Glass Report

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Project code: 2012IB17

Final Report:

Widening the coverage of PAT Scheme

Sectoral Manual-Glass industry

Prepared for
Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

D i s cl ai m e r
This report is part of Shakti Sustainable Energy Found ation (SSEF) and TERI‘s initiative to
highlight energy consum ption trend s and energy efficiency im provement opportunities of
the Ind ian Glass Sector. The view s expressed in this d ocum ent d o not necessar ily reflect the
view of Shakti Sustainable Energy Found ation. The com pany accepts no liability for the
content of this d ocum ent, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the
inform ation provid ed . While every care has been taken in com piling this report, TERI and
Shakti Sustainable Energy Found ation accept no claim for any kind of com pensation, if any
entry is w rong, abbreviated , om itted or inserted incorrectly either as to the w ord ing space or
position in the booklet. The report is only an attem pt to highlight energy consum ption
trend s and energy efficiency im provement opportunities of the Ind ian Glass Sector.

Suggested format for citation

T E R I. 2012
Wid ening the coverage of PAT Schem e
Sectoral Manual-Glass Ind ustry
N ew Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute. 40 pp.
[Project Report N o. 2012IB17]

For more information

Project Monitoring Cell
TERI Tel. 2468 2100 or 2468 2111
Darbari Seth Block E-mail pm
IH C Com plex, Lod hi Road Fax 2468 2144 or 2468 2145
N ew Delhi – 110 003 Web w w w .ter i i n .org
Ind ia Ind ia +91 • Delhi (0)11

Pre f ace

The ind ustrial sector represents m ore than one third of both global prim ary energy use and
energy-related carbon d ioxid e em issions. In d eveloping countries, the portion of the energy
supply consum ed by the ind ustrial sector is frequently in excess of 50% and can create
tension betw een economic d evelopm ent goals and a constrained energy supply. Further,
countries like Ind ia, w ith an em erging and rapid ly expand ing ind ustrial infrastructure, have
a particular opportunity to increase their com petitiveness by applying energy -efficient best
practices from the outset in new ind ustrial facilities.

Despite the potential, policym akers frequently overlook the opportunities presented by
ind ustrial energy efficiency to m ake a significant im pact on clim ate change m itigation,
energy security and sustainability. The com m on perception is that achieving energy
efficiency of the ind ustrial sector is too com plex to be ad d ressed through public policy and ,
further, that ind ustrial facilities w ill achieve energy efficiency through competitive pressures
of the marketplace alone. One such initiative und er the N ational Mission on Enhanced
Energy Efficiency (N MEEE) is the Perform Achieve and Trad e (PAT) schem e. This is a
m arket based m echanism having the objective to enhance energy efficiency (target based ) in
the country w ith an option to trad e the ad d itional energy savings, in the form of energy
saving certificates.

In the first phase eight ind ustrial subsectors w ere covered und er the PAT schem e. There are
further plans to w id en the coverage by ad ding m ore new ind ustrial subsectors d epend ing
upon the energy consumption. Shakti Sustainable Energy Found ation (SSEF) and The
Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) intend to assist the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
in expand ing the PAT schem e to new sectors for subsequent phases.

As a part of this exercise, the country profile of a few selected subsectors along w ith its
energy intensity has been tried to establish. It has been d one after interactions w ith
respective ind ustrial associations / ind ustry head s and com piling d ata from second ary
sources. For this report on the Glass sector, the d iscussions w ere carried out w ith The All
Ind ia Glass Manufacturers‘ Fed eration (AIGMF). Second ary d ata available in public sources
w ere used for preparing this report.

We believe that this sector m anual w ill act as a guid e for next steps and establish a need to
stud y the energy consum ption in d etail to set the threshold lim it for eligibility for
d esignated consum ers.

T a b l e o f Co n te n ts

D ISCLAIMER ....................................................................................................................................I
PREFACE ....................................................................................................................................... III
T A B LE O F CON TEN TS ................................................................................................................ V
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................... VII
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................... IX
A BBREVIATION S .......................................................................................................................... XI
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 IN TROD UCTION ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Product categorization ..................................................................................................... 3
1.1.1 Container glass ....................................................................................................... 3
1.1.2 Flat glass .................................................................................................................. 4
1.1.3 Speciality glass........................................................................................................ 4
1.1.4 Fibre glass ................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Production data ................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Sectoral importance .......................................................................................................... 4
1.4 International scenario ...................................................................................................... 5
1.5 International standing of sub-sector ............................................................................. 6
1.6 Growth in past and future perspective ........................................................................ 6
1.7 Important stakeholders................................................................................................... 7
1.7.1 The All Ind ia Glass Manufacturers Fed eration, N ew Delhi ............................ 8
1.7.2 Central Glass and Ceram ic Research Institute (CGCRI) .................................. 8
1.7.3 Centre for the Developm ent of Glass Ind ustry,Firozabad (UP) ....................... 8
1.7.4 Departm ent of Ceram ic Engineering,IIT, Varanasi ........................................... 8
1.8 Major players .................................................................................................................... 8
1.8.1 Saint Gobain ............................................................................................................. 8
1.8.2 H ind ustan N ational Glass & Ind ustries Ltd (H N G) .......................................... 9
1.8.3 AGI Glaspac ............................................................................................................. 9
1.8.4 Piram al Glass ........................................................................................................... 9
1.8.5 Gujarat Guard ian Lim ited ..................................................................................... 9
1.8.6 AIS / Asahi Ind ia .................................................................................................... 9
1.8.7 Gold Plus Glass ..................................................................................................... 10
1.9 Current regulatory / policy scenario ........................................................................... 10
2.0 EN ERGY PERFORMAN CE........................................................................................................ 11
2.1 Glass manufacturing process ....................................................................................... 11
2.2 Energy consumption in glass industry ....................................................................... 12

2.2.1 Major energy consum ing areas in glass m anufacturing ................................. 12
2.2.2 International scenario in energy consum ption ................................................ 13
2.2.3 Energy saving opportunities in glass ind ustry ................................................ 15
2.2.4 Melting furnace .................................................................................................... 17
3.2.5 Glass recycling ...................................................................................................... 19
2.2.6 Batch and cullet preheating ................................................................................ 20
3.0 A N ALYSIS OF EN ERGY CON SUMPTION D ATA ..................................................................... 21
3.1 Methodology ................................................................................................................... 21
3.1.1 Gross calorific value of fuels .............................................................................. 21
3.2 Energy consumption in major Indian glass industries ............................................ 21
3.2.1 Energy consum ption in Ind ian Glass Ind ustry ................................................. 25
3.2.2 Energy consum ption in Firozabad glass cluster .............................................. 25
3.2.3 Energy consum ption by large ind ustries in Ind ia ........................................... 25
4.0 CON CLUSION S ....................................................................................................................... 27
5.0 REFEREN CE............................................................................................................................. 29
A N N EXURE 1.7.1 ........................................................................................................................... 31
A N N EXURE 2.1.1 ........................................................................................................................... 32

Li s t o f tab l e s

Table 1.0 : Properties of Glass ........................................................................................................ 3

Table 1.2.1: Prod uction of various types of glass .......................................................................... 4
Table 1.5.1: Country w ise exports from Ind ia (2006–07).............................................................. 6
Table 1.5.2: Value of export and im port of glass item s ................................................................ 6
Table 1.6.1: Sale of float glass in d om estic m arket ....................................................................... 7
Table 1.6.2: Market share of flat glass prod ucts in India d uring 2012–13 ................................ 7
Table 1.8.7: Installed capacity and utilisation of float glass units............................................ 10
Table 2.2.2a: Com parison of float glass m fg process–Ind ia vs overseas company ................. 13
Table 2.2.2b: Specific Energy Consum ption ................................................................................. 14
Table 2.2.2c: Average SEC of glass ind ustry in USA ................................................................... 14
Table 2.2.4: Com m on refractory m aterials .................................................................................. 18
Table 2.2.5: End of life route of container glass in India ........................................................... 19
Table 3.1.1: Gross calorific value of various fuels ...................................................................... 21
Table 3.1.2: Conversion factors ..................................................................................................... 21
Table 3.2a: Energy Consum ption in few Ind ian Com panies (annual reports) ..................... 22
Table 3.2b: Energy Consum ption in few Ind ian Glass m anufacturing com panies (energy
audits) ......................................................................................................................... 24
Table 3.2.1: Prod uction and energy consum ption in Ind ian glass ind ustry .......................... 25
Table 3.2.3: Energy consum ption by few large glass m anufacturing com panies ................. 26
Table 2.1a: Com m on glass com ponents ..................................................................................... 32
Table 2.1b: Approximate com position of d ifferent glass types (w eight percent) ................ 33
Table 2.1c: Sum m ary of inputs and outputs for glass batch .................................................. 33
Table 2.2a Sum m ary of inputs and outputs for glass m elting .............................................. 35
Table 2.3.2: Sum m ary of inputs and outputs for glass forming ............................................. 37
Table 2.4.3 Sum m ary of inputs and outputs for glass post form ing ..................................... 38

Li s t o f f i g u re s

Figure 1.4: Flat glass prod uction by d ifferent countries in EU ............................................... 5

Figure 1.8.1: Com pany w ise m arket share of Float Glass ......................................................... 10
Figure 2.1.1: Overview of Glass Manufacture ............................................................................ 11
Figure 2.2.2: SEC range of continuous container glass furnaces.............................................. 14
Figure 2.2.3a: Energy consum ption in glass m anufacturing industry ...................................... 16
Figure 2.2.3b: Energy balance of glass m elting furnace .............................................................. 16
Figure 2.2.4: Seven steps to good m elting process ..................................................................... 17
Figure 3.2.2: Estim ated energy consum ption by few large glass m fg com panies ................. 26
Figure 2.2a Melting and refining processes .............................................................................. 34
Figure 2.2b Type of furnace ......................................................................................................... 35
Figure 2.3.1 Blow and Blow Process ........................................................................................... 37
Figure: 2.3.2 Press and Blow Process ........................................................................................... 37
Figure 2.4.1: Flat glass post form ing / Annealing in the Lehr ................................................. 38

A b b re v i ati o n s

AIGMF : All Ind ia Glass Manu factu rers‘ Fed eration

BEE : Bu reau of Energy Efficiency
CAGR : Com p ou nd Annu al Grow th Rage
CGCRI : Central Glass and Ceram ic Research Institu te
CLCSS : Cred it Linked Cap ital Su bsid y Schem e
CO : Carbon m onoxid e
CO 2 : Carbon d ioxid e
FO : Fu rnace Oil
GAIL : Gas Au thority of Ind ia Ltd
GCV : Gross Calorific Valu e
HNG : H ind u stan N ational Glass
H SD : H igh Sp eed Diesel
KJ : Kilo Jou le
kWh : Kilo Watt H ou r
LDO : Light Diesel Oil
LPG : Liqu efied Petroleu m Gas
MSME : Micro, Sm all and Med iu m Enterp rises
m toe : Million tonne of oil equ ivalent
NG : N atu ral Gas
N IC : N ational Inform atics Centre
N MEEE : N ational Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency
PAT : Perform , Achieve and Trad e
SEC : Sp ecific Energy Consu m p tion
SSEF : Shakti Su stainable Energy Fou nd ation
Sq.m . : Squ are m etre
TERI : The Energy and Resou rces Institu te
toe : tonnes of oil equ ivalent
tp d : tonne p er d ay
UN IDO : United N ations Ind u strial Develop m ent Organisation

Exe cu ti v e s u m m ary
Glass is one of the m ost useful m aterials in our d aily life. Tod ay glass is so com m only used
that its presence often goes unnoticed . The Ind ian glass ind ustry consists of seven segm ents
nam ely, sheet and flat glass (N IC 1-26101), glass fibre and glass w ool (N IC-26102), hollow
glassw are (N IC- 26103), laboratory glassw are (N IC- 26104), table and kitchen glassw are
(N IC- 26105), glass bangles (N IC- 26106) and other glass w ares (N IC – 26109). Ind ia is
am ong the top 15 markets for glass packaging globally and is 3rd fastest grow ing m arket
after Turkey and Brazil. The global m arket for Ind ian glassw are is fragm ented and spread
across several countries. Most of the glass d em and in the country com es from container
glass w hich accounts for 50% of the country‘s glass consum ption by value. Apart from few
big m anufacturers, it is estim ated that there are more than 1000 manufacturers in MSME
segm ent. There is no specific glass sector related policy in the country.

The Indian glass sector is grow ing across all segments. This grow th has been d riven
prim arily by Ind ia‘s boom ing autom otive and construction sectors w hich have been key
d rivers of the econom y for the past few years. The glass ind ustry is highly energy intensive
and energy consum ption is m ajor cost d river. The total energy consum ption in Ind ian glass
ind ustry is about 1.17 million tonnes of oil equivalent. The average energy cost as a
percentage of m anufacturing cost is about 40 per cent. Melting and refining are m ost energy-
intensive portion of the glass m aking process and accounts for 60–70% of total energy use in
the glass ind ustry. Therm al energy consum ption contributes to about 80% of total energy
consum ption in the glass ind ustry. The perform ance of a large num ber of glass ind ustries
show s that (1) the energy consum ptions of the individ ual units are relatively high, and (2)
there are w id e variations in the perform ance of the units in term s of energy consum ption of
the furnaces thereby offering scope for energy efficiency im provem ents. It w ould be
beneficial for the Ind ian glass ind ustry to evolve glass-sector specific schem es that w ould
enable them to id entify technology options, access to finance and ad opt technology
m od ernisation in a m ethod ical m anner.

The energy consum ption in glass ind ustry show s th at substantial share of energy
consum ption is accounted by therm al energy and there exist s significant scope for energy
efficiency im provem ents both in process and utility areas. There are few large players in
glass ind ustry engaged in the prod uction of float and container glass accounting for m ajor
energy consum ption in glass sector. The total annual energy consum ption of these m ajor
players is estim ated to be 0.78 m toe, w hich is about 66 % of the total energy consum ption of
glass sector. The energy consum ption by glass ind ustries is quite significant for d ifferent
group com panies and a num ber of plants involved in the prod uction of float glass and
container glass w ould qualify to be ‗Designated Consum ers‘ (DCs). H ow ever, for a number
of such major players (e.g. Saint Gobain, H ind ustan N ational Glass, Asahi Glass and Gold
Plus Glass), d etails like installed capacity, prod uction and energy consumption of their
ind ivid ual glass plants are not read ily available. Energy consum ption of ind ivid ual plants
w ould be required to propose threshold lim its and consid er them as DCs. Therefore, it is
suggested to und ertake a glass-sector specific study to estim ate energy consum ption and set
threshold limit for the glass sector.

N IC 26101 - Division 26 represents N ational Inform atics Centre classification for m anufacture of other non -
m etallic m ineral prod ucts, group 261 and class 2610 represen ts m anufacture of glass and glass prod ucts and
26101, 26102,26103,26104,26105, 26109 represents sub-class for m anufacture of d ifferent types of glass

1.0 In tro d u cti o n

Glass is one of the m ost useful m aterials in our d aily life. It has been prod uced for thousand s
of years, d ating from as early as 7000 B.C. A form of natural glass - obsid ian - form ed w ithin
the m outh of a volcano as a result of the intense heat of an erup tion m elting sand - w as first
used by m an as tips for spears. Tod ay glass is so com m only used that its presence often goes
unnoticed . Glass is used in m yriad of prod ucts, prim arily because it is inexpensive and has
m any d esirable properties (table 1.0).

Table 1.0 : Properties of Glass

Property Unique characteristics of glass
Chem ical Glass is highly resistant to chem ical attack, and m any chem icals and
food s/ beverages can be stored for d ecad es w ithou t corrosion of the glass. Only a
few chem icals aggressively attack glass (hyd roflu oric acid , p hosp horic acid , hot
alkali solu tions, su p erheated w ater).
Elasticity Glass is p erfectly elastic. After bend ing or stretching it retu rns exactly to its original
shap e w hen the force is rem oved . Glass w ill break, how ever, w hen the force ap p lied
exceed s the u ltim ate strength of the glass.
Strength Glass is brittle, and w ill break rather than d eform w hen su bjected to severe im p acts.
H ow ever, in com p ression, glass is very strong (e.g., glass sp heres are u sed in
u nd ersea ap p lications w here they are su bjected to intense com p ressive forces). The
tensile strength of glass can be increased by therm al tem p ering, chem ical
m od ification, or lam inating.
H ard ness Glass is a hard m aterial, w ith hard ness valu es com p arable to steel, and can w ithstand
significant abrasion over its lifetim e. Glasses w ith alu m inu m oxid e are som e of the
hard est.
Op tical Glass is transp arent or translu cent to light, and som e glasses are selectively
transp arent, transm itting light of one w aveleng th or colou r m ore efficiently than any
other. Other glasses are d esigned to absorb infrared light and transm it visible light,
or to transm it either u ltraviolet or infrared w hile absorbing visible light. Glass can
also bend light (as in a lens).
Electrical Glass is a good insu lator, and p rovid es high resistance to the p assage of electricity.
Therm al Glasses w ith low therm al exp ansion have high therm al shock resistance.

1.1 Product categorization

The Indian glass ind ustry com prises seven segments nam ely, sheet and flat glass, glass fibre
and glass w ool, hollow glassw are, laboratory glassw are, table and kitchen glassw are, glass
bangles and other glass w ares. In general, the glass prod uction can be categorized broad ly
into follow ing four segments:

1.1.1 Container glass

This is one of the largest segm ents in the glass sector and com prises of glass packaging for
beverages, food , perfumes and pharm aceuticals.

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

1.1.2 Flat glass

This segm ent com prises of sheet plate float glass for resid ential and com mercial
construction, rolled glass, cast glass and other flat glasses w hich are used m ainly for
architectural and automotive applications. Flat glass, com m only called float glass after the
process by w hich m ost of it is m ad e, plays a d om inate role in today‘s build ing construction
and vehicles m anufacturing ind ustries. Since the d evelopm ent of the float glass process and
thin film coating technology, flat glass has rem ained the transparent material of choice for
autom otive and construction applications.

1.1.3 Speciality glass

Specialty glass is m ainly used for technical applications such as optics, electronics, lighting,
engineering, ophthalm ic lenses, etc. Borosilicate glasses are also includ ed in this category.

1.1.4 Fibre glass

Fibre glass consists of thin filam ents of glass fibre that are used prim arily as reinforcem ent
m aterial in polymer prod ucts. The resultant composite is called Fibre Reinforced Polym er
(FRP) or Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP), com m only referred to as fibre g lass. The prod ucts
in this category also includ e fiberglass (glass w ool) insulation for buildings, roofing and

1.2 Production data

Most of the glass d em and in the country com es from container glass w hich accounts for 50%
of the country‘s glass con sum ption by value. The prod uction of various types of glass in the
country is show n in table 1.2.1.

Table 1.2.1: Prod uction of various types of glass

Typ e of glass Unit 2010-11 2011-12 (u p to N ov 2012)
Glass sheet Thou sand Sq. m 96,770 1,06,144 73,043
Tou ghened Glass Sq.m 26,04,340 26,78,263 22,31,388
Fibre Glass tonne 39,217 42,670 29,356
Glass Bottles tonne 11,56,830 1,27,19,208 8,79,733
Source: DIPP 2012-13

1.3 Sectoral importance

The glass ind ustry in India is quite old and w ell established . The Ind ian glass ind ustry
represents one of the largest m arkets and the m anufacturing capacity for glass prod ucts in
Asia region. The first glass plant in India w as set up in 1908. The glass industry rem ained
largely a cottage ind ustry for a long tim e. From rud im entary m outh blow n and hand
w orking processes, the ind ustry in recent years has evolved to ad opt m odern processes and
autom ation in a large w ay. H ow ever, m outh blow n processes and hand cr afted glassw are
continue to play a role in d eveloping innovative designs in decorative and table glassw are
prod ucts that are exported in large quantities. Ind ian glass ind ustry is involved in the
prod uction of different types of glass prod ucts as elaborated in section 1.1 and section 1.2.

The Indian glass market w as w orth about USD 2.7 billion d uring 2011-12. The per capita glass
consum ption w as 1.2 kg com pared w ith 8–9 kg in d eveloped countries and 30–35 kg in USA.

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

During the sam e period the flat glass m arket w as 4500 tpd (tonnes per d ay) and w as grow ing
at 16%. The m arket for container glass w as about 7000 tpd w hich has a share of 55-60% of
overall m arket share in the country. The m arket for other glass prod ucts such as lighting,
bangle, bead s, etc is about 1500 tpd .

1.4 International scenario

The m ajor glass prod ucing countries in the w orld are Germ any, USA, UK, China and Japan.
The m ain glass consum ing regions are Europe, China and N orth Am erica. Together, these
regions/ countries account for m ore than 74% of global d em and for glass. Europe is the
m ost m ature 2 glass m arket follow ed by Japan and N orth Am erica. Europe has the highest
proportion of value-ad ded prod ucts. One of the m ain reasons for the grow th of glass
ind ustry is that it provides a very attractive packaging alternative. In Europe, the w orld ‘s
largest prod ucer of container glass (bottles, jars, etc.), glass stand s for 34% of total packaging
m arket for beverages and has an annual grow th rate of 4.2%.

The global glass ind ustry is quite concentrated w ith four com panies – N ippon Sheet Glass
(N SG)/ Pilkington (base at Japan/ United Kingd om ) , Saint-Gobain (base at France), Asahi
(base at Japan) and Guard ian (base at USA), prod ucing 67% of the total high quality float
glass in the w orld . Low er quality float and sheet glass prod uction is gradually being
replaced by high quality float glass across the globe. For autom otive glazing, there are three
m ajor players – N SG/ Pilkington, Asahi and Saint-Gobain, w ho along w ith their respective
associates m eet nearly 75% of the w orld‘s original equipm ent glazing requirem ents.

Flat glass w ith about 30% of the total glass production is the second largest sector in the
glass ind ustry in the Europ ean Union after container glass. The Flat glass sector covers the
prod uction of float glass and rolled glass. In the European Union, about 97% of flat glass is
prod uced using the float process. The m anufacturing facilities using Float process are
located across 16 countries in the European Union (EU), but three quarters of EU prod uction
originates from Germ any, France, Italy, Belgium , UK, Spain and Poland . The flat glass
prod uction by d ifferent countries in European Union is provid ed in figure 1.4 (Source: Glass
for Europe)

Others, 10%
Romania, 3%
Czech Republic,
5% Germany,
Poland, 5%
UK, Italy,
9% 12%

Belgium, 12%

Figure 1.4: Flat glass production by different countries in EU

2 Maturity of a m arket is ind icated by a higher d em and for value -ad d ed glass, stringent regulations for glass
usage and m inim um percentage of glass being used for refurbishm ent projects (Source: Glass Market Intelligence

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

China is the largest consum er of glass in the w orld , accounting for 50 % of global d emand in
2009. China is also the largest prod ucer of glass and glass prod ucts, prod ucing over 50%of
the global output of flat glass in 2009. It has the greatest num ber of glass prod ucing
enterprises, and has the largest num ber of float-glass prod uction lines in the w orld .

1.5 International standing of sub-sector

Ind ia is am ong the top 15 m arkets for glass packaging globally and is am ong the fastest
grow ing market along w ith Turkey and Brazil. The global market for Ind ian glassw are is
fragm ented and spread across several countries (Table 1.5.1), w ith no d om inant m arket.
USA is the biggest m arket for Indian glass prod ucts and accounted for 14 per cent of exports
in 2006-07. UAE w ith 8 per cent and Poland w ith 6 per cent, w ere the other key m arkets for
Ind ian Glass.

Table 1.5.1: Country w ise exports from Ind ia (2006–07)

Country Export share
USA 14%
UAE 8%
Poland 6%
Italy 5%
Belgiu m 5%
PRP China 5%
Brazil 4%
Tu rkey 3%
Sau d i Arabia 3%
Mexico 3%
Sp ain 3%
UK 3%
Others 38%
Source: IBEF

The value of exports and im ports of d ifferent glass types for the years 2010-11 and 2011-12
are provid ed in table 1.5.2.

Table 1.5.2: Value of export and im port of glass item s

(Rs m illion)
2010-11 2011-12
Type of glass Exp ort Im p ort Exp ort Im p ort
Glass & glassw are 17,972 27,716 25,559 33,818
Float glass / sheet 1,119 3,634 1,400 3,643
Source: DIPP 2012-13

1.6 Grow th in past and future perspective

The Indian glass ind ustry has been grow ing across all segm ents. Sheet and float glass have
record ed the fastest grow th, at nearly 67 per cent CAGR (Com pound Annual Grow th Rate)
betw een 2001 and 2005. Other glassw are such as bottles and fibre glass has record ed m ore
m od est grow th rates of about 5-6 per cent CAGR, over the sam e period . The sale of d omestic
float glass in d om estic market is provid ed in table 1.6.1. The m arket share of d iffer flat glass
prod ucts in Ind ia d uring 2012–13 is given in table 1.6.2.

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

Table 1.6.1: Sale of float glass in d om estic m arket

Sale of float glass Grow th
Year (MT/day) (%)
2004 – 05 1,427
2005 – 06 1,402 -2
2006 – 07 1,695 21
2007 – 08 2,043 21
2008 – 09 1,942 -5
2009 – 10 2,684 38
2010 - 11 3,400 27
2011 - 12 4,000 18
Source: Glass Y ug;TERI analysis

Table 1.6.2: Market share of flat glass prod ucts in Ind ia d uring 2012–13
Type of flat glass Quantity (tonne) Share (%)
Clear float / Sheet glass 2,160 60
Tinted float / Sheet glass 540 15
Reflective glass 612 17
Mirror glass 288 8
Total 3,600 100
Source: Glass Y ug

Different d rivers that influence the glass ind ustry are the follow ing:
 Expansion of construction and autom otive ind ustries
• Increased acceptance of green building concept
• Global concerns about energy conservation and environm ent
• Decorative glasses w ith d igital print technology.
• Use of ‗nano‘ technology – The future in w orld of glass
 Architects and car d esigners continue to increase the glass content in build ings and
• Dem and for value-ad d ed prod ucts is grow ing at a faster rate than d em and for
basic glass, enriching the prod uct m ix and boosting the sales line
 Value-ad d ed prod ucts are d elivering greater functionality to vehicle glazing and
ad d ing a further grow th d im ension to autom otive glazing sales

It is expected that in future, glass consum ption w ill grow in construction, autom otive,
consum er good s and pharm aceutical sectors.

1.7 Important stakeholders

The glass ind ustry has a fed eration that act as a representative of its m em bers and apart
from prom oting stud y and research in glass technology, the Fed eration also safeguard the
interest of glass ind ustry and glassw are business in India. There are also few acad emic
institutes/ research organisations in India that are und ertaking various research activ ities
related to glass sector in the country. Major stakehold ers of the glass ind ustry in the country

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

1.7.1 The All Ind ia Glass Manu factu rers Fed eration, N ew Delhi
The fed eration w as found ed in the year 1944 and w as incorporated und er the Com panies
Act 1956 as a Lim ited Com pany in 1970. The All Ind ia Glass Manufacturers association is
m ad e up of five regional associations representing N orthern, Southern, Western and Eastern
region of the country. The contact d etails of the regional associations are provid ed in
Annexure 1.7.1.

1.7.2 Central Glass and Ceram ic Research Institu te (CGCRI)

Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI) is one of the first four laboratories
d ecid ed to be set up under the Council of Scientific & Ind ustrial Research. Developm ent of
various types of optical glasses brought CGCRI into lim elight in the international arena.

1.7.3 Centre for the Developm ent of Glass Ind u stry, Firozabad
(Uttar Prad esh)
Center for the Development of Glass Ind ustry(CDGI) has been set up at Firozabad in Ind ia
in collaboration w ith UNDP/ UN IDO and Governm ent of UP. CDGI aim s to assist the glass
ind ustry for im proving its overall perform ance particularly in the areas of technology
upgrad ation, energy conservation , introd uction of value ad d ed glass articles and skill
d evelopm ent.

1.7.4 Departm ent of Ceram ic Engineering, Ind ian Institu te of

Technology (Banaras H ind u University), Varanasi
The course of ceram ic technology w as instituted in the year 1924 to ad vance the glass and
ceram ic technology in Ind ia. The Department is pursuing active research in the em erging
areas of glass, glass - ceram ics, refractories and other ceram ic m aterials. Apart from these
institutes/ organisations, construction sector, autom obile sector and glass packaging
ind ustry like pharm aceuticals, perfum ery, food and beverage etc. are also im portant
stakeholder in this sector.

1.8 Major players

Glass ind ustry is a de-licenced ind ustry .Apart from few major m anufacturers, there are m ore
than 1000 med ium and sm all m anufacturers. Majority of the glass m anufacturing units are
located in Firozabad , Barod a, Ahm ed abad , Mum bai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and H yderabad . In
ind ustry clusters such as Firozabad , Barod a and Kolkata, the glass ind ustry has evolved from
cottage ind ustry to the level of organized ind ustry. A brief highlight of the m ajor players in
the glass ind ustry is provid ed in the follow ing sub-sections:

1.8.1 Saint Gobain

With the presence in 64 countries, Saint Gobain is a d om inant player in the global glass
sector. In Ind ia, Saint Gobain has established tw o com panies- Saint Gobain Glass Ind ia Ltd .
and Saint Gobain Sekurit Ind ia Ltd. to m anufacture and m arket glass. Saint Gobain Glass
Ind ia Ltd . m anufactures and m arkets float glass and m irrors. The manufacturing facilities
are located at Sriperum bud ur (Tam il nad u), Tad a (Andhra Prad esh) and Jhagad ia (Gujarat).
The m anufacturing facility at Sriperum bud ur has tw o float glass plants w ith cum ulative

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

prod uction capacity of 1500 tonnes per d ay. Saint Gobain Sekurit India Ltd . prod uces
lam inated w indshield s and tem pered glazing for the Ind ian autom otive market. The
m anufacturing facilities are located at Bhosari & Chakan near Pune (Maharashtra ) and
Sriperum bud ur.

1.8.2 H ind u stan National Glass & Ind ustries Ltd (H N G)

The com pany found ed in 1946 is a key player in Ind ia‘s container glass ind ustry. H N G is the
largest container glass prod ucer in Ind ia and occupies 55% m arket share in Ind ia. With an
installed capacity of 4395 tonnes per d ay, the plants of H N G are located at Rishra,
Bahad urgarh, Rishikesh, N eem rana, N ashik and Pud ucherry. The com pany has started one
of the largest end -fired container glass furnace of 650 tonnes per d ay capacity at N asik in
2012. H N G Float Glass Lim ited is a H N G group com pany incorporated in H alol (Gujarat) in
2006. The com pany has an installed capacity of 600 tonnes per d ay.

1.8.3 AGI Glaspac

AGI Glaspac w as established in the year 1972 and m anufactures glass containers to m eet the
packaging needs of th e food , pharm aceuticals beverage, soft d rink, liquor, cosm etic and
other ind ustries. The m anufacturing facilities are located in H yd erabad and Bhongir
(And hra Prad esh) near to the raw -m aterial sources. The Bhongir plant w ith tw o furnaces of
500 tonnes per d ay melting capacity each is largest container glass plant in the country at
single location. With four furnaces in tw o plants the AGI‘s melting capacity is 1600 tonnes
per d ay in flint, green and am ber colour.

1.8.4 Piram al Glass

Piram al Glass w ith an installed capacity of 1115 tonnes per d ay is one of the largest
m anufacturers of flacconage glass for the pharm aceuticals and perfum ery and is am ong the
top five m anufacturers of perfum ery bottles in the w orld . Piram al glass also m anu facture
glass bottles for specialty food and beverages. In Ind ia, Piram al glass has tw o m ajor facilities
at Kosam ba and Jambusar (Gujarat). The Kosamba facility w ith 6 furnaces has com bined
capacity of 340 tones per d ay. The Jam busar facility w ith a capacity of 355 tonnes per d ay is
one of the w orld 's largest installed capacity for pharm aceutical packaging in am ber glass.

1.8.5 Gu jarat Guardian Lim ited

Gujarat Guard ian Ltd . manufacturer of float glass and other allied prod ucts is a m em ber of
Guard ian Ind ustries Corporation (U.S.A). The m anufacturing facility is located at
Ankleshw ar (Gujarat).

1.8.6 AIS / Asahi Ind ia

AIS is one of the largest m anufacturer and supplier of autom otive and float glass in the
country. The manufacturing facilities are located at Baw al (H aryana), Roorkee
(Uttarakhand ), Chennai (Tam il N ad u ) and Taloja (Maharashtra).

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

1.8.7 Gold Plu s Glass

Gold Plus Glass is the first 100% Ind ian ow ned com pany to m anufacturing float glass in
country. The com pany has one float glass m anufacturing unit (capacity 470 tonnes per d ay)
at Rorkee (Uttrakhand ) and tw o processing units at Sonipat (H aryana) and Kala Am b
(H im achal Prad esh).

The installed capacity and the utilisation factor of the m ajor glass manufacturers in India
d uring 2009-10 are show n in table 1.8.7.

Table 1.8.7: Installed capacity and utilisation of float glass units

Manufacturers Installed capacity Capacity
(tonnes per day) utilisation (%)
Gu jarat Gu ard ian Ltd . 550 95
Asahi Ind ia Glass Ltd 1,200 80
(Tw o p lants: 500+700)
Saint- Gobain Glass Ind ia Ltd 1,950 80
(Tw o p lants: 600+800)
Gold Plu s Float Glass Ind u stry Ltd 460 85
H N G Float Glass Ltd 600 75
Total 4760
Source: Glass Y ug, Jan-M ar 2010
The com pany-w ise market share of float glass in Ind ian m arket d uring 2009-10 is show n in
figure 1.8.1 (Source: Glass Yug).

Figure 1.8.1: Company wise market share of Float Glass

1.9 Current regulatory / policy scenario

There are no specific policies that focus on glass ind ustries. The general ind ustrial policy of
the Governm ent of Ind ia is applicable to the glass ind ustry as w ell. It m ay be noted that few
energy efficient technologies that are related to fibre glass reinforced prod ucts, glass m elting
and form ing have been includ ed und er the ‗Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Schem e‘ (CLCSS)
of the Ministry of Micro, Sm all and Med ium Enterprises (MSME). Further, the
Confed eration of Construction Prod ucts and Services ha ve brought out ―Guid elines on use
of glass in build ings-hum an safety‖ d uring N ovem ber 2007 w hich is aimed to red uce risks
related to accid ents in glass sector.

2.0 En e rg y p e rf o rm an ce

2.1 Glass manufacturing process

Glass m anufacture, regard less of the final prod uct, requires four m ajor processing steps (i)
batch preparation, (ii) melting and refining (iii) form ing, and (iv ) post form ing. An overview
of the general flow of glass m anufacture is illustrated in figure 2.1.1. The detail glass
m anufacturing p rocess is provid ed in Annexure 2.1.1.
Source: U.S. Department of Energy

Figure 2.1.1: Overview of Glass M anufacture

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

2.2 Energy consumption in glass industry

The glass ind ustry is highly energy intensive and energy consum ption is a m ajor cost d river.
Energy costs includ e pow er consum ption and running cost of furnaces. The average energy
cost as a percentage of manufacturing cost is about 40 percent.

2.2.1 Major energy consu m ing areas in glass manu factu ring
The m ost energy intensive portion of the glass-making process, regard less of prod uct type,
is m elting and refining. This portion of glass m anufacturing accounts for 60–70% of the total
energy use in the glass ind ustry.

i) Batch preparation
Electricity is mainly used in batch preparation for d ifferent equipm ent‘s like bucket
elevators, pneum atic conveyors, batch m ixers or blend ers and agglom eration of m aterials.
The blend er or batch mixer accounts for the greatest share of electricity use in both batch
preparation and charging of the furnace.

ii) Melting and refining

Melting and refining of the glass batch is the m ost energy-intensive part of glass
m anufacture as high temperature chem istry is involved in glass form ation. Melting of raw
m aterials consum es about 60-70 percent of the total energy used in glass prod uction. In
general, about 40 percent of the energy consum ed in m elting goes tow ard heating the batch
and for the chemical conversion of the batch constituents.

Theoretically, 645 kWh are required to m elt one short ton of glass. In reality, how ever, m ost
m od ern furnaces consum e significantly m ore energy, d epend ing on the percentage of cullet
in the feed . In general, only about 33-40% of the energy consum ed by a continuous furnace
goes tow ard m elting the glass. Up to 30% of the energy consum ed by a furnace can be lost
through its structure, w hile another 30% can be lost through flue gas exiting the stack.

Melting furnaces are fired w ith fossil fuels (m ostly natural gas) or by electricity (electrical
resistance heating). In som e cases a com bination of both is used . Most large continuous
furnaces are fuelled w ith natural gas. Many of these m elters also use electrical boosting,
w here the m elt is ―boosted ‖ by being resistively heated rather than by add ing a resistive
heater. Electric boost and other techniques such as oxygen -enriched combustion air, cullet
preheating, better com bustion control, or increased insulation, can low er fuel requirem ents
or increase glass prod uction at the sam e fuel load .

iii) Glass form ing

The energy used in form ing is highly prod uct d epend ent and can account from 12 % (flat
glass) to 34% (for fiber form ing) of total prim ary energy consum ed in glass prod uction. In
flat glass prod uction, electricity is used to m aintain the m olten state of the tin bath and to
d rive rollers. In the prod uction of glass containers, final form is obtained using either
com pressed air (blow and blow m ethod) or a combination of com pressed air and electricity -
d riven m echanical pressing (press and blow method ). The prim ary form ing processes used
in specialty glass prod uction —press and blow , press-form ing, lam p -form ing, spinning, and
d raw ing—are also electricity-d riven. In the prod uction of glass w ool, both electricity (for
rotary spinners and conveyors) and fuels (for steam blow ing or flam e attenuation) can be
consum ed .

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

iv) Post form ing and finishing operations

Annealing process typically consum e 2 - 5% of the total final energy in a glass plant.
Tem pering can occur in either an electric or natural gas-fired furnace. Autom otive flat glass
typically und ergoes m echanical bend ing prior to tem pering to attain d esired curvatu re.
Autoclaves are m ostly pow ered w ith electricity.

2.2.2 International scenario in energy consu m ption

The energy consum ption of float glass prod uction is higher than container glass prod uction.
The specific energy consum ption (SEC) for speciality glass prod ucts such as TV panel glass
is even higher d ue to higher quality requirem ents. The com parison of physical aspects of
typical Ind ian float glass m anufacturing com pany w ith a typical overseas float glass
m anufacturing com pany is provid ed in table 2.2.2a (Source: Kanch, April–June 2012). It m ay
be seen that the m elting capacity of overseas company is about 2.4 tim es of Indian com pany.

Table 2.2.2a: Com parison of float glass m anufacturing process–Ind ia vs overseas com pany
Item Overseas company Indian company
Furnace typ e Sid e p ort regenerative Sid e p ort regenerative
Furnace cap acity 1600 tp d 650 tp d
Furnace fu el N atu ral gas / fu rnace oil Furnace oil
Electrical boosting Yes Yes
Melting tem p eratu re 1593 oC 1580 oC
Exit tem p eratu re-tin bath 1093 oC 1050 oC
Furnace area 53.1 x 9.1 m 2 33.6 x 8.5 m 2
Glass level 1.22 m 1.05 m
Tin bath entrance 1038 oC 1005 oC
Tin bath exit 68 8oC 650 oC
Tin bath length 48 m 58 m
Wid th (front/ back) 6.1m / 4.3m 6.0m / 4.2m
Volu m e of tin 150m 3 165m 3
Dep th of tin 5.1 – 7.6 cm 5.5 – 7.5cm
Bath atm osp here 94% N 2 + 6% H 2 94% N 2 + 6% H 2
N u m ber of rolls 6 on each sid e 7 on each sid e
Roll-to-roll 1.5m 1.5m
Lehr entrance 607 oC 610 oC
Lehr exit 282 oC 285 oC
Lehr length 116 m 110m

The SEC reported through a benchm ark survey carried out in 1999 including 123 container
glass furnaces and 23 flat glass furnaces operated w orld -w id e is provid ed in table 2.2.2b. The
variation in SEC is show n in figure 2.2.2 (Source: UN IDO 2010).

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

Figure 2.2.2: SEC range of continuous container glass furnaces

(normalized for 50% cullet)

Table 2.2.2b: Specific Energy Consum ption

Specific energy consumption
Type of furnace (KJ of glass produced)
Best op erating fu rnace 3,850
Least efficient fu rnace 8,000
Average 5,200

The energy consum ption in d ifferent processes in glass m anufacturing process in US

ind ustry is provid ed in table 2.2.2c. The correspond ing figures for Indian glass ind ustry are
not read ily available.

Table 2.2.2c: Average SEC of glass ind ustry in USA

Batch Melting
Preparation Furnace Forming Post-forming and Finishing
S. (kWh / (kWh / (kWh / N G/ FO (kWh Electricity
N o. tonne) tonne) tonne) / tonne) (kWh/ tonne)
1 Flat Glass
79 - 440 - -
Furnace 
Regenerative 2491 - - -
Typ e 
Electric boost 1905 - - -

Oxy-fu el 1377 - - -
Process 
Annealing - - - 117 2.93

Tem p ering - - - 1172 56
(gas) - - - - 542
 Tem p ering - - - 293 -
(electric) - - - 147 41
 Lam inating
 Au toclave
2 Container Glass
155 - 105 - -
Furnace  Regenerative - 2286 - - -

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

S. Batch Melting
N o. Preparation Furnace Forming Post-forming and Finishing
Typ e  Electric boost - 1377 - - -
 Oxy-fu el - 1172 - - -
 Electric m elter - 821 - - -
 Direct m elter - 2491 - - -
Process Annealing and - - - 469 67
3 Pressed and Blow n Glass

223 - 1553 - -
Furnace  Regenerative - 1612 - - -
Typ e  Direct Melters - 3517 - - -
 Oxy-fu el fired - 1055 - - -
 Electric m elters - 3019 - - -
Process Annealing and - - - 879 15
4 Fibrou s Glass
337 - 2110 - -
 Electric m elters - 2198 - - -
Furnace  Recu p erative - 2051 - - -
Typ e m elters - 1641 - - -
 Oxy-fu el fired
 Glass w ool - - - 1290 -
 Textile Fibre - - - 961 -
Textile / reinforcem ent fibers
5 Furnace  Recu p erative - 3077 - - -
Typ e m elters - 1641 - - -
 Oxy-fu el fired
Source: U.S. Department of Energy, 2002

2.2.3 Energy saving opportu nities in glass ind ustry

Melting process accounts for m ore than 60% of the total energy consum ption in glass
ind ustry. The share of energy consum ption of different processes in glass ind ustry is show n
in figure 2.2.3a (Source: Kanch , Vol 5, N o 4, Jul-Sep 2012). Other m ajor processes such as
form ing and refining & cond itioning are other m ajor energy consum ing areas.

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

3% 2% Melting
Own power plant

13% 62% Refining &


Figure 2.2.3a: Energy consumption in glass manufacturing industry

The energy balance of a glass m anufacturing unit in Vietnam engaged in the prod uction of
fluorescent lights is show n in figure 2.2.3b. The heat balance figure show s various heat loss
areas in a m elting furnace that could be red uced effectively.

H eat carried-in by H eat value by H eat loss from H eat used for
preheated air. Qa fuel. Qf 2,00,866 openings: Qr Glass M elting: Qg
1,216,571 kcal/ h kcal/ h [100%] 227,056 kcal/ h 355,851 kcal/ h
[60.8%] [11.3%] [17.8%]

air temp.

Exhaust gas

H eat loss from H eat loss from H eat loss from

openings: Qr openings: Qr openings: Qr
227,056 kcal/ h 227,056 kcal/ h 227,056 kcal/ h
[11.3%] [11.3%] [11.3%]

Figure 2.2.3b: Energy balance of glass melting furnace

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

2.2.4 Melting fu rnace

A glass m elting furnace that is com m only know n as ‗tank‘ is a large box built of accurately
shaped refractory pieces bound together by a steel structure outsid e. Most furnaces are fuel
fired w ith flame being burned over the surface of the m elt. The resid ence tim e in the glass
tank is an im portant factor in the energy intensity of glass prod uction; therefore, the pull
rate of the furnace should be optim ized. Im provem ents in annealing and form ing of the
prod uct m ay affect the pull rate, red uce reject rates, and hence red uce the en ergy intensity of
the glass tank and final prod uct. Therefore, w hile evaluating energy efficiency m easures, the
interactions betw een the d ifferent prod uction steps should be carefully consid ered . Figure
2.2.4 show s the seven steps to good m elting process.

Methodical construction by reputed furnace builders

Efficient firing sytem.

Logical and sound operation practice.

Thermally uniform and controlled heat-up

Improved furnace design.

Necessarily suitable refractory materials.

Good Instrumentation

Figure 2.2.4: Seven steps to good melting process

i) Im provem ent in combustion control

Com bustion in glass tank furnace takes place above the glass level and m ost of the heat is
transferred to the glass m elt by rad iation. The efficacy of combustion d epend s upon various
param eters such as furnace and burner d esign, burner position, fuel-air proportion, flam e
length etc. The three m ost im portant factors that influence an efficient combustion are excess
air, preheat air tem perature and cold air infiltra tion. Com bustion can be checked by
m easuring the lim its of carbon -di-oxid e (CO 2), carbon m onoxid e (CO) and oxygen (O 2) in
the exhaust gas.

ii) Minim um excess air

Theoretically, the percentage of CO 2 in oil-fired system s ranges from 14 – 16% d epend ing on
the type of oil. H ow ever, in practice, the optim um level of CO 2 is around 12 – 13%. This can
be used as a criteria for jud ging the efficiency of com bustion, as low er O 2 values are obtained
by burning a fuel-rich mixture. Optim um CO 2 values should be achieved w ith a brow n hazy
sm oke. The ratio of primary air to total air should be around 8% and second ary air to total
air around 92%.

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

iii) Preheating com bustion air

Exhaust gases leave the furnace at high tem peratures betw een 1500oC and 1580oC, a
substantial part of the latent heat of these gases can be used to pre-heat the air supplied for
com bustion.

v) Influence of cold air

The second ary air used for com bustion is preheated by the heat exchanger. The prim ary air
for spraying and air intrud ing from the clearance of the burner tiles enter the furnace in cold
cond itions. Red uction in volum e of intrud ing cold air helps to conserve energy. It has been
observed that a cold air red uction by 1% results in fuel sav ings by 0.5%.

vi) Refractories/ insulation

Refractory m aterials and refractory engineering plays a very im portant role in perform ance
of glass melting furnaces. Due to the im provem ent in the quality of refractory m aterials used
for construction of glass m elting furnaces the average life of m od ern g lass m elting tank
furnaces has continuously im proved . Insulation red uces heat losses by about 55 to 65%.
General problem that exist w ith the furnace insulation are higher corrosion rates and rat -
holes in the silica crow n. Over the life-tim e of furnace, insulation m aterial w ears off and
increases the heat loses. The d eteriorating refractories m ay lead to increase in energy losses
by 0.1 – 0.2%/ m onth. The com m on refractory m aterials used for various parts of the furnace
are show n in table 2.2.4.

Table 2.2.4: Com m on refractory m aterials

Furnace area Material
Glass contact area Alu m ina, zirconia
Melter area Silica fu sed cast m aterial
Excessive corrosion areas su ch as throat, Chrom ic oxid e containing fu sed cast blocks
barrier w alls, d og hou se corners
Refining area or d istribu tor Alu m ina blocks for m inim al exu d ation and qu ality
p roblem
Furnace su p erstru ctu re Alu m ina Zirconia silica electrocast or su p er silica bricks
Crow n Su p er silica bricks
Bottom Mu lti layered w ith flu x blocks, zircon bricks, sp ecial
refractory cem ent or concrete and finally alu m ina zirconia
silica electrocast p aving tiles

vii) Proper burner positions

Furnaces should have the proper angle betw een the burner axis and the glass surface. The
burner angle not only affects the efficiency of heat transfer to the melt, but m ay also affect
N O x form ation and d ust em issions. The burner angle should be optimized for heat transfer
to the m elt.

viii) Burner sealing

Burners m ay be sealed in the furnace burner block to avert outsid e air that is norm ally
d raw n into the furnace through the furnace block. This air can m ake up as m uch as 15% of
the total stoichiometric air, but is typically 3 to 5%. If 5% cold air is eliminated , 2 to 3% of
energy can be saved .

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

ix) Oxygen enrichm ent

During com bustion, oxygen com bines w ith carbon and hyd rogen of fuel to liberate heat. The
inert gases of air absorb heat from the com bustion and carry it out of the furnace resulting in
heat loss in ad d ition to red uction in flam e tem perature and red uced rate of heat transfer to
stock. Red uction in inert content of the air can result in m ore efficient combustion. This can
be d one by ad d ition of oxygen to com bustion air. With the sam e fuel input, enriched air
helps in raising the flam e tem perature, increasing heat transfer and enhancing prod uction
rate. It is reported that ad d itional 1.6% oxygen in com bustion air can result in fuel savings of
8 to 10%.

x) Furnace operation
The furnace should be operated at a slightly positive pressure. N egative pressure lead s to air
infiltration, affecting air-fuel ratio and furnace tem perature resulting in increased fuel
consum ption. H ow ever, excessive positive pressure lead to exfiltration resulting in leaping
out of flam es, overheating of furnace refractories, red uced brick life and other associated
problem s. A reasonable pressure w ould be 0.25 m m w g.

xi) Exhaust recovery by regeneration

The regenerator is com monly used w ith glass m elting tank furnaces. The regenerator
com prises chequer bricks to absorb the heat of exhaust gas. After com bustion, gas is fed t o
the regenerator for 15 to 20 m inutes to heat the bricks. Com bustion air is then fed to absorb
heat from the chequer bricks. This proced ure is repeated at specific intervals know n as
reversal tim e. H ence, tw o regenerators are required for each furnace. With an effectiveness
of 85-90%, the regenerators prod uce extrem ely high levels of air preheat (about 85% of
process tem perature) bring about substantial fuel savings of up to 65%.

3.2.5 Glass recycling

Recycling im plies the substitution of some raw mater ials w ith used glass or cullet. Since no
chem ical reactions takes place in m elting the cullet, recycling red uces consum ption of raw
m aterials and saves energy. H igher therm al conductivity of scarp glass com pared to the
basic raw m aterials also ensures im provem ent in m elting. Glass containers are 100%
recyclable. In container glass m anufacturing, cullet use can vary from 10% to over 90%. In
the European Union, the average cullet use in container glass prod uction is 60% and ranges
from 95% for Belgium and 90% for Germ any to 34% for UK and 27% for Greece (Glass
Gazette 2003). For flat glass prod uction, cullet can be as high as 20–40% for green flat glass
and low er for clear flat glass. Increasing the cullet share by 10% (w eight basis) the net energy
consum ption is red uced by 2–3.5%. The end of life route for container glass in Ind ia is
provid ed in table 2.2.5.

Table 2.2.5: End of life route of container glass in Ind ia

Type of flat glass Recycling rate Landfill rate Reuse
Container glass 32% 38% 30%

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

2.2.6 Batch and cu llet preheating

In a cullet preheater, the w aste heat of the fuel-fired furnace is used to preheat the incoming
cullet batch. Batch preheating is m ore d ifficult than cullet preheating, as clum ping of
incoming materials can affect the prod uct quality and m elting efficiency. In theory, any
system w ith over 50% cullet in the batch can install preheaters. Energy saving of cullet
preheaters is estim ated to be around 12 – 20%.

3.0 A n al y s i s o f e n e rg y co n s u m p ti o n d ata

3.1 Methodology
The follow ing m ethod ology has been ad opted to analyze the energy consum ption d ata:
 Analysis of energy consum ption d ata m easured and collected d uring energy aud its
of d ifferent types of major glass ind ustries by TERI
 Analysis of d ata collected d uring energy efficiency stud y in MSME units involved in
glass m anufacturing in Firozabad glass cluster
 Collation of data from annual reports of major glass m anufacturing units

3.1.1 Gross calorific value of fuels

Different type of fuels are used in glass m anufacturing process in Ind ia. The gross calorific
value (GCV) and conversion factors used d uring analysis of energy consum ption are
provid ed in table 3.1.1 and table 3.1.2 respectively.

Table 3.1.1: Gross calorific value of various fuels

Gross calorific Specific gravity
Fuel value Unit (kg/unit)
Electricity 860 kcal/ kWh –
LPG 12500 kcal/ kg 1.287
Furnace Oil (FO) 10050 kcal/ kg 0.9337
H igh Sp eed Diesel (H SD) 11840 kcal/ kg 0.8263
Light Diesel Oil (LDO) 10700 kcal/ kg 0.8600
LSH S 10600 kCal/ kg 0.93

Table 3.1.2: Conversion factors

1 kw h 0.00009 toe
1 Kcal 0.0000001 toe

3.2 Energy consumption in major Indian glass

Glass m anufacturing consum es a sizeable portion of energy in the process. The energy
consum ption of few m ajor Ind ian glass ind ustries based on annual reports and energy
aud its carried out by TERI are show n in table 3.2a and 3.2b respectively. It is evid ent from
the tables that the thermal energy consum ption in glass ind ustry accounts for significant
share of the total energy consum ption, w hich is about 80%. Furnace oil and N atural Gas are
the m ajor fuels used in Ind ian glass ind ustry.

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

Table 3.2a: Energy Consum ption in few Ind ian Com panies (annual reports)
HN G Piramal Glass India Ltd. Sezal Glass Ltd Asahi India Glass Limited
Prod u cts Glass containers for liqu id and beer, food , Flacconage glass for the p harm aceu ticals Insu lating glass, Au tom otive safety glass, float glass and
p harm aceu ticals and cosm etic ind u stries, Float and p erfu m ery, glass bottles for tem p ering glass, valu e-ad d ed glass like reflective glass,
Glass sp ecialty food and beverages Lam inated glass m irror and architectu ral
2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011 - 12 2009 - 10 2005-06 2006-07
Installed 2930 tp d 700 tp d 700 tp d 1725000 sq.m - -
cap acity
Total 936863 829624 - - - Lam inated Lam inated
p rod u ction w ind shield - w ind shield -
(tonne) 1579721 (p cs); 2002137 (p cs);
Tem p ered glass Tem p ered glass
(sqm )-2937861; (sqm )-3448074; Float
Float glass (csqm )- glass (csqm )-
24,422,779 38,999,031
Total toe Total toe Total toe Total toe Total toe Total toe Total toe
Electricity 3723 32015 330.9 28461 114.6 9853 111.8 9612 9.257 796 91.7 7,887 121.4 10,445
(m il kWh)
H SD (kL) 1565 1531 8495 8311 - - - - - - - - - -
LPG 8535 10669 77271 96589 31,200 39
FO/ RFO/ E 83456 78312 1402 1316 6,371 5978 2,503 2349 9,620 9,027 22,833 21,426
q.oil (kL)
LN G 1667616 42056 721773 18202 – – – – – – - - - -
Kerosene – – – – 96,000 87 24,700 22
oil (lit)
LSH S – – – – – – – 22,501 23,851 31,642 33,540
N G (m il – – – – 65.6 58471 67.9 0.24 4.6 4135

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

HN G Piramal Glass India Ltd. Sezal Glass Ltd Asahi India Glass Limited
Sm )
LDO (kL) 46.8 43.10 - - - - - - - - 4979 4582 442 407
SEC 0.176 0.184 0.303 0.296 -
(toe/ tonne)
Share- - 80% - 76% - 87% - 87% - 83% - 81% - 84%
Therm al
Share - - 20% - 24% - 13% - 13% - 16% - 19% - 16%

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

Table 3.2b: Energy Consum ption in few Ind ian Glass m anufacturing companies (energy aud its)

AGI Glasspac, Binani Industries, D urgesh Block & China

Victory Glass Industries Ltd. AGI Glasspac, Hyderabad Bhongir Glass Fibre Goa Glass Works Ltd.
Prod ucts Glass for bottles, liquor ind ustries H igh quality glass for packaging H igh quality glass Glass fibre prod ucts, H igh quality glass bottles,
ind ustries for packaging chopped strand m at bulb shells, container glass
ind ustries w oven roving and assorted glassw are item s
1996-97 1997-98 2009-10 Apr 2010- Sep 2010 2009-10 1997-98 2011
Installed capacity 110 tpd 300 tpd 450 tpd 6600 tp a 120 tpd

Total prod uction 24354 19527 171607 64632 156585 5746 35700
(tonne/ year)
Unit toe/ t Unit toe/ t Total toe/ t Total toe/ t Total toe/ t Total toe/ t Total toe/ t
Electricity (m illion 1.87 0.0007 2.0 0.0009 70.915 0.0036 28.366 0.0038 40.937 00.022 17.42 0.0261 – –
H SD (KL) 1716.5 0.069 908.3 0.046 199542 1.138 115565 1.749 355 0.060 – –
LPG (MT) 4234.9 0.031 1672.5 0.032 2941.37 0.023 334 0.073 – –
Furnace Oil (KL) 3305.8 0.127 2431.8 0.117 7650.12 0.042 145 0.002 14497 0.087 880 0.144 – –
N G (Sm 3/ year) – – – – – – – – – – – – 10150000 0.245
LSH S (KL) 778.4 0.032 NA 14610 0.084 7973.7 0.122
N G (m ) – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
LDO (KL) 624.7 0.024 446.7 0.021 – – – – – – – – – –
SEC (toe/ tonne) 0.258 0.192 1.330 1.943 0.133 0.538 0.245
Share- Therm al energy 97.4% 95.4% 97.3% 98.1% 83.1% 51.5% – 100%
Share- electrical Energy 2.6% 4.6% 2.7% 1.9% 16.9% 48.5% – –

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

3.2.1 Energy consum ption in Ind ian Glass Ind u stry

In Ind ia, container glass prod uction is m ore than the float glass prod uction. As per All Ind ia
Glass Manufacturing Fed eration, total container and float glass prod uction d uring 2011-12
w as 7500 tonnes per d ay and 4760 tonnes per d ay respectively. Consid ering 80% of the total
energy consum ption in glass m anufacturing is accounted by the therm al energy
requirem ents, the estim ated total energy consumption of Indian glass industry is given in
table 3.2.1.

Table 3.2.1: Prod uction and energy consum ption in Ind ian glass ind ustry
Production Energy consumption per year
during 2011-12 (mtoe) #
Type of (million tonne
glass per year*) Thermal Electrical Total Share
Container 2.74 0.60 0.15 0.75 65%
Float 1.74 0.24 0.06 0.30 26%
Others 0.19 0.07 0.02 0.12 9%
Total 4.66 0.91 0.23 1.17 100%
* Source: A ll India Glass M anufacturing Federation, Glass Y ug and TERI
# Energy consumption of 6800 kcal/kg for container glass and 4400 kcal/kg for flat glass are considered for
melting (UN IDO 2010)

3.2.2 Energy consum ption in Firozabad glass cluster

Firozabad , a small tow n about 40 kilometres from Agra is one of the lead ing glass clusters in
Ind ia. There is a large agglom eration of sm all-scale units engaged in the manufacture of
bangles, hollow w ares, decorative item s, glass bead s and head light covers etc. The cluster is
very im portant because of the fact that the bangles in Ind ia are alm ost exclusively prod uced
in this cluster.

Closed & open pot furnace and tank furnace are the m ajor glass m elting technologies used
in the cluster. There are other auxiliary furnaces such as m uffle furnace, reheating furnace
etc. w hich are involved in glass processing chain. The m ajor form s of energy used in the
cluster are pip ed natural gas (N G) supplied by Gas Authority of Ind ia Lim ited (GAIL). The
total energy consum ption of the cluster in prod ucing m elt-glass is about 0.19 m illion tonnes
of oil equivalent per year. Consid ering the im portance and high energy consum ption in th e
cluster, possibility of consid ering the cluster as a ‗Designate Cluster‘ m ay be explored in the
future 3.

3.2.3 Energy consum ption by large ind u stries in Ind ia

The energy consum ption of few large glass m anufacturing ind ustries has been provid ed in
table 3.2.2. The energy consum ption levels are estim ated based on the average Specific
Energy Consum ption of float and container glass respectively. The actual energy
consum ption by these ind ustries could be verified by carrying out actua l m easurem ents
d uring field visits. H ow ever, estim ates clearly highlight the large energy consum ption by

3The id ea of ‗Designated Cluster‘ w as put forw ard d uring the N ational Sum m it on ‗Energy Efficiency in MSMEs‘
organized in July 2012 by TERI, SDC, BEE and MoMSME

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

these ind ustries. The energy consum ption by few large glass manufacturing com panies in
Ind ia is provid ed in table 3.2.2 and figure 3.2.3. It m ay be noted that the total energy
consum ption of 28,175 toe per year to about 378,692 toe per year across different glass
com panies.

Table 3.2.2: Energy consum ption by few large glass m anufacturing com panies
(million tonnes per year)* Total energy consumption
N ame of the company Container glass Float glass (toe per year) #
H ind u stan N ational Glass & 1.283 0.175 378,692
Ind u stries Ltd
Saint Gobain - 0.569 126,673
AGI Glassp ac 0.467 - 99,895
Piram al Glass 0.203 - 55,024
(Ind ian facilities)
Gu jarat Gu ard ian - 0.161 28,175
Asahi Ind ia Glass Ltd 0.350 61,474
Gold Plu s Glass - 0.137 24,077
* Based on a weighted average capacity utilisation of 80%of the installed capacity (Glass Y ug, Jan-M ar 2010)
# Energy consumption of 6800 kcal/kg for container glass and 4400 kcal/kg for flat glass are considered for
melting (UN IDO 2010)

The cum ulative values of energy consum ption of d ifferent com panies (estim ated ) have been
provid ed in the report since the energy consum ption of individ ual plants of each glass
com panies are not available. Therefore threshold lim it for energy consum ption for glass
sector is not provid ed in the report.

Total Annual Energy Consumption (toe)








HNG AGI Saint Piramal Gujarat Asahi India Gold Plus
glasspac Gobain Guardian Glass Ltd Glass

Figure 3.2.2: Estimated energy consumption by few large glass manufacturing companies

Sectoral Manual-Glass Sector

4.0 Co n cl u s i o n s

The energy consum ption in glass ind ustry show s that substantial share of energy
consum ption is accounted by therm al energy and there exists significant scope for energy
efficiency im provem ents both in process and utility areas. There are few large players in
glass ind ustry engaged in the prod uction of float and container glass accounting for m ajor
energy consum ption in glass sector. The total annual energy consum ption of these m ajor
players is estim ated to be 0.78 m toe, w hich is about 66 % of the total energy consum ption of
glass sector.

The energy consum ption by glass ind ustries is quite significant for d ifferent group
com panies and a num ber of plants involved in the prod uction of float glass and container
glass w ould qualify to be ‗Designated Consum ers‘ (DCs). H ow ever, for a num ber of such
m ajor players (e.g. Saint Gobain, H ind ustan N ational Glass, Asahi Glass and Gold Plus
Glass), details like installed capacity, prod uction and energy consum ption of their
ind ivid ual glass plants are not read ily available. Energy consum ption of ind ivid ual plants
w ould be required to propose threshold lim its and consid er them as DCs. Therefore, it is
suggested to und ertake a glass-sector specific study to estim ate energy consum ption and set
threshold limit for the glass sector.

5.0 Re f e re n ce

1. Glass Ind ustry, Practical Energy Aud it Manual, TERI, August 1999
2. Report on Im proving Energy Efficiency in the Firozabad Glass Ind ustry Cluster, 2012
3. Energy and Environm ental Profile of the U.S. Glass Ind ustry, U.S. Departm ent of
Energy, April 2002
4. Energy Efficiency Im provem ent and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Glass Ind ustry,
Ernest Orland o Law rence Berkeley N ational Laboratory, March 2008
5. Glass and Ceram ics Market and Opportunities, IBEF
6. Global Ind ustrial Energy Efficiency Benchm arking, An Energy Policy Tool, Working
Paper, UN IDO, N ovem ber 2010
7. British Glass, w ebsite w w w assessed d uring 15 May – 25 May, 2013
8. Ind ian Glass Directory 2012, The All India Glass Manufacturing Fed eration
9. Marketing Trend , An evaluation of Ind ian Float Glass Ind ustry Trad e d uring the FY
2009 – 10, Glass Yug,Jan-Mar 2010
(http:/ / w w w / im ages/ glassyug_report_jan_to_m arch_2010.pd f)
10. Marketing Trend , An evaluation of Ind ian Float Glass Business d uring 2012 –13, Glass
11. Securing a bright future for glass packaging, Kanch, Vol 6, N o. 1, Oct – Dec 2012
12. Annual Report 2010 – 11, Departm ent of Ind ustrial Policy and Prom otion, Ministry of
Com m erce and Ind ustries, Governm ent of India
13. http:/ / w w w .business-stand ard .com/ article/ companies/ glass-ind ustry-lines-up-rs-7-
000-cr-111063000001_1.htm l (as assessed on 17th May 2013)
14. Annual Report 2006 – 07, Asahi In d ia Glass Lim ited
15. Annual Report 2009 -10, Sezal Glass Lim ited
16. Annual Report 2011 – 12, H ind ustan N ational Glass and Ind ustries Lim ited
17. Annual Report 2011 – 12,Piram al Glass Ind ia Lim ited
18. Departm ent of Ind ustrial Policy and Prom otion, Annual Report 2011- 12
19. Departm ent of Ind ustrial Policy and Prom otion, Annual Report 2012- 13
20. Web-site http:/ / w w w / aboutus.php as assessed on 22 August 2013
21. Web-site http:/ / w w w .piram as assessed on 26 July 2013
22. Web-site http:/ / w w w / en/ ind ustry/ ind ex.php as assessed on 15
July 20113
23. http:/ / w w w / resources/ pfgi2010.pd f as assessed on 22 Augu st 2013
24. Kanch (Quarterly Journal of AIGMF), Volum e 5, N o. 4, July -Sep 2012,
25. Kanch (Quarterly Journal of AIGMF), Volum e 5, N o. 3, Apr -Jun 2012

A n n e xu re 1.7.1

Contact d etails of regional associations of All Ind ia Glass Manufacturing Fed eration

1. N orthern Ind ia Glass Manufacturers‘ Association (N IGMA)

c/ o Universal Glass (A division of Jagatjit Ind ustries Lim ited ), Plot N o. 17, Site
IV, Ind ustrial Area, Sahibabad , Ghaziabad – 201010 (UP)

2. South Ind ia Glass Manufacturers‘ Association (SIGMA)

c/ o Universal Glass (An SBU of H SIL Ltd .),
Glass Factory Road , Off Motinagar,
P B N o. 1930, Sanathnagar, PO H yd erabad – 500018

3. Western Ind ia Glass Manufacturers‘ Association (WIGMA)

c/ o Pragati Glass Works (P) Ltd .,
111, Dam ji Sham ji Ind ustrial Com p lex,
9, LBS Marg, Kurla (W), Mum bai – 400 070

4. Eastern Ind ia Glass Manufacturers‘ Association (EIGMA)

c/ o Asoke Enam el & Glass Works (P) Ltd .,
34-A, Metcalfe Street, 1st Floor,
Kolkata - 700013

A n n e xu re 2.1.1

G l as s M an u f actu ri n g Pro ce s s

2.1 Batch preparation

In this step the raw m aterials for glass are blended to achieve the d esired final glass prod uct.
While the m ain com ponents in glass are high -quality sand (silica), lim estone, and sod a ash,
there are m any other com ponents that can be add ed . The basic ingred ients in the glass are
called form ers. Apart from it, the glass batch contains fluxes, stabilizers and som etim es
colorants. Fluxes are ad ded to low er the tem perature at w hich the glass batch m elts. Sod a
ash and potash are comm only used alkali fluxes. Stabilisers are used to make glass
chem ically m ore stable and to keep the finished glass from d issolving, crum bling or falling
apart. There are num ber of ad d itives that are used to colour and im part unique properties to
glass. Cerium is often used to im prove the ultraviolet (UV) absorption properties of optical
glass, or to red uce x-ray brow ning effects. In some cases, sm all am ounts of pow d ered
anthracite coal, or even blast furnace slag, m ay be ad d ed to the batch to improve the m elting
characteristics of the glass, for red uction-oxid ation control, or to replace feld spar. ‗Cullet‘ is
another raw m aterials that is used in the m anufacture of glass. Cullet is recycled glass
obtained from w ithin the plant (rejects, trim , w aste scrap) and from outside recycling firm s.
The com m only used glass com ponents are show n in table 2.1a.

Table 2.1a: Com m on glass com ponents

Form ers Silica (SiO 2)
Boron/ Boric Acid (B2O 3)
Lead Oxid e (PbO)
Feld sp ar
Flu xes Sod a Ash (N a 2CO 3)
Potash (K2O)
Lithiu m Carbonate
Lithiu m Alu m ino Silicate
Stabilizers Lim estone (CaCO 3, CaO)
Alu m ina (Al2O 3)
Magnesia (MgO
Bariu m Carbonate (BaO)
Strontiu m Carbonate
Zinc Oxid e
Colorants Iron (su lp hid es or p yrites)
Cobalt Oxid e
N ickel Oxid e
Seleniu m

The chem ical com position of som e of the m ore com m only used glasses is provid ed in table

Table 2.1b: Approxim ate com position of different glass types (w eight percent)
Fiberglass (E-
Oxide Container Glass Float Glass Glass) Laboratory Ware
SiO 2 73 72 54 80
B2O 3 - 10 10
Al2O 3 1.5 0.3 14 3
CaO 10 9 17.5 1
MgO 0.1 4 4.5 1
N a 2O 14 14 - 5
K2O 0.6 - - -

The sum m ary of inputs and outputs for glass batch process are provid ed in table 2.1c.

Table 2.1c: Sum m ary of inputs and outputs for glass batch
Inputs Outputs
Sand / silica and other form ers, Lim estone H om ogeneou s batch, Particu lates, Unu sable
and other stabilisers, Sod a ash / p otash, raw m aterials, Filter resid u es
Cu llets, Colorants, Water, Electricity

2.2 Melting
After mixing of raw m aterials, the batch is charged to a m elting furnace. With the exception
of few speciality glass manufacturing processes, continuously operated tank furnaces are
com m only used for the m elting of glass. A typical glass melting furnace (tank) consists of a
batch charging area (d oghouse) attached to a refractory basin covered by a refractory
superstructure. As the batch passes through the melting furnace, it essentially goes through
four phases:
 Melting
 Refining
 H om ogenizing and
 H eat cond itioning

A rough id ea of all these processes is show n in figure 2.2a.

Flue Gases

Cullet Stack
M elting Chamber Refining Chamber Fore hearth
H ouse
To Forming

(N atural Gas, M elting
Electricity) Refining

H omogenizing
(oxy-fuel Thermal Conditioning

Figure 2.2a M elting and refining processes

Melting of the batch m ay be accom plished in m any d ifferent types and sizes of furnaces,
d epend ing upon the quantity and type of glass to be prod uced . The m elting step is com plete
once the glass is free of any crystalline m aterials. Optim ally, m elting should be com plete
before the batch has gone through the first half of the furnace. Melting rate d epend s on the
furnace tem perature, com position of the batch, grain size of the batch ingred ients, am ount
and grain size of cullet, and hom ogeneity of the batch. For exam ple, sm aller grain batches
w ill und ergo m elting quicker; batches w ith d ifferent grain sizes w ill melt slow er. The
ad d ition of cullet red uces the am ount of tim e required for m elting, w hile poor hom ogeneity
can seriously affect m elting efficiency. This is m ost energy intensive operation in glass unit
using therm al energy. Melting of raw m aterials consum es 60 – 70 percent of total energy
used to prod uce glass. Various chemical reactions that occurs d uring glass m anufacture are
as below :

Dissolution of Sand w ith Sod a Ash as Flux

N a 2CO 3 + SiO 2 B N a 2SiO 3 + CO 2 (1000EF)

Further H eating
N a 2SiO 3 + SiO 2 B N a 2Si2O 5 (1300EF)

Form ation of Liquid Eutectic Mixture

3N a 2SiO 3 • SiO 2 + SO 2 (1400EF+)

Carbonates in Lim estone Decom pose to Form other Eutectic Glasses

CaCO 3 + nSiO 2 B CaO • n SiO 2 + CO 2 (1400EF+)

The sum m ary of inputs and outputs for glass m elting process are provid ed in table 2.2a.

Table 2.2a Sum m ary of inputs and outputs for glass m elting
Inputs Outputs
Cru shed cu llets, Glass batch, Refining Molten glass, Flu e gas, Particu lates / d u st,
agents, N atu ral gas, Fu el oil, Electricity, Air Furnace slag, Refractory w astes
/ Oxygen

Refining (often referred to as fining) is the com bined physical and chem ical process
occurring in the m elting cham ber d uring w hich the batch and m olten glass are freed of
bubbles, hom ogenized , and heat cond itioned . Refining occurs throughout the m elting
cham ber, beginning w ith the batch charge to the furnace and continuing until the com plete
d issolution of crystalline m aterials. The refining section of the furnace is typically separated
from the m ain m elting section by a bridgew all, w hile glass flow s through a w all opening
called the ―throat.‖ The exception is flat glass furnaces, in w hich case the opening betw een
the furnace and refining area is above the surface of the glass.

While the process of m elting and refining is very sim ilar throughout the ind ustry, the type
of furnaces used m ay vary considerably. In general, furnaces are classified as d iscontinuous
or continuous (figure 2.2b).


Batch Continuous

Pot D ay D irect Recuperative Regenerative Electric

type fired

End Side
post post
Figure 2.2b Type of furnace

2.2.1 Batch fu rnaces

Batch furnaces are used in sm aller glass m elting operations, t ypically of the ord er of less
than five tons per d ay. They are operated for a short period of tim e and can usually go
through the entire cycle of charging, m elting, and rem oval of m olten glass in a single d ay.
Batch furnaces are either pot furnaces or d ay tanks. In a pot furnace, the g lass is m elted in a
refractory pot insid e the furnace, and the pot is externally heated . Pot furnaces m ay have
single or m ultiple pots, and these m ay be open or closed . Day tanks are small units
em ploying sem i-m anual operations, and the charging/ m elting/ rem oval cycle is repeated
d aily. Day tanks are used for m any types of specialty glass, and m ost comm only for opal,
ruby, crystal, and sod a-lim e glasses.

2.2.2 Continu ou s fu rnaces
Continuous furnaces are found in larger operations and are d esigned to be used
continuously over a period of years. In the continuous furnace glass levels rem ain constant,
w ith new batch m aterials constantly ad d ed as molten glass is rem oved . Continuous furnaces
can be fired by natural gas, electricity, or a com bination of both. When both are used , the
furnace is said to be fitted w ith ―electric boost.‖ In natural gas furnaces, the gas is burned in
the combustion space above the m olten glass and the transfer of energy occurs through
rad iation and convection. When electricity is th e energy source, electrical resistance is
introd uced using electrod es that are placed directly in the m olten glass. Continuous furnaces
are classified into four categories: (i) d irect-fired (ii) recuperative (iii) regenerative, and (iv)
electric. Regenerative furnaces are m ost com m only used in glass ind ustry. Regenerative
furnaces can be end -port or sid e port, d epend ing on the placement of burner and exhaust

2.3 Forming
Form ing is the step in w hich the m olten glass begins its transform ation into a final shape. As
it m oves from the m elting tank to the form ing m achine, the m olten glass looks like a thick,
red -orange syrup. The form ing process may involve casting, blow form ing, sheet form ing,
fiberization, or other processes. Form ing processes vary w id ely, d epend ing on the type of
glass being manufactured . Major forming operations includ e tin float baths for flat glass;
blow ing and pressing for glass containers; blow ing, pressing, casting and d raw ing for
specialty glass; and fiberization w ith spinners or air for fibrous glass. The greatest am ount of
d iversity is found w ithin the pressed and blow n glass sector, w here a w id e range of
prod ucts are m ad e, from art w are to glass for lighting and electronics. Glass containers are
form ed using m oulds. Mostly container m anufacturers use the IS (ind ividual section)
m achine to autom atically form containers from gobs. The IS m achine is capable of hand ling
a variety of types and sizes of m ould s, and can prod uce containers at rates of w ell over 100
per m inute. Tw o m od es of operation are com m only used in IS m achines: blow and blow ,
and press and blow . IS m achines can form glass by either m ethod , and can be easily
converted from one to the other, allow ing for greater flexibility and prod uctivity.

2.3.1 The blow and blow method

Molten ‗gobs‘ of glass are d elivered into a m ould know n as a ‗blank‘ or parison m ould . A
puff of com pressed air blow s the glass d ow n into the base of the m ould to form the neck or
‗finish‘ part of the bottle or jar. A second blast of com pressed a ir is then applied through the
alread y form ed neck of the container to form the ‗parison‘ of pre-form for the bottle against
the w alls of the parison m ould cavity. The thick w alled parison is then transferred to the
final m ould d uring w hich tim e the surface of the glass ‗reheats‘ and softens again enough to
allow the final container shape to be fully form ed against the w alls of the final m ould cavity
by the application of either com pressed air or vacuum . The container is then rem oved and
transferred to an annealing oven (lehr) w here it is reheated to rem ove the stresses prod uced
d uring form ing and then cooled und er carefully controlled cond itions. The illustration of
this process is provid ed in figure 2.3.1.

Figure 2.3.1 Blow and Blow Process

2.3.2 The Press and Blow method

In this m olten ‗gobs‘ of glass are d elivered into the parison m ould and a plunge is used to
press the glass into the parison shape (Figure 2.3.2). The final m ould stage of the process is
the sam e as that d escribed for the Blow and Blow Process.

Figure: 2.3.2 Press and Blow Process

The sum m ary of inputs and outputs for glass form ing process are provided in table 2.3.2.

Table 2.3.2: Sum m ary of inputs and outputs for glass form ing
Inputs Outputs
Molten Glass, Glass Marbles, Electricity, Tin Form ed Glass, Cu llet, Contam inated Glass, Sp ent
(float glass), Lu bricants, Air, Cooling w ater, cooling w ater , Particu lates, Organic Cond ensable
N itrogen Particu lates, Volatile Organics (VOCs)

2.4 Post-forming
These are the processes that alter the properties of the glass, such as annealing, tem pering,
lam inating and coating. The processes m ay vary w id ely d epend ing upon the prod uct.

2.4.1 Annealing
Annealing is basically a heat treatment process (slow cooling at a controlled rate) used to
rem ove strains in the glass prod uct. The internal strains in the glass prod ucts are ind uced
d uring the upstream operations. Strain is d ependent on how quickly glass passes through a
critical tem perature range, usually around 449oC. Annealing is d one in an oven, called a
lehr, through w hich glass articles pass on a slow ly m oving conveyor belt (figure 2.4.1).
Annealing process is carried out for alm ost all type of glass prod ucts except fibres and very
thin- w alled prod ucts such as light bulbs.

Figure 2.4.1: Flat glass post forming / Annealing in the Lehr

2.4.2 Tem pering

Tem pering is used to impart strength to glass sheets and oven w are. It is accom plished by
first heating annealed glass to just below its softening tem perature, and then rapid ly
quenching it w ith am bient air. The rapid cooling allow s the glass surface to shrink in
relation to internal regions w hich continue to flow and rem ain stress-free. Continued cooling
in this manner creates a uniform tem perature profile throughout the glass, and d istributes
stresses. The result is increased resistance to bending failure.

2.4.3 Coating
Coating of glass surfaces (e.g. m irrors, strengthening of bottles, and colouring) gives glass
new physical, chemical, and optical properties. Lightw eight glass containers are coated w ith
organic com pound s to give the surfaces a degree of lubricity, thus preventing abrasion in
handling. This ad d s strength to the container and has enabled glass m anufacturers to m ake a
lighter and better prod uct.

The sum m ary of inputs and outputs for glass post form ing process are provid ed in table

Table 2.4.3 Sum m ary of inputs and outputs for glass post forming
Inputs Outputs
Form ed Glass, N atu ral Gas, Electricity, Air, Finished Prod u cts, Cu llet, Particu lates,
Coating and resins Volatile Organics (VOCs), Waste Water


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