Final Real Muhammad Thesis
Final Real Muhammad Thesis
Final Real Muhammad Thesis
BELLO, Muhammad
Prof. A. A. Adedeji
Submitted to
December, 2021
This is to certify that this protocol has been read and approved as meeting partial
University of Ilorin, for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Civil Engineering.
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Prof.A.A. Adedeji Date
Project Supervisor
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Dr. Sholagberu Date
Postgraduate Coordinator
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Prof. A.A. Jimoh
Head of Department
TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………………...i
TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………..iii
1.2 Statement of
LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………………………………..9
2.3 Plastic………………………………………………………...………………………….13
2.4.1 Bricks………………………………………………………………………………15
2.10.2 Copolymers..………………………….…………………..……….…..……..…...36
2.12.1 Types of structural optimisation..……….……………….……………...…....
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………48
WORK PLAN……………………………………………………………………………...47
4.2 Budget…………………………………………………………………………………...54
1.1 Background
As the world population grows, so do the amount and type of wastes being generated. Plastic
is universally in today’s existence. It is used for packaging, protecting, serving and even
disposing of all kinds of consumer goods. With the industrial revolution, mass production of
goods started and plastic seems to be a cheaper and effective raw material. Brick plays an
important role in the beneficial use of these materials in construction. Use of waste material in
civil engineering has a huge scope as there are many means of fulfilling the quality standards
lost due to waste usage. Using waste material reduces the load on environment as well as
The wastage of plastic is increasing day by day, although steps were taken to reduce its
consumption. India generates 6.5 million metric tons of plastic waste annually, of which 86
per cent was collected, and 33 per cent was treated and remaining 67 per cent disposed of at
dump sites. So we took polymer industries waste for replace by sand in brick. Plastic waste’s
effect can be reduced by reusing it in other sectors. PCPW are the waste end products
The amount of Plastics consumed annually has been growing increasingly in Nigeria.
Consequently, waste plastic recycling has become one of the major challenges in recent
times. Initiatives are emerging worldwide to control and regulate the management of sub-
products, residuals and industrial wastes in order to preserve the environment from
use the particles waste for more noble means (Ghavami et al., 1999).
Burning of Plastic is not effective way forward of controlling waste as it releases dioxin gas
which is toxic in nature and cause environmental hazard to global system. Recycling method
has been adopted according to their use which is good for environment. For example: The
cloth industry which crushes plastics into small pieces and makes cloths by it. They have
Nowadays we can use plastic for construction purposes. Utilization of such wastes as fine
aggregate replacement materials may reduce the cost of Brick production and also minimize
Ibrahim (2018) explained that Pollution occurs when the natural environment cannot destroy
an element without creating harm or damage to itself. The elements involved are not
produced by nature, and the destroying process can vary from a few days to thousands of
years. It has negatively affected the life of both human-beings and animals. According to the
methodology of the World Health Organization, there are 26 risk factors to health, some
dating from the environment that are considered to cause many diseases in the population of
Praveen et al., (2013) investigated the suitability of recycled plastic as partial replacement to
elasticity, split tensile strength and flexural strength properties of concrete. Coarse aggregate
from plastic was obtained by heating the plastic pieces at required temperature and crushed to
required size of aggregate after cooling. Their experimental results shown that plastic
aggregate have low crushing (2.0 as compare to 28 for Natural aggregate), low specific
gravity (0.9 as compare to 2.74 for Natural aggregate), and density value(0.81 as compare
to 3.14 for Natural aggregate), as compare to Natural coarse aggregate. Their test results
were based on 20% substitution of natural coarse aggregate with plastic aggregate. Increase in
workability was reported when slump test for sample was carried out. Volumetric substitution
of natural aggregate with plastic aggregate was selected best in comparison with grade
strength but decrease in split tensile strength and modulus of elasticity was observed. They
recommended that with use of suitable admixture at 0.4% by weight of cement will
improve the bonding between matrix and plastic aggregate; however they demand more
research to address the tensile behavior of concrete prepared with 20% plastic aggregate.
Plastics have become an inseparable and integral part of our lives. Its low density, strength,
user-friendly designs, fabrication capabilities, long life, light weight, and low cost are the
factors behind such phenomenal growth. Various attempts were made through
experimentation to check the feasibility of plastic waste to be use partially in brick with
A substantial growth in the consumption of plastic waste is observed all over the world in recent
Years, which has led to huge quantities of unwanted plastic product waste. These wastes are
non-biodegradable and will remain in a landfill without any degradation for a very long time
and their accumulation may provoke fire or health hazards and cause troublesome
environmental problem. Brick is by far the most widely- used man made construction material
and studies indicate that it will continue to be so in the years and decades to come. The
advances in brick have paved way for the reutilization of waste materials in brick which help to
prevent environmental pollution whilst contribution to the design of more economical building.
The increased consumption of construction material in the construction industry has led to the
constant demand for natural resources (mineral aggregates, sand) coupled with the set back
associated with the brittle nature of brick. The above enumerated issues capture the attention of
researchers not only to improve the performance level of brick but also to save guard our
environment from dangers associated with waste plastics and constant demand of natural
Research has over the years focused on the use of different shapes and size of waste tyres in
different proportion in concrete. A mixture of ordinary concrete and fibres (from glass) will be
presented in this research. The waste plastic will be obtained from landfills and pulverised into
A structural optimization technique which is regarded as rational and efficient tool will also be
implored to automate the development of optimal fibre concrete. Some of the previous studies
on concrete have attempted to generate optimal modified concrete using structural optimization
techniques, however little research efforts have been focused on testing the effectiveness of this
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The results of previous research indicate that complete replacement of natural aggregate with
waste materials is impractical. Decrease in both tensile and compressive has been previously
observed when plastic and steel slags are used at high replacement rates. However, there is lack
of research on combined usage of plastic and steel slag with glass fibre and its reliability in
brick production. In addition, accumulation of plastic waste over the years and the lack of
suitable disposal techniques have given rise to a crucial and unparalleled crisis where plastic
waste is clogging our water resources and waterways, overflowing the landfills, leaching into
soil and transferring through air, thus polluting every natural resource in our environment.
Although, these materials are readily available in some regions, lightweight and cheap. In this
research, glass fibre will be added to brick with natural aggregate (fine) partially replaced by
steel slag and plastic aggregates. This will be done to improve the mechanical properties of
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study
The aim of this research is to evaluate the performance of pulverized waste plastic (PWP) and
steel slag as partial substitution of fine aggregate with glass fibre in Brick production. This
I. experimentally evaluate physical and mechanical properties of PWP, Steel Slag and glass
II. determine the temperature distribution of the brick with respect to cracking width;
IV. evaluate the optimum percentage of PWP needed in Brick production ; and
V. carryout a reliability analysis and make comparison with the modified brick.
1.4 Significance of the Study
There has been a large amount of research recently on the potential pulverized waste plastic
(PWP) and steel slag as partial substitution of fine aggregate in brick production to improve its
performance but the potential of modern structural optimization techniques has not been well
The present research attempts to explore the use of pulverized waste plastic (PWP) and steel
slag as partial substitution of fine aggregate in brick and optimize the quantity of fibres needed.
This will be a good approach for providing baseline reference which will be used for supporting
and enhancing a sound decision-making processes by Engineers and Designers in the brick
production industry. This also helps in saving energy used in blasting of rocks and dredging of
land. Groundwater contamination problems related to land fill and disposal of SCB will be
1.5 Scope of the Study
1. Collection of waste plastics (Thermoplactic, Polypropene PP) from the nearby landfill.
4. Experimental investigation.
5. Comparison of the results obtained from both sun dried clay bricks with burnt bricks.
6. Modelling and Validation of the laboratory results will be limited to SAFE software
7. The optimization model for the structure will consider only quantity as decision
Plastics have become an inseparable and integral part of our lives. Its low density, strength,
user- friendly designs, fabrication capabilities, long life, light weight, and low cost are the
factors behind such phenomenal growth. Plastics have been used in packaging, automotive
and industrial applications, medical delivery systems, artificial implants, other healthcare
distribution of food, housing, communication materials, security systems, and other uses.
With so large and varying applications, plastics contribute to an ever increasing volume in the
solid waste stream. The production and consumption of plastic and the rate at which solid
plastic waste (SPW) is created have increased considerably since the first industrial scale
production of synthetic polymers Pollution Control Board, the world produces nearly 150
million tonnes of plastics per year, which is nearly 4.8 tonnes per second and a per capita
A huge number of plastics are being used for recycling and many other purposes. Different
forms of the common materials, using waste plastic granules as lightweight aggregate in the
production of lightweight concrete has attracted much attention from the researchers.
Lightweight aggregates are generally used to reduce the unit weight of concrete by replacing
the conventional aggregates. Nowadays, there are many lightweight concrete applications
made with natural or artificial lightweight aggregates are found in the literature. Several
researches have been carried out to investigated the use of recycled Polyethylene
Therephtalate (PET) as light aggregate, such as Rebeiz et al. (1991), Rossignolo and
Agnesini (2002), Silva et al. (2005), Marzouk et al. (2007) and Choi et al. (2005). Koide et
al. (2002) used PET and other plastic wastes (PE and PP) together in concrete by partially
varying the water/cement ratio from 0.50 to 0.60, PET aggregate content (10 and 20 % by
volume) and the particle sizes of 2.6mm and 11.4mm. The results found that, as the volume
proportion and the particle size of PET aggregate increased, the concrete showed a decrease in
compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and ultrasonic pulse
Moreover, the water absorption was increased. It was reported that the concrete specimens
were not fully compacted and showed the formation of honeycombs which affected the
of fine aggregate (natural sand) with an equal weight of PET aggregates manufactured from
the waste unwashed PET bottles (WPET), in concrete. The specimens were made with
Rheological characterization on fresh concrete and mechanical tests at the ages of 28 and 365
only natural fine aggregate in order to investigate the influence of the substitution of
WPET to the fine aggregate in concrete. He found that the WPET concretes display
similar workability characteristics, compressive strength and splitting tensile strength slightly
lower than that of the reference concrete and a moderately higher ductility. The present work
attempted to utilize the waste PET aggregate as partial replacement of conventional coarse
aggregate in making concrete. Various physical and mechanical properties of concrete have
influences of plastic aggregate on concrete properties have also been analyzed and discussed.
2.2 Waste Plastic Aggregate
The plastic aggregates were produced mainly from waste PET bottles. The plastic bottles
were crushed and cut into small pieces using a crushing machine. The plastic aggregates were
washed properly to make them clean and to ensure that no other dust particles were present
there Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is thermoplastic polyester with tensile and flexural
modulus of elasticity of about 2.9 and 2.4GPa, respectively, tensile strength up to 60 MPa
about 260°C and a glass transition temperature ranging from 70 to 80°C, in relation to the
amount of crystalline region enclosed in the amorphous phase. The specific gravity is around
1.3-1.4 g/cm3 (Van Krevelen, 1990). In this study, the specific gravity of plastic aggregate
used was found to be 1.4 g/cm3. The sizes of plastic aggregate were taken between 4.75 to
Figure 2.1: Waste PET bottles at a dumping site (Source: Van Krevelen, 1990)
2.3 Plastics
Holden et al.,(2004) reported that The word plastic itself comes from the Greek word plasticos,
which means to be able to be shaped or moulded by heat. As we will see, shaping plastics by
He reported that like timbers, which can be divided into hardwoods and softwoods, and
metals that can be divided into ferrous and nonferrous metals, plastics can also be divided
into categories:
i. Natural plastics - these are naturally occurring materials that can be said to be
plastics because they can be shaped and moulded by heat. An example of this is
amber, which is a form of fossilized pine tree resin and is often used in jewellery
ii. Semi synthetic plastics - these are made from naturally occurring materials that have
been modified or changed but mixing other materials with them. An example of this is
cellulose acetate, which is a reaction of cellulose fibre and acetic acid and is used to
iii. Synthetic plastics - these are materials that are derived from breaking down, or
’cracking’ carbon based materials, usually crude oil, coal or gas, so that their
heat and pressure, and is the first of the manufacturing processes that is required to
produce most of our present day, commonly occurring plastics. Synthetic and semi
synthetic plastics can be further divided into two other categories. These two
categories are defined by the ways in which different plastics react when heated.
iv. Thermoplastics - these are plastics that can be softened and formed using heat, and
when cool, will take up the shape that they have been formed into. But if heat is
reapplied they will soften again. Examples of thermoplastics are acrylic and styrene,
v Thermosetting plastics - these are plastics that soften when heated, and can be
moulded when soft, and when cool they will set into the moulded shape. But if heat is
reapplied they will not soften again, they are permanently in the shape that they have
been moulded into. Why this happens we will look at later. Examples of
thermosetting plastics are polyester resins used in glass reinforced plastics work, and
melamine formaldehyde used in the manufacture of Formica for kitchen work
Polymers’ is a general term for all plastic materials and means that they are organic, carbon
based compounds whose molecules are linked together in long chain patterns (Hagropol,
2000), When we talk about plastics in general we will call them polymers, and when we talk
about specific plastic materials we will give them their real names, such as nylon or
2.4 Brick Productions
2.4.1 Bricks
According to BIA (2014) Brick is a small rectangular block typically made of fired or sun-
dried clay, used in building. Bricks are walling units within a length of 337.5mm, a width of
225mm and a height of 112.5mm. The usual size of bricks in common use is length 215mm,
width 102.5 and height 65mm. it is usually made from clay or from sand and lime.
Suitable clay for bricks are composed mainly of silica in the form of grains of sand and
alumina (which is the soft part of clay) Which absorb water and make the clay plastic and melt
when burnt. Other elements in clay are lime, iron, manganese, sulphur and phosphate. The
proportions of these elements vary in clay. The composition of these elements in clay
Laterite - compose mainly of quartz, zircon and oxide of titanium, iron, tin, aluminium
Brick is made from clay, laterite, sand, straws, lime and water.
1. Traditional Method
2. Modern Method
The Traditional Method:
This is done by digging out clay or laterite to a place specially prepared for brick
mix with the composite. The clay / laterite is tread with legs to ensure that there are
consistence. The moulds are placed on ground already prepared and the mixture
poured into the mould and left to dry. Once dried, brick is ready for use, Used brick is
Figure 2.3 (Source: BIA 2014)
The Modern Method:
According to BS 3921: part 2, it is made by grounding clay or laterite in the mill. Water is
added to the grounded clay and mixed very well and then moulded by machine to shape it into
size. Machine moulded are hydraulically pressed in steel mould. After moulding and shaping
firing is done in kiln. The temperature at which firing is done is regulated to ensure that the
bricks do not loss water at too fast a rate resulting in sudden shrinkage. The brick is baked to
dry out the water and burn at high temperature, which fuses its part into a hard durable unit.
When it is burnt at too high temperature, the part fuses into a glass – like mass. If it is burnt at
too low temperature, no part of the clay fuses making the brick soft. Neither over burning or
under burning is good for brick making as it will not yield desired result. When desired result
is achieved, the temperature is reduced to allow the bricks to cool down gradually. The bricks
are removed from the steel moulds and stacked ready for use or sale. Production processes
involve are mining of clay, mixing, firing and drying are shown in figure 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7
Figure 2.4: Mining of clay process (Source BIA 2014)
Figure 2.6: Firing Process (Source BIA 2014)
Figure 2.7: Drying Process (Source (Source BIA 2014)
2.4.4 Classification of Brick by Density
Mortal industry association BIA (2014) classified bricks by weight in to three groups, namely:
3 3
a. Dense Aggregate Bricks: have a density in the range of 1800kg/m -2100kg/m
b. Light weight Aggregate/ Medium Dense Aggregate: have a density of in the range of
3 3
650kg/m -1600kg/m
3 3
c. Air Brick: have a density in the range of 400kg/m -600kg/m
1. Unburnt bricks
2. Burnt bricks
2.4.6 Unburnt bricks are also known as sun-dried bricks because they are dried by heat
coming from the sun. Not use in construction due to their lower strength but if required they
can be used for constructing temporary structures.
2.4.7 Burnt bricks are made by burning in the kilns. Depending upon the quality burnt
bricks can further be classified into 3 categories which are as following;
a. Common bricks
b. Facing bricks
c. Engineering bricks.
a. Common Bricks (Third class bricks): They are sufficiently safe to carry load but due to
their appearance and colour, they are used internally.
b. Facing Bricks (Second class bricks): They are hard and durable to withstand rain, wind
and frost. They are fine in appearance. They come in different shapes and designs.
d. Engineering Bricks ( First class bricks): They are made from selected clay / laterite
carefully crushed, moulded and with monitored burning so that they comes out hard and
solid to withstand designed load. They are used as walls carrying exceptional load or for
brick columns and general engineering works.
This type of brick does no crushing strength readily absorb water. All common brick
types shall have minimum average crushing strength of not less than 20N/mm (BS
2.4.8 Stabilized bricks: This is made using clay / laterite and little quantity of cement mostly
2.5 Cement
The most common type of cement used in concrete production is ordinary Portland cement.
Ordinary portland cement account for 80% to 90% of construction works (Nwofar and Sule
2010). The chemical composition of ordinary portland cement is as shown in Table 2.1.
Calcium oxide (CaO) as one of the component of cement formed hydrated CaO in the
Constituents %Composition
Sulphate (SO3 ) 1.43
2.6 Fine Aggregate
The British Standard-12 classified the use of the term fine aggregate for materials that pass
2.6.1Glass Fibre
This is a material made from extremely fine fibre of glass which is a non-crystalline material
Plastic is a non-biodegradable material in many environments that can last for thousands of
years having negative on the environment. This can be gotten by crushing and grinding of
waste plastic according to The British Standard-12 classification of fine aggregate (materials
that pass through less than 4mm sieve but retained 75µm sieve).
Therefore, incorporating plastic in brick is a top priority for the construction industry. Plastic can
be used as fine or coarse aggregate in concrete. Aggregate crushing can lead to failure in
concrete structures. Due to the low specific gravity of plastic, concrete containing plastic as
coarse aggregate is lighter than normal concrete. This reduces the dead loads applied to
structures. Different experiments have shown that the complete replacement of coarse aggregate
waste material.
2.8 Slag Aggregates
When metal is separated from its raw ore, the by-product is termed Slag. Slag consists of
silicon oxide, metal oxides and mixed oxides of elements such as Sulphur, phosphorus, alu
minium, and silicon. When metal melts, slag floats to the surface and protects metal from
oxidation by the atmosphere and keep it clean. The slag can be collected, cooled, and then
Slag is categorized into two (2) based on the steel being produced; Carbon Steel slag and
2.9 Review on different plastic waste materials use in concrete.
Youcef et al (2015) studied present the partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete by
using plastic fine aggregate obtained from the crushing of waste plastic bags. Plastic bags
waste was heated followed by cooling of liquid waste which was then cooled and crushed to
obtained plastic sand having finesse modulus of 4.7. Fine aggregate in the mix proportion of
concrete was replaced with plastic bag waste sand at 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% whereas other
concrete materials remain same for all four mixes. In fresh properties of concrete it was
observed from the results of slump test that with increase of waste content workability of
Concrete increases which is favorable for concrete because plastic cannot absorb water
Bulk density decreases with increase of plastic bags waste. In harden state, flexural and
compressive strength were tested at 28 days and reductions in both strengths with
increasing percentage of plastic bag waste sand in concrete mix. Plastic waste increases the
volume of voids in concrete which on other hand reduce the compactness of concrete
concrete mix was prime concern; however they recommend 10 to 20% replacement of fine
aggregate with plastic aggregate. Use of admixtures to address the strength reduction
Raghatate (2010)’s paper is based on experimental results of concrete sample casted with use
of plastic bags pieces to study the compressive and split tensile strength. He used concrete
mix by using Ordinary Portland Cement, Natural River sand as fine aggregate and crushed
granite stones as coarse aggregate, portable water free from impurities and containing varying
percentage of waste plastic bags (0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% 0.8% and 1.0%).
Compressive strength of concrete specimen is affected by the addition of plastic bags and with
increasing percentage of plastic bag pieces compressive strength goes on decreasing (20%
decrease in compressive strength with 1% of addition of plastic bag pieces). On other hand
increase in tensile strength of concrete was observed by adding up to 0.8% of plastic bag
pieces in the concrete mix afterward it start decreasing when adding more than 0.8% of plastic
bags pieces.
He concluded that utility of plastic bags pieces can be used for possible increase in split
tensile strength. This is just a basic study on use of plastic bags in concrete. More emphasis
was required by varying the shape and sizes of plastic bags to be use in concrete mixes.
Praveen et al. (2013) investigated the suitability of recycled plastic as partial replacement to
elasticity, split tensile strength and flexural strength properties of concrete. Coarse aggregate
from plastic was obtained by heating the plastic pieces at required temperature and crushed to
required size of aggregate after cooling. Their experimental results shown that plastic
aggregate have low crushing (2.0 as compare to 28 for Natural aggregate), low specific
gravity(0.9 as compare to 2.74 for Natural aggregate), and density value(0.81 as compare to
3.14 for Natural aggregate), as compare to Natural coarse aggregate. Their test results were
Increase in workability was reported when slump test for sample was carried out. Volumetric
substitution of natural aggregate with plastic aggregate was selected best in comparison
with grade substitution. At 400 centigrade temperature, Plastic coarse aggregate shown
observed in compressive strength but decrease in split tensile strength and modulus of
elasticity was observed. They recommended that with use of suitable admixture @0.4%
by weight of cement will improve the bonding between matrix and plastic aggregate;
however they demand more research to address the tensile behavior of concrete prepared
Ramesh et al. (2016) used waste plastic of low density poly ethylene as replacement to coarse
aggregate to determine its viable application in construction industry and to study the
behavior of fresh and harden concrete properties. Different concrete mix were prepared with
varying proportions (0%, 20%, 30% & 40%) of recycle plastic aggregate obtained by heat
concrete mix design with 1: 1.5: 3 proportions was used having 0.5 water/cement ratio having
Proper mixing was ensured and homogeneous mixture was prepared. A clear reduction in
compressive strength was reported with increase in percentage of replacing plastic aggregate
with crushed aggregate at 7, 14 and 28 days of casted cubes (80% strength achieved by
replacing waste plastic up to 30%). The research highlights the potential application of plastic
aggregate in light weight aggregate. Their research was narrowed down to compressive
strength of concrete with no emphasis given to flexural properties of concrete. They suggest
future research scope on plastic aggregate with regard to its split tensile strength to ascertain
its tensile behavior and its durability aspects for beams and columns.
Ismail et al. (2007) conducted comprehensive study based on large number of experiments
and tests in order to determine the feasibility of reusing plastic sand as partial replacement of
fine aggregate in concrete. They conducted tests on concrete samples for dry/fresh density,
slump, compressive and flexural strength and finally toughness indices on room temperature
They have collected waste plastic from plastic manufacture plant consist of 80% polyethylene
and 20% polystyrene which was crushed (varying length of 0.15-12mm and width of 0.15-
Concrete mix were produce with ordinary Portland cement, fine aggregate (natural sand
of 4.74mm maximum size), coarse aggregate (max size below 20mm) and addition of
10%, 15% and 20% of plastic waste as sand replacement. Their test results indicate sharp
decrease in slump with increasing the percentage of plastic, this decrease was attributed to the
presence of angular and non uniform plastic particles. In spite of low slump however, the
mixture was observed with good workability and declared suitable for application. Their tests
also revealed the decrease in fresh and dry density with increasing the plastic waste ratio;
however increase was reported in dry density with time at all curing ages. Decrease in
compressive and flexural strength was observed by increasing the waste plastic ratio which
can be related to decrease in adhesive strength between plastic waste particles with cement.
However, load-deflection curve of concrete containing plastic waste showed the arrest of
propagation of micro cracks which shows its application in places where high toughness is
required. The study has shown good workability in spite of low slump but w/c content kept
constant in all samples. They should have reduced the water content in order to improve the
Suganthy et al (2013) investigated the application of pulverized fine crushed plastic (produce
from melting and crushing of high density polyethylene) as replacement of fine aggregate in
concrete with varying known percentages. Their main focus was on optimum replacement of
natural sand by pulverized plastic sand. Five concrete mixes were produced from specified
concrete materials having replacement of fine aggregate (sand) by 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%
respectively to study the test graph results of various concrete properties. The results showed
increase in water/cement ratio with increase replacement of sand with plastic particles to
achieve desired 90mm concrete slump. They have also observed from the results that gradual
decrease in strength of concrete specimen for plastic replacement up to 25% but afterward the
decrease in strength is rapid which shows suitable replacement up to 25% of sand with plastic
pulverized sand. They have also concluded after testing of specimen (having different
proportion of plastic replacement) for Ultimate and yield strength that both strength decreases
with increase replacement of sand with pulverized plastic particles. Their study lacks detailed
testing of properties of concrete because only compressive strength and w/c ratio tests will
not be sufficient to study the matrix as a whole to be suitable for construction. No efforts
were made to explore the use of admixtures in controlling of compressive strength reduction
in a mix containing pulverized plastics.
Khilesh (2014) presented the results of addition of waste plastics along with steel fibers with
an objective to seek maximum use of waste plastic in concrete. Two different categories of
mix were casted in cubes (150mm x 150mm x 150mm), one with varying percentages of
plastic wastes (0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1% weight of cement) and another mix of
plastics waste/steel fibers (0.2/0.1, 0.4/0.2, 0.6/0.3, 0.8/0.4 and 1/0.5 % by weight of cement)
to study the compressive strength at 7 and 28 days strength. The combine mix of plastic
waste and steel fibers has shown more strength as compare to concrete mix prep only with
plastic waste. He has reached to conclusion that a plastic waste of 0.6% weight of cement
when used with steel fiber of 0.3 % (weight of cement) has shown the maximum compressive
strength. This study has really focused on addressing the issue of reduced compressive
strength with addition of plastic waste. Steel fibers when used along with plastic wastes will
affect all the properties of concrete but the researcher only focused on compressive strength
property which is insufficient to give clear picture of concrete behavior.
Bhogayata et al. (2012) studied the environment friendly disposal of shredded plastic bags in
concrete mix to be use in construction industry which have dire need for alternative material
to be use in lieu of conventional materials. Different test results were analyzed after testing
on 48 x concrete cubes (150mm x 150mm x150mm) prepared from varying percentage of
polyethylene fibers (0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 to 1.2% of volume of concrete) with conventional
concrete material to prepare mixes. Two types of plastic bag fibers were used, one cut
manually (60mm x 3mm) and another shredded into a very fine random palettes. Cubes were
tested for 7 and 28 days compressive strength and compaction. They concluded that good
workability was shown by the mix added with shredded fibers due to its uniform and higher
aspect ratio evenly sprayed in the mix. Addition of plastics up to 0.6% is considered suitable
after which reduction in compressive strength and compaction is seen affected.
They observed that strength loss was less in concrete having shredded fibers of plastic as
compare to hand cut macro fibers. Their research focus was only on comparative study of
compressive strength but no work was carries out on other concrete properties like
tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and density of concrete.
Elzafraney et al. (2005) incorporated the use of recycled plastic aggregate in concrete
material for a building to work out its performance with regards to thermal attributes and
efficient energy performance in comparison with normal aggregate concrete. The plastic
content concrete was prepared from refined high recycled plastics to meet various
requirement of building construction like strength, workability and finish ability etc. Both
buildings were subject to long and short term monitoring in order to determine their energy
It was observed that recycled plastic concrete building having good insulation used 8% less
energy in comparison of normal concrete; however saving in energy was more profound in
cold climate in building with lower insulation. They recommended that efficiency of energy
can further be increase if recycle plastic of high thermal capacity is used. They have suggested
the use of recycle plastic aggregate concrete being economical and light weights are having
high resistance to heat. The author should also incorporate the comparison of both buildings
Pramod et al. (2008) presented a study on the use of plastic recycled aggregate as
replacement of coarse aggregate for production of concrete. They used forty eight specimen
and six beams/cylinders casted from variable plastic percentages (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%)
used as replacement of coarse aggregate in concrete mixes. They have conducted various
tests and observed decrease in density of concrete with increase percentage of replacement of
aggregate with recycle plastic concrete. They also reported decrease in compressive strength
for 7 and 28 days with increase in percentage of replacement of coarse aggregate with recycle
plastic aggregate. They have recommended feasibility of replacing 20 % will satisfy the
permissible limits of strength. Again these researchers limited their research to only
compressive strength property and no work was carried out to study the other important
properties of concrete. Their research also lacks use of various admixtures in concrete to cater
According to Agropol (2000) The term polymer compound summarizes materials like
polymer blends, copolymers and thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs). Polymer compounds are
physical or chemical composed from different polymers to achieve special material properties
2.10.1 Polymer Blends
Polymer blends are combinations of different polymers, usually mixed in the molten state.
After solidification the different polymeric proportions are combined by physical but not
chemical reaction. The extent to which a mixture can be achieved depends on the miscibility
of the polymers among each other. Chemical, thermal or mechanical properties of polymer,
molecule structure of polymer blends is shown in Figure 2.8
Table 2.2: Examples of thermoplastic polymer blends. Condition of application,
specific weight and typical mechanical strength
Resin Temperature of use [_C] Specific weight [g/cm3] Tensile strength [N/mm2]
Source:(Schulz, 2002)
Blends are defined by the type of different polymers used and their proportions within the
polymer blend. Polymer blends, designed from thermoplastic materials, can be joined
together by thermal processes like ultrasonic or laser welding. Examples of thermoplastic
polymer blends are PC/ABS, PC/ASA or PPE/SB.
Copolymers are built by chemical composition at least from two different monomer units.
Beside grade of polymerization, chain-length distribution, type of end groups and chain side
branches, composition and distribution of monomer units inside the molecule chain have to be
known to achieve specific chemical, thermal, optical or mechanical properties of the copolymer.
Especially influential on the properties is the regularity of the chain composition, which means a
statistical or more regular distribution of the different monomers within the molecule chain.
2.10.3 : Thermoplastic Elastomers
polymers with similar qualities as elastomers or rubber but of a thermoplastic nature. TPEs
close the gap between stiff thermoplastics and vulcanized elastomers. Due to the
thermoplastic nature, TPEs can be processed to parts by extrusion and molding and can also be
joined together or to other thermoplastic material by adhesive bonding, solvent bonding and
Table 2.3: Examples of Thermoplastic Copolymers. Conditions of Application, Specific
Weight And Typical Mechanical Strength
Resin Temperature of use [_C] Specific weight [g/cm3] Tensile strength [N/mm2]
Linear and non linear homogeneous heterogeneous molecule structures of polymer blend are
shown in figure 2.9a and 2.9b
Schematic Build Up of Copolymers.
In principal, the material group of TPEs consists of two different base structures as a physical
or chemical mixture, polymeric blends and block copolymers. Depending on the molecular
semicrystalline. TPE blends consist of a thermoplastic matrix, for example, PP or PE, and
softer particles, for example, EPDM, which are well dispersed in the matrix.
process of intimate melt mixing of a thermoplastic polymer like PP and a suitable reactive
Thermoplastic polyolefin elastomers (TPE-O): two-component elastomer systems
consisting of elastomers like EPR and EPDM finely dispersed in a thermoplastic polyolefin
(e.g., PP).
Figure 2.10: Schematic structure of TPE block copolymers Source: Agropol. 2000
SAFE is a general purpose structural analysis and optimal design system. The user oriented
input/output features and significant analysis capabilities of the software enable the practicing
engineers and researchers to readily undertake structure analysis design for even complex and
large structures. Diverse ranges of specialty finite elements in conjunction with the latest
SAFE employs pushover analysis, which is a nonlinear static analysis method, generally used
for the structure whose dynamic characteristics of higher modes are not predominant. It adopts
and applies simplified elements to reflect the nonlinear material characteristics, which are based
2.11.1 Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a numerical system for solving complex problems. In this
method, structural elements are divided into finite elements and analysed for strain, stress,
moments and shear etc. FEA has been embedded in engineering and other sciences and it is now
essential in the solution of mathematical problems. In finite element method, the main idea is to
discrete a complex region defining a continuum into simple geometric shapes called finite
elements. The material properties and the governing relationships are considered over these
An assembly process, duly considering the loading and constraints, results in a set of equations.
Solution of these equations gives us the approximate behaviour of the continuum. The
advantages of finite element analysis includes in which the nonlinearities behaviour of material
or structure can be considered in the analysis. The term nonlinear is used in structural analysis
to describe a situation where the deformation is not proportional to the applied load. This is may
be due to geometric nonlinearities, material nonlinearities and the contact of bodies with
geometric and material nonlinearities. It also virtually may include various geometrical shapes
Before we proceed with finite element formulation of beams, we should define what we meant
by a beam element. A simple beam element consists of two nodes. At each nodes, there are two
degrees of freedom, a vertical displacement and a rotation angle (slope). As shown in Figure
2.11. There are four nodal values associated with a beam element. Therefore, we will use a third
order polynomial with four unknown coefficients to represent the displacement field. Moreover,
we want the first derivatives of the shape functions to be continuous. The resulting shape
functions are commonly referred to as Hermite shape functions. The third-order polynomial
θi x
v=α 1+ α 2 x+ α 3 x2 + α 4 x 3 2.1
Note that the element is defined in a local coordinate system, and that the positive directions of
the translations and rotations are anticlockwise. The α constants in equation 2.1 are evaluated in
the usual manner by substitution of the boundary conditions for the element. These are
v=v i ∧θ= =θi at x=0
v=v j∧θ= =θ j at x=L 2.2
α 1=vi , α 2=θi
3 1 2 1
2( j
α 3= v −vi ) − ( 2θ i+ θ j ) , α 4 = 3 ( v i−v j ) + 2 ( θi +θ j ) 2.3
When these are substituted back into the original interpolation function, it can be rearranged and
expressed as
v=[ N ] i =[ N ] { U } 2.4
[ ( ) ( )( )( )]
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
3 x 2x 2 x 2 x 3x 2x x x
Where [ N ] = 1− + x− + − − + 2.5
L 3
L 2 2
L 3 2
As expected, the shape functions are third-order equations, the same as the interpolation
The stiffness matrix for the element is calculated from the potential energy in the usual way.
1 E
∆=∫ σ x ε x dV = ∫ ε 2x dV
v 2 2
( ) ( ) ∫ ( ) (∫
❑ 2 2 2 2❑ 2 2
E 2 d y E d y d y
∆= ∫ y dV = ∫ y dA ) dx
2 v dx
2 dx
v dx
But the area integral equals the second moment of area I: hence the strain energy is
( )
❑ 2
EI d2 v
∆= ∫ dx 2.6
2 L dx 2
d v d [N ]{
2 2 (e )
= 2
U (e ) }=[ B (e ) ] { U (e ) } 2.7
dx dx
Where [ B(e ) ] is simply calculated by the differentiation of the shape function matrix in equation
2.5 thus
[ B( e ) ] = ([ −6L + 12L x )−( 4L + 6Lx )( L6 − 12L x )−( 2L + 6Lx )]
2 3 2 2 3 2 2.8
∆ = ∫ {U (e ) } { B( e ) } [ D(e ) ] [ B( e ) ] {U (e ) } dx
(e ) T T
Where [ D ( e ) ]=EI
Minimization of the potential energy then gives the now familiar form of the stiffness matrix,
[ k (e ) ]=∫ { B( e ) } [ D(e ) ] [ B (e ) ] dx
When the [ B ] matrix is substituted into equation 2.10 and the integration carried out, the element
[ ]
12 6 L −12 6 L
[ k (e ) ]= EI3 6 L 4 L −6 L 2 L
2 2
L −12 −6 L 12 −6 L
6 L 2 L2 −6 L 4 L2
The force vector for the element comprises solely the forces and moments applied at the nodes,
[ f ( e ) ] = [ Si M i S j M j ] . 2.12
[ ]{ } { }
12 6 L −12 6 L vi Si
EI 6 L 4 L2 −6 L 2 L2 θi M
= i 2.13
L −12 −6 L 12 −6 L
vj Sj
6 L 2 L2 −6 L 4 L2 θj Mj
[ ]{ } { }
6 L −12 6 L 0 0 vi Si
6 L 4 L −6 L 2 L
2 2
0 0 θi Mi
EI −12 −6 L 24 0 −12 6L vj S
= j . 2.14
L3 6 L 2 L2 0 8 L2 −6 L 2L θj Mj
0 0 −12 −6 L 12 −6 L vk Sk
0 0 6L 2 L2 −6 L 4 L2 θk Mk
For i, j, k = 1, 2, 3
the optimal material distribution according to some given demands of a structure. Some
common functions to minimize are the mass, displacement or the compliance (strain energy).
This problem is most often subject to some constraints, for example geometrical restrictions
such as the height and width of the structure or behavioural restrictions such as stresses,
Minimise f ¿) (2.1)
xi ≤ xi ≤ xi i=1 , 2 ,3 , … … … . , n (2.3)
Where f(x) is the design function, g j ( x) is the jth design constraint, g jallis the allowable limit of
the jth constraint, m is the total number of the constraint, x Li and x Ui are the lower and upper
bound of the design variables x i and n is the total number of design variables.
Liang (2005) stated that if the objective function and constraints are linear functions of the
design variables, the optimization problem is a linear optimization problem. Otherwise, the
optimization problem is regarded as a nonlinear optimization problem. Structural Optimization
Based on design variable to be optimized, structural optimisation could be classified into three
types namely (i) size optimization (ii) Shape optimisation and (iii) topology optimization.
Ajamu and Adedeji (2013) stated that the design of statically indeterminate structures requires
the assumption of members’ dimension, followed by analysis of the whole structure, then
followed by the design of the members. If the assumed initial was smaller than the produced
design, then a redesign is necessary. However, if the assumed design was larger than the
produced design, then it is up to the designer to make the decision of whether to adopt the
design or to go through the redesign process. Each phase of design/analysis is usually lengthy
and requires a considerable amount of time and effort. The designer should repeat the process
several times in order to obtain a structure that is both safe and economical. In order to reduce
the time and effort involved in the design of economical structures, methods of optimization
have been employed and led to saving both in construction material and time.
Linear optimization is a mathematical method for determining a way to achieve the best
outcome in a given mathematical model for some list of requirements (constraints) represented
as linear relationships.
optimization). In the solution of linear optimization, “given a finite number of linear inequality
constraints there can only be a finite number of basic or basic feasible solutions”.
Maximize C xsubject ¿ Ax ≤ b ; x ≥ 0
Where x represents the vector of variables (to be determined), c and b are vectors of known
coefficients, A is a known matrix of coefficients, and (.) T is the matrix transpose. The expression
to be maximized or minimized is called the objective function (CTx in this case). The
inequalities Ax ≤ b are the constraints which specify a convex over which the objective function
is to be optimized.
Linear programming can be applied to various fields of study. It is used in business and
economics, but can also be utilized for some engineering problems. Industries that use linear
has proved useful in modeling diverse types of problems in planning, routing, scheduling,
Waste plastic: Waste Plastic WP will be obtained locally in the area of Ibadan city with
variety of plastic like bottles and broken plastic chairs, and washed to free from other
materials and later pulverized at Ashi junction of Ojoo/ iwo road Express way of Ibadan
Laterite (fine aggregate) will be collected from the vicinity of locality Oopo Yeosa Ibadan by
Dredging down the soil, Proper inspection will be carried out to ensure that it is free from
deleterious materials. The fine aggregate will be clean, pure clay material and free from
Water: Pipe borne water free from contaminants to be collected from localty of Sango
The grinding will be done at Ashi junction of Iwo road/ Ojoo Express way of Ibadan Oyo
State with the aid of Grinding Machine specially set to conform with BS standard of
fine Aggregate.
It is very important to know the properties and characteristics of constituent materials of brick,
aggregate, sand, water, and other additions (glass fibres). These materials have properties and
different characteristics such as unit weight, specific gravity, size gradation and water content
and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to tests these components and that to know the unique
i. Unit Weight of Aggregate (ASTM C 566): Unit weight ( γ ) can be defined as the weight
bulk density, but this alternative term is similar to bulk specific gravity, which is quite a
different quantity, and perhaps is not a good choice. The unit weight effectively
measures the volume that the graded aggregate will occupy in concrete and includes
both the solid aggregate particles and the voids between them. Coarse aggregate of
ii. Specific Gravity of Aggregate (ASTM C127): Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of
the weight of a unit volume of aggregate to the weight of an equal volume of water.
Specific gravity expresses the density of the solid fraction of the aggregate in concrete
density of solid
Specific Gravity (S.G) =
density of water
iii. Moisture content of Aggregate (ASTM C128): Aggregates are porous to some extent
and therefore can absorb moisture. They are generally not dry and therefore the
aggregates moisture contents will affect the water content and thus the water-cement
iv. Sieve Analysis of Aggregate (ASTM C136): The size of aggregate particles differs
from aggregate to another, and for the same aggregate the size is different. So in this test
we will determine the particle size distribution of fine and coarse aggregate by sieving.
v. Water: Drinking water was used in all concrete mixtures and in the curing all of the test
vi. Glass Fibers (GF): Brick industry is one of the major consumers of natural resources.
The main aim of sustainable development is to find alternative resources, which could
decrease negative effect of brick industry on environment and contribute to preservation
of natural resources. Huge amounts of waste tyres accumulated all over the world are
Modelling of the bricks requires some data inputs. For this study, these data will be obtained
To achieve part of the objectives of the proposed study, SAFE modelling tool will be used to
simulate the experimental behaviour of the brick specimen. SAFE are suites of powerful
engineering simulation programs, based on the finite element method, which can solve
problems ranging from relatively simple linear analysis to the most challenging nonlinear
simulations. They contain an extensive library of elements that can model virtually any
geometry. It has an equally extensive list of material models that can simulate the behaviour of
most typical engineering materials including metals, glass, polymers, composites, reinforced
concrete, crushable and resilient foams, and geotechnical materials such as soils and rock.
Designed as a general-purpose simulation tool, SAFE can be used to study more than just
structural (stress/displacement) problems. It can simulate problems in such diverse areas as heat
electrical analyses), acoustics, soil mechanics (coupled pore fluid-stress analyses), piezoelectric
analysis, electromagnetic analysis and fluid dynamics. In this study, the SAFE will be used to
The optimal design problem formulation will be carried out to minimize the weight of the brick
This study is expected to expose the effect of steel slag and glass fibre in a brick as mentioned
optimized model for the cube by distributing the available materials effectively within the
design domain without comprising the overall stiffness of the brick. It is hoped that the work
presented will provide a sound basis for future theoretical modelling of modified brick and
S/ Year
Activities 1
N s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12
5 Production of the specimen 2020
4.2 Budget
HP Laptop (1T- hard drive, 8G- 250,000.00
RAM, Core i5)
5 Report writing (Seminars, Printers, black and color 120,000.00
first and Second draft and cartridge and Papers
6 Conference and journal Local and International 850,000.00
publication conferences/journals
7. Others Miscellaneous Expenses 50,000.00
Total N2,060,000.00
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