (a)/ who is a farmer (b)/ gave me a piece of useful advice (c)/ when I went to see
him three weeks ago. (d)/ No error (e)
6) My neighbour along with his children (a)/ is going tonight (b)/ to see a Taj Mahal (c)/ at Agra. (d)/ No
error (e)
7) Don’t talk to (a)/ her, she always (b)/ remains in temper (c)/ these days. (d)/ No error (e)
8) He does not like (a)/ this type of a man (b)/ who does nothing but (c)/ find out fault in others. (d)/ No
error (e)
9) A first European (a)/ sailor came to India (b)/ in modern times (c)/ was Vasco-de-Gama. (d)/ No error
10) Mr. Pathak leads (a)/ a very busy life (b)/ so he goes everywhere (c)/ by a scooter. (d)/ No error (e)
11) Her mother (a)/ forbade her (b)/ to go to circus (c)/ late at night. (d)/ No error (e)
12) Mr. U. Jha has a white (a)/ and a black dog (b)/ which guard (c)/ his house from robbers. (d)/ No
error (e)
13) Only a few girls (a)/ were above ground (b)/ the rest were (c)/ under the ground. (d)/ No error (e)
14) Forty five student went (a)/ to the Church (b)/ yesterday to see (c)/ the stained glass there. (d)/ No
error (e)
15) My elder sister came home (a)/ after the sunset (b)/ and had gone (c)/ before sunrise. (d)/ No error
16) In the meeting (a)/ Mr. Yadav was (b)/ selected the chairman (c)/ yesterday. (d)/ No error (e)
17) Raza talked to Madhu (a)/ by a telephone (b)/ yesterday, but (c)/ she was not in her house. (d)/ No
error (e)
18) Kabir and Rahim (a)/ are great poets (b)/ but the former is (c)/ greater than latter. (d)/ No error (e)
19) The sun shines (a)/ by a day always and (b)/ not by night, because (c)/ it is the law of nature. (d)/
No error (e)
20) He (a)/ has abandoned (b)/ the criminal activities (c)/ after returning from Jail. (d)/ No error (e)
21) Mahatma Gandhi did not solve (a)/ all the problems of the future (b)/ but he did solve (c)/ problems
of his own age. (d)/ No error (e)
22) A first step (a)/ in a rational solution to any problem (b)/ is the recognition (c)/ that a problem
exists. (d)/ No error (e)
23) Knowledge of regional language is (a)/ necessary for bank officers because (b)/ they are to
understand (c)/ what their customers say. (d)/ No error (e)
24) We should drink (a)/ several glasses of the water (b)/ daily (c)/ if we want to remain healthy. (d)/ No
error (e)
25) You have been learning Tamil (a)/ for last one year (b)/ but you show (c)/ no improvement
whatsoever. (d)/ No error (e)
26) It is a fact (a)/ that most of people (b)/ desire to workless (c)/ but earn more. (d)/ No error (e)
27) Child was looking out (a)/ through the open window (b)/ with fear (c)/ in its eyes. (d)/ No error (e)
28) Everyone knows (a)/ that leopard is (b)/ faster than (c)/ all other animals. (d)/ No error (e)
29) Now days workers are less interested (a)/ in money as such (b)/ and appear to be more concerned
(c)/ about opportunities for autonomy and freedom. (d)/ No error (e)
30) The palmist friend of Rajni Mohan (a)/ had predicted that his son Raman would become an artist
(b)/ and (c)/ the prediction proved true. (d)/ No error (e)
31) Have the trip to Kashmir (a)/ this autumn (b)/ and weave (c)/ romance in your life. (d)/ No error (e)
32) He had already sent (a)/ me word (b)/ that his arrival (c)/ was scheduled for Thursday. (d)/ No error
33) I (a)/ went to a theatre (b)/ yesterday (c)/ with some people. (d)/ No error (e)
34) Having finished his breakfast (a)/ he started working (b)/ on the problem (c)/ that had been awaiting
disposal for the long time. (d)/ No error (e)
35) The new railway line (a)/ will greatly improve (b)/ transport and communication (c)/ in eastern part
of the country. (d)/ No error (e)
36) Every man, woman and child (a)/ is now aware of (b)/ the terrible consequences of (c)/ habit of
smoking. (d)/ No error (e)
37) The rich cannot accumulate (a)/ the wealth without (b)/ the co-operation (c)/ of poor in the society.
(d)/ No error (e)
38) Money (a)/ which is a source of (b)/ the happiness in life (c)/ becomes a source of peril and
confusion unless we control it. (d)/ No error (e)
39) Climbing the Mount Fuji (a)/ in winter (b)/ can be (c)/ very dangerous. (d)/ No error (e)
40) The language (a)/ school (b)/ is in (c)/ the Malibu Street. (d)/ No error (e)
41) Our plane (a)/ arrived (b)/ at (c)/ the Gatwick Airport. (d)/ No error (e)
42) Only very wealthy tourists (a)/ can afford (b)/ to stay (c)/ at Imperial Hotel. (d)/ No error (e)
43) She (a)/ is (b)/ arriving (c)/ on March the 25th. (d)/ No error (e)
44) It is not nr business (a)/ to give an advice to those (b)/ who are not sensible enough (c)/ to deal with
their own problems. (d)/ No error (e)
45) My friend insisted (a)/ that I should (b)/ see the movie (c)/ from beginning to end. (d)/ No error (e)
46) Prince Charles (a)/ is a heir (b)/ to the throne (c)/ of The Great Britain. (d)/ No error (e)
47) He has been sent to the prison (a)/ several times but (b)/ has not shown any sign (c)/ of
improvement in his conduct. (d)/ No error (e)
48) It being rainy day (a)/ most of the people (b)/ out on the street were (c)/ carrying umbrellas. (d)/ No
error (e)
49) The need to set up (a)/ a good library in the locality (b)/ has been in the minds of people (c)/ for
some time. (d)/ No error (e)
50) On my request (a)/ Jatin introduced me (b)/ to his friend (c)/ who is singer and scientist. (d)/ No
error (e)
2) Privatisation offers the most ideal situation (a) / for consumers because private sector (b) /
is very conscious of quality (c) / No error (d)
3) He is as intelligent if not more intelligent (a) / than his brother who has qualified (b) / for
this post (c) / No error (d)
4) It was difficult to get out (a)/ because the street was full of people (b)/ from one end to
another. (c)/ No error (d)
5) In my opinion (a)/ a pencil is always (b)/ more preferable to a pen. (c)/ No error (d)
6) My brother is elder (a) / than me although (b) / he looks younger (c) / No error (d)
7) Of all the students (a) / Rita was less worried (b) / when the date for the annual
examination was announced (c) / No error (d)
8) No king in that period (a)/ was so intensely involved (b)/ in the welfare of his people (c)/ as
king Ashoka. (d)/ No error (e)
9) I asked two persons (a)/ the way to the station (b)/ but none of them knew it. (c)/ No error
10) When it comes to comparison (a)/ between the two, (b)/ quality is most (c)/ important
than quantity. (d)/ No error (e)
11) Enough is enough, (a)/ I cannot now (b)/ tolerate this mischief (c)/ any much. (d)/ No
error (e)
12) Of the three ministers (a) / which do you think (b) / is going to prove more successful (c) /
No error (d)
13) Our new playground (a)/ is big (b)/ and cleaner (c)/ than theirs. (d)/ No error (e)
14) After he had read the two first chapters (a)/ of the novel (b)/ he felt like reading (c)/ the
book at one sitting. (d)/ No error (e)
15) Although he is my bossom friend (a)/ I cannot ask him for (b)/ money without any (c)/
vividly reason. (d)/ No error (e)
16) Your essay (a) / should not exceed more than (b) / hundred words (c) / No error (d)
17) He is the tallest (a) / than any other boy (b) / in the school (c) / No error (d)
18) All said and done (a)/ It is the basic values that (b)/ are most importance and (c)/ help
you in the long run. (d)/ No error (e)
19) We were very much (a)/ carefully in our approach (b)/ and hence we would (c)/ complete
the complicated task. (d)/ No error (e)
20) In our area (a)/ the journey by bus (b)/ is quick and safe (c)/ than by train. (d)/ No error
21) Anjali’s performance in the (a)/ drama was best than (b)/ Deepali’s but not (c)/ as good as
Vaishali’s. (d)/ No error (e)
22) He ran so fastly (a)/ that he reached (b)/ the destination in (c)/ just two minutes. (d)/ No
error (e)
23) Even the most perfect person (a) / in the world is said to have erred (b) / when there was
time to perform (c) / No error (d)
24) Simplest solution (a)/ than this expensive (b)/ method which you are suggesting (c)/
should be found out. (d)/ No error (e)
25) The tiger is (a) / as swift as (b) / any animal (c) / No error (d)
26) The world (a)/ comprises (b)/ good and bad people. (c)/ No error (d)
27) Dilip’s performance in the (a)/ film was worst than (b)/ Amit’s much fruit than his uncle.
(d)/ No error (e)
28) When Charles was (a)/ in the hospital (b)/ his sister sent (c)/ much fruit than his uncle.
(d)/ No error (e)
29) The faster he completes (a)/ the work given to (b)/ him, the largest (c)/ will be his profit.
(d)/ No error (e)
30) The captain declared that his ship had carried (a)/ no less than three hundred passengers
(b)/ on the last voyage. (c)/ No error (d)
31) Some people get (a)/ used to changes (b)/ very easily than (c)/ others do. (d)/ No error (e)
32) The link road has (a)/ now become (b)/ the roughest road than (c)/ any other road in the
city. (d)/ No error (e)
33) She asked him (a)/ what it was that made him (b)/ so much stronger and braver (c)/ than
any man. (d)/ No error (e)
34) Everyone agrees that (a)/ the Ganga is the holiest (b)/ of all other rivers (c)/ of India. (d)/
No error (e)
35) His car is (a)/ more bigger than (b)/ that of any of us. (c)/ No error (e)
36) If you look up tea in a cookery book (a)/ you may find a little instructions (b)/ that give
you no help (c)/ on several important points. (c)/ No error (d)
37) Which (a)/ do you prefer (b)/ more meat (c)/ or fish? (d)/ No error (e)
38) The new assignment is (a)/ more challenging than (b)/ much of the (c)/ earlier assignment
(d)/ No error (e)
39) Few words of (a)/ gratitude are enough (b)/ to express your (c)/ feeling sincerely. (d)/ No
error (e)
40) For millions of people (a)/ his retirement from (b)/ cricket has been (c)/ a greatest shock.
(d)/ No error (e)
41) Whenever man attains fame (a)/ his person qualities are (b)/ imitated by others who (c)/
are close to him. (d)/ No error (e)
42) His obviously reluctance (a)/ was viewed seriously by (b)/ his superiors and (c)/ he was
suspended. (d)/ No error (e)
43) You must realize (a)/ how importance it is (b)/ to give away to the needy (c)/ whatever you
posses in excess. (d)/ No error (e)
44) Some people have (a)/ generously contributed to the welfare fund (b)/ but they wanted
that there names (c)/ should not be published. (d)/ No error (e)
45) His good qualities include (a)/ his ability to take (b)/ quickly and (c)/ appropriate
decisions. (d)/ No error (e)
46) It goes to his credit (a)/ that he was a clean man (b)/ in politics as well as (c)/ his person
dealings. (d)/ No error (e)
47) His strictly discipline (a)/ had made him (b)/ very unpopular among (c)/ all the employees.
(d)/ No error (e)
48) Ramesh has been both (a)/ a dishonestly person (b)/ and a gambler (c)/ since his
childhood. (d)/ No error (e)
49) He was delighted (a)/ by the intelligent and brightness (b)/ of the scholars (c)/ who used
to visit him. (d)/ No error (e)
50) We were happy that (a)/ the audience responded well (b)/ and gave all the speakers (c)/ a
patiently listening. (d)/ No error (e)
51) Your over dependent on (a)/ others even for (b)/ trivial matters may (c)/ prove
disadvantageous. (d)/ No error (e)
52) The economical condition (a)/ of our country is bad (b)/ and unlikely to improve (c)/ in the
near future. (d)/ No error (e)
7) When Aman felt little hungry and thirsty, he cried for help.
20) Rahul wants to stand first in the Board Examination and so he works hardly.
24) It was only five years ago since he left this job.
43) I first read these rules in 1993 and have remembered them since ever.
44) I have received no letter, neither from him nor from her.
52) She lost her daughter and certainly she felt much grieved.
Find out the error part of the following sentences:
1) I came directly (a)/ to my residence (b)/ from the airport. (c)/ No error (d)
2) She does not hardly (a)/ know what (b)/ happened yesterday. (c)/ No error (d)
3) It was most (a)/ unfortunate that he (b)/ early died at the (c)/ age of 41. (d)/ No error (e)
4) In the last week (a)/ I told him to come (b)/ in time but he still (c)/ comes late everyday.
(d)/ No error (e)
5) The real important thing (a)/ of our life is our livelihood (b)/ which discriminates us from
animals. (d)/ No error (e)
6) She is too much beautiful (a)/ so most of the boys (b)/ run after her and (c)/ want to
influence her. (d)/ No error (e)
7) Whenever is the matter (a)/ I shall do this work (b)/ because I have to expose (c)/ my
working capacity at any cost. (d)/ No error (e)
8) The culprits of (a)/ the bomb explosion have (b)/ not yet (c)/ been discovered. (d)/ No error
9) Whatever work (a)/ that which you undertake (b)/ put your best (c)/ efforts in it. (d)/ No
error (e)
10) You scooter would not (a)/ have given you so much trouble (b)/ if you had (c)/ maintained
it proper. (d)/ No error (e)
11) The taxi driver who had come (a)/ to receive us at (b)/ the airport was speaking (c)/
fluently french. (d)/ No error (e)
12) Whenever you speak (a)/ take care that (b)/ others are not hurt (c)/ by your words. (d)/
No error (e)
13) I (a)/ was delighted (b)/ to see him (c)/ fully recover. (d)/ No error (e)
14) The observers feel that (a)/ the stronger team had to face defeat (b)/ because the players
(c)/ don’t play whole hearted. (d)/ No error (e)
15) Although he is usually (a)/ rude with everyone, (b)/ he behaved nice with (c)/ all of us
today. (d)/ No error (e)
16) He ran so fastly (a)/ that he reached (b)/ the destination in (c)/ just two minutes. (d)/ No
error (e)
17) In spite of toiling (a)/ very hardly he (b)/ realized that he had (c)/ not earned anything
substantial. (d)/ No error (e)
18) We were very much (a)/ carefully in our approach (b)/ and hence we would (c)/ complete
the complicated task. (d)/ No error (e)
19) Hard had he (a)/ thrown the ball (b)/ when it fell (c)/ on the ground. (d)/ No error (e)
20) We are confident (a)/ enough to earn (b)/ our livelihood by (c)/ toiling hardly. (d)/ No error
21) All said and done (a)/ it is the basic values that (b)/ are most importance and (c)/ help
you in the long run. (d)/ No error (e)
22) She was so (a)/ emotional stable that (b)/ she was not moved (c)/ by their decision to
suspend her. (d)/ No error (e)
23) The villagers fled away their houses (a)/ when they saw (b)/ the flood water rising. (c)/ No
error (d)
24) This machine looks (a)/ good but is very (b)/ badly designed (c)/ and does not work good.
(d)/ No error (e)
25) Vikas has been writing (a)/ that essay (b)/ for two hours (c)/ but he still has not finished
it. (d)/ No error (e)
26) He is sure (a)/ to succeed because (b)/ he is used (c)/ to working very hardly. (d)/ No error
27) All of them (a)/ worked very careful (b)/ right from the beginning (c)/ till they finished. (d)/
No error (e)
28) He has been working with me (a)/ for the last ten years (b)/ but I can not claim (c)/ that I
have understood him thorough. (d)/ No error (e)
29) He was looking impatient (a)/ at the unwanted visitor (b)/ who showed (c)/ no signs of
leaving the room. (d)/ No error (e)
30) The old man continued living a hard life (a)/ but never he asked (b)/ for any help from
neighbours. (c)/ No error (d)
2) It believed (a)/ that he(b)/ was very rich (c)/ in the village. (d)/ No error (e)
3) We were pleased (a)/ by the news (b)/ which we had received (c)/ a day before. (d)/ No error
4) My mother suggested me (a)/ that I should (b)/ write to her at least (c)/ two letters every
month. (d)/ No error (e)
5) Whom was (a)/ Jai Prakash Narayan (b)/ called (c)/ Loka Nayak? (d)/ No error (e)
6) He was extremely (a)/ annoy by (b)/ his wife’s unreasonable (c)/ activity. (d)/ No error (e)
7) Binay said that (a)/ the famous professor (b)/ had been ran over (c)/ by a truck. (d)/ No
error (e)
Active - Passive
8) By whom (a)/ was the teacher helped (b)/ when he seriously wounded (c)/ by a criminal?
(d)/ No error (e)
9) The robbers were broken (a)/ into the house (b)/ and took away (c)/ many precious things.
(d)/ No error (e)
10) The benches have been arranged (a)/ for the newly registered (b)/ students but they (c)/
have not been sat. (d)/ No error (e)
11) Whom was (a)/ the interesting (b)/ novel Godan (c)/ written? (d)/ No error (e)
12) My new book (a)/ will be (b)/ published (c)/ next month. (d)/ No error (e)
13) He is (a)/ very much (b)/ interest by (c)/ the plays of Shakespeare. (d)/ No error (e)
14) The work on the project (a)/ could not take up (b)/ as the government (c)/ did not provide
funds. (d)/ No error (e)
Active - Passive
15) Gandhi jee (a)/ will always remember (b)/ for what he did (c)/ for the country. (d)/ No
error (e)
16) The storm was so furious (a)/ that the roofs of (b)/ many houses (c)/ were blew off. (d)/ No
error (e)
17) Phulo refused (a)/ to admit that he (b)/ had charge sheeted (c)/ by the police. (d)/ No error
18) Your behaviour (a)/ is so rude (b)/ that everybody disgusted (c)/ with you. (d)/ No error (e)
19) He (a)/ will have arrested (b)/ before he commits (c)/ another murder. (d)/ No error (e)
20) Unless the syllabus (a)/ has completed, (b)/ no examination (c)/ should be held. (d)/ No
error (e)
21) The demands of the employees (a)/ are being examine (b)/ before a final decision (c)/ is
taken by the proprietor. (d)/ No error (e)
Active - Passive
22) The burglars broke (a)/ into the house and (b)/ took away some cash (c)/ and many
precious things. (d)/ No error (e)
23) Twenty persons killed (a)/ and a child was badly injured (b)/ in the bus accident (c)/
which took place last night. (d)/ No error (e)
24) Looking into the situation (a)/ that prevailed a few years ago (b)/ he was taken (c)/ that
decision. (d)/ No error (e)
25) Had the police not (a)/ reached here on time (b)/ he would have killed (c)/ by the
criminals. (d)/ No error (e)
26) You have lent (a)/ this book (b)/ by a friend (c)/ of yours. (d)/ No error (e)
27) Mr. Mohan Mishra had (a)/ to be operate on (b)/ to cure him (c)/ of his disease. (d)/ No
error (e)
28) Everyone’s aged parents (a)/ will be (b)/ properly (c)/ looking after. (d)/ No error (e)
Active - Passive
29) As she had (a)/ put on strange clothes, (b)/ she was (c)/ stared by. (d)/ No error (e)
30) The accused (a)/ was tried (b)/ and sentence to (c)/ a rigorous punishment. (d)/ No error
31) The university is going (a)/ to be hold (b)/ our examination (c)/ in this murder case. (d)/
No error (e)
32) The police (a)/ have been arrested (b)/ all the criminals (c)/ in this murder case. (d). No
error (e)
33) The improvement (a)/ of the economic condition (b)/ of the poor (c)/ must worked for. (d)/
No error (e)
34) Iraq was (a)/ illegally invade (b)/ by America and England (c)/ for oil. (d)/ No error (e)
35) He overcame (a)/ with sorrow when (b)/ he heard the sad news (c)/ of his failure. (d)/ No
error (e)
Active - Passive
36) When I reminded of the mistake (a)/ I had made, (b)/ I was struck with (c)/ a deep sense
of remorse. (d)/ No error (e)
37) The teacher was telling (a)/ by somebody that (b) there had been an explosion (c)/ in the
Town Hall. (d)/ No error (e)
38) I was told (a)/ by somebody that (b)/ there had an explosion (c)/ in the Town Hall. (d)/ No
error (e)
39) A house (a)/ is being build (b)/ by them next door (c)/ to our school. (d)/ No error (e)
40) He overcame (a)/ with sorrow when (b)/ he hear the sad news (c)/ of his failure. (d)/ No
error (e)
41) If you had not (a)/ come in time, (b)/ the child would have taken away (c)/ by the dacoits.
(d)/ No error (e)
42) The unreasonable behaviour (a)/ of his daughter was thoroughly upset (c)/ Mr. Gupta.
(d)/ No error (e)
Active - Passive
43) Due to (a)/ unfavourable condition (b)/ I was failed (c)/ to pay my examination fee. (d)/ No
error (e)
44) We (a)/ have to be paid (b)/ the taxes (c)/ by the end of March. (d)/ No error (e)
45) All of us (a)/ will be laughed (b)/ at them if (c)/ we go there in this dress. (d)/ No error (e)
46) They were arrested him (a)/ in a case of fraud, (b)/ but released him later, (c)/ thanks to
some political manipulations. (d)/ No error (e)
47) It hoped (a)/ by the daughters of Prime Ministers (b)/ that they would (c)/ succeed their
fathers. (d)/ No error (e)
48) One night some thieves (a)/ came into my house, (b)/ A lot of gold and clothes (c)/ took
away. (d)/ No error (e)
Active - Passive
49) Naturally they are expected you (a)/ to interest yourself (b)/ in the job (c)/ they have
offered you. (d)/ No error (e)
50) Unless they have cleared (a)/ all the dues, (b)/ we are not going to be given (c)/ them any
further concessions. (d)/ No error (e)
2. Ask after (हालचाल पूछना, ask about the welfare, inquire after) – I met your brother at the party, he asked after you.
3. Ask for (माांगना, request for) – She asked for a glass of water.
4. Back out (मुकर जाना, वादे से पीछे हटना, go back on, withdraw from promise) – He agreed to help but backed out at the last
5. Be in for [शीघ्र सांभाववत अविय घटना, (about to take place (unpleasant)] – On account of his bad habits he is in for trouble.
6. Bear away (जीतना, win) – Suhani bore away the first prize in the dance competition.
7. Bear on/upon [असर होना, relevant (bearing on)] – Your remarks have no bearing on the main problem.
8. Bear out (समर्थन करना / वकालत करना , support the argument, corroborate) – I am sure my classmates will bear out my
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9. Bear with (धैयथ ददखाना, सहयोग करना, to show patience, co-operate) – In view of the heavy losses suffered by the company,
the shareholders were requested to bear with.
10. Blow out (बुझा दे ना, extinguish) – The candle blew out as the gust of wind came in.
11. Blow over (सांभाववत बुरे समय का अविय घटना के बबना बीत जाना, pass off without harm, come to an end) – Don’t worry, the
crisis is likely to blow over.
12. Blow up (उड़ा दे ना, explode, start suddenly) – The plan of the enemy to blow up the fly-over was foiled by the police.
13. Break down (रो पड़ना, खराब हो जाना, emotional collapse, stop functioning) – While giving evidence in the court, she broke
14. Break into (सेंध मारना , घुसना, enter by force) – The robbers broke into his house last night.
15. Break off (बबना ककसी नतीज़े के समाप्त हो जाना, असफल होना, come to an end, unsuccessfully) – The talks between India and
China broke off.
16. Break out [फैल जाना, spread (war, epidemic, fire, riots)] – The fear that AIDS has broken out in India is not unfounded.
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17. Breakthrough (बड़ी उपलब्धध, discover a secret, major achievement) – There is no hope of breakthrough in the murder case.
18. Break up [सत्र की समाब्प्त, terminate (meeting, school, session)]- The college will break up next week for summer vacation.
19. Break up with (झगड़ा करना, quarrel) – After long and fruitful friendship, the two friends broken up with each other.
20. Break open (तोड़ दे ना, open by force) – The thief broke open the lock and stole money.
21. Bring about (सम्भव बनाना, cause to happen) – The administration helped to bring about a peaceful settlement.
22. Bring out (अर्थ की व्याख्या करना, िकाशशत करना, explain the meaning, publish) – When asked to explain, she could not bring
out the meaning of the poem.
23. Bring around (ककसी की सहमतत लेना, समझने में सफलता पाना, to make one agree, bring to senses) – I was able to bring my
mother round to my views with great difficulty.
24. Bring up (परवररश करना, rear, educate) – Fathers are beginning to play a bigger role in bringing up their children.
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25. Call for (वाांतछत, आवश्यक होना, necessary, require) – For the unity of the country discipline among the people is called for.
26. Call in/call out (बुलाना, send for help) – The police were called in without delay by the residents.
27. Call off (रद्द करना, suspend or abandon) – We decided to call off the strike.
28. Call on (शमलने जाना, go and visit a person) – It is a tradition for the Prime Minister to call on the President.
29. Call out (मदद हे तु बुलाना, ask to come for help) – The National Guards has been called out.
30. Call up (टे लीफोन करना, स्मरण करना, to telephone, recall) – Many of my friends called me up to congratulate me.
31. Call upon (अपील करना, appeal, exhort) – He was called upon to prove the correctness of the press reports.
32. Carried away (भावनाओां में बह जाना, lose control) – On hearing the news of his success he was carried away by joy.
34. Carry out (कायाथब्ववत करना, implement, obey, execute) – It is not likely that your father will carry out the threat of
disinheriting you.
35. Cast away (बेकार मान कर फेंक दे ना, throw away as useless) – We usually give our servants the old clothes which we cast
36. Cast down (उदास, अवसादग्रस्त, dejected, downcast) – Nowadays, he is cast down as a result of his failure in the
37. Cast off (मुब्तत पाना, खत्म करना, त्याग दे ना, release, remove) – Organization must cast off old fashioned practices in order to
38. Catch up with (कमी परू ी करना, make up for deficiency, overtake) – He remained ill for many days but caught up with the
pending work very soon.
40. Come across (अचानक भें ट होना, meet by chance) – I came across my old friend in the market yesterday.
41. Come by (िाप्त होना, get) – How have you come by such a precious diamond?
42. Come of (सांबांध रखना, belong to) – Reeta comes of a family of freedom fighters.
43. Come off (उतर जाना, fade, get separated) – I was surprised to see that plaster had come off the walls.
44. Come over (काबू पाना, get over, overcome) – You can come over your problems by honest means.
45. Come round (सहमत होना, स्वास््य लाभ होना, agree, recover from illness) – My father at first refused to let me continue
study but he came round in the end.
46. Come upon (अचानक ककसी चीज़ का शमलना, come across, get by chance) – My friend came upon the evidence just by chance.
48. Cut down (काट दे ना, curtail, reduce) – Since you are out of job these days, you must cut down your expenditure.
49. Cut off (हटा दे ना, discontinue, die, remove) – Gas supplies have now been cut off.
50. (Be) cut out for (ककसी कायथ के शलए सवथर्ा अनक
ु ू ल होना, suitable) – He is cut out for an administrative career.
51. Cut out (बड़ी वस्तु में से टुकड़ा तोड़ना, to take a piece from the whole) - He cut out a piece of the cake and put it in my plate.
52. Cut up (परे शान, distressed, cut into small pieces) – She was cut up because she had been scolded by her teacher.
53. Die down [धीरे धीरे समाप्त हो जाना, gradually disappear (riots, excitement, storm etc.)] – The wind has died down.
54. Die out (ववलप्ु त हो जाना, become out of use or existence) – He thought that the custom had died out a long time ago.
56. Dispose to (इच्छुक, पसांद करने वाला, willing, inclined favourably) – My friend is disposed to discussing the problems
57. Do away with (जड़ से उखाड़ फेंकना, eradicate) – We should do away with social evils.
58. Do for (काम चलाना, serve the purpose) – This book will do for the SSC examination.
59. (have) Done with (कोई सम्बवध न रखना, have no relation) – I have done with him because of his dishonesty.
61. Done for, done in (तबाह हो जाना, be ruined) – He appears to be done for since he has lost heavily in gambling.
62. Draw up (शलखना, सांयोजन करना, to write, compose, draft) – I was busy drawing up plans for the new course.
63. Draw on or upon (आहरण करना, to get money from) – He was able to draw on vast reserves of talent.
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64. Drop in (अचानक ककसी के यहााँ जाना, to pay a short visit) – I thought I’d just drop in and see how you were.
65. Drop out (कायथ के बीच में छोड़ दे ना, retire in the midst of doing something) – She could not qualify for the selection as she
dropped out while the race was in progress.
66. Fall back (पीछे हो जाना, retreat) – The rioters fell back when the police arrived.
67. Fall back on (तनभथर होना, depend on) – You must save money to fall back on it in old age.
68. Fall off (सांख्या में कमी होना, decrease in number, get separated) – In the wake of roof tragedy the admissions in the school
have fallen off.
69. Fall out (झगड़ा होना, quarrel) – The two friends appear to have fallen out over a minor issue.
70. Fall in with (सहमत होना, agree with) – Instead of challenging the lie, she fell in with their views.
72. Follow up (अनवरत अध्ययन करना, pursue after the first attempt) – The idea has been followed up by a group of
73. Get ahead (आगे हो जाना, go forward) – You can get ahead of your rivals only by hard work.
74. Get along (शमत्रवत होना, be friendly) – They just can’t get along together because of temperamental differences.
75. Get at (पहुांचना /समझना, reach, understand) – It is very difficult to get at the truth etc.
76. Get away (भाग जाना, escape) – They got away on scooter.
77. Get away with (सस्ते में छूट जाना, without being punished or with little punishment) – Although his fault was serious, he got
away with light punishment.
80. Get over (मुसीबत से बाहर आना, recover from illness or shock, come over) – He is still trying to get over the financial crisis.
81. Get through (सफल होना, pass through, succeed) – It is not possible to get through an examination without labour.
82. Get up (बबस्तर से उठना, rise from bed, dressed) – The woman got up from her chair with the baby in her arms.
83. Give away (ववतररत करना, distribute) – She has given away jewellery worth thousands of Rupees.
84. Give in (सौंपना, surrender, agree) – At first she was adamant but at last she gave in to the request of her friend.
85. Give out (मौखखक घोषणा, announce verbally, emit) – It was given out that she had failed.
87. Give way (धाराशायी होना, collapse under pressure, break) – The contractor was charged with negligence when the roof of a
new building gave way.
89. Go back on (वादे से मुकरना, withdraw, back out) – One should not go back on one’s promise.
90. Go down (भरोसा ककया जाना, be believed) – Your excuse will not go down.
91. Go in for (खरीदना, buy, practice, to enter a contest) – I thought of going in for teaching.
92. Go off (फट जाना explode and be discharged) – When he was cleaning his gun it went off and killed him.
94. Go over (अध्ययन करना, examine carefully, look over) – On going over the balance sheet of the company the auditors have
found serious mistakes.
95. Go through (तेज़ी से पढ़ना, सहना, read hurriedly, endure) – He didn’t lend me the newspaper because he was going through
96. Go up (बढ़ोतरी होना, rise, increase) – As a result of a sharp rise in prices the price of washing soap has gone up.
97. Hand out (ववतररत करना, distribute) – Hand out the books to the students.
98. Hand over (सौंपना, give charge or authority) – He has not handed over charge to the new manager.
99. Hang about (इधर उधर घूमना, इांतज़ार करना, stay waiting, roam about) – The boys hanging about girls hostel were rounded
up by the police.
100. Hold on (डटे रहना, carry on, wait, persist) – In spite of financial difficulties he held on and succeeded in the long run.
A Busy Bee: A busy, active person who moves quickly from task to task.
A Cat Has Nine Lives: Cats seem to get away with dangerous things
A Cat in Gloves Catches No Mice: You can’t get what you need if you’re too careful.
A Cold Fish: Someone who is not often moved by emotions, who is regarded as being hard and unfeeling.
A Day Late And A Dollar Short: Too delayed and insignificant to have much effect
A Dog in The Manger: A person who selfishly prevent others from using, enjoying or profiting from something even tho
A Home Bird: Somebody who prefers to spend his social and free time at home.
A Hundred And Ten Percent: More than what seems to be the maximum
A Lame Duck: A person or enterprise (often a business) that is not a success and that has to be helped.
A Little Bird Told Me: I don’t wish to divulge where I got the information
A Little Bird Told Me: I got this information from a source I cannot reveal.
A Little from Column A, a Little from Column B: A course of action drawing on several different ideas or possibilities
A Lone Wolf: Someone who is not very social with other people
A Penny Saved is A Penny Earned: Every small amount helps to build one’s savings
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: A visual presentation can communicate something very effectively
A Plum Job: An easy and pleasant job that also pays well
A Sitting Duck: A person or object in a vulnerable position that is easy to attack or injure.
A Stitch in Time Saves Nine: Fix something quickly, because if you don’t, it will just get more difficult to fix
A Week Is A Long Time In _____: In the field mentioned, the situation may change rapidly
Above The Law: Exempt from the laws that apply to everyone else.
Acknowledge The Corn: Admit to a mistake, especially a small one; point out one’s own shortcomings, or another’s
Acquired Taste: Something one learns to appreciate only after trying it repeatedly
Act High and Mighty: Be arrogant, presume that one is better than others
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: One’s character and intentions are shown more accurately by one’s actions than by
Add Insult to Injury: Humiliate someone in addition to doing damage to him or her
After The Lord Mayor’s Show (UK): Anticlimactic; occurring after something impressive
Against the Clock: In a very limited amount of time; with a shortage of time being the main problem
Against The Grain: Contrary to one’s natural inclinations
Against The Run Of Play: A typical of the way a game has been going
Age Before Beauty: Something said by a younger woman to an older one, for instance allowing her to pass through a d
Agreement In Principle: In a negotiation, an agreement in which not all details have been worked out
Aha Moment: Sudden realization, the point at which one suddenly understands something
Ahead Of One’s Time: Offering ideas not yet in general circulation; highly creative
Ahead Of The Curve: Offering ideas not yet in general circulation; highly creative
Ahead Of The Game: Making faster progress than anticipated; ahead of schedule
Albatross Around One’s Neck: Something from one’s past that acts as a hindrance
All Along: For the entire time something has been happening
All Bark And No Bite: Tending to make verbal threats but not deliver on them
All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go: Prepared (with clothing or otherwise) for an event that does not occur
All Ears: Listening willingly, waiting for an explanation
All Eyes Are On: Watching alertly or attentively. Having prominent eyes. Everyone is paying attention to
All In A Day’s Work (Excl.): That’s what I’m here for; although I have accomplished something, it is part of what I’m exp
All In Good Time: Eventually; at a more favorable time in the future. This phrase encourages one to be patient.
All Mouth And No Trousers: Superficial, engaging in empty, boastful talk, but not of real substance
All Over Hell’S Half Acre: All over the place; everywhere.
All Rights Reserved: Said of a published work; all reproduction rights are asserted by the copyright holder
All Roads Lead to Rome: There is more than one effective way to do something; many different methods will produce
All Set: Ready, prepared, finished
All Things Being Equal: In the event that all aspects of a situation remain the same
Along The Lines Of: In general accordance with, in the same general direction as
Amber Gambler: Someone who accelerates to try to cross an intersection before a traffic light turns red
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Eating healthy foods will keep one from getting sick (and needing to see a doc
An Early Bird: A person who gets up early in the morning, or who starts work earlier than others.
An Eye for an Eye: Justice in which reparation or vengeance exactly matches the harm caused to the victim
Ancient History: Something, such as a disagreement, that happened long ago and ought to be forgotten
And Counting: And the number just mentioned is increasing (or decreasing)
And Change: And an additional amount of money that’s less than the next round number
And His Mother: An intensifier for an inclusive noun or phrase such as everyone, everybody
And Then Some: And even more than what has just been mentioned
Another Nail In One’s Coffin: Something that leads to someone’s death, literally or figuratively.
Any Port in a Storm: If you’re in trouble, you’ll turn to anything that improves the situation.
Any Tom, Dick or Harry: Any ordinary person
Angle For: Aim toward something, try to obtain something, often indirectly or secretly
Apple of One’s Eye: A favorite person or thing, a person especially valued by someone
Apple of Someone’s Eye: The person that someone loves most of all and is very proud of
Arm Candy: An attractive woman accompanying a powerful or famous man at a social event
Asleep at the Wheel (Switch): not paying attention to one’s work; not doing one’s job diligently.
At Sixes and Sevens: Someone is in a state of confusion or not very well organized.
At the End of the Day: In the final analysis; when all is said and done
At Wit’s End: Frustrated because all measures to deal with something have failed
Baby Boomer: A person born in the years following World War II, when there was a temporary marked increase in the
Babysitter Test: An evaluation of the ease of use of household appliances, especially remote control devices
Back Burner (On The): Not urgent; set aside until later
Back Forty: Remote, inaccessible land
Back to the Salt Mines: It’s time for me (us) to go back to work
Backing and Filling: Delaying a decision by making small changes or arguing about small details
Backseat Driver: A passenger in a car who gives unwanted advice to the driver is called a backseat driver.
Backseat Driver: Someone who likes to give (often annoying) advice to the driver of a car, or the leader of some other e
Bad Blood: Enmity or hatred that stems from something in the past
Bad Taste In One’s Mouth: Unease, a feeling that something unspecified is wrong in a situation
Ball and Chain: 1. One’s spouse (derogatory but often affectionate); 2. an ongoing burden
Bang One’s Head Against the Wall (Against a Brick Wall):Try repeatedly to do something without making progress
Baptism by Fire: A difficult task given right after one has assumed new responsibilities
Bar Fly (or Barfly): Someone who spends much of his or her time in bars
Bark Up the Wrong Tree: Pursue a mistaken approach or belief; be wrong in a course of action
Basket Case: So upset or stunned that one is unable to function; in a hopeless condition
Be An Item: Two people are an item when they are having a romantic relationship
Be Footloose and Fancy-Free: To be free of responsibilities, including romantic commitments
Be Head Over Heels (In love): Be in love with somebody very much
Be in Two Minds (about something): To not be certain about something, or to have difficulty in making a decision
Be Like Chalk and Cheese: Things or people who are very different and have nothing in common
Be Lovey – Dovey: Expressing your love in public by constantly kissing and hugging
Beat Around the Bush: To speak in a roundabout way in order to avoid confronting an unpleasant topic
Beat Someone To The Draw: To accomplish or obtain something more quickly than someone else
Beat Someone to the Punch: Do something before or faster than someone else
Beat the Drum for (Something): Speak in favor of something to try to generate support
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep: External appearance is a superficial basis for judging someone
Bee in One’s Bonnet: Someone who has a bee in their bonnet has an idea which constantly occupies their thoughts.
Beggar Thy Neighbor: To do something beneficial for oneself without worrying about how it affects others
Behind the Eight (or 8) Ball: At a serious disadvantage
Best of Both Worlds: Combining two qualities that are usually separate
Bet One’s Bottom Dollar (On Something): Be certain that something will happen
Bet the Farm: Risk everything; spend all one’s money on something in hopes of success
Better late Than Never: It implies that a belated achievement is better than not reaching a goal at all.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Caught between two undesirable options
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: In a difficult position
Big Brother: Government, viewed as an intrusive force in the lives of citizens; government spying
Bite Off More Than You Can Chew: Try to do more than one is capable of doing
Bite the Bullet: To do something even though it involves pain, discomfort, or difficulty
Bite the Hand That Feeds You: Act badly toward someone who has helped you
Black and White: A clear distinction between good and bad, positive and negative
Black Sheep: A person who does not fit into a group, especially a family
Blind Date: When two people who have never seen each other before go on a date
Blinded by Love: When a person is so madly in love with somebody that they can’t see the person’s faults or negative c
Blow Away the Cobwebs: If something blows away the cobwebs, it makes you feel more lively and refreshes your idea
Blow Hot and Cold: Shift one’s level of enthusiasm repeatedly
Blow Off Steam: To express anger and frustration in a way that does no damage
Blow the Cobwebs Away (or Out of Something): Make space for fresh ideas, encourage something new
Blue Eyed Boy: A person who is a favorite of those in authority; someone whose mistakes are forgiven
Blue Light Special: 1. a temporary sale at a discount store. 2. a traffic stop by the police.
Born on The Wrong Side of the Blanket: Born to parents who were not married
Boy Toy: A young man who is the lover of an older, often wealthier woman (see toyboy)
Boys will be Boys: A phrase of resignation used when boys get into trouble or are stereotypically reckless or rowdy
Brainstorm: To generate many ideas quickly
Break a Leg: Good luck! This is used for a stage performer-or for anyone else who is about to give some kind of a perfo
Break The Ice: To get something started, particularly by means of a social introduction or conversation
Burn One’s Bridges: Leave a job or a relationship on such bad terms that one does not stay in contact
Burn the Candle at Both Ends: To work too hard, with possible bad consequences for one’s health
Bury (Hide) One’s Head In the Sand: Ignoring something that’s obviously wrong, not facing reality
Bury the Hatchet: Make peace, agree to end a dispute
Business as Usual: A normal situation (whether related to business or not), typically restored after some change
Busman’s Holiday: A vacation where you do the same thing you do at work, a working vacation
Busted Flush: A failure, someone or something that seemed promising but did not develop well
Butter Wouldn’t Melt in (Someone’s): Mouth This person is cool in manner, prim and proper
Buy Time: Cause a delay in something with the aim of improving one’s position
Call It a Day: Decide that one has worked enough on something for the day
Can’t Swing A Dead Cat In (Place): Without Hitting A (Thing) There are many examples of [thing] in this [place].
Carrot-and-Stick (Approach): A tactic in which rewards are offered, but there is also the threat of punishment
Carry a Torch (for): To continue to be in love with someone even after a relationship has ended
Carry Coals To Newcastle: Supply something that is unneeded; engage in useless labor
Carry the Can: To take the blame for something one did not do
Catch One’s Death of Cold: To become very ill (with a cold/flu etc.)
Catch-22: A difficult situation from which there is no escape because options for avoiding it involve contradictions
Circle the Wagons: To prepare as a group to defend against attack, adopt a defensive posture
Clean Up Nicely: Look good when one is dressed up. Usually said of women
Close, But No Cigar: You are very close but not quite correct.
Cold Day in Hell: A condition for something that would be extremely unlikely to occur
Come Out of the Closet: Reveal a secret about oneself, usually that one is gay (homosexual)
Come to Terms With (Something): Feel acceptance toward something bad that has happened
Coming Down the Pike: Likely to occur in the near future
Cool as A Cucumber: Calm and composed even in difficult or frustrating situations; self-possessed
Cool Cat: Someone who has the respect of their peers in a young, casual way.
Crickets: Silence
Cross to Bear: A problem one must deal with over a long time, a heavy burden
Crunch Time: A period of high pressure when one has to work hard to finish something
Cry Over Spilt (USA: Spilled): Milk To waste energy moaning about something that has already happened
Cry Wolf (verb): To issue a false alarm, to ask for help when none is needed
Cry Your Eyes Out: Cry hard for a very long time
Cry Your Eyes Out: Cry hard for a very long time
Curiosity Killed The Cat: Stop asking questions, don’t be too curious
Cut Off Your Nose to Spite Your Face: To act in a proud way that ultimately damages your own cause
Cut to the Chase: Get to the point; explain the most important part of something quickly; skip the preliminaries
Champagne taste on a beer budget: Expensive or extravagant tastes or preferences that are beyond one’s economic m
Cheap Shot: An unfair attack; a statement that unfairly attacks someone’s weakness
Chill Out: Do something that helps them to calm down and relax for a while.
Chin Up/ Keep Your Chin Up: Cheer up; try to be cheerful and strong
Chip off the Old Block: Someone who resembles a direct ancestor, usually the father
Chop Shop: A shop where stolen cars are disassembled for parts
Da Man (Slang): An accomplished or skillful person. Generally used in the compliment “”You da man!””
Dark Horse: A surprise candidate or competitor, especially one who comes from behind to make a strong showing
Deep Pockets: The new owner has deep pockets, so fans are hoping the football team will improve next year with new
Devil’s Advocate: Someone who argues a point not out of conviction, but in order to air various points of view
Dog in the Manger: A person who prevents others from using something, even though the person himself or herself do
Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover: Don’t be deceived by looks; don’t rely on looks when judging someone or something
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk: Don’t worry about minor things.
Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth: Do not question the value of a gift. The expression comes from the practice of d
looking at its teeth.
Double-Edged Sword: Something that can be helpful or harmful; something beneficial that also has a downside
Draw a Line in the Sand: Issue an ultimatum; specify an absolute limit in a conflict
Draw a Line Under (Something): To conclude something and move on to something else
Drink the Kool-Aid: Accept a set of ideas uncritically, often dangerous ones
Drive a Wedge Between: Try to split factions of a united group by introducing an issue on which they disagree
Dutch Courage: Alcohol drunk with the intention of working up the nerve to do something
Eager beaver: The term eager beaver refers to a person who is hardworking and enthusiastic, sometimes considered o
Early Bird [noun or adjective]: Someone who does something prior to the usual time, or someone who gets up early.
Elevator Music: Pleasant but boring recorded music that is played in public places.
Elevator Pitch: A brief presentation of an idea, one short enough to be delivered in an elevator
Every Dog Has His (Its): Day Everyone has a moment of fame, power, or influence
Every Man for Himself: Pursue your own interests; don’t expect help from others.
Fall Off the Wagon: To begin using alcohol (or another problem substance) after quitting
Feather in One’s Cap: An achievement for which one is recognized; a noteworthy achievement
Feather One’s (Own) Nest: Use one’s influence or power improperly for financial gain
Feel Like a Million Dollars: To feel great, to feel well and healthy.
Fell off a Truck: Probably stolen or illicitly obtained; said of something offered for sale to avoid discussing its origins
Fell off the Back of a Lorry: Probably stolen or illicitly obtained; said of something offered for sale to avoid discussing it
Fight Fire with Fire: Use the same measures that are being used against you, even if they’re stronger than you would u
Fight Like Cat and Dog: Continually arguing with each other
Finger-Pointing: Blame; a situation within a group where each member attempts to blame others
Finger-Pointing: Blame; a situation within a group where each member attempts to blame others
First In, Best Dressed: The first people to do something will have an advantage
Fish for Compliments: Try to manipulate people into praising you
Fish or Cut Bait (usually an exclamation): Make a decision or give someone else a chance
Fly by the Seat of One’s Pants: To improvise, to make decisions without planning or preparation
Fly Off The Handle: Lose one’s temper suddenly and unexpectedly
Follow In Someone’s Footsteps (Tracks): Follow the example laid down by someone else; supplant
Follow Your Heart: Rely on one’s deeper feelings and instincts when making a decision
For Xyz Reasons: For multiple reasons, not worth specifying individually
Freudian Slip: Accidental use of an incorrect word; a revealing slip of the tongue
From Pillar to Post: From one place to another, in a forced, random way
From the Bottom of One’s Heart: Sincerely and with deep feeling
Full of the Joys of Spring: Very happy, enthusiastic and full of energy
Game of Chicken: A conflict situation in which neither side will back down for fear of seeming cowardly (chicken)
Get In on the Ground Floor: Invest in or join something while it is still small
Get Off Scot Free: Be accused of wrongdoing but pay no penalty at all
Get Off Scot Free: Be accused of wrongdoing but pay no penalty at all
Get One’s Ducks in a Row: Have everything organized; get oneself organized
Get With the Program: Figure out what everyone else already knows. Often used sarcastically, as a command
Go Along (With): Agree to something, often provisionally
Go Berserk: To go crazy
Go Cold Turkey: Stop using an addictive substance suddenly, without tapering off
Go Off the Deep End: To unexpectedly become very angry, especially without a good reason
Go Out on a Limb: Assert something that may not be true; put oneself in a vulnerable position
Go with the Flow: To accept the way things naturally seem to be going
Grab (Take) the Bull by the Horns: To begin forthrightly to deal with a problem
Grasp (Grab) at Straws: To take desperate actions with little hope of success
Green as Grass: Lacking training, naive; often said of young people in new jobs
Grind One’s Teeth: Be very annoyed or angry about something without being able to say anything about it.
Guilty Pleasure: Enjoying something which is not generally held in high regard, while at the same time feeling a bit guil
Guinea Pig: A test subject, a person who is used as a test to see if something will work
Give Lip Service to: Talk about supporting something without taking any concrete action
Give Lip Service: to Talk about supporting something without taking any concrete action
Give One’s Two Cents (That’s My Two Cents): Offer an opinion, suggest something
Give Someone a Piece of Your Mind: Angrily tell someone what you think
Give Someone a Run for Their Money: Compete effectively with the leader in a particular field
Give Someone the Cold Shoulder: act hostile toward someone; to ignore, snub
Give Someone The Old Heave-Ho: Fire someone, remove someone from a group or team
Give Something a Whirl: Attempt something without being totally familiar with it
Hair of the Dog (That Bit You): A small amount of the alcoholic beverage that caused your hangover
Hands are Tied: You are prevented from doing something. It is not within your power
Hang It Up: To retire, to end an activity one has pursued for a long time
Happy-Go-Lucky: If you are a happy-go-lucky person, you are cheerful and carefree all the time.
Hard Nut to Crack: A difficult problem or a difficult person
Has the Cat Got Your Tongue?: Why are you not saying anything?
Hat Trick: Scoring three goals in hockey or soccer (football), or accomplishing three of anything.
Hatchet Job: A strong attack on someone’s reputation; intentionally destructive criticism; calumny
Have (one’s) head in the clouds: Not know what is happening around you or out of touch with reality
Have a Bone to Pick (with Someone): To want to discuss something someone has done that has angered or annoyed y
Have a Bone to Pick (with Someone): To want to discuss something someone has done that has angered or annoyed y
Have a Dog in the Hunt (Fight, Race): To support a certain person in a competition
Have a Lot on One’s Plate: Be busy, be in the middle of many ongoing tasks
Have a Lot Riding On (Something): Be depending on the successful outcome or development of something
Have a Nose for (Something): To have natural ability at something, a talent for finding something
Have a Tough Row to Hoe: Be faced with a task that is difficult because of unfavorable conditions
Have Egg on Your Face: They are made to look foolish or embarrassed
Have Hand of Aces/Hold All the Aces: To be in a very strong position in a competition
Have It Out with Someone: To have an argument with someone in order to settle a dispute
Have One Foot in The Grave: To be near death (usually because of old age or illness)
Have One’s Cake and Eat It, Too: To want two incompatible things (usually used in the negative)
Have The Time of Your Life: If you have the time of our life, you enjoy yourself very much.
Have the Time of Your Life: To have a very fun, exciting, or enjoyable time
He Who Laughs Last Laughs Best: Being victorious is often a matter of simply surviving a conflict
He Would Put Legs Under A Chicken: He will talk your head off; he is very talkative
Hit the Ground Running: To begin a job or project with no learning or training period needed
Hold One’s Liquor: Be able to drink a large amount without being affected
Hold the Phone: Wait a moment (whether you’re on the phone or not)
Hold the Phone: Wait a moment (whether you’re on the phone or not)
Hold Your Horses (generally excl.): Stop; restrain yourself; don’t be so excited
Home Away from Home: A habitual hangout; a place one frequents often and where one feels welcome
Honor System: A system of payments that relies on the honesty of those paying
I Wouldn’t Put It Past (Someone): I think it’s quite possible that [this person] would do this.
If It Had Been a Snake, It Would Have Bitten Me: It was very obvious, but I missed it.
If the Shoe Fits, Wear It: If this description of you is accurate, accept it.
In Broad Daylight: When something occurs in broad daylight, it means the event is clearly visible
In For a Penny, In for a Pound: Committed to something even though the risks are increasing
In Full Swing: When something, such as an event, gets into full swing, it is at its busiest or liveliest time.
In Touch: In contact
In the Interim: It denotes a period of time between something that ended and something that happened afterwards
In the Limelight, In the Spotlight: Receiving large amounts of publicity or attention
In the opinion of the speaker, a person has just spent money unnecessarily and is, therefore, a fool.
In the Red: Losing money; (of a market index) below a specified starting point
It Never Rains but It Pours: Bad luck and bad things tend to happen at the same time
It Takes Two to Tango: When something goes wrong involving two people, it’s likely that they share the blame; cooper
It Takes Two to Tango: You say this when you think that a difficult situation or argument cannot be the fault of one per
Itchy Feet: A person who has itchy feet is someone who finds it difficult to stay in one place and likes to travel and disc
It’s a Wash: A positive and a negative development cancel each other out, so the situation has neither improved nor go
It’s No Skin off My (Your) Nose (Back): The outcome will not affect me personally
It’s Not Over Till the Fat Lady Sings: Do not give up too soon; things may improve.
Jim Crow: The system of racial segregation in the American South prior to the American civil rights movement.
Join the Club (excl.): I feel sympathy for you because I have experienced something similar.
Jump the Shark: To pass peak quality and begin to decline. Often used to describe television programs or movie series.
Jump the Track: To shift suddenly from one activity or line of thought to another
Just What the Doctor Ordered: Exactly the thing that is or was needed to help improve something or make one feel be
Kangaroo Court: A court of law where proper procedures are not followed at all; a sham judicial proceeding
Keep (Something) at Bay: Maintain a distance from something or someone
Keep a Stiff Upper Lip: Control one’s emotions; not give in to fear or grief
Keep an Eye On: To keep an eye on something or someone is to watch it periodically, to keep it under surveillance.
Keep It Under Your Hat: Don’t tell anyone; don’t reveal this secret
Keep Your Nose Clean: Avoid trouble or situations that compromise one’e honesty
Keep Your Powder Dry: Do not attack until you are ready.
Keeping One’s Nose to the Grindstone: Working hard on something repetitive or tedious
Kick Ass, Kick Butt: 1) Defeat badly; 2) be excellent or highly effective (only kick ass would be used for 2)
Kill a Fly With an Elephant Gun: Approach a problem with excessive measures
Kill Two Birds with One Stone: Act in such a way as to produce two desirable effects
Kill Two Birds with One Stone: Solve two problems with one move
Kill the Goose That Laid the Golden Egg: To destroy a source of ongoing profits or benefits
King of the Hill: At the top of one’s field; the most influential person in a given field or area
Knock on Wood; Touch Wood: Let’s hope I have good luck or continue to have good luck.
Knock Some Sense Into: To beat someone in order to teach him/her a lesson. May be used figuratively.
Knock Up: To impregnate a woman. Often used in the form knocked up.
Know (Something) Like the Back of One’s Hand: To be very familiar with something, especially an area
Last But Not Least: What I have just said does not reflect a ranking in importance.
Laughter is the Best Medicine: Laughing a lot is a very effective means of recovering from physical or mental injury
Learn the Ropes: Become more familiar with a job or field of endeavor; be trained
Let Off Steam: To express anger and frustration in a way that does no damage
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie: To avoid stirring up a problem; to leave things alone
Let the Cat Out of the Bag: Reveal a secret, usually a secret you or others are trying to keep
Let the Genie Out of the Bottle: Reveal something hitherto suppressed
Letter of the Law: The explicit meaning of a law, as opposed to the spirit of the law, the law’s general intention
Light at the End of the Tunnel: A sign of hope after a long period of difficulties
Like a Kid in a Candy Store: To be so excited about one’s surroundings that one acts in a childlike or silly way
Like Father, Like Son: Sons inherit their fathers’ traits and preferences, often even without realizing it.
Like The Cat That Got The Cream: Looking particularly self-satisfied, often to the annoyance of others
Living on Borrowed Time: Following an illness or near-death experience, may people believe they have cheated death
Living Under a Rock: Ignorant of important events. Usually used as a question: Have you been living under a rock?
Loaded for Bear: Prepared for problems, well prepared for a challenge
Loan Shark: A predatory lender; one who makes high-interest loans to desperate people
Look the Other Way: Take no notice of violations of laws or rules, unofficially condone something
Look What the Cat Dragged In: Someone unwelcome has arrived.
Loose Cannon: Someone out of control; someone who speaks or acts recklessly
Love at First Sight: Falling in love with somebody the first time you see them
Love Someone With All of One’s Heart And Soul: To love someone completely
Mad As A Box Of (Soapy) Frogs: extremely mentally unstable; psychotic; detached from reality.
Mad as A Hatter: Mentally ill, psychotic
Make a Mountain out of a Molehill: To take something too seriously; to make too much of something
Make a Silk Purse out of a Sow’s Ear: Turn something ordinary or inferior into something refined and beautiful
Make Hay (While the Sun Shines): To take advantage of an opportunity at the right time.
Make Someone’s Day: Do something pleasing that puts someone in a good mood
Man Cave: A part of the house, often the basement, that is left to the man of the household, perhaps with a workshop
March to the Beat of Your Own Drum: When someone does things the way they want to, without taking anybody else
Match Made in Heaven: A relationship in which the two people are great together, because they complement each oth
May-December (adj.): Significantly different in age. Said of couples where one member is much older. The most comm
May-December Marriage: A marriage between a younger and an older partner, typically a young woman and an old m
Me Time: Activities undertaken for one’s own enjoyment, free from responsibilities to others.
Mind One’s P’s and Q’s: Be attentive to details; be on one’s best behavior
Monday Morning Quarterback: Someone who offers criticisms or comments after already knowing the outcome of som
More Fun Than A Barrel of Monkeys: A very good time; a pleasant occasion
Move Heaven and Earth: Take all possible steps in trying to accomplish something
Mum’s the Word: This is secret; don’t talk about this. Often used as an answer to a request not to talk about somethin
Mutton Dressed Up as Lamb: A woman who dresses in a style appropriate to someone of a younger age
My Way or the Highway: If you do not do things the way I want or require, then you can just leave or not participate.
Neck and Neck: Very close in a competition, with neither of two entities clearly in the lead
Never Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth: It’s rude to examine a gift closely; accept gifts politely.
Nickel and Dime: To negotiate over very small sums; to try to get a better financial deal, in a negative way
Nine-to-Five Job: A routine job in an office that involves standard office hours
Nip (Something) In The Bud: Deal with a problem before it becomes large
No Names, No Pack Drill: By not accusing anyone specifically, I may avoid trouble.
Not Cut Out for (Something): Not naturally skillful enough to do something well
Not Have A Cat In Hell’s Chance: Have no possibility of succeeding, coming to pass, or achieving something
Not Sit Well with (Someone): Be difficult to accept; make someone uncomfortable
Page-Turner: A page-turner is an exciting book that’s easy to read, a book that’s difficult to put down.
Par for the Course: What would normally be expected. This has a negative connotation.
Pay Through the Nose (For Something): Pay a large amount of money
Peaches and Cream: A situation, process, etc., that has no trouble or problems
Pick Up the Slack: Do something that someone else is not doing; assume someone else’s responsibilities
Pick Up the Tab: To pay a bill presented to a group, especially in a restaurant or bar
Play Cat And Mouse: Trying to trick someone into making a mistake so you can defeat them.
Play it by Ear: To play a piece of music without referencing sheet music or a recording
Poison Pill (n): A provision or feature added to a measure or an entity to make it less attractive, an undesirable add-on
Poison Pill: A provision or feature added to a measure or an entity to make it less attractive, an undesirable add-on
Pot Calling the Kettle Black: Accusing someone of something of which you are also guilty; being hypocritical
Pour (Rub) Salt into (on) the Wound (an open wound): Worsen an insult or injury; make a bad situation worse for som
Powder Keg: An explosive situation, a situation in which people are angry and ready to be violent
Powder Keg: An explosive situation, a situation in which people are angry and ready to be violent
Powder One’s Nose: To use the restroom (lavatory). This is used by women
Preach to the Choir, Preach to the Converted: To make an argument with which your listeners already agree
Preaching to the Choir: Making arguments to those who already agree with you
Pretty Penny: A lot of money; too much money (when referring to the cost of something)
Price Yourself Out of the Market: Try to sell goods or services at such a high price that nobody buys them.
Pull Yourself Together: Control your emotions; recover from a strong emptional upset
Puppies And Rainbows: Perfect, ideal (usually used slightly sarcastically, in contrast with a less ideal situation)
Puppy Love: Adolescent love or infatuation, especially one that is not expected to last
Pure as the Driven Snow: To be innocent and chaste (frequently used ironically)
Put a Thumb on the Scale: Try to influence a discussion in an unfair way, cheat
Put Someone on the Spot: Force someone to answer a question or make a decision immediately
Put That in Your Pipe and Smoke It: Accept and consider what I’m saying, even if you don’t like it!
Put the Best Face On (Something): Emphasize the positive aspects of a bad situation
Put the Brakes On: Slow something down
Put the Cart Before The Horse: To do things in the wrong order
Put the Cart Before the Horse: To do things out of the proper order.
Put the Cat Among The Pigeons: Say or do something that causes trouble or controversy
Put the Genie Back in the Bottle: Try to suppress something that has already been revealed or done
Put Words Into Someone’s Mouth: Attributing an opinion to someone who has never stated that opinion
Put Your Foot Down: Use your authority to stop negative behavior
Put Your Foot In Your Mouth: Say something that you immediately regret
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: Back up your opinions with a financial commitment
Queer the Pitch: Interfere with someone’s plans; make something more difficult
Quote Unquote: Ironically speaking; suggesting that if a phrase were written out, it would be in quotation marks to con
Read the Tea Leaves: Predict the future from small signs
Rear Its Ugly Head (said of a problem or something unpleasant): Appear, be revealed
Rearrange the Deck Chairs on the Titanic: Taking superficial actions while ignoring a much larger and perhaps fatal pro
Reinvent the Wheel: Devise a solution to a problem for which a solution already exists
Rob Peter to Pay Paul: Pay off a debt with another loan; solve a problem in such a way that it leads to a new problem
Rob the Cradle: To be sexually or romantically involved with someone who is very young
Rob the Cradle: To be sexually or romantically involved with someone who is very young
Rock the Boat: Cause a disruption in a group. Often used in the negative: don’t rock the boat.
Rub (Something) in Someone’s Face: Humiliate someone by repeating and criticizing his or her mistake
Rub It In: Say something that makes someone feel even worse about a mistake
Rub Someone’s Nose in (Something): Humiliate someone by repeating and criticizing his or her mistake
Run off at the Mouth: Talk a lot about unimportant things, talk incoherently
School Of Hard Knocks: Difficult real-life experiences from which one has learned
Second Stringer: A substitute player in a sport; a substitute for a job who is not the most talented person
See Something Out of the Corner of Your Eye: Use peripheral vision
Set the Bar (Too) High: To set a high standard for something
Set the Thames on Fire: Do something amazing. Usually used in the negative.
Set the World on Fire: Do something amazing; have a brilliant stretch in one’s career
Shake the Dust off Your Shoes (Feet): Make a clean break with a relationship or situation
Shell Game: A method of deception in which you conceal your actions by moving something frequently
Shoot Oneself In The Foot: Do something that damages oneself or one’s own cause
Shoulder A Weight Off Your Shoulders: You no longer worry about something or deal with something difficult
Show Me an X And I’ll Show You a Y: There is a consequence to X that you may not have thought of.
Sick and Tired of: Extremely annoyed by something that occurs repeatedly
Six of One, a Half Dozen of the Other: The two choices have no significant differences.
Sleep Like a Baby: To experience a very deep and restful sleep; to sleep soundly
Slip Someone a Mickey: Add a drug to an alcoholic drink in order to knock someone out
Slippery Slope: A series of undesirable effects that, one warns, could result from a certain action
Snake Oil: A useless medicine; a quack remedy; a product or measure promoted as a solution that really does nothing t
Sneak Peek: A sneak peek is an opportunity to view something in advance of its official opening or debut
Some Eggs: Achieving a major goal requires the ability to tolerate some problems
Something to Crow: About Something to be proud of, an accomplishment about which one is justified in bragging
Spare The Rod And Spoil The Child: It is necessary to physically punish children in order to raise them right.
Speak of the Devil (and He Shall Appear): The person we have just been talking about has entered.
Speak with A Plum in (one’s) Mouth: To speak in a manner that is indicative of a high social class.
Spin One’s Wheels: Engaging in activity that yields no progress; getting nowhere
Stalking Horse: Someone who tests a concept in advance of its application; a candidate who enters a political race in o
Start with a Clean Slate: To start (something) again with a fresh beginning; to work on a problem without thinking abou
Stem the Tide: To stop or control the growth of something, usually something unpleasant.
Stick Your Nose into Something: Intrude into something that is not your affair
Storm in a Teacup: A commotion that dies down quickly, about something unimportant
Strain at a Gnat and Swallow a Camel: To make a fuss over something unimportant while ignoring larger issues
Strike A Chord: Used to describe something that is familiar to you, reminds you of something or is connected to you so
Sugar Daddy: A rich man who is generous with younger women in return for sexual favors
Swan Song: This expression is used to describe a final act before dying or ending something.
Sweeten the Pot: Increase the amount of winnings potentially available in a game of chance, especially poker
Swim with the Fishes: Have been killed, especially with involvement of organized crime
Swing for the Fences: Attempt to achieve the largest accomplishment possible
Swing for the Fences: Attempt to achieve the largest accomplishment possible
Take a Rain Check: Decline an invitation but suggest that you’ll accept it at a later time.
Take Five: To take one brief (about five minutes) rest period
Take It Easy: 1) Relax, rest; 2) (as a command) Calm down!
Take It Easy: When you relax, or do things at a comfortable pace, you take it easy.
Take It or Leave It (command): You must decide now whether you will accept this proposal
Take Something with a Pinch (grain) of Salt: If you take what someone says with a pinch of salt, you do not completely
Take the Edge Off (of Something): To slightly improve something negative
Take the Fifth: Refuse to answer because answering might incriminate or cause problems for you
Take the High Road: Refuse to descend to immoral activities or personal attacks
Take The Mickey (Piss) (Out Of Someone): Make fun of or ridicule someone
Take the Shine Off (Something): To do something that diminishes a positive event
Take the Starch out of (Someone): Make someone less confident or less arrogant
Take The Wind Out of Someone’s Sails: To reduce someone’s confidence, ofte by doing something unexpected
Take Your Medicine: Accept something unpleasant, for example, punishment, without protesting or complaining
Teach an Old Dog New Tricks: To change someone’s long-established habits. Usually used in the negative: You can’t te
Tell It to the Marines: I don’t believe you; you must think I’m gullible.
Tip One’s Hand: Reveal one’s advantages; reveal useful information that one possesses
To be Smitten With Someone: To be completely captivated by someone and feel immense joy
To Carpool: To travel to the same place with a group of people in one car. e.g. work/school
To Have One For the Road: To have one last (alcoholic) drink before you go home
Too Busy Fighting Alligators to Drain the Swamp: So occupied with multiple challenges that one can’t keep the big pict
Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth: A project works best if there is input from a limited number of people
Too Many Chiefs and Not Enough Indians: Everyone wants to be a leader, and no one wants to do the actual work
Tough Cookie: Someone who can endure hardship; especially: a strong negotiator
Turn Someone Inside Out: To cause strong emotional turmoil; to completely change someone
Turn Something on Its Head: Reverse something, cause something to be done in a new way
Turnabout Is Fair Play: If you suffer from the same suffering you have inflicted on others, that’s only fair
Two Peas in A Pod: Two people who are very similar in appearance
Thank God It’s Friday (TGIF): Let’s be happy that the workweek is over!
That’s a Stretch: What you are suggesting is very difficult to believe; I am very skeptical
That’s All She Wrote: That was the end of the story.
The Apple Never Falls Far From the Tree: Family characteristics are usually inherited
The Cat Is Out of the Bag: The secret has been revealed.
The Cherry On the Cake: The final thing that makes something perfect
The Deck Is (The Cards Are): Stacked Against You Unfavorable conditions exist.
The Jig Is Up: A secret illicit activity has been exposed; your trickery is finished
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same: Although something may seem superficially new, it has not a
The Only Game in Town: The sole option for a particular service.
The Powers That Be: People in charge, often used when the speaker does not want to identify them.
The Story Has Legs: People are continuing to pay attention to the story.
The Time is Ripe: If you say that the time is ripe, you mean that it is a suitable point for a particular activity
The Walls Have Ears We: may be overheard; be careful what you say
The Walls Have Ears: We may be overheard; be careful what you say
The World Is Your Oyster: You have many opportunities and choices.
There But For The Grace Of God Go I: I could easily have done what that person did.
There’s More Than One Way to Skin a Cat: There’s more than one way of achieving a certain goal.
There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch: Nothing is given to you without some expectation of something in return.
Think Big: Consider ambitious plans; avoid becoming overly concerned with details
Think Outside the Box: Try to solve a problem in an original way; think creatively
Think Tank: A group of experts engaged in ongoing studies of a particular subject; a policy study group
Think Tank: A group of experts engaged in ongoing studies of a particular subject; a policy study group
Third Rail: A topic so sensitive that it is dangerous to raise. This is especially used in political contexts
Third Time’s a Charm: Even if you fail at something twice, you may well succeed the third time.
This Has (Person X) Written All Over It: [Person X] would really like or be well suited to this.
This Is Not Your Father’s ____: This item has been much updated from its earlier versions.
Throw Someone for a Loop: Deeply surprise someone; catch someone off guard
Throw Someone Under the Bus: Sacrifice someone else’s interests for your own personal gain
Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water: Eliminate something good while discarding the bad parts of something
Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water: To discard something valuable or important while disposing of something w
Throw The Book At: Prosecute legally as strongly as possible
Throw the Fight: Intentionally lose a contest, usually in collusion with gamblers
Throw the Game: Intentionally lose a contest, usually in collusion with gamblers
Throw the Match: Intentionally lose a contest, usually in collusion with gamblers
Thumbs-Up: Approval
Ugly Duckling: An awkward child or young person who grows into a beautiful person
Under (Below) the Radar: Not generally perceived, below popular consciousness
Until You’re Blue in the Face: For a long time with no results
Up the Ante: Raise the stakes; increase the importance of something under discussion
Upset the Apple Cart: To disorganize or spoil something, especially an established arrangement or plan
Vale of Tears: The world in general, envisioned as a sad place; the tribulations of life
Vicious Circle: A situation in which an attempt to solve a problem makes the original problem worse.
Victory Lap: Visible public appearances after a victory or accomplishment
Virgin Territory: Something that has never been explored, physically or intellectually
Vote with One’s Feet: To physically depart from something as a way of showing disapproval
Waiting in the Wings: Ready to assume responsibilities but not yet active, ready to become a successor
Wake Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed: Be grumpy or ill-humored. Generally used in past tense
Walk on Eggshells: To have to act very sensitively in order to avoid offending someone
Wandering Eye: A tendency to look at and desire women or men other than one’s committed romantic partner
Wandering Eye: A tendency to look at and desire women or men other than one’s committed romantic partner
Wash Your Hands of (Something): Decline to take further responsibility; refuse to be involved with something anymor
Water Under the Bridge: Something in the past that’s no longer worth worrying about
Weekend Warrior: Someone who has an office job but enjoys contact sports on weekends; a member of a military rese
We’ll Cross That Bridge: When We Come to It We’ll deal with that problem if and when it comes up
What Goes Around Comes Around: The kind of treatment you give to others will eventually return to you; things go in
What’s Good for the Goose Is Good for the Gander: What’s OK for a man is OK for a woman, too
When In Doubt, Leave It Out: When unsure about something, omit it.
When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do: When you visit a new place, follow the customs of the people there
When the Chips Are Down: When a situation becomes urgent or difficult
Where (When) the Rubber: Meets the Road In reality; where an idea meets a real-world test
Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way: If you have a strong desire to accomplish something, you will achieve it even in th
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: If there is typical evidence of something, the most likely explanation is that it is act
Whisper Sweet Nothings (in Someone’s Ear): Speak meaningless romantic utterances
Whistle in the Dark: To be unrealistically confident or brave; to talk about something of which one has little knowledge
Who’s She, the Cat’s Mother?: Why does she have such a high opinion of herself?
Witch Hunt: An organized attempt to persecute an unpopular group of people and blame them for a problem.
Work One’s Fingers to the Bone: Work very hard over an extended period
You Can Lead a Horse to Water, but You Can’t Make It Drink: It’s very hard to force someone to do something against
You Can’t Judge a Book by Its Cover: You can’t know people (or things) well by their external appearances.
You Can’t Make Fish of One and Fowl of the Other: People must be treated equally.
You Know the Drill: You are already familiar with the procedure.
You Snooze, You Lose: If you delay or are not alert, you will miss opportunities
Your Mileage May Vary: You may get different results. This does not necessarily refer to a car, although it may.
Your Number Is Up: You are going to die (or suffer some bad misfortune or setback)
Yours Truly: Me
Zig When One Should Be Zagging: To make an error; to choose an incorrect course
2 Abettor Accomplice
3 Abnegation Denial
5 Abundant Plentiful.
6 Behaviour Demeanour
7 Bereft Deprived
8 Bias Predilection
12 Carouse Frolic
13 Casual Uncertain
14 Crescendo Escalation
15 Crusade Campaign
16 Cupidity Greed
22 Emergency Exigency
23 Esoteric Abstruse
24 Eternal Forever
28 Fiendish Cruel
33 Guzzle Imbibe
44 Knavery Fraud
46 Laconic Concise
48 Lethargy Sluggishness
52 Meagre Small.
54 Nauseous Loathsome
57 Notorious Infamous.
62 Oracular Cryptic
63 Pal Buddy
64 Pandemonium Chaos
65 Pensive Thoughtful.
68 Profligate Immoral
73 Rational Logical
74 Refined Elegant.
75 Rejoice Delight.
76 Revile Abuse
82 Synopsis Summary
83 Talkative Garrulous
84 Temerity Boldness
85 Temperate Moderate.
87 Ugly Repulsive
92 Verbatim Exactly
93 Vigilance Watchfulness
94 Wealthy Rich
95 Wickedness Evil.
96 Wild Savage.
97 Yield Surrender.
98 Yielding Submissive.
14. The science which deals with the variances of the human race – Ethnology (चररत्र विज्ञान)
15. The science of the origin and history of words – Etymology (िब्द-व्युपवत्त)
16. The study of coins or coinage – Numismatic ( शसतिों िा अध्यन)
17. The study of birds – Ornithology (पक्षी विज्ञान)
18. The study of mountains – Orology (पिमतों िा अध्यन)
19. The study of ancient modes of writing – Paleography (प्राचीन शिलालेखों िा अध्ययन)
20. The art of elegant speech of writing – Rhetoric ( प्रभाि पूण म सब्दों िा प्रयोग िरना)
21. The science of poisons – Toxicology (विषज्ञान)
22. Using hypnosis – Hypnotherapy ( सम्मोिन विज्ञान)
23. Using natural things – Naturopathy (प्रािृतति विज्ञान)
24. Using exercise,massage – Physiotherapy (बबजली द्िारा इलाज)
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1.A person having a craze for anything english – Anglomaniac (अंग्रजी िे प्रतत दीिानगी)
2.A person having a craze for collecting books – Bibliomaniac (पुस्तिों िा प्यार िरनेिाला)
3.A person having a sickly desire for alcohol – Dipsomaniac (िराब िा लती)
4.A person with an irresistible desire to steal – Kleptomaniac (चोरी िरने िी दीिानगी)
5.A person with a false impression that he is great and powerful –
Megalomaniac (सिमिक्ततमान समझने िी बीमारी)
6.A person having an unreasonable interest in any particular living, one idea or area of thought
– Monomaniac (किसी एि िे प्रतत दीिानगी)
7.A person who has an irresistible desire to set fire – Pyromaniac (आग लगाने िी दीिानगी)
8.A person who believes that he is God – Theomaniac (स्ियं िो भगिान समझने िी बीमारी)
9.A person having an excessive attachment to foreign thing – Xenomaniac (विदेिी सामान िे
प्रतत दीिानगी) 50% OFF on NABARD courses
Code: NABARD50