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Neutrino Winds On The Sky: Caio Nascimento and Marilena Loverde

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Prepared for submission to JCAP

Neutrino winds on the sky

arXiv:2307.00049v1 [astro-ph.CO] 30 Jun 2023

Caio Nascimento and Marilena Loverde

Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
E-mail: caiobsn@uw.edu, mloverde@uw.edu

Abstract. We develop a first-principles formalism to compute the distortion to the relic neutrino
density field caused by the peculiar motions of large-scale structures. This distortion slows halos
down due to dynamical friction, causes a local anisotropy in the neutrino-CDM cross-correlation, and
reduces the global cross-correlation between neutrinos and CDM. The local anisotropy in the neutrino-
CDM cross-spectrum is imprinted in the three point cross-correlations of matter and galaxies, or the
bispectrum in Fourier space, producing a signal peaking at squeezed triangle configurations. This
bispectrum signature of neutrino masses is not limited by cosmic variance or potential inaccuracies in
the modeling of complicated nonlinear and galaxy formation physics, and it is not degenerate with the
optical depth to reionization. We show that future surveys have the potential to detect the distortion
1 Introduction 1

2 Basic formalism 3

3 A warm-up exercise: Neutrino wakes around a single moving halo 4

3.1 Anisotropic neutrino density profile 4
3.2 Dynamical friction on a single halo 6
3.3 Limitations to the 1-halo approach 8

4 Neutrino wakes in large-scale structure 11

4.1 Solution to the Boltzmann equation for an arbitrary CDM density field 11
4.1.1 Zeroth order: The static limit 13
4.1.2 First order: Accounting for CDM bulk flows 13
4.2 Dynamical friction revisited 16
4.3 Large-scale structure observables 19

5 Numerical calculations of large-scale structure observables 20

5.1 The 2-halo contribution to dynamical friction 20
5.2 Distortions to the neutrino-CDM cross power spectrum 23
5.3 Neutrino distortion to the bispectrum 26
5.4 Multi-tracer bispectrum forecast 30

6 Conclusion 34

A Signal-to-noise derivation 36

1 Introduction
Neutrino oscillation experiments have established that at least two of the neutrino mass eigenstates
have a non-zero mass. Two squared mass differences are known from atmospheric P and solar neutrino
oscillations, which leads to a lower bound on the sum of the masses of ν mν ≳ 0.06, 0.1eV for the
normal and inverted hierarchies respectively [1–3]. Additionally, terrestrial beta decay experiments set
an upper bound to a weighted sum of the masses of mν,β < 0.8eV at 90% confidence level [4]. Tighter
constraints are obtained from the neutrino-induced
P suppression of cosmological structure formation at
small scales, leading to the bound ν mν ≲ 0.12eV at 95% confidence [5], depending on the dataset.
Future cosmological surveys will reach the required sensitivity to detect the neutrino mass scale at
the lower limits imposed by oscillation data. This highly anticipated measurement will place tight
constraints on sub-percent components of the matter density that can alter the power spectrum, and
put the synergy between particle physics and cosmology to the test [6].
Relic neutrinos are nonrelativistic at late times but even today still have a nonnegligible (thermal)
velocity dispersion of σν ∼ 3Tν,0 /mν ≈ 1500 km/s for a neutrino mass mν = 0.1eV, and temperature
Tν,0 ≈ 1.95K ≈ 1.7 × 10−4 eV. We can define the free-streaming scale as the distance traveled by
neutrinos over the course of one expansion time, i.e., λfs ∼ σν /H0 ∼ 20 Mpc when evaluated at
the present time, where H0 ≈ 70 km/s/Mpc is the Hubble expansion rate. At scales below the
free-streaming length (k > kfs ) pressure dominates over the gravitational potential and neutrino
anisotropies are washed out creating a homogeneous sea of neutrinos with a characteristic size L ∼ λfs .
At the present time cold dark matter (CDM) halos have a typical peculiar velocity vH ∼ 500 km/s.
We will show that the peculiar motion of halos causes neutrino particles to accumulate behind the
moving halo, generating wakes that slow the halo down due to dynamical friction, and reducing the
cross-correlation between neutrinos and CDM. Some previous studies of neutrino wake effects can be

found in [7–9] (also see [10] for cosmic string wakes), we will comment on similarities and differences
between our approaches and those throughout this text. As we will see, the neutrino wake effects are
also directly related to the CDM-ν dipole distortion produced by the relative velocity between CDM
and neutrinos [11–13].
In this work we develop an analytic approach to offsets in neutrino and CDM clustering on small
scales. To do this, we leverage the fact that the physics of neutrino clustering simplifies in the limit
that the neutrino free-streaming scale is large in comparison with the scale of nonlinearities. The
CDM bulk flow produces a distortion in the neutrino density field that naturally emerges in nonlinear
structure formation with massive neutrinos. This distortion can be explicitly extracted from the
solution to the Boltzmann equation for the neutrino distribution function in the background of a
nonlinear dark matter structure, while remaining completely agnostic about the nonlinear dynamics
of CDM. In contrast, previous approaches to neutrino wakes are anchored on the introduction of an
ad-hoc effective relative displacement between CDM and neutrino fluids, from which the observational
signals are obtained.1 This framework is effective on scales below a relative velocity coherence length
but it breaks down at sufficiently large scales. Our approach improves on the analytical understanding
of neutrino wakes in an expanding universe and allows for a more complete treatment of observables.
In general, the problem of including massive neutrinos in nonlinear structure formation is rather
challenging and has been investigated in the literature using different approaches. That includes
simulations that directly implement the neutrinos as N-body particles [15–23], but also (the compu-
tationally less expensive) simulations that assume massive neutrinos remain linearly clustered up to
late times [24–30], and analytic approaches as well [31–36]. The peculiar motion of halos and the
associated distortion to the neutrino density field should, in principle, be included in some of these
methods and indeed the existence of a CDM-ν dipole distortion has been explicitly verified in the
TianNu simulations using a real space three point function correlating the CDM and neutrino densities
with their relative velocity field [37]. Additionally, signatures of neutrino wakes were also observed
in simulations that directly integrate the six-dimensional Boltzmann (Vlasov)-Poisson equations in
phase space [38].
Our novel theoretical framework enables a throughout investigation of potential observational
signatures of this dipole distortion effect; it slows halos down due to dynamical friction, decreases the
cross correlation between CDM and neutrinos, and leaves an imprint in three point cross correlations
of matter and galaxies, or the bispectrum in Fourier space, peaking at squeezed triangle configurations.
As we shall see, this observable benefits from cosmic variance cancellation: it is proportional to the
particular realization of the CDM power spectrum on small scales. Furthermore, it is not limited
by the (lack of) knowledge of optical depth to reionization,2 and only has a small degeneracy with
additional contributions to the bispectrum from standard nonlinear structure formation. This is then
a promising additional independent signature of neutrino masses in the large-scale structure that can
be probed in future surveys and complement the standard method based on the small-scale matter
power suppression in the presence of massive neutrinos. While the suppression in the matter power
spectrum from neutrinos is expected to provide the most stringent limits on the neutrino mass, the
power spectrum method is limited by the knowledge of optical depth to reionization as probed by
the cosmic microwave background (CMB), uncertainties associated with modeling complex nonlinear
structure and galaxy formation physics, and degeneracies with other new physics such as a dynamical
dark energy component (see e.g. [44–47]). The neutrino wake effects discussed in this paper are free
from some of these limitations.
Our analysis of wakes only assumes generic features of a thermally produced collisionless non-
cold dark species and could therefore apply to other sources of hot dark matter. Nevertheless, we
work with neutrinos for definiteness. In numerical calculations throughout the paper we assume a
reference flat ΛCDM cosmology, with Ωm,0 = Ωc,0 + Ωb,0 + Ων,0 = 0.32, Ωb,0 = 0.05, ΩΛ,0 = 0.68
and h = 0.67. We emphasize that the neutrino effects considered in this paper scale with powers of
1 This is analogous to the moving background perturbation theory approach to modeling the effects of the relative

bulk motion between CDM and baryons on the formation of the first structures [14].
2 Indeed, both of these qualities are common to multi-tracer approaches to measuring the neutrino mass with large-

scale structure [39–43].

the individual neutrino masses, rather than the total energy density in neutrinos. This is in contrast
to the linear-theory suppression
P of the matter power spectrum, which scales with the total energy
density in neutrinos as i mνi . For simplicity we will work with a single massive species with mass
mν and consider the dynamical friction and neutrino distortions produced by that mass state. The
net effects of three massive neutrinos can be computed straightforwardly. For a given neutrino mass
mν we adjust the fractional contribution of CDM to the energy density Ωc,0 in such a way as to keep
the total matter fraction Ωm,0 fixed. Linear transfer functions are obtained with the Cosmic Linear
Anisotropy Solving System (CLASS) [48], and we compute power spectra assuming an almost scale
invariant primordial power defined by a tilt ns = 0.96 and amplitude As = 2.2 × 109 at the pivot scale
kpiv = 0.05Mpc−1 . Throughout this paper we treat baryons and CDM identically and henceforth
CDM refers both.
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we review the formalism necessary to study the
distortion in the neutrino density field produced by the peculiar motion of halos. In Section 3 we
apply it to the simple case of a moving point mass halo that approximates the distribution of CDM
structure at sufficiently small scales. We also derive the 1-halo contribution to the dynamical friction
effect, and discuss the limitations associated to neglecting the large-scale gravitational potential.
In Section 4 we apply our formalism to a general nonlinear CDM distribution where we only impose
kinematic relations and hence remain agnostic about the nonlinear dynamics of CDM. We then revisit
the dynamical friction effect and comment on large-scale structure observables. In Section 5 we
carry out some numerical calculations using the halo model to derive the 2-halo contribution to the
dynamical friction effect, and standard perturbation theory (SPT) to compute two and three point
cross correlations of neutrinos and CDM. The latter are used to forecast the detectability of neutrino
wakes effect in future surveys combining two tracers of the matter distribution. In 6 we summarize
our findings. Finally, in Appendix A we present the details of signal-to-noise calculations.

2 Basic formalism
We follow the standard approach to study how neutrinos are distributed around CDM, i.e., to solve
for the neutrino phase space distribution function fν (t, ⃗x, ⃗q), where t is the Friedmann-Lemaı̂tre-
Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmic time, ⃗x the comoving position, and ⃗q = mν a2 (t)d⃗x/dt the comoving
momentum in the cosmic frame. Here mν is the neutrino mass and a(t) is the scale factor. We work
with one neutrino mass eigenstate at a time. The collisionless Boltzmann equation reads [49],
∂fν d⃗x ∂fν d⃗q ∂fν
+ · + · = 0. (2.1)
∂t dt ∂⃗x dt ∂⃗q
The neutrinos move in the gravitational potential ϕ(t, ⃗x) of CDM, from where it follows that,
d⃗q ∂ϕ
= −mν . (2.2)
dt ∂⃗x
Three approximations are being made here. First, we consider the motion of neutrinos in the external
gravitational potential of CDM, ignoring the back reaction of neutrinos on the gravitational potential.
This is a good approximation as long as the fractional contribution of neutrinos to the matter density is
small. We also neglect large-scale general relativistic corrections, such as dilation effects via ϕ′ terms.
These do not contribute to the physics on the sub-horizon scales we consider. Finally, we assume
that neutrinos are nonrelativistic, so our equations apply at sufficiently late times. Note that for a
neutrino mass mν ∼ 0.1eV, the transition between relativistic and nonrelativistic regimes happens at
a redshift ztr ∼ mν /3Tν,0 ∼ 200, much earlier than the onset of nonlinear structure formation.
The Boltzmann Eq. (2.1) can then be written as:
∂fν ⃗q ∂fν ∂ϕ ∂fν
+ · − mν · = 0. (2.3)
∂t mν a2 ∂⃗x ∂⃗x ∂⃗q
We split the neutrino phase-space distribution function as follows: fν = fν,0 + fν,1 , where fν,0 is a
solution to the case ϕ = 0, and fν,1 represents a response to the gravitational field of dark matter.

Setting ϕ = 0 in Eq. (2.3) gives,
∂fν,0 ⃗q ∂fν,0
+ · = 0. (2.4)
∂t mν a2 ∂⃗x
A general solution to Eq. (2.4), which is also isotropic in the cosmic frame, is an arbitrary function of
the magnitude of the comoving momentum fν,0 = fν,0 (q). Since we are considering the distribution
of a single relic neutrino species, we set this to be the relativistic Fermi-Dirac distribution fν,0 (q) =
fFD (q/Tν,0 ), with Tν,0 ≈ 1.95K the neutrino temperature today, and:

fFD (x) = , (2.5)
with gν = 2 to account for both left-handed neutrinos and right-handed antineutrinos. Going back to
the general case of a nonvanishing CDM potential, we arrive at
∂fν,1 ⃗q ∂fν,1 ∂ϕ ∂fν,0 ∂ϕ ∂fν,1
+ · = mν · + mν · . (2.6)
∂t mν a2 ∂⃗x ∂⃗x ∂⃗q ∂⃗x ∂⃗q
We now make the Brandenberger-Kaiser-Turok (BKT) approximation which consists in dropping the
second term in the right-hand side of Eq. (2.6) [50]. This can be phrased as the statement that we
compute the linear response of the neutrino distribution to the (nonlinear) gravitational potential of
CDM. We expect the approximation to break down at sufficiently small scales, or in close encounters
of neutrinos with very massive halos, in which case one can proceed to solve the Eq. (2.6) iteratively
[36]. We are interested in the perturbative quasi-linear regime where the BKT approximation should
be adequate.
The Boltzmann Eq. (2.6) then greatly simplifies to:
∂fν,1 ⃗q ∂fν,1 ∂ϕ ∂fν,0
+ · = mν a2 (η) · , (2.7)
∂η mν ∂⃗x ∂⃗x ∂⃗q
where we also introduced a new time coordinate η via dt/dη = a2 (η), proportional to the comoving
distance traveled by a nonrelativistic particle throughout cosmic history. In the remainder of this
manuscript we will study how the solution to Eq. (2.7) captures the distortion in the neutrino density
field induced by the peculiar motion of halos. As a warm-up, in Sec. 3 we will first solve it for the
simple case that ϕ is the potential for a single moving point mass halo that works as a toy model for
the distribution of CDM at sufficiently small scales. The single-halo approach neglects the clustering
of nearby halos and the overall incoherence of the velocity field of nearby structures. In Sec. 4 we
will consider Eq. (2.7) in the context of the full large-scale CDM density field. Our approach will
be to use the Poisson equation and the fully nonlinear continuity equation to develop a systematic
expansion for perturbations to the neutrino density in terms of derivatives of the CDM density field.
In this sense, our predictions for the neutrino wakes do not rely on any particular implementation of
non-linear gravitational evolution.

3 A warm-up exercise: Neutrino wakes around a single moving halo

Our goal in this section is to determine the late-time clustering of relic neutrinos around a moving
point mass halo with a given mass M , following the comoving trajectory ⃗xH (η). We first compute the
neutrino energy density and then proceed to determine the resulting dynamical friction force. The
section ends with a discussion on the limitations associated to neglecting the large-scale gravitational
potential which provides intuition for some of the calculations that are carried out in Section 4.

3.1 Anisotropic neutrino density profile

As a first step we solve Eq. (2.7) for the gravitational potential of a moving point mass halo. In
general, the solution to Eq. (2.7) reads
′ ∂ϕ ∂fν,0
fν,1 (η, ⃗x, ⃗q) = dη d3 ⃗x′ G(η − η ′ , ⃗x − ⃗x′ )mν a2 (η ′ ) ′ · , (3.1)
∂⃗x ∂⃗q

G(η, ⃗x) = Θ(η)δ (3) ⃗x − η , (3.2)

is the causal Green’s function of Eq. (2.7), with Θ(η) the Heaviside step function. The substitution
of Eq. (3.2) into Eq. (3.1) gives, after some algebra,
Z η
∂ϕ ∂fν,0
fν,1 (η, ⃗x, ⃗q) = mν dη ′ a2 (η ′ ) · , (3.3)
0 ∂⃗y ∂⃗q

where we set η = 0 corresponding to the arbitrary initial integration time and

⃗y = ⃗x − (η − η ′ ) . (3.4)

It is now straightforward to compute the perturbation to the neutrino energy density as follows:

d3 ⃗q
δρν (η, ⃗x) = mν a (η) fν,1 (η, ⃗x, ⃗q) ,
Z η (3.5)
d3 ⃗q ∂ϕ ∂fν,0
2 −3 ′ 2 ′
= mν a (η) dη a (η ) · .
0 (2π)3 ∂⃗y ∂⃗q

After integration by parts, and using Eq. (3.4), this becomes

Z η
d3 ⃗q
−3 ′ ′ 2 ′
δρν (η, ⃗x) = mν a (η) dη (η − η )a (η ) fν,0 (q)∇2y ϕ(η ′ , ⃗y ) . (3.6)
0 (2π)3

For a point mass halo with a given mass M and following the comoving trajectory ⃗xH (η),

4πGM (3)
∇2y ϕ(η ′ , ⃗y ) = δ (⃗y − ⃗xH (η ′ )) , (3.7)
a(η ′ )

with Newton’s gravitational constant G. The substitution of Eq. (3.7) into Eq. (3.6) yields, after
integrating over the comoving momentum to eliminate the delta function,
Z η ′
GM m4ν −3 mν |⃗x − ⃗xH (η ′ )|
′ a(η )
δρν (η, ⃗x) = a (η) dη fFD , (3.8)
2π 2 0 (η − η ′ )2 Tν,0 η − η′

where we used the relation fν,0 (q) = fFD (q/Tν,0 ), along with Eq. (2.5) (with gν = 2). This is the
expression for the mass density perturbation of relic neutrinos in the presence of a moving point mass
halo, that we will apply in the next section in order to study the dynamical friction effect.
For now, let us build some intuition on the physics at hand by considering the case of a halo
moving with constant velocity ⃗vH in a static universe, i.e., a(t) = 1 and ⃗xH (t) = ⃗xH (0) + ⃗vH t with
η = t. In this case, the Eq. (3.8) reads in the halo frame

GM m3ν Tν,0 ∞
ν (t, ⃗
x ) = δρν (t, ⃗
x + ⃗
x H (t)) = ⃗ |) ,
du fFD (|u⃗x + α (3.9)
t→∞ 2π 2 0

where we introduce the vector

mν a
⃗= ⃗vH , (3.10)
which points in the direction of the halo motion and whose magnitude is proportional to the ratio of
halo to thermal neutrino velocities, and also changed the integration variable to u = (mν /Tν,0 )(1/t−t′ )
before taking the static limit t → ∞. Equation (3.9) is plotted in Fig. 1 for a neutrino mass mν =
0.1eV, and a halo with mass M = 1013 M⊙ moving with a velocity vH = 500km/s along the x-axis.
Note that the halo peculiar velocity creates a distortion in the neutrino density field, which clusters
anisotropically behind the moving halo.



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Figure 1. Anisotropic clustering of massive neutrinos behind a point mass halo with a constant velocity in
a static universe. Here mν = 0.1eV is the neutrino mass, M = 1013 M⊙ is the halo mass and vH = 500km/s
is the halo velocity along the x-axis as illustrated by the white arrow. The plot shows the neutrino density
contrast in a frame of reference comoving with the halo, which diverges at the origin (the point mass halo
position) and hence we introduce a cutoff at an arbitrary maximum density contrast which here corresponds
to the value of δν,max = 0.2.

3.2 Dynamical friction on a single halo

We now have an expression for the anisotropic clustering of neutrinos around moving point mass halos
in an expanding universe, i.e., Eq. (3.8). We expect this to generate dynamical friction that slows the
halo down and this is what we compute next. Using Newton’s third law, the force acting on the halo
can be obtained by integrating the neutrino mass density over the gravitational field of the halo
F⃗ (η) = −a3 (η) d3 ⃗x δρν (η, ⃗x)⃗gH (η, ⃗x) , (3.11)

where for a moving point mass halo in an expanding universe the gravitational field reads
⃗ x ϕ(η, ⃗x)
∇ GM ⃗x − ⃗xH (η)
⃗gH (η, ⃗x) = − =− 2 . (3.12)
a(η) a (η) |⃗x − ⃗xH (η)|3
Substituting Eqs. (3.8) and (3.12) into Eq. (3.11) gives
G2 M 2 m4ν η dη ′ a(η ′ ) mν |⃗x − ⃗xH (η ′ )|
⃗x − ⃗xH (η)
F⃗ (η) = ′ )2 a2 (η)

x fFD ′
, (3.13)
2π 2 0 (η − η Tν,0 η − η |⃗
x − ⃗xH (η)|3
we now change the integration variable in the second integral in the right hand side of Eq. (3.13).
In terms of ⃗y = (mν /Tν,0 )(⃗x − ⃗xH (η ′ ))/(η − η ′ ) the integral is formally equivalent to the problem of

calculating the gravitational field generated by the isotropic mass density fFD (y). Applying Gauss’s
law we find
3 Z ⃗ xH (η ′ )
xH (η)−⃗ mν ⃗ xH (η ′ )
xH (η)−⃗
η | |
dη ′ a(η ′ )
2 Tν,0 η−η ′ Tν,0 η−η ′
F⃗ (η) = − G2 M 2 m4ν dy y 2 fFD (y) .
π mν 0 η − η ′ a2 (η) | ⃗xH (η)−⃗x′H (η′ ) |3 0
In the limit η ′ → η we have that (⃗xH (η) − ⃗xH (η ′ ))/(η − η ′ ) → a(η)⃗vH (η), where ⃗vH = ad⃗xH /dt is the
halo peculiar velocity, and the integral is singular due to the factor of (η − η ′ ) in the denominator.
To regularize it we introduce the dimensionless time integration variable ∆ = η/(η − η ′ ) in terms of
which the Eq. (3.14) becomes
3 Z ⃗ xH (η ′ )
xH (η)−⃗ mν ⃗ xH (η ′ )
xH (η)−⃗
∞ | |
d∆ a(η ′ )
2 Tν,0 η−η ′ Tν,0 η−η ′
F⃗ (η) = − G2 M 2 m4ν dy y 2 fFD (y) , (3.15)
π mν 1 ∆ a2 (η) | ⃗xH (η)−⃗x′H (η′ ) |3 0

with η ′ = η(1 − 1/∆) implicit on Eq. (3.15). The limit η ′ → η is mapped into ∆ → ∞ where the
integrand approaches ∼ d∆/∆, i.e., we encounter a logarithmic divergence. This is to be expected
in our simple model of a point mass halo since gravity is a long range force and hence neutrinos
coming towards the halo with arbitrarily large impact parameter give a nonvanishing contribution
[51]. However, in realistic scenarios one has to account for the large-scale gravitational potential
which sets a cutoff Λ for the integral. We postpone a discussion of this to the next subsection and for
now simply introduce the cutoff by hand. The expression in Eq. (3.15) greatly simplifies in the limit
Λ ≫ 1, which motivates the following regularization scheme:
3 ⃗ xH (η ′ )
xH (η)−⃗ mν ⃗ xH (η ′ )
xH (η)−⃗
Λ | |
d∆ a(η ′ )
 Z Z
2 Tν,0 1 η−η ′ Tν,0 η−η ′
F⃗ (η) = − log ΛG2 M 2 m4ν lim dy y 2 fFD (y) .
π mν Λ→∞ log Λ 1 ∆ a2 (η) | ⃗xH (η)−⃗x′H (η′ ) |3 0
the integral is now dominated by its contribution from ∆ ≫ 1 so we arrive at,
⃗vH α
2 Tν,0
F⃗ = − log ΛG2 M 2 m4ν 3 dy y 2 fFD (y) , (3.17)
π mν a vH 0

where the time dependence is now implicit in Eq. (3.17), and α = |⃗ α| is the magnitude of the vector
defined in Eq. (3.10). This is the Chandrasekhar dynamical friction formula [52] as used, for instance,
in the pioneering paper [7]. Before moving forward, let us stop for a moment to investigate the
explicit dependence of Eq. (3.15) on the cutoff Λ in the simple scenario where the halo is only subject
to Hubble drag, that is, assuming vH ∼ a−1 and hence d⃗x/dη = a⃗vH is constant. In this case when
evaluating Eq. (3.15) at redshift z = 0 (or a = 1) we reproduce Eq. (3.17) but now with an additional
factor of: Z Λ   
F 1 d∆ 1
= a η 1− . (3.18)
FΛ→∞ log Λ 1 ∆ ∆
This can be calculated in our reference ΛCDM cosmology for any given initial redshift zi associated
to the halo formation time (where we set ηi = 0) and is plotted in Fig. 2. One can see the trend
of F/FΛ→∞ → 1 in the limit Λ → ∞, with Chandrasekhar’s formula in Eq. (3.17) being suppressed
for any finite value of the cutoff Λ (also note that the suppression is larger for earlier forming halos
which move faster at higher redshift and hence probe larger distance scales). We will give a physical
interpretation for this result in the next subsection where we discuss the limitations associated to
ignoring the large-scale gravitational potential in our simple single halo model.
We are primarily interested in the small halo velocity regime α ≪ 1 of Eq. (3.17), suitable for
realistic neutrino masses as constrained by cosmology. In this case the dynamical friction force is
proportional to the halo velocity,
F⃗ ≈ − log ΛG2 M 2 m4ν ⃗vH , (3.19)







5 10 50 100 500 1000

Figure 2. Suppression of Chandrasekhar’s formula for the dynamical friction force F/FΛ→∞ for finite values
of the cutoff Λ in the simple case of a halo subject to Hubble drag. The solid black curve corresponds to a
choice of halo formation redshift of zi = 1, and the dashed blue curve to zi = 2. In realistic applications we
might expect Λ ≈ λcoh /Rhalo ≈ 10 − 1000 as we will see in Sec. 5.

and scales like m4ν such that the dynamical friction effect is dominated by the most massive neutrino
eigenstate. We may then assume a single neutrino species for simplicity, or explicitly write the total
dynamical friction force as a sum of individual contribution from different eigenstates.
In order to connect Eq. (3.19) with the results of future sections, it is convenient to rewrite it in
terms of a quantity with dimension of inverse time. Since F = M dvH /dt, we can define:

F⃗ · ⃗vH 2 −5 log Λ M  m 4
τ −1 = − 2 = log ΛG2
M m 4
ν = 3.4 × 10 H0 , (3.20)
M vH 3π log 100 1013 MJ 0.1eV

which is the characteristic time scale for an order one fractional decrease in the halo velocity due to
the dynamical friction effect. Note that 1/τ H0 = ∆v/v is the overall relative decrease in the halo
velocity over the age of the Universe t ∼ 1/H0 . We obtain a numerical value of ∆v/v = 3.4 × 10−5 for
a halo mass M = 1013 MJ and individual neutrino mass mν = 0.1eV, when also assuming Λ = 100.
This already suggests that the dynamical friction effect is quite small, although it can pick up some
significant contributions from the clustering of nearby halos as we will see in Sec. 5.

3.3 Limitations to the 1-halo approach

Thus far we have determined the anisotropic clustering of massive neutrinos behind moving point
mass halos and the corresponding dynamical friction force. A more realistic calculation would have
to account for both the finite extent of the halo and the presence of large-scale structure. Indeed,
the Eq. (3.20) involves an unknown Coulomb logarithm, log Λ, where in typical applications of the
dynamical friction formula the cutoff Λ can be estimated as the ratio of maximum and minimum
impact parameters, Λ ∼ bmax /bmin [51]. Here bmin ∼ Rhalo is the halo radius, and bmax ∼ λcoh ∼ 0.1
Mpc−1 is the CDM velocity coherence scale. The CDM bulk flow is only coherent over sufficiently
small scales and hence our analysis based on a single moving halo is expected to break down at scales
λ ≳ λcoh .3 This point will be made more clear in the next section, where we also provide a precise
definition for the velocity coherence scale.
3 We should also impose a cutoff corresponding to the distance traveled by free-streaming neutrinos, which sets

the scale where neutrino inhomogeneities are coherent with CDM. As we shall see the neutrino free-streaming scale

When accounting for the large-scale structure, the halo velocity vH is replaced by the root mean
square CDM velocity dispersion σ given by,
2 2 dk
σ = ⟨v ⟩ = Pθθ (z, k) , (3.21)
2π 2

with Pθθ (z, k) the power spectrum of the divergence of the CDM velocity field θ = ∇⃗ · ⃗v (note that
the velocity dispersion depends on redshift). This can be used to define the scale associated to the
CDM bulk flow, which is also known as the scale of nonlinearities4
kNL = , (3.22)
where a is the scale factor and H = ȧ/a is the Hubble rate, with dot denoting a derivative with
respect to cosmic time t. We evaluate the Eq. (3.21) numerically in our reference ΛCDM cosmology
and in linear perturbation theory, using Pθθ (z, k) = (f aH)2 [DL (z)/DL (z = 0)]2 Pδδ (z = 0, k), where
Pδδ (z = 0, k) is the CDM power spectrum evaluated at z = 0. The linear growth factor DL and linear
growth rate f = d log DL /d log a are obtained with the approximate formulas in [53].
In our calculations thus far we have implicitly assumed a large-scale homogeneous distribution
of neutrinos. In general, neutrinos have a large velocity dispersion5 ,
3ζ(3) Tν,0
σν = , (3.23)
log 4 mν a

and hence free-stream over cosmological distances with a characteristic scale kfs of,
4πGa2 ρ̄(a)

2 3 aH
kfs = = Ωm (a) , (3.24)
σν2 2 σν

where ρ̄(a) is the background matter energy density and we used the Friedmann equation. In Fig. 3 we
plot the scale of nonlinearities, kNL , and the neutrino free-streaming scale, kfs , as a function of redshift
in our reference ΛCDM cosmology for three values of the neutrino mass: mν = 0.05eV, mν = 0.1eV
and mν = 0.15eV.
At scales smaller than the free-streaming scale (k ≳ kfs ), pressure dominates over the gravita-
tional field and neutrino anisotropies are washed-out. On the other hand, at larger scales (k ≪ kfs )
neutrinos cluster like cold matter and there are significant anisotropies in the neutrino fluid.6 As a
consequence we expect our previous analysis, which assumes a homogeneous distribution of neutrinos,
to break down when the CDM flows over scales that are larger than λfs ∼ 1/kfs , i.e., when kfs ≳ kNL .
From Fig. 3 we conclude that for the small neutrino masses as constrained by cosmology, kfs < kNL
and hence our assumptions are consistent.
Note that since kfs ∼ aH/σν and kNL ∼ aH/σ, we have that kfs /kNL ∼ σ/σν is analogous to the
parameter α introduced in Eq. (3.10) and this has two important consequences. First, as we showed
before, the limit α ≪ 1 allowed for a significant simplification of the dynamical friction effect, leading
is much larger than the CDM velocity coherence length λcoh . Relatedly, since our formalism assumes neutrinos are
non-relativistic, one might also expect that we should impose a cutoff corresponding to the distance neutrinos have
traveled while non-relativistic. Yet this scale is much larger than the free-streaming scale and, of course, the CDM
velocity coherence length λcoh and is therefore irrelevant.
4 In the literature one often finds alternative definitions for the scale of nonlinearities, such as the scale at which

the dimensionless power is unity, which we will here denote by k̃NL . In our reference ΛCDM cosmology one finds
k̃NL ∼ 0.15Mpc−1 ∼ kNL at z = 0 so the two definitions produce numerically equivalent results. However, their time
evolution is different and this can produce significant differences at higher redshift. For example, k̃NL ≈ 0.5Mpc−1 at
z = 1, while kNL changes only slightly when compared to its z = 0 value, as depicted in Fig. 3.
5 In later sections we provide the motivation for this particular definition of the neutrino velocity dispersion.
6 In practice the transition at the free-streaming scale is rather smooth, with the neutrino species fully behaving

like CDM only at scales above the neutrino horizon scale which is approximately set by the free-streaming scale when
evaluated at the moment when neutrinos first became nonrelativistic and lies at much larger scales. See Fig.1 in [54]
for more details.





0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Figure 3. Scale of nonlinearities, kNL , and neutrino free-streaming scale, kfs , as a function of redshift and
for varying neutrino mass. The black dashed curve is the scale of nonlinearities and blue, green and pink
solid curves correspond to the free-streaming scale for neutrino masses of mν = 0.05eV,mν = 0.1eV and
mν = 0.15eV respectively.

to the simple formula in Eq. (3.20). In an approach that accounts for the large-scale structure, we
expect a similar simplification to happen in the limit kfs /kNL ≪ 1, and indeed we will use this as a
guiding principle in future sections. Second, due to the breakdown of our framework in the regime
kfs /kNL ∼ σ/σν ≳ 1, the Chandrasekhar formula in Eq. (3.17) can no longer be applied when α ≳ 1.
If we try to ignore this and proceed to extract the α ≫ 1 limit in Eq. (3.17) we would (erroneously)
arrive at,
⃗ 6 2 2 4 Tν,0 ⃗vH
F ≈ − ζ(3) log ΛG M mν 3 , (3.25)
π mν a vH
where we used Eq. (2.5) with gν = 2. For a given fixed neutrino temperature today Tν,0 , one would
then conclude that F ∼ mν and hence the dynamical friction effect can be made arbitrarily large by
increasing mν , which in turn would enable us to place an upper bound on the neutrino mass scale
based solely on the observation that galaxies have some nonzero peculiar velocities today and hence
the dynamical friction effect cannot be too large [7]. This argument completely ignores the cutoff
at the free-streaming scale and is hence incorrect. Indeed, we can get some valuable intuition from
considering the limit kfs /kNL ∼ σ/σν ≫ 1 (analogous to α ≫ 1), which corresponds to a neutrino mass
so large that the neutrinos are no longer streaming over cosmological distances and hence effectively
behave just like a cold matter component. Then neutrinos will cluster along with the CDM and there
no longer exists a homogeneous sea of neutrinos around the halo. Another way to think about it is
that in this limit, neutrinos are comoving with CDM and then, in the frame of the halo, the situation
is equivalent to a halo at rest in a homogeneous sea of neutrinos. In that case, neutrino clustering is
isotropic in the halo frame and there are no wakes and no dynamical friction.
In later sections we will see precisely how the free-streaming scale comes into play when general-
izing the approach of this section to a more realistic dark matter distribution. Another limitation to
Eq. (3.20) is that it neglects the effects of clustering between nearby halos. In studying neutrino wakes
and dynamical friction in large-scale structure, we then expect to see some corrections accounting for
the fact that nearby halos will share neutrino wakes. The two-halo term was studied in detail in
[8] under the assumption of a static universe, as seen from the frame of reference of a moving halo.
This approach implicitly assumes that all of the CDM moves coherently, and hence breaks down at
scales above the CDM velocity coherence scale. In the next section, we will develop a framework that

– 10 –
incorporates the expansion of the Universe and also allows us to work with CDM structures that have
a velocity dispersion, allowing us to push the regime of validity of the calculations all the way up to
the free-streaming scale.

4 Neutrino wakes in large-scale structure

In the previous section we determined that the peculiar motion of halos generates anisotropic neutrino
wakes that slow halos down due to dynamical friction. Our goal now is to extended the analysis of
neutrino wakes to a general CDM distribution (in an expanding universe) in order to account for
the large scale structure. This improves on several limitations of the previous approach: The cutoffs
at both the free-streaming and CDM coherence scale will naturally emerge from the formalism, as
opposed to being introduced by hand to regularize divergent integrals. We will also derive a 2-halo
term to the dynamical friction formula and naturally account for the CDM velocity dispersion, as
opposed to introducing an ad-hoc halo peculiar velocity. Finally, this approach allows us to derive
corrections to the matter power spectrum from neutrino wakes and compute the matter-neutrino
cross-bispectrum generated by the distortions to the neutrino field.
Based on our intuition from the previous section, we expect the problem to significantly simplify
in the limit kfs /kNL ≪ 1. As we will see, by working in this regime we are able to address the problem
analytically. Our strategy is to solve the Boltzmann Eq. (2.7) in Fourier space, integrate the solution
over comoving momenta to obtain the neutrino density perturbation, and then consider a Taylor
expansion in the small parameter kfs /kNL ≪ 1. We will then calculate both the zeroth and first order
terms. The latter will correspond to the distortion in the neutrino density field that we are looking
for. In our calculations we remain agnostic about the nonlinear evolution of CDM perturbations,
imposing only the continuity and Poisson equations. Our final expressions in this section will be
written in terms of CDM power spectra and bispectra without assuming a particular model for their

4.1 Solution to the Boltzmann equation for an arbitrary CDM density field
Going back to the problem at hand, we need to consider Eq. (2.7) in its full generality. In Fourier
⃗ → i⃗k), it reads:
space (let ∇

∂fν,1 ⃗k · ⃗q ∂fν,0
+i fν,1 = imν a2 (η)ϕ(η, ⃗k)⃗k · , (4.1)
∂η mν ∂⃗q
where we remind the reader that fν,0 (q) corresponds to the background neutrino distribution function,
while fν,1 (η, ⃗k, ⃗q) is the linear response to the CDM gravitational potential ϕ(η, ⃗k). Furthermore, ⃗q
is the comoving momentum, and we are working in the time coordinate η defined by dt/dη = a2 (η).
This is a first-order ordinary differential equation whose solution is straightforward to write down 7
∂fν,0 η ′ 2 ′
Z ⃗
q ′
⃗ ⃗
fν,1 (η, k, ⃗q) = imν k · dη a (η )ϕ(η ′ , ⃗k)e−i mν (η−η ) , (4.2)
∂⃗q 0
and hence the perturbation to the neutrino mass density is,
d3 ⃗q
δρν (η, ⃗k) = mν a−3 (η) fν,1 (η, ⃗k, ⃗q) ,
Z η (4.3)
d3 ⃗q ∂fν,0 −i m
Z ⃗
(η−η ′ )
= im2ν a−3⃗k · dη ′ a2 (η ′ )ϕ(η ′ , ⃗k) 3
e ν ,
0 (2π) ∂⃗q
now integrate the second integral by parts, followed by integration over the solid angle, to arrive at:
Z η Z ∞
m2 k
δρν (η, ⃗k) = − ν2 a−3 (η) dη ′ a2 (η ′ )ϕ(η ′ , ⃗k) dq qfν,0 (q) sin (η − η ′ ) . (4.4)
2π 0 0 mν
7 The distribution function quickly loses sensitivity to the initial conditions at sub-horizon scales, hence we set

ϕ(0, ⃗k) = 0.

– 11 –
To proceed use Poisson’s equation k 2 ϕ(η, ⃗k) = −4πGa2 δρ(η, ⃗k) with δρ(η, ⃗k) the CDM density in
excess of the average ρ̄(η), i.e., ρ(η, ⃗x) = ρ̄(η) + δρ(η, ⃗x) ≡ ρ̄(η)[1 + δ(η, ⃗x)] in real space, with δ(η, ⃗x)
the CDM density contrast. We also change the integration variable in the integral over comoving
momenta to x = q/Tν,0 , using the relation fν,0 (q) = fFD (q/Tν,0 ) = fFD (x). Equation (4.4) now reads,

δρν (η, ⃗k) 4πGρ̄0 ∞

Z Z η  
δν (η, ⃗k) = = dx x2 fFD (x) dη ′ (η−η ′ )a(η ′ )δ(η ′ , ⃗k)j0 k x(η − η ′ ) , (4.5)
ρ̄ν (η) 3ζ(3) 0 0 mν
with ρ̄0 the comoving background matter energy density (or the matter density when evaluated at
the present time), δν (η, ⃗k) the neutrino density contrast, j0 (x) = sin x/x the spherical Bessel function
of zeroth order and the background neutrino energy density ρ̄ν (η) is given by

d3 ⃗q
ρ̄ν (η) = mν a−3 (η) 3
fν,0 (⃗q) = a(η)−3 mν Tν,0
, (4.6)
(2π) 2π 2
where we used fν,0 (q) = fFD (q/Tν,0 ) and Eq. (2.5) with gν = 2. Also note that 3ζ(3) = 0 dx x2 fFD (x)
sets the numerical factor in the denominator of Eq. (4.5). Equation 4.5 is a key equation from which
we will derive several observables. We emphasize that when referring to the CDM density or gravi-
tational potential we add no subscripts, while the corresponding neutrino quantities always carry the
subscript ν. In this work we always assume a small fractional contribution of neutrinos to the total
matter, fν = ρ̄ν /ρ̄ ≪ 1.
We first consider scales that are above the Jeans length, kTν,0 η/mν ≪ 1. In this case we can
work under the approximation j0 (x) ≈ 1 for x ≪ 1, and assume a linear evolution for the CDM field
(since we are interested in neutrino masses for which kNL > kfs )
DL (η ′ )
δ(η ′ , ⃗k) = δ(η, ⃗k) , (4.7)
DL (η)
with DL (η) the linear growth factor, which satisfies the following differential equation:

DL (η) = 4πGρ̄0 a(η)DL (η) . (4.8)
dη 2
It then follows from Eq. (4.5) that, for kTν,0 η/mν ≪ 1,

δ(η, ⃗k) η ′
δν (η, ⃗k) = 4πGρ̄0 dη (η − η ′ )a(η ′ )DL (η ′ ) , (4.9)
k≪kfs DL (η) 0
where we used Eq. (4.7). Substituting Eq. (4.8) into Eq. (4.9) yields after integrating by parts,
D′ (0) DL (0)
δν (η, ⃗k) = δ(η, ⃗k) 1 − η L − ≈ δ(η, ⃗k) , (4.10)
k≪kfs DL (η) DL (η)
where in the second equality we use the fact that the additional terms in the square brackets can be
made negligible by setting the initial conditions at sufficiently early times (which is equivalent to just
keeping the growing mode). This is the standard result that at scales above the neutrino horizon the
neutrino species exactly traces the cold dark matter. In our derivation we had to assume a linear
evolution for the CDM component at scales above the neutrino horizon, with the linear growth factor
satisfying Eq. (4.8), in order to be consistent within our framework of a linear neutrino response.
However, the final result is general as it is essentially the statement of causality and hence holds in
any nonlinear approach, as long as one consistently accounts for the nonlinearities in both neutrinos
and CDM.
Let us now investigate the opposite regime, kTν,0 η/mν ≫ 1, in Eq. (4.5). The spherical Bessel
function peaks at ∆η = η − η ′ = 0 and becomes vanishing when,
Tν,0 ∆η ∆η 1
k η ≫ 1 ⇐⇒ ≫ Tν,0 , (4.11)
mν η η k mν η

– 12 –
so the time integral in Eq. (4.5) becomes dominated by its contribution from ∆η/η ≪ 1, which suggests
a Taylor series expansion of the integrand around η ′ = η. To leading order we can simply evaluate
the integrand at η ′ = η, which implies that the clustering of neutrinos only depends on a snapshot
of the CDM distribution at the final time. This can be interpreted as follows: Neutrino fluctuations
with a (comoving) wavenumber k have a characteristic time scale, t ∼ a/kσν ∼ (kfs /k)H −1 , which
is much smaller than a Hubble time at sub-free streaming scales. We can then effectively consider a
quasi-static space in terms of comoving quantities. However, since our goal in this paper is to study
the effects of halo peculiar velocities, we need to go beyond the leading order term. Indeed, as long
as kfs /kNL ∼ σ/σν ≪ 1, it suffices to consider the next to leading order term in the Taylor series
expansion since the CDM bulk flow is slow when compared to the neutrino time scale. In what follows
we compute the contributions from zeroth and first order terms in the expansion.

4.1.1 Zeroth order: The static limit

We begin with the zeroth-order term which corresponds to approximating a(η ′ )δ(η ′ , ⃗k) ≈ a(η)δ(η, ⃗k)
when evaluating the time integral in Eq. (4.5). As previously discussed, this is justified since the
integral is dominated by its contribution from η ′ = η in the limit where kTν,0 η/mν ≫ 1. This yields
Z ∞ Z η  
4πGρ̄0 Tν,0
δν(0) (η, ⃗k) = a(η)δ(η, ⃗k) dx x2 fFD (x) dη ′ (η − η ′ )j0 k x(η − η ′ )
3ζ(3) 0 0 mν
 2 Z ∞   
4πGρ̄0 ⃗ mν Tν,0
= a(η)δ(η, k) dxfFD (x) 1 − cos k xη (4.12)
3ζ(3) kTν,0 0 mν
= δ(η, ⃗k) ,
where we used Eqs. (2.5), (3.23), (3.24), the Friedmann equation Ωm (a) = (8πGρ̄0 /3a3 H 2 ), and
from the second to the third line we dropped the cosine term since kTν,0 η/mν ≫ 1. Note that our
definition of the neutrino velocity dispersion, as given by Eq. (3.23), produces the result in the last line
of Eq. (4.12) with no extra coefficients. Equation (4.12) is a well-known result at sub free-streaming
scales, but also under the assumption that halos are static [55]. Ultimately, it is just the statement
of neutrino free-streaming: The neutrino density perturbation is suppressed with respect to CDM at
sub free-streaming scales.
In this work, however, we are interested in the effect produced by the peculiar motion of halos.
That means we need to consider the leading order correction to Eq. (4.12), i.e., the first order term.

4.1.2 First order: Accounting for CDM bulk flows

Going back to Eq. (4.5), we now need to expand a(η ′ )δ(η ′ , ⃗k) to first order in ∆η = η − η ′ . On one
a(η ′ ) = a(η) 1 − a2 (η)H(η)(η − η ′ ) + . . . .
Since only ∆η ≲ mν /kTν,0 contributes to the integral, and kfs ∼ (mν /Tν,0 )a2 H from Eqs. (3.23) and
(3.24), we find that the first order term in the right hand side of Eq. (4.13) scales like ∼ kfs /k with
respect to the zeroth order term and can hence be neglected at sufficiently small scales. We also need
to consider:
δ(η ′ , ⃗k) = δ(η, ⃗k) − a2 (η)δ̇(η, ⃗k)(η − η ′ ) + . . . (4.14)
where dot denotes a derivative with respect to cosmic time t. To proceed we assume the continuity
equation for the CDM fluid in an expanding universe
1⃗ ⃗
δ̇ = − ∇ ·P , (4.15)
when written in position space with P⃗ = (1+δ)⃗v the CDM momentum (density) field, where ⃗v (η, ⃗x) is
the CDM velocity. The ratio of first to zeroth order terms in Eq. (4.14) is then, after using Eq. (4.15)
in Fourier space,
a(i⃗k · P⃗ )∆η 1 P
≲ , (4.16)
δ σν δ

– 13 –
where once again only ∆η ≲ mν /kTν,0 contributes to the integral, σν ∼ Tν,0 /mν a from Eq. (3.23),
and we introduce the notation kP = i⃗k · P⃗ for the divergence of the momentum field. In the linear
regime we have P = v = (f aH)δ/k is the linear CDM velocity field, a tracer of the CDM density field
[with f = d log DL /d log a the linear growth rate]. The ratio of first to zeroth order terms in Eq. (4.16)
then becomes ∼ aH/σν k ∼ kfs /k once again. We reproduce a well-known important result: In linear
perturbation theory the leading order correction to Eq. (4.12) is negligible at sufficiently small scales.
However, we now argue that the nonlinearities in the CDM momentum field, parameterized by
p⃗ = P⃗ − ⃗v , or p⃗ = δ⃗v in position space (we also use the notation kp = i⃗k · p⃗ for its divergence) yield
a nonnegligible contribution to next to leading order which has to be accounted for. The reason for
this is as follows: At small enough scales the CDM moves coherently, with v ∼ σ the CDM velocity
dispersion as defined in Eq. (3.21) in which case p ∼ σδ. This gives a contribution to the ratio of first
to zeroth order terms as given in Eq. (4.16) of size ∼ σ/σν ∼ kfs /kNL , which is independent of k. At
scales k ≳ kNL this becomes larger than the contributions scaling like ∼ kfs /k which we have neglected
before, and it persists down to arbitrarily small scales. Such contributions cannot be neglected when
studying nonlinear effects which turn on at scales k ≳ kNL .
The ratio kfs /kNL is analogous to the parameter α we required to be small in Sec. 3.3 as a
consistency condition for our framework in terms of halos moving through a homogeneous sea of
neutrinos. Here, the smallness of σ/σν ∼ kfs /kNL is required in order to have a well-defined expansion
in Eq. (4.14), with the physical interpretation that we can truncate the expansion at next to leading
order when the typical halo motions are slow with respect to the characteristic time scale associated
to the neutrino dynamics. We reinforce that this is consistent with current bounds on the sum of
neutrino mass eigenstates from cosmological observations, as can be seen from Fig. 3.
We are now ready to compute the leading order correction to Eq. (4.12), i.e., to first order in
kfs /kNL . We substitute Eq. (4.15) into the second term in the right hand side of Eq. (4.14). It then
follows from Eq. (4.5), after dropping contributions that are negligible at sub-free streaming scale as
discussed above:
Z ∞ Z η  
(1) ⃗ 4πGρ̄0 2 ⃗ 2 ′ ′ 2 Tν,0 ′
δν (η, k) = a (η)kp(η, k) dx x fFD (x) dη (η − η ) j0 k x(η − η )
3ζ(3) 0 0 mν
Z ∞  3     
4πGρ̄0 2 mν Tν,0 Tν,0 Tν,0
= a (η)kp(η, ⃗k) dx x2 fFD (x) sin k xη − k xη cos k xη
3ζ(3) 0 kTν,0 x mν mν mν
 2 ⃗
kfs p(η, k)
=γ ,
k σν

where we used Eqs. (2.5), (3.23), (3.24), the Friedmann equation Ωm (a) = (8πGρ̄0 /3a3 H 2 ), and from
the second to the third line we dropped the cosine term since kTν,0 η/mν ≫ 1. We also introduced a
numerical factor set by the (relativistic) Fermi-Dirac profile
π 3ζ(3)
γ= ≈ 1.83 . (4.18)
6ζ(3) log 4

We can now combine Eqs. (4.12) and (4.17) into an expression for the neutrino density contrast at
sub-free streaming scales
 2 " ⃗k)  2 #
kfs p( kfs
δν (⃗k) = δ(⃗k) + γ +O . (4.19)
k≫kfs k σν kNL

Where the reader is reminded that p⃗ is the non-linear contribution to the CDM momentum, p⃗ = P⃗ −⃗v ,
or p⃗ = δ⃗v . Henceforth we omit the time dependence for simplicity of notation. At scales much larger
than the free-streaming length the neutrinos exactly trace the cold dark matter as given by Eq. (4.10).
On the other hand, at scales below the free-streaming length the neutrino density contrast is mostly
proportional to the CDM density contrast with a scale dependent factor, but it also traces the CDM

– 14 –
(nonlinear) momentum through a term that scales like ∼ kfs /kNL ≪ 1 which produces a distortion
in the neutrino density field due to the CDM bulk flow, i.e., the peculiar motion of halos. This is
a nonlinear effect at sub-free streaming scales and hence is not accounted for in linear perturbation
theory. However, it is principle accounted for in implementations of massive neutrinos in nonlinear
structure formation that consistently evolves neutrino perturbations in the nonlinear gravitational
potential of CDM (such as N-body simulations).
It is important to point out that in our calculations we have remained agnostic about the non-
linear gravitational evolution, imposing only kinematic relations. We would need to consider explicit
models for the nonlinear dynamics of CDM, such as N-body simulations or perturbative methods,
in order to evaluate the higher order terms in Eq. (4.19) since they would involve a derivative of
the velocity which requires the equations of motion. Additionally, in our approach we do not have
a handle on the neutrino density contrast at scales that are comparable to the free-streaming scale
as that would require evaluating the time integrals in Eq. (4.5), which also requires a model for the
nonlinear dynamics of CDM.
In this work we adopt two strategies to go around those issues. The first is to assume that
kfs /kNL ≪ 1. As depicted in Fig. 3, this a very good approximation for an individual neutrino mass of
mνP = 0.05eV. However, in the case of a large individual neutrino mass of mν = 0.15eV (corresponding
to mνi ≈ 0.45eV), this small parameter can be as large as kfs /kNL ∼ 2/3 producing (2/3)2 ∼ 40%
level corrections to our calculations so that we can still confidently predict the overall magnitude of
distortion effects, even for such high values for the individual neutrino mass. Our second strategy is
to introduce a simple interpolation between Eqs. (4.10) and (4.19) to ensure that our final formula for
the neutrino density contrast can be applied at all scales. For example, under the approximation that
the neutrino density contrast is proportional to the CDM density contrast with a scale dependent
factor [which is equivalent to dropping the second p(⃗k) term in the right-hand side of Eq. (4.19)], the
following formula is known to give a good approximation at all scales [29]:
kfs 2

δν (⃗k) ≈ ⃗
δ(k) = k
δ(⃗k) . (4.20)
(1 + kkfs )2 (1 + kkfs )2

Note that this reduces to both Eqs. (4.10) and (4.19) in the appropriate limits, as it must. We now
slightly generalize this prescription to account for the additional second p(⃗k) term in the right-hand
side of Eq. (4.19). Since this contribution must not be present at scales k ≪ kfs , we simply add an
additional power in the denominator,
kfs 2 kfs 2

δν (k) ≈ k
k) + γ k
(1 + kkfs )2 (1 + kkfs )3 σν
kfs 2
" #

p rel (
= k
δ(⃗k) + γ ,
(1 + kkfs )2 σν

where we introduce the relative (nonlinear) momentum,

prel (⃗k) = , (4.22)
1 + kkfs

which is just a high-pass filtered nonlinear contribution to the CDM momentum field with a cutoff at
the free-streaming scale. In that sense the distortion in the neutrino density field is sensitive to the
relative bulk flow between CDM and neutrinos and not just the CDM bulk flow, or in other words,
we have to remember to impose the cutoff at the free-streaming scale as we did here (also see the
discussion in Sec. 3.3 for a physical interpretation). In the limit kfs /kNL ≪ 1 any nonlinear physics
happens on scales where Eq. (4.19) safely applies and hence our interpolation is not really needed.
However, as discussed above we will consider applications with mν somewhat larger than the current
cosmological bounds where kfs /kNL ≲ 2/3 for which the interpolation can play an important role,
i.e., to cutoff the distortion effect at the free-streaming scale. We then expect some inaccuracies in

– 15 –
our modeling that nevertheless allow for an estimation of the size of the distortion effect in potential
We can gain some intuition on Eq. (4.21) by considering what it looks like in case one simply
introduces a constant (position independent) relative velocity between the neutrino and CDM fluids
⃗vrel = σrel ẑ (say along the z direction); this is a good approximation at scales below the velocity
coherence length (which is also at sub-free streaming scales) and is indeed the approach taken in
previous works [8, 9, 11, 12]. In that case prel (⃗k) = i(k̂ · ẑ)σrel δ(⃗k) and Eq. (4.19) reads
kfs σrel
δν (⃗k) = 1 + iγ(k̂ · ẑ) δ(⃗k) . (4.23)
k σν

An imaginary term appears, which corresponds to a dipole distortion of the neutrino density field
along the direction of the relative velocity. Furthermore, we are working in the regime σrel /σν ≪ 1,
where σrel σrel
eiγ(k̂·ẑ) σν ≈ 1 + iγ(k̂ · ẑ) , (4.24)
and hence we can absorb the distortion in a phase that corresponds to a shift in coordinates in position
space, i.e., going to the neutrino rest frame. To briefly elaborate on this point, if the CDM velocity
field is completely coherent, then one can study the problem in the rest frame of CDM, where the
neutrino momentum distribution appears to have a dipole component. In this situation the Fourier-
space momentum field p(⃗k) is simply proportional to the density δ(⃗k), as opposed to related via a
convolution over the velocity field. Our Equation 4.21 is more general in that it accounts for the
fact that the relative bulk flow is not coherent over arbitrarily large scales, so one cannot generally
boost to a frame where all the CDM is at rest. This approach therefore allows for a more complete
treatment of potential observational signatures which henceforth will be the focus of our attention.

4.2 Dynamical friction revisited

We have investigated the solution to the Boltzmann equation for the neutrino distribution function
in the background of a general nonlinear CDM distribution, and we showed how one can extract
the distortion in the neutrino density field produced by the CDM bulk flow, building up to our
central result in Eq. (4.21). Our next step is to estimate the impact of this on the CDM dynamics.
The motivation for doing so is two fold: First, we want to connect the formalism described in the
previous section with our 1-halo results, or more specifically Eq. (3.20). This will enable us to
derive the 2-halo term, and to confirm that the second term in the right-hand side of Eq. (4.21), the
nonlinear momentum term, is indeed producing the dynamical friction effect. Second, if the impact
of dynamical friction on the CDM is found to be large, i.e., halos are slowing down significantly due
to the anisotropic neutrino wakes then we may use that as an avenue for detection of the dynamical
friction effect, through a halo velocity bias or direct measurements of galaxy peculiar velocities, e.g.,
via the kinetic Sunyaev Zeldovich (kSZ) effect. Otherwise, we should focus on potential signatures of
Eq. (4.21) on the large-scale structure as observables.
The additional clustering of neutrinos as given by the second term in the right-hand side of
Eq. (4.21) translates into a contribution to the large-scale gravitational field, using Poisson’s equation,

ik̂ (1) ⃗ 4πm4ν G2 ρ̄0 ⃗ ik̂

⃗g (⃗k) = 4πGa δρν (k) = p(k) 3 , (4.25)
k (1 + kkfs )3 k

(1) (1)
where δρν (⃗k) = ρ̄ν δν (⃗k) is the distortion in the neutrino density perturbation produced by the
CDM bulk flow and we used Eqs. (3.23), (3.24), (4.6), (4.18) and (4.21). Note that time dependences
are implicit in our equations. We wish to compute the large-scale structure analog of the characteristic
time scale in Eq. (3.20). In this case the force per unit mass acting on the CDM structure is given
by δ⃗g , since the integral of the density times the gravitational field produces the overall force on the
CDM within a given region of space. Additionally, due to the stochastic nature of cosmological fields

– 16 –
we need to take the average such that we arrive at:
⟨ ⃗v · δ ⃗g ⟩ 1
τ −1 = − = − 2 ⟨ p⃗ · ⃗g ⟩
⟨v 2 ⟩ σ
2 G2 m4ν
Ppp (k)
= ρ̄0 d log k ,
π σ2 (1 + kkfs )3
where in the first line we used Eq. (3.21) in combination with p⃗ = δ⃗v , and Eq. (4.25) to arrive at the
second line.8 In order to make progress in Eq. (4.26) we need an expression for the power spectrum
of the (nonlinear) momentum field Ppp (k). This is what we discuss next, following the work of [57].
We are interested in the divergence p(⃗k) = ik̂ · p⃗(⃗k). In position space p⃗ = δ⃗v so we need to evaluate
the convolution to obtain,
Z 3⃗ Z 3⃗ ⃗
⃗ kNL d k1 d k2 3 (3) ⃗ ⃗k12 )α(⃗k1 , ⃗k2 )δ(⃗k1 ) θ(k2 ) ,
p(k) = σ (2π) δ (k − (4.27)
k (2π)3 (2π)3 aH

where ⃗k12 = ⃗k1 + ⃗k2 , α(⃗k1 , ⃗k2 ) = (⃗k12 · ⃗k2 )/k22 , δ (3) (⃗k) stands for the Dirac delta function and for
future convenience we have inserted a factor of σkNL /aH = 1. It is now straightforward to compute
the two-point function. We find:
⟨p(⃗k)p(⃗k ′ )⟩ = (2π)3 δ (3) (⃗k + ⃗k ′ )Ppp (k) , (4.28)
h i
kk ′ 1 − · ′)
( )
k (k̂

3 ⃗′
2 ′
Pδθ (|⃗k − ⃗k ′ |) Pδθ (k ′ )
2 d k kNL ′ ′ ⃗ ⃗ ′ Pθθ (k )
Ppp (k) = σ (k̂·k̂ ) (k̂·k̂ )Pδδ (|k−k |) + .
(2π)3 k′ (aH)2 |⃗k − ⃗k ′ |2 aH aH
For wavelengths below the velocity coherence scale, k ≫ kcoh , we can expand the integrand to leading
order in k ′ /k to obtain [58]
d3 k⃗′ kNL ′
2 ′ 2 Pθθ (k )
Ppp (k) = σ Pδδ (k) (k̂ · k̂ ) = Pδδ (k) , (4.30)
k≫kcoh (2π)3 k′ (aH)2 3
where we have used Eqs. (3.21)√and (3.22). In words, the CDM bulk flow is coherent on scales
k ≫ kcoh , with velocity v = σ/ 3. On the other hand, at larger scales this is no longer the case
causing a suppression in the momentum power spectrum when compared to Eq. (4.30). This can be
parameterized as follows: On large perturbative scales we can set θ(⃗k) = f aHδ(⃗k) into Eq. (4.29),
with f = d log DL /d log a the linear growth rate, and evaluate the ratio

Ppp (k)
β(k) = σ2
3 Pδδ (k) linear theory

 h ′
i (4.31)
d 3 ⃗′

2  kk ′ 1 − kk (k̂ · k̂ ′ )  P L (|⃗k − k⃗′ |)P L (k ′ )
= 3f 2 (k̂ · k̂ ′ ) (k̂ · k̂ ′ ) + δδ δδ
(2π)3 k′  |⃗k − k⃗′ |2  L (k)

with Pδδ (k) the linear power spectrum. Note that β(k) = 1 for k ≫ kcoh as we have demonstrated
above, and this can be used as a definition of the velocity coherence scale. From Pδδ ∼ DL2 (a),
Eqs. (3.21) and (3.22) it follows that β(k) is independent of redshift, and hence so is the velocity
coherence scale. This function is plotted in Fig. 4 for our reference ΛCDM cosmology from where we
can read off kcoh ∼ 0.1Mpc−1 . At scales above the velocity coherence scale, k < kcoh , the momentum
field, and hence the distortion effect, is suppressed. Our model for the momentum power spectrum
at all scales now reads,
8 We assume that the CDM nonlinear momentum can be written as the gradient of a potential. We do not expect

vorticity to contribute at the large quasilinear scales of our interest ∼ kNL ∼ 0.1Mpc−1 , e.g., see Fig.4 in [56].

– 17 –




0.001 0.010 0.100 1 10

Figure 4. The function β(k) as given by Eq. (4.31), which captures the coherence of the CDM velocity
√ field
as a function of k. The CDM bulk flow is coherent on scales k ≫ kcoh , with velocity v = σ/ 3. On the
other hand, at larger scales this is no longer the case causing a suppression in the momentum power spectrum
relative to σ 2 Pδδ /3. From the plot above we read off kcoh ∼ 0.1Mpc−1 for our reference ΛCDM cosmology.

Ppp (k) =
β(k)Pδδ (k) , (4.32)
with Pδδ (k) the nonlinear power spectrum. Substituting Eq. (4.32) into Eq. (4.26) yields
2 2 4 β(k)
τ −1 (a) = G mν ρ̄0 d log k h i3 Pδδ (a, k) . (4.33)

1 + kfsk(a)

Note that for clarity we insert the time dependences in this final formula, which are the ones implicit
through Pδδ (a, k) and kfs (a). This can be readily evaluated with a nonlinear power spectrum for the
neutrino masses and redshifts of interest. We use the Boltzmann code CLASS to produce the nonlinear
power spectrum with the HMcode prescription [59]. It turns out that the integral in Eq. (4.33) is
dominated by its contribution from large quasilinear scales where the nonlinear corrections are small,
and in fact we explicitly verified that simply using the linear power spectrum produces the same
numerical results.9 We then substitute Pδδ (a, k) = [DL (a)/DL (a = 1)]2 PδδL
(a = 1, k) into Eq. (4.33)
to obtain (using the approximate formula in [53] for the linear growth factor),
 m 2.8
(τ H)−1 ≈ 2.2 × 10−4 (1 + z)−1.83 , (4.34)

where we assume our reference ΛCDM cosmology and add a sum over neutrino mass eigenstates.
The reader is reminded that dynamical friction only occurs for neutrino masses small enough that
the free-streaming scale is larger than the non-linear scale (roughly mν ≲ 0.2eV). The power law
approximation in Eq. (4.34) reproduces the numerical results of Eq. (4.33) with errors that can be
as large as tens of percents, for neutrino masses in the range 0.05eV ≤ mν ≤ 0.15eV, and redshifts
z ≤ 2. Note that ∆v/v ∼ 1/τ H is the net average fractional decrease in the velocity of halos due to
the dynamical friction over the age of the universe ∼ 1/H.
Increasing the neutrino mass causes a dramatic increase in the effect, but there is a significant
deviation from the naive scaling from ∼ m4ν to ∼ m2.8
ν . Recall that our framework assumes kfs /kNL ≪
9 In the next section we will use the halo model to interpret this result as the statement that the 2-halo term

dominates over the 1-halo term on average.

– 18 –
1, while kfs /kNL ∼ 2/3 already for mν = 0.15eV. At that point the suppression at the free-streaming
scale is playing an important role, with the effect vanishing in the limit kfs /kNL ≫ 1. This is
relevant since a scenario where kfs /kNL > 1 has been ruled out by cosmological observations as we
discussed previously, but laboratory experiments based on measurements of beta decay only set an
upper bound to a weighted sum of the masses mν,β < 0.8eV [4]. Furthermore, nonstandard scenarios
such as dynamical dark energy and unstable neutrino species allow for less stringent bounds on the
neutrino mass scale from cosmological probes [60–64]. Finally, at higher redshift the effect is smaller
due to both linear growth of structure and the smaller age of the universe ∼ 1/H.
The overall amplitude in Eq. (4.34) is quite small, indicating that the decrease in the velocity
of halos due to the dynamical friction effect produced by anisotropic neutrino wakes are unlikely to
be detected in the foreseeable future. That includes measurements of galaxy peculiar velocities via
redshift space distortions, the kSZ effect, or a large-scale velocity bias that deviates from unity. In
the absence of massive neutrinos, a large scale velocity bias of bv ≡ 1 follows from the equivalence
principle [65] (and any initial nonzero |bv − 1| decays away [66]). In [17] a ≳ 0.5% deviation from
unity in the large scale velocity bias was not found in simulations with massive neutrinos, which is
consistent with our results. Previous work has found a more pronounced dynamical friction effect
[8], but there the cutoffs at the velocity coherence and free-streaming scales were not consistently
accounted for.
We are still left with the task of connecting Eq. (4.33), our result for the velocity decay time,
to the results of Sec. 3, specifically our 1−halo calculation of that quantity in Eq. (3.20). We will
postpone this discussion to Sec. 5 where we carry out numerical calculations using the halo model.
There we will see that the 1-halo term will naturally reemerge, but now together with a 2-halo term
accounting for the clustering of nearby halos.

4.3 Large-scale structure observables

We calculated the average fractional decrease in halo velocities due to dynamical friction and found
that it is too small to allow for a detection of the anisotropic neutrino wakes. We then take the
alternative route of searching for potential observational signatures in the large scale structure. For
instance, we can use Eq. (4.21) to evaluate the CDM-ν cross power spectrum,
kfs 2
 " #
k γ Ppδ (k)
Pδν δ (k) = Pδδ (k) + . (4.35)
(1 + kkfs )2 1 + kkfs σν

The additional second term in the right-hand side of Eq. (4.35) is the contribution from the distortion
effect that we expect to be small, due to its scaling with ∼ kfs /kNL , and negative since the relative
bulk flow between neutrinos and CDM should reduce their cross correlation. We postpone some
numerical calculations, using standard perturbartion theory (SPT) as our model for the nonlinear
dynamics of CDM, to Sec. 5. For now we simply point out that the signature of the distortion effect
in the two-point function is small and very degenerate with standard nonlinear structure formation.
Instead, we will argue that three-point cross-correlations allow for a separation of the distortion
effect from standard gravitational nonlinearities, and that the resulting signal can be potentially
measured in upcoming large scale structure surveys. We can use Eq. (4.21) to compute the neutrino-
CDM-CDM bispectrum:

⟨δν (⃗k1 )δ(⃗k2 )δ(⃗k3 )⟩ = (2π)3 δ (3) (⃗k1 + ⃗k2 + ⃗k3 )B(k1 , k2 , k3 ) , (4.36)

 2 "
kfs #
k1 γ p(⃗k1 ) ⃗
B(k1 , k2 , k3 ) = kfs 2
⟨δ(⃗k1 )δ(⃗k2 )δ(⃗k3 )⟩′ + ⟨ ⃗ ′
δ(k2 )δ(k3 )⟩ , (4.37)
(1 + k1 ) 1 + kkfs1 σν
10 Note that these are only functions of the magnitude of the wave vectors since the angles between them are

constrained by the requirement that they fit into a triangle configuration, i.e., ⃗k1 + ⃗k2 + ⃗k3 = 0. For example,
k̂1 · k̂2 = (k32 − k12 − k22 )/2k1 k2 .

– 19 –
is written in terms of CDM-only bispectra.11 Note that the first term inside the brackets in the right-
hand side of Eq. (4.37) is symmetric under the exchange ⃗ki ↔ ⃗kj for any pair of wavevectors, while
the second term is only symmetric under ⃗k2 ↔ ⃗k3 . Because of this it is straightforward to obtain a a
smoking gun of the distortion effect: Take the antisymmetric combination of Eq. (4.37) under ⃗k1 ↔ ⃗k3
and consider the squeezed limit where k1 ≈ k3 ≫ k2 . We postpone explicit calculations using SPT as
our model for the nonlinear dynamics of CDM to Section 5, and for now we provide some intuition
on this observable. In the presence of a long-wavelength velocity potential ϕ(K),⃗ the (local) ν-CDM
cross correlation picks up a dipole,

⃗k1 · K

⟨δν (⃗k1 )δ(⃗k2 )⟩ϕ(K)
⃗ ∼
Pδδ ⃗ ,
(k1 )ϕ(K) (4.38)
k1 ν

due to neutrinos clustering behind the moving CDM, where K ⃗ = ⃗k1 + ⃗k2 .12 This is qualitatively
similar to the picture in Fig. 1 for the clustering of neutrinos around a moving point mass halo.
Due to isotropy of the background, the CDM bulk velocity points in different directions in disparate
regions of space so that the dipole averages out to zero, and the net effect in the two-point function
is a small suppression in cross power as we pointed out below Eq. (4.35). On the other hand, the
presence of a long-wavelength mode K ⃗ provides a preferred direction which allows the signal to be
extracted from three-point correlations.
Additionally, note from Eq. (4.38) that the dipole is proportional to the ν-CDM monopole which
is related to the CDM power spectrum by a known scale-dependent transfer function. This implies
that a measurement of the distortion effect is not limited by cosmic variance since one can reconstruct
the potential ϕ(K)⃗ from measurements of both the monopole and dipole, regardless of the specific
realization of the small scale CDM power. In the next section we will see that a multi-tracer approach
involving measurements of both the matter field and galaxies can be applied to extract this signal
since galaxies only trace the CDM, while the matter field traces neutrinos as well. This benefits from
cosmic variance cancellation, which makes it possible for this faint signal of neutrino masses to be
potentially detectable in upcoming surveys.

5 Numerical calculations of large-scale structure observables

In the previous section we extracted the distortion in the neutrino density field, due to the pecu-
liar motion of halos, from the Boltzmann Eq. (2.7). Our approach assumes a rather general CDM
distribution on large scales while remaining agnostic about the details of the nonlinear gravitational
evolution. We were able to determine the size of the dynamical friction effect and potential observa-
tional signatures on the large scale structure. However, it will prove useful to assume specific models
for the nonlinear structure formation in order to carry out numerical calculations of interest. Specif-
ically, in Sec. 5.1 we use the halo model to derive how halos of different masses contribute to the
average in Eqs. (4.26) and (4.33). This will enable us to reproduce the results of Sec. 3 [specifically
Eq. (3.20)] but also to derive the 2-halo term. In Sec. 5.2 and Sec. 5.3, we will apply the standard
perturbation theory (SPT) to compute the power spectra and bispectra in Eq. (4.35) and (4.37) to
study the observational signatures of the distortion effect in the large scale structure, and use it to
forecast its observability in future surveys.

5.1 The 2-halo contribution to dynamical friction

We start with the halo model [67], which asserts that cold dark matter halos are the basic building
blocks of CDM structure. We assume the NFW profile for the halos as suggested by numerical
simulations [68, 69], and we use the expression in [70] for the halo concentration [see Eqs. (8), (10)
and (11) in this reference] which is calibrated from simulations. We adopt the convention that halos
11 Aprime in correlation functions indicates that the ever present factor of (2π)3 δ (3) ( ⃗ki ) is to be omitted.
12 Indeed,this is the signature obtained in previous studies that investigated this effect using simplified models at
scales below the velocity coherence scale, in two different but related languages: Dynamical friction [8] and large-scale
relative flow [11].

– 20 –
are defined as spherical regions with an average density of ∆ = 200 times the critical density. In order
to write down the halo model expression for the power spectrum, we need two additional ingredients:
the halo mass function dn/dM that gives the (comoving) number density of halos in a given halo
mass window dM , and the linear halo bias b(M ) that fixes the correlation between nearby halos in
terms of matter two-point correlations. As we will see, we will not need their explicit expressions as
it will suffice to enforce the usual requirement that the mean bias of halos is unity, that is,
1 dn
dM M b(M ) = 1 , (5.1)
ρ̄0 dM
where ρ̄0 is the comoving matter density (or matter density evaluated at z = 0) as in previous sections.
According to the halo model:
Z  2
dn M
Pδδ (k) = dM |u(k|M )|2 +
dM ρ̄0
Z Z ′
dn ′ dn M M ′ ′ L
+ dM dM u(k|M )u(k|M )b(M )b(M )Pδδ (k) ,
dM dM ′ ρ̄20
where u(k|M ) is the Fourier transform of the normalized NFW profile, Pδδ (k) is the linear theory
power spectrum and time dependences are implicit. Now substituting Eq. (5.2) into Eq. (4.33) gives
Z ( Z "
−1 1 dn 2 2 4 g(k) 2
τ =

G mν M d log k  |u(k|M )| +
kfs 3
1+ k
#) (5.3)
Z ′
′ dn M ′ ′ L
+ dM u(k|M )u(k|M )b(M )b(M )Pδδ (k) .
dM ′ M

This can be interpreted as an average over halos, from which one can read off the expression for the
inverse characteristic velocity decay time for a halo of mass M :
" #
Z Z ′
2 g(k) dn M
τ −1 (M ) = G2 m4ν M d log k 2 ′ ′ ′ L
3 |u(k|M )| + dM dM ′ M u(k|M )u(k|M )b(M )b(M )Pδδ (k) .
3π 1 + kfsk
A comparison of Eq. (5.4) with Eq. (3.20), when ignoring the second term in the right-hand side of
Eq. (5.4) which is the 2-halo term, suggests the identification
g(k) 2
log Λ(M ) = d log k 3 |u(k|M )| . (5.5)
1 + kkfs

Let us stop for a moment to compare this expression with the estimate made in Sec. 3, i.e., Λ ∼ λcoh /R
with λcoh the CDM velocity coherence scale and R the halo radius. The normalized NFW profile is
such that u(k|M ) ≈ 1 for k ≲ 1/R and drops to zero at smaller scales (see Fig.9 in [67]). Based on
Fig. 4, it is also true that g(k)/(1 + kfs /k)3 ≈ 1 at scales k ≳ kcoh and drops to zero at larger scales
(assuming kcoh ≫ kfs , which is approximately true for the neutrino masses we consider). We then
conclude that the integrand in Eq. (5.5) is approximately a step function that assumes the value unity
between the scales kcoh and 1/R and drops to zero outside this range, when assuming the hierarchy
of scales kfs ≪ kcoh ≪ 1/R. In that case,
Z 1/R
log Λ(M ) = ∼ log(1/kcoh R) =⇒ Λ ∼ λcoh /R , (5.6)
kcoh k

which is in agreement with our previous estimate. More generally Eq. (5.5) can be well fit by a power
law:  13 J χ
10 M
Λ(M ) ≈ KΛ , (5.7)

– 21 –
KΛ = Λ(1013 MJ ) mν = 0.05eV mν = 0.1eV mν = 0.15eV
z=0 60 28 18
z=1 79 38 24

Table 1. Numerical values for KΛ = Λ(1013 MJ ) involved in the power-law fit of Eq. (5.7) to the 1-halo
cutoff Λ.

with KΛ = Λ(1013 MJ ) a numerical coefficient that depends on the neutrino mass and redshift, and
we find χ ≈ 0.35 to be robust against changes in the neutrino mass and redshift for the values we
consider. We present numerical values for the coefficient KΛ in Tab. 1. The free-streaming length
2π/kfs , which is smaller for higher values of the neutrino mass and lower redshifts as can be seen in
Fig. 3, acts as a cutoff to the integral in Eq. (5.5). This (mostly) sets the dependence of KΛ on the
neutrino mass and redshift.
After having carefully investigated the 1-halo term, we now proceed to study the contribution
to Eq. (5.4) from the clustering of nearby halos which can be parameterized by
Z Z ′
1 g(k) ′ dn M
Σ(M ) = d log k 3 dM u(k|M )u(k|M ′ )b(M ′ )Pδδ
log Λ(M ) 1 + kkfs
 dM ′ M
Z (5.8)
= d log k I(k|M )Γ(k) ,
log Λ(M )

ρ̄0 g(k) L
I(k|M ) = u(k|M )Pδδ (k) ,
M 1 + kfs 3
Z k (5.9)
1 dn
Γ(k) = dM M b(M )u(k|M ) ,
ρ̄0 dM

are dimensionless functions. Since u(k|M ) ≈ 1 at scales k ≲ 1/R while dropping to zero as k ≫ 1/R,
we conclude that Γ(k) is unity at sufficiently large scales and drops to zero at small scales, using
Eq. (5.1). The transition between the two regimes happen at the scale ktr ∼ 2π/Rpeak , where Rpeak
is the radius of the halo whose mass Mpeak gives the largest contribution to the integral that defines
the function Γ(k), which is in general dominated by larger halos so we choose Mpeak ∼ 1015 MJ with
the associated ktr ∼ 2Mpc−1 . On the other hand, the function I(k|M ) peaks at scales much larger
than this transition scale and hence it suffices to set Γ(k) ≈ 1 in Eq. (5.8).13 This greatly simplifies
the calculation (note that it is unnecessary to introduce the halo mass function or halo bias), and it
shows that dynamical friction is mostly insensitive to the specifics of the halo model parameters. We
arrive at
1 ρ̄0 g(k) L
Σ(M ) = d log k  u(k|M )Pδδ (k) ,
log Λ(M ) M kfs 3
1+ k
1013 MJ
1 ρ̄0 g(k) L KΣ
≈ d log k P
3 δδ (k) =⇒ Σ(M ) ≈ ,
log Λ(M ) M 1 + kkfs log Λ(M ) M

where, Z
ρ̄0 g(k) L
KΣ = d log k  P (k) , (5.11)
1013 MJ kfs 3 δδ
1+ k

is a dimensionless number, and in order to go from the first to second line in Eq. (5.10) we used
the fact that u(k|M ) ≈ 1 at scales that contribute to the integral for the range of halo masses we
13 We verified this explicitly with the halo mass function from [71], and halo bias from [72]. Note that this approxi-

mation is analogous to setting Pδδ 2h (k) = P L (k) in the halo model and is made in, e.g., the halo reaction approach for
the nonlinear power spectrum [73] in beyond ΛCDM cosmologies.

– 22 –
KΣ mν = 0.05eV mν = 0.1eV mν = 0.15eV
z=0 60 28 17
z=1 30 15 10

Table 2. Numerical values for the coefficient KΣ defined in Eq. (5.11), involved in the contribution to the
dynamical friction effect from the clustering of halos.

are considering, i.e., (109 − 1016 )MJ . In Tab. 2 we present numerical values for the coefficient KΣ .
It decreases with neutrino mass due to the cutoff at the free-streaming scale, and it decreases with
redshift due to the linear growth of matter power.
We can finally substitute Eqs. (5.5)-(5.11) into Eq. (5.4) to obtain
τ −1 (M ) = log Λ(M )G2 M m4ν [1 + b(M )Σ(M )] . (5.12)

The function Σ(M ) gives the ratio of two to one halo contributions to the inverse characteristic
time, up to the halo bias b(M ). From Eqs. (5.7), (5.10) and the numerical values in Tables 1 and
2, we conclude that the 2-halo term dominates for halo masses M ≲ 1014 M⊙ while the 1-halo term
dominates for halo masses M ≳ 1014 M⊙ [when assuming b(M ) ≈ 1].
The inverse characteristic time in Eq. (5.12) is plotted in Fig. 5 under the assumption that
b(M ) = 1 for simplicity. It asymptotically approaches a constant for small halo masses, as determined
by the numerical values in Eqs. (4.33) and (4.34). This follows from a comparison between Eqs. (5.10-
(5.12) and (4.33), in the regime where the 2-halo term dominates. This result can be interpreted as
follows: Halos of sufficiently low mass can be thought of as surfing on the neutrino wakes produced
by larger halos. On the other extreme of Fig. 5, the dynamical friction experienced by larger halos is
due to their own (strong) wakes leading to a more pronounced effect. This, in combination with the
fact that the halo bias b(M ) increases at the high mass end (and can reach values as high as ∼ 10)
indicates that neutrino wakes can lead to a percent-level decrease in halo velocities.14
We have accomplished our goal of comparing our simplified framework in Sec. 3, culminating on
Eq. (3.20), with the more general approach of Sec. 4 leading to Eq. (5.12), that solves both issues
with the Chandrasekhar dynamical friction formula as previously pointed out: arbitrariness in the
choice of a cutoff Λ, and lack of halo clustering effects.

5.2 Distortions to the neutrino-CDM cross power spectrum

In the previous section we have explicitly checked that the distortion in the neutrino density field
due to the peculiar motion of halos, as given by the second term in the right-hand side of Eq. (4.21),
is connected to the dynamical friction effect. We are now finally read to apply SPT to explore
its potential signatures on the large scale structure, offering new opportunities for a cosmological
measurement of the neutrino masses.
We start with the CDM-ν two-point cross-correlation, or the cross-power spectrum in Fourier
space. We repeat Eq. (4.35) for convenience,

kfs 2
 " #
k γ P pδ (k)
Pδν δ (k) = Pδδ (k) + , (5.13)
(1 + kkfs )2 1 + kkfs σν

and Eq. (4.27) for the nonlinear contribution to the CDM momentum field,

d3⃗k1 d3⃗k2 ⃗
kNL ⃗k12 )α(⃗k1 , ⃗k2 )δ(⃗k1 ) θ(k2 ) .
p(⃗k) = σ (2π) 3 (3) ⃗
δ (k − (5.14)
k (2π)3 (2π)3 aH
14 However, such high mass halos are rare and hence have limited statistics.

– 23 –




1011 1014

Figure 5. The inverse characteristic velocity decay time, due to neutrino dynamical friction, in units of the
Hubble expansion rate, as given by Eq. (5.12). This also corresponds to the fractional decrease in the velocity
of halos due to the dynamical friction over the age of the universe. The individual neutrino mass varies from
mν = 0.15eV to mν = 0.05eV from top to bottom. Solid curves correspond to z = 0, and dashed curves to
z = 1.

To leading order in perturbation theory [74],

Z 3⃗ Z 3⃗
⃗ ⃗ d k1 d k2
δ(k) = δL (k) + 3
(2π)3 δ (3) (⃗k − ⃗k12 )F2 (⃗k1 , ⃗k2 )δL (⃗k1 )δL (⃗k2 ) ,
(2π) (2π)3
" Z 3⃗ Z 3⃗ # (5.15)
d k 1 d k 2
θ(⃗k) = −f aH δL (⃗k) + (2π) δ (⃗k − ⃗k12 )G2 (⃗k1 , ⃗k2 )δL (⃗k1 )δL (⃗k2 ) ,
3 (3)
(2π)3 (2π)3

with δL (⃗k) the CDM linear fluctuation field, and perturbation theory kernels

5 1 ⃗k1 · ⃗k2 k1 2 (⃗k1 · ⃗k2 )2

F2 (⃗k1 , ⃗k2 ) =
+ + + ,
7 2 k1 k2 k2 k1 7 k12 k22
3 1 ⃗k1 · ⃗k2 k1 4 (⃗k1 · ⃗k2 )2
⃗ ⃗ k2
G2 (k1 , k2 ) = + + + .
7 2 k1 k2 k2 k1 7 k12 k22

Combining Eqs. (5.13)-(5.16), we arrive at the one-loop expression to the CDM-ν cross-power spec-
1-loop 1-loop
" #
1-loop L
∆Pδδ ν
(k) ∆Pδδ ν
Pδδν (k) = Pδδν (k) 1 + L (k) + L (k) , (5.17)
Pδδ ν
Pδδ ν

SPT Dist
kfs 2

L k L
Pδδ (k) = Pδδ (k) , (5.18)
(1 + kkfs )2
15 The one-loop power spectrum requires a next to leading order calculation in perturbation theory, i.e., we will also

need the kernel F3 (k⃗1 , k⃗2 , k⃗3 ). An expression for it can be found in [74].

– 24 –

1000 1-loop (no distortion)



0.01 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.20

Figure 6. Contributions to the CDM-ν cross power spectrum, for the reference values mν = 0.1eV and
z = 0. The black solid curve is the linear spectrum produced by CLASS, while the blue dashed curve is the
one-loop expression from Eq. (5.17). In the pink dashed curve we also show the SPT one-loop result when
not including the contribution from the distortion effect, i.e., dropping the third term in the right hand side
of Eq. (5.17). Finally, the solid green curve isolates the distortion contribution to the one-loop result in blue
(in absolute value, since the contribution is negative).

the linear theory cross power spectrum and

( )
∆Pδδ (k) d3⃗k ′ h ⃗ ′ ⃗ ⃗ ′ i2 Pδδ L ⃗
(|k − ⃗k ′ |)
L (k)
=2 3
F2 (k , k − k ) L (k)
+ 3F3 (⃗k, ⃗k , −⃗k ) Pδδ
′ ′ L
(k ′ ) ,

Pδδ ν
P δδ
∆Pδδν (k) d ⃗k kNL
3 ′
σ γ
= −f (k̂ · k̂ ′ )× (5.19)
L σν 1 + k k (2π)3 k ′

Pδδν (k) fs
" #
L ⃗ ⃗k ′ |)P L (k ′ )
P (|k −
× F2 (⃗k ′ , −⃗k)Pδδ L
(k ′ ) + G2 (⃗k ′ − ⃗k, ⃗k)PδδL ⃗
(|k − ⃗k ′ |) + F2 (⃗k − ⃗k ′ , ⃗k ′ ) δδ L (k)

In Eq. (5.17), the second term in the right hand side gives the SPT one-loop correction to the power
spectrum, while the third term represents the contribution from the distortion in neutrino density
field due to the peculiar motion of halos, whose effect is to slightly suppress the cross power. In Fig. 6
we plot the one-loop expression to the CDM-ν cross power spectrum, as given by Eq. (5.17), for the
reference values mν = 0.1eV and z = 0. We can see that in principle one needs to properly account
for the distortion effect in order to produce accurate predictions for the nonlinear corrections to the
cross power spectrum at scales around kNL ≈ 0.1Mpc−1 , but the effect is quite small.
Note that, in principle, two-point cross correlations of CDM and ν are sensitive to the distortion
effect above. However, this small signal is degenerate with the much larger contribution from standard
structure formation, and hence analysis involving two-point correlations cannot isolate the distortion
effect. However, we expect three-point cross correlations of CDM and ν to reveal the distortion effect.
For instance, as we argued in Sec. 4, in the presence of a long wavelength CDM velocity field, a dipole
appears in the local CDM-ν cross power. In a different language, the presence of a specific nonzero
squeezed limit bispectrum involving CDM and ν correlations would be a smoking gun of the distortion

– 25 –
5.3 Neutrino distortion to the bispectrum
We are interested in three-point correlations of the form ⟨δν (⃗k1 )δ(⃗k2 )δ(⃗k3 )⟩. Our starting point is
Eq. (4.37) for the bispectrum, which we repeat here for convenience:
 2 "
kfs #
k1 γ p(⃗k1 ) ⃗
B(k1 , k2 , k3 ) = kfs 2
⟨δ(⃗k1 )δ(⃗k2 )δ(⃗k3 )⟩′ + ⟨ ⃗ ′
δ(k2 )δ(k3 )⟩ . (5.20)
(1 + k1 ) 1 + kkfs1 σν

This is written in terms of CDM-only bispectra that can be readily evaluated to tree level in SPT
using Eqs. (5.14)-(5.16)
h i
⟨δ(⃗k1 )δ(⃗k2 )δ(⃗k3 )⟩′ = 2 F2 (⃗k2 , ⃗k3 )Pδδ
(k2 )Pδδ (k3 ) + F2 (⃗k1 , ⃗k3 )Pδδ
(k1 )Pδδ (k3 ) + F2 (⃗k1 , ⃗k2 )Pδδ
(k1 )Pδδ (k2 ) ,
q(⃗k1 ) ⃗ σ kNL h ⃗ ⃗ i
⟨ δ(k2 )δ(⃗k3 )⟩′ = −f α(k2 , k3 ) + α(⃗k3 , ⃗k2 ) Pδδ
(k2 )Pδδ (k3 ) . (5.22)
σν σν k1
We can then write Eq. (5.20) as a sum of SPT and distortion (dist) contributions,

B(k1 , k2 , k3 ) = BSPT (k1 , k2 , k3 ) + Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 ) , (5.23)

h i
BSPT (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = 2 kfs 2
F2 (⃗k2 , ⃗k3 )Pδδ
(k2 )Pδδ (k3 ) + F2 (⃗k1 , ⃗k3 )Pδδ
(k1 )Pδδ (k3 ) + F2 (⃗k1 , ⃗k2 )Pδδ
(k1 )Pδδ (k2 ) ,
(1 + k1 )
σ k1 kNL kNL L L
Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = γf kfs 3
µ13 + µ12 Pδδ (k2 )Pδδ (k3 ) ,
σν (1 + k1 )
k3 k2

where we used the relations α(⃗k1 , ⃗k2 ) = (⃗k12 · ⃗k2 )/k22 and ⃗k1 + ⃗k2 + ⃗k3 = 0, and introduce the notation
µij = k̂i · k̂j .
We are interested in the contribution from the distortion effect, captured by Bdist , which we
will see can be isolated from BSP T . The distortion term, Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 ), is symmetric under the
exchange k2 ↔ k3 , so we can assume without loss of generality that k3 ≤ k2 and parameterize different
triangle configurations by the values of k2 , x3 = k3 /k2 ≤ 1 and x1 = k1 /k2 . From the requirement
that three wavevectors must fit into a triangle configuration, it follows that 1 − x3 ≤ x1 ≤ 1 + x3 . In
Fig. 7 we plot the triangle shape dependence of the bispectrum for a choice of k2 = 0.05Mpc−1 and
our fiducial values mν = 0.1eV and z = 0. The bispectrum peaks at squeezed configurations for which
k1 ≈ k2 ≫ k3 . The difference in sign between the x1 = 1 + x3 and x1 = 1 − x3 cases is due to the
fact that the bispectrum is proportional to the angle between wavevectors and hence depends on their
relative orientations. In Fig. 8 we plot the same bispectrum along elongated triangle configurations
for which x1 = 1 + x3 .
We can provide a physical interpretation for this bispectrum. For this consider the squeezed
limit with k1 ≈ k2 ≫ k3 in the second line of Eq. (5.24), and use Eq. (5.18). We arrive at

σ kNL P L (k1 ) L
Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 ) ≈ γf µ13 δδν kfs Pδδ (k3 ) . (5.25)
σν k3 1+ k 1

In order to interpret Eq. (5.25), note that:

⃗v (⃗k3 ) ik̂3 θ(⃗k3 ) σ kNL ⃗

=− = ik̂3 f δ(k3 ) , (5.26)
σν k3 σν σν k3

– 26 –


Out[ ]=



Figure 7. Contribution to the bispectrum from the neutrino distortion effect as given by the second line
in Eq. (5.24), normalized by its value at the equilateral triangle configuration Bdist (x1 = 1, x3 = 1), as a
function of the triangle shape parameterized by x1 = k1 /k2 and x3 = k3 /k2 . We fix k2 = 0.05Mpc−1 , and
assume our fiducial values of a single neutrino mass state with mν = 0.1eV and z = 0. The left corner of the
triangle corresponds to the squeezed limit k3 ≪ k1 , k2 . The upper boundary of the triangle corresponds to
the “flattened” triangle configuration with ⃗k3 aligned with ⃗k2 , and ⃗k1 pointing in the exact opposite direction
of ⃗k2 , ⃗k3 . The lower boundary of the triangle corresponds to the opposite limit of ⃗k1 parallel with ⃗k3 and ⃗k2
antiparallel to ⃗k1 , ⃗k3 . The change in sign of Bdist along these flattened configurations in the limit k3 ≪ k1 , k2
illustrates the anisotropy in the bispectrum under the exchange of ⃗k1 and ⃗k2 or equivalently, under exchanging
CDM and ν density fields in ⟨δν (⃗k1 )δ(⃗k2 )δ(⃗k3 )⟩.

where we used the relation θ(⃗k3 ) = −(f aH)δ(⃗k3 ) and insert the identity σkNL /aH = 1. We may then
write, D E
Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 ) ≈ ⟨δν (⃗k1 )δ(⃗k2 )⟩ϕ(K) ⃗
⃗ δ(k3 ) , (5.27)

⃗ = −⃗k3 = ⃗k1 + ⃗k2 and,

with K
⃗k1 · K
⃗ Pδδ
(k1 )
⟨δν (⃗k1 )δ(⃗k2 )⟩ϕ(K)
⃗ =
ν ⃗ ,
ϕ(K) (5.28)
k1 1 + kkfs

is a dipole contribution to the local CDM-ν cross correlation in the presence of a long wavelength
⃗ defined as, in position space,
velocity potential ϕ(K)

⃗v ⃗ .
γ = ∇ϕ (5.29)
We expect Eq. (5.28) to be robust against higher order perturbation theory corrections, provided
one applies the replacement Pδδ ν
(k1 ) → Pδδ ν
(k1 ) = (( kkfs )2 /(1 + kkfs )2 )Pδδ (k1 ) to the monopole

– 27 –





0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 8. Contribution to the bispectrum from the neutrino distortion effect as given by the second line in
Eq. (5.24), normalized by its value at the equilateral triangle configuration Bdist (x1 = 1, x3 = 1), as a function
of x3 = k3 /k2 and for elongated configurations for which x1 = 1 + x3 . We fix k2 = 0.05Mpc−1 , and assume
our fiducial values of a single neutrino mass state mν = 0.1eV and z = 0.

contribution to the local CDM-ν cross power spectrum, where Pδδ (k1 ) is the nonlinear CDM power
Note from Eq. (5.28) that the dipole is proportional to both the large-scale displacement field
ϕ(K)⃗ and the short scale monopole contribution to the cross power spectrum P MON (k1 ). A measure-
ment of the squeezed limit bispectrum can then be phrased as a reconstruction of the displacement
⃗ independent of the specific realization of the small scale CDM power. As a consequence,
field ϕ(K),
such a measurement is not limited by cosmic variance but rather by the finite number of galaxies in
the survey as we will see in the next subsection.
Equation (5.28) is in qualitative agreement with the results obtained in [12] in a simplified
model where the authors introduce an effective relative displacement between CDM and neutrino
fluid elements to show that shift nonlinearities arise in the neutrino density field, which is exactly
what we find in a explicit investigation of the solution to the Boltzmann equation for the distribution
function of relic neutrinos around nonlinear CDM structure, i.e., from first principles. This novel
approach provides some additional insight into the distortion effect and its potential observational
signatures; it is now clear how the neutrino thermal velocity enters the picture, and that the dipole
distortion is indeed directly connected to the dynamical friction effect. Additionally, and from a more
practical point of view, we now have an explicit expression for the effective displacement potential as
given by Eq. (5.29). We also have an expression for the bispectrum that goes beyond the squeezed
limit as given by the second line in Eq. (5.24), and that is important for two reasons. First, it opens
up the opportunity to check if the squeezed limit indeed dominates the contribution to the signal-to-
noise and to account for additional information in other triangle configurations. Second, it allows us
to quantitatively assess the degeneracy between the distortion contribution and standard nonlinear
structure formation.
To elaborate further in the latter point, we now argue that the distortion contribution can in
principle be separated from the SPT contribution. For this, the key observation is that the expression
in Eq. (5.21) is symmetric under the exchange ⃗k1 ← → ⃗k2 , while the expression in Eq. (5.22), i.e., the
contribution from the distortion effect, does not share the same symmetry. In order to exploit this,

– 28 –
we consider (where the superscript A denotes an antisymmetrization),
B A (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = [B(k1 , k2 , k3 ) − B(k2 , k1 , k3 )] ,
2 (5.30)
= BSPT (k1 , k2 , k3 ) + Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 ) ,
which once again can be written as a sum of SPT and distortion (dist) contributions. The first reads,
  2  2  "
kfs kfs
k1 k2
BSPT (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = − F2 (⃗k2 , ⃗k3 )Pδδ
(k2 )Pδδ (k3 ) + F2 (⃗k1 , ⃗k3 )Pδδ
(k1 )Pδδ (k3 )+
 
kfs 2 kfs 2 
(1 + k1 ) (1 + k2 )
F2 (⃗k1 , ⃗k2 )Pδδ
(k1 )Pδδ (k2 ) ,

and the second,
(  kfs 2  
A γ σ k1 kNL kNL L L
Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = f µ 13 + µ12 Pδδ (k2 )Pδδ (k3 )−
2 σν (1 + kkfs1 )3 k3 k2
 2 (5.32)
kfs   )
k2 kNL kNL L L
µ23 + µ21 Pδδ (k1 )Pδδ (k3 ) ,
(1 + kkfs )3
k3 k1

where we combined Eqs. (5.24) and (5.30). In the squeezed limit where k1 ≈ k2 ≫ k3 we then
obtain BSPT (k1 , k2 , k3 ) ≈ 0 and Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 ) ≈ Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 ) such that the antisymmetrization
procedure cleans out the SPT contribution and hence provides a smoking gun for the distortion effect.
This argument assumes that all the information from the distortion effect in the bispectrum comes
from the squeezed limit, which at this point is a reasonable assumption based on Figs. 7 and 8.
In the next section we extend our analysis with a calculation of the signal-to-noise ratio based
on a multi-tracer approach. In order to build intuition on the size of the distortion effect, let us first
compare our squeezed limit bispectrum in Eq. (5.25), which we repeat here in simpler notation for
σ kNL kS
Bdist = fν γf µ 3 Pδδ (kS )Pδδ (kL ) , (5.33)
σν kL
1 + kkfsS
with the familiar squeezed limit bispectrum (of the late-time matter density contrast) generated by
the presence of local primordial non-Gaussianity [75],
6Ωm (a) 1
Blocal = (aH)2 fNL 2 Pδδ (kS )Pδδ (kL ) . (5.34)
g(a) kL T (kL )
In Eq. (5.33), kS = k1 ≈ k2 , kL = k3 , µ is the cosine of the angle between short and long wave
vectors and we used Eq. (4.20). We also inserted a factor of the fractional contribution of neutrinos
to the matter density fν which always multiplies the neutrino density contrast δν extracted from a
measurement of the total mass fluctuation δm = (1−fν )δ +fν δν . In Eq. (5.34), Ωm (a) is the fractional
contribution of matter to the critical density, g(a) = DL (a)/a with DL (a) the linear growth factor
and T (k) is the matter transfer function. The shape and scale dependence of the two bispectra are
different, but both peak at squeezed triangle configurations and we can formally compare Eqs. (5.33)
and (5.34) to define an effective non-Gaussian parameter to the distortion bispectrum:
r   kfs
eff f ν f g 3 k L kS
fNL = 2γ Ωm µT (kL )  3 , (5.35)
σν 6Ωm 2 kS
1 + kkfsS

– 29 –
where we used Eqs. (3.22) and (3.24). For a numerical estimate we evaluate this quantity at redshift
z = 0, with Ωm = 0.32, f = Ωm and g = 1. We also set kS = kfs , kL /kS = 0.1, µ = 1 and T (kL ) ≈ 1.
eff eff
We the obtain fNL ≈ 0.5 for an individual neutrino mass mν = 0.05eV, fNL ≈ 4 for mν = 0.1eV
and fNL ≈ 14 for mν = 0.15eV. In the case of three neutrino mass eigenstates, the net effective
non-Gaussian parameter is given by the sum of the individual contributions to fNL . For comparison,
the current best constraints on local non-Gaussianity from galaxy surveys are fNL = −33 ± 28 at 95%
confidence, though this comparison is not straightforward since those measurements come from joint
analysis of the power spectrum and bispectrum, including scale-dependent bias and loop-corrections.
Yet, near-term surveys target σ(fNL ) = 0.2 − 0.5, with significant constraining power coming from
bispectrum measurements analogous to those proposed here [76, 77]. Of course, the signal shapes and
scalings of neutrinos and fNL are different but this comparison nevertheless provides a rough estimate
of the survey needs to use the bispectrum to study neutrino wakes.

5.4 Multi-tracer bispectrum forecast

In the previous section we studied the contribution to the bispectrum from the distortion effect, and
used the fact that the signal peaks at squeezed triangle configurations to argue that it can be separated
from the contributions to the bispectrum from standard nonlinear structure formation [the SPT term
in Eq. (5.24)]. There are two more ingredients we need to account for: The intrinsic noise from cosmic
variance, and the number of modes for a given triangle configuration. This will enable us to forecast
the observability of the distortion effect in future surveys and to quantitatively assess how degenerate
the distortion signal is with standard nonlinear structure formation.
In order to isolate the distortion contribution to the bispectrum in Eq. (5.24) we adopt the
antissymetrization strategy of Eq. (5.30), as argued in the previous section. For this we need a probe
of the total matter field δm = (1 − fν )δ + fν δν and also a galaxy data, δg = bδ, with b the linear
bias, fν = ρ̄ν /ρ̄ the fractional contribution of neutrinos to the matter budget. Note that we follow
the standard practice of assuming the galaxy field to trace CDM and baryons, excluding neutrinos
[16, 17, 22, 78–82].
It follows that, schematically

A 1 1
Bobs = ⟨(δm δg − δg δm )δm ⟩ ≈ fν b⟨(δν δ − δδν )δ⟩ , (5.36)
2 2
is the bispectrum we wish to extract from the surveys, when combined with Eqs. (5.30)-(5.32), where
we work to leading order in the neutrino fraction fν ≪ 1 16 . This includes our signal of the distortion
in the neutrino density field due to the peculiar motion of halos but also a background contribution
from standard nonlinear structure formation. We are then left with the problem of forecasting the
observability of our effect in future surveys, when also accounting for potential degeneracies with the
physics of standard small scale structure formation.
In Appendix A we derive an optimal estimator for the bispectrum in Eq. (5.36). The following
formula for the cumulative signal-to-noise ratio per galaxy (or the fisher matrix F ) is obtained for our
signal, which corresponds to the contribution to the bispectrum from the distortion effect as given by
Eq. (5.32):

SNR2 d3⃗k1 d3⃗k2

d3⃗k3 A
(k1 , k2 , k3 )]2
= FBdist Bdist = 2fν2 b2 (2π)3 δ (3) (⃗k123 ) ,
Ng (2π)3 (2π)3
(2π) 3 Pδδ (k3 )[Pδδ (k1 ) + Pδδ (k2 ) + Pδδ (k3 )]
where SNR2 is the cumulative signal-to-noise ratio squared, Ng is the total number of galaxies in
the galaxy survey, and Pδδ (k) stands for the (linear) power spectrum. We can now use Eq. (5.30) to
16 One could also choose B A = 1 ⟨(δ δ − δ δ )δ ⟩, with a galaxy density contrast on the long-wavelength mode
obs 2 m g g m g
as opposed to a matter density contrast. To leading order in fν this produces the same observable (up to a factor of
the linear bias b), with some additional (shot) noise due to the finite sampling of the galaxy density field.

– 30 –
rewrite this expression as follows:
Z 3⃗ Z 3⃗ Z 3⃗
fν2 b2 d k1 d k2 d k3 Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 )
FBdist Bdist = (2π)3 δ (3) (⃗k123 ) ×
2 (2π)3 (2π)3 (2π)3 Pδδ (k2 )Pδδ (k3 )[Pδδ (k1 ) + Pδδ (k2 ) + Pδδ (k3 )]
× {[Pδδ (k2 ) + Pδδ (k3 )] Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 ) − Pδδ (k2 )Bdist (k2 , k1 , k3 ) − Pδδ (k3 )Bdist (k3 , k1 , k2 )} .

Due to the Dirac delta enforcing the requirement that the wavevectors fit into a triangle configuration,
we can immediately integrate over ⃗k1 such that we are left with integrals over k2 , k3 and µ23 = k̂2 · k̂3 .
First, we replace the variable k3 by x3 = k3 /k2 . Since the integrand in Eq. (5.38) is symmetric under
the exchange k2 ↔ k3 , we can assume x3 ≤ 1 without loss of generality. Second, we replace µ23 with
x1 = k1 /k2 according to:

x21 − 1 − x23 x1
µ23 = k̂2 · k̂3 = =⇒ dµ23 = dx1 , (5.39)
2x3 x3
and the range of integration is 1 − x3 ≤ x1 ≤ 1 + x3 . Implementing these changes in the integration
variables leads to:
Z 3⃗ Z 3⃗ Z 3⃗ Z ∞
dk2 1
Z Z 1+x3
d k1 d k2 d k3 3 (3) ⃗ 1
(2π) δ (k 123 ) = dx3 dx1 k26 x1 x3 , (5.40)
(2π)3 (2π)3 (2π)3 4π 4 0 k2 0 1−x3

and hence to our final formula for the Fisher matrix,

f 2 b2 ∞ dk2 1
Z Z Z 1+x3
Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 )
FBdist Bdist = ν 4 dx3 dx1 k26 x1 x3 ×
8π 0 k2 0 1−x3 Pδδ (k2 )Pδδ (k3 )[Pδδ (k1 ) + Pδδ (k2 ) + Pδδ (k3 )]
× {[Pδδ (k2 ) + Pδδ (k3 )] Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 ) − Pδδ (k2 )Bdist (k2 , k1 , k3 ) − Pδδ (k3 )Bdist (k3 , k1 , k2 )} .

We can integrate over x1 and x3 (the triangle shape), for a given fixed k2 , to investigate the scale
dependence of the signal-to-noise. This is plotted in Fig. 9 for our reference values mν = 0.1eV and
z = 0. It peaks at large quasi-linear scales, as set by the neutrino free-streaming scale, and hence
one does not enhance the signal-to-noise by adding more modes. This means, in particular, that we
are not limited by the precise modeling of complicated nonlinear and galaxy formation physics (and
a linear halo bias should be sufficient). The measurement is also not degenerate with the optical
depth to reionization since it is independent from the total matter power spectrum, and it is not
cosmic variance limited either since the signal-to-noise can be made arbitrarily large by taking the
limit Ng → ∞. Indeed, cosmic variance cancellation is a common theme of multi-tracer approaches
[39, 83].
To elaborate on this, let us briefly make a comparison to the more familiar case of how cosmic
variance cancellation applies to measuring a linear galaxy bias factor b in δg = bδ (e.g. [84]). The
linear bias factor can be measured without cosmic variance because it represents the linear response of
the fluctuation in the galaxy density field δg to a fluctuation in the matter density field δ and one only
needs a single realization of δ and δg to determine this response b. Moreover, the particular amplitude
or shape of Pδδ is, in principle, unimportant for this so long as Pgδ = bPδδ and one measures both Pgδ
and Pδδ . In our case, the distortion to the neutrino density field is a linear response of the neutrino
field δν to the local realization of the small-scale CDM momentum field p = δv. One similarly only
needs a single realization of δv to determine this response [also see the discussion below Eq. (4.38)].
Returning to Eq. (5.41), we can also integrate over k2 and x1 , for a given fixed x3 . This is plotted
in Fig. 10, again for mν = 0.1eV and z = 0. It peaks at a small but nonzero value of x3 ∼ 0.1 due to
a combination of two effects: The bispectrum prefers the x3 → 0 limit as can be seen in Figs. 7 and
8, but the number of modes is suppressed in this limit. As a consequence, real surveys need to have a
sufficiently large volume in order to probe the distortion bispectrum close to the squeezed limit. For
our reference value mν = 0.1eV, we need kmin ≲ kL ∼ x3 kS ≈ 0.005Mpc−1 , from Figs. 9 and 10.

– 31 –




0.005 0.010 0.050 0.100 0.500 1

Figure 9. Cumulative distortion bispectrum signal-to-noise ratio squared per galaxy, divided by the galaxy
bias squared, as a function of scale k2 after integrating Eq. (5.41) over the triangle shape. We choose the
reference values of a single neutrino mass state with mν = 0.1eV and measure the bispectrum at z = 0. With
this choice, consistency with oscillation data requires three neutrino mass states each with mνi ≈ 0.1eV and
the net signal-to-noise squared would increase by roughly a factor of three.

3. × 10-7

2.5 × 10-7

2. × 10-7

1.5 × 10-7

1. × 10-7

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 10. Cumulative distortion bispectrum signal-to-noise ratio squared per galaxy, divided by the galaxy
bias squared, as a function of the long-wavelength mode x3 = k3 /k2 after integrating Eq. (5.41) over k2 and
x1 = k1 /k3 . We choose the reference values of a single neutrino mass state with mν = 0.1eV and measure the
bispectrum at z = 0. With this choice, consistency with oscillation data requires three neutrino mass states
each with mνi ≈ 0.1eV and the net signal-to-noise squared would be increased by roughly a factor of three.

– 32 –
SNR2 /b2 Ng mν = 0.05eV mν = 0.1eV mν = 0.15eV
z=0 2.5 × 10−9 1.6 × 10−7 1.6 × 10−6
z=1 8.6 × 10−11 6.3 × 10−9 6.8 × 10−8

Table 3. Numerical values for the cumulative distortion bispectrum signal-to-noise ratio squared per galaxy,
divided by the galaxy bias squared, for the (individual) neutrino masses and redshifts of interest. For three
massive neutrino states, the net signal-to-noise squared is roughly the sum of the signal-to-noise squared for
each state.

We finally proceed to evaluate Eq. (5.41) numerically, for the individual neutrino masses and
redshifts of interest, in order to forecast the observability of the effect in future surveys. The results
are presented in Tab. 3. At z = 0 we find that SNR2 /b2 Ng ≈ (2.5 × 10−9 − 1.6 × 10−6 ) for individual
neutrino masses in the range mν = (0.05 − 0.15)eV. 17 This corresponds to (setting b = 1 for the
galaxy bias) a range of Ng ≳ (4 × 109 − 6 × 106 ) for the minimal number of galaxies in the survey in
order to reach a 3σ detection of the distortion effect. The signal-to-noise increases with the neutrino
mass and decreases with redshift, as expected from our intuition from the dynamical friction effect
[see Eq(4.34)]. However, we should keep in mind that we work under the assumption that kfs /kNL ≪ 1
(see Fig. 3). For a sufficiently large neutrino mass kfs ∼ kNL , and hence we expect the signal-to-noise
to eventually decrease due to the cutoff at the free-streaming P scale.
When accounting for the cosmological upper bound ν mν ≤ 0.12eV, together with oscillation
experiments, we are led to the optimistic scenario of two neutrino eigenstates with mass mν ≈ 0.05eV
under the inverted hierarchy. This yields a total number of galaxies Ng ≈ 8 × 108 in order to reach
a 2-σ detection, which may be possible with future surveys. This specific choice of neutrino mass
splittings produces the highest possible signal-to-noise ratio while saturating the current cosmological
upper bound in the sum of mass eigenstates.
Our estimates for the signal-to-noise ratio in Tab. 3 are more pessimistic than previous estimates
found in the literature for the observability of the CDM-ν relative flow effect in the large-scale structure
[8, 11, 12]. We attribute this to the fact that previous approaches to study the effect of CDM-
ν dynamical friction/relative flow are based on the introduction of an ad-hoc effective displacement
between CDM and ν fluids, and hence do not fully account for the cutoff at the velocity coherence and
free-streaming scales. Our first-principles approach, based on an explicit extraction of the distortion
effect from the solution to the Boltzmann equation for the neutrino distribution function in the
background of the nonlinear CDM structure, does not suffer from this problem. The cutoffs at both
the velocity coherence and free-streaming scale are naturally accounted for. Yet, the presence of these
cutoffs reduces the amplitude of the signal.
We previously made the observation that standard nonlinear structure formation also gives a
contribution to the bispectrum of interest, as given by Eq. (5.31). We also argued that the antisym-
metrization effectively separates it from the distortion contribution, provided that all the information
comes from the squeezed limit x3 → 0. However, the signal-to-noise ratio peaks at some small but
nonzero value of x3 , as indicated in Fig. 10. One may then worry that this can lead to a signifi-
cant degeneracy between the distortion and SPT contributions to the bispectrum, effectively erasing
our signal. To quantitatively investigate this possibility, we first proceed to define a Fisher matrix
FBSPT BSPT exactly as before in Eq. (5.37), by simply replacing Bdist → BSPT . The next step is to
Z 3⃗ Z 3⃗ Z 3⃗
d k1 d k2 d k3 Bdist (k1 , k2 , k3 )BSPT (k1 , k2 , k3 )
FBdist BSPT = 2fν2 b2 3 3 3
(2π)3 δ (3) (⃗k123 ) ,
(2π) (2π) (2π) Pδδ (k3 )[Pδδ (k1 ) + Pδδ (k2 ) + Pδδ (k3 )]
in terms of which we can define the cosine of an angle between the two bispectra as follows,
µ= p (5.43)
17 The total signal-to-noise for all three neutrino mass eingenstates can then be obtained by summing the individual
2 = 2
contributions in quadrature, i.e., SN Rtot mν SN Rtot |mν .

– 33 –
with |µ| ≤ 1, |µ| = 1 corresponding to the case of perfect degeneracy and |µ| = 0 to no degeneracy
between the two bispectra. For all individual neutrino masses and redshifts of interest, we find
|µ| ≤ 0.23 when choosing kmax = 0.3Mpc−1 , further reducing to |µ| ≤ 0.13 for kmax = 1Mpc−1 .
Of course, such a choice of maximum wavenumber actually requires a better handle into nonlinear
structure formation and galaxy formation physics in order to accurately model the nonlinear dynamics.
However, a naive application of SPT combined with a simple linear galaxy bias already illustrates
the point that one can best disentangle the signal from the background by pushing to smaller scales.
This is to be expected since these two effects mostly operate at different scales: The distortion
contribution peaks at large quasi-linear scales (see Fig. 9), while we expect the contributions from
standard nonlinear structure formation to show up at smaller nonlinear scales. However, even for a
choice of kmax = 0.3Mpc−1 the degeneracy is already small. This is because the distortion signal is
dominated by triangle configurations that are close to the squeezed limit (see Fig. 10), while we expect
the contribution from standard nonlinear structure formation to be suppressed in the squeezed limit
[85]. We expect similar arguments to also hold for the contributions to the bispectrum from local
galaxy formation physics, or, for instance higher-order terms in a bias expansion (e.g. [86]), which
would justify our use of a simple linear bias. On the other hand, these terms would add additional
sources of stochasticity to the noise, analogous to higher-order terms we have already dropped in
the calculation of the covariance matrix in Appendix A. We leave detailed investigations of these
considerations to future work.

6 Conclusion
At late times relic neutrinos become nonrelativistic and cluster anisotropically behind moving cold
dark matter structures, which generates a distortion in the neutrino density field. This effect gets
imprinted into cosmological observables and can potentially be detected with upcoming surveys via
its signature on three-point cross correlations of matter and galaxies.
In Sec. 3 we first considered a CDM distribution consisting of a single moving point mass halo,
which leads to the anisotropic clustering of neutrinos as shown in Fig. 1. This in turn produces a
dynamical friction effect that slows the halo down according to Chandrasekhar’s formula, Eq. (3.17).
In Sec. 4 we moved on to a more general (and hence realistic) nonlinear cold dark matter (CDM)
distribution, relying solely on the validity of the continuity and Poisson’s equation, and hence remain-
ing agnostic about the nonlinear gravitational evolution. We showed how to extract the distortion in
the neutrino density field produced by the peculiar motion of halos from the solution to the Boltzmann
equation for the neutrino distribution function, as given by Eqs. (4.19) and (4.21). This enabled us to
greatly improve on, and solve a few problems with, our previous framework based on a single moving
point mass halo. The consistency of our approach required a hierarchy of scales between the neutrino
free-streaming scale kfs , and the scale of nonlinearities kNL , i.e., kfs ≪ kNL , which is consistent with
current cosmological upper bounds on the neutrino mass scale as illustrated in Fig. 3.
We determined that the average decrease of halo peculiar velocities due to the dynamical friction
effect is small and hence future experiments based on measurements of galaxy velocities will likely
remain insensitive to the distortion effect in the foreseeable future [see Eq. (4.34)]. However, the
distortion effect also gets imprinted in the large scale structure, and one has to account for it in order
to accurately model the nonlinear corrections to the CDM-ν cross power spectrum, see Eq. (4.35). We
also argued that a clean probe of the distortion effect is to be found in three-point cross correlations
of CDM and neutrinos, or its Fourier transform the bispectrum, as given by Eq. (4.37). We emphasize
that Eqs. (4.35) and (4.37) are agnostic about the nonlinear dynamics of CDM and can be evaluated
with any given model for the CDM power spectrum and bispectrum. This fact can also be used to
make inferences about neutrino wakes from data that are also agnostic about the nonlinear dynamics
of CDM, that is, they will depend only on the snapshot of CDM field in a given region.
In Sec. 5 we considered simplified models for the nonlinear gravitational evolution in order to
make some numerical calculations, building upon the framework developed in Sec. 4. The halo model
is applied to extend the results of Sec. 3 based on a single moving halo, now accounting for the
clustering of nearby halos and its contribution to the dynamical friction effect. We calculate the

– 34 –
decrease in halo peculiar velocities as a function of halo mass, see Fig. 5. Next we introduce 1-loop
standard perturbation theory (SPT) to extract the distortion contribution to the CDM-ν cross power
spectrum, as shown in Fig. 6. We find it to be a small decrease in power, which is also degenerate
with standard nonlinear structure formation. Finally, we compute the bispectrum to tree-level in
SPT. The contribution from the distortion effect peaks at squeezed triangle configurations, see Figs. 7
and 8. This has a simple physical interpretation: The local CDM-ν cross power acquires a dipole
in the presence of a long-wavelength displacement potential, as given by Eq. (5.28). We show that
this signal can be extracted using three-point cross correlations of matter and galaxies, i.e., in a
multi-tracer approach.
In Eq. (5.28) the dipole is proportional to the monopole and hence one can extract the displace-
ment potential from the ratio between the bispectrum and the power spectrum [12], independently
of the specific realization of the small scale CDM power. This implies that the signal is not limited
by cosmic variance or potential inaccuracies in the modeling of complicated nonlinear structure and
galaxy formation physics (this can also be seen from the fact that the signal-to-noise ratio peaks at
large quasi-linear scales as illustrated in Fig. 9). This signature of neutrino masses on the large-scale
structure has some other desirable features; it is not degenerate with the optical depth to reioniza-
tion, and is also model independent in the sense that a dynamical dark energy component cannot
reproduce the effect.18 Finally, it is not directly proportional to the neutrino mass. The dynamical
friction effect and distortion contributions to the bispectrum have an approximate scaling of ∼ m4ν
and ∼ m3ν for sufficiently small neutrino masses,19 respectively. These effects are hence dominated by
the most massive neutrino eigenstate (see Eq. (4.34) and Tab. 3). This could, in principle, provide a
cosmological window into the neutrino mass splittings [45, 87, 88].
In practice, a detection of the distortion in the neutrino density field due the peculiar motion
of halos will be challenging, and ultimately depends on the neutrino mass scale that is actually
realized in nature. We estimate Ng ≳ (4 × 109 − 6 × 106 ) [for individual neutrino masses in the
range mν = (0.05 − 0.15)eV] for the minimum number of galaxies in the survey in order to reach a
3σ detection (in the optimistic scenario where all the galaxies sit at low redshifts z ≈ 0, see Tab. 3).
In the optimistic scenario of two neutrino eigenstates withPmass mν ≈ 0.05eV under the inverted
hierarchy, which saturates the cosmological upper bound ν mν ≤ 0.12eV and is consistent with
oscillation experiments, a total number of galaxies Ng ≈ 8 × 108 is required in order to reach a 2-σ
detection. For reference, the Baryon Oscillation spectroscopic survey (BOSS) completed spectroscopy
on Ng ∼ 106 galaxies [89], and the ongoing Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) will
reach Ng ∼ 4 × 107 [90]. A futuristic spectroscopy survey may reach Ng ∼ 109 [91]. Also, a more
realistic forecast will have to take into account that the matter field is only probed indirectly via the
gravitational deflection it causes on the trajectory of light rays, i.e., via weak lensing. Hence, what we
actually probe is the projected matter field along the line-of-sight. We can then consider photometric
surveys since the exact knowledge about the redshift of galaxies is no longer essential. In one hand
we expect this leads to a degradation on the signal due to the mixing of scales in projection, while
on the other hand it allows for a much larger number of galaxies. For example, the Dark Energy
Survey catalogs include hundreds of millions of galaxies [92, 93] while the upcoming Vera C. Rubin
Observatory (LSST) will extract photometric redshifts of Ng ∼ 4×109 galaxies at z ≲ 1 [94]. It would
be interesting to do a detailed exploration of prospects for constraining this signal with photometric
surveys, we leave this for future work. In summary, it appears that future cosmological surveys have
the statistical power to detect the distortion effect and further investigation is warranted.
It would be interesting to directly extract the distortion signal in the bispectrum from N-body
simulations with massive neutrinos, and compare to our calculations [37]. In the theory side, we
plan on improving our modeling to relax the necessity of a hierarchy of scales, kfs ≪ kNL . This
requires one to assume a specific model for the nonlinear dynamics of CDM, and we speculate that
an approach along the lines of the Renormalized Perturbation Theory (RPT) [95] can provide the
18 Here we assume a standard dynamical dark energy component that changes the expansion history, and hence the
linear growth of structure, but does not cluster.
19 These approximate scalings assume the hierarchy k
fs ≪ kNL . For a neutrino mass sufficiently large such that
kfs ∼ kNL , the free-streaming scales starts acting as a cutoff which reduces the amplitude of distortion effects, see
Eq. (4.34) and comments below.

– 35 –
necessary ingredients to account for the effects of CDM bulk flows in the neutrino field to all orders
in perturbation theory. Also, it seems likely that our analysis can be extended to a more general
warm dark matter component, as all we had to assume is that the background distribution functions
peaks at some finite characteristic momentum (the temperature). For instance, it has been previously
suggested that the CDM-baryon relative velocity leads to a unique signature in the galaxy bispectrum
[96–98]. We leave an investigation of the connection between these two effects to later work.

This work is supported by the Department of Physics and the College of Arts and Sciences at the
University of Washington and by the Department of Energy grant DE-SC0023183. We thank John
Franklin Crenshaw for helpful discussions, Zachary Weiner and David Cyncynates for valuable feed-
back on a draft, and Tongyan Lin and Benjamin Safdi for collaboration in early stages of this project.
ML thanks Matias Zaldarriaga for (many years ago) asking a question about halo velocities and escape
velocities that eventually led to thinking about this topic.

A Signal-to-noise derivation
We carry out the derivation of the optimal estimator for the bispectrum in Eq. (5.36),
⟨[δm (⃗k1 )δg (⃗k2 ) − δg (⃗k1 )δm (⃗k2 )]δm (⃗k3 )⟩ = (2π)3 δ (3) (⃗k1 + ⃗k2 + ⃗k3 )Bobs
(k1 , k2 , k3 ) , (A.1)

following the approach in [99]. Here δ (3) (⃗k) stands for the Dirac delta. Let us start with the most
general three-point estimator for the bispectrum amplitude:
Z 3⃗ Z 3⃗ Z 3⃗
1 d k1 d k2 d k3 h i
Ê = 3 3 3
(2π)3 δ (3) (⃗k123 )W (k1 , k2 , k3 ) δm (k⃗1 )δg (k⃗2 ) − δg (k⃗1 )δm (k⃗2 ) δm (⃗k3 )
2V F (2π) (2π) (2π)
= δ(⃗k123 )W (k1 , k2 , k3 )δm (k⃗1 )δg (k⃗2 )δm (⃗k3 ) ,
V F {⃗k}

with V the survey volume, and W (k1 , k2 , k3 ) a weight function to be found in such a way as to
minimize the noise. We take it to satisfy the condition W (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = −W (k2 , k1 , k3 ) without loss
of generality, since a symmetric part would give a vanishing contribution to the estimator. We also
introduced, for simplicity of notation:

d3⃗k1 d3⃗k2 d3⃗k3

δ(⃗k123 ) ≡ (2π)3 δ (3) (⃗k123 ) . (A.3)
k} (2π)3 (2π)3 (2π)3

Finally, the Fisher matrix F is a normalization coefficient that we fix by requiring that ⟨Ê⟩ = 1, which
implies Z
F = δ(⃗k123 )W (k1 , k2 , k3 )B A (k1 , k2 , k3 ) ,
obs (A.4)

after taking the expectation value of Eq. (A.2), using Eq. (A.1), and letting (2π)3 δ (3) (0) → V as
usual. We now proceed to compute the leading order Gaussian contribution to the noise ⟨Ê 2 ⟩, which
effectively means only keeping terms in the resulting six-point function that can be written as a
product of three two-point functions, i.e., the P P P contributions. We obtain after a straightforward

– 36 –
Z (
2 1 ⃗
⟨Ê ⟩ = δ(k123 )W (k1 , k2 , k3 ) W (k1 , k2 , k3 ) [Pmm (k1 )Pgg (k2 ) − Pmg (k1 )Pmg (k2 )] Pmm (k3 )+
V F2 {⃗

+ W (k1 , k3 , k2 ) [Pmm (k1 )Pmg (k3 ) − Pmg (k1 )Pmm (k3 )] Pmg (k2 )+
+ W (k3 , k2 , k1 ) [Pgg (k2 )Pmm (k3 ) − Pmg (k2 )Pmg (k3 )] Pmm (k1 ) .


We now make use of,

Pmm (k) ≈ Pδδ (k) ,
Pgg (k) ≈ b2 Pδδ (k) + , (A.6)
Pmg (k) ≈ bPδδ (k) ,

where we work to leading order in the fractional contribution of neutrinos to the energy density
fν ≪ 1, Pδδ (k) the power spectrum including a shot-noise contribution to the power spectrum of
galaxies, 1/ng , with ng the number density of galaxies in the survey, and for simplicity we assume a
constant bias factor b 20 . We arrive at
Z (
⟨Ê ⟩ = δ(⃗k123 )W (k1 , k2 , k3 ) [W (k1 , k2 , k3 ) + W (k3 , k2 , k1 )] Pδδ (k1 )Pδδ (k3 )−
2Ng F 2 {⃗k}
) (A.7)
− [W (k2 , k1 , k3 ) + W (k3 , k1 , k2 )] Pδδ (k2 )Pδδ (k3 ) ,

where Ng = ng V the total number of galaxies in the survey volume V . The Eq. (A.7) can be
conveniently written as follows
1 ⃗k123 )
⟨Ê 2 ⟩ = δ( δ(k⃗′ 123 )W (k1 , k2 , k3 )Cov(⃗k1 , ⃗k2 , ⃗k3 ; ⃗k1′ , ⃗k2′ , ⃗k3′ )W (k1′ , k2′ , k3′ ) , (A.8)
Ng V F 2 {⃗k} ⃗′
{k }

in terms of a covariance matrix:

Cov(⃗k1 , ⃗k2 , ⃗k3 ; ⃗k1′ , ⃗k2′ , ⃗k3′ ) = δ(⃗k1′ − ⃗k1 )δ(⃗k2′ − ⃗k2 )δ(⃗k3′ − ⃗k3 )Pδδ (k1 )Pδδ (k3 )+
+ δ(k1 − k3 )δ(k2 − k2 )δ(k3 − ⃗k1 )Pδδ (k1 )Pδδ (k3 ) − δ(⃗k1′ − ⃗k2 )δ(⃗k2′ − ⃗k1 )δ(⃗k3′ − ⃗k3 )Pδδ (k2 )Pδδ (k3 )−
⃗ ′ ⃗ ⃗ ′ ⃗ ⃗ ′
− δ(⃗k1′ − ⃗k3 )δ(⃗k2′ − ⃗k1 )δ(⃗k3′ − ⃗k2 )Pδδ (k2 )Pδδ (k3 ) .

We now have an optimization problem, where we would like to minimize the noise ⟨Ê 2 ⟩, as given by
Eq. (A.8), when subject to the constraint Eq. (A.4). By taking the variation of the noise with respect
to the weight function and setting it to zero, we obtain the following equation:
δ(k⃗′ 123 )Cov(⃗k1 , ⃗k2 , ⃗k3 ; ⃗k1′ , ⃗k2′ , ⃗k3′ )W (k1′ , k2′ , k3′ ) = δ(⃗k123 )Bobs (k1 , k2 , k3 ) , (A.10)
{k⃗′ }

up to an arbitrary normalization constant. The solution to Eq. (A.10) can be parameterized as follows,
W (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = δ(k⃗′ 123 )Σ(⃗k1 , ⃗k2 , ⃗k3 ; ⃗k1′ , ⃗k2′ , ⃗k3′ )Bobs (k1′ , k2′ , k3′ ) , (A.11)
{k⃗′ }

20 This assumption can be relaxed to accommodate a scale dependent bias which is more realistic at the scales we

are considering, and it does not lead to qualitatively different results. We stick to a constant bias for simplicity.

– 37 –
in terms of a precision matrix Σ(⃗k1 , ⃗k2 , ⃗k3 ; ⃗k1′ , ⃗k2′ , ⃗k3′ ). The substitution of Eq. (A.11) into Eq. (A.10)
now yields
δ(k⃗′ 123 )Cov(⃗k1 , ⃗k2 , ⃗k3 ; ⃗k1′ , ⃗k2′ , ⃗k3′ )Σ(⃗k1′ , ⃗k2′ , ⃗k3′ ; ⃗k1′′ , ⃗k2′′ , ⃗k3′′ ) = δ(⃗k1′′ −⃗k1 )δ(⃗k2′′ −⃗k2 )δ(⃗k3′′ −⃗k3 ) , (A.12)
{k⃗′ }

such that the precision matrix is the inverse of the covariance matrix of Eq. (A.9). As we will see, in
practice it is more convenient to directly solve Eq. (A.10) for the weight function instead of solving
for the precision matrix. The substitution of Eq. (A.9) into Eq. (A.10) leads to:

[Pδδ (k1 ) + Pδδ (k2 )]Pδδ (k3 )W (k1 , k2 , k3 ) + Pδδ (k1 )Pδδ (k3 )W (k3 , k2 , k1 )−
− Pδδ (k2 )Pδδ (k3 )W (k3 , k1 , k2 ) = 2Bobs (k1 , k2 , k3 ) .

It is now straightforward to check that

2Bobs (k1 , k2 , k3 )
W (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = , (A.14)
Pδδ (k3 ) [Pδδ (k1 ) + Pδδ (k2 ) + Pδδ (k3 )]
is the solution we are looking for, after using the identity

Bobs (k1 , k2 , k3 ) + Bobs (k3 , k1 , k2 ) + Bobs (k2 , k3 , k1 ) = 0 (A.15)

which follows from Eq. (A.1). Alternatively, the Eq. (A.14) can be derived after considering the
Eq. (A.13) in combination with the same equation when written in terms of a different permutation
of the wavenumbers. We now have all the ingredients necessary to determine the cumulative signal-
to-noise ratio. First note from Eqs. (A.4),(A.8) and (A.10) that

1 SNR2
SNR2 = = Ng F =⇒ F = , (A.16)
⟨Ê 2 ⟩ Ng

is given by, when substituting the Eq. (A.14) into Eq. (A.4):
d3⃗k1 d3⃗k2 d3⃗k3
[Bobs (k1 , k2 , k3 )]
F =2 (2π)3 δ (3) (⃗k123 ) , (A.17)
(2π)3 (2π)3 (2π)3 Pδδ (k3 ) [Pδδ (k1 ) + Pδδ (k2 ) + Pδδ (k3 )]

when also writing the integration variables in full, according to Eq. (A.3). This, in combination with
Eq. (A.16), is the formula we need for the cumulative signal-to-noise ratio.

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