Mba Brochure
Mba Brochure
Mba Brochure
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business T h e B e r k e l e y M B A Full-time MBA Program 2005
The Berkeley MBA
Full-time MBA Program 2005
University Contacts
Graduate Division Admissions 1-510-642-7405
Child Care 1-510-642-1827
Housing 1-510-642-4108
International House 1-510-642-9470
International Student Services 1-510-642-2818
Other Contacts
Federal Direct Loan Program
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
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w w w. h a a s . b e r k e l e y. e d u
The Berkeley MBA Difference a business of your own. You learn to pursue new
ideas, to challenge the status quo, and to lead with
creativity. You are taught to master the funda-
mentals of management and the latest theories
and best practices in business. You are brought
together with outstanding women and men from
around the world, and immersed in a close-knit
community renowned for its collaboration and
teamwork. You are encouraged to leverage the
unparalleled resources of the University of
California, Berkeley. Finally, you are a part of a
campus community distinguished by its willingness
to get involved and make the world a better place.
2 The Berkeley MBA Curriculum
4 The Core: Foundation for Leadership
6 Electives: A World of Possibilities
8 Teaching, Leading, Working Together
10 Leveraging the Strengths of UC Berkeley
12 Learning Beyond the Classroom
14 In-depth Certificate Options
16 Concurrent Degree Options
18 Tops in Technology
18 Where Entrepreneurship
is a Team Sport
19 Top-Ranked Real Estate Program
20 Global Management
20 Preparing Leaders for the
Healthcare Industry
21 A Catalyst for Corporate Responsibility
32 Career Launch
34 Supporting Your Success
39 Application Guidelines
41 Housing and Child Care
42 Costs and Financial Aid
44 Core and Elective Course List
46 Visiting Berkeley
48 From the Dean
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w w w. h a a s . b e r k e l e y. e d u
Innovative. Interdisciplinary.
Flexible. Intellectually Defining The Berkeley MBA
rigorous. Provocative. • An innovative thinker who seeks out
Comprehensive. Global. fresh ideas and challenges convention.
These are some of the key • A consummate professional possessing
adjectives that describe the the management skills and business
knowledge to succeed.
Berkeley MBA curriculum.
• A leader in any organization.
The program recently redesigned its
• A doer who works collaboratively and
cutting-edge curriculum to offer even cooperatively.
greater flexibility and freedom in plan- • A good citizen concerned with helping
ning a course of study. The required the community and making a difference
core curriculum builds a basic frame- in the world.
work in quantitative, analytical,
strategic, and problem-solving skills so
that you will be successful in manage-
ment. You learn these essential skills
Pioneering Research Rany Ng, MBA 04
in courses ranging from accounting Previous degree:
Provides Uncommon Depth
to strategy and more – all in your first BS, Electrical Engineering
year. You may then choose from All Haas School courses are rooted Brown University
dozens of innovative elective courses in the scientific disciplines of the uni- Current position:
Product Manager
that add depth in chosen areas. versity – economics, mathematics, DoubleClick
social sciences such as psychology and New York, NY
Moreover, the broad-based Berkeley sociology, and other areas. Faculty “The core curriculum provided me
MBA curriculum emphasizes creative with a foundation in pertinent topics
members who are experts in these such as finance, accounting, and
problem solving and out-of-the-box fields apply them toward increasing our marketing, and my elective in entre-
thinking. The bottom line: students knowledge of successful management, preneurship provided me with the
Top Ranked Specialties graduate with the knowledge and skills leadership, human behavior, how
building blocks to write a business
In 2004, US News and World plan. The faculty at Haas bring a depth
to become leaders in any kind of organizations work, and how the of business knowledge that really
Report ranked the following
Haas School areas of study in organization – from startups and economy and markets function. As a enhanced my academic experience.”
the top ten nationally: multinational firms, to consulting result, you not only gain knowledge
• Finance organizations and nonprofits. about best business practices, but also Ilya Entin, MBA 04
Previous degrees:
• Management learn about the fundamental principles BS, Physics
• Marketing behind them – the “how” and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MS, Electrical Engineering
• Entrepreneurship “why.” The Berkeley MBA program is Stanford University
• Nonprofit for individuals who like to think Current position:
deeply and expand their under- Product Manager
standing of the world. San Jose, CA
“The marketing course taught by
Professor Glazer opened my eyes to
what marketing actually is, beyond
mere sales and advertising. I felt
like a kid at a toy store whenever I
looked at the electives catalog — you
can take such diverse classes as
negotiations, financial services,
wine industry, and more.”
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The Core:
Foundation for Leadership
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Curriculum Overview
The Berkeley MBA Curriculum
“The breadth of programs offered Second Year
has been the school’s greatest Elective Courses
• Study Tour (optional)
Elective Courses
• Four or five electives
Student Conferences, Speaker
Series, and Events
Elective courses comprise Because the Haas School is committed to • Berkeley Asia Business Conference
60% of the Berkeley MBA ensuring the highest quality curriculum • Challenge for Charity
• UC Berkeley Business Plan Competition
curriculum, meaning that you and high student satisfaction, it conducts
• Global Social Venture Business Plan
Courses Initiated begin to customize your own an annual survey of Berkeley MBA stu- Competition
by MBA Students course of study in the first dents to assess which courses should be • UN/MOT Joint Conference on Technology
and Developing Economies
Student-initiated courses are a tra- year of the program. The elective added or modified. For example, as a
dition at the Haas School. Every portion of the curriculum encourages direct result of last year’s survey, new Commencement
semester, we offer several courses courses were added in sales manage-
that are initiated and run by stu- you to arrange your studies to fit your
dents with faculty guidance. own individual needs and interests. You ment, leadership, and finance.
Typically, such courses focus on may choose from a wide variety of elec-
a specific theme or industry. In The international aspects of the elective Michelle Thomas, MBA 04
2003, Gillah Reyes, MBA 05, tives and dual degree offerings – from curriculum also provide you with mul- Previous degree:
worked with faculty sponsor Priya within the Haas School and from the tiple opportunities to spend a semester
BA, Business Administration
Raghubir to develop the course California State University, Fresno
wider university – as well as design of study abroad, to plan study trips to
“Marketing to Diverse Customer Current position:
Segments.” This course focused courses of your own in conjunction with other countries during breaks, and to Marketing and Outreach Manager
on marketing to minority groups, a faculty member. “The Berkeley MBA Level Playing Field Institute
serve as a consultant through the innova- San Francisco, CA
the gay and lesbian community, elective curriculum can be tailored to
and other diverse audiences. tive International Business Development “The breadth of programs offered has been the
meet whatever career you are targeting,” program, which places students with school’s greatest contribution to my development.
Other recent student-initiated
says Dave Egan, MBA 04. companies around the world for three- The fact that I could participate in the entrepreneur-
courses include:
ial series, listen to business plan lectures, attend
• Investment Fund Management At Haas, innovative theory and real- week projects. technology fairs, and participate in marketing com-
• Careers in Marketing world experience combine to provide a petitions allowed me to truly experience different
A number of popular electives are taught industries and functions.
• Corporate Social Responsibility dynamic business education. Elective by Haas School lecturers and adjunct “Most people tout the collaborative nature of our
• Life as an Entrepreneur courses, which are introduced rapidly professors who are successful executives, students as the greatest advantage to a Berkeley
• Wine Industry and are updated regularly, reflect the including specialists in marketing, invest- MBA, while I see our most impressive traits as our
• The Middle Market Deal newest ideas, trends, and thinking in intellect, outgoing nature, and social missions.”
ment banking, energy policy, advertising,
business. In addition to traditional and law, as well as established entrepre-
electives in fields such as accounting, Lynn Yako Anderson, MBA 04
neurs. In addition, you will gain expo- Previous degree:
finance, and marketing, leading-edge sure to real-world business through BS, Economics
courses keep students current in hot- Stanford University
visiting CEOs and other executives
topic areas, such as Organizing for Current position:
who come to lecture and lead informal Director of Brand Marketing
Strategic Advantage, and Information discussions in the classroom. “I really Brand New Brands, Inc.
Mill Valley, CA
and Technology-based Marketing. enjoyed the various Haas electives that
Innovation is especially evident in the “My Haas experience has had a large impact on my
sought to combine case studies with real- career. I feel extremely fortunate to have access to
range of electives inspired by the Haas world experience by bringing in local the alumni network and the career events organized
School’s proximity to Silicon Valley, such area professionals and Haas alumni to
both by the career center and fellow students.
as courses in Managing Innovation and talk about recent ‘hot’ issues in their “In a student-run class called Careers in Marketing,
Change, and Opportunity Recognition: a marketing professional would come to class and
fields,” says Jonathan Belk, MBA 04. describe a day in the life at the firm. It was a great
Technology & Entrepreneurship in way to learn about different corporate cultures and
Silicon Valley. marketing functions, and it really helped to prepare
us for interviews.”
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Manuel Rodriguez,
MBA 05
The Berkeley MBA Curriculum (pictured below)
Previous degrees:
BS, Chemical Engineering/Biochemistry
Rice University
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Learning Beyond the Classroom the role of technology in the industrial development of the world’s emerging
economies. The collaboration also features a fellowship program that sends
dozens of Berkeley MBA students yearly to developing countries to study eco-
nomic development solutions. Pictured here, Dr. Michiharu Nakamura, president
of R&D Worldwide for Hitachi, Ltd., the largest industrial group in Asia, gives a
keynote address at the conference.
The Berkeley MBA curriculum One team recently worked in the jungles
is immeasurably enriched by a of Borneo, Indonesia, helping farmers to
large array of innovative set up a viable business co-op that will Real-World
courses that combine classroom allow them to pool the rattan they har- Responsibility
learning with hands-on exposure to vest and sell it to furniture manufacturers The Haas School’s Center for
real-world business situations. In addi- at a reasonable profit. Responsible Business closely couples
classroom study with real-world
tion, the program offers you numerous Myriad Opportunities for projects that allow students to
opportunities to get involved in field Real-World Experience apply newly learned theories and
activities that make real-time use of the frameworks.
Beyond the course-related field activities are
knowledge and skills you have mastered One such project asked a team to
a plethora of projects, student-organized con- envision the future of environmen-
in your coursework. ferences, case and business plan competi- tal research and development at
tions, and numerous special events that Hewlett-Packard (HP). According to
Over 50 percent of full-time Berkeley Aaron Ackermann, MBA 05, “HP
The winners of the 2004 Global Social challenge Berkeley MBA students to put
Venture Competition (held in London) MBA electives make use of hands-on told us to imagine that we had full
include two UC Berkeley graduate projects, which almost always means their learning to work right away. reign over a $2 billion R&D budget,
students. and to choose environmental initia-
team projects — an important aspect of For example, a new, innovative research fel- tives to spend it on. We researched
experiential learning. For example, teams lowship sends teams of MBA students and a wide range of emerging and
Two Innovative of Berkeley MBA students work directly future environmental technologies,
other Berkeley graduate students overseas developed a framework that HP
Business Plan with firms such as Hewlett-Packard, Ford on projects, such as one to create solar pow- could use to evaluate such initia-
Competitions Motor Co., and McDonalds Corp. in a tives, and advised HP on how to
Berkeley MBA students have taken
ered lighting systems in rural China, and
corporate responsibility course. A recent spend the money in a long-term,
the lead in developing two annual, another to extend microfinance loans in strategic way.”
world-class business plan competitions. team spent eight weeks conducting Uganda. The activities are part of a collabo-
The Global Social Venture research for Deloitte & Touche on rative effort between the United Nations
Competition, created by Berkeley whether companies that engage in cor- Industrial Development Organization and Pictured at left:
MBA students in 1999, is the first porate social responsibility boast supe-
successful business plan competition the Management of Technology Program Andy Donner, MBA 05
that measures both the financial rior financial performance. that focuses on researching sustainable Previous degree:
returns and social impacts of new BA, History
Even the core course in Organizational solutions for economic development in Duke University
ventures and attracts entrepreneurial
MBA students from around the world. Behavior asks every student to conduct an developing countries. Student teams spend Previous position (prior to Haas):
In 2004, the competition enjoyed at least three weeks abroad conducting field Senior Manager of Product Marketing
organizational audit of the firm of his or Entopia, Inc.
record-breaking participation, with
her choice. Small teams spend five inten- research, which is published in a new Redwood Shores, CA
129 submissions, and $100,000 in
prizes. It is a partnership with the sive days gathering data about how well an journal and later presented at an annual
London Business School, Columbia UN conference held at the Haas School. Lynelle Preston, MBA 01
organization is functioning. They then pro-
Business School, and The Goldman Previous degree:
Sachs Foundation. vide the firm with a written report detailing The Berkeley Solutions Group, a student- BA, Anthropology and
Environmental Science
The UC Berkeley Business Plan suggestions for improvement. “The audit run enterprise, provides students with the Middlebury College
Competition, also founded and usually persuades even the most skeptical opportunity to work on real-world, paid MS, Environmental Management
organized by Berkeley MBA students students that OB principles are critical to University of Michigan
and open to UC students and alumni, consulting jobs with companies in industries Current position:
is among the top university competi- managerial effectiveness,” says Pino Audia, such as biotech, transportation, and real Environmental Strategy Manager
tions in the nation for number of who teaches the course. estate. For instance, a consumer packaged-
entries, quantity of prize money, par- Palo Alto, CA
ticipation by Silicon Valley venture International Business Development goods company recently turned to Berkeley
capitalists, and the amount of venture may be the Haas School’s most her- MBA students to study whether there was Aaron Ackermann, MBA 05
funding secured by past winners
alded experiential elective. Each interest in its products among Hispanic Previous degree:
(over $130 million in five years). New BA, Philosophy
in 2004 was a Best of Berkeley/ summer it sends 60 to 70 Berkeley MBA consumers. The students helped the com- University of Chicago
UCSF Technology Prize for the team students in small teams to work with a pany to work with grocery stores in devel- Previous position (prior to Haas):
that best used current UC Berkeley or Business Development Executive
variety of clients for three weeks on oping new packaging and displays – ideas
UCSF research as an integral part of Frog Design
its business plan. consulting projects in various countries. that were implemented. New York, NY
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Expert Knowledge:
Six In-Depth Certificate Options
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More Than an MBA: exchange programs are offered in the following locations:
• London Business School (LBS), London, England
• L’Ecole Des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC), Jouy-en-Josas, France
Concurrent Degree Options • Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE), Barcelona, Spain
• Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Rotterdam, The Netherlands
• Scuola di Direzione Aziendale (SDA), Bocconi, Milan, Italy
• The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong
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In recognition of the per- in their courses and to partner with The San Francisco Bay Consistently ranked among A nationally recognized real estate
vasive impact of technology them in research projects. Student Area has long been a the nation’s top three pro- research program at the Haas School
on business, the Berkeley groups host special events, such as hotbed for new business grams, the Real Estate ensures that the latest ideas and
MBA Program emphasizes the daylong Berkeley creation, and the Haas Program at the Haas knowledge infuse the MBA courses.
the study of technology, Nanotechnology Forum, and School remains the leading School combines a strong Among the courses offered in the
providing you with an organize career-oriented activities center for the study and analytical focus with hands- field include Real Estate Finance
overview as well as the with local firms. “Haas has a real practice of entrepreneur- on field experience. It pre- and Securitization, Real Estate
opportunity for specializa- geographical advantage being ship. The Berkeley MBA program pares students for a broad range of Strategy, and Housing and Urban
tion. You may select from a variety located so close to the Silicon offers its students the skills and career paths, such as real estate Economy. A certificate in Real Estate
of leading-edge electives that explore Valley,” says James Lin, MBA 04. knowledge to launch fast-growth, investment trusts, real estate oper- offers an opportunity to explore the
technology and its effects, including high-potential enterprises and ating companies, developers, finan- subject in depth.
Most Popular Program
Information- and Technology-based teaches them how to start careers in cial institutions, investment banks, Berkeley MBA students regularly
The Haas School offers a technology
Marketing, and Opportunity the venture capital industry. Some and consulting companies. compete in major regional and
specialization through its
Recognition: Technology & Haas students begin their own firms nationwide real-estate competitions,
Management of Technology (MOT) Students focus on four areas – finan-
Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley. even while in school or launch including the Bank of America Low-
program. The program, which cial analysis, real estate finance and
“The Berkeley MBA prepared us for startups after graduation. “The Income Housing Challenge, the
focuses on the set of management securitization, project development,
the new technological landscape by school’s entrepreneurial spirit nur- NAIOP Real Estate Challenge and
activities associated with bringing and e-commerce strategies. Real
not focusing on fads and trends, tures the kind of creative thinking Lester Center Leadership the UT Austin Real Estate Finance
high-tech products to market, is a estate courses in the Berkeley MBA
but rather the fundamentals of busi- that will be beneficial for years to Jerry Engel (left), Adjunct Professor and Challenge. Haas School teams have
joint effort of the Haas School, the Program combine lectures and case
ness and how they are supported by come,” says Richard Chang, MBA 04. founding Executive Director of the Lester a consistent track record of success
College of Engineering, and the methods, student-initiated projects,
technology,” says Ravi Shanmugam, Center, is senior faculty advisor to the UC
School of Information Management One of the first business schools in Berkeley and Global Social Venture busi- and in-class work with leading real in these events, having won both the
MBA 04. ness plan competitions, and teaches Low-Income Housing Challenge and
and Systems. the nation to offer entrepreneurship estate professionals. Students can fur-
Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital & the UT Austin Competition in 2004.
The Haas School’s proximity to courses, the Haas School emphasizes Private Equity. John Freeman (right), ther develop their professional skills
MOT has also become the most
Silicon Valley strengthens its connec- the integration of classroom Helzel Professor of Entrepreneurship & through internships, a CEO men-
popular interdisciplinary program Innovation, and Lester Center Director of
tions to the high-tech community. learning with connections to the toring program, and participation in
on the campus because it has suc- Research, leads the Haas School’s aca-
Faculty members frequently invite local entrepreneurial and venture demic focus on entrepreneurial studies the Real Estate Club and external
cessfully integrated business and
local executives to be guest lecturers capital communities. “My entrepre- and research. real estate and finance competitions.
technology education in classes that
neurship class gave me the chance to
bring MBA students and engi-
write a business plan with five class-
neering students together.
mates and receive feedback from a
Numerous Silicon Valley firms monthly Entrepreneurs Forum that
panel of venture capitalists,” says
sponsor MOT projects every year in provides the opportunity to meet
Emily Norman, MBA 04.
which teams of MBA and engi- with venture capitalists, entrepre-
neering students act as project con- The locus of these activities is the neurs, and business leaders. Just off
sultants. Three MOT fellowship Lester Center for Entrepreneurship campus is the Haas-affiliated
programs offer paid opportunities and Innovation. By participating in Berkeley Entrepreneurship Bringing Reality into
to about 25 students each year. the center’s many activities, students Laboratory, a business incubator the Classroom
meet and learn from leaders who which has room for up to eight Professor Nancy Wallace is Chair of the Real
manage, advise, and fund entrepre- Estate Group and Co-Chair of the Fisher
startups launched by Haas students
Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics.
Management of neurial ventures. or alumni. Current Haas students are Her seminar in “Real Estate Investment
Technology actively involved. The Entrepreneurs Analysis” uses a series of real-life cases. Says
The Management of Technology program Among the activities of the Lester Professor Wallace, “Cases are powerful. The
Association, whose membership
is a joint research and teaching effort led Center are two nationally prominent goal is to get students actively thinking on
by (from l to r) Executive Director Andrew includes almost half the MBA class, their feet with their peers. The cases are cur-
business plan competitions and a
Isaacs, Professor Emeritus Robert Cole of organizes activities including intern- rent projects with real relevance, and they
the Haas School of Business, and run the gamut of the real estate industry.”
ships at nearby high-growth startups.
Professor Paul Wright of the College of
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w w w. h a a s . b e r k e l e y. e d u
Creative, resourceful,
intelligent, energetic,
entrepreneurial, and
above all, highly motivated
to make things happen
around them – all of Student Profile:
these are hallmarks of the school to stay attuned to the emerging people I ever had the privilege of
interests and needs of students, and to spending time with. I made lifelong Class of 2006*
Berkeley MBA student.
evolving trends in the marketplace. friends from across the globe and Applications Received 2,859
Student leadership is a distinctive
Moreover, the Berkeley MBA program gained a wealth of knowledge and view- Enrolled Students 242
aspect of the Haas culture, and
is designed to develop a student’s lead- points that made me think differently.” Women 27%
leadership abilities are among the Minority Students 21%
key attributes of its students. ership skills and create conditions in
Diversity is Key International Students 33%
which they can be put to good use.
Diversity is a key strength of the Countries Represented 42
Whether they are creating a stu-
dent-initiated elective class in the
Already Successful Berkeley MBA program; it can be Median Age at Enrollment 28 years
The highly selective Berkeley MBA measured in many ways. About a third Median Years of
MBA curriculum or launching a Post-University
special school-wide event, Haas program attracts high-caliber students. of the students are from outside the Work Experience 5 years
students regularly lead the way Haas students must have solid aca- United States, representing more than Average GMAT 702
in shaping the Full-time MBA demic backgrounds and test scores that 40 countries from around the globe. Range of Middle 80% 650-750
Program. This high level of innova- confirm they possess the intellectual Students from a variety of ethnic back- Average Undergraduate GPA 3.48
tion and involvement helps the capacity and stamina to meet the chal- grounds, religious affiliations, and
Previous Degrees
lenges of the academically demanding sexual orientations are an important
Bachelor’s 100%
Berkeley MBA program. But they also part of Haas’ diversity. The academic Master’s 9%
arrive having already distinguished backgrounds of students vary widely, Ph.D. 2%
Florencia Estrade, MBA 04 themselves in their previous work ranging from science and engineering
Previous degree:
experience, as well as in community to economics and fine arts. Professional Selected Undergraduate
BS, International Business Majors
Universidad Catolica Del Uruguay activities and other outside endeavors. experience and outside activities are
Business 23%
Current position: With an average age of 28, Haas astonishing in their breadth. The Economics 22%
Management Consultant
McKinsey & Company students have had time to develop enriching diversity of the Berkeley Engineering 21%
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil successful careers in finance, con- MBA program is deliberate and has the Social Sciences 10%
“I came to Haas to develop a sulting, marketing, government, the critical purpose to mirror the global Natural Sciences 7%
greater understanding of the
military, accounting, health care, real makeup of today’s business world. Humanities 6%
business world and experience a
multicultural environment. From a estate, nonprofit, high technology, and
While they may be different from one Selected Industry Experience
professional perspective, I now many other fields. Some have founded
have access to a broader range of another in many ways, Haas students Consulting 14%
their own companies, while others High Tech 12%
opportunities for my future career. are similar in their outlook. They share
Through Haas, I was able to learn were on the corporate fast track. On Financial Services 7%
about different businesses a deep commitment to learning, high
average, they have over five years of Computer-related Services 7%
through the cases we did in class, aspirations while in school and in
significant professional experience. Banking 6%
through the corporate presenta- reaching for success in a new career,
tions, and from my classmates’ Consumer Products 4%
previous experiences. Says Phillip Owens, MBA 04, “My fellow and the desire to make a real difference Nonprofit 4%
students were undoubtedly the most in the business and world communities. Telecommunications 4%
“One of the best things about Haas
is its flexibility. Many Haas initia- intelligent, fun, outgoing group of Accounting 3%
tives are student run, which allows Advertising/PR 3%
the students to create things the Energy 3%
way they want in order to make
the experience exactly what they Government 3%
want it to be. If you have an idea, Retail 3%
you just have to propose it, get a
*As of July 7, 2004
student majority to back it up, and
start working on it!”
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Favorite Student
The Berkeley MBA Community • Go for a swim at
Strawberry Canyon Pool
• Meet a study team at
Strada’s garden cafe
• Plan a fundraiser for Challenge
for Charity
w w w. h a a s . b e r k e l e y. e d u
San Francisco Bay Area city of Berkeley, the quintessential uni- Living in Berkeley
• Population: 6,693,600 versity town, and a legendary one. With Surrounding the university cam-
its multitude of coffee houses, shops, pus is the city of Berkeley, with a
Major Cities (population): multitude of coffee houses, micro
• San Jose (909,100) churches, theaters, world-famous breweries, local independent
• San Francisco (790,500) gourmet restaurants, charming neigh- shops, theater companies, restau-
• Oakland (399,900) borhoods, beautiful gardens, and some rants, and some of the best book-
stores in the world. The distinctive
• Fremont (203,600) of the best bookstores anywhere, architecture of the city - from arts
• Berkeley (108,900) Berkeley is cosmopolitan, funky, and crafts bungalows and apart-
friendly, relaxed, and always stimulating. ments for students to landmark
A Multicultural Setting mansions in the hills - has provid-
Alameda county, home to UC Berkeley, ed shelter and home to
boasts one of the country’s most The city of San Francisco needs no
generations of students. Berkeley
ethnically diverse populations.* introduction, since nearly everyone on is populated by a unique mix of
• 41% White the planet has either experienced its writers, artists, filmmakers, musi-
• 21% Asian/Pacific Islander charms or seen it in countless films cians, scientists, engineers, busi-
ness professionals, theologians,
• 19% Hispanic/Latino and television shows. Entertainment, and philosophers: a community
• 15% Black/African American culture, nightlife, shopping, sightseeing, that thrives on the power of the
• 4% Multiracial mind and creative expression.
architectural gems – San Francisco
*from 2000 Census The area boasts the headquarters
is the epitome of the world-class, of pharma/biotech firms (such as
Local Attractions: open-minded city blessed with the Chiron and Bayer USA) and Pixar
• Alcatraz Few geographical areas in Animation Studios. Berkeley is
best of everything.
• Golden Gate Bridge also home to the world-famous
the world can meet, let Chez Panisse restaurant, where
• Muir Woods Less than an hour north of Berkeley is
• Stinson Beach
alone beat, the Haas School’s California cuisine was born.
the alluring wine country of Napa and
• Point Reyes National Seashore central location in the Students sip fine coffee at Caffe
Sonoma counties. The moody, breath- Strada, hold weekly social gather-
• Monterey Bay Aquarium San Francisco Bay Area. ings at a local Bar of the Week, or
taking Pacific Ocean compels a visit to
• Santa Cruz Boardwalk The Haas community is, in turn, mountain bike in Tilden Park in
one of the many open beaches or the Berkeley Hills.
• Big Sur profoundly shaped by its surroundings,
picturesque seaside towns dotting the
• Hearst Castle including the school’s magnificent
• Napa Valley Wine Country coastline, including Big Sur, Carmel-by-
facilities, the campus and the city of
• Gold Country the-Sea, and Mendocino. The natural
Berkeley, and Northern California.
beauty of Yosemite National Park, with
• Yosemite National Park
• Lake Tahoe The San Francisco Bay Area is perennially its exquisite glacier-carved valley of tow-
Bay Area Highlights: designated the world’s most popular ering waterfalls and granite mountains, University
tourist destination – and for good of California,
• American Conservatory Theatre is only three hours from the campus. San Berkeley
• Berkeley Repertory Theatre reasons. There is the area’s stunning Francisco Oakland
• Castro Street natural beauty, its seductively benign
San Oakland
Francisco International
• Chinatown weather, and its atmosphere charged Airport
• Fisherman’s Wharf with a worldly sophistication and
• Golden Gate Park a distinctive openness to new ways
• Mission District San
of thinking. Silicon Jose
• North Beach/Little Italy Valley International
• Oakland A’s The Berkeley campus is perched on a San
• Oakland Raiders hillside; its upper reaches are devoted
• San Francisco Museum of Modern Art to a vast nature preserve – excellent for
• San Francisco 49ers a run or a contemplative walk with post-
• San Francisco Giants
card views of San Francisco, the Golden
• San Francisco Opera
Gate Bridge, and the Pacific Ocean
• San Francisco Symphony
• Tilden Park beyond. Surrounding the campus is the
• Union Square
26 27
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w w w. h a a s . b e r k e l e y. e d u
Berkeley MBA
Career Launch 130pt Class 0f 2005
“The alumni database is fantastic. Summer
Internship Report
I scheduled informational interviews
Opening Doors to and made some key contacts.”
Average Monthly Salary: $5,384
(based on a 10-week internship)
Real Estate 3%
Other Technology
Industry 28%
Retail 13% Financial
Berkeley MBA The world’s most selective campus, the Career Center staff —
Healthcare/ 20%
Class 0f 2004 firms regularly court lauded by Business Week for introducing Biotech 15%
Berkeley MBA students. students to nontraditional recruiters —
Full-time Prestigious investment banks, con- will help you devise and execute a
Employment sulting firms, and technology compa- strategy for your job search. By Function:
Report nies of all sizes are among those firms Finally, Berkeley’s proximity to San Consulting
Entrepreneurship 2%
Average Starting Salary: $88,911 that hire Haas students and graduates Francisco and the Silicon Valley, along
32 33
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w w w. h a a s . b e r k e l e y. e d u
The Berkeley MBA Network Haas Alumni Haas Alumni Network Chapters (H)
and Regional Representatives (l)
Network Chapters Over 35,000 alumni worldwide, and growing.
The Haas School Alumni Network is represented in
Professional Connections
From your first day as a and various career resources. Members Canada l Norway
can search the database by industry or H
Berkeley MBA student, Kansas
you become a lifetime location to find valuable contacts. City United Kingdom l Russia
Illinois l
member of one of the Seattle H
l Portland
l Germany
best professional net- A Worldwide Network Sacramento
l France
36 37
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w w w. h a a s . b e r k e l e y. e d u
Application Guidelines
The Center of
Berkeley MBA Culture
Apply to the Berkeley MBA Program:
Berkeley MBA culture is enhanced
by the Haas School’s complex of
three interconnected buildings
arranged around an outdoor court-
yard. Designed by Charles Moore,
the buildings create community by
fostering business and educational
interaction among students, faculty,
staff, and visitors. Social areas include We encourage you to explore the Berkeley MBA mately five years. In reviewing applications, we mum acceptable score for the computer-based
the MBA Lounge, Bank of America program further, and we invite you to apply for are particularly interested in the progression version of the exam is 230, and the minimum
Forum, and the café. admission. More detailed information and the and milestones of your career, as well as your acceptable score for the paper-based exam is
application can be found online at supervisor’s assessment of your value as an 570. The average TOEFL score of admitted appli-
The Haas complex features an ultra- employee and potential as a leader. cants for fall 2004 entry was 279. For fall 2005
modern computer lab, a comprehen-
admission, we only accept official scores from
sive career development center, and Every fall, the Full-time MBA Program enrolls Academic Aptitude exams taken during or after June 2003. To have
the Long Business and Economics approximately 240 bright, diverse, and cre- Your past academic performance provides us
Library. An executive learning class- your exam results sent to Berkeley’s Full-time
ative future business leaders. We admit candi- with an indication as to whether you will be MBA Program, list institution code 4833 and
room is outfitted with four video cam- dates with substantial professional experi- able to handle the academic rigor of our pro- department code 02.
eras for live webcasts or video on ence and considerable leadership potential
demand. In addition, distance learning gram. With this in mind, we review all academic
who come from a wide variety of industries records closely. Candidates may apply to the Letters of Recommendation
classes are transmitted via IP and
and backgrounds. In addition, we seek candi- program if they hold the equivalent of a four- We require two letters of recommendation and
ISDN video conference technology.
Classrooms, lecture halls, and seminar dates who will add to the richness of the year US bachelor’s degree and have not prefer that at least one come from a current
rooms throughout the school are classroom experience and participate actively obtained an MBA or comparable degree from employer. Select individuals with whom you
equipped to receive video, audio, and in the Haas community. another institution. In reviewing your tran- have had considerable professional interaction,
electronic data, increasing students’ scripts, we take into account your choice of such as your supervisor or a major client. The
global reach. Wireless access to the Application Guidelines coursework, the rigor of your undergraduate title or status of those you select is not impor-
Haas server and the Internet is also Candidates should apply online through the major, the competitiveness of your academic tant. What does matter is how closely your letter
available throughout the Haas complex. Berkeley MBA/Haas School of Business web institutions, and your grade point average writers have worked with you and whether they
site at Please (GPA). Although we do not have a minimum
read the application instructions carefully. requirement, a GPA of B (3.0) or better is gener-
Bakar Computer Center
• Total number of computers: 180 PCs We begin reviewing applications in November
ally the standard for serious consideration. For Alumni Focus
the fall 2004 entering class, the average under-
• Multimedia stations: 8 PCs and evaluate them in four decision periods or
graduate GPA was 3.48. In addition, in order to Paul Otellini,
rounds. In order for an application to be consid-
• Scanners: 6 help us evaluate your mathematics proficiency, MBA 74
ered for a particular round, it must be submitted
we specifically look for and strongly recom- President & COO
• Basic services: e-mail, printing and online prior to midnight Pacific Standard Time Intel Corporation
mend a university-level statistics or calculus
faxing, web services, tutorials, multi- the evening of the deadline. In addition, all sup- Santa Clara, CA
media lab, equipment check-out course with a grade of B or better.
plemental materials must be postmarked on or Paul Otellini was
• Special services: video conferencing, before the deadline date. GMAT Exam named president
research support, A/V media services, All candidates are required to take the GMAT and chief operating
Admission Criteria officer of Intel Corp.
Interactive Learning Center, exam prior to the deadline for which they are
Financial Engineering Lab, wireless Professional Experience in 2002 -- a convincing indicator of personal
applying. While there is no minimum accept-
network The quality of an MBA program is immeasurably achievement and professional distinction.
able score, the average GMAT for the fall 2004
enhanced by the real-world business experience
entering class was 702, and 80% of the class His promotion came after a remarkably
that students bring to the classroom. For this rea- successful 28 years spent entirely at Intel.
Long Business & son, virtually all of our students have two or
scored between 650-750. We are especially
Economics Library interested in your performance on the quantita- “I stayed (at Intel) because I never ceased
more years of full-time professional work experi- to learn or to have a new opportunity to
tive section as an indication of your mathemat-
• Bound volumes: 130,000 ence following the completion of their under- grow,” he says. “We went from startup to
ics proficiency. For fall 2005 admission, we
• Subscriptions: 1,500 graduate degree. Recruiters tell us they prefer the largest semiconductor manufacturer
accept official scores from exams taken as early
candidates with at least three years of experi- in the world while I was working here. It’s
• Microforms: 1,200,000 as October 1999. To have your exam results
ence, and the average amount of professional pretty hard to beat that in any other place.”
sent to Berkeley’s Full-time MBA Program, list
• Square feet: 50,000 experience of admitted candidates is approxi- When asked to reflect on the attributes
institution code 4833.
• Network ports: over 300 of a successful corporate leader, he
• Web-based business information TOEFL Exam underscores a few: ”I think one must
services, available on or off-campus, Applicants who received their degrees in coun- possess relevant competence in one’s
such as (formerly Dow
Application Deadlines tries other than the US, UK, Australia, or industry and firm. And the ability to man-
Jones Interactive), Global Access, and Decision Periods: English-speaking Canada are required to take age well is a prerequisite for leadership.”
and Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe the TOEFL exam. This includes applicants with He adds that “at least in a high-tech com-
Application Decision
degrees from Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal, India, pany, one needs to be close to one’s
• Networked CD-ROM databases, submitted/ posted/
Pakistan, Latin America, the Middle East, North
products and customers.”
including American Business Disc, postmarked by: emailed by:
Census CD, and Compact Africa, the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, “Most of all, one must listen to customers,
Disclosure/SEC Round 1 Oct 29, 2004 Jan 31, 2005 Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, and most to employees, to markets,” he continues.
European countries. Only applicants who have “The biggest sin is to stay heads down
• Cooperative lending agreements Round 2 Dec 10, 2004 March 18, 2005 when the world is changing.”
completed a full year of US university-level
with eight UC campuses and
coursework with a grade of B or better are
Stanford University Round 3 Jan 21, 2005 May 2, 2005 exempt from this requirement.
Round 4 March 4, 2005 May 31, 2005 The TOEFL exam must be taken prior to the
deadline for which you are applying. The mini-
38 39
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Alumni Focus
Application Guidelines Robert Lutz, BS 61 (Production Science), MBA 62
Chairman, North America, and Vice Chairman, Product Development
General Motors, Detroit, MI
Apply to the Berkeley MBA Program Bob Lutz is a classic car guy – he has built his career taking risks
and making hot automotive design a priority. Now at GM, he
hopes to aggressively push the type of cars GM creates and
change how decisions are made within the company.
Lutz first came to Haas after receiving his bachelor’s degree and
distinguishing himself as a fighter pilot and officer with the
Marine Corps. His memories of the Berkeley MBA program
include “Hard work, great professors, and having a quantitative orientation.”
can attest to your value as an employee, your Additionally, we recommend submitting one or Preparing for the MBA/MA Program in International After Haas, he went to Europe to work for General Motors, BMW, and Ford, eventually
professional accomplishments, and your person- two new letters of recommendation. If you Berkeley MBA and Area Studies returning to the U.S. Lutz is best known for his work at Chrysler, which he helped revitalize
al qualities and interpersonal skills in an organi- have taken additional coursework, please sub- Students may apply during their first year in the with hot-selling cars like the PT Cruiser and Dodge Viper. His 12 years at the company are
Proficiency in Computer Spreadsheets
zational context. For this reason, we strongly dis- mit one copy of the official transcript, and have and Mathematics MBA program for a concurrent degree program chronicled in his 1998 book, Guts: The Seven Laws of Business that Made Chrysler the
courage academic references. Letters of recom- any updated test scores sent directly to our in International and Area Studies. Application World’s Hottest Car Company.
The curriculum at Haas includes courses that
mendation from co-workers, someone you have office. For more information, please read the have a qualitative focus and others that are more deadlines are in late March; interested students
supervised, relatives, or personal and family application reactivation section of the appli- analytical and quantitative. All applicants should should pick up an application packet in February.
friends are inappropriate and can be detrimental cation instructions. have completed, at a minimum, a college-level Requirements include proficiency in a modern
to the review of your application. Please do not mathematics or statistics course. Haas faculty foreign language.
submit more than two letters, and if you choose Current or Former Berkeley effective house-hunting plan if looking for
not to obtain a letter from your current supervi- Graduate Students
who teach quantitative courses will assume you
off-campus rentals. Counselors can provide
2004-2005 MBA Fairs
have mastered the basic material.
sor, be certain to explain why. If you have ever registered as a graduate stu- Housing and Child Care information on setting up utilities, commuting,
school and child care resources, rental safety
Berkeley MBA admission representa-
tives will be participating in various
dent at UC Berkeley, you must complete a For those admitted students who feel the need Berkeley graduate students live in university
Interviews for a mathematics refresher, we strongly recom- issues, etc. More information, including events around the world, including
Petition for Change of College, School, or Major. housing, university-affiliated housing, and regu-
The Admissions Committee conducts interviews how to obtain the rental listing services, the MBA Fairs listed below. For infor-
If there has been no break in your registration mend attending the Summer Quantitative lar residential/community housing.
of applicants by invitation only, and we ask that may be found on the Cal Rentals web site at
mation about these events, visit
(excluding summers), no fee is required. Former Methods Workshop that is held each summer
you please refrain from contacting us to request
UC Berkeley graduate students must also sub- during the two weeks prior to Orientation Week. University Housing
an interview. Receiving an invitation to interview admissions/events.
mit an Application for Readmission, along with University sponsored housing offers family Graduate students are welcome to e-mail
should be taken as a sign of interest on the part Admission to Concurrent their housing questions to homeinfo@berke- US and Canada
a $60 fee in lieu of the application fee. Both student housing, university residence halls, and
of the Admissions Committee, and few appli- Degree Programs, call (510) 642-3642, or come by the Boston Sept. 9
forms are available at the UC Office of Graduate two apartment complexes which are reserved
cants will be admitted without an interview. Candidates for joint degree programs must fol- Residential and Student Services Building Los Angeles Sept. 12
Admission at 302 Sproul Hall or online at exclusively for graduate students. Please see
Interviews are offered both on-campus and in low the specific application guidelines for each (RSSB) at 2610 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA the web site for more detailed information and San Francisco Sept. 14
cities around the world. program. See the respective web sites for fur- 94720-2272.
elecforms.html. applications at Miami Sept. 17
ther details.
Application Reactivation Rents in Berkeley range from approximately New York City Sept. 19
Special Circumstances Manville Apartments
If you submitted an application to the MBA pro- JD/MBA Program $750 to $1,000 for a studio apartment, $850 Boston Sept. 21
Transfer Credits/Course Waivers These 132 small unfurnished studio apartments
gram within the past two years, you are consid- Haas shares the JD/MBA program with both UC
for single law and graduate students offer a to $1,400 for a one-bedroom apartment, and Chicago Sept. 23
We do not accept transfer credits into the MBA
ered a reapplicant. You are only required to com- Berkeley’s Boalt Hall School of Law and UC $1,200 and up for a two-bedroom apartment. Toronto Sept. 26
program. You may waive out of core courses at great community and conveniences. The waiting
plete and submit the personal data forms, edu- Hastings College of the Law. Candidates for the A room in a shared apartment or house is usu- Atlanta Sept. 28
the discretion of the faculty, but you must list is first come, first served so apply now!
cation section, employment section, applicant JD/MBA program complete separate applica- ally the least expensive type of accommoda- Washington, DC Sept. 30
replace the waived course with another class.
acknowledgement, a current resume, applica- tions and receive separate decisions from each College Durant Apartments tion, averaging $500 to $800 per month. San Francisco Nov. 9
tion fee, and test scores that meet current test Deferred Admission school. If you are already enrolled in your first 120 graduate students live in this new, conve-
date requirements. Assuming that your prior year of law school at Boalt or Hastings, you may niently located complex with furnished, shared University Affiliated Housing Asia
Requests for deferred admission will only be
application was complete at the time of submis- considered under exceptional circumstances. apply to begin the JD/MBA program in your apartments ranging in size from 2 to 6 bed- International House is a residence and Tokyo Sept. 16
sion, you will need to answer the short-answer second year. Applications for the concurrent rooms. All bedrooms are single occupancy with program center that houses approximately Seoul Sept. 18
questions that are new to the fall 2005 applica- Appeals program are rarely successful if you have high speed internet lines included. Apartments 600 students, most of whom are at the grad- Beijing Sept. 20
tion. We strongly recommend that you submit a All admission decisions are final, and there is no completed more than one year of law school have shared bath(s), living room, and kitchen. uate level. About half of the residents are US Shanghai Sept. 23
statement outlining how you have improved appeal process. because of the difficulties of fulfilling concurrent Common areas include study rooms, outdoor citizens; the other half are students from
approximately 60 foreign countries. I-House is
Taipei Sept. 25
your candidacy since the initial application. degree requirements in only two years. Once central courtyard, and laundry facility.
less than a five minute walk from Haas, which Bangkok Sept. 27
admitted to the Haas School, you should specify
Family Student Housing makes it an attractive housing option. For addi- Singapore Sept. 29
whether you intend to enroll in the business
Over 800 family students live in University tional information and applications, please visit Europe
school for the fall term or defer your business
Village (Albany) and Smyth Fernwald apartment the web site at:
coursework for one year. If you decide to defer Madrid Oct. 5
Alumni Focus your business coursework, your admission for complexes for students with families, spouses or
University Students’ Cooperative Brussels Oct. 7
the subsequent fall is guaranteed; however, you partners. Both are active, supportive communi-
Association (Co-ops) is a nonprofit coopera- Paris Oct. 9
Monica Stevens, MBA 96 will need to claim your place in the next year’s ties for students juggling family and educational tive system that is owned and operated by its
Vice President and Recruiting Director responsibilities. Rental rates for Family Student Milan Oct. 12
MBA class by filling out the appropriate forms student members. It houses over 1,200 single
Wells Fargo, San Francisco, CA Housing are very reasonable and include all utili- Munich Oct. 14
during your first year of law school. students in 20 rooming houses and apartment
Monica Stevens first came to Berkeley because of its top-ranked real ties except telephone service and onsite parking. buildings close to campus. One house, the Frankfurt Oct. 16
estate program. “I wanted to transition from the entitlement side of There is a chronological waiting list — apply now! London Oct. 18
MBA/MPH Program Convent, is all singles and is available for grad
real estate to the finance side,” says Stevens. “I could not have got- and re-entry students only. More information Zurich Oct. 20
ten my first job at Wells Fargo doing high-yield real estate finance in Health Management University Residence Halls
To apply for the MBA/MPH program, prospec- on this housing option is available on the web Athens Oct. 22
without the skills I learned at Haas. Every day, I called upon the Most graduate students live in apartments in the site at
knowledge I acquired in classes like financial accounting, finance, tive students must complete the MBA applica- community, but if you are looking for a more
Istanbul Oct. 24
real estate finance, and financial institutions and markets. I learned tion for the Haas School of Business and indicate structured living environment, you might consid- Casa Joaquin Murrieta and the Frente Budapest Oct. 26
how to analyze the financial statements of companies in many interest in the joint degree program. The School er the university residence halls. Room and Graduate Center house 45 low-income, Warsaw Oct. 28
industries, how to value a real estate property, and how to analyze a proposal or a project using of Public Health does not require a separate board rates for the academic year start at re-entry, first generation Xicana/o students, Latin America
more than just my common sense.” application. MBA/MPH applications must be $9145. Go to although all students are welcome.
submitted by the final MBA deadline, and admis-
Monterrey Aug. 28
Stevens, a native Californian, attended the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, and select “Living At Cal” to apply online. Mexico City Oct. 14
and served as an officer in the US Navy. Afterwards, Stevens worked in San Francisco as a proj- sion decisions follow the MBA schedule. In addi- Child Care
ect manager for a political consulting and lobbying firm, focusing on real estate issues. tion to strong academic achievement in previous Cal Rentals The university offers a nationally accredited Lima Oct. 18
scholastic work and a strong score on the GMAT, The University’s Cal Rentals service offers child care program on a space-available basis Santiago Oct. 20
After receiving her MBA, Stevens joined Wells Fargo and completed the Credit Management counseling on all housing options, both to children ages 3 months to 7 years old. At
applicants will be evaluated on their professional Buenos Aires Oct. 21
Training Program. She spent the next several years as a commercial real estate lending officer in least one parent must be a registered UC
experience and personal attributes. Applicants on-campus as well as off-, and also provides Sao Paulo Oct. 25
the Capital Markets Group in San Francisco. Stevens is currently the Director of MBA Recruiting Berkeley student. As space becomes available,
will receive one joint decision. In other words, a rental listing service for a small fee. Rio de Janeiro Oct. 27
for the Wholesale Bank, where she recruits full-time MBAs and summer interns, managing rela- enrollment is extended to families based on
tions with nine graduate business schools (including Haas) and four national diversity organiza- applicants will either be admitted to both pro- Counseling sessions can help students weigh
their housing options and customize an gross income.
tions to increase Wells Fargo’s visibility and yield. Says Stevens: “I think my greatest success is grams or denied from both programs. It is not
being able to come back to Haas and recruit more MBAs!” possible to be admitted to only one program.
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Alumni Focus
Other Educational Erica Stone, MBA 87
Application Guidelines President
Programs at the American Himalayan Foundation
Haas School San Francisco, CA
Undergraduate Program
Two-year bachelor’s program for
juniors and seniors. Ranked among
Costs and Financial Aid Erica Stone was a chef at the world-renowned Chez Panisse restaurant
in Berkeley and had worked in documentary film. She had a bachelor’s
degree in sociology from UC Berkeley and a third-degree black belt in
Tae Kwon Do. But that wasn’t enough. She wanted a professional
the top 3 US programs. career in the nonprofit sector, and she knew that to succeed, she would
need the right skills.
Evening & Weekend
MBA Program Stone chose the Berkeley MBA because of its reputation in nonprofit management. “If you
want to affect change in the world, you need to have a degree that people respect,” says
Three-year, part-time program for The Berkeley MBA program has one of the California Residency after January 1, and the data will be sent elec- Stone, now president of the nonprofit American Himalayan Foundation (AHF).
working professionals. Offered on most reasonable tuition and fee structures of In many cases, US citizens or permanent resi- tronically to Berkeley’s Financial Aid Office.
campus and in Silicon Valley. The foundation, founded by Richard Blum (BS 58, MBA 59), provides education, health
any top MBA program. Almost 70 percent of dents qualify for legal residence in California Apply for financial aid before you are admitted
Ranked in the top 5 in the US. services, and cultural and environmental preservation in the Himalayas, one of the world’s
Haas students receive some form of financial by their second year of graduate school, to Haas. poorest places. It employs 11 people in total, at its head office and in Katmandu.
Berkeley - Columbia Executive assistance, which can include loans, fellow- thereby significantly reducing their fees (by an
ships, scholarships, instructorships, and estimated $12,246 in 2004-2005). The FAFSA should be filed online at Blum says it is Stone who has built AHF into a major player. “Erica has combined compassion
MBA Program The UC Berkeley with drive, foresight, and good business skills. When she joined 10 years ago, we were
Earn two MBA degrees simultane- assistantships. Summary information on International students cannot establish
these options is provided below and details federal school code for the FAFSA is 001312. involved in very few projects, and now the foundation has over 10,000 donors and projects
ously over 19 months from the California residency and should expect to pay
No additional application forms are required, throughout the Himalayas, Tibet, and Nepal.”
Haas School of Business and are available at nonresident tuition for each semester of grad-
MBA/finaid/. uate study. Further information on residency although some students may be required to The always-modest Stone, however, stresses that it is her Haas degree that gives her an edge
Columbia Business School. For
can be found at provide documentation of income, such as in the nonprofit world. “It gives you the concept of the margin,” says Stone. “You understand
experienced executives.
Educational Costs Residency/legalinfo.html. tax returns. money. You’re comfortable talking about it and raising it.”
Master’s Program in Each year the Financial Aid Office estimates
Financial Engineering the average costs for a graduate student during Fees and Expenses for Student Loans
One-year degree program prepares the nine months of the academic year. This Most MBA students finance their education
International Students through the Federal Direct Loan Program; up
students for a growing niche of FAO Cost of Education budget is the basis for International students are eligible for Haas
to $18,500 may be borrowed annually. Those uals who have achieved tremendous success in
quantitative finance careers. determining financial aid eligibility and private Merit Scholarships and Haas Achievement
students demonstrating financial need, spite of significant economic, educational,
Ph.D. Program
loan borrowing limits. Awards, both of which pay up to full tuition and
assessed through the FAFSA process, may health-related, or other obstacles. Like the merit 2004–2005 Fees
For students who desire an aca- You may use the chart on page 43, which
fees for both years of MBA study. Additionally,
borrow $8,500 in a Subsidized Direct Loan scholarships, these are awarded at the time of and Estimated Cost
international students may participate in pri- admission and cover up to full tuition and fees of Education
demic career by preparing them to shows the average costs for 2004-2005, to (no interest charged while the borrower is in
vate student loan programs, which require that for both years of full-time study. Please note,
advance theory and knowledge in estimate your budget for two semesters of school) and $10,000 in an Unsubsidized
you have either a US cosigner or three years of however, that applicants for Haas Achievement Financial Aid Office
the disciplines underlying the prac- study. Because these official figures are aver- Direct Loan (interest is charged while the
favorable credit history in the US. Please note Nine-Month Budget
tice of business. aged for all UC Berkeley graduate students, borrower is in school). Those who do not Awards must answer an optional essay question
that only a small number of students are cho- on the application for admission. Total Fees Estimate
actual costs, especially housing costs, may be demonstrate financial need can borrow the
Executive Education significantly higher.
sen for Haas Merit Scholarships and Haas
full $18,500 in an unsubsidized loan. The for California residents $21,512
Helps individuals, teams and entire Achievement Awards, and the only other avail- Instructorships (including health insurance)*
Direct Loan rate is variable and capped at
organizations achieve their goals Computer Costs and Fees able aid is in the form of student loans. Most Many graduate student instructorships are
8.25%. It is recalculated every July 1 and is Total Fees Estimate
through customized programs and Beginning in fall 2005, MBA students will be international students will be responsible for available to second-year students in several
based on the 91- day US Treasury bill. For for nonresidents $33,758
open enrollment courses, taught required to have a laptop computer. Haas paying the entire cost of attendance, and fields, especially accounting, economics, and
the 2004-2005 academic year, the interest (including health insurance and tuition)
by Berkeley faculty at the workplace Computing Services will offer fall 2005 should plan carefully to ensure adequate communications. You should apply for these
is 2.77% while in school and 3.37% while in
or on campus. financial resources. in the spring of your first year. If you have sig- Estimated Living Expenses
incoming students discounted package prices repayment. A 1.5% loan origination fee is
for a laptop bundle, which will be advertised nificant training in a specialized area, you may (Estimated by the Financial Aid Office.
The estimated total expenses for international deducted prior to disbursement. Eligibility
to students. also find employment as a reader or tutor. Based on nine months.)
students for each 9-month period is $53,736. is determined from the calculated student
contribution and cost of education, not Refer to Housing and Utilities $8,810
This estimate includes approximately
credit history. for more information.
$33,758 for fees and health insurance for Food $4,520
two semesters and an academic year average Loan Repayment Books and Supplies $2,500
Students wanting to borrow more than
of $19,978 for basic living expenses, books,
$18,500 can utilize the private loan program. Assistance Program Personal $2,838
computer, and other school supplies. These
The interest on private loans varies from 3.5% The Haas Loan Repayment Assistance Program
costs may increase significantly each year. Transportation $1,310
to 7.00% (spring 2004 rates) and a credit check (LRAP) is designed to provide modest financial
Married students should budget an additional Subtotal,
or credit scoring is performed for all applicants. support to recent graduates of the Full-time
$7,000 for their spouse and $5,000 for each Estimated Living Expenses $19,978
View private loan options on the following MBA Program who are employed in the public
Alumni Focus child. Please note that the health insurance is
web site: http://www.haas.berkeley. edu/ or nonprofit sectors, where salaries are typically Total Estimated Expenses
for the student only; additional family cover- for California Residents $41,490
MBA/finaid/prvtmba.html. lower than in the private sector. The program
age may be purchased for an additional cost.
Bengt Baron, BS 85, MBA 88 assists qualified Haas graduates who might oth- Total Estimated Expenses for
President Refer to the following for dependent cover- Scholarships erwise feel constrained in their choice of Nonresidents $53,736
The Absolut Company age: In 2003-2004, the Haas School awarded over
Stockholm, Sweden
employment by the need to repay substantial
insurance/families.shtml. $1.1 million in scholarships to domestic and debt accumulated during their MBA studies.
*Please note that student health
Bengt Baron was named president of Swedish powerhouse international applicants. All applicants are rou- insurance does not include spouse or
For further information on services available The Haas LRAP will issue grants to qualified par-
Absolut Vodka in 2001. “I’d been doing quite a bit with marketing dependents. That coverage must be
tinely considered for Haas Merit Scholarships ticipants, reimbursing them for all or a portion of
and sales for brands and consumer goods,” says Baron. “There to international students at UC Berkeley, refer purchased separately. Refer to http://
at the time of admission review, and awards their educational loan payments. To be eligible
are not too many international Swedish brands, and I have spent to
a lot of time in the US, which is Absolut’s strongest market. So it are based on exceptional merit and career for the Haas LRAP, an applicant must work insurance/families.shtml.
was a combination that I couldn’t turn down.”The number 2 The Financial Aid potential as demonstrated in the application. more than half-time for a nonprofit organization
Note: 2005-2006 registration fees and esti-
vodka worldwide, Absolut is available in 125 countries, although Application Process No separate application form or special request or an agency of government (local, state, or mated living expenses are expected to rise.
all of it is manufactured in one factory in Sweden. Financial aid, mostly in the form of loans, is is needed. Applicants awarded a Haas Merit national). In special situations, the program will
available for MBA students who are citizens or Scholarship are notified in writing with the also assist graduates who are employed by a
After graduation from the Haas School, Baron joined McKinsey & Co., then worked for a
permanent residents of the United States. To admission letter. Haas Merit Scholarships cover foreign government, a foreign nonprofit organi-
series of consumer product companies. “My Berkeley MBA gave me a solid foundation to
apply for need-based and non-need-based fed- up to full tuition and registration fees for both zation, or an international nonprofit organization.
take on business challenges of various sizes and shapes,” says Baron.
eral loans, file the Free Application for Federal years of full-time study. Further details and application forms are
In 1999, he joined StepStone AS, an Internet-based job posting board. As director of the available at
Nordic Region, Baron helped the company build a pan-European presence and launch a Student Aid (FAFSA) by the UC Berkeley priori- The Berkeley MBA program also offers Haas
ty deadline of March 1. You may file the FAFSA MBA/finaid/LRAP.html.
successful IPO. The company is still going strong, and it was only the lure of Absolut that Achievement Awards, which are given to individ-
convinced Baron to leave StepStone.
During his time in the US, Baron also made his mark in the Olympic Games. He won two
Olympic medals, a gold and a bronze, swimming for the Swedish team in the 1980
(Moscow) and 1984 (Los Angeles) games.
42 43
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w w w. h a a s . b e r k e l e y. e d u
MBA 290E
Design as a Strategic
Management Issue
Marketing for High-Tech
Allen & Company
Alfred Chuang, Founder, President and
CEO, BEA Systems
William F. Cronk, BS 65, former President,
MBA 254 Power and Politics in MBA 290G International Trade and Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream
Degree Requirements MBA 217 Topics in Economic Analysis Organizations Competition in High Technology Linda Dillman, Senior Vice President and
and MBA Courses and Policy MBA 255 Creativity in Business MBA 290I Managing Innovation CIO, Wal-Mart Stores
Degree Requirements MBA 218A International Finance MBA 257 Special Topics in Organizational and Change Debra Dunn, Senior Vice President of
The MBA program requires satisfactory com- MBA 218B Theory and Institutions of Behavior and Industrial Relations MBA 290M High-Tech Product Design and Corporate Affairs, Hewlett-Packard Company
pletion of 51 semester units of coursework International Trade Rapid Manufacturing
MBA 299O Organizing for Strategic Gary Erickson, Owner and CEO, Clif Bar
consisting of 20 units of core courses and 31 MBA 299E Competitive and Advantage MBA 290N Managing the New Product
units of elective courses. You must register and John Gage, Chief Scientist,
Corporate Strategy Development Process
pay fees for both fall and spring semesters in Sun Microsystems
Marketing Group MBA 290O Opportunity Recognition:
each academic year (a total of four 15-week Accounting Group Herve Gallaire, CTO, Xerox Corporation
MBA 206 Marketing Management Technology and
semesters). There are no courses offered dur- Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley Catherine Gray, President,
MBA 202 Financial Accounting MBA 260 Consumer Behavior
ing the summer. Credit may not be transferred The Natural Step
from other graduate or undergraduate courses. MBA 222 Financial Information Analysis MBA 290P Project Management
MBA 261 Marketing Research: Tools and Case Studies Akainobu Kanasugi, President,
MBA 223 Corporate Financial Reporting Techniques for Data Collection
Core Requirements MBA 290Q Quality Improvement: Strategy, NEC Limited
MBA 224A Managerial Accounting and Analysis
The core consists of eleven courses. All must Processes, and Customers Richard Kovacevich, Chairman and CEO,
MBA 224B Advanced Managerial MBA 262 Brand Management and
be taken in the first year to provide the founda- MBA 290T Topics in Management Wells Fargo & Co.
Accounting Strategy
tion for the second year’s advanced work. of Technology Mark Kvamme, Partner Sequoia Capital
Haas Grads Create MBA 225 Management Planning & MBA 263 Internet Strategy
Successful Startups Elective Requirements Control Systems MBA 264 High-Technology Other Courses Howard Lester, Chairman, Williams-Sonoma
Berkeley MBA students are well known Students may select from hundreds of elective MBA 227B Topics in Taxation Marketing Management Robert Lutz, BS 61, MBA 62, Chairman,
courses, both within and outside of the busi- MBA 200C Leadership Communication
as budding entrepreneurs. Following is MBA 265 Integrated Marketing General Motors, North America
a sampling of firms founded by recent ness school, to fulfill the 31-unit requirement. Finance Group Communications MBA 200S Data and Decisions
Phillip Marineau, President and CEO,
Haas alumni. At least 25 of the 31 elective course units must MBA 207 Ethics and Responsibility Levi Strauss & Co.
MBA 203 Introduction to Finance MBA 266 Channels of Distribution
Chris Barton and Philip be taken in graduate business classes. The in Business
remaining units may be taken as either gradu- MBA 231 Corporate Finance MBA 267 Topics in Marketing Jenny Ming, President, Old Navy at Gap Inc.
Inghelbrecht, MBAs 00 (pictured MBA 291A Speaking as a Leader
above), founded Shazam Entertainment, ate or upper-division undergraduate courses in MBA 232 Financial Institutions & Markets MBA 268A Global Marketing Strategy John Morgridge, Chairman, Cisco Systems
MBA 291T Topics in Managerial
provider of a service which identifies other departments on campus. With the per- MBA 299M Strategic Market Planning Paul Orfalea, Founder, Kinko’s
MBA 233 Investments Communications
music over mobile phones. The London- mission of the MBA program director, students
may take two lower-division undergraduate MBA 234 Advanced Topics MBA 292A Management in the Public and David S. Pottruck, CEO, Charles Schwab
based company raised nearly $20 mil- Business and Public Policy Group
language courses and apply 60 percent of the Corporate Finance Not-for-Profit Sectors Corporation
lion in venture capital, attracted more
than a million users across Europe, Asia credits earned toward the 31 unit elective MBA 235 Advanced Topics in Financial MBA 270 Business and Public Policy MBA 292M Topics in Nonprofit and Public Paul Pressler, CEO and President, Gap Inc.
and Oceania, and recently entered the requirement. Institutions and Financial MBA 271 Managing the Political Management Robert Reich, former US secretary of
US market with launches on Virgin Markets Environment of Business MBA 292S Introduction to Social labor and recent UC Berkeley distin-
Mobile and AT&T Wireless. Waiver Examinations MBA 236A Futures and Options Markets MBA 277 Special Topics in Business and Entrepreneurship guished visiting scholar
Students may substitute elective courses
Juan Mini and Scott Kucirek, MBA 236B Investment Strategies and Styles Public Policy MBA 292T Topics in Socially
for certain required courses if they demon- John Reed, Interim Chairman, New York
MBAs 99, launched the first national strate sufficient mastery of the subject by MBA 237 Topics in Finance MBA 278A Comparative and International Responsible Business Stock Exchange
Internet-enabled full-service real estate passing a waiver examination, which Business and Public Policy MBA 293 Individually Supervised Study for Jerry Sanders, Founder and Chairman,
agency. Based in Emeryville, CA, approximates the course final examination. [Europe]
ZipRealty ( has
Operations and Information Graduate Students Advanced Micro Devices
These exams are available for six of the Technology Management Group MBA 278B Comparative and International
offices across the US and has raised MBA 294 Selected Topics for Eric Schmidt, Chairman and CEO, Google
eleven required core courses, and are Business and Public Policy [Asia]
$58 million. The company, where MBA 204 Introduction to Operations MBA Students
given during the week before classes begin
Kucirek serves as executive vice Management MBA 299B Global Strategy and MBA 295A Entrepreneurship
in August and January. Short study guides
president of new market development, Multinational Enterprise
are available for each course. MBA 240 Introduction to Management MBA 295B Venture Capital and Private
filed an S-1 for a proposed initial public Science
Real Estate Group Equity Jenny Ming is president of Old Navy at Gap Inc.
offering in 2004 to sell up to $69 mil- Course List (core courses are in bold; all
lion in common stock. MBA 242 Strategic Planning of Production MBA 295D New Venture Finance She gave the keynote speech at Haas’ annual
others are electives) and Operations MBA 280 Real Estate and Urban Land Women in Leadership conference. In 2003,
Sara Takesh, MBA 03, founded Economics MBA 295T Special Topics in Ming was listed as #42 in Fortune Magazine’s
Tarsian & Blinkley (, Economic Analysis and MBA 243 Decisions, Games & Strategies Entrepreneurship list of Most Powerful Women.
MBA 282 Seminar in Urban Economic
a company dedicated to creating fash- Policy Group MBA 244A MIS: Data Management Resource Policy MBA 296 Special Topics in Business
ion products that celebrate Afghan MBA 201A Economics for Business MBA 244B MIS: Systems Analysis & Design Administration
artisanship while contributing to the MBA 283 Real Estate Financing
Decision Making MBA 244C MIS: Managerial & MBA 298A, B International Business
development of the Afghan economy. MBA 284 Seminar in Real Estate
(Microeconomics) Organizational Issues Development for MBAs
The company received a $150K loan Investment Analysis
from the Overseas Private Investment MBA 201B Macroeconomics in the MBA 244D Telecommunications MBA 299 Strategy in the Global Context
MBA 286 Housing and the Urban Economy
Corporation (OPIC) and has been fea- Global Economy MBA 299H Strategic Management and the
MBA 247A Topics in Manufacturing MBA 287 Special Topics in Real Estate
tured in The New York Times Magazine. MBA 212 Managerial Decisions in and Operations Organization of Health Services
Economics & Finance
John Hanke, MBA 96, founded Regulated Industries
MBA 247B Topics in Information Technology
Keyhole ( in 2001, MBA 214 Forecasting Methods for
the only company to deliver a 3D digital Business
MBA 299T Strategic Planning: For complete course descriptions,
Perspectives & Decisions
model of the entire Earth via the please go to http://www.berkeley.
Internet. The company received initial edu/catalog/.
funding from Sony Broadband, and
quickly acquired more than 10,000
customers, including Fortune 1,000
companies and government agencies.
44 45
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w w w. h a a s . b e r k e l e y. e d u
Fall Semester 2004
Fee payment due Monday, August 16
Napa Haas Summer Workshop August 9-20
Visiting Berkeley
1 37
Haas MBA Orientation August 23-27
101 80 MBA classes begin Monday, August 30
Vallejo 680 Fall-A core classes begin Monday, August 30
Labor Day Holiday Monday, September 6
Richmond 780
Rafael 580 Richmond
80 Fall-A core final exams October 18-20
Bridge 92 Spring Semester 2005
101 Dublin/
Pleasanton Pleasanton Fee payment due Friday, January 14
Redwood 580
84 Livermore
Martin Luther King, Jr. Monday, January 17
Fremont Day Holiday
Palo 680
Alto 880
MBA classes begin Tuesday, January 18
Spring-A core classes begin Tuesday, January 18
1 Sunnyvale 237
Presidents’ Day Holiday Monday, February 21
9 San Spring-A core final exams March 7-10
San Jose
Spring-B core classes begin Monday, March 14
International BART
Airport (Bay Area
Rapid Transit) Spring Break Holiday March 21-25
Days at Haas 2005 April 14-16, May 5-7
Final examinations May 13-20
Haas Student Ambassadors Spring-B core final exams May 16-18
We are the Haas Student Ambassadors *Dates and events for the 2005-2006 academic calendar are expect-
(HSA), the student voice within the Full- Haas School Full-time MBA Program Staff ed to closely follow those indicated here.
time MBA Admissions Office. We offer
unique, real-life perspectives about being
Administration Julia Min, Cindy Jennings,
Tom Campbell, Executive Director Assistant Director
enrolled in the Berkeley MBA program. of Admissions
Specifically, our mission is to ensure that all Dean Peter Johnson,
prospective students’ contact with Haas is Michael Katz Director of International Sharon T. Joyce,
informative, positive, and as interactive as and Philip Tetlock, Admissions Associate Director
Because the faculty and administration
possible. During the school year, we host a Co-Associate Deans for Jett Pihakis, of Admissions of the Haas School of Business are con-
daily information session, Monday through Academic Affairs Director of Domestic Terri Korolev, tinually reviewing the MBA program to
give its students the best possible educa-
Friday, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. A member of Andrew Shogan, Admissions Admissions Advisor tional experience, the school reserves
the admissions committee is present for a Associate Dean for Instruction Debi Fidler, Pamela Maestas, the right to change at any time any of its
portion of these sessions to answer admis- Director of Financial Aid Receptionist/Interview provisions, statements, policies, curric-
Barbara Broque, ula, procedures, regulations, or fees.
sions-related questions. Prior to information Academic Coordinator, Coordinator, MBA
Lee Forgue,
sessions, you can have lunch with a current Assistant Dean of Planning Admissions
student. Lunch begins at 12:00 noon and Daniel F. Sullivan,
Larry Lollar, Steve Garber, STATEMENT
typically includes a quick tour of the Director of Student Services The University of California, in accordance with appli-
school’s facilities. Additionally, with some Assistant Dean of Operations Manager, cable federal and state law and University policy, pro-
advance notice, we are happy to coordi- Development & Alumni MBA Admissions John Trimingham, hibits discrimination, including harassment, on the
Relations Financial Aid Counselor basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physi-
nate classroom visits for prospective stu- Kim Guilfoyle, cal or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-
dents. For details regarding our visitation Teresa Costantinidis, Associate Director of Karese Young, Credits related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital
status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or status
programs, please visit http://www.haas. COO, Sr. Assistant Dean Student Services Admissions Advisor Marketing & as a covered veteran (special disabled veteran, Paul Stames, Communications Vietnam-era veteran or any other veteran who
Tiffany Grimsley, Rich Kurovsky served on active duty during a war or in a campaign
HSA also conducts interviews and coordi- Director, Strategic Initiatives Assistant Director of Elizabeth Shook
or expedition for which a campaign badge has been
authorized). This nondiscrimination policy covers
nates events for admitted applicants. We Ilse Evans, Admissions Valerie Gilbert admission, access, and treatment in University pro-
grams and activities.
look forward to assisting you in all stages of Executive Director, MBA Design
the application process and welcome your Career Services & Initiatives Cuttriss & Hambleton Inquiries may be directed as follows: Sex discrimina-
tion and sexual harassment: Nancy Chu, Title IX
questions by phone, e-mail, or in person! Richard Kurovsky, Photography Compliance Officer, 1-510-643-7985. Disability dis-
Jim Block crimination and access: Ward Newmeyer,
(510) 642-5610 Executive Director, A.D.A./504 Compliance Officer, 1-510-643-5116
Edward Caldwell Marketing & Communications Richard Gordon
(voice) or 1-510-642-3172 (TTY). Other inquiries
may be directed to the Academic Compliance
Billy Hustace Office, 200 California Hall, #1500, 1-510-642-2795.
Lats Latvis/Peter
Days at Haas Marcus CAMPUS SAFETY
Admitted Students’ Weekends Jeanne Strongin In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Act, the
University maintains a reference guide of safety
Jenny Thomas information and procedures, annual campus crime
April 14-16, 2005 Printer statistics, and emergency-disaster preparedness
information. For a copy of this report, Safety Counts,
May 5-7, 2005 Fong & Fong call (510) 643-6442, e-mail ucpolice@uclink.berke-, or write the Police Department Campus
Safety Programs, University of California, Berkeley,
Copyright © 2004, Police Department, 1 Sproul Hall #1199, Berkeley,
UC Regents. CA 94720-1199. The report is also posted on the
All rights reserved. UC Berkeley Police Department web site.
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w w w. h a a s . b e r k e l e y. e d u
When you are a student here, I will always listen to what you have
to say to ensure that the Berkeley MBA experience meets your
expectations. In the meantime, please come visit us to meet the
faculty, students, and staff, and sample what we have to offer.
Tom Campbell
Bank of America Dean and Professor of Business
Walter A. Haas School of Business
Cover.c2.Q5 copy.Q5 8/13/04 12:39 PM Page 1
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business T h e B e r k e l e y M B A Full-time MBA Program 2005
The Berkeley MBA
Full-time MBA Program 2005
University Contacts
Graduate Division Admissions 1-510-642-7405
Child Care 1-510-642-1827
Housing 1-510-642-4108
International House 1-510-642-9470
International Student Services 1-510-642-2818
Other Contacts
Federal Direct Loan Program
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)