Auslogics BoostSpeed 11 User Guide

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User Manual

This is your guide to one of the most
comprehensive sets of tools that will help:

improve your computer’s performance clean and optimize your hard drive

prevent sudden glitches and crashes protect your online privacy and a lot more
Installing BoostSpeed 11 3

Select the interface

language from the drop-
down list at the top-right.

Launch the installer by double- To see or change additional

clicking on the downloaded file. installation options, click on
the ‘Custom install’ link.

Click the links to review the

EULA and Privacy Policy, then
click the ‘Agree and install’
button to start installation.


Installing BoostSpeed 11 4

Next, you need to choose the version to install. If you already have a license Make sure the checkbox to launch BoostSpeed is checked and click the
key, select the Pro version. Otherwise, you can start with the Free version ‘Finish’ button to complete installation.
and upgrade it to Pro later to unlock advanced features, if you like.

Free vs Pro Essential PC cleanup & optimization

Advanced PC cleanup & optimization ENHANCED

BoostSpeed comes in two versions:
Free and Pro. The Free version offers Manual Internet optimization
basic functionality for cleaning your PC
and improving its performance. The Automatic Internet optimization for an ultimate connection speed boost
Pro version provides a multitude of
advanced features that let you take full Basic privacy protection
control of your PC’s functioning. This
Advanced privacy protection for all data stored on your PC
table should give you an idea of what
you can expect from each version. Browser Anti-Tracker to protect your online privacy

Basic registry cleanup

Full registry cleanup

Basic junk cleanup to free up disk space

When using the Free version, you will Advanced disk cleanup options to maximize available space
see all Pro features marked with the
Disk defragmentation to speed up data access
yellow PRO tag. This should give you
a good idea of what you can get if you
Intelligent Defrag to optimize file placement on drives for an even bigger speed boost
upgrade. The rest of this manual will
talk about both Free and Pro version Scheduled disk defragmentation to maintain drive health
features in more detail.
Scheduler for effortless regular scans and maintenance

Ask a Question option for live expert answers at a click of a button 1 question in FREE
Purchase BoostSpeed 11
Unlimited use of all advanced PC tools

Customize notification settings

Registering BoostSpeed Pro 6

To unlock and use all of the Pro features, you need

to upgrade your BoostSpeed Free to the Pro version.
Here is how to do that:
Hover your mouse over the ‘Activate Pro Version’ button at the bottom-right of
the program window (do not click). This will open a popup with two options for
you to click. The ‘Activate Today’ button takes you to a web page where you
can purchase a license key. (You can also reach this page by simply clicking the
‘Activate Pro Version’ button without bringing up the popup). Right below the
‘Activate Today’ button in the popup, you see the ‘Enter license key’ link – click
it when you’ve already purchased a license and received a license key via email.
This will bring up a small window with the field to enter your key in.
Copy the license key from the confirmation email. Then, go back to
BoostSpeed, paste the key into the registration field and click ‘Register’.


When you place your order online and complete payment, a confirmation
message is sent to you via email to the address you provide during checkout.
You will be getting two messages: one containing your invoice and the other
with your license information. If you don’t see the message(s), please check
your spam/junk mail folder before contacting technical support. A common
reason for not receiving an order confirmation is typos made in the email
address, so be sure to double-check your contact info when placing order.
Backing up with the Rescue Center 7
Auslogics BoostSpeed is equipped with the Rescue Center, which lets you create a backup prior
to running optimization or any other operations. This helps ensure that you can always roll back
any changes made by Auslogics tools if you do not like the results.

We recommend getting familiar In the Settings window that opens,

with the Rescue Center prior to scroll down to the bottom of the
using BoostSpeed for the first time. left-side navigation pane and click
You can specify which parts of the on ‘Rescue Center’. This will open
BoostSpeed package should back the current Rescue Center settings
up before each run, how long those and let you change any of them
backups should be stored and how according to your preferences. If
much disk space they may occupy. you’d like, you can have most tools
create backups as you first start
using BoostSpeed and then
uncheck them as you get more
comfortable with the program.

To access the Rescue Center

settings, click on the gear icon at
the bottom-right of the program


Backing up with the Rescue Center 8

You can also view available

system restore points here by
selecting ‘Restore Points’ from
the left-side menu. Use this
To view backups created in the feature if you need to take your
Rescue Center, click on the whole system back to a point in
diskette icon at the bottom-right time before you applied specific
of the main program window. changes or installed certain
software, not just Auslogics.

In the window that opens you will

see a list of available backups that NOTE
have been created by
when you use a restore point, you
BoostSpeed. Select a backup
may lose all changes made and all
from the list and then choose the
files saved after the date to which
action you would like to apply to it
you are rolling back.
by clicking a button above the list,
such as ‘Restore’, ‘Details’ or
‘Delete’. Clicking ‘Refresh’ will
refresh the list of available
backups. Click ‘OK’ when done.
Main Functionality

Where to Start? 9
Feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? The tabs on the Navigation Panel are placed
in the order that’s just right! Go through the tabs one by one in the order you see them.

See your computer’s current The All Tools tab lists all BoostSpeed
status and recommendations on tools in one convenient place and
your Dashboard. You can switch splits them up into categories. You’ve
to the next tab by clicking the seen most of these tools linked to
‘Start a System Scan Now’ button from the previous tabs, but this is
from the Dashboard. where you go to when you need to
find a specific tool, such as the disk
defragmenter or Internet optimizer.

Use the One Click Scanner to find Have any questions or need help?
issues requiring cleanup and Then use the Customer Care tab
optimization and get them resolved to get answers.

Go to the Clean Up tab to use Use the Optimize tab to find Search for and delete Run a scan of your entire When done with the previous
tools that will let you clear even tools related to Windows privacy traces under system under Maintain and optimization steps, go to the
more disk space optimization and use them Protect to secure your get a list of personalized Reports tab to see the effect all this
one by one. This is also where personal information and tweak recommendations that work had on your PC’s
you can enable/disable all activity history. can help improve your PC’s performance.
real-time speedup tools. performance even further

The above is just a brief overview that should give you an idea of how best to use the software.
We will be talking about each tab in more detail further in this guide.
Main Functionality

Main Menu 10
The main program menu is located at the very top of the program window and
gives you four drop-down lists of shortcuts to almost every BoostSpeed feature.

The File menu contains the The Tools menu gives The Help menu lists the
main options that let you you quick access to all options you have for
quickly run any program or tools included in getting information
open a website by simply BoostSpeed, as well as about the program or
typing its name or address in some additional assistance with it.
a popup window; open the Auslogics software that
Control Panel, run a scan, you may install.
schedule maintenance, open
the Rescue Center, settings
or check for updates.

The Pages menu lets you

quickly switch between
BoostSpeed tabs, as well as
close all open tools or save
them to be open the next
time you launch BoostSpeed.
The latter works as a
checkbox that you check to
keep all open tools open after
restart, or uncheck to disable
this feature.
Main Functionality

Main Window and Dashboard 11

When you open BoostSpeed, the first screen you see is the Dashboard that provides an overview of your
PC status and the status of various performance-boosting features you can enable in the program.

At the very top of the window,

you see the main menu that lets Right below the main menu you
you navigate through the see the navigation panel with
program, easily access any tool or tabs for the program’s main
find help info (see Main Menu features and tools. As we’ve
section above for details). mentioned, we’ll be looking at
each tab in more detail further in
At the bottom of the main window
this guide.
you will find quick resource usage
stats and links that let you quickly When you open additional tools
access Automatic Maintenance from the All Tools tab, a new tab
Scheduler, Rescue Center, Program appears on the navigation panel,
Settings, or easily check for updates. which lets you easily switch
between tools and have several
tools open simultaneously.

NOTE You’ll be able to use arrows at

each end of the panel to scroll
Before you start cleaning or
through the open tabs.
optimizing your PC, get familiar
with the Rescue Center (see
details in the Rescue Center
section in this Guide). It will help
you get things back in order if you
don’t like the results you get from
running any of BoostSpeed’s tools.

Main Functionality

Main Window and Dashboard 12

Your Dashboard is the place On the right, see
you start from when you just recommendations that can
need to run maintenance on help improve your PC’s
your PC. After reviewing all performance even more. You
the information presented on can choose to proceed with the
this screen, you can move on recommended tweaks right
to the full system scan right from there, or ignore ones you
from here by clicking the ‘Start prefer not to apply.
a System Scan Now’ button
(this will open the One Click
Scanner tab and let you
choose the categories to check
before launching the scan).

The link to Auslogics Store at the

bottom-right lets you access
Right below this button, you more useful software from
will find quick switches for Auslogics and its partners, review
real-time performance tools, information on each program
and you can flip any switch to and download installers.
turn a tool on or off.
Main Functionality

One Click Scanner 13

The One Click Scanner tab
gives you access to the main
scan functionality, lets you
configure individual category
scanners and review detailed
The Summary window shows all
three scanners along with their
status (at the top-right), links to
customize each scanner, and
checkboxes to include or exclude
the category from scans.
To have a more detailed look
at one of the scanners, click
on its name on the left-side
navigation panel. This opens
the list of items the scanner
goes through and lets you
exclude any items you would
like to be ignored during scans.

Main Functionality

One Click Scanner 14

By default, only the items that
are safe to remove or tweak
are checked. If you have some
PC maintenance experience
When the scan completes, you
and know what’s what on your
can view reports on all issues
PC, you can enable advanced
detected under each category by
cleanup and optimization
clicking the ‘See report and
categories by checking the
customize’ link. This also lets you
box above the list. This can help
select which detected items you
ensure an even bigger effect on
may want to exclude from the
PC performance, but is
cleanup and repair. When done,
recommended for experienced
click the ‘Resolve All Issues’
computer users only.
button to get your PC cleaned
and optimized.

To run a scan, select the

categories to be included (or
simply keep the default ones
checked) and click the ‘Scan
All’ button. This will launch a
scan of your computer, and
you will be able to see the
progress on your screen.
Main Functionality

Clean Up Tab 15
Besides the One Click Scanner, Free up even more space using
the three main tabs you will be the third column: here you can
using are Clean Up, Optimize uninstall unused software,
and Protect. including apps that are hard to
remove or may leave files behind.
The Clean Up tab gives you
quick access to all BoostSpeed
features related to system
cleanup. Let’s take a look at
your options displayed on this
screen left to right:

In the first column, you can

select the drives you’d like to
clean, then choose the tool you
want to use for cleanup. The fourth column lists
Selected drives are highlighted BoostSpeed tools that can help
in green with the green clear disk space. Most of these
checkmark at the top-right. are already linked to from the
previous columns, but they are
still listed here for your
The second column provides convenience.
quick access to tools designed
for cleaning and tweaking your
Windows registry and system
Main Functionality

Optimize Tab 16
The Optimize tab gives you the The third column lets you review
tools and options you need to current resource statistics and
ensure the most efficient and enable real-time speedup tools:
productive Windows operation. Memory and Processor
Optimization, Auto Defrag, Disk
In the first column, you can Priority Manager and Desktop
select drives to defragment Protection. Each of these tools
and click the button to launch optimizes resource consumption
defragmentation. If using and ensures the best speed for
Windows 10, you can also run the applications that are active at
version-specific optimization the moment. We recommend
by clicking the Windows 10 keeping these tools enabled at all
Protector link here. times to help things run faster on
your PC.
The second column gives you
quick access to task-specific
Right below the mode switcher,
modes you can enable to boost
you will find additional tools for
your Windows for whatever you
optimizing your OS. You can run
are doing at the moment. You
additional Windows tune-up
can turn on Game Mode when
using the Maintain Windows
you want to play computer
feature, optimize system tasks or
games, Office Mode for working
sort through and disable auto-
with documents and productivity
startup items.
apps, Economy Mode to save
battery power, or a Custom Mode
that you set up yourself. Click the
gear icon next to the column
header to customize modes.
Main Functionality

Protect Tab 17
The Protect tab helps you secure On the right, you get to control your
personal data and activity history web browser and protect it from
saved on your computer. Traces of unauthorized changes using the
your credit card and other Browser Protection tool. Just enable
financial info, passwords stored the tool by flipping the switch here.
openly in files, history of website
visits, video views and other data
you may want to keep private is
actually quite easy to retrieve from
your PC, if it ever gets in the
wrong hands. We recommend
running a scan for privacy traces
and cleaning them up on a
regular basis (from once a week to
once a day, depending on how
heavily you use your PC). Right below this feature, you see
some recommended tools that help
On the left side, you see the four protect your confidential files and
areas that can be checked for guard your Windows system from
privacy traces. If you’d like to have hackers.
one or more of them ignored
during scans, you can flip the
switch next to it to disable it.

Click the ‘Scan now’ button below

the category list to launch a quick
scan for privacy traces.

Main Functionality

Protect Tab 18
When the scan completes,
review the results by clicking the
‘Check Details’ link next to each
category, and remove all traces
to protect your privacy. If needed,
you will be able to exclude some
of the detected items from the
cleanup by simply unchecking
the boxes next to them. NOTE

The tools you see recommended

under the Clean Up, Optimize and
Protect tabs can also be found
under the All Tools tab: that’s where
you can quickly access any tool you
need without having to look for it
under different tabs. We will be
talking about each tool in more
When done, just click the detail further in this Guide.
“Resolve all issues” button to get
all of those privacy traces
removed and your personal data
Main Functionality

Maintain Tab 19
In addition to the more common optimization features we have looked at earlier in this Guide, BoostSpeed gives you even more control
over your Windows system by checking every corner of it for potential tweaks that could be applied to improve security, stability and speed.

The Maintain tab lets you run a Cat Mode (see next page for info)
check for such potential tweaks,
review the suggestions and apply Right below Cat Mode, you get
any you want your PC to benefit shortcuts to some useful system
from. BoostSpeed will look for maintenance tools.
tweaks under Performance,
Further down is a feature that will
Stability, Security and Internet
come in handy if you need to boost
categories. Once a scan
your other computers without
completes, you will most likely get
having to install BoostSpeed on
a long list of personalized
them. You can simply create a
recommendations, which may
portable version of BoostSpeed,
include hardware tweaks or other
save it on a flash drive and use on
similar tweaks that need to be
other PCs in your household. This is
applied manually, as well as a
especially useful when you want to
number of tweaks you can have
run maintenance on a computer
BoostSpeed apply automatically
that is running out of disk space
on your behalf. Review each tweak
and has no room for installing other
and uncheck any that you aren’t
software. Now you can get every PC
sure about, then click the ‘Apply all
in your home to run great and help
selected tweaks’ button to have
your family enjoy their computers
BoostSpeed go through the
too. Keep in mind that if you want
tweaks one by one.
to use BoostSpeed Portable for
commercial purposes, you will need
to purchase a license.

Main Functionality

Maintain Tab: Cat Mode 20

Do you have any pets in your home who might like Here is how the tool works.
hanging out next to or on your desk? Then you will love Click on the ‘Options and details’ link to set the time
the Cat Mode feature designed to protect your computer that should pass without any activity on your PC, after
from pet-caused accidents. When active, the mode gets which the mode gets enabled. You can also choose
your keyboard (and your mouse, optionally) locked when whether you want your mouse buttons to be locked
you are away from your PC, which lets your cat safely rest in addition to the keyboard; choose the combination
on your keyboard, play with your mouse or try to type any of keys that must be pressed to turn the mode off and
messages without risking that you’ll get upset at the set other options. When done, click the ‘OK’ button.
result. The accidents this helps prevent can be real
disasters, as reported by many pet owners who have lost Now, you can hit the ‘Activate Cat Mode’ switch
important data or lost access to their computers because whenever you are about to step away from your PC,
of something their pets did. or have it active at all times, so it will get turned on
once your PC has been idle for the amount of time
you specified.

If you set the idle time to 1 minute, you may see Cat Mode To disable the mode when you return to your PC, just
get enabled when you are reading a large article on click the combination of keys you have set for Cat
screen or looking through some other info without Mode to require. If you have forgotten it, don’t worry:
touching your keyboard or mouse for over a minute. your screen will show you a prompt whenever your
However, setting it to 5 minutes or longer may result in PC gets locked by BoostSpeed.
your cat jumping on your PC’s keyboard before the mode
gets a chance to protect it. A good solution would be to
set the time to 1 minute, but have the mode enabled
every time right before you step away from your PC
instead of keeping it on all the time.
Main Functionality

Reports Tab 21
When running maintenance or On the right side you see a table
optimization on your computer, it that lists reports created after
is important to be able to see the every operation. You see the report
results you are getting. The name, the name of the tool that
Reports tab gives you just that, as created it and the date when the
well as lets you see when operation ran. Filters above the
maintenance may be needed. table let you search for specific
reports by creation time and tool
On the left side of the screen you name. Click on a report in the table
can monitor current resource to select it, then click the ‘View
use statistics. This provides a report’ button below the table to
great overview of how your view it. Use the ‘Delete’ button to
system is handling all the tasks delete all reports ever created or
and applications that are just the reports listed above (the
currently running on it. If you see ones that match your search filters):
extremely high CPU, disk, you can select the option you want
network or memory loads, you from the drop-down menu that
will know that something might opens when you click on the
be wrong and will be able to take ‘Delete’ button arrow.
action by using the Clean Up and
Optimize tabs.
Main Functionality

Customer Care Tab 22

Whenever you experience any The right side of the screen gives
issues with using BoostSpeed, or you access to even more
if you just need some help with information on various Windows
getting your PC to run better, the issues you may experience by
Customer Care tab gives you a providing links to Auslogics blog
wealth of help options. articles.

The ‘Ask a question’ section lets

you ask online experts your
questions related to using
Auslogics software or to getting
your PC optimized. You can also Customer Care Tab  

browse through other questions  

and answers there and see if what Right below the ‘Ask a question’
you need has already been posted section you see links to the most
before. To use the feature, you common help topics and a
need to get registered by phone number that lets you
providing your email address and contact a live agent for
creating a password. To do that, assistance. Note that help with
scroll down to see the ‘Sign up getting Auslogics software
here!’ link below the login form. registered and working is free,
Click the link, then enter your but the agent may offer
name or a nickname you’d like to additional (optional) paid
be identified by on forum pages, services.
and hit the ‘Register’ button.
(see next page for more info)

Main Functionality

Customer Care Tab: Ask a Question 23

Once you click the ‘Register’ button (as Select the category and subcategory for
described on the previous page), go to your your question topic, type in a descriptive
Inbox at the address you specified in the subject and write your question in the big
form and look for a confirmation message blank field. You can also use the ‘Add file’
with your automatically generated option to add screenshots or other files to
password. You will need to use that provide more information on the issue you
password to log in when you go to ask your are having. When done, click the ‘Send’
question. Return to the Customer Care tab in button. Your question will be reviewed and
BoostSpeed and log in using the email posted on the web forum, and you will be
address and password. Once logged in, click able to log in and view answers to your
the ‘Ask a question’ button, which will open question there. See your email inbox for a
a form that will let you fill in your question link to the forum.
Main Functionality

All Tools Tab 24

The All Tools tab lists all of the apps Click on a tool to launch it, and it
that are included in BoostSpeed, will open as a new tab in
dividing them into performance BoostSpeed.
categories: If you need to close all open tool
tabs at once or, instead, keep them
System tools let you run
all open when you restart
maintenance and optimization on
BoostSpeed, use the Pages option
your Windows system.
in the main program menu at the
Disk tools provide multiple ways to top of the window: click it to open
clean your PC, defragment and the drop-down list and select the
maintain your disk drives. option you want.
To find out what a tool does or how
Internet and Browser tools help
it works, hover your mouse over it to
improve connection speed and get
bring up a hint.
online content to load faster.

Security tools help protect your

personal information and secure
You have seen many of these tools
your PC from threats.
recommended under other
Info tools allow you to get and relevant tabs throughout the
review information about your program, but they are all listed here
system and different aspects of its in one place to make it convenient
operation. for you to find the tool you need
when you are looking to complete a
specific job.
Scheduling Maintenance

Automatic Defragmentation 25
BoostSpeed lets you schedule regular maintenance for hands-off cleanups and tune-ups.
This helps keep your PC running fast and smooth for you continually.

Choose how often you would like to

run defragmentation and which
drives you’d like BoostSpeed to
defragment automatically.

You can also enable other options

here to prevent defrags from
interfering with your PC use. Set
BoostSpeed to create a report after
To schedule tasks, click on the every automatic defrag, if you’d like.
clock icon at the bottom-right of You will be able to see brief statistics
the main program window. on previous defrags right here below
all options.
A window will open on the ‘Disk
Defrag Schedule’ tab, where you
can set up a schedule for
automatic defragmentation of
your computer drives.
Scheduling Maintenance

One Click Scan and Repair 26

The ‘One Click Scanner Schedule’ Select the categories you want
tab in the scheduler window lets included in regular scan and repair
you set up automatic scans for disk (you can click the arrow next to
space, stability and performance category name and select specific
issues – the functionality that you subcategories only, if you like). Now
run manually using the One Click specify the time that’s convenient for
Scanner tab in BoostSpeed’s main running maintenance. It’s best to set
window. Having BoostSpeed run a time when your PC is usually on,
these tasks automatically on a but you are not using it very heavily.
regular basis frees up your time and Click OK when done.
helps ensure smooth PC
performance without requiring you
to do anything manually.

To access One Click Scanner

schedule settings, click on the clock
icon at the bottom-right of the
main program window.
Scheduling Maintenance

Privacy Cleanup 27

In addition to junk file cleanup Just like you did when scheduling
and performance optimization, the One Click Scanner, here you can
you can have BoostSpeed run click on the arrow next to the word
regular cleanups of privacy traces ‘Privacy’ to expand the list of
using the ‘Protect Tab Schedule’ subcategories, and check or uncheck
window. them as needed. Then choose the
frequency and convenient time for
your regular cleanups and click OK
when done.

Having traces of your private data,

including credit card and banking
To access privacy cleanup info, cleared from various locations
scheduling options, click on the on your PC helps ensure that this
clock icon at the bottom-right of information will never get in the
the main program window. wrong hands.
Customizing the Program

General Settings 28
Although BoostSpeed works great on default settings, it also offers extensive customization
options, so you can enjoy a program that looks and works exactly as you want it.

Here you can set the program to

launch on PC startup to ensure that it
monitors performance and runs
optimization in the background as
needed. You can also choose which
notifications BoostSpeed displays
and switch BoostSpeed scanners into
advanced mode by enabling system-
critical categories here.

To access BoostSpeed Settings, This is also where you tell

click on the gear icon at the BoostSpeed whether you want
bottom-right of the main program browser cookies deleted on every
window. cleanup. Keep this box unchecked if
you want to keep the cookies and
This will open the Settings window
prevent various sites from requiring
on the General tab.
you to re-log in every time you visit
Customizing the Program

View 29

The View menu lets you customize Computer screens may have
the program’s appearance. different resolution, and BoostSpeed
allows adjusting the size of interface
text and elements to better fit the
resolution on your PC.

The other options here let you

choose how CPU temperature
To access the View settings, click should be displayed and whether
the gear icon at the bottom-right heavy resource consumers should
of the main program window. be marked in red.

Then select the ‘View’ tab from

the left-side pane.
Customizing the Program

System Integration 30

BoostSpeed lets you integrate For instance, if you choose to

some of its features and options integrate Disk Defrag into context
into various system menus. This menus, you will then be able to right-
allows you to right-click on items click on a folder in File Explorer and
and run BoostSpeed operations on defragment that folder. You can also
them without having to actually set Disk Defrag as your default
open BoostSpeed. Go to the defragmenter, add the “Unlock File”,
‘System Integration’ tab to do that. “Recover Files” and “Shred Files”
options to drive and Recycle Bin
menus. The integration is seamless,
but is easy to undo anytime you

To open Settings, click on the gear

icon at the bottom-right of the main
program window.
Customizing the Program

Performance Monitor 31

The ‘Performance Monitor’ tab When Performance Monitor is

lets you control program enabled, you may choose whether
notifications. First, check the box you want to get just the basic
at the top to enable the feature. notifications about BoostSpeed
Unless you do that, the options completing scans, optimizations or
below will be greyed out and you other operations; or if you’d like to
will not be able to change them. also be notified of important
Windows system events (both
software and hardware related).

If you are not sure which

notifications you may want to see,
we recommend enabling them all
To open Settings, click on the at first. When you start seeing the
gear icon at the bottom-right of tray popups, you will be able to click
the main program window. the “Do not show this again” option
right in the popup to disable that
particular type of notifications.
Customizing the Program

Other Settings 32

Additionally, BoostSpeed lets you

customize the way it handles files and Some tools use algorithms that can
set additional options and exclusions be further customized and fine-
for various tools and features. tuned to fit your individual needs:
just click the tool in the left-side pane
and make your selections.
Scroll down to the bottom of the left-
side pane to see the settings for Cat
Mode and Rescue Center (covered
earlier in this Guide).
To open Settings, click on the gear
icon at the bottom-right of the main The last option is ‘Language’, which
program window. lets you choose the interface
language for BoostSpeed.

You can have the program wipe junk When done adjusting settings, be
files being deleted to prevent their sure to click the OK button to apply
recovery. You can also specify regular the changes.
folders that you want cleared during
cleanups (just make sure none of
their contents are important, as they
will be permanently deleted). If there
are any files or folders you want to be
excluded from processing,
BoostSpeed lets you manage Ignore
lists for each tool here.
Contacting Auslogics 33
There are many ways you can get Many of the questions you may
in touch with Auslogics, most of have regarding Auslogics products
them are described earlier in this have already been answered in the
Guide under ‘Main Functionality: FAQ section on
Customer Care Tab’. You can use The Support section on the
that tab to easily contact Auslogics Auslogics website also offers a way
right from the program. to retrieve a lost license key, request
a refund, download product
manuals and more.
Should you have any questions that
Telephone numbers may be are not answered on the website,
different for different regions and don’t hesitate to email our
may also change. Instead of using dedicated customer support team
the number from the screenshot 24/7 at the following address:
here, please look up an updated
number in the latest software
version or on our website at
Thank you for using
Auslogics software!

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